Cinjb $Mtmx |Mtrnal Jewmon
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cinjb $mtmx |mtrnal Jewmon. THE MIND OR BODY OF MAN. €jn 11 ETERNAL HOSTILITY TO EVERY FORM OF OPPRESSION OVER * ' VOLUME III.—NUMBER MAINE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1 856. 25. LOUIS 0. COWAN, Editor and Proprietor. BIDDEFORD, for our we new behevetl thai AMEBIC AH LIBERTY IN KANSAS. wfienc b the course of allowed it* Now, part, hu» ox and hastened in the direction from debate, l»jr presid- with a stick and turn ova It was a new in ministerial hurl to it ne- com* on the coast of Nei r go phase not Sumner was make cnU that J plant, along came. officer to be and excrtding sufficiently The condition of American cit liens UNION AND EASTERN JOURNAL. king ■ under who* they ing spoken, actual the haulm if it is in the and bo Old Dr. Dow, to at into manure. are •ometiuie i way, plant pcrionce. line truth or cessary him take to his bed all.— Junej, (The» a how Housewives with uncovered head* an 1 one hatr's breadth any of duty. for whoso misfortune is to havg been born north Tfca Cnloo and limn Jowoal la rw? row As th< he was converted, drove pabUabail " t tween each other or we believe that the well- at !<•■ CVutral called bone foot The ax linen potatoes. preaching am the climax of thi* *o- Least of »U do Toiif, 1, Muck, ufpualM lk« BMJtfcni craU.") per of her station, bared anna darted from every house, I Thi* is the fifth and of Mason's and Dixon'• line, and whoss lot Mn—. Twt-U — ac are level in the soil about who neter the dignity ft »■■■■. |1W has been successful, and tarwen are vcr f' potatoes dug, forgot nefarious and lie roccivod was of iitkfM muMkt from ik« iIm of rab*gibing on oc- childMi of all ages swelled tho crowd rie* of deserving gutta perching las been cast in Kansas, is not, we appre- Single and if conscutruted ma •o far aa to exceed a fait walk, any flying outrage*, unparalleled, « M.H. tf V. B. Pateer. the IHM !<•«»- anxious to obtain this new fish con the cabbages, any >0 severe a character us to detain him is guano, scan- Dcacon who waa whea I brutal. or MP» Altai la Sm «aly aaliMrUed agaal foe (kit pa^-r arounc and ho eould not Saunders, storing hend, understood by nurc is at hand, a handful casion, help feeling more a But we full/ appreciated la ika atiMa af Ma* Ywt, lau», and l"biUd«ln«'». it than that from Peru put are fact*—«uch are the confinement for than week. sidering cheaper on tho old in hi* Dcnnia'a voice Such the outrage* the Tho real a« it now stands, a*J tadaly tannwal u U>a »jT«ru,iMmti aaJ Mb- Ttis th< dalised at such an innovation granary, recognized public. issuo, has been done a each plant previously. stirring to believe it is a miserable Abolition trick, from aarlpttuoa al tba aaaa ralaa aa rv^alrad by u. Ilia Something by gentlemai and with an undefined presentiment tha i —hi aerie* of them, which ought ring involves but remote!/ tbe ?aterests of Um aaa ara->JV«w T»rk, Trlbene *•*<•*. tefca*. >! soil has a beneficial effect on the cab- customs. resorted to BalUlnge of Providence, R. I., ia th very waa and to end; to aliv* and X. W. wmr TfcirJ aad concentrating on the it in which bo had a every field, through overy beginning keep slave: the is, wheth- lay'a HitUdlng rkilmdtlfihU, and the dissimilar nature of the So much woa his mind exercised aomething deej through city acknowledged question CiaatMt Mrat material of fish into a buges, pro- of the Freo State*— diffuse und the awak- fertilising dry pow | to interest, ran aa fast aa his old limba woulc palace and cottage strengthen sympathy er tho whito man of tho North shall bo bond vious does not rob the soil. subject, ho felt it to be his duty expostu- der, that can be or m eoai .; crop materially in the direction all wcro which to liko tho crow on ened for him among his confederates at the MARCUS WATSON. Print* r. kept tramportcd 1 Ilale heard him allow, taking. ought fly, fiery or froe. Of course of the will late with bis pastor. Mr. as any cabbage family But over tho moun- North. fanatics of the ly guano. O soften had safety upoc the highlands of Scotland, Nigger-worshipping Tho distinction bctwoen tho sovereign do Ct nileman. with a quiet smile and endeavored Willy's depended Prof. llarv, of Philadelphia, gave hisopin [ equally well.—Country human aid, ho would noror hare amiled tain* and tho of tho Freo male and weak minded women and and th« of the bis to telling him up- through Tallcy* gender, rights of tho Status powen ion some in faYor of fish animosity poor Pysche, by are affected at the jean ago guano no on hia grandfather again. State*, the tho silly children, horribly is now rec- Agricultural. of her docility and gentleness, but to startling sleeping, rousing general government, universally His was to the water out from a plan simply evaporate who had been turned out to roll tho Free clans, and en- thought of blood ooxing pin Tho confined within the He left him not in anger but with Pyache, thoughtless, uniting ognised. former, and the fish into The J&isrrllntuons. purposb. a re- And Sumner is Yellow Carrot* as Food for Cattle. grind powder. plat shake in tho aand and refresh herself by nibble kinding whatever ppark jot scratch. wily politician borders of State, are sacred, and should th« a lengthened visage and as sorrowful glimmering of Mr. Bruce is fint to reduco the fish to i from tbo waa tho 'first to mains of the and which in for- to tako of this little fact that its the •oadaido, among feeling apirit enough advantage government overstep limit, Ther* are fanner* who ha*« become of head. goneral many fluid state, and then add other aubstancei i OUR MINISTER'S PURCHASE. hear Dennis' criss. She waa accustomed to mer time* entitled tho inhabitant* of the We that the Senate a fall from it, The deacon lived below tho par- suggest appoint panoplied dignities would away with the value of carrut* u it to good just of one Soul/urn acquainted and reduce dryne«. " from tho and usual- Free State* to tho character of aud Committee, man, as a common Are those all hare for sale?" said in an old farm whose all kind of noiaea boy, patriot* consisting and it would be amiled enemy. food fa cattle, and on them ; I you sonage house, project- consequent!/ It is a fact that cannot be controverted But alas!— to ascertain Sumner's actual condition. We or com* Mr. as be stood in tho before De- when) the swallows wido that he waa cnlling her to par- fearlew, far *eeing statewnen. On tho other hand, when a State any while there are more either Hals, yard ing roof, colonized, ly expected manj who, that farrnen haul more watei j bare a hundredth a generally tako of aoino when sho heard hia Sir, I nee no of in what is think the sight of part of their borders bray's stable, while tho nalet>man walked stone-floored porch, and a largo yard shaded dainty principle vitality bination of States, go hoyond through ignorance in planting, cultivating than manuru to their fields. Look at the South< rn man vtould to the a so hor ears sho cantered called Freedom in these time*. I seo divis- imparl possuminy to invade of the Cuited States, it altout a low, heavy built grey horse, and gavo it a venerable, ▼oioe, pricking up territory or or both, never oao them loads of manuru out of the by Lombardy poplars, to enable to fading, except going city.— the which she reached aa ions and I seo ev- wrctch strength enough httn take not that wo should tbe aot rawny rackcr. towards lake, just enough, parties enough ; needs pronouuee when in their and then is large-boned patriarchal aspect. accidentally waj, What it? " first his Ud and isulk cmn to Mis- Yes sir, these are all we have to-day, The with its of emerald turf, Willy roae for the timo. ery whim setting up for itself and culling up walk—yea, an usurpation and a wrong. fad to them out of tho way. one hone one yard, carpet they enljr get Straw part, droppings part, a low of not to ton. is tho except a young mare, that I don't believe was the of tho deacon's With whinny recognition, and expecting all tho rest of tho world The territory of the Union proper- It ia to thia laat claae of farmer* that I wiah three Three fiftlis of play ground grand- lYoton water jorts. the beautiful crcaturc as a aud the you'd like. Jim lead out tho black filly," son, a little fellow, whoso father unmixed with fear, follow in its train. But of a thoughtful, ty of the government nation; to diract this article, and them but water, not one whit black-cyod urge toatudjr the weight nothing and as ho camo to tho of united (Jsnsrois.—A writer in the as it as and the lrinh ostler proceeded to to tho land of had lowered her head, concentrated, determined principlo Burlington citiicns of the nation, such, poetess the value of carrota, and th« the water farmer's well or clututiy having gone gold, placed trj experiment better than of the and swam with Seminal says, that in ono oftho buck towns as a out with jerks and twitches, a small, his wife and old in his fathor's surface again, plunged in action, suited to the occasion, which, spurn- a heritage ; they possess, too, necessary of root fa and it his farm.