28mfm draft programme: talks 20 minutes only allowed for each talk + 5 minutes for questions – live talks (through Zoom) preferred (there will also be 5 minutes in each talk slot for setting up and changing speakers)

Al-Ariqy Glottal stop variation in Standard Arabic: an OT-based optionality analysis Arsenijević, Simonovic When Phases become necessary: adjectival and nominal forms of verbs in Neo-Štokavian Bani Younes, Hellmuth and string-identical utterances in English and Arabic Bland Perception and phonology in loanword adaptation: /sC-/ onsets in Luso-American Portuguese Boersma, Chládková, Benders Phonological features emerge substance-freely from the and the morphology Brinkerhoff, Duff, in Santiago Laxopa Zapotec and the prosodic typology of VSO languages Wax Cavallaro Variation as a measure of under-specification and category: Cavar, Lulich, Alfaifi the case of palatalization and emphasis Dąbkowski A'ingae syntax conditions the representation of glottalization Davis Phonology-driven morphological in Barguzin Buryat case marking Davis, Alfaifi The ‘st’ Problem in Faifi Arabic Dolatian, Özçelik Cyclic overriding of irregular in Armenian Eid epenthesis in Maaloula Aramaic Faust, Torres-Tamarit Metrically-conditioned in Modern Hebrew simple and compound nominals On the UR construction of (non-)alternating unstressed [ə]s and [u]s in Catalan: Fuertes, Pons-Moll some evidence from primary school children handwriting Ganster The role of individual linguistic experience in the stressing of complex words Gilbert Postaspiration and stress in Sevillian Spanish Golston Cayuvava without stress Grossman, Eisen, Nikolaev, Defining and operationalizing ‘borrowability’ in phonology Moran Hale, Kissock Final in Drehu: epenthesis vs. He Verbal interactions of Iquito: a constraint-based analysis Heiszenberger, Pustka Frequency effects in foreign language acquisition: the emergence of French Kaplan Serial versus Parallel Noisy HG accounts of Eastern Andalusian Harmony Katz Campidanese Sardinian as prosodically-conditioned duration differences Kim, Botma, Breit, Chiu, Kula, Nasal shielding and the non-phonological status of voicing in Amuzgo Nasukawa Kokkelmans Predicting the assibilated outputs of stop palatalisation: diachronic evidence and BiPhon-NN Kristó On the phonological status and behaviour of schwa in Welsh Kukhto, Piperski Russian echo-reduplication revisited Lindsay-Smith, Lahiri Catalexis revisited Mellesmoen Words without vowels, reduplication, and structure in Bella Coola (Nuxalk) Nazarov Modelling the exceptionality/opacity dilemma in acquiring Bedouin Arabic Newell Tamil pronouns: how phonology solves a morphosyntactic problem Oakley The articulatory targets for vowels in non-native speech production Ou, Guo The effect of aspiration lengthening on speech segmentation: an artificial language learning study Pöchtrager Danish is Estonian is English Polgárdi The representation of nas+stop+obs clusters in English: stop insertion or stop deletion? Remijsen Associative plural in Shilluk: in between a clitic and an inflection Scheer Elastic s+C and the record of s+C effects Shojaei Lexical tone in Tokyo Japanese: an argument for gradient representations Stanton, Steriade Markedness drives base selection: experimental evidence Ulfsbjorninn, Balogné Bérces Parasitic palatalisation and bipositionality in Ondarroan Basque Verbeke, Simon, Hartsuiker, Top-down or bottom-up generalization of L2 accented speech: an experimental study on Mitterer lexically-guided phonetic retuning of a Dutch vowel contrast Xing, Strycharczuk Rhoticity in Mandarin /r/: phonetic and phonological perspectives Yolyan, McCollum The expressivity of liquid in Yidiny Local cooperation between phonological elements instead of non-local grammar adjustment: Zimmermann an argument against Cophonology by Phase theory Zukoff Contiguity in Tawala reduplication

28mfm draft programme: posters to be split into three poster sessions (one on each day) – each presentation needs a text-based poster and a c. 2 minute video videos for each poster session will be collated (in advance) and shown (through Zoom) to all attendees together at the start of a poster session after this poster-video-viewing, there will be c.1 hour for poster-presentation-type discussion of each poster (separately)

L2 production and perception as a diagnostic for the phonological status Al-Aqlobi, Hellmuth of L1 vocoids/ ‘interconsonantal intervals’ (ICIs) Blum Floating tone in Bor South Dinka Brewer East Slavic parallels to the West Germanic Data on /n/ place before glide /w/ in Italian: Cossu when phonology is sensitive to orthography Czaplicki Cophonologies require reference to the morphosyntactic category of the base Dabouis, Fournier The multiple phonologies of English Danesi A Radical Substance Free account of Camuno parasitic harmony De Sisto Rhymes in Spanish romances as evidence of internally layered ternary feet Deal, Quinn, Parkhill, Linguistic challenges in developing text-to-speech software for underserved languages Hammerly Faust Mojeño Trinitario syncope and stress in Strict CV metrics Fontes Martins, Huback Phonological variation in Brazilian Portuguese: three case studies Modeling the prosodically-conditioned orthographic influence Hamann, Zhou on the Mandarin L2 acquisition of Portuguese /ɾ/ Jabeen, Dehé Prosodic status of case and discourse markers in Urdu Kaplan Phrases, not phases, in Ojibwe: and prosodic structure Kastner Clitics and contractions in Galician Kelly Compensatory shortening, semisyllables and -sharing in Lebanese Arabic Performing regional and class identity in a minimalist postpunk singing accent: the significance Konert-Panek of frequency effects in the processes of h-dropping and FACE diphthong lowering Kostakis The special status of coda nasals in early Germanic languages Kula, Nasukawa An integrated approach to Vowel Height harmony and ATR harmony Kuznetsova Gemination and as the markers of the Soikkola Ingrian ternary Mandal The cognitive phonetics of Malayalam Velar Palatalization Marchini, Ramsammy and rhythm in Altiplateau Mexican Spanish Munteanu A union of quantitative and traditional approaches in historical linguistics Petrovic Vowel in Serbian noun inflection Pilsbacher The German past participle prefix gə-: a typological analysis Polian, Lopez Mendoza Tone and stress in Southern Tsotsil (Mayan): a preliminary analysis Rebrus, Szigetvári, Defectivity caused by templaticity Törkenczy The featural makeup of the Lebanese vocalic inventory: Sakr from shape and size to a system that fits the typology Sarmış, Canalis High vowel shortening in Turkish Shaftoe Underlying representations in Harmonic Serialism Sugrue Influences on mutation in Irish toponyms: a corpus analysis Syed, Bibi VOT for plosives in Balochi: Implications for learners of English in Balochistan Udoh, Essien Gender-conditioned in English pet names: a study of Nigerian tertiary institutions Ulfsbjorninn The typology of the distribution of a feature: occlusion and bipositionality Volenec, Pisegna Phonology and phonetics of L2 Telugu English Zdziebko An Element Theory-Harmonic Grammar account of glide insertion in Polish Zhu, Köhnlein No need for as the TBU: typological and empirical evidence Zimmermann, Trommer Getting stronger or weaker at every stratum: a new approach to tonal morphophonology