1950-1951 Undergraduate Catalogue
Correspondence ADMISSIONS: For all matters pertaining to the admission of under graduate students, including requisitions for the catalogue, and informa tion concerning rooms, tuitions, and scholarships Director of Admissions Adult Education Director of Adult Education College of Medicine Dean, College of Medicine Graduate Division Director of Graduate Study Summer Session Director of the Summer Session TRANSCRIPTS OF RECORDS Office of the Registrar EMPLOYMENT OF SENIORS AND ALUMNI Director of Placement MATTERS OF ALUMNI INTEREST Alumni Secretary MATTERS OF GENERAL UNIVERSITY INTEREST The President [For Table of Contents see last page.] Bulletin of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College VOLUME X LV I II — APRIL, 1951 — NUMBER ) Published by the University of Vermont and State Agriailtural College, Burlington, Vermont, four times a year; in January, March, April, and December, and entered as second-class matter April 29, 1943 at the Post Office at Burlington, Vermont, under the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912 BULLETIN of the UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT and STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE THE CATALOGUE 1 9 5 0 - 1 9 5 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1951-1952 U V M * J The University is located at Burlington, Vermont, overlooking an at tractive tree-shaded city situated on the shores of Lake Champlain. J Burlington, the largest city in the state with a population of 30,000, is 100 miles from Montreal, 240 miles from Boston, and 3 00 miles from New York City. The city enjoys fast daily plane service to these urban points in addition to regular railroad and bus service. J Chartered in 1791, the University is the eighteenth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and the first institution founded by state legislative action to offer instruction at the university level.
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