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The Ledger and Times, June 10, 1968

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United Press International In Our 89th Year Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, June 10, 1968 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXIX No. 138 Seen&Heard Accused Killer Fmir YaAsrNamedds BULLETIN Around WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Suprome Court George upheld Ligon today the authority of the Federal Murray Communications Commission FCC to regulate the multi- Of King Will Be million dollar Community An- tenna Is The kcal Television CATV Named reserve unit is Lion now Four yards in Murray have In- dustry. undergoing riot and civil dis- been selected as the "Yards of order training at Paducah. the Month" for June by the Extradited Garden Department of the Mur- The USS Pueblo and its crew of ray Woman's Club. 83 members was seized on the divided in- Senior District The city has been Citizens Head MO seas by the North Koreans to four sections for the select- Hear Program By 137 days ago. By SCOTT B. BRUNS tune ie. His appearance in ions of the yards of the month. court lasted only 82 seconds LONDON am-. James Earl Previously one yard per month Mrs. Fred Gingles George H. Ligon of the Mur- "No one has the which he either scowled tion and the Cub Scouts. He right to start Ray, the accused assassin of during had been chosen. ray Lions Club was named as a screwed his fact into a half served as president of the Park riot. This is the cheapest and Dr Martin Luther King Jr., or Yards and their location sel- sThearegular monthly meeting Governor of District 43-K of to League of the Murray phoniest way of trying to ac- today was half-dragged into a grin as he answered "no" ected for June are as follows: of the Senior Citizens was' Club the. Lions Club at the 27th an- Association for two years.! complish something. Anyone two questions. Northeast section — Donald held Friday, June 7, at the George H. Ligon Com- nual state convention held at Ligon is an associate profes- can start a riot." Vice presi- U. S. extradition efforts will J. Leitch, 208 North 10th Street. munity Center on Ellis Drive. Owensboro on June 9. sor in the School of Business dent Hubert Humphrey, May not have to wait until the se- Northwest section — Col. Eff Bryan Tolley, president, pre- District 43-K is one of six at Murray' State University. 27, 1968. cond hearing. Embassy officials Birdsong, 812 North 20th Street. sided over a short business ses- Phyllis Flynn Is districts in the state of Ken- Ligon, his wife, Lenora, and said both the states of Missouri Southeast — A. W. Simmons, sion, a potluck luncheon was he Youth tucky. Thirty-four clubs with their two sons, George Morrie "If I had to live in a slum, I and Tennessee were preparing Sr., 919 Sycamore Street. served at one p.m. Precedine Director ist 1300 members are in this dis- and Bill, reside on Cardinal think you'd have had more extradition papers—jail break Southwest — Wells Purdom, the meal, thanks were offered trict. m. trouble than you've had alrea- Miss Phyllis Flynn, daughter Drive, Murray. in Missouri and the King mur- Jr., Dogwood Drive East. by Ivy Culver. Ligon's name was placed in dy — because I've got enough of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn Rob Ray of the Bank of Mur- der charge in Memphis, Tenn. The selection of the yards is Mrs. Celia Crawford and Mn. nomination by Joe Pat James spark left in me to lead a might of Fulton, formerly of Murray, ray was reelected as a trustee Decision Not Mad* made up of a panel of judges Jewel Parks were the hostesses of Murray, past district gover- good revolt" Vice president is the new youth recreation of the Kentucky Lions Eye 'MOM American sources indicated from the Garden Department for the day. nor. Huber Humphrey, July 18, 1966. leader at the First Methodist Foundation at th• tate con- the decision had not yet been whose names are not announc- Mrs. Fred Gingles entertain- The new district governor Church, Fulton. vention. made as to which. if either, of ed. ed the group with a reading en- has been a member of the Mur- A whole herd of buffaloes was The new leader is a gradate these states' possible extradi- A spokesman for the Garden titled "The Bobbing Bottle" and ray Lions Club for ten years stampeding scross the plains. of Murray High School and is tion claims would be used. Department said it is an ex- also played several selections of and is the retiring president. Suddenly the lead buffalo hee now a senior at Lambuth Col- They said Ray could simplify tremely difficult task to decide sacred music on the accordian. He has eight years of perfect Mated and was quickly over- lege, Jackson, Term. things by waiving extradition on the yards to be selected for Those attending were Mrs She will attendance. No Injuries taken. He was knocked down receive her degree in —though he has not spoken on this honor, because there are Albert Lassiter, Mrs. Neva Wat- sociology Ligon has served as district and trampled on by the rest of next spring. • this matter—or Britain could so many beautiful and outstand- ers, Mr and Mrs. Bryan Tolley. zone chairman two years, de- • the herd The last buffet° was simply deport turn as an un- ing yards in the city of Murray. Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Gingles, Mr. puty district governor for two kind-hearted and stopped to Reported In desirable. The people of Murray take and Mrs. -Carl Harrison, Mr. years, and district publicity corrsile his fallen friend. He The British Foreign Office great pride in keeping their and Mrs. Owen West, Ivy Cul- John W. Randolph chairman for two years. solicitously asked, "But why did said it understood U. S. au- yards mowed and well trimm- ver, Mrs. Winnie Fluegge, Miss The new governor is active you stop so suddenly", reason Ruth Resigns Position Accidents James Earl Ray thorities were "in the process" ed and it was for this Lassiter, Mrs. Carrie Cole, in the Parent-Teacher Associa- "Well," replied the lead buf- of applying for Ray's extradi- that the city was divided into Mrs. Era Walton, Mrs. Olive B. Trigg County falo, "I thought I heard a dis- In tion and that such a request four sections in order that more Hagan, Mrs. Connie Armstrong, Three traffic accidents occur- couraging word" magistratg's court where he was would be "nulged on its mer- yards could be included in the Mrs Gladys Hale, Mrs. Norman Will in the city limits ordered. Weld without bail on Mrs. Scott red Saturday its." selection, according to Mrs. J. Klapp. Mrs. Cats Crawford, of Murray, according to the in- A ccmmittee headed by Milton gun and passport violations in W. Randolph, principal Lessons U. S. A.fitly Gen. Fred B. Wilson. chairman of the Gar- Mrs. Goidia Curd, Mess Johnny John Teach vestigating reports filed by the Eisenhower has been appoint- Britain. U. S efforts to extra- County High School M. Vinson, Jr., who flew to den Department. MeCallon, Mrs. Jessie Houston of Trigg officers of the Murray Police ed to study the cause of vio- dite him will come later. pos- the past three years, has ....Mrs. G. B. Scott, Jr., an art London Sunday to try to speed The judging for the "yards of Roane, Mrs. Virile Cl*, Mrs. for Department. No injuries were lence in the United States. sibly this week. to accept the position Murray High School, up extradition, met with sera the month" takes place during Jewel Parks, and Mrs. George resigned teacher at reported. Frustration. dissatisfactron, Ray, a 40-year-old American Director of the Health Oc- will teach lessons on "Painting ior Scotland Yard officiels af- the first week of each month. Hart. of The first occurred at 9:45 escaped convict, then was taken cupation Program with the Sketching" during June. ter the hearing to discuss steps Four yards will be selected for Mrs. Norman Klapp and Mrs. and a m at South 12th and Syca- ender heavy guard to Brixton Kentucky Department of Voca- classes are sponsored by (Continued en Sack Page) to be taken towards extradition. the month of Judy, according to Olive Hagan will be hostesses These more Streets and was investig- Primo to await another hearing tional Education. the University of Kentucky Co- The formal request will be the Garden Department spokes- far the next regular meeting on ated by Patrolman Earl Stalls Mr. Randolph will assume his operative Extension Program made by the State Department man. Friday, July 5, with a potluck Cars involved were a 1966 new duties as of July 1. and are open to the public. A through the embassy. One winner was selected for luncheon at one p.m. All mem Chrysler four door driven by A native of Trigg County, of $1.00 will be charged to Vinsoo mr' with Ray briefly May which was the yard of l(r. bees are urged to attend. tee Frances W Harris of 1307 Far- Mr Randolph graduated fro cover cost of materials used. on Sunday but American sour- and Mrs Harty Culpepper, ris, and a 1961 Chevrolet four Trigg County High School Any one who would' like to Highest Teacher Salary ces said he did not a* him Glendale Road door owned by- J. C Darnell 1955 He received the BS De- learn the basic principles of whether he would waive extra- and driven by Steven M. Dar- NEW CORPORATION gree at Murray State University drawing and painting plus in- dition and the embassy said it nell of Benton Route Four in 1950. and after attending the formation on art materials, Now $6200 Up To $9592 still does not know Ray's atti- Police said Darnell was go- Calloway Ladies University of Kentucky, Lexing- should attend one of the follow- tude ing south on 12th and started ton, he completed his work for ing classes: June 10, at the A 'formal request for extra Tournament to turn left into Sycamore Enter A new corporation was form the Master Degree in Education home of Mrs Clyde Woodman, LOUISVILLE Ky (ENS) — Association (KEA) research div- dition would be made by the ! Street The Harris ear was go- ed recently in Calloway County Administration in 1963 Prior Route 4, Benton, June 12, Ex- The highest salary a Kentucky ision bulletin entitled "Salary State Department directly to Several ladies from the Cal- ing north on 12th Street and and is called R & R Develop- to his position of principal of tension Office in Mayfield; June teacher at the maximum train- Schedules of Kentucky Public- the British Foreign Office be , loway County Country Club are the right fender of the Harris ment Company. Inc. Located on Trigg County High School. Mr. 13. City Part in LaCenter; June (ng and experience level could School Districts, 196748" ibows fore or after Ray appears for the fourth annual car collided with the right front entering South 12th Street, the new cor- Randolph had taught in the 14, Columbus-Belmont Part in expect to earn in a local school the $6200 top maximum was his second hearing June 18 The Cherry. Senior Lathes fender of the Darnell cats ac- Hugh B poration has 500 shares, no par school agriculture department'Hickman County., June 18, at system during the 196748 scheduled for Rank I teachers embassy indicated such a re- Invitational Tournament at cording to Stalls who said the with Jerry Roberts and Jimmie for four years. the home of Mrs Abe Thomp- in 42 of the state's 199 school quest probably would not be Princeton Golf and Country cars had been moved at the school year Rickman as incorporators. The He is mamed to the former son. Route 4. Fulton, June 19, to • ranged from 16200 districts with the $9592 top ready within the next "couple Club on Tuesday time of the investigation. to $9592 firm will develop real estate. Joretta Fox of Murray. daugh- Noble Park in Paducirh; June maximum was scheduled in on- of days." Included in the lineups from Damage to the Chrysler was A new ter of Lee Warren Fox, and 20, Municipal Housing Unit in Kentucky EducaUon ly two districts — Louisville Vinson refused to see news Murray are Martha Sue Ryan, on the bumper and right front they have two children, David Murray. All classes will begin and Jefferson County. men today and the embassy Margaret Shuffett, Nancy Fand- fender and to the Chevrolet on Wayne, age 19 months; and at 9:00 a m. lasting approximate- Rank I teachers are those refused to disclose any informs. rich, Anna Mary Adams, Franc- the right front fender. Gayle Denise, age 3 months. ly two hours Lion on Ray's activities, or even es Hulse, Evelyn Jones, Mad- Continued on Back Page) They will make their home in Further information may be , his whereabouts before his ar- elyn Lamb, Veneta Sexton, Do- Fifty-five minutes later Pat- Frankfort obtained by calling the Extens- Mrs. Cooper rest at 11:15 a. m. Saturday. rothy Holland, Grace James, rolman Joe Pat Witherspoon Mr Randolph is a member of ion Office Search Everyone Sullivan, Glenda Hugh- and Mozell Phillips were called Jerlene the Cadiz Baptist Church and of Ray was brought into court Purdom, and Ca- to an accident on Poplar Street; es, Betty Jo the Cadu Trigg County Jay- Oaks Medal Play by 12 police guards, almost however both cars had been Dies Today rol Hibbarrd cees, He served as chairman of • shuffling as they propelled him Candy Bars & Gum moved when the police arrived. Tournament Starts the Jaycee Junior Miss Pag- Dolores Ann Devine, 1714 eant in 1967. Balls Are Stolen Wednesday Brother Of Local Main Street. driving a 1964 Here On (Continued on Rack Page) County School Superintendent Oldsmobile four door sedan Mrs. Otis Pharris Cooper of Man Dies At Cadiz Roy McDonald stated, 'The A breakin of a vending ma The Oaks Country Club will owned by John W. Devine, was 1100 Poplar Street died this Trigg County School System has chine was reported to the Mur hold its two day Medal Play pulling out of a parting space morning at 3:30 o'clock at the lost an outstanding young edu- ray Police Department Satur Tournament on Wednesday, Piano Students Of Robert Douglas Dunn, 62, of on Poplar Street. Westview Nursing Home. cator in the resignation of John day at 9.20 a.m June 12, and Thursday, June IS, Trigg County died Saturday at The Devine car collided with The deceased was 81 years Mrs. Neale Mason Randolph as principal of the The police said the vending at the club This is its annual 2:30 p.m. at the Trigg County the 1966 Ford four door sedan of age and her death was due Trigg County High School. He machine at Simpson's Coin ladies spring tournament. In Recital Hospital, Cadiz, after a lengthy driven by Ira Humphrey Key to complications following an Perform is an efficient administrator Laundry, North 15th Street, was Tee off times and pairings illness.. of 903 Poplar Street, according extended illness. She was a and knows how to organize and entered by breaking the glass. are as follows: Piano students of Mrs He is survived by his wife, to the police. member of the South Pleasant Neale keep a school moving in an or- An unknown number of candy 1100 Margaret Tidwell, Ann performed in Mrs. Nettie Mae Lampkins Damage to the Key car was Grove Methodist Church B. Mason recital derly manner. The entire staff bars and gum balls were taken, Cole, and Doris Rose. Thursday evening, June Dunn; one son, Ronald Dunn of on the right front door and fen- Survivors are her husband, 6. The will miss Mr. Randolph but Police said. 8- 10 Gerry Andersen. Sadie recital was Alton, Ill ; two daughters, Mrs. der, and right rear door and E. C. Cooper, 1100 Poplar presented in the wish for him success in his new The breakin occurred some- Ragactale, and Edith Garrison. Sigma Alpha Iota Leroy Hopson of Forrest Park, fender, and to the Devine car Street; one daughter, Mrs. R. fraternity -position with the State Depart- time after five p.m on Friday, 820 Marie Weaver, Anna room in the Fine Arts Ga arid Mrs. Howard Lee Oak- John W. Randolph on the front bumper. W. Bone of Memphis, Tenn.; Building ment of Education." according to the police records. Mae Owens. and Virginia Jones_ of Murray State University, and ley of Benton; two brothers, Fe- one son, W. A. Pharris of Bed- 8:30 Margaret Greenfield, was attended by families and tix Dunn of Benton, and Chest- A three car collision occurr- ford. Mass.; four grandchildren; Toopie Thomas, and Sue Steele. friends of the performers. er Dunn of Murray; three sir ed Saturday at 7:10 pita at nine step grandchildren. 8 40 Sue Morris, Mary Alice Among students performing terso,Mrs. Lurline Clore of Pa- South 12th Street and Story Funeral services will., be held Smith. and Sue McDougal. were Jan May, Beth Outland, ducah; Mrs Charles Gebhart of Avenue. Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. at the 8:50 Bobbie Buchanan, Max. Robert Mason, Donna Humph- Granite City, Ill., and Mrs. Dean Cars involved were a 1966 chapel of the Max H. Churchill is Read, and Grace James ries, Diana Boone, Sharon Un- Litchfield of ,Benton; and three Mustang two door hardtop dri- Funeral Home with Rev. Tom- 900 Essie Caldwell, Betty derwood, Cindy McDaniel, Jane grandchildren. ven by Larry D Puckett of my Jackson officiating. Thompson, and Laura Parker. Shoemaker, Bryan Terhune, Funeral services were. held Murray Route Four, a 1967 Interment will be in the Mt. 9.10 Janice Stubblefield, Ma- Cindy Byrd, Penny Terhune, today at 2 p m. at the Goodwin Plymouth four door sedan own- Moriah Cemetery near Clinton hie Rogers. and Murelle Walk- Cathy Christopher, Paula Owen, Funeral Home Burial was in ed by Taylor Motors and driven with the arrangements by the er Donna Jones, Donna Hall, and Liawrence Cemetery. by David E. McGinnis of Alum Max H Churchill Funeral Home 9 20 Mary Humphreys, Mary Lisa Warren, and Lee Ann Reed Route One; a. 1963 Ford con- where friends may call. Ellen Jones, and Bonnie Fitz- and Greta Ross, of Benton. vertible driven by Randy, _ D._ patrick. Others who performed and, M. L. Pierce Joins LaSsiter of Hazel. 9:30 Marilyn Adkins, Shelia in addition, received special a- McGinnis pulled across, 12th Grogan, and Mary Ruth Park- wards in recognition of their U.S. Marine Corps Street in front of the Lassiter er frequent performances i n car going north on 12th causing WEATHER REPORT All ladies are urged to please monthly class meetings irough the Lassiter car to strike the be prompt for the tee off on and 1'in 14441 I'roes I• tors atle sal out the year were Carolyn Hur- M. L. Pierce, son of Mr. Plymouth in the right rear fen- Wednesday. ley and Jerrice Ross of Benton, Mrs. Frelon Pierce of Kirksey, der, according to Patrolman Anne . Gregory, Beverly Byrd, is nu,/ undergoing basic train- Dale Spann and J. D. Grogan. FOUR CITED Iip Mason, Lisa McDaniel, with the United States Ma- Police said the Plymouth was Internationat Lee ing by United Press Ann Boone, Joni Tidwell, and rine Corps at San Diego, Cali- then knocked into the front end partly cloudy today Clear to Four persons were cited by Susan Nance, who also receiv- fornia. of the Puckett car waiting at Tuesday with widely through the Murray Police Department ed the special award for all- Pierce enlisted for two years. the intersection for traffic to showers High today scattered on Saturday and Sunday They around musical achievement. He was one of thirteen young clear and low 90s Low to. upper- 80s were for public drunkenness, For the third consecutive men who have enlisted in the Damage to the Puckett car to low 70s night low 801 driving while intoxicated, reeks* year, Jerrice Ross won one of Marines through the Paducah was on the front end, to the -- less driving, and for not having awards for office during the McGinnis car on the right and FORECAST the outstanding per- recruiting • FIVE-DAY an operator's license. formance in the recital, as month of May. left sides, and to the Lassiter Ky 1111) — lAWISVILLE, by Mrs. Mason's The Paducah office has an car on the front end. Kentucky weather judged mother, The five-day Mrs. S. H. Winchester, who is assigned area of eighteen West- Tuesday through Sal. CMCLE Ta MEET outlook. in Mummy ern Kentucky counties. LIONS TO MEET __— visiting from St. urday. Petersburg, Florida. Others The .current periods of en- Temperatures will average 4 The Bessie Tucker Circle n named 'for outstanding recital listment are for two, three or The Murray Lions Club will degrees above the normal the WSCS of the First United to 8 performances were Lisa War- four years. Assignment to avia- hold its regular meeting on and 6069 toes. Methridist Church will meet at In 88 highs ren, Kip Mason. and Lisa Mc- tian duty is four years The re- Tuesday, June 11, at seven p.m. will average from a the home Miss Maude Nance Rainfall Daniel, with honorable mention cruiting office is located in the Mn, Timothy P. Hendrickson, Ja'.,. left, and at the South Pleasant Grove east to a half inch Slew Concord. an Tuesday, Jun( Mrs. Hewlett Cooper, right, pin Second quarter inch given to Anne Gregory and Century Building, 17th and Lieutenant',-bare on their husband, and son- Methodist Church, The ladies throughout the period. 11 at file a.m. , _sass Lee in Iasi respectively at c•remonies held mist- %%est Ann Reed. Broadway, Paducah. ly at Murray State University. of the church will serve the

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PAGE TWO ?RI LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY. KENTUCKY MONDAY — JUNE 10, 1968 Milk Is Food DEPARTMENT THE LEDGER & TIMES KENTUCKY Progress in Dairy COMPANY. by LEDGER a TIMES PU111.18sus6 Calloway Timeakend For Fitness; of of the Murray Ledger, The Kentuckian, The Times-Herald, October 20, 1. and the West January 1. 1042 4th Streit. Werney. Seateedry gelel It let N. All Need AGRICULTURE Raises WILLIAMS PUBLISHER Industry JABIEST. By Patricia Everett Area reject any Advertising. Letters to the Editor. Extension Agent Ws marve Chi-right to In Feeds NEWS Mae Volpe items which. in our °plaice. are not for the beat Nutrition et You never latimmt ce our roadies. outgrow your need for milk. Milk and milk WIT 00., 1500 NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: WALLACE MICR products contain a wide variety itob:: Miller Quality,Volume Life Bldg.. New York, N.Y.„ Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn., Tines of body builders in amounts Commissioner st Stephanie= B., Detroit. Mich t hat are necessary for health The growth of our computerized society with attendant changes in technology, produc- for tramenimion as from childhood through old Entered at the Post Office Murray. Kentucky, age. affect the dairy industry. Co-ops will grow larger matter After full growth The month of June marks a I would hope that people thro- tion and distribution methods will continue to Second Class has been increase while dairy herds a reeched, the body cells traditional agricultural obser- ughout the Commonwealth wo- and promotional efforts for "honest-to-goodness" milk products will weak Me, per which 1110111WIRIPTION RAT= By Cartier in Murray. per make up tissue, muscles, bones, vance. Dairy associations and uld look both at dairying as a grow smaller even though individual output per cow goes up each year. • Calloway and adjoining counties. per year, 0.10; a gen- mentle elle. In teeth, hair, blood. etc., are con- other dairy interests through- supplier of food and as Through the science of genetics, along with improved feeding and herd .metn5ement Boom I è 2. WOO. Elsewhere 111.00. All aureole anbecriptions UM. erator of dollars. Too, I would ft stantly wearing out. By using out the country are observing practices, American dairy farmers have made quite a fewl hope that they will be receptive Oesstaiedlog Clete Allied of a Canneeday le the milk and milk products you are "June Dairy Month." changes in the dairy cow. The current version of "the foster: its Neweparee his as dairying attempts to tell its laeogray of receiving good food to keep Governor Louie B. Nunn mother of the human race" is a far different creature than any this story. your body -machinery" in good issued a proclamation for of her ancestors. And she is serving mankind more efficiently which he urg- Dairying, like many other ag- repair special month in than ever before as a result. Suggested amounts of milk ed "all our citizens to publicly ricultural enterprises, is facing MONDAY — JUNE 10, 1968 for a day are: 2 to 3 cups for and privately join in this ob- rising coats and smaller marg- Each year the average production of milk per cow in the United States has increased. In 1956, the average cow in this children under 9: 3 or more servance in order that we may ins of profit. Labor problems country produced 3,000 quarts of milk; in 1967 about cups for children 9 to 12; 4 or continue to enjoy the nutrition- are common among dairymen. about 3,900 quarts, and, if the annual 3.5% rate of increase cups for teenagers; 2 or beeonts of These problems, , however, can continues, Quotes From The News more al and economic 1968 will number about 4,200 quarts. more cups for adults; 3 or more our dairy industry." We of the be coped wih to a certain ex- By UNITED PRESS INTERNAIIONAL Today, about 14 million cups for pregnant women; and Kentucky Department of Agri- tent by management practices. cows, more than six million fewer than we had 10 years ago, produce about 60 4 or more cups for nursing mo culture are happy to join the One problem cannot be met billion quarts of asked if milk in a year. It is estimated that milk in SAIGON — Gen. William C. Westmoreland, thers. of our dairy industry in by improved management alone. production 1968 ranks will approximate 1967's total of 120 billion pounds the United States could achieve a military victory in Based on the amount of cal- calling special attention to milk This is the matter of competi- Vietnam: cium they provide, the follow- and dairy products. tion filled milk and imitation The number-of farms with milk cows will. continue to decline In 1968. The of "Not in a classic sense, because of our national policy ing are alternates for 1 cup of Milk is not only one of na- products. rate decline will depend in part on opportunities for off-farm employment and opportunities in farm war." milk: 1 Ia ounces of Cheddar ture's most perfect foods, but The final answer to this pro- income of not expanding the enterprises other than dairying. In addition, the high capital Cheese; 15 ounces of cream also the best known among blem rests with the consuming is investment needed for beginning dairy farmers the high cheese; 11 ounces of cottage products. Few public. It is they who must de- and MeLEAN, Va. — Frank Manklevritm, Sen. Robert F. all agricultural labor costs are contributing to the decline In dairy herds. cheese; 1-2/3 cups of ice cream; foods can be used from beano cide that there is no substitute Kennedy's campaign press secretarY, on the closing a and 3 cups milk sherbet. for the nutritional qualities of To increase his productivity, of ey to adulthood as can milk, Prognosticators Take. . . the the Kennedy-for-President headquarters: There is an equal amount of natural milk and dairy pro- working dairy farmer has It is only a convenient food to Increased his investment "We're closing the doors of the Juggernaut." calcium in 1 cup at whole milk, ducts. It is because of these in his enjoy, but also one of the most business drastically in recent skim milk or buttermilk. qualities that milk is called na- nutritional. A Look Into years tie has an elaborate cow Lawton, who Milk is our leading source of ture's mod perfect and best MEMPHIS, Term. — The Rev. James Economically speaking, dairy- milking system that very like- calcium which is the mineral known invited the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to Mem- ing is quite important to Ken- . food. re .1y includes a pipeline which that builds and maintains strong phis where he was killed, on the capture of James Earl lucky. Last year our farmers The Futu means that milk is not exposed Ray: bones and teeth, helps regulate marketed some $122,500,000 to air from the time it leaves the heart best, and aide in clot- worth of milk. If the dollies the cow until It "I think most of us in the black community are not Of reaches the 131 ting blood. It also provides gmerated through the prom. Farming consumer. Even though these persuaded that one man is responsible. After all, there ALMANAC fl' high-quality protein; riboflavin. ging, distribution and retail systems make the milking is the decoy chase that has not been adequately explain- Vitamin A. and many other Prognosticators of farmers sales were added to this a- In the year chores easier, cows still de- • ed." by United Press International 2000 envision him nutrients Protein is the main Mount, the figure would be as a mend to be milked at least ge Today is Monday is Monday sophisticated executive builchng and repair material of striking and a great deal high- with a twice a day. Today is Monday, June 10, the computer for a fore- MEADVILLE, Md.- — Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of all the tissues in the body. The er than the average person man; the rancher It's not unusual f or a dairy er 162nd day of 1968 with 204 to will ride New York of Allegheny College B-Vitamin Riboflavin is anent- , would imagine. herd on farmer to have an investment to the graduating clam follow environmentally con- ial for healthy skin and nerves, Kentucky ranks 13th nation- trolled livestock In land, building, livestock, on Sen. Robert F. Kennedy: The moon is full hotels and 01 normal digestion and helps ally in milk production, and is fishermen will "harvest" the and equipment that exceeds "But we know that he was someone special to young The morning stars are Sat- body cells use other nutrients among the South Cen- oceans $100,000, knd In many cases, people He moved them and inspired them. We know, second urn and Venus carried to them by the blood. states in N441 production. , Despite a the Investment is several times therefore, that your sense of loss Ls especially deep and tral The evening star as Jupiter. world population manufacturing and pro- of some seven that figure. The return which wl painful " On the billion people at the dairy cessing side, Kentucky ranks that time, fanner earns on this de Prison Location In 1898, U S. Marines began Americans will eat Investment, along with the pay fifth in the production of • HOLLYWOOD UPI —More the invasion of Cuba in the better than ever as a result of he receives for his labor, de- American cheese: second in the than 75 technicians. actors and Spanish-American War improvements and controls in pends, of course, upon the craftsmen will spend six weeks production of unsweetened eva- In 1940, Italian Dictator Ben- dealing with Nature price he receives for the milk In at the Arizona State Prison on porated milk; and third among ito Mussolini declared war on According to Orville Free- he markets. This return In re- South Central states is the Bible Thought for Today location for producer William the France and Britain man. Secretary of Agriculture, cent years has not compared manufacturing of cottage cheese Castle's -The "Riot " In 1942. the German Gesta- the year 2000 "wlll mean better favorably With many alterna- WI curd. We have well over one po bourned the tiny village of foods, more nutritious foods, tive enterprises WI Blessye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord. which Lands Roles hundred plants menu- Lidice in Czechoslovakia after better tasting foods, a bigger Dairy farming is changing —Psalm 134:1. facture ice cream Over 837 variety HOLLYWOOD UP I ) — shooting 973 men and deporting of foods and still at rapidly in this country. Small million pounds of fluid milk is a reasonable Praise to Cod keeps us mindful of His goodness. Broadway's Anthony Zerbe women and children to concen- cost, thanks to an and average-size dairy herds landed a featured role In Para- handled- by some 85 processors tration camps efficiency of operation wttliti are being sold because farm- to mount's "The Molly - for consumers in Kentucky and In 1967. the Soviet l'nion continues hold unit produc- ers' sons are leaving for more Maguire's. tion costa to a minimum, adjoining states. broke diplomatic relations vritt lucrative jobs in the cities and So dairying is an important Israel after Israel announced a "The consumer should i then) farmers refuse to pay 90c an industry in Kentucky. Some of hour seven days a week to Bridges Signs major victory over Syria as both be able to buy her whole milk Young the most progressive farmers have their cows milked At the FANATICAL Sirhan Bishara HOLLYWOOD UPI —Beau Mideast nabone accepted a U.N. according to whatever butter- Ten Years Ago Today are to be found in the dairy present rate, there will .prob- strhan. 24, is led from ar- Bridges, son of actor Lloyd ceasefire fat content she desires She'll LEDGER• TIMES FILE business. Likewise, our proms- ably be half as many dairy raignment in Los Angeles in Bridges. has signed for a star- A thought for the day. Greek choose meat cuts with hardly herds In this country in 1060 the ring role opposite Melina Mer- sin and maufacturing firms are author Aesop once said, "Self any fat She'll receive more assassination of Sen providing dynamic leadership as there were In 1960 Farms Robert F Walter H. Carroll, age 63, died yesterday at his home -court In 'Gaily. Gaily" for the conceit may lead to self destruc- protein per portion of cereal Kennedy for agriculture in general. will become larger and more at 903 Sycamore Street following an extended illness. salirisch company tion." And all of these changes will During the month of June e clent and consumers wi11 Bil William D. Medearls, minister at the Tenth come about through the mira- have to pay higher prices for Redgrave for 'Chips' cle of a .ed Street Church of Christ, Clovis, New Mexico, will be genetics by breeding nature's "most nearly perfect HOLLYWOOD ( UPI) — Sir , cows and meat animals and econo- Michael Redgrave will star' eiS the visiting evangelist in a series of gospel meetings SE food” One Wisconsin thi rcereal grains to meet specific mist predicts 200,000 dairy with Peter O'Toole and Petula late 7th and Poplar Church of Christ starting June 15. dietary and taste require- farms will be functioning In Clarke In "Goodbye, Mr no Mr and Mrs. David Pinson of Bloomington, Ind., TV CAMEOS: Marian Mercer ments" 1960 Chips " • Ge announce the birth of a daughter. Karen Ann, born be May 10 Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pit "mmommiminfisimiamir Watkins of Murray. No Fun, Marian Turned to Comedy Parents Warned Of "hlaclow Lane is being paved we see. This is a fast Concerts Ma growing addition", from the column, Seen 81 Heard Seriousness Shop MIDAIR Around Murray. By MR Jett MISS MARIAN MERCER is a 5-foot-0-inch Lifting By TODAY, Sq blonde with a handsome face that. fluctuates • of between a rubbery grin and an angelic smile SUMMER do, She also has more musical educational back- GEORGETOWN, Ky. — Many WITHOUT poi 20 Years Ago Today ground than Renault Tibaldi- so why, you ask. juveniles consider shoplifting of supper, rather LEDGER •TIMES FILE does Miss Mercer not sing for her a game, but it is stealing and, AIR CONDITIONING than earn it as • knockabout COMIC on the Don therefore, a crime, according to show' DeLuise CBS-TV Ivan Jett, executive vice presi, IS LIKE WINTER Frank Paschall, 10 day old son of Mr and "It's simple." Marian says disarmingly' -I Arthur dent of the Kentucky Retail Mrs Eaton Paschall of Murray Route Four, died this studied until I virtually had notes coming out of I'm a Federation. WITHOUTA morreing at the Murray Hospital. my ears, and finally I gave a concert FURNACE memo soprano—in five languages, already yet "Too many young people and Whenerese see se ali Wes w s we I Iml 1110611111 , Max Churchill was named commander of the Murray shop- And you know what' it WWI no fun It was no their parents are ignoring lel easIsd is near. Today, wars Is pretest isesiMs sad he sen Oill to a American Legion Post at a meeting held last week. fun at all." lifting as childish pranks and Ins aides ewsey el ever Men 4 Mary .-.--queline Wear, Eva Johnson. Pat Lewis, Those were her undergraduate days at the not to be considered seriously. Hilda Joe McCamish, and Dorothy Sue Stubblefield are University of Michigan and the truth is, Miss This is a great mistake because girls from Calloway County selected to attend Girls State Mercer had been spoiled for music She had many of our criminals today ^ in Lexington June 13-16, according to Mrs Max Church- discovered the dray•ma There was a profes- committeed their first crime in ROGERS ELECTRIC sional company of actors in Ann Arbor and shoplifting." Jett said 11.1•44s4444446.4.4441.4 is sponsoring maraire, Phone 753-5963 - 753-5765 ill, president of the Legion Auxiliary, who Marian hooked up with it, using the name "Ann the group Gregory because she didn't want her T111J/11C "Many juveniles do not con- Marriage's reported today Miss Mary Frances Mc- teachers to find out and blow a collective gas- sider the penalty they will pay Elrath to Carmen Leroy Cox at the First Baptist Church, ket -The actors were making about forty-five throughatt their entire lives if and Miss Aleda Farmer to Troy W Kelly at the dollars a week. I guess she says, -and I they are caught. This becomes thought all -of them were marvelous. I writ' gone Methodist Church, both on June 5. part of a permanent reeord and for good.- many jobs are closed to them because they are considered a ONCE SHE HAD her m degree from the security risk. It will prevent 1: of M, Miss Mercer headed for New York them from being appointed to life upon the wicked she learned. 4 :Ind stage and Annapolis Mank banks and hundreds that it can be a as so many before her, other firms would hesitate to slow grind There was off-Broadway, fi- king, employ them People must re- nally. and odd acting job,. here and there member that shoplifting is a spiced with such chores as hostessing an .4 Schrafft's restaurant before she got even ;I crime and stealing is punishable glimpse of the light beyond. by both fine and imprison- SOPHIA LOREN OMAR SHARIF Music, course, kept following her She ment." he said. did eight months in the off-Broadway "Mary Mi.. Merest tee he wildly Funny —eve she's " ore than a miracle" Sunshine," summer stock, until she met estimated there are a- etc.. else • televised; premising, serieve wine. It is R G. Brown, a talented young man who wrote bout 100.000 teen-agers' shop- and acted in revue-type sketches With him she Ate ways The next few years were productive lifting a week compared with whipped up a Nicholaoand-May routine sort ones fcr her. She did Shakespeare in Washing- only a few thousand a decade of high-class Stiller and Meira and ultimately ton, repertory in St. Louis "1 loved every ago and FBI statistics show that the Miller tht y were signed to appear on Andy Williams' minute of it" and -After the Fail" shoplifting arrests have incre- Busks TV show. play, with Jose Ferrer in Florida and ased by almost 80 per cent in Cuunty. years really, the last five EXCEPT FIRST we played a club in Los An- "Little Mary Sunshine,- however.. was teen-age shoplifters are paid off. A year after "Most geles, while the Williams people wondered what In the end. the I me that whose parents married a east colleague, from homes to do with us," Marian says -We really bombed. shc was in it, she the articles currently is in the CBS could afford to buy I guess we were too subtle or something for • Marttn J Cassidy, who careful, seven years stolen. Parents should rocm. We got more' and depressed -- soap opera, -Love of Life." And big more from another ly consider merchandise of their one night, after playing three shows to after "Mary." she get a hurry call until DuLuise- to children if it is unusual," Jett total silence, we were waiting tiredly for a bus of her fellows in that cast Don Wierienhorft, be in his TV series. OUT OF EAST GERMAN JAIL Hooded Ronald . and a drunk came by and sat next to'us come to Miami Beach and said. :to *hakes hndsh.ids with hip attorney, Has sick. We laughed our heads off at this She was playing off-Broadway in "Your Own - — :lad got before to well XI Rabb of New York. in West Brrlin")after Rabb nego- crowning indignity and never really worried Thing." which had opened 10 days earlier association with Renewal tiated hi- from an East German jail. Wiedenhoeft ogain." great notices, 'Ont my didn't hesitate for If 01.1.YVVOCID I UPI I— Tele- UniVeralty ait instructor. spent nin After 26 -weeks !they playcd a pair of Don was so rewarding that I A fornwir Columbia opportunity t'fi work vision's "Judd for the Defense" Jereudo-intellretual studentsi on the Wil- ii minute when effcred the nttttt this iri 3.111 on espionage charges.•withopt a trial He was NYU has for another Malian and R their separ- with him again' been renewed while photographing East German buildings•for hams show, went full F. 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10, 1968 PAGE THREE I THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY MONDAY — JUNE 10, 1968 P •,aisaeonosseisoovercsawnessa4 ,,,', WSM-TV WIAC-TV WSIX-TV WDCN-TV 'ti, • ',, Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 8 Channel 2 TIME \ '• e' MONDAY AFTIRNON PROGRAMS ,00,o4k :00- News News I Love Lucy Canadian 15 Wthr.; Sports Wthr.; Sparta Casters United Intimations 30 Ti,, Monkees Gurisrnoke Moyle: Through By PTIP511 6 .4s • "Bullet for a Chikirerry Eyes OUT Badmen" 00 The Champions " Mistereperli National League IS " Audi, Murphy NIienbac•000 30 " You're In Love, Rota Lee Profiles In 91 4 -by- W- L. Pct. GB 7 Charlie Brown Movie Courage St. Louis 33 23 589 8 00 Danny The Andy Griffith Felony Squad GALE 15 Thomas Hour Shcny Los Ang. 32 26 552 2 30 " Family Affair Peyton Place 1 Festival of Music GARRISON Atlanta 29 25 .537 3 .45 " Coroi Burnet The. 1510 Valley NET Journal Twin States San Fran. 30 26 .536 3 :15 ' Show :36 " Dodgers Get Seventh Win 4t,t ,r • Cincinnati 2'7 26 .509 :45 " The first of two games that feature high school all- Phila 25 25 .500 5 00 News News News :IS Wthr.; Sports Wthr.; Sports stars from Kentucky and Indiana will be played a week Wins Chicago 26 28 .481 6 30 Tonight Show Perry Mason Joey BishoP Team Show 10:45 " from this Saturday night, which is the 22nd, in Louis- In Row By Beating Phillies New York 24 29 .453 7;4 produc- Pittsburgh 21 29 .420 9 ville. The second game will be played in Indianapolis ow larger Houston 22 32 .407 10 :30 " Moyle: a week later on the 29th. "The Green- dry herds Two Games Sunday's Results This is By FRED DOWN 00 Mery Griffin Eyed Blonde" News • an annual game that is sponsored by the led the Cardinals' 16-hit attack Los Philadelphia 3 1 2 Show Susan Oliver UPI Sports Writer Angeles 4 Linda Pluwman Lions Clubs of the two states, and all proceeds go to a with three hits each. Atlanta 4 Chicago 0, 1st Movi• nagement Apparently nobody in the Na- States Baseball fund to help the blind. Leo Cardenas doubled home Murray Twin Chicago 6 Atlanta 5, 2nd tional League believes that Don Fredonia Sun- The games will have a little more interest in this Tony Perez in the 12th inning team traveled to St. Louis 10 Cincinnati 8, 1st Drysdale is right when he says split in the afternoon and won a dou- area than it has in the last few years, because StanKey to earn the Reds a day Cin 7 St. Louis 6, 2nd, 12 inns. bleheader over the home team TUESDAY MORNING PROGRAMS will be nightcap and tag Steve Carlton Pittsburgh 3 Houston 1 playing on the Kentucky team. There really isn't the first game :45 Worghlgo Fang lOgrag with his second loss. Lee May Murray won San Fran 5 New York 4, 1st any reason to go over Stan's ability, because everyone second 16 to 6 SO saw, Lord CoujiliT JiasdWa rd had four hits and Tommy 5-0, and took the San Fran 4 New York 1, 2nd .15 Show knows as well as I di that he is one of the greatest play- " eggioN Pardon Telms three for the Reds. 6. Today's Probable .4S " Stwa ers to ever come out of the first region, including one of Smith pitched the . Mays Homers Roy Linn Cincinnati, Nolan 2-0 at Chi. 7 00 Tailor The.,11oro Shoo his giving up six hits, .15 Toney: tothr. " former coaches, Howard Crittenden. Not taking any- Willie Mays homered in the first game cgao, Holtzman 4-4, 2:30 p. m 30 Tod's, one to cross 45 Nan; Maw. thing away from Mr. Crittenden, because he is still a fifth inning and singled home and allowed no St Louis, Jaster 4-2 at At- plate for a shutout. Smith 00 " Cirttain Remorse " fine ball player, or at least he was a couple of years back the winning run for the Giants the lanta. Niekro 5-4, 8 p. m. 8. 15 Today. News t struck out five batters. 30 Today when he played against the All-American Redheads. in the ninth inning of the first Pittsburgh, Veale 2-6 at San .45 " hitters for Murray game with the Mets as Frank Leading Francisco, Marichal 10-2, 4 p. -00 Snap .luckanwni Milk• DoWele• *moor Room Hardin McLane, who is the coach of the Kentucky Richard :IS " • In the first game were ,I Linzy gained his third victory. m. 30 C WKISPIO team, has a fine line up this year, with the cream of the went three for 745 " Mike McCormick pitched a six- Edmonds who Seaver 3-5 at Los '9 crop New York, .1 0.00 Pg., *smell's being on the team, and even the second string from hitter and struck out 10 in the three and Lynn Stranak who Andy Of Dick Coven Angeles, Sutton 3-5, 11 p. m. .IS -- Mayberry Show Kentucky would make a fine team. out of two trips 35 Holirtiodod Dick Van Dyke second game behind an eight- Pid two hits Only games scheduled Besides Key, Coach McLane of plate. —_ AS Sguarea Devlin,* Show Elizabethtown Catho- hit attack that included three to the Tuesday's Games 00 teroardy Love of Bewitched collected eight hits :IS " L Ile. Nein lic and his assistant, Charles (Jock) Sutherland of Lex- hits by Ron Hunt. Murray Cincinnati at Chicago I 10 Eye Guess Starch for Tine. Treasure.. We ington Lafayette, will May's game-winning blow in and committed no errors in 411 " Goldin.; light send out a team that includes St. Louis at Atlanta, night ------the opener was his 11th of the the first game, Fredonia com- TUESDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAMS Terry Davis of Shelby County, who has already been Pittsburgh at San Fran., night — season and his homer mitted six mishaps. Thmo Dream Mono a named Kentucky's Mr. Basketball. Gary Waldell of Lex- was the Houston at Philadelphia, night id,:154355Show Nis,tro.n.Olt 1,133rd extra base hit of his Lynn Stranak pitched the se- ington Lafayette, Henry Bacon of•Male High, Larry Cart- New York at Los Ang., night I / .1 ." As Si.orldWorlde ld W trove Pa,tv career, moving him ahead of cond game, struck out eight, _ TIMIS er of Pleasure Ridge, Granville Burton of Male High, Tris gave up only four hits, and no .1 00 Days 05 Our love Is • Maw Newlywed Game the ws Angeles Dodgers "can Speaker into fifth place on t5 I ivy's Solendored Thing " Jerry Dunn of Glasgow, Ron Thomas of Thomas Jeffer- the all-time list. The homer al- earned runs, as Murray commit- 30 The Do< fora Linklefter's The Baby Game go all the way"—.Aciet the W. L. Pct, 43 'r Mouse Party •• son, Randy Noll of Covington Catholic, Kim Wilkie of so was the ted four errors. _ . 575th of his career. Detroit 35 20 .636 e) On Anent..--To Tell The Gears' silospital ..1 S 14 story Lexington Tates Creek and Billy Bruton Ken Johnson and Claude Steve Doran relieved Stranak .11 Truth: News of Pleasure "I think we've got a great Cleveland 32 24 571 30 3' st Dor I Say Edr of Nigh* Dark Shadows Curious World in the fifth, pitching the last .. lanyagn Parade Ridge is the alternate. chance to go all the way," said Raymond combined in an eight- Baltimore 30 24 556 hitter and hit two two innings, and gave up three 0 Tito Mak% Shovel Storm Dann, Game What's Ng* Indiana has won more games than Kentucky, but the Drysdale Saturday night after Minnesota 28 27 509 -15 Gem*: Mimi homers for the Braves in their runs. .v. ..,,,,...... Guam', Wend Hazel All Aboard with Bluegrass State is coming on strong as they have won stretching his string of conse- Boston 26 28 481 3 :4 Mr s• opener but the Cubs broke a Lynn Stranak went four for five of the last six contests. cutive scoreless innings to a Oakland 25 28 472 4 .Let's Make a Mmile: Mr Ed Green Thumb 6-6 tie in the eighth inning of five in the second game, other -IS Owsl ' Cottle Envoi's" " • If you want to go to the game you had better be major league record of 58 2-3 New York 26 30 464 /0 Ralik Enwry Jon McCrea Truth or F rleo MIA the second game and Murray players who had a .45 Shaw _ GlOr 60 Talbot, COnsiellwoncee innings. "What we really need snapped Wash. 24 30 .444 ---- — getting those tickets, because they are selling out fast. their good day at the bat were Eddie movie Nor. . Folk.toro USA is some hitting at the right five-game losing streak. Calif. 25 32 439 The $4 tickets are already sold out and many of the oth- Young, Dave, ti-ant, Rick Tid- 5 1 : Moro' gintr. tune." Adolfo Phillips drove in the Chicago 22 30 423 A Huntley. Wall.. CrovAllo Fr.*arrnoNlo ger. ;ars' ers are well on their way to being winning well, Steve Doran and Bobby -45 Crinkle" sold out. The Dodgers got just that run by beating out an Sunday's Results infield hit Campbell, all of whom got two TUESDAY EVENING PROGRAMS tillNe address for getting tickets is: Baldwin Ticket Sunday when they stretched with the bases fill- Cleveland 2 Detroit 0 ad. hits out of four trips to the 00 Moors Wthr . Snorts 1 Lees Lucy Of 309 W. Walnut Street, Louisville, Ky. 40202. their own streak to seven vic- New York 8 California 1, 1st il *nor r Sow% NMI went one I Drown of Dot% Valley Dews Garrison • F fulitsalv Glen, so , se po Bob Moose, 2iIyear old right- plate. Jimmy Felts O -tories in a row with a 4-3 tri- New York 3 California 2, 2nd _ Jeannie_ GorrIlles — bander, scored for two and Edmonds one for .. Had a cup of coffee with an old friend, Ken May, umph over the Philadelphia his first victory Washington 7 Minnesota 4 .00 Sincraiic., ii-4 'NI Password - PA inarimera' of the season with ninth-inning one. " NelshOorriogg who is Publicity Director for "King" Kovaz Auto Phillies and moved to within Today's Probable Pitchers .30 Movie sittytirn• If Takao • Dare- relief help Edmonds was four for four in AS "Marna." Thief DOC onset,'WV two games of the first-place St. from Ron Kline at Oakland, Dobson 2-6 at Cleve- — — devils, out at the Palace Drive-In last Wednesday night. Houston. Gene the two games and Stranak was 00 Siam Cannery .• ..• The000GoGent',l • — Louis Cardinals. They also got Alley and Fe- land, Siebert 6-4, 730 p m. .15 Tip, wearers " GOWIWIli O ,k The "King" and his troupe will be at the fair again lipe Alou each had three six for seven .30 MM.* Good Morning 04.Yy.0. Siserram it from some unexpected sour- hits Baltimore, Hardin 7-2 at 8 iS " World this year, and will put on another of their fine shows, for the Pirates and Jim First Gam* ces. Wynn Washington, Pascual 5-3, 8 p 9 woods '11 WOWS 111111.plIVII6171 Scnoel Board 5,0 in their Dodge autos. bad two for the Astros. Murray 100 020 2-5 8 0 ime Spacial 11171don SynnOliona Paul Popovich hit the first m. -30 ..0 /4 newts . Fredonia 000 000 0-0 6 6 . I enjoyed every bit of the little chat I had with Ken, of his major league Chicago, John :4 111 R. Smith and B. Campbell; New, -except for one part, and that was'when he said that he York, Stottletnyre. 74, 8 p. 113 Career to -tic the score at 3-3 AMERICAN WIN C. Phelps and J Yates II was going to get California, Culp 2-2, 7:30 p 0 re's Joey 01.1h3s me into one of those cars when they in the ninth. The Dodgers went RATZEBURG, Germany irr Second Gam. Show went over the ramps, or some ,other part of the act. on to win in the same frame on — Philadelphia's Vesper Boat m. Only games scheduled Now, don't get me wrong I'm not afraid to enter Into Jeff Torborg's walk, Len Ga- Club captured the coxed fours Murray 293 002 6-16 19 4 SAisip Tuesday's Games "e4 Across Vie act, but I know that the people who read this col- brielson's single and a sacrifice event in the 12th International Fredonia 020 010 3— 6 5 5 fly by . Minnesota at Detroit 2, twi- the Everglades" Nowt umn wouldn't want risk my Ratzeburg Rowing Classic Sun- C Plummer me to life by doing any- night Burl lops Brewer Gets Win day in six minutes and 46.13 12'Ill' " Moyle I & thing like that. But I know also that there is no risk to it, - - , who pitched two seconds. CHICAGO VIII — Info scored Oakiatui at Cleveland, night because they are the best drivers in the world, and very Baltimore at Washington, night innings of hitless relief ball, Russia's Ivanox took the sin- a three-quarter length victory seldom do they ever have a wreck either on the track or Chicago at New York, night _ 1 1 - received credit for his third gle sculls in seven minutes, in the $33,850 Olympic Handi- the road. But, I want to keep my readers California at Boston, night W./.disks Pr•••••• by Saainans Involved 3ishara happy, however victory' against one loss. 27.63 seconds. cap at Arlington Park, iThese few they may be, so I will have The Cardinals outslugged the om ar- to turn him down when their Cincinnati Reds 10-8 before SAN felts in come here DUTCH WINNER DIEGO, Calif. Ameri-I'EH — whale beating Australia's Ron bowing 7-6, the San Francisco George Young set an f Sen STOCKHOLM 171 — Dutch- Clarke Giants beat the man Tom Okker swept the sin- Blank can two mile rain record of 8.22 dv JOE SIGNS TENNIS FINALS 5-4 and 4-1, the Chicago Cubs gles and doubles titles of the NEW YORK TN — Fullback BERLIN run — Manuel San- topped the 6-5 "Saltsjoebaden" tennis tourna- Billy Joe, who last season Okker tana of Spain and Tom after a 4-0 loss and the Pitts- ment Sunday. On Sunday .ed in for injured Matt Snell, of Holland advanced to the fi- burgh Pirates defeated the Hou- — Sir , Okker defeated Jan-Eric Lun- • • signed his 1968 ccntract with nals Sunday with straight set ston Astros 3-1 in other Na- rill star dzvist of Sweden 3-6, 6-3, 7-5 id Petula the New York Jets, it was an- victories in the International tional League games. By AL DALY Murray Loan Co. 1 and then teamed with Marty up their first game victory with re. Mr nounced Sunday by Coach and Rot-Weiss Club tennis tourna- In the American League, the UPI Sports Writer Riessen of Evanston, Ill , to a ninth inning squeaker. I. MONEY HEADQUARTERS General Weeb Ew- ment. Cleveland Indians topped the When is a an :nit- take the doubles from West Pinch-hitter Charlie Smith 506 W. Main Street Phone 753-2621 bank. Santana defeated Marty Ries- Detroit Tigers 2-0, the Wash- fielder' When Cleveland Man- Germany's Uwe Gottschalk and cracked a two-out single in the sen of Evanston, Ill., 6-0, 7-5, 10- ington Senators do w ned the ager Al Dark decides to get bottom of the inning to score RAMOS READY Harold Elschenbroich, 8-6, 6-2 8 while Okker swept Germany's 6-4 and the another portside swinger into Bill Robinson from second. GROSSINGERS, N. Y. ,13.1 — Herald Elschenbroich 6-2, 6-3, beat the the lineup and inserts a back- Southpaw Steve Barber went the Manuel Ramos, who fights Jae 6-1 in semifinal mathces. California Angels 8-1 and 3-2. stop into left field. first eight innings, but reliever BERLIN CPT — Manuel San- Frazier on June 24 in Madison Dal Maxville had a single and Duke Sims, normally a cat- Steve Hamilton collected the YOU TAKF, WI CHANCE WHEN YOU Square Garden for one version tana of Spain defeated Marty ATLANTA Tst — Bob Lunn a double and Lou Brock a three- cher, played left field Sunday win. TRADE WITH . . Riessen of Evanston, III, 6-0, of the heavyweight title, is won his second straight PGA run homer as Ithe-„Cardinals and scored both runs as the The Senators broke a 1-1 7-5, 10-8 to reach the title round down to 202 pounds and re- tourney with a three-stroke tri- scored 10 runs in the fifth in- Indians blanked the league- deadlock in the fourth as they of the Rot-Weiss tennis tour- ported to be in the best shape umph in the Atlanta Golf Clas- ning to wipe out an 8-0 deficit. leading Tigers 2-0 behind Luis scored six runs with two out of his life. sic. Curt Flood and Tim McCarver ney. Tiant's four-hit pitching. PARKER MOTORS Joe Coleman went all the way Sims, who hit a run-scoring scattering seven hits for the 753-5273 Murray. Kr. double and a solo home run ex- win One of them was a two- LARGE VOLUME — LOW PROFIT plained, "This was only my se- run homer by Harmon Kille- "Service Built Our Business" cond game in the outfield in brew, his seventh of the season. IT WILL the majors. But Tiger Stadium's The two RBI's moved Killebrew PAY YOU TO SEE US ON A a good place to hit. Also re- to within two of the 1.000 mark NEW OR USED CAR member, I hit pretty good here for his career AJJLOA A last year and won a few games U_ I [A 01 .1 hilArEMEMEME with home runs" Keep Pace Close ONE HOUR SERVICE The Indians needed this game as -a loss would have put them 5's games behind the Tigers. Dry They now trail by 3% In other American League Cleaning action New York took a twin- SPECIAL OFFER bill from California 8-1 and 3-2 7 and Washington topped Minne- Offer Good Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4th & 5th sota 7-4. In the National League Cin- cinnati stopped the Cardinals 78 in 12 innings in the second ,- - game of a doubleheader after the first-place Cards had taken the opener 10-8. Atlanta blank- DRESSES ed Chicago 4-0 in their opener and Chicago win the second (Plain ) ea beat Hou- 109 game 6-5. Pittsburgh 5 ston 3-1, Los Angeles edged 04 7PINEST PROTECTION-BOX STORAGE Philadelphia 4-3 and San Fran- 1.0 For Winter cisco beat the Mets twice 5-4 cn Garments--Woolens and 4-1. Blankets--Etc. Sims' double in the fourth Saves Clothes and home run in the seventh 0 -Saves Time-Saves Nor= gave Tiant a comfortable cush- AWIIMW11•1111111=10111 ion as the Cuban righthander All Garments Cleaned at ONE-HOUR fashioned his fifth whitewash of the season are Moth and Mildew Proofed FREE. Behnsen Collects Win The Yankees took the first *ALL WORK GUARANTEED* game as Roy White and Horace Never An Extra Charge For One Clarke each drove in a pair of Hour Service runs and rookie Stan Bahnsen The Best in Kentucky Basketball scattered 10 hits to gain his sixth victory against two losses. KENTUCKY'S ALL-STARS listen to head coach Icway County: Granville Bunton, Male High, The righthander lost his shutout Hardin McLane (kneeling left) of Elizabethtown Billy Burton, PRP; Kim Wilkie, Lexington Tates in the ninth when two-out sing- Catholic High describe the offense the team will Creek; Gary Waddell, Lafayette, and assistant, les by Ed Kirkpatrick, Paul ONE-HOUR use against Indiana in this summer's annual two- coach Jock Sutherland, Lafayette. Male's Henry Schaal and pushed R1117 gill" - game series. In front row, from left, are Terry Bacon and Thomas Jefferson's Ron Thcmas missed across a run. its mei"WA CUOMO • Davis. Shelby County; Jerry Dunn, Glasgow, and yesterday's workout at Masonic Home Gym. The A bat day crowd of 56,614. Martinizing Randy Noll. Covington catholic. In back row are first game is here in Freedom Hall, Saturday, June largest in the majors this sea- Larry Carter, Pleasure Ridge Park: Stan Key. Cal- 22. with the return game Tune 29 at Indianapolis. son, saw the Yankees follow nNF HC1TTP cwpirTrp

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Party Held Mr., Mrs. Haymes Mrs. J. B. Burkeen Phone 753-1917 or 753-4947 KENNEDY Dinner SOCIAL CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS 41 Thurman Home Married SO Years Mr. and Mrs. Lorenai Hay- Bridesmaids observ- Monday, June 10 For mes, Boaz Route One, of Mrs. Ru- anniver- The Mattie Bell Hays Circle The lovely home ed their 50th wedding was the scene formal cele- of the First United Methodist 0#1404 dolph Thurman sary on May 21. No dinner held on Church WSCS will meet at the of a special bration was planeed. 5, at seven Pedal hall at 6:30 pm. for a Wednesday, June Mr. and Mrs. HaYmaii were in honor the potluck supper. o'clock in the evening married May 21, 1918, in k • • • of her granddaughter, Miss home cid the bride's grandpar- Mitchell, June M. The South Pleasant Grove Phyllis Lynne ents in Murray. Rev. J. including outtmor (ooz- Lester Glenn ceremony. Homemakers Club will meet at ies — 8th bride-elect of Poole performed the and dining on a well-light- Mrs. N. the home of Mrs. Edward Rus ing Nanny, Jr. Their attendants were or terrace — when matron of James Mill at one p.m. whaa94 ed patio Guests were the B. Bradley and Mrs. • • • Wiee cefiA your family is together in the honor, bridesmaids, and soloist Clanton. Outdoor light- Tuesday, June 11 evenings. Good for Miss Mitchell's wedding on Mrs. Haymes is the daughter ing: Saturday. Mrs. J. R. The Murray-Calloway County of the late Mr and Extends indoor living out- Thurman presented her Wired Teachers Association Mrs. Langston Sr. doors for entertaining and fam- granddaughter with the cake WM meet at the Miuray-Callo Mr. Haymes, who is retired, fun. chosen silver pat- way County library at two p.m. ily' server in her is the son of the late Mr. and Adds interest and color to The attendants presented Dr. Harry Sparta will be the tern. Mrs. Jack HaYmes. flowers, shrubbery and trees -elect with a silver Igmaker. the bride They have two daughters, • • • at night. tree and well serving dish and Mrs. Kimble K. Swift of BOSI Provides fun after dark for door knock- The Miaryleona Frost Circle an engraved brass Route One, and Mrs. Charles L sports, games, barbecues. of First United Methodist er. Hamm, Symsonia Route One Means greater convenience— The bride-to-be chose this Church WS(S will meet with They have five grandchildren more room for entertaining, occasion to present her attend- Mrs. N P. Hutson at 9130 am. Jack L. Swift and Shirley J • • • for living . . ants with a personal gift. Boma, both of Boaz; Carolyn J. More time for garden or yard The traditional bridesmaids' The Alice Waters Circle of Wooley, Paducah Route Eight; wort in the evening. cake was the centerpiece for Firm United Methodist Church Bettie S. Bearden, Seminole ml Discourages vandalism and the beautiful table. Place cards WS(S will meet with Mrs. mi- Drive, Paducah, and Johnny L night prowlers. — Mrs. Bar- Robert*. Kennedy, then a boy of It, I. shown lli= Moffett, Panorama Shores, with a sister, adorned with net and fresh tiny Hamm of Symsonia. There are letta Wrather. Kathleen. iii 1938 photo. She way. killed ha a plane accident. miniature roses were used. grandchildren. at 9:30 a.m. University at Kentucky Es- • • • eight • • • W Places were marked for Mrs • • • tusks Agents Adult Work To promote trade Trade fairs Jerry Grogan, matron of honor, Malay Star Chepitee No. 433 -. more uniform ana informative and food exhibits have heroine Miss Debbie Dibble, Miss La- bicyclists should ride fhlelta of the Fern Star will manufacturing process- parked New labeling They have worked to a highly developed and critical nette Underwood, and Miss Jea- least three feet from held its regular meeting at the continu- National Au- es and techniques are design labels that are easier for tool in the U.S. Department of nie Diuguid, bridesmaids, Miss cars, warns the liesonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. ally creating new textile pro- Club • • • the consumer to better under- Agriculture's drive to expand Cathy Mitchell, junior brides- tomobile possess unusual • • • ducts winch stand how. to use and care for competitive over-seas markets maid, Miss Kathleen Farrell, .Cheles of the First Baptist re- q ualaties. Such items may fabric made into clothing. Do for American farm products. soloist, Mrs. Lester G. Nanny Church WMS will meet as fol- quire specsal care routines. labels' — Mrs. Consumers and tradesmen in mother of the Mrs. Owen Billing- you read the groom-elect, and Rows: I with Specific information is essent- countries on 3 continents Catherine Thompson. 13 Mrs. Phillip D. Mitchell, mo- m.r ton at 9:30 a.m., 13 with Mrs. obtain ial if the consumer is to • • • will be offered a wide variety ther of the bride-elect. Lot:tie Jones at ten a.m., 111 with performance a n d satisfactory With outdoor lighting y o u of American foods on a full • • • Mrs Grace McClain at 2:30 textile maximum wear from enhance the beauty of your schedule through trade fairs pm.. and IV with Mn. R. N. can Mrs. McNeely Is pr.xlucts. home and make it a showplace and promotions during '68. Con- Dawes at two p.m. With the advance in techno- • • f the neighborhood after dark. sumer response to past cam- Hostess For Meet • textile industry have

the ct logy. You can also enjoy a whole paigns has encouraged a num- The Grace Baptist Church to lead to clearer, Of Esther Class

taken steps w new world of outdoor activit- ber of foreign retail chains to Woman's Missionary Society is The home of Mrs. Alma Mc, set up tie-in campaigns with scheduled to meet at the church Neely was the scene of the the '68 fairs Trade contracts at seven p.m. meeting of the Esther Sun- , • • • extremely important to the U.S. balance of payment interests, day School Class of the Me-

Wednesday, June 12 SUM'' are frequently stimulated by morial Baptist Church held Family Night will be held at on Monday, June 3, at seven such promotional campaigns— Robert F. the Cherry Corner Baptist Kennedy and his bride, the former Ethel Skakel, thirty o'clock in the evening. Mrs. Maxine Griffin. leave Church at 7:30 p.m. Note • • • church in Greenwich, Conn., alter wedding, June, 1950. Mrs. LaDean Spann present- change in date. Family ed an inspiring devotion fol- • • • Mealtime and the Ii Group In many homes, at the lowed by prayer by Mrs. Lois and Crafts Club will sl The Arts table is about the only time Sanderson. at the home at Mrs. Kate "I DIDN'T do it for nothing!" C meet that the whole family comes The vice-president, Mrs shouts Valerie Solanas, 28, a Kirk at 290 p.m. together for an appreciable Spann, presided at the meet- • • • at the onlookers Ls she is 4 length of time ft .is therefore, ing and delicious refreshment: Hope Homemskam a The New most important that the proper were served by the hostess taken to arraignment in the the home el Club will meet at spirit should prevail during this Those present were Mes- shooting of "pop" artist and Mrs Ben Brumley at 1:30 p.m. "underground" moviemaker • • • period At the table, no one dames Lillie Mae Boren, Euro should discuss petty troubles, Sholar, Billie Farley, Rubie Andy Warhol in New York • Concord Homemak- The New quarrels, or other unpleasant Chilcutt, Thyra Crawford, N'er- will have a picnic at ers Club Widow,61, Enjoys matters_ A cheerful. happy. at- na Stubblefield, Frances Boyd, State Park at Parts Landing mosphere at the table is the Lois Sanderson, LaDean Spann, 10:30 a.m. • • • best aid to good digestion. and Alma McNeely Many digestive disorders are • • • regular ladies day lun- The due to unpleasant conditions Every cheon will be held at the Ca1 Motorcycle Hobby during a meal — Miss Patricia Country Chili at loway County Everett. Homeowner in. Hostesses are chairman. By Abigail Van Buren , • • • Mrs Start Erwin, and Mesda- IC 1111 l• Clause Ilni••••• V Ni. Sv.. tmc Curtained Walls Create Hana- mes H. C. Corn. Bobby Nix mime Effect. Suggest to your needs it... • DEAR ABBY My brothers widow has taken up driving a Crawford, Bill Crouse, Tommy windows extend motorcycle—at age 61' viewers that Chnap. Joe Dick, Holmes Ellis, the entire wall by curtaining She was married to my brother for 30 years and has Sr. John Gregory, and Robert the whole area. lles is espec- Young always been a sensible woman so naturally when she started narrow walls ••• ially effective on with this motorcycle business I became concerned or problem walls, and more so ONLY The Harris Grove Homemak- She says its peat fun, much safer than riding a horse and than ever, where one narrow meet at the hems ers Club will she has met a lot.of Interesting young people thru her new Window is used alone. A high tree of Mrs Esteile Heuer at bobb pedestaled urn, filled with Robert F. Kennedy. then U.S. attorney generalist desk, HMI. p m. ••• Have )ou or any of your readers ever heard of a green leaves, standing before the curtained wall which may ORKIN 61-year-old woman taking up the motorcycle just for the fun The Elm Grove Baptist of it' be too narrow to accomodate ' Church Woman's liabonary furniture, can turn the wall in- can give you • If this woman is getting a little nutty, her lawyer ought to Sanity will hold its general to a delight. — Mrs. Jamas be „JIMPIMMIllit the home of Mrs advised because my brother left a sizable fortune to which Amonett. Keys Keel at I 30 p.m. with she is the sole heir Please advise me CONCERNED • • • Mrs Walton Fulkersoe as the 4-H Cohort and Motto — The DEAR CONCERNED If you suspect that year brother's leader The group will visit the 4-H flag is the four-leaf clover ORKIN elecie is Westview Nursing Home. gettiag "a little notti." watch for other evidence kre in green, each clover contain- • • • you sure !sii aren't more interested in the rocks in her safety ing a white "H" placed upon deposit box than those in her bead" a background of pure whit*. The white in the flag symbo- "12" Sherrie Payne Is NW RAN 0/ DEAR ABBY I take issue with your advice to lizes youth, spring time and COMMIE PROTKTION Honored At Shower "DISTRESSED.- who wanted her husband to Wave graduate We. 4-H motto is -To make the member gives 711111/1311 school and take a job so she could raise a family. best better.7 A At Wilham Home - his best to whatever he under- I have seen too man) impatient wives drive their husbands The lovely home of Mr. and takes and then tries to improve NWT WAIT-CAM TOUT out of graduate ahlaurrimi Mrs J W. Witham was the school so they could enjoy their "dreams of upon that. In 4-H a member POSTICTIIM scene of a delightful personal color TV. two new cars a fazeily, and home of their competes with WNW. — Mrs. shower honoring Miss Sherrie own—right now These girls don't realize that their husband's Dean Roper. 753-1201 MRS ROM KENNEDY is deep Payne, June 13th bride-elect potential income is immediately reduced as is his abiIit to •• • Hilbert ihnophrry, then a candidate for y Ice president, and in grief as she walks along of LA. John Turner. advance in his profession He is apt to be frustrated Do you have a schedule? occasion Hobert F. Kennedy, Nen York iwnatoriatl candidate. enjoy at the Kennedy home in Hy- Hostesses for the professionally in middle age, and if he is unhappy in his work, Sometimes we get so involved Mrs. breakfast together during the Ifitia campaign- annis Port. Mass. The gun- were Mrs Jerry Grogan, his home life will also suffer. in doing that we can't think it Buddy Petty. and Mies Sharon shot assassination of her son, The couples who are willing to scrimp and work hard for a out. Few families writes out Wilham goals or make a written sched- Sen. Robert Kennedy, is an- few additional years in order to complete the husband's snow essosso Miss Payne chose to wear for ule. Many families have no writ- other in a long list of trage- education ,to the fullest will reap benefits many times aver in isms ample Pam. ••• Ow nowt 1 the occasion a white long sleeve ten plan of any type — finan- dies to befall the family ••••• in terms of income, professional and general satisfaction voile with self-ruffles edged for the cial or otherwise. remainder of dr navy. Her corsage, gift of the their lives Sincerely yours No one wants to become a links hostemes. was white I. E. DAYTt slave to a schedule. You won't, white wedding trimmed with Vice President for Academic Attars for it is the bad, of plans that ribbons. bells and red Montana State U„ Bogeman, Montana makes you a slave to work or College Cleaners hono- Mrs. James Payne, the activities. One mistake we make 1411 Olive Blvd. shift dress ree's mother, wore a DEAR DR. DAYTON: Thank you for your fine letter. St hat is feeling we should always be — FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY — and white dotted of brown you say is tree, but my correspondent complained that her in action. Truly Pine Cleaning Phone 753-31152 or- swiss. Her gift corsage was husband was a "professional student." who preferred the We should be able to budget ange lillies se( urity of remaining in school indefinitely to getting out and our time easier than our money Refreshments were served supperting his wife and starting a family.. In other words her M least we know we have 24 from a table covered with an man was losing his ambition hours a day. Good planning is cutwork linen cloth by "degrees." imported the secret. Make your plan, with • lovely and centered work your plan — don't let it arrangement. DEAR ABBY I am 16 and a spnng floral junior at Shattuck school in work you. — Miss Irma Hamil- ANNOUNCING — sending gifts Those present or Faribault, Minn . and I would like to get something off my ton. for the occasion were Mesdam- chest • • • Polly, J. W. William es W L. Sometimes I get very angry with a few of your generation Can shrinkage of baked pie- Clyde Adkins, and Paula Roll MR. & for leaving the world in such a mes.s for my generation hi dear, cruet be prevented? Some MRS. JOHN TAYLOR day, Misses Jennifer George up I also get mad at some of my own friends at times for shrinkage is normal in baked Marilyn Moyer, Jan Jones, liar being piecrust. Excessive shrinkage Cunningham. Phyllis Cun .so childlike and cowardly When I see -hippies" I thank net may be result of overhandling Phyla Mitchell, the the Lord there aren't more of them I mean who wouldonmd are the New Owners of the ningham or using too much water. — hostesses, the honoree, and her !he store while we were freaking out somewhere if we were all MUM Frances Hanes )obert Kennedy and nib- Ethel. all smiles on returning mother. like that' - • • • 'fra Nen Iliork after aiitacceinaful Indiana prionstry In May. l9101 also get frustrated with draft card burners Imagine what our men in Viet Nam who are fighting and dying must think of Holiday Restaurant • • • that' If a man isn't willing to fight for his freedom he doesn t Campbell Home Is her of tne Company- was pre. Louise Dick, Mrs Jessie Rogers, Squirrel fish peer out from deserve to be free As far as I'm concerned, my draft cardt is pr s..rited by Mrs Edwin Hagan Mrs Ii F'. Scherffius, and Mrs AURORA, KENTUCKY home in coral rocks and my deed to freedom, and if lovere to iniea.nj would no longer. Scene Of Jessie Following her discussion the H. It Hawkins to have their friends .mit a round much, like their be free They would be pleased hi Sincerely yours Ludwick Meeting group held an open discussion served by land counterparts Refreshments were and customers of the Holiday Restaurant call VI BILL HUMLEKE:14. Mrs Vernon Campbell open- on the seventh and eighth chap-_,Mrs • • • Campbell on them. re ed her home on the College tent of the book of St Mark. Man's first powered flittht Fserybods has a problem %hat s yours' For a personal Farm Road for the meeting of lasted only 12 seconds and was The group repeated The reply write to Abby --Roi 55719. Lea Alleles, Cal., MKS and the Jessie Ludwick Circle of the • ' • made by Orville Wright in a Lord's Prayer in unison Mrs Same Menu As Always eselose.a stamped, self addressed evertor' First Presbyterian Church held 1 7' r site of Minnesota 750-pound airplane from the Ohs McNelis, chairman of the on Tuesday, June 4. at one-thir- scientists have developed a '1 1 Same Fine Food slopes of Kill Devil Hill on circle, presided at the short FOR ARBY'S SOOKLET -HOW TO HAVE A LOVELY ty o'clock in the afternoon mini-Pig, weighing only 40 North Carolina's Outer Banks business sessiatr.''' . . . Just New Owners WEDDING." SEND Mee TO MIRY. BOX 6171111, 1.014 sPe-isl study of the fifth pounds at five months of age. Des 17. 11•03 members present were ANGELES. CAL.. 11111 the book. "A Mem Other for medical research. 4 . chapter of Charlie Crawfotd, Mrs. Mrs Am, ci

V• 1



! s_

1968 FIVE PAOF MURRAY, KENTUCKY THE LEDGER & TIMES - MONDAY - JUNE 10, 1968 les Committees Paul Stewart . a back- rs Commended woods school teacher, claimed on his deathbed at Cleveland, Hay- Pads SANTA BARBAR. Calif. SO N.C., in 1846 that he actually 009. i UPI -A camel, pbeerv- according to was Michel Ney, Marshal of Lnlver- one wag, is a horse put togeth- Prance under Napoleon, who cola- AntRd er by a committee. Yet com- 1 had fled a firing hide mittees and other small groups squad to United States. Con- form the social web of in the were society troversy has surrounded his and originate most of its n the k deci- story ever since. sions. So says psychologist odpar- 4 NOTICE dustrial, Residential. Call bc- Couples only. Available now. Subdivision. Call 753-4516 af- electric shampooer $1. Big K. Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr, of Enchanted Rock, about 20 J. M. tween 2 and 6, 753-2551. -11-C 492-8485 Phone J J-11-S -15-C the University of California's miles from the Texas home of moay. WILL HAVE 2 trailers ter 5:00 p. m. J for rent, June-27-C Santa Barbara campus. President Johnson. is a moun- re. N. for couples only June THREE BEDROOM, bath BEDROOM, 1st. Can NICE MODERN FOUR - AKC REGISTERED Toy Mina- Backed by a two-year, $41,- tain of granite two miles James be seen after HOUSE PAINTING done by col- one-half, house trailer for air- 4:00 any after- and $3,500. Carpet, paneling, ture Poodles, 7 weeks old. Call 700 grant from the National around and about 2,000 feet noon at Dill's lege student, reasonable rates. Available June 11. Elec- Trailer Court. couple. conditioning, furniture. 753-5950, 3-12-C Science Foundation, Bouchard high. ighter Call 7542930. Call 753-8593 between 9:00 a. m. or acre • • T-F-C Phone 753-5865 753-5108. tric heat, insulated, 1% will videotape groups in vari- • J. R. and 1:00 p. m. J-10-C J-II-C On blacktop, three miles down ous problem-solving or deci- El Paso, Tex., prides itself ELECTROLUX SALES & Ser- Pottertown Road. J. Robinson. sion - making situations to on sunshine - the sun shines vice, Box WANTED-yards to mow. Call TWO-BEDROOM house for the REAL ESTATE FOR SALE stired, 213 Murray, Ky., C. J-11-P analyze the thought processes! more than 80 per cent of all M. Sanders. 733-4395 or 753-1513. J-10-P summer months only. Will rent r. end Phone 382-3176, BY OWNER, nice 2-bedroom of committees. possible daytime hours. • Lynnville, Ky. to either a family or boys. Call Shores. Phone H4une-29-C WILL MOW YARDS. Call 753- LOT on Lakeway frame house on 2 acres of land. 753-2325. J-12-C J-12-C Otters-. 7107. 3-10-C 438-5675. Insulated, electric heat. large Answer to Saturday's Pumir Boer JONES DRIVE IN will be clos- CROSSWORD PUZZLE ed Thurs., June 6 through Wed., HELP WANTED NICE 15% FOOT wood boat. bath. Just off Highway, ;.-mile lea L north of Hazel. Art Lavender, MOTOR EITIMM June 12 for vacation. Reopen Fully equipped, 35 h. p. Evin- ACROSS 3-Strike out One FOR RENT WOMAN TO STAY with lady Phone 492-8287, 3-10-C OBOVMO MOVW00 June 13. J-11.0 rude, like new. 3-bedroom ho- 4 Barracuda ldren recuperating from surgery, light 1-Uncouth 0000 ODOM V use, large den, large living room, 5-Command OVE1 NO020 onc ey J house work. Salary, room and BEAUTIFUL, 4-bedroom Wome. person VISIT THE ANTIQUE HOUSE, ROOMS FOR boys. One block and dining room. 6 Roman gods large kitchen Lomond 4-Soft drinks no DOMON B06110 lyn J from campus. Summer rates. meals. Phone 753-6030 after Located at 1612 Loch 7-Paid notices 303 East Main Street. See the Lots of cabinet and closet space. 9-Devoured DO WOW ammo Eight; Will take fall applications. Pri- 5:00 p. m. TFNC Dr., 100 yards from Robertson 8-Chair new gift department. We buy A good table top gas range and 12-Beverage oamo moo ainole vate entrance. Phone 753-5766 School. 2 baths, living room and DEEP FEELING is etched on 9-Come into view ulamom moo au tea and trade antiques. Book- almost new cook out grill. 13-5e11 -respect L WANTED: Someone to do house an large panelled kitchen, family the face of 10 Hindu cymbals ny cases, walnut and glees, built or 753-2555. June-24-C President John- 14-Rumuneration 10200 mono no week, with own Will sell reasonable. Call 753- 11-Organ of sight e are work, 1 day a room combination. Special ,on over the assassination of IS-Tipped AOM 00R00 WOO to your specifications. J-15-C '7727 J-11-NC 16-Experience WO MOM VMS 3 TWO-BEDROOM furnished a- transportation. Call 753-4663 features; wall-to-wall carpet- Robert F. Kennedy 17-5pecomen 18 Witty saying NUOPUM 11000a0 partment with kitchen-den com- J-10-C ing throughout, central heat 19-Consumed TERMITES? Call Ward Termite MASSEY FURGERSON baler, 20-Negative 000UU OMOW1 bination. Private entrance, car- and air-conditioning. Owner 21-Pedal digit for free estimate. All work guar- New Holland rake, New Holland Elbowed Out 22 Trite 10 WANTED: Someone to do 22-Flying mammals anteed. Five year contracts. peted and air-conditioned. For all three leaving the city. House priced 23-Get up larked quilting. Call 489-2041. J-10-C conditioner. Will sell Of Driving 24-Quarrel 41 Father or 54 Prophet girls or couple oniy. Available to sell. Call 753-4937 for ap- 25-Atmed conflict mother I Au- Five room house treated, $65.00. together or conditioner separate SHEERNESS. Eng la nd 26-Soapstone 55 Resort for summer and fall semester. 27 Boundary Ward Past Control, 1612 College BABY SITTER wanted, full baler and rake. All in pointment. 3-13-P 43 Bark 56 Number from UPI) - Thieves who broke in- 29-Rugged 28 Motorless boat Located 100 So. 13th St., Ksl- 45 Followed food 57 Bishopric Farm Road, phone 753-8501. time. Call 753-1397 after 4:30 good condition. Call John Mc- to Trevor Jaris' car weren't mountain crest 30-Antlered ley Pest Control. TFC NEW HOUSE for sale. Almost 31-11a lightly program 59 Hasten July-11-P p. m. J-10-C Cuiston, Route 2 Puryear, Tenn. content with taking his car ra- animal complete, $14,750.00. Brick, 33-inlet 32 Equality 47 Equality 60 Before 247-3949. TFNC dio They swiped his left arm_ LAST CHANCE. Wanted to buy NEW FURNISHED apartments, WAITRESS and cook at Ken's three-bedrooms. 1,100 square 34-Symbol for 36-Permit 49 Singing Va.< It 63 Indefinite air-conditioned. Williams Apart- Ministry of Health spokes- nickel 38-Hurry 52 Strike article silver certificates. Pay $1.45 Truck Stop. Call 492-8700. EARLY AMERICAN couch and feet in carport. Central heat, 35-Cloth measure ments, So. 16th St. Phone 753- men said it would take about a each, also pay $1.60 for Rivet J-11-C chair in good condition, also (Central air optional). Nice lot, 37'Chase 1 -2 -3 ,i.:jf 4 3 6 7 II .:.: 9 10 li Month to get Jarvis a new arti- 39-Symbol 6660. July-l-C near Almo Heights. Call How- tor dollars. Earl E. Redmon, 1620 antique dining room suite, has ficial arm. Until then he'll be manganese :4* WANTED: Men to solicit de- ard G. Bucy, 753-1861. 3-12-C 12 11; 1 4 W. Olive, Murray, Ky. J-10-P 2-BEDROOM house trailer, cen- buffett and china cabinet. Call unable to drive. 40-Snake linquent accounts for wide a- 42-Lock opener tral air conditioning, on private 753-5343. J-11-C 13 °I:"6 ,..,7„..\7717 18 REMODELING and room addi- wake collection agency. Guar- 44-Wireless lot. Call 753-68$4. J-10-C 46-Jump ii. tions. Free estimates. Call 753- antee $150 weekly to mon who REAL NICE white baby bed 48-Flap 70 6.._.,,1 2864 after 5:00 p. m. J-10-C qualify. Write Manager Box and large chest, also four real MIN - WOMEN • COUPLES 50-Location 9 TWO FURNISHED apartments, 51'knock A 549, Painesville, Ohio 44077. nice walnut tables. Phone 753- M(YTEL CAREERS AVAILABLE 72 23 1`7T,L 24 23 ..1.26 27 28 WERKS old Pointer /14-block from university. One 53-Adhesne EIGHT J-12-P 1275 3-11-C Would you like a new exciting career in the growing motel induatry? furnished apartment on South substance 79 30 <31 pups, registered. Grandsons and Univereal Hotel Schools can train you for a stimulatuse. well paying 55-Cuba meters ...'.4 8th. See M. G. Richardson, 407 refrigerator in position se motet managers. Assistant Managers, Clerks Housekeeper" SIII-Suftec internal e... grand daughters of Begins WANTED TO RENT USED NORGE 37 trp,39 -10-P and Hostewes Meet famous and interacting people travel if You want excitement 34 t.;:;; 35 3 - White Knight. Phone 753-8469. South 8th. J good condition. Call 435-4342, „.'. to Mtn in social achy-him live in pleasant surroundings Apartment 61-Writing WANTED to rent: 3-bedroom 3-12-C 43 :el: ls,441 4.0 J-13-C FOR RENT OR LEASE: Large usually furnished. Age no barrier • maturity an meet implement 40 41 Se 42 home In Murray or between 62 Rent •••• • Train at home in spare time followed by two weeks practical training three-bedroom house, located 64-Goddess of 49 .y,50 15-FOOT FIBER GLASS cutter Highways 94 and 121 Send in- 1967 CHEVROLET pick up. /Lc .46 47 "..:*** 48 I. OUS Ocean.Front SLUE SW MOTES in Sunny iii UMW Beech healing %Ode at 1505 Sycamore. Also has an base, 6 cylinder, boat with 40 IL P. Johnson mo- formation to D. Aune, Route 4, Short wheel Kam ceerent lob until ready to switch through our excellent locai and 65 ..... / apartment that can be rented. -Emmet •••••ii.: '.51 I 32 1:;'..'1.753 34 tor, conveztibie top, elleiteic Bowling Green, Ky. 42101. 16,000 actual miles. Sherrill national employment assistance Don t delay Write now for complete 64-Singing voice Call 753-2868. 3-11-C . starter, full control, with gen- Outland. Phone 753-3786, J-15-C details No obligation. 47-River in 33 36 37 y ".•''.58 J-10-C sr 39 60 trailer and VA AIIIMOVED CND= NEW 01 SILL Scotland ins!" erators, with tilt FURNISHED apartment, air- UNTVZ1UNAL SIOTIM SCHOOLS X-441 IF carpet beauty doesn't show? Name ago__ 61 462 63 all skiing accessories. Call 753- Dept. 411111 DOWN P:.•:64 i. 28, conditioned, all private. Cou- FOR SALE Clean it right and watch it Address 4382 before 4.00 p. In and 753- 1871 N.W. 7 '....::0 he is ples only, no pets. 1610 Col- glow. Use Blue Lustre. Rent City 1-Household pet 63 *• •.66 x".',6 67 4653 after 4:00 p. m. 3-10-C Tbssm- Miami, Via. n the lege Farm Road. Call 753-1600, 1965 FORD XL convertible. 2-Mohammedan 'i,:2,- '':‘•22.. J-11-C mine Dien.. by United Feature Syndicate. inc. to t and SERVICES OFFERED One-owner, sharp car. Call 753- 4516 after iaker TWO-BEDROOM, air-condition- 5:00 p. m. J-11-C York a Peanuts* MAINTENANCE Unlimited Jan- ed house trailer. Private lot. 100 a 150 LOT in Kingswood by Charles M. Schulz itor Service, Commercial, In- - MOM PVT '1 PEAR gON, I HoPE YOU Al- ckiE- ART-vERte PROUD OF 40-1), 15 NOTE WILL SELF-DE-SRL/CT (A NOTE IN m,-1 STUN HARD IN S4W4F_R 5OHOOL.. AN WANT YOU TO HAVE A IN FIVE 5ECON05'" "r1W' aVadnalaLEY LUNG A6A+N CO NOT LOOK UN IT As A FUNI94ABIT 6000 EPUCATION OUT RATI4ER AS A PRIViLEGE,.." A new Western thriller I EE BY RICHARD POOLE

From the Doubleday & Co. novel. Copyright 0 1911111 Iwo K. Wells. Distributed by Kett Filleturel aradicate. WHAT HAM HAPPENED to the Old man They had an Cs_ ,t,-)-1-,-..-- Within hours of buying Hobe idea Bart Yates caused it. "But you have by now, I take t. Terrill. Tumbling T ranch. Greg 57e..,4Y/e.z_ Corwin heard gunfire and found though who knows why that it?" * Amanda Zane being shot at by popped into their heads! He "Yes by now" hidden gunmen Rescued. Amanda explained the situation In Wyo- proved he was miles away." Unger sadly shook his head ming'• Sioux Valley A range war "What kind of accident?" and his cavernous eyes grew was pitting small ranchersInclud- Nancy by Ernie Bustuniller ing Amanda. against the huge Bar "Old Man Zane flushed a compassionate 'Too bad, sir. I T. owned by Vale Edwards and drifting beef killer. I guess, and wish you had come to me I run by his foreman. Bart Yates Seeking to understand fully the took a slug. Crippled him up. could have told you a few basic factors before committing But that ain't the point. Mr things" • himself, Corwin rode to see Ed- READY OR NOT, PLAYING wards He was surprised by Diana Corwin." "Like Bar Y' and Amanda Edwards. Vale's daughter, who dim- "What ill!" Zane' the little spreads against. HIDE-AND-SEEK armed him at gunpoint. ilhe took 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 HERE I COME aim to her father with Yates You - and how you'll get ths big one!" WITH YOURSELF present Edwards asserted Bar T along Sioux Valley ain't happy 'SWell. it's not as bad as - 7 - 8 - 9 -10 Sid not hire gunmen and wa... not 6 ISN'T MUCH FUN -esponsible for the ambush of these days The real sore spot you make it sound Tumbling T Amanda. Next morning on his way , is Rocking Chair stirring up Is a good ranch, understand o complete transfer of title to Tum- bling T Corwin met Hal Stern.'trouble all they can. They'll try One of the better ones But the foreman of Anshor ranch who also to pull you into it soon's they chance of it staying that way, feared Bar T. know you bought out Hobe Ter- considering conditions around CHAPTER 10 rail Take some advice? Though here . . I'm sure you under- THE BARTENDER'S hand it ain't my place to give it." stand me" I came in sight and his florid "Depends." "You'd have advised me not face grew redder. He couldn't "Just listen to Amanda - to buy?" quite meet *ref Corwin's eyes that's the daughter-but don't "Perhaps but at a very low •••••• • • • • 'Sorry-damn' sorry, mister do anything about it. Them and price. May I ask what you did • J.N.4 • mister . , Bar Y ain't friendly and your Pay?" •'Corwin. Greg Corwin Of spread's right between 'em" "Do you know what Bar Y course. I could get the Recorder Lafferty started to explain offered' Well, twice that," "' $4, tior• across the street if I need further but his eyes lifted be- The banker's hand slapped JOH •.0 vouching---" yond Greg as the door opened angrily down on the table. "And "Not at all, Mr. Corwin. And closed. The bartender gave if I know Bar Y. you'll end up You're right welcome' And all I Greg a meaningful look, moved selling to them at their price. Abbie 'N Slats 4 your drinks this time are on the to another position and said, I know what's happened to Vale by R. Van Buren house I'm Mike Lafferty I'd be 1 "Howdy. Mr. Unger" Edwards but that's no excuse hoping you really understand / "A good day, Mike It to let Bart Yates run wild and (YOU'RE SURE NO DOUBT ABOUT I WO-N'T have to be careful here." I matches that good liquor of hard and wide without a check BELIEVE ONLY ONE POP: SUE.' NOW,' NOT EXACTLY YOU'RE TALKING IT, THE LADY WHO IT - "You didn't tell me if the yours I'll take a sample" rein. Is that the way you size THE LAD'! MONA, I SIMPLY WAY T' FiND DON'T TELL ME SiCK, KIT-JUST MYSTERIOUS ABOUT 00C TOLD ME THE STORY drinks are better, Lafferty." Greg had a first impression it up. Mr Corwin?" HAS GONE, BUT NOT BEFORE CAN'T!! OUT, SUE. EITHER ONE OF KIND 0'CURIOUS; SAM CLAIMED SHE WAS The man whipped about, lift- of a dark face, all Jaw and "I've heard plenty. Might be SPREADING A POISONOUS r? YOU IS SICK .' DOW' HER BOUNDEN ed bottle from the mirror shelf. harsh angles until the man But I'll have to find out for my- RUMOR ABOUT DOC,SAM DUTY AS A 711- a drink and offered it to smiled--it transformed him. He poured CITIZEN, Greg. "Try for yourself, My. spoke with easy courtesy. "By then you'll be dead -- or Corwin. The best in all Sioux "Mike, another sample for the broke. I'm speaking quite open- Valley if not the whole Terri- gentleman With your permis- ly, though I can't quite under- tory. Would you be having • sion, of course. sir" stand why I should to a strang- table? I'd glad bring a bottle Greg. caught momentarily off er. Perhaps because I like your over." balance, automatically nodded looks . . maybe the way you "It'll do. Mike. and I'm and the man's teeth flashed in talk.. something Let me ask, pleased to meet you. No table, a widening smile. "I'm Fred how long can you hold your I'll stand up to my drinks, Unger. I run the Redman bank, breath financially? I mean thank you" , down at the corner. You're new two, three years without selling Greg nursed his drink, the I in Sioux Valley, air Beef buy- beef ?" Ablirtender hovering near. Greg tng over this way, by chance, "Why should I do that? Rail- asked questions about the Val- or looking for_breed stock?" head's Just over the mountains -Jay. Lafferty quickly answering, "No hiattgr of fact, I was and it's a good driving trail, I'm -What about Hal Stern?" looking to buy a ranch." told.- "I know Hal, though he does- "Indeed! Now that Might be "Were you also told Bar Y 0. n't come in here much. Sam hard." can cut off the trail and prob- Lil' Abner by Al Rahn, his boss, does. Hal's a "Not very. I bought it. Tum- ably will if they want Tumbling Capp working coot, from all I bling T." T badly enough?" hard DON'T TocH AT 77-/E hear. Alwart- dreaming big. Terrall's spread!" His "No" SAME /A/57ANT- VoU CALLED MEI) Dead set to own a ranch some- evident surprise did not hit a "They can, I assure you." 77-/E WHITE HOUSE SO SRIK." day says something like An- true note, but the thought Greg suddenly shot the ques- CALL HIM!! • ramrod a big flicked in and out of Greg's tion. "Does Bar Y do chor Or, maybe, business 7-:11-1E outfit like Bar Y." mind "Well, Mr. Corwin, one with your "I hear that's ram melded of us!" "A hit, naturally. But I don't 1401 pretty fair tight now." "Might be in a way" grow riet on It. I'd be broke if LINE!! "Yep. Bart Yates. You'll see -Unger's deep - sunken, dark Sioux Valley was a one-ranch a him in here from time to time. eyes sharpened a second "How area I make mortgage loans Vale Edwards used to come about a table, Mr. Corwin? We on land sales or on next year's regular, but he's stove up." should get acquainted rancher beef sales. I loan money so men -What about Rocking and banker, Mike! Bring a bot- like you can buy equipment or Chair 7" tle over, will you? I think I breeding stock Where would I "Well . , maybe I shouldn't prefer Mr. Corwin's brand." be with Just one big, rich ranch AH DIDN'T talk But you'll learn sooner or "To Tumbling T and its_iiew that wouldn't need any of that CALL 'IOU!! Chair the Zanes owner, sir! I take it, service?" later Rocking Corwin, ?-7---.AH HEAR -the old man and that girl." you thoroughly sized up Sioux "Nowhere, I reckon." "Don't think much of fem?" Valley before you bought Tum- "Exactly! So I certainly don't BREATH iNf .r.' "I didn't say that But an ac- bling T?" like what Bar Y is doing.- SOMEONE'S cident happened out that way. - "As a matter of fact, I didn't / To Br ('iifliltittCd Tomorrow) LISTIENIN' IN!! From the POUbleilly & Co novel Copyright 190 Well& Dbetributed by King Features Syndlrate.• • a •

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MONDAY — JUNE 10, 196111 PAGE SIX TSB LEDGER Br TIMES _MURRAY, IL INTIMACY HEARD . .. Report Lineups Listed For SEEN I Hospital ACCUSED KILLER •• Honor Roll Day Golf At HIGHEST TEACHER.. Census -- Adults 105 Ladies 1) (Continued From Page 1) (Ceinetnued From Pato Census Nurse - 6 The Calloway Club (Continued From Pate 1) a court room where illusionment, envy, greed, bore- Admissions, June 7, 19611 along into For Faxon with a masters aegree Plus au violence Alpha Ford, Lynn Grove( for the first time in memory ladies day of golf dom, all can lead to The regular approved college-credit hours Mrs. Lettie Mayfield. Route 1, every person entering the mag- held at the. Calloway will be beyond the master's. The $6300 of people Murray; Mrs. Mary Crass, 403 istrate's court was searched by Chili on Wed- A eilaple or group County Country top maximum could be reached they South 8th Street, Murray, Ross- detectives. The detecives them- Released June 12. with Jane Fitch c,nditianeci to the thinking nesday. after 10 years of experience nothing, Higgins. Route 1, Farming- selves were armed which is un- can get something for ale J. golf hoaiess. in all but one of the systems-- is not Guy Turner, 312 North 8th usual for Britain. in the then finding that this ton; Freed Curd. principal of the Any one not listed Knott County, where it took 12 Murray; Mrs. Gracie Magistrate Frank Milton, es- 1 true, will do most anything. Street, Lynn Grove Elementary School, lineup will be paired at No. years. In both Louisville and Route 1, Farmington; pecially careful of Ray's civil Herndon, has released the honor roll for Tee. Jefferson County A took 15 for their Hopkins, Route 2, Farm- rights championed by King in It follows: Politicians are known Carl the last six weeks of school. The lineups are as years of experience to resets ability to ington, Harry B. Davis, 1835 the United States, asked Ray if double talk and their is as follows. Betty Hinton. Norma Frank, the Rank I top maximum. people. to Road, Louisville. he objected to limiting press Ricky be all things to all Heaton Fourth — Pat Adams, Silly Crass. and Martha Sue In addition to Knott County every- Dismissals coverage of his hearing and if Calhoun, be everything and against Butterworth, Kathy Ryan. the systems paying the $6200 de- Kernush. Route 2, Mur- he had a lawyer. He answered thing, as the case might Earl Hal Crouch, Karen Darnell, Carl Pauline Parker. Inus Orr, Pat top maximum were the county Mrs. Bessie Waldrop (Tom- "No" to both questions. Jack- West. mand. ray; Daron, Minda Hurt. Kathy McKinney. and Sadie systems of Adair, Bracken, 1603 Ryan. Murray, Tom- American government attor- Rog- Ann my). son, Gail Sheridan, Terry Dorothy, Holland, Mary Breathitt, Calloway, Carlisle, the fol- Waldrop, 1603 Ryan, Mur- neys had hoped to arrange a Rob- William Feather gives my ers, Lisa Rogers. Sheryle Clark. Peggy Billington, and Casey, Cumberland, Fulton, Waldrop. Roote 5, speedy return to Tennessee for Windsor. lowing account of an address to ray, Henry erson, and Regina Ruth Wilson. Graves, Grayson, Green, RID- Aubrey Thurman, 515 Ray. Lloyd the legislature by a state senat- Murray, Fifth — Mark Adams, Beth Belote, Jerlene Sullivan. cock, Hart, Jackson, Johnson, point is South 13th, Murray; Harland But Magistrate Milton, in the Anderson, Betty Armstrong, Carol Hibbard. and Geneva Mc. or in 1958 which this Knox, Laurel, Leslie, Magoffin, IDENTICAL TWIN MAGNA CUM LAUDES Faith (left) and what he Kemp, Route 2, Farmington; gloomy court where Russian Barger, Vicky Butter- ('age. aptly made This is Donna Marshall, Mercer, Morgan, Oita- Elias are identical twin graduates of Dickinson Mrs. Otna Jackson, 1101 Story, spies, playgirl Christine Keeler, Mack Harris, Jimmy Mary Belle Overby, Betty Jn 'Campbell, said worth, ley, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Rummell, cum laude and Oury Hurt, Route 2, and Soho's dregs have appear- Key. La Rhea and Exie College. Carlisle, Pa., and both are magna Murray; Dan Kelso. Jeff Purclmo Patsy Miller. Todd, Trigg, Webster, Whitley, Joe Hal Starks, 14th ed, ordered Ray held on the Murdock, Jer- Phi Beta Kappa. But graduation parts them. Faith goes to "You have asked me hs>vi I feel Murray; Miller. Thomas Hill and Wolfe and the independent Street. Murray. charges for which he was ar- Marketia Orr, Vaughn Yugoslavia as a Fulbright scholar and Elisa goes to the about whisky All right. here is and Poplar ry Don Nance, Stella Hurt, Bertie systems of Augusta, Benton, rested in London airport—al- Anothony Webb, and University of Illinois as #n English literature graduate Just haw I stand on this ques- Ralph Rogers, Howton, Murrelle Ryan, Berea, Dawson Springs, Fulton, Nursery ... 6 use of a forged passport student. They live in Arlington. Va. tion Census — leged and Randy Winchester Bettye Hunter. Irvine, Jackson, Pineville, Rich- Adults .. 107 and possession without a per- Adams, Ca- Wyatt, If. when yau say whisky, you Census — Sixth — Phyllis Shirley Boone. Beverly mond, and Science Hill. Some June 6, 1961 of a .38 caliber Liberty Darnell, Pau- Fand mean the devil's brew, the pois- Admissions, mit thy Crigcs, Jesse Betty Lowry., and Nancy systems listed no Rank I salary Grooms, 211 So. Chief revolver plus five bul- Herndon. Rich- $6322 in Louisville and on scourge, the bloody monster Miss Patsy la Foy, Vera schedules if they had no Rank I ton, Jackson, Pineville, ty to Murray; Mrs Geor- Morris. June Rob- mond, and Science Hill. County. The indepen- that defiles innocence. yea. la- 11th Street, lets. Morris, Zandra rphy, Euldene teachers. Jefferson Lynn Grove; Miss Carries False Passport Redden, Mele- Sue In the Calloway school sys- with the lowest terally takes the breed from the gia Chester. Murdock, Randy inson, Lachie Hart, and The majority of Kentucky's dent system 1301 Story Ave, said 'be carried two Sheridan, Me- the highest (maximum) sal- minimum was Harrods- mouths of little children. If Sherri Swift, Police is Spann, Terry Rrown. public-school classroom teach- tem Rank I Curd (Lar- when he was arrest- Tommy West. Koen- ary scheduled was $6200 for you mean the evil drink that Murray; Mrs. June passports linda Taylor, and Rebecca Irvan. Urbena ers are in Rank III, which Means burg, with $5396. Hazel; Odell Wil- both Canadian_ One was in Connie Underhill, Wal- Rank I teachers, $5900 for Rank salaries scheduled topples the Christian man and ry), Route 2, ed, Seventh — en, Morge Kipp. and Juliet they have a bachelor's degree. Minimum Murray; Mrs. name of Ramon George Janey Kelso, Vicki II teachers. and $5600 for Rank III ranged from Web- woman from the pinnacles of liams, Route 3. the Cliff Key, I is. For Rank 111 teachers at the for Rank 1634 Sunset The real Debra Broach, Ca- III teachers The lowest (min- $4725 to Beech. righteous, gracious living into Urbana Koenen, Sneyd, 35. of Toronto. Humphreys. Charlene Doss. Frances Mil- maximum level of experience, ster County's Murray. Mrs Ruth Wil- is a Toronto policeman. and Sarah Calhoun Spiceland. and Ona imum) salary scheduled was $6400. Murray and Van the bottomless pit of degrad- Drive, Sneyd rol Bailey, ler. Opha the KEA research bulletin wood's 13th and Olive, Yard searched news- David West, Deb- $3700 for Rank I teachers, $5200 had the lowest Rank III ttiza and despair. shame and son (Hoyt). -Scotland Eighth — Birdsang. pointed out, the highest salary Lear Mrs. Mary Hendricks, and spectators who jam- Mark Paschall, Pat- Nell McCuls- for Rank H teachers, and $4875 — $4800 — for inde- helplessness and hopelessness, Murray, men bie Rogers. Mona Purdom. scheduled ranged from 85600 minimum Murray Jimmy Dodson. and Chris for Rank III teachers. systems. Highest Rank then certainly I am against it 102 North 6th Street, med the court. Six uniformed ricia Foy, and t n, Eleanor Diuguid. In 40 school systems to $8938 pendent Mizell, 411 In the Murray School District for county sys- with all of my power Mrs. Sherry Lynn police plus six Scotland Yard Graham. In two school systems — Louis- W minimum 3 Murray; Jam- Purdom. the highest salary scheduled Jefferson County's But, if when you say whis- South 8th Street, detectives led by Chit Supt. Veneta Sexton, Alice ville and Jefferson County. In tems was Route 2, Farmington. and Frances was $6750 for Rank I teachers, $5450. ky, you mean the oil of conver- es Cooper, Thomas Butler—the "flying Earlene Dora. the latter two systems it took Dismissals Almo Honor $6450 for Rank II teachers, and Rank 11 salaries sation. the philosopbec wine, the squad" chief who arrested Ray Hulse. 15 years of experience to reach Minimum Alexander, Route Frances Park- $5950 for Rank III teachers. $5000 in Mercer stuff that is consumed when Mrs. Pearl —flanked the defendant in the Evelyn Jones, the Rank III maximum coin- ranged from William and Lou Doran. The lowest salary scheduled $6511 in Beechwood. g:od fellows get together. that 1, Puryear, Thin.; prisoner's dock. an 8-by-3 foot er. Betty Scott, pared with 10 years in the sys- County to Fairiane Drive, Mur- iron. Named Emerson, Reba Overby, was $5450 for Rank I teachers, Fahnouth and Van Lear had puts a song in their hearts and Jones, 1002 pen of wrought Kola Dot tems paying the $5600 top max- Brennan, 3715 and Glenda $5150 for Rank II leachers and II minimum— laughter on their lips and the ray, Mrs. Louise Ray half walked and was half Glenda Hughes.- imum. the lowest Rank Brookfield, $4800 for Rank III teachers. independent sys- warm glow of contentment in Sunny Side Drive, pulled into his first court ap- Crisp. The 40 systems paying the $5100 — for 312 N. 8th Shuffett, Madelyn Minimum Rank I salaries Rank ll minimum their eyes; if you mean Christ- III.; Guy C Turner, pearance since the FBI asked For Period Margaret $5600 top maximum for Rank tems. Highest Mrs. Nancy Gib- Jones. Reba Kirk, scheduled — for teachers with systems was Jeffer- mas cheer; if you mean the sti- Street, Murray, the world's police forces to Limb, Bonnie UI teachers were the county for county Court, Mur- little or iso experience — rang- $5886. • mulating drink that puts the son, 516 College grab him on sight. and Grace James. systems of Adair, Breathitt, son County's Wiser, Route The honor roll for Almo Ele- day luncheon will ed from $5150 in Jackson Coun- spring in the old gentleman's ray; Mrs. Wilma Ray Scowled as he stepped The ladies Calloway, Carlisle, Casey, El- Diana Varay mentary' School for the last six with Mrs Stark Er- step on a frosty morning, if you 2, Murray; Mrs into the dock He appeared be served liott, Fulton, Graves, Grayson, Hall Apt. Col- weeks has been released by the chairman of the hos- mean the drink that enables a (Jim). 1606 East pale and his walk was more a win as the Green, Hancock, Hart, Jackson, Murray; Larry - principal. Tom Rushing. It is as of Mesdames man to magnify has joy, anct, his lege Farm Road, shuffle. tesses composed Johnson, Knox, Laurel, Leslie, Ave., Mur- fall aws: Nix Crawford, happiness. and to forget, if on- Rogers, 1639 Farmer According to police, Ray 40, H.C. Corn. Bobby Magoffin, Marshall, Menifee, Henry Rt.! Fourth — Billy Joe Brandon. Tommy Crisp, Joe Beauty Contest Entry Blank li a little while life's great ray. Master Sammy had stepped off a British Euro- Bill Crouse. Mercer, Morgan, Owsiey, Pul- Mortgom- Stacy Brandon, Tony Cain, Gena Ellis, Sr., John tragedies and heartbreaks and 6. Murray, Mrs Anne pean Airways BEA trident Sat- Dick, Holmes aski, Rockcastle, Russell, Todd, Wells Blvd., Cleaver, Anthon) Fike, Barbara Robert Young sorrows, if you mean thm drink. ery (J. Field); 1304 urday from Lisbon at London's Cregory. and Trigg, Whitley, and Wolfe and Katherine Rus- Griffin, Shenlyn Haley, Rebec- COUNTY FAIR the sale of which pours into our Murray; Mrs. Heathrow Airport. He wore a the independent systems of Au- MISS MURRAY-CALLOWAY Murray, ca Imes. Rodney Jones. Kim Per- treasuries untold miThoris o f sell (WP ) 1112 Elm. light raincoat, a sports jacket, Route 2, kins Cindy Rogers. Kathy Scott, gusta, Benton, Dawson Springs, dollars, which are used to pro- Miss Shirley Dunn, gray pants and horned rimmed Federal Hog Age Route Jae Dan Taylor, Vicki Weather- East Bernstadt, Ferguson, Ful- Name vide tender care for our little Murray: Ray Henderson, glasses. Rechnan ford. Kevin Penick, Claudia Market Report ton, Jackson, Pineville, Rich- crippled children, our blind, our 1. Benton; Mrs. Hazel He had a ticket for Brussels. Address Birth Date MaYfield, Darnall, Melissa Hale, Anita mond, and Science Hill deaf, our dumb. our medial ag- Names). 100 Moyhair, .Ray never had a _chance to 2. arid Jsekie -IkerVii. 4 Federal State Market News Top maximum seisms sched- Completed _ sod infirm, to build high- James 0.. 16cCreery, 'Route lounge in the waiting room's Schobt------w-----r-Goode ed 901 Fifth -- Shirley Brandon, De- Service, Monday June 10, 1968 uled for Rank II teachers (those ways. hospitals arid schools. Hazel, E. T. Winchester, orange plastic coated chairs or Extended, nise Dumas, Kent Letterman, Kentucky Purchase Area Hog with a master's degree) rang- Parents' Name Phone then certainly I am in favor of North 16th Street too a paper or toy Big Ben at Henxion, St. to Tim Letterman, Mark Miller, Market Report Includes 10 Buy- ed from $5900 in 41 school sys- it. Murray, Fred -the nevi-stand. blank $1.00 entry fee and recent photo- Murray. Shalom Mohler, Danny Pntchett, ing Stations tems, where the maximum Enclose with "This is my stand. 1 will mit Cony Div . Route 4. money Hazel Pritchett. Sharon Beach, Receipts 2232 Head, Barrows could be reached in 10 years, graph for newspaper publicity. Send check or retreat from it. 1 will DOt CCM" i NOW YOU KNOW Craig Dowdy. David Herndon, and Gilts 25 to 50t Higher; to $9374 in two school systems order only. Please complete above and mall to Mrs. prat:Mae " Play Now and Cheryl Jackson. Sows, Steady. — Louisville and Jefferson James Boone, Rt. 1, Murray, Ky., before June 15, Al Stratford by United Press Internetionai Sixth — Rebecca Burkeen,, US 1.2 200-230 lbs $20 75-21.25; County, where it took 15 years :FORD. Oct UPI. — 1968 "Yee say," sobbed Ulysna Ni- STR A The Metropolitan Police cli Cynthia Coleman, Mahnda Fulk- US 1-3 190 230 lbs $20252975; to reach the maximum. ortainai producuon -Col- notchkoyave Ntnaspksyyavach, An London, formed in 1829. had it. erson, Warren Hopkins, Robert US 1-3 230-250 lbs $19.75-20.75; The 41 systems paying the tha Dark • by Cana- 'my darting Ivan died in battle' ours in original headquarters in an Rowland, Kerry Steen. Tina US 23 250 280 lbs $19.00-19.75: top for Rank playwright James Rai- $5000 maximum Did be utter my name as be dian area whet once contained a TYdd. Wanda Blankenship. Re- SOWS: II teachers were the county nev. will have its premiere at sal dying" Palace used by visiting .king o' becca Bouriand. Kenneth Cleav- US 1-2 270-350 lbs $16.00-16.50 systems of Adam Breathitt, Cal- the Stratford Festival's Avon Well, yes part of it," re- ago, hence er, Teresa Durham, Bnnda Hop- US 1-3 300-450 lbs $15.00-16.00 Theatre July 25. vrith Dougias I Scotland centuries loway. Carlisle. Casey. Cumber- plied the returned soldier Scotland kins, Wade McDaniel. and Pa- US 2-3 400-600 lbs 614.00-15.00 Martha Henry and Fran- the popular name land. Elliott. Fulton, Graves, Rain mela Olglesby ces Hyland in leading roles Yard Grayson, Green, Hancock, Hart, Seventh — Graves Burkeen, The US Army Air Defense Rain has participated in all Jackson. Johnson, Knox. Laurel,' Debby Crick, Kathy Kelly, Glen The title of Grand Wizaid Command contributes Nike- 15 of the Stratford Festivals. One of the worst Indian mas- Leslie, Magoffin. Marshall. Men- I. of Mathis. B:tby Rowland. Kin was conferred upon the first 4 Hercules surface-air missiles to dating back to the original pre- sacres in Kentucky occurred head of the Ku Klux Klan 'fee. Mercer. Owsley, Pulaski, ju Scott. Beverly Starks. Dorinda support the air defense miesSon sentations in 1953 The 1947 within the Levi Jackson Wild- Nathan Bedford Forrest. be- Rockcastle, Russell, Todd. Trigg, ye Starks. and Vicky Wyatt. of the North American Ali De-' Festival will continue to Oct erness Road State Park. near cause of his reputation as a Whitley. and Wolfe and the in- In Eighth — Tonya Bucy. Joel feriae Command 14 1,/-cindon. in October 1786 wizard in the saddle as a Con- dependent systems of Augusta; 10982 01 Gary Griffin. Kathryn Hardy. federate cavalry officer Benton Berea. Dawson Springs, In Mohler. Carla Watkins, David East Bernstadt. Ferguson. Fut- Si Wyatt. and Phyllis Beach. you'll be able to ha ABC Records Signs ge lo British Singer Cl I NEW YORK UPI —Wayne dae 0,0/400/4 &Old& reach Charlie Thomas. British-born singer, i rus Masu•r Drycloanoi Pc has been signed by ABC Rec- he ords to a long-term recording contract. Thomas' first disc in In By the United States is "I'll Be Dorothy‘Boone at555-2368. WI Yours," based on the Italian Pc song hit. "Nel Sole ° We work that far ahead, planning new telephone se Let's Talk Dry Cleaning services and building. So we'll be ready when th Borgnina Signs St HOLLYWOOD 'UPI, — Er- Charlie goes into business, gets married, buys his nest Boignine signed Air his own home. You see, Charlie, and a few million th fourth consecutive movie at FATHER'S DAY is one day se You're Never Too Young Or Too Old MOM with -The Split.", the of the year that's heartily kids like him, are the real reason Southern Bell te others being "The Dirty Doz- welcomed by tired Dads. There keeps growing. en," "Ice Station Zebra" and isnt one of us who doesn't pi To Need Health Care Protection Lylah Clare" bu "The Legend of like the idea of being paid a Next time the phone company comes up carrying the proper health care protection lel Some of us never think about sekcial tribute. Maybe it's a with a brand new service, or a doctor's care Then, if we don't have it, it's te until we need hospitalization little sentimental, but an an- davold baby to the senior citizen. r, or builds a new building, Pc too late. We all need protection from the nual day for pampering Pop self arid fanulv. or installs a lot of new •Married people need it to protect .- and treating him like the pro- WI •Single people need it for personal protection verbial lord of the manor phones...thank Charlie. th an •Particularl% people 65 or older need this protection seems only fitting. After all, We intend to be ready he is the breadwinner! Blue cross and Blue Slueld have a variety of hospital and surgical-medical when he needs us! lie Clothes are. always among plane to meet the neeris of people of all ages. Don't wait 'til it's too late -- Dorothy lkosse Rc the most popular gifts for We like building for until you're actually se k - ta Charlie's future. ou Fathers which makes us think of past cen- APPLY NOM Stl men went around In much fancier turies when Ct waistcoats plumage than they .do tcday, with satin dr and ruffled sleeves and powdered wigs. Time was St BLUE CROSS and 1.1JE SHIELD when yew could give Dad a lace handkerchief or so! some black silk stockikgs as a gift . . but not to- CO day! (We cln hear some Dads breathing a sigh of Pa D. • thanks.) KENTERY CORPORATIONS SERVING KENTUCKIANS course spell things as- elegant vests and Of on and Dads sweaters are back in vogue for men . . . fei 114.L3r CROSS sad KU( Suitt GIMP PLAIIS NU, ioesis OMEN are wearing 'gayer colors today And why not? In the on Master.. 111•011. ter.s•Itie ly 40105 Mill WI 00 100•1 list bird and kingdoms it\ cften the male who MI RI.48, NO•11 wears the bri..Y.test colors. latent ii KENNEDY SUCCESSOR Goo Even If Dad's clothes don't go to ruffles and ~An Nelson Roo•kefeller who mivit satin, they still need regular rare to have him look _ sorafrr-e06re5 name a iatecetosor to Rotaut his best. To keep his suits and slacks, his new vests Kennedy in the Us Ken and ties alwavti, 'bolting smart and ,e send information, v;ittileut eastigistices as checked below and sweaters So ate. tells reporters in New its for new, send them tit rar6ful thorough cleaning. pa Group Plan the senator's as- ow interestod in forming on employee York that Co where there ore TO m persons.. ssaismnation is "an unspeak- am 64 or under Neither my Wows* 'JO" *roil ill able tragedy and a terrible wa be 19 of ',icy'', before 10-ond want to keep protection. nation Re. Southern Bell )110-is to the BOONE'S Sandone he Shield .65Plan for person g or older publican stockefeacr was not LAUNDRY-CLEANER ow mterested Tow Blue Cross and" any; ques ready to answer .-The Cleaner Interested In You" loc /Farm Bureau MerntsersTtshoe-ettrollod, se* your Form Bureau Afront lion., about the MiteeMNItt I. ea I)sflioi U.( Kennedy Kr