Congressional Record- Senate. March 21
.. 3108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. MARCH 21, San Francisco, Cal., for an appropriation for the purpose of di praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit polygamy; verting the waters of the Mormon Channel into Calaveras River which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. He also presented a petition of Bricklayers, Masons, and Plas Also, resolutions of the California Miners' Association, San terers' Local Union No. 13, American Federation of Labor, of Francisco, Cal., favoring the creation of a Cabinet department of Taunton, Mass., and a petition of the Granite Cutters' Local mines and mining, and for the enactment of the so-called mineral Union, American Federation of Labor, of New Bedford, ]\{ass., lands bill-to the Committee on Mines and Mining. praying for the reenactment of the Chinese exclusion law; which By Mr. WRIGHT: Resolutions of Machinists' Union No. 305, were ordered to lie on the table. of Susquehanna, Pa., favoring reenactment of the Chinese-exclu Mr. MITCHELL presented a petition of Carpente1·s' Local sion law-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Union No. 536, American Federation of Labor, of Baker City, Also, resolutions of Machinists' Union No. 305, of Susquehanna, Oreg., praying for the enactment of legislation providing an edu Pa., favoring the construction of war vessels in the United States cational test for immigrants to this country; which was ordered - navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. to lie on the table. By Mr. YOUNG: PetitionoftheAtlantic Coast Seamen's Union, He also presented petitions of Mount Hood Division, No.
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