■ny- ’1 " .J'' :■ : -'V i'< \ : ‘ t ■; I - . r t ,• ' THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1988 Avangs Daily Naf Praaa Rob PAGE SIXTEEN Thf Wsathcr____ riMaurlffatfr leafnhis; l^fralb : 'Vie «bft' Wm I 4M«ft4l ’ ' * Jftly II. liSB r ifiMM fti 0. a. WftatiMr •an aa » No services will be held’ at the p.m. Speakers Will be Rev. Paul Pair, nttle eMagw la teaiaaia Helen Davldaon Lodge, No. 9S, Krickeort, U. S. NavYchftplaln, and Daughters of Beotia, will hold Covenant Coilgregatlonal Church, 10,664 tare tMlght. Pair aaft hal taaMP- Sprues street. Sunday, as many of Rev. Paul Anderson o f Hwhegon, Meaiber « f the A«BH About Town Uielr monthly meeting tomorrow Mich. Services will be' hel4.wery at 7:49 In the Maaonic Temple. the members will attend the gen­ Bftrefta a( OlrealatiMi eral conference Irf Cromwell. Serv­ evening iat 7:30 at Cromwell>,No ManchP$ter-^A City of V iU a n * . C h a r m Itonald B. l* n «. 17 Oxford »treet, ices at the conference grounds will evening Service w ill be held at the la pUylng ft featura role In the Vcmer Guitafson, Philip Oun» ther and Charles Mitchell, three be at W:30 a.m., 3:00 and 7:30 i local' church^'' ' . ■ . ” ■ currant ■ production of Jean An- (Claaftlfl«a AavertWag oa Page l » ^ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 19.V3 (FOURTEEN PAGES) oullh’a comedy ‘Thlevea' Carnival.” local boya who graduated from _____I.,.,,: ''i-ti---------------- -— --— VOL I.XXII, NO. 24^ PRICE FIVE CENTS being 'produced in-the-round by the Manchefter High School last TufU Arena Theater aumraer com­ month, are taking a two weeka' pany, Medford, Maaa.. of which he training period at Cape May, N. J. They are membera of the Coaat Way to Heaven Ip a member, Guard Reserves, having signed up New Strike Mr. M d Mra. Harold 6 .' Shan­ during the winter. Uni non and children, of Oval Lane, Miss Merle A. Maceyka. of ^ ( j / ' o c c r L ) are apending their vacation In W ave Hits Barre, VI., Mra. Shannon'a home North Coventry, who wai gradu- ,vted from Manche.ster High School, Allies Halt Red Dri town. will be married Saturday morning Rev. Arnold W. Toier and Mra. at 10 o'cIocU to Francis K. Curtis East Berlin Toaer will leave tomorrow for the of Jackson. Me. The ceremony CongregaUonal Conference for will take place In St. Mary's OPEN FRIDAY NIBHTS UNTIL ItM Church. South Coventry. From HALE’S Self Serve and Meat Djept. Berlin, July 17— (/P) — A‘ Young People at Geneva Point. * With French 'Air Force a* Langnon, Indio-China. July 17— Russinn ianlc division rum- j Lake Winnepeaaukee. N. H., and FOR YOUR SHOPPINO CONVENIENCE i/P )— French Union paratrooper# in the most daring surprise .. will return Friday, July 24. Mra. The son born July 10. In Man­ bled back. in to .E «s t Berlin tOr.i .i«u^.tfoser haa aerved aa waterfront di.- chester Memorial Hospital. to Mr. Paid of the aevemi^etr long Indo-Chinese w af today icaptnred ah(fiMrs7T)avld'Titui. Til Washing-' day as a dangerous new wave | ROKs Counterattack the city, of l^apispn within, in mile# of .Coipmunist China’s rertor and teacher of dramatic.^ W A N T i^R E A T r SERVlittEUCIOttS^ XANDO'LAKES Frei^ Fruit and V^etabfes of- - rntT-Commumst strikes at ptnvioua-conferencea at Geneva toil street. Has been named David border, 'n e alrMme unite attack-^ Woodman Titus, Jr. Mrs, Titlis was Point and will aaaume thesse •d aa the rnmmiinlat-lct VIetminh marked the first monthly an­ the former Miss Barbara Rick- dutlea again. For /nrcea brSftkfaated. The Prenth niversary o f the June Adonis l.4*aves Jersey Slate Prison more. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. „ CUCUMBERS 2 19c 3 UN Waiting SWORD FISH lb. troopa quickly overwhelmed light workers rebellion in East Gei jCensorship Frsnk'A. Bickmore of Washington •hemy realatance. Postal Rate street. The pstemal grandpsrents FRESH BLOCK ISLA.ND— Reduced lOc lb. from last week,- BUTTER The attarkara then blewr up all many. Personal Notices are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Titus of Lb. 35c brldgea over the Kycua River con­ *191* column* of Soviet tanka, Aliston, Ms.ss. T O M A T O E S troop* and armored, car* atamped Showdown necting l.4tngaon with China'a Delay Seen Hiding U, S. H A L E *5 Kwatigal Province. and rumbled oatentatioualv before Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Mitchell. J dawn through Stalin Allee, a'riot TENDER. DELICIOUS C E L E R Y ^ Bch. 25c . Thua. at one lightning blow, th^ W» »1»h to Ihenk all of oiir n»lch- 11 Edward street, have returned M A Z O L A 1 paratioopera knocked out 'the I fooiia a month ago. The Riiaalan* bora. friend* and relative* for the after a week's vislt_ with Mr. Mit- |l FRE5H GROUND poured Into Raat Berlin from the W ith Reds many act* of kindnes* and iympathv 3 Lbft. 19c chief link In the aupp.ly line over By Senator Unit Action •hown u* In our' recent, bereavement. cheli's parents. Mr. and Mra. laalah | O N IO N S I ■ which French officera aay the Chi-1 i aoutheaat. the eaat and the ;iorth. We eapeclallv thank all those «hn *ent Ramsey of McKinney. Vs. While OIL neat Reda have been aending .3.000 Soviet martial law. proclaimed j ' Munsan, Julv 17— (4*1 — the beautiful floral Irlbutr* and loaned there they sttended a family re- I Lamb Legs Head 1 5 C .Seoul, July 17— (4*) — th* ue* of their car*. C O F FE E ^ L E T T U C E ' tone of war equipment each month Wsshington, July 17— (A*) at the .lune 17 outbreak, waa lifted Gen. Mark Clark huddled for Mr* Ulllan Ryan union, and vieited relatives In 11 Qt. to the VIetminh guerrilla*. I — Senstor Knowlsnd (K., In Kaat Berlin only laat " • ' ’•'''lay ! hour* w ilh l i V truce Fiercely counterattacking Al­ and family. night. The laat of the 2.9.000 Rue- OOUrs Wlin U.-> iruce Lynchburg end other places. They . I Anide from rutting off the Vict- lied infantrymen — perhaps made the trip to Richmond. Va.. i' Lb. POTATOES in Lb. Bag 45 c Calif.), seting majority lead­ alan armored troop* who put down negotiators todsy in advance Card of Thanks LAROr. nlinh'e main lifeline with the Chl- er of the Senate, said today including Americans — whit­ and return by airplane. During neae, the attack Waa al*o believed the rebellion withdrew at that ■ o f a showdown m eeting to- To our mAnv friend* ond r^lshv^s. their absence the Mitchell children Farm Fresh Poultry he doe# not believe Congress tled down Red gains of up to w# ssifh to our appr?ri«tion to have apolted plana for a VIet­ 'morrow afternoon at which .seven miles on the flaming fop thMr Bvmpathv »nd many aria of were cared for by their grand- Each 25c minh offenalve In the vital Red will take any action at this It could not be conflrmed Imme- (he Communist high com- i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bur- CANTALOUPES klndfipfs at thp tlm>‘ **''* ^•''** 'Jf FRYERS — IROILERS — FRESH River delta area. Gapture of lAng- session on Presidnt F.isen- central front today in what our darllnc Dran. Otir hrarifrlt ;nett at their Columbia Lake cot- ^adX'^.t^’wk expectf^ to answer : Gen. Maxwell D. Tajflor called lhanka to you all. «. ... NATIVE FOWL 2 i.h«. 33c aon, HO mile* northeait of Hanoi, hqwer’s request for higher The Walter Srhn^idrr Family. , tage, ‘ P E A C H E S pul the French beck Into the . G«rm«n citiAi wh^r# piartlul AlllPO dpmann fo r a QUICK i “ the first resumption of rtpen 59 postal rates. ended laat week end. ; Korean arm istice. EVISCERATED TURKEYS. 13 LI. AVG. atralegir apot for the flral time ' w arfare in two years.” Mystic Review, WBA members,. 4 p.. 25 c einre their wllhdr.iwal In 19.90. The Knowland expreaaed thi# view ' A t Meraeburg. near Halle, a There waa no hint of what waa sre reminded of the annual picnic : * LEMONS at a new* conference following a ovlet-owned bun* aynthetic rub-1 di*rr.a*ed during the aecret elev- | I^ateat reports cleared by ren- 77 Vletielnh then engulfed moat of . adra aaid Booth Korean aoldiera hit , .scheduled for Tuesday evening. 11 two-hour meeting of th* Senate r plant haa been paralyzerl aince ■ enth-hour «onference, hut aoiircea | FRE5HLY CHOPPED northern Indo-Chlna oiilald* the i and overran about 1,900 Chtneia July 21, at 6:30 at the home of I E D U C A T O R delta- X- GOP policy committee. edneaoa.v by a aitdown atrike of aald there wa* no queation but ' H A L E 'S 'Mrs. Charles Vinrek. 14# LydaU:| '■ Reda in the Kumaong RIvtr Val- DEL M O N T E , There waa no Immediate an- Rlaenhower wanta poatal rate* 14^000 worker* demanding releaae , what the UN commander and hi« ley. street, near Salter's Pond. It will HAMBURG “ 39c . tJOunccnSAIlt of, C**.ua!tlea on either .hooAtrd -tn .dimlnUh .• dedcit in the of .qotn'ha.de.a jailed after thq, J,iipe . .negolJ*tmg_t_eam ,mapped atrulegy.,. H ^dqi^qriers^ be held rain or shine, and mem- _ C R AX_ _ 17 n-beillon. “ i for lh» crucial *-aaion at Paif- ; ..
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