Congratulations Class of 2011 Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 23, 2011 OUR 121st YEAR – ISSUE NO. 25-2011 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Ciarrocca Named for Judgeship, Drops WF Council Reelection Bid By LAUREN S. BARR council, which expires in January. to be someone who “works really Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “I’m really honored by the nomi- hard” and “someone who would win WESTFIELD – Imme- nation,” Councilman the respect of the ward.” diately preceding Tuesday Ciarrocca said. He added Other Union County residents night’s Westfield Town that, “I just don’t think it nominated to the Superior Court by Council meeting, Third would be fair to the voters the Governor are Kenilworth Mayor Ward Councilman Mark of the Third Ward” to re- Kathi Fiamingo and Regina Caulfield Ciarrocca announced that main on the ballot given of Berkeley Heights, a trial supervi- he will be dropping his bid the “uncertainty of the sor in the Union County Prosecutor’s for reelection this Novem- nomination process.” Office. State Superior Court Judge ber due to his nomination Assemblyman Jon Frederic Kessler of Cranford was re- by Governor Chris Bramnick, who also nominated by the Governor. Christie to be a Superior serves as Westfield Re- The Third Ward council seat will Court judge. publican Committee be a three-way race in November While the Governor’s Mark Ciarrocca Chairman, said, “Gover- between Democrat Matt Sontz, Inde- nomination was made public on Tues- nor Christie has made a terrific nomi- pendent Greg Kasko and whoever the day, Councilman Ciarrocca’s appoint- nation” and he expressed his grati- Republicans choose for their nomi- ment to the bench hinges on a hearing tude for Councilman Ciarrocca’s ser- nee.