Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-10-1968 The Ledger and Times, June 10, 1968 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 10, 1968" (1968). The Ledger & Times. 5993. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5993 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper The Primary Largest Paid Source of News Circulation In Murray and Both In City Calloway County And In County United Press International In Our 89th Year Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, June 10, 1968 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXIX No. 138 Seen&Heard Accused Killer Fmir YaAsrNamedds BULLETIN Around WASHINGTON (UPI)--The Suprome Court George upheld Ligon today the authority of the Federal Murray Communications Commission FCC to regulate the multi- Of King Will Be million dollar Community An- tenna Is The kcal Television CATV Named reserve unit is Lion now Four yards in Murray have In- dustry. undergoing riot and civil dis- been selected as the "Yards of order training at Paducah. the Month" for June by the Extradited Garden Department of the Mur- The USS Pueblo and its crew of ray Woman's Club. 83 members was seized on the divided in- Senior District The city has been Citizens Head MO seas by the North Koreans to four sections for the select- Hear Program By 137 days ago. By SCOTT B. BRUNS tune ie. His appearance in ions of the yards of the month. court lasted only 82 seconds LONDON am-. James Earl Previously one yard per month Mrs. Fred Gingles George H. Ligon of the Mur- "No one has the which he either scowled tion and the Cub Scouts. He right to start Ray, the accused assassin of during had been chosen. ray Lions Club was named as a screwed his fact into a half served as president of the Park riot. This is the cheapest and Dr Martin Luther King Jr., or Yards and their location sel- sThearegular monthly meeting Governor of District 43-K of to League of the Murray Baseball phoniest way of trying to ac- today was half-dragged into a grin as he answered "no" ected for June are as follows: of the Senior Citizens was' Club the. Lions Club at the 27th an- Association for two years.! complish something. Anyone two questions. Northeast section — Donald held Friday, June 7, at the George H. Ligon Com- nual state convention held at Ligon is an associate profes- can start a riot." Vice presi- U. S. extradition efforts will J. Leitch, 208 North 10th Street. munity Center on Ellis Drive. Owensboro on June 9. sor in the School of Business dent Hubert Humphrey, May not have to wait until the se- Northwest section — Col. Eff Bryan Tolley, president, pre- District 43-K is one of six at Murray' State University. 27, 1968. cond hearing. Embassy officials Birdsong, 812 North 20th Street. sided over a short business ses- Phyllis Flynn Is districts in the state of Ken- Ligon, his wife, Lenora, and said both the states of Missouri Southeast — A. W. Simmons, sion, a potluck luncheon was he Youth tucky. Thirty-four clubs with their two sons, George Morrie "If I had to live in a slum, I and Tennessee were preparing Sr., 919 Sycamore Street. served at one p.m. Precedine Director ist 1300 members are in this dis- and Bill, reside on Cardinal think you'd have had more extradition papers—jail break Southwest — Wells Purdom, the meal, thanks were offered trict. m. trouble than you've had alrea- Miss Phyllis Flynn, daughter Drive, Murray. in Missouri and the King mur- Jr., Dogwood Drive East. by Ivy Culver. Ligon's name was placed in dy — because I've got enough of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn Rob Ray of the Bank of Mur- der charge in Memphis, Tenn. The selection of the yards is Mrs. Celia Crawford and Mn. nomination by Joe Pat James spark left in me to lead a might of Fulton, formerly of Murray, ray was reelected as a trustee Decision Not Mad* made up of a panel of judges Jewel Parks were the hostesses of Murray, past district gover- good revolt" Vice president is the new youth recreation of the Kentucky Lions Eye 'MOM American sources indicated from the Garden Department for the day. nor. Huber Humphrey, July 18, 1966. leader at the First Methodist Foundation at th• tate con- the decision had not yet been whose names are not announc- Mrs. Fred Gingles entertain- The new district governor Church, Fulton. vention. made as to which. if either, of ed. ed the group with a reading en- has been a member of the Mur- A whole herd of buffaloes was The new leader is a gradate these states' possible extradi- A spokesman for the Garden titled "The Bobbing Bottle" and ray Lions Club for ten years stampeding scross the plains. of Murray High School and is tion claims would be used. Department said it is an ex- also played several selections of and is the retiring president. Suddenly the lead buffalo hee now a senior at Lambuth Col- They said Ray could simplify tremely difficult task to decide sacred music on the accordian. He has eight years of perfect Mated and was quickly over- lege, Jackson, Term. things by waiving extradition on the yards to be selected for Those attending were Mrs She will attendance. No Injuries taken. He was knocked down receive her degree in —though he has not spoken on this honor, because there are Albert Lassiter, Mrs. Neva Wat- sociology Ligon has served as district and trampled on by the rest of next spring. • this matter—or Britain could so many beautiful and outstand- ers, Mr and Mrs. Bryan Tolley. zone chairman two years, de- • the herd The last buffet° was simply deport turn as an un- ing yards in the city of Murray. Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Gingles, Mr. puty district governor for two kind-hearted and stopped to Reported In desirable. The people of Murray take and Mrs. -Carl Harrison, Mr. years, and district publicity corrsile his fallen friend. He The British Foreign Office great pride in keeping their and Mrs. Owen West, Ivy Cul- John W. Randolph chairman for two years. solicitously asked, "But why did said it understood U. S. au- yards mowed and well trimm- ver, Mrs. Winnie Fluegge, Miss The new governor is active you stop so suddenly", reason Ruth Resigns Position Accidents James Earl Ray thorities were "in the process" ed and it was for this Lassiter, Mrs. Carrie Cole, in the Parent-Teacher Associa- "Well," replied the lead buf- of applying for Ray's extradi- that the city was divided into Mrs. Era Walton, Mrs. Olive B. Trigg County falo, "I thought I heard a dis- In tion and that such a request four sections in order that more Hagan, Mrs. Connie Armstrong, Three traffic accidents occur- couraging word" magistratg's court where he was would be "nulged on its mer- yards could be included in the Mrs Gladys Hale, Mrs. Norman Will in the city limits ordered. Weld without bail on Mrs. Scott red Saturday its." selection, according to Mrs. J. Klapp. Mrs. Cats Crawford, of Murray, according to the in- A ccmmittee headed by Milton gun and passport violations in W. Randolph, principal Lessons U. S. A.fitly Gen. Fred B. Wilson. chairman of the Gar- Mrs. Goidia Curd, Mess Johnny John Teach vestigating reports filed by the Eisenhower has been appoint- Britain. U. S efforts to extra- County High School M. Vinson, Jr., who flew to den Department. MeCallon, Mrs. Jessie Houston of Trigg officers of the Murray Police ed to study the cause of vio- dite him will come later. pos- the past three years, has ....Mrs. G. B. Scott, Jr., an art London Sunday to try to speed The judging for the "yards of Roane, Mrs. Virile Cl*, Mrs. for Department. No injuries were lence in the United States. sibly this week. to accept the position Murray High School, up extradition, met with sera the month" takes place during Jewel Parks, and Mrs. George resigned teacher at reported. Frustration. dissatisfactron, Ray, a 40-year-old American Director of the Health Oc- will teach lessons on "Painting ior Scotland Yard officiels af- the first week of each month. Hart. of The first occurred at 9:45 escaped convict, then was taken cupation Program with the Sketching" during June. ter the hearing to discuss steps Four yards will be selected for Mrs. Norman Klapp and Mrs. and a m at South 12th and Syca- ender heavy guard to Brixton Kentucky Department of Voca- classes are sponsored by (Continued en Sack Page) to be taken towards extradition. the month of Judy, according to Olive Hagan will be hostesses These more Streets and was investig- Primo to await another hearing tional Education. the University of Kentucky Co- The formal request will be the Garden Department spokes- far the next regular meeting on ated by Patrolman Earl Stalls Mr. Randolph will assume his operative Extension Program made by the State Department man. Friday, July 5, with a potluck Cars involved were a 1966 new duties as of July 1. and are open to the public.
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