YogaYoga SutrasSutras ofof PatanjaliPatanjali AshtangaAshtanga YogaYoga (8(8 LimbsLimbs ofof Yoga)Yoga) Subhash Mittal Integral Yoga Studio ♦ 919 -337 -0072 ♦
[email protected] 1 InvocationInvocation toto SageSage PatanjaliPatanjali योगेन िचःय पदेन वाचां | मलं शरीरःय च वैकेन || योऽपाकरों ूवरं मुनीनां | पत जिलं ूा जिलरानतोऽिःम || yogena chittasya padena vAchAM || malaM sharIrasya cha vaidyakena |||| yo.apAkarottaM pravaraM munInAM || pata~njaliM prA~njalirAnato.asmi || "I respectfully bow down with folded hands and offer my salutations to Sage Patanjali , the highest among the Munis (sages), who has presented the remedies for removing the impurities of the body through his treatise on Ayurveda , of language through his treatise on grammar ( Patanjala Mahabhashya ) and the impurities of the Chitta (mind field) through his treatise on Yoga (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali )." 2 WhyWhy AshtangaAshtanga Yoga?Yoga? PracticePractice isis meansmeans toto eradicateeradicate impuritiesimpurities LustreLustre ofof knowledgeknowledge increasesincreases DiscriminativeDiscriminative enlightenmentenlightenment attainedattained DistinctionDistinction betweenbetween PurushaPurusha angang GunasGunas knownknown ---- SutraSutra 2.282.28 3 EightEight LimbsLimbs YamaYama (restraint)(restraint) NiyamaNiyama (observance)(observance) AsanaAsana (physical(physical posture)posture) PranayamaPranayama (regulation(regulation ofof breath)breath) PratyaharaPratyahara (Sense(Sense withdrawal)withdrawal) DharanaDharana (focus/concentration)(focus/concentration)