05/07/2021 / ViaRhôna

A provisional stretch of the ViaRhôna route has been signposted south from Lapalud, following the Rhône’s east bank through the county of . Cross the agricultural plain to the Canal de Donzère. Next, the route squeezes between the Rhône and parallel motorway, with links indicated to the medieval villages of Mondragon, and and the town of Orange with its grand Roman remains. Fancy a dip in a lake? Try Les Girardes or Li Piboulos before continuing south along a Rhône-side greenway. End gently at the Provençal village of Caderousse, its dykes built to protect it from flooding by the tempestuous Rhône.

The route The way is signposted but provisional, taking you Départ Arrivée along quiet roads running between the Rhône and the Lapalud Caderousse parallel motorway. There is a stretch of tarmacked cycle track between the Etang de Li Piboulos (a lake) and Caderousse. Durée Distance 4 h 17 min 28,34 Km Links Links are signalled to Mornas, Mondragon, Piolenc and Orange. Niveau Thématique I cycle often Time travel Railway station (SNCF) :



Tourist Information Centres :

Office de tourisme du Gard Rhodanien - Bureau de Pont-Saint-Esprit

+334 66 39 44 45

Office de tourisme Provence Côté Rhône

+334 65 79 00 09 – +334 90 40 01 28

Office de tourisme d’Orange

+334 90 34 70 88

Don’t miss:

Pont-Saint-Esprit: the 13th-century bridge; the Musée d’Art Sacré du Gard (displaying fine religious artefacts); vineyards in the county of Gard producing Côtes du Rhône wines Mornas: the perched medieval fortress high above the Rhône; the vineyards in the Massif d’ hills, at the heart of the Tour des Côtes du Rhône à Vélo cycle route Piolenc: the Romanesque church of Saint-Pierre; the Alexis Gruss Park and Circus (located 1km south of the village) Plan d’eau de Li Piboulos: a lake you can swim in, with lifeguards on duty in July and August, plus with a snack bar on site Caderousse: Le Batardeu Dyke; chapel of St Martin (dating back to the 11th century); Les Gramont Chapel; Les Brotteaux Island, on which you can picnic. Orange: the Roman theatre, one of the best preserved in Europe; the Roman Triumphal Arch; the Musée d'Orange Voie cyclable Liaisons Sur route Alternatives Parcours VTT Parcours provisoire

Départ Arrivée Lapalud Caderousse