Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G21, 25 May 2011
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NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA Government Gazette ISSN 0157 8324 No. G21 DARWIN 25 May 2011 GENERAL INFORMATION SUBSCRIPTIONS are payable in advance and are accepted for a maximum period of one calendar year. All subscriptions General issues of the Gazette contain notices under the are on a frm basis and refunds for cancellations will not be following headings: Proclamations; Legislative (Acts of Parliament assented to, Statutory Rules, By laws, given. Rates include surface postage in Australia and overseas. Regulations); Government departments administering Other carriage rates are available on application. particular legislation or functions; Notices under the Companies (Northern Territory) Code; Planning Act; Crown AVAILABILITY: The Gazette may be purchased by mail Lands Act; Private Notices; Tenders Invited; Contracts from: Awarded. Copies of each week’s General Gazette are available Retail Sales for a cost of $1.10 each (plus postage) and are published on a Wednesday. 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Page 2 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G21, 25 May 2011 Planning Act Michael Holmes NOTICE OF EXHIBITION OF PROPOSAL Senior Planner TO AMEND NT PLANNING SCHEME Strategic Lands Planning PA2011/0213 Department of Lands and Planning GPO Box 1680 I, DAVID MALONE, delegate for the Minister for Lands and DARWIN NT 0801 or Planning give notice under section 17 of the Planning Act of the following: Fax: (08) 8999 7189 or (a) a proposal to amend the NT Planning Scheme, numbered Email: [email protected] PA2011/0213 as referred to in (e), is to be exhibited under (e) the proposed amendment is to the NT Planning Scheme, Division 3 of Part 2 of the Act; to rezone Lot 1707 Town of Nightcliff (138 Ryland Road, (b) the amendment is to be exhibited at the following location: Rapid Creek) from Zone SD (Single Dwelling Residential) to Zone MD (Multiple Dwelling Residential) to facilitate Offces of the Department of Lands and Planning the development of multiple dwellings. Ground Floor, Cavenagh House, 38 Cavenagh Street, Darwin Dated 4th May, 2011. D. MALONE (c) the period of exhibition is for 28 days, commencing Delegate for the Minister for upon frst newspaper publication of the notice required Lands and Planning by section 17(1); 2/21 (d) written submissions regarding this exhibition should be Control of Roads Act made to: REVOCATION OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE Julia Wanane Planner I, BONNIE KAPPLER THOMPSON, Acting Regional Strategic Lands Planning Director Tennant Creek, as delegate of the Minister for Department of Lands and Planning Transport and Infrastructure, being satisfed the road or part GPO Box 1680 of the road specifed in the Schedule that has been closed is DARWIN NT 0801 or no longer subject to deterioration by the passage of vehicles, pursuant to section 11A(4) and (5) of the Control of Roads Fax: (08) 8999 7189 or Act, give notice of revocation of the decision to close the road Email: [email protected] or part of the road from 10.00am, Thursday, 12 May 2011. (e) the proposed amendment is to the NT Planning Scheme, Dated 12th May, 2011. to rezone Sections 1741 and 1747 Hundred of Cavenagh B. KAPPLER THOMPSON (175 and 350 Lawton Road, Blackmore) from Zone FD Acting Regional Director (Future Development) to Zone R (Rural) for subdivision Tennant Creek purposes. SCHEDULE Dated 10th May, 2011. D. MALONE (Wollogorang Road between Borroloola and Delegate for the Minister for Calvert Road Intersection) Lands and Planning “Pursuant to s11A(4) of the Control of Roads Act, signage 1/21 removal was authorised on *10.00am, Thursday, 12 May 2011.” Planning Act 3/21 NOTICE OF EXHIBITION OF PROPOSAL Control of Roads Act TO AMEND NT PLANNING SCHEME PA2011/0270 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE I, DAVID MALONE, delegate for the Minister for Lands I, BONNIE KAPPLER THOMPSON, Acting Regional and Planning give notice under section 17 of the Planning Director, as delegate of the Minister for Transport and Act of the following: Infrastructure, being satisfed fooding may make the road or part of the road specified in the Schedule subject to (a) a proposal to amend the NT Planning Scheme, numbered deterioration by the passage of vehicles, pursuant to section PA2011/0270 as referred to in (e), is to be exhibited under 11A(2)(b) and (5) of the Control of Roads Act, give notice Division 3 of Part 2 of the Act; that, pursuant to section 11A(1)(a) of the Act, I have closed (b) the amendment is to be exhibited at the following location: the road or part of the road. Offces of the Department of Lands and Planning Dated 12th May, 2011. Ground Floor, Cavenagh House, 38 Cavenagh Street, B. KAPPLER THOMPSON Darwin Acting Regional Director (c) the period of exhibition is for 28 days, commencing SCHEDULE upon frst newspaper publication of the notice required by section 17(1); (Wollogorang Road between Robinson River Community turn off and Calvert Road Intersection) (d) written submissions regarding this exhibition should be made to: 4/21 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G21, 25 May 2011 Page 3 Heritage Conservation Act SCHEDULE REVOCATION OF DECLARATION Oenpelli Road at Cahills Crossing East Alligator PIONEER DRIVE IN I, KARL RIO HAMPTON, Minister for Natural Resources, “Pursuant to s11A(4) of the Control of Roads Act, signage Environment and Heritage, under section 39H(1) of the removal was authorised on *3.30pm, Thursday, 12 May Heritage Conservation Act, revoke the declaration of the 2011.” place described in the Schedule, known as Pioneer Drive In, dated 31 August 2005 and published in Gazette No. G40 of 5 7/21 October 2005, as a heritage place. Waste Management and Pollution Control Act Dated 10th May, 2011. K. R. HAMPTON AUTHORISED OFFICER APPOINTMENT Minister for Natural Resources, I, JAMES WILLIAM GEORGE GRANT, the Chief Executive Environment and Heritage Offcer of the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport, under section 70(1)(a) of the Waste SCHEDULE Management and Pollution Control Act, appoint each person specifed in Schedule 1 to be an authorised offcer for the All that parcel of land in the Northern Territory of Australia purposes of the Act. containing an area of 2990 square metres more or less being that part of Lot 1604, Town of Alice Springs designated Lot Dated 13th May, 2011. 9400(A) and more particularly delineated on Survey Plan J. W. G. GRANT S2004/016 lodged with the Surveyor General, Darwin. Chief Executive Offcer 5/21 SCHEDULE 1 Control of Roads Act Peter John Morante REVOCATION OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE I, PETER FRANCIS TOLL, Project Director Civil Darwin, Ann Maree Andrews as delegate of the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, being satisfied the road or part of the road specified in 8/21 the Schedule that has been closed is no longer subject to Place Names Act deterioration by the passage of vehicles, pursuant to section 11A(4) and (5) of the Control of Roads Act, give notice of NAMING OF PLACE revocation of the decision to close the road or part of the road from 2.30pm, Thursday, 12 May 2011. I, GERALD FRANCIS McCARTHY, Minister for Lands and Planning, under section 11(1)(a) of the Place Names Dated 12th May, 2011. Act, approve the recommendation contained in a report of P. F. TOLL the Place Names Committee for the Northern Territory that: Project Director Civil Darwin (a) the park located at Lot 10170, Town of Palmerston, shown bounded by thick black lines on the map in Schedule 1 be SCHEDULE named Father Maurice McPhillamy Park; and Gimbat Road (b) the park located at lot 10187, Town of Palmerston, shown “Pursuant to s11A(4) of the Control of Roads Act, signage bounded by thick black lines on the map in Schedule 2 be removal was authorised on *2.30pm, Thursday, 12 May named Father Gerry Remie Park.