Public Order, Crime and Punishment in Istanbul, 1914-1918
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WAR AND IMPERIAL CAPITAL: PUBLIC ORDER, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN ISTANBUL, 1914-1918 A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY DENİZ DÖLEK SEVER IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY MARCH 2015 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Meliha Altunışık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Ömer Turan Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferdan Ergut Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur (METU,HIST) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferdan Ergut (METU, HIST) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Attila Aytekin (METU, ADM) Assist. Prof. Dr. Oktay Özel (BİLKENT, HIST) Assist. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Dursun (METU, HIST) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Deniz Dölek Sever Signature : iii ABSTRACT WAR AND IMPERIAL CAPITAL: PUBLIC ORDER, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN ISTANBUL, 1914-1918 Dölek Sever, Deniz Ph.D., Department of History Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferdan Ergut March 2015, 373 pages The Great War was the last and the most important part of the series of wars that the Ottoman Empire had been involved in since 1911. This was also a total war, as the boundary between the front and home front became almost indistinguishable. Therefore, the Great War, which lasted four years, had a great impact on state-society relations in all belligerent countries. This study aims to examine state-society relations in the Ottoman Empire by specifically addressing wartime policies related to public order, crime and punishment implemented in Istanbul. While doing this, there will be particular focus on issues such as the consolidation of modern state apparatus; the increasingly authoritarian rule of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP); and the government’s capability and/or incapability to penetrate into the society. In order to make this analysis, the chapters of this dissertation focus on topics as follows: the structure of police and Criminal Code; travel documents, passports and reports of the Travel Office; policies implemented on vagrants, refugees, countrymen, foreigners and minorities; criminal policy of the CUP government agaist theft, profiteering and bribery; official attitude towards some crimes regarded as threat to the iv survival of state and continuation of the CUP government; the practice of collecting arms; and amnesties. Keywords: First World War, Istanbul, Public Order, Criminal Policy, Wartime State- Society Relations. v ÖZ SAVAŞ VE İMPARATORLUK BAŞKENTİ: İSTANBUL’DA ASAYİŞ, SUÇ VE CEZA, 1914-1918 Dölek Sever, Deniz Doktora, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Ferdan Ergut Mart 2015, 373 sayfa Birinci Dünya Savaşı, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun, 1911 yılından itibaren müdahil olduğu savaşlar silsilesinin sonuncusu ve en önemlisiydi. Topyekün bir savaş olan Büyük Savaş sırasında, cephe ile cephe gerisi arasındaki sınırlar neredeyse kaybolmuştu. Bu nedenle, dört yıl boyunca devam eden savaş, savaşa katılan tüm ülkelerde, devlet-toplum ilişkileri üzerinde son derece büyük bir dönüştürücü etkiye sahip oldu. Bu çalışma, İstanbul’da savaş yıllarında uygulanan asayiş, suç ve cezalandırmaya dair politikalar üzerine yoğunlaşarak, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun devlet-toplum ilişkilerini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu analiz özellikle üç meseleye odaklanılarak yapılmıştır: modern devlet aygıtlarının konsolidasyonu; gittikçe otoriter bir yapıya kavuşan İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti (İTC) yönetimi; hükümetin topluma nüfuz edip edememe kapasitesi. Bu doktora çalışmasının bölümleri şu başlıklar üzerine detaylı bir analiz içermektedir: polisin ve ceza kanunun yapısı; seyahat varakaları, pasaportlar ve Seyrüsefer Kalemi tarafından hazırlanan raporlar; serserilere, göçmenlere, taşralılara, yabancılara ve azınlıklara uygulanan denetim politikaları; hırsızlık, vurgunculuk ve rüşvet ile ilgili İTC hükümeti tarafından geliştirilen suç politikası; devletin bekasına ve vi hükümetin devamlılığına tehdit olarak algılanan suçlara resmi yaklaşım; silah toplama pratiği; ve aflar. Anahtar Kelimeler: Birinci Dünya Savaşı, İstanbul, Asayiş, Suç Politikası, Savaş Dönemi Devlet-Toplum İlişkisi. vii To my parents, Duygu & Doğan Dölek For their deep affection and belief in me throughout my life & To AYTEK For every single moment we share together viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis is not only the outcome of my personal studies that spans nearly six years. There were also other people who supported me and contributed to this study in different ways. First of all, I would like to express genuine appreciation to my advisor, Ferdan Ergut, not only for his guidance and contributions to this study, but also for his great impact on my academic life through his lectures and historical perspective. Had his lectures on historical methodology not been the initial courses I had taken from Department of History when I was an undergraduate student of Department of Political Science and Public Administration, I would probably never have decided to pursue an academic career in the field of history. Moreover, I would also like to express my special thanks to him for accepting to become my thesis supervisor and for his encouragement in this difficult process. I would also like to thank the dissertation committee members, Oktay Özel, Attila Aytekin, Recep Boztemur and Selçuk Dursun for their conscientious readings, valuable critics and contributions, which has definitely done much to improve the quality of this study. Selçuk Dursun was always ready to help me in reading Ottoman- Turkish documents. Also, his guidance in writing styles and suggestions about theoretical readings was particularly helpful in constructing the conceptual framework of this dissertation. Oktay Özel and Attila Aytekin also provided invaluable contribution in the development of this dissertation. They were always ready to read initial drafts of each chapter and helped to improve the quality of the dissertation through their constructive criticism and suggestions. I want to express special thanks to Oktay Özel whose contribution was certainly beyond being a committee member. Without his detailed readings of every single part of this study and without his valuable suggestions, this thesis would not have taken its final shape. ix I am also grateful to Mustafa Aksakal who kindly accepted to become my supervisor at the Georgetown University during my study there as a visiting researcher between September 2012 and June 2013. He was always helpful especially in the earlier phases of this study. Without his guidance about initially focusing on archival documents, I would probably have lost great deal of time in constructing the basis of this dissertation. I would like to express my gratitude to The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK) for supporting me with an abroad scholarship during my research at the Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. Faculty Development Program and State Planning Organization (ÖYP-DPT) also funded my archival research at the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives, İstanbul, Turkey. I am also grateful to my colleagues Eyüp Kurt and Çağdaş Sümer who shared the same office with me during last two years. They were always understanding and kind, providing me a peaceful and comfortable working sphere. My friends were always around me with their love, encouragement and patience. I am grateful to my dear friends, Alptekin Top, Ali Alptekin, Ezgi Sarıtaş, Erinç Erdal, Zöhre Koçkan, Ayşe Karınca, Oya Gözel, Hatice Dalkır, Serdar Dalkır and Gözde Kök. For the last two years, in order to study on this dissertation, I had to reluctantly refuse almost every plan they did for spending time together. Therefore, I feel obliged to thank them for their understanding and patience. I also owe so much to my dear parents, Duygu and Doğan Dölek, and my dear sister Devrim Dölek Çetinkaya for their limitless love, support and encouragement in every moment of my life. Without their deep affection and trust, this dissertation would not have been possible for me. I would like to express special thanks to my dear mom for always being a role model for me as the strongest, smartest and kindest woman I have ever met. I am also grateful to my dear cats, Mercimek, Kati and Şampiyon, for their companionship under every circumstance. I am learning so many things from them x every day. However, the most important thing they have taught me in this extremely stressful period of study was to be happy, joyful and unconditionally at peace with life despite all kinds of difficulties. Finally, my beloved Aytek Sever deserves the greatest gratitude for his unconditional understanding, patience and love. I am grateful to him for his proofreading, corrections and suggestions which took hours and days. Literally, this dissertation would have not possible without his academic support, motivating stance and belief in me. As a ‘man of words’, his presence in my life, which has enriched me so much in countless ways, is the greatest gift of the cosmos to me. xi TABLE