
the area of Ihe so-called "fore-triangle"), the overlapping part of headsail does not contribute to the driving force. This im­ plies that it does pay to have o large only if the area of the fore-triangle (or 85 per cent of this area) is taken as the rated area. In other words, when compared on the basis of driving force produced per given area (to be paid for), theoverlapping genoas carried by racing are not cost-effective although they are rating- effective in term of measurement rules (Ref. 1). In this respect, the rating rules have a more profound effect on the plan- form of thon aerodynamic require­ ments, or the in all its moods. As explicitly demonstrated in Fig. 2, no rig is superior over the whole range of heading angles. There are, however, con­ sistently poor performers such ns the La­ teen No. 3 rig, regardless of the sailed relative to thewind. When reaching, this version of rig is inferior to the Lateen No. 1 by as rnuch as almost 50 per cent. To the surprise of many readers, perhaps, there are more efficient rigs than the Berntudan such as, for example. La­ teen No. 1 or Guuter, and this includes windward courses, where the Bermudon rig is widely believed to be outstanding. With the above data now available, it's possible to answer the practical question: how fast will a given sail on different headings when driven by eoch of these rigs? Results of a preliminary speed predic­ tion programme are given in Fig. 3, A and B. These present comparative speeds for the two distinctly different hull types at the same true wind velocity Vx= 12 luiots. A displacement type of hull with a length/ ratio of 5 was chosen as a typical plank-built found in many parts ofthe world (Ref. 2). The boat was fitted with a shallow and her basic measurements were: Length (L) = 8.8m (28.9 ft) Displacement (A) = 2.5 Sail Area (SA) = 20 mM215 sq. ft.) Displacement/length ratio A/(0.01L)' = 104 Aslenderligbtweigbtoutriggercanoewas also deliberately selected to provide a con­ trast with the fii-st type of hull. It was SAIL POWER assumed that this will be fitted with some form of stabilisation (float to wind­ ward) which would not increase the liull resistance. To achieve reasonably good close-hauled performance the canoe AND PERFORMANCE would have a dagger board or leeboard. Her basic measurements were: Length (L) = 9.0m (29.5 ft) Displacement (A) =1.5 tonnes TONY MARCHAJ CONCLUDES HIS INVESTIGAHON SaUArea(SA) = 20 (215 sq.ft.) Displacement/length ratio 'Common sense is not so common." Fig. 2 illustrates the magnitude of the A/(0.01L)' = 58.5 Voltaire 11764) driving force comi>onent (Cv) for three The speed performance calculations were representative points of , selected done on two simplifying assumptions: for coherent examination of thespeed per­ First, the effect of waves was not consi­ fWy he central theme of this lost article formance. These heading angles are: dered, so the predictions of speed made I on sail power is au estimate of the close-hauled, 30 degrees; close reaching, good to windward are likely to be -R- effect of various rigs on the speed 60 degrees; and running, 150-180 de­ optimistic OS compared to real conditions. performanceofthesamehull.lnprinciple, grees. It will be seen that even with one Secondly, the added resistance due to heel the greater the propulsive force, other type of rig there are conspicuous differ­ angle was also ignored. It is known, how­ things being equal, the faster the boat will ences in the driving force, depending en­ ever, that this effect is relatively small up . tirely on the course soiled relative to the to about 16 degre^ of heel. As distinct apparent wind. For instance, the Bermu- To refresh readers' memories, Fig. 1 — from pleasure , such heel angles are dan with small is more effi­ repeated here from Part 3 — gives the seldom exceed by working Ashing croft. cient on reaching and running than the overall potential thrust produced by all As would be expected, the canoe hull rigs tested. Such a presentation, however, same mainsail with larger jib. These re­ with its much lower displacement/length takes no account of differences in sail sults corroborate earlier tests made by the ratio is consistently faster, but otherwise forces at porticular heading angles rela­ author in connection with the 12 metre tive to the apparent wind. And these dif­ rig. Those tests showed that if the total the relative rankings of the rigs are virtu­ ferences can be quite significant. areaof hendsails is taken into account (not ally identical on either of the hulls. This implies that the choice of rig can be made 62 PRACTICAL BOAT OWNER H =BERIv1UDAN m =LATEEN =SPRIT o =GUNTER iii IIII =LUGSAIL o ft: = =CRABCLAVV RIG TYPES (see key) o 11. KEY TO COMPARISON BAR CHARTS '/// :• CJ Bars of same lype should be read in same order as set out below > • V///, 9 Bermudan + small jib a: f ////. I Bermudan + large jib o Bermudan mainsail only Bermudan with modified mainsaif MM Lateen 1 >»////, 0m Lateen 2 IJ! '^m Lateen 3 CLOSE REACHING RUNNING HAULED Sprit 2 Fig. 2: Showing the comparison of driving forces of rigs in close-hauted, reaching and ^ Sprit 3 running attitudes relative to the apparent wind. Sprit with small jib •W; Gunter il Lugsall : Crabclaw 1.5t CANOE J. 1: Comparison of overall potential potA/er SAIL AREA=20m' rigs tested in windtunnel obtained by mea­ WIND SPEED=12f(ls suring areas underthe driving component Cv plotted versus heading angle relative tothe apparent wind. \1 no matter the type of hull, provided that O the stability and the hull's efficiency in z generating sideforce are comparable. A glance at Figs. 2 and 3 will reveal that •x-^Uyyyyj' theorderofmerit given in tertnsofdi iving 111 »*Kvyyyi' force coefficients (Fig. 2) is reflected in a ^z-Kyyyy'.' »H''y/yyyV predicted speeds (Fig. 3). However, the »-ZiiVy/y.' ••i'Sf-yyyy'" speed differences ore quantitatively less \i

54 PRACTICAL BOAT OWNER Tho astonishing crab claw in action cannot doubi llmtthecaudal(tail) finpluys nn important part ingeneratingthethrusi that fishes exhibit.

REFERENCES TO NOTES IN ARTICLE /. C. A Marchaj Sailmg Theory and Practice Adiard Coles. UK I9S2. 2. Analysis ol Wind Tunnel Data on Representative Anisanal Boat Rigs. Rep 3446/01 1985. GiHondandPanners.Computeranatysiscarriednutai Ihe request olMacAlisterElliot Fanners Ltd. 3 efficiency Characteristics of Crescent-Shaped Wings and Caudal Fins C. P. Van Dam —Nature. 29Januar/ 1987 4. Minimum Induced Drag of Wings with Curved Planform d.^kenbergandO. Weis lofAiwmft. January 5. Animal Locomou'on Sir James Gray — Publ Weidenfeld and Nicotson London 1968.

The Crab Claw type of rig, although of lower aspect ratio lhan that of caudal fins shown in Fig. 9, belongs to the same cate­ gory of foils. It should perhaps be added that the winglets attached to the keel ofthe 12 Metre and Stripes — victorious Americau Chollenger in the 1987 Ameri­ ca's Cup contest — have planform of that the notoriously poor Lateen sail No. 3 (see ference, bearing in mind that at first sight type. B. 1 and 2) with high degree of sweep- all other factors may appear to be the Such shapes were invented and practi­ .clt. Presence of the lower yard makes same. cally applied some hundreds years ago by ine only difference. One more peculiar lift-producing plan- the Polynesian people, who must have de­ Subsequently, the lower yard was re- form deserves mention. Due to the action veloped them by trial and error, probably movedso the canvas took a typical shape of of selective evolution operating in Nature, inspired by clever observation of efficient the Lateen sail — no longer rigidly sup- mony aquatic anim.als that cruise fast and pored along its foot and hence much more sometimes for long distances, such as dol­ flexible with large camber and twist. The phins, tunnyfish, swordfish, mackerel- measurements were then repeated for the shark, whale (Fig. 9) have developed cau­ same range of apparent wind angles. The dal fins (foils) of the crescent-moon shape. results are depicted by the lower curve in Also, wings of certain efficient soaring Fig. 8. It's evident that the lack of support birds, such as albatross, display chaiac- by the lower has a shatteringeffee t on teristicbackwardcui-vatureoftheleading sail power. At the heading angle 30 de­ and trailing edges. grees (i.e. in close-hauled attitude, see One of the claims of classic, low speed points A and A' marked on the curves) the aerodynamicsb thattheminimum diagof Tlio mackerel-shark Lamna Crab Claw develops about 45 per cent a wing, or any lift generating device for more thrust than the same sail supported that matter, is obtained on an untwisted by the upper yard only, i.e. the so-called elliptical planform. It's believed that the Lateen configuration. In close reaching well knovra SpitRre aeroplane enjoyed conditions, at the heading angle 50 de­ some of its wartimesuccess from itsellipti- grees (see points B and B') the Crab Claw cal wing form. rig develops about twice as much thrust as Onemayaskwhy, aftermillionsofyears the Lateen type of soil! An enormous dif- of evolution. Nature should produce pecu­ liar, moon-like shaped foils (Fig. 9) when it's generally known (since M. Munk Tho tunrtytish Thunnus ) 1 proved it mathemaUcally — see NACA > Rept. 121, published in 1921) that the elliptical planform is the most efficient 1 lifting surface? i Theanswerisratherstraightforward— apparently Nature knows the subject bet­ B , ter than the most able mathematicians. More recently, some scientists (Ref. 3 and 4) have shown that crescent shaped foils, with backward curvature of the leading The swordfishX/pA/i/s o / Crab Claw Sail edge, are more efficient: they produce more lift for given drag than the elliptical plonforms considered best in classical wing theory. Any study of fish locomotion must con­ sider how a fish can product the thrust f / A. * • needed to overcome the water resistance / ateen Sail and maintain the speed observed. It has 1, been found that a tunnyfish about the size A' of o man can swim ten times as fast as the Fig. 9: Nature appears to favour the cres­ / cent-shaped fins (with backward curva­ II Olympic champion! And certain fishes ture of the leading edges) such as tail fins may produce an acceleration ot4gin their and bird wings. lethal lungingattack (Ref. 5). Fishes have 0- 10' 20- 30' 40- 50- 60' been evolving for hundreds of millions of forms produced by Nature. This ties up years, and we know that in this process of Apparent wind angle with the remark expressed by Sir d'Arcy 8 evolution any quality, such as speed, that Thompson (1860-1948) in his book i ncreoses the chance of su rvi val—a sort of "Growth and Farm": "There is never a Fig. 8: Driving force developed by the same "survival value" — is most likely to get discovery made in the llieory of aerody­ sail butin two different configurations: asa moreand moreincoi-poratedinto thechar- namics but we find it adopted already by Crab Claw and a Lateen rig. acteristics of succeedinggenerations. One Nature." « No 264 DECEMBER 1988 55