
Here is the packet for Maryland II. My sincerest apologies for it being so late. Hope the question quality is satisfactory, and the formatting isn't too bad. If this post gets screwed up somehow, please let me know and I'll resend them. Anyway, here it is:

1. In Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, each appearance of the character Setembrini is accompanied with the same description of his clothes. Such a technique, also employed in Joyce's Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake, has a parallel in musical drama. FfP, what is the name for this type of recurrent theme that coincides with each appearance of a given character, problem, emotion, or thought, used most notably in Alban Berg's Wozzeck and in the operas of Richard Wagner? - LEITMOTIF

2. In 1909 Robert Marett expanded Sir Edward Tylor's definition of the supernatural with the introduction of a new word to refer to spiritual power. Anthropologically speaking, it is the energy that resides in objects such as a rabbit's foot or a four-leaf clover, but could also refer to the sacredness of the Host in the Eucharist, or even Luke Skywalker's Force. FfP, what is this four-letter Melanesian word? -MANA

3. It was a 1931 hit for Herman Hupfeld and was first performed on screen by Frances Williams in Everybody's Welcome. Rudy Vallee recorded a hit version of the song, and as recently as a year ago, it still charmed audiences on the soundtrack to Sleepless in Seattle . . FrP name this song that undoubtedly achieved it greatest popularity through the fingertips of pianist Dooley Wilson in the film Casablanca. - "AS TIME GOES BY"

4. D.H. McConnell was a successful door-to-door bookseller who had a great admiration for William Shakespeare. In 1896 he abandoned door-to-door bookselling and formed the California Perfume Company, which marketed scents in the same way. But it was not until 1946 that he demonstrated his appreciation of Shakespeare by changing the name of his company to that which we know today. FTP, what is this popular cosmetics company whose name refers to Shakespeare's hometown and is known for its annoying door-to-door saleswomen? - AVON Products, Inc.

5. "Baker Baker", "", "Space Dog", "", and "God" are songs on her new , "". FQTP, name this singer/ from Silver Spring, Maryland who had success last year with "". - .

6. Who's The Man, Judgment Night, The Sandlot, Demolition Man, and Gunman are all recent movies that have featured this man. Even if you haven't heard his stand-up routine from the album No Cure for Cancer, no doubt you know him indirectly as the obnoxious MLI'l..

promoter of Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders in a line of Nike commercials. FTP who is this comedian whose trademark is the lines, "I think you hear me knockin'" and "I think I'm comin' at yaM? - Denis LEARY

7. The northernmost province of Ireland, it was forfeited to the crown in James I's reign in consequence of the rebellions of Tyrconnel and Tyrone, and colonized by English and Scottish Protestant settlers, who were forbidden to sell land to any Irishman. Gaelic literature owes much to the region for a certain group of pagan sagas and romances about its legendary heroes, among whom are King Conchobar, Deirdre, and Cu Chulainn (Kuh-HOOL-an). FTP name this volatile province and you will name the cycle of Irish epic sagas of which the Cattle-Raid of Cooley is most important. - ULSTER

8. Arrested for stealing $8 from a bank employee, he was picked from a lineup while in custody by a young woman who said he had kidnapped and raped her. He then endured nearly two hours of interrogation from the Arizona police before giving a confession. FTP, who was this unemployed twenty-two year old whose confession was thrown out by the Supreme Court because he had not been warned of his right against self-incrimination and, thus, lent his name to a landmark decision in 1963? - Earnesto MIRANDA

9. According to Malory's Morte D'Arthur, the Round Table contained 150 seats, all of which were filled except one. At the appointed time the name of Galahad is found on the seat, as this vacant chair had been reserved for the one predestined to achieve the quest of the Grail, to the death of any other who sat in it. FTP what is the name of this rather particular chair sometimes called the Perilous Seat? - SIEGE PERILOUS (accept PERILOUS SEAT on an early buzz)

10. The last name's the same. One is a French essayist and structuralist philosopher whose death in 1984 came shortly after the publication of the third volume in a projected six-volume History of Sexuality. The other is a physicist who made innovations on the gyroscope but is probably better remembered for suspending a pendulum from a Paris building, thus demonstrating the rotation of the Earth over time. FTP what is the shared surname? - FOUCAULT (Michel and Jean)

11. From time immemorial it has been the object of supernatural veneration in Europe. A famous passage from Pliny enumerates its variaties and continues to detail the esteem in which it is held throughout Gaul and, in particular, among the Druids. Moreover, anthropologists know it as the plant referred to in Sir James Frazer's The Golden Bough. FTP what is this plant that was wielded by Hod, in the form of a dart fashioned by Loki, which impaled Balder and precipitated the fall of Asgard? - MISTLETOE

12. There are two different ways to win this game - conquer the world or build a space ship and have it safely arrive at Alpha Centauri, although just surviving if you're on Emperor level is challenging enough. FTP, name this highly addictive game created by Sid Meier. - CIVILIZATION

13. A popular music group in the early to mid '80s, they performed the theme to the James Bond movie "A View to a Kill". Recently they've gone on tour to make a comeback. FTP name this band named for the villain in a Jane Fonda sci-fi flick, with hits like "Come Undone", "Hungry Like The Wolf" and "Rio". - DURAN DURAN

14. Proteins, cellulose, diamonds, and quartz are natural examples, while concrete, glass, paper, and plastics are all manmade types. FI'P, what term applies to any substance composed of very large chainlike molecules that consist of smaller, repeating chemical units? -POLYMERS

15. An extension of their rejection of academicism, their publication, The Germ, aimed to "enforce and encourage an entire adherence to the simplicity of nature". Although only four numbers were issued under the editorship of William Michael, their endorsement of the detailed and idealized depiction of nature in early Italian painting was captured nevertheless. FTP, what was the name of this band of poets and artists formed in London in 1848, which originally consisted of Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, and Dante Gabriel Rosetti? - PRE-RAPHAELITE brotherhood

16. His racing career lasted only 16 months before he was retired to stud, when his owner needed $6.08 million in breeding shares. Nevertheless this chestnut stallion was able to win 16 of his 31 races, including record runs in the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes, before his death in 1989 at the age of 19. FTP name this horse survived by 300 offspring who became the first to win the Triple Crown in 25 years when he did it in 1973. -SECRETARIAT

17. According to legend, only one survived to return home in triumph, bearing the bodies of his three slain foes. Angered by his weeping sister, this champion plunged a sword into her breast, exclaiming: "So perish every Roman woman who bewails a foe." FTP, who were the three Roman brothers whose oath to protect Rome from Alba was depicted in a painting by Jacques Louis David? - The HORATII 18. Robby Jackson, Dan Murray, Admiral James Greer, Captain Marko Ramius, and Jack Ryan. FTP, all of these are characters created by what author, whose recent bestseller is named - Without Remorse- ? - Tom CLANCY

19. It's original terminus was Capua. However, by 240 B.C. it had been extended fIrst to Beneventium, and then to Tarentum. FTP, name this most famous of Roman roads which ran from Rome to Brundisium. - APPIAN WAY (or Via Appia in Latin)

20. The Univeristy of Rochester's Student Union; Mile High Center in Denver; Kips Bay Plaza Apartment Towers in New York; L'Enfant Plaza in Washington, DC; and the glass pyramid at the Louvre. FTP, what architect designed all of these buildings, as well as the National Gallery of Art's East Building. - Ieoh Ming PEl

21. The Sunken Road, The Peach Orchard, The Hornet's Nest, and Bloody Pond. FrP, these are all sites on which Civil War Battlefield, where General U.S. Grant defeated Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston in a two day battle on April 6 and 7, 1862. - SHILOH (or PfITSBURG LANDING)

22. This famous British general ended his life in 1916 as the Secretary of State for War, where he expanded the British army from 20 divisions to 70. He had previously served as the Consul General of Egypt and the Commander in Chief in India, and his meeting with Marchand in southern Sudan precipitated the Fashoda crisis. FTP, name this general who is most famous for defeating the forces of the Mahdi at the battle of Obdurman in 1898. - Horatio Herbert KITCHENER

23. In 1633, as the plague swept the surrounding German towns, the citizens of this town prayed to be spared. They were, and in gratitude put on a grand passion play the next year and vowed to do so every ten years thereafter to commemorate their deliverance. FTP, name this German city which to this day holds the most spectacular passion play in the world. - OBERAMMERGAU

24. At least two of her heroines were atypical for being plain to ugly. The works published in 1847 and 1852 carry these heroines names; Villette and Jane Eyre. FTP name the author of the works. - Charlotte BRONTE 25. It called for the violation of Belgian neutrality to encircle the French army. The German troops would then be sent east to fight Russia. FTP, give the name of the German master strategy for a two front war at the beginning of World War I. - The SCHLIEFFEN PLAN

26. Its sight in 1535 evoked for Spanish conquistador Heman Cortes an imaginary island and its female black ruler from a popular Spanish novel. The name stuck, as seven years later Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo stepped onshore nearby and gave this area the same name. FTP, what is this name that formerly referred to the entire Pacific coast of North America but now refers to the most populous state in the union? - CALIFORNIA

27. This sport originated in Asia, possibly as Battledore in China. It scores to 15 points, uses a five foot net over which objects can fly faster than tennis balls, shuttlecocks, please don't call them birdies. FTP name this international sport. - BADMINTON

28. First found on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, it was not until the 1600's that Dutch settlers found its eggs palatable. To complicate matters, it did not reproduce well, as the female laid only one egg each year, and it was slow and defenseless, save for its hooked bealc FrP, what is this bird, similar in size to a large turkey, which became extinct in 1681? -DODO MLb/

1. (30) And now for the sixth installment of Maryland's "Geography from Hell" bonus. But, for a twist, all three of these geographic features have made significant headlines in the last 30 years. Name them from their descriptions, 10 points each. An arm of the Mediterranean sea bounded on the south by the coast of Libya. - GULF OF SIDRA The narrow strait connecting the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf - STRAIT OF HORMUZ The arm of the South China Sea bounded on the west by Vietnam, on the north by mainland China, and on the east by the island of Hainan. - GULF OF TONKIN

2. (25) Identify the following actors/actresses from their films (five points each). Tootsie, The Player, Death Becomes Her. - Sydney POLLACK Bram Stoker's Dracula, Beetlejuice, Age of Innocence. - Winona RYDER Coal Miner's Daughter, Under Siege, The Fugitive. - Tommy Lee JONES Lawrence of Arabia, The Guns of Navarone, Mobsters. - Anthony QUINN The Big Chill, Major League, Sliver. - Tom BERENGER

3. (30) Identify the shared surname of the following people on a 15/5 basis. 15 - An American poet, killed during World War I, who is chiefly remembered for one poem which appeared in his Poetry in August 1913. 5 - An American actor who has appeared in Topgun, Willow, and Tombstone but is probably best remembered for his role as Jim Morrison in The Doors. - KILMER (Joyce and Val) 15 - The title doctor in a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 5 - A German existentialist whose most important book _Being and Time_distinguishes between two type of being: human existence and nonhuman presence. - HEIDEGGER (Doctor and Martin)

4. (25) English majors listen up! Identify the following figures of speech from the brief clue provided for the stated number of points. For 5 points, a figure of speech consisting of exaggeration or extravagance of statement, as in "the waves were mountains high" or "I was fainting from hunger". - HYPERBOLE For 10 points, a metaphor giving the part to represent the whole, as in "fifty head" for "fifty cattle", or "all hands" to signify .. all working men" . -SYNECDOCHE For 15 points, a descriptive phrase used in place of the ordinary name for a thing in Anglo-Saxon literature, as in the phrase "ring-giver" to signify "king". - KENNING 5. (30) Given the invention, name the inventor, 10 points each. hot air balloon - Montgolfier mercury thermometer - Fahrenheit stock ticker - Edison

6. (30) 30-20-10. Identify the eminent figure from the clues provided. 30 - Some of his accomplishments include writing part of the libretto to Mozart's "Don . Giovanni" and translating Homer's Iliad to Italian. 20 - He died in obscurity in 1798, and not until 1958 was he rediscovered through an unexpurgated version of his autobiography. Fellini titled a film with simply his last name, although he preferred to call himself G.G.C. 10 - Today he is not remembered for his political, religious, and economic feats but more for his romantic exploits, lending his name to an eponym for sexual prowess. - Giovanni CASANOVA

7. (25) Everybody knows Who's on first and What's on second, according to the famous Abbott and Costello routine, but do you know the rest of the positions. Given a defensive position, provide the name of the player who plays that position, at least, by word of Lou Costello. .(for five points each). Leftfielder - WHY Catcher - TODAY Centerfielder - BECAUSE . Pitcher - TOMORROW Shortstop . - I DON'T GIVE A DARN (accept I DON'T CARE)

8. (30) Answer the following questions about the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, A Confederacy of Dunces_, for the specified number of points. First, for five points, name the author, who committed suicide 11 years before the novel was published. - John Kennedy TOOLE Second, for ten points, the novel's main character adamantly upholds the philosophy of what Roman whose major contribution to Western thought is a book entitled _The Consolation of Philosophy_? - Anicius Manlius Severinus BOETHIUS Third, for fifteen points, the title comes from a quote by what member of the Scriblerus Club among whose works are - The Battle of the Books-- and The Tale of the Tub- ? - Jonathan SWIFT

9. (25) How much do you know about American Indian leaders? For the stated number of points, I'll give you a description of an Indian leader, and you give me his name. For 5 points, the leader of the Hunkpapa Sioux, who defeated Custer at Little Big Hom, and died during the Ghost Dance of 1890. - SITTING BULL For 10 points, chief of the Chiricahua Apaches, who fought the army from 1861 to 1872, and who Geronimo served under. - COCHISE For 15 points, chief of the Southern Cheyenne, whose tribe was massacred at Sand Creek in 1864, and who was later killed along the Washita River in Custer's 1868 massacre. - BLACK KETTLE

10. 30-20-10 Name the author from a list of his works. 30 - World So Wide (1951) and Dodsworth (1929) 20 - It Can't Happen Here (1935) and The Man Who Knew Coolidge (1928) 10 - Main Street (1920) and Arrowsmith (1925) - Sinclair LEWIS

11. (25) Don't rock musicians think they're clever, always alluding to other sources with the titles of their ? Hopefully, you've paid attention over the years to some of these allusions, as your task in this bonus is to identify the album given the group who recorded it and a brief description of the original source it alludes to (for five points each). A timely album by Van Halen; a novel whose original title was _The Last Man in Europe_. - "1984" . A Grammy award winning album by The Police; a psychological theory propounded by Carl Jung. - "SYNCHRONICITY" An paradoxical album by The Fine Young Cannibals; a structuralist book by Claude Levi-Strauss. - "THE RAW AND THE COOKED" An album by Queen containing "Bohemian Rhapsody"; a Marx Brothers movie. - "A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" An album by The Traffic; an old song first written down by Robert Burns, as well as Jack London's autobiography. - "JOHN BARLEYCORN" (accept "Sir John Barleycorn")

12. (25) Given a state of Australia, name its capital, 5 points each and a 5 point bonus for all 4. Queensland - BRISBANE Western Australia - PERTH South Australia - ADELAIDE Tasmania - HOBART

13. (30) Name the consorts of these British Queens, 10 points each. Mary I - PHILIP II of Spain Victoria - ALBERT of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Elizabeth II - PHILIP Mountbatten

14. (25) It's time for a bonus for Sherlock Holmes fanatics. Answer the following questions about Scotland Yard's most famous sleuth for ten points each. In what Swiss landmark does Holmes supposedly perish with his nemesis Prof. Moriarty? - REICHENBACH FALLS In what story is Holmes outwitted by the opera singer Irene Adler? - "SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA" And for a final, well-earned five points, in what story does Holmes' brother Mycroft appear? - "THE GREEK INTERPRETER"

15. 30-20-10 Name the Hugo and Nebula award-winning author from the works. 30 - _Always Coming Home_and _The Dispossesed_ 20 - _ Tehanu_ and _The Left Hand of Darkness_ 10 - - Wizard of Earthsea- - Ursula K. LeGUIN

16. (30) Name the female artists from the works, 10 points each. Black Hollyhock, Blue Larkspur (1930) and Light Coming on the Plains II (1917) - Georgia O'KEEFFE The Bath (c. 1892), Reading "Le Figaro" (1883), and A Cup of Tea (c. 1880) - Mary CASSA IT The Two Fridas (1939) and Broken Column (1944) - Frida KARLO

17. (30) How well do you know your Senators? I'll give you the name of a ~, and for 5 pts. each, you give me the Senators that represent it...... ", .:! "", .. . ' . .'. Arizona - John MCCAIN and Dennis DECONCINI Pennsylvania - Arlen SPECTOR and Harris WOFFORD New Jersey - Bill BRADLEY and Frank LAUTENBERG

-18. (30) Answer the following questions about the formation of the Byzantine Empire for the stated number of points. For ten points, name the Byzantine emperor, who ruled from 248 to 305 and divided the empire among four emperors, an experiment that led to twenty years of civil strife after his abdication. . - DIOCLETIAN For 15 points, name the great cathedral built in Constantinople during Emperor Justinian's reign, which was later converted to a mosque. - HAGIA SOPHIA (or accept anything reasonable with SANTA SOPHIA in the title) 19. 30-20-10 Name the actor from a list of his movies. 30 - "The Greatest Show on Earth" and "Strategic Air Command" 20 - "You Can't Take It With You" and "Destry Rides Again" 10 - "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and "The Philadelphia Story" - James STEWART

20. (30) Identify these countries from their names in their native tongue for the stated number of points. For 5 points, Eire (pronounced "are-uh"). - INDIA For 10 points, Bharat. - FINLAND For 15 points, Druk-Yul. -BHUTAN

21. 30-20-1 0 Name the book from its characters. 30 - Ma, Pa, Al 20 - Connie, Ruthie, Winfield, Reverend Casy 10 - Tom Joad and Rose of Sharon - THE GRAPES OF WRATH

22. (30) Put these Depresion Era events in chronological order. The events are: the Bonus · Army marches on Washington; Huey Long is assassinated; Gone With the Wind hits the box offices; the 21st Amendment is passed, repealing Prohibition; and FDR take the Oath of office (five points for each in the correct order and a five point bonus for all correct). - BONUS ARMY MARCHES (1932), FDR TAKES THE OATH OF OFFICE (1933), 21ST AMENDMENT PASSED (1933), HUEY LONG ASSASSINATED (1935), GONE WITH THE WIND (1939)

23. (30) For 15 points each, answer these questions about Maxwell's Equations. First, what was the name of the equation that was corrected and expanded by Maxwell? - AMPERE'S law Second, what is the name given to the type of current mathematically described by Maxwell's modification of Ampere's Law? - DISPLACEMENT current

24. (25) At the beginning of the Civil· War, many professional army officers had to choose between the North and the South. For 5 points each, and a 5 point bonus for all 4, I'll give you an officer, and you tell me if he went North or South. Albert Sidney Johnston - South (Confederate) George Thomas - - North (Union) Bishop Leonidas Polk - South (Confederate) William Rosecrans - North (Union)

25. (25) Rank the following contraceptives in order of _theoretical_ effectiveness: sponge, condom, oral contraception (the Pill), Norplant, Depo-Provera. - NORPLANT, DEPO-PROVERA, ORAL CONTRACEPTION (Pills), CONDOM, SPONGE