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Political Information Sep 20, 2017 - California School Board Won’t let kids Opt Out of Transgender Lessons "There's no mandatory requirement," he told LifeSiteNews. The board policy directs teachers to "try to notify parents" when "something controversial comes up" but "doesn't require any accountability if the teacher doesn't do it," Burt said. Monday's board meeting was the latest event in a controversy that erupted when a kindergarten boy transitioned to a girl in class at Rocklin Academy Gateway and neither parents nor administration were told beforehand. True US History Sep 19, 2017 - Netanyahu is Setting up Israel Up as the Fall Guy for U.S.-Iran Clash ed note–‘chock full o’ goodies’ as we like to say here. 1. Note how our esteemed Hebraic author frames the sub-title, as if there were ANY FREAKING DOUBT WHATSOFREAKINGEVER that indeed it was Judea, Inc that pushed RELENTLESSLY AND BEGINNING A MERE MICROSECOND AFTER THE 9/11 ATTACKS for Iraq’s destruction. The record is there and the various names and characters making up the minyan who indeed pushed RELENTLESSLY for Iraq’s destruction is now part of the public record and anyone claiming otherwise is either a fool or a liar. 2. For those who can’t seem to wrap their mind around WHY there is this present ‘clash of civilizations’ taking place within La Kosher Nostra, with a gaggle of political gangsters on ‘the right’ (Likud) cat-fighting with political gangsters on ‘the left’ (Labor) this essay by our esteemed Hebraic author gives us a better perspective as to why this gangwar is taking place. As we have discussed here many, many times, the Jews are by no means a monolithic group, despite what historically has been the seemingly unbreakable cohesiveness of their war against Gentiledom. There are smart elements making up Judea, Inc and not-so- smart elements, and all anyone need do in better understanding this fact is to study the history of the war between the Jews and the Romans that led to the complete and utter destruction of Judea and the 2,000 years of persecution for ‘the wandering Jew’. First, a few notable quotables from our esteemed Hebraic writer’s piece– ‘The last thing that’s good for Netanyahu – and for Israel – is for international and American public opinion to suspect that he cajoled the U.S. president…The last thing that Israel needs is to be seen as having shifted attention away from North Korea’s ballistic missiles, which pose a far more acute danger to America’s national security, and that it forced Washington to deal with two major crises at once or that it played a key role in sparking a clash that ultimately leads to U.S. soldiers being killed in battle…’ In other words, Netanyahu needs to keep his bullying, badgering and blackmailing under wraps lest the Gentiles see it for what it is–Israel demanding YET ANOTHER war in the Middle East with America doing all the dirty work. Next– ‘If there is a sudden and serious deterioration in relations between Washington and Tehran over the next few weeks, Israel will be hard-pressed to deny that this is what it wanted to achieve all along and when things get complicated, as they always do, it will be easy to point an accusatory finger at Netanyahu and his country.’ AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 2

In other words, ‘when war breaks out, everyone will remember that Israel was the one pushing for it and we won’t be able to shut up those making such an accusation with the typical charges of ‘blood libel’ and ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’. Next– ‘A sudden spike in tensions with Tehran, never mind an eventual deterioration to actual war, would exact a steep price from Trump and the U.S. and if that happens, you can forget about the beautiful friendship between the two leaders: Trump will quickly blame Netanyahu for pushing him into such a dangerous adventure and if Netanyahu isn’t around by then, Israel will have to foot the bill for him, as it always does…’ No further explanation needed, it speaks for itself. The smarter elements today understand that not only CAN history repeat itself, indeed it WILL if something is not done to get the dumber elements under control or at least so that the violent, messianic and apocalyptic noises they are making these days aren’t so loud. Our esteemed Hebraic author knows full well that indeed it was his cousins who authored the destruction of Iraq–going all the way back to the early 1990’s –and that indeed it is these same cousins now trying to bring about the same process for Iran and that there is a good chance that this time it may have repercussions that cause Gentiledom to wake up and smell the gelfilte fish in all of it. It is this–and not the murder of 75 million Iranians that could very well get out of control and involve the Russians–that has him worried, that the trance in which Gentiledom is currently held whereby Jewish interests merely whisper a few sweet nothings into the ears of Americans in order to put them to sleep vis a vis the plan on the part of Israel to use America’s blood and treasure in furthering her messianic and Apocalyptic agenda will lose its magic properties and in the process, a repeat of the events of 70 AD which NO JEW ANYWHERE wants to see take place again. True US History Sep 19, 2017 - NJ Launches Welfare Fraud Amnesty After 26 Arrests in One Town

Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Syrian Migrant With 3 Wives, 16 Kids Handed 3 Chic Homes at Swedish Resort AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 3

"As citizens, we have a number of obligations. We also have rights - to safety and security, support and access to the welfare system. Non-citizens should not have the same rights. They have rights as a human beings, but human rights are less extensive than the civil rights," Ann Heberlein wrote in her opinion piece in the newspaper Expressen. "When citizens' and non-citizens' interest come into conflict, the citizen's interest should be given priority," she added, calling the practice of receiving economic migrants "morally indefensible." Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - US Led Coalition & KurdIShIS Proxies Attacking Syrian Army, Impeding Terrorism Fight Mj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov "The closer the end of the ISIS in Syria, the clearer it is who is really fighting with the ISIS and who has been imitating this fight for three years. So, if the US-led international coalition does not want to fight against terrorism in Syria, let it just be out of the way of those who are doing it continuously and effectively." Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - "Sovereign Nations" Is Main Theme Of Trump's UN Speech There was essentially nothing in Trump's threats than the claptrap the last two U.S. presidents also delivered. Trump may be crazy, but the speech today is not a sign of that. Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Wikileaks drops “Spy Files Russia”: 34 Base Documents on Russia’s Surveillance Apparatus One of Wikileaks' media partners for the release, the Italian newspaper La Repubblica reports that the documents cover "an extended timespan from 2007 to June 2015", and describes the contents as "extremely technical". It also caveats that the documents do not mention Russia's spy agency, the FSB, but rather "speak only of state agencies", a formula it asserts "certainly includes law enforcement, who use metadata for legal interception". It also says the documents do "not clarify what other state apparatus accesses those data through the solution of the St. Petersburg company". Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Google Hiring 1,000 Journalists in Effort to Control American News flow Of course, while the press release above tries to tout the shared financial responsibility of these 1,000 journalists, presumably as a testament to their ‘independence', it took about 35 seconds to figure out that the primary funder of the journalists' salaries, RFA, is funded by none other than Google News Lab.

Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Trump Vindicated: Report Says Obama Government Wiretapped Trump Campaign Trump's claim, and 's report, were mocked as a conspiracytheory, and other news outlets reported that there was no basis to the claims.

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Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 19, 2017 - Unshakable Assurance; one of The Greatest Gifts Anyone Can Possess. I encourage the readers to seek for the ineffable within, with an intensity greater than their passion for, or curiosity about, anything else. Perhaps you are aware of the reason for this, perhaps not. We will seek to clear that up now; anything you seek... anything you wish for... anything you desire and so much that there is, which you are, as yet, unaware of, are in the possession of the ineffable AND none of them can be appreciated or enjoyed without the consent of the ineffable. Lacking that... it would be better that you had never acquired any of it at all. Depending on how badly you wanted it, that is how great the disappointment will be. Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Iran Turns The Art of the Deal Upside Down

Iran is the key connectivity link in routes through both Central Asia and the Caucasus. Photo: iStockphoto/Getty Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Sweden’s Radicalized Leftist Kosher Media Monopolizes ‘Truth’ About Migration Sweden is no exception. Conglomerate groups Bonnier, Schibsted and Stampen dominate the media market. The following is a list of Sweden's top seven daily newspapers and their owners: 1. Aftonbladet, Schibsted 2. Dagens Nyheter, Bonnier 3. Expressen, Bonnier 4. Goteborgs-Posten, Stampen 5. Svenska Dagbladet, Schibsted 6. Sydsvenskan, Bonnier 7. Dagens Industry, Bonnier AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 5

The Jewish family Bonnier owns the Bonnier media empire, and the Jewish family Hjorne owns Stampen. Major international banks with Jewish CEOs - such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Bank of New York Mellon - own and control Schibsted publications. Among smaller publications and television, the pattern of ownership is similar. Even when the owners are not Jewish, the persons placed in controlling positions within the organization most often are. Yet, on the whole, Jews make up a tiny percentage of Sweden's population. There are only an estimated 20,000 in this country of 10 million... So we have a country, that just five years ago ranked among the world's top economies and high in indexes for quality of life and happiness, trying to face the economic, cultural and security burden of mass migration followed by civil unrest and coupled with attacks and propaganda by domestic and international radicalized Jewish-leftist mainstream media. Why does it matter who controls the media? Because the media shapes reality for the majority of the people and, in a democracy, that can be a very, very dangerous thing. Media dictates culture and controls politics. Politicians create laws. Next thing you know, a 70-year-old Swedish woman is being arrested for hate speech after complaining about migrants on social media. Constitutional rights be damned. - Torchy Blane September 18,


Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Word Games: Thought Police Label Speech as Crime On its face, a crime is a crime, and any ill feeling adjective used is very secondary. Of course the poison of cultural Marxism championed by the SPLC is designed to link dislike of other races or even individuals with a crime, even if no actual physical crime was committed. It has gone so far that the dislike might not even be intense, but more of a preference or an opinion. In the Brave New World that also is labelled hate and also racist...Speech is defined as "the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds." So if one were to simply utter something that hurt the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 6 feelings of someone of another ethnic group, race, or even age or gender, those mere words constitute a harm in the world of cultural Marxist -Social Justice Warrior shadow language. The dictionary and law, at least up to now, has defined harm as "physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted." Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Vital: The Real Dreamers are Elite Corporations Ron: In my view Jon Rappoport is correct in saying that Globalism is steadily destroying purchasing power and markets and in the process destroying many corporations that depend on having customers with ability to pay. However, I think he misdirects himself when he implies that the owners and controllers of mega corporations don't realise what they are doing and will eventually rue the result. Why? Because the banksters and key corporatists directing and controlling this process EXPECT to gobble up (ie bankrupt, liquidate and/or take over) all lesser corporations displacing their owners, culling their employees and retaining remnant workers on ever reducing wages and contracts. Indeed this has already been done to a large extent with the process being concealed behind nominees, interlocking shareholdings and the corporate veil, such that the REAL Talmudic owners and controllers remain hidden from view. The result is ever growing unemployment and under-employment and dwindling government social security payments due to declining income and other tax collections. Ultimately the top Talmudic banksters and corporatists expect that a very small group of gigantic global corporations controlled by a tiny cabal of Judaic owners will remain. Those corporate owners and controllers will then use the remaining mega corporations as the major operative control mechanism for their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Environment/Science Sep 19, 2017 - Bill Gates Funding MIT Development Of Micro Implants To Automatically Give Babies Vaccines Due to Langer's project funding coming from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, there is likely to be strong international pushback - particularly in India - where seven children died during clinical testing of HPV vaccines on children in state-run boarding houses for the poor - often whose parents were illiterate and didn't know what they were signing, according to a lawsuit that came before the India Supreme Court. Ron: Never mind. Ya can't make an omlette without breaking eggs and besides suffering "educates".Also, Bill Gates is a good guy, isn't he? Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Entire Volume Of CIA Files On Lee Harvey Oswald, Set To Be Released In October, Has “Gone Missing” The release in October has been highly anticipated by those seeking answers. However, thanks to a deliberate fudging or records, or a conveniently timed clerical error, an entire volume may never see the light of day. Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - Is the Individual an Outmoded Idea? Someday, an anthropologist will write a celebrated history of this country, and it'll be all about cultural trends and group customs, and no one will even remember there was such an idea as The Individual. Political Information Sep 19, 2017 - The Kurdish Question: Why Federalization In Syria And The Creation Of A Kurdistan Is A Very Bad Idea AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 7

It should also be noted that Federalization would have both strategic and economic reverberations for Syria as well as for Hezbollah and Iran whose land supply lines would be effectively cut, a massive strategic victory for Israel and thus for the "deep state" apparatus of the U.S. government who wish to see the destruction of all governments who do not bend to its will. In terms of geopolitics, it should also be noted that the Kurdish regions in Iraq as well as those being claimed in Syria, are both oil rich regions. With its Kurdish tentacles in control of this specific territory, both the United States and Israel not only have eyes and ears on the ground in Syria and Iraq but also have a stake in the oil that comes out of these regions. True US History Sep 18, 2017 - Is it really true that America’s richest 1% are ‘overwhelmingly Jewish’? (Repost) Ron: This article is typical 'rabbinical speak' from an individual who supports the HoloHoax LIE. For the truth about the HoloHoax see eg: DEPROGRAMMING-COURSE-II.shtml This article is sooo convoluted and disengenuous that it isn't worth a detailed critique but given The Saker's ad hominem rant about critics of the article I have added some comments. The second commenter on the article exposes much of the truth and hence the falsity of Eric Zuesse's arguments. The US is ruled by a Kleptocracy NOT an Aristocracy. The Talmudic US and global Deep State is controlled by Jews who self chose that name. The richest Jews like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes never appear on the FAUX "World Richest List" and global (not just US) control is exercised via privately owned corporate governments, Central Banks and humungous trans- national corporations all of which are controlled by interlocking shareholdings.  on September 17, 2017 · at 8:21 am UTC “which I presume is the standard, for what a “Jew” is, that those reader-comments were accepting and applying by their use of the term “Jew” ” -Yes, because everyone that is aware of Jewish influence is of course a Nazi… Rriiight. No, I doubt most of the commenters know anything of Nazi classification, obviously they mean Jewish classification of who is Jewish. Also, people don’t say that Jews run America and the western world and beyond because 100% of the 1% is Jewish, although the 0001% probably are (Rothschild and so forth). They say it because Jewish domination media, Bilderbergs, Academia, Hollywood, pornography, Jewish organization like ADL, censoring youtube. Jewish over representation in any organization that is anti-European, anti-American, anti-christian, anti-family. To use Russia as an example. When Bolshevism fell on the christian European Russians and caused pain beyond imagining, who ran the bolsheviks? “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish” When liberal democracy fell on the Russian in the 1990s and caused pain beyond imagining, who ran the liberal democracy? ” seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail

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Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin. That fact is incontestable” Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp My cartoon shows some of the central players involved in the Deep State. Prominently featured is . He wants to break America and Europe and see western civilization replaced by a feudal, collectivist, globalist system. Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Sep 18, 2017 - Seraphin Botschaft 311: FÜR DIEJENIGEN MIT GEBROCHENEM HERZEN Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Sep 18, 2017 - Seraphin BOTSCHAFT 310: SICH DAS UNMÖGLICHE VORSTELLEN Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - The Death Of Free Speech Is Imminent But now, media outlet RT (Russia Today), founded in Russia will have to register with the United States as "foreign media;" which will forever give it the inaccurate title of "propaganda." Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - Hungary Builds A Wall Hungary had to respond rapidly to the migrant influx which burst upon Europe after Germany's Angela Merkel announced there was "no limit" on the number of asylum seekers her own country would accept, so its frontiers are defended by twin fences peppered with watchtowers and patrolled by thousands of newly recruited border guards rather than a solid wall - which would have taken longer to construct. Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - From Prophesy to Reality – Gov’t Prediction Of 30 Year Terror Campaign Comes To Life The truth is a rather simple. All of the 2017 attacks have been carried out by the radicalised, with historical and family connections to countries that Britain, in its infinite wisdom, along with other major powers, decided to destroy for geo-political advantage against its perceived (economic or political) enemies. Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - Thousands Call On Press Regulator To Hold Inquiry Into In UK Media

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Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - Update on Greek Debt Crises–Why Syriza Continues to Lose To remain in power, Tsipras immediately called new Parliamentary elections, blocking with the pro-Troika parties and against former Syriza dissidents, in order to push through the Troika's $83 billion deal. This week, September 20, 2017 also marks the two year anniversary of that purge and election that solidified Troika and Euro banker control over the Syriza party--a party that once dared to challenge it and the Eurozone's neoliberal Supra-State regime. Human/Animal Rights Sep 18, 2017 - No Inquiry Needed: Grenfell Tower Fire Was a Crime As Alan Badiou reminds us, we are living in a world in which we have to "save the banks rather than confiscate them, hand out billions to the rich and give nothing to the poor, set nationals against workers of foreign origin whenever possible, and, in a word, keep tight controls on all forms of poverty in order to ensure the survival of the powerful." Political Information Sep 18, 2017 - Are Facebook and Google the New Colonial Powers? To qualify as colonial powers, Facebook and Google must effectively limit the choices and power of users, and punish or coerce those who question or resist their power. As the dominant corporations in search, social media and digital advertising, Facebook and Google limit the options of users simply by being essential due to their dominance. Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 18, 2017 - How to Stay Sane at a Time of Increasing Insanity The way to retain your sanity, your joie de vivre, your sensitive soul and your resistance to that which wishes to ensnare you, is to re find your connection with AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 10 nature: the natural environment. Preferably a largely uncontaminated nature; a nature that still breathes, that still lives out its predilection for diversity, beauty and rugged self- expression. Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 18, 2017 - Re-Enchanting the World Rosie Sep 18, 2017 - Seraphin Messages 310: IMAGINING THE IMPOSSIBLE, B WHAT WILL SET YOU INTO MOTION, inhabitants of earth? You have become stuck in a quagmire so deep that it is nigh impossible to haul you out. We cannot do it for you (NO MAGIC!) yet you can still “pull yourselves out by your own hair” if you make tremendous effort and exercise your imagination and develop your vision for this earth. There is SO MUCH in front of you, dear ones, if you but stop for a moment to contemplate the HUGE RANGE OF POSSIBILITIES rather than to soldier on bravely through your particular daily grind. We issue these thoughts to you at this time BECAUSE EVERYTHING WILL GRIND TO A HALT and you will be forced to consider these issues from a place of stillness and silence. Environment/Science Sep 17, 2017 - Evolutionist Mad Man Says he Found "Luca" From Darwin's Origin of the Specious Species to the present day, the case for "Evolution" TM must, by necessity, rely upon the classic logical fallacies that are so evident to philosophers; yet completely invisible to arrogant "theoretical scientists" emotionally attached to a dogma disguised as "science." This idiotic article by renown "science journalist" and author Nicholas Wade is no different. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - John McAfee Accidentally Just Revealed why Bitcoin is a Total Fraud The bottom line? Bitcoin is headed for failure, but cryptocurrency is here to stay. The most likely long-term scenario in all this is that we'll see a cryptocurrency backed by JP Morgan and the government - a blockchain with built-in NSA snooping and an identity layer so that all transactions can be tracked by the IRS to enable government confiscation and criminalization as deemed "appropriate" by the crooks in Washington. Human/Animal Rights Sep 17, 2017 - Beijing Start-Up Now Offers Sex Dolls For Rent Hoping to capitalize on China's infamous gender imbalance, as well as its online gaming culture which breeds hordes of lonely young men, it remains to be seen whether Ta Qu will actually be able to translate the sharing economy model to sex dolls. But hey, at least it's a better idea than shared umbrellas. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Iraqi Vice President Says Iraq Will Not Accept 'Another Israel' "We will not allow the establishment of another Israel in northern Iraq," Maliki said, following a meeting with the US ambassador in Iraq, as quoted by the Iraqi News outlet. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Syria Summary - Eliminating ISIS' Remains There is no more need for any U.S. intervention to achieve the total defeat of the Islamic State. While the U.S. president had declared that his country has no further interest in Syria but the defeat of ISIS, other forces within the U.S. ruling structure have likely AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 11 different ideas. We can expect some operations, by "independent" U.S. proxy forces or by "accidental" bombing, to hinder the Syrian and Iraqi government plans. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Head of YPG/PKK /SDF “Damascus Declared War on Us” Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Russia Shines Light on the Shady anti-Syrian Coalition of the US, Kurds and Jihadists Russia has made a statement with only two logical conclusions: Either the US and its Kurdish proxies are lying about the nature of an alleged strike on SDF positions or otherwise, the Kurdish led SDF is embedded among ISIS. True US History Sep 17, 2017 - Is it really true that America’s richest 1% are ‘overwhelmingly Jewish’? Ron: This article is typical 'rabbinical speak' from an individual who supports the HoloHoax LIE. It is sooo convoluted and dishonest that it isn't worth a detailed critique. The second comment on it exposes the truth and the falsity of Eric Zuesse's FAUX arguments. The US is ruled by a Kleptocracy NOT an Aristocracy. The Talmudic global Deep State is controlled by Jews who self chose that name. The richest Jews like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Bushes never appear on the FAUX "World Richest List" and global (not just US) control is exercised via privately owned corporate governments, Central Banks and humungous trans- national corporations all of which are controlled by interlocking shareholdings.  Anonymous on September 17, 2017 · at 8:21 am UTC “which I presume is the standard, for what a “Jew” is, that those reader-comments were accepting and applying by their use of the term “Jew” ” -Yes, because everyone that is aware of Jewish influence is of course a Nazi… Rriiight. No, I doubt most of the commenters know anything of Nazi classification, obviously they mean Jewish classification of who is Jewish. Also, people don’t say that Jews run America and the western world and beyond because 100% of the 1% is Jewish, although the 0001% probably are (Rothschild and so forth). They say it because Jewish domination media, Bilderbergs, Academia, Hollywood, pornography, Jewish organization like ADL, censoring youtube. Jewish over representation in any organization that is anti-European, anti-American, anti-christian, anti-family. To use Russia as an example. When Bolshevism fell on the christian European Russians and caused pain beyond imagining, who ran the bolsheviks? “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish” When liberal democracy fell on the Russian in the 1990s and caused pain beyond imagining, who ran the liberal democracy? ” seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia’s economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin. That fact is incontestable” True US History Sep 17, 2017 - Elite Epidemic: At Least 10 US Mayors Accused of Child Sex Crimes AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 12 in Just the Last Year True US History Sep 17, 2017 - Watch As Amazon Deletes Hundreds Of One-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton’s New Book Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Christians in U.S. Military ‘Serve Satan’ If They Tolerate Other Religions, Air Force Chaplain Says Hernandez continued: "Christian service members who openly profess and support the rights of Muslims, Buddhists, and all other anti-Christian worldviews to practice their religions- because the language in the Constitution permits-are grossly in error, and deceived." Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - 'Like a More Elegant 3rd Reich': How German Mainstream Media Mold Public Opinion Both state and commercial media all feed from the same small handful of sources, Brautigam explained. In Western countries, these are the major news agencies. The US has the Associated Press, the UK Reuters, France Agence France Presse, etc. They are the main resources on the market, and hence also the dominant voices providing information. Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 17, 2017 - Do Not let The World Distract you from the Possibility of your Eternal Peace Within. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Kadyrov in Chechnya vs. Soros in Myanmar One of the most important aspects of the Chechen influence is the fact that they offer an alternative for other Sunni Muslims of how to live peaceful, productive, modern, prosperous lives in the framework of their customs and beliefs in a secular society along the Orthodox Christians, Buddhists and atheists. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - New York Times: Spike the Food Supply with Sterilization Chemicals to Cause Global Infertility and Depopulation In the article, shown below, Dr. Ehrlich laments the fact that biologists believe, "compulsory family regulation will be necessary to retard population growth." In essence, he is arguing that the government should be in charge of reproductive rights, determining who is allowed to reproduce and who must be sterilized. To achieve the sterilization goals, he "urged establishing a Federal Population Commission ‘with a large budget for propaganda,'" reports the New York Times. He also called for, "the addition of a temporary sterilant to staple food, or to the water supply" in order to cause mandatory infertility. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - The West’s Quest to ‘Save the World Through Degeneracy’ The West's demand for new, post-Christian social and moral values is a particular danger to some of the countries that emerged from communism in the 1990s. Paradoxically, given Marxism-Leninism's claim to be the science of social progress, post- communist Central and Eastern Europe is generally far more traditional and - dare we say it? - Christian, if not particularly churchgoing, in its social conscience compared to the West. Perhaps that is because communist materialism was such a failure compared to consumerist materialism that the West provided much more fertile ground AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 13 for transforming an ideology of class struggle into a struggle against the spiritual and moral values upon which society is rooted. The paradox is that today the roots of what was once quaintly known as Christendom are still relatively stronger in the East - and thus must be destroyed. Hence the threats from western governments to some countries - Poland, Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, etc. - to improve their "human rights" performance on "gender issues." Hold a gay parade! Recognize same-sex unions! Pretend that boys can turn into girls and vice versa! Or else - sanctions! (Similar pressures are put on majority-Christian countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Islamic countries are oddly immune from criticism.) - James George Jatras Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Rohingya Genocide – Links To Corporatism, Geopolitics & Wahhabism Saudi Arabia's biggest exports are oil and Wahhabism. One of the Asian victims of Saudi Wahhabism is Bangladesh, which has turned extremist in the recent years. Many progressive and secular bloggers and writers have been murdered in the last few years; ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups (ABT, JMB) have targeted foreigners - for example, three Americans were hacked to death last year; and extremists have demolished many churches and Buddhist temples. As Bangladesh gets radicalized, so do Rohingya Muslims who live just across the border. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - Vladimir Putin and Russia versus Zionist Fairytales Every time I start researching for one of these stories I end up in a deep and dark rabbit hole of collusion and confusion. In each and every case I end up with Vladimir Putin stoically defending a position against wild assertions with no proof whatsoever. The big picture of the "game" by now is like watching a schoolyard name calling and finger pointing contest. The iconic bullies and thugs are on one end of the yard, while their target stands virtually alone looking as innocent as a lamb for a variety of reasons. It's become ridiculous, but there's always more. Political Information Sep 17, 2017 - US Seeks to Monopolize Cyberwarfare Cohen's proposal for an international framework to govern cyberwarfare simply seeks to define it in terms that leaves the US with both an uncontested monopoly over cyberwarfare as well as the means to wield it globally with absolute impunity. It would be not unlike current "international" frameworks used to govern conflicts between nations which the US has used to justify an expansive, global campaign of extraterritorial war stretching from North Africa to Central Asia and beyond. Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - French Workers Are Being Steamrolled by Macron, but They Could Learn a Thing or Two From India's Farmers Even more vulgar is the claim that the French state has no more money to shore up the depleted social schemes for the French people. Almost a decade ago - during the financial crisis - the French state hastily raised over 360 billion euros to gift to the private banks. ‘Nothing must be spared to prevent the crisis from worsening further', said Nikolas Sarkozy at that time. But the crisis of the French people is not be treated with such urgency. It is they who will be forced to pay to shore up collapsing social institutions, such as insurance schemes and pensions. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 14

Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - The Grand Guignol has the Wind at it's Back and the Precipice Before It. There is only one important consideration and that is the ineffable and what it means to us. It is said that the ineffable knows us better than we will ever know ourselves. The time will come though, ...when we know ...and see ourselves, through the eyes of the ineffable because the ineffable resides within us, unrecognized if we choose and incrementally more and more recognized as he sees himself through our eyes, as our eyes clear on the way, we acquire the eye of the eagle and the scorpion is no more. Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - Berlin, We Recommend you: Grab the Nato Bull by its Horns! The position taken in the SWP paper: "If a conflict broke out, the first wave" would impact the Nato armies in the Eastern Nato member states; in particular, Nato's new EFP (enhanced forward presence) [4]. The EFP includes four multinational Nato battalions in Estonia, Lithuania and Poland, one of which is commanded by the Bundeswehr. [5] [Ron: Compare this with the situation at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa in 1941. See eg: Did Adolf Hitler Save Europe From Communism? Save-Europe-From-Communism_printer.shtml The Jews running Germany and the EU are lunatics. Jews deliberately genocided the German nation in the 1940s and have emasculated the remnant using the US military as an army of occupation ever since. What's left of the German volk will not attack Russia FOR the Jews and if perchance Merkel and her YID controllers try to do that the Russian military will destroy such attempt almost immediately. by German Foreign Policy: While Chancellor Merkel and Macron have already met to discuss governing the EU together, Federal Germany's official think tank, the SWP, recommends that Berlin takes the military leadership of both the EU and Nato. Taking due note of President Trump's position (limiting US influence within the Transatlantic Alliance), the government's experts consider that there is an opportunity for Berlin to become the controlling mind of Nato in its counter-Russia operations. This opportunity has arisen because Germany has made massive investments in developing its army and creating multinational forces. Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - US Sanctions Continue to Backfire: China Opens $10 Billion Credit Line for Iran China is seen to be opening trade to the region as part of a trillion-dollar "One Belt, One Road" strategy to increase ties to Africa and Europe. China is the biggest recipient of Iranian oil, and accounts for almost a third of Tehran's overall trade. Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - Will the World Follow Israel in Recognizing Iraqi Kurdistan's Independence? Meanwhile, he added, "there are some positive factors from the Iraqi Kurds' point of view.

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"Under the pretext of a US intervention and the fight against Daesh, the Kurdish Regional Government was able to significantly expand the boundaries of its territory," Selcen said, adding that Lebanon could fit five times into the area of Iraq controlled by Kurds. According to him, there are deposits of minerals and fertile agricultural areas in Iraqi Kurdistan, where approximately six million people currently reside. "There is also some international support, but not in terms of recognition of independence. As you know, declaring one's independence does not mean being recognized as an independent state," Selcen concluded. Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - UPDATED: Did Russian Airstrikes Intentionally Target US backed Kurdish Fighters? Commentary: I'm still questioning: 1- if their were any airstrucks at all? 2- who exactly carried out the airstrikes? 3- How did the Coalition advisers who were assisting the YPG/PKK escape the strikes unharmed? 4- Knowing the US is looking for a pretext- will this now be a convenient excuse for "retaliation" against SAA- Who appear to have had nothing to do with this what so ever? Political Information Sep 16, 2017 - The Big Project: Humpty Dumpty, Israel and the "cool people" The ex-Pentagon official( Douglas Feith) asked rhetorically: "What is the situation? What changes are in order...would make the region happier, freer, more prosperous, more peaceful going forward?" He suggested leaders ''break out'' of the idea that the borders should remain exactly as they were before the war.

"Whether Syria can hang together as a state is a serious question. People should not be focused on...that humpty dumpty has to be put back together again," he said. Of course he wouldn't speak in such a manner if Israel was the humpty dumpty would he? Telemensajes de Otros Sep 16, 2017 - Serafín Mensaje 306: PARADA ABSOLUTA Serafín a través de Rosie Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Sep 16, 2017 - Nederlands: NAAR KWALITEIT EN JUIST EVENWICHT SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 312 door ROSIE David Crayford and the ITC Sep 16, 2017 - AMERICAN LAWYER --- 911, the BIG LIE; and Happy Fu@&ing Birthday CIA / NSA Hobie, you made the ITC's TOP 100 MOST WANTED LIST! STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU

"Clowns to the left of me,Jokers to the right, here I am,Stuck in the middle with you." --- Stealers Wheel, 1972 lyrics from, Stuck in the Middle With You TRUTH BOMBS AWAY

Dear Hobie, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 16

I'm a slave to what is happening, and Schmidt is happening, Dude! I didn't ask for any of it. Crayford even told a joke. I'm telling you, what's the world coming to?

We're coming back! is what the world is coming to. And you like the rest of the bad guys are a little bit closer to finding some serious trouble that you will eventually be unable to extricate yourself from. No one will be able to help you.

And major announcements are about to happen, Dude! Wake your a*s up! I'll be writing about them all real soon, and you won't want to miss it. Trust me. It's like Bill Holter says, There's gonna be some real Truth Bombs coming out. You just gotta be listening to the right frequencies.

And Crayford may be writin' somethin' too, you never know. I don't know, but the truth is Crayford's been acting all giddy and Schmidt, like he wants to dance and I don't know what he's up to, so we're just going to have to stay tuned to find out. And when I find out you'll be the first to know, I promise. You can trust me, I'm a lawyer. I'm American Lawyer. True US History Sep 15, 2017 - Ben Shapiro SHREDS Every at UC Berkeley (Full Q&A) Ron: Unsurprisingly for a Jew, Ben Shapiro appears to believe that Capitalism (with its attendant money meme and usurious banking) and the rule of (man made) Law are valid mechanisms for human life which validly underpin US society. They aren't. The US is a criminal Fascist state run by Jew banksters and corporatists. His beliefs on these issues make his views somewhat skewed and optimistic but otherwise his thinking seems sound. Targeted Messages Sep 15, 2017 - Lighting the Earth is ESSENTIAL RIGHT NOW Hi Everyone who reads here.. it is EXTREMELY important now during this manifesting "short period of controlled chaos" to work intensely on lighting the Earth. You do this by behavior and also during meditations or pauses thru your day deliberately drawing Light energy by whatever label you like INTO and Around the planet thru the genetic mind uplifting. When you are shoppng ... push that energy into the store you are in too and at your places of work. Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - Afghanistan in the 1970s before the US fomented regime change of the legitimate government II Translations - Others Sep 15, 2017 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 312: Verso La Qualità e Il Giusto Equilibrio Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - Poroshenko's Newest Achievement: $206/ton for American Coal Kiev, despite the extremely high prices, bought more coal for January, February and March than for the whole last year. In contrast it is noteworthy that, the US reduced the price for Norway. In Oslo, coal comes in at a price of $ 125 per ton. In 2016, it cost 140 dollars for Norwegians. In the same 2016, Washington sold coal to Ukraine

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 17 for only $ 71. In the same month, Ukraine agreed on a ruinous contract for American coal. Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - After being Turned Down by Iraq's Parliament Yesterday, the Barazani regime Now Tries to Make Kurdistan Independent by Force Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - Commemoration of 9/11: President Trump Prohibits any Reference Being Made to Bush’s Version of Events On the evening of September 11, 2001, the real estate developer appeared on the TV channel New York 9, and revealed that the official narrative was physically untenable: it is materially impossible for two planes to manage to bring down the twin towers, much less a third tower. Over time, Trump's affirmation has been adopted by almost all physicists outside the United States. Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - Free Muslim Immigration to Europe 1 Ron: And you thought that the avalanche of Muslim migrants into the EU was caused by the Libyan and Syrian wars etc! In fact the Jews started arranging this process back in 1995 and probably many years before that. Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - The War on Terror Has Targeted Muslims Almost Exclusively Maha Hilal: This year will mark 16 years of the war on terror - 16 years of military and militaristic means to allegedly abate the terrorist threat, but which have in fact terrorized my own community. Ron: 911 and its aftermath was meant to terrorise ALL USans other than the Jews and their shabbos goy enablers. Until USans, and gentiles generally, lose their divide and conquer mind set they will be unable to see the root of the problem. Maha Hilal: It taught me that religious freedom is a value that the United States cherishes, until of course Muslims try to claim it. Then it becomes a security concern. Ron: Yabba, yabba, Talmudic propaganda yabba. The US was a Chriatian nation and the US Jewish Deep State controllers have eliminated Christian teachings and symbols from US public schools and public life; has religious freedom for Muslims really been more negatively affected?! Are Muslims prevented from claiming freedom to practice their religion in the US? Political Information Sep 15, 2017 - The People of Afghanistan Have Had Truly Enough of Western Imperialist Barbarism ANDRE VLTCHEK: Many people in Afghanistan are actually dreaming about true independence, and most of them remember with great love, all the kindness and internationalism given to them by the Soviet people. Unlike the Westerners, the Soviets came here first as teachers, doctors, nurses and engineers. They shared with the locals all that they had. They lived among them. They never hid behind fences. To date, in Afghanistan, you say you are Russian, and dozens of people will embrace you, invite you to their homes. It is all in stark contrast to the Western propaganda, which says that Afghans dislike Russians! When it comes to Russia and China, yes, both countries acting in concert would be able to bring economic prosperity and social justice to Afghanistan. I'm not so sure about India, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 18 which is, until now, clearly sitting on two chairs, but definitely China and Russia are ready and able to help. Ron: Zbigniew Brzezinski used Muslim terrorists to attack the legitimate, democratically elected Afghan government which thus precipitated Soviet military assistance at the request of that democratic Afghan government on 24 December 1979. See eg: The CIA's Founding• of Al Qaeda Documented - Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk says that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. He also says:'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were fighting against a covert, PRIOR US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan just as subsequentkly occurred in Libya, Syria and the Ukraine et al. Sadly, the image below on the right, Taken by amateur photographer Dr. William F. Podlich in the 1960s, is likely to remain a reality for the foreseeable future. The two women are his daughters ... this and other pictures show westerners and Afghans in western-style clothing, clean streets, and buildings without any bullet holes. Female education was widely available in Afghanistan in 1979 until the US created the Muslim extremist death squads that sought to overthrow the democratically elected government there, as they have done more recently in

Libya, Syria and Ukraine. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - The Men Who Caused the French Revolution 1789 Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - EU Cash-Dumping in Africa Bolsters Unruly Regimes, Aggravates Migrant Crisis The problem really is the money going there in the first place, and the unpalatable relationship leaders of these regimes have with Brussels, who almost uncertainly pocket the money themselves. It is really the EU which needs to be held to account much more about its own graft in these countries which is fueling the Libyan refugee crisis. But who would do that? Macron and Merkel know what €20 billion of aid from Brussels and European states are doing in Africa. They are both guilty of turning a blind eye as they know this money is not improving human rights and creating jobs but merely strengthening unruly regimes who will stop at nothing to remain in power. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 19

Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Juncker Unveils Grand Vision For A United States Of Europe However, the most focused and principled attack on Juncker's plans came from Harald Vilimsky, of Austria's Freedom Party, which prompted Juncker to leave mid-speech, and once again demonstrated the deep splinters within the core of the Union, splinters which make the integration Juncker is seeking impossible. "What Mr Junker wants de facto is to force the European union into a single state, and we know that the euro is not a success story. The second thing Mr Junker wants is de facto to actually get rid of all the internal borders, we see 10,000, 100,000, millions of African and Arabs are going to be coming to our continent," said Vilimsky, who serves as the vice-chair of the Europe of Nations and Freedom party within the European Parliament. "They talk about having a defense union, but no we don't want that. What we want is Austrians, we're a neutral country in Austria, we do not want to participate in the defense union. The right road for Europe can only be the road where there is more democracy left to the people, more democracy left to the citizens where people can vote whether or not they want to have Schengen maintained or not, whether they want their borders or not. The vote has to be left to the citizen." Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Accused Of War Crimes, Saudis Investigate Themselves And Find No Wrongdoing Reuters continued: "The Joint Incidents Assessment Team said on Tuesday it had discovered mistakes in only three of 15 incidents it reviewed, and maintained the coalition had acted in accordance with international humanitarian law. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has long been running the coalition fighting in Yemen as the country's defense minister, a title he still retains." Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Leader is Professor Who Jokes About Dead Cops and Executing Students German Sep 14, 2017 - Das Erhellen der Erde ist gerade jetzt unbedingt notwendig Gezielte Botschaft Hallo an jeden, der hier liest – es ist äußerst wichtig, nun, während sich diese „kurze Periode des kontrollierten Chaos“ entfaltet, intensiv daran zu arbeiten, die Erde zu erhellen. Ihr tut dies durch euer Verhalten und ebenso während dem Meditieren oder in Pausen im Laufe eures Tages, indem ihr mit Absicht Lichtenergie heranzieht, durch welche euch genehme Bezeichnung auch immer, und sie IN und UM den Planeten herumleitet, durch Anheben des morphogenetischen Feldes. Wenn ihr beim Einkaufen seid, so bringt diese Energie auch in das Geschäft, in dem ihr euch befindet und auch an euren Arbeitsplatz. Health and Nutrition Sep 14, 2017 - Scientists Warn Chemotherapy Treatment May Encourage Aggressive Tumors and Spread Cancer Incredibly, it's been known as early as 2004 that chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival - with a five-year survival rate of 2.3 percent in AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 20

Australia and 2.1 percent in the US. (Also see: The Truth About Chemotherapy - History, Effects and Natural Alternatives.) - Carolanne Wright Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - 'Why [the] YES case is shoddy'. The first point is that religious freedom guarantees in this country are inadequate. This was agreed and documented in February’s Senate select committee report. Unlike many Western nations, Australia has no statutory expression of a stand-alone right to religious freedom. There are far greater legal protections in relation to sexual orientation than in relation to religious belief... this battle over rights will continue after same-sex marriage is legislated... while many people genuinely see same-sex marriage as an issue of non-discrimination, this was never its essence. It is an ideological cause seeking fundamental changes in Western society, laws and norms. It will continue apace after the law is changed. - Paul Kelly True US History Sep 14, 2017 - The Most Important Chart in the World Is Getting Uglier By the Day Ron: This article seems to be an advertisement. There have been signs of gross USD collapse previously and the system still floats... Presumably we'll only see a precipitate collapse if Universe Management allows it to happen. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Judgement Day for the entire nation Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - God’s Chosen executioners–‘I will shoot you in front of your mother’ – Israeli forces follow through on threat to Palestinian youth

ed note–but remember, those words pic’d above from the Torah commanding GAAAAWD’S chosenoids to kill every living thing in sight had NOTHINGWHATSOFREAKINGEVER to do with this execution, nor with the incessant bloodbath that as has taken place ever since this pack of maurading hyenas moved into the region, and if you doubt this for a moment, you’re a filthy anti-Shemite.

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Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Zionist Terrorism, from the Book of Genesis to present day Gaza and beyond–None Dare Call it Judaism II The last will and testament of Canaan read: "Love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." The Babylonian Talmud says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b. These five points have been the modus operadi of the Canaanites for three thousand years. "the Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre." The instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem (Genesis 27:39-41). Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us Jews, and that the Gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing.—Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812 Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Syria: As the Endgame Approaches In the next several weeks and months, how far the Syrian military goes and how sustainable its gains are before reaching the limits of its tactical and strategic reach will determine for certain just how tenable US designs are to permanently balkanize the country.

Attempts to drive wedges between Damascus and its Russian and Iranian allies are underway - particularly with Israeli strikes inside of Syria and attempts to portray Russia as beholden to Israel. The use of Israel as a provocateur to pressure Damascus and divert political, financial, and military capital away from critical battles will continue. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Wiki founder wins $1m Israeli prize Ron: Tell me again why YOU trust Wikipedia's content. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Greece, the Chinese Bridgehead in Europe However, against the backdrop of the "special" attitude of the European Union and, in particular, Germany, towards Athens, the debt crisis has significantly contributed to the development of the relationship between Greece and China. It is a well-known fact that one of the main tasks for the People's Republic of China is the implementation of the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR), which is set to create a unified transport system for Eurasia and Africa, which can then spread to other continents. OBOR has a subproject, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Route, for the implementation of which Greece is of considerable interest. In 2015, the Government of Alexis Tsipras stated that it was preparing to sell most of the shares of the managing company of the main foreign trade port of Greece - Piraeus. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - William Guy Carr - The Pawns in the Game Speech Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Gold Oil Dollars Russia and China At the September 5 annual BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China Russian President Putin made a simple and very clear statement of the Russian view of the present economic world. He AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 22 stated, "Russia shares the BRICS countries' concerns over the unfairness of the global financial and economic architecture, which does not give due regard to the growing weight of the emerging economies. We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies." To my knowledge he has never been so explicit about currencies. Put this in context of the latest financial architecture unveiled by Beijing, and it becomes clear the world is about to enjoy new degrees of economic freedom. Environment/Science Sep 14, 2017 - Big Ag Offers More Genetic Modification To Solve Crisis Caused By Genetic Modification This new form of genetic modification, however, does not produce a toxin - but produces RNA fragments that then affect the insects' genes. In other words, because Big Ag has created a crisis of overuse of dangerous pesticides, Big Ag is now providing a solution. This solution is more genetic modification, however. What was once a business plan has now become extortion. Much like the microcosm of individual farmers, we as a society are being forced to choose and forced to accept more genetic modification to address to the problems created by genetic modification. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Clark's Reveal Plans for Gender Neutral School Shoes "Over the past few seasons, following customer feedback and market research, we have focused on creating more unisex shoes and we are looking at a number of elements of our business to promote this gender neutral ethos, both on our website and within our stores. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Has the NYT Gone Collectively Mad? This use of speculation as fact is something to guard against particularly in the work of inexperienced or opinionated reporters. But what happens when this sort of unprofessional work tops page one of The New York Times one day as a major "investigative" article and reemerges the next day in even more strident form as a major Times editorial? Are we dealing then with an inept journalist who got carried away with his thesis or are we facing institutional corruption or even a collective madness driven by ideological fervor? Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - State-Sponsored Intimidation, or when FARA Goes Too Far The double standard that's being applied when it comes to Sputnik and RT should be clear for all to see, and it's that the American "deep state" doesn't tolerate foreigners having an opinion about the US unless they present it on a US-based media platform or on one of Washington's allies'. Otherwise, as the witch-hunting "logic" now goes, they're "foreign agents" possibly "spreading propaganda", and their outlets need to be registered as such with the intimidating "scarlet letter(s)" of FARA if they're foreign-funded. Even worse, the hysterical zeitgeist has now peaked at such a point that Americans are unable to talk about American-related issues (whether domestic or foreign) on non-American international media outlets publicly funded by a foreign government without potentially having to register as a "foreign agent" in their homelands, whether they still live there or emigrated already. Political Information Sep 14, 2017 - Iraqi Soldiers Greeted the Civilians of Mosul with Torture AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 23

What this indicates is that while western occupation allowed Iraq to sink into a swamp of sectarianism, the Arab Socialist Ba'ath party of Syria has maintained a government and armed forces that are multi-religious and even multi-ethnic. The emphasis on national unity, on Arab nationalism as opposed to religious extremism or neo-colonialism and a constitutional definition of equality between all men and women, has allowed all peoples of Syria to be Syrian first and foremost. Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - SAS soldier cleared of war crimes after cutting hands off dead Taliban suspects in Afghanistan Ron: "They HATE us for our freedoms". The Australian military had been occupying Afghanistan for some 12 years at the time of this prima facie war crime. It stretches credulity excessively to believe that such atrocities had not occurred before and it is totally unbelievable that Australian SAS troops did not know such behaviour was a war crime. Also, an obvious question is: 'What constitutes a suspected insurgent?' Imagine the screeching and outrage that would ensue if Afghanis were to sever the hands of dead Australian troops who are occupying their country and killing and maiming Afghanis in this way? Moreover, imagine how Australians would feel if Afghan troops came to Australia and did to Australians what we do to them. Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - SSM postal survey envelopes reveal same-sex marriage responses under torch light, prompting privacy concerns Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - Bystanderism The American people would have to realize that they are being led to their deaths by the Zionist neocon nazis who, together with the military/security complex and Wall Street, control US foreign policy, by the complicity of Europe and Great Britain desperate to retain their CIA subsidies, and by the harlots that comprise the Western media." Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - Playing the Rohingya card, Erdogan is Inciting the Muslim Countries to Start a Row with Myanmar True US History Sep 13, 2017 - How Marxists Hijacked Our Culture Ron: PLEASEE listen to this video with attention. Even if you understand Marxism and its Talmudic origins this succinct discussion of how the Marxist meme has conquered the US (and the West generally) is instructive. Although the Frankfurt School was crucial in spreading this disease its source is Judaism which formed and funded Marx's ideas and was responsible for the formulation of Wundtian Psychology, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Bolshevism, Communism, Feminism, LGBTism, Political Correctness and all the rest.The roots of the current destabilisation and destruction of the US polity and culture were laid by the Rockefellers, Carnegies et al at the turn of the 20th Century. See eg: Dumbing Down US Education: Part II – Wundtian Psychology & Rockefeller Finance. - _Psychol_3877.shtml

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Health and Nutrition Sep 13, 2017 - CDC-Funded Study Confirms Flu Shots Linked to Spontaneous Abortions… Vaccine propagandists are already beginning to panic over the news of this new study linking spontaneous abortions with flu shot injections. The CDC - a pro-vaccine front group that's deeply involved in scientific fraud - is invoking desperate measures to try to control the narrative. Via ABC News: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reached out to a doctor's group, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, to warn them the study is coming out and help them prepare for a potential wave of worry from expectant moms, CDC officials said. Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - The Pentagon’s 2.2 Billion Arms Pipeline Flooding Syria- German & Czech concerns? " It (the Pentagon) has bought up to $480 million worth of Soviet-style arms and ammunition for Syrian rebels since the switch in strategy, this investigation can reveal, from Afghanistan, Bulgaria, BIH, Croatia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Georgia, Poland and Serbia. The weapons and ammunition that the Pentagon is supplying to Syria are dispatched through a sprawling logistical network, including an army of arms dealers, shipping companies, cargo airlines, German military bases and Balkan airports and ports" Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - Bombshell Report Catches Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian Rebels The fact that Foreign Policy, which is the foremost establishment national security publication in the world, would admit that the Pentagon's Syria weapons procurement program is tied to East European organized crime is itself hugely significant. At this point the evidence is simply so overwhelming that even establishment sources like FP - which itself has generally been pro-interventionist on Syria - can't deny it. FP further reports that the Pentagon program "appears to be turbocharging a shadowy world of Eastern European arms dealers." And adds further that, "the Pentagon is reportedly removing documentary evidence about just who will ultimately be using the weapons, potentially weakening one of the bulwarks of international protocols against illicit arms dealing." Rosie Sep 13, 2017 - Seraphin Message 312: TOWARDS QUALITY AND EQUAL BALANCE "If this quality is lacking in your lives, then this is the result of YOUR LACK OF GIVING. If you do not give, your exchanges with others are UNEQUAL. This means that your flow is hampered by grudges you bear, chips on your shoulders, fear of committal or fear of unpleasant reprisal. All relationships – whether social, marital or business – must be BALANCED, and if all individual relationships are balanced and peaceful and fulfilled, THEN SO WILL THE WHOLE WORLD (OF WHICH YOU ARE A PART) FLOURISH IN HARMONY AND ABUNDANCE." Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - China crisis: Australia hurtles blindly toward an immigration AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 25 calamity Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - The Rohingya Psyops: Waging Covert War on Myanmar Ron: It appears that the British and the CIA have been fomenting the destruction of Myanmar since WWII and that most of the reporting of the plight of the Rohingya Muslims has been bullshit. Presumably Aung San Suu Kyi has been white anting Myanmar from the inside while the CIA directs Muslim terrorists to attack Buddist citizens from Bangla Desh. Will this Talmudic terrorist shit never end? Gearoid O'Colmain: Despite thousands of serious allegations of rape, pillage and mass murder committed by these Bengali immigrants in Myanmar, human rights groups and the ‘international community' have blamed all the violence on the Burmese authorities. Who are the Rohingya and why have they now become the focus of international attention? Why has the position of the Burmese authorities been ignored or dismissed? What geopolitical objectives could be behind an attempt to destabilise the country, as Burmese authorities have alleged?... Massacres against Buddhist civilians have been occurring on a massive scale in recent years. The Rohingya modus operandi is to blame the victim. Rick Heizman is one of the few researchers who has documented the ongoing genocide of poor Buddhist peasants by Western-backed Rohingya terrorists. His work has been ignored by the two biggest global crime syndicates of human rights terrorism Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - Israeli High Court won’t hear case of man claiming to be ‘Messiah’ ed note–Keep in mind that this is nothing new. For thousands of years throughout almost the entire history of Torah Judaism various individuals have come forth claiming to be the Messiah, or ‘Moschiac’. They almost ALWAYS INVARIABLY bring with them some military pedigree and engage in political/religious violence (per the prophecies dealing with the arrival of Moschiac as laid out in the Torah) in showing their bona fides but are always struck down by forces more powerful than they. The important thing that needs to be factored into this is that this–various claimants to the ‘throne’ of Moschiac–was/is/always will be one of the INEVITABLE results of the teachings of Judaism as laid out in the Torah as well as a glaring indicator as to why Jews maintain a posture of unmitigated and unrelenting violence against Gentiledom wherever they go, and whether it is in the type of violence as we see taking place against the ‘Ishmaelites’ of the Middle East or the cultural/moral/financial/political violence that is waged against those unfortunate Gentiles living in the countries of the West where organized Jewish interests remain dominant in those aforementioned areas of influence, the result is the same–the imposition of Judaic ‘values’ at the point of some sword against the well-being of Gentile societies as an expression of the Messianic madness that is inherent within Torah Judaism. Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 13, 2017 - Israel did 911. This is True the Day After as it Was the Day Before. It is one thing to have the favor of any regent in this realm and another thing entirely to have the favor of the regent of all realms. Once again; "If God is for me, who can be against me?" or... "greater is that which is within you than that which is in the world." So... what do AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 26 you do? Do you accept the appearance of strength from what has no substance? Is the ineffable real or not? This is a question you must answer for yourself. People do not realize how great is the power that sleeps within them, nor do they realize what happens when it wakes up. Agitate and irritate the sleeper within. Trouble the sleep of the divine with your meddlesome prayers. Be relentless! Make him shout, "Don't make me come down there!" Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - Does Europe have a Death Wish? Every member country knew that by joining the EU it would be giving up part of its sovereignty, but the primordial duty of any government is to protect the state and its citizens, and if a member country is denied the fulfillment of that duty it will have no choice but to refuse to accept that ruling, and if necessary, withdraw from the Union. Poland and Hungary have already declared that they will not recognize the ruling and it remains to be seen if other countries will follow suit and, if they do, what the bureaucrats in Brussels will do about it. French Sep 13, 2017 - French: Dr Peter David Beter - Lettre Audio N° 61. Traduction française : G. M. AKUÉ. Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - 9/11 and the Unsolvable Afghan Drama With 9/11 fading into the past, there are now two possible solutions for Afghanistan: one involves the US while the other focuses on Asia French Sep 13, 2017 - French: Dr Peter David Beter - Lettre Audio N° 59. Traduction française : G. M. AKUÉ. French Sep 13, 2017 - French: Dr Peter David Beter - Lettre Audio N° 56. Traduit de l'anglais par G. AKUÉ French Sep 13, 2017 - French: Dr Peter David Beter - Lettre Audio N° 54. Traduit de l'anglais par G. AKUÉ French Sep 13, 2017 - French: Dr Peter David Beter - Lettre Audio N° 02. Traduction française : G. M. AKUÉ. Political Information Sep 13, 2017 - Using Leftist Psychology to Hasten their Destruction: Part II True US History Sep 13, 2017 - Using Leftist Psychology to Hasten their Destruction Ron: This is a good video but I disagree with the view that income levels predominately determine allegiance to Leftist ideology as discussed. IMHO the bulk of the US and global population are either relatively new souls with limited experience and conscious understanding of life the universe and everything, or spiritless robots, and hence they are easily mind controlled and "dumbed down" by diabolical Talmudic cabalists and their cyborg puppets and mercenary elitist shabbos goy enablers. It follows that the satanic cabalists and their puppets and enablers (whether the puppets and enablers are fully aware of the Talmudic criminal conspiracy to despoil and enslave most USans and the global population or not) accrue the lion's share of global wealth so they will be in the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 27 top income and wealth classes. And of course the rest of the population will be in the low income and poverty brackets. The primary mechanism for the despoilation, impoverishment and enslavement of USans and the global population is the money meme and monopoly control of money creation and its usurious distribution by Talmudic banksters and their gentile enablers. Another core mechanism is the the corporate legal fiction which gives fictive corporatie personhood to lifeless bits of paper which enables banksters and their corporate brethren to hide behind the corporate veil to conceal the fact that they use interlocking shareholdings to own most governments and almost all global industry and infrastructure without most people knowing or even suspecting that fact. Blonde in the Belly of the Beast is correct in assessing that people like Hilary Clinton and George Soros have embraced the complete absence of a moral compass. However the reason for that in the case of all those whose actions are consistently Talmudic is either that they have consciously embraced Talmudic social conditioning based on the genocidally delusional Torah ideology inculcated from cradle to grave in Judaism; or are cyborgs or have otherwise become mind controlled by Talmudic ideology exacerbated by sociopathic indifference and greed. For instance Clinton and Soros and many others, like eg. Barrack Obama, have been replaced by the satanic global matrix controllers using cyborg human doubles whose brains have implants as well as being infused with the memories of the originals taken before they are killed or die. See eg: Everything You Wanted to Know About Robotoids And Clones - otoids_And__864.shtml See also: Robotoid Humanoids, Robotic RNA/DNA Double.- And: Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another See: Implant-Chip-That-Controls-The-Brain-Allowing-Thoughts-Memory-And-Behavior-To- Be-Transferred-From-One-Brain-To-Another.shtml And: Humanoid Stand-ins of World Leaders - Dr. Peter Beter. See: World-Leaders---Dr-Peter-Beter.shtml Dr Peter Beter - Audio Letter No 47 - Topic #1--THE SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND OF THE RUSSIAN ROBOTOIDS. Topic #2--THE RUSSIAN STRATEGY TO DISMANTLE BOLSHEVIK POWER, See: Dr Peter Beter - Audio Letter No 46 - Intro & Topic #1--NELSON ROCKEFELLER'S REVENGE FROM THE GRAVE Topic #2--THE COSMOSPHERE SHUTTLES TO PREVENT NUCLEAR WAR See: It should also be noted that perhaps half of the global population are robots, ie genetically modified spiritless biological entities who have no direct connection with the Creator and hence no inherent moral compass. Robots can become enspirited if they reach the "I AM" thinking stage and begin to act morally but a relatively small percentage achieve this. These entities almost invariably imitate the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 28 herd mind which explains the vacuous, mindlessness of most Libtards and the masses generally. See eg: APPENDIX 3. CLONES, SYNTHETICS, ORGANIC ROBOTOIDS AND DOUBLES - CLONES-SYNTHETICS-ORGANIC-ROBOTOIDS-AND-DOUBLES.shtml Robots are not “organic robotoids”—artificial robot-like living creatures that simulate human beings which were developed and used in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Hatonn states that: ' Spring of ’79 Russia had begun to deploy this astonishing new Intelligence weapon. Those were the “organic robotoids”—artificial robot-like living creatures that simulate human beings. By introducing the robotoids, the Russians were able to make a shambles of the Bolshevik plans then in progress. Preparations were moving fast for a new Bolshevik socialist revolution right there in the United States, but the Russian robotoids stopped it cold. The major problem—then as now—the Zionist Elite have no real loyalty to any cause save their own so that which comes forth is utilized in any manner necessary to gain their own desires and the “host” factor is usually done-in while the wolf hides behind the lead-sheep’s wool.' Human/Animal Rights Sep 12, 2017 - Tony Abbott on Why Same Sex Marriage Would Fundamentally Change Society This week in Quarterly Essay, a "safe schools" supporter, Benjamin Law, said that "it might be stating the obvious but same sex marriage is far from the final frontier in the battle against " - prompting the equally obvious question: how can parents keep gender fluidity programmes out of schools here in Australia when gender fluidity has entered the Marriage Act? If the advocates for same sex marriage can't demonstrate how freedom of speech, freedom of religion and parental choice will be protected in their brave new world, they're asking voters to sign a blank cheque. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - From 9/11 to Antifa–An Eye Opening Point Of View It is very important to stop this madness that now threatens humanity and America and see it for what it really is. It's censorship re-packaged as "anti-fascism" and anti- hate. It's the rolling out of the thought police and the ushering in of the new global order Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Saturated in Propaganda, Even The Rich Think The System Has Failed Let's not kid ourselves here. Much of the west as we know it is a guided (or managed) democracy, which by definition is either a de facto autocracy or an oligarchy. This ‘system' has failed. Capitalism is forever at war; propaganda is its forward battleground. The violence it propagates is abstract. Austerity, a construct of ideology and not economics, is a device to convince the majority into agreeing to taking low pay, to increased poverty and denying good education and healthcare services for the good of the country. When the masses see through its thin veil the violence becomes more real. The enemies arrive at our shores. Threats of terrorists, rogue nations, nuclear attack and WMD are the sure signs that oligarchic neoliberal capitalism, the historical root causes of war, has reached its crest, the wave about to come crashing down.

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If the propaganda machine starts to tell us we are under threat from an evil foreign force, when they start creating the motivation for us to go and kill and die for them, history tells us what is coming next is not good. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - NATO’s Anarchist Brigades Presented in the West as the realization of a friendly utopia, the brand new « Rojava » is in reality a colonial state, designed and cemented in blood by Washington. This time, the plan is to expel the populations of the North of Syria and replace them with people who were not born there. In order to implement this ethnic cleansing, the Pentagon and the CIA have mobilised combatants from the circles of the European extreme-left. Thierry Meyssan reveals this insane project which has been ongoing for the last eighteen months. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Qatar: The New Victim of “Regime Change” Agenda ? What, as such, has been termed as a policy of "royal sheikh-up" seems to the staging ground for a much bigger crisis in the Gulf than we have so far seen since this June, when Saudia Arabia and its principal allies in the region started Qatari boycott. Qatar has so far been successful in defying Saudia's hegemonic impulses. And, from the Saudi perspective, if this defiance continues in the same manner, Saudi Arabia will end up facing yet another defeat after Yemen and Syria-hence, the initiation of "regime change" policy. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Calls To Imprison "Climate Change Deniers" Grow In The Wake Of Hurricane Irma And while we're not sure if imprisonment is the right punishment, it does seem a bit outrageous for a Georgia Tech climate scientist to challenge the opinions of both the Pope and Sir Richard Branson on climate change...who does she think she is ? Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - private search engine : search engines that don't track you True US History Sep 12, 2017 - Duck Duck Go vs. Google Search Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Sep 12, 2017 - Nederlands: VOOR DEGENEN DIE MET DROEFHEID GESLAGEN ZIJN SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 311 door ROSIE True US History Sep 12, 2017 - DuckDuckGo sees massive surge in users, after Google censorship Human/Animal Rights Sep 12, 2017 - "The Truth about Your Activism" | Candace Owens | TEDxMSJC Human/Animal Rights Sep 12, 2017 - Rape Vs. Regret: Here's the difference Environment/Science Sep 12, 2017 - Controlling Hurricanes: Harvey, Irma, And Now Jose? ( Dane Wigington ) Ron: Discernment required. Dunno how accurate these conclusions are. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 30

Rapes have skyrocketed in Sweden over recent years. Authorities have claimed that this is due to the definition of rape being changed, but the spike occurred long after the change was made. Sex crimes in the country have doubled since 2012. The most recently available statistics showed that immigrants were 5.5 times more likely to carry out sexual assaults. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - US on Collision Course with Syrian Forces in ‘race for Deir ez-Zor’s Oil fields’ "Even though the Syrian army and the Russian air assistance has basically taken over the place, the United States really wants to maintain that area. They want to occupy it with the help of the Kurds." "I think the United States has the intentions of building a base there. The US has political and strategic intentions for that region; aimed principally at trying to maintain influence in neighboring Iraq ultimately." Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Fake 9/11 Activism on 9/11. “Saudi Arabia was Behind the Attacks” Calling for the official release and publication of the 28 page classified section of the joint inquiry report pertaining to Saudi Arabia is an obvious red-herring. The objective is to confuse matters, create divisions within the 9/11 Truth movement and ultimately dispel the fact that the 9/11 attacks were a carefully organized False Flag event which was used to declare war on Afghanistan as well as usher in sweeping anti-terrorist legislation. Both the Congressional inquiry as well the 9/11 Commission report are flawed, their objective was to sustain the official narrative that America was under attack on September 11, 2001. And Graham's role in liaison with the CIA, is "damage control" with a view to protecting those who were behind the demolition of the WTC towers as well sustaining the Al Qaeda legend, which constitutes the cornerstone of US military doctrine under the so-called "Global War on Terrorism". Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - No Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - A People and a Faith are Held Hostage to the House of Saud If the king of Saudi Arabia still holds to its title of Custodian of the two Holy Mosques - a title ibn Saud keenly granted himself to silence all detractors, and somewhat bestow upon his kin divine anointment ... if not appointment, the House of Saud has only ever acted a landlord and an owner of ... Custodianship here is but a pretty euphemism aimed at hiding a terrible truth. To put it simply the House of Saud ambitions to rule unchallenged over the Islamic world - 1.5 billion souls, by sitting itself sanctified over a world faith. I would venture and say that the kingdom is the greatest colonial power of all since its ambitions exist beyond just land and power, and instead aim to acquire the divine. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Syria Summary - A New Clash Looms in Syria's East The Syrian government again pointed out that U.S. (and Turkish) forces on its ground are uninvited and that their presence is illegal. The Russian foreign minster made the same point in a press conference today. Yesterday the Turkish president said "we mustn't allow foreign AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 31 powers intervene in Syria to serve their own interests." (His palace seems to lack mirrors.) These are clear signals to the U.S. that its presence and that of a U.S. proxy forces in Syria will not be condoned. Environment/Science Sep 12, 2017 - Warm Antarctic Caves Harbour Secret Life & 91 NEW Volcanoes Beneath Antarctica’s Ice

Covering this subject makes very, very clear to me that we very little understanding of our complex planet and it's many, many intricacies. Political Information Sep 12, 2017 - Top UN Rights Official Warns of ‘ethnic cleansing’ Against Myanmar Muslims Amnesty said, based on interviews with eyewitnesses and analyses by weapons experts, there was "targeted use of landmines" along a narrow stretch of the northwestern border of Rakhine State that is a crossing point from Myanmar to Bangladesh for fleeing Rohingya Muslims. "All indications point to the Myanmar security forces deliberately targeting locations that Rohingya refugees use as crossing points," Amnesty official Tirana Hassan said in a statement Sunday. Environment/Science Sep 11, 2017 - 7 Suppressed Technologies That Could Have Changed the World Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - AT HOME IN GAZA FOR EGERIA "It was the West, and principally England, America and others who loosed this wild animal known as the Jewish state upon the world. They were the ones who fell for all the ploys employed by the mangy mutt in the cage about how “persecuted” and “misunderstood” he was and how he had been “rehabilitated” by the 2,000 years of containment following the destruction of Israel by the Romans in 70 AD. Like some stupid parole board who decides to grant freedom to a deranged, psychopathic killer based on the fact he now quotes Shakespeare and paints nature scenes on canvas, and despite the fact he murdered and ate dozens of innocent people, so too did the West grant freedom and parole to an organically-criminal subculture of people by–not only giving them land occupied by someone else, but also arming them to the teeth and giving them all the political/financial assistance they required". Mark Glenn, Dogs Will Be Dogs–Israel’s Latest Slaughter of the Innocents Just Business as Usual Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Hebraic Senator Dianne Feinstein Attacks Judicial Nominee’s Catholic Faith ed note–it goes without saying it, but we’ll say it anyway– CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE the Jramatic campaign–tsunamic and volcanic–of screeching, hollering, shrieking, screaming, kvetching, robe-rending, knuckle-biting, face-clawing, etc that would ensue if some non-Goysiche nominee for some governmental post, even as far down as the county dog catcher in Cobb County–were attacked by a Gentile lawmaker of ANY PERSUASION–Christian, Muslim or whatever–because of what their ‘faith’ encompassed? AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 32

Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Must Read–Gentiles and Yom Kippur ed note–apologies for the oftentimes rambling and incoherent delivery of our esteemed Hebraic author, but if you pay attention specifically to the points highlighted in red, you will be able to grasp immediately the inherent madness known as Jtosis which afflicts the author right away. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - From the Bastille to the Boulevard: The Long History of Jewish Revolt ed note–‘Chock-full’ of goodies, as the saying goes. 1. Note how Abbie Hoffman utilizes the ‘anti-Semitism’ weapon in order to be granted access into the inner sanctum of the very place he intends to assault with his Judaic venom, a lesson to be considered in each and every instance where someone of the Hebraic variety or a pack of them start howling similar charges. 2. Note as well that if this same article were written word for word by a Gentile, alleging that Jews are by their very natures geared towards undermining all Gentile order, that such-and-such authors would be accused of –drum role please–‘anti-Shemitism’. How- AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 33 freaking-ever, when Jews write essays of this type espousing the very same thesis, including listing mass-murderers such as Trotsky and underscoring how Jewish he really was, it is seen as a CELEBRATION of Judaic victory over Gentile society and therefore praised. But of all this, probably the most revealing and profound statement came from Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Brandes, who is quoted in the essay thus– ‘Basically, Judaism does not accept the cultural and social assumptions around it – and therefore it has an inbuilt revolutionary position…Abraham fought the war of monotheism, Moses set out on a battle against slavery, and the Hasmoneans revolted against the Romans. There is something built in to Judaism that says: ‘We don’t work with the whole world, rather we are against the whole world.’ Please, all of you out there with your constant chirping and trying to make a case out of ‘Khazarism’ and ‘duh Taaaaalmud’ in drawing a dividing line between ‘real’ Jews and ‘fake’ Jews, note–in the words of the ‘good Rabbi’ himself, that Abraham, Moses, and the Hasmoneans predated the Khazars and Talmud by THOUSANDS of years.In other words, the Jews of today, with their contested bloodlines and with their ‘new and improved’ religious writings are just like ravenous adult wolves who started out as cute, adorable pups that you just want to cuddle and hug. Targeted Messages Sep 11, 2017 - Hurricane Irma Irma is another superstorm. It is very likely going to go up the eastern Atlantic seaboard and come onto land around Washington DC or there abouts. If you have not prepared.. best get it done if you live in that zone and realize this is going to affect shipping too. I may add links inside this later. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Russia’s UN Peacekeeper Plan Anticipates US-Backed Kiev Offensive The deployment of UN peacekeepers to the conflict zone may not be sufficient to prevent the US-backed regime going on the offensive. But at least the presence of more international monitors might allow for more critical information on which side is pushing the violence. Certainly, the OSCE monitors already in place are totally unreliable despite their claims of impartiality. Indeed, the OSCE as presently formulated and deployed is part of the problem for why a peaceful settlement in Ukraine is continually confounded. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - September 11, 2001: Questions to Ask if You Still Believe the Official Narrative Together - by honestly answering these three questions - we are left considering the very real possibility that 9/11 was not a terrorist attack carried out by foreign terrorists, but rather an attack engineered by special interests within the United States itself.

If we reject that conclusion, we must ask ourselves why the US DoD and JCS would take the time to draft plans for false flag attacks if they did not believe they were viable options US policymakers might seriously consider. At the very least we must ask why those at the DoD and JCS could be caught signing and dating a conspiracy to

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 34 commit unspeakable terrorism to justify an unjust war and not only avoid criminal charges, but remain employed within the US government. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Putin Prevented a War: Why Donbass Needs the UN Peacekeepers As a result, Kiev and its curators are now in a difficult situation. Moscow has seized the initiative and put the American plans for this fall under a big question mark. The Minsk agreements remain in force, the new Ukrainian law on "reintegration" is postponed, and Russia has every reason to declare that it has done everything necessary for implementation of the peace process, while supervised by the West, Kiev is working on their outright failure. Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 11, 2017 - How do I Love You? Oh Let me Count the Ways... I realize now that this war within has not been about only myself. For some reason I am a central clearing house where each false identity conferred on me was from some other location and I was meant to be the place where the dissolution took place. Nothing else made sense. So much that I was clueless about has become more clear with time. Sometimes what is meant for us is struggle. Sometimes our destiny is to come up against conditions and change them... even when we seem to be defeated in the effort. Defeat is not always the end result because often victory takes place within and what seemed unchanged becomes changed in the aftermath. Just as the shadow looks for cracks in us to gain a foothold, the light also seeks cracks in the shadow and defining blows can be struck and then like a recurring echo, the following intent resounds upon the shadow and dissolves it. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - 'There Will Be No New Korean War': What Putin Knows That Western Pundits Don't "Like my South Korean counterpart, I am sure that there will not be a large-scale conflict, especially one involving the use of weapons of mass destruction," the Russian leader added. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Inside the Surreal Western-Created ISIS-Daesh Propaganda Machine "This report provides a short history of the development of the terrorist organisation and its various names, its present structure, at both the global and provincial levels, and a short description of its objectives. An analysis of the Daesh information strategy; its core message, narrative themes, lines of effort, and target audiences follow. The report further describes the communication tools and influence techniques Daesh uses regionally and globally". Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Saudi Arabia Surrenders to Russia on the Syrian Issue Regarding the Syrian issue, Al Jubair said his country supports the idea of establishing de-escalation zones throughout Syria, and looks forward to the start of the political process. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - US Backed Kurds Set to Battle SAA for Oil Rich Area The need of the oil rich Syrian territory explains quite clearly why this operation by the US backed terrorist Kurd army is called Jazeera Storm. Jazeera being the

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"familiar name for north-east Syria" which has been annexed and is controlled by the Kurds.. Hence it's a Kurdish storm come down to wreak havoc on Syria and her army. Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Divided and Challenged, EU Saw Its Better Days

Political Information Sep 11, 2017 - Losing in Syria, the US will Target Russia More than Ever While the foreign enemies of Syria do seem to have resigned to accepting defeat in their objective to overthrow Assad, the country will still be subject to troublesome external interference. The Turks and French will no doubt try to stick their oars into the political process to sway the outcome. The Saudis and Israelis will shift their animosity toward Iran in some other way which will likely involve further violation of Syrian sovereignty. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Echoes of Iraq-WMD Fraud in Syria Special Report: Just as the West ignored signs in 2002-03 that anti-government Iraqis were fabricating WMD claims, evidence is being brushed aside that Syrian jihadists have ginned up chemical attacks, reports Robert Parry. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - The Notorious Banned FOX News Footage Links Israeli & Mossad to 9/11 The Israel 9/11 Connection

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Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Where Was Osama bin Laden on September 10, 2001? One Day Before 9/11 He Was in a Pakistani Military Hospital… CBS News has been told that the night before the September 11 terrorist attack, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan. He was getting medical treatment with the support of the very military that days later pledged its backing for the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan. Pakistan intelligence sources tell CBS News that bin Laden was spirited into this military hospital in Rawalpindi for kidney dialysis treatment. On that night, says this medical worker who wanted her identity protected, they moved out all the regular staff in the urology department and sent in a secret team to replace them. She says it was treatment for a very special person. The special team was obviously up to no good. "The military had him surrounded," says this hospital employee who also wanted his identity masked, "and I saw the mysterious patient helped out of a car. Since that time," he says, "I have seen many pictures of the man. He is the man we know as Osama bin Laden. I also heard two army officers talking to each other. They were saying that Osama bin Laden had to be watched carefully and looked after." Those who know bin Laden say he suffers from numerous ailments, back and stomach problems. Ahmed Rashid, who has written extensively on the Taliban, says the military was often there to help before 9/11. Human/Animal Rights Sep 10, 2017 - Twitter Suspends Christian Mom after she Criticizes Teen Vogue for Pushing Anal Sex

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"Activist Mommy" has led the pro-family charge against Teen Vogue's recent article "Anal Sex: What You Need to Know," promoting rectal sex to girls - which Picardi aggressively defended. In a recent video, Johnston called on parents to demand that stores pull Teen Vogue from their shelves, calling it a "piece of trash" as she tore pages from the magazine and threw them into a burning fire pit. Teen Vogue's target audience is girls ages 11 to 17. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Major TV channel Uses Fake anti-LGBT Poster to Push Gay ‘marriage’ Pro-‘gay marriage' forces were the bullies "But the frenzied untruths that followed - with photographic evidence even faked by Channel 10 - only confirm the gay-marriage lobby and their media mates are the real hatemongers," observed "In fact, the only thing that could lose them the postal vote is their bullying - the lies, abuse, threats, violence and misuse of power that's marked their ‘yes' campaign ... If we let them win, what next will they do to us?" True US History Sep 10, 2017 - How Marxists Hijacked Our Culture Ron: PLEASEE listen to this video with attention. Even if you understand Marxism and its Talmudic origins this succinct discussion of how the Marxist meme has conquered the US (and the West generally) is instructive. Although the Frankfurt School was crucial in spreading this disease its source is Judaism which formed and funded Marx's ideas and was responsible for the formulation of Wundtian Psychology, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Bolshevism, Communism, Feminism, LGBTism, Political Correctness and all the rest.The roots of the current destabilisation and destruction of the US polity and culture were laid by the Rockefellers, Carnegies et al at the turn of the 20th Century. See eg: Dumbing Down US Education: Part II – Wundtian Psychology & Rockefeller Finance. - _Psychol_3877.shtml Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Understanding Why You Should Use DuckDuckGo as Your Search Engine & Other Privacy Tips Ron: Dunno about you but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to access some real news and commentary sites via Google. Apart from the fact that Google totally distorts the information initially presented on many "sensetive" (to them) subjects, Google makes me jump through hoops or even refuses to allow any connection to some sites even when I request the specific url. Be aware that Google is owned by Jews and hence is controlled by the Deep State, and has a virtual monopoly on access to most sites and information. No doubt it has always been corrupted by those who control it but now the CIA is tightening the screws such that Google is becoming much like the rest of the FAUX News MSM where an approximation to truth is nigh unobtainable. The global population needs to get out from under this Talmudic monopoly by encouraging other search services by using them. DuckDuckGo appears to be an appropriate alternative service. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - “Who is Trying so Hard to Convince Americans that Russia is the Enemy?’

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In a post entitled "Laughing on the Way to Armageddon," Paul Craig Roberts writes that the United States is showing "the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us" but it is not the laughter at America's hysteria that is worth exploring, according to Roberts, but "who is it that is trying so hard to convince Americans that Russian influence prevails over us?" Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Deterrence Believers Shoud Cheer the North Korean Bomb How did we get here? In the 1950s the USA dropped 635,000 tonnes of bombs on North Korea including 35,000 tonnes of napalm. The US killed an estimated 20% of the North Korean population. For comparison, approximately 2% of the UK population was killed during World War II. Targeted Messages Sep 10, 2017 - “A Message of Mercy for the Dark Worker.” Asheville, NC, US of A, July 2, 2017. Teacher: Unrevealed Celestial Agent. Subject: “A Message of Mercy for the Dark Worker.” Message received by Chris Maurus.

Agent: “There are many forces at work in and around the earth plane and the dimensions surrounding it. Both humans and celestials are acting upon universe energies in a proverbial ‘tug-of-war’ to influence the of those on the earth who can make a difference in the path of Correction. You and others who are doing the Work of Correction are but a link in the chain that is feeling the ‘tug’ from both sides. As you have experienced, there are those who are pulling from a place of darkness working against Christ Michael’s Plan for the redemption of the Earth and the path to Light and Life. On the ‘good side’ of the rope, there are myriad forces of celestial operators working on many dimensional planes to assist those ‘agents in the field’ to accomplish the Will of our Heavenly Father.

“Darkness knows that its time of dominance and control over the lives of so many on the earth is coming to an end. Human consciousness is waking up to the illusions, manipulations, and propaganda that keeps them divided and in the chains of their own making. It is a futile attempt now to hold onto power using the same methods that have worked for so many centuries — human consciousness is changing and is no longer satisfied with the mere illusions of freedom. For those humans who practice the dark arts, they have but a short time to do their dark deeds and soon they too shall succumb to the grave and to the point of transition where they shall have to decide, by the mercy of Christ, if and how they shall participate in the reparations of their actions while on the earth. Their leaders are no more and there is no rebel glory to claim victory — only the lucid reality of their own judgment knowing they have wasted their time on the earth working toward some dark end that has no place in the Great Plan.

“It is not too late for these dark workers, for they can, even now while they still live and breathe, turn from their destructive ways; renounce the allegiance to their former leaders — who are no more, and accept the mercy of Christ Michael. It is entirely AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 39 within themselves to change their destiny from one of great darkness and oblivion to that of a glorious future where they may participate in the Great Plan of eternal life and enjoy the benefits of Sonship with all the astonishing experiences of exploring the Master Universe — becoming like the Creator Himself! Why would any soul choose oblivion over that?

“Come back, you prodigal sons and daughters, to your Father’s house and receive his mercy and partake of his bounty — His arms are open wide with love and desire — willing to accept you unconditionally. The Unholy Trinity can promise you nothing for your wickedness but oblivion — the same fate they have chosen for themselves. You have been lied too — your leaders are defunct and you are only left with a decision while you still breathe — Life or oblivion? To harm or to heal? Which will you choose?

“Choose wisely, for now you have been given the truth, and you are wholly responsible for all future actions — you may no longer claim ignorance at the mercy seat.” Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Sep 10, 2017 - „Eine Botschaft der Barmherzigkeit an die Dunklen Arbeiter“ Gezielte Botschaft German Sep 10, 2017 - Hurrikan Irma Gezielte Botschaft Irma ist ein weiterer Supersturm. Er zieht voraussichtlich in Richtung der östlichen Atlantikküste, um bei Washington DC oder Umgebung auf das Festland zu treffen. Wenn ihr in jener Region lebt und nicht vorbereitet seid, so ist es ratsam, dies jetzt zu tun, wobei ihr euch klar machen solltet, dass dies auch das Transportwesen beeinträchtigen wird. Später werde ich möglicherweise hier inwendig Links beifügen. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Sydney University Gets Red Pilled Human/Animal Rights Sep 10, 2017 - Profit Maximization is Easy: Invest in Violence This is because if you want to make a lot of money in this world, then killing or exploiting fellow human beings and destroying the natural world are the three most lucrative business enterprises on the planet. And we are now very good at it, as the record shows, with the planetary death toll from violence and exploitation now well over 100,000 human beings each day, 200 species driven to extinction each day and ecological destruction so advanced that the end of all life (not just human life) on Earth is postulated to occur within decades, if not sooner, depending on the scenario Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Cassie Jaye vs The Disgusting People of the Mainstream Media Cassie Jaye: "mens rights activists are asking, 'can we talk about mens issues for just 5 minutes?'" Reporter: "ok thank you Cassie but we are out of time." Alex Smith: Waleed "generalising about Muslims being violent is Islamaphobic, if you DON'T generalise about men being violent you're misogynistic" Russell White: Hey a father killed his son, but the real victim is the mother, of course she is a victim too, but they totally ignored the fact that the son was the real victim. This is exactly why people get upset about the feminist movement as it stands today, it seems to be AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 40 completely dismissive of any issues men may face because it is of course all a result of the patriarchal society in which we live. Give me a fucking break. Grim Reefer: So a boy gets killed and its "poor wymuns" because the perp was a man? WTF is wrong whit these scumbags? Halcy0nSky: Cassie Jaye is rapidly becoming more and more attractive every time I hear her speak. To see such empathy and compassion displayed with such strength is quite inspiring. True US History Sep 10, 2017 - Cassie Jaye: Why I Stopped Being a Feminist Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - India’s Black Marketeers Will Save The Day In an ideal world, all peaceful and voluntary interactions between people should be fully legal. Since that is not the case, it is far more effective to participate in black markets than to plead with government officials to change the rules. So the next time you feel like helping poor people or fighting for freedom, consider starting a business. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Netanyahu’s Son Shocks Israel After Posting Anti-Semitic Meme

Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - How Israel Weaponizes Archeology The "Jewish State" prioritizes anything that might boost its legitimacy as rightful owner of Holy Land real estate, and has appropriated the science of archeology to help create its narrative. The goal is to highlight the ancient Jewish presence and discount all other communities. whether historic or current. The Israeli narrative assumes, for example, that Christians may have been present for a short time, but only as visitors, leaving virtually no trace; the same goes for any Muslim presence. Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Israel’s Geopolitical Gut Check Environment/Science Sep 10, 2017 - The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use While there is no firm evidence that the US Air Force weather warfare facilities have been deliberately applied to modify weather patterns, one would expect that if these capabilities are being developed for military use, they would at least be the object of routine testing, much in the same way as the testing of new conventional and strategic weapons systems. Needless to say, the subject matter is a scientific taboo. The possibility of climatic or environmental manipulations as part of a military and intelligence agenda, while tacitly AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 41 acknowledged, is never considered as relevant. Military analysts are mute on the subject. Meteorologists are not investigating the matter, and environmentalists are strung on global warming and the Kyoto protocol. Ironically, the Pentagon, while recognizing its ability to modify the World's climate for military use, has joined the global warming consensus. In a major study (pdf) , the Pentagon has analyzed in detail the implications of various global warming scenarios. The Pentagon document constitutes a convenient cover-up. Not a word is mentioned about its main weather warfare program: The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) based in Gokona, Alaska -jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy. There are several mainstream explanations on weather and climate change, none of which fully explains, within their respective terms of reference, the highly unusual and erratic weather occurrences, not to mention the human toll and devastation, which have led to the destabilization of entire agricultural and eco-systems. Needless to say these explanations never address the issue of climate manipulation for military use. Environment/Science Sep 10, 2017 - Top Scientist Admits on Live TV: Recent Hurricanes are Man-Made Dr. Michio Kaku accidentally makes confession on weather modification Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - Don't Be Evil | Oh Really, Google? True US History Sep 10, 2017 - Parents Catch FBI in Plot to Force Mentally Ill Son to Be a Right Wing Terrorist Ron: This crime by the FBI has come to light on President Trump's watch. Question: Was this crime organised or allowed by acting Director Andrew McCabe; or by James Comey before hisdismissal from that office? Also, what has the current FBI Director, Christopher A. Wray, done about this case and has he attempted to STOP FBI operatives from committing such treasonous crimes against the people of the US in the future? If not, why not? This shit kicking FBI criminality is NOT NEW! See eg: The FBI Creates, Then "Foils" Terror Plots - False Flags Exposed By Judge Napolitano (5' 01" video): The issue today is: 'Can President Trump and his Administration control the FBI and the DOJ sufficiently to prevent continuation of these Deep State False Flag terrorist events? If he cannot, those who voted for him have been sold a pup. When they began grooming him, according to the family, the FBI knew that Varnell was declared mentally unfit to live by himself and that he was a paranoid schizophrenic. Without their criminal informant and the FBI tactics playing mind games with this vulnerable man, the idea of him committing an act of terror would have likely never materialized. “What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional….. He has suffered through countless serious full-blown schizophrenic delusional episodes and he has been put in numerous mental hospitals since he was 16 years old. The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 42

The parents noted that during the setup, they suspected something was going on and Jerry’s father told the informant to stay away from their son. However, according to the parents, the informant “continued to sneak onto our residence. The FBI paid him to continue this operation and I believe they have cleared his criminal record.”...Knowing a sane person would likely never attempt to blow up a bank, the FBI deliberately targeted a severely delusional and mentally ill person. This is wrong on so many levels. Will the next mass murderer they groom come directly from a mental institution? True US History Sep 10, 2017 - Can We Finish the Mainstream Media? Political Information Sep 10, 2017 - What Will it Take for Europeans to Push Back? Ron: Pleaseee don't start telling me that this lass is unfairly denigrating all Muslims and so I shouldn't post her views. Prima facie what she says about the invasion of the UK and Europe by young Muslim men and the growing negative effects thereof are reasonably accurate. The fact that the situation has been organised, facilitated and set in stone by George Soros and global Jewry's decades long Political Correctness propaganda onslaught on native Brits and Europeans and their Governments and Police forces is almost certainly WHY Brits and Europeans passively accept the ongoing Talmudic destruction of their lives, cultures and nations. BUT IMHO that does not justify failing to explicitly expose the criminality and cultural destructiveness of Muslim men in Western societies when it occurs. Translations - Others Sep 10, 2017 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 311: Per I Cuori Infranti Health and Nutrition Sep 9, 2017 - Best Way To Remove Fluoride From Tap Water? Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - The Intercept Mistranslates Assad Speech - Smears Syria As Neo- Nazi The publishing of the piece confirms again that the Intercept is in not the "fearless, adversarial journalism" it set out to be, nor is it a leftish-progressive outlet as some had expected. It is just a minor rag flogging narrow U.S. mainstream nonsense with pinches of neocon claptrap in-between. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - The Power Bloc: Turkey is Done with the EU, and Now Eyeing a Pakistan, Russia, China Alliance China enjoys a close partnership with Pakistan and Russia relies on stability in its relations with Turkey. Russia seems to be abandoning India, it's top Asian ally for several decades and restoring ties with Turkey and warming up to China on all fronts and strengthening ties with Pakistan. Recently, Pakistan has started getting diplomatic, military and economic support from Russia and has been particularly close to China and Turkey for years. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Alleged US Evacuation of Daesh Field Commanders: 'We Are Rescuing Our Allies' Kwiatkowski recalled that while Trump himself has been "consistent about eliminating these terrorists, the CIA runs its own operations, and they don't consult with anybody; that would be consistent" from their standpoint.

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Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Army Chief’s Sabre Rattling Shows 'Intellectual Turmoil of India’s Bureaucracy' "The comments expose the intellectual turmoil of India's bureaucracy. It's cryptic comments are belied by the sharp end of Indian diplomacy's alarm about ‘salami tactics'. Moreover, this public divergence of views does not say much about the political leadership's managerial skills. What India needs is a comprehensive solution, which is only possible if third parties are given their due. After all, on Beijing's side is history and it reinforces its will to push its claims. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Cambodian Opposition Leader Bragged About US-backed Sedition Readers should take note that nations targeted by US-engineered regime change - from Serbia to Ukraine, to Georgia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen - all have suffered immeasurably since. For the Cambodian government not to follow through with uprooting Sokha and the US networks built up across Cambodia to support foreign subversion, would be the height of irresponsibility, inviting nothing less than the same sort of destabilization and destruction in Cambodia still unfolding in other nations targeted by US political interference. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - From the Philippines to Myanmar: US to Fight US-Saudi Sponsored Terrorism While the US frames its military presence in Southeast Asia as a cornerstone of peace and stability, it is in fact a policy representing a symptom of the sort of very real instability and chaos the United States and its self-proclaimed "international order" represents. It is particularly ironic that not only is the increasingly rampant terrorism across Southeast Asia a result of intentional Washington policy, it is being used as a pretext for setting the stage of a greater and potentially more devastating regional conflict with China. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Understanding the Myanmar/Rohingya Conflict The Myanmar Civil War, particularly where it pertains to the Rohingya conflict, is subject to many false and dangerously misleading narratives. Most stem from a misunderstanding not only of Myanmar's internal situation, but from a misunderstanding of the country's position as a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. Rosie Sep 9, 2017 - Seraphin Message 311: FOR THE BROKENHEARTED Our hearts are also broken at the sight of so much darkness which has crept steadily and insidiously through all layers of your society. No one has succeeded in remaining completely pure, though there are ones who carry the ideal of purity before them and who strive against all odds to implement high quality decisions and who retain a high level of integrity in accordance with cosmic laws. Some of you, indeed most of you, will now ask WHAT COSMIC LAWS? And this very question is a sign of the depraved condition to which you have fallen. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF CREATING PARADISE ON EARTH IF YOU ADHERE TO THESE LAWS. INFORM YOURSELVES AND ACT ACCORDINGLY (R: see Phoenix Journal 27). Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Israel Justice Minister Shaked: Zionism (i.e. Judaism) contradicts AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 44 human rights Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - India has lost the plot, says it's ready for war with China AND Pakistan Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - ‘Forcing EU states to accept illegal Migrants is ticking Time Bomb for European Unity’ LM: The people who are preaching about solidarity in Europe and cohesion in Europe are actually undermining the unity of Europe by forcing states to do things they don't like, they don't want to have, which they see as interference in their sovereignty. So, we know from recent history that empires that pretend to keep their framework together are lost if they start to use force against their subjects. In this case, more pressure will be put on rebellion states like, Hungary, Slovakia and others that are opposing the open door policy, the illegal migration to Europe, will work like a boomerang. It will undermine European unity, and in the end, it is a ticking time bomb that might contribute to the final collapse of the European Union. Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 9, 2017 - Is it Better to Reign in Hell than to Serve in Heaven? As we have been pointing out here for awhile, Lady Nature is going to be making some extreme changes in the landscape. Houston was one thing. This is going to be another. There was a very large earthquake in Mexico. This is happening in Asia. People are free to argue with me until the gates open at Doomsday's Break but I maintain there is something to be said for the meaning of the word, Nature. This term covers a wide range of experiences and conditions and even a casual look at the Nature of our culture and society at this time reveals the war that is being waged against Nature. When a culture goes adrift and Normal is made into an outlaw then Nature, sooner or later is going to step in. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Mossad officer Leading ISIS as Mosque Imam Arrested in Libya (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Libyan authorities arrested a leader and mosque preacher of the ISIS terrorist group who later confessed to be a Mossad officer. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Venezuela Is About To Ditch The Dollar In Major Blow To US: Here's Why It Matters "Venezuela is going to implement a new system of international payments and will create a basket of currencies to free us from the dollar," Maduro said in a multi-hour address to a new legislative "superbody." He reportedly did not provide details of this new proposal. Maduro hinted that the South American country would look to using the yuan instead, among other currencies. "If they pursue us with the dollar, we'll use the Russian ruble, the yuan, yen, the Indian rupee, the euro," Maduro also said. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Israel Launches Air Strikes On Syria And Assad's "Waiting Game" But what is clear is that Israel remains deeply uncomfortable with the Syrian Army's overwhelming momentum of late (just this week the army initiated the liberation of Deir Ezzor from ISIS) and seeks to keep the fires burning in Syria, at least enough to bog down AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 45

Assad and Iran. Worse for Netanyahu, Hezbollah seems stronger than ever, along with the so-called 'resistance axis' that stretches from Tehran to South Lebanon. Israeli officials have gone so far as to declare their preference for Islamic State terrorists on their border rather than allies of Iran. But as we've repeatedly pointed out, Israel is acting from a position of weakness and desperation. All that Netanyahu can hope for now is that an Israeli provocation leads to a direct Syrian military response, but it appears that Assad is not taking the bait. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Israel's Strike On Syria & " The Next Round Of Conflict" Amos Yadlin: Israel targeted "precision missiles which will have a significant role in the next round of conflict"

Does that read to you like Israel is softening the Syrian target in advance of "the next round of conflict"?

Is Amos Yadlin telling us that the strike on a facility that stored surface to surface missiles was done to leave Syria at a disadvantage for the next round of the conflict?

And if Israel engaged in this most recent strikes is Amos Yadlin also implying that Israel will launch more strikes? Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - ARGENTINA – Netanyahu declared honored visitor by Buenos Aires city legislature Ron: In Bombings-in-Argentina-Same-MO-as-the-Oklahoma-City-Bali-and-Australian-Djkarta- Embassy-Bombings-and-many-others.shtml Part 1 - 10'06"video: Part 2 - 10' 09" video And Part 3 - 6' 49" video Adrian Salbuchi outlines how the Jews bombed their own embassy and a related Jewish organisation's building in order to frame Syria, Hezbollah and Iran and to undermine Palestinian Peace Plan efforts. They succeeded and in the process turned Argentina into a puppet Israeli colony. Later the situation changed somewhat as Israel and the US lost their colonial grip on South America but they have now regained their grip and this video is interesting because it highlights how the MOSSAD uses the same bombing techniques and same tired old lies in relation to all of its Black Ops bombings. These videos are well worth a listen if you want to realise the similarities between these bombings and the OKC, Bali and Australian Embassy in Djkarta Embassy bombings. Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Israeli, European Bids Promise to Build Missiles om Austrailia – More World Wars? MG editor

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IWB - The Israeli government-owned Rafael and Europe’s only missile company MBDA are vying to supply missiles for the army’s 225 new combat reconnaissance vehicles, known as Land 400 Phase 2, itself subject to duelling bids to build them in Victoria or Queensland. True US History Sep 9, 2017 - Living in Libtard USA Political Information Sep 9, 2017 - Red October In Washington In 2017? Political correctness is a Rothschild invention of language control. Like Orwellian Newspeak in 1984, its ultimate aim is to reduce the scope of free thought. Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control. Period. The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers such as the New World Order manipulators operate. Political correctness is soft censorship. It is intolerance disguised as tolerance. As George Carlin said, it is fascism pretending to be manners. It is running amok not just in Universities but now almost everywhere in society. Just as Orwell laid out so precisely in 1984,political correctness is the Newspeak which is threatening to limit our ability to freely speak and think, by reducing the number of available words in our vocabulary... just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too is “feeling offended” in the realm of the beholder. Words are words; each person is in charge of their own emotions; choose to ignore, respond or react to words how you want, but don’t blame someone else for your emotional state. You are in control of your own state of consciousness. - Makia Freeman (See: Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control - Language-and-Thought-Control.shtml Ron: President Trump is a Christed individual who will lead USans of good will to embrace truly compassionate Christed values such that they will rise to a higher level of consciousness which leaves Talmudic concepts and "values" behind. So be it! True US History Sep 8, 2017 - My Response True US History Sep 8, 2017 - How PewDiePie Red Pilled 55M People

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True US History Sep 8, 2017 - How to Red Pill Women True US History Sep 8, 2017 - My Red Pill Journey My Red Pill Journey(10' 28" video): Published on Aug 12, 2017. Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Trump's Swamp Draining Service

David Crayford and the ITC Sep 8, 2017 - DAVID CRAYFORD --- THEY’RE AT IT AGAIN. MORE PROPAGANDA, MENTAL FANTASIES AND BLATANT VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW ………………. ……………… TO THE DETRIMENT OF THE WHOLE WORLD AND ITS PEOPLE. And once again this all originates from America. There are several points here that clearly indicate that this is yet another SCAM originating in America...

That is a large part of the reason why within the 2007 / 8 Financial Crash, "Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae" were insolvent and standing ready to declare bankruptcy, which was eventually avoided, but only just, when the Global Debt Facility came to the rescue of "Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae". This had to be done otherwise virtually every home owner in the USA that held a Mortgage Debt would have lost their homes and everything else they owned. The US would have totally collapsed and probably a state of civil war would have existed. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 48

No one wants the people top suffer in such a way, but what respect have they shown for it. Ron: Arguably the peoples of Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Syria, the Ukraine and many other nations (if not most of the rest of the global population) might disagree with this assessment! Why? Because the continuing facilitation of the viability of the US economy has enabled, and continues to enable, the war mongering sanctioning, bombing and terroristic despoilation and destruction of the said nations and many others. WHY are complicit, complacent USans coddled and protected by such use of Global Debt Facility funding? Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - HOW THE NY TIMES SAVED FIDEL CASTRO Ron: It seems that the Jew controlled US has been overthrowing governments and even US friendly dictators since the declaration of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. Batista was just another one. Its difficult to know why Castro was originally assisted to overthrow Batista but it probably relates to the fact that the Rockefellers favoured incipient communism as their preferred mechanism for taking over the world as well as the US. Presumably the situation changed when JFK became President and Castro decided to be independent of US influence and become allied with the Soviet Union. Dunno why Mike King says 'Fidel Castro was a brutal Communist dictator who ruined the once-developing island nation of Cuba' because arguably Cuba was a typical criminally controlled corporatist US colony when Castro took over. Moreover, the US has used economic sanctions as a form of covert warfare to harass and inhibit Cuba's development for some 57 years. Cuba has prerformed remarkably well in all the circumstances and I don't agree with the implication that Castro was a brutal bastard who drove productive Cubans to flee. Greedy Cubans fled rather than live more frugally. For instance compare and contrast how Cuba responded to the Haiti Earthquake in 2010 with what the Clinton Foundation, the US military and the UN (whose troops gave Haitains cholera) did there. Environment/Science Sep 8, 2017 - New “RNA interference” crop technology WEAPONIZES food into the ultimate eugenics weapon… could target Blacks for covert sterilization

Ron: Tell me again why you think that it is up to the humans on this planet to save themselves and the planet. Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Does anyone still seriously think that Russia and Israel aren’t allies Russia’s actions in passively allowing Israel to bomb what it claims (whether accurately or not) are Iranian-related infrastructure and troops (whether its own or allied) in Syria indicate that Moscow believes that Tehran “deserved it”, or put more gently, that Iran is “provoking” Israel through its presence in western and southern Syria and that Tel Aviv is therefore “justified” in militarily responding to it with “surgical strikes”. - Andrew Korybko Ron: I disagree. Russia is modelling correct restrained international behaviour BUT if push comes to shove, Israel and any US or other Deep State elements that assist it will be duly dealt with. The implicit cooperation, albeit even if passive, that Moscow extends to Tel Aviv in this regard might also have to do with its decision makers wanting to keep Iran on the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 49 overall strategic defensive so that the existing support that Russia provides to it acquires a relatively more heightened importance by comparison. - Andrew Korybko Ron: This analysis fails to explain the restraint shown by the Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah military to Jewish bombing attacks on Syria as well as their failure (and that of Russia) to respond overtly to US Coalition bombing of the Syrian military and Syrian civilians and infrastructure. Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - What’s the Glue that Holds the Jewish People Together? ed note–as much a no-brainer as it is (or at least should be amongst rational, thinking people) nevertheless as we point out here on a regular basis, a person CANNOT understand the modern world of geo-politics, economics, and the tumultuous rumblings beneath our very feet these days without first understanding this thing known as organized Jewish power, something which cannot be understood without first understanding the Jewish mindset, in and of itself the inevitable by-product of Jewish thinking which is the inevitable by-product of Judaism. In an essay encompassing just about 750 words, here we have a bird’s eye view as to why the world is hurtling towards the precipice of complete and irrevocable destruction and yet why very few–and we stress, VERY FEW–seem to be willing/able to recognize what the root cause of the impending collapse of the world system is all about by devoting to it the required reasoned and rational thinking in lieu of their own brand of religion-based emotionalism. The first thing worth noting is the fact that our esteemed Hebraic author makes quite clear that indeed it is the Torah, otherwise known as the Old Testament, which is the ‘glue’ holding the Jewish people together throughout the ages, to wit– ‘Judaism, and by that I mean the Torah, is our guidebook for everyday living. By studying and making an effort to follow it, that’s how we serve God and our people, which are one in the same…’ Followed up by– ‘I often ask myself two questions, Have we survived solely because tragedy and persecution has made us strong, or is it our Torah that keeps us together, giving us the strength to continue despite our calamitous history? I believe it’s the latter…’ We are forced to underscore this due to the fact that there is a depressingly high number of ‘experts’ and other assorted commentators within ‘duh muuvmnt’ who claim with absolute dogmatic certainty that modern day Judaism and its adherents are as disconnected with the ‘holy’ books of Moses (known as the Torah) as much as a practicing prostitute is disconnected with the virtues of chastity, honesty, and continence. This simply is not the case at all, and all one need do is read what the Jews themselves write on a daily basis for proof of this fact. Every time a Palestinian (or any other Gentile for that matter) is killed, every time a home is bulldozed, every time some new legal measure is put into place the end result of which is the ‘cleansing’ of that piece of real estate lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, those overseeing/managing such events and maneuvers justify doing so by the teachings found within the Torah, Old Testament, or whatever the hell (literally) we want to call it. And yet, despite these very frank, flagrant, and glaringly obvious admissions on the part of those who operate under the spell of Torah Judaism that indeed it is this infernal book and its racist, elitist protocols that guides and animates their criminal Judaic AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 50 behavior, nevertheless, there are those–again, in depressingly high numbers–who will run to the defense of Torah-based Judaism and will instead ascribe the aforementioned criminal behavior to the rejection of the ‘holy and godly’ teachings found within the Torah, despite passages within it that scream out in shrill, ear-splitting decibels passages such as the following– ‘When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’–Book of Deuteronomy ‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly…’–Leviticus 25:44-46 “Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you…Your gates will always stand open, day and night, so that the Gentiles may bring you the wealth of their nations and their kings led in triumphal procession, for the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly destroyed.”–Isaiah 60:10-12 Ok, I think we’ve made our point on that one, let’s move on to ‘item B’–an examination of the beating heart of Judaism and the source of all the evil it has brought mankind to both Jews and Gentiles alike since its inception, which can be summed up in just 3 words– ‘incurable pathological narcissism’ Let us revisit the one passage from our esteemed Hebraic author’s essay for reference– ‘By studying and making an effort to follow the Torah, that’s how we serve God and our people, which are one in the same.’ Six simple words–‘which are one in the same’–and there you have the beating heart of this thing known as ‘the Jewish question’. Put in simpler terms, God–the author of all creation–and the Jewish people are made equal, in the words of our mentally deranged addict of the highly-addictive spiritual narcotic known as Judaism. This is/has been/always will be the electrical current driving all Judaic behavior. Like no other religion on earth ever existing within human history, Judaism makes its adherents equal with the very ‘god’ which they claim to worship, and thus by doing so, worship themselves, a glaringly obvious fact that has existed now as an open conspiracy against mankind for thousands of years within the pages of the Torah itself, to wit– ‘For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’–Book Of Deuteronomy But equally important in understanding the source of this incurable pathological narcissism itself whereby these people EQUATE themselves with their ‘god’ is the VITAL examination of just WHO and WHAT this ‘god’ is. The ‘god’ of the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Khazars, Shmayzars, whatever term we want to use in calling them, does not possess the character qualities of the gods of other peoples and is certainly not the same God as described within the teachings of both Jesus AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 51 and Mohammed. As made patently clear within the pages of the Torah, he is a violent, vindictive, rapacious, petty, brooding entity who thinks no more about an entire nation of innocent men, women, and children being murdered by his ‘chosen’ people as he does about blowing his nose. He commands that those amongst his ‘chosen’ who gather sticks on the sabbath to start a fire for either cooking their food or warming their home be stoned to death. He orders that wives who run to the defense of their husbands who are being physically attacked by a group of thugs be stoned to death if in the process of trying to protect their husbands, they inadvertently cause pain to their husbands’ testicles. We could go on and on with similar examples of the type of madness that typifies the personality and mood of the ‘god’ of Judaism, but I think the point has been made. But the real issue to all of this is as follows–If the Jews equate themselves to this ‘god’ and make themselves ‘equal’ to him (as clearly our esteemed Hebraic author does) is it any wonder then why throughout history and right up to the present time they have behaved badly, resorting to chicanery, violence, duplicity, etc, when–after all–these are the means and methods of Yahweh, the Judaic ‘god’, as clearly laid out within the pages of the Torah itself? Therefore, since the Jews are–as our esteemed Hebraic author proudly states–‘one and the same’ with this god, why should anyone be surprised when in fact they mirror and mimic his actions, whether it is in the Middle East or on Wall Street? And yet, despite what (I think) has been a perfectly reasonable, rational deconstruction of just what the source of the problem is which is fueling all the major geo-political fires of the world, nevertheless–in the words of history’s greatest anti-Judaic teacher, Jesus Christ–‘like a dog returning to its vomit’, someone will undoubtedly respond to all of this in the comments section by posting some idiotic video of the ‘good’ Jews of Neturei Karta as they ‘condemn’ Zionism under the pretext that it ‘violates the peaceful and inherently altruistic teachings of Judaism as handed down in the Torah’. As we say here often–wait for it, watch for it, because it is coming. True US History Sep 8, 2017 - How to Escape the Democrat Plantation (an easy guide). True US History Sep 8, 2017 - Candace Owens - Red Pill Black Candace Owens - Red Pill Black (25' 08" video): Ron: Candace Owens is obviously a Christed undividual. True US History Sep 8, 2017 - BLOCKBUSTER: ANTIFA HACKED, AND IT IS PREDOMINANTLY SCHOOL TEACHERS, PROGRAMMERS AND PROFESSORS Health and Nutrition Sep 8, 2017 - Plastic Micro-particles Now Contaminating Drinking Water "Chemicals from plastics are a constant part of our daily diet. We generally assume the water bottle holding that pure spring water, the microwave-safe plastic bowl we prepare our meals in, or the styrofoam cup holding a hot drink is there protecting our food and drinks. Rather than acting as a completely inert barrier, these plastics are breaking down and leaching chemicals, including endocrine-disrupting plasticizers like BPA or phthalates, flame retardants, and even toxic heavy metals that are all absorbed

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 52 into our diets and bodies." ~Scott Belcher, Ph.D. Research Professor, North Carolina State University, The Endocrine Society Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Mediterranean Migrant Mystery Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Another AGW Lie Bites the Dust: "Climate Change Fuelled Syrian War" Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - How Civilizations Went from Dueling to Tweeting With present interpretations of the First Amendment, though, and confusions between "free speech" and "subsidized speech", a couple of questions arise. One is: How to deal with words used to destroy one's honor and cast doubts over one's virtue? Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Facebook Blames Russia To Deflect From Fraudulent Ad-Sales The usual "Russia hacked and influenced the election" idiots on the Democratic side of the aisles jumped onto this statement: Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called the Facebook report "deeply disturbing and yet fully consistent with the unclassified assessment of the intelligence community." How $100,000 of unspecific advertisement would influence an election in which more than $1 billion was spend on political ads is unexplained. Moreover - there is zero evidence in the Facebook statement of any influence intent or effect or even a connection with something Russian: Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - MSM Ignores Videos Of Syrians Celebrating SAA Deir Ez Zor Liberation

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Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Israel Ready to do Everything to Prevent a Shi’ite Corridor from Tehran to Damascus Tel Aviv has repeatedly tried to oppose the US-Russian ceasefire deal in Syria and other Russia-led diplomatic efforts that allowed the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to focus on fighting ISIS in Syria. Howevever, the Israeli side has not achieved a success in this. Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Israel Hits Syrian "chemical weapons facility" - Predictable WaPo "Israel has carried out nearly 100 strikes in Syria since the beginning of the civil war there - many against convoys attempting to transfer precision weapons to Hezbollah, the country's air force chief told local media last month. Political Information Sep 8, 2017 - Globalists Will Throw Antifa To The Wolves To Further Their Agenda Again, as I have said all along, the real target has always been conservatives. Conservative principles are the primary threat to globalism. In order to eliminate these principles, it is not enough to attempt to eliminate the people that hold them dear. This will only inspire the spread of such ideals; the globalists would achieve the opposite effect they desire. Therefore, they need to manipulate conservatives into voluntarily abandoning those principles of constitutional liberty and limited government. Conservatives must be made into tyrants. Only then will conservative principles truly die out. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Google is the Master Spy of the Intelligence Community

Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - US Colluded with ISIS in Deir ez-Zor A contemporary version of the "last helicopter out of Saigon"? Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Syria’s Victory at Deir ez-Zor Turns the Tide on US regime-change Plans

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Syria has been saved from a fate of failed state unlike so many other victims of America's Orwellian "nation-building." Or, to put it more accurately, Russia has saved Syria from US state-sponsored terrorism. It is a seminal historical victory. But American imperialism will not give up there. We should expect the global battlefield to shift. The West's contempt for Russia and Putin will doubtless intensify because of the strategic setback in Syria. It is perhaps no surprise, then, that Washington has turned to stoking war with North Korea as a way to create problems for Russia. The Pentagon's proposed stepping up of lethal weapons to the anti-Russian Kiev regime in Ukraine, as well as provocations from the seizure of Russian diplomatic properties in the US, are also acts of revenge for Putin's successes in Syria. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - The Syrian Victory Over Terrorists in Deir ez-Zor is Horrifying Israel Earlier this morning at 02.43 on Thursday the 7 of September 2017, Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace and aggressively fired missiles on a Syrian military position in the Masyaf countryside, in the western part of Hama Governorate. The illegal Israeli strikes killed two of the brave Syrian Army soldiers who defend the whole world against terrorists. Additionally, the aggressive Israeli action and caused material damage to the site. The Israeli media has taken a cowardly and shameful attitude when faced with the fact that it has lost in Syria. Israeli media has stated that its aggressive act was the bombing of a chemical plant in Syria, even though Syria relinquish its chemical weapons in 2014, having never previously used them. This is the bizarre and factually inaccurate pretext that both the U.S. and Israel use as a justification for illegal aggression against Syria, whenever the Syrian Army scores a major victory against western backed terrorists, including the so-called ISIS. A martyr fro my extended family who was in Deir ez-zor, a slain man called Karma, updated his followers on social media about how every time the Syrian Army advanced towards a terrorist position, they were targeted by US aircraft. Our Russian comrades lost martyrs in Deir ez-Zor as well as in Palmyra, helping to defend Syria against terrorism. In this sense, while Russia maintains normal relations with Israel, the Russian military has helped to contain Israel's ambitions to destroy Syria by covertly partnering with terrorist groups. Even Hamas has taken Israel's side against the secular government in Damascus and furthermore Israel continues to open up its hospitals to wounded terrorists while using its American made fighter-jets to target the forces in Syria who are fighting the terrorists. We the Syrian people have a dream to see these aggressive Zionist warplanes being shot down. Their presence violates international law and their actions aid the terrorists we Syrians are fighting. Enough is enough. - Afra'a Dagher Ron: Actually it is too FRICKEN MUCH! The only way that Jews and complacent Westerners are gonna WAKE UP is when the fricken military criminals in Israel, the US, NATO and the CIA get a bloody hiding and that fact, and the reasons for it, is publicised globally. The idea that the global population will magically wake up and realise that Jews and their shabbos US and global Deep State enablers are the problem without global public disclosure of their Talmudic genocidal activities is ludicrous. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 55

German Sep 7, 2017 - Worüber, zum Teufel, redet ihr denn, Dunkle Brüder? Gezielte Botschaft Fox News verbreitet heute die Idee einer totalen Auslöschung Nordkoreas von der Oberfläche des Planeten. KEINE GUTE WAHL. Habt ihr darüber nachgedacht, was anschließend die Retourkutsche sein könnte? Wisst ihr, das US-Militär ist nicht die stärkste Armee der Welt. Und es ist euch ohnehin nicht gestattet, zum diesem Zweck Atombomben einzusetzen. HÖRT NUN MIT DIESEM SPIEL AUF. NK HAT KEINE ATOMBOMBEN und kann auch nicht ganze amerikanische Städte mit EMPs beeinträchtigen. Telemensajes de Otros Sep 7, 2017 - Serafín Mensaje 305: ATENCIÓN VERSUS CONTRADICCIÓN: INCLUYENDO O EXCLUYENDO Serafín a través de Rosie Targeted Messages Sep 7, 2017 - What in HELL are you Talking ABOUT Dark Brothers Fox News is covering the idea of the totally nuclear removal of North Korea from the Planet today.. NOT A GOOD CHOICE.. Have you considered what could then happen BACK.... The US Military is NOT the most capable military in this world you know. And you aren't allowed to use nukes anyway for this purpose. STOP THIS GAME NOW. NK HAS NO NUKES and IT CANNOT EMP whole cities in the US either. True US History Sep 7, 2017 - GOOGLE HATES YOU: Stop using their search engine-use these instead True US History Sep 7, 2017 - College students “triggered” into a state of total hysteria over the spotting of a banana peel (seriously) Translations - Others Sep 7, 2017 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 310: Immaginare l’Impossibile Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Rundle: could Israel's 'right of return' ensnare Danby, Dreyfus and Frydenberg in the section 44 thicket? Ron: A house divided cannot stand nor can anyone serve two masters. Similarly, you cannot 'have your cake and eat it too', just as you cannot be just 'a little bit Jewish'. Identifying yourself as being Jewish is an ideological political choice to accept Talmudism. Those who choose to accept the considerable material benefits of being Jewish thereby constitute a FIFTH COLUMN in any country other than israel in which they choose to reside. This truth is finally beginng to surface as gentiles start to 'Wake Up'. The conflict of interest embodied in having avowed Talmudists exercising political or judicial power in ANY foreign nation are obvious to any dispassionate observer. The fact that this issue has only just arisen and is semingly contentious, evidences the excessive degree of influence and power exercised by Jews in Australia. The truth of the matter has been known for millenia and was fairly recently articulated by Ezra Pound. See eg: Ezra Pound's formula for preventing Jewish conquest from within -- peaceful methods derived from the Byzantine Empire. - venting_Jewish_conques_4333.shtml AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 56

Non-violent formula for controlling the Jews from NEW HISTORY of the JEWS by Eustace Mullins In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was. It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world. Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history. Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place. It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence. Nor did the Orthodox priests bewilder their congregations with any vicious lies about Christ being a Jew. No wonder the Jews want to eradicate the memory of such a culture. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Australia Mortgage Market Is Now A $1.7 Trillion "House Of Cards" The Australian mortgage market has "ballooned" due to banks issuing new loans against unrealised capital gains of existing investment properties, creating a $1.7 trillion "house of cards", a new report warns. The report, "The Big Rort", by LF Economics founder Lindsay David, argues Australian banks' use of "combined loan to value ratio" - less common in other countries - makes it easy for investors to accumulate "multiple properties in a relatively short period of time despite high house prices relative to income". "The use of unrealised capital gain (equity) of one property to secure financing to purchase another property in Australia is extreme," the report says. "This approach allows lenders to report the cross-collateral security of one property which is then used as collateral against the total loan size to purchase another property. This approach substitutes as a cash deposit. "This has exacerbated risks in the housing market as little to no cash deposits are used." Yes, you read that correctly...Australian housing speculators can literally use unrealized gains in investment properties as a 'cash substitute' for down payments on other investment properties... The report describes the system as a "classic mortgage Ponzi finance model", with newly purchased properties often generating net rental income losses, adversely impacting upon cash flows. "Profitability is therefore predicated upon ever-rising housing prices," the report says. "When house prices have fallen in a local market, many borrowers were unable to service the principal on their mortgages when the interest only period expires or are unable to roll over the interest-only period." Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - The Liberation of Deir Ezzor. Remorseless in Defeat. The West Evacuate ISIS Commanders

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Syrian resident Lilly Martin explains that people have been dying of hunger and illness for years now but that now they are FREE. Trucks carrying food and supplies are rolling in to feed those who have been starving for years, reports Martin. She explains that (s)everal Russian soldiers were killed fighting ISIS in the last few days there, not to mention others who gave their lives and limbs to FREE Syria from the occupation and tyranny of ISIS and other Radical Islamic terrorists. Thank GOD from whom all blessings flow. Syria will now begin celebrating a huge VICTORY.[1] Education Sep 7, 2017 - Freedom From Mind-controlled Education True education always contains factors of rebellion against authority-but this isn't a mindless attack, it's done with logic and evidence and honed thought. It can be done with a decent attitude and respect, so long as the teacher is willing to open the door to deeper and deeper analysis. Then the classroom would be an exciting place. Then students would come in with bright eyes and minds. Then all bets would be off. Then teachers would learn new things. Then the atmosphere would crackle with possibility. Then both students and teachers would look forward to discovering what they don't know. Then the real party would begin. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Putin Talks Peace with South Korean President Vladimir Putin has met with his South Koran counterpart Moon Jae-in to discuss the importance of a diplomatic solution to the Korean crisis. Human/Animal Rights Sep 7, 2017 - Trans-sexualism: America’s Latest Advertising Coup The most strident example of this in the 21st century is the phenomenon of selling lifestyles. From men that call themselves women, women who call themselves men and every permutation of such notions, the entire situation which is disguised as a philosophical debate on so-called ‘sexuality' is merely a distraction to hide the larger truth that the ‘trans' industry is just that, a business and a very big business at that. Not content to simply sell bigger breasts, smaller noses and hair to the bald, the American pharmaceutical and medical industry is strongly invested in surgical operations and the accompanying medicines, education, training, medical equipment and technology, ‘therapy' and literature which is a multi-million dollar industry. Awkward and controversial plastic surgeries are nothing new, but selling such things and the preparatory stages as something that is not only mainstream but fashionable, is the latest trend in an American advertising industry that has gone from selling obscene images to selling the modification of sex organs. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Hollywood Whitewashes History and Covert Ops into “Action Adventure” Of course, not everything can be tracked back to the White House, or even to the Intelligence community. But covert operations like those chronicled in American Made did become almost standard operation procedure during the 1980s. And although they were sometimes clearly illegal, they were also widely rationalized as acceptable "initiatives" in defense of democracy.

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Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Israeli plane strikes Syrian positions in Hama province, kills two servicemen – Syrian Army Ron: So what do the Syrian and Russian military authorities TELL the relatives of those killed by these cowardly Jewish attacks on Syrians and their infrastructure? Sorry, but you just hafta grin and bear it because the Jews have a need to SACRIFICE gentiles on a regular basis and we aren't ALLOWED to defend ourselves because that might upset them? Your father, son, brother, lover just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Suck it up! Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - US Crassness in Russia Spat Goes Back to Snowden Humiliation

The US security establishment appears to be operating in score-settling mode, as evidenced by its seizure of Russian diplomatic facilities Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - The Role of NATO’s New Intelligence Headquarters. Espionage and “Humanitarian” Secret Operations Since the new "Hub of Nato Strategic Leadership for the South" is led by Admiral Howard, who in turn, takes orders from General Scaparrotti, this Hub is in fact integrated into the Pentagon's chain of command and prioritizes US strategy. It is on the basis of the intelligence gathered (or fabricated) by Nsd-S Hub that Nato will make a decision on its military interventions in the Middle East, Africa and adjacent areas. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Repeating the Chemical Weapons Meme for Syria- Timing? Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Myanmar: Gasoline and Fire, Not Good vs. Evil It is important that readers and analysts alike understand several key points regarding the crisis in Myanmar: 1. Aung San Suu Kyi and her political party are whole-cloth creations of US and European interests; AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 59

2. The Rohingya have lived in Myanmar for generations; 3. Saudi-backed "Rohingya militants" no more represent the Rohingya people than the Islamic State represents the Sunnis of Syria and Iraq; 4. These "militants" are admittedly supported and directed from Saudi Arabia and do not represent a legitimate "backlash" against anti-Rohingya violence and; 5. The US does not seek "regime change" in Myanmar, it seeks to disrupt Chinese interests, undo Chinese-Myanmar ties, and if possible, place US military assets on China's border. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - CNN Caught Creating Fake News Again At this point, CNN cannot be taken seriously as even a second rate news organization. It is clearly nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for State Department and other interests. Unfortunately for CNN, even operating as a propaganda organ, it is only second rate. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - BRICS for Gold: a Dollar-smashing Monetary Revolution The possibilities for the BRICS or various members of the bloc creating a new currency or otherwise using existing currencies to dump the dollar is one that is not only real, it is happening now. It is no longer a question of when or if, but how. Whether it's a cashless mega-crypto, a gold-backed super-yuan or a combination of some or all of the above, the dollar is being isolated, which is the only kind of isolation that the United States ultimately fears. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - The Real BRICS Bombshell

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attend the group photo session during the BRICS Summit at the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center in Xiamen, southeastern China's Fujian Province, China September 4, 2017. Photo: Reuters/Kenzaburo Fukuhara/Pool AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 60

Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - Trump Gets DACA Right Even in our divided politics, it should be a matter of consensus that the president of the United States can't write laws on his own. Political Information Sep 7, 2017 - What Country Is This? Forced Blood Draws, Cavity Searches and Colonoscopies While the Fourth Amendment was created to prevent government officials from searching an individual's person or property without a warrant and probable cause- evidence that some kind of criminal activity was afoot-the founders could scarcely have imagined a world in which we needed protection against widespread government breaches of our privacy, including on a cellular level. Yet that's exactly what we are lacking and what we so desperately need. Unfortunately, the indignities being heaped upon us by the architects and agents of the American police state-whether or not we've done anything wrong-are just a foretaste of what is to come Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Hurricane Irma Tracking Right Toward Trump’s Mar-a-lago Luxury Resort In Palm Beach, FL The bottom line here is that the geoengineers act according to the commands of their globalist overlords. If Palm Beach is to be targeted, that's where this superstorm is going...barring divine intervention, of course. Surely there is no better way for the NWO ruling cabal to send a message - loud and clear - to Trump. They already wrecked his border wall plan by geoengineering HARVEY, among his many other priorities and other campaign promises. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - James Comey Exposed

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Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Russia Ships Nearly 30 Tonnes of Aid to Syrians in 2 weeks

Targeted Messages Sep 6, 2017 - There was NO hydrogen Bomb in North Korea This is entirely fake news on September 3. North Korea has NO nuclear bombs of any sort and I reviewed the very bad videos that are reused and blurry. The Video of

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KIM "inspecting" a nuclear bomb is also fake news. They do NOT look that way and there was no protection. I doubt Kim was involved in that little show and tell. True US History Sep 6, 2017 - How They Do It– launches ‘Greenhouse Academy,’ remake of Sabra tween drama ed note–as we pointed out here years ago, the US invasion and annihilation of Iraq pushed by organized Jewish interests was as much the handiwork of Judaic black magic cast by individuals such as Jerry Seinfeld as it was by notorious Judaic warmongers such as Bill Kristol, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, etc. Remember that years before this long-planned for holocaust, the JMSM made sure to seduce the American mind on a daily basis by whispering sweet nothings into the ears of gullible, unsuspecting Americans vis a vis how funny, witty, and lovable Jews as a group were/are. Night after night, Seinfeld was pumped like a narcotic into the American psyche, causing Ma and Pa Kettle (and undoubtedly a good number of their chilins as well) to roll on the floor in raucous laughter over something nutty that Kramer said or did, Elaine’s latest sex-scapade that took a quirky turn, George’s worry about the size of his manhood or Jerry’s latest stand- up routine that didn’t turn out as planned. Besides Seinfeld, we had blockbuster movies such as Independence Day, where the entire human race, threatened by an unstoppable alien invasion, is saved by–drum role please–a nerdy, environmentally-conscious Jewish boy named David and his VERY religious Jewish father Julius. And now we have–another drum role please–a brand spanking new miniseries coming out of Israel whose target audience is–YET ANOTHER drum role please–the yoots of America. All can rest assured that the picture that will be painted will be of a gaggle of friendly, funny, witty, harmless Israeli yoots, mirrored images in fact of American kids, except, of course, BETTER (but only slightly, since we don’t want the Americans to figure out just how organically racist and elitist Israelis really are) because they are ‘God’s chosen people’. Undoubtedly, there will be episodes where Yaacov, Zvi, or Mirev get called up for active duty in the IDF and who then go on some religiously-mandated bloodbath in Gaza but who will OF COURSE be depicted like those average American kids who join up because ‘they just want to serve their country’ against those evil, fanatical dark-skinned Jihadists. And, of course, like all the other poisoned apples that are offered by Judea, Inc to a thoroughly Judaized America with an appetite for her own destruction, this new miniseries will be–in the schtick made infamous by the Jewish comedian Billy Crystal–‘simply maaaaavelous’. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Israel arming Myanmar amid ongoing Rohingya crackdown

MEE - Israel has continued to sell weapons to Myanmar as thousands of Rohingya refugees flee the military's violent crackdown in the Rakhine state. The weapons sold to Myanmar include over 100 tanks, weapons and boats used to police the country's border, according to human rights groups and Burmese officials. Israeli arms companies such as TAR Ideal Concepts have also been involved in training Burmese special forces who are currently in the Rakhine state where most of the violence has taken place. Images previously posted on the arms company's

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 63 website showed its staff instructing members of the Burmese special forces on combat tactics and how to use specific weapons. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - 2 Venezuela Bank Executives Arrested After Opposition Leader Found with Cases of Cash The opposition spokeswoman took to her twitter account to say the funds were for medical expenses for the family's 100-year-old grandmother. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - What Have We Got Here? Looks Like Some U.S. Libertarians Are Supporting Overthrow in Venezuela The Atlas Network aims to reshape Latin America in ways America's right-wing billionaires support. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Israel Needs to Prepare America for the Upcoming Conflict in Syria?? Excerpts from an oped published in Jerusalem Post: "An Israeli tipping point may have been reached, forcing Israel to either be resigned to a permanent Iranian presence in Syria or significantly increase its operations in Syria, potentially escalating into a wider regional war" Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Syria - The Liberation Of Deir Ezzor Only in January the city and its 100,000 inhabitants left was on the verge of falling into the hands of ISIS. A massive U.S. air attack on the most important Syrian military position of Deir Ezzor in September 2016 directly enabled the ISIS move. But surprisingly the garrison, with 4-5,000 soldiers, held out. Supplies were dropped by parachute through a Russian and Syrian air-bridge and the grand operation to liberate the city was planned and prepared. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Neocon Creep As pointed out by recently, we are seeing pressure from US political appointees on the intelligence agencies to produce data to support interventionist decisions already made. Honest men and women are again retiring and leaving their positions, rather than participate in the politicization of US intelligence. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - China Outlaws All Future And Current Initial Coin Offerings, Crypto Markets Plunge In a joint statement issued by its seven financial regulators today, China explained why it believes that the nascent fundraising mechanism is illegal under domestic law. Financial authorities backing the statement include the People's Bank of China, the Central Network Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - According to Emmanuel Macron, the Days of Popular Sovereignty are Over Delivering a keynote speech before the most senior of French diplomats, President Macron revealed his conception of the world and the way in which he intends to use the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 64 tools at his disposal. According to him, there will be no more popular sovereignty, neither in France, nor in Europe, and therefore no more national or supra-national democracies. Neither will there be any more collective interest, no more Republic, but an ill-defined catalogue of things and ideas which compose the common good. Describing their new programme of work to the ambassadors, he informed them that they should no longer defend the values of their country, but find opportunities to act in the name of the European Leviathan. Entering into the details of certain conflicts, he described a programme of economic colonisation of the Levant and Africa. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - The Long Road Leading to the Destruction of IRAQ In yesterday's Gumshoe article, Mary Maxwell used a "Cock Robin" approach to the problem of 9/11. It is reasonable to say that a coterie of men with connections to Israel, rather than 19 Arabs, carried out the attacks on the World Trade Center. She did not ask why the coterie would do this. There are many theories. In this article I will look at the build-up to war with Iraq - going back in time to see how this madness unfolded. Health and Nutrition Sep 6, 2017 - MD: I’ve Seen Cases of Vaccine Injury for Forty Years In Australia, the noose is tightening around parents' and children's necks. There is already a policy in place that denies certain government benefits to families who don't vaccinate their kids. Now, there is legislation that would deny unvaccinated children enrollment in daycare and kindergarten...Australian MD John Piesse has stepped out of the shadows and reported his findings and research on vaccine damage. The government is investigating him. They may strip his license. The press is attacking him mercilessly. - Jon Rappoport Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - The Narrative of Fear and Insecurity So if you want to control a people and contain their desire to replace the system which benefits you, with one that benefits them, then you need to feed them fear and the more of it and the more slippery and inscrutable it seems to them, the better. A looming, shadowy foreign power lurking just beyond the borders is always good. Russia, China, Communists in general, or if they are too far away, then any kind of socialist will do at a pinch. In 1983 Margaret Thatcher famously branded British miners and their union as ‘The enemy within." Terrorists are a wonderful new fear. They are everywhere, much like Red's used to be under every bed. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - BRICS SUMMIT: Xi-Modi Meeting Falls Flat and Accomplishes Little While both leaders agreed that closer communications are necessary in order to foster greater cooperation and avoid conflicts, the reality is that India had the opportunity to take China up on its summer-long offers for direct dialogue but this did not happen. Without any further commitments to a dialogue process or any near-future bilateral meetings set-up during the Xi-Modi meeting in Xiamen, it is unlikely that anything more specific other than the polite commitment to dialogue has been offered. Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Sep 6, 2017 - Nederlands: HET ONMOGELIJKE INBEELDEN SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 310 door ROSIE

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Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Size Matters Ron: In the absence of widespread spiritual maturity which can only come with greatly increased consciousness, this author's ideas about community seem reasonable. Benign divine governance will be needed on this planet until its human population evolves into Light and Life and beyond. Good community life and governance depends on a reasonably stable membership in which members communicate and operate in a republican format. Obviously cities need to rethink and re-engineer their socio-political structures so that local communities have a real say in nominating delegates to higher governance hierarchies and have an ability to recall delegates who do not re-present their views in higher governance forums. Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Is Fathers’ Day too political for TV? For the past 15 years, not-for-profit organisation Dads4Kids has created community service announcements to promote the important role of fathers in our society. These 30 or 60 second videos have been played on Australian television annually as part of our Fathers’ Day celebrations. However, this year’s video, which featured a father singing a lullaby to his baby, wasn’t shown on television because it was deemed too “political” by our free-to-air regulator, FreeTV Australia, ahead of the same-sex marriage postal ballot. I’ll repeat that for anyone who didn’t just fall off their chair. A video of a father singing a lullaby to our children is now too political for Fathers’ Day! Political Information Sep 6, 2017 - Privatisation and Handover of British Policing to G4S is Already Well Underway… Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - Whistleblower Reveals That A UN-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway The Wilson-Fish program allows the US government to circumvent state sovereignty in refugee resettlement by funding third-party organizations. She mentioned several third- party organizations that benefit from taxpayer money in this way. They include the Jewish Vocational Services (which also uses the name Jewish Technical Services), Catholic Charities, and Lutheran organizations. They receive $2500 to process each refugee plus block grants to staff offices. She said she believed they are making huge amounts of money above their costs. - G. Edward Griffin Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - The Tribe Behind All The Censorship Has Exposed Itself Like Never Before

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Others Sep 5, 2017 - TIME’S UP FOR THE BAD GUYS This piece is from THe GABRIEL of NEBADON. Last December. I have had an urge to check at Wisdom of the Rays for days now.... and finally got there. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - Europe: Jihadists Posing As Migrants Around 130,000 migrants arrived in Europe by land and sea during the first eight months of 2017, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The main nationalities of arrivals to Italy in July were, in descending order: Nigeria, Bangladesh, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Mali. Arrivals to Greece were from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Congo. Arrivals to Bulgaria were from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - ‘Working with People who Confuse Austria & Australia is Hard’ – Putin on US Establishment "America is really a great nation and the Americans are a great people if they can endure so many people [in the government] with such a low level of political culture," Putin remarked. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - True: California City Will Pay Gang Members to Remain Peaceful "The program targets key gang agitators, offering them cash stipends to graduate [from] school and remain peaceful...But the city would still have to pay half the cost of the program, $1.5 million out of the city's general fund." In other words, Sacramento, the capital city of the state of California, has surrendered. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - Evidence Makes a Liar of Mattis- Washington Supplied an Army in Northern Syria

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Turkey's immediate falsification (showing the US to be a liar)of the numbers claimed by the U.S with documented evidencecaused consternation in the American side. In order to provide an explanation regarding the number of trucks, Mattis stated that those trucks were not only sent to the YPG but also to U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Syria. The Turkish side has responded by saying that the 1,200 trucks of weapons are enough to adequately equip at least 60,000 soldiers, adding that as far as it is known, there are not American soldiers of this number in Syria and Northern Iraq, again refuting the U.S. secretary of defense. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - We Told You So: Google Is NSA Melissa Dykes of Truth Stream Media made a video about the new Big Brother effort, and Government Slaves did their take as well. And the latter even suggests alternatives to using Google Search for those who refusing the totalitarian tendencies we see headed our way these days. For people who had rather boycott the imminent evil such as Yandex, and DuckDuckGo. Government Slaves also lists 400 sites for independent news outside Google's MATIX. My advice for everyone is to start making the transition away from Google and Facebook now. My own vast experience in dealing with these tech people has revealed people with no morals whatsoever, people willing to do anything necessary to perpetuate their dominance in digital. Google has destroyed millions of people's livelihoods, broken its own code, lawyers itself around anti-trust and fair practice rules, avoided taxes, and colluded against the people of the United States with the intelligence agencies. All these assertions are not just this writer's ramblings. Back in 2014 John W. Whiteheadwrote about the NSA and Google for the Huffington Post: "Just look around you. It's happened already. Thanks to an insidious partnership between Google and the National Security Agency (NSA) that grows more invasive and more subtle with every passing day, "we the people" have become little more than data consumer commodities to be bought, sold and paid for over and over again...The endless crisis and war we find ourselves in, is in large part because of the efforts of Google and the other technocratic institutions. In on section the author frames how the Obama administration really consolidated this "Big Brother" control: "Under Obama, the nexus of corporate, industry, and financial power represented by the interests that participate in the Pentagon Highlands Forum has consolidated itself to an unprecedented degree." These people refer to themselves as "the gatekeepers". Their arrogance is only exceeded by their amoral agnosticism. The successes of the information age, Silicon Valley's dubious venture capital bonanzas, the mysterious ways in which fairly ordinary innovators were propelling into the limelight warns us to the underlying swamp Donald Trump described. But it is the immensity of the network that should clue us. Imagine a new president taking office and fending off attacks as best he could, only to discover that the whole machine of the US government being under such a controlling influence. It's easy to theorize after learning all this, how Trump did an about face on so many issues. He must have been overwhelmed. Or, he was part of the plan all along. - Phil Butler Peter Sep 5, 2017 - Seraphin Messages 310: IMAGINING THE IMPOSSIBLE Political Information

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Sep 5, 2017 - The Rohingya Of Myanmar - Pawns In An Anglo-Chinese Proxy War Fought By Saudi Jihadists Pipelines from the western coast of Myanmar eastwards to China allow hydrocarbon imports from the Persian Gulf to China while avoiding the bottleneck of the Strait of Malacca and disputed parts of the South China Sea. It is in "Western interest" to hinder China's projects in Myanmar. Inciting Jihad in Rakhine could help to achieve that. There is historic precedence for such a proxy war in Burma. During World War II British imperial forces incited the Rohingya Muslim in Rakhine to fight Burmese nationalist Buddhists allied with Japanese imperialists. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - 2017 BRICS Declaration

This year, the BRICS have emphasised a commitment to cooperation beyond its member states, sending a message that the BRICS are open to the wider world including growing and developing economies. The highlights of the Declaration are as follows: -Caution against inward looking economic trends -Encouragement of multi-lateral efforts to solve problems which mutually impact multiple states and global regions -A primary focus on trade and investment, manufacturing and minerals processing, infrastructure connectivity, financial integration, science, technology and innovation, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) cooperation -An emphasis on e-commerce and economic digitisation -Increased cooperation between public and private sectors -Increased multilateral investment opportunities -Actively promoting innovation in technology and science across the BRICS and BRICS partners -Retain a commitment to growth with sustainable/green development

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-Maintain a commitment to an "open and inclusive" style of economic governance which respects the characteristics and unique situations of all nations -A commitment to helping countries recover from war and terrorism -A commitment to unique in the common fight against security threats The Declaration focused on the positive aspects of unity on economic initiatives with an emphasis on the idea that no problem cannot be solved through patience and multi-lateral cooperation. Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - Broken Promises Rain on Myanmar’s Rakhine State As the violence-wracked region teeters towards humanitarian crisis, the Kofi Annan-led Rakhine Advisory Commission's recommendations for peace and reconciliation have fast fallen from view Political Information Sep 5, 2017 - Cambodia's US-Backed Opposition Leader Charged With Treason If left unchecked, the millions of dollars in US and European money and assistance provided to Cambodia's opposition will continue allowing it to build its capacity to manipulate and win elections. While the opposition will cite election victories as the foundation of its growing legitimacy, the fact that these victories come as a result of foreign sponsorship, on behalf of foreign interests, undermines the opposition's legitimacy entirely. True US History Sep 5, 2017 - Beautiful Anchor Destroys Radical Feminist Claiming Fake Beautiful Anchor Destroys Radical Feminist Claiming Fake Sexism (3' 07" video): True US History Sep 5, 2017 - Kid PUNISHED For Wrong Gender Pronoun, Transgender Kids, Tucker Carlson Shocked Kid PUNISHED For Wrong Gender Pronoun, Transgender Kids, Tucker Carlson Shocked (2'49" video): True US History Sep 5, 2017 - "THINK For Yourself!" Tucker Carlson and Princeton Prof on Free Speech "THINK For Yourself!" Tucker Carlson and Princeton Prof on Free Speech (5' 24" video): German Sep 5, 2017 - Das war keine Wasserstoffbombe in Nordkorea Gezielte Botschaft Die Nachrichten vom 3. September sind ganz und gar gefälscht, sind Fake News. Nordkorea verfügt über KEINE wie auch immer gearteten Atombomben, und ich überprüfte die Videos von sehr schlechter Qualität, bei denen es sich um alte, verschwommene und wiederverwendete handelt. Das Video vom eine Atombombe inspizierenden KIM ist ebenfalls nichts anderes als Fake News. Atombomben sehen nicht so aus, und zudem es keine Schutzvorrichtung. Ich bezweifle, dass Kim in diese kleine Vorstellung verwickelt war. Political Information Sep 4, 2017 - Jewish War on Free Speech AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 70

We begin this week's edition of the ‘Jewish War on Free Speech' with the news that the jewish activist organisation the Simon Wiesenthal Center has managed to inveigle itself into the International Youth Olympics as the provider of a mandatory ‘anti-racism program'. (1)...We've also got to the point where the jews are bringing ‘anti-BDS' (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) ‘experts' in North Carolina to‘combat' this growing movement on the left to stop Israel behaving like the Emperor Caligula in the Middle East. (21) Over in Oz; the Australian Jewish News has similarly accused the Australian Labour Party of being ‘anti-Semitic' for not prostrating themselves before their jewish masters and dancing attendance on the Israeli state. (22)

In Britain; a similar situation prevails with one ‘jewish business woman' and daughter of a former jewish mayor of the city of Birmingham ‘leaving the country' because of the British Labour Party's ‘anti-Semitism'. (23) With the caveat that the Crown Prosecution Service have decided that theft and terrorism are lesser priorities than someone saying something nasty about jews on social media. (24) Political Information Sep 4, 2017 - Washington is Looking for an Escalation in Diplomatic Standoff with Russia The other confusing issue is Donald Trump's behavior. He came to office promising a vast improvement in US-Russian relations. Thus, either he's changed his mind, or he's lost control of his own apparatchiks, and has been forced to surrender to their demands. Either way, America is now a dangerous rival, because there seems to be no longer any consistency in its conduct. And, barring impeachment or resignation, there's still almost three and a half years of the Trump Presidency ahead. So, brace yourself, because things could get a lot worse. Political Information Sep 4, 2017 - FBI Investigation of Hillary: Rigged From The Start

Please read this piece in its entirety, folks. Knowing what happened in this case is

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 71 crucial to understanding the way the Deep State works. It will sharpen your senses and hone your bullshit detector in the future. True US History Sep 4, 2017 - Myth of White Privilege- The Reality of White Slavery Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place in the commerce of rum, whiskey, and liquor dealings. And to conclude, it finally became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive great sums of money in exchange for them. In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established. Ninety percent of the members of this first lodge, fourteen all told, were Jews. And one knows that only so-called "prominent" individuals were accepted. Twenty years later, the second Masonic Lodge, "King David," was established. It is a fact that all of these members were Jews. An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128 Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their "Cargo," 120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston. One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings of the Newport, if one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery. Concerning the entire commerce of the Colonies, and the later State of Rhode Island, (which included Newport) bills of lading, concessions, receipts, and port clearances carried the signature name of the Jew Aaron Lopez (3). This all took place during the years 1726 to 1774. He had therefore more than 50% of all dealings under his personal control for almost fifty years. Aside from that there were other ships which he owned, but sailed under other names... Let us scrutinize at close range this dismal handwork of the Jews which gave them influence and power, so we may comprehend the Slave Trade; for there has been so much written since that time by the zealous Jewish writers, that at the present, long since removed, it might appear natural, for the time element has a tendency to make things nebulous. Let us follow the journey of one ship, owned by a slave dealer, Aaron Lopez, which had made many trips to the African coast. For instance, in the month of May, 1752, the ship "Abigail" was equipped with about 9,000 gallons of rum, a great supply of iron foot and hand restraints, pistols, powder, sabres, and a lot of worthless tin ornaments, and under the command of the Jewish Captain Freedman, sailed off for Africa. There were but two Mates and six sailors comprising the crew. Three and one half months later they landed on the African Coast. Meantime, there had been constructed an African Agency, by the Jewish slave dealers, who had corralled them, and prepared them for sale. This organization reaching deep into Africa, had many ramifications, including the heads of groups, villages, etc. This method to win over these leaders for the Jewish slave trade, was similar to' that which the Jews had employed with the Indians. At first, they presented them with rum, and soon found themselves in an alcoholic delirium. When the gold dust, and ivory supply was exhausted, they were induced to sell their descendants. At first their wives, and then their youths. Then they began warfare among each other, plotted and developed mostly by the Jews, and if they captured prisoners, these, too, were exchanged for rum, ammunitions and weapons to the Jews', using them for further AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 72 campaigns to capture more Negroes. The captured Blacks were linked two by two and driven through the medieval forests to the coast. These painful treks required weeks, and some of them frequently became ill, and felled by exhaustion, and many unable to rise even though the bull whip was applied as an encourager. They were left to die and were devoured by wild beasts. It was not unusual to see the bones of the dead laying in the tropical sun, a sad and gruesome reminder to those who would later on tread this path. It has been calculated that for each Negro who withstood the rigors of this wandering, there still had to be the long voyage across the ocean, before they reached American soil, nine out of ten died! And when one considers that there was a yearly exodus of ONE MILLION black slaves, then, and only then, can one assess the tremendous and extensive exodus of the African people. - Walter White Jr ************** All Slave ships were owned by Jews European Whites actually did not bring the slaves to America. On the contrary, it was the Asiatic Jews who brought them here (as Louis Fahrakkan has pointed out, as well as former professor of Africana Studies at Wesleyan College, Tony Martin)...The reason that almost no one KNOWS that Jews dominated the slave trade in the americas is stated indirectly by Joel Stein: " I don't care IF Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that WE GET TO keep running them." - Jewish Columnist, Joel Stein, LA Times, Dec 19, 2008. - Elizabeth Donnan Health and Nutrition Sep 4, 2017 - Vaccination and the Semmelweis Reflex: Rejecting New Medical Evidence “Because it Contradicts and Refutes Established Norms” "It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong." - Voltaire "If you offend the powers that be; if you offend the public health establishments; if you offend the pharmaceutical industry and threaten their bottom line (as we did by calling into question the safety of MMR [and later all the other vaccines that contain brain-toxic, mitochondrial-toxic and blood-brain barrier-toxic ingredients like aluminum and mercury - ed note]) there is no price that you will not pay. You will be destroyed in order to protect their bottom line." - Dr Andrew Wakefield Anything that implies that immunizations are not the greatest medical advance in the history of public health is ignored or ridiculed. Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunizations are killing (or maiming) thousands of babies?" - Dr William C. Douglass, MD (Honored twice as America's ‘Doctor of the Year') "I was told by a network executive that during non-election years up to 70% of his news division's revenues are from pharmaceutical corporation's advertising. That executive told me that if one of his talk show hosts allowed me on the air, he would fire that host. Losing an advertiser is a major catastrophe for a network." - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr(an outspoken critic of mercury-laced vaccines) "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" -Upton Sinclair, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist American author Definitions: "The Semmelweis Reflex (aka, the ‘Semmelweis Effect'): the reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs or paradigms." - Semmelweis Society International ( AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 73

Cognitive Dissonance: the psychological discomfort that happens when one's deeply held beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. Clinical Iatrogenesis: The injury done to patients by an ineffective, toxic or unsafe drug or surgical treatment. Health and Nutrition Sep 4, 2017 - How Getting Rid of my Smartphone Revolutionised my Life Smartphones have developed as both a cause of, and a remedy from, the high-anxiety, atomised, precarious 21st-century existence for young people, in which the prospects of career progression, security and home ownership akin to previous generations are nowhere to be seen. Mark Fisher characterised young people living in a state of "depressive hedonia", where they have an inability to do anything except chase low-level pleasure, as typifying the human condition under late capitalism. Human/Animal Rights Sep 3, 2017 - Animal Cruelty Rising

Environment/Science Sep 3, 2017 - Toxic Avalanche 2: Smart Meters, an Unlisted Component In 2012, environmental health Professor David Carpenter, founder of Albany School of Public Health, and author of 370 peer-reviewed publications, issued a public letter on the plausible toxic risks of intensive, pulsed-microwave smart metering. His letter Smart-meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation was signed by 50 international health experts:

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Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Socialism: Opiate of the Masses At street level (not within the CFR), every proponent of the socialist "solution" either has no idea who installs it and runs it, or he astonishingly believes "the government" can be transformed into a beneficent enterprise and shed its core corruption, as it takes the reins of absolute power. Meanwhile, the ultra-wealthy elites who use socialism as a weapon, while propagandizing it as our humanitarian future, know full well THEY will run it, and they have no qualms about placing severe limits on the freedom of populations. They want to impose those limits. Environment/Science Sep 3, 2017 - A World Where Everyone Will Be Microchipped The scary part in all of this is that a significant number of people, although there are many who oppose it, seem to be unaware of the near and present dangers associated with microchips. In 2015, a survey found that one in four Australians would accept a chip implanted under their skin if it meant more convenience for them when making purchases. In 2016, NBC produced a propaganda piece saying that your children must be microchipped "sooner rather than later" in order to keep them safe from predators. - Phillip Schneider Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Modi's Demonetization Called "Colossal Failure That Ruined Economy" As India GDP Growth Slumps To 2-Year Lows The bank's figures are a political embarrassment to Mr Modi, who had appealed to the nation to endure the disruption and hardship to punish the rich and corrupt, and deprive them of their ill-gotten gains. Many lower income Indians hard hit hard by cash shortages supported the demonetisation policy because they believed the rich were suffering more. It appears they were suckered! Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Antifa Is Playing Right Into The Hands Of A Burgeoning Police State The way to stop this is actually pretty simple. Don't get sucked in. Don't pick "a side," and don't pressure others to do so. It's just gang warfare and it won't lead to anything good. Moreover, we must denounce offensive violence as a political tactic and marginalize those who advocate it. 90% of people don't want anything to do with street violence irrespective of how much you despise the system, and believe me, I despise it. Don't give into the negative energy. Negative energy creates negative outcomes. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - For Israel and the US, Russia has Closed the Syrian Sky Yes, and repeat, a missile strike with Tomahawks simply will not work. Well, now de- escalation zones are under serious surveillance.

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Let's see how the Western coalition reacts to this. -, translated by Tom Winter -

Health and Nutrition Sep 3, 2017 - United Nations Admits Latest Outbreak of Polio in Syria was Caused by Polio Vaccines Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Latest genetic testing: “Jews” may be actually descended from Khazars Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Meet Le Cercle – Making Bilderberg Look Like Amateurs Attendees of Le Cercle are generally found to be part of the deep state - i.e. mostly made up of politicians, spooks, bankers, diplomats, military officers, editors and publishers or experts in geopolitical products such as energy. All are deep political actors with real influence. Members are almost exclusively from western or western- oriented countries. It is noteworthy that many important members tend to be affiliated with aristocratic circles in London and accusations of links to fascism and synarchist (rule by a secret elite) are anything but uncommon in this milieu. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Why Jihadism Won’t Be Allowed to Die Sixteen years after 9/11, the name of the game is not GWOT (Global War on Terror) anymore; is how, under the cover of GWOT, to disturb geostrategic expansion by the people who matter; "peer competitors" Russia and China. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - SPLC Says Army Bases Are Confederate Monuments That Need To Come Down

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"More than 1,500 Confederate monuments stand in communities like Charlottesville with the potential to unleash more turmoil and bloodshed," the SPLC website states. "It's time to take them down." Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Disneyland Paris Apologizes for Banning Little Boy From ‘Princess for a Day’ Experience Ron: I guess Hayley McLean-Glass' son Noah has hit the "glass ceiling". Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Red Cross Admits It Doesn’t Know How Hurricane Harvey Donation Money Is Spent Amid the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the Red Cross reportedlyaccepted nearly $500 million in relief money but built only six homes with the funds even though they claimed they had provided homes to 130,000 people. These failures prompted some Haitians to advise the world against donating funds to the Red Cross. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Thailand's Ousted PM Flees Abroad: The Rest of the Story Amid its closer ties to Beijing, Thailand's current government is also diversifying ties with Eurasian powers like Russia as well as Western Europe. It is continuing a centuries-old policy of cautious balance that has kept it the only Southeast Asian state to avoid foreign colonisation. As Thailand's current government continues writing the US out of any significant future role both in Thailand and in Southeast Asia, attempts by Washington to undermine political and economic stability in Thailand will continue in turn. Human/Animal Rights Sep 3, 2017 - Myanmar Army 'Beheading Children and Burning People Alive' According to Eyewitnesses

Rohingya Muslims, refugees from ongoing military operations in Myanmars Rakhine state, gather to perform Eid Al Adha prayer near a camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh CREDIT: ANADOLU Mark Farmaner, director of London based NGO Burma Campaign UK, welcomed the security council discussion but called on the British Government to go further in its objections to the current situation in Rakhine. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 77

"Supporting Aung San Suu Kyi and reforms in Myanmar doesn't mean the British government has to stand by and do nothing as hundreds of Rohingya are slaughtered by the military," he said. - Fiona MacGregor Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Upon Evading a Major Conflict with China, India Gets Back to its Political Games The softening of Chinese rhetoric should be attributed to the obvious desire of Beijing to both maintain at least some level of bilateral ties with India established before the conflict in the Himalayas, and, secondly, not to aggravate New Delhi's possible drift towards China's geopolitical opponents. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Modi Cash Ban a `Total Failure' as 99% of Banned Notes Back "This data proves that demonetization was a total failure," said Mohan Guruswamy, chairman of New Delhi-based Centre For Policy Alternatives, who'd advised a previous government led by the current ruling party. "The prime minister obviously had overstated his case. You've lost so many jobs across sectors. How can people trust Mr. Modi and his numbers?" Other Spiritual Pieces Sep 3, 2017 - Stupid, Vain, Celebrity-Crazed and the Rest of The Ugly Dwarfs are Gunning for Normal. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - War on Cash Proposals in Australia: Microchip Expiring $100 Bills, Forcing People to Keep Receipts Mike 'Mish' Shedlock: Estimates for the size of Australia's so-called black economy vary from $23 billion to $50 billion. The government claims tax avoidance through cash payments costs the budget up to $10 billion in revenue, money that could [Ron: but wouldn't] go towards funding welfare and other services. Ron: All of Australia's governments are UNLAWFUL and unconstitutional ie illegal* even within the terms of the current Talmudic international legal system.* It is UNLAWFUL ie contrary to DIVINE (Natural) LAW for anyone to levy a tax on income earned by any individual's personal labour and effort. In effect such taxation is tantamount to slavery. Moreover, the Australian Taxation Office is a private corporation owned by unnamed Jewish banksters who profit from the monies it collects. This initiative is part of the global banksters' attempt to incrementally force a cashless society on Australians in furtherance of their New World Order, One (Judaic) World Government conspiracy. * The law that the governments of Australia continue to use against Australians as sovereign people is owned by the British parliament because what we call the Constitution of Australia is section 9 of a current piece of Imperial British legislation whose title is: “63 and 64 Victoria chapter 12, an Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia 1900 (UK). The first eight sections of that Act are what’s called the covering clauses and they define how the Act is implemented. The oath of allegiance in the Act (the Constitution Act) clearly states that the only monarch that has reference in respect of the Constitution is Queen Victoria in her capacity as the monarch of the parliament of the United Kingdom, her heirs and successors. And it also uses the term “In her sovereignty” as the queen of the parliament of Great Britain, her heirs and successors. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 78

Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Living In a World Gone Mad — Is Peaceful Anarchy the Secret to a Better Society? Ron: Genuine self-rule requires genuine spiritual and intellectual maturity. Very few on this planet currently have that ability. Carolanne Wright: Peaceful anarchy is not only possible, we’re seeing inspiring examples of it today. Non-violent methods of confronting “the system” — from peaceful parentingto Austrian Economics and Bitcoin — fall within the realm of non-violent anarchy. Ron: Arguably Bitcoin is not being used for peaceful anarchic purposes. It is probably part of the Dark Brothers' efforts to create a cashless world which will result in total enslavement of humanity. In any event the idea that Bitcoin can become worth a million USD or whatever, merely appeals to avarice and is, prima facie, both disfunctional and ridiculous. Rosie Sep 3, 2017 - Seraphin Message 309: THE DIVINE BLUE-PRINT MUST PLAY OUT ON PLANET EARTH Do you understand, Beloveds, that each of the creatures mentioned above have developed perfectly according to their own blueprint? So what, inhabitants of an imperfect, desecrated and contaminated earth, is YOUR DIVINE BLUE-PRINT, yet to be UNFOLDED? And indeed, what of the earth’s OWN DIVINE BLUE-PRINT which she wishes to fulfil. Shall she be denied due to the wayward activities of her wards? Most definitely NO. It will be granted to her, irrespective of her residents’ inability to keep up with her. Political Information Sep 3, 2017 - Exclusive: FDA Confession about Smallpox Vaccine The World Health Organization, in 1980, celebrated the eradication of smallpox on the African continent-but was that what really happened? Or was it this? The visible signs of smallpox receded, but people with already- compromised immune systems began dying in large numbers. The FDA has just unwittingly implied what researchers have known for decades; the so- called smallpox eradication campaign in Africa was one of the most dangerous medical interventions in history. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Korea Crisis Exposes Orwellian West For every nuclear warhead suspected to be in North Korea's possession, the United States has nearly 333 weapons, each one manifold more destructive than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US, uniquely, continues to arrogate the right to drop nuclear bombs on civilians. The US is holding massive military maneuvers on North Korea's border, not the other way around. It refuses to hold talks for mutual disarmament. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Anti-Syrian Sanctions Relief Would Be The Right Move For All The Wrong Reasons Nobody's saying that it shouldn't happen, but just that if it ever does, don't expect it to be done with pure intentions at heart. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 79

Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Syria: The Axis of Resistance Reduces Netanyahu Government to a Quivering Wreck Another important factor that concerns the Zionists is that their historic and strategic ally the United States is drowning in internal disputes, and has been losing its credibility as a Great Power both on the internal and international scenes, despite its looting of Saudi and Gulf wealth. So when their main partner couldn't deliver assurances, the Zionists turned to Russia hoping to sway its decision makers, using the usual lies about their entity being under threat. But in Russia, the Zionists were met by a strong leader who respects his words and commitments, and does not compromise his country's fundamental principles. The Zionists realise that the Russian leader has the final word today in all issues in the Middle East, and the word of the United States, the West, and their Wahhabi mercenaries no longer counts. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - ‘400,000 Deaths in Syria civil War Directly Attributed to US & Allies’ This narrow focus on civilians we must recognize is deeply ideological because it serves to whitewash the true scale of the slaughter taking place in Iraq and Syria right now. Why should a 16-year-old boy, pressed into service by ISIS and then blown to pieces by the US before even firing a shot, why should his life be considered so unworthy, so meaningless, as not to be recorded in any kind of statistic because he's, "not a civilian"? This use of the term and focus on civilians is actually a means of placing all soldiers, all militants, in the same category of subhuman and implies they deserve to be killed. More than that, not only do they deserve to be killed, but their lives are so meaningless and unworthy, they don't even deserve to be recognized in any kind of balance sheet as to the costs of this war. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - The Myth Of The Moderate Kurdish Rebel In this third and final part of her inquiry into the claim to create a Kurdish state outside the historic Kurdish territories and to the detriment of the Arab and Christian populations, Sarah Abed draws a terrible observation. This article may seem to be partial to some of our readers. Yet all reported items are accurate and can be easily verified. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Jewish War on Free Speech Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities "I've never known a US-based nonprofit dealing in human rights or social services to have any foreign bank accounts," said Amy Sterling Casil, CEO of Pacific Human Capital, a California-based nonprofit consulting firm. "My impression based on prior interactions is that they have a small, modestly paid staff, and were regarded by most in the industry as frugal and reliable. I am stunned to learn of transfers of millions to offshore bank accounts. It is a huge red flag and would have been completely unacceptable to any wealthy, responsible, experienced board member who was committed to a charitable mission who I ever worked with."

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"It is unethical for any US-based charity to invest large sums of money overseas," said Casil. "I know of no legitimate reason for any US-based nonprofit to put money in overseas, unregulated bank accounts." "It seems extremely unusual for a ‘501(c)(3)' concentrating upon reducing poverty in the American South to have multiple bank accounts in tax haven nations," Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street analyst and financial advisor who helped uncover a 2009 financial scandal at General Electric, told the Free Beacon. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - The Tribe Behind All The Censorship Has Exposed Itself Like Never Before

Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - The Long Read: Google – Seeded By The Pentagon Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. This is true. But it is a mere fragment of the story. In reality, Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex. The inside story of Google's rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Channel Four News Anchor Jon Snow: From Mea Culpas over Grenfell Tower to Demands for Censorship Snow makes no attempt to detail the "mass fakery" of which he speaks-other than a reference to the claim that the Pope had backed Donald Trump for president and an oblique reference to "conspiracy theories" regarding the Syrian civil war. But he lends tacit support to the anti-democratic efforts of Google, working with the Democratic Party, the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency in the United States and other

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 81 intelligence agencies elsewhere-to conceal from public view those websites deemed to be conveying "fake news." This constantly repeated term, together with claims that Russia has utilised the internet to subvert the "democratic process," has been employed as justification for the development of a new algorithm and the hiring of thousands of personnel by Google-with the primary aim of censoring left-wing, progressive and anti-war sites. The World Socialist Web Site, whose reportage is never anything but truthful, has been the most affected by Google's supposed efforts to fight what Snow calls the "tyranny of untruth" resulting from an unregulated Internet. Health and Nutrition Sep 2, 2017 - The Incalculable Human Health Consequences of Hurricane Harvey The human health consequences from Hurricane and Tropical Storm Harvey will be long lasting and all but incalculable. Houston, Texas and the surrounding Gulf communities comprise the acknowledged petrochemical capital of the world. The Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coasts are commonly referred to as the "chemical coast," where almost half of all the refining of gasoline and natural gas in the US is done. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Hungary’s Viktor Orbán Sends EU $476 million Bill for Border Wall that Protects Citizens from Illegal Migrants The fence has virtually erased illegal immigration into Hungary less than two years after it was considered the primary route for migrants attempting to enter the EU. Janos Lazar, Orban's chief of staff, claims the 400 million euro ($476 million) figure is justified since the fence is "protecting all the citizens of Europe from the flood of illegal migrants." Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Russia is on Alert for US authorities Planting Fake Evidence in Russian Consulates The Russian Foreign Ministry has called America's actions unprecedented and aggressive. Health and Nutrition Sep 2, 2017 - Brain Regeneration: Why It’s Real and How To Do It Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - The Myth of White Privilege- The Reality of White Slavery Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place in the commerce of rum, whiskey, and liquor dealings. And to conclude, it finally became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive great sums of money in exchange for them. In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established. Ninety percent of the members of this first lodge, fourteen all told, were Jews. And one knows that only so-called "prominent" individuals were accepted. Twenty years later, the second Masonic Lodge, "King David," was established. It is a fact that all of these members were Jews. An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128 Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their "Cargo," 120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston.

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One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings of the Newport, if one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery. Concerning the entire commerce of the Colonies, and the later State of Rhode Island, (which included Newport) bills of lading, concessions, receipts, and port clearances carried the signature name of the Jew Aaron Lopez (3). This all took place during the years 1726 to 1774. He had therefore more than 50% of all dealings under his personal control for almost fifty years. Aside from that there were other ships which he owned, but sailed under other names... Let us scrutinize at close range this dismal handwork of the Jews which gave them influence and power, so we may comprehend the Slave Trade; for there has been so much written since that time by the zealous Jewish writers, that at the present, long since removed, it might appear natural, for the time element has a tendency to make things nebulous. Let us follow the journey of one ship, owned by a slave dealer, Aaron Lopez, which had made many trips to the African coast. For instance, in the month of May, 1752, the ship "Abigail" was equipped with about 9,000 gallons of rum, a great supply of iron foot and hand restraints, pistols, powder, sabres, and a lot of worthless tin ornaments, and under the command of the Jewish Captain Freedman, sailed off for Africa. There were but two Mates and six sailors comprising the crew. Three and one half months later they landed on the African Coast. Meantime, there had been constructed an African Agency, by the Jewish slave dealers, who had corralled them, and prepared them for sale. This organization reaching deep into Africa, had many ramifications, including the heads of groups, villages, etc. This method to win over these leaders for the Jewish slave trade, was similar to' that which the Jews had employed with the Indians. At first, they presented them with rum, and soon found themselves in an alcoholic delirium. When the gold dust, and ivory supply was exhausted, they were induced to sell their descendants. At first their wives, and then their youths. Then they began warfare among each other, plotted and developed mostly by the Jews, and if they captured prisoners, these, too, were exchanged for rum, ammunitions and weapons to the Jews', using them for further campaigns to capture more Negroes. The captured Blacks were linked two by two and driven through the medieval forests to the coast. These painful treks required weeks, and some of them frequently became ill, and felled by exhaustion, and many unable to rise even though the bull whip was applied as an encourager. They were left to die and were devoured by wild beasts. It was not unusual to see the bones of the dead laying in the tropical sun, a sad and gruesome reminder to those who would later on tread this path. It has been calculated that for each Negro who withstood the rigors of this wandering, there still had to be the long voyage across the ocean, before they reached American soil, nine out of ten died! And when one considers that there was a yearly exodus of ONE MILLION black slaves, then, and only then, can one assess the tremendous and extensive exodus of the African people. - Walter White Jr ************** All Slave ships were owned by Jews European Whites actually did not bring the slaves to America. On the contrary, it was the Asiatic Jews who brought them here (as Louis Fahrakkan has pointed out, as well as former professor of Africana Studies at Wesleyan College, Tony Martin)...The reason that almost no one KNOWS that Jews dominated the slave trade in the americas is stated indirectly by Joel Stein: AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 83

" I don't care IF Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that WE GET TO keep running them." - Jewish Columnist, Joel Stein, LA Times, Dec 19, 2008. - Elizabeth Donnan Environment/Science Sep 2, 2017 - Anti-vaccination Advocate Kent Heckenlively Denied Entry to Australia Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - What the Debt Ceiling and Potential Government Shutdown Have To Do with HARVEY Hitting East Texas The New York Times just published a piece that basically makes a case for the direct relationship between the widespread and serious HARVEY damage and the urgent need to increase the debt ceiling. But the most radioactive disclosure in that NYT article is this: "This is going to change the whole dynamic for September and, quite frankly, for the Republican establishment for the remainder of the 115th Congress," said G. William Hoagland, a longtime chief budget adviser to Senate Republicans who is now a senior vice president at the Bipartisan Policy Center. "The truth of the matter is, they don't need money to build a wall in Texas, but to rebuild the shoreline in Texas."[1] In view of the utter devastation to the Texas coastline, it's fair to say that the promised border wall is no longer on Trumps "To Do" list. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Relink: Orthodox Jewish KKK Grand Dragon/ American Nazi Party Secretary Exposed Just think about that. Let that idea roll around in your mind. Today's news is all about alleged white supremacist/nazis having it in for followers of judiasm... WaPo ‘Jews will not replace us': Why white supremacists go after Jews

And yet, in reality we had an Orthodox Jewish Grand Dragon, member of the American Nazi Party exposed, by a New York Times reporter.. Political Information Sep 2, 2017 - Armed Antifa Group Declares “Everywhere a Battlefield” For months, militant antifa groups have been engaging in targeted political violence. They claim they exist to fight racists, bigots, and white supremacists; and their allies in the media often echo these claims. But if the actions from the Red Guards Austin is any indication, this is nothing more than a public relations campaign to recruit moderates. Their end goal is communism, a political ideology responsible for over 94 million deaths in the 20th century. Political Information Sep 1, 2017 - Total Individual Control Technology – Insider Exposes How You and Your DNA Are Being Targeted Ron: Discernment required. Makia Freeman: Another aspect of Total Individual Control Technology which the perpetrators use to shield themselves is the cruel use of false psychiatric diagnoses. Here’s how it works: they manipulate TI victims to see a psychiatrist, and then they bribe the psychiatrist to deliver a fake diagnosis that the victim is mentally unstable, deranged, delusional, crazy, incompetent, paranoid, schizophrenic, suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder – or they invent some similar legal-medical-psychobabble diagnosis. This has the unfortunate effect of AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 84 stripping away the victim’s natural or human rights, which leaves him or her with no recourse to fight back against his attackers, since his claims and testimonies will be dismissed as the ravings of a madman. This is a similar tactic to what is used with other victims of mind control. In my interview with Max Spiers, he touched on the use of the Big Pharma “false memory” foundation, which includes bogus therapists and psychiatrists who convince mind control victims that they’re having false memories (when they are actually recalling how they were tortured and programmed). The Infrastructure Underlying Total Individual Control Technology The infrastructure that is enabling the total individual control technology is composed mostly of antennae, radar and cell phone towers. Often, the antennae are camouflaged (hidden behind walls). Some or most of the radar used is from military bases. Kofron was not able to explain much of how the technology actually works, although an electrical engineer who called in on one of the radio interviews suggested that the perpetrators are setting up a standing wave of DNA, then doing slight variations in the phasing using pulse code modulation. Translations - Others Sep 1, 2017 - Italian: Il Progetto Divino Deve Compiersi Sul Pianeta Terra. Seraphin Messaggio 309 Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Sep 1, 2017 - Nederlands: DE GODDELIJKE BLUEPRINT MOET ZICH OP PLANEET AARDE ONTPLOOIEN SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 309 door ROSIE Political Information Sep 1, 2017 - The 5 Steps to World Domination Ron: I think that the global wealth pyramid in this article grossly underestimates the total global population and the percentage of global wealth owned by the top 0.7%. But its general thrust is accurate as evidenced by the rapid approach of a cashless global society. See eg: The Perfect Robbery, The Cashless Society. - Cashless-Society.shtml IMHO the fact that most people refuse to seriously consider these stark and terrifying facts evidences a couple of things. First, most are mind controlled to such an extent that they are either incapable of exercising independent thought or they FEAR leaving the comfort of the herd mind. Second many more intelligent individuals have achieved a modest level of comfort and wealth by serving as enablers for the tiny cabal of banksters and corporatists, and their bought and paid for political puppets and military leaders, that greed and cognitive dissonance prevents them acknowlesging that they are part of the problem. Be aware that the "financial system" is a "smoke and mirrors" creation of the Talmudists! "Money" is a fictional mental construct which has no substance. The "financial system"is a total scam foisted on humanity by Luciferians and their Judaic minions and shabbos goys. It has no substance and depends upon humanity accepting the fiction that electronic digits created using key strokes on computers, and electronically transmitted around the world, somehow constitute REAL value. They don't. Sovereign human beings create value through their mental and physical efforts, acting where necessary, on the planet's God given resources. ALL human needs are provided for by human activity NOT by the Jew created "financial system" which merely sucks out of human society a huge percentage of the value created by human ingenuity and work, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 85 giving it to parasitic bankers and financial manipulators. Human engenuity and labour produces food, shelter, entertainment, medical care and everything else that humanity creates. The financial system is an incubus imposed on humanity by Talmudists and their stupid enablers. Capiche? Reliable past estimates based on the usury practiced until the current incipient collapse of the usurious Western banking system, indicate that usury extracted 40% of humanity's productivity, before its producers got anything. Suggesting that humanity needs this Talmudic "financial system" to enable it to produce goods and services is absurd. What humanity actually NEEDS is gifting societies. BUT until money free socio-economic structures are achieved, "money" needs to be created and distributed interest (usury) free and the process needs to be totally controlled and closely supervised by each money creating community (however described). Humanity is already in the midst of massive and ever growing human unemployment due to technological advances; and those developments have made untenable the current false and fraudulent Capitalist private "OWNERSHIP" of God given physical and human resources meme, based on the equally fraudulent and false Jew created "money" meme. The alternative to the gentile world biting the bullet and letting go of the current untenable Capitalist "financial system" ideology which has enslaved and impoverished humanity, is for gentiles to continue to allow fraudulent Jewish corporatocrisy to have a monopoly on the creation of "money" out of thin air and, as a consequence, to "OWN" the means of production and the planet's resources, which will enable them to starve most of the global population into oblivion, enslaving a remnant for their amusement and convenience. As developments in robotics and electronics grow, the need for the controllers of the "financial system" to have gentile slaves to perform work will all but disappear.The alternative uses to which gentiles will be put do not bear thinking about. Be aware also that a cashless society is not a moneyless society in which everyone in the community contributes according to ability and as needed, and the community as a whole "owns" the planet's God given resources, which means that, among other things, each community as a whole, is the responsible guardian and controller of all relevant physical planetary resources and the technologies, robots, machines and human resources needed to sustain everyone in abundance while preserving the integrity and ecology of the planet. Such societies will develop in due course, once humanity evolves in consciousness and integrity. But unfortunately, we are not there yet. Currently private individuals "OWN" the corporations and governments that "OWN" the planet's physical resources and the factories, technologies, machines and intellectual property etc that CAN produce abundance but they only produce what they require for their own use and benefit, and/or can sell for a profit. As private individuals and their corporations (including governments) currently "own" the resources from which abundance is produced, a cashless society will have the opposite effect from a "moneyless" society because the money meme will remain dominant and accordingly everyone will be required to remain a free range serf; a wage slave dependant on employment, welfare payments or other "charity" contributions from governments, corporations and plutocrats, for needed sustenance payments, wages, "compensation" or other charity, however described.

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Moreover, taxes, charges and levees of all kinds are currently extracted, by force by governments but in a "cashless" society they will be extracted at the press of a keystoke. In that environment the elimination of cash, ie physical "money" tokens which "wage slaves" can currently hold in their hands and exchange for goods and services, will usher in an era of total enslavement and dependance upon those who control society including of course the banks that will issue digital money credits to be used in lieu of cash wages and other cash payments. THINK ABOUT THAT! Once a society becomes cashless, everyone becomes totally dependant upon the banks and those who control the banks, for the ability to satisfy their daily needs in virtually every way. The sole exceptions will be gardening communities and co-operatives where the members are virtually self sufficient in food production and other things. Anyone dependant upon wages, salary or government handouts or "compensation" packages processed by the banking system will live or die depending upon whether that system provides them with appropriate digital credit payments, when needed. So, if an individual's access to his/her digital "cash" is eliminated for any reason (for instance if relevant computer systems crash, electric power supplies cease, or banks or other authorities smply terminate that facility for a given individual or individuals, the individual(s) affected will starve unless supported by the charity of others, if any, who still have access to "cashless" money or some physical means of sustenance. Health and Nutrition Aug 31, 2017 - It's ‘Dangerous Nonsense': Australia Blocks Entry of ‘Number One Anti-Vaxxer' The self-proclaimed "world's number one anti-vaxxer" hasn't been the only one barred or sent packing from Australia, though. In early August, Polly Tommey and Suzanne Humphries were both banned from Australia for three years after the two women "secretly" screened their documentary "Vaxxed" in the country. The film claims there is a link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism. Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - WIKILEAKS: CIA can Secretly Load Implants on Windows’s Devices Wikileaks has released new information on the CIA's hacking programs. Human/Animal Rights Aug 31, 2017 - Why Animal Rights? Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect to have for ourselves. Whether it's based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable. If you wouldn't eat a dog, why eat a pig? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner. Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Thursday Humor? How The Media Controls Your Mind "The scary thing is that if you went a day without watching the news, you'd start to notice that there are a lot more things to appreciate than there are to be afraid of," he says. "That's why it's important to watch the news every day. Preferably three times a day."

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Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Medical Breakthrough – New Drug Brings Dramatic Relief to Russophobia Sufferers Symptoms of the illness include, but are not limited to, paranoid ideation connected with Russia, Moscow, the Kremlin, or Vladimir Putin. Delusions of grandeur are observed in certain Eastern European populations. Though exactly what causes the enzyme to build up is not well understood, the disease is believed to have originated somewhere in Eastern Europe. Previous outbreaks in the West occurred in the 1920s and 1950s, but the illness has made an alarming comeback in the last few years. While doctors stress that a total cure is a some way off, subjects in clinical trials showed a marked reduction in observable symptoms compared to placebo: blaming Putin was reduced to as little as once a week in 60% of those using Sovieta. Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - First they came for the Nazis and pedophiles… Ron: The Saker is slowly beginning to realise that the Talmudic narrative about Germans is grossly distorted. BUT his social conditioning still won't let him acknowledge that the term "Nazi" is HATE SPEECH created by Jews and should not be used in any genuine discussion of National Socialism and Germany's forced involvement in WWIi. By using that HATE terminology he seems able to equate German actions in WWII with the genocidal activities of the Jew controlled Allies which is manifestly untrue. He also assumes that German "racism" which was directed at love of the German nation and culture was equatable with the denigration, destruction and enslavement of other races and nations which IS the meaning given to "racism" by the Jews because of their genocidal Torah ideology. IMHO that is a grossly erroneous opinion also. The Saker: First, why was singled out for such crazy persecutions? Okay, okay – they are racists and Nazis. So? Does that really make them worse than anybody else? Last time I checked, none of the people involved with, or working for, The Daily Stormer had committed any personal crimes. Furthermore, had they committed any such crimes, why not go after them individually instead of going after their website? Why are the loyal corporations trying to shut down the speech of some individuals? Because they are ‘inciting violence’? That is ridiculous. The entire body of Marxist ideology is one long and never-ending incitations to (revolutionary) violence, yet nobody has ever tried to shut down all Marxist websites! [Ron: For a current example see eg: Armed Antifa Group Declares “Everywhere a Battlefield” - Group-Declares-Everywhere-a-Battlefield.shtml ]. Heck, the French national anthem is an incitation to violence! Since when does “free speech” exclude the incitation to violence?! Every single US President has made innumerable calls for violence (Trump recently against the DPRK), and yet nobody is censoring them? ... To get a sense of how much Nazis have been demonized, just look at this Wikipedia list of organizations advocating pedophilia(this time I left the footnotes so you can check the source) Could it be that the only reason The Daily Stormer is singled out is because it is relatively/comparably weak/poor and unable to defend itself?... [Ron: Actually the real reason is that the Daily Stormer tells the truth about Judaism and global Jewry whereas Communist and other Leftist groups advocating violence and the overthrow of Presidents Assad, Maduro AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 88 and Trump et al, are funded by George Soros and other Jews, so of course their violent rhetoric is not a problem for the Jew controlled MSM and the Jews who "own"the internet etc.]. The Saker: Or let’s take the example of pedophilia: I am absolutely convinced that the Empire publicly persecutes pedophiles only because it refuses to look at the horrors the porn industry generates, not only amongst its “performers”, but in the millions of individuals and families it affects (and if you think that these are the paranoid ravings on a prudish Christian fundamentalist, just read this article and wake up to the real world! I also highly recommend the second chapter “The Illusion of Love” in Chris Hedges wonderful book “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle” which I consider to be a “must read” to understand the United State’s society)... [Sidebar: To get a sense of how much Nazis have been demonized, just look at this Wikipedia list of organizations advocating pedophilia (this time I left the footnotes so you can check the source) [Ron: Germany has been occupied by Jews using the US military since May 1945. A listing of pedophile organisations or any other negative aspect of German society today merely reflects that fact. The same thing happened in the Weimar Republic when the Jews ran rampant and controlled Germany following WWI.]. Noticed something interesting? These pedophile organizations ALL have their websites. And yet nobody in the doubleplusgoodthinking community has even tried to shut them down, nevermind systematically persecuting them like The Daily Stormer! Why is that? Are Nazis [Ron:?!? WHY is it OK to label the entire German nation then and NOW as "Nazis"? The real "Nazis" are actually the Germans of Khazar extraction like the Bushes and Clintons et al.] so much worse than even pedophiles?]. There is also another particularly toxic side-effect for creating “consensus villains”: it makes it easy for non-consensus villains to hide. Let’s take a very simple example: the so-called “Holocaust”. It is often said that there is a need for, I kid you not, “Holocaust education” to make absolutely sure that “such an abomination does not happen again”. Not happen again?! It never stopped!!! [Ron: The Holocaust NEVER HAPPENED but Jew instigated genocides have never stopped since, at least, the Jew instigated Jacobin Coup mislabelled the French Revolution.].The decolonization of Africa was a bloodbath, US wars in Korea and Vietnam killed millions of people, as did the US sponsored civil war in Indonesia. The Cambodian genocide, the Bangladesh war of Independence, Mozambican Civil War – all saw millions of people murdered. More recently, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, [Ron: The USSR DID NOT invade Afghanistan! In truth the US instigated terrorist attacks on the legitimate Afghan government in 1979, if not before that. In fact the CIA organised, armed and trained al Qaeda terrorists and organised and funded terror oriented education of young Muslims to create on-going manpower for al Queda. Zbigniew Brzezinsk boasted that he and the CIA created and used Muslim terrorists to attack the legitimate, democratically elected Afghan government which precipitated Soviet military assistance at the request of that democratic Afghan government on 24 December 1979. See eg: The CIA's Founding of Al Qaeda Documented - Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk said that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.' He also boasted that: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 89 military intervention by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were fighting against a covert, PRIOR US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan.] the genocide in Rwanda, the US occupation of Iraq, the 2nd Congo war – they all killed several million of people. It is obscene, grotesque and outrageous to say “never again” if in reality it never stopped. [Ron: Bollocks! the REAL OBSCENITY is that the Holocaust of Jews in WWII did not happen at all! In fact Jews suffered least and were protected from Allied fire bombing of German cities by being placed in INTERNMENT work camps where they were mostly supervised by other Jews. See eg: Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944. See: _all_Prisoners_in_Auschwi_2737.shtml OFFICIAL RECORDS FROM INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS PROVE "HOLOCAUST" WAS A FRAUD - Repost. See: FROM-INTERNATIONAL-RED-CROSS-PROVE-HOLOCAUST-WAS-A-FRAUD--- Repost.shtml A Real Holocaust: Dresden, 13 February 1945. See: Dresden-13-February-1945.shtml Eisenhower's Death Camps - Deanna 'Spingola Speaks' ( RBN). See: Camps---Deanna-Spingola-Speaks-RBN_printer.shtml

GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany. See: The-Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml The Zionist Destruction of Germany. See: of-Germany.shtm ]... Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Are we the bad guys? Australia's ruthless past with East Timor Crossing the Line tells the story of Australia’s secret history in the Timor Sea. A story successive Labor and Liberal/National coalition governments have schemed to keep hidden...the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs has been spinning an “alternative history” over the last fifty years. An alternative history, in which the potential oil wealth of the Timor Sea north of the median line between Australia and Timor — and we are talking about an area that contains potentially billions of dollars of oil and gas — supposedly had no influence on Australia’s foreign policy towards our neighbours to the north. - Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Russian Central Bank Bails Out Otkritie Bank, Country's Largest Private Lender Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Russia Backpedals On Bitcoin - Unveils Plan To Ban Cryptocurrency Sales To "Ordinary People" Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 90

Aug 31, 2017 - Are Armenia, India, And Serbia “Balancing” Against Russia Or “Betraying” It? All three countries are diversifying their long-standing relations with Russia, but their preexisting institutional memberships are the determining factor in whether this is just geopolitical "balancing" or an outright "betrayal". Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Venezuela offers aid for Hurricane Harvey victims "There will be direct aid from Citgo, a contribution of up to 5 million dollars, to support the affected families affected in Houston and Corpus Christi in collaboration and coordination with their mayors and local authorities, of course. In second place, we are planning on allocating a percentage of sales of our production of Citgo gasoline towards the construction and substitution of housing and shelters." Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - NYT Now Painting Big Pharma CEOs as Cultural Heroes… Merck has easily murdered 100,000 times more than the violence in Charlottesville. The media's praise of Merck CEO is all theater because the products that Merck pumps out destroy the quality of life of millions around the globe, regardless of skin tone. This CEO is no hero of the people. Even as Merck's overpriced meds bankrupt countless Americans, Merck's model of medicine is praised. Even as their SSRI drugs elicit violent impulses, metabolism disruption, and increased suicide rates, they continue to push their dangerous method of psychiatric therapy on the public. In the name of combating depression, SSRIs increase the risk of suicide. Since 2000, 8.83 million suicides have unfolded, a large percentage linked to psychiatric drugs and their exacerbation of mental illness. Other Spiritual Pieces Aug 31, 2017 - Lady Kundalini Dances in the Mirror of the Perpetual Moment. Political Information Aug 31, 2017 - Mainstream Media Finally Realizes the Federal Reserve is a Private Bank that Controls the Govt Ron: You cannot solve current US and global financial and economic problems using the thinking that created them. The US Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is part of a gigantic Jew bankster scam that has largely destroyed our planet and enslaved and impoverished most of the global population. The situation is untenable. The Fed and the US Inc. MUST be abolished and replaced with genuine governmental structures which acknowledge the reality that, at least, the Confederacy and the Union are, and/or may seek to be, seperate political entities. Other US states or regions may also seek to seceed and become independent. Moreover, the Fed is an absurdly fraudulent PRIVATELY owned and controlled system for stealing the wealth of USans and the entire global population. It MUST be replaced by a money creation and distribution system that is honest, equitable, free of usury, and properly audited and controlled by the population of each and every governance unit served by such a publicly accountable mechanism for money creation and distribution. Accordingly this article like ALL the FAKE news and commentary articles on US and global finance needs to be disregarded except to note the absurd hubris of Janet Yellen and all the related scam artists and their political, MSM and commentariat enablers who continue to foist the ruinous, usurious money creation and distribution meme on this world.

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Environment/Science Aug 31, 2017 - Defending Against the Next Generation of Bioweapons The most worrying aspect of these next-generation biological weapons is how they might be delivered to a targeted population. With South Africa's Apartheid government using its national vaccine program as a vector for genotype-specific biological weapons and with current international vaccine programs dominated by Western pharmaceutical corporations and foundations, efforts to infect entire nations or regions of the planet with dormant stealth viruses is a very real threat. Environment/Science Aug 31, 2017 - Monsanto: It Ain’t Glyphosate, it’s the Additives! Their tests further concluded that the compounded herbicides using glyphosate as base, but including undisclosed "formulations" or surfactants or co-formulants, were vastly more toxic than glyphosate tested alone. They write, "All co-formulants and formulations were comparably cytotoxic well below the agricultural dilution of 1%." Depending on the product, the tests revealed that glyphosate, in combination with co-formulants, could be up to 2000 times more toxic to cells than glyphosate alone. Yet Monsanto has never revealed its trade secret co-formulants, neither to the US Government as it is compelled to by law, nor to the public. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - After Making Ceasefire Deal With ISIS U.S. Condemns Lebanon For Making Similar One The overall military motive is sound. In the end ISIS will be concentrated and surrounded in the desert along the Syrian-Iraqi border. Removing ISIS outposts throughout the country frees up lots of soldiers for the big fight. Its concentration in one place also allows to concentrate forces to fight it. Just like al-Qaeda in Idleb governate ISIS will have no way out to leave and can be killed from the air and from the ground. Environment/Science Aug 30, 2017 - HURRICANE HARVEY: The Most Transparently Manipulated Superstorm in U.S. history How did they know exactly where Harvey was going to go back on Thursday, Aug. 24? There's no question whatsoever that, based on this simple breakdown of the timing and the route that Harvey actually took as it was predicted well in advance, the geoengineers had total control over its every movement. Others Aug 30, 2017 - This brief period of chaos reminder For re reading for we are now well into the tumultuous and tense yet brief period of "controlled chaos" spoken of in the piece and you must rely on FEELINGS Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Prominent Israeli rabbi preaches necessity/permissibility of Jewish soldiers raping Gentile women in wartime Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - UK Anti-Terrorism Program, Prevent - Labelled a ‘Division-Making Machine’

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"People are being told ‘this is how you catch terrorists'," said Palestinian activist and academic, Karma Nabulsi. "Its turned ordinary people into police spies." Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Haiti Network Blames UN Mission for Rape, Killings, Cholera

Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - LOL!!! ‘Iran, operating from Syria, will destroy Europe and North America’ ed note–in the event that the name ‘Dr. Mordechai Kedar’ rings a bell, it should. He is the infamous ‘scholar’ who once penned an article where he claimed that raping the mothers, sisters and other womenfolk of terrorists was a legitimate form of warfare in Judea, Inc’s aim at cleansing that land between the Nile and Euphrates of Gentile contaminants/pollutants in creating the Jewish state. All can imagine the noise that would erupt if any other person of the non-Hebraic persuasion were to issue a similar opinion but in the reverse, but in the case involving the infamous ‘Dr. Mordechai Kedar’, barely a peep from the JMSM and what noises of discomfort were made were very subtle and evaporated within a day of their being published. As far as the premise of the article itself, keep in mind as well that the ‘mood’ within which ‘Dr. Mordechai Kedar’ wrote this was not one of dread, but rather one of anticipation and longing. Yes, it is couched in the lecturing, moralizing, warning tone which the High Priests of Hypocrisy utilize in all their finger wagging and their ‘tsk, tsk, tsk- ing’, but in the end, remember that as ‘good Jew’, he wants to see the West destroyed given the events surrounding not only the Maccabean war against Hellenism, but more than that, Rome’s destruction of Judea in 70 AD. Human/Animal Rights Aug 30, 2017 - THE DIRTY DOZEN: 12 Worst CEOs for Animals in Laboratories Pharmaceutical firms, chemical companies, contract testing facilities, and some cosmetics manufacturers are bad news for millions of animals locked in their laboratories. But when it comes to cruelty, some cause even more pain and misery than others.

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Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Brits Want US to Have War With Russia to get Rid of Trump: Analyst "We now see that Iran and Saudi Arabia are talking to each other. We see that the Chinese are coming into the Middle East with the win-win approach. Then let's have peace by getting Iran and Saudi Arabia to talk, the Palestinians and Israelis to talk, not to just talk but to get together on development, on real physical infrastructure development," he stated. "This is the basis of peace through development, and there is no alternative. The only other approach would be to accept the policy of London and Wall Street banking interests who are facing general catastrophic breakdown of their financial bubble and who want to maintain divisions, conflicts, wars in order to keep the power of the bankrupt Western financial system," the analyst noted. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Mossad Officer Leading ISIL as Mosque Imam Arrested in Libya According to the Libyan authorities, preacher Abu Hafs' real name is Benjamin Efraim, an Israeli national operating in one of Mossad's special units which conduct espionage operations in Arab and Islamic countries. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Iran, Again Will Israel start a new war? Israel has been pushing hard on Washington, recently having sent a high-level combined intelligence and military delegation to confer with National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster and Special Mideast Envoy Jason Greenblatt to explain the alleged Iranian threat. And the neocon chorus is also signaling that it expects the Trump Administration to do something. Frederick Hof of the hardline Atlantic Councilrecently wrote that the fundamental mistake made by Washington consisted of not invading Syria and installing an acceptable government years ago, which would have kept Iran out. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - More Misleading Russia-gate Propaganda Deeper in the story, the Times admits these inconvenient facts: "There is no evidence in the emails that Mr. Sater delivered on his promises, and one email suggests that Mr. Sater overstated his Russian ties. In January 2016, Mr. Cohen wrote to Mr. Putin's spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, asking for help restarting the Trump Tower project, which had stalled. But Mr. Sater did not appear to have Mr. Peskov's direct email, and instead wrote to a general inbox for press inquiries." The Times added: "The project never got government permits or financing, and died weeks later. ... The emails obtained by The Times make no mention of Russian efforts to damage Hillary Clinton's campaign or the hacking of Democrats' emails." In other words, the Russia-gate narrative - that somehow Putin foresaw Trump's election (although almost no one else did) and sought to curry favor with the future U.S. president by lining Trump's pockets with lucrative real estate deals while doing whatever he could to help Trump win - is knocked down by these new disclosures, not supported by them. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Jews, Crime and Corruption A wounded animal is often more dangerous than an unwounded one and the same is true for Netanyahu. Since he has now unleashed wholesale persecution of journalists who disagree

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 94 with him, (6) while also having used the same police currently investigating him and his friends for corruption to lock up people protesting against him. (7) Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Putin and Netanyahu: The World’s Most Powerful President Meets the World’s Most Powerful Liar The great pity is not that Netanyahu continues to tell provocative lies about Iran and the wider region, the pity and the danger is that anyone could still believe him. Iran does not threaten any nation with aggressive war, but if Netanyahu's impassioned rhetoric foments a war, Iran will defend itself. Those interested in peace ought to ignore Netanyahu and work instead for the important cause of greater peace, cooperation and dialogue, not just in the Middle East but in the wider world. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Pretext Alert? US Claims Troops Exchanged Fire With Turkish Backed Rebels. The incident occurred around the same time US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis visited Turkey to meet with his Turkish counterpart and the country's President Recep Erdogan. There was no mention of any conversations about the incident in the official readout of the meeting provided by the Pentagon. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - India-Vietnam Point Potent Projectile at China Vietnam is turning increasingly to major powers for security cooperation and stronger deterrence against China's militarization of the features it controls in the South China Sea. Reports indicated Beijing threatened military action if Vietnam did not withdrawal its Spanish concessionaire's exploration ship from contested waters, but later reports played down that an actual threat was made. Vietnam's bid to push China into a binding code of conduct in the area via the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was iced after the consensus-driven organization failed to reach agreement on the issue this month in Manila. Hanoi has become a lone voice in the association on the need to take a tougher stand on China's perceived provocations in the maritime area. That perceived multilateral failure makes the fast acquisition of BrahMos missiles even more important to Vietnam. But as India reaches a delicate rapprochement with China in the Himalayas after the worst flare-up between the two Asian giants in decades, it's not clear yet India aims to push the deal forward, if, indeed, it hasn't already quietly been done. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Government Bias Exposed: Rainbow Flag Flown in Lobby Ron: The Talmudic campaign to promote amorality and "DIVERSITY" using the LGBT agenda in which about two percent of the population is seeking to impose its attitudes and lifestyles on the rest of the Australian population is insidiously supported by the Deep State in OZ. This process cannot be stopped unless and until the Jew controlled OZ media is prevented from propagandizing FAKE NEWS and commentary on these matters. How do I know? Because the Canberra Times, which styles itself as the paper of record for the National City and the Nation, has refused to publish my letters to the Editor for years. I have no doubt that the same censorship applies to any reader whose views the Canberra Times' Owners and Editors disagree with. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Ship Collisions Raise Specter of Chinese Electronic Warfare AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 95

"It is ludicrous to assert that China does not have any motivation to try to hack or otherwise cause accidents that militarily or politically damage US military forces in Asia," Fisher said. "Whether or not China played any role in these incidents, the immediate campaign in Chinese state media to exploit these accidents to tar the US Navy as ‘incompetent' and ‘dangerous,' laid bare the Chinese government's abject hostility to the US Navy and desire to sweep US power from Asia." Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Violent “Color Revolution” in America? Attempted Overthrow of Trump? Threatens to Shred Fabric of American Society No end in sight The Summer of Rage is in full swing, but the rage is far from over. There continue to be anti-Trump events in all major cities in the country, seemingly every weekend. Ginned-up Antifa mobs are being mobilized in response to small pro-Trump "Freedom of Speech" events scheduled to take place in San Francisco and Berkeley on the weekend of August 26. The upcoming clash is already being called the Battle of Berkeley 3. With the fervent and unanimous support of the San Francisco Bay Area political establishment-all of whom are Democratic Party faithful who (including Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Nancy Pelosi, etc.) are openly calling for Trump's ouster-it is expected that yet another comparatively small gathering for "prayer, patriotism and free speech"-Trump supporters-will be swarmed and viciously shut down by mobs of Trump-hating Antifa and "social justice warriors". The media ignores the fact that the organizers of the pro-Trump rally condemn Nazis and white supremacists, and prohibit them from attending. Headlines continue to brand the event "far right" and"Nazi", in order to incite. Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Israel Threatens To Bomb Assad's Presidential Palace And finally, Israel senses that international opinion is shifting quickly now that ISIS is rapidly folding. It knows that world opinion will not stomach another Iraq style invasion for regime change in the Middle East. And yet such a prospect of regime change in Syria is now all the more difficult as Russian air defenses are so deeply entrenched. Israel now finds itself isolated and Netanyahu's brazenness stems from this realization. His screams grow louder from a position of weakness. Now, the only question that remains is: on the remote chance that Israel does escalate militarily in Syria, what will Russia let it get away with? Political Information Aug 30, 2017 - Liberal Media Continues To Turn Against 'AntiFa': "This Is Food For The Adversary" Antifa believes it is pursuing the opposite of authoritarianism. Many of its activists oppose the very notion of a centralized state. But in the name of protecting the vulnerable, antifascists have granted themselves the authority to decide which Americans may publicly assemble and which may not. That authority rests on no democratic foundation. Unlike the politicians they revile, the men and women of antifa cannot be voted out of office. Generally, they don't even disclose their names. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Crimes are Crimes Committed by ‘enemies’ Not by the ‘West’

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ISIS and Al Qaeda simply cannot compete with Western-led forces when it comes to civilian casualties, nor the hypocrisy that follows. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - What I Learnt from Gillian Triggs' Metadata No matter how decent (well ...) the government may appear, sometimes it is not that capable. Like its inability to conduct a census, protect the names and home country details of 10,000 people seeking asylum in Australia, placing them in danger, or accidentally releasing your Medicare data and your Centrelink data (not just once, twice!) ... Let's get straight to the point: the Australian government wants all of your data but has a very public record of not keeping it private. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Venezuela, Afghanistan and North Korea: 3 Conflicts Which Represent the US vs. China and Russia The aggregate effect of these news developments means that China has finally come out of what many perceived (however simplistically) to be Russia's geo-political shadow while Russia continues to pursue global economic projects around the world, marking a sharp contrast to the 1990s and early 2000s when the Russian economy was reduced to chaos and collapse. With the Syrian conflict about to end and Russia and China both being vindicated by being on the winning side, it will be unlikely that there will be any future global conflict where a joint Sino-Russian voice will not be heard in a manner that is loud and clear. The NATO powers will have no choice to but to listen to the Sino-Russian opinions on future conflicts as China and Russia are both stronger than ever and more united than ever. Environment/Science Aug 29, 2017 - Telepathy and Psychic Abilities Explained with the Science of Bioelectricity and Electromagnetism Ron: Discernment required. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Trump and Pakistani Support for Jihadists Continuing his analysis of Donald Trump's policy in the Greater Middle East, Thierry Meyssan demonstrates that, contrary to current opinion, the US President has not changed his strategy. Breaking with his predecessors, he is attempting to cut off Pakistani support for the jihadists in Afghanistan, just as he did with the role of Saudi Arabia for the jihadists in the Levant. Here, the author explains that although some of Trump's electors may be worried when they see him deploying more troops, they should logically approve his decision. Environment/Science Aug 29, 2017 - The Biggest Attack on the Amazon in 50 Years Peru has recently stated that mining continues in spite of efforts to crack down on illegal mines, and the problem is getting worse throughout the continent. "A team of scientists from the Carnegie Institution for Science found that, between 1999 and 2016, gold mining expansion cost the region 4,437 hectares (10,964 acres) of forest loss per year. Miners were working an area in 2016 that was 40 percent larger than it was in 2012." [Source] Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Total Individual Control Technology According to Kofron, this technology is so advanced that it can be used to read your mind, program your mind with thoughts (that you would believe are your own) and induce AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 97 emotional states in you (including pain, hate and fear). It can be used to tap into your optical nerve and auditory systems to see and hear what you are seeing and hearing. It can target particular people by engaging in individual-specific attacks (based on the target's DNA resonance). Finally, it is being used in vast social engineering programs as a way to experiment upon poor, homeless and weak people who have little or no chance of fighting back. - Makia Freeman Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Advertisers Reject 'Straight White' Britain A survey of major advertising companies reveals they are putting diversity above market relevance by over-representing ethnic minorities and gay couples to avoid being labelled racist and homophobic. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Real Fake Helicopter Money – CIA Counterfeiting Currencies to Destroy National Economies Introducing fake money is an incredibly devastating measure in an economic war. A weak country gets targeted for counterfeiting with forgeries of superb quality, and the central bank is unable to effectuate proper countermeasures, in fear of creating a panic. Instead, the central bank is forced to play along in CIA's game. Since the government is dependent on it for funding, despite the threatening hyperinflation, the bank is forced to print ever higher denominations. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - US ‘should & will’ Get Along With Russia – Trump "I hope that we do have good relations with Russia. I say it loud and clear, I've been saying it for years: I think it's a good thing if we have great relationships, or at least good relationships with Russia," the US president said during a joint news conference with his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto. Environment/Science Aug 29, 2017 - Sex Robots: The Sad Future of Sexual Fantasy Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - MSM Claims UN “Member States” Intercepted North Korean Shipment Of Chemical Weapons To Syria Yet while the Western corporate press goes crazy over the reports, suggesting that North Korea - at times presented as a backward no man's land and at other times presented as the technologically advanced center of all threats to the world - is shipping chemical weapons to Syria which Syria will then use to massacre civilians for absolutely no reason, the facts to prove the allegations are rather sparse. Despite media outlets' representation of the report as a "U.N. report," meaning a U.N. statement, the report was compiled by "independent U.N. experts" and provided by them to the U.N. Security Council. The only U.N. statement that has come as a result of the report is that the United Nations is investigating these claims. Political Information Aug 29, 2017 - Pakistan: Another “Major Strategic Partner” Now Fighting For Its Life Pakistan is seeking another guarantee of its legitimacy, and it is this which Tillerson is really objecting to. Long friendly with China, it is now prepared to allow Beijing to establish a naval base in the country, as a quid pro quo for being allowed to participate in the One Belt, One AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 98

Road initiative , a supposedly economic scheme which looks remarkably similar to the "Road of Communist Conquest Ending in Australia" we were often warned about during Cold War times. The idea is that if you allow another country to establish a base in yours, that country has an interest in maintaining the government and state which took this decision. It won't want another country to take over, and possibly review this arrangement. That's exactly how the US ended up with so many overseas bases in newly independent countries fighting for their identity, and why the US wants to stop others doing the same, having seen this work. fighting-for-its-life/ Political Information Aug 28, 2017 - Cambodia Exposes, Expels US Network The notion that NDI is "promoting democracy" is at face value an absurdity. Democracy is a means self-determination. Self-determination is not possible if outside interests are attempting to influence the process.

A political party funded and directed by US interests through organisations like NDI, supported by media outfits and fronts posing as nongovernmental organisations likewise funded from abroad preclude any process of self-determination and is thus not only in no shape, form or way "democracy promotion," it is a process that is fundamentally undemocratic. Additional irony is provided by the fact that should any other nation attempt to pursue similar programmes aimed at America's domestic political process, those involved would be quickly labelled foreign agents and their activities halted immediately. The mere allegations that Russia attempted to interfere with America's domestic political processes resulted in sanctions and even threats of war. Cambodia is a nation that cannot afford nor effectively impose sanctions upon the United States nor wage war against it, but shuttering a flagrant example of foreign interference in its internal political affairs is something Cambodia and its neighbours in Southeast Asia can and are beginning to do. - Joseph Thomas Political Information Aug 28, 2017 - Forgotten History: US Bankers Financing US Enemies—and Why it is Important Now In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.Over the years, several million copies have been sold. Allen's thesis was stark: super-rich American capitalists were financing socialism. This bizarre paradox was resolved when socialism was properly understood-not as "power to the people"-but as elite power over the people. In other words, as a hoax. These days, the socialist hoax is still unknown to most of the population.Cloak a global power grab as progress for all of humanity... NOTE: The descendants of these bankers are now doing everything they can to build up the story that Donald Trump won the presidency by colluding with Russians. To call this an irony, in view of the above information, would be a vast understatement. However, the motives of these men are clear: regardless of whether Trump meant to keep his promises to destroy Globalism (aka worldwide socialism), his mere mention of Globalism as the enemy, during the presidential campaign, and his declared opposition to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *23-- Page 99

Globalist "free trade" treaties, was sufficient to warrant an all-out attack on him. - Jon Rappaport Political Information Aug 28, 2017 - The Weaponisation of History and Journalism In the United States, facts, an important element of truth, are not important. They are not important in the media, politics, universities, historical explanations, or the courtroom. Non-factual explanations of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings are served up as the official explanation. Facts have been politicized, emotionalized, weaponized and simply ignored. As David Irving has shown, Anglo- American histories of World War 2 are, for the most part, feel-good histories, as are "civil war" histories as Thomas DiLorenzo and others have demonstrated. Of course, they are feel good only for the victors. Their emotional purpose means that inconvenient facts are unpalatable and ignored...Karl Marx said that there were only class truths. Today we have a large variety of truths: truths for feminists, truths for blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, homosexuals, transgendered, truths for the foreign policy community that serves the military/security complex, truths for the neocons, truths for the One Percent that control the economy and the economists who serve them, truths for "white supremacists," itself a truth term for their opponents. You can add to the list. The "truth" in these "truths" is that they are self-serving of the group that expresses them. Their actual relation to truth is of no consequence to those espousing the "truths... In America there is nothing on the horizon but hate. Everywhere you look in America you see nothing but hate. Putin is hated. Russia is hated. Muslims are hated. Venezuela is hated. Assad is hated. Iran is hated. Julian Assange is hated. Edward Snowden is hated. White heterosexual males are hated. Confederate monuments are hated. Truth- tellers are hated. "Conspiracy theorists" are hated. No one escapes being hated. Hate groups are proliferating, especially on the liberal/progressive/left. For example, RootsAction has discovered a statue of Robert E. Lee in the U.S. Capitol and urges all good people to demand its removal. Whether the level of ignorance that RootsAction personifies is real or just a fund-raising ploy, I do not know. But clearly RootsAction is relying on public ignorance in order to get the response that they want. In former times when the US had an educated population, everyone understood that there was a great effort to reconcile the North and South and that reconciliation would not come from the kind of hate-mongering that now infects RootsAction and most of the action groups and websites of the liberal/progressive/left. Today our country is far more divided that it was in 1860. Identity Politics has taught Americans to hate each other, but, nevertheless, the zionist neoconservatives assure us that we are "the indispensable, exceptional people." We, a totally divided people, are said to have the right to rule the world and to bomb every country that doesn't accept our will into the stone age. In turn the world hates America. Washington has told too many lies about other countries and used those lies to destroy them. Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, and large chunks of Syria and Pakistan are in ruins. Washington intends yet more ruin with Venezuela currently in the cross hairs. - Paul Craig Roberts

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