Celebrating over one million miles sailed FOLLOWING SEA 2008-2009 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring 2010 INSIDE I Plastics at SEA I Annual Report 2008-09 TABLE OF CONTENTS Winter/Spring 2010 Cover Story Plastics@SEA Collection of plastic marine debris in the Atlantic results in dedicated plastics expedition . .1 Features The Hallstein Fellowship John Wigglesworth and family establish a fund to support medical training of shipboard staff and crew . .18 In Every Issue Passages Events and news of general interest . .5 Science Corner Introducing SEA’s new science team . .20 Currents Alumna Sally McGee, C-134 . .21 Special Report 2008-2009 Report to Donors From the desk of Board Chair, Linda Cox Maguire . .6 Annual Report . .7 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2010 Editor: Jan Wagner Design: MBDesign, mbdesign-us.com Photography: Colleen Allard, Courtesy Mary Engels, Courtesy Kara Lavender Law, Aislinn Open ocean neuston tow taken from the Martin, Courtesy Sally McGee, Courtesy Giora spreader of the SSV Robert C. Seamans. Proskurowski, Courtesy Jeff Schell, Courtesy Justin Smith, Tracy Sylvester, Courtesy Nate Twichell, John Wigglesworth Following SEA is available online. If you’d like your prints, slides, or digital images considered for the next issue contact: Kerry Hannigan, ext. 20 or
[email protected]. Sea Education Association, Inc., PO Box 6, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Phone 800-552-3633 Fax 508-457-4673 www.sea.edu Recycled Chlorine-Free Paper / Vegetable based Ink A 22-year record of collecting plastic marine debris in the Atlantic leads to Plastics at SEA: North Atlantic Expedition June/July 2010. Sea Education Association is preparing to conduct the first-ever research expedition dedicated solely to examining the accumulation of plastic marine debris in the North Atlantic Ocean.