• September 15, 2003 Q1

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• September 15, 2003 Q1 www.ExpressGayNews.com • September 15, 2003 Q1 Q_COVERstory Scene from Sordid Lives Queer TV Is here! New Pay-Per-View Gay Channel Is a Hit By Mary Damiano we’re involved with, the care and love we give Arts & Entertainment Editor to our community, the care and love we give “I know a lot of gay men with bad taste,” to each other and our families. These are the says filmmaker Paul Colichman, referring characteristics of our community that I’d like to the unreality of the reality show Queer to see.” Eye for the Straight Guy. In fact, Colichman There has been a lot of buzz in the last isn’t thrilled by most of the gay images year or so about a cable channel with all gay currently on TV, especially on Queer Eye programming. Showtime and MTV were and its Bravo companion, Boy Meets Boy. going to start one, but that project has been “By advancing these stereotypes that gay shelved for now. “We were looking at doing men are out to redecorate the world and sleep a gay and lesbian full-fledged channel,” says with straight men, you are going to upset Colichman, “but the costs for a full-fledged people and cause a backlash.” channel are so high, we decided that rather risk. “Trevor stands for all the values we gay and lesbian film festivals, including Colichman considers such programs as than wait two or three years, we would get the stand for, which is building self-esteem in Outfest in Los Angeles, and scouts the shows designed for straight people, not the service started, show everyone its success and our community and fighting stereotypes,” festival circuit for new independent films. gay community. That’s where here! Pay Per then expand it to a channel later on.” Colichman says. Colichman says that here! has a high View comes in. Although at the moment the service is Colichman seems the perfect person to standard for its programming. Movies must The channel, which debuted last month available only on the DirecTV, Colichman head up this groundbreaking channel. He has not have been already shown on television, on DirecTV, features all gay and lesbian says that within six months, here will be been involved in the production of over 125 and films must have high-production values. programming designed for gay and lesbian available everywhere. “DirecTV was the first feature films, including Gods and Monsters, Adult films will not be shown. “We’re audiences. The network, which can be found distributor, and I think they get major points Tom and Viv, Twilight of the Golds, One looking for high-quality motion pictures that on DirecTV channel 170, hit the airwaves in the community for signing up first,” False Move and My New Gun. In addition to are of interest to our community either with the television premiere of the cult Colichman says. his position at here!, Colichman is president because of gay characters, or gay people comedy Sordid Lives. Current movies So far, the channel is a success. “The and partner of Regent Entertainment, a behind the scenes or because of the include It’s in the Water and The Night Larry response has been quite extraordinary,” says leading independent film company, and at sensibilities of the movie,” Colichman says. Kramer Kissed Me and upcoming films Colichman. “We don’t know yet if it’s just the age of 25, co-founded I.R.S. Media and Here! is most interested in films that include Circuit, Friends & Family, Food of the initial flurry of interest or if its long-term served as that company’s president. show people in the real world. “We want to Love and The Brotherhood. Subscribers to massive success, but we are significantly Colichman also produced MTV’s first series, see people’s interactions with families, like DirecTV, which services over 11 million exceeding our expectations. We really need The Cutting Edge, and the Emmy-nominated Sordid Lives, and how their sexuality affects homes, can order movies on here! Pay Per everybody’s support to show the straight Sting at the Hollywood Bowl, which was the their interaction in the greater world,” View for $3.99 per film. community that our community will get first satellite broadcast in high-definition Colichman says. “We try not to treat people Colichman, president of the channel, says behind gay products and gay ventures and technology. in a ghettoized or isolated way.” that the main reason for beginning here! Pay make them successful.” Here! is building its movie library in There are also special events in the Per View is to show positive images of the Here! will be giving back to the several ways. In addition to producing their works, beginning in the spring of next year. gay community. I want to see our community community as well. Its Christmas promotion own films, they acquire rights to films, and Original series are also planned. being recognized for all of the wonderful work will benefit the Trevor Project, the only 24- sometimes simply serve as a service to show See Queer TV on page Q8 that we do, men and women——the charities hour hotline to help gay and lesbian teens at the films. Here! has already sponsored major Q2 www.ExpressGayNews.com • September 15, 2003 Q_CULTURAL COCKTAIL By Mary Damiano Cultural Scene Is Something to Celebrate Miami Book Fair Announces Authors; Singers Present Cabaret Last week, I attended students and seniors. To purchase Toast to Spain Fundraiser “Invitation to the Arts” at tickets and for more information, The film KmO will receive a special the Jackie Gleason Theatre, call 305.673.2440 or e-mail advance screening and party this Tuesday, an event which showcased [email protected]. Sept. 16, at Cinema Paradiso in Fort the many arts organizations Lauderdale. KmO is a comedy about how Miami-Dade County, and Womenfest Wrap-Up the lives of 14 people all converge one especially Miami Beach, I spent last weekend in Key evening in Spain. After the 7 p.m. has to offer. There were West, taking in the parties, events screening, enjoy Toast to Spain, a food dozens and dozens of and eye candy that is Womenfest. and wine pairing party featuring Spanish booths spotlighting Local recording artist Bev wines, paella, as well as experts who will upcoming museum McClellen delivered a spectacular explain to guests how to make paella and exhibits, film festivals, new performance at She magazine’s how to pair the perfect wine with a meal. theatre seasons, the opera, annual Sunset Beach T-Dance, so The evening is a fundraiser for the Fort ballet as well as the myriad much so that guys were coming Lauderdale International Film Festival of other wonderful cultural up to the gate of the women-only and Toast to Humanity. Tickets are $20 arts that South Florida has party just to listen and see if they for film fest members and $25 for non- to offer. After the could buy Bev’s CD. Other treats members. To reserve tickets, call showcase, there were of the weekend included the 954.760.9898 ext. 107. For more performances by the performance by Distant Echo, a information, visit www.fliff.com. Miami City Ballet, Live in Central Florida trio who got the Color and a mini-concert party going at She’s Beach Nunsense Fundraiser by the great Arturo Blanket Butch and Beach Blanket If you’re looking for a way to see a Sandoval. Mark Akens, Elliott Pilshaw and David Vance have teamed Babe contest, and Suzanne fun piece of theatre and help out a great up for the musical revue Taking a Chance on Love Now, I know how Westenhoefer’s sold-out organization, buy your tickets now for lucky we all are to live in a performance, which was going on AIDS Project Florida’s theatre night place where the cultural at the same time at Halcyon’s concert. Another benefit of the classic hit comedy by Dan landscape is energetic and vibrant, yet there Spiritual Messages on Sex and Love, crowd-pleaser was the Pirate’s Ball, featuring Goggins, Nunsense. The event, which will was still a unique electricity in the air at the Creativity and Wisdom), Tatiana de la Tierra DJ Pride. One of the most popular sights feature a wine and cheese reception before Gleason that night, when all of these diverse (A Lesbian Phemonenology) former Q cover during Womenfest were the T-shirts sported the play, takes place at the Broadway people came together and shared their boy Augusten Burroughs (Running With by some girls from Orlando, which featured Theatre, 1455 SE 17 St. Causeway in Fort passion for the arts. And you know that story Scissors) David Leavitt (Collected Stories the photo of the Madonna-Britney kiss framed Lauderdale. Nunsense is a funny play and we ran a few weeks ago, “69 Ways to be of David Leavitt) and Karen Yapalater (An by a “Wanted” poster with several different APFL is a terrific organization, so how Entertained”? Well, that was just a taste of Hour to Kill.) For more information on the captions, including “Slave 4 U” and “Girl can you go wrong? Tickets are only $25 what’s in store to keep you busy and happy Miami Book Fair International, visit Toy.” I wonder if Christina Aguilera, who and can be purchased by calling in the next few months. www.miamibookfair.com. Madonna kissed seconds after Britney, is 954.537.4111 ext. 108. See you at the feeling slighted by all the attention.
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