UNITED KINGDOM DEFENCE STATISTICS 2010 th Published: 29 September 2010 DASA (WDS) Tel: 020-7807-8792 Ministry of Defence Fax: 020-7218-0969 Floor 3 Zone K Mil: 9621 78792 Main Building, Whitehall E-mail:
[email protected] London SW1A 2HB Web site: http://www.dasa.mod.uk INTRODUCTION Welcome to the 2010 edition of UK Defence Statistics, the annual statistical compendium published by the Ministry of Defence. Changes to UK Defence Statistics (UKDS) this year include a new section on Defence Inflation and an expanded International Defence section in Chapter 1, the restructuring of the Armed Forces Personnel section in Chapter 2, and a new section on Amputations in Chapter 3. UK Defence Statistics (UKDS) is a National Statistics publication, produced according to the standards of the Official Statistics Code of Practice. However some of the tables in UKDS do not have National Statistics status – some are produced by areas outside of the scope of the Government Statistical Service; some do not yet meet all the quality standards of the Official Statistics Code of Practice; and others have not gone through the required assessment process to be classed as National Statistics. All such tables are clearly marked with explanatory notes. This year UKDS is once again being issued as a web document only, due to financial constraints within the Ministry of Defence. Each table and chapter is available in pdf format which is suitable for printing. There is also a pdf version of the entire publication, and of the UKDS factsheet. We have ceased publication of the UKDS pocket cards this year, since they are of limited value in electronic format.