Course Syllabus for BEL 202/602 Ecclesiastical Latin IV: Readings in Ecclesiastical Latin “. non enim tam præclárum est scire Latíne quam turpe nescíre . .” (Ciceronis Brutus, 140) Instructor: Mr. Kevin Redmann Semester: Spring 2014 Email:
[email protected] Time: TR 1:30–2:20 p.m. Office: SJ 200 Place: Classroom 7 Office hours: T 10:30–11:30 a.m.; RF 2:30–3:30 p.m. I. Course Description This course is a survey of the wide variety of Ecclesiastical Latin literature. Students read selections from such works as the Code of Canon Law, St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica, and St. Augustine’s Confessions. Emphasis is placed on the fluent reading of these works in Latin without the need to translate. Prerequisite: BEL 201/601 or instructor’s approval. II. Course Rationale As the universal language of liturgy, theology, and the day-to-day business of the Church in the west, Latin continues to hold its centuries-old place as a prerequisite for the work undertaken in a theologate. “Particular attention must be given to ensure that before entering the theologate all seminarians can demonstrate that they have acquired that ‘knowledge of Latin which will enable them to understand and make use of the sources of so many sciences and the documents of the Church,’ according to the insistence of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council” (PPF Fifth Edition, 189). III. Envisioned Outcomes Students will have a broad knowledge of Ecclesiastical Latin vocabulary, including technical and idiomatic expressions. Students will have an appreciation for the richness of Ecclesiastical Latin literature.