Ellsworth American, a a True Copy of Petition and Order Thereon
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1. lluujoct!) American. ELLSWORTH, MAINE. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 23, 1913. I "JXE ( No. 30. AObtTtiicmrmt LOCAL AFFAIRS. is the sou of Capt. Willard G. Dow and ilorttitementg. wife, of Verona. He came to Ellsworth a few’ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. years ago. Sunday service at the Unitarian church Send a Check I Eastern Steamship Co. at 10.30 a. m. Rev. D. M. of Ken- Bankrupt notice—Herbert E Tracy. Wilson, j Board of State Assessors. will Mr. Wilson is vice- nebunk, preach. Don’t run around paying your bills In currency when can Position wanted. you E P president of the Maine conference of Uni- as well send a check. Robinson Co—Victor Talking Machines. just Shaw Business College. tarian churches, and spends his summers No trouble about making change when you pay by check. Primary Ballot. For sale—Second-hand at Lamoine, where he is in charge of the can ever arise pianos. N'o dispute alxmt a payment made by check. The Century Boot Shop. union church. A K bank, after cashing It, hands it back to you, an Moore—Dry goods. making Indisput- William C Dodge—Electrician. Herbert Foster arrived home from Safety-Service I Tlie two only factors worth in a bank able receipt. ill of [j={ considering selecting Boston Sunday, bilious fever. He for the No danger of losing money, or robbed of it when transaction ojE your business. being you put SCHEDULE OP MAILS w as accompanied by a trained nurse. He pu it in the bank and pay by check. AT BI.LSWORTH POSTOPPICB. is now improving. His mother, Mrs. The UNi IT COMPANY of Ellsworth with a Less to it if It’s In the bank temptation speud instead of In In effect June 23, 1913. Austin M. Foster, w’bo has been in Mon- ... your pocket. treal with her Mrs. John Hard- *100,000 MAILS BBCBIVBD. daughter, [Si You’re money ahead and leave worry behind when have a a Surplus and Profits, *100,000 you Fbom wick, arrived home Sunday noon. checking account at the W’bst—*6.66, *11.16 a ro; 4.21, 56.18 p tn. H Stockholders’ Liabilities, *100,000 Prom East— 12.24, 5.35 and 11.07 p m; Sunday Certificate of incorporation has been at 10.07 p. ro. capital for of over with re- filed at the office of the secretary of state, protective depositors f300,000 MAIL CLOSBS AT POSTOPPICB sources of over fl,603,000 provides both safety and service of the of the Bluebill Spring WTater Co., organ- standard. BURRILL NATIONAL Going Wbst—11.46 a. m: *3.45, *5 and *9 p m. highest ized at for the of deal- This is a convenient bank for the of Hancock and Going East—6.30 a m; 3.46 aDd 5.45 p m. Ellsworth, purpose people ing in spring w’aters, and to improve and Washington counties to do business with. Our directors are Registered mail should be at postoffice half men interested in the affairs of these counties. Their aim is to an operate their source, with $50,000 of Ellsworth hour before mail closes. capital stimulate and assist in the business interests of Hancock and BANK, included. of which •Daily, Sunday 5Daily, except stock, nothing is paid in. Offi- Washington counties. It is a home bank intended to stimulate j at Sunday; Sunday 6.40. cers: A. C. of Ells- home industries and home We are interested in No mail dispatched to or received from the President, Hagerthy, enterprises. every corporation, mercantile firm and individual. As our busi- east Sundays. worth; treasurer, K. E. Hagerthy, of Sedg- 1AIJ3] ne«s increases every year, it 1b proof sufficient of the satisfactory wick. [j=i service we render. If you are not a customer already, we invite Miaa Eva W. Leighton spent Sunday Joseph Russell Jarvis, born in Ells- j=£j you to become one. in with her Bangor parents. worth Nov. 9,1837, died at his home near John Munroe is at home from Boston Cobden, III., July 8. Mr. Jarvis was 1 Union Trust Company of Ellsworth, Me. for a vacation of two weeks. the son of the late Commodore Joseph R. Edward W. Austin is at home from and Mary P. Otis Jarvis. He moved to Ulinois in and in the hard- r— Dover, N. H., for a vacation. 1856, engaged ware business. At the outbreak of the Mrs. Thomas S. Bridges is in Bangor Civil w’ar he enlisted in an Illinois regi- and iiampdeD for a few days. ment and served until 1865. Soon after Rev. P. A. A. Killam is this spending bis return from the war, he moved to week of his vacation in Nova Scotia. Small Accounts Encouraged Cobden, and engaged in fruit-farming. “Look most to your spending. No matter how 8. of New is the he do not need to have a this bank in Roy Warner, York, Later engaged in business for two You large account,with much comes if more guest of W. H. Titus and wife for his va- years in from there to in, goes out, will be order to enjoy the privileges it confers. Chicago, returning you always cation. his farm, w’here he spent the remainder of \Ye are especially glad to aid small deposits in any way poor.” The local union of the W. C. T. U. will his life. possible in developing their resources, and can do this meet at the Baptist p&rlor Friday after- Mtb. Debaorh <v.nox Livingston, of Ban- Start a Account Nowand Let the through our by-matl banking method just as effectively as Savings Interest Help You. noon at 3 o’clock. gor, who will supply the pulpit for Rev. if you banked with us in person. Write for particulars. Charles Bonsey and wife, of Boston, P. A. A. Killam July 27, is a national arrived this morning fora visit with his lecturer and organizer of the Woman’s HANCOCK CO. SAVINGS BANK Christian union. Her father, P. H. Bonsey. temperance hus- ELLSWORTH, MAINE Established 1873. band is pastor of the Columbia street J. S. Donovan has had a new plate-glass EASTERN TRUST tt BANKING COMPANY Baptist church, Bangor. She will speak l| front put in his building on Main street, 1-- BANGOR ML OIDTOWN, MAUIIA5 DgJCTtH at the church here | him as a restaurant. Baptist Sunday Li occupied by TO morning; at Surry in the afternoon, and CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY. further before stopping, he eould not have Miss Ivy Clark, who has been visiting in the evening’ at the Baptist church here escaped being crushed to death. relatives in Ellsworth and vicinity, left Committees Work on Plans for Two in the interest of the W. C. T. U. The Several of the wooden horses were be- for her borne in California to-day. evening service will be a union service. Days* Program. headed and otherwise broken, and the The Methodist society will hold a two- All are invited. Mrs. tent was cordially Livingston The proposition appropriately to cele- badly damaged. days’ fair the second week in October. will be the guest while here of Arthur W. brate the 150th of Ellsworth Arrangements are now made. anniversary being Joy and wife. ELLSWORTH TEACHERS. has been taken The Calendar of up by committees willing The Gift Problem society the Methodist Friends in Ellsworth were pained to Wedding church will serve supper at the church learn of the death of Miss Evelyn S. Hunt, to put in the hard work necessary, and a List of Those So Ear Elected for parlors this evening, beginning at 5.30. which occurred last Wednesday at the tentative program for a celebration of two Next School Year. Roosevelt There will be several in Mrs. L. VV. Higgins and daughter Doris hospital, New York, following days—Thursday and Friday, Aug. 21 and changes teach- ers in the arrived yesterday for their annual visit an operation. Miss Hunt was a daughter Ellsworth schools next year. Made 22, has been announced. is Easy with her parents, J. P. Southard and wife. of the late Abel Hunt, of Bangor, and a Following a list of those so far elected: There are two committees, one composed Howard G. Moore. Mrs. C. S. of sister of Rev. Walter Reid Hunt, of East Lakewood, THE WEDDING GIFT MOST APPROPRIATE IS OF CHINA, Bradgon, Brockton, Mass., of men and one of as follows: N. a former of the Ells- ladies, School street, Ella M. Alice with and son Orange, J., pastor Jude, M. daughter Margaret Charles, C. worth Unitarian church. her Roy Haines, chairman; William Flana- Mullan. CUT GLASS OR SILVER is visiting her parents, E. F. ltobinson and During gan, secretary; Walter M. Allen, treas- Pine H. wife. brother’s pastorate here, Miss Hunt was a street, Mary Black, Margaret J. A. frequent visitor in Ellsworth, and made urer; Mayor Cunningham, Royal J. Drummey. We are relieving new order* of china this week, among which you Mrs. Carolyn F. Jelly, of Wakefield, Goodwin, Qrrin E. F. State import many friends here. Miss Hunt entered Clement, Robinson, street, Bernice J. Macomber. will rind just what yon want. Mass., arrived in Ellsworth Thursday on Owen H. Harold H. the training school of Roosevelt hospital jr., Treworgy, Hooper, Water street, Ida M. Povich. After no «m»aU amount of effort on our part, we have aecured some strictly her annual visit. She is the guest of Fred D. Fields, E. some years ago, and after receiving her Bryant Moore, Philip Morrison, Madeiine Moone.