Embroidery with HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator Part 1 - Majestic Hoop By: Soni Grint

Use HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator to make this lovely pillow Monogram. Learn about mini designs, the text tool, and how to split your design for the DESIGNER™ Majestic hoop with the 5D™ QuiltDesign Embroidery Splitter.

Create a Frame for the Monogram

1. Open HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator . 2. Choose Start a New Element. 3. Click Next. 4. Choose the Width at 330 mm and the Height at 330 mm.  This design is being created for the DESIGNER™ Majestic hoop (350 x 360 mm).  You can also type 13” for the Width and Height. HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator will change the inches to millimeters if Show Measurements in is set to Millimeters. Alternatively if you type 330 mm in the Width and Height, the program will change to inches if Show Measurements in is set to Inches. 5. Click Finish. 6. Click Preferences . 7. Ensure the Grid is 10 mm, Highlight Start and End Control Points is set to For All Objects when Selected and Design Route is Automatic Route. 8. Click OK. 9. In the Create menu, click MiniPics. 10. From the C:\ProgramData\VSMSoftware\ 5DQuiltDesign\MiniPics\ Line\ Feathers folder, choose 02_FeatherCorner.mini.

Page 1 of 5 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. 5D, DESIGNER, AND VIKING are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

11. Close the Minipics Viewer.  Notice the green and red points on the path. These are the start and end points. 12. Ensure the Feather is highlighted. 13. Click Rotate 90° . 14. Click and drag the feather corner to the upper left quadrant of the hoop leaving one full grid between the design and the edge of the hoop. 15. Change the feather size by dragging the lower right sizing handle until the horizontal and vertical rulers both read 160.

16. Click Duplicate . 17. Flip the path horizontally by clicking the left triangle on the bounding box. 18. Move the flipped feather toward the upper right quadrant, making sure the paths touch in the center.

19. Click Select All .

20. Click Group .

21. Click Duplicate . 22. Flip the new path vertically by clicking on the top triangle on the bounding box. 23. Move the new path to the bottom of the work area allowing the top and bottom paths to touch. 24. Click Design Player . 25. Click Medium Play .  Watch as your path “stitches” on the screen. 26. Click Close. 27. Click Select All . 28. Click Group .

Page 2 of 5 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. 5D, DESIGNER, AND VIKING are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

29. Select the File menu. 30. Click Save As. Title the file as Feather Frame and save as a .4qb file type.

Add a Monogram Letter

31. In the Create Menu, click Text . 32. Move the mouse into the center of the frame and Left Click.  A Create Text window will open. 33. Choose a serif font, change the style to bold, leave the size at 144.  Times New Roman or Georgia are common serif fonts. 34. In the text area, type the first letter of your last name in upper case. 35. Click OK.  Notice the letter comes in quite small. 36. Right click to end the text tool.  Once you right click a box comes around the letter. 37. Click and drag on the corners of the letter bounding box until the letter is the size you like. 38. Move the letter where you like it in the frame. 39. With your letter highlighted, right click in the work area.  If the letter becomes deselected, it is easiest to choose it again from the film strip.  After you right click, an Object Properties box opens in the screen. 40. In the Object Properties box choose Motif fill . 41. Click Options. 42. For Motif 1, choose Group Universal, Category E Scrolls, 6. 43. Place a Check next to Use Motif 2. 44. For Motif 2, choose Group Universal, Category E Scrolls, Pattern 6. 45. Check Mirror for Motif 2. 46. Change the Horizontal Offset to 50% and Vertical Offset to 25%. 47. Click OK. 48. Left click on the medium purple to change the letter outline color. 49. Right click on the medium purple to change the letter fill color.  Changing the letter color places a color stop for your embroidery machine. 50. Click OK.

Page 3 of 5 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. 5D, DESIGNER, AND VIKING are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

51. Left click outside the letter to see the scrolls.  Notice the stitching order in the Film Strip.

52. Click on the letter in the Film Strip. 53. Click Move to Back of Design so the letter will first.

54. Select File. Click Save As. Title the file as Feather Frame and save as a .4qb file type. 55. Click Preferences. 56. Under Embroidery Export, choose a Triple stitch with a stitch length of 2.5 mm, place a check next to Center Start and Finish, Free-motion Effect is None and there is NO check next to Include a line around my Quilt Block. 57. Click OK.  Until this step we had been working with paths not . When you click Export as Embroidery File, these settings will take effect.

58. Click Export As Embroidery File . 59. Title the file as Feather Monogram and save as a .vp3 file type. 60. Click Save.  Make sure you know where (what folder) you are saving your design. We will be calling it back up in the next step. Write it down if necessary. 61. Click Save.

Page 4 of 5 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. 5D, DESIGNER, AND VIKING are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

™ Split the Design for the DESIGNER Majestic Hoop

62. QuickLink to 5D™QuiltDesign Embroidery Splitter . 63. Click Open Embroidery. 64. Find and open the design you named Feather Monogram. 65. Click Open. 66. Click Next. 67. Choose the Hoop size 360 x 350 mm, Orientation Vertical, Split Method Intelligent with a Tolerance of 3 mm, Alignment Stitch as Cross. 68. Click Next. 69. View each section by clicking the view arrows. 70. Click Save All Embroidery Sections. 71. Add “Ex” to the file name. Click Save.  The Ex at the end of the file name will remind you that the embroidery is ready to be stitched out. 72. Click Next.  Notice the different print options for the design.

73. Click Finish.

Enjoy your Majestic Monogram pillow!

Page 5 of 5 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. 5D, DESIGNER, AND VIKING are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

Embroidery with HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator Part 2 - Endless Embroidery By: Soni Grint

Make this fun Endless Embroidery in HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator. Learn to use the knife tool then clean up the results. Properly adjust the stitching order and add paths as necessary. Create your own stitch and use it to make your embroidery special.

Cutting the path

1. Open HUSQVARNA VIKING® QuiltDesign Creator . 2. Choose Start a New Work Area. 3. Click Next. 4. Choose the Fabric Width as 260 mm and the Machine Reach as 150 mm.  This size simulates the size of the Mega Endless hoop. 5. Click Finish. 6. Click Preferences . 7. Ensure the Grid is 10 mm, Highlight Start and End Control Points is set to For All Objects when Selected and Design Route is Freehand Route. 8. Click OK. 9. In the Create menu, click MiniPics.

Page 1 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

10. From the C:\ProgramData\VSMSoftware\ 5DQuiltDesign\MiniPics\ Line\Holidays & Leisure folder, choose 09_Star 1.mini. 11. Close the Minipics Viewer. 12. Zoom in to the top of the star. 13. Ensure the star is highlighted.

14. Click the Knife tool. 15. Left click between the top point of the star and the left point that is next to it. 16. Move your mouse, drawing a line to the inside of the star, cutting through the star at the connection of the top and left points. 17. Left click. 18. Move your mouse toward the right, below the connection between the top point and right point. 19. Left click. 20. Move your mouse up, between the top point and the right point, cutting through the star at the connection of the top and right points of the star. 21. Left click. 22. Right click to end the tool.  Notice that the film strip has changed. There are two paths that now make up the star. 23. Highlight the bottom (larger) group. 24. Click Delete. 25. Click the plus sign in front of the path to open the group  Each person will have a slightly different set of paths because of where the cuts were made. We need to clean up the paths and adjust the order. 26. If you have any small pieces, highlight and delete the paths. 27. Click the Design Player . 28. Click Play and watch how the path is formed. 29. Click Close. 30. Ensure that you start and stop in the same position.

Page 2 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

 Use the Film Strip and move the paths so that the order is Largest point on top and line at the bottom. To move, click on a path and click the Move Backwards or Move Forwards icons.  If the object (path) needs to be reversed, go to the main tool bar Objects and Reverse Path.  Use the Design Player as necessary.  If you see a red line that disappears when you play the design, that is a jump that needs to be eliminated. 31. Click Zoom to Fit.

Creating the Endless Design 32. In the Film Strip, click on the full group. 33. Move the group to the left of the work area, aligning the top left corner of the bounding box at 10 / 20.  Use the first number (10) for the horizontal ruler and the second number (20) for the vertical ruler. 34. Enlarge the group until the bottom right corner of the bounding box is at 50/70. 35. Duplicate the group . 36. Flip Vertically. 37. Move the new group down and to the right so the bottom right of the previous path touches the top left of the new path. 38. Click Design Player. Click Close.  Notice there is a jump (red line) when the path goes from the top path to the bottom path. 39. Create a new path to get rid of the jump stitch by left clicking on the medium purple color in the Quick Color Palette.  The purple color was chosen so we can easily identify the new line and where it will be placed. 40. Click Polygon Draw in the Create menu. 41. Left click just above the upper left point in the second path. 42. Left click just above the upper right point in the second path. 43. Right click to end the tool.

Page 3 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

44. Click on the purple line. 45. Move the purple line so it is just on top of the line of the second path. 46. Click the Design Player.  The purple path moves in the proper direction but in the wrong order. 47. Click Close. 48. Highlight the purple path in the film strip. 49. Click Move Backwards. 50. Click Design Player. Play the design. Close the Design Player. 51. With the purple path highlighted, right click in the work area. 52. Choose the Summer Theme. 53. Click the orange in the first row, first column of the color palette. 54. Click OK.  By changing the color of the line there will not be a color stop when we Export as Embroidery Design.

55. Click Select All . 56. Click Group . 57. Click Encore . 58. Click OK. 59. Click Design Player. Click Play.  See the jump stitch between the groups!  We need to add a line to eliminate the jump stitches. 60. Click Close. 61. Click Undo. 62. Zoom in just below the top group. 63. Ensure that medium purple is chosen in the Quick Color Palette. 64. Click Polygon Draw in the Create Menu. 65. Left click just below the bottom left point in the first path.

Page 4 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

66. Left click just below the bottom right point in the first path. 67. Right click to end the tool. 68. Move the purple line so it is just over the line of the first path. 69. Move the path Backwards. 70. Click Design Player, Play the design, Close the Design Player. 71. Highlight the purple path. 72. Change the purple color by right clicking in the work area. 73. Change the Theme to Summer. 74. Click on the orange in the first row, first column. 75. Click OK. 76. Click Zoom to Fit. 77. Click Select All. 78. Click Group. 79. Click Encore. 80. Click Design Player. 81. Click Medium Play.  Notice there are no more jumps! 82. Click Close. 83. Select File. Click Save As. Name the file Endless. Ensure the file type is .4qb. 84. Click Save.

Make your own stitch

85. Click New . 86. Choose Start a New Element. 87. Click Next. 88. Enter Size of Width and Height both 40 mm. 89. Click Finish. 90. Click Preferences. 91. Change the Grid size to 5 mm. 92. Click OK. 93. Click Polygon Draw from the Create menu. 94. Left Click while holding the CTRL key on the keyboard and place points at the following ruler markings: 5 / 20; 10 / 25; 20 / 30; 20 / 10; 20 / 15; 15 / 12.5; 25 / 17.5; 20 / 15; 15 / 17.5; 25 / 12.5; 20 / 15; 20 / 30; 30 / 25; 35 / 20

Page 5 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

95. Right Click to end the tool.  Adjust points as necessary using Edit Nodes. 96. Click Select All. 97. Click and drag the sizing handles until the path box fits in one grid. 98. Click Export to My Motifs.

Change a path to your stitch 99. Return to the Endless Tab. 100. In the Film Strip, click the plus (+) next to the first group. 101. Click on the + next to the group under the expanded group. 102. Click on the + next to the top group. 103. Click on the tall path. 104. Right click in the work area. 105. Choose Motif Line in the Line menu. 106. Click Options. 107. Choose Group My Motifs, Category My Motifs. 108. Click your new Motif. 109. Take the check away from Proportional and adjust the height to be 1 mm LESS than the width.  The size should be approximately 3.6 mm by 4.6 mm. Each size will be slightly different because everybody

Page 6 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.

changed the size slightly differently. 110. Click OK. 111. Click OK. 112. Click on any other path in the Film Strip to see your stitch. 113. Click on the + to the bottom group. 114. Click on the bottom tall path. 115. Right click in the work area. 116. Choose Motif Line in the Line menu. 117. Click Options. 118. Choose Group My Motifs, Category My Motifs. 119. Click your new Motif. 120. Take the check away from Proportional and adjust the height to be 1 mm LESS than the width. 121. Place a check next to Mirror. 122. Click OK. 123. Click OK. 124. Click on any other path in the Film Strip to see your stitch. 125. Adjust all outside paths as we did above for the top or bottom paths.

Export as Embroidery 126. Click Save as. Name the file Endless w flower stitch. Ensure the file type is .4qb. 127. Click Save.  This is the object file so you can make changes easily to this file. 128. Click Export as Embroidery Design. Name the file Endless w flower stitch ex. Select the file type required for your embroidery machine. 129. Click Save.

Enjoy your new Endless Design!

Page 7 of 7 ©2014 KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. VIKING is a trademark of KSIN Luxembourg ll, S.ar.I. HUSQVARNA is a trademark of Husqvarna AB. All trademarks used under license by VSM Group AB.