THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 32 #37 Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Phone 02 6684 1777 [email protected] Program details page 19 [email protected] Program details P19 23,200 copies every week MAINTAINING A GRIP ON AUGMENTED REALITY SINCE 1986 Councillor takes on Selling Council land Setting the record straight Online in netdaily EPA ‘refuses to act’ on logging former GM, mayor over for high density on the Bruns Parks/ breaches at Limpinwood declining standards – p7 ‘aff ordability’ – p10 Council fi asco – p18 logging-breaches-limpinwood Local realtor Liberated by food farming in liquidation

Paul Bibby

Unique Estates was born from a sin- gle sale in the hinterland and grew into a prestige property agency with offi ces across and Asia. But the empire crumbled into the sea last week when it was an- nounced that the company had gone into liquidation. Employees at the company’s By- ron Bay office were among those who received an email from founder Nicolette Winjgaarden informing them that ‘bank accounts are frozen and there are no funds’. ‘It is with great sadness that I inform you that Unique Estates is going into liquidation today and you are to stop work straight away,’ Ms Winjgaarden said in the email, which was published on the proper- ty news website Property Observer. ‘Wages cannot be paid tomorrow.’ ‘I am so very sorry it has come to Edwina the chook with Liberation Larder volunteers Eric Newberger, Steve Hord, Sandra Mondange, Isobella Reddel and the Larder’s co-ordinator this. Please know I did everything I Helen Hamilton. Photo Jeff ‘Chooked’ Dawson could to prevent it.’ Unique Estates’ website was Liberation Larder has been growing ‘Our crew started modestly with Th ey also provide water, equipment regularly given excess bread to the shut down within hours of the an- fruit, vegetables and herbs at Th e three rows each 57 metres in length. and expertise at no cost to Libera- Larder kitchen.’ nouncement to staff , and its seven Farm on Ewingsdale Road since Oc- Johno the farm manager gradually tion Larder. Everyone involved with ‘Don’t be fooled; this work is not offi ces across Australia and in Hong tober 2016 to help provide the pro- increased the plot and now it is nine- The Farm has assisted the Larder glamorous,’ continued Helen. Kong quickly emptied. duce they need to supply the 500- teen rows. Our crew harvest 20–40 Crew in some way. Examples include ‘Our crew fi nd the best time to Ms Winjgaarden did not return plus meals they provide for people in kilos each week from this land.’ the manager Johno ploughing the work is early in the day. Th ey come Th e Echo’s calls and the liquidator, need in our community every week. Th e Larder grow a range of sea- fi eld, seeding carrots and harvesting equipped with solid shoes, large sun McGrath Nicol, has instructed staff They are currently looking for sonal vegetables, fruits and herbs to sweet potato at various times. hats, water and sunscreen. However, not to talk about the company’s col- some extra hands who would like use in making their meals, growing ‘Th e commercial growers have hours are fl exible and people work lapse. However, The Echo under- to get involved volunteering to help everything from corn and eggplant all helped with advice, sharing re- the time that suits them.’ stands staff are shocked and upset grow more food for their kitchen. to Asian and salad greens, turmeric sources and donating excess pro- If you would like to come and get by the announcement, which few ‘Th e Farm has generously made and watermelon. duce. Th e kitchen has bought pro- your hands dirty, help make food for saw coming. a plot of very productive land avail- ‘The land is donated by The duce from the plot. The florists the most in need and take home a bit Property Observer reported that able to Liberation Larder,’ said or- Farm,’ continued Helen. have given loads of cardboard for of the fresh produce you’ve helped Unique Estates also represented ganiser Helen Hamilton. ‘However it doesn’t end there. mulching and the Bread Social have grow then call Helen on 0439 206 109. continued on page 4

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The video of the sionals, not forcibly arrested by tion on February 14 to protest incident went viral last week, ‘heavy-handed’ police, a local against violence by police. bringing further accusations anti-violence campaigner said. The march followed the of police brutality. But a local police super- V-Day rally at Main Beach, intendent said it was police but was not associated with Police assaulted themselves who were at risk, that event. But Superintendent stating that his officers had Following the highly pub- Wayne Starling from Tweed- been assaulted more than 170 licised arrest of a 16-year-old Byron Local Area Command times in the past year. boy, which is now the subject said his officers had been as- As a second violent ar- of an independent investiga- saulted more than 170 times rest in the Shire came to light tion, the second arrest took in the past year. There were Vagina Conversations last Wednesday and Thursday that featured a diverse last week, campaigner Adaja place at Main Beach on Feb- ‘[In] America, some of collective of some of Byron Shire’s powerful, creative women, aged from 17 to 80. The Black said the region needed ruary 12. these incidents that have oc- event was part of the V-Day global revolution to end violence against women and children. a ‘crisis team’ that could inter- A video of the incident re- curred lately, police would Pictured are performers Moana Pear, Feather, Gopi Lev Dupain, Zenith Virago, the No Frills vene in such situations. corded by a passer-by shows an have shot the people in- Twins, Lynda Dean, Ti Harrison, Sarah Temporal, Jennifer Lalor, Jan Terkelson, Mandy Nolan ‘We need a whole new allegedly intoxicated 18-year- volved,’ Superintendent Star- and Aine Tyrrell. Photo Jeff Dawson unit that comes in before the old woman being physically ling said in an interview with police – trained drug and al- escorted up the stairs by a the ABC. cohol psychologists out there male and a female officer as ‘At the moment, I have 30 Man charged over home invasion getting to the bottom of the the young woman’s boyfriend police who can’t strap on a gun. Police have charged a At 8.40pm on Sunday, 22 and 13 – and two friends. issues,’ Ms Black said. attempts to intervene. Fifteen of those police have 23-year-old Mullumbimby February 11, three men alleg- ‘We need to look at how There is a brief scuffle dur- physical injuries. They come to man over an alleged home edly armed with handguns, Home searched we can help these people ing which the female officer work each day. Many of them invasion last week. a rifle and a sword entered a On Thursday February 15, in crisis situations, not just appears to strike or push the have slings, many of them have Investigations are continu- house on Poplar Street, Mul- a home on Azalea Street, Mul- smack them across the head. young woman on the back broken bones, and several have ing to identify two other un- lumbimby, and threatened lumbimby, was searched, and ‘It really feels like it is their of the head. She falls to the black eyes at different times. known men who police be- the occupants – a 60-year- a number of items, including [the police’s] intention to si- ground and remains there, That’s the community they’re lieve were also involved. old man, his two sons aged a replica pistol, were seized. lence them like bad children apparently unconscious, for a policing at the moment.’

WEST We want responsible development, not BYRON IS MEGADEVELOPMENT

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2 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Local News


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While Hallmark reminded us of Valentines Day on February 14, V-Day was also celebrated. It’s a global movement to end violence against women. Pictured centre is 97-year-young Nina, who was possibly the oldest of the 200-strong fl ashmob Supporting us ensures your spending is a powerful who danced and swam at Main Beach. Photo Jeff ‘Page Three Gals’ Dawson vote for a healthy environment and vibrant community! It’s the Santos Organics difference.

Youth enterprise program about to be axed Be healthy & fund more projects by visiting us: Byron Bay | Byron A&I Estate | Mullumbimby | Online Paul Bibby grant from the NSW Depart- ‘Th e Flea Market is a re- defi cit in recent months. | 6684 3773 ment of Social Services. ally important space that lo- Ms Pearse said it was now Byron Youth Service (BYS) is The grant will expire in cal youth have made their more important than ever for seeking help from the com- March and BYS is now ask- own. It’s become part of their the Street Cruise to continue A barista is made, not born munity to save a longstand- ing the community to help it sense of identity and part of their work given unfortunate ing youth enterprise program save the program by provid- their sense of belonging to recent incidents involving Learn the science of extracting a superb that is about to have its gov- ing donations, sponsorships the Shire. young people and police. espresso and the art of perfectly textured milk ernment funding cut. or volunteer hours. ‘We’re turning to the com- ‘We’re in a position where Th e Youth Enterprise Pro- Senior youth worker Deb munity and seeking fi nancial we can intervene by talking to ject (YEP) has helped thou- Pearse said that more than support to keep our pro- kids and calming them down sands of local kids kick-start 400 youth had participated grams running for the next a bit so that things don’t get Our barista course gives you the their small business ideas, in YEP initiatives in the past generation.’ out of hand,’ she said. maximum amount of skill in the access training, and connect 12 months alone. ‘This is a time when we minimum amount of time. with mentors since it com- ‘Th ere are so many young Street Cruise need to be expanding these menced in 2005. people who have benefited Ms Pearse said the ser- types of programs not closing It has also supported the from these programs and vice’s Street Cruise program them down.’ Every weekday 9.30am – 12.30pm popular Byron Flea Market, there are so many more who was also at risk of termination Th e youth service is pur- 21 Fingal Street, Brunswick Heads which runs monthly at the stand to benefi t from them without more funding. suing a number of options Maximum 4 people per group / $120 per person To book: [email protected] or 0458 829 107 Youth Activity Centre. in the future,’ Ms Pearse said. Providing support and food for funding to support Street Make. Know. Taste. But all of these activities ‘It’s not only the knowl- to kids in need on the streets of Cruise including grants and are facing closure owing to the edge and experience they get Byron Bay since 2001, the pro- further support from Byron imminent axing of a $100,000 from training and mentoring. gram has fallen into fi nancial Shire Council. New Byron bus terminal location announced Th e bus terminal slated for the and will refl ect what the com- of that area can once more be Butler Street Reserve may now munity told us they wanted planned for.’ be built on the eastern side of during the Byron Town Centre Th e government changed its A Natural Approach the proposed Butler Street by- Masterplan process,’ he said. plans to build a bus interchange pass, near the water tower. As a result, the mayor says on the Butler Street Reserve, he A previous plan by Sydney local market operators and said, after an environmental Dr Nigel Cluer B.D.Sc (Hons), Principal bureaucrats for the market stallholders will now have assessment of the site found it Family oriented general dentistry. Dental phobics treated site, which is also a former tip certainty about the ongoing would not be suitable for that with understanding. site, was rejected by council- use of the site. type of development. State of the art amalgam removals, including nutritional lors, and came without public Council’s acting general Local state MP Tamara supplementation to protect and support the body during consultation. Staff also re- manager Mark Arnold said, Smith told Th e Echo, ‘Con- mercury detox. quested that councillors make ‘Council will now be sitting gratulations to the commu- Biocompatible, non-toxic materials. BPA Free. a decision within days of be- down with the market opera- nity once again for standing Focus on diagnosis and treatment of periodontal conditions, ing given the plans. tors and other stakeholders to up to the bureaucrats in Syd- with an understanding of the link between periodontal (gum) disease and systemic disease. Mayor Simon Richardson work through what the future ney about what happens to Biomimetic dentistry: Minimally invasive and tooth-conserving. said in a statement Council of the Butler Street Reserve our towns.’ Modern techniques used to seal and preserve teeth, including air held a meeting with the de- might look like.’ The Echo asked Council, abrasion (drill-free method of cleaning and bonding). partment and the ministers ‘Th e footprint of the pro- ‘What assurance are there that All combinations of crowns, bridges, inlays and implants. about ‘how the relocation of posed interchange on Butler this former tip site is not pos- the bus interchange to the east- Street Reserve made the long- ing a contamination risk to the CROWN AND BRIDGE SPECIALS Book for a comprehensive assessment ern side of Butler Street might term ability for markets to be public?’ and, ‘Are there plans Crowns Bridges eg: 3-unit bridge which includes examination, two 20% discount 20% discount diagnostic radiographs, and a clean. best work to meet our com- located on the site highly un- available that demonstrate Value $1400 Value $3600 Value $270 munity’s expectations.’ likely, but now, apart from the that this location will be viable Cost $1120 Cost $2880 Cost $160 ‘A more considered design interruption from the bypass alongside the bypass?’ No re- Phone: 6687 2150 2/42 Byron Street, Bangalow [email protected] will complement the bypass construction, the ongoing use ply was received by deadline. North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 3 Local News North Coast news daily: Tweed Council fi ned over Council orders cubby house to be removed Terranora sewage spill Aslan Shand revisit the innocence of their Th e NSW Environment Pro- ronmental protection licence childhood as well as inter- tection Authority (EPA) has that allows the release of What is public art? Th is is the acting with the freedom of fined Tweed Shire Council treated wastewater into Ter- question that local resident the alternative culture when $15,000 aft er it allowed par- ranora Creek. Mellanie Coppin is planning people were experimenting tially treated sewage from But it discharged partially to ask Byron Shire Council’s with how to live with nature Banora Point Wastewater treated wastewater that ex- public-art panel as she looks – the experimentation that Treatment Plant to spill into ceeded the limits into the wa- for a way to redefi ne the cub- originally drew people to By- Terranora Creek last year. terway between November 5 by house that was installed ron Bay.’ Council holds an envi- and 8, 2017. on the road reserve near her home in Massinger Street, Prepared to pay Byron Bay. Mellanie has already told Aft er being told by Coun- Council that she is prepared cil to remove the cubby house The Massinger Street treehouse is considered a permanent to pay for the costs of insur- in August 2017, Mellanie has installation, but not art, according to Council staff . Photo of ance as well as maintain the asked Council if there was a Mellanie Coppin and cubby by Jeff Dawson cubby house if it were to re- way to keep the cubby house main. there, as she says it is loved while she was empathetic to add ‘value to the community Responding to questions by both children and adults the idea of the cubby house quality of life.’ from Th e Echo, Council staff as well as locals and tourists. being art, ‘a treehouse/cubby So why doesn’t the cubby said, ‘The process for as- ‘Virtually every day peo- doesn’t fi t with our defi nition house meet those criteria? sessing public art on public ple stop in their tracks or in of public art’ and Melanie has According to Mellanie, land is to complete several their cars to take photos of now been given 28 days to ‘It is appreciated daily by documents: an artwork pro- this treehouse,’ said Mellanie. remove the cubby house. passers-by and is frequently posal form, which provides ‘Neighbours have insta- According to the vision photographed. Neighbours, information about the art- grammed it, kids play in it of Council’s own draft public friends, tourists, walkers, rid- work, the materials it’s made and the positive feedback has -art strategy, public art should ers and drivers-by, all seem from, and other information been curiously overwhelm- be ‘vibrant, contemporary to love it.’ about the artwork (this also ing.’ public art… that refl ects and ‘I was talking to my sev- requires an artist’s CV and Mellanie has asked Coun- promotes the unique charac- en-year-old son about it last other information about the cil if the cubby house could ter and lifestyle of the region.’ night and his response was artist); a risk assessment; a be ‘considered amongst the Th e key principles of the “isn’t everything art?” And I maintenance manual. public art features of our strategy state that, ‘all public have to agree. What makes ‘Th is information is then town rather than an en- art has to be relevant to its site this cubby house not art? provided to the public-art croachment?’ in response to values of iden- ‘In fact as art it represents panel, who meet quarterly, to However, Council’s tour- tity and place,’ that ‘public a clear intersection of art and assess the artwork against the ism and projects officer art must refl ect the cultural community. It is a symbolic guidelines and make a rec- Joanne McMurtry said that narratives of the Shire’ and opportunity – so people can ommendation to Council.’ SUPPORTING QUALITY JOURNALISM Ute and B-double crash at Bruns FOR OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY The driver of a utility re- mains in a critical condition after his southbound Mit- subishi utility collided with A note from the Editor a northbound B-double at 2am on Sunday, February 18. Hans Lovejoy, Editor Th e crash occurred on the Pacific Motorway near the Brunswick Heads and Mul- The Echo has never underestimated the intelligence and passion lumbimby interchange. of its readers. In a world of corporate banality and predictability, Police say the B-double The Echo has worked hard for more than 30 years to help keep “ then continued onto the Byron and the north coast unique with quality local journalism and creative ideas. We think this area needs more voices, wrong side of the road and reasoned analysis and ideas than just those provided by News rolled. Corp, lifestyle mags, Facebook groups and corporate newsletters. Th e driver escaped injury, A a 38-year-old Possum Creek man is in a critical condition but the driver of the utility, following a collision over the weekend. Photo David Bradbury The Echo is one hundred per cent locally owned and one hundred a 38-year-old from Possum per cent independent. As you have probably gathered from what Creek, was trapped in his mained closed into Sunday incident to call Crime Stop- is happening in the media industry, it is not cheap to produce a vehicle for about 30 minutes morning while salvage crews pers on 1800 333 000 or use weekly newspaper and a daily online news service of any quality. before being airlifted to a cleared the Pacifi c Motorway. the Crime Stoppers online We have always relied entirely on advertising to fund our Gold Coast hospital. Police are urging anyone reporting page: https://nsw. operations, but often loyal readers who value our local, Th e southbound lanes re- with information on this independent journalism have asked how they could help ensure our survival. Any support you can provide to The Echo will make an enormous Unique Estates to be liquidated diff erence. You can make a one-off contribution or a monthly one. With your help, we can continue to support a better informed continued from page 1 In the ensuing years, the ownership laws were a blow local community and a healthier democracy for another 30 years. around 32 vendors at the time agency expanded signifi- to the business’s bottom line. of the collapse. cantly, producing a luxury Unique Estates was well ” property publication distrib- known for fi nding rich for- Ms Winjgaarden founded Unique Estates in 2009 as a uted through Qantas lounges eign investors happy to pay company specialising in lux- around the world and launch- top dollar for beautifully situ- ury, high-end properties. ing a yacht- and jet-charter ated Australian homes. It began when she decided business. Once the federal govern- to help her partner sell his While little light has been ment introduced restrictions To become a supporter go to house in the Byron Bay hin- shed on the reason for the on this type of practice, busi- terland and realised there was collapse, it is understood that ness for Unique Estates be- a niche that needed fi lling. recent changes to foreign- came more challenging. 4 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Local News

AKUBRA HATS Activists step up to Stop Adani LEATHER WALLETS LACOSTE POLOS Th e local #StopAdani cam- paign is going from strength RM WILLIAMS BOOTS to strength as locals come to- & BELTS gether to raise money to keep MEN’S LEVI JEANS up the good fi ght to stop the BAMBOO SOCKS proposed Adani coal mine that will contribute to climate BAMBOO UNDIES change and irreparably dam- CROCS THONGS age the Great Barrier Reef. A Stop Adani song, writ- MENS SKECHERS ten by Elvis Pavarotti and HEMP BAMBOO Tahlia Shalimar, was the & LINEN result from the Stop Adani meeting in Murwillumbah at wallace | clothing | shoes the end of last year. Known 109 River Street Ballina as the Sexy Vegans, they have (02) 6686 2081 | Like us on Facebook | been singing at the Mullum- bimby Markets, which has turned out to be quite a hit. ‘We’ve been encouraged to record it and give it away free or sell it for $1 as a fundraiser,’ BYRON BAY said Th alia and Elvis. Th ey are also looking for other musicians who can sing or play well, who would like Elvis Pavarotti and Tahlia Shalimar. Photo Jeff Dawson to get involved in recording the song. Meanwhile in Mullumbim- The tongue-in-cheek In- nity we live in, while raising They have a session by, Lulu’s Cafe is putting on a dian vegetarian feast fund- much-needed funds for the RUNOUT PRICES ON LEADING booked at the SAE QANTM #StopAdani fundraiser on Sat- raiser will host up to 60 peo- ongoing Stop Adani cam- in Byron for 10am on Friday, urday 3 March from 6.30pm. ple, who will also get to enjoy paign,’ continued Diane. MATTRESS BRANDS March 2 to record the song. the delights of the Bollywood ‘This will help fund the ‘If you would like to see the Lulu’s fundraiser Sisters, who are also donat- legal means to keep up the Swisstek Geneva Queen Mattress words and chords to the song Local #StopAdani or- ing their time free. Linds will pressure and maintain the WAS $4699 please go to www.backpain- ganiser Diane Hart said, ‘A be donating the food, venue, momentum that is vital. To- NOW $2349 couple of months ago Linda preparation, cooking and gether we can do this.’ adani-song,’ they continued. Ruttledge from Lulu’s ap- clean up, while Lulu’s staff are ‘So shake out your sari and Then contact Elvis and proached me and said, “I volunteering their time. don your dhoti! BYO drinks Thalia on 6676 1759 to get want to do something for the ‘Th is is also a celebration and glasses,’ she said. Tickets Best For Rest Queen Mattress involved. local Stop Adani campaign”.’ of the amazing commu- are only for sale at Lulu’s. Firm, Medium or Plush WAS $1699 Small-business incubation site to remain NOW $999 Cocoon Azalea Queen Mattress Aslan Shand local and good quality. ment for fi re safety. are staying to increase their WAS $4699 ‘I’m going to do a full Both Noel and Adelaide business revenue and look at NOW $2349 NORTEC’s small-business renovation of the building recognise that some of the rents that increase along with incubation site in Byron Bay block, then I will be looking businesses at the site were that. I’m working with the industrial estate has been at create strata for a few of only using it for cheap rent businesses there to help them bought by a local developer them, selling a few and keep- and weren’t running a proper be successful. and builder who is keen to ing some.’ business, but Adelaide puts ‘I’ve lived here for ten AUTHORISED DEALER create a hub for successful lo- Jewellery maker Adelaide that down to poor manage- years and my kids go to the cal businesses. Friday, who moved onto the ment by NORTEC. local school and are involved Some of the businesses NORTEC site with her busi- ‘One of the conditions of in the local clubs. who were at the location ness Pirates Dreaming as a being there was that a busi- ‘I want to get in good local Cnr Brigantine & Wollongbar Sts and under the auspices of small business looking to ness was supposed to be open Byron businesses and prod- Byron Arts & Industry Estate NORTEC will be remaining develop her business model at least four days a week. But ucts and bring a new and ex- and Noel Cratchley is looking under NORTEC, will be one NORTEC were not active citing vibe to the place.’ 6685 5212 • at upgrading the site to give it of the business to remain. in their management of the a new vibe and create a suc- ‘I’m really excited about businesses at the site. cessful local-business space. what Noel is going to create ‘I am hoping Noel is go- As previously reported, here,’ she said. ing to do what I had hoped NORTEC have yet to com- would be the situation under ment publicly over their liq- Lack of support NORTEC and there will be uidation of their property Having brought her busi- an exciting and creative range assets, which has left many ness onto the NORTEC site, of businesses here.’ small businesses in the lurch. Adelaide was quickly disap- Noel Cratchley says he pointed at the lack of support Same rents wants to create a shopping they provided. Initially the businesses precinct for local businesses. ‘When I moved onto the who have negotiated to re- ‘Th ere is a lot of work to site, I was expecting to receive main on the site will con- do – the gutters don’t work, mentoring and support from tinue at the same rents they the site fl oods and it is gen- NORTEC to help develop my had under NORTEC and as erally run down,’ Noel con- business. But NORTEC just they increase revenue, Noel tinued. provided the space at a cheap will look at increasing rents Having built the Trip-a- rent. I didn’t even see them along with CPI to more com- deal and surfboard agency for the fi rst six months aft er I mercial rates. buildings, among others, moved in and then it was only ‘I am more than happy to Noel is keen to keep things to do things like check equip- work with the businesses that North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 5 Local News North Coast news daily:

Heart & Soul NSW Labor bill moves to force all Health Clubs We have an exclusive offer for Echo readers councils to fl uoridate their water to help make this your healthiest year yet. Our air-conditioned gym has 24/7 access and we Chris Dobney by the anti-vaxxer movement Mr Oshlack said the group have revealed that there have offer a full yoga timetable including vinyasa, yin, now occurring in the area of had ‘four clear reasons for op- been systemic breakdowns. hatha, akhanda & led ashtanga. Tough new fl uoride laws in- fl uoride. Th ey are irresponsi- posing fl uoride’. ‘Th e Corndale plant, which We are passionate about what we do and with troduced last week into NSW ble and irrational views. ‘It doesn’t work; it’s not is the biggest in the area, was no contract membership options from $19.95 per Parliament by Labor have pre- ethical; it’s actually illegal, as fl ooded during a fl ood. week, we would love for you to join us. dictably met local resistance, Communities it’s not been approved as a ‘Th ere’ve been at least 10 with claims they effectively therapeutic substance by the complete breakdowns of the force councils such as Byron ‘want fl uoride’ Th erapeutic Goods Admin- plant, in which highly con- Shire to fl uoridate their water. ‘The proposed new laws istration (TGA); and there centrated fluoridated water If passed, the laws would are sensible and give the have been systemic break- has escaped into the plant, give the NSW health minister health minister the power to downs in many fluoride involving clean-ups requir- additional powers to direct lo- direct a recalcitrant local wa- plants, including here in the ing it to be shut down for up Present this ad for a cal councils and water author- ter authority to put fl uoride northern rivers,’ he said. to fi ve weeks at a time’. COMPLIMENTARY ities to add fl uoride to their into the community’s drink- ‘There’s no doubt at all Despite reports in The drinking water supply, with a ing water. that water fluoridation is Echo and other media at the VISIT ($20 value)* tenfold increase to the maxi- ‘The community’s views detrimental, both to human time, Mr Oshlack said, ‘Rous mum penalty for failure to do are very clear on this issue. health and the environ- Water didn’t deny or refute 24/7 GYM & YOGA so – from $5,500 to $50,000. Th ey want fl uoride in their ment,’ he added, citing cases any of the allegations we 02 6685 5640 NSW Labor shadow drinking water and a tiny in the Hunter Valley and in made.’ 108 BANGALOW RD BYRON BAY health minister Walt Secord, group of conspiracy theorists Queensland where fluoride *conditions apply who introduced the Fluorida- should not hold the whole had leaked into waterways. NHMRC report tion of Public Water Supplies community to ransom. ‘I can’t see why health Mr Secord said the fi nd- Amendment (Community ‘Fluoride protects our department bureaucrats or ings of a 2017 National Health Water Protection) Bill 2018 teeth and overall dental councillors have the right and Medical Research Coun- into parliament’s Legislative health leads to a healthier to force a medication in the cil (NHMRC) report into Council, has likened the re- overall person. water supply – there’s no water fl uoridation concluded sistance to water fl uoridation ‘We owe it to the next gen- grounds for it and they’re not that water fl uoridation at cur- to the anti-vaxxer movement. eration to give them the best qualifi ed to make these types rent Australian levels ‘reduces Of 53 non-fl uoridated water and healthiest start in life. of decisions. the occurrence and severity supply systems in NSW with a Good dental hygiene and ‘If water fluoridation is of tooth decay by 26–44 per population of at least 500 peo- health aff ect the overall per- therapeutic, why is it not reg- cent’ and ‘is not associated ple, Byron Bay and Mullum- son’s health outcomes. istered as a medication under with cognitive dysfunction, bimby are among the top 10. ‘Our nation’s children the Th erapeutic Goods Act?’ lowered IQ, cancer, hip frac- Mr Secord cites the World should not have to risk un- he queried. ture and Down syndrome’. Health Organisation, the necessary tooth decay and Last year FFNR consid- He added the report found Australian Medical Associa- dental problems,’ he said. ered taking out a Federal ‘there is no reliable evidence tion and the Australian Den- But Mr Secord’s claims Court challenge to establish of an association between BYRON BAY tal Association together with have been refuted by Fluoride the legality of fl uoridation. water fl uoridation at current the Australian Institute of Free Northern Rivers (FFNR) Mr Oshlack said that mat- Australian levels and other Health and Welfare as sup- spokesperson Al Oshlack, ter is currently on hold while human health outcomes in- WEDDING DJ porting fl uoridation. who said his move risked La- the court considers a related cluding: chronic kidney dis- But he claims local coun- bor’s chances for election in issue regarding the TGA’s po- ease, kidney stones, heart dis- cils and local water authori- the region with his ‘fanatical sition on fl uoride. ease, high blood pressure, low Call Max on ties ‘are becoming reluctant support for fl uoride’. birth weight, mortality, certain to combat or confront the ‘I told Walt that what he is Systemic failures muscle and skeletal effects, 0427 875 066 anti-fl uoride activists.’ doing by carrying on like this FFNR took out several GI- thyroid function, and self-re- ‘Fluoride is one of the great – coming aft er people on the PAs (freedom of information ported health outcomes.’ public health achievements,’ north coast – puts Labor at risk requests) on Rous Water last Mr Secord said that the he said, adding, ‘it is mind of holding those state seats’, Mr year, which Mr Oshlack said legislation still allowed for boggling that any group would Oshlack told Th e Echo. showed ‘systemic failures in ministerial discretion, ‘if a oppose its introduction.’ He added that lumping its fl uoridation system.’ water system was too small ‘We are seeing a repeat of fl uoride opponents with anti- ‘Rous Water runs four fl u- or remote for fl uoride or fl uo- the same tactics being used vaxxers was ‘insulting.’ oride plants and our GIPAs ride was naturally occurring’. Byron Farmers Market turns 15 Surfi ng Chefs for SurfAid, March 11 Th e Byron Farmers Market ‘Not only is she a favourite A special charity event with top For the March 11 cook-up will celebrate its 15th birthday with kids both here in Aus- chefs and two world-renown at Th e Farm, surfi ng champs at the Butler Street Reserve tralia and around the world, surfers will be held Sunday Tom Carroll and Mark on Thursday March 1, and but she’s also a champion of March 11 from 6.30pm at the ‘Occy’ Occhilupo will join there will be plenty of colour, sustainability, farmers and Th ree Blue Ducks restaurant. Darren Robertson (Three creativity and cake, said mar- growing your own food. Our Surfi ng Chefs for SurfAid Blue Ducks), Russell Blai- ket organisers. kinda gal!’ is the idea of 2017 SurfAid kie (Must Winebar Perth), From 8 till 11am there will Th ere will also be free en- Humanitarian of the Year, Ben O’Donoghue (Billykart not only be the usual array tertainment for the kids (big Russell Blaikie, who asked Kitchen), Steven Snow (Fins of fresh, local produce direct and little) with live music and some of Australia’s finest Kingscliff ), Ben Devlin (Pa- from local farmers but there’ll roving acts, a cooking demo chefs to donate their time to per Daisy), Giles Hohnen also be entertainment, gift s, (and tastings) from Byron raise money for remote island (Sumi Open Kitchen Noosa), free food, and a special guest. Farmers Market ambassa- communities. It led to farm- Brett Cameron (Pacifi c Club), Market organiser Kylie dor and chef extraordinaire ers, distillers, brewers, and David Moyle (Melbourne McGregor said, ‘Th e Emmy Gavin Hughes (also head vintners also giving their sup- Longsong), Clayton Dono- award-winning Dirtgirl chef at the Byron at Byron), port. Additionally SurfAid’s van (Jaaning Tree) and Stuart (from Dirtgirlworld and the a kiddies’ corner where po- pro surfi ng ambassadors also Toon (Rocker) in the kitchen. ONLY THE PRINTED WORD CAN DEFEND Get Grubby TV programs) tential future farmers can get got involved, and organisers To book a table, visit www. ECHO NEWSPAPER – VIGILANCE SINCE 1986 will be on hand to help us sowing, plus giveaways and a say they have raised more surfi ngchefsbyron.eventbrite. celebrate.’ birthday cake. than $350,000 since 2011. 6 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Local Comment/News

Sara Goldie Councillor speaks of the ‘declining BSc Hons (Psych) MPsych (Clin) MGestTher MAPS MACPA Clinical Psychologist & standards in local governance’ Psychotherapist Cr Basil Cameron Behind the scenes, the Perhaps it is the case that Empowering you towards harmony within general manager was also giv- the mayor believes the end your self, relationships and life.. Poorly considered comments ing direction to staff incon- justifi es the means. Suite 4, 20 Byron Street, Bangalow NSW 2479 from the departing general sistent with Council’s resolu- However, it should be clear Ph: (02) 6687 0431 Fax: (02) 6687 0413 manager (GM) in a recent re- tions. Th e full extent of these that if the elected council is to Mob: 0414 861 653 E: [email protected] port to Council have rightly transgressions are only now best serve the community, the stirred up much discussion in becoming apparent. mayor needs to demonstrate Professional and confidential psychotherapy. Medicare rebates available our little democracy. While it is not possible to and insist on sound govern- The tensions leading to know who directed whom in ance in all his relationships Th e price good men pay for this final spray have been Cr Basil Cameron all cases, it is clear that the within Council. evident and building since mayor was aware at times. Otherwise, he risks the indiff erence to public aff airs is late last year, when a struggle ship with the mayor. new general manager again to be ruled by evil men. between the general manager As an experienced opera- Avoiding public getting away from him, the – Plato and the mayor spilled out tor, the general manager gave scrutiny council and the community. over the Byron Town Centre every indication that he un- QBasil Cameron has been Masterplan implementation. derstood the mayor’s politi- It also seems likely that an independent councillor No doubt there is, and cal imperatives and ensured staff felt unable to bring since 2008. probably always will be, ten- these were catered to. these issues to the attention sion between elected council- In the previous coun- of other councillors owing to Cannabis discovered lors and the administration. cil where the mayor was in the signals sent by the mayor in Tyagarah reserve timber windows & doors It comes with the territory. the political minority, this in his willingness to bypass However, in my opinion, the was largely limited to skew- good process. Police say they removed 58 general manager crossed the ing process (eg the disband- In particular, his repeat- cannabis plants from a na- line by entering the political ing of the Tourism Advisory ed attempts to push certain tional park off Grays Lane, debate with his commen- Committee), although there developments contrary to last Wednesday. tary and undermined good were occasions where the policy and staff advice, some- Police from Tweed/Byron governance by failing to ap- pair made decisions later an- thing he rightly complained Local Area Command, with ply consistent policy and fair nounced as a fait accompli. loudly about during the pre- assistance from the Dog Unit, process over a long period. One example was the vious council. attended bushland and locat- Too oft en his actions and ‘commitment’ given to Byron The reliance on urgency ed and removed 58 cannabis his directions to staff proced- Bay businesses to quarantine motions at the end of meet- plants and a camera from the ed without consultation with a percentage of paid parking ings to pursue these and other area. Police said the estimated the elected council and, criti- revenue given prior to any de- matters avoids public scrutiny, potential street value of the Quality windows & doors since 1946 plants was $250,000, which cally, in the absence of any cision of the elected council. as there is no mention of the Phone 6621 2734 resolution of Council. items in the council’s meeting places each plant at $4,310. Declining standards of Free-rein GM agendas and no opportunity governance have been a mat- Aft er the last election, the for residents to speak on the ter of concern for me going perception that the mayor matters in public access. back to the previous council, commanded a majority One such decision to give and I have spoken up both seemed to deepen a mutually over public space to a busi- behind the scenes and in benefi cial relationship. ness has ended up in court to open council. Th e mayor was given ac- the detriment of ratepayers. Despite my criticisms, it cess to a research offi cer to As Council is looking to Coopers has been diffi cult to get a fo- assist in the development of engage a new general man- Sparkling cus on any substantial action his pet projects while the gen- ager, it is clearly an opportune 6pk $16 or reform, in part because eral manager was given a free time to be discussing the is- Ctn $ popular political narratives rein over projects important sues and making sure that the 55 have given cover to some to them both, notably the By- next occupant of the position ‘Courageously avoiding re- ron Bay Masterplan imple- has the principles of good Monteiths APA & XPA 6pk $ sponsibility’ as noted by the mentation. governance front of mind Tiger 17 Echo editor. It is clear from a report every day s/he is in the job. 6pk Ctn $ Th e truth is that the gen- to the Finance Commit- Similarly they must be $14 50 eral manager’s actions were tee last week that more than tasked with ensuring pro- Ctn $44 Hoegaarden largely a product of the most $120,000 has been spent cesses and a culture that em- 4pks $13 important relationship in the without a budget or backed beds these principles into the organisation – his relation- by resolution. organisation. Spring Seed Cuervo Tequila Organic Eczema Treatment Pinot Grigio & $40 Sauv Blanc DON’T $16 Hendricks GIVE UP! Gin $69 Angove Long Row Wines We CAN make $8 a difference Before After Over 350 beers and Ciders in stock FOR MORE New Beer in store from Mikkeller, 8 Wired, Amager, Rogue, Dainton, INFO CALL 1300 956 566 Green Beacon, New England & Last Rites Specials from 21/2/18 to 27/2/18 email: [email protected] or visit our The Northern Bottleshop supports the responsible service and comsumption of Alcohol website: Good Skin Clinic HOTEL GREAT NORTHERN 6685 6454 | the North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 7 Local News North Coast news daily: Unwanted facial hair? A resounding slap echoes around the world TRIED IPL OR LASER WITH NO SUCCESS? Story & photo Harsha Prabhu and father. Th ey take part in weekly non-violent protests Electrolysis is the only solution for PERMANENT hair removal, A pop-up protest to highlight in the village of Nabi Saleh any hair colour, any skin shade. the plight of Palestinian child in the West Bank. Just before Using the latest Apilus prisoners in Israeli jails was the latest IDF nighttime raid technology to offer you more held on the streets of Byron of the Tamimi home, Ahed’s comfort and faster results... Bay last Sunday. 17-year-old cousin, Moham- It was part of a global day med Tamimi, had been shot in BEAUTY BIZ ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC of action, and one prisoner the head by a rubber bullet and 20 Beachside Drive, Suffolk Park Ph 0411 022 621 is seventeen-year-old Ahed left in a coma. Tamimi, who was recently Activists also invited punt- jailed for slapping an Israeli ers to sign a letter addressed Protesters in Byron on Sunday. Defense Force (IDF) soldier to Australian politicians. Th e engaged in a pre-dawn home letter said, ‘Israel is the only tion’. According to www. by the military.’ Th e Avaaz pe- invasion. country in the world that ar- ‘In tition for her release can be Th e same IDF had killed her raigns kids before military the last fi ve decades, an es- signed at cousin in 2011 and her uncle in courts, denying them family timated 45,000 Palestinian org/campaign/en/free_ahed_ 2012 and arrested her mother access and legal representa- children have been detained global_pa3/?fIdatab. 3-day residential with Dr Arne Rubinstein and his team aimed at giving participants the experience and understanding of how to create a Rite of Passage for their community, family or people they work with. Chamber, mayor lobby to retain rail land

PROGRAM DATES With ‘surplus’ rail land in the be subdivided.’ ‘Additionally, we think or process involved in off ering 2 - 4 MARCH 2018 YarraKoora, Byron Bay NSW heart of Mullumbimby now Ms Stanford writes, ‘If this there are good commercial the land for sale prior to any being prepared for sale by un- is the case, the Mullumbimby reasons for the state govern- public tender process.’ known Sydney-based bureau- Chamber of Commerce does ment to sell land that is ei- crats, the town’s chamber and not support this process un- ther designated or actually Address housing: This life-changing Father & Son program supports young the mayor are seeking to defer der these circumstances, as rezoned for purpose, rather men in creating a healthy vision for the future. It addresses mayor the physical, emotional and psychological changes the sale, pending the outcome the only parties likely to ben- then unzoned land with no happening in your son's life through a safe and structured of the development of the efi t would be a multitude of strategic integration. He says the deferment Rite of Passage process designed by Dr Arne Rubinstein and Mullumbimby masterplan. his team. private land speculators who ‘With this in mind we ask would mean Council, in part- In a letter provided to Th e would buy land cheaply.’ the state government to halt nership with the community, PROGRAM DATES Echo and addressed to Balli- ‘The chamber does not the current process pending ‘can form and develop a pro- 11 - 15 APRIL 2018 YarraKoora, Byron Bay NSW na MP Tamara Smith, cham- oppose development, but the outcome of the develop- posal to either purchase the ber president Jenelle Stan- disagrees with this approach ment of a masterplan for the site or pursue a long-term 02 8003 3905 ford said that a member of because it will make it unnec- corridor within the Mullum- Community Title or lease ar- the chamber has confi rmed essarily diffi cult to plan the bimby masterplan. Further, rangement.’ [email protected] the land, while unlikely to be future of this corridor strate- we suggest the state govern- Within his background rezoned before the sale, ‘will gically, and thus gain the best ment and its representatives notes, Cr Richardson says, community and economic engage in negotiation with ‘It is large enough to address outcome for both the com- the Mullumbimby Chamber some of the desirable hous- munity and state government of Commerce and Byron ing and economic outcomes WHAT’S YOUR BIG IDEA ON in the medium to long term. Shire Council at the earliest sought by Council and the ‘Th e chamber believes it is possibility.’ community… Th ese include NEW REVENUES? vital that the masterplan, for Meanwhile, mayor Simon housing aff ordability and di- which the movement study is Richardson has tabled a may- versity, and creating spaces We heard during discussions on Brunswick Heads and Bangalow the fi rst component, precede oral minute for this Th ursday’s for small enterprises, work- and inform any sale of sur- Council meeting, which seeks from-home opportunities pay parking that there are other ways Council could raise funds. plus land. ‘the deferment of any decision and other similar activities.’

Now is our opportunity to sit down, brainstorm and see if there is a hidden gem of an idea out there that we haven’t explored. Meditation collective launches An introductory night for a among people who represent belief in the awakening and Byron Bay meditation collec- a rich diversity of teachings healing power of meditation, tive will launch Monday Feb- and practices, both contem- compassion, insight and uni- ruary 26, from 6.30pm at Tem- porary and traditional. versal wisdom. Ideas will be fed into our Community Solutions Panel who are looking ple Byron on Melaleuca Drive. ‘The Byron Bay Medita- ‘Each week, the aim is to at - what infrastructure spending should we prioritise and how should Co-organiser Greg Owens tion Collective is a group of practise meditation and co- we fund these priorities if the rates alone are not enough? says, ‘We are in the midst of practitioners who refl ect this create a powerful meditative a global surge of interest in diversity of engagement and space for personal and collec- meditation practices such as opinion and wish to be a part tive transformation.’ The big-idea sessions will be held: mindfulness, self-inquiry and of this global conversation. Th e practitioners are Gus- compassion.’ We are a group of students, tavo Se Cestari, Julian Robin- Thursday 8 March 2018, 6.00 – 8.30pm ‘Th ere is a new global con- teachers and facilitators who son, Mal Huxter, Rita Cramer, Brunswick Picture House versation about meditation share a deep confi dence and Greg Owens and Will Parker. )ULday  March 2018, .00 – .30pm We Move dance studio opens in Mullum Mullumbimby Civic Hall Mullumbimby’s fi rst custom- ment, contemporary, hip- enous movement programs. Friday 9 March 2018, 2.00 – 4.30pm built dance studio, on the cor- hop, fi tness and fusion. ‘We were aware of the ner of Stuart Street and Tin- We Move dance studio need for a dance studio in Byron Bay Community Centre cogan Street, has just opened founders Alona Rosenberg Mullumbimby for many and a two week dance fest is and Meggie Danielson say the years and could see the po- More information is available at underway. studio is a social enterprise tential for a space specifi- Entry to the fest includes and will be supporting com- cally dedicated to movement unlimited attendance to class- munity projects by contribut- as being a great asset to the RSVP to [email protected] or call 6626 7290 es such as Latin, Brazilian and ing a percentage of all mem- community.’ For tickets to the belly dance, yoga, conscious, bership fees back into local fest and more info visit www. healing and creative move- community, youth and Indig- 8 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Local News With a VIEW for fundraising and freindship Tweed Council gives rail trail go- ahead despite some concerns Aslan Shand Chris Dobney whether additional opportu- Mullumbimby women con- nities such as driverless elec- tinue to come together at the At its meeting last week, tric carts could be used to VIEW club each month to Tweed Shire Council resolved make the trail more palatable create friendship and sup- to accept the off er of $6.5 mil- to staunch train enthusiasts, port one another while rais- lion in federal grant funding who have campaigned for ing funds to support seven to construct the 24 kilometre- more than a decade for the disadvantaged students to long Murwillumbah to Crab- return of rail services. stay in education. bes Creek section of the rail Tweed Council also re- ‘Everyone iis very friendly trail project. solved to seek an annual and welcoming at the club it But a council spokesper- contribution from the state is a great place to form friend- son said ‘a number of safe- government to fund opera- ships,’ said VIEWs publicity guards’ had been put in place tions and maintenance of the offi cer, Jannine Murray. ‘to ensure the rail corridor regional tourism facility and Starting in 1960 VIEW remains’. is proposing a Trust be es- (Voice, Interest and Educa- Council will also explore tablished to oversee govern- tion of Women) was an op- whether it is economically ance and management of the portunity for women to come viable to build the trail be- trail, which could eventually together to create a support side the existing track and extend all the way to Casino. network and meet in friend- ship with a focus on assist- The newly elected Brunswick Valley VIEW committee are looking forward to an exciting We Move dance studio opens in Mullum ing disadvantaged students year ahead. Photo Aslan Shand.. through the Smith Family’ Mullumbimby’s fi rst custom unlimited attendance to class- Learning for Life program. Th ursday of the month and VIEW club Australia has come along and join. built dance studio on the cor- es such as Latin, Brazilian and a friendship meet up every over 16,000 members and For more information on ner of Stuart Street and Tin- belly dance, yoga, conscious, Monthly meet third Th ursday of the month. the local club hosts their the meetings look up On Th e cogan Street opens February healing and creative move- Th e local Brunswick Val- Th e meet ups involve enter- events both in Mullumbim- Horizon on the inside back 19 with a two week dance fest. ment, contemporary, hip hop, ley VIEW Club has a lunch- tainment or speakers on a by and Ocean Shores and is page of The Echo or ring Entry to the fest includes fi tness and fusion. eon meet up every second wide range of topics. happy to have new members Brenda o 0419 629 680. Action taken against noisy cafe INDEPENDENT & Chris Dobney this status. did little to improve their sit- Mr Dixon also raised the LOCALLY OWNED Mr Dixon told Th e Echo, uation, as there are large plate issue of Barrio’s application Byron Shire Council is taking ‘Barrio was only approved as glass windows facing directly for a night-time liquor li- MONKEY compliance action against the a low-key “canteen” but has onto Bayshore Drive. cence, which he said could HEINEKEN 6 PACK SHOULDER popular Barrio café in Bay- been operating as a fully- At the time Barrio’s own- only exacerbate the issue. SCOTCH 700ML $ 99 shore Drive after ongoing fl edged restaurant less than 50 er/manager Dan Wyllie told A Byron Shire Council 16 $4999 complaints from neighbours metres from homes since they The Echo the café averaged spokesperson told Th e Echo, $ that it is noisy and operating opened in December 2017.’ 120 to 150 patrons a night, but ‘staff have met with the owner 2 FOR 32 outside the terms of its DA Council offi cers met with Mr Dixon says this proves it is of Habitat, the development (development application). Habitat developer Brandon ‘anything but a low key can- where Barrio is located, and Th e Echo understands the Saul in January over excessive teen for locals’. their planning consultant to venue’s owners have been noise generated by Barrio’s ex- Mr Dixon said that on the discuss a range of matters CARLSBERG served with a Penalty In- haust fans, which engineers night of Saturday, January 27, including complaints about ELEPHANT ARA NZ 6 PACK PINOT GRIS fringement Notice. are still trying to determine at 7.45pm, for example, ‘there noise and parking.’ $ 99 Barrio was approved as a how to fi x. were about 50 cars in the ‘Council has already com- 19 $1899 ‘canteen’ for workers and resi- Then, late last month, Habitat car park’. menced compliance action in $ dents of the still incomplete neighbours complained relation to noise and devel- 2 FOR 35 Habitat development on Bay- about patron noise at night Liquor licence opment consent conditions,’ shore Drive, but neighbour – and Barrio management re- ‘Barrio was the only busi- she said. Th ey added that staff Dave Dixon says the number sponded by closing the doors ness open at the time sug- are working with Barrio to re- Promotion dates: 20–27 February 2018 of cars parked outside the to the café at 10pm. gesting the cars belonged to solve issues that are aff ecting AT THE COURT HOUSE HOTEL MULLUMBIMBY Access via drive-thru or via arcade off the main street venue in the evenings belies But neighbours said this restaurant goers,’ he said. people who live nearby.


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North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 9 Comment North Coast news daily: Capitalism cannot save us, and we shouldn’t save it he whole world is in By the 1980s, global corpo- for all of us who work within across this endangered planet a crisis, the most im- rates realised that the popula- the system. who sees our plight this way T mediate cause of which tions of countries that had pros- In fact, universal human to save us from disaster by en- is not Donald Trump – he is pered were somewhat addicted fulfi llment is no more inevi- vironmental breakdown and/ Volume 32 #37 February 21, 2018 merely the American emperor to these products of enlighten- table under capitalism than or war. fi nally exposed for the world to ment, but even more addicted was Marx’s communist fantasy Th ere are many diagnoses see, naked, crooked, and inca- to consuming the products of born of an ‘historically deter- of the diseases propagated by pable of saving anyone. big businesses – so the bosses mined’ proletarian revolution. our species on our planet, and Furious agreement Th e crisis behind the fake of business used their media to What we are in the midst as many visions of what must It’s likely councillors will be in furious agreement regarding a leader-of-the-free-world is a convince enough people that of today is the breakdown of be done to cure them. proposed high-density aff ordable-housing project for Mullum’s result of businessmen having social spending needed to be social cohesion as the yield of I propose that scientific Station Street at this Thursday’s meeting. seized control of most suppos- cut if the goodies were to keep capitalism’s mindless ‘growth’ observation and imagination After all, anything that mentions ‘aff ordable housing’ is edly democratic governments. on coming. is revealed to be an exponen- have revealed the major myths championed by Council as the panacea to the Shire’s many It is only during the last we must release ourselves from problems. 100 years or so that it has been What we are in the midst of today is the breakdown in order to fi nd our place in Plus, they have all seemed fairly unifi ed on this matter possible to ‘seize’ governments of social cohesion as the yield of capitalism’s mindless our planetary ecosystems. previously. It’s an obvious vote winner, right? by winning elections, and cor- Th ese include: But a closer look at ‘aff ordable housing’ and this proposal porates only got serious about ‘growth’ is revealed to be an exponential growth of 1. Th at nature is free. reveals weak NSW legislation and a lucrative avenue for doing that when socialist or hu- waste, pollution, inequality, oppression, and a cascade A staggering number of developers to bypass the normal contribution costs to Council. manist parties won power in a of other unintended, negative consequences. people believe that naturally It’s all acheived through the State Environmental Planning few dozen countries in the 20th occurring things such as air, Policy (Aff ordable Rental Housing) 2009, where a development is century, and passed laws that By Phillip Frazer water, sunshine and soil are required to provide least 20 per cent of the total fl oor space of an put social causes before profi t. free and infi nitely tolerant of aff ordable housing development – a requirement that expires in They regulated banking Th us we now have elected tial growth of waste, pollution, whatever we do to them. just ten years. and mandated public health governments committed to inequality, oppression, and a 2. Th at we are all white men Council will be voting to sell their/our land, located between and common wealth, and downgrading public interests, cascade of other unintended, with Christian values. Byron Shire Council’s offi ce carpark and the Mullumbimby chief among them were the such as clean air, art, science, negative consequences. In fact, Australia has more Community Preschool, to an ‘aff ordable housing’ developer for Democratic administration health, and curtailing all those In this pivotal moment, women than men, and Chris- $1.3 million. It would see twenty-fi ve one-bedroom units, six of of Franklin Roosevelt, Labor rights, for our own good, the hucksters of laissez-fair- tianity is tied with ‘no religion’ which would be ‘aff ordable,’ and be held in perpetuity for 30 years, governments in Australia and where ‘good’ means owning yland, including Trump and at about 45 per cent each in our not ten. like-minded nations, popular- more than our neighbours do. his Republican enablers, and latest Census. So it’s better than what is legally required, yet it’s unclear ly-elected socialist regimes in Corporatists have sold Turnbull/Morrison and Co, 3. Th at war is inevitable. whether that’s the best negotiation Council could achieve or just parts of and South and themselves to a thin majority of plus their vast propaganda Globally, war-based in- the fi rst off er by the developer, North Coast Community Housing Central America, and some voters by claiming that they can enterprises insist that the real dustries are estimated to cost (NCCH). of the former ‘communist’ au- run things better than national- problem is too much com- many times more than all the Aff ordable, as defi ned by NSW legislation, is calculated at tocracies. ist or socialist governments did, monwealth, too many social productive products and ser- 80 per cent of market rent, meaning that proponent NCCH can Equally alarming for busi- or than do-gooders could. programs, too much enlight- vices generated each year. It expect $300 each per week for the units instead of say, $375. ness was the growing popular- Th eir package of policies is enment – too much Political contributes to uncounted dam- NCCH have previously said they will be seeking an exemption ity of legislated ‘rights’ – civil sometimes called neo-liberal- Correctness. ages to human health, ecosys- from paying Council section 94 developer contributions. However, rights, women’s rights, the ism, and right now it is coming They tell us that jobs are tems and infrastructure. the housing provider ‘will make Section 68 contributions in right to clean air and water, apart, the promise is losing its vanishing, wages are drop- 4. That our ‘economy’ addition to the annual rates on the six units we will retain in the indigenous people’s rights, the credibility, and the men in suits ping, and migrants are swarm- makes sense. complex’. right to decide one’s own gen- look as scared, or clueless, as ing over borders, because of It is estimated that the en- Should we celebrate the councillors’ heroic negotiation skills in der identity, and many more the rest of us. feminism, environmentalism, tire tangled web of the global securing what will be only six one-bedroom aff ordable housing – and providing these rights We cannot, however, sim- and multiculturalism: these ‘finance industry’ transacted units for 30 years, with a starting price of $300 pw? to masses of people seriously ply hand government controls newfangled movements have $1,634 trillion in the year 2010. There will be signifi cant impacts to the town and preschool as interfered in the functions of back to non-corporate politi- taken goodies from the older Even Lord Adair Turner, a result. All for unaff ordable $300 pw rent for six people. brutal capitalism. cians, because the deeper prob- and whiter people and given chairman of Britain’s Finan- It’s the second time Council have ignored the heritage and Most of these social reforms lem behind the crisis is capital- them to gays, trees, and wogs. cial Services Authority, admits character on that street, along with neighbour concerns. and ‘rights’ grew out of the 18th ism itself. Th is too is part of the neo- that much of what the industry And it’s well known Council can refuse any development if it is century breakthroughs collec- Capitalism proposes that liberal project, to blame the does is ‘socially useless’. inconsistant with the town’s character. tively known as the Enlighten- unregulated competition for failures of capitalism on the A rapidly expanding por- The preschool are understandably furious that high-density ment, which were fundamen- profi t, and the consequent pri- expansion of egalitarianism. tion of the global ‘economy’ is a development will be plonked next to them and claim fl ooding tally about science replacing vate accumulations of wealth, Our challenge is to confront casino run by algorithms. issues have not been addressed. As a result of a community eff ort superstition, a transformation will inevitably produce a safer the deeper diseases of our era, to save a large fi g tree on the land, the school says they are being still very much in progress today. and ever-more-enjoyable life and to work with everyone QMungo is back next week. punished by the developers with windows that will overlook the playground. zhinov’s rivals upped the stakes, CHESS by Ian Rogers The school’s Jamie Blacklaw says there will be a road, carpark issuing a press release – cov- The plan to unseat long-time ered by the media worldwide – and four skip bins pushed up right next to the school. president of the world chess body which blamed Iljumzhinov for Follow us on Insta So Thursday’s vote will be signifi cant – a community jury panel FIDE, Kirsan Iljumzhinov, by his Swiss bank UBS’s decision to ask to restore trust may turn out meaningless if councillors continue underlings took a new twist this FIDE to relocate its money to for the latest from to ignore the legitimate concerns of residents and spruik anything week, with banks the new battle- another bank. Despite the obvi- ground. ous blow to FIDE’s reputation, our sales team ‘aff ordable.’ The team, which had broken the press release also repeated in Instead, they should courageously look at retaining their/ every rule to get Iljumzhinov detail the US complaint against @echopublications our land with the view to leasing some of it for real aff ordable elected for his sixth four-year Iljumzhinov. developments. term in 2014, decided in 2015 Serious allegations against that Iljumzhinov had become Iljumzhinov are hardly new – And – must every bit of valuable land be built upon? How a liability after the US placed from trafficking Russian women about more open space, councillors? sanctions on him for helping to to Japan, to embezzling money Hans Lovejoy, editor facilitate oil sales between Islamic and organising four hits on oppo- State and the Syrian government. nents during his time as presi- News tips are welcome: [email protected] In order to host the 2016 dent of the Russian Republic of Like us on Facebook World Championship match in Kalmykia. New York without problems, Makropoulos knows that he is for the latest from The Byron Shire Echo Iljumzhinov was convinced to just as unpopular as Iljumzhinov hand many of his presidential and wouldn’t win a bidding war the newsroom Established 1986 powers to his deputy Georgios for votes in an election, especially Makropoulos and stay away from with Iljumzhinov enjoying sup- @echopublications General Manager Simon Haslam the title match. (Makropoulos has port from Vladimir Putin. Editor Hans Lovejoy his own problems, having alleg- Should Iljumzhinov not Photographer Jeff Dawson edly used more than $100,000 resign, a stooge presidential can- Nicholas Shand of FIDE money to pay for his didate will be installed at the top Advertising Manager Angela Cornell 1948–1996 personal medical expenses.) of Makropoulos’s ticket, probably Production Manager Ziggi Browning Founding Editor Then last year some key FIDE Sheikh Sultan bin Khalifah Al officials claimed that Iljumzhinov Nahyan of the UAE. ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the affl icted and had resigned – and went as far as But shaming Iljum zhinov affl ict the comfortable.’ – Finley Peter Dunne 1867–1936 publishing the ‘news’ on the FIDE into resigning now would allow © 2018 Echo Publications Pty Ltd – ABN 86 004 000 239 web site. Iljumzhinov denied the Makropoulos to fulfil his dream Mullumbimby: Village Way, Stuart St. Ph 02 6684 1777 Fax 02 6684 1719 claim and saw off the insurgency. of three and a half decades and Printer: Fairfax Media Brisbane Reg. by Aust. Post Pub. No. NBF9237 However, this week Iljum- finally become FIDE President. 10 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Letters

zone for the Cumbebin Na- ture Reserve and functions EAR WAX? as a watershed into the sur- RELAX rounding wetlands and Be- longil Creek. Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Th e NPWS Offi ce of En- now available at vironment and Heritage Carlyle Street Medical Centre identifi es forty-three threat- ened animal species that are gentle & safe – no water used known or likely to occur, or BULK BILLED have potential habitat, within the area. Byron Bay is already 13 Carlyle Street, Byron Bay blanketed with tourism op- Appointments Call 6685 7479 erators and generic infra- structure. Instead of more YOU DON’T PAY ME… of the same, let’s revegetate and beautify one of our last THE LENDER DOES remaining tracts of undevel- Janice Ryan oped land to serve as a focal Mortgage Broker point for the town’s future ex- Diploma of Financial Services pansion. Join us on our Save 30 years’ lending experience Butler Reserve Facebook E: janice@wpff NORTEC ing, ACCC or ASIC, depend- What is really needed is ef- page: M: 0400 364 723 Ian Oelrichs OAM asked in ing on the issues. fective use of the technology byronbutlerstreetmarket. w: last week’s Echo whether a re- Ian also asks who owned now available to give a voice Helen Burns view was needed of the pro- the incubator sites? Th e an- to the community on every Byron Bay cess that allowed NORTEC, swer will be the relevant legal major decision. in Ian’s words, ‘to sell what entity NORTEC held the as- Here are my suggestions We want more for are essentially community as- sets in (probably the company for bringing in real democ- our land! sets to pay for their failure’. A cited above, which I assume is racy to local government: At the Council meeting this BOWEL RESTORE TO THE RESCUE good question. Th ere seems one ‘limited by guarantee’). 1. For every major deci- coming Th ursday the coun- to be a missing link in the If this is correct, the ‘owners’ sion: On a dedicated Council cillors will be deliberating on DO YOU chain of accountability. will be the members (share- voting website, a list of the the North Coast Commu- NORTEC runs a mixed holders) in that company. arguments for and against the nity Housing development HAVE BOWEL business of commercial and Given the level of com- issue be listed, and residents between the council carpark non-profit activities, but plaint, as documented in vote on it. and the preschool for 25 units, PROBLEMS? generally holds itself out to these pages, members of that 2. For every important de- 19 of which will be put on the HEALTH & BEAUTY the world as a ‘non-profi t’, a company would be entitled cision: All councillors sit on a market and only six at a sup- social privilege that in itself to ask questions of its direc- specially convened panel that posedly aff ordable rental rate. STARTS WITH generates considerable com- tors and whether they have is addressed by the commu- The council should bar- munity goodwill. complied with their duties as nity to air their concerns and gain harder on this one be- THE BOWEL A number of letters to The directors in making decisions enable everyone to present cause the trade off is not good eliminates parasites, eggs, nests Echo have questioned wheth- in relation to the sale of the their case. enough considering it is to be constipation er that goodwill has been incubation sites and its gen- 3. A community liaison built on community land. smelly, embarrassing gas honoured by NORTEC in its eral business conduct. officer be appointed as the Chris Cooney sale of the incubator sites and The public silence of contact point between the irritable bowel syndrome Mullumbimby Organic other business conduct. NORTEC is regrettable and community, Council staff stomach bloating Wild Crafted Readers may be interested holds the many people and and councillors so that there Support for council bad breath Ingredients to know that NORTEC Em- businesses adversely aff ected is direct communication and Victims of Holiday Letting 1 23 ployment and Training Lim- by their actions in contempt. follow up. (VOHL) fully support legal ited (ABN: 88129092280) is I encourage NORTEC to 4. A list of all staff posi- action begun by Byron Shire SERVING $99.00 registered as a charity with break that silence and to dem- tions be on Council’s website approx $3 $85.00 Council in the NSW Land and per day EACH ACNC, the charities regula- onstrate to the communities so the community know who Environment Court (LEC) tor, and enjoys the coveted it purports to serve that it is the people are, what their against illegal holiday letting. (07) 5523 9100 status of a ‘public benevolent listening to the wide spectrum jobs entail, and how to con- continued on next page 2/23 Enterprise Ave, Tweed Heads, NSW Australia institution’. Anyone wish- of complaint from the com- tact them. ing to complain to ACNC munity that has been made in These would be major can contact them here: the utmost good faith. steps in providing real de- Mark Swivel mocracy to local government. THE RAILS Ian also writes that Bagalow Len Bates ‘NORTEC has said they do Mullumbimby THE RAILWAY FRIENDLY BAR, BYRON BAY not have the expertise to Real democracy 6685 7662 • run them (the incubator Th e attempt by the council to Save Butler Reserve AND THE FAMOUS RAILS kitchen sites)’. If that were true then bring democracy to the Shire A community-based cam- NORTEC’s conduct in run- by having a jury is admirable paign is underway to have Thursday 22 February ning and advertising the but is it really just moving the the Butler Street Reserve in DAN HANNAFORD BAND incubation sites over time deck chairs around? Byron Bay retained as public Friday 23 February might be worth examining Th e fundamental problem open space. closely in a court – if anyone with the present democratic This is in preference to GOODRICH had the time and resources system is we vote for our proposals by Council for an Saturday 24 February to do so. representatives once every interstate bus terminal, busi- WANDERERS If anyone believes a com- four years and then leave it ness concessions and a me- Sunday 25 February pany has been misleading to them to decide on every tered parking lot. or deceptive in its business issue on our behalf. A jury in The site is the longtime ANDY JANSZ BROWN conduct – in relation to its a way is still a representative home of the popular By- BAND non-profi t or other activities, system, and in the present ron community market and Monday 26 February complaints can be made to case for one issue only, infra- farmers’ markets. It is also an PAT TIERNEY the Department of Fair Trad- structure. officially designated buffer Tuesday 27 February Letters to the Editor SAM BUCKINGHAM Send to Letters Editor Aslan Shand, fax: 6684 1719 email: [email protected] Deadline: Noon, Friday. Wednesday 28 February Letters longer than 200 words may be cut. Letters already published in other papers will not be MATT ARMITAGE considered. Please include your full name, address and phone number for verifi cation purposes. North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 11 Letters North Coast news daily:

continued from page 11 Coral not coal Research undertaken by Barrio is undoubtedly noisy. Pottsville’s mens shed alternative sites? A former VOHL believes comments Responding to my concerns the Australia Institute reveals Big windows all along the Pottsville and District Men’s member reports being evict- by Holiday Lets Organisa- about Labor’s support for the that only 1,494 jobs will be street directly opposite the Shed have flagged that they ed, and others complain of tion (Byron) president John Adani coal mine, federal La- created by the Adani coal housing complex are open intend to expand and take being bullied, for asking that Gudgeon are misinformed bor deputy opposition leader mine, not 10,000 as falsely and let the noise from guests over more of the Black Rocks the shed committee follow when he states that holiday Tanya Plibersek wrote: claimed by Adani and the and music stream across into sportsfield site. Their presi- recommended procedures letting in residential zones is ‘Climate change and en- Queensland Labor govern- people’s homes. dent is again claiming they for investigating possible legal (Echo February 14). vironmental protection are ment. However, 69,000+ I’m surprised the develop- have nowhere else to go and Crown Land sites. Mr Gudgeon states, ‘The among the most important tourism-related jobs are at ment was approved in this want their temporary five- When an ideal potential standard planning permission challenges facing this coun- stake if the Great Barrier Reef form. It includes warehouses, year lease at the site extended. site in the centre of town for a residential premises al- try. I do not believe that the is not protected. shops, studios and residences. In their report to Council, was suggested, they banned lows you to rent it out for short (Adani) Carmichael mine Even though Queensland A more appropriate design (17 July 2014) they stated that all consideration and discus- term.’ In the judgment of Do- project stacks up economi- Labor has honoured their would have put the potentially the Black Rocks sportsfield is sion of alternative sites. Given brohotoff v Bennic LEC case in cally or environmentally. election promise to veto a noisy restaurant and the loud- the only suitable location be- their track record who knows May 2013 Justice Pepper stated ‘The Great Barrier Reef taxpayer-funded loan for music gym in the centre of the caise, ‘there is room for future what this clique has planned that the illegal holiday letting is Australia’s greatest natu- Adani’s rail line, they sup- complex, where it would be expansion of our facility and for the Black Rocks site? was an affront to the plan- ral resource and requires the port the biggest coal mine in less likely to affect the amenity the establishment of other The Men’s Shed should ning laws of NSW. A number strongest possible environ- Australia’s history being built of Sunrise residents. community facilities’. not be asking for an extended of LEC case judgments have mental protection... We must in the Galilee Basin. Federal I have put in an objection An email from the shed lease even before their grand stated that a minimum three- do everything we can to en- Labor has not publicly stated to Barrio’s obtaining a liquor president 18 March 2015 to opening takes place. They month rental is allowed for a sure that it is preserved... Not their opposition to the Adani licence. It can only add to MP Geoff Provest states: ‘we should be actively seeking dwelling house in a residential only is it an environmental coal mine or changed their the disturbance for existing require more than a postage- a more suitable permanent zone. Anything less is illegal asset, it also supports tens of policy to ‘no new coal mines’. residents of Sunrise. There’s stamp size block of land. home. Black Rocks Sports and ‘Development without thousands of jobs. How can Labor achieve already a pub very nearby Approximately one hectare Field does not meet any of Consent’. ‘Labor is committed to their zero net pollution tar- but it was designed in a way is what is needed for men’s the criteria for a Men’s Shed. Council’s legal governance zero net pollution by 2050, get by 2050 and how can we that directs noise away from shedders of the future to It is imperative that Council officer Mr Ralph James said, in line with the Paris Agree- believe that they are commit- houses across the street. work with’. enforce its restrictions on oc- ‘Many neighbours had been ment. We believe that Aus- ted to effective and immedi- I’m not sure I appreciate The sportsfield is only cupancy, for the benefit of the unwilling to give formal writ- tralia can be a leading clean- ate climate-change action all the wonders of Habitat if it four hectares in size which is community, and to protect ten statements’ about illegal energy superpower. when they support the dirty, means accepting a big impost already below Council’s pre- our wildlife. holiday letting. ‘Renewables are Australia’s outdated fossil-fuel-intensive on this peaceful suburb. ferred size for sportsfields. S Sledge VOHL has been contacted future. We need a clean-en- coal industry? If it can’t be managed bet- Therefore expansion of the NRG President by many residents who feel ergy policy that gives us cer- Dave Norris ter, I suggest that the restau- men’s shed facility could se- intimidated and fearful of ret- tainty and encourages further Pottsville rant and gym be relocated to verely compromise sporting Gobsmacked Greens ribution. If you are suffering investment in renewables... the area near the swimming use of the field. And what The rationalisation from from illegal holiday letting Having a plan for renewables Barrio noisy pool and the current areas be next? A road through to the Michael Lyon, Gobsmacked VOHL urges you to make a is not only good for our en- I’m a resident of Sunrise and redeveloped as residential. planned Dunloe Park subdi- Greens reply, in response formal complaint to Council vironment; it is good for our am concerned about the resi- Wishful thinking? No, just vision? More land gone? Poor to The Echo’s criticism of and stand up for your rights economy... Renewables are dents affected by noise from good planning. koalas! Council processes in the pri- Doug Luke becoming cheaper than coal. Barrio restaurant on Bay- Anny Reed Have they made any rea- or edition is unfortunately Co-ordinator, VOHL They create sustainable jobs.’ shore Drive. Byron Bay sonable attempt to look for continued on page 14


Bruns Eco Village (BEV), with four adjoining landowners on Saddle Ridge, has responded to Council’s invitation for Affordability Pilot Projects with a planning proposal. Here are some things you might not know…

Are BEV and the other landowners proposing ‘tens of thousands’ of homes on Saddle Ridge? The proposal is for 475 homes. 120 at BEV, the remainder with her neighbours. Are they just jumping on the affordability bandwagon because the opening was there? Affordability has been part of BEV’s DNA since conception, and well before the gateway process was announced, in recognition that ecological and social sustainability must go hand in hand. What is on the table right now for affordability? Of the 475 homes that make up the proposal, 200 are slated for affordable housing – 120 through BEV, and 80 through adjoining landowners. This is not BEV. This is an image from Making this the most significant affordable housing offer ever seen in the Shire! Shutterstock

How are BEV and the other landowners defining affordability? Why is BEV partnering with the adjoining landowners? There are many definitions, but BEV has set rents at 80% of market BEV is collaborative by nature, and wants a productive relationship with rates. The 80 home sites from adjoining landowners will be given to her neighbours. They are not quite as motivated by the ‘Green Mission’ Council. as BEV, but they are multiple-generation locals with a deep attachment to the area, and who understand how dire the housing crisis in the Are they getting special treatment? Shire has become. BEV also sees it as an opportunity to create a broad Not that we’ve noticed. There were many proposals submitted to Coun- vision for positive, community-appropriate development across the cil’s Affordability Pilot EOI (including 11 others from Saddle Ridge ridge, and influence the context within which BEV itself is developed. alone), and several have already been given the green light. BEV is faithfully following the pathway that has been laid out before her, and She sounds amazing. Can I get her phone number? this pathway will involve a lengthy process of community consultation. No. But there is a lot of information freely available on the website, Is BEV a Trojan Horse for mega development with everything from vision to structure to funding. BEV has deliberately sought tight restrictions for herself, such as requesting that subdivision to small lots not be possible. BEV and the adjoining landowners have always been willing to lock in the intention See for more info of the proposal through Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs).

12 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Letters West Byron Mega Development – NO WAY

Q Byron deserves better is a structive mega-development how it’s changed, and we still West Byron isn’t a done no brainer. For a long time as ever seen in the Shire. do. It is our responsibility as deal. We can still have a say a community we have proudly We must do our best to caretakers. I don’t believe the and keep the magic that we CABARITA BEACH stated and defended our cur- stop it. If you care, do a sub- NSW state government has have and that the developers rent and future priorities to mission and then write letters heard the voice of the majority are trying to capitalise on. HEALTH CENTRE protect, preserve and enhance to the government. Write a of Byron Bay residents yet. If Write submissions. I 3-5/33 Tweed Coast Road (Between the two Thai Shops) Cabarita Beach the special values of Byron song or a poem, do a painting, we speak up and write now we know we are all busy but take 02 6676 4027 | Shire. Th anks to all those who just do something. Make sure can stop the insult that is West a quick moment and speak Integrated Patient Centric Health Centre turned up for the rally; it was you talk about this with fam- Byron megadevelopment. up. Collectively we are more - Male and Female Doctors - Dietician inspiring – and thanks for the ily and friends – each one of Contrary to what some powerful than these big- - Podiatrist - Diabetes Educator lovely Byron hugs. them has the right to make a may think, West Byron is not money developers, you just - Psychologists - Hearing services - Nurse - Immunisation - Chronic Disease But now that energy must submission. Otherwise sign a a done deal! have to believe it! - SKIN Cancer Clinic Management be focused so that the ensu- petition, so our local members Do we want a 4–6m wall Write two emails to: ing West Byron mega-devel- of parliament can continue stretching for 1.3km as we [email protected]. BULK BILLING | PATHOLOGY On Site opment does not proceed. to raise the issue in Sydney, enter town? Do we want the au – development applica- Home Visits can be arranged Our opposition to inap- where the power lies. swamp, the lungs of Belongil tion #1 email subject: DA Opening Hours Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm | Sat - opening soon propriate development has If you need help, infor- Creek and home to endan- 10.2017.661.1 (local land own- Ramana Panda - Director always been backed up with mation is available on Byron gered species and koalas, to ers). Development applica- evidence. The BSC refused Residents Group Facebook be fi lled in with literally thou- tion #2 email subject: DA the rezoning of the WB lands site – don’t regret that you sands of truckloads of dirt? 10.2017.201.1 (Villaworld). but with good reasons. did nothing. It could take 18 months of Start by saying who you are Th en the ALP government Come on, Byron Shire trucks every 3.5 minutes, 10 and what Byron and the area accepted the land as a major community, you have a right hours per day, six days a week means to you then raise some project, denying the council to be annoyed and a respon- to bring in the fi ll. Won’t we of the concerns with this de- the role of approval author- sibility to take action! have some fun traffi c! velopment and its impact. WLQ\WRWV ity and then the coalition ap- Jan Barham Do we want 1,000 high- Check www.byronresi- proved the rezoning despite Broken Head density houses increasing the for more info. many detailed submissions population by a massive 25 per Will Conner GDQFH outlining the fl aws. Q What does Byron Bay mean cent? Do we want 98,000 ex- Byron Bay Th e rezoning was resub- to you? Everyone has their tra car movements per week? mitted to government when own connection; for me it’s Where does all the poo Q It was heartening to see the the Byron council supported the place I grew up, the place go? Where does the wildlife residents who protested the the bypass; it was the theo- I call home even when I’m far go? Where does the water go? proposed West Byron devel- retical solution to a major is- away – the place where I can Where do all the extra kids go opment. sue but the push for it was escape this crazy world. to school? Make submissions by obvious in terms of the West Yes, Byron has changed I’m for responsible devel- March 30. Byron development. and like it or not we have opment that enhances life for Yvonne Jessup Now we have the most de- all collectively had a say in all Byron residents. Byron Bay

Stoked to support our local surf community…

The way it should be



@stoneandwood Stone and Wood Brewing

North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 13 Letters North Coast news daily:

continued from page 12 indicative of ‘doing the job’ lor and has shown a degee of of communities that power big. But they underestimate think it wise to make his du- indicative that our council- if you do not understand independence and initiative themselves. And finally, our community, filled with ties clear, so you furnish him lors just do not get it. your responsibilities or how not evident in the others. someone has considered peo- people who embrace change with a job description and a Ironically on the opposite the system works. It is a hard Tom Tabart ple who rent. Solar ‘gardens’ that is good for everyone, and list of his specific delegated re- page is an article by your re- learning curve but council- Drysdale where people receive energy who are willing to invest their sponsibilities. To keep an eye porter Aslan Shand featuring lors need to understand credits even when they move, precious money to support it. on the purse-strings you put a picture of Jan Barham look- and exercise their powers Power to the people is a brilliant idea. Magenta Appel-Pye in a clause that limits him to a ing across at Michael’s photo. and responsibilities as laid Regarding Alison Crook’s This logical, ethical model Mullumbimby spend of $50 a month on fuel The article concerns ‘GM’s out in the Local Government article (Feburary 7) about of energy from the sun and for the mower. delegation’ which councillors Act and other documents. the vision of affordable en- sourced locally seems so Shrinking capitalism Things seemingly go well seem not to understand and A cosy relationship with the ergy for all, I consider Enova obvious I wonder why it’s I reckon ‘capitalism requires for a while until you be- have consequently neglected. GM and staff will definitely Community Energy com- not already happening eve- growth’ is a bit of a myth. come aware that the previ- The result has been the not cut it. pany the most exciting thing rywhere? Of course the big There are long periods in ous month the sum of $500 GM’s expensive frolic with the On the other hand it is happening in our Shire. companies hate this sort of economies where the GDP was spent on fuel. When ‘Bypass legals’ and doubtless encouraging to see Michael I pinch myself and, ouch! revolutionary idea and come contracts. you challenge Rolf, he’s well many other grey expenditures. coming out in defence of the I’m not dreaming, yay! Enova out with dirty-trick guns fir- Trick 1 is to keep interest ready with his reply: ‘Yes, It is no use detailing a list Greens’ record. He is the best- is up and running and our lit- ing. That’s the way they do rates positive so people want but that limit only applied to of initiatives that claim to be credentialed Greens council- tle Shire is leading the charge business and how they got so to put their money in savings. the lawnmower. I spent the Trick 2 is make the inter- money on fuel for the tractor’. est rate higher than GDP so You detect the smugness people don’t want to invest in of a bush lawyer who reck- business. ons he’s found a loophole, but Supported by Australian Government’s Trick 3 is to make inflation you try not to rise to the bait. Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund higher than the interest rate ‘There’s nothing in your job by printing money so real description about driving the capital is shrinking. tractor, is there?’ It is just a matter of using ‘Well, the driveway be- the levers of capitalism to cre- came bumpy so as property ate economic contraction so manager, I felt I had to do it fits into one planet. something’. CALLING YOUNG Sapoty Brook ‘Look, I know perfectly Mullumbimby well that scraping and lev- eling would have used only Rent increases $50 of fuel. Did you spend CREATIVES I recently completed the $450 on beer, or what?’ Bruns Eco Village (BEV) Ignoring the financial as- development program. pects, he prefers to focus on When I tell my interstate the job itself. ‘You yourself friends about it, they get jeal- have said on more than one 14-22 YEARS ous. How lucky you are to live occasion that the road is in in a Shire where projects like poor condition’. this happen. ‘Look, why didn’t you just But that’s the thing. They ask me whether I wanted the don’t. Given where our po- job done?’ He looks sheep- Your opportunity to litical centre is, we should be ish and finally replies, ‘Er, you leading the way in delivering might have said “No”’. community-driven, afford- Not long afterwards you win $1000, mentoring able and sustainable housing. arrive home one day from When I look at what BEV a visit to town to find work and an appearance has brought to the table, on its barricades blocking your own and with the 80 afford- front entrance, and a bevy able homes through adjoin- of tradies’ trucks parked out- at Byron Writers ing landowners, I just don’t side. You seek out the fore- understand why we’re not man, who says to you, ‘Yes I Festival 2018. jumping on it. was told you might be upset, My landlord increased my so I’m to give you this docu- rent a week before Christmas. ment explaining everything’. We’ve been waiting years You commence to read Come and find out the details at this for affordable housing. Let’s said document, which is get something done this year. headed ‘Instrument of Del- FREE presentation with Mark Dapin Daniel Alexander egation’ and goes on to state Durrumbul ‘My property manager Rolf is able to do whatever he likes A matter of balance whenever he likes on my be- Now that The Echo has finally half’. And it’s signed by you! DETAILS & TICKETS acknowledged that the ques- The date tells you that it tion of the GM’s delegated was executed on your divorce authority is important, I’m anniversary, not long before Thursday 8 March, 4pm-5.30pm going to venture beyond ‘bal- your manager’s departure. Whitebrook Theatre anced journalism’ (which ‘But I was drunk, depressed, Southern Cross University often leaves the reader none distracted, I didn’t know what the wiser) into the realm of I was doing…’ Unruffled by Military Road, Lismore caricature. My purpose is to this the foreman just says, illustrate the issues of delegat- ‘Look, the money’s already FREE, bookings essential ed power so simply that even been taken from your account Denier-in-Chief Simon Rich- so I’ll just get on with the job’. ardson can understand them. The next few months are Imagine you own a large a nightmare as you wonder property and that you don’t what else you might have want to get bogged down with signed before Rolf left. every nitty-gritty issue of run- Fast Buck$ ning the place, so you appoint Coorabell a property manager, Rolf. You more letters on page 16 14 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: How do you dismiss a general manager? Thirty-one years have passed since Nicholas Shand dreamed up this newspaper and gathered a band of fellow dreamers to help him make it real. In those 31 years The Echo has grown, like a magic beanstalk, far taller than we ever imagined, and it is now a feature of Shire life. Our ongoing series on the history of our beloved rainbow rag continues this week, written by the newspaper’s longest-serving drudge, David Lovejoy. ounding editor Nicho- was filming proceedings, and convicted of assault before. and the condition that there las Shand returned Bradbury stumbled and inad- Both men appealed, and should be nothing said in Ffrom his long-service vertently knocked Bennette’s Tucker alone was successful. public about the reasons for leave at the end of March, wife over. Instead of going The appeal judge did not re- his going. Other clients reported that a press in general and The Echo 1996. He was highly amused to his wife’s assistance, Ben- call the witnesses; he merely The enforced silence from deputation of prominent con- in particular. These were of- at the comic opera scenario nette immediately assaulted read the transcripts and de- Council surrounding the servatives had visited them, fered in return for a donation playing out in Council, and at Bradbury. The next meeting cided the matter without ref- general manager’s departure saying that it was time for to the paper and were very The Echo’s unavoidable cen- of Council censured Tucker, erence to the body language allowed the right wing to ig- businesspeople to stand up popular. tral role in it. not for the physical attack on and verbal cues which the nite public fury among those and resist the green scourge The third thing we did was It was clear that neither Bradbury, which was then magistrate in the lower court committed to the Eastcott corrupting the Shire, and let people know what was hap- the majority of the commu- sub judice, but for a verbal had observed. cause, and those they had urging them to transfer their pening. In a publishers’ letter nity nor the majority of the attack on another councillor After the appeal Tucker ar- successfully misinformed. advertising from The Echo to Nicholas, Jeff and I wrote that councillors were prepared to whom he had falsely accused gued with indomitable chutz- There was a protest march the Byron News. it was entirely up to our cus- see Max Eastcott continue his of leaking documents. pah that Council should pay in Mullumbimby, adorned tomers where they placed their reckless regime. But with the In due course Tucker and his legal costs as the incident with placard messages in sup- Freedom of advertising, and that we did mayor unwilling to act, the Bennette were convicted of had occurred at a Council port of Max, which turned out, not support the efforts of those problem was how the general assault. I attended the court meeting. Naturally the coun- on close inspection, to be writ- expression trying to organise a boycott of manager could be dismissed. hearing, and noted how the cillors refused. Over the next ten on the back of a local real Our response was three- the shops which, for whatever prosecution witnesses were few years Tucker shamelessly estate agent’s signs. The coun- fold. Revenue had dried up so reason, had withdrawn their A true gentleman not consistent, precise or raised the matter at regular cillors who had voted Eastcott alarmingly that the first step business from us. It was also clear that Coun- well-drilled. They were sim- intervals until Council finally, out were booed, hissed and was to make immediate cuts. This was Nicholas’s sincere cillor Ross Tucker needed to ply individuals who had been through fatigue and a threat shouted down when they Henceforth the paper lost its position, based on an almost calm down. The fury of his at the scene and remembered from the Ombudsman, yield- left the Council chambers. B4 magazine appearance and holy belief in freedom of histrionic performances in the it in slightly different ways. ed to his importunity. Nicholas was sideswiped by a for a while was printed as an expression. But the result, a Council meetings called in re- The defendants’ witnesses, car driven in the protest cav- untrimmed and unstitched genuine surprise to him, was sponse to the Cavanbah Ar- on the other hand, were all Jumping ship alcade by a Max supporter; tabloid. We decided to leave a wonderful vote of confi- cade scandal had not abated. word-perfect and totally un- Max Eastcott also had a fortunately he suffered only downgrading our stock to dence in the newspaper by its At a June meeting there convincing. Despite their ef- fair share of chutzpah, and bruises and surprise. newsprint until it was abso- readers, who – without our was a scuffle involving Tuck- forts, the magistrate found for not a little cunning. When it A large portion of the fury lutely necessary – fortunately encouragement – deserted er, documentary filmmaker the prosecution and imposed became clear that the coun- was reserved for The Echo. it never was. the politics-playing advertis- David Bradbury and devel- fines and costs. His question cillors were serious about get- We suddenly discovered that Emergency revenue was ers in such numbers that in a oper Jerry Bennette. Tucker about prior records elicited ting rid of him, he negotiated some of our main advertisers created by printing stickers matter of weeks they had all pushed Bradbury aside as he the fact that Tucker had been a big payout on his contract, had withdrawn their custom. and buttons supporting a free returned to our pages. Sale

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North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 15 Letters North Coast news daily:

Status in a cup a social anthropologist from and could see that they were can look like the people they Time for fluoride? tion found the infrastructure Everyone who knows me is Cambridge University, and successful. Whereas the real seek to emulate. Labor moves to force coun- has deteriorated significantly aware of my hatred for takea- now I feel enlightened as to workers were in their eyes un- So the learned ones’ con- cils to fluoridate water and with more than $900 million way coffees. Not just the pu- why this craze is continuing. successful as they struggled clusion is that by walking seemingly I am one of those needed to clear the vegeta- trid liquid purporting to be Let me quickly explain. week on week to keep from through a shopping centre referred to as members of tion, stabilise landslide areas, from this Ethiopian magical Back 300 or so years the work- starving to death. carrying a cardboard cup of a ‘tiny group of conspiracy replace timber bridges and fruit, but the dislike of con- ers were busy toiling over two It is felt now by ‘these brown sludge that person theorists’. sleepers, extensive replace- fronting person after person or three jobs in order to bring experts’ that this structure is saying – look at me, I am If I want to ingest fluoride ment of ballast and bring walking around the streets of a decent wage into the fam- of society has changed. The so busy, so successful in my I would go buy some pills the system up to the current most towns and cities, grasp- ily. They had one day off a ‘workers’ want to show that life, that I have no time to sit or liquid from the chemist. safety and operating stand- ing a cardboard cup like a week, if they were lucky. They they are also successful. That down like a normal person I resent being forced to con- ards for frequent and quick totem pole. had no time to rest. On the they can buy possessions. Eat and drink a coffee. Instead I sume something/anything train services.’ The only time I feel it justi- other hand, the gentry lived a out. Drink lots of booze. Buy have to carry a takeaway. that I do not agree with. The study then suggested fied to waste my money on more sedate life. They calmly nice cars, houses, and go on A cardboard cup is there- Our freedom of choice is the only viable option was a these abominations is when walked from pillar to post, three or four holidays a year. fore a status symbol. We have being eroded at many points. rail trail. driving on a long trip with talking, dealing, eating, drink- Many are living a vicari- truly gone barking mad. Our lives are being controlled It’s very natural for peo- time constraints. But listening ing. Because they had this se- ous existence through social Hugh Downie by those who do not neces- ple to hold on to what they’re to the ABC recently, I heard date life others looked at them media and reality TV. They Federal sarily have our best interests used to. I personally remem- at heart. ber the disappointment of Mr Secord clearly is not losing the train service back fully informed and his ac- in 2004. tions will have ongoing det- Having walked some of rimental effects on his con- the corridor, it’s clearly evi- stituents whom he claims to dent that all the timber sleep- represent. ers are shot, and the 8mm We, the unwashed, are be- pressed steel replacement ing forced to drink medicated sleepers are rusting under water. So for him to state the the tracks which also suffer community wants fluordated enormously with rust. water is incorrect. All this, plus the fact that Quite clearly there are some politicians effectively communities opposed and keep the wool over our eyes, they should have the right to for their career advantage, drink their water without this means we need to establish substance being added. the best policy for our cor- For the rest of the com- ridor, by ourselves. munities I would suggest they Our corridor is far more have just gone along with important for our distant fu- whatever the governemnet of ture than hopes for a train. the day wants to do. The rail trail is the only The few of us who have way to save the corridor for some idea of the effects of future use right now. It’s not adding this chemical to our about ‘lycra’ or ‘ripping the water supply are marginal- tracks’. It’s about saving the ised and corralled as ‘Con- corridor. A rail trail will cer- spiracy Theorists’. tainly boost the local econo- Garry Willett mies, but it may well be only Mt Ommaney a first step towards holding on to the corridor and allow- Why save the ing future generations the corridor? chances to reinvent it for even There is an interesting dis- higher purposes. connect between those who- They very much deserve know a train isn’t going to be it, and very likely will depend funded by any government, on it. and those who entrust them- Tim Shanasy selves to a few political rep- Byron Bay resentatives who peddle on- going hopes that a train will Olympics and eventually be funded. geography The facts are that a train Kipling’s quote starts with rebuild between Casino and the concern: ‘Oh, East is East, Murwillumbah, and especial- and West is West, and never ly on to the Gold Coast, is not the twain shall meet...’ and on any government’s radar, as continues to the optimistic there simply isn’t anywhere hope for progress: ‘When two near enough population. strong men stand face to face, The LNP commissioned though they come from the the $2million ARUP report ends of the earth!’ back in 2012 to assess the We saw that North and viability of a return to train South have met at the winter services. It states ‘The study Olympics with the Korean found the rail line would not delegates shaking hands. meet current or future trans- The East and West is an- port needs because the line other matter with US VP did not service two of the Pence ignoring the North three biggest centres in the Korean team. region, namely Tweed Heads The world is a sphere – and Ballina. It also found there there are no corners to hide was no commercial demand in – make a first step and say for it to be reinstated to carry hello. freight. Dennis Fitzgerald ‘An engineering examina- Melbourne 16 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Letters North Byron Parklands permanent site application debate continues

Q I oppose the proposal to festivals operate. We believe rare, endangered flora and cil control. 2. Byron Shire is Q Parklands’ application for manager, Chris Larkin, who give the Yelgun music festi- the fauna studies downplay fauna, on a flood plain, cuts overloaded with tourists. 3. permanency has been on attended both RWG meetings vals permanent approval. these impacts. Similarly, the across the last wildlife cor- Parklands wants permanent public exhibition and during in 2017, was also apprised of Having lived in South impacts on local residents is ridor, lack of consultation, approval, but annual reviews that time a few people have the application’s progress. Golden Beach for more than downplayed by ‘studies’ of the impact on residents, water, are in our best interest, requir- asked me why the application Council provided a de- 20 years we are in close prox- impacts of noise. phone networks, traffic, etc. ing specific, rigorous condi- wasn’t lodged with Council tailed submission to the imity to the major music fes- There is the imposition of a After pressure from the tions. 4. DoP oversight of the for determination. DP&E in January 2017 speci- tivals’ site. We chose to live massive increase in the num- community, State Depart- trial has been lax with almost Under the Environmental fying what it wanted to see in here because of the peaceful bers of people for the festivals. ment of Planning representa- 100 breaches and other irreg- Planning and Assessment the final application. rural coastal village environ- All our amenities, services and tives met locals in a back ularities. 5. Recurring issues Act (EP&A Act) any appli- Parklands held a number of ment. We discovered that we infrastructure are stretched corner of the Ocean Shores include noise, traffic, fire, en- cation of North Byron Park- community-consultation days were living in the locality of well beyond their limits. We shopping centre. vironmental impacts, impacts lands type greater than $30m and meetings with a range of a unique, diverse and signifi- feel trapped in our house. I started protesting in early on local roads, water, sewer must go to the Department of government organisations, cantly important natural en- We are not opposed to 2007, to packed public meet- systems, residential amenity, Planning and Environment Aboriginal groups, landown- vironment that includes more festivals per se. But we are ings. Parklands refused to at- health, flooding on low-lying (DP&E) for approval. Park- ers and the wider community than 50 threatened species opposed to such a massive tend. After 11 years, including areas, use of fireworks. 6. The lands’ application is $44m to determine a range of views and one of the very last wild- imposition on our locality. a five-year trial period, we’re proposed burial and spraying and cannot legally be deter- on the application. life corridor links between the The festivals do not need to even more convinced that it’s of sewage is concerning for a mined by Council. There is Over the past ten events hinterland and the coast. be located here – there is al- a bad idea. site that straddles two water no choice in the matter. Council has played a regulato- These lifestyle and envi- ready another major music Parklands has operated on catchments. Parklands originally ry and compliance role across ronment qualities have been festival site not 10 kilometres the toe-in-the-door principle, Parklands say they will im- sought and received approval a number of areas under its heavily affected by the festivals away (Bluesfest site). creeping up the numbers, du- plement their sewage-treat- from Council to host a trial jurisdiction and, pleasingly, during the five-year trial pe- In reality both these festi- ration and frequency. Park- ment plans ‘progressively as event in 2009; however, it was this will continue should the riod. We’re devastated that the vals should be located some- lands now want to increase budget allows’; however, a challenged in court and it was application be approved. government has allowed these where like Casino on de- their numbers to 50,000. complete sewage treatment subsequently invalidated. I would like to thank festivals to continue despite graded lands well away from Now that Parklands is in system was supposed to be in Since that time Parklands Council staff for their on- the festivals’ breaking their residential localities. Leave the hands of an American place by the end of 2017. has continued to build a solid going feedback regarding conditions of consent many these environmentally sig- company, if permanency is 7. An independent cost- relationship with Council, the project and in particu- times. Background noise lev- nificant places alone! approved with the NSW State benefit analysis has not been who have played a not insig- lar, Councillors Cameron, els have increased many fold. R Whitling DoP, Council and residents done. nificant role in the latest ap- Hunter and Richardson for It is a nonsense argument South Golden Beach will have no rights of redress. Make a submission against plication. Councillors Rich- their ongoing participation, to say that native wildlife are Reasons why the DoP permanency to the DoP, at: ardson, Hunter and Cameron, analysis and identification of not majorly affected by these Q I like festivals. However, should not accept the appli- who are all members of the improvement opportunities noise levels. Anecdotal evi- I‘m very worried about the cation: 1. Control is supposed Ri Fraser Parklands regulatory work- in their role as members of dence suggests that residents Parklands applying for a per- to revert to Council after the Ocean Shores ing group (RWG), have been Parklands regulatory work- who live several kilometres manent festival site at Yelgun. trial period to oversee local kept abreast of the drafting of ing group. from the site observe unusual The site is wrong for many impacts. Parklands will be Q Late submissions will be the current application since Mat Morris wildlife movements when the reasons, including sixty-four able to avoid local Coun- considered. April 2017. Council’s planning GM North Byron Parklands

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North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 17 Opinion North Coast news daily: Greens deal with govcorp no win for Bruns Michele Grant isterial approval with Council recommending the foreshore Greens councillor Michael area be incorporated in the Lyon is seeking accolades for RTA’s rehabilitation plans. breaking a perceived ‘stale- No other POMs were ever mate’ between Byron Shire endorsed by the local govern- Council (BSC) and NSW ment minister, including 2014 Crown Holiday Parks Trust POMs whose legality is now (NSWCHPT) over plans for under revision. the Brunswick Heads Holi- Throughout this long-run- day Parks. ning dispute Crown Lands has In fact, BSC had clearly es- refused to acknowledge park tablished the location of the encroachments on adjoin- Holiday Parks’ operational ing road reserves and Crown boundaries in 2012 [through] Lands, despite only acquiring licence agreements, which these lands through com- were consistently endorsed pulsory acquisition in 2012. by the subsequent council Campers, cars and vans are supposed to be at least 5m from the trunks of the Coastal Cypress pine trees oweing to their Amenity issues have been ig- (led by Mayor Richardson). sensitive roots system. However, NSW Crown Holiday Parks Trust once again failed to implement the recommendation this nored and the foreshore walk- It was reaffirmed in a motion summer. Photos Aslan Shand way in Terrace Park misrep- by Councillors Woods and resented in successive POMs. Wanchap in December 2015. the ‘agreed’ location of park He also vilified and denigrat- ing club to Ferry Reserve in use were undertaken on The behaviour of park The fact Crown Lands boundaries. ed community representa- unimpeded by caravan-park Ferry foreshore and South management has compro- were unhappy with this deci- The process leading up to tives and discouraged new activities. The southern sec- Terrace between 2000 and mised Council and staff. Both sion to exclude specific sites the approval of the 2014 POM councillors from discussing tion of Terrace Park was open 2006, allowing camping dur- Councillors Hunter and Ndi- from park operations includ- prompted the current review park issues with me person- recreational space used as a ing school holidays then year- aye have claimed NSWCHPT ing Ferry foreshore, lot 7005 of POMs. ally or participating in com- public picnic area with access round in public areas outside threatened legal action and at Massey Greene and the The appalling behaviour munity forums the foreshore to Simpsons Creek and bar- their operational boundaries, alluded to more positive out- Southern area of Terrace Park by park management made protection group organised. becue facilities. generating noise, parking and comes in other areas if Coun- was evident in their insistence Council, who acted in good Mayor Richardson also- Primitive camping (tents traffic problems. Large cara- cil conceded on the park is- on an interim licence granted faith in granting the interim threatened to leave meetings if only) were permitted during vans gained access to the Ter- sues – which is contemptible. in 2013 (for one year) to allow licence, even more deter- I attended or spoke. Therefore, Christmas and Easter under race when the cypress pines Many community mem- time to prepare new POMs. mined to ensure these en- I never got the opportunity to BSC licence agreements. The were savagely pruned in 2007. bers don’t agree that the out- Byron Shire Council spe- croached public lands were speak to new Greens coun- coastal cypress pines were a comes achieved by Council- cifically requested further retained for public use. Their cillors prior to Sarah Ndiaye’s protected community under Illegal lors Lyon and Ndiaye are an negotiations on park bound- position is explicit in subse- rescission motion in April, SEPP 15 provisions. improvement on the position aries before any plans were quent resolutions including 2017. Yet councillors attended Ferry Reserve foreshore encroachment held firmly and decisively pri- exhibited in the same mo- December 2015. multiple meetings delivered was also open recreational All these works were un- or to their election. In fact, the tion. Yet park management How is it possible for by NSWCHPT salesmen. space with similar licens- dertaken without Council’s performance of Green coun- included the extended ‘inter- Councillor Lyon to claim a To me, this is where the ing provisions for primitive knowledge or approval and cillors has been a complete im’ park boundaries in their win for the community when fairness, equity and trust camping during peak peri- in wilful defiance of Council’s and total sell-out that leaves POMs, which were exhibited he and the co-Green coun- were broken. ods only. At Massey Greene explicit directives, yet com- long-suffering residents with in December/January 2014 cillors all colluded to hand a loop road enabled access to pliance staff took no decisive no respite or resolution to and subsequently approved these contentious public More lost than the boat ramp adjoining the action to address these issues longstanding amenity issues. by the minister. lands (valued at more than harbour and the toilet block despite persistent complaints They have left us with far $3 million) to NSWCHPT – gained on the boundary of Lot 7005 from residents and BHPA. less access, not more as Cr Minister misled ending the ‘stalemate’ with To claim we now have bet- was a shared facility. In 2006 Crown Lands Lyon suggests, and it intensi- The fact is that the local feeble acquiescence. ter access along the foreshore, The community enjoyed sacked BSC as park manag- fies the pressure on vulner- government minister had Mayor Richardson pub- to the boat ramps and car these public facilities and rec- ers and the new management able foreshore lands. been misled to the extent licly spruiked and supported parking is farcical and fails to reational spaces until aggres- continued to implement their The loss of trust and con- that these were presented as NSWCHPT’s proposed plans. appreciate what we lost. sive management practices redevelopment plans without fidence in the Greens will un- Michael Lyon is obviously began obstructing the walk- Council or ministerial ap- doubtable be felt at the ballot unaware of the historic con- way in Terrace park (1997 proval for POMs or new li- box. Persuading stalwart Na- text or what the status quo was –2002). Park management cence agreements. tionals in Brunswick to vote before his arrival on the scene. erected fencing to enclose Crown Lands has imposed Green was the outstanding Until the late 90s the pub- public lands created access a continuous barrage of new achievement of Jan Barham lic walkway extended along and amenity issues. POMs, exhibiting plans in and Tom Tabart that is now the riverbank from the bowl- Incremental changes 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010 under serious threat. and 2014, usually over Christ- mas, demanding a relentless, Q Michele Grant is conven- dogged community response. or for Foreshore Protection In 2005 – two years be- Group (established in 2006 fore the completion of Pacific in response to Crown Lands Highway upgrade – a Ferry dismissal of BSC as park Reserve POM secured min- manager).

Easily assembled by one person in minutes Won’t block your view or breeze Multiple set up options for high or low sun positions Kit comes fully complete with sand pegs & rubber mallet. SHOP ONLINE – FREE & FAST Local Delivery Or visit our retail store at 13 Banksia Drive Byron Industrial Estate

18 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Byron Bay Surf Festival Program

Wednesday 21st Friday 23rd Saturday 24th cont. 6 – 9pm 9pm – 12am 9pm Peter Crawford Photo Exhibition & Miniskirt The life of Laird Hamilton Presented by Fallen Broken Street 4VIWIRXIHF]&IEGL,SXIPERH7XSRI ;SSH Byron Bay Community Centre A Spot of Genius Store, Byron Bay &IEGL,SXIP8M\EXHSSV Tickets via BBSF website Free Event 9pm – 12am Saturday 24th Live music The Vanns Thursday 22nd 9am – 5pm 4VIWIRXIHF]&IEGL,SXIPERH7XSRI ;SSH 5 – 7pm Surf Art Markets – Map Online &IEGL,SXIP8M\EXHSSV KUSP Artshow Presented by Stone & Wood Sunday 25th presented by RVCA 7XEPPWXMTMWWYVJFSEVHWLETIVWJEWLMSREVX]SKEWYWXEMREFMPMX] Jonson St Byron Bay IRZMVSRQIRXHMWGYWWMSRTERIPW[SVOWLSTWJSSH FIZWPMZI 7am – 2pm QYWMGERHXLI7LEOE=YVX Free event Freestyle & Stoke surf sessions including the (IXEMPWZMEIZIRXWTEKI&&7*[IFWMXI 6.30 – 9pm McTavish Trim (IRMRK4EVO*VIIIZIRX Surf Legends Lounge 4VIWIRXIHF]1G8EZMWL%XQSWIE'EXGLMX;SSH7YVJ'S  8 – 5pm 6:'%%PXIVREXMZIERHQSHIVRWYVJ Presented by Electric Shaka Yurt ;EXIKSW&IEGL*VIIIZIRX ,SWXIHF]7YV½RK;SVPH´W:EYKLER&PEOI]JIEXYVMRK7XITLERMI +MPQSVI%RHVI[/MHQER&SF1G8EZMWLERH)PPMW)VMGWSR Yoga Vinyasa Flow 4 – 9pm Byron Bay Community Centre Yoga Acro Live music – The Beautiful Girls Tickets via BBSF website Yoga Philosophy &&7*;VET4EVX]TVIWIRXIHF] &IEGL,SXIPERH7XSRI ;SSH SEA BIN [MXL4IXI'IUPMRWOM Friday 23rd &IEGL,SXIP8M\EXHSSV Allpress Coffee Workshop Guests: 6.30 – 7.30am Chrystal Dawn & Malia Rouillon – Protect The Reef Stephanie Gilmore, Alex Knost (USA), Ozzie Wright, Mark Fluoro Friday Andrew Kidman & Jon Frank Q&A Beyond Litmus – Occhilupo, Otis Carey, Tim Kerr (USA), Bryce Young, Kassia 4VIWIRXIHF]3RI;EZI Ecoboards – &V]ER&EXIW 8SQ;IKIRIV meador (USA), Bob McTavish, Andrew Kidman, Jared Mell 7YV½RKJYRXSWYTTSVXQIRXEPLIEPXL Mark Occhilupo Q&A [MXL7YV½RK;SVPH´W (USA), Vaughan Blakey, Joel Fitzgerald, Ari Browne, Thomas 8LI4EWW*VIIIZIRX :EYKLER&PEOI] Bexon, Jay Nelson (USA), Malcolm Campbell (USA), Ellis 8am – 12pm Adventure Vehicle – Jay Nelson Ericson, Tom Wegener (see BBSF website) FreeRadicals – Freesurf Experiments 5HEHFFD2OLYH®:RPHQLQ$XVWUDOLD6XU¼QJ Presented by RVCA & Electric Academia %PXIVREXMZIWLVIHWIWWMSRW[MXL[SVPH´WVEHHIWXJVIIWYVJIVW Hemp Revolution –8LI,IQT8IQTPI &IWXWYVJPSGEXMSRSRXLIHE] Sustainability In Business – (ER*MX^KIVEPH 7QEPP 5.30 – 7pm +MERXW .EWQMR(EP] 7 ;  &'SVT 18  2018 BBSF Art Show 5.30pm 3^^MI;VMKLX 3XMW'EVI][MXLWTIGMEPKYIWX8MQ/IVV 97% Sonic Immersion with Kassia Meador 0SRI+SEX+EPPIV]*VIIIZIRX 7pm 6.30 – 9.30pm Sound Bath Experience Sunset Cinema Byron Bay Community Centre Presented by MINI Tickets via BBSF website. Welcome to country – MRHMKIRSYWTIVJSVQERGI 7.30pm PMZIQYWMGWLSVX JIEXYVI½PQW(IRMRK4EVO*VIIIZIRX Feature Films. Take Every Wave



Beach Hotel Byron Bay, 1 Bay Street

North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 19 VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE FOOD AVAILABLE

Advertising enquiries: [email protected] | 6684 1777 Editorial enquiries: [email protected] The Good Life ‘Food brings us together and, as a universal language crossing cultures and ages, speaks to us of who we are, Billi’s Indian where we have come from, and where we are going.’ Ronit from Open Table is one of those special mother, and a father who introduced me to Authentic Byron Shire people who’s always wonderful to meatballs and stuff ed sardines when I could run in to. Whether I’ve met her unexpectedly barely reach the table. Much of my upbringing Indian Restaurant when she’s been catering locally, or at Gold was in the kitchen around simmering pots and Coast events, or when Ronit catered for a pans, baking trays and delicious aromas. NEWLY RENOVATED! GREAT NEW LOOK hundred guests at our wedding, I’ve been ‘I grew up in a large family where the focus was struck by her wonderful blend of practicality, lavish food and joyful feasting. I had no choice energy and warmth, a blend of diff erent but to acquire a keen awareness of food during indian cultures that she expresses through her unique my childhood years. I lusted for the culinary billi cuisine. treasures that lay on my travelling path for She was born in Israel to parents with years, hijacked friends’ kitchens to try my hand OPEN TUESDAY– SUNDAY 4.30PM TO LATE Moroccan heritage, and spent many years at anything and thus began my journey. an authentic banquet. living and growing vegetables in India, Asia ‘My mother instilled in me both curiosity and From the basics of spice selection and CLOSED MONDAY and South America. respect for rituals, traditions, cultural diversity, combination and the fundamental 8 Wilfred St, Billinudgel • 6680 3352 Used to growing her own food and farming and the use of local seasonal produce. My condiments essential to each type of cooking, the land in the foothills of the Himalayas and passion for food as celebration, entertainment to substantial key pieces for the table, the BYO • Credit cards Brazil, she arrived in the Shire in 1997 at a time and bringing people together is the result workshops explore a delicious array of food before farmers markets were common, but of my Moroccan Israeli heritage and my using locally grown, unprocessed and mostly with a love of growing and making her own love of travelling around the globe for many organic produce. healthy food. She was inspired to launch a years gaining a wealth of experience in Workshop participants will create a selection catering business and, with her husband Mediterranean, Moorish, Middle Eastern, North of dishes for daily use and also for special Rick, built her house in Myocum with its African, Indian Ayurvedic and whole-food occasions, concluding daily with a feast from own separate kitchen, large vege gardens cuisine,’ says Ronit. the glorious banquet table. and decks that she now uses for hosting her This coming March 18 dive into the heart of There will be four workshops in March, workshops. Open Table catering kitchen, when Ronit followed in April by a series of weekly evening ‘The choices we make about what we eat will be off ering variety of workshops for all baking sessions. aff ect our health, our environment, our families lovers of food from vegetarian to fl exitarian More info: and communities,’ says Ronit. and what’s in between! Travel on a gypsy Facebook: Ronit Chef Opentable journey of the senses and gain inspiration ‘I have a family of ingenious cooks: a Email: [email protected] nutritionist zealot and chef-extraordinaire from dishes from all over the world creating Chincogan Lookout The Byron Shire has some iconic views. SERVINGy GELATO NOW One of the most memorable is the view of Mt Chincogan as you drive in y Chai to Mullumbimby from Uncle Tom’s, y y Coff ee thanks to a visionary town planner and surveyor who insisted on the current y Hot Chocolate alignment of the road. Michael Abboud y Milkshakes is the owner of the new dwellings that y Chocolates have appeared on the north-facing slope near the intersection of Saddle Rd and y Fudge Mullumbimby Rd, and he’s creating a Chocolate Lounge y Light meals ‘Chincogan Lookout’ on his property, 1/53 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby including a mixture of short- and long- term accommodation. For more info Ph 0406 422 465 y 0421 738 352.

Eating Out Guide Good Taste

BALLINA BYRON BAY Ballina RSL Club Trattoria Basiloco Blake’s Table Open 7 days for Dinner 1 Grant St, Ballina starting 5.30pm Wood-fi red pizzas & real Italian cuisine Endless Summer Seafood Feast 6681 9500 See menu, book a table, with a Sardinian twist Friday 2 March from 6.30pm Level 1 Spinnakers or order takeaway at Famous for seafood, meats and pasta dishes. Open 7 Days Function Room Shared style menu - Tickets $69 Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Complimentary Welcome Beverage 30 Lawson St, Byron Bay We do special events functions. and Snacks 6680 8818

Wharf Bar & WATERFRONT DINING The Rocks The Rocks @ Aquarius has been beautifully renovated, and boasts a wide array of locally sourced brekky dishes, Byron Restaurant Come watch the boats go by @ Aquarius Bay Coff ee and fresh juices and smoothies to enliven the Open 7.30am Daily. and the dolphins play Open till late Thurs–Sun Breakfast/Lunch senses and prepare you for the day ahead. Late riser? Coff ee, breakfast, lunch whilst you take in one of our 7 days from 7am Join us for lunch 12–2pm, when you can grab a selection & dinner, functions & SENSATIONAL SUNSETS 16 Lawson St, Byron Bay of burgers, salads, fresh rolls. weddings. Fully Licensed. [email protected] Reservations 6685 7663 Here at The Rocks, we are a fully licensed cafe, which means 12-24 Fawcett St, Ballina you can enjoy an ice-cold beer, a sumptuous wine or a hand- 6686 5259 / 6685 6011 crafted cocktail with your meal! The Hideout Cafe Hidden away in Byron’s iconic ‘Eat street’ BANGALOW Bay Lane, The Hideout Cafe and Bar Breakfast and Lunch 7 days a off ers indoor, outdoor and deck dining Butcher Baker HAPPY HOUR – $10 COCKTAILS week from 7.30am With a fresh, funky, relaxed vibe, generous serves, Every Friday & Saturday – 5pm till 6pm cruisey staff and 10am licence, come and fi nd us Shop 6/13 Lawson Street Coff ee / Breakfast / Lunch Off ering a relaxed atmosphere in one of Bangalow’s beautiful for ‘Byron’s BEST breakfast’ all day… 6680 9300 7 days from 7am heritage buildings, Butcher Baker has a fresh local menu, Takeaway available Dinner Friday & Saturday in-house bakery with freshly baked sourdoughs, sweet treats FB thehideoutbyronbay Vegetarian,Vegan and gluten free options available Nights and fantastic local coff ee. Fully licensed with Australian local insta @thehideoutbyronbay Kids menu craft beer on tap and a carefully curated wine list. 13 Byron Street, Bangalow 6687 2088 @butcherbakerbangalow ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: [email protected] | 6684 1777 | 20 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Good Taste Eating Out Guide

BYRON BAY continued BYRON BAY continued Success Thai Fishheads SPECIAL $12 LUNCH AND DINNER MENU BEACH FRONT DINING 7:30am till late Mon-Fri 12-3pm All your favourites every lunch and dinner Treat the loved ones to Dinner 7 days from 5pm. Coff ee, breakfast, lunch, Experienced Thai chefs cooking fresh delicious something special these Summer Holidays 3/109 Jonson St, Byron Bay dinner, functions and Thai food for you. weddings. 6685 6011 6680 7798 Fully Licensed and B.Y.O. for wine. Fully licensed. functions@fi pages/Success-Thai- Welcome for lunch, dinner and take-away. 1 Jonson St, Byron Bay Food/237359826303469 6680 7632

DAILY HAPPY HOUR FROM 3 TILL 5 PM Legend Pizza FRESH PIZZA Slo-mo Joes BYRON STYLE Slow down & chill out! Open 7 days Open every day Check us out on From 11am till late Immerse yourself in Slo-mo Joes relaxing vibes while you 9am till after midnight enjoy live music & delicious fl avours inspired from around the Corner of Fletcher St and Shop 1 Woolworths Plaza world. Scan code for our menu! Bay Lane, Byron Bay 90-96 Jonson Street There’s something for everyone; from slow-cooked meats to BYO 6685 5700 6685 7502 mouth-watering burgers and nutritious salads. Home delivery 7 days IG - @slomojoes Guaranteed to leave you wanting more! Established 1992 Main Street Gourmet burgers created by chefs KINGSCLIFF Open 7 days 11.30am until late Cocktails, wine and beers served all damn day. Fins Celebrating 25 years Call to make a reservation Group bookings available, please email Salt Village, Kingscliff Fins is the destination restaurant for fi ne local seafood. or for takeaway orders [email protected] 6674 4833 Long lazy lunches on our veranda. 18 Jonson Street dining@fi for reservations. Afternoon oysters, Champagne and cocktails 6680 8832 Dinner daily 5-10pm. Lunch Fri-Sun 12-3pm. in our RAW BAR.

GOOD FOOD GUIDE Intimate fi ne dining of an evening. Luscious Foods Contemporary and Middle Eastern fl avours CHEFS HAT EVERY Mon-Fri 7.30am–3pm YEAR SINCE 1998 Proudly awarded Chef Hats for the past 22 years • Breakfast and lunch Open Friday nights 6–9pm • Wood-fi red pizzas Live music and BYO LENNOX HEAD 1/6 Tasman Way, Byron • Fresh juices Arts & Industry Estate • Great coff ee Williams St Relaxed dining by the beach. BYO & RSVP Food that celebrates local produce served with a 6680 8228 50 Pacifi c Parade, cnr of healthy dose of good tunes and good vibes. William St, Lennox Head All welcome. Treehouse New summer menu out now! 0476 892 194 Our opening hours are 6.30am–2.30pm, 7 days on Belongil Share plates, mains, desserts and famous Treehouse insta @williamst.lennox for Breakfast + Lunch Full Cocktail & Wine Bar. wood-fi red pizza. Our kitchen is open all day and night. Thursday, Friday, Saturday for dinner. Extensive Menu Includes Presenting incredible original music in Sunday Tapas & Happy Hour Specials till sundown Tapas, Mains, Desserts and Byron’s most intimate atmosphere. Famous Woodfi red Pizzas. Check our website or Facebook for the gig guide. 25 Childe St, Byron Bay MULLUMBIMBY 6680 9452 The Empire Mullumbimby’s iconic Empire Cafe serves up an exciting menu with something for everyone. From delicious and The Italian Byron Bay Mon–Sat from 8am, healthy superfoods like acai bowls and buddha bowls, to Sun from 9am Open 7 days from 6pm The Italian Byron Bay provides a bustling atmospheric decadent treats like burgers and buff alo wings, and heaps Sunday Lunch from midday. restaurant, dishing up contemporary inspired Nights Thurs, Fri, Sat Dine in and takeaway heaps more. Come in and satisfy your cravings. Next to the Beach Hotel Italian cuisine and some of Byron’s fi nest Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings with a FB/Insta: EmpireMullum Bay Street cocktails and wines. selection of shareable plates, delicious meals, cocktails and 20 Burringbar St, Mullum 6680 7055 great vibes. 6684 2306 St Elmo Dining NEWRYBAR St Elmo is a place where you can enjoy great Room & Bar A short ride from Byron Bay, Harvest Restaurant, Bakery and Deli Mon-Sat: 5pm till late. company, fi rst-class food, sophisticated cocktails Harvest off ers country charm and fresh, seasonal, organic food sourced Sun: 5pm till 10pm. and an extensive wine list. St Elmo is plating up from local artisan producers and Harvest’s own gardens. 18-22 Old Pacifi c Highway Cnr Fletcher St and Lawson modern Spanish cuisine to be enjoyed amongst Lunch 7 days from 12pm Newrybar NSW 2479 Lane, Byron Bay friends and family. Our menus change regularly Dinner 5 nights from 6pm 6680 7426 and feature daily specials. 02 6687 2644 Breakfast weekends from 8am Harvest Deli open from 8am with weekday breakfast available – Deli takeaway coff ee from 7am. Finn Poke Fresh Healthy Delicious @harvestnewrybar Harvest is available for events, weddings and catering. Restaurant Hawaiian and Japanese fl avours Signature Poke Bowls Open 7 days 11am till 8pm CATERING Fri & Sat 11am till 8.30pm • High-quality diced raw fi sh, vegetables, sauces & spices • Vegetarian - Vegan options Shop 5, 8 Fletcher Street, Celebrations Byron Bay Any Poke Bowls $15.95 | Tuna Poke Bowl $17.95 CELEBRATIONS 02 6685 8156 Catering By Take away available FB Finnpokebyron IG @fi nnpoke_ Liz Jackson E: [email protected] Celebration cakes P: 0414 895 441 Happy Chilli Garden Personal catering services Open 6 days - closed Sundays Hong Kong chef specialising in Event co-ordination and Byron St (opp Aldi) Byron Bay Chinese and Malay foods BY LIZ JACKSON management P 6680 9191 Fully licensed F 6676 4869 Dine In / Takeaway / Home Delivery Available M 0403 516 793 [email protected]

OPEN - Tuesday to Saturday evenings Targa Modern European 7 days breakfast & Lunch Cafe • Restaurant • Bar FEBRUARY SPECIAL 11 Marvell Street 2 course dinner $42 Byron Bay 3 course dinner $52 6680 9960 Midweek Tuesday to Thursday All day menus, licensed bar [email protected] APERITIVO happy hour AFTERNOONS 4–6pm daily $12 Cocktails, $7 beers, $8 wines, $12 Moet Elixiba Elixiba Plant Based Restaurant and Bar A delicious vegan dining experience. Open 11am–Late 7 days Tapas, mains and heavenly desserts all house made and gluten free. Shop 10, Feros Arcade Exclusive craft beers, herbal elixirs, exquisite cocktails 23 Jonson St 6685 6845 and a unique atmosphere. Dine in/Takeaway/Catering/Functions

North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 21 Property Property

Property Insider Email us: [email protected]

Affordable Housing EOI, is deep, Enduring: The Bruns EcoVillage Is the Bruns EcoVillage defined, and enduring. is working with a community land Deep: The Bruns EcoVillage will trust (CLT) model, where land be 100 per cent affordable, while is removed from the speculative really affordable? the adjoining landholders have market and held in perpetuity by offered to dedicate 20 per cent of the community, for the purposes of Property Insider has been following in reality 35 per cent is standard their developable land to Council affordable and sustainable housing. the progress of Bruns EcoVillage practice, and many developments for affordable housing. Together, Again, it is the council’s choice and the ongoing conversation still occur without any concessions this equates to 200 of the proposed to decide what type of affordable about what really is ‘affordable’. at all. 475 homes, held in perpetuity for housing will be done with the land In response to the question: Too broad: To capture ‘key the community and protected that is given to them, though our ‘Is the Bruns EcoVillage Really workers’, affordability is targeted from short-term holiday letting. hope would be that it remains Affordable?’, Thomas Keily, at people on ‘very low’, ‘low’ and Defined: Rents on the Bruns locked away for affordable housing economist, Bruns Eco Village ‘moderate’ incomes. In practice, Thomas Keily, Economist, Bruns EcoVillage EcoVillage will be capped at 80 per in perpetuity. replied: this can mean up to 120 per cent cent of market rates, another com- As David Brown rightly points of median household incomes, or surprise, surprise, it then becomes mon industry definition, and one A unique offer out (Unpacking the affordable- in excess of $2,000 a week. It is unaffordable. we feel will have a strong impact on The feedback we are getting from housing myths, Echo Feb 14) there therefore questionable whether The property lobby has fought the market. The allocated adjoin- community housing providers is are many definitions of ‘affordable’ affordable stock is always being hard against even these modest ing landholders land will be given that this is a generous offer, and housing. In NSW, the affordability delivered where it is needed most, concessions to affordable housing to Council for the purposes of af- something rarely seen before in the concessions extracted through the or if it has capacity to influence the and, in the middle of a housing fordable housing. While it will be Australian context. I really hope state’s Affordable Housing SEPP overall market. crisis, they truly represent the least Council’s discretion as to what hap- that the council sees this for the tend to be lacking on three fronts: Too short: Many affordability we can do. pens with this land, if they were to opportunity that it is – a chance Too shallow: The Greater Sydney concessions are time-capped. The Bruns EcoVillage, together partner with a community housing to push the affordability debate in Commission has recommended That is, stock is held for affordable with our partner landholders, provider there would be the oppor- Australia forward while securing that 5–10 per cent of all new housing for a period (say 10 want to push the envelope. We tunity to deliver 80 homes for social an unprecedented amount of developments be allocated to years), and then released to the believe our offer to the community, and community housing, if that affordable housing stock for the affordable housing. However, market at market rates where, solicited through the council’s was what the community wanted. community.

$³)$%EHGWRZQKRXVH´ 6/1-2 Cape Court $&/81(6&5$&.(5 4 Jarvis Street BYRON BAY CLUNES ZLWK326,7,21327(17,$/ D ZLWKD*5($77(1$17 ZKRZRXOG/29(7267$< +8*(SULYDWH\DUG New Price to SELL$699,000 New Price to SELL$629,000 Vacant possession offered but with great This property has been a dream investment tenants wishing to stay on & sign a new Inspect Wed & Sat 11am - 12pm with a dream tenant renting for the past 5 Inspect Thursday 11am - 12pm lease, it would be hard to find a better years. On a huge block of land 1170m2 & investment in the Byron Shire. Internal less than 5 min stroll to the Clunes Store & Lorna Bailey - 0410 609 789 Lorna Bailey - 0410 609 789 access to the garage currently a home Café. This modern family home has a office & storage, 2nd toilet & garden 0DU\2¶&RQQRU- 0418 462 849 North facing deck at the rear overlooking 0DU\2¶&RQQRU- 0418 462 849 shed. In a super quiet position, 2 min the private yard with potential to either walk to IGA, 3 to Tavern & Solar train & 7 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 cars extend & / or add a pool. Downstairs is a 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 cars min walk to a world class beach. home office/gamesroom, with shower & WC

22 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: FOR SALE FOR SALE

78 Owenia Way, Broken Head 20 St Helena Road, Byron Bay FOR SALE: $3,990,000 FOR SALE: $3,000,000 – $3,300,000

FOR SALE PARKINSON Prestige PARKINSON Property in Byron Bay is a prestige Agency specialising in premium properties. We consistently achieve outstanding results.

Please contact Frank Mlikota 0407 949 246 and Karin Heller 0409 177 659

731 Bangalow Road, Talofa FOR SALE: $2,200,000 – $2,400,000

• Customer Focused • Results Driven • Personalised Service

Call Frank Mlikota Call Karin Heller Boutique Property Sales 0407 949 246 0409 177 659

North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 23 Property

Business For Sale Unique Opportunity Position & Potential Bud: Mullum’s ethical baby shop 94 Yelgun Road, Yelgun 2/43 Julian Rocks Drive, Byron Bay $30,000 + S.A.V 5 4 5 $1,395,000 2 1 1 $665,000

Bud is an easy-to-run and profi table retail business located in a great Th is large family A 2 bedroom villa or position on the main street of Mullumbimby. home (known locally duplex off ering a low Established in 2015, it has become a local favourite selling ethically as Yelgun Lodge) is maintenance lifestyle & sourced products for babies and children. nestled in the Yelgun capturing leafy views, valley with a pretty, coastal breezes & the We are proud of the range of people- and planet-friendly clothing, little, permanent creek sounds of the ocean as toys and gift s we stock, many from local suppliers. meandering through you sleep. With the living Our asking price is below market value as we are ready to move on the 1.5 acres. Th e home areas off ering a rear deck to our next adventure. is very spacious with & leafy rear yard which Sale includes gorgeous Scandinavian-style custom fi tout and lots of potential. It fl ows into cleared open established online store. is currently used as three separate tenancy arrangements (two spaces. continuing and one for the owner and guests). Stand-out features Th e opportunity to update should you wish, however a clean neat include very high ceilings, polished concrete and timber fl oors. & tidy home for someone with a busy lifestyle not wanting high Th e setting is so tranquil with its peaceful outlook. Th ere is plenty maintenance. Two double bedrooms with built-ins, a two way of shed space, ideal for a studio and storage. Plus there is an old bathroom, breakfast bar, internal access to the lock up garage & stables. Brunswick Heads is under ten minutes away and this is a laundry complete this package. great place where you can have a perfect day at the beach, river, Priced for a quick sale. shopping, cafes and pub. At Ocean Shores you can enjoy a great game of golf on course of the Country Club. But even closer is Crabbes Creek with its general store and primary school. Gold Coast Airport and Byron Bay are both under half an hour away. Please email us for more information Open: Saturday 24 Feb 10 – 10.45am Open: Inspect by appointment Contact: Lorna Bailey 0410 609 789 Contact: [email protected] Contact: Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 Mary O’Connor 0418 462 849 Katrina Beohm Real Estate Bangalow Real Estate & Byron Hinterland Properties “I’m so grateful to live in a town that has The Echo”

24 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Property


pen House Sat 12:00-12:30 Brunswick Heads O 7/12 Fawcett Street

58a Paterson Street Byron Bay March 10th 3 2.5 2 Contact Agent Architect designed & quality built The Penthouse at Broadview Waterfront Apartments • Prime location with attractive returns Nightcap range & lighthouse views • Unrivalled panoramic river views, private balcony • Top fl oor, north facing luxury accommodation • Polished timber fl oors, en-suite, internal laundry • Property is being sold fully furnished Auction: onsite Saturday March 10th at 11am View: Thursday 22nd 5.00 – 5.30pm Valerie Williams Saturday 24th 10.00 – 10.30am Elders Real Estate Brunswick Heads Fiona Crandell 0447 006 434 0400 418 886




North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 25 Property

Dream Lifestyle in Broken Head Every Day is a Holiday Townhouse in Heart of Byron 78 Owenia Way, Broken Head Brunswick Heads, available on request 15/6–8 Browning Street, Byron Bay 5 4 6 $4 Million $295,000 3 2 2 Contact Agent

Private and elevated, Every day will feel Th is immaculately presented sunlit townhouse is perfectly Blackwood House off ers like a holiday in this positioned for you to enjoy a carefree lifestyle in the heart of Byron the epitome dream immaculately presented, Bay. Th e stylish, well maintained ‘Seadrift ’ complex off ers residents lifestyle. Surrounded by north facing freestanding the opportunity to live within easy walking distance to shops, nature and bird life there relocatable villa. Located cafes and beaches. Seadrift has a relaxed, friendly ambiance and are only two exclusive in Ferry Reserve Holiday provides a low maintenance, quality built opportunity in a much homes on this prestigious Park you will have use coveted position. Perfect for downsizing, investors or those who ridge line. Blackwood of all the park’s facilities want the fl exibility to lock up or holiday let and travel the globe, House showcases including boat ramp, knowing your home in Byron is safe and secure! incredible views out dog wash and BBQs. across the valley to the pristine waters of Broken Head and further Th is well maintained holiday park is situated on the banks of afi eld all the way to Lennox and the Headland. the beautiful Brunswick River and has relaxed picnic areas with Bespoke and handcraft ed fi nishes, an 8m x 5m infi nity edge breathtaking views to Mount Chincogan. Enjoy the benefi ts of swimming pool, pool house and entertaining area, solar hot water, independent living in your own single level home with easy access workshop, and a separate two level studio are just some of the to transport and just 1.5 km to the heart of Brunswick Heads. highly desirable features of this incredible property. Th e location With two good sized bedrooms, built in robes, newly renovated simply cannot be bettered. Sunrises over the ocean and sunsets bathroom, separate toilet, internal laundry, open plan living, over the valley and the hinterland. Privacy, expansive views, and sunny kitchen and verandah. Th e property has covered parking airports, beaches, shops and cafes all just minutes’ drive in any for two cars plus a garden shed. Weekly fees are just $175, so if direction. you’re looking for a ‘set and forget’ property which gives you the freedom to the live the dream, travel and have a permanent base to Contact: Frank Mlikota 0407 949 246, [email protected] come home to, then call me, Fiona, on 0400 418 886 to arrange an Parkinson Real Estate inspection today! Inspect: Saturday 24 February 1.00–1.30pm Karin Heller 0409 177 659, [email protected] Contact: Valerie Williams 0447 006 434 Parkinson Real Estate Contact: Fiona Crandell 0400 418 886 Byron Beach Realty

26 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Property

Noble Lakeside Park KEEP YOUR Noble Lakeside Park – Kingscliff – Site 59 ADVERTISING 2 1 + 1 2 $379,000 MONEY IN OUR COMMUNITY! Byron Shire Community

THE BYRON SHIRE Your local Th is spacious manufactured and immaculately presented home $ is located just a short stroll to the Lakeside clubhouse, bowling solicitor with local netdaily green and swimming pool. THE NORTH COAST’S INDEPENDENT NEWS With its expansive paved and covered outside entertaining area, this home would ideally suit those who enjoy an outside lifestyle knowledge. and like to entertain at home. Th is home features a full width enclosed entrance porch with a bullnose roof, spacious tiled open-plan living areas with ceiling At Byron Bay and Byron Shire fans, and reverse-cycle air-conditioning. Two good-sized carpeted bedrooms with ceiling fans and Cabarita Beach. Overseas Community built-in robes. Master bedroom has its own split-system air- Interests conditioner, plus a study-nook/offi ce. Second bedroom has a verandah door opening to the paved patio. [email protected] Tiled bathroom includes a large stylish shower cabinet, a 2/47 Tweed Coast Road, Cabarita Beach separate toilet and a separate area with vanity unit. (next to the newsagency) A double garage with remote operated roller door adjoins the $ home. 02 6676 0247 Rupert Murdoch Th is energy effi cient home has both a solar hot water service and solar panels with an inverter, plus roof insulation. 3/130 Jonson Street, Byron Bay A ‘Pet Friendly’ park. (next to Services Club) Open: By Appointment 02 6639 1000 Contact: Kelvin Price 0423 028 468 Mr Property Services

whatever home means to you, we’ll help you find it

BROKEN HEAD 135 Broken Head Reserve Road BYRON BAY 27 Cemetery Road $2.5 million Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 $2.25 million Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 3 3 2 666m2 4 3 2 800.4m2 + Quality master built modern beach house designed to take in north light and cooling breezes IWFHLOLQJVGRXEOHKXQJZLQGRZVSROLVKHGWLPEHUÀRRUV YHUDQGDKV(QVXLWHLQPDVWHU + High raked ceilings, 3 large open living spaces, bi-fold timber doors and louvre windows + Polished concrete benches, walk-in pantry, dishwasher & gas stove. 2 living rooms + dining + Spacious bedrooms with built-ins, 2 large bathrooms pus ensuite. Outdoor hot and cold shower + Garage with remote entry, concrete slab, laundry & 3rd bathroom. The yard has room for a pool + Easy walk to Broken Head beach & approx 10 mins to Byron Bay. Agent declares interest + Solar hot water & 10,000L water tanks. Walk to cafes, schools, golf course & beach 0467 000 222 BYRON BAY | LISMORE | BALLINA

North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 27 Business Directory


Ever considered selling? Property Management Rebecca Arthur & Melissa Phillips TARA 02 6685 0177 • The name you know and the people you trust. [email protected] • 35 years’ local knowledge. TORKKOLA Save yourself thousands, call the • Conveyancing specialists – cottage, expert property management team. commercial, subdivisions, strata. Years of experience and Investment Megamenu Team a network that delivers (02) 6639 1000 ~ 0402 181 804 LJ Hooker Brunswick Headsª more for your property. Meredith Chittick Duensing 3/130 Jonson Street, Byron Bay (next to Services Club) Providing the personal touch in property sales FINANCE for the Byron Shire Open for Inspection community. BANGALOW REAL ESTATE LJ HOOKER BRUNSWICK HEADS • 6/1–2 Cape Court, Byron Bay, • 11/10 Balemo Drive, Ocean Shores Call TARA today. Wed & Sat 11am–12pm Sat 11–11.30am. • 4 Jarvis Street, Clunes Thurs • 2 Napelle Court, Ocean Shores. Sat 0423 519 698 11am–12pm 12–12.30pm [email protected] • 2/43 Julian Rocks Drive, Byron Bay Sat 10–10.45am McGRATH BYRON BAY • 680 Left Bank Road, Mullumbimby, 6685 8466 ELDERS BANGALOW Thurs 9.30–10am, Sat 11–11.30am • 10 Old Pacifi c Highway, Newrybar, • 114 Alcorn Street, Suff olk Park, Sat, 10–10.30am Thurs 4–4.30pm, Sat 10.30–11am • 15 Grace Road, Bexhill, Sat • 7/19 Teak Road, Federal, Sat 10–10.30am 9.30–10am • Lots 4 & 6 ‘Sunsets of Bangalow’, • 65 Armstrong Street, Suff olk Park, PAUL PRIOR Fowlers Lane, Sat 11–11.30am Sat 10–10.30am • 1 Taylors Road, Eureka, Sat Professional and results-driven with ELDERS BRUNSWICK HEADS 10–10.30am extensive marketing knowledge. • 7/12 Fawcett St, Brunswick Heads, • 133 Foresters Way, Tintenbar, Sat Servicing the Byron Shire and beyond. Thursday 22nd 5–5.30pm, Saturday 12.30–1pm Call Paul for an appointment today. 24th 10–10.30am • 46 Main Arm Road Mullumbimby, RAINE & HORNE OCEAN SHORES Saturday 24th Feb 10 – 10.30am • Lot 3 Redgate Road, South Golden 0418 324 297 FIRST NATIONAL BYRON BAY Beach, Sat 9–10am [email protected] • 60 Massinger Street, Byron Bay. • 29 Rangal Road, Ocean Shores, Sat 6685 8466 | Thu 1–1.30pm 10.30–11.30am • 48 Ruskin Street, Byron Bay. • 11 Hardy Avenue, Ocean Shores, Thu 2–2.30pm Sat 12.30–1.00pm • 16 Coral Court, Byron Bay. • 11 Pottsville Road, Mooball, Sat Considering selling? PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Thu 2–2.30pm, Sat 10–10.30am 1.30–2.00pm • 118 Midgen Flat Road, Newrybar. • 25 Goonengerry Road, Care, service and understanding Thu 2–2.30pm, Sat 10–10.30am Goonengerry, Sat 1.30–2.30pm that will be second to none... • 49 Ruskin Street, Byron Bay. Thu Harcourts 3–3.30pm, Fri 5–5.30pm, Sat Call me today 10–10.30am are the number 1 • Lot 6, 155 Broken Head Road, New Listings Suff olk Park. Fri 9–9.30am Ku’ Darroch 0411 809 819 ELDERS BANGALOW Professional Property • Lot 2/20 Azalea Street, • 10 Dudgeons Lane, Bangalow [email protected] Mullumbimby. Fri 10–10.30am, Sat Management team in Byron Bay 12–12.30pm ELDERS BRUNSWICK HEADS • 253 Eureka Road, Rosebank. • 9 Palmer Avenue, North Ocean Fri 11–11.30am Shores • 871 Main Arm Road, Main Arm. Call now to find out why •5 Pacifi c Esplanade, South Golden Fri 11–11.30am, Sat 1–1.30pm Beach CONVEYANCING • 28 Palm Valley Drive, Byron Bay. 6685 6552 Fri 12–12.30pm FIRST NATIONAL BYRON BAY • 1635–1651 Coolamon Scenic Drive, • 29 Azalea Street, Mullumbimby. Mullumbimby. Fri 12–12.30pm $870,000 to $950,000 • 2/6–8 Daniels Street, Byron Bay. • Lot 6, 44 Scenic Vista, Ewingsdale. Fri 1–1.30pm, Sat 11–11.30am Auction 17th March • 6/64 Broken Head Road, Byron Bay. • 10 Cooper Street, Byron Bay. Fri 2–2.30pm, Sat 9–9.30am $1,750,000 to $1,900,000 • 29 Azalea Street, Mullumbimby. Sat • 990 Friday Hut Road, Binna Burra. 9–9.30am Contact Agent • 120 Lagoon Drive, Myocum. Sat 10–10.30am RAINE & HORNE OCEAN SHORES Byron Bay • 8 Ridgeland Close, Richmond Hill. • 29 Natan Court, Ocean Shores Sat 10–10.30am • 2/5 Kristen Close, Skennars Head. Sat 10–10.30am Auctions BUYING and SELLING REAL ESTATE • 4 Waterford Parade, Skennars NPC Property Management Head. Sat 10–10.30am You need an alternative legal specialist ELDERS BANGALOW Done Properly… • 87 Alcorn Street, Suff olk Park. Sat • 10 Old Pacifi c Highway, Newrybar– 11–11.30am It’s the experience that • 1/43 Kingsley Street, Byron Bay. Sat Sat 10 March ma ers. 11–11.30am For a Property Management FIRST NATIONAL BYRON BAY NP CONVEYANCING • 23 Green Frog Lane, Bangalow. Sat • 49 Ruskin Street, Byron Bay. team that delivers 11–11.30am We are here to help AND we’ll save you money Auction 10th March at 11am • 600 Coolamon Scenic Drive, Outstanding Results • Lot 6, 44 Scenic Vista, Ewingsdale. PHONE 6685 7436 Coorabell. Sat 12–12.30pm NP CONVEYANCING Elizabeth Hickey Call 6680 5000 Amy Rosser Auction 17th March FOR A QUOTE 0428 883 815 0477 222 457 • 10 Cooper Street, Byron Bay. Sat 2/75 Jonson Street Byron Bay 2481 12–12.30pm McGRATH BYRON BAY Ph: (02) 6685 7436 Fax: (02) 6685 7221 Lic No 1041865 • 451 Coopers Shoot Road, Coopers • 19 Coachwood Close, Byron Bay, 24 Shoot. Sat 1–1.30pm February at 10am On Site • 1 Tasha Close, Ewingsdale. Sat • 114 Alcorn Street, Suff olk Park, 24 1–1.30pm February at 11am On Site • 53 Carlyle Street, Byron Bay. Sat 1–1.30pm Rentals Open FOR SALE BY AGENT Property • 16 Gardenia Ct. Mullumbimby for Inspection Saturday 9.15–10 am To fi nd out more phone 6684 1777 or email [email protected] • 21 Palmer Ave. Ocean Shores RAINE & HORNE OCEAN SHORES Saturday 10.45–11.30am • 538 The Pocket Road, The Pocket 28 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: ISSUE# 32.37 FEB 21 – JAN 27, 2018 Editor : Mandy Nolan Editorial/gigs : [email protected] Copy deadline: 5pm each Friday Advertising : [email protected] P : 02 6684 1777 W : ain



One of the events that surf fans Is it the fi rst of its kind in Byron Bay? How is FallenBROKENstreet. What are To top it all off, we have Ehsto Coffee shouldn’t miss is the the photographic Yes, which makes it even greater! you guys up to at the moment? serving daily sips from the front deck. Yum. exhibition by Peter Crawford at a Spot FallenBROKENstreet is always up to many What are your thoughts on The Byron of Genius Store opening in Byron on Why are you collaborating with the creative things. We just fi nished an east Bay Surf Festival? Wednesday 21 February – you can Byron Bay Surf Festival for this? coast tour and collaborate with the great check it out all weekend. The BBSF is a great fi t with the creative Mikey B aka Mt Warning playing music It is a really nice week / weekend to bring all on the rooftop of our bus, powered by a the zany wacky invention, music and surfi ng The Echo heard from Peter Crawford’s minds launching such a show. generator. This will be showcased at the wizardry together for a whole heap of fun! son Justin about his legendary dad’s Tell me about Peter and why he is such festival this year. Ha ve a dance! Yip yip. incredible work. a legend. What is Fallen Broken Street Doing for Tell me about a Spot of Genius? BBSF this year? You were quite the hit For those not in the know, Peter Crawford Dad was an inventor, creator, lover and A spot of genius is an old Byron shack last year and we loved all your hats that was a renowned surf photographer and a dreamer. This was displayed with the converted into a place that brings all some would say one of the best lensman were the prizes. Very cool. I got a hat too footsteps he left on the planet. He creative minds together to sell what they the industry has ever seen. Having grown and i absolutely love it. Everybody asks was a world-renowned knee-boarder, create! We have lovely art pieces from a up on Sydney’s northern beaches he was variety of artist, wetsuits from Atmosea, me about it. also an avid surfer. BBSF has partnered with photographer and philosopher. A quote sunglasses from Enki, eyewear and We are doing it all again this year. Come Justin Crawford, Peter’s son, to showcase he told me was ‘Follow your dreams and jewellery from local brands, the stoney join in the fun. We have also made a some of Peter’s work captured over three so shall you become’. surfboards from Surfcowboys, more from custom hat for the festival. Come to the decades with the most infl uential riders in Gato, Byran Bates… the list goes on. Come event to get your very own and decorate What can people expect to see at surfi ng history. check it out. We live in such a creative it so your little hearts love it even more. this exhibit? environment so it’s nice to showcase these Thanks for the chat and can’t wait for the Justin, what is your vision for this exhibit? in one place. The dual art room has shows You must come to see! fun to be had! To capture the lifestyle from dad’s era and every few weeks, showcasing artists such transform it into a fantastic display of his Who will be there? as Jack Irvine, Ozzy Wrong, Luke Taaff e and For more information please visit vision for all to see. Humans, lizards, aliens, kids ’n’ ants… Brodie Jackson.


North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 29 ENTERTAINMENT

Late at night. In the nude. refi ne communication skills. Good worker, but lacklustre in the suck department.’ What happens in Canberra stays in Canberra – right? Wrong. But is MANDY NOLAN’S everything really as it seems? It’s clear that in parliament, unlike other workplaces, getting in the sack won’t get you the sack. I mean, isn’t penis stimulation by the Sources tell me that in defence of the Tamworth twit, he wasn’t young and perky one of the perks? Wasn’t Tony Abbott rumoured SOAPBOX rooting, he was researching. There he was tirelessly putting in the to be in bed with Peta Credlin? John Gorton with chief of staff hours for his upcoming… (ooh did you say coming?) publication SOAP-BOX Ainsley Gotto or Jim Cairns with his chief of staff Junie Morosi? WWW.ECHO.NET.AU/ Bad Boy Barnaby’s Tantric Sex Manual for Flaccid Nationals. The party has always been a bit on the limp side, so Barnaby Barnaby, Barnaby. Is this karma for rejecting Amber Heard’s wanted to show his party how to go the distance. How to get close puppies? And what now for the Hugh Hefner of the Nats? without ever coming. I mean, isn’t that the story of being in the I wonder how long his beautiful young girlfriend is going to hang BAD BOY BARNABY National Party? Always the Bridesmaid, never the Bride. around once he is fl ushed out of politics like the big stinking But now the whole project’s been blown out of the water. Barnaby’s turd that he is. Because it’s only a matter of time before he goes clearly been very keen on blowing stuff – he’s been doing it a lot from powerful to pathetic. It’s going to be hard to keep those Poor baby Barnaby. He’s in twuble. He’s been a very, very naughty over the last 12 months. And boy has he blown it this time. aphrodisiacal juices fl owing when the bloke you’re riding goes boy, caught with his political pants down, his cock in the cookie jar. from deputy prime minister to prime loser. Barnaby hasn’t just cheated on his wife; he’s cheated on his It’s become evident that Mr ‘Family Values’ seems to value families country. By fucking his staff member he’s not only fucked his You’d think if you were a media adviser, which is what Barnaby’s so much he was attempting to have two at the same time. Double career, his reputation, his family; he’s fucked the nation. And some love interest Vikki Campion was, you’d advise him not to have the value. of us weren’t really in the mood to be fucked by Barnaby. That’s not sexual relations with the staff . But what if this is all part of a much This whole Barnaby Joyce sex scandal has been very illuminating. a face I want to see on the pillow next to mine every morning no bigger plan – a kind of social media juggernaut planned by Joyce We now know why Barnaby wasn’t in support of same-sex matter how many times he says ’Sorry’. and Campion to remarket our part-time PM as a porn star? A kind of Trump-esque DICK –TATA. ’Cause he does look like a potato. marriage: It wasn’t because he was homophobic or scared of the Barnaby must be sitting at home in jim jamas wondering why queer community, it was because he wasn’t having the same sex him? Why now? Haven’t powerful men always had sex with their And he is a dick. Maybe that’s how he’s going to fund his grab anymore. No more Mr Married Missionary Man, for a few months submissives? After all, what’s the point of being powerful if you for the top job. With the millions of downloads of his yet-to-be- Barnaby has been a sex god, sticking it to his much younger and can’t shag your staff ? It’s not inappropriate, it’s just part of some released sex tape. Vikki Does Tamworth… and the block-busting considerably more attractive staff er. Ooh, the power of being the in-depth appraisal needed for upcoming performance reviews. electorate erection smasher, about how to get your member up big bad bossman. And it’s clear he was working really, really hard. ‘Very efficient, excellent negotiation skills; however, needs to The Joyce of Sex. LIVE MUSIC


One of the most popular techno acts on the MICK MCHUGH It’s not very often you see multiple international The Brunswick Picture House takes you on a planet, this Brazilian superstar makes his way headliners, supported by our northern rivers best journey into the classics! to the Byron Brewery this week for his fi rst NSW local talent all under one roof for your Sunday Mick McHugh has patiently waited for his To celebrate the 80th birthday of The Grand show! He will be performing with local acts Taya, moment, and it seems that fi nally the moment sesh but that’s exactly what’s heading this way Dame of Choir Elizabeth Swain, a 20-member ZigMon, Jimmy D, Martin Bale, Loopbass and has arrived with the arrival of his beautiful and Sunday at the Byron Bay Brewery, across two choir accompanied by an 8-piece chamber 3 Days Deep. Limited tix so don’t miss out sensitive new album A Million Stars. stages! Featuring an array of delicious food and seeing Brazil’s premier techno producer live! beverage off erings for the hungry and thirsty orchestra will perform Henry Purcell’s Come Indie folk artist Mick McHugh crowdfunded Thursday at the Byron Brewery at 5pm. partygoer. Vegan and vegetarian options will be Ye Sons of Art followed by a pop-up reworked his debut studio album, and thanks to fans available as well as thirst-quenching cocktails. rendition of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Trial by Jury. who believe in him to the tune of $19k Mick has produced something wonderful. 2017 was Décor by DreamTime.Fx who have years Local and Sydney musicians are joining together a whirlwind year for the northern NSW singer/ of experience in creating stunning visuals. to perform Come Ye Sons of Art – an elegant Electronic dance music legends Infected songwriter, performing to sold-out audiences and restrained, cultured and refi ned piece of Mushroom will be performing a classics DJ set. after picking up three coveted support slots music written by Henry Purcell for the birthday Twice ranked amongst the world’s 10 Best DJs by with Aria Award-winning indie-pop darling Amy of Queen Mary, way back in 1694. Shark, as well as an east coast tour with Irish DJ magazine and with more than 14 million hits on After supper, there will be a complete change of folksinger/songwriter Damien Dempsey. YouTube and a #8 position on the Billboard charts, the Israel-bred, LA-based duo Amit Duvdevani and mood as the cast presents a modern re-telling of The release of his first single Not in Kansas Erez Eisen have created one of the most powerful Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial by Jury. Anymore (co-written with Goanna’s Shane kingdoms in the world of dance music. Following Both performances will be accompanied by a Howard) saw McHugh win Best Music Video the success of Infected’s 2009 album The Legend small orchestra, conducted by Elizabeth herself, FULL CROON RISING award at the 2017 NCEIA Dolphin Music Awards, of the Black Shawarma, Erez and Duvdev delivered the prize resulting in a day’s recording in Pete their most multi-faceted electronic album to date with choir and soloists including many well Murray’s Kicks Iron studio. And he topped the with Army of Mushrooms in 2012 on Dim Mak loved locals: Kathryn Walker, Andrew Swain, Miss Amber and Stukulele are back at Club year off by signing a digital distribution deal Records. More recently, the duo released CVII, a Mark Swivel, Sara Saint Saens, Melinda Reed and Mullum on Thursday from 6.30 with a tribute with ABC Music. long-awaited sequel to their critically acclaimed Ashley Gittens, as well as well-known performers to the great crooners. Expect tunes made famous Mick’s biggest achievement, however, is set to 2003 album Converting Vegetarians. by Old Blue Eyes, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Perry (and former students of Elizabeth) Tobias Cole be in 2018 with the release of his debut studio Como, Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, Nat King Col, Adoring fans continue to congregate en masse for (counter tenor), and Meredith O’Reilly (musical album A Million Stars on Friday 16 February 2018. The Carpenters and heaps more. Always a great Infected Mushroom. Their jaw-dropping live DJ theatre performer and producer). The Dubliner will kick off his 2018 touring with performances never fail to impress with psychedelic night’s entertainment and you can strum your The fi nal song is likely to raise the roof of the a Byron CD launch at Jaspers Corner in Federal visuals, their trademark enigmatic vocals, hypnotic uke and sing along or just enjoy the loving vibes. Picture House as local choirs join in from the village on Friday 2 March. If 2017 is anything to arrangements, and psy-trippy synthetic rhythms. Come on Monday nights to the Mullum Uke Club audience for the grand fi nale. in the Ex-Services to learn and practise the tunes. go by, McHugh is one to watch in 2018. Infected Mushroom continues to sell out shows Join the mailing list at Support on the night by Jessie Vintila (Lucky around the globe and all walks of life gather in Tickets are limited, and on sale now for the monthly songbook. Entry Adult $12.50 Wonders) | Tix: Pre-sale $12 / Door $15 | attendance for the same reason: to experience the Brunswick Picture House | Saturday 5.30pm kids under 16 $2.50. world’s greatest psy-trance band of the decade. 30 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: ENTERTAINMENT LAUNCHING SOME CRAZY SH*T! TALKING ABOUT WHERE WE HAVE BEEN AND WHAT HAPPENED IS VERY OFTEN THE UNDERLYING MOTIVATION FOR STORYTELLING. FOR WRITER MATT TOWNER THE ADVENTURES AND TRANSFORMATIVE NATURE OF TRAVEL STORIES HAVE PROVIDED A RICH VEIN OF SUBJECT MATTER, WHETHER IT BE HIS OWN MEMOIR AS A GEM DEALER, OR HIS ABILITY TO PULL TOGETHER A COLLECTION OF STORIES OF HIS AND HIS FRIENDS. ABOARD, BROKE AND BUSTED WAS HIS FIRST OFFERING; THIS TIME AROUND MATT LAUNCHES CRAZY SH*T IN AMERICA AT THE BYRON BOOK ROOM THIS THURSDAY.

How did you make the decision to move from guruess had done a runner, I was stuck. I another world, as was Burning Man, which is a being a real estate agent to a writer? Did you did exactly what I had done a million times festival I love. So I agree entirely! have a background in writing? before in real estate and other sales jobs What are the kind of stories that you tell in Crazy I graduated from Griffi th University with a and I had to letterbox drop. I quickly printed Shit in Asia? And why did you choose Asia? Bachelor of Arts writers degree in 1989 and it 10,000 postcards of my pitch for my book Crazy Sh*T in Asia is the fi rst book in the series was during my uni days that Byron became series with an with Crazy Sh*T in America, then Australia then my home and has been ever since. However eye-catching image of myself in Manali in my Europe then Africa etc all to follow – all 30 I could not even wait for the hats-in-the-air gem-dealing gypsy days and walked the isles diff erent stories by 15 diff erent authors from celebrations as I was on a plane to see the of more than 8,000 international publishers. myself to my amazing mates from all over world as soon as I fi nished my degree. I took Everyone said this would never work. On the the world with wonderful women’s stories Australian opals, then Australian wine, then third day of isle by isle I received the call that all the way to mad men. So there is always Australian real estate all over the world, always an international publisher with offi ces on something for everyone. What are the challenges of bringing other writing and paying my way. Real estate was Sydney, London and New York loved my pitch. What’s your writing process? people’s stories together? good to me but writing has always been my The rest is history with a three-book deal and I am currently writing my full memoir Gem It is a lot of work for very little return; in fact calling – since my primary school short stories, more to come. Dealing Gypsy, which is 100,000 words due by none as yet but it is a labour of love, and a which always brought a laugh to the class. Why do you think the travel-writing theme the fi rst of July. This is a very diff erent process creative process and a lifestyle choice. As any How did you manage to score an hit so well with the publishers and with from the books of short stories, which started artist will tell you, none is easy but if your international 3-book deal without a track the market? with Abroad, Broke and Busted. Short stories passion will not let you sleep, you must do it… history of even publishing one book? My stories are more than just travel stories; can be fast and furious or soft and subtle, but but writing is the loneliest profession. I have been attending the Byron Writers they are adventure travel stories with a sense a full book must have a beginning a middle What should we expect for your local launch? Festivals almost every year since they began of humour and often extreme, which the and an end and take the reader on more of a I love being a Byron boy and so look forward but most recently I had an epiphany at publishers and readers love more and more, journey. But I love both styles and mixing them to our book launch at the Book Room with one event and decided to drop everything luckily for me. up pulp-fi ction style. friends and family and my fellow writers and follow my childhood dreams to travel and local icons and mentors… people I love Robert Dessaix says we should go to places When you are reading submissions by the world as a published author. I paid a and admire in my home town. After 10 years where we aren’t liked or we are the outsider other people, what are you looking for in small fortune to put together a book a terms of their story? of travelling the world as a gem-dealing because it challenges us to get out of our short adventure-travel stories with a sense Any story, short or long, must leave the reader gypsy all through my 20s I have always said comfort zones. What is your take on the of humour straight from the Byron Writers feeling moved in some way. Whether that be that everywhere else in Australia is just too philosophy of travel? Festival, written by myself and some of my happy or sad or excited or scared or motivated Australian for me, for lack of a better word. fellow well-travelled friends with fi ne words I always try to get as far away from western or elated, but the reader must feel something. Byron Bay feels like I am still travelling even and funny stories. But after paying more civilisation as I can, which is harder and harder My international publisher Alan and I only when I am at home. Home sweet home. than $15,000 US to an international writing in Asia where you can trek for days and still look for this and we have now fully published Mandy Nolan will be there to help Matt coach and landing at the largest book fair come across a hostel in the forest playing some of my fellow authors, not only with their Towner launch Crazy Shit in Asia at the in the world in Frankfurt only to fi nd the the Rambo with a coke machine. But I canooed short stories but full books that move our Byron Book Room on Thursday 1 March at Oprahesque self-publishing self-proclaimed the Amazon and trekked the Andes, which was readers incredibly. 6pm. All welcome.

The Genes will embark on a busking tour from Noosa to Bells LIVE MUSIC CONTINUED Beach, busking in Byron at 8pm this Friday, the day of their album release!



The Genes are like that quiet, intelligent guy who doesn’t say much, but when he does speak you just have to listen. Set for release though Rubber Records, their new album Dead You’ll Be Street Light is out Friday and features standout tracks like It Ain’t Worth It, The Red Room, Girls B, The Side of the Road and Godfathers Lament. The Genes began their musical journey busking in Queen St Mall in Brisbane in 1990. They progressed to Smiling Too! pubs, clubs and halls, playing around Australia with bands such BLUESFEST TIX UP FOR GRABS! as Midnight Oil, Crowded House, Baby Animals, The Cruel Sea, Yothu Yindi and a host of others. Twenty-seven years later they are about to release their 12th album: Dead Street Light. SUBSCRIBE TO BAY FM & YOU’LL BE IN THE PRIZE DRAW TO WIN! 1ST PRIZE: 5 DAY PASS LOVEYS IN THE AIR 2ND PRIZE: 3 DAY PASS TO FRI/SAT/SUN 3RD PRIZES: WIN ONE OF 3 DAY PASSES TO FRI/SAT OR SUN A five-piece multi-instrumental originals band known for its EXISTING SUBSCRIBERS humour and sassiness, The Loveys perform a special one-off YOU’RE AUTOMATICALLY IN A PRIZE DRAW TO WIN ONE OF concert rich in their unique style bringing you a hit list of Loveys’ 3 DAY PASSES TO FRI/SAT OR SUN favourites. Their storytelling is showcased by fabulous harmonies, Byron CD Launch exciting arrangements, unusual percussion, and ravishing style. SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT BAYFM.ORG The stories, shared from the heart, about real-life experiences, 8pm Friday 2nd March

©RUDIGER WASSER PHOTOGRAPHY ©RUDIGER WASSER OR PHONE 66 807 999 captivate audiences. Their repertoire features the joys, the Jasper Corner, Federal struggles, the ordinary little things in daily life – fi nding the Support by Jessie Vintila perfect cup of organic coff ee, digging deep to get through the Tix Pre-sale $12 / Door $15 Community Radio Bay FM 99.9 day, relationships, wayward lovers, children, and moral dilemmas. WE LOVE Available at T 6680 7999 | W Subscribers Friday at Brunswick Picture House at 7pm. Bay FM public fund donations are tax deductible Adult $25 | Concession $20 North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 31 ENTERTAINMENT


EMERGING FROM ADELAIDE’S RICH SONGWRITING SCENE, SOULFUL ROCKERS WANDERERS HAVE CEMENTED THEIR PLACE WITHIN THE LOCAL INDUSTRY FOR THEIR CAPTIVATING LIVE SHOW AND MUSICIANSHIP THAT HAS TRANSLATED EFFORTLESSLY FROM RECORD TO STAGE, SOLIDIFIED BY WINNING SA BEST BLUES/ROOTS BAND LATE IN 2017. LED BY VOCALIST/GUITARIST DUSTY LEE STEPHENSEN, WANDERERS HAVE FORMED AN UNBEATABLE DYNAMIC, WITH DRUMMER MATT BIRKIN BRINGING FLAIR TO THE MIX. DUSTY SPOKE WITH THE ECHO AHEAD OF HIS SHOW THE GURGE AT THE BEACH AT THE RAILS ON SATURDAY. Is there a quintessential Adelaide songwriting sound? If so what is it and where do you sit in the genre? Tell me about Loco. Getting ready to take to the stage at the Beach Hotel for the There are plenty of Adelaide references popping up in songs I had the chorus written and that’s it. I took the rough idea Byron Bay Surf Festival, Ben Ely from Regurgitator says, by bands such as West Thebarton, Bad Dreems and a few to the boys a week before we hit the studio to record the EP, ‘Dropping in on a wave is a similar feeling of excitement you others that are quite proud and clear about their Adelaide having no idea it would end up on there. We jammed it out for get as when you are about to launch into writing a new song or roots and capture the vibe perfectly in their lyrics. But as far about half an hour then I went home and wrote all the lyrics. starting a new painting. You just don’t know where it will take as a ‘sound’ goes, I don’t think so. There are so many diff erent The full arrangement and all the ideas came from that half- you or what is going to happen. Sometimes you wipe out and scenes and genres where bands are really killing it down hour jam and we decided, while in the studio, to lay it down as fuck up and sometimes you may fi nd yourself rewarded with a here that it’s hard to put a fi nger on one that stands out. is and not over-think it. great experience. It’s what keeps you going back for more – the We kind of fl oat about the scene like the kid in the The laidback vibe of the song was inspired in part by Fat excitement of the unknown, to push yourself to be a better playground who’s not a loner, but is just kind of friends with Freddy’s Drop and the lyrics are an ode to getting old and person, catching bigger and better waves, hopefully landing everyone. We’ve been on lineups with heavy grunge bands, embracing the unknown. every ride.’ Americana-style folk bands, soul/groove/funk bands and How do you work a song up from concept to recording to The social conscience of the festival is something that the Gurge straight-up rock bands. We always come away saying ‘We stage? Does it change much from studio to live? support too. ‘Given the state of society, environment and climate. fooled ’em again, lads’. We defi nitely approach our songs diff erently in the studio we hope upcoming generations across the world take the time What is the music that infl uences you? than live. The studio is a chance to step back and look at the and make the eff ort to consider the realities of injustice right At the moment, anything with a deep groove, plenty of song diff erently, to have a bigger vision for it and experiment across the board and manifest more inclusive attitudes and pocket, honest lyrics and a tight rhythm section. Those are the until it comes to life, while also trying to keep that ‘live energy’ overall awareness to make a stand against archaic and non- aspects we’re focusing on now as a band and it’s good to soak that we have. progressive approaches that we are currently laden with, and in in music that refl ects those goals, I think. Anderson Pak, The I just try to write songs that will translate easily no matter turn help make the world a better place for all.’ A great sentiment Roots, Tedeschi Trucks band, Tom Misch, D’Angelo, Bill Withers, what the lineup of the band, so on the recordings there and a shared attitude of the Byron Bay Surf Festival too, who are Moses Sumney… so many more. Our drummer Matt has might be multiple guitar layers, keyboards and heaps of vocal endless amounts of playlists that we listen to on the road and really excited to have these guys on board. harmonies, but then we’ll have a trio gig somewhere and the juicy grooves never end. The band has defi nitely changed Regurgitator’s stock in trade is artistically reinventing music. play with same song with just three dudes. We approach it its route a bit from the fi rst EP’s kinda ‘folk rockness’. But with a Drawing on a vast range of infl uences they wittily put the pieces diff erently and fi ll in more gaps on our instruments; that gives rhythm section like this one, the songs just start to shake their it that ‘power trio’ vibe. I think a good song is a good song back together in an avalanche of sounds and songs, more pop booty no matter what so we naturally head more down that whether it’s played on a recorder, an acoustic guitar or with than the Beastie Boys, less obscure than Primus. soul/groove road. a whole orchestra, so I try to write songs that will translate in Their music is abstract expressionism for the ears, combining this fashion. industrial sounds, funk, hip-hop, synth pop, and disco and What was it about your EP Something for a Distraction that making the most of eff ects and samples. But that’s not the only set it apart? What should people expect for your upcoming show at the way these guys aff ect people and instigate change. Regurgitator For us it was the old sound meeting the new direction at a Rails in Byron? crossroads and seeing how it all fi t. I think there is diversity are known for having a deep social conscience and standing up Last time we played there, by the end it was mayhem, so between the songs on it that is unique for an EP. I think for what’s right. hopefully a little more of that! Plenty of tooshies shaking normally its probably wise to have fi ve or six songs that on the dancefl oor, people joining in the chorus harmonies Their many lyrical ideas refl ect a discomfort with the current represent the current sound or direction of the band, but on on songs they’re hearing for the fi rst time, grooves and government, state of the environment and our place as human that EP we ended up showcasing a whole range of what we’re breakdowns that will get your arse off the seat, and probably beings in this world. Regurgitator plays the Beach Hotel on about. It has a fl ow that kind of starts with ‘this is where we’re too many keyboard and guitar solos, as usual. We love it there, going’ then in the middle takes a pit stop at ‘this is where we Friday from 9pm. so we’ll be smiling and feeling good and hope the crowd will were’ and a couple of songs that are ‘but we like doing this be right there with us. stuff too’. I’ve been told that the whole EP sounds like us, KANGAROO MOON though, so I’m happy with that. Catch Wanderers at the Rails on Saturday. AT STOKERS

This Saturday sees the much-loved Kangaroo Moon play Stokers Siding Hall.

The Kangaroo Moon musical tapestry is woven from many strands. Elements of world, rock, folk and dance, with acoustic and electronic influences, run through a funky, psychedelic, heart-lifting wall of sound. Trancey, dancey and richly melodic, their sounds unite the body and soul in deep, joyful psychedelia and elemental dance. Kangaroo Moon are well travelled troubadours, having toured extensively throughout Australia and Europe over the past three decades. They’ve played the legendary Glastonbury and Womad festivals several times, as well as Australia’s Woodford and National Folk Festival. Along the way they’ve recorded a swag of albums, the sound evolving and growing in tune with their constant striving for originality in a business thriving with talent. Three of the original core – Mark Robson, Matt Ledgar and Elliet Mackrell – are on this tour. Inspiring and evocative, Kangaroo Moon’s Celtic-Aboriginal /Aussie roots meet in rhythm with the spiralling speeds of our millennial inheritance, their sheer commitment and skill inspiring audiences to fl y. This gig should not be missed. Cafe with food available. Starting at 8pm. Tickets are $20 at the door or $15 pre-booked (phone Maya on 0420 357 726).

32 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: ENTERTAINMENT MERRICK BLUES IN THE CAN MAN OF THE HOUR!

Life is confusing and no-one has all the answers… except Merrick Watts. None of his answers is right but at least he’s having a go. This is Merrick’s fi rst solo show. We know! What’s he been doing? He puts the delay down to not being able to come up with a funny enough quote to put on the poster. Seriously though, he’s worked really hard on it and wants you to like it and tell your friends on social media about it because he is very needy and requires constant attention. Man of the Hour attempts to answer all the questions nobody’s Blues rock band Canned Heat has more lineup changes than never Canned Heat’s goal, I can tell you that. They wanted to asking, such as ‘Where did all the bull ants go? Now we have most. With more than 40 lineup changes over the years, one be as big as Paul Butterfi eld. Get an album out and maybe a sink holes. Coincidence? I think not!’ Ahead of his show at thing is for sure: it doesn’t really mean who’s lining up. With record deal and get a record in the top hundred. That would Lismore Laughs, Merrick fi lled us in on his very favourite Skip Taylor calling the shots, you can be assured that hard- make them happy, you know? But it does take a lot of pieces subject: him! luck blues is coming your way. of the puzzle working together and having a vision, and Skip Taylor has pretty well managed the band since the especially when it’s the blues, which was not the most popular If I weren’t a comedian… I’d be a butcher or a yabbie farmer. beginning – 51 years in fact. He’s 75 and going strong. His story music of the day and still isn’t, and you have places that you is the stuff of music history. can see it at. Byron Bay, when we played the very fi rst Byron My mother always said… Don’t trust men who don’t have Bay Blues Festival it was all blues acts. women as friends. ‘Well I had started the rock’n’roll department at the William ‘And today the blues acts alone can’t draw enough people What I hate most about being a comedian… nothing, you can Morris Agency in Beverly Hills, which was the biggest booking agency in the world; it’s still one of the biggest. And a friend to make those kinds of ventures worthwhile fi nancially or hardly complain about a job that is about as far away from what any other way. And so you’ve got most festivals that were an actual job is! of mine who was head of the fi lm school at UCLA, at the University in Westwood, California, right near my offi ce, mainly started with blues are now bikes and blues, meaning motorcycles and blues. Or blues and brews, so it’s blues and One of the biggest misconceptions about being a suggested I come to the campus and see two bands that craft beers or something else that brings another element comedian… we are all the same. We are not. Happy clowns, were playing at a fraternity that night. One was called The in to bring a larger audience. My hat is tipped to Peter sad clowns. I’m a happy clown and I don’t like being around sad Doors and one was called Canned Heat. And so I got to see Noble and Bluesfest because even the Blues Foundation just ones very much. these guys in their infancy and had them all in my offi ce the awarded him the lifetime blues achievement award or some The secret to fi nding love… fi nding the person who can next day and signed them both for representation and made nomination, an award for being one of the ones to keep tolerate you. record deals for The Doors and for Canned Heat. the blues alive. I think that’s what the award is, keeping the The thing no-one knows about me… I once started a BA And eventually when I was done with the William Morris offi ce blues alive.’ degree as an adult but have not completed it (like about and went out on my own I wound up managing Canned Heat Canned Heat lost one of their favourite players, James T, to 100,000 other people!) along with my partner John Hartman, whose brother was Phil Australia when he moved to Australia after meeting his wife Hartman from Saturday Night Live fame. And John wound up When I dance… I feel incredibly self-conscious. I have been on the road. But losing great players and gaining great players managing America and a couple other people including Neil asked at least three or four times to do ‘dancing shows’ but is all part of the Canned Heat experience. could not think of anything worse. Singing: same. Young. And we both handled Buff alo Springfi eld and Chad and Jeremy and had a lot of the big bands of the late sixties ‘We’ve lived through that many times in Canned Heat. And The fi rst fi lm that really moved me… Platoon. early seventies.’ Robert Lucas, and Bob Hite, you know, Alan Wilson, Henry The fi lm I love that is embarrassing… Up. Vestine, these guys, Jay Spell, I mean there are so many great Skip knows the music business. ‘It’s music,’ he says and ‘business’. My worst habit… talking about myself – so I should probably musicians who have come through Canned Heat and are no ‘Unless you have those two things together in good have called my show My Worst Habit’. longer with us. And rather than have the band disintegrate, proportions you don’t have success and you can’t make a Fito or I or both of us together at diff erent times have kept My greatest achievement… my kids and a gold medal at state living at it. And you have to decide is this something of a it going because it is our family and it is unique. It has a level for Tae Kwon Do. hobby or do I want to make my living at it? And if so, you look very diff erent sound from any other band. The way it’s put If I were prime minister… I could hardly do a worse job than at it as a giant puzzle with all these various pieces. And those together, the way the songs are put together, the two guitar what we have seen in the last decade but, knowing me, I’d fi nd pieces include your record company, the agent, the manager, sounds, the harmonica, the lead vocal and one of the most a way! the tour manager, your equipment, your roadie, your van, your fabulous rhythm sections ever, Larry and Fito, are still there The worst advice I was ever given… become a police offi cer! travel agent, your business manager. All these pieces. putting it together and creating the base for this great music that appeals to so many people and has, fortunately, been When you come to see my show… you will laugh, you may cry ‘And as you grow you need more and more of these things able to expose so many people around the world to the blues.’ and you will likely do a little bit of wee. having expertise and making the whole operation run smoothly so that you can use music to keep the roof over Canned Heat play Byron Bluesfest this Easter. For tickets Lismore Laughs: Merrick Watts Friday 9 March 7.30pm, your head and to become commercially successful, which was and program info go to Lismore City Hall. or 1300 066 772



victor ruiz BAND ROOM 420 sound FRIDAY reggae night


North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 33 ENTERTAINMENT CULTURE DANCING OUR LAND

Bangarra Dance troupe’s incredible moving triple bill, Our Land People Stories is on at HOTA this week. HOTA is the renamed Gold Coast Arts Centre (Home of the Arts). Inspired by the life story and painting of internationally acclaimed visual artist Nyapanyapa Yunupingu from northeast Arnhem Land, artistic director Stephen Page presents a multi-layered experience that sheds light on Australia’s history through contemporary dance, striking costumes, visual art and vibrant landscapes. Fri – Sat at HOTA – for tickets. MUSIC AND COMMUNITY FOR WEST PAPUA MULLUM IN MOVIES BIG GIG FOR BARNETT

The genocide of the West Papuan people at the hands of the The Brunswick Valley Historical Society Inc are screening Back in 2010 Andrew Barnett’s comedy career began with a bang when he made the NSW state fi nal of Raw Comedy. Since then Indonesian military is one of the saddest yet rarely told stories both of Sharon Shostak’s docos on Saturday at the Drill Hall, Andrew has become a fi xture of the Sydney comedy scene where of modern times, and it‘s still happening right now! Nothing has Mullumbimby. Mullumbimby’s Magic, the legacy of the hippies he has established himself as a crowd favourite across the Sydney changed! Why? Because West Papua, a land of untold riches, was will screening at 5pm with doors opening at 4pm. Then at 7.30 comedy scene and beyond. Barnett is the bloke next door, loveable, hijacked with a violent and rigged vote by Indonesia in 1969. Only we will be screening Mullumbimby’s Magic – the culture of the dry, and one hell of a great yarn spinner. The minute he walks 1,000 out of a million were allowed to vote and those 1,000 were 1970s–80s Part 1. If you missed it fi rst time around, this is your onstage he develops an immediate rapport with the audience. held at gunpoint! All this was with the support of Australia, the chance to catch up. See if you recognise anyone or, if you are new Andrew has worked with comedians from across Australia and USA and the United Nations. to the region, fi nd out about the rich human history that you have the world. He has opened for some of the fi nest international The Indonesian military have slaughtered nearly half a million become part of. acts to visit Australia including Dom Irrera (USA) and Ian Bagg indigenous West Papuans in the years since, all in the name of $15/10 each screening and there will be food and drinks for sale (Can). Andrew has also worked with some of the biggest names a mountain made of pure gold. The 50 years’ genocide has left with those proceeds going to the Community Gardens. in Australian comedy including Akmal Saleh, Dave Hughes, Fiona behind thousands of forgotten orphans who have had zero O’Loughlin, Glenn Robins and Dave O’Neill. charitable relief. There will be a big fundraiser for West Papua Andrew has performed at numerous festivals across Australia as at the Ewingsdale Hall on Saturday. Staring at 10 in the morning STOPPING ADANI a solo performer and part of ensembles. Andrew’s 2015 Sydney with yoga, then featuring the tranquil fl ute sounds of Lord Bhati, Fringe Festival show was described by The Daily Telegraph as a chi gong energy fl ow by Vitoria Borg-Oliver, guitar and vocals Guarding the Galilee screens at the Brunswick Picture House ‘knockout show.’ Owing to popular demand, Andrew’s 2015 Fringe Festival season was extended to include an encore performance. by Lucy Gallant, ecstatic free-fl ow dance by Anne O Hoy, the on Thursday. Presented by Michael Caton, this is a 30-minute Band Zero Limits with Delight and Tribe, DJ Pumpernickel documentary on the battle to stop the biggest coal mine in In 2015 Andrew won the comedy prize in the ANZ Blue Rooms with Awakened Beats, and fi nishing at 5pm with a screening of Australian history, Adani’s Carmichael project. The award-winning Competition as part of the Sydney Morning Herald ’s prestigious the documentary Forgotten Birds of Paradise. Spectrum Now festival. documentary team captures the raw beauty of the Queensland Be part of making a diff erence. 10am–6pm on Saturday at outback, where Adani’s mine threatens essential water resources. In 2016 Andrew was selected to be part of the FRESH program at Ewingsdale Hall | Come to the event or make a donation A Mighty Force, the follow-up fi lm, looks at the diversity and power the Sydney Comedy Festival, which highlights the best emerging comedians in the festival. Andrew has a relaxed, aff able style today | of the #StopAdani movement and what it will take to win this that belies a razor-sharp wit. His comedy is fi lled with insightful campaign. We’re documenting the ordinary people who are observations and witty anecdotes. Andrew is sure to be a crowd SWIV PM standing up and taking extraordinary action in the movement favourite wherever he performs. to stop this mine, and what it will take to #StopAdani for good! With Ellen Briggs as support and Mandy Nolan as MC, this Mark Swivel. Baby kisser. Dreamer. Wannabe politician. Well, not Be part of the simultaneous nationwide premiere. All proceeds go will be a night not to miss. Thursday at The Big Gig at the really. Who would want to be prime minister? he asks. In Mark to FLAC (Frontline Action on Coal). 7pm | Adult $10. Ballina RSL. 8pm. Swivel’s new one-man show he details a litany of sins of our PMs, the broken promises, and illustrates once and for all that the system is broken, and that no visionary, passionate, and forward-thinking person is ever going to make it to the top job. BEHIND DOORS He presents Alternative Prime Minister at the Mullumbimby The exhibition will run on Sat 24th and Sunday 25th Ex-Services on Friday at 7.30pm. February and will include a few more local artists. Between 11am and 5pm daily

Ballina PLAYERS Auditions Sun 4 March 10am - 4pm Ballina Players Theatre

Show Dates: Director/Choreographer Jun 15 - Jul 1 Jaime Sheehan For further info and to book an audition Leeorah Hursky and Kleber Cianni Contact Mike 0402 491 036 Gallery House at 4 Orara Crt Byron | 0452 275 141

34 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: ENTERTAINMENT

What’s your background? Are you from dance backgrounds? Yoga? YOU GOT TO MOVE IT We both have dance as a background from childhood and recognise that traditional training can be too much for the body and cut us off from our unique expression. We love to use MOVE IT! movement as art and as a healing tool to feel better and increase life force! Alona has mainly focused on contemporary dance We Move Studio is what happens when two friends get and site-specifi c performances and I have mostly trained in acro, together to create a space for creative expression. Meggie fi tness and holistic movement through the Nia technique. We Danielson shared the story of her and Alona Rosenberg have both always loved to dance and just can’t get enough. We with The Echo. love learning and working together with other movers. What is unique about Mullumbimby and how do you think What inspired you and Alona to create We Move studio? that will shape your studio? We wanted to move more, dance more, and have a proper creative expression. There are so many amazing dance and Mullum is somehow full of artists, healers and creatives. There space that was specifi cally designed for dance to inspire our movement teachers in this area and we want to give them a are tons of diff erent movement opportunities already, and creativity. Finally acknowledging the need for this in our lives platform to share their gifts and experiences with us. We also we’d love to see it stay that way. We Move Studio not only we found that it was a prevalent craving of many others. Being will be hosting workshops and weekend events with music wants to see more of the community getting their dance fi x, dance teachers, we knew the challenges associated with performance and dance. but also wants to create a community of movement teachers creating a stable income from teaching and wanted to support Why are these spaces important or integral to a place who have a space to come together and inspire one another. more teachers to enjoy teaching with less stress. We also saw like Mullum? This is the land of rainbows and festivals. We see the studio that people were limiting themselves to only taking classes Mullum loves dance! We are a conscious community that becoming like a daytime dance club: you have your wrist band now and again owing to their busy schedules and the cost of understands the importance of movement to create a happy, and you can just turn up and get your groove on at any time. a single class, so we fi gured this model would really work for healthy, balanced life, and yet it can be diffi cult to access the Tell me about the next two weeks and how people everybody. Being community-minded gals, we also wanted right movement styles that suit our personal needs on a daily can engage? to be able to support movement through youth, family and basis. The subscription-style model that we are using allows To launch the studio we’re holding a 2-week Dance Fest at a Indigenous dance projects. members to come to any class at any time. Mullum is small, super-aff ordable price to allow people to come in and get a What kind of events or classes do you see happening there? but it’s a busy little place and we often need fl exibility (no taste of what this is all about. Tickets and the timetable are We are open to hosting any classes that share the vision of a pun intended). So adults really need this space but so do the available on the website: non-competitive, inclusive space for all people to come and kids. Alona and I both want to see children’s confi dence and How do people fi nd out more? receive the gifts of movement. We are focusing on social and creativity blossom through movement without having to fi t Come down and see what’s happening or get a glimpse on FB cultural style dances, healing movement, fi tness, fusion and into a tutu or do it all the ‘right’ way. and Instagram. EXHIBITION BEHIND DOORS TRAINING GROUND LOVE POEMS FOR THE EARTH

True Byron magic happened extensively throughout Brazil. Learn physical theatre with Dangerously Poetic Press is holding a free Melbourne poetry scene, has just published a when two artist from two In 2015 he was a fi nalist in the some of the country’s leading evening of poetry and music on Sunday at collection titled For Instance and has another very different backgrounds Stencil Art Prize in Sydney. artists at NORPA. NORPA’s Murwillumbah’s Regent Cinema’s balcony on the way. An experienced teacher, he is collaborated. Training Groundprogram at 5–7pm. The theme is Love Poems for the also about to teach a creative writing course Leeorah is originally from South Kleber Cianni, a Brazilan artist, provides artistic development Earth. The Murwillumbah area has recently through Murwillumbah Community College. Africa and has been a local of and local Leeorah Hursky for local performers, and regular become home to award-winning poets Nola Bring along a poem to share on the theme crossed paths more than a week Byron Bay now for many years. contact with NORPA through Firth and Matt Hetherington, who will both for the Open Section, whether your own or ago. The idea to collaborate on Her work is famously passionate physical theatre training with be featured. Nola won the Byron Writers one you love by someone else. Local singer/ one format was born and the and wild. She has exhibited in the company’s associate artists. Festival Dangerously Poetic Prize last year songwriter Elizabeth Lord will regale you with All levels of skill and experience preparation to exhibit in less Sydney, Byron and Capetown. with her poem Counting on Murwillumbah. her tender jazzy songs. Snacks and drinks will are welcome. The fi rst is led by than a week was undertaken. Included in the exhibition is an Matt, who has recently moved to Uki from the be available for purchase. All are welcome. It was a whirlwind of ideas and Kirk Page and is a four-week boot area for guests to experience the creativity all the way, resulting camp that focuses on developing in a very successful exhibition. magic of paint by adding to the physical strength and techniques Included in this experience was group installation. Suggestions that will benefi t partnering skills collaboration with @anthony_ are to come with messy clothes in physical theatre-making. The cooper_co, who produced the or don the plastic-bag look. classes will be a combination promo video and is currently of pilates mat work, warm-up working on the full documentary. This team will exhibit next in and stretching, coordination SATURDAY 3 MARCH, 7:30PM He is a young very talented Capetown and Brazil. This is a rare exercises, and solo and duet fi lmmaker and an integral part opportunity to meet the artists. physical theatre-making. NORPA AT LISMORE CITY HALL of this collaboration. The exhibition will run on Starting Wednesday Kleber Cianni is a well-known Saturday and Sunday and 28 February and running Brazilian artist, who has Wednesdays through until 21 will include a few more local exhibited at the National March. 6–8pm, at The Studio, Museum Brasilia. He trained as artists. It is in Gallery House Lismore City Hall. Cost: $100 an artist at Cesuc University, at 4 Orara Crt, between 11am / $80 concession | Minimum Brazil, and has exhibited and 5pm daily. age 16 years.


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ARIES: Aries think big, give LIBRA: Ready for a radical generously, grasp things change to your wardrobe, LADY BIRD THE 15:17 TO PARIS intuitively. Sometimes oth- personal presentation, ers take umbrage at your home address, job, life in The poster says a lot. It is of Saoirse Ronin (as the eponymous Clint Eastwood, now 87, has made some of the fi nest movies general? This is your week, style, and sometimes they Lady Bird) in profi le. For all the world it might be a Madonna of this century. His latest is not one of them, but it does not have a point. This week’s when a challenge or dar- by Piero della Francesca. And if you still haven’t caught on, warrant the brickbats that have been hurled at it. Indeed, if astro-energies recommend, ing adventure could look there is a crucifi x in the top right. Christine, who wishes to be and ably assist with, letting irresistible. At the very least Eastwood’s crime is to laud the heroism of three unarmed men known as Lady Bird, is in her last year of high school. Desperate go of certain brain technol- you’ll rework traditional who took down a terrorist armed with an automatic rifl e and ogies: repetitive memories technology to fi t current to escape the stifl ing ordinariness of Sacramento, she hopes 300 rounds of ammunition, then pft! to his measly critics. Based and vexatious stories that requirements – and with to be accepted by a college in the East, but her grades are on the incident in 2015, when the backpacking trio intervened keep perpetuating unhap- Venus in the sign of artistry, poor. Despite her Catholic education, she has not attained to prevent a massacre on the Amsterdam–Paris train, there piness in relationships. You do it beautifully. the serenity of Piero’s Madonna and, constantly at war with is more than enough promotion of individualism and ‘ain’t her harried mother (Laurie Metcalf), the family breadwinner, know the ones. SCORPIO: America great’ even for this stalwart fan. But we’re familiar If you want to Lady Bird is a crazy mixed-up kid – not unlike Nadine from break a habit, bust a pattern, with Eastwood’s politics – some early scenes make Ayn Rand TAURUS: Unusual invita- Edge of Seventeen. Greta Gerwig’s autobiographical coming- tions you wouldn’t normally solve a mystery or dissolve a look like a leftie – but the lack of subtlety only occasionally gridlock, this week’s planets of-age fi lm captures teenage angst perfectly, but in a way grates. In a flashback to the boys’ school gym (they were consider could bust you that neither irritates nor i ngratiates. Lady Bird just wants to out of a rut this week have your back. As Piscean childhood buddies), two of them are wearing khaki singlets know where she is going to fi t in, because it is not where she (woohoo!) as your planetary vibes soften attitudes and while everybody else is in white. You feel like shouting at the is at the moment. This is a performance of beautiful clarity ruler sweet Venus in Pisces expand understanding in screen ‘We get it, Clint! We get it!’ The biggest risk Eastwood from Ronin (her fi rst name is pronounced ‘Sersha’), expressing tenderises tough situations, a home, family, children or takes, though, is having his protagonists play themselves, for it elders situation, act from her character’s confusion, fragility and spikiness without ever brings honey to the heart, is obvious from the outset that Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos writes sensual delights your most evolved self, as presenting her as anything but her own, likeable person. The and Spencer Stone, the most prominent, are not actors. They on your daily menu – and represented astrologically by mother–daughter confl ict is at the core of Ladybird’s problems changes the relationship the legendary phoenix. – she is as stubborn and volatile as her Mom – while at the are wooden at times but, not helped by dialogue that is prosaic game plan via a communi- same time she is having to cope with the anxieties of sexual at best, they’re not that bad and, in their favour, they at least SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarians cation breakthrough. present an unforced camaraderie. Most attention is paid to are the zodiac’s astro-tribe awakening. Surprisingly, Gerwig goes against the trend and presents the Church as a positive influence – Lady Bird is Stone, a guy who joined the military to fulfi l his need to do GEMINI: Arguing over who think people should good but was unable to fi nd his niche. He is a typically bullet- who’s right won’t gain be able to handle the truth. not religious, but she is in a caring environment in which headed but polite believer in God and destiny – so I can’t quite traction this week, so focus Can you? Because this the teachers, including ancient nuns, are not seen as ogres. explain why I was on side with him. Even with a puerile script, instead on mutual accord week could deliver some Because you fi nd yourself so quickly caring for Lady Bird and and common goals. Don’t in-depth insights and in- absorbed in her relationships (I could see the problem with the old pro Eastwood manages to bring it home, and the best make decisions on uncon- your-face feedback. Take Danny a mile off and I especially liked the bond she had with is saved ’til last. Using real-life footage, the speech given by the fi rmed information – verify the time you need to think her bestie, Julie) and her age-old plight, which is as profound French president Francois Hollande on the steps of the Élysée fi rst. This all-over-the-shop this over, preferably in or as it is simple, it is one of those movies that fl ies by. Warm, Palace before awarding the men the Légion d’honneur is a transit could really use the near water. Drive carefully. forgiving and true rousing affi rmation of values we too often lampoon. old Jewish Buddhist wis- Spend sensibly. And above dom gem: Be here now. Be all, speak kindly. someplace else later. Is that so complicated? CAPRICORN: Even you tradi- tionalists are likely to feel the CANCER: This week, fellow call of the wild and the tug travellers sharing your of the new this week. Venus quirkier interests are likely in your house of socialising to show up – who knew? accompanied by strong Though if you catch yourself Uranian vibes make group over-reacting, take time out projects and community to check whether some- meetings lively and conge- thing bigger’s bugging you. nial: vibrant with innovative As Piscean vibes activate ideas, novel concepts and Neptunian neurons, tune inventive technologies. into downloads from mystic insights, aha moments and AQUARUS: Glad tidings, psychic fl ashes. Aquirkians! The planetary quartet of Sun, Mercury, LEO: Don’t dismiss eccen- Venus and Neptune in tric people with curious your house of income viewpoints just because comes with guest gifts: you think they’re not your think windfall, job off er or style. Ideas can always be adapted. Creativity is your unexpected presents. If this thing, so why let stubborn- week’s meetings and deals ness close your mind to persuade you to improve the unusual solutions this something in your life, week’s presenting? Espe- opportunities will immedi- cially when it gets you really ately present to do just that. thinking about relationships Take them. in a new way. PISCES: Venus in Pisces VIRGO: This week’s veering likes life beautiful, so fi rst from thinking to feel- read Libra’s stars, because ing and heady to hearty the bit about a style boost could fray Virgo nerves as and wardrobe makeover’s people alternate between also true for you Neptu- aff ectionate one minute, nians. As this week loosens distant the next. You like rules (Pisceans: What life detailed and precise, so rules?), taking the scenic what to do with this mixed- route could actually be the message, simmer-and-chill most productive. You can’t scenario? What you always please everyone, so don’t do – the sensible thing. over-promise. 36 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: ENTERTAINMENT



DEADLINE: For additions and changes to the Service Directory is 12pm Friday. ANTENNAS PLUS LINE ADS: $99 for 3 months or $340 for 1 year prepaid. YOUR DIGITAL AND PROGRAMMING SOLUTIONS For line Service Directory ads email classifi [email protected]. • Set top box installation and programming Friendly • Surround sound design and installation DISPLAY ADS: $66 per week for colour display ad. Minimum 8 week booking 4 weeks prepaid. • All TV, telephone & electrical installations & Reliable Please supply display ads 85mm wide, 28mm high. New display ads will be placed at end of section. INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS FROM $110 SMALL BUSINESS RETURNS FROM $280 Call Norm now on 0422 668 582 For display Service Directory ads email [email protected]. PERSONALISED SERVICE, BOOKKEEPING, BAS, TAX The Echo Service Directory is online in Echonetdaily – Gail Rundle 0401 884 231 Reg. Tax Agent JP DIGITAL ANTENNAS Reception problems, new antennas, extra TV points, all areas .....0432 289705 ACCOUNTS & BOOKINGS: 6684 1777 Behind the Post Offi ce in Fingal Street, Brunswick Heads BYRON ANTENNA SERVICE Call me fi rst for fast service. Richard ...... 0401 190960


ACCOUNTANT – MARTIN McCARTHY ...... 66874026 FURNITURE RESTORATION Old/antique, 40+ yrs exp. ...0412 528454 Accountants & Bookkeepers ...... 38 ACCOUNTANT BANGALOW + BYRON BAY The Offi ce Accountants & Business Advisors ...66872960 Acupuncture ...... 38 APPLIANCE REPAIR BOOKKEEPER XERO & MYOB BAS AGENT Set up, training, Ph Ursula ...... 0433 991404 Agent ...... 38 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS REPAIR & SERVICE TV. Audio. Antennas ...... 66843575 or 0414 922786 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration ...... 38 Antennas & Installation ...... 38 ACUPUNCTURE ARCHITECTS Antiques / Restoration ...... 38 FRANK STEWART ARCHITECT Reg. 6075. ...... 66856984 Appliance Repair ...... 38 ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE M Collis ...... 66842559 OCEANARC ARCHITECTS Reg. 6042 ...... 66855001 Architects ...... 38 ACUPUNCTURE–TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE. Mary-Ellen Young ...... 0403 477972 Automotive ...... 38 AUTOMOTIVE Bathroom Renovations ...... 38 AGENT Blinds, Awnings, Curtains, Shutters...... 38 Bricklaying ...... 38 Building Trades ...... 38 Byron & Co Agent Bush Regen & Weed Control 39 ...... • Lord Byron’s Cologne – coming in June • Carpet Cleaning ...... 39 • Tyres • Batteries • Wheel Alignments MULLUMBIMBY TYRE SERVICE LEGENDARY Chimney Sweeping ...... 39 & producer 0407 076 374 Dalley Street, Mullumbimby 6684 2016 OFFROAD TYRES Chiropractic ...... 39 Indust. & village sites Billinudgel $280k - $1Mil Cleaning ...... 39 [email protected] MECHANICAL REPAIRS, WARREN SIMMONS Byron Bay ...... 66858500 Computer Services ...... 39 BAYSIDE RADIATORS Windscreens & air-con. Billinudgel. AU29498 ...... 66802444 Concreting & Paving ...... 39 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION Decks, Patios & Extensions ...... 39 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Dentists ...... 39 Design & Drafting ...... 39 Affordable bathroom renovations are our Digital Fabrication ...... 39 speciality. From a simple makeover, to a total transformation, we deliver on our Driveway Maintenance ...... 39 guarantee of workmanship and price. PLEASE CALL Earthmoving & Excavation ...... 39 All aspects of plumbing: Gas Fitting, AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION 6680 9394 Drainage, Construction, Renovations. Electricians ...... 40 15+ years experience. Free quotes. Fencing ...... 40 AU 37088 Lic 246545C Call Kane 0410 534 081 Licence # 289899C Flooring ...... 40 Floor Sanding & Polishing ...... 40 INSTALL, MAINTENANCE, SERVICE & REPAIRS Garage Doors ...... 40 ALL MAKES AND MODELS Garden & Property Maintenance ...... 40 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Garden Design ...... 40 LOCAL - RELIABLE - COMPETITIVE Gas Suppliers ...... 40 Glaziers ...... 40 CALL US NOW 0448 875 008 Call Jason: Guttering...... 40 AU43045 [email protected] L003353 0434 177 594 Handypersons ...... 40 BLINDS, AWNINGS, CURTAINS, SHUTTERS Health ...... 40 – Sales – Installation – Repairs Hire...... 40 Mullumbimby – All Commercial Refrigeration Refrigeration & Kitchens 40 – Residential & Commercial 3ODQWDWLRQ6KXWWHUV ...... Airconditioning Airconditioning 7LPEHU9HQHWLDQV Landscape Design ...... 40 Services – Coolroom Design & Construction Landscaping ...... 41 – Freezer Rooms 6XQVFUHHQ5ROO%OLQGV 5RPDQ%OLQGV Laundry Services ...... 41 14 Manns Road, Mullumbimby ([WHUQDO$ZQLQJV Lawnmower Repairs ...... 41 Lic: 299433C ARC: AU40492 6684 2783 &XUWDLQV 7UDFNLQJ Lighting ...... 41 6KRML6FUHHQ'RRUV Locksmith ...... 41  Osteopathy ...... 41 alfred schnitger electrician and Painting ...... 41 refrigeration mechanic Permaculture...... 41 0422 143 358 Pest Control ...... 41 abn: 630 282 248 06 licence no: 282 193C 6KRZURRP2SHQ0RQ)ULSP Photography ...... 41 [email protected] Physiotherapy ...... 41 &HQWHQQLDO&W%\URQ%D\ Picture Framing ...... 41 3K)5((0 4216,7( COOLMAN AIR CONDITIONING 23 years experience. Lic 178464C AU30147 ...... 0412 641753 Picture Hanging ...... 41 Plastering ...... 41 RAINBOW REGION AIR CONDITIONING ARC AU36141. Lic No. 264313C ...... 0487 264137 COMPASS 20 years and going strong! Plumbers ...... 41 ARTISAN AIR ‘Chill Out’ AU37088 Lic 246545C Custom made curtains, Podiatry ...... 41 CURTAINS blinds and decor items Printing & Copying Services ...... 42 Supplying Daikin Air Conditioners to the Northern Rivers ...... 66809394 We come to you, wherever you are: Byron, Lismore, Removalists...... 42 ANTENNAS & INSTALLATION Barbara Wilson The Clarence and beyond… Roofi ng ...... 42 0435 954 212 [email protected] Rubbish Removal ...... 42 Scrap Metal Merchants ...... 42 BRICKLAYING Septic Systems...... 42 Sewing & Alterations...... 42 0439 624 945 AH 02 66 804 173 BRICK/BLOCK LAYING Contractors. Lic 291958C. Phone Mark ...... 04=09 444268 Solar Installation ...... 42 Digital TV Friendly BUILDING TRADES Swimming Pools ...... 42 ALL Antenna Reliable Tiling ...... 42 Installations & Repairs Prompt • DEPT OF FAIR TRADING: A licence is required for all residential building work where the reason- ALL Electrical Work Local Tree Services ...... 42 able market cost of the work to be done (labour and materials) exceeds $5000 (including GST). Upholstery ...... 42 IWIRE Valuers ...... 42 • New digital antennas ANTENNAS • Reception problems Veterinary Surgeons ...... 42 * • Extra TV outlets Water Filters ...... 42 NO FIX NO CHARGE • Phone sockets Water Tanks & Tank Cleaning ...... 42 For fast service call • Pensioner discounts Welding ...... 42 0402 022 111 Window Tinting ...... 42 David Levine *conditions apply

38 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Service Directory

FULL CIRCLE REFINISHING Timber & deck oiling, coating, stripping. Fast free quotes .....0419 789600 • Window Cleaning PRESTIGE • Screens & Tracks THE DECK DOCTOR Sanding & refi nishing, cable balustrading. Free quotes. Richard ...0407 821690 DUFbuild BUILDERS • Pressure Washing • House •Roof DECK REPAIRS, BUILDING & MAINTENANCE ...... 0403 793834 build the dream • Paths Award Winning Builders • Renovations • Extensions • New Homes Call Sam on • Solar DENTISTS Darren Paxton Master Builders 2ƯFH 0434 539 979 0412 497 637 Licence No.94573C 1300 095 393 BANGALOW DENTAL In the Medical Centre Complex, Bangalow ...... 66872766 DINGO DEMOLITIONS & ASBESTOS REMOVAL ...... 66834008 or 0407 728998 GAVIN STUART & MARTIN ACKLAND Banora Seaview Dental, Banora Point CARPENTER All jobs. Michael Dow. Lic 147675C ...... 66291169 or 0412 967677 Window Cleaning 30 mins north of Ewingsdale. Open Sat. early & late appointments ...... 07 55234090 BUILDER – JOHN McGAURAN Personalised Service. 20 yrs exp. Lic 170208C ...... 0415 793242 Professionals LITTLE LANE DENTAL, MULLUMBIMBY ...... 66842816 FABRICA JOINERY Quality kitchens/timber doors/windows. Lic 244652C ...... 66808162 Call Glenn or Tracey 0403 428 232 or 6680 9901 BUILDER CARPENTER Extensions, renos, new homes, insurance, all jobs. Lic 19953 ...... 0403 458177 email: [email protected] BRUNSWICK HOLISTIC DENTAL CENTRE ...... 66851264 Reliable • Friendly • Professional • Fully Insured • Free Quotes • Affordable Rates CARPENTER/JOINER Lic 39791 Decks, studios, pergolas etc Paul Varendorff ..66845035 or 0414 842602 Locally Owned and Operated • Quality Work with Over 10 Years Experience DESIGN & DRAFTING BUILDER Renovations, maintenance, 30yrs exp. Lic 29792C ....0408 663420 EXTENSIONS & RENOVATIONS Excellent quality. Builder: Levi Alexander Lic 189611C ..0402 434154 Quality Exterior Refinishing BAREFOOT BUILDING DESIGN ...... Bob Acton 0407 787993

CARPENTER HANDYMAN FB Greg’s Handyman Services Byron Bay Lic No 1039897 ....0414 109595 Pressure cleaning DAVID ROBINSON DESIGN DRAFTING All Council & construction requirements ...... 0419 880048 Roof cleaning BUSH REGENERATION & WEED CONTROL BYRON ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN & DRAFTING ...... 0423 531448 Phone Oliver 0419 789 600 Full Circle DRIVEWAY MAINTENANCE

P/L CLEAN AS IT’S BEEN TEAM Home, Bond back, anytime, references ...... 66882372 CARPARK & DRIVEWAY Native bush regeneration, tree planting and weed control. Fully DONE & DUSTED CLEANING Going the extra mile, professional, dependable ...... 0498 731447 MAINTENANCE insured and qualified with more than 12 years’ local experience. Free property assessments and quotes. DETAILED STEAM CLEANING Natural products. Bathrooms, kitchens, spring cleans .0410 723601 CONCRETE EDGING Call Ross Faithfull 0409 157 695 a/h 6687 2943 e: [email protected] AIRBNB HOSTING SERVICES Cleaning, linen, restocking, bookings...... 0410 630042 0418 156 909 WEED CONTROL SPECIALIST Management plans drawn up ...... 0418 110714 BYRON & BEYOND CLEANING Brunswick to Ballina & inland towns from $35ph ...... 0451 102239 Call Steven Butturini

CARPET CLEANING HOLIDAY CLEANERS AVAILABLE NOW! Domestic, AirBnB, last-minute. Local, exp & reliable .0421 360961 20+ Years A PROFESSIONAL & PERSONALISED SERVICE Northern Rivers Area ...... 0487 013372 Exp. Truck Mounted Machine 'ULYHZD\ 3RWKROH6SHFLDOLVW COMPUTER SERVICES Specialising in Asphalt Driveways, Subdivisions, TLC CARPET CLEANING Earthworks, Carparks and all Maintenance! TENDER LOVING CARE Specialising in household carpet cleaning Speedy Drying )UHH4XRWH–&DOO1RZ Jai – 0467 482 948 Kevin & Margaret Bower (02) 6684 1001 All Mac Repairs, Upgrades, Service, Data Recovery, EARTHMOVING & EXCAVATION FRANCHISE OF THE YEAR! Internet Set-up, Hardware Sales, Insurance Claims Green & Clean [email protected] Carpet and upholstery cleaning, urine Apple Certified Support extraction, rust removal, heavy traffi c 0411 562 111 s EARTHMOVING PLANT HIRE areas, deodorising and sanitation. Cleans deeply, Roadworks incl Driveways, Carparks & General Excavation Far North Coast NSW WhetherWhe er yyou need a tech John & Teresa dries in 1-2 hours mentor,m advice or just support - 35 years in local area • Free quotes 0408 232 066 Commercial / Domestic / Insurance I’m here to help  0431 122 057 Phone Jeremy 0409 146 052 APEX CARPET CLEANING ...... Nathan 0412 926441 AnyA conconsumer digital device Personal tech support for bamboozleded bipedsbip AnyAnny didigital project at home CHIMNEY SWEEPING | [email protected] c r - purely support, advice & tech ment s or repai orship No sale BLACKS CHIMNEY SWEEPING & REPAIRS AHHA member, insured. 3rd generation .....66771905 TINY EARTHWOR CHIROPRACTIC Philip Toovey 0409 799 909 BAY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Peter Wuehr 17 Bangalow Rd Byron Bay ...... 66855282 various implements available for limited access projects WAVE OF LIFE NETWORK CHIRO (lowforce) 8/9 Fletcher St, Byron Bay. Andrew Badman ...66858553 MICHAEL SCHWAGER 108 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby ...... 66841962 MULLUM CHIROPRACTIC Massage, chiropractic & fi tness. 110 Dalley St ...... 66841028 EARTHMOVING & PLANT HIRE Specialising in driveway construction & maintenance BYRON BAY CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE Bruce Campbell. 1/12 Tasman Way, A&I Estate ....66858159 RENT-A-GEEK Mobile PC Repair (Byron Shire) ...... 66844335 • Tip trucks 3 to 12 tonne • Excavator 5 to 21 tonne • Driveways • Roads • Acreage clearing • House pads • Drainage • Carparks • Bush rocks CAPE BYRON HOLISTIC CHIROPRACTIC Shane Eade. 6/14 Middleton St ...... 0467 660323 • Rock walls • Competitive rates WORKRIGHT COMPUTER SUPPORT Mobile service. For Home & Business ...... 0422 804449 Training & assessment: earthmoving plant & forklift – nationally recognised qualifi cations CLEANING CONCRETING & PAVING 0410 056 228 / 0427 663 678

ACTION WINDOW & SALISBURY CONCRETING STEVE BROWN EARTHMOVING PRESSURE CLEANING Over 25 yrs local experience. All forms of concreting. Specialising in road repairs & driveways • Residential Civil Industrial. Rock walls, clearing, house shed and tank pads. • House washing • High pressure or soft wash • Window cleaning Augers – hole boring. All general earthworks, • Driveways, paths & roofs • Gutters & fl yscreens • Water effi cient • Free quotes • Resurfacing and rejuvenation of existing concrete. • Steel fi xing & formwork. excavators, positrack, bobcat, roller and tipper hire. Phone Joe or Helen 6687 4655 or 0412 495750 Ph: 6684 0160 Mob: 0439 840 160 DARYL 0418 234 302 OR 02 6680 1793 Lic.136717c

"92/."!97).$/7#,%!.).' JASON COOTE CONCRETING All concreting work, form work, steel fi xing Lic 261424C ...... 0421 957506 5.5 TONNE EXCAVATOR , POSITRACK & TIPPER HIRE 02%3352%#,%!.).' PLATINUM CONCRETE 20 years experience. Free quotes. Lic 225874C. Justin ...... 0458 773788 %XTERIOR &2%%15/4%3 Specialising in road works, land HOUSEWASH CRAFTSMAN CONCRETE POLISHING Concrete grinding & polishing, surface prep. Phil ...0402 560382 clearing, retaining walls and WINDOW %NVIRONMENTALLYAWARE NO general earthworks. CLEAN CHEMICALS MINIMALWATERUSE Augers and rock grab available. 0HONE*ONON DECKS, PATIOS & EXTENSIONS EXPERIENCED OPERATORS | F R E E Q U O T E S 0 4 3 2 2 9 9 2 8 3

FREE QUOTES NORTHERN RIVERS TRENCHING 65hp chain trencher, mini excavator, cable locating .0402 716857 FREECALL 1800 683 838 BANGALOW MINI DIGGER SERVICE Exp operator 1.8 tonne multiple attachments .....0413 878978 MOBILE 0419 677 991 30 years [email protected] Servicing Tweed to Ballina Experience BYRON BAY BOBCAT & TIPPER HIRE Driveways, rubbish removal. Ian ...... 0412 853479 COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC, • PATIOS • ROOM EXTENSIONS Phone Boyd SHOPS & REAL ESTATE • CAR PORTS • DECKS 0410 410 946 PRIMAL LAND SOLUTIONS 3 tonne excavator with attachments 3 tonne tipper. FULLY INSURED Lic No. QBCC 1155920, NSW 209228C [email protected] All earthworks & projects ...... 0449 846152 North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 39 Service Directory North Coast news daily:


GARDEN DESIGN, FENG SHUI ...... Lyn 0428 884329 24 HOUR LICENCE NO:175956C ABN: 03 113 342 699 SERVICE GAS SUPPLIERS 0439 624 945 AH 02 66 804 173 QUALITY GARAGE DOORS TO SUIT ALL BUDGETS All Jobs Domestic 7 Stinson Street, Ballina Ph: 02 6686 4238 Garage Doors & Openers Free Delivery Small or Locally Owned Commercial Large W: E: [email protected] Lic: 154293c No Rental Est 18 years Reliable DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL 6680 1575 or 0408 760 609 INDUSTRIAL JAMIE 0408 809 817 GLAZIERS

licence no. 201775c GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL SECURITY, DATA, TV Steve Nicholls Tim Nicholls 24/7 EMERGENCY GLASS 0415 660 801 ph: 0455 445 343 ph: 0468 384 203 6685 8588 lic: EC28753 lic: 000102498 Mirrors • Security doors and screens Shower screens • Commercial glazing

[email protected] BYRON GLASS & ALUMINIUM Home, Shop & Offi ce. 24 hr/7 days. Lic 313329C ...... 66808123 GUTTERING

 Gutter guard ACREAGE SPECIALIST (NO JOB TOO BIG)  Gutter cleaning 0458 267 777 domestic/commercial lawns • edges and hedges  Locally owned Lic. 211410C Fully insured • green waste removal or can be mulched on site   Free quotes FULLY INSURED • FREE QUOTES Call Junior for friendly, genuine advice and service. 100% satisfaction guaranteed! 0497 413 344 • 0405 922 839 or AH 6684 1778 ABN 180 623 364 42 Luke McDermott GUTTERING & DOWNPIPES Leaf Guard. Lic 60414C. Darryl Patterson ...... 0414 889453 • Acreage & Residential Lawnmowing • Property Maintenance & Gardening Services HANDYPERSONS • Rubbish Removals, Storm Cleanup   Suffolk Park • Light Chainsawing • Brushcutting/Edging A TO Z HANDYMAN SERVICES Tip runs, pressure cleaning, gardening, odd jobs ....Andre 66847553 or 0439 495247 Lic No: 143433C | ACRS Master Cabler A017916 0414 905 900 • Hedging/Blowing A.S.A.P. All renos, carpentry, plastering, painting, studios & bathrooms ...... 0405 625697 COUGHRAN ELECTRICAL 24 hour service, Lic 154293C ...... 0439 624945 or 66804173 0429 994 189 [email protected] HANDY ANDY Carpentry, plastering, welding ...... 66884324 or 0476 600956 RONNIE SPINKS Everything electrical. Lic 27673 ...... 0429 802355 AWESOME REPAIRS Professional, commercial & domestic. Wayne ...... 0423 218417 BYRON BAY ELECTRICAL Geoff Bensley. Lic EC 34079 ...... 0427 857824 Paola Landscapes Pty Ltd THE HANDYMAN CAN All home maintenance, repairs, painting, odd jobs etc ...... 0427 110953 JP ELECTRICAL Level 2 ASP Under-g/O-head lines, Pwr poles, Solar. Lic 133082C ...... 0432 289705 Garden Clean Ups Gutter Cleaning Lawn Maintenance Irrigation & Repairs RELIABLE HANDYMAN SERVICES Michael ...... 66844970 or 0405 325569 CHRIS APPEL. Ocean Shores. Lic EC 22349 ...... 0422 607444 Hedge Trimming Planting & Lawn Edging Turf Laying Full Garden Maintenance HANDYMAN All services and areas. Reliable and friendly. $35/hour ...... 0403 793834 JIM LABELLE ELECTRICAL O.Shores, Mullum, Byron, Brunswick. Lic 176417C ...... 0415 126028 Servicing Residential, Commercial and Government THF SERVICES Home maintenance and general repairs, garden irrigation ...... 0402 019625 SPINKS ELECTRICAL Lic 284939C...... Call Mitch 0421 843477 PLEASE CALL MATTHEW PAOLA 0431 871 245 G LANZENI HANDYMAN SERVICE & property maintenance. Byron Bay ...... 0412 395604 NEW ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Electrician & solar. Level 2 ASP meters u’g. Lic 219161C ...0419 556639 BLUE BEE ELECTRICAL 25 years experience. Lic 189508C. Call Dave ...... 0429 033801 HEALTH

GCV ELECTRICAL Domestic, commercial, industrial. Lic No 319893C Phone Craig ...... 0407 991730 • OTHER HEALTH RELATED SECTIONS IN THIS SERVICE DIRECTORY: Acupuncture, FENCING • Acreage Mowing Specialist • Irrigation • Landscaping • Rubbish Removal Chiropractic, Counselling, Dentists, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy Byron Shire – Ballina Shire • Fully Licensed & Insured [email protected] Contact Vadi: 0404 978 383 Th e Inherent Well Being Centre Reconnect to your inner truth and spirit Resolve Inherent Physical, Let Go of Shift out of dysfunctional patterns Mental & POOLSAFE GLASS FENCING Stress, Emotional • Property maintenance Well Anxiety& Align with a love of life Issues Discover your fulfi lment • All Mowing jobs Being ill health GLASS & ALUMINIUM POOL FENCING PROFESSIONALS • Landscaping 0401 660 073 [email protected] • Pressure cleaning 1st fl , 55 Burringbar St, Mullumbimby 2482 0499 178 297 • Tip runs 0407 065 849 MULLUMBIMBY COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CENTRE 60 Stuart St ...... 66841511 Frameless and Semi-Frameless ACUPUNCTURE & COSMETIC MEDICINE Dr Adam Osborne ...... 66857366 THE BYRON BAY GARDEN & MULLUMBIMBY HERBALS Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Massage, Herbs...... 66843002 GLASS POOL FENCING LANDSCAPING COMPANY WWW.EASTCOASTPILATES.COM.AU Judy Leane BSpSc ...... 0408 110006 Structural Landscaping THERAPIST & INTEGRATIVE BODYWORKER ...... 0416 161104 Byron and Beyond FENCING • Paving • Stonework • Timber work 0416 424 256 • Retaining wall • Garden maintenance • Planting • Turfi ng • Mulching HIRE • Hedging • Lawns BYRON & BEYOND FENCING Any fence, any time, prompt quotes ...... 66804766 or 0416 424256 0434 329 111 MULLUM HIRE Builders, party and much more ...... 66843003 EDL FENCING Installations & repairs. Prompt service ...... 66771852 or 0432 107262 [email protected]. Ride-on, large lawns & acreage. Ph Peter ...... 0423 756394 BYRON HIRE Building & home handyman equipment hire ...... 66856228 FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING GUTTERS CLEANED Solar panel cleaning, all areas, free quotes, fully insured ... 66841778 or 0405 922839 HOT WATER SYSTEMS A-Z Lawns & acreage, trees & hedges, clean ups & tip runs, all gutters ...... 0405 625697

A.C.E. LAWNMOWING & GARDENING Best rates, reliable, guaranteed...... Sam 0438 655763 TWEED COAST ELECTRICAL Hot Water Specialists Lic 214073C ...... 0432 728946 The Floor Sander LEAF IT TO US Acreage mowing specialists, all sizes ...... 0402 487213 KITCHENS NEW AND OLD FLOORS AND DECKING MOW JOES Lawn & property maintenance, ride-on mowing. Fully insured ...... Steve 0407 065849 PAUL’S MOWING Lawns, edges, hedges, local & reliable. Mullum, Bruns, O.Shores ...... 0422 958791 • Non-toxic fi nishes • Free quotes SHAUN LEMURA KITCHENS Byron 20 yrs+ exp Lic 290290C ...0499 771769 A GREEN EARTH Garden restoration, maintenance, tree & rubbish removal ...... 0405 716552 Richard Neylan 0407 821 690 D HINGED Kitchens & Joinery. Lic 283553C. ...... Dave 0409 843689 Email [email protected] TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVALS 4m3 trailer...... 0408 210772 STRONGARM LANDSCAPING & GARDEN MAINTENANCE Acreage mowing...... 0402 917519 ABOVEBOARD KITCHENS, BATHROOMS & ALTERATIONS Lic 80677C ...... 0415 661814 NJH FLOOR SANDING Eco oils, hard wax oils & water-based fi nishes. Nathan ...... 0420 215716 PRESTIGE ACREAGE CARE Acreage mowing specialist ...... 0490 023964 LANDSCAPE DESIGN FLOORING GRASSROOTS PROPERTY CARE Garden maintenance. Acreage & residential mowing .0434 637804 THE BURBS MOWING All suburban mowing. Andrew ...... 0431 248888 BEAU JARDIN We design & build beautiful gardens Lic 177274C ...0417 054443 FINISHED FLOORS Premium service at a quality price. 7 days...... Danny 0403 646852 BIO GARDENS Horticulturist for all your gardening needs. Reasonable rates ...... 0459 175729 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Garden Design & Property Planning. Andrew Pawsey ...... 0478 519804 40 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Service Directory

LANDSCAPING ALL-WAYS PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY BYRON BAY • Domestic & Commercial • Servicing all areas • Workmanship guaranteed • Attention to detail Tree Faerie Fotos • Sand • Soils • Gravels Professional • Commercial • Personal • Pots & statues • Lots, lots more 0438 784 226 • 6685 4154 Lic No 189144C 30+ years experience in commercial photography and photojournalism 1176 Myocum Rd, Mullumbimby (just past golf course) 6684 2323 / 0418 663 983 • 0417 427 518

Shaun Savage Landscapes PHYSIOTHERAPY Established 2008 ~ Lic No: 247282c BANGALOW PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, acupuncture, mat/reformer Pilates classes. Specialising in: • Retaining Walls • Pool Surrounds Kim Snellgrove, Cally O’Hara ...... 66872330 • Block Work • Paving • Turfi ng • Stonework NICK EDMOND Physiotherapy & Acupuncture. Open Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 466 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby ...... 66845288 20 Years Experience YVES DE WILDE QUALITY PAINTING SERVICES 0405 594 288 ANTHONY D’ORSOGNA Physiotherapy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy Suff olk Park 1 Bryce St ... 66853511 XFINALIST OF THE MASTER PAINTERS OF SOIL CRACKER DUST CONTINENCE / PELVIC FLOOR Janelle Angel ...... Bangalow 66872337 & M’bah 66723818 AUSTRALIA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE PETRA KARNI Physio, Craniosacral, Alexander Technique. Byron. Open Saturdays ...... 0403 226858 MULCH ROAD BASE XENVIRO FRIENDLY PAINTING OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, dry needling, custom orthotics, shock GRAVEL FIRE WOOD X6680 7573 0415 952 494 18 Lucky Lane LIC 114372C wave therapy, real time ultrasound. Nigel Pitman, Ilse V Oostenbrugge, Steve Cliff ord ...... 66803499 Billinudgel Industrial Estate EWINGSDALE PHYSIO Renata Tenta. Matrix Rhythm Therapy, home visits avail ...... 66847838 landscaping supplies 0266 804555 PETER FARRELL Cold laser, manual therapy & exercise, Mullumbimby ...... 66843385  INSPIRING MOVEMENT Kerrie Hart Feldenkrais method, physiotherapy...... 0499 200622  PICTURE FRAMING ZZZJMJSDLQWLQJFRPDXJDU\#JMJSDLQWLQJFRPDX  Lic 167371C 4XDOLILHG±,QVXUHG/RFDO BILLINUDGEL CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 7/1 Wilfred St, Billinudgel ...... 66803444 )UHH4XRWHV\HDUV([SHULHQFH MULLUM PICTURE FRAMERS Stuart St rear lane behind Mitre 10 ...... 0403 734791 Qualifi ed Structural Landscaper Lic 308722C Landscape Design | Construction | Retaining Walls | Pergolas | Paving BYRON BAY GALLERY Framing 17 Lawson St. Byron Bay Phone Tommy ...... 0414 749278 Dylan 0409 785 584 [email protected] ABN 31 490 733 798 PICTURE HANGING Mark Wopling LIC 203196C Painting & Decorating 24 years experience PROFESSIONAL ART, OBJECTS & PICTURE HANGING Phone Lenny ...... 0407 031294 • LANDSCAPE DESIGN • PAVING QUALIFIED • INSURED • LOCAL • FREE QUOTES PLASTERING • RETAINING WALLS • PERGOLAS Accredited The fi nishing touch to your home • IRRIGATION & DRAINAGE Mob: 0409 451 518 [email protected] • DECKS PLASTERING CONTRACTOR EST 2004 | LIC 212479C CALL 1300 726 421 ABN 48867459605 Lic 33995C [email protected] | DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL C. A. Warwick Lic. No. 114578C ‡)UHHTXRWHV‡*\SURFNÀ[LQJ VHWWLQJ SUBTROPICALLANDSCAPES.COM.AU 20 years exp. Lic 231789C ...... 0405 122456 PAINTER BUSH ROCKS All sizes / mossy, can deliver. Ron ...... 66298208 or 0429 398208 NEIL A McINTOSH &UDLJ0413 451 186 / 6680 4660 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • PLASTER REPAIRS • WALLPAPERING DQQHPZDUZLFN#JPDLOFRP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION www.varendorffl Lic 39791 ...6845035 or 0414 842602 CLEAN & TIDY • ALWAYS ON TIME • ALL AREAS LEMONTREELANDSCAPES.COM.AU Liam. Lic No 277154C ...... 0423 700853 Mobile: 0421 938 104 – 465 Uralba Road, Uralba COL JENKINS PLASTER Gyprock, renovations, repairs. No job too small ...... 0401 078733 GLENN WATERS For the fi nish you can’t see. Lic 58928C ...... 0427 908129 SHANE TURNER LANDSCAPES 25 years experience. Creative, reliable & aff ordable .0418 688171 AD PAINTING by John Hand. Lic 13246C ...... 0413 185399 or 66841249 QUALITY LOCAL PAINTER & GYPROCK REPAIRS ...... Jarrah 0459 351942 LAUNDRY SERVICES BAY AREA PAINTING Lic No 289979C. Free quotes ...... 0405 609598 ROOF PAINTING Repair, clean, repaint metal roofs from $1950. Lic 237105C ...... 0414 587884 PLUMBERS LAUNDRY DEREK BULLION PAINTING Free quotes. Lic R98818 ...... 0414 225604 or 66805049 PERMACULTURE FAST TURNAROUND – AIR BNB NEED A PLUMBER? • Self serve / service wash • New front loaders DRAINER? GASFITTER? & dryers • Domestic & commercial services Mullum Wash House – 0439 001 545 Chay 0429 805 081 Bangalow Wash House – 0412 302 246


TYAGARAH MOWER REPAIRS 69 McAuleys Lane, Mullumbimby ...... 0488 094025 LIGHTING PEST CONTROL

Lighting Showroom Open 9am – 5pm Mon – Fri Unit 5, 21-23 Tasman Way, Byron A+I Estate Free on-site consultancy 6680 7007 Professional Property Protection you can Trust • Targeted treatments for all pests with “no spray” cockroach treatments All Plumbing • If you have found live termites, do not disturb them and call us for advice! No cost for quoting on active termites Blocked drains Relax, when safety, reputation and experience matters, we are the experts CREATIVE LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 6685 4490 or AH on 0414 769 018 Gasfi tting Solar Hot Water

LOCKSMITH 206913C No. Lic. 02 6681 6555 0404 053 857 MOBILE LOCKSMITH SERVICE Automotive car keys & lock installation/repair ...... 0412 764148 OSTEOPATHY  Free quotes on active termites  Environmentally safe YOUR PEST & TERMITE SPECIALISTS

OSTEOPATHYat Mullumbimby Comprehensive Health Centre

Dr. Matthew Fourro (Osteo) Dr. Egbert Weber (Osteo) JARRAH DAVIDSON Plumbing, draining, gas fi tting & roofi ng. Lic 187712C ...... 0438 668025 60 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby | 02 6626 7900 BILL CONNORS All plumbing/draining. Lic #1051 ...... 66801403 or 0414 801403 HRH PLUMBING Providing a prompt, reliable & effi cient service. Lic 220755C ...... 0402 652017 NORTH COAST OSTEOPATHY Jodie Jacobs. Mon, Wed, Fri ...... 66857517 DART PLUMBING Plumbing, roofi ng, gas. Byron Bay. Lic 1175539C...... 0421 334515 PAINTING THE PEST MAN EXTRAORDINAIRE Second opinion / alternative views. 50 yrs exp .....0418 110714 MARK STRATTON All plumbing & emergency. Sewer drain camera/locator. Lic 57803C ....0419 019035 BRUNSWICK BYRON PEST CONTROL ...... 66842018 ADM PLUMBING SERVICES… (NO JOB TOO SMALL)… Lic 234528C...... Call Adam 0466 992483 • DEPARTMENT OF FAIR TRADING INFO: When dealing with home owners, painters are required RAYMOND LYNCH PEST MANAGEMENT General pests & termites ...... 0418 850601 BLOCKED DRAINS Drain camera, no dig repairs. Drain Pipe King. Lic 237124C ...... 66770004 to quote a licence number only for external work valued over $5000. BIRD SPIKES. A safe way to deter unwanted birds. Andrew ...... 0431 248888 LPC PLUMBING Plumbing, draining, gas fi tting. Sth Golden Bch. Lic 289868C. Luke ....0401 633222 North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 41 Service Directory North Coast news daily:

PRINTING & COPYING SERVICES SEPTIC SYSTEMS FRANCHISE OF THE YEAR! TILE & GROUT PRINTWORKS Traditional / Digital [email protected] ...... 66843633 CLEANING Servicing the Far North Coast for 20 years. REMOVALISTS SEWERAGE MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS Free quotes. Experienced local technicians. Installing, maintaining and repairing onsite sewerage ChemDry’s patented cleaning systems. Far North Coast NSW management systems in Tweed & Byron Shires for over 25 years. John & Teresa WINTER SPECIAL: Every 5th m2 FREE Andy’s Move & More M 0418 754 149 0408 232 066 Small and Medium Moves, Tip Runs & Deliveries, P 07 5523 9930 TILER/STONEMASON/WATERPROOFER Lic 24418C. Phone Karl ...... 66804103 1 or 2 Men at Low Prices to Most Areas NSW Lic. L10007 QLD Lic. 13395 MD TILING SOLUTIONS Wall & fl oor tiling, water proofi ng. Lic 286371C ...... 0406 858290 Based from Byron Bay & Mullumbimby COST EFFECTIVE LEAKING SHOWER REPAIR Lic 286371C ...... 0406 858290 Calls always returned 0429 149 533 Est 2006 PETE’S TILING PTY LTD Wall and fl oor tiling, waterproofi ng. Lic 1186218 ...... 0447 327536 TREE SERVICES NORTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL SHIRE REMOVALS & FREIGHT CO WASTEWATER TREATMENT From Middle Pocket to Middle Earth – just give us a ring CHOPPY CHOP TREE SERVICES • Freight services to Brisbane weekly NEWT The Fully Insured Professionals • Carriers of fi ne art • Furniture removal • Stump Grinding • Bobcat • Cherrypicker • E-bay pick up & delivery • Crane Truck • 18” Chipper TRINE SOLUTIONS Local waste specialists. Plumbers, drainers & gas fi tters. Lic 138031C .. 0407 439805 6681 4912 / 0409 917646 Mark Linder Qualifi ed Arborist SEWING & ALTERATIONS 0408 202 184 [email protected]

LEAPFROG REMOVALS SEWING Repairs & alterations. Byron Bay & all areas. Phone Jan ...... 0427 570812 BYRON BAY’S LOCAL REMOVALIST MOVING THE SHIRE FOR OVER 10 YEARS SOLAR INSTALLATION 0432 334 200 02 6680 8170 [email protected] Pioneers of the solar industry Serving Northern NSW since 1998 Call us on 6679 7228 ‡ /RFDO Your local, qualified team. ‡ &RXQWU\ Specialists in standalone & m 0428 320 262 e [email protected] grid interact system designs. LdS Silviculture ‡ ,QWHUVWDWH Electric Lic 124600c /2&$/‡6<'1(<‡*2/'&2$67‡%5,6%$1(‡0(/%2851( Specialising in all aspects of tree 02 6684 2198 work including milling services TXHULHV#PXOOXPELPE\UHPRYDOVFRPDX Eddy 0477 720 200 &ŝŶĚŽƵƚŚŽǁLJŽƵĐĂŶĞƌŽLJŽƵƌƉŽǁĞƌŝůůǁŝƚŚ&ƌĞĞƐŽůĂƌĞŶĞƌŐLJ Karl 0423 396 508 ǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ'ŽŽĚŝŶ^ŽůĂƌ͕ĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐ SUMMERLAND TREE SERVICES ...... Call Tim 66877677 or 0417 698227  Θ^ŽůĂƌ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ PETER GRAY Dip Arb. AQF5. Consulting arborist ...... 0414 186161 ĂůůsŝŶĐĞŶƚ^ĞůůĞĐŬ LOCAL + INTERSTATE REMOVALS ROAD + RAIL FREIGHT ĨŽƌĂ&ƌĞĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂƚŝŽŶ BYRON TREE SERVICES Qualifi ed, insured. Call Alex ...... 0402 364852 CONTAINER REMOVALS + TRANSPORT WŚϬϮϲϲϴϴϰϰϴϬ TALLOW TREE SERVICES Removal, free quote & full insurance ...... 0401 208797 0434 391 855 ǁǁǁ͘ϴϴϴƐŽůĂƌƚĞŬ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ MARTINO TREE SERVICES ...... Martino 0435 019524 OUT ON A LIMB Tree removal, chipping, stump grinding. Free quotes ...... 0402 191316 UPHOLSTERY The expert in solar BANGALOW UPHOLSTERY Now at Billinudgel. Re-covering specialists ...... 66805255 efficiency BYRON BAY UPHOLSTERY Soft furnishings & outdoor ...... 0403 713303 LONG + SHORT TERM CONTAINERS FOR HIRE Call 1300 18 20 50 VALUERS 0434 391 855 Electrical License # QLD: 72258 | NSW: 227562C BYRON BAY VALUERS NSW & QLD reg’d. Chartered Valuers ...... 0431 245460 or 66857010 MAN WITH A VAN/TRUCK Reasonable rates. Phone Don ...... 0414 282813 BENNY CAN MOVE IT! ...... 0402 199999 VETERINARY SURGEONS CAPE BYRON REMOVALS Local, Brisbane, Melbourne weekly. Since 1989 ...... 0413 505893 MULLUM VET CLINIC Richard Gregory, Erin Tottenham, Bec Patison. 24 hrs 7 days ...... 66843818 ROOFING WATER FILTERS

DOMESTIC • INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL The Water Filter Metal Roofi ng Installations • Guttering Experts MONTYS METAL Downpipes • Fascia • Skylights • Whirlybird for home, commercial Patios • Repairs • Leaf Guard and rural properties ROOFING Craig Montgomery – 0418 870 362 Not all solar systems Licence NSW: 30715C Email: montysmetalroofi [email protected] are created equal… 6680 8200 or Licence QLD: 1227049 www.montysmetalroofi Contact Juno Energy, your household and 0418 108 181 commercial solar installation specialists. Authorised Northern Rivers LG solar/battery IN LIC: 223489C Patrick - 0425 256 802 dealer and Sonnen battery dealer. IN H licence number: 255292C ZAC MACTAGGART METAL ROOFING PTY LTD $399 NEW ROOFS RE ROOFS INSULATED ROOF PANELS FULLY Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Ƈ Water purifi cation systems INSTALLED Ƈ FASCIA & GUTTERS Ƈ REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Ƈ SWIMMING POOLS IN YOUR Rainwater Filters HOME 0411 683 003 Whole house fi ltration systems WWW.ZACMACTAGGARTMETALROOFING.COM.AU Phone Chris 0414 229 114 ALL ROOF CLEANING Experienced, insured & fast free quotes. Call ...... 0419 789600 ATTENTION POOL OWNERS ROOF PAINTING & REPAIRS Free quotes. Lic 1134084. Joe ...... 0414 587884 • All pool requirements • Professional advice • Water testing WATER TANKS & TANK CLEANING • Friendly service • Pool servicing RUBBISH REMOVAL 73 Station St, Mullumbimby (opp. Council chambers) Professional Water Tank Cleaning OCEAN SHORES SKIPS Mini skip specialists ...... 0412 161564 or 66841232 Installation and maintenance of water fi lters for 6684 3003 rural and suburban properties BYRON SKIPS & RUBBISH REMOVAL 2, 3, 4 & 6 m3 bins available ...... 0450 300360 Call Peter BYRON SHIRE TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVAL 4m3 trailer ...... 0408 210772 MULLUM POOL SHOP Water testing, eco products, mobile service, repairs ...... 0418 666839 Deal with your local operator 0487 777 247 A UTE LOAD OF STUFF ...... 0408 210772 SCRAP METAL MERCHANTS TILING WE CLEAN WATER TANKS • WATER FILTERS SUPPLY AND SERVICE WATER TANK CLEANING/WATER TANKS Concrete tank repairs. All areas .. 66888055 or 0407 002833 Dirty Tiles & Grout? WELDING BYRON CASH FOR SCRAP ...forget pointless scrubbing @ BRUNSWICK BYRON AUTO WRECKERS FREE 9 TILE, GROUT & STONE CLEANING & SEALING 9 SILICONE WELDING & FABRICATION Structural, general & repairs. Trade qualifi ed. Rod ...... 0408 410545 FREE Buying: • Scrap metal • Aluminium TOW Drop off for all • Copper • Brass • Lead • Car Batteries avail for unwanted 9 GROUT COLOURING 9 RE-GROUTING 9 EPOXY GROUT steel, washing cars – cash paid 9 GLASS RESTORATION 9 SLIPPERY TILES 9 LEAKY SHOWERS WINDOW TINTING machines and Next to Tyagarah Service Station for some dryers Pacifi c Highway, Tyagarah 6684 2351 Call Ben on 0456 606 911 MEMBER SUNRISE W. T. NO BUBBLES, NO TROUBLES Cars, homes & offi ces ...... 0412 158478 42 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Classifi eds

HONEY BEES ALOHA HEALING WITH NAOMI INDEX Learn how to keep them! Learn and Strength with intuitive depth. Deep tissue enjoy this fascinating hobby. I’m in the & Kahuna 23yrs exp. 0417212540 Annual General Meetings .....43 ECHO CLASSIFIEDS – 6684 1777 Byron region. Phone Tom 0403866744 Birthdays ...... 45 HYPNOTHERAPY, CLASSIFIED AD BOOKINGS DEADLINE TUES 12PM BRUNSWICK PICTURE HOUSE CAFE Businesses For Sale...... 44 Open every Sunday for homemade jam NLP & COACHING Publication day is Wednesday, booking & 1 hour before show times Childcare ...... 43 PHONE ADS deadlines are the day before publication. AGMs For Sale ...... 44 Ads may be taken by phone on 6684 1777 Treating all your health Funeral Notices ...... 45 RATES & PAYMENT WILSONS CREEK COMMUNITY care needs. AT THE ECHO HEAD OFFICE PRESCHOOL AGM to be held Monday Overcome negativity and Garage Sales ...... 44 Ads can be lodged in person at the Mullum Echo offi ce: LINE ADS: 19 March, 3.30pm at the hall. All welcome obstacles to become Halls For Hire ...... 44 Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby $17.00 for the fi rst two lines CHILDCARE your ideal self within every Health Notices ...... 43 aspect of your life. $5.00 for each extra line Feel excited! Call today and Houses For Sale ...... 44 $17 for two lines is the minimum charge. BABY-SITTING I love looking after EMAIL ADS children and I am a great cook, $15/hr. begin the journey. Items under $100 ...... 44 Display classies (box ads): [email protected] DISPLAY ADS (with a border): Phone 0424025271 You deserve it! In Memoriam...... 45 Line classies: classifi [email protected] $12.50 per column centimetre PROF. SERVICES 6680 2630 Motor Vehicles ...... 44 Ad bookings only taken during business hours: Monday to These prices include GST. 27 years experience. Musical Notes ...... 45 Friday, 9am–5pm. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend. Cash, cheque, Mastercard or Visa DENTURES Account enquiries phone 6684 1777. Prepayment is required for all ads. LOOK GOOD Only Adults ...... 45 FEEL GOOD Free consultation. SANDRO 66805002 Martin Pets ...... 45 THE NORTH COAST DANCE FESTIVAL Positions Vacant ...... 44 DAVID LOVEJOY’S will be holding their AGM on Saturday HEALTH Frank BYRON ARTISAN 24th February at 2pm at the Byron Bay Professional Services ...... 43 BOOKS Services Club. Please come along and NIA MOVE TO HEAL PHYSIOTHERAPIST MARKET see what our small but dynamic members Public Notices ...... 43 Between Dark and Dark Gentle movement, for all bodies. Civic get up to. We would love to hear feedback Mon–Fri 9am–5pm a memoir; This Saturday Hall Mullum. Weds. 6.30pm. 0413465199 Removalists ...... 44 from you on what we could change or 20 Shirley St, Moral Victories, 4–9 pm perhaps do better. Anybody is welcome, REIKI 1 COURSE 24 & 25th Feb. Reiki Byron Bay Share Accommodation ...... 44 hope to see there. the biography of RAILWAY PARK, 2 course in May. Call Tracie 0437174804 6685 8532 Short Term Accommodation .. 44 chess player Savielly BYRON BAY Social Escorts ...... 45 Tartakower; Indonesian Dance AGELESS GRACE Classes starting soon. Ph 0405463663 Creating new neural pathways through To Lease ...... 44 Heresy, seated movement to music. Fun, social, an historical novel. good for body & brain. Thurs 12-1pm $5 To Let ...... 44 CWA Hall, Bruns. Kristen 0497008277 Tradework ...... 44 ALL JUST $10 EACH landscape supplies Th e Echo wards PERSONAL TRAINING Make 2018 Tree Services ...... 44 Available from your best one yet. Get fi t, stay fi t. dietary offi ce reception advice, competitive rates. Mature age Tuition ...... 45 welcome. Ph 0415216095 Wanted ...... 44 Are you doing REMEDIAL MASSAGE Work Wanted ...... 45 Sport, deep tissue, remedial, refl exology it tough? 20 years exp. Ph TAS 0417924691. FOOD RELIEF suppliers of: • sands • soils Sunrise $50 half hour, $70 per hour DISCLAIMER • gravels • pebbling • mulches • pots HEALING BODYWORK 25 YEARS EXP Advertisements placed in The Byron BAGS • statues • railway sleepers Restorative, Remedial, Pregnancy, Shire Echo do not refl ect the views or will be available • tea tree mulch • and much more Spinal Massage. Scenar Therapy & opinions of the editorial staff. Trigger Points, Facial Harmony & Facials. THIS THURSDAY Tiana 0401875725 – The Byron Shire Echo does not from 9 till 11am make any representations as to the The Hub Baptist Shane Eade – Chiropractor accuracy or suitability of any content at NEW HARDWOOD MULCH Body Based or information contained in advertising Ocean Shores Psychotherapy 0467 660 323 material nor does publication constitute Cnr Rajah Rd and $34 PER METRE Somatic Practice Byron Bay, and now in in any way an endorsement by The Bindaree Way Byron Shire Echo of the content or Brunswick Heads representations contained therein. (next to Target, enter via Julie Wells The Byron Shire Echo does not accept kids play area) We deliver throughout the Byron Shire any liability for the representations or Anne Goslett For anyone who fi nds (nee Mannix) HUDSON promises made in paid advertisements themselves in need STEPHEN & JULIANNE ROSS or for any loss or damage arising PSYCHOLOGY of food assistance. 1176 Myocum Road, Mullumbimby (just past golf course) Dip.Som.Psych, Clinical PACFA Reg. from reliance on such content, Individual and Couple Therapy Mondays and representations or promises. No concession cards required. Supervision and Coaching Wednesdays Just come along, pick up a bag, PUBLIC NOTICES stay for a cuppa and a chat. (02) 6685 5138 in Bangalow. 9 Fletcher St, Byron Bay 6687 1683 Ocean MADE IN MULLUM 0433 700 547 Interested in selling your handmade Shores OVER-50s & crafts, artworks, photography etc locally from $50 a week? Interested to see MAKING A DIFFERENCE Open Mon–Fri 7–5pm Sat 7–2pm Beginners Fitness what sells and what doesn’t? Contact IN OUR COMMUNITY Facebook: Made In Mullum or email Ph 6684 2323 Mob 0418 663 983 ONLY Inherent Well Being [email protected] $12 Shift out of BYRON BAY SWEAT LODGE MULLUMBIMBY is looking for a new home to host dysfunctional monthly ceremonies in the Byron Shire. EX-SERVICES CLUB patterns We compensate fi nancially for Mondays - 10.30–11.30am the use of the land with each ceremony Friday - 3–4pm Gwen Channer that takes place. Details: All non-members welcome as membership Modern Psychology, Hypnosis, ByronBaySweatLodge/ is included with your fi rst class Coaching, Quantum Touch Office of Environment & Heritage Call Ben 0421317887 or Call Sharon - 0406 491 002 0401 660 073 [email protected] FB shazumba Fox and Wild Dog Control Using 1080 Baits and Canid Pest Ejectors Health Fund To Protect Priority Threatened Species BAYSIDE ACUPUNCTURE Rebates & Hicaps Available The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is about to commence its annual AND HERBAL MEDICINE program to control the introduced European red fox in Tyagarah and Brunswick Heads nature Becky Martin Dr David King reserves. 1080 poison ground baits will be laid in both reserves. 1080 canid pest ejectors may (Acupuncturist) (Chinese Medicine) also be used if necessary. If wild dogs are detected they will also be controlled. Women’s Health Pain conditions Children, Cosmetic Mental/emotional The fox control program is part of the NSW Saving our Species program for the conservation Acutonics® disturbances & general of priority threatened species, i.e. long-nosed potoroo, beach stone-curlew and pied (Fri & Sat) (Mon-Th urs) oystercatcher for these sites. 14 PARK STREET, BRUNSWICK HEADS | 02 6685 1088 | BAYSIDEACUPUNCTURE.COM ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE MASSAGE ACUTONICS® Brunswick Heads Nature Reserve (north of the Brunswick River) will be baited from Osho 26 February to 4 May, and again from 2 July to 14 December 2018. Sunday morning Tyagarah Nature Reserve will be baited from 5 March to 14 December 2018. meditation Tuesdays & Thursdays 5–6.30PM Signs will be placed at entrances to reserves where baits for foxes and wild dogs will be laid. Saturdays 10AM–12PM Satsang with SUFFOLK PARK COMMUNITY HALL Warning: 1080 can be lethal to dogs and other domestic animals. Dogs are prohibited in music, silence Safe, benefi cial, authentic yoga national parks and nature reserves. Please be aware of the risk of lethal 1080 poisoning to Osho discourse dogs and always keep domestic animals away from baiting areas. BLZ136364 PART TIME ONE DAY A WEEK LEVEL 1 Every Sunday 9 a.m. AND ONE DAY A FORNIGHT LEVEL 2 YOGA TEACHER TRAININGS BEGIN {please note new time} MARCH–LAST CHANCE TO BOOK! For more information: Please contact NPWS Tweed Byron Area on: (02) 6670 8600 Tel: 02 6685 9910 Mob: 0418 441 437 (Murwillumbah offi ce) or (02) 6620 9300 (Byron Bay offi ce) Call Shahido fl [email protected] 6688 2494 Flo Fenton, Senior Yoga Teacher North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 43 BEAUTIFUL RELAXING SUFFOLK PARK modern s-cont studio, DRIVER REQUIRED DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE ITEMS UNDER $100 REMOVALISTS 1br, kitchen, lounge room, 60sqm, private Must be experienced & fast. Treat Yourself. Call now 0410395368 courtyard 20sqm, air-con, dishwasher, Car essential, white van preferred. FREE 4 white C/bond 100mm sandwich BIG & SMALL REMOVAL JOBS washing machine, timber fl oors, elect incl, Own tools required, bolt cutters, gloves, panels 300mm wide 11.5m. 0433240420 Local, affordable, reliable & quick $410pw sgle, $430pw cple + 4 weeks ski mask. No visible tattoos. KINESIOLOGY Ph 66845510 or 0402199999 bond. 6 month lease. N/s, pet neg. Call Locksmithing skills highly regarded. Clear subconscious sabotages. FREE QUOTES WASHING MACHINE HOOVER Daniel 0419614207 Em: Robin Banks [email protected] Reprogram patterns and beliefs. good cond $80 ono. Ph 0421932219 TREE PRUNING • TREE SURGERY / Restore vibrancy and LITTLE GREEN SECURE STORAGE BANGALOW THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO physical health. De-stress. REMOVALS • QUALIFIED ARBORISTS WANTED Brand new storage sheds 66871500 Putting FUN back into dysFUN ctional Ph 66846914 12” CHIPPER • STUMP GRINDING since 1986. SANDRA DAVEY , Reg. Pract. • CHERRY PICKER • FULLY INSURED CARAVAN 5–6 metres, unregistered. Ute & Driver from $30 BANGALOW RENT-A-SHED Nick Andrews 0439 849 332 Phone 66849329 Modern & Secure from $140 p/m DANCE STUDIO REQUIRES a modern Elders Real Estate 66871500 jazz teacher. Ph 0412996975 • DELIVERIES HYPNOSIS & EFT LP RECORDS: good condition, no op Simple and effective solutions shop crap! Ph Matt 0401955052 • SMALL MOVES BYRON SELF-STORAGE UNITS MARKET STAFF REQUIRED 2 to 3 shifts Anxiety, Cravings, Fears & Trauma. • TIP RUNS Clean & secure. Ph 1300762618 per week. 6am-12pm. Must be 25yo or Maureen Bracken 0402205352 Tallow GARAGE SALES over with drivers licence. Send resume to TREE SERVICES [email protected] 0415 194 654 LOCAL REMOVAL [email protected] COLONICS PROFESSIONAL TREE CARE CRABBES CREEK, BLUEGUM COURT & backloads to Brisbane. Friendly, COOK/KITCHEN HAND Offering colonic hydrotherapy, sauna and Saturday & Sunday 8am-4pm. with 10 years local exp. 0409917646 For busy restaurant. RSA an advantage. naturopathy at our beachside clinic. • REMOVALS • STUMP GRINDING • PALMS • TREE REPORTS Large array of tools, camping gear and Phone 0404005340 Call or text 0458633869 • TREE SURGERY • DA APPLICATIONS household goods SHORT TERM ACCOM. BALLINA SELF-STORAGE UNITS • FREE QUOTES • CRANE HIRE Secure from $18pw, 10 cubic mtr shed. EXP FITNESS instructors wanted + exp • FULLY INSURED • CHERRY PICKER BANGALOW Ballina Rd. Sat 8am. BRUNSWICK HEADS EASTER Across 3 locations. Ph 66867011 casual offi ce staff for Brunswick Heads DR ARPANA (retired GP) offering Clothes, old things, toys 29th March-2nd April Dbl room with gym. Local residents only. Ph 66851794 STORAGE advanced SCENAR treatments for 6687 2750 - 0401 208 797 ensuite, own entrance share kitchen. OCEAN SHORES 6/2 Durroon Crt. Sat From $105/mth. Bangalow. Ph 66872833 speeding healing of acute and chronic Five min walk to Blues bus stop, 10 min IYENGAR YOGA IN BYRON with Mikey 8-12pm. All must go. Bohemian clothing, injuries. Ph 0428853352. $70/hr Suffolk to Blues site, walk to beach & shops n/s, Thursdays 5.30-7.30pm $20. 2/27 SUMMERLAND jewellery and toys, miscellaneous items LILLI PILLI beautiful elevated 2br, 1 Brigantine St. Ph Jan 0409583977 PRENATAL YOGA at Womens Shack. Suit couple further info 0421932219 bthrm, huge decks, cathedral ceilings. Sat 8-9:30am. Phone 0400080251 TREE SERVICES EWINGSDALE 21 Plantation Dr, Sat, Suit professional cple, long-term tenants, • Cherry Picker early start 7am. Not before. Antiques, old SHARE ACCOM. $650pw all exp, avail 18/3. 0428649657 GoByron HAWAIIAN MASSAGE wares, collectibles, marble slabs, antique Ocean Shores Michaela. 0416332886 • Wood Chipper 2-man surf kayak, good offi ce furniture, BRUNSWICK HEADS share 2bdrm fl at BEACHSIDE SUFFOLK 3 min walk Drivers Wanted • Stump Grinder shop jewellery cabinets, dishwasher, art in centre of town, d/f, no pets, mature. beach/shops, just reno’d & painted, 3br, 1 • Tree Surgeon supplies, porters chalk paint, fruit trees, $200pw + bills. PH 0414975475 bthrm, dble c’port, tropical gardens, quiet • Fully Insured too much to mention. No junk. All must location. $850pw. Phone 0419355949 Choose your own hours BRENT VERCO be sold on Saturday MULLUM 2 rooms, 1 with ensuite & WIR Earn great money in spacious, bright 4br house. $300pw + EUREKA large private unfurn 1br cabin. CHIROPRACTOR Mulch Supplies Big deck, beautiful rural outlook. Suit Be your own boss Byron Bay & Surrounding Areas RAID OUR WARDROBES new and pre- bills for both rooms. Ideal for single person loved women’s clothing, lingerie, boots, with child or someone who needs two quiet prof, sgl/cpl. Pref no kids/pets, 10 Full training provided MULLUM jewellery. Various sizes, up to $20. 5 rooms. Ph 0431161732 min Bangalow, 20 min Lismore. $425pw, CHIROPRACTIC 6687 7677 Glendale Cres, Ocean Shores. Sat 9am refs req. Potential for long lease. Email: 6684 1028 Mobile 0417 698 227 MULLUM acres, Q room, own new bthrm, [email protected] MON TUE WED MOVING SALE Sat 8am-1pm 174 sgl, $210pw inc bills/WiFi. 0419390498 Email: [email protected] Fowlers Ln Bangalow. Linen, kitchen, THU FRI PM FOR SALE decor, tools, h/hold etc. Nothing over $10 OCEAN SHORES big light airy room + MULLUMBIMBY Phone: 6620 9200 & SAT AM BIR + ensuite. Green outlook. Open-plan 4-Person Mobile Bungee Trampoline RUBY’S POP UP SHOP spacious home with high ceilings, sea 9 Avocado Ct, Mullumbimby Fully Australian certifi ed & engineered. 105 Stuart Lane, Mullum, Thurs 22 - breezes & views. Big pool, walk to beach, Open House: Wednesday 28 ® A very popular attraction, can easily Sat 24. 10am–5pm. Eclectic collection. shops etc. D/f, n/s, share with one other. February, 5pm - 5:30pm Rolfi ng Byron Bay earn $2000 per day after costs. $36,000. Clothes, furniture & whitegoods No pets. $260pw. Ph 0427951010 Call Steve 0421440461 Three bedroom brick home with MULLUM beautiful room $185pw. N/s renovated kitchen and bathroom. SOLID BOOKSHELF Dimensions worker. Garden setting. 0484672847 Separate lounge area with COOK/CHEF Are old L153cm x D36cm x H92cm. $110. Pick- Tip Runs & air conditioning. Undercover experience busy Byron injuries still up Suffolk. Ph 0414719680 BRUNSWICK HEADS furnished room. entertaining area and a large Large garden. $200pw Ph 0415238408 venue. Experience on grill/ hurting? SCAFFOLDING Erect, hire & sales. Rubbish fenced yard. Sorry no pets. pass/prep within busy Aluminium, steel & mobile. 0427774450 SUNRISE room, share with great Available mid March. kitchen. Min 2yr commercial fl atmates, $200pw + bond, incl bills. Walk $530 per week. exp. Cert 3 commercial Jeremy Sutton • 0407 132 921 Removal to IGA/beach. Ph 0405463663 cookery req’d. rolfi BRIDGLANDS Buy and sell good quality used furniture FNC Property Management Avail full time, salary neg. Ph 66842511 TO LET [email protected] Please email resume to: HALLS FOR HIRE 0408 210 772 [email protected] BANGALOW SELF-STORAGE 1300 716 707 MIELE WASHERS Hi-tech security. 66872333 COORABELL HALL Dryers and dishwashers available at WEDDINGS, GIGS, CLASSES Bridglands Mullumbimby. 66842511 MOTOR VEHICLES BYRON furn 2br apt, pool, avail April to ECHO SALES 66871307 October. $450pw. Ph 0439727334 ADMINISTRATION DAVID LOVEJOY’S BOOKS Available from The Echo reception: CASH PAID FOR CHINCOGAN LOOKOUT AVAILABLE The Echo is seeking a customer- Between Dark and Dark, a memoir; Ocean Shores focused person to support Moral Victories, the biography of a chess UNWANTED CARS SPECTACULAR VIEWS 1br 1bth $280 our sales team Local reg’d business player; Heresy, an historical novel. Newly built 2br, 2 ens $650pw 3br 2bth $540 The job: ALL JUST $10 each. 66845296 or 66845403 or 4br, 4 ens $1200pw Mullumbimby Using databases to book ads SUZUKI LIANA 2005 5 spd man, rego Available mid March. and generate reports Concerts, forums, weddings, BICYCLES buy, sell, repair, recycle. Adult Long term rental, pets OK. 0421738352 3br 1 bth $510 bikes from $60. Phil 0413779223 10/18, 142,000km, lovely car, great cond Liaising between customers, exhibitions, functions, etc. $4650 ono or bitcoin equiv. 0457632519 Commercial – *Phone number in ad was incorrect last production, sales and accounts Billinudgel ARCHIBALD’S CHEAP CARS $3500-$5400 + 6MTHS REGO week, if you called, please try again* Processing ad copy and checking 0488 609 774 Premium showroom & ads and promotional material QUARRY PRODUCTS AUTO MANUAL O. SHORES 3br home. $450pw + bond. warehouse space. 445m2. [email protected] HATCH HATCH Refs essential. Text for info 0415493413 Easy access off M1. You need: Road base, gravel, blue metal and metal Experience in doing the above or dust. ALL SIZE DELIVERIES. 06 CITROEN C3 01 HYUNDAI ACCENT Contact offi ce for details similar tasks Phone 66845517, 0418481617 2000 MAZDA 323 96 MAZDA ASTINA & inspection TRADEWORK Excellent computer, phone and 01 HYUNDAI ELANTRA 04 FORD FOCUS L.J. Hooker Brunswick Heads Bangalow communication skills BAMBOO PLY 06 FORD FIESTA 08 PROTON SAVVY 6685 0177 from $10.50sqm & Bamboo Flooring . SEDAN 2011 CHERY J1 Managing Bangalow 5/16 The Terrace, Brunswick Heads A can-do, positive attitude and 3EPTIC7ASTE2EMOVAL good work ethic For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. 99 FORD FALCON 06 VIVA WAGON and Hinterland Ph 66884188 • sample & brochure. 3UMMERLAND 04 TOYOTA AVALON SEDAN Free Honest Appraisals This is as permanent part- time position 2-3 days pw in 99 TOYOTA CAMRY 2003 FORD FOCUS TO LEASE %NVIRONMENTAL BANGALOW Mullumbimby. 04 MITSUBISHI MAGNA 98 TOYOTA CAMRY 4HE,IQUID7ASTE3PECIALISTS COMPOST TOILETS 3 bed, 2 bath, shared pool $800pw TREATMENT ROOM BYRON BAY Apply to HEAPS MORE GREAT VALUE CARS AVAILABLE Town centre. Long term. Avail for hire s3EPTICTANKCLEANING STARTING AT $960 4 bed, 3 bath, pool $880pw [email protected] s'REASETRAPSERVICING Green Building Centre 0427701653 CLUNES 1-3 d/w. 2 days $150, 3 days $180 16 ENDEAVOUR CLOSE, BALLINA Enquiries: 0431317588 THE BYRON SHIRE s/ILY,IQUIDS 2 bed, 1 bath $520pw s0ORTABLETOILETHIRE Ballina Car Centre DLN 19950 EUREKA sHOURSERVICE MOSQUITO NETS 6686 5586 / 0418 676 274 POSITIONS VACANT 100% cotton, all sizes, locals discounts.  3 bed, 2 bath, pool $845pw Ph 66843191 BUSINESS FOR SALE NASHUA TREE SERVICES WHEELS from a Subaru Liberty, good 2 bed, 1 bath furnished $550pw tread, 14”, $230 ono. Brunz 0421932219 FOOD STALL well-established business 3 bed, 1 bath $550pw Medical Receptionist in the Byron Shire. Permanent sites at Part-Time - 2 Days per week FIREWOOD DELIVERIES Byron, Bangalow & Channon markets. Shop 3, 5 Lismore Road, Bangalow ALL YEAR ROUND $80,000 ono. Ph 0401617780 02 6687 1500 North Coast Medical Centre is offering a challenging yet • FULLY INSURED Supplying commercial, wood fi red rewarding position in a busy Medical Centre conveniently bakeries, pizza restaurants and Lifestyle Business BEAUTIFUL located in Byron Bay. Applicants for this role must have • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE residential, combustion stoves, open Est over 25 years MIDDLE POCKET previous experience in a medical setting, and must possess • FREE QUOTES fi res, pot belly, kindling. Various load a warm, empathetic approach to clients. sizes from 4’x 6’ to 4 ton tipper. 3 days per wk. Hire and Near new 2br, 1bth PRICES STARTING FROM $95. laundering of commercial mats The Role requires a person to effectively manage all aspects 6684 4421 VOLUME DISCOUNTS. to a wide range of business in the cottage + 1br, 1bth of the reception in a timely and friendly manner by greeting 0402 364 852 Matt 0427 172 684 Byron, Ballina and Tweed Shires studio on 1.5 lush acres. visitors, handling enquiries, message taking, bookings, with signifi cant growth potential. Powered DLUG, 2 invoicing and general administrative duties. Experience with space undercover medical software program is essential, such as PracSoft and $149,000 asking price. Medical Director. NICK HART Includes mats, van, plant parking bays TREE SERVICES and equipment. 10 min beach, 5 min The applicant must have excellent communication skills, with great school, 6 mins the ability to multi-task. All candidates must have strong • Affordable tree services Call Peter 0406 474 024. CONCRETE POSTS 3DFLÀF+Z\ attention to detail, the ability to use their initiative, and • Professional tree care high level problem-solving skills. The applicant will need to • 18" chipper (crane truck) • Palings • Posts • Hardwood poles $600 to $650pw coordinate and manage workload, whilst providing support • Sleepers • Molasses • Firewood HOUSES FOR SALE + outgoings. Contact to other team members and to be able to work effectively in Fully insured • Free quotes • Tomato stakes • Cane Mulch MULLUMBIMBY 1.5ac, near Shearwater owner for application a team environment and independently, as required. Kings Creek, Mullumbimby beautiful view 0413422997 [email protected] 6684 9137 • 0427 347 380 Mark 0427 490 038 | Karen 0427 804 284 Please send CV’s to [email protected] 44 February 21, 2018 Th e Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: LOCAL REMOVALIST POSITION VACANT CONTINUED Happy to move big, small & in between. FUNERAL NOTICES PETS Call Benny 0402199999 DYLAN KANE ETHERINGTON COMPANION ANIMALS WELFARE INC. WANTED - caretaker couple for boutique retreat in Byron Bay ALL TYPES BUILDING WORK Blocklaying & bricklaying Lic 60801C WENT, Cawi is looking for We are looking for a couple to join us in our successful and highly rated retreat. Paul 0423852559 Foster Carers Specific tasks include preparing breakfast, cleaning rooms and garden and CYRIL CHARLES I OFFER dog walking, cleaning, nannying 20/10/1987 – 22/02/2010 CAWI couldn’t general maintenance. Onsite accommodation provided and we need to have save dogs were it someone onsite (excluding days off ) to attend to guests needs if required. etc. Call Jess 0478143168 Aged 22 years Passed away peacefully. Much not for volunteer You will be working alongside the owner/managers as we build this new and loved brother of Tom (dec), Roy foster carers 8 years have gone since you left us and who look after exciting business. If this sounds like you please send your TUITION (dec), Doreen (dec) and Greta to some you may be forgotten, or a the dogs in their resume to [email protected]. (dec). Cyril will be sadly missed own homes until FRENCH • ITALIAN • GERMAN memory of the past. But for those of they are adopted. Start Friday 9th March. Package $39K per annum plus Eva 0403224842 by all family and friends. accommodation and utilities. Must have excellent us who loved you your memories will CAWI is often contacted for help people skills and experience in this role and industry. always last. Aged 91 years at short notice, but it needs to fi nd a suitable foster home before it can PARLO ITALIANO Lots of love, tears, hugs, laughter and Relatives and friends are invited take a dog in, so it’s essential to Native qualifi ed teacher. Ph 0435635822 happy memories today and always, for to attend a Graveside Service for have a list of volunteers to call on. Cyril to be held at Mullumbimby The more foster carers CAWI has on PIANO LESSONS on grand piano at our beautiful son (and brother). Miss its database, the better the chances Ocean Shores or can travel. All ages you longtime. Mum Dad & Brook xxx Lawn Cemetery on THURSDAY of being able to contact a suitable one welcome, Beginner to Advanced. Fiona (22 February, 2018) commencing in time to rescue a dog. CAWI will do its best to match a dog up with your 0478603595 BA (Hons) Cert of Education I carry your heart with me Dylan, at 10.30am. requirements and circumstances. I carry it in my heart, Mumsie CAWI pays for all veterinary costs, MATHEMATICS TUTOR Michael Currie Funerals 6684 6232 food and bedding. Qualifi ed teacher with 30 yrs experience y Courses starting soon... If you are interested download grades 3 to 10. Ph John 0452260595 the foster carers application form Wed 28th Feb • How Music Works - Music on or pick one up from PETS the Cawi Op Shop in Brunswick Heads • Pole Dancing Theory You Can Use • Burlesque • Beekeeping ‘WE ARE MADE OF STAR-STUFF’ Meet Tiger! He’s a young, other felines. Tiger might Thu 1st March • Permaculture Design sweet tabby boy who looks prefer to be the only cat to • Cooking With Snowy FULL Course (PDC) a little oriental in the face rule your roost & in turn Fri 2nd March Sun 4th March & is extremely handsome. he’ll give you lots of love & Although he’s defi nitely head bumps. • Learn To Paint With Your • Plant Propagation And improving with his social To meet Tiger, please visit Seed Saving skills, he can be quite Camera the Cat Adoption Centre at Sat 3rd March • Websites Using Wordpress dominant & a little rude to • Mosaic For Beginners • R.E.S.E.T 1 TJM 124 DALLEY STREET, MULLUM • Permaculture Ethics, • Photography For OPEN: Tues 2.30–4.30pm | THURS: 3–5pm Principles And Patterns Beginners FULL Like us on Facebook! SAT: 10am–12 noon | Call AWL 6684 4070

Limited places - don’t miss out! 02 6684 3374 WARNING The Department of Fair Trading has warned people to be very careful about responding to advertisements offering work at home. Readers should be wary if asked to pay money upfront IN MEMORIAM We are looking for a for employment opportunities and never Senior Chef to create send money to a post offi ce box Brian James Baker EXPERIENCED CLEANER min 3 years 29/09/38 - 24/01/18 Here’s a very beautiful technicolour Gourmet Burgers. girl, NIMBUS. Her calico coat high end cleaning. Perm local residents, kirra Born in Brighton, UK. Kirra defi nitely has to be seen in full colour. œåŅýåųčŅŅÚĘŅƚųŸ¼ suit parent with school children, fl exible is a 13 week old desexed female Nimbus has been on foster with her pay, funky environment, casual hours in Byron Bay. ABN req. Lived in Melbourne, Australia. kelpie x pup. She is a smart, active best friend MISTY, but her human had Immediate start. Corrinne 0408261337 girl who will need lots of exercise to go to Brisbane. She is an adaptable great team Enjoyed deep connections to Jamaica, girl, and at a great age to be moving GROUNDSMAN + amenities cleaner + the Mornington Peninsula & Byron Bay. and some training and would do best in with a family of human friends. )ĵ±ĜĬųåŸƚĵåƋŅƤ What fun! Even better if Misty comes [email protected] cabin cleaner: 10-15 hrs pw each position. Loving husband to Faith and father to Martine. on an acreage home. If you can give Will consider 1 person for all duties. Must Kirra a permanent, loving home please too ! All cats are desexed, be Oz resident and avail. weekends. lilli pilli dreaming BJB, birdsong, koalas and geckos. contact Pam on 0421 017 461. vaccinated and Email jodie@fi microchipped. Thank you. Visit to Please make an appointment BRUSHCUTTING & PROPERTY view other dogs and cats looking maintenance, casual, at Coopers Shoot. LIONEL CARROLL 0403 533 589 • Billinudgel Exp, local pref. Ph 66853017 10/6/1934 - 22/2/2017 for a home. PIANO LESSONS You always had a smile to share time to give and time to care. Mullumbimby A loving nature, kind and true, ONLY ADULTS CHEF / COOK Take your technique, composition is the way we’ll remember you. RESTAURANT MANAGER SOFT HANDS WARM OIL Passionate, hard working FRQƓGHQFHWRDZKROHQHZOHYHO Always in our hearts. Sensual touch. Mature & discreet. Byron. in very busy restaurant in ZLWKPDVWHUSLDQLVW PXOWL Carroll and Mitchell families 0407264343 Byron, min 2yrs experience chef to join our fast, LQVWUXPHQWDOLVW6HDQ0DFNHQ]LH & leadership role req’d. Must friendly work enviroment. $OOVW\OHV)RUVWXGHQWV LQGLYLGXDOV Full moon 1 Feb 12.26am be competent cocktail maker, FEBRUARY 2018 SEXIEST MASSAGE IN BYRON BAY 20+ hours, award wage. ZDQWLQJWRH[FHO Third quarter 9 Jan 9.25am Truly gorgeous goddess! 0490466413 great server & enjoy having New moon 6 Feb 8.05am Astronomical data Contact 6685 6500 or responsibility. Experience of &RQWDFWb First quarter 23 Feb 7.09pm and tides recruitment, rosters, cash [email protected] Exquisite tantra massage & tuition for Day of Sun Sun Moon Moon High tide, Low tide, men, women & couples. 0425347477 handling, banking & staff month rise set rise set height (m) height (m) MATHS TUITION training important. EXQUISITE All levels to HSC. Current teacher. 1 T 0616 1942 2018 0636 1003,1.97; 2218,1.39 0310,0.08; 1625,0.17 Former qualifi cation in Be impressed with my hot body and Ph Andrew 0413294982 business or hospitality 2 F 0617 1941 2105 0743 1048,1.94; 2305,1.40 0359,0.10,1709,0.18 warm hands. Tweed area. 0438573677 management desirable. 3 S 0618 1941 2146 0848 1131,1.85; 2351,1.39 0446,0.16; 1751,0.22 MUSICAL NOTES Best of Both Worlds Massage Avail full time, salary neg. 4 S 0619 1940 2225 0950 1213,1.72 0535,0.27; 1831,0.28 Erotic Electric Nourishing Please email resume to: QUALITY PIANOS for sale, and expert 5 M 0619 1939 2302 1049 0039,1.36; 1252,1.57 0625,0.39; 1911,0.35 Tues-Sat 0407013347 [email protected] piano tuning. Ph Fred Cole 0412216019 6 T 0620 1939 2338 1146 0129,1.33; 1332,1.41 0718,0.52; 1951,0.41 7 W 0621 1938 1242 0227,1.30; 1415,1.27 0821,0.63; 2037,0.47 FEMALE DJ & MUSICIANS WANTED for all girls band. Phone 0429840095 8 T 0622 1937 0015 1336 0335,1.30; 1511,1.16 0940,0.70; 2131,0.51 Paid Position 9 F 0623 1937 0053 1429 0446,1.33; 1623,1.09 1104,0.71; 2236,0.52 as a Face-to-Face BIRTHDAYS 10 S 0623 1936 0134 1521 0550,1.39; 1739,1.08 1216,0.66; 2339,0.50 11 S 0624 1935 0216 1611 0642,1.47; 1842,1.11 1312,0.58 Mindblowing Fundraiser. SKILLED CASUAL 12 M 0625 1934 0302 1700 0727,1.54; 1930,1.16 0031,0.45; 1356,0.51 Erotic Bodywork Work with our team fundraising BARISTAS 13 T 0626 1933 0351 1746 0807,1.61; 2012,1.21 0115,0.40; 1433,0.44 Ɔ Couples, Men & Women Ɔ for rainforest charities. Experience Min 2 years exp in a busy 14 W 0626 1933 0441 1829 0845,1.66; 2049,1.26 0155,0.35; 1507,0.40 preferred but not essential as cafe/bar 15 T 0627 1932 0534 1910 0920,1.70; 2125,1.31 0230,0.31; 1539,0.36 training is provided. 0407 013 347 Current NSW RSA 16 F 0628 1931 0628 1949 0955,1.72; 2200,1.35 0305,0.28; 1610,0.33 Phone 0455 443 166 or email Latte art 17 S 0629 1930 0723 2026 1028,1.71; 2237,1.38 0341,0.27; 1641,0.31 [email protected] SOCIAL ESCORTS Immediate start Big Birthday Wishes 18 S 0629 1929 0818 2102 1101,1.69; 2315,1.40 0418,0.28; 1714,0.31 Must be available nights, to Paul from the 19 M 0630 1928 0914 2138 1135,1.63; 2356,1.42 0458,0.32; 1747,0.32 BYRON AREA OUTCALLS festivals, weekends, Echo Drudges 20 T 0631 1927 1010 2214 1210,1.56 0540,0.38; 1823,0.34 Phone 0421401775 xoxox all public holidays. 21 W 0632 1926 1109 2253 0040,1.42; 1249,1.46 0628,0.46; 1902,0.37 BALLINA EXCLUSIVE 22 T 0632 1926 1208 2334 0130,1.42; 1335,1.35 0725,0.54; 1949,0.41 34 Piper Dr. Open 7 days 10am till late. Please email resume to In & Out Calls. 66816038. Ladies wanted [email protected] or IN MEMORIAM 23 F 0633 1925 1310 0232,1.43; 1435,1.25 0838,0.61; 2049,0.44 Find us on Facebook! Shearwater the 24 S 0634 1924 1412 0020 0347,1.46; 1552,1.17 1008,0.62; 2200,0.45 Mullumbimby Steiner School hand resume in to 7 Jonson St. GABRIELLA 19, blonde Brazilian size 8, 25 S 0634 1923 1514 0111 0505,1.54; 1718,1.17 1137,0.57; 2314,0.41 has the following exciting busty. Lucy 22, size 10, athletic, D natural opportunities available WORK WANTED In loving memory 26 M 0635 1922 1615 0208 0616,1.65; 1835,1.22 1249,0.47 bust, intimate. Victoria 23, size 8 busty 27 T 0636 1921 1712 0309 0716,1.76; 1937,1.30 0021,0.34; 1346,0.36 Italian beauty. Charlotte 21, Isla Fisher Student Administrator / SPENSLEY, look-a-like, tiny, busty, gorgeous. Brittany Receptionist 28 W 0636 1920 1805 0414 0810,1.85; 2030,1.39 0119,0.25; 1434,0.27 40, size 8, natural E bust, classy cougar. IRONING SERVICE Joyce Catherine Lexie 24, size 6 busty brunette. Samantha Shirts, sheets & everything in between. Times are Eastern Standard Daylight Savings Time. First Aid Coordinator Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; 24 dancer body. Stacey red head size 8, Suffolk Park. $30/hr. Angela 0414719680 22.06.1929 – 24.02.2016 Educational Compliance Brunswick River Hwy Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; hot legs, Tash 21, size 6, busty brunette. Dear Mum, Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Spoil yourself. In & out. Ladies always Coordinator TRADITIONAL SIGN WRITING Chinderah: high 1 hr 15 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: wanted. Ph 66816038 Top quality blackboards & signs by hand. I miss you very much. high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; Murwillumbah: high For position descriptions and how to Improve your business image. Your loving daughter 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate SEXY ESCORT apply please refer to our website Louise 0400730980 high tide of 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Outcalls only. 0478109345 Susan. Data courtesy of the Bureau of Meteorology. North Coast news daily: Th e Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 45 Sport Send us your sport stories and photos: [email protected] North Coast news daily: Records tumble at Mullum High swim meet Local triathletes snare top- three finish at Tweed Enduro

Competitors dive into another record chase at the Mullum The belly floppers were just some of the competitors Competitors enjoyed near-perfect conditions for the High swimming carnival. Photo supplied making a big splash at this year’s carnival. Photo supplied Tweed Enduro on the weekend. Photo supplied

It was a big day in the pool for girls butterfly record, with in the 13-years division with a (13), Natasha Fraser (14), The True Wheel Cycles team Katey Gibb was first in the Mullumbimby High as seven her new time of 1:15.22, as well time of 33.72 Bronte Barnes (15), Mollie have lived up to expectation open females. records were broken at the as the 50m Butterfly with a Charlotte Archibald broke Cheek (16), Jacinta Thomp- after taking third place in Over 560 participants plus 2018 swimming carnival. lightning 31.58 the 50m girls backstroke re- son (17+). the mixed team event of the an estimated 1,700 spectators The ‘super fish’ on the day Thomas Cheek broke two cord in the 14-years division Boys: Luke O’Brien 12, Tweed Coast Enduro at Potts- were on hand to witness lively were Mollie and Thomas records in the boys 13-years with a time of 35.70. Thomas Cheek 13, Ashton ville two weeks ago. races in both the sprint and Cheek, who broke five re- division including the 50m Morris 14, Erez Lebovitz 15, It was the fifth top-three endurance long course. cords combined. boys breaststroke (in a record Age champs Ziggy Whestone 16 and Riff- finish for the team in local tri- Despite concerns over an Mollie broke three in her time of 41.35) and the 50m The Mullumbimby High can Cole, Shaun Booth 17+. athlons since November 2016. impending heat wave, ath- girls 16-years division includ- boys butterfly (in a time of School swim carnival age Sporting house table: Aca- Alex Evans led the team letes were presented with ing the 100m backstroke, re- 33.12). champions were: cia (898) followed by Kur- out with a strong swim overall favourable conditions. cording a time of 1:16.72. Amber Borthwick broke Girls: Zara Morris (12 rajong (775), Yarrabin (625), backed up by a fast-paced ‘Racing conditions were She also broke the 100m the 50m girls butterfly record years), Amber Borthwick and Jacaranda (456). ride from Dave Martin that fantastic,’ said race director had the team in fifth spot, Mike Crawley. ‘Speaking to Lennox Head with the run to come. the athletes after the race, King keeps charging the rankings Rob Bele stepped up and many had achieved new per- thirds score 423 powered past two teams to sonal bests.’ give the team third place by It is projected more than Syl Reid just 25 seconds. $5,000 will be raised for local Byron Bay’s Matt Slee con- charities, community groups, The Cellars Byron Bay third tinued his strong form by re- including the Cabarita Beach grade were on the wrong side peating his 2017 win with an- Surf Life Saving Club and the of a massive batting score last other gold finish in the open Pottsville Beach Neighbour- Saturday at Williams Reserve men’s event. hood Centre. in Lennox Head when they had 423 runs put past them, including two centuries. Time to strap the footy The century makers for the home team included opener M Tancred (186 runs) boots on again and B Neilsen (106 no). The Byron bowlers toiled on what turned out to be a very hard day. The best went Kyuss King finished in the top 20 at Boomerang Beach. Photo Ethan Smith/SNSW to Gus Staley with his 2/49. On any other day the Crystal Cylinders Oceania WSL QS ratings. viously qualified through Byron side’s reply of 191 all Condon again received the the NSW North qualifying out, and Tim Goodhind’s 72, Byron Bay surfers Kyuss King WSL wildcard and was seed- round. would have seemed a wor- and Joel Paxton, along with ed into the round of 96 but The event is officially thy riposte. But compared to Lennox Head’s Zak Condon, unfortunately was eliminated sanctioned by the World Surf 5/423 it was a big deficit in a competed at the Vissla Great in another close third-place League, which allows Austral- 40-over game. Lakes Pro, a QS1,000 rated finish. ian WSL Championship Tour In a scheduling quirk the The Wildcats are keen for another big year. Photo supplied World Surf League event held Paxton progressed through surfers (men and women) same sides meet at the same at Boomerang Beach two his round of 96 heat, but came the opportunity to represent ground this weekend. The Byron Bay FC Spell and just coming back after a break weeks ago. up short in the next and was their local boardriders club The Byron seconds have the Gypsy Collective Wild- from sport, the club would King is steadily climbing eliminated. at respective state qualifying posted a solid win, easily cats have started training for like to hear from you. the ratings ladder and was events as well as the national chasing down the target of 85 the 2018 season and are look- Training is on Wednesday seeded into the round of 64. National final for final last weekend. runs set by a lacklustre Ter- ing for new recruits. evenings from 5.15pm till to He he put on an impres- Byron Bay’s team was Soli ranora. After a successful 2017 the 7pm at the Byron Recreation sive performance in the clean boardriders Bailey, Dan Wills, Joel Pax- The Byron bowlers took club is aiming to build two grounds. one-metre waves on offer, Boardriders from Byron ton, Duke Wrencher and just 29 overs to get through competitive teams again this The Brunswick Valley that included an excellent Bay and Lennox-Ballina Kirsty Shaw Zoric. the Lakes team lead by Toby year, playing in the top two Bulldogs AFL side are also range score from the judges competed against the 24 top Le-Ba’s team was Adam Schott’s 4/15 off seven overs, divisions. holding a sign-on is on this to move into the round of 32. boardriders clubs in Australia Melling, James Wood, Mikey and George Worthington’s This can only happen with Saturday February 24th at He again put on a solid over the weekend at Newcas- McDonagh, Marcus Aboody 3/30 of eight overs. numbers and enthusiasm, Stan Thompson oval, 11am– performance but was pushed tle Beach in the Nudie Aus- and Nyxie Ryan. Byron’s opener Owen De- and we need YOU! 2pm. into third place by less than tralian Boardriders Battle. The event was won by lian lead the chase and top We are a very inclusive There will be games based half a point to walk away with Le-Ba finished in tenth Culbura Boardriders that scored with 28 no, with M bunch who value teamwork, on the skills of Australian an equal 17th finish overall. spot and Byron Bay in four- featured World Chapion Ty- Irwin not far behind on 27 no. fun and playing the game. football, hand ball target, goal King has now leaped into teenth. ler Wright and her younger Byron seconds look set for If you’ve never played but kicking, football relay and 11th place on the Australia/ The local clubs had pre- brother Mikey. the finals. are interested or maybe are other activities. 46 February 21, 2018 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Community at work

1300 ALANON 1300 252 666 welcome all groups and visitors. Phone is going, how best to save and, most Ocean Shores Country Club at 6pm. Ph shop, 1 River Terrace (behind post office), 6687 2183. importantly, how to get on top of bills! 0439 733 763 for more info. Mullumbimby – open Monday to Friday Regular As Contact the Byron Community Centre to 9.30am - 4pm. Social sporting groups Volunteer hub make an appointment; private sessions Lions Club Choirs Clockwork Senior social table tennis at Bangalow Choose from 40 organisations at the run every Monday afternoon. Interested in making new friends and Bowling Club Sundays 2–4pm. All levels volunteer hub at Byron Community Toastmasters helping our community? Lions Club of Bay Singers meet Wednesdays at Byron DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY welcomed. Call Margot 0412 394 932. Centre. Make a difference in your Brunswick Mullumbimby meets 1st & 3rd Community Centre, 10.30–11.30am. Tuesday Ladies Group of Riverside community, have fun, learn new skills Byron Cavanbah Toastmasters Tuesdays at 7pm Ocean Shores Country Enquiries 0425 363 589, kim@kimbanffy. Email copy marked Tennis Club welcomes new players and meet people. Ph 6685 6807 email meetings coaching in communication Club. Info: Joan Towers 0400 484 419. Singchronicity Choir meets 9.30am every Tuesday next to Heritage [email protected]. and self-development run on 1st and 3rd Thursdays at Ocean Shores 6.45pm- ‘Regular As Clockwork’ to Op shops [email protected]. Park, Mullumbimby, for social tennis, fun Mondays, 6.40pm at Byron Services Club, 8.45pm. Eclectic and catchy repertoire. and friendship. Info: Barbara 6684 8058. CI Byron Bay; www.byronbaytoastmasters. Uniting Church Op Shop, Dalley St, Ph 0425 363 589. Mullum’s Biggest Little Neighbourhood Centre Contact Improvisation Saturdays in org. Mullum Magic Toastmasters Mullumbimby – open each Saturday Town Choir meets weekly at the Uniting Breast Cancer Support Mullumbimby 10–12 noon at St Martin’s, meet every 2nd, 4th and 5th Monday 8am–12 noon. Byron Bay Anglican Op Church Hall, Dalley Street, Thursdays at Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Byron Breast Cancer Support Group Church Hall, Stuart St Mullumbimby. Presbyterian Church Hall, 101 Stuart Shop opens Monday to Friday 9am–1pm. 6.30pm. Newcomers welcome. Centre is open Monday–Thursday meets every 3rd Wednesday 12–2pm at All level of dancers welcome. Enquiries Street Mullumbimby 7–9 pm. Call Megan Volunteers needed. Enq Jeni: 6685 7816 Raise the Roof Choir: Gospel, bluegrass 9am–4pm and offers a range of services the Cancer Council rooms 8/130 Jonson 0402 059 564. 0424 002 636 or Bruce 0418 515 991. or 0439 344 281. Mullumbimby Anglican & more. 1–3pm Tuesdays, Suffolk Park and activities. Everyone is welcome to St, Byron Bay. Women who have or have Op Shop opens Monday to Friday Hall. 6–8pm Tuesdays, Bruns Uniting Hall. come and enjoy art, music, games, great had breast or gynaecological cancer are Cty Shopping Bus End-of-life choices 9am–4.15pm, Saturday 9am–12.15pm. Weekly Uki & Channon sessions. Info@ food and more. Call reception on 6684 0417 277 211. welcome. Enquiries: Ingrid 0431 207 453. Seats available on fortnightly Voluntary euthanasia options are Volunteers needed, enq to shop 6684 1286 and discover what is on offer. discussed at meetings held quarterly 4718. Mullumbimby Seventh-Day Drug support groups Community Transport Shopping Bus Craft group Low-cost or free food from Suffolk Park/Byron Bay to Byron at the Robina Community Centre. Adventist Op Shop opens Monday Call Alcoholics Anonymous 1800 423 town centre. The door-to-door bus costs Attendees must be Exit Members. More – Thursday 10am–3.30pm, Friday 9am The Uniting Craft & Social Group meets Food Box Thursdays 9.30–11.30am at 431 or 0401 945 671 – 30 meetings a $6 and is available to people who can’t information on www.exitinternational. – 2pm and third Sunday of the month Mondays 9.30am–2.30pm at the Uniting Uniting Church, Mullumbimby. If you week in the Shire – access mainstream transport due to age, net or phone Elaine 07 5580 8215. 10am–2pm. Companion Animals Church in Carlyle Street, Byron Bay. All have any sort of Centrelink card you may Are you experiencing difficulties and disability or other reason. Call Amanda Welfare Inc (CAWI) op shop Brunswick welcome. Prefer patchwork and quilting? purchase cheap food, obtain free veges, challenges because of the alcohol or 1300 875 895. Meditation Heads (next to supermarket) open Mon– Come along on Monday evening same and enjoy a cuppa. Free Food Relief drug use of someone close to you? Buddhist meditation teaching and Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 9am–2pm. Kenya op place at 6pm. Enquiries Tilly 6685 5985. Bags for anyone doing it tough, every Learn coping skills and gain support Language exchange practice now at the living Yoga Sanga, Thursday 9–11am at The Hub Ocean from others. Narcotics Anonymous Byron Language Exchange Club is a first floor, 63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby, Shores, cnr Rajah Rd and Bindaree Way. is a fellowship of men and women free conversation meet up held twice a 6–7.30pm, Mondays. Contact Mishaela, No ID or Concession Card required. NILs Mungo’s Crossword N219 for whom drugs had become a major month in Byron Bay. Contact Paola info@ 0438 858 842 or [email protected]. referral service also available. Check problem. We are recovering addicts who, and don’t forget Dzogchen Meditation and Study Group 1234567 Facebook page The Hub Baptist Ocean meet regularly to help each other stay to mention the language you want to 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month at Shores for details. C3 Care Byron Bay 8 clean. For information and meetings call practise. Volunteers welcome. Mullumbimby Civic Hall. Contact Didi Food Care – log on to www.c3byronbay. 6680 7280. Are you concerned about 0408 008 769 for more info. Byron 910 com to see if you are eligible, or call somebody else’s drinking? Al-Anon Library fun Mindfulness-Insight Meditation 6680 8872. Family Groups meetings held Fridays Baby Bounce session Mullumbimby Sangha & Pairoj Brahma 7pm–9pm 2pm. Uniting Church Bangalow – 1300 – Tuesday 11.30am, Brunswick Heads – Tuesdays at The Yurt, Temple Byron www. Respite Service 252 666 Friday 10.30am, Byron Bay – Friday 10am. No fees. Andrew 0426 11 12 Byron Shire Respite Service Inc australia. Crystal Meth Anonymous is a Storytime for toddlers and pre-school 119 171, Pairoj 0423 241 916. Buddhist delivers high-quality respite care to fellowship of people for whom all drugs children Mullumbimby – Friday 10.30am, meditation and conversation with John 13 a broad range of clients throughout Brunswick Heads – Monday 10.30am, (but especially crystal meth) had become Allan, Mondays 6.30–8.30 pm, The Yurt, 14 15 16 the Byron, Ballina and Lismore shires. a problem. Meeting held Thursday 6pm, Byron Bay – Tuesday 10.30am. Temple Byron. No fees. John 0428 991 Donations welcome: Ph 6685 1921, Presbyterian Church Hall, 13 Ruskin 189. Byron yoga philosophy club Free email [email protected], Street, Byron Bay. Call 0478 061 479 or No-interest loans meditation classes Monday, 7.45pm, website: visit: Byron Community No Interest Loans Ananta Yoga Studio (above Byron Music) 17 18 19 Scheme (NILS) is a not-for-profit 2B/144 Jonson Street, Byron Bay. Go Alateen Meeting Museums community program providing people to or phone Kris Alateen Meeting every Thursday at Brunswick Valley Historical Society Inc on low incomes with safe, fair interest- 0435 300 743. Community Yoga Nidra 20 21 22 5–6pm. Do you have a parent, close Museum corner of Myocum and Stuart free loans of up to $1,000 for purchasing class. Free, Wednesdays 1-1.30pm at the friend or relative with a drinking Sts Mullumbimby, open Tuesdays and essential goods and services. Contact Bamboo Yoga School, behind The Health 23 problem? Alateen can help. For Fridays 10–12 and market Saturdays 9–1. the Byron Community Centre to find Lodge, 78 Bangalow Road, Byron Bay. Call 8–16-year-olds meet St Cuthbert’s Discover your local history, join our team out more. Matt 0430 008 293. 24 25 Anglican Church Hall, 13 Powell Street, – 6684 4367. Bangalow Heritage House corner of Florence Street Tweed Museum & Cafe Open Tuesday–Friday Budgeting Support Social Table Tennis Heads. Al-Anon family groups for older 8.30am–4pm. Cnr Ashton & Deacon Sts Money Matters is a free service helping South Golden Shores Community 26 members at the same time and place. Bangalow. Available for event hire and people identify where their money Centre every Monday at 10.30. Phone 0435 780 017. Bangalow Bowlo Sundays opposite Doma Cafe. Exchange garden at the Youth Activity Centre, 1 Gilmore at 3pm. All welcome. Enquiries Margot Cryptic Clues Quick Clues On The produce at this cash-free, family-friendly Crescent, Byron Bay. Classes run from 0412 394 932. ACROSS ACROSS morning. Email: thefederalexchange@ from 6 till 8pm. Dance classes are a Bruns tennis 1. Best meal hints recipe from the 1. Old fi rm, the nation’s elite (13) or join us on Facebook. fundraiser for Byron Harmony Day. Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and nation’s elite (13) 9. Legendary monsters (5) Horizon Op shop sale Peace Love and Crêpes Sundays 5–7pm. $6.00, all welcome. 9. Demons provide gravity in metal 10. Capital city of Scotland (9) Enquiries Linda 0449 825 108. Coaching deposits (5) 11. Prairies, pastures (10) DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY Uniting Church Op shop corner Dalley Run by Alliance Française. Coronation available. 10. Badly hung bride in Scottish city (9) 12. Dread, panic (4) and Whian Streets, Mullumbimby, open Hall, Walker St, Clunes. Sunday 25 March, 11. Infi rm alights on prairies (10) 14. Spontaneous gesture or action (7) Email copy marked 8am–12 noon each Saturday. Sale on U3A discussion group 11am–2pm. 12. Iron, a right terror (4) ‘On The Horizon’ to Saturday 24 February – all clothing $1. Brunswick Valley U3A audiovisual 16. Last name of Rod, fi rst name of Kenya Op Shop discussion group, Thursdays 10am 14. Lentil introducing itself? A Grainger (7) [email protected]. Breastfeeding support spontaneous action! (7) 17. Glossy paints (7) The Education Care Projects: Kenya Op Mullumbimby Ex-Services Club. Info 0432 16. Slow cook – skill of King Charles! (7) 19. German city, capital of Brandenburg (7) U3A Brunswick ABA Mothers’ support group at Ocean Shop, 1 River Terrace (street behind the 165 006. Shores, Monday 26 February 9.30 till Mullumbimby Post Office), has reopened 17. Ernie holds title, and fi nishes! (7) 20. Sound made by pigs (4) U3A Brunswick Valley Tuesday forum Quota Club 11.30am at the Baptist Hub, Rajah Road for 2018. All proceeds go to supporting 19. Shoots mother in German city (7) 21. As payback, for revenge (2,8) 27 February 10am till 12. Uniting Church (next to Target). Conversations about the education and care of more than 60 Quota Club of Brunswick Valley meets 20. All right about fashionable grunt 24. Act by yourself, without support (2,2,5) Hall, Fingal St, Brunswick Heads. John returning to work. Enquiries 0431 477 445. disadvantaged children in Kenya. every 1st Thursday of the month at the (4) Zaat: ‘The real story of the Sydney 25. Relating to or containing gold (5) Opera House’. Visitors and potential new Art competition 21. Sniper lair prepared for payback 26. Year of Jack Cad’s rebellion and members very welcome. Ring 6685 1732. (2,8) Coronation of King Christian I (8,5) The 12th Ocean Shores Country Club 24. Turn – that’s a claw in the middle. DOWN Byron Sophia art competition/exhibition. Three $500 GRANTS You’ll have to do it by yourself! categories: Acrylics/Oils, Watercolour 1. Proverb suggesting that suffi cient (2,2,5) is ample; it’s time to end it (6,2,6) Byron Sophia Philosophical Group: and Drawing/Pastel. Entry forms at www. ‘Living Life – Embracing Death’. Zenith FEB 2018 25. Spies back around the old city – 2. The earth, fi rm ground (5) Deadline 4 May it contains gold! (5) Virago, celebrant and author will present – no late entries accepted. Information The Lions Club of Brunswick 3. Currently most popular book (4,6) legal, care, and information resources for Marilyn 6680 4907. 26. Ten to three – time for Jack Cade’s 4. Repeat, perform again (7) empowerment in dying well. Thursday Mullumbimby are offering uprising! (8,5) 5. Coiff ures of various kinds (7) 22 February, 1.30 till 3.30pm, at Marvell Garden volunteers for DOWN Hall, Marvell St. Byron Bay. Info: Celia 6. Island on which Napoleon was fi rst Liberation Larder MONTHLY GRANTS up to $500 1. Margaret Thatcher said it: One exiled (4) 6684 3623. huge housing conglomeration! It’s Liberation Larder gardeners are growing 7. Confi dence trick also called ‘Find These grants can be applied for by any time to fi nish! (6,2,6) U3A Ballina/Byron staple vegetables at The Farm every the lady’ (5-4) Not-For-Profi t organisation or group which supports 2. Report of dread of solid land (5) U3A Ballina/Byron. ‘Street Art’ will be the week. If you have a few spare hours and 8. Saying suggesting it is worth 3. Beats Fitzgerald – audio, popular subject of David Shaw’s art appreciation would like to join the crew, contact Helen our local community within the Byron Shire following two failures with another book! (4,6) attempt (5,4,5) session on 27 February at 10am in the on 0439 409 655. (except Bangalow who have their own Lions Club) RSL rooms, Mullumbimby. All welcome. i.e. Church groups, health groups, local charities, 4. Object, hesitation, consumed. 13. Aff ectionate slang for a wife (6,4) Repeat! (7) Enquiries 6680 7350. Library book fair service groups, any humanitarian purposes. 15. Litigant, one taking a matter to court (9) 5. Hot radios exchanged for mullets, Friends of Libraries Byron Shire are now These grants will be offered every month. 18. Expelled, ordered to leave (4,3) Ballina Photography Club wanting books for their annual Book Fair, perhaps (7) 19. Go before, herald (7) The Ballina Photography Club, Thursday to be held on Saturday 14 and Sunday Contact the Lions Club of Brunswick Mullumbimby 6. Competent, returning to island in 22. Embellishment for a type font (5) Tuscany (4) 22 February at 6.30pm at the Kentwell 15 July at Byron Bay Surf Club. All clean PO Box 12 Mullumbimby 23. Meat sauce for pasta (4) Community Centre, corner Moon Street books, fiction, non-fiction, DVDs, games Email: [email protected] 7. Extravagantly chartered? No, it’s a Last week’s solution N218 and Bangalow Road. Special guest Craig etc will be gratefully received. Please call An application will be sent to you. trick! (5-4) WI SECRACKS TOBE Parry. Enquiries Jean: 6686 0462. Beryl: 6685 3030 or Janene: 0407 855 022. Applications must be received by Wednesday 28 FEB 2018. 8. Irritating turkey itch – mild. That’s fortunate; it’s happened twice OA I I I MOL MANAGER DR I Z Z L E Sunrise residents Emerge Australia before! (5,4,5) The Club awarded two grants AGALDDEC Get-to-know events. Starting Sunday Emerge Australia Inc is a not-for-profit 13. Bet it’s your wife! (6,4) NEFERT I T I D I DNT 25 February (last Sundays of month). charity supporting those with myalgic for January 2018 15. Ordinary dispute for the woman RENNL O Meet residents at Jacaranda Street park encephalomyelitis, also known as taking it to court (9) STOUT EGGBEATER Byron Youth Services $500 and TIT OIA 11am–2pm. Bring food, drink, chair. Air Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. For more 18. Expelled from nest? (4,3) ideas about Sunrise. More info: Sunrise information see the Emerge Australia Brunswick Valley Historical Society $500 ENDLESSLY FATAL RBEOTF Progress Association Group on Facebook. Website at 19. Softly move back; now go in front! (7) NAURU TOUCHDOWN Unsuccessful applications do not carry forward, a new application is required. MRT THERO Federal exchange Indonesian dance 22. Backfi res on font? (5) ORB I TAL AUD I TOR Any questions phone Tony Cornell 6680 2011 Summer Federal exchange on Saturday Indonesian dance classes starts on 23. Take the lid off sugar, then shake it SASEVAAS 24 February. Meet in Federal Park at 10am Wednesdays 21 February, till 25 April Joan Towers 0400 484 419 or Claire Harris 6680 3707 into pasta sauce! (4) TONE TREEMYRTLE North Coast news daily: The Byron Shire Echo February 21, 2018 47 Backlash

A council in north QLD has expressed indignation at being asked by Byron Shire Council to boycott businesses in their region who are affi liated with Adani. Rupert Murdoch’s dai- says the ‘hippie town’ off ended Isaac region mayor Anne Baker with the ‘bizarre’ letter. ‘Th ere are 26 active coal mines in the Isaac region and Cr Baker said she had never received a request like it before. She said, “Th is is a preposterous suggestion, which appears not to have been given sen- sible consideration.”’ Backlash suggests sensible considera- tion to the threats of climate Bruns perfection last week was also a reminder that the Byron Bay Surf Festival is almost upon change would be to use the us. Byron’s venues and beaches will again draw wave enthusiasts from February 22 till 25. $5b Northern Australia Infra- Visit www.byronbaysurff for more info. Photo Jeff ‘Where’s My Boardies’ Dawson structure Facility funding to kickstart a renewable indus- ment’. How about: ‘No new Backlash it will return soon, Heard of the latest African try and methodically close the development of the kind that and he is considering adding a youth crime wave? Th ey break coal industry instead of giving destroys wetland, screws up ‘Stop Santos Mining’ sign, too. into jewellery shops and take $1b of it to Indian corp Adani. the environment, creates traf- QQQQ their diamonds back. QQQQ fi c chaos and trashes Byron Local photographer Sean Bay’? You know, the type of O’Shea’s new limited-edition development Ben’s govern- Byron Bay picture book will ment is trying to do. be available to purchase at Th e QQQQ Byron Surf Festival Art Mar- The first major protest that ket on Saturday March 24. led to forest protection in the QQQQ nation was at Terania Creek Nationals MLC Ben Frank- in 1979. And to celebrate 40 lin has sent out a community years, the Mullum Nightcap survey! When listing seven Monuments project is invit- things we might be concerned ing all who were involved to about, Ben puts law and order a meeting for February 22 predictably at the top of the from 5pm at the Museum and list and environment at bot- Historical Society buildings tom. But Backlash takes is- in Mullumbimby. And last sue with the question, ‘Do we week’s story, Historic environ- need more housing or should mental protests remembered we discourage development omitted David Kemp’s credit in our area?’ It’s called ‘push for the Terania rainforest log- polling’ because it attempts to ging protest photo. manipulate or alter prospec- QQQQ tive voters’ views/beliefs un- The Stop Adani sign that der the guise of conducting adorns Santos Organics’ Mul- an opinion poll. In this case lum building is on loan and it is designed to produce only has not been stolen, as ini- one of two answers: ‘more tially suspected by shoppers. housing’ or ‘no new develop- Manager Michael Lyon told Hungry?

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