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THE NE First Read The Post ave Time, Money For News hop In Newark Of People You Know THE NE First Elected Director peale H ere City Council Enacts Five New II ATew Capitol Trail Elenl.en tary Ordinances On Tuesday Night School Building Site Sele " ed Also I " g il'l l (,l'S l'ilieiSlll of Siale Hi" hway D pl. il ,'eieel!''' I Loealt'll 011 Capitol TI'ail ('ur Dr. Paul Dolan, Retil':ng Head, Fo/' Fuilul'e To Help City In Upkeep Jllut'lio ll of llctll\lill non"; BOll ~. hl ]COl' Ma kes Annual Report Of Tl'aflic Al'teries S21,OUD "'I'U IlI F. ~ n. 1I1l'CUIIIl To Members Newark Cily Council enacted one0--------_____ 1 George Neighbors was el cted presi- ~ OlTicials of the Newal'l Specml an~~ :.~~ u ~~:~u nT~ )::~kai; g n~gnht tI~~ University A ''''OlL lICeS New d nt of the Newark Recreation As- A icall iUi,,/" Ral/ che/'s I~~~ltOU~r~~:~~ri~,tasanbne'~"~n~~~I.(';:::~e(t~~ ~ rpgular mcetlll/: of Council, but A rlt;llll.c,,(l Degr f'O In IIr"nan sociati on at a meeting of the organ- , elajllt Naliol/al S('ll/rrl(l / the erection of the n \\' Icment:l ry no action (m thc measure which R elaliol/S Will Be G ranted I IN'z'eat\viOan,'I< hNeledw Tcuee,s,tdua,:y in the H ILrtinl! l'lr eir BILsi n ess school building in thc C:1 J,l itol Trail d bcen desi l(ncd to limit parking 0 one hour on several treets adja- The University of Delawncr has an- Other offic rs elected at thnt timc The statement, that som ct hi ~g should a l'~~ e selected site was' purcha~crl from 10 the Ulli Vl'rsity of Delaware. ~10unced that ~ master of arts degree werc: Mrs. Alan Colbul'n, vice p resi-I be , done about .he s~anda l s In Wash- F. E. B. I\1cCann and Is located iust ci l read for the second and final In human relatIOns will be granted by dent; Mrs. Ivan Parsons. secretary; Ington rcgardlng' mm~ coats came back of Ihe former old school ~i tp n new city ordinance prohibit- the university in the future. and Mrs. A. H. BUl'nham, Treasurer. I from a n? \V so u~ ' ce thIS week . when on Capitol TI'ail ncar the junction of parking on the southerly side of The decision was based on the rec- Three new directors were clected to the Am erIcan mmk farmel's saId the Capitol Trail and Rcd Mill n . d b t Main Slreet between the Balti- ommendation of the committee on serve terms of thrce years. They were: I bad publioity w~ s hUI·ting their $100, two miles east of N wark. o~h :I P~~I rc and Ohio Railroad tracks and graduate studies to the university's George Neighbors, Fred Sposato, and OOO,OOO-a-ycar mdustry. Somcthlng. plll'chascri contains approximately t he city water towel' opposite the faculty. Mrs. Parsons. I they say, should be ? one. ightcen acres and thc price was re- Newark Country Club. The degree program will require 30 In making his annual report to the They saId the stones about ported as $21,000. Edwin Shakespeare Mayor Johnson announccd that ne- semester hours of graduate work, 24 members, Dr. Paul Dolan, retiring flgures II1volved In the scandals buymg of th e l'c:l1 state division of the Farm- gotintlons are still being carried out hOlO'S in course work and six hours president of the association, pointed mmk c oats- ~ r gettlllg the~ , as g~ft s-:- 1'. Trust Company acted as agent for with the studcnts and staff of the of thesis. ====. out Ihat the board has been follow- h~s put an unjust stigma on .hell· the boa rd of education in the ncgoti- un iv~rsity regarding the parking slt- It is explained that since this is an - Clarence If, Jlopklns ing so far as possible the suggestions I ploduct. ations. uation on W. Delaware Avenue, Amstel experimental program requiring a made by Weaver Pangborn, who was It has hurt business, . thcy com- Planned to house gradcs one through Avenuc, Kent W:lY, and Winslow Road high degree of individual r esponsibil- At the annual meeting of the board I'etained to make a survey of the city's I Dr, Walter H. BluGIler plall1ed, and asked the NatIOnal Grange six, the new schoo l will scrve that and for that rca son advised Council ity, "students should be expected to 0cfomdplarneCytorhseldofontheJanFUaarrmyer8s, TrCluars ~ rmeacdr eeatpioOsnSal"b l enebeydSt'heTNhieSwas l~krvSeYoro\pvta,,~ I Dr. Waltcr H., e >-ecu.tive di- and. the Amel'lcan Farm Bureau Fed- al'ea of thc Newal'k school district cast to d fcr for thc time being any action have a superior scholast,ic index upon ence H Hopkll1s prominent Newark mist Club which underwrote thc cost rector of the AmerIcan SocIety of erallo~ lO help . o(r,~et the false and of the city bounded by the school dis- on the ordinance which was due for admission. Personality and character, Planning OffiCials and the ASSOCIatIon damagln!,; publtclty. (ricls of Hockessin, Stanton and Chrls- its fina l reading Tuesday night. are important." bUSinessman, was elected a member of the survey.. of State Planning Agenoles. WIll be Harold . W. Reed. of Elkhorn; Wis., tiana. ------- of the board. Acccordlllg to MI. Dolan, the sug- . k . ' I . N' representing thp Mmk Ranchers Asso- School off' . Itt d th t th _ -- , 14 Year Old Y th Mr. Hopkins, who has been em- gestion of a full-time director of rec- ~~est spea f CI at t 1e annual cwm k ciation, wrotc that the vast majority li mina' pi IClaf s St~ e a I e r rc- Mayor Wallace J ohnson announced - ,,- OU ployed for many years by the Conti- reation was not carried out since the h amber h0 Commerce banquet to be of women wearing mink arc "l1oighl y schoo; I ~UiJ~ns o~ e ~ ew e eme~ ary ld vC this week that the n~xt meeting of the Cllarged With Theft nental-Diamond Fibre Company is at City Council did not consider i.t a nec- J: a.t t I~ Newark Country Club on respectable peoplc of discriminating and they \~:~f b: r e::~te~O~~ et~d Newark City CounCil will be h ~ l d on " prescnt secretary and trea s ur~r of that essary budget expense at thiS tIme, nU:l1 y . taste." district Board of Edl;cn ion at it.> r~ ~ Tuesday evening, January 22, In the Of Wa t c h. Wallets concern, and holds several OffICes WIth although the body did not wholly re- . ular monthl l' F ·'d · ;t Council chambers. , " companies associated \~ith the flrm. ject the idea. Mr. Pan g hor~ had re- Schedule ChauO'eu Newark Chamber Of 'rhcse PI~n~e s l~~7v onth~1 a~on~;eci . H? IS treasurer . and dIrector of the Ipo ~·t ed the nee? of a f ull-tIme dlrec- b" ~" building to be a one-slory, £ -SIr:aPCd In other action, Council passed an Newark Police 'Recover Two Diamond .state Fibre Comp~ny o~ Can- , tOt ~s a necessity. For Dental Exams COllllllerce To Hold structure of functional design con- ' Vallets ' Seek Public ada, Ltd., secretary and heasuler of MI. Dolan :l lso pOlllted .out that h e . • tnining at tlte pres nt twelve cla "- ~~~il~:~~~e:t~!~ I:t~~:tu~.~: i~ u~;~ i;ngdu~~ , H a~~g CorporatIOn; and IS at present has advocated that th ~ CIty of New- Of Newark ChIldren Banquet ElectIo n rooms and administrative offices. trial area; a law classifying those areas Help On Other servlIlg as secretary of the Newark ark ~ I so support wIth cIty funds a eom- . , Schoo l officials pointed out that whell brought into the city limits by the. Count~y Club. , mun~ty park for. the use of the com- Parents Urg'ed To Bring All the occasion demands, the addition of adoption of the new charter as RS. Newark poltce department announced He IS a graduate of Goldey College munl~y. No actIOn has been taken Dr, 'Vatter H, Blucher "Viii another wing would make it a U- districts; an ordinance regulating the thIS wcek that It had solved the case and. attended the Wharton Scho.ol of In thiS. endeavor. Children Not In School Speak At Annual Affair shaped structul'e containing 24 class- operation of motor buses on and over of the dlsappearmg wallets. and rma.nce of the Umvers- b In report tO J an_ 22, 23, 24 January 17 rooms. ~u s l~e~ h~~ fl~7,al d t~~ ~et~- the slt'eets of Newark; an ordmance A 14-year-old youth was appre- I y O' ennsy vania. fl~~~ dri~e h~da~e:I~~:~"~~:proxi~at e ;; Also included in the building is creatmg an election board of three hendcd and chalged WIth the stealing 2400 th O d th t flit d Mi ss Madha Coverdale Newark space desIgn cd to mcet the needs oC members, and regulating the methods o~ three w~lI e t s and a wrist wate~l Teen-Age Panel TO !t the s :~i1;:;~ga~)OO I :nd e~~h~~ aecct:i_ school nUl'se, announced th'is week a Ne\~a rk Chamber of Commerce will the community for a m ~e ~ing place and procedures to be used in all city II o~ the TI alnmg House on the Unl- • lies had increased the association's change in the schedule for the free hold .
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