
1 AGRICULTURAL EDITOR OF THE ^^^^^^^ — 10 THE ADDRESS FROM THE CHARTIST COUN- - LIEDS MERCURY." CILLORS OF MARYLEBONE TO TrIE c^ —It is really too hard that yon Bhonld baild CHARTISTci OF GREAT-BRITAIN. ' and call npon me to blow them ^jes ia ibe air Brothers ix the Cause,—It gires us heartfelt fZT in your last the following amount ^f traeh concern to think of the present disorganised state of »pe»red :- our association; we find all our energies wasted in fru itless labour for want of a straightforward plan, » AXhffBghof Mr- O'Connor hason bertoired upon our Ifagg animadversion this hopeful scheme of action ; we have been led to investigate the canee consider it to con- ^ Qiarfcsti and carrying the Charter, a of our present situation, and we JTsHJebing tbe chieftV in the want of steady and oonsis-toat tfce fonr mortal columns whichbear his sist \Jd£are «f council. We,therefore, earnestly entreatlour brother 2itoT8 in tbe Korthera Star of Saturday week, we of a new ourselres -with little more than the state- Chartists to proceed at onc« to the eleotion ^_n¦^ «artBnt , (the Executive) be called upoa of one &ct, in reply, bnt that will go 3 good way AND LEEDS GENERAL ADVERTISER. Executive and lot it I necessary in the pemidoos delation that he ' "~ " to suggest such amendments as may be Zgote dispelling ia ! T0L- YL KQ. 290 plan of organisation, which is all that we iccnlcate. It ia this—Mr. O'Connor and . SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1843. th* old ^optiBg to ^SZ .Sr " think it needs, and then instead of keeping our body ^^^conespsndest, Mi. linton, the experimental itation and trou- qnarieraof an acre of land, BttSTON.~On Thursday last, a mating was con- LEICBSTER in an unsettled stat e of constant sg lIbs an tto*e feiind their Tened — On Sunday last, delegates assembled SHEFFIELD.—Repeal and the Charter.— LOUGKBOROtJGn.—On Monday evening, a ble, proceed onco more to agitate the i;ody upon the supposition, that the produce to hear a lecture on Justice, frrji R y(mnj, Rentie. at Mr. Cooper in the let us *^B5j San3 of man of 's Ccfive-RoomB from Leicester, Hinckley, The meeting anneunced in last Saturday's Star, com- public meeting was h^ld Market-place, Mr. politic of the public. The force of public opinion , more than one quarter of it in grass, Wolverhampton. The m-seting, which was Wigsttn. Thurmaston, and Ovllty. Mr. Cooper, of menced at 8ix 2w lind7with Mmerons, to adjourned on Sunday evening, in the Fig Tree- Payne in the chair. Two petitions were agreed to , which , Mi cceeded in obtaining the abolition of lu-gto S iBOtccr part wholly mtcoltaTated, will supply to an open piece of ground Wiggton, was elected chairman. The objects of the lano Room , one for the proper treatment of Messrs. Cocuir at the back of the town, " which was donsely crowded before seven , flavery, cannot , if properly direeted , fail in obiiifl- gaeatfood , -winter and summer, throughout the year, where air. Thomason, of Wed- meeting were stated by Mi. Biwatow—the question of o'clock. Mr. Clayton Richards, and Capper, the other against the Irish jj nesDTJTy, addressed it fora^ort presided , and Mr. Edwin Gill 11114 the emancipation of British slaves. Zf iffBimUch covrs ! Kow there is not a milkfanner time, after which the incorporating the Home Colony Scheme with the Peo- read tho news from Ireland, received that eveuir^ n irrelre limes as much iaad as S3*. ©"Connor htm his name ? The youth said be did not locality to establish a district fund for the purchase o! hearty in applauding whai; evening in the week Joir.v Watkixs, crctary, j arj ffcfel himself tho sentiments of the Editor of should be announced on te tfce T^imals destined to occupy this Chartiit at liberty to divulge it What is your land , but that in all cascB each member of tbe National the Star. Juliaa Karncy read the letter of " Veri- tho meeting should be .-U i n tflo Market- A lfred Packer,Chairman. jj^j business here ? he inquired. h' To address this meeting; Caarter Association be recommended to pay A& per f as" to the Duke of Wellington, and after Bpoakin^ place. ! arwite- and Mr. I Ttc-dived and accepted an invitation, and finding " ^ol Hr- O'Connor Linton would have us the week for the support of the county orgauisation , leavir,g at some kngth on the subjects read to tho meeting, STAFFORD —A public meeting wss held i.n b*^e more skill than meotiDg here congregated I rose and addressed tbem. I it opti.nal . THE REPEAL " WAR." ^jeye tfcat Uiry in cultivation all with any memberto thus contributing to pay concluded by proposing tho following resolution for Monday evening, at tho Temperance Coft'eo- Robin s, am not aware that I am doing anything iitegal or con- an additional ^d. per week the fund for the *' " gg pttrticsl farmers in England, in bethe proportion of establish- adoption— That this meeting hails with cmhusi- in this town. Mr. Fisher wa- called to tho chair. to one. DrmbtleM there may trary to the laws of my country by so doing.—Bnt can't ment of a Home Colony. it wds also agreed that asm the triumphant progress of the agitation WHEUE WILL IT END ? f^te improvements you tell me your name M essrs. Wheiler, Paikes, Sheffield , and Arthur , of »sC tbat by the aid of spade hnsbandry, strong , and where you come from ? ke Mr. Bairstow should bo tLo county lecturer. in Ireland for the repeal of the Legisla- , pjije, replied.—I come from "Wolverhampton, answt-red Carlisle, addressed the nujier.ee a * coi.sidexabie Lord Ffre'ich has been dismissed from t h.i com- ^hheX,

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ S^i' i '•¦e v 1 " ¦: ¦ : ; , - - (¦ ' ' * - stre--t a -j?; ro-rt' -' -I .vl t .. \.>.-. ' piTin:',t N.it -. S- ' - - : the iUb^Uncc -f Mr. clied, lor n.'cLki. cro , Mac " ;,^i:. r.t. t soiiio: fmn I had carted with C..'o!:-°! .r.-pes to ¦>!: ' '"•'"! " f¦ .t ! : ¦ r . .,. .j . , ;, '• A o. . .ir f^ v.T.u - . D ¦ ¦ v- ' ^ ' ' - - "¦-'"!- ' tb? -,i i J-> ; f. .rpj;. : ¦ > ; o. T •-¦¦) ' .rn- -: }¦< '• ¦ - -i •- r 1 - - v;: ? ciEtre cf the ci:v r. i-. : s -ior.. i!i . .:- ' V . : ; . i lAs .: . , :<. f ' .ys days on rry return iV'-.m 'i:< \V"st. f>r . :.? ^ -t • < V. , 0 a -^ li ii ...... ; ;,,.-, s^ -ari c j-: ces, - ¦ ¦ * ' ¦ ' - : r , ^ the =--..- ni *•• "b;cb " v- " ' p 7i"£sdat, C' .'- - rs- ' J'p f:. ' "."A T-- -t m ? • •: , I -ve ' -u i i- -n 1 . 000 I i- 4 ' . -; . -. c , - n, 1 . n;A \ -' r roc_»i v;iK frij iu iiini his {.r^mi:"- - -'.! in form at :< .< ¦ •. i, -.;if-c--' n^ ' ij."L V. o..i. k- :.'. >i.i- :CJi'-Cd to liOU. .!.. — L)ubh 'i TTLE JlZZi VZ C lARIfSTS .' .'I O- tL-3 ac.V.Tl- - ' "¦ ¦ ¦ ' i ' I-j .y ^re afr ,7 t-aildia s. r>- a :•¦ -v -r. :!- lbs In..;:: : ^U> ' •. r; Su •*?• • .1 !.• :• W .'" • >; ' : !' 1- • " , ..O in t L ; i i-r; ; f. . ;- : ll-ip v/biij «; .ir.:. -":!S . t!j r< t country. But im^iuing that ho cuu 'd : fr ' r.i r- t;-T! ltttcr iT; ^ N ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ; e ieu 5 fiit ?urf _ L- , vi. -3 Ja:;! iB-f: C.4G-J : ' ;i rr.'.:. .. •• ;• -u'_ii v - ' tou -L: \ .; ' .<• * . OT:F. )ri3. '. K BlBMrSGHAM. : ^ ' - .r bii I was aliva«ly i» p< iri.N .a-L.» -: .' itack.— Oa L:io inorntra ot S ui'iay stress t-> 3-£ie;t --Stent. - " ' ¦ - I-y ; T {¦ u i : " •- "' • vt: - -; rr' 1 iQUvt On t\.e Tcr. -- cf t .K- :• • . -:r !-:-i ' . . J 1. : . , it; - L- i • - . Tho;v,; prji- l..- r rirca tahle i:ina, i-nurs a d:: :-J r K-I- -r h. ;L;- ;.. ^. owc: kv-v V^ - v.' . '.h'.! n : toys , (f .c.r.r ; , of vari.' u- Ci>!o!iul, knowing, 3 ;u a: " ^55- ^ their own i.u::v.if:' from Ilia kindnes- , the*. ^fc.-iogy ' t'U b;: : . : ,;i tn -•• •• ¦ Jy :.u TilOfil", iivii Hr.i:. -c- , :gut-hc-j;e. ar. ' :- j I< -h f O* • ¦ ^ * J on tb2 town £;d5 MUv. -i.-y bo^, sr- i:. a v. ry rifcis.a:.i n.-c-iclr.^;. c ;i w. sc< . ..u- .'l k.ni!-, .res , or bir tvhere they exci'iiinee I After leaving Detpoit w ' Fort ' Vr t7 ¦ . " .il'^ ^ps, e neon rficb it upp. -i., f:. c ab.-^i haJi pas; tix o cioeb" '"'huruj ~ T =¦ ' o'* t?: -"1-: -worta. St. Ci-ispin's Talari si" n. It ^s - large =bTS-y la:2(iis-- ' purple tbem fir " L :uw.. f -.bi- whisky. hid c: the rZ'z ' -- - , rutl cs c i:il uti.'Srs cf fclic:;-u? lLlonuiti-u. ; ," a Di!ii2 they give to Sandwich, which I couf-. ^ very litUa a\ .; iv^j it, iiii. ;jio hen-ho-i-j ibr the ; . d: • lii.- r (:hii- t ins, ho took up *>>>? in his ; eitbcr : therefore it h (>:..:c,J. fr bn ! S:a*e rf Illinois. v .:b cu board. ; ,-d iji!or:r ia.» ' '. them, but v. turn destitute to the forests thero again to trni twice, with swah forc-j r,s f up tJv* "i1 . f5 _ 5"jra Jtj/ * ' bett a Mrs .ed .- trin<< - ' ha;.J iu orii«r tu <¦;; -b.- .o- i i' it was fas. OiJ i^.ki.n^ T - - •£- f_ J^s, lio c oih'd in lion's parppars. pa-suc tliuir « in alarm. Stic was soou got " i*-^ ' r ; Bdicg airnit-.-l more distaa; -'r-m :•:-. K^r.-aes, La bat' l GX) acr-.-s ia bis- > K>? .-f s^So:: , sis' en cf -v»!.^-!; I ...-cipat-on of bunting aiu! fiihinr.'. hluiiy . of tho jiisaer^crs o»r . ru«l i :• up i.- ckal t n: ,, And Vn cork t-iw- diitiny b~- ?¦> ! ac-2 "als.3 acre t spos ,1 to the refresfcisg W.-z; from ¦wi re oi-2r>i It w:^ ;.iv.i.-i <.-n th; ?i i «.L:.£sipi, tbe • >{ them wk-s omininpi-il in their wj gjri'!:a, Wiiich co;:- I we ngaia roturned to our beds. ' - i- ~ disnt t:3 drill-its t-y their tjri-cj and il-j\v a i ]" T": ar:d i« :< r:ed Mn xu on li.o iie^d , aad r. t e- !"> luke Mi^' -ican, it is m:ro likely to ersnre the health banks cf wlilch ate, e* -.kit .acs, from thirty to fit .7 , si-.-t of uivx roii.- .': nj'.ia set on end. uad ted t'igttL.'r j in a- ^ v' ¦ . I (To be cniivxvcd.J I be^SJ) p.ckio:: a!;-' » szatei married ) nf v,h:ch : ' l: 1.1.^. ^r . clao Here j THE NATIONA L CtfNEFlT SOCIETY. [ -- fa^cisl his sqmtf", wss one cf the in ser'^rs the strf tchf out t> :. c'^tar.cc of t-n miles by s x or ^..it::V r ths/ can procure. t!: i . - \, .?:. ; u. < fr-^ib licru; -re mas ¦ i exauiina :b : 1^. . . iv.< \ u b; r. ur pecked i^e t thsirp.tri^t place. He -wa.; t gl-rtl five r¦ ¦:•- cf ti.e Boven. It ia d:y, -art! -well stockeil v.ith tinker, and ! ii:Uiatc3lny or f-q iat oa ttm gravel. To tl .o Vcstwatd ^ years iii-'c THE " DEMOCRATIC MilNCi/'LE " fCrA7« " DF.SI'jTiC ' vu.xiAs(. •¦!-¦-; ¦ • v^r-) auil ~ix cr f- ^s'en o^iier holes , :t imer " Miiwaii^ y/' ircsp ctin -; v.hicfc llic ro were has also souie fla--t pr:nr=. Wild £,te;« are pientifnl ; , ns far ;i3 tl: cyj coui.l reach tliose habit.iiious of : j AUTHORIT Y- " I IlII e ' ed ivi th I..C a.iu 'i. .purb anu ft .-er . Tr^ "^ sr::~ Demean, too, : great dispute? ar-cng the Ebarehol, ;s i if Lc \r-ulil also turfceyp , pi ii- iv L, ;s, qun ;-j, v.ild ou;h:, p.-> r- M erc visible, t C•< in Bunie partu they were vety L-- it must not be ^ j 1 Thk Militia.—A T:irs is uow unJcT- c--'i '--ir' ^ Cm her o-^er the bar , -.t the mouiL cf the rivsr ; •which tiu' ;i.3, wil l st*-.r: 3, ).s ,.i una, Etn u-hui oran.s, t aii ' i.-a , crowded. Nuin'rtis of tbese nr.ivra w re to bs .'Jeer. TO THE CHARTIST PUBLIC p oratioa, J v I 1 ' i tl be -j- i.-ittrd 10 ParVauion* t.r.i . - :; t'-.e pre- he effected, great an tmk shspp Mid . : > sora '" ¦ ' sLitili.n g al..ir- tb- be .ic'h , f.f different a. e 1 nnd of BROTirERS ,—Ur. GaM'ii" and myself Jr-.vft and w . - " ¦ "* * » tt3 C;rn Ctz Cr tli=.t Eoney- assl which was c--niidvrt d a ?ct y , '• z ^ j^ioc^ c ¦ - 1 1tjs ff.€= =• * -^ ' •¦& ; ~ , sjnfc ession, :• .'•.. :if..ivl , - 'io Mtii tia, and ;o ;I jr *hat f-jh ;-!; ict. ; ft-at Sbe now bya in thr riTer , clu.°e ' -^ the s-'arliar to a -wild tr.xk.y. Ail nerd a:c op/, v! t;> t!.-) v-iri'';i the q'.ca ^ -. brautii ot h v >i •¦ j- (; '. • :cr.:cs or. nior . i; v ..-b r.t. ca- to'xn ; ar:.i bting obb of a coaft unrated uarr.b:i- sLe is c«.i.v.ctica of vhe •,uike}- -*-«z3iv.}, bceiu' u iji^-y d'-v> ur smart, and ° 'toni«ti % tii jrwela, ani of -. t.i quite the lion c-f t> .o Liinl of authority to be vested i. the ih ¦ f ^ ¦ jjgV>-. -* t ilisg ia my tsIl-s, to see the lejal ¦ ¦ ¦ tablit-iirn i'.-it. i 't- c ¦ ..t exren^' ¦• .- L"j r ; nre^^ivo ; reo^i^in.-! her sha:i of the r de-.iu- i ' -^ the carrion nnl prtTcn: di- :. : is that n.'.nt i,.-. ;rcJuc;\l rtvwse. ' ..n . wc-ra l\v.t> iinsj und others u.i iii , nnrt niScorn o; thn ropoaed society for tho amelioration i-f 'T' prt£:<= , aft'. # ' i ' j i: ¦ .; l.y .d' ;-> ; ¦ •> ¦ -nd«: ¦ . uuiiw enn-yn¦ ;. wiy , -Vsteni tf'- a^i. .. . t ^ - d , ¦ h" azd Gam t3i— iLs sp txrtccas of those in coHsbiiiaiion to k eep ur< ti" t^res, Uy 'J-.e tfiiis ii if Ufi vu-e.. . :i ct uuburieJ. There aie ..; vi ry tir.s fish of ii Li " • sz> 1 the people f-.^af rally. ¦ ¦«• ' - ¦ ^ j -ri^ ." -> 7, iteful Whig- ' * ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ - the ha t;>-> a ;n::- " :. : :\t ci uvr.\ ; . • .. , > y, r- ; C ^ and plTi=j; bbiveen BuH^o mil Chic- o. Ti. s ccci- a' - htroi; , jv", ii-r! o nt"?: e r..' )'Us, harts, ' wr.i d urry I;:it rune f 1 ui»m could sr.^a'.; a li.^-rui:.- .? t >'.r. G.i piu urrUc;l I k= fawns.) cf-iJ' rs, 6r:u :'(:3, : ' •'• undt .L- .-jU . :-i v.- bui to stay ab-'U 'c dv« b .-ur:,- ' j-rt -t> . iert should bo invest.d v.bt '. v.a'i -. ' . < '., nvb; ....:;', : ir^iatd ai,nu;t i y. o'.d ; ', ..c c:v . M .> 1 .- ".lire, y-. r--:-_ie -Icir-rsbe fc:r:t , tb=t mDdem Jeffries in- vast liambera to riiis part. T.it t« ss«1s sa-J erery balers , i-aco-ons. Miia'-l y i. a , picv.jij -,-, v;v .=, d-tr , tnkias; ,ii Srevro ' .. Tbe r '..-o-U u'-pet:.-! »tk is.raordi- , ani >. d'. cpuiic autuority ; ai'.d iu p Jtit,.- vli " s, Lc ¦ ^ ; j- ';ch r.raiibi :' . .- ¦!. a.; ... y ' . - r o 1 !' -- w! • •-¦ -j r ~ is: . two flays, - IkU.s on auu buffr.l(.3. * Finn :; " »¦• Ui.v is1 in r; ;t Tui ivV ; n.iry lii-h pric a C> , - the iniian mnnufu.cf vires, umj b: t-. :— . . \hh .- *n& haTe oftrn f:. m 300 t. o o st ub' ' , ¦ ¦ ¦ j ' i-- „ ' - - tie re?m? » - ' dm-!' th-j < ' re iiki r ar .y '" . "i-. - . i .l v. . .!v\v- '' '- Tjr.sfcr -. f— -.-b:s ! to S7. in* nevrr "* afraid bo. rd, -BC3 linrl at ail the iEttTmeiiate r.. rts V. 'ran a:: I'i wLuh sre ttis. pik-^ . suck ers, asi-i tr- ^nt , vr uich k ; ahsercj f th- ^buivdnoi, they ;ii .vays gn4 ''• I'i orJer to presrrve ontiw tl' -i tit;:./ cf his ovn ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ ' ~ ^ ¦ ri. rir .-crvi- 1 .- • ' • * '*, '" w . -,!• n : .: .. ;;.- ->v des- ¦^. -r - r-:an«i the th.cse, ILJ not a res is 32f£jlo and Chicago ; us Daufcirk , Cicv- .11, . rort are yi.'-.iily t.Ji :. .'.t,arc tu !.< •»• ~:^-i. .cb rii cl-i ;.ti :'l of ::v": . v • ;. <: ;:r"- y v u t^ohta1 ' . ' , •• preat 1 ¦ -}¦ ' . - ' le- iil^h Ci;. : " 3. f' llaidon , Detroit, but priccirally at >HIv. ^\ k . , I'. In: . Fruit is c!oO wry p.'.n'.Ui; ', mi-. i t:d app ' . " ' b -i as .i c >u cil , n'd tr- eb; ngo : i-¦ m "¦ t-ft > ;i .'i s h- >: ''¦ ¦ ' " ar,d too cf Sot ~ ' 1 c ¦ ¦ .-iiT!:.- ;: ffty ct ^-i, an .' '.<» u . ^.or:. - . . sjiicia "F.-^d -nighty t*at creams Fes-.t wt, 2nd Cb'car^ . frcra Trt'cce Xh-y Mwat P'. iT3, v'".i-irie3, p.ijR.s, st: 1 *-. . i;:- ? , rn. t^emsjTes -srhilhtr their i: -ei: -.3 ir-y Lav» jj ;> •-- . •s fc hrMiivi, cur.it-. s :d mni'.u; .1- ^.= . ' r ' '' *- ,, -lii , -i t kiibp t!.« n.-'.iivus . O ).:-- . '. <-: tha prt^ bl»nS. " ¦ ¦ r' ; * f before theui , or in ssareh of a home. IN..-a v.1: -v. sf-me of tha latt- T ct • :\ i '. ' ¦ttv.'ct-n !.uy .ndMn.- in check. 1 1-iii " ' a-T- 'tain th-.) Dumber of ir-^> s 'i ;j, \rlt2i piles of razs ¦ ^ !/ !'• "'0 >- ¦' c-. -'xJ mn:.;:r£nj -.st, tca^ l- • ' . :\ ¦WAL Ki. V , tLi ilf>t I hi; 1 L.ell, ZZ i Ih l ichcbt f.uit (jt^.-oiieii , but I t iS ;i:(;.':) id n ut inortj >h;.n 3uO i;r ; ;¦_ ¦ • » tj i ' si' ;;f:c.-i'rio'.n :h e i ' .¦/• • ' . ( :;-t. .: ¦ - ^-* ' iii and a IK Me icpital t* — j" '..y plr.in and f^ rly bo! ' — I- .- i. . n > d?:- Ti.is .' , a'\ . . with i? 1. may I Zj '-iu c^er tistvd. •!!.> .). A f;. win f ;;i: y..e . in pooii L-j'uir, uy. f ¦ v lo purcbase an abetment of l^n c^ v>_. - ; ! ut i ' ' I' .- . ini; th^;u ; ai: i ;in Lc'-iru'iV^d.":!' ; ^' r. G.'s e •!•;- . . .j ; iit 5 V 6()') seals iruai th< s . ! ;i-:..i.i» a: G;..- " :. j .i.. . ir.'ieh *¦" ?br 'v ? '":' • j-aix?s justice do— tie question •we f.w-1 .- ! ¦ ¦; ¦ pet > « • ¦ lJ ^ those t.l.o 1-ck the mears, and only depen:•. , - L .,h point iif 1. bu, it is now dir.-.,..;iti-.d arm to«v'!\k mytx'if, (xpr e'-fted in Lh«i 1^ tt r I t£ r i • -1. . in in , 1 s!u k-l; 011 tho lo^ n' i:. -tut ; ;'°j ;s :S!!:t ' . vring s -r ": f- ->"- know - ¦ - ¦ :¦ , : ttat intj fnirljiynient untJer othtrs, gtner.-., 'i>' iind th-.u.^riv-. s tur^i: s, csrro'.^ , eo i c:.V-V . 3. TL y ! • . • p.'tatt^s ut ii- stall. jf ol-1. - ; :' .: d .'.. i.-ititt f.:y .her!.- is RDi;ch to {;;vk- rn- j-bi-sure, h . 'Jj i n tli i . ;;ar t:C';i".u.-? ; —?'r::i,'r '-: d v.- . - v.s : G" .-.•»- , -f ,o00 £^- -i-' e *7^^ts CaartisiE'a ' ' t^czi^. ^ ' ll -j.'1-o-iitt.d in " cvnv (iesctiul.vn a^.d 0. tao be^t qu .,ny ; u : .-o \.iid i This is tue iij'-s: lioj iJicrJy jwint I havo loach-'-l. spirit and. nia of ". fr' ti' i.: :¦ ;f ; ( !-i'' >V:^n "2'J 1 i '.pb!; --' " - ' ¦• :- o ~ ' — conscquti.ee \i t :o grta; ixfiux of 'ter our sool?. ur. - *; lv\ ". ^ ':alt - Kc , '^u him-' , ^*—fc - j ^ E\'." rri;:3 end ds2deacy cf cop'.v-l , in c:»mr:~-it5i--i tiop- .;. a^'Uu-.lujjC'j. ; Thu ci>iiri>ry r.ppe: ri> ;.; j' . . :jm <1 the bbor..'S l...f'y anci tfHTe is onn thh'y tb-it I ntn pl'.-.^d fw-.h !:. ; u rj' . -in '•j."i;c-n. lUtii > ay ; proiiuee ia »uiii. To picfuro wiiter th^ y 5 i-. ..™ to t' - vlcpih of ;.I'oininij.'ii. T/.e lv.-:i i; hiiull, Ci)iHa.bi;j a oijl j , auotber, it in tbe '. .Id i;.-inner in \vi.ich he- pi-. r*. Tjr tli ¦ HKh r:-y ; J.' :!i ,v , 2.J "J - ; Sj;ok:-:i lO .h Vc-k^- rl^ki ¦ f ¦ ; ' 1 ;¦ Ff--iial-:-s ru-y sneseed inneb better than tbt- othtr tl '-rty or forty feet, or ( '.." ..nrLe ? * .L it froui ihc fi- i 1 bunJi'c 1 ir six !:r. . «d iriLiibit'iJit :. 'J'bo his vior,-s, the upp- •. -.nt a': nee of ni;, -L -.tcn i t c.- ": - .s- Moy by:- i-j '.A fiii v;. r - rl ; L' ij !i. . ." .",>0 c:\i!^ , 8pokea ,j " ¦ % '-=- of lr5igE-t!--ri.—let 'be rrr.-i factions s-r ; ^i 1 L3ve sef n none -without situations TfLo wt:e river. J'L-K-i' .w aro in a 1 -ity t-nii ruintui st.-f tu The ; If . 'id l\7 l uii'kv •'AViiis !Il '.u tb. - ^r.'- i- . ,. '.- . - ra:; ". .~ . I i ".T , ll' ; ..my by a .oreiti ' vt c-i . < 1 vV r.c. : l!o.ir,ver, f2n:- ' to as : •! (j e f» "3:;!ir: trgage servants. This genUfocan has let h' r- iurin i:; ihe W«-st. r.. ;i j s foi't i'isa is on an n::in •nee cl co to l.o tuv.'t , ( In- refon , t bn more cari'y cohi ^ p.' i = i.p i.i b. . i th. . t 4 ,vi,i «<-lis ; Ai-.ri:.!. . 'Ki .m^ . - ; Ailim - - , 1 .900 . ¦¦ ¦ ; 1 ^ cli ;o idiiuo oa ;•_. .j '.o r )-o.~ .- . s il :;, r. " .. tf .¦snd ,:;:: , ). jr ia a fo.iL-vrty pt-i:.c f);tjly 1 . i l. -b- •; i( !«. i. ~ ' z^nrdzraof cs: bireds >"i2r XiiTrnKET I sa^ T-hat tz~3 net 5 -^th ^ 4 v.^ .s' i t 'i,,' .» v« ib . t. I-J . ral.aid rs. r.l^l 'i U**, 4 tiO i.a. . - . U tb-Lnhu> !S ; J;ip^o 3'-.. . lieu of r- r.t. \s. ry i:u}> isUig apt -". .r- A £»'.;., ! tmce of : jj« plain !5.it Mr G. : Uy<) U.; pn.T^pvcp- , , ' ¦¦ < Ti b- ' 1 i U .-¦": ^; J ;ii; c C'onr .'(! ! 0i: e - • ' ; .v -jin !-:,:rhin ^rr r " ~s. f^SP?i, luitT^H, Li*, JLipf- , ad f«ar-a d-s-hiif feet br :d- It "*£¦> T." t I '" t' ¦ .a rd . 1 , 2«y -: f= <-'f fcrave asi 'j? ¦ " ' ¦ ¦red j- . ¦ r ' - ' ¦ ir. i:L>^:y cv.-iii ..u,uJ aad tue bets Tr Lrc Lu.y li Aiv>nt thirty st- a:r bcata } 2?-i this p'-ce .ia b;:od i.i ir- .:. in ci.-a - ¦' '''H .vit ii 1 a few bun y, .;. tht :<>; 8 r ^hi.-i R c • . '' r .! y ba ' b'-i «I •_ . j :c > ^. ' ; ; b ' I „"_•'.* ?> i -iis : i v.ci^ i HeHr: .'.is, 1- tj .j u p: . .; : ;<; l.' ar- , 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ 4l_y j . i , , v.tcr ,i i •- .¦ }' .; ¦*;., ¦ ¦< ¦¦ ' . K .,t> 1 ; ' » 1 ; : ; - - ' *^^ i-et srdiLall Ih^y tr- :It. f :srfs:.!|-}>J V' :r,s; n:i-1 u ... : ^ Lie >i>d ia co /. . .J v ii ii/ti.ibwood, to ti. a »n . iint . "3 Ui !! , nn-i mib . \ iiM .y:tsii : Th;! Du.'Urjq Ai-: >y, 4 5" r.'. r -: : r.zbcr- jtbr - . - b~ ir ; tb=ai " ' l ' Bcirz rn travel m Er.sland, a fev yesrs vz*. from Ll -.n> St. LuIjs, nr. ' G.i'..n '. : . . l: » t! ci ;L.- e m-iri ; j ::',:ht aj'p:' .'l-.i v. y ciwe *'itiio-ufc l-jing jj<.- - . ( f~ui;tic , Uk-tuocra fi i;, or by a:ij o ' Uer i.. • .e, t :e v ' .ii:. ij. .' ..!, 3.0fw .- ; - ;". O: F>r..- .inc: Wi.ftV-K-g i ,f ^0 seald; ' - i (¦? ; 1 - Se\?cj -.e -!-: 3 ii>n riece. I mtt with a yocn^ marr , n *•- ^,:;_ wt- ir:- t! . - •alt:- i-ni. : - :. ' . U;- - ... . 1 c-'.v. .;. Tt '! u; i -e.ir '.i- i . tiie a- ' il kri w.ia v^ y iL.lf -! rut ttit rt ./ aitcr^d. . Now, I »\-iy n-u.¦..; ' _ Ju.if rB _*.i.-! .. .'i :;. 0 300 btsl.-i : Prh i. o , odO ;oj !^. Not - ' « I tL it ' ¦ ; jfertc-a i' -: Hj ! - rrv tlifT £.. •=?. Bj Frcifiim 's G"t1 liariTe i f tii - Istlt-r place, u to gDTe Uje a Titj "ntvr.i- - .i:e fi .-!:¦ •-r ti.i;-ty i3ii:c3 .>• .• .' ::, ; v, *. • .„;. . • .,! r. .. fb'Vt .'..y, an;! ( Very n> "i,« of d efeneo wns f .»r iii fL-rior ' ,'id^ift r anu.-s do not alv.-r thin*;.--., : .. . •. '.. it dtjsp''- knoffu : Sk ".,' PisciUir. 3u.r'r;s ( ' ' i TTPi- ' r, Irc ice Tir : -:-f i' :l«vai,K£y , at -*liich V- rt h'-' *" - : Ir T. S. T. ir1 . rniEd L'le \Ui h i. . • . sesi if - . tjw !<;r. if .:^n ' 'n.<. ! tistn inouM tw esmotlft rr t'l'. u<;?i it v<- r-. t iled dem - tho fi ~I 'iiiC 'i:. u.l i 43 vessi. ii, n;f. ny of v.' .i.c!i. riweyer, * * " ¦R » ^ r > : ' j- " -j ' w. ¦ 1 ' - ^as Cti" .:? Ui- ci3 fJ net -3.1, f... iu re ve -s-;': re.«:i-.U Ie ifte crT '-c ' :- of a sbopn.atj , 8t- >! s^id Lu ? l^: swisns i-i tvl'a , bt -ia th'j ri-^_'.r.i t A\. .:r. t! c ^r /A fter vitwi.ig tliis jii u-' , I viei!»xl more of the ci'iiCsid ; and to tiiniplify t^e joa w u'.ld bu i! / :ad bo . i! fuucu le^>' sucte?? ui tha '. tV.^c :-. • >»'o men- •¦ I' 1 ' ; 1 - ( r-c-t n:*- co! . _ *o E^pisiid en a \iait to bis rclati^ts. H> ic- - • -.ii ij-i-ne 1I . .. ?, r.i.d iu x tl.. -.'.. ;.. i: . -. . ^^s¦ .. - !e.. .'»;:.-j , and wa? much .•> '•: i:ck ul seeing a i:!)i!d cf a ha-i uur furtuthtra so orrkri. '. , it , an . .'. i.i'.i?: ^c tio:ioO. u- 'li -y will no * av»i., .(- , '' ••. *J K -: . :hinks, != T Vi->j-j rcc the thp J :; -! :L^ ¦ ' ..))) ¦ ; 1 -nil ^ ' ' " '¦ j' : Is. Ci— r--iJ ' ii &-- "? e? is S •sriag :d jrnr f^re:^? cf : . •cvw I'M) .'¦'.::; .' .- ccrh. iri ! ' t'.e rvh •.,;>: -c^Oi ' ¦ ' ¦ i -t ^ 1 Tr-iS «¦" ¦: ir ; y-'.K e 1. r:ve •Wt 'l ; tbc-ie are many b'. ^-l u-l-, l... . h e.; j j-iadf. . .\ tii ' ti! vnr, liiV.\- t» its i -'c!f , i r<-iii t^o t. -p wr-ri i • ' :!«.! tl.at ^' cui.n.' -t n o.v.' 'iit-jr or " v- . - .• .; > i :ho •.vl-: .o;;. .i' ei - . tinM ^ti >rmy a.;'i rjui. .! With tho - :u !£»." .' i'tis had comivicd in every p vrn^, ¦ ¦- - ¦ e- ¦ fre-ra r^trio: arcrsters—tjo, cr, ar-d t-f t ry plcu'.i: u . which ;» ciai'-us ^)• . ' . .-t, '! <1 Wuich it c 'ild tttkt- 1 ternis , tvi;!;-.ht:.i Tr lnelfSo trini.ris ii: - , at tL:s p - , t ' hold of ; :t w.ia "»"fii ">i n.' ; t!-a \v!^> . -j Wi.-tid , thtrtfoiA' wi- : are b'ju n ; '. > use their Disappoint:'d. — l> M:; : : *»• sli " , ' ¦ - • : A Bride " p. it" "-:'•:> -5 *• 7 Whius _i. :t!. • • . lj.^ 1 . ;;i-! : , »-ro'-« : 1- .. 1 --- , 1.. ..- ., !.. >• ;. < ^ . - (- «.t w- re a..io covci." , '.U'i i '.&»ji-:i!t. .» li jiaint upyu a tiar'. v r ' h u.r "or.Mm; to t' 1. .* ruk-s v '. vulrar c '. .yn , v.'hc».j- -; :;¦ ' :¦: - .;¦¦' v II;.u: lrt5 ! co, :o , re , t-j r^< tr*« most ccs'.ly fcrs ; hoi-L-^'-y ' - : 'i. . . 0 wj t nov-jr nv:i- . !i.i'v ' " ' imu in a ctc ti= T-r i Ee^-r-.n ! h . -. i;:c fiir.:.r.c i- t-y; c. :j: ' v ' ";:rr< ; • ' •• : ¦vrnu ;x t' - ^h-n Uic^ tot-l:y oisr^rBr^.tu by the ; bu: ev. ry j of »ii' t>j- cli-. )'i. fure 1 His '.uu i. '.o you tiiut i.u. • ot u; i.i r. ..iuk i' ire v/ [::..-h occurrcJ at (.'-.H-.m H»i '- •¦•;¦:: c-a-.rch , if ' ' : >rz 5 -r u.< uj>: ,: of * « n'a?np "-o were tihud:^ a sp-aa.i! * ' • ' .i -! e;iv a. ¦ i- 'heE;' ri-» . :uj 10, to pvistss thraia»l\ tL-j jr ^ - c.^ .i. aro ie ) f.d "wl . :a u^ < ti^ii In orne of the w:c; . t cf c-l i.'ic V'm p;s .'-!ii v ' e:nocra e , -v . ^wu <-i- r.'uii 1-!1 r;j We chnrcliy.'"' i t, '.:?r- ¦;:. 'v l^ins; on u:;s. }c >- raS.L2c S. - . -. -.ish cut— Gri] \n ^ ¦ 1 ; • ^ ' 3ar , I spvik ¦ ir '.tn Tre ks in •wi! *. - - . 1.. -' i ;iC' . , v tt . . ;;• c r..n;ij ¦: v.v.- '.c ' !ho ii nia ' i.3 e:'.t. T . - y p"s- po'Vrirf I-:- a f.u.i>,Q otir.f* nnil v,!. e!i Mt. * r ' - " ; ¦ ." «-' •" "i.- in - " " 3 t .s" iLti; cr :'ocr montLs' hti-.t.: sr 1- ui> v:i tiii. <. ' , ; ., >; •"¦ ¦ iv .'. t. About, t ,vt- vj tV. . ' , a ; bfn 1. ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ' *- ' • '. )3 at .< .'. T .t ' v. .',H: Cu^. : : . '' • • ' ' ' • ¦ > • . '¦'¦ ' • .. .-..-. r.o fur: :urf3, fee ¦*:•'" :ra:'iH ; r.ud b-r-v cf!»y termed o' c 1'ijt. i -.. Ia furlV.fti' pr>:'u 'jn'. i: i- > ' .V _. 1 " 1 "¦¦'¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ H- "" . "s-i-T; .li '.Ki.j rev th. t a ptisan "wLo h- rar- •:- '' .'i. i' i . I'i y forn . f mi *!'. ' . . v . of ij i:-.s - C7..7c^ kuI, -t.uiir g -nncticrj ' '! ¦ ¦ 1 ' 'K - ^ ' y:' t- --7 ro S :•! ; t tp tO ( i.\LL>'A , 2 ll I' K .iiii!'. . -I ( JI1I.. N ¦H . -ar.d t !: ir f<) 1 < c' ' f ' j- etui . Tha <>:•! }" C pj'.oa^d to th-^ iJomoeriitic p.-u.ci. !> - , { v¦ ' ' '. ^.) i ¦ ¦ ¦ car ttj t: e Lr i ur> % a •Binch Mil^alkty is now bu it, ' 'i "' ' " . ; ' :.• • . y. cf ji ; . . ' ^vc t ¦:i'i:!' ,'. a?M^ '!< i n-. - . i tha ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ 1 .0 .j .'";.: ''- tL,e niii cs. N.^Lini. ia : '. N i »' Oi:- ' .; -f f. 'd.f nr>»v a • • 1 1; a "•.'.' i' 1; ' :. 'I it- r I 'out'v' . t {; ; ?!» -java.^ '.j , ¦•¦i;:x*} \i - op'.s1.; > f tti*.: •¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ m-re t. c' r-.vl in u_u. : fvit<_£; it in tuild::^ $ ' . •. i " ,' h ^ ' " ._ 1 ni• y a"i! • ;.i' \ in fi:v : ' o: b: . < :• ' co- '-... •¦:d " fi- sc^it si..: Cb-rtiit t; - ^ by stilii-g 1 •¦ ¦ , > Ss ^ V,:od—tyiiLt. ¦ ¦ l: a:- .s viii - th- . ' < ;i fc iv »i." .. . . T_i-* -. , .ricf U h yciiJ i!i - .' .'¦ip. i c : ' "" • -..' ore tLu^j oi cbhir life UiuifU't to ;. ;o ii ti :rrci > ¦{ ci'i !' i nr r-.iL.- « ^iio:^ • ¦ ' ! • t * 1 t. 5- .rl it..r.: :- -:i - , » iS' -; -io:. - ' T.' ' rn! ra.- .. '!¦ rocm H*^;. u. r:i h-. .- M.t b u-rior, v ,^T alujb - - ' j x re h: r. . t->-}. M" * y. ¦ ^ ¦¦¦ ilso toM n;e t] it cf su;ar U; / a! ; :;:e: . VS U..^ Kt'.i r. in-, .. ;,,e: -i'.r. M11-: , v. . . of!*'?'-* . : y ;' . .: c-.n' ia. i> «v:-i<« v;i: . fc>« . n> -tv: .-; t > t :. c,t •_ vb. .y :;>¦ ¦ • . r ' ( L' ;-h rt " v. :sc \u n: I/' ' :i-i a .. .t'j -'it a y. j Ji. T'" tk'^ 1:»•b-.vcy t-.'W, . r..! : -t .; 0 cJU'.r;' ;: j> rt;; . : 'i -j ?Ot 12=^ 3 r -:: rufz: irrc—tlrn, K^^e, !:- - pT*'ljcua from U_c ui-r 'a tie? ; :~ : A ihit iiii-'. of an : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .- •(• t- i - ; r.-Ni?-*:. r.' , »nd f rs ~ .: "*" ' x - r ; . b. v • '.nr1 /T'i'i' 's . ',v ' ; 'ri< varit d in ;. .'; :v.riK { r.y ,.i: .. . • f ?.!;. ' r . c- .v- m-: -. ..' i ¦ - . A !j t xc-Iknt c.3'-J". -.y, . v ,--j ir.d p" jr.irie. c 'a i . . . .trs f ?l . <- ' 'i ' 'h . ..r r' ' - ' : CrM . :**: ',: b. -. « r .'•. - . <\ — wi\:;t CO'.' ;i' C3'l W-Vi.; t ' - a pass that r"' -v 'v - " ¦ " ¦ ¦ :;>¦ l>. " th- t j- :.- .-!'il'. .i .' ... the iuv*t l i.ft .- ¦ ' . J' '¦ '¦ •¦¦ oi W mv-Yx .k 1 i,..? c»b- - i vi. M\li .; ¦; t V; '.>r^ -1 ¦ ¦ ¦ :L .: 5i^: /^rc t UV <_¦ - -I .! - . < E.1 • P/i 's T aL'I a O/.V-iT '-C-T i'~ ? 1- . " 1; ib'y. in tr. S' V. - a s ,b ¦ - .:. . ii :: , ;-u j ha .iow-i i i.ist ." .::¦:¦ . i '" " ' . "-Uh- B;v r-^ jvizt—a^ain, I ssy, - - ¦ ¦ , ¦ 1 ' 1- J- . ::.f . .. ,d ra" !h; vu: !' .c ¦'. ., ' f - ; i -: fi :-y or" 1- _• f-.:."';!u (ruli :r:s -. . .,; a- u. - I '^ . i:t a c 'c.r.' y i ' •' h.'.-j p! in , inifs iii tii- 'i . '.s < ;ivos ¦:( f -j v : .it vrj ¦ ' t' iii- a-r; E-.'r-TC^ n : !¦ . •? *.. I rcide ccquiTv for tbi.- 5 ;; :•? ' ' iii ' . , . pn-- . ' , ? - tho ir.!u :i! iiiiiT.". r of :i v .- . .'.-: ol- '-j . " - ¦ p - ¦ ) r. 1 ' ' • ¦ ¦ - : ¦ £ : q-.-.l 'ty .ni in r ^i ii".U2ti ::i n. . • .' . i in . . c>; s tho c . . . Tho ¦ ¦ t. r'ir - . f !<.. ' * ni!iih* b.¦".¦ ¦': •'-.n.i - Eire s.ti ; ir. Er.Iard ht hi. vitc ui •.d u.;n cov^i.-cr-i.. -.. vr~ - . •> .* ^ca iijt j'py p:i.r '.vcre ur u- iiciimot-ri:'? t>y 1 :• '• > • • • fcri- ' ^men \-0 wH? II H ! ¦....\rr^i'D ¦ r ... . !' ; ' r- j : . b, th-; ROvtrjiiCi-ii'. a.(. . -- . '. . :' < r.. :.: t : it v.cs not clc oc .">?!' _' i:i i .y v.':iy .- i^ ' j • 5 a"'.c:iiJ. t-- ¦ f ' 3? c;«-:i5, £s-i c-ir br-,-thcrs c:e, ry iEche3, in thtir : rr:y Kioc:- r.: to h' % tin: 1 vtr. O:' c"'ius Le;. -.: ' .r ¦ or ;au ion- , no £i' x.-jas w- ' 0^ . ^ - -m _ " < :. . . : .\ 1-appsn ' ;.'tar.!. !. - r ' . ¦"«• - Hf-e I niso kbw tbn ^aiue, 1 hi!" ui xrs . 1-xMiLe., ¦< ¦» I ' ¦¦il k, p ft n k'!' *'?'il this point, I r'-.v ¦ ' CcS. rc '.arr.to., as L/- s.^U»i vras h;3 ictc-rtlon. Vi f.r ftvrrn ' '. . ' ^d - (> ,,:,; 1 h¦.-•;• cirrbf; y ao group-? "t irif-'d b- loi o/tr, ¦ 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ;<¦ '- . t.':^ " ¦!j:..:tr' \-. j rc . urud to p.»y w * ' • " v ' • b ii. -.i- t s wrappcii ar-mr; 1 t i • 1.1 - 'J :" . n s<; meii pp"' - c;l t i ', .'. ii a /b- n ( f i' » ttlU l ' .'. Utiii' .- in :-.iicL ¦ - 'j ¦ :- •¦ : ;v tl- i" is ' l. p.i '.; tS- ~ e T>>-r* n ii;for!r.>d r-..-3 tr'.t *:bc ' (Ja tLu -I f' i ."Vi- -O' .d vrl.i c- P^tl. , liad bt or. • . .o "T^t s cEtfciL-" their ecuis," there must be 20 ?^: " , - '.ir^. :• a' -.r *. i: . M'tv y, ! h-,- kin.! vii li : -- paL r ; r . - >'• r.d ,.f -.r. 'T.n - ;.ct' r bt .i , iik- r: , Sv -. ,,r!'. by mi. s .( •uioty I' m i.;. . !j-.n. ii yr'n^s^-di p' ii.., ' ;. ¦ ¦ ccj . * «''1 ' ¦ ¦ c= -? ; .. -. '» ' .- V: -i> t!t ; -iu nil his \.\ . :r ::r \ . <: ¦ :c ' Ii. iK . i-y i .ffiV ; jv > port'.cj f *h' :.i ! ft / < . ! !\'iU'l- G. v > . . . .f !!tu^.: ' ti , '. > ' '8. '.-tr. rr»(! tJ t: - i'tru."iv Z • c -'r« , ;<:rc. ¦ff <• '? iels could be .td ff« .!u ¦ ; . .: h a c : : « ' . u-d ( ., i'i. £>. 1. .; :r e ;yi . - w o. ¦t. .itid is rJ" L .u:n , ' u.. jh th i'. n<-- ->r .h'bu.r. ^J. th^ f- ,r !¦ . ^.. of t!. ui ; l!> ' ' ' . ' : a '' p' "\Vi . , . '¦ t!:is o:-'j _t, and att'' ' id"f? o:i ' y by * . . >wd " N\v Y.rt 1-y t>v. c -.- ,. o'>n tVr R' ct K v. r nr.d • _ , - - ' ¦;— i };:.»! of lo<^ ..: fi. ' 1. 'ic'-'in!,'to (.Tlt ;e !;¦ ; ' . . m., , ; a - bflu.ca tv c-jKi: r: ..- ¦ Sx-a-:tirit7 carter s : Lc-= tb-:y 5^:3, €xnltir r in tLrlr i . -: !. pr^v: . -1 L- , - »s luo . /Vcrii:! '. r.t i.;:>: < -r. • ..:- c-.i; . :d- tn> * j t. . . , v '.!' ' (¦; ' 1...¦'• . • ' :¦. f ':r .-; : b:. i'"re, s jv i;'-n o , tlry " "d Mi>-1s- : " 't - ¥ '. :i'!a. , - t-:-5=r ; .r: to ^- Orli -r:s ari the Gulph o' r - - - >:;.u sh. - it b.*riqu "i. ft r. • ¦ .. :Je, an ! gvf-. r^lly b;.ti ."..l ~- 'j;;-: ( y tf.e #trb-i : .f livo i:' .- - . !• .r ?- z S'tu. .Vh?r! ~ > v- ; > ¦ - tr;b t' r :.i ' -r .;i; ;; t v' i- ;-;. ' ."U n " its pv A' . -i;r, r:. I rir.' -t ' 0C5-- •: v" --1 l«Ciic3, •rcIt^ I *LiJ2 ¦ c- '.. c, 3 ur.tf r :: t r n. N vv'. . . - ' V M : :V ir.li icr;;.i 1 1VC p5" '" 'J M' V . J" -. tUTU ;t - .:: i U) be cofitt-t, ns ¦ ; 1 " tt - i - y. Hii -uf * :ir. I :\>nn ;.. .., ;¦ - * ; ;..l~ c; • '::. " 1! r r c;i .i v:.r;. ;y. J n\;v ?< v .r.il h. .v Lir w ' .ich so mahv u;.». i n- - . tnc. • * tL, - . : -:t of Indiar.?. it- ¦ ' : ¦ rr-r-. -- '.r;-, th- tr - its:* tr° t>- « :. Coi;. . i-f .ex-' ar.il ::!. .- • - . < ' < - ~./ >¦ . -ki t ' it . C8'. n U.'. ii . ' . in; .' .t: t'] t i>jr.i({ t- .i[ -ii , i tiio fiji : J: .i i -. Las I'tuttii-cd tLi' us u. qius ¦ ¦> ¦ • 1 ¦} ¦¦ ! . .-?'.:. n ^- ^ i^. , - I j I' b'ir • :¦ < -- ¦!;¦• . w . - r pvei ; but, a.-; '.\v ¦:!;' «.• fore, IS Bc-t tLese hlccdj L-:^.- ic^st -l-e Lzlccstti lion's Tr.-jr.x.i^:im- , i; ; ara before 1 t^Se icy lenv" -¦ ¦ •:¦ ' and t: :-js thu 't^- i.. j :L-. . <:; t ' E^f ^hcic^ n. Shoaid tl - J^ - ' .1 . <¦ :,.< ;. - * 1 - ..• J: . ;¦•«; I,.'r^.l 3, an.; ifj./.; in. t uuglit ti..a fiF ':.¦ ' • t ':o fi: iin^s prrju i t pyo- :¦••- l! ¦ -• : to . •£ ' ' (. . i .. - v..- '.v : . :n :h^d ca;o too . ^ y v .and tf thv . .- fT. ; -.ir.2 x^.t .-tj, 1 feel it nee ss^ry g:Te : ¦ ' II ' • ' -V- : iipa ' ur u: f vn t!.j tui'.cy to ¦¦ , r.' !? s )>'p! -v h pi.)' ' ¦;' • i >; . ,Vu.n' :e a,ii...; bu '•>...i ;rvuvc f^tw p^^. rf!,' iu-. •¦ u ¦ - ¦ :> -- ca q-- -i .., . . ci\ ' .- c m> and tbo :i;. Ji'! -. .rciir, B; H - -.? .' if yor do— ', r^r tniiatio^ traits ff.l' --- cxtmrted from a let'.tr : ; ¦ ! ¦ h ¦ '.he irinr ii- i'.rir.'.tion, s- :x'n. -• '. '. s-.t. -r . : ::: ¦: ".^wuship, a p *t dii j.. f . -r , : _, -.', ^1 -. -v. -t 6p. i ¦ • • ut noon, nrd trer- '• -:< \ '- ivh ".prPL -uf t t.' .L- bett > r f"--' i' n.s to r- u*j (to j . .^'. f i'Siirs' ¦ 1 ! v,' :.;. . . . • i .i :: ':r.'\ f-Xii '- j' . ;;. i i . -i to J-r ! rj' - fn i ¦which " - ^r . cs!>isiu-:J :^ Lcn-on u Fcrt Atkinst-n, • r.- - .it vf j. •>!' - i '.u it f?||- .A ' N '¦ W i >TIiAlI.v , «'; . - . W« ' • .ili. li I.-iKli ir.-. .) zc-\ < n , ui- i! vvli.it n i >t .1 of uoiuii it fv-niu. fia-bt! ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ( . f. ivpriLtfi to th'! us-. :. ' svpj 'h • . ' ' .. ' • :¦ i: Ji ' /ii ' joC iill '' 3. »" - ^'~"inw " ¦ r ' . S?-- :— c-Ece, iite bx&zl I £-7 — azd tyr-oiiis soon ¦ft L'.i ir. i_.u • :-i . •_.- • s^^y the t;ip l^ft coiiseq;icf. L.^ ' • • ?' 'b'j . .' . if i -: ' i, ,i 1 " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; _. .-r=^ has \x. vr , Kii U.^ H -l - : <• r, < .;. >:• . _ .vi i pi' .; :> '-'" r . . v f! . '.v.ts it '. t!:.; q . :-\ u , w-it -iiue?) u it .t Mr . - . - - • ' - •, • ;¦ " •¦: ' T nilc; ¦ i ; i' .bie- f-I : _ii .. ¦ i .. ,(. b • . • i J'i:il.' b^ . , nt-.a 11.7 fctf. r? a.m!'utrd iraHlity to visit thai : ,.i - (i ' a- 'i ! r. 'i'i' ;• ' ) t < - h- 1 . v/.i 'j '. _ '.) . : ' ; ¦ -i-':, ^-< :.t :\ iu. l . C for ju' x v'-iri -s .s, tL. Lvl-i'-f ca.i d-.:;. -r. : .::... d . . t " t »>rt if . < » .)!' s :ii i> . 'J3 fo t . . f. j, s the ;¦ ¦ 5 v ¦ ; . . . r- ;. s :!:i- " C - Ji'iriC-n took pb: '-' .". V ..n liifc L . - fc-it As-;i. -n - -k " . ¦ . • ¦ > u -re Jics . . sy IU soci: tzm plice. :-.~^ v.. • ccnir--1 "srith the infi-rmiti'-n rt- . -" - ' " -: ••» ,j : .': -:r: on: ti: i s"f!:Vi-'. ' .:ih- <-¦ ). t-'« of i -t fort;?, n.t.b - t/v.n !. '• > . :J'2'j- .. • -i of l\ <~ i:iind. '¦ u r-r ¦ tr> ' r !ii-. . >:! . . . . '. . -ffu. i*t '. ' ,. - .-:. :.- , : • : <; :.. . - . I .i>P is-.!y. " a !' 'b'^ -,:rA CciTci frcrr. the :-cr,. -. .ugn tt ^lw BiaLiN. given ¦ ¦ - ¦ - - c r v, i \, l-: 1 ,t ¦ VVU-rc ./.'r.. r . _ .re ' • ¦C oS'. rcd b:-f re ^\. i . . . , , . -\ - .i-it :.. - »,f ;-. p '.t con:inn-.n 1 !n: A.ia'n , i -.' • U. dot-^ ; :-! .o .b Ui .t, >ir. O Cj- '. i d i:: «. ' ¦' ;!:¦' • ; i. .;ir 'h^: .ic r t.¦'. •: .- • 'vf ivr it to ,. ¦ ¦ : -i.I l.- . , "'•. • rth p • aboT-. 1 1 -. .. ^i rifh; i=rvc u.ai the ¦writer of tit- - ' « :;.: • • - , , , 1,. » ! .. isI.A.NU. r '?irn . y.u ir v : - r. u. . /' ' vi s:. .e»jt mi.! r.;. ('¦ ii,..:, Co.;:.i-'i , i .ur t!'.u ' :> 'ji t <. ' ¦ ; It. tb?r , ye na3 Ikes l*sr - . a- i !=; th-::r hzzT jc ~: t rT^ci'-!. t?.o ' -.rd ta.K' d by t < v.rn 1: :. . . . : . IV ,; p th^ );- . ' . . - (..: . ' . '.r. :. ..•. •b;3 of hrr M" - 'y Y\i!- ; ¦¦ ' ¦ .\> . . fjilCKinr, - es on :ht sj•< . *. he Ui=^ribx-s :— 1- ¦ ¦ ¦ -ji ' iii (' .. j 1 v¦ ' ¦ 'V-' s., 1. 1 c.j. n :-t v.. .a •.- l!: - .;. . . v 1 : . . iu I.. :. : w\iu . :,i. ! ... ;' )?¦ «,r dan, (ir * -lii'i , i'i'.' Lip: :..' .y p..:l oi tv.»t m- ' - ¦ k r.%»— oiiv • i -i l^ ¦ t ;i? 'p.'b.h 'i.ii-i: ii> i -rcr swain ma'!'- rii . , : ¦:.• , !a ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦: , yv j I £.-i. !y c-vn.Iac 1 rlv 1 '.Viiconsla "vrill seen be r I 'i-n Jf : . . ; of tLt :.. il.c : cb'. 'i If :. ! : i ¦•; • . • ' in s.f>. At (hi« y.'¦::" ?• " gL.!.. i. ' wL rh {' ace. A::.I in co.' . ;.., i!.b: .:t! : '. n; .uv with. tLc " ¦' " • ip- i-ii yosr frierus fresi :. -r:_ r s v-_, iLtlr libcrtirs " *.m I q'iil : I..' ., * J."a: ; ' ' • ';¦=..root. Tl _ : ' -•: = - - ' ' . ; ' i- fr i':i f-i-ni'j {Mi' ut-1 , f:- -:i.^ <¦•!. .-!. "-.f-. 'it b' (:fi:i! '. 'bl I niust n iniii 1 ?..' .-. G !h?.t (.: 'L : l/ci- vassid ¦ J ^itCiC. a ft--at c- nLiry fc. n. r c:2c:urc-. the S.a'. - :. \ qv.tr. , ;n, .s .: ,. ¦'¦: ; !k. " . ' i.;, - -.t the ringh- ;, /- ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' \ : - i- i:;t ' ,i hn I. sh-'-.i!-.l th; " tq u;'. ' : " 1 . • iia' -io a V u ii;.: i'i.- ' , v< :..,ci' c.-; . .- ..n.y ' •M.u.'ii T.i ioub ]>!. fct» ; '!'r:: r i: ja :i' .d r. -..p.-j- 11.a ¦ ¦ ' ' ' Itexniic: -^S.i htar enr 2;Cj c icv ' '.-ts to Qrie^ "At T-if. c.." :nanty i~ isc.-=u .cly scarce; but this need Aiitr th-. : bii . . jj'j. i' . _ * ': t -vv a-; t :"U .id to p : ib o;i^ , ^ * ¦ ¦ - ' 'i- - ) ' ' ' '¦ <-[ !('-;¦ (¦ - tj ¦ •¦ :• . . i- .i :• i . l. i< •] . r !i'» . ..: 1 i . i . . . -;>:! lius dL v i. 'ii.ii ' !i'- ' b i:.!;u. . r.r.ii ¦ Tie-E-jrii' -s f-- 1, nc: be vra-V -cil at , ns all «Lo ooifie htre wlih f^r vr ..:.t -.-f ;. .:;-', I. c:> r "..\ t " !i-t it pis-: :*i . •.• " : ; ' ¦ ¦ b, j l.'U. -b^:u -.:-. .- av-:> : • : j:. v b'=» ¦ ¦ ¦ ; o,a i: . " ' y ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ - * - 1 " ' ^ ¦ ¦ ' * ¦: ' :j ¦ f- ;i- .:K ' -. . '1-1- H ; • '. - : .iVi. ' t-.;- ' . . '. . -oaj ' y~' ' jr.s wij] , ;..' .tr v..tL^vl ' ' v<; — > * I ,i. ti jy i..}-_ . - ^ — . -: . X p< i) 'C "bi ibjr yenr^i • ,i\s ' ' , it:V. T' ' - ' ¦ ¦ ill >•• r,e C- ii-.iv33 b=sra tic- i-COT, a* i! birzcli Lis nosffss as fl.- ich In: d zs i .z ir: r- aeh - ' ^ !- . i -' i ; '. ¦ i- > u. (¦: (• tr-j ^v:!. . Tho r.> ' rr ,;, , ,. r i.,. sn» 4 i,r.. '.i\in;r c. uir.i y Itjt : • ' ;•<; I; .: niu j. ' t.' »ilj It" I; ' ) I." -"". J i : -u i :.)Y? it •. ":- ¦ ii.rr. baTins v.b'cb , a=d pa .'r.^ -t _; ?r ::> which is the is • '•.'.'_ v • • ' '. j . . i v ?.cr.' . —th. f- . t . ' ' '• , . " • • '¦:• r, •! ;. • •>-. - ; ii-r :-,. . rt -h., ^nE c ^.i. ¦ ; ' « ;. - - ¦ pi¦- ¦: > v:o cut, 3>r- -w. , ;-. ¦¦• •¦: v.-y iii' ' jai.i-.t- sc! . •* : '' ¦ ' ' »i. '4 - '¦ r. -y c: -. ,-na rt<:c :?i cW ^rrv:- d i .. -rrl cte ) fartnirs; iii:- ^¦xu-:^ : t : .. 1.. ^- < r i;. . . «i ui'. i.t ; .mrt tr.u . i . . 1 ;.. l- v :. n a , , '". j U- :;- v .:' •¦ ¦ .- b .^ . ..vM" i j * ¦ ' ' - ' <.b . r , . e n. \.v.ii rust, be :.: » j * .. i' -t ii; T _ buy, ^oois a;;ii '• ,'q-i-*'. r ' !;_ "• !fce v, i.;-. .. li«i if i . bf . . > :1 1 : . ., . Mr. O'CiirnH's . K .* , t, , tU fa::..a ¦ - •• ' - ' ^ j-I.^-tE -t . ^- •- ,.]. . > ;¦ . . ;¦ . ¦ * . :i ib' r'cs . .. t..j ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ . : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - v h " r i M ' • ' ¦ : ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' - -¦ i;, - ; ; - = •" u. " ,,. r, . . ' .. . U n .1 . . . .<. J- . . ii ; iiii i I , u: i . r .. . . . r 'il j . . . . : ; ¦::.ii ;-j 1_: ! , wL ^t ..i :.' . V-^U- d -l.« ti:: L... .ei «:t-i. : ..- - , l. 1 '. : tb ' - . . .„ y ; ; : : ' '¦ ' ¦ L " ' - "r " : .h'i- - : i ",: ; . .!.' " : ,^n, * ""¦¦; ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ ' ¦ ' ' " ¦ . ' • ¦¦ i^2 ".re::. iU'i " y--^~ ' rtiiiE- .s - icuiict. ii» T - :,_- ; ,- . -jr. _„.,; ,J JfiVe • : ¦ ' ¦ r- . ; -.: J- ! ¦ f . v ., -. » , .-i ' ;.t;-" u- i 'i: f . !' 1- . . f< v • c U i I . ¦ ! t! I. ;' " . . ' r. y.. . . .- : :r >ctr;fr-i : t f^d - :: y. :-l -I , . f . .» c -I . . !t ' ; ¦ - - - -. : - C sj ]j ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' . - .d v.-tv, ,. . .:...... -v : ¦ ¦ : ' ( ! - " ¦' '! ¦ • ' • ' :-¦ ' >• ; "' I-; - - - . ' * % k..'- coT. -- - , ¦ ' -¦•¦ -; . t. . r.i ! » • '' -, r:.'. . ' - i - : f -.>ui . i ! i; , .n:; w in. 11 I 1 .I 11 ! . . • ; i, . , ' y f b i- i'T \ (, . i. .. .« . .en ¦ ¦ ti. -ci r-c. ii. ; 11 .: . I bein^ 'J. v " .;i • i". ' , ' '• j ¦•-'. . .. . :. ;• ¦ < ¦ ' • ; ¦ ' , ¦ •! H-. w b . su ¦ ' ¦ , I_ tim il- Lr L' - " - ¦ ¦ - ' '. ' ' ' ¦ ' " ' " i .r f ' ' :L^i H;pc-il.r3 H;ale p ; trei. . -.s izs ? _ -j. i_ :¦<. aJtiTe lh-..r - w .¦: ' - ' .:-. -v: :•:•. :• . ¦:> • \;-. •: -d . . . '' ! . ; '. . . .i i . . > !: : 1 of WiiVr, 'ju . u.l V>b -i >s. ' in !• . <_ . .: ^ ia ::.' . ' ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ - c-"-i^ f' >/ ft ; =:. 10 r. : SLcin w :th i. i - k- - -b . •: . : -i • . o ^ ^ ¦ ' ¦ ::. , *¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ¦:¦ • ¦ ¦¦ T ' ¦ " ¦>" ' " ' ¦ "- . v> ;:; - rn-l : . : . . b.. . .: : . . .r • iy. ^" ' r, T~T ~ .- .7^j - . i ... : ...... • . tl , K'...i Lilt " . T ; ., ' : i,: :. s ¦> ' '¦¦ ' *" r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . : rr.f ii - , ¦ c: - ¦)' " ";'h :% -¦ ' ¦!¦ ; ¦ ¦ : : ¦ ra tb£ s_i '; * ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ' ' ,¦ r < ;}• • . :/ -c^sriir; Til. Li= 17c- If "• -; -, - ' _ ' t;j > *" S I ' ¦: ' . :!. .!ret . . 1. . : t . . .. _. 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V . . ;" \/ed. i> ¦ ' ; ' Ix, ,.:. : >. -a, «rd Sc-cth az:~i ! rri. s il v> j; _;; -• ' " :• ¦ ' . ' : .: t. cr I: -»r l;.-j ^- a:: . • : >:L .i"f-y o nr. ,»> ¦ • - . • • * I:. . . 1 s : . b :' irr • ! .,, ' .-' = . . .. n. ^u:h r.. . I !¦ ' - ' ¦! r . ^ - '•¦ . . -: . ifj- . " • . ? V, ii:, . . . . .i:r- ;it-;3 ¦ ¦ • -¦— . ¦ " ¦ ' - ¦ • - .¦¦ - ,- . .. ;¦. -,. •' .,- •!¦. . . ITri -•:: :- .-.. - ; z : ' • " h it ' r- ."irv :r= ' .7 ' f s •/•. c .; . r ... tt ri;!;.: ; . . ai-. j i '" , t. " ..t i' 2 ' . I . . . . ;j : « ::. -v:t . i i -s •• v,s; . , . . i ¦ ¦ . . i . . . tl •. U- • . . . ; i ' .\" ¦ ' . . :>> .c : " S::-;k>.- .- , Cleiiire 2- . l ;~i ,.' ¦ .... . • >" ' . -'- in hr?r , -i-h 137. ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " - ¦-' - ; : ¦!. -.» ( ' 'i I - i. 'I ; i. ¦ . . .i- ., :.. ¦ : 3': ¦ * ' :¦ ' •- ' .-1. ' :¦ r .^ ^- . 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'"" '" ' " " ^ ~ " i . . .. - t .. in i- ¦ " ' r b\.j;-•..-( , - . 'A' i p vrSD.vY.—A fair r v "-"a ~ ' "- -:r..s s ! * "i :--; "~ a s:-c-:i:: 3i : " ¦ ¦ • 0 r. N ! 4 r-=: ^r. — v ¦ " ¦- ¦ . J .- :»:• ; li i - • •: ' ¦ «i ¦ Or. i- . . . - " • ' - " - -s ^ ' ' ' . . 1 ; ' . b ..s t:-.V -a piaeo th' .-. i-.:! tc, ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' •'¦ ;- ' • " ' ,-\. • 1". -^ iii::: -. -, ¦». : • - ¦ ¦ '' ' ; .:: ; ft ! t . b . . • ^ : ; - -'b a Ii* L • t • i- - ¦r .:¦ ..! . r ! ^ •• - ¦ » " ^ ¦ fi.i ¦ ' ¦ ; . . - v. : v h > .•} . . • , f . ' ' ' - ' • ' • ,: ;; . ;• - - ' - :- " - '• -- - - t.^^t : - - ' • ' ...... '' - 'K tiV-rtv-day wa- ^ r:o -* - - - - u' *. ¦; ' ¦ ¦' - ,. , ' il . ; ; :l .a" . ' ¦?> ¦ • • •-?- i v liurln.. . c " -' 3 " " ¦ T : . , . ii')r" k wi'. ,';• . . ;. /. i ; • • - ¦ • '"- - . f ' - ! .i . • ' in .<; ', :h .': •» ; - , c " ¦ ¦ ' oo.'h rca :-.iid " ' ~~^ fc ' ]? - - • - - t ' ! 'I". I: I" . - ¦ ¦ ¦ vkr- c '1. - ' .-airiv-i '.s ot — - ' "t v " c ' - -' - -» - - ¦ : ' - ¦ ;¦; ¦ ' • m- vi. . - .- - -- ¦ " " ' : ; ft- ' ;.::•! i-. .i .; - . , t-i ko p->'< •; .. ' - . ;i ^ ¦ - ¦ ¦ v: 4P. t it- :.; <>t '• :.: < - ' ' , " ¦ ¦ ¦ ( ( *~~ " " " " - i 1 :¦- • - - Tihich, t • J . J ( .. •'-• r . - - ru • ¦ " -:; ¦ • ' ' - uii.y < qual to t.ho; 3 :-'..tcd ^ -=" ' -' - ' -7.- T' - ." ii- r ' ' - -'- .] ...• . t- ?, ' : •¦ ¦ . . -r , , r , ;f j i , ^'c v?ovl t : c! ^ ^ ' ' ^ ¦ " • ¦ - -1:1, !i .; i ii (J ;iii|. '!l'.'> . • . .-.: ;] L ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ... ' . .\ 1 . ;: C ' I: . Oil. :¦ . il- l Lt<- . . .. . tfcu ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ : 'i ;.. - :. . . . - . - ¦- : 1- ; . . ¦ , - . I ; '^¦¦ iT ; ; kind exceedingly Ibilo • - •- . •" ' n'-e frv-:.\ ' ;¦ .• j i. - i-UV ry; , • :.- , .. i' . . , , " b f . t. p li . ¦i jii-.i .'< ; I- 1 "- ' ' '• '-'- - • -^ — - • ^ ' ¦ '• • - . •;. < ¦» ¦• :-v .'|iL - ' ." . . . . '- — ; ¦ ' :»:i < ' t ' " t fi"i.:.::' ;. r- • . r.s He. y ¦' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ' * . . , j i- !t ; ! " » ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ' in • " " ¦ f f ' : •• -' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ r : ' ' . - . • .:' . . ^' - ~ W/i^ai. which ocly a mo- : ;v£ T <.r- ' f ' > ' ¦-- " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ L'-.-U li!' • > ' ' - .• •¦> tV -;,! % l' -..- -". . :. ¦ ^^ ¦ ; - ¦ •> " ¦ l . ;'• '.'' .' . -!- - v - ;v. '-" well c!^i;cl ; • r. r ' ' ' ¦ ' 1 .. -• .. \ : v.-ir> i : _ :r .-Ln .'-t , a::d .-./«.«. ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ " ¦ : ; . ' -• - - - " • " ' ;th . " ¦ ¦ ¦}¦ - ¦ ' • • ¦ : ' - -^ . *.v a!S Uai.oacled, suppor ted *" - : ~ _ i.v ; '. i. " r ' .-> ->. . -;. . . . • . r^-.v. ; ^ ¦ ¦¦ . - , - J: ..- !i c c.. . . ' -V' - , . ¦a -!r ,"iit t vl bu - " ' ' "- - -V t:- or; F . ' -^ E^ - =. : •1 . : .' ! ti . . ' Liol'"'j« et-n .-r;.. " ¦ : .1 t ., . . . ' ' ^ % ; ¦ ¦¦ ' - .;u . . ; iC\ f they havv. tvo p rc. s '7 ' ' ¦ ' ' - • • - - - " ¦ i • r. . r . :«-. c. . . ¦ * ¦ ¦ ' '"' " ; - •>¦ v-i!- ' •• i- .- 'i" :-y and i-aak w cT3 liken '- Si .: i^^i : T. T '-^ i . .r : . „. ' . .. . ; - in Ohio ' ¦ i .,: •\tn i<'yiti-: - ' i. -- 1- • . Vrf-vi us v:.. Uv.j. ^ ¦ K:U :. vt. Ii. - . ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' jjr.-- . - . . '. . • , f ' ¦. :. ;ti-':' f.'n.'ill tin.) HVC^ . '" i< ; < >!i. - •. r.v, . . - . x- ' ...i] , lonuii:.? a s.." '" ' '" ' v.v .iy at aboui. k--o - ;,,_ ;• ; . ; - ,_, : ¦; j, ; , \\, _ ¦\t>? Il f!" VVn V>!' • ' :¦ . , . .1- . .. fivuie imii-.a h;. .; . , : 1. ^1. - " ; ' ' '¦ ¦: ¦' ¦ - cf t- ¦ ? . ' tb'-J i ¦ . - - ri ¦ " -r " 'Asu -. . : - . .L' .: J- . .;»¦ - ' . ,. ;^:^ ^r ;, / : >, - {. :- . r n t: - : - '" . •' "' f"rf:C: ¦ in ...... -^y ( f Cr i were qu'.io a» acar. ^• r ' ¦ • \. :.v 1. ' i in* !? .':: ¦. r-.ga^ii cr-" - ' - .:U tt . : ^ ; . - . (j iiiiil 1. ; ;..;:• i' , -*- * x HYrr, vrircn i r^ ^- r=-3 - >-- ¦ l: .. „. . . . r • . Mapkfj r ;' I. :¦: ¦ •¦; ¦ ,t3?o 1- " ot ' ¦ ' ' 'i.ri 'bin?: , Mo.viu r, ¦ ¦ :>;; .^ : !¦ • -. r : r £" "; i; n ^re '!" :• • ¦• • -. -I •• n t iv-r 1 ¦ ¦' ' ' ' ¦ ' " ¦ ] on-d).\ FMiTVF!<- ¦ T ¦ - " - - ^ : I' : . i n^ r'l"P. !-r°i • ' • ' }¦ r i • i' • - ¦ * - * T;.e - . " far f=.?t i.) ' ..• , . < .. ¦/ ;- : . < . ¦ =*-=-- . ' • - • n? £ ki: -i -4 r. -i - .a.i. in : • • r^ti. £r. • r-.v . r . -: -^ ¦ . ^ ' ' ¦ ¦ ,.'¦ ¦' ^~ -. ^ : ¦ -¦ - ¦ - -. --. !. T!r qu.ii " : 7 - ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ iVi- -'l',:2 ». ' t -i cx.-?r"' :u . •:ni l , antf :> " 5,;.;. .1 . - .> -i l. . -h cw- . . t ., .1. ih sitU.* ; • •/¦! 1 . • ' - - ' - " r, ! ^D- ' 51 " -:.c: »: - w^i- - - . , r , . ,- l. .i -. { . 'rr":-'- inr I . ' ; "' • T. "- - i^per ci-i 'iVlcs, bcir-; u:-^ r- ¦ ¦ ¦ ' :l ¦ ¦¦ il -t ¦ ' ' ¦ 6'tbs low r * f:U!i oa j . • 1 ; -i - • • • ..- ' u%iorf;rh'. .i ;¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' -- ¦Cf . ' ib tj . ' '- ?er ¦ ' .f :;_ • . . .-- . . . : • - -. t. • -. . : <. . -ui..r^ a'- i far :. ti. .- - ¦ • . «¦¦ " ' • !¦ ii ti-s rib- " ¦ ¦• ¦ - ; ;- • - ' -, !rf U:-iir "j . . -i : . l:b' .% ¦( >\ . U. jii. .. i. . . :. H !*' r -tec-. L- ruii, r-ni t .! ¦ -T- Tr-rf- : < - .:. i. . ; ' • •¦ ¦ - ' j -^ 7 '-Lj-tcd "57Uh • - ¦ ;¦<¦ ' ¦ ¦ > - circun. .:- C- !-< •. ¦' \ •;o' j; i ' :: ¦* •• ril drov,'s '. -vm famed ,^* ¦ - * : ¦ ¦ r • ¦¦ - ¦ ' ' '.. .!• -:.• . : "I :- .h'- :- . - ' . : • . . ' . !. 1 , wi\t- r ;> i , . ,, .. , ,. c - . . ,. 1 ., j.r • -. ' • ;r, ; y '.:/ 1 - " * r--- ; - ... - -• C • -- " '"\ , , L \. , ,, . ' . j. I . ¦ ¦ ' ' ' " • ' ¦ - "fit ¦¦> ¦ ¦ ¦ « ' ¦ ,.. 1 '.;':¦ " cid Dow: -, at full cur- \\ , , - . . - L . ;¦ ' : . • . :AVV !ii I . U) lit: ti. •- ' .. . , . -i !• 1 •• . :. . 1 si.uM R-.y;;. ,. > ,;¦ , , . • w,! ...... - ¦ . -: .. -'>: or ei^tit: v,.!- :. 1;.' '. • ¦ ¦ ¦ /- . , -. oi.rcr b;> . -..' . i-a- - . , ' ' .- • ¦;. ¦ t. ' . i' -l-.t- ; :in.i. :i . u ' u-- U. - ^ U=?-z " i ¦ a * l: * l ¦ ' " s - :3t TbU —- - :- T— '' • iub'f?" ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' . ¦• '1 ¦• 'c iOi La.i*ii s .va^ execs- — 7r .: : . i ; v- .:., - ;>'/ *. ¦ ' • : .: sik. c>. « ¦:; ' . v,.ll\. •' ^ . ¦ ¦ ~ 8ib:-. TLt: i^ *r" " - • h . . - i j :. ' :¦'.¦ ¦ ' bu bi ' ii. - ' . Oil ti - J i pc ~ ' " " Vf 'j • u et.t ri-^a, ii -r-l::— ra.1.- - -f , ¦ ¦ " . . ; .. . - »~ ¦ < ¦: ¦ ••: ; .•¦ •¦ : • .(; ;. r , -i i t tb. Tr th ops. n:i.^£" ;it , . , - ¦ . , - . ¦ «• ( r^tes u. 'dintu irom 2 i to ii per *-c ; i5T - - 'i : }ti. ; f . -. !. . :: .1 ..! . t, -!i cf T, Jib 'St. C! '.' " ' • . A-r ' , ¦ ¦ ¦ *h " • .- v ' iiii , and the - r - - .. ,.. rW ' ¦ . , .. ' . j : . - , ib j - \ , - ' ;. - T ¦ ¦: r ii r :=—the ur.- 1 • - ' ; v^; J ' ... vt rv h'b^K.-i tiai'. r not cKceecici; 5~ -id per 1 ¦ J r " N • " D ie i --. n • .- .'¦' 1 ' ... _ . pah; x .. • t- h;i . .' !<•!, -;n' T t> feliaitow. at --; ^-trtb-Ti -b, <• " : ' - -¦ ¦ • t/.j j .r_ . a 7 -* i - - ... . • . ¦!¦ ¦ >:« < x:•^.I^fO^ r ¦ T ¦ ^ - •• ¦ •• - — -r ' cs- Tfci.. .r- . U;r : ¦" ¦A' . -' u..: :' ^y^lo u _!. . -— -w ~ - *-. . = ¦ •, . TV? t-.:.: -i S. C r " Oif .- . '. '¦'- '• rn - .'-T-. 'iv.ly sr:i :iir. .ikennari i > t . ' .... ' .: i.i^v - .t inp.r"V. :- -. - , *-.vd ?u: ! • L.' " .cti' - " v • =- .. a-i cich r?T trrrV. - t- t- ¦ - - -¦ u fl'.rect z • ?' , " - ¦ - - - - ! ¦ - i > 1 - -s; z- --i f .dis <-f ±t .-..• - 1, - • - • . . .. -i-ts -iii s v-.r> • jilc-afcure to eee s.jn:? , ;nt.: th,., — For all descriptions oi wool, ^n&b:. £- ;.ry. d.ii w tie CLi+^i -se ^ta— - -. loth T-i . . .;o. ¦=?-:=. - / - ¦ hi? t'> 1:. - i • • • • ?. 1. I I -'' ' the ' ;; . -.: ' .. —;..- U: ic:l r, b.y ' ... vii li. -. V j o?. Market. - ¦ ' ' ar.p' ',ru ! ,v.t > to :a-y . f- ;; in K; '.:. .!. ; ¦ ' *sr:;By T ir-.- ' r r ; - - ,u: i.:: -. lht • •! J • , r r: - t-a- - ^ rif at dw .'!' T-i. rt:. ' x ' .si ve Gicnri ' .gs ; some free fr- M ¦>•;• :. . .:. -. i-i Tlh.it nary t-nis ur. iu;. :, .j.nst: . rht. :• r> verv bieady inquiry, aud ihe piuies ato T"* i' E . ?ALO, frc-u? CH'Ci^O. > ' ¦ • -^ * :_. .- ' ¦ ¦ i l ' " ¦ ;ir : ^pt'.in ti s'Lii ' i. -n in ui li.i . F'.-i.' - lit- ' c'k; ¦ " ;-:¦ - f- -,t * -' -^-t r .j o- 1- ;- r.bcvt r.lr-.- t :.- let u-: :? 'J T:. -j>u. ..* : - ' . -i-^rf h - - k^ uv.ps, -L,.-»; I.:- . ;- uuiBi; r,u!j mces Vo the eye, and f,- . ,; - ,. . ,:, j. - , , iii r^veium- nt, :md fli :.. w.-J l - '; ^ported. ^J b-E tstst re? T.-crkrd -.ins ¦ •? . - •. ., . V., b-i-iu nr-.:: * ' " ' v - ¦ ' ' • :r . v- h 'lii; :- i yd. 1 ^ - ¦ - fr i .o wbero iiiipj ovcmenls afi; y.. . — .- ¦ ; Uj-. .-J OuibP'. - 'i i:V.t.i.'i' tl.. vi. ' . ' . 0 - it c- —,- piiLih ally rf Icr? itrfet ^b ch - : - _ : " v 1 -. t e ta \ l. Ti . :<• - . • 1 * u< . .' ..i. :h f. w c. : rt ((, L ' . , . ^' - , Ppitalpteld .— Patator-i on the nes:' r.v i bo Ui.' : LcuOLua and j ^ i?^a::>l^ = el ;¦ --' «j- -e it^i.o;::g forwsid i L- ' if tie VLi: , ¦¦ _ 1 »¦ - .i ' nrr : - i !:-: a t ' -r ' -5 ;r>, i^ liner mtich tie rR' -> "^ -t nr ' n r/ni Tn ' .v . :.ot V-r- . - c~Tb-., r.vj . 'I' .!, s-: *no r.V." b'J faid of their of ti, . 'ii- - lii^y r... jt' y be . ft*;;. ib t-Tiu . -. :—Sco;ch Red?, 55: t'» 7*»~ : York , ^ ¦ ? nc biiij; rcny obstruct :: s v t >¦/. t; r iiuv .iuU ^^^ " ccci- r, t;re - ¦:.. -;;.: J. Bu: :L£T s: £- • :; "'1 £J hecCii-g tl = : can pur- "' '- •' . -t ... t,0 to K"t : Divcuk653 to 75.-t ' 1 " , ¦ •.¦l- - - :L.-;.i-. . :- rc^ p:. rie On !ais l"E g 7ojc. « the ft. ra. -i jnwti-- ers gvun :. 'Xhia destroys them by 1 ai! .>p"'" tb-; •_ a ho >-¦ . .i , «^ 55j K:tit -1 ¦ - > ¦ ; Wi3- vcr-ti-. ib- tc-wa telrg fcitcs -- ^.-..ch... :k- . ::'b. ;. ilian ¦ ¦? ij.rt- tVet from '-hp niv i< r- r " - .cr v.^ ' : •¦ Uv: avi,,i'.!j uf re ' ' jj ^ . ^? r-V% Lad *v- rrT- r. o_- ibs -Hrest c* tr = :-.«-^S pr.:: ^s. -« 1I- l'- ^e. vl r. " . pi- ^ ^ pn-" --s;'. rj tL- i"\ Jioii'l- i i.-I:" T. Vv'l'.n dead, and con- , itt' td- -. - .' o i^oe, wiBU aau:: ^. bo.eu 'iiuo, ;>(J: to 53 j ; Jersey &ni Gu- .t, -c-y Blues, 1 " - t g^ciG..- to the grime ia *' lt> v.i.5ch u " cai''-: 1 tssti) .' r3 ' ::;' , they allow : c wii.u;.ic * -! it r._- -b cr f "-*i -ip trster, aiisoEt co- f f -r -=- . ?".. ., ni - thir= cf tbeuatitrct. :. 12 icb s. q-- cT.tly i'earir^ v.'e3 the rays of the the fi :!j <"t -. .a ": iu my USX- 55. ; Yovks'nire Pnaoe Regents 3'! rt1^. t^^ . ^ . *- tars itir, vrben they taTe to j .'iy '. 'ver.t,v-iivo o-.Ms per ' ' 50 to 1 1 t~ 'hcjjkiaeEt is itir? 1 mn to f- prcad on th>:- pruund -'? r< rtii, and thus give Shall rti *i v <¦' ' ili a obstrv-i i W'.vs •«* tLe CAsrti«t bo^f, ! -r-ZlJ^ F ^ er -rricfc an e^ ~"* " tL <¦ n.ea\. Pi-ovJsioss fctins so Tei\ ci;i ;.;- . liiii- is s sou-c-- ' ' itonoron Hop Market —The dcra?.nd for all de- til :a r - tLe mouth c f tT? :ian£-?& . * li e fcir^s far excto.-^ '. •? those et vikour to vegetation. Uut otill they are treiuendcua d '.or i..: :^" ! r.etj ssity '' acting strictly on tLe ' jjjj 2f a ri-ia vi v..' , . Ea^ rf i-r&viaiors Txi3j be ' au en ^ o-jv -io::^ ot Hap-.-, eouuauwfirm, and t he />; :: ¦' ^o. navo : t^^E t>A.2 thtffl roUs itr lil tla r=.-i :- .=rs »s rr^-h of i.rtat profit. At the fuel atatic^s v>f-i»rt8. pi iro:t>: - . and tl't* . pi'»cticability of ir.e' . ip to the weak te^l? ^ up asd prsTeuted hr-iri; >nt tl.^ ; democrats adv-jijaced, ewi^ ^-t- tue s Ci ' :he -shirty cad ricLcc-M c» iC- " r c-.lotrfl }> x> .cured. , ! icdt o ;c c:y, that i lia^» ui the course pf fjrtfaer h!jr?* * - oti -3- iaii e T;?reis Jfom ccmisg np to tLe f^c=-l tr irs c? Wucon.a ir- On leaving Lake Sh Clalr, we pats between two Natioaal B aud the giaall uumber of samples cif b:-!dr irom *°Bl2 c-«r cf this • -'sr;try. As we jonrceyed along, the 'how cf 1 )ett«r3, i- icowtutmaei. bite, cv. • twe iicitss-rd em rspidly; bewevsr, £crp-5E i? cf our tiiup. w ifO:,;tfs, .; nd cext approach a larger atn; more pvorainent tkese * it kd ;« this quarter ; c'--n«. quei.r]y £e^-.c, and even f h v DU f - ' i«J ce T?gi b;- tie Manito Isbnds. At day-brtak ve /ouad curselves bod ij 1 ^ Russia nearly ::emde r-Tfcr to tie :t£e, a ^rrcT tss been made icr P,-iattfs S7-" rToc^cfd cbcr.Jan ; other t Detroit at a v^ry short on the dispui-n's .vhr' - htv- Jr^ic of i.be t«o,oppos! ng "' *** tig T sr-;.- n ; :-J-:ng tie Narrows. !: t-d-attly got a view of , ^ tiX&* *>.^< * t^^P^e^^ ef v-zitrvczirs -rh:t---. it ia 1b- prodcrtk *-'; T»'. ^scc rtau:e nr3e-j raay lw Z-l 1. :- . »is ie- ¦ v ot As we approached tha cl' y, ws fonnrt tbo wooden 1; Coiifidentaily ::? " ' ' j^«f' to-zr SJ5 frr-rr .- I. If 1- -5. They b"i !o tL c uld Lave to lac.l on the Manico3 for n f vpI " * f , . !. . r - .;. ,, I \u> l ower, with a fee»vy icarket. . Tris wii] be cf ca: advan- BrKLi>GT:>" <-=d ¦ - V b<;u3t-s h.jcu.iib more dense, ami superior in .-'ppo «;ar.ee. I ing fi llow3, ; ti to ' tbrir i*¦ c.-, ,; beiri? XLo £jt-f.t fre K -1. lhis YTjul d have catiytd confcidarabifc «i.-.. i-r ^" v i r ' ' , J- iUr l^a 'a9 three , mouth?, fek b^°^ ^ »dP*1 ^ -^r» -°r tbs attsruers fc-Tt te go to the at'-' v !Ece : ur - ¦was O j- poB 'it Detroit, on tht: Cua-.:a tide, there in .1 con- 1 .d-a-:' . \ ~ - ^ 4" ea loDK - : ojy. In tl F;r H-...-. >t 1 r. i t fr.JtuDRtely avoidid. r ¦;,)¦'•" r' -ai<: mouths. Town OV.low ia lii^r ? dit-iitc-ar rotte . UzHcre. r.l can- mart f-. r at i>- : -r>.*e rX' -.Bf -:f tmi jk n : ( '.: r:- 1 lt> with gevmi alurts, a iatgc iioUi!, and i ' e !8, 'n hope, ' aLu 'Y\- i : . f 1 v.' LD^hsii T , £-.p* 7tb.—At seven ILL* mr*: " n- v,^. village, " S a4 42j 6d net ca ?"' nTfcr -Uite SItfi espcrce. ecd iu rvuch -wea- T\'t=t. ! hcj b:r.. !• . <- ¦;: t ccttter wist E. -Ef> t ?; l QRACC Hl'S/ ' i pientV: al aud Woe b &d ^ ^** tate i.r.caivt tL- p:er tf-.iichilliniavkti.ac, or o^ .t is low . y v.r ;-.'.voti huUass. *a can, .- lit lf-trcbiLlf :":<•» rbe £s^i iriJl nctliire i 4 THE ¦ NOR THERN ' *¦ STAR. • «" i ; - ^^ ___ = - = * TO THE GRAND JTBT OP THE COUNTY OF serves but to reader elemental meannessstill more power. Icdeed the English contemptible. Chartists who have exaggerated as those accounts would most probably scarcely avoid the conclusion, either that the Govern- mischiefs which the indictment alleges to have been WESTMEATH. suffered grievously at the hands of that annihilated be io the indignation of those hundreds of thousands ment is, in every respect, worse served than private dona ; but that, afterwards— Weil indeed has it been said, " that the fcge of ehl» persons are, or that there is some complicity. If these Gxxtlemes ,—The page of history will record with valry is gone." Scarcely does it admit of belief, faction have not been more lavish in their abuso of of enthusiastic Irishmen now abiding amongst us, and 11 Midsummer that at blunders are as the law now stands inevitable,—if it is The said Feargus O'Connor, &c, together with indignation a late trarEaction of yours. At the dose of the eighteenth century, nen bearing bis them than Mr. O'Connell has recently been. How whose every aspiration for tho success of their coun- a stark impossibility to state, in tha form of an indict- divers other evil disposed persons to the juror s AbeI238 yon voted a service of plat e to tb-? cffieers of the Majesty's Commission, should have afore- robstitnted the ob- then, we atk, can any man give him trymen at home would find a quick response from ment, with sufficient precision to Batisfy the judicial Baid as yet unknown, did unlawfully, and in that "Wicklow jlilitia, for their txertions in preserving the scene manners of the staws for the gentlemanly conduct credit for aniniadvert on yocr shrewdness sagacity, and foresigh understandings of the judges, any accusation against a county aforesaid, aid, abet, assist, comfort, support peace cf your connty. Before I which ever characterises the true soldier. I here take , t, and, at the same every English working man 's breast. In truth it is , and encourage tho said evil disposed , review of some of those political offend er by all means, in mercy to the com- persons in conduct 1 than take a short my leavo of yon—trusting that I have infixed on yon time charge him with making the repeal agitation time that Ireland should be a nation governed by munity, let them be freed at once from the legal cob- this count first mentioned, to continue aad transactions which recommen ded these gentlemen to snch a fron tlet of infamy, as cannot fail persist in to insure you a subservient for Whig purposes 1 But for a moment Irish Laws, made by Irishmen , chosen by Irishmen, webs in which they are enveloped : let a law at once the said unlawful assemblings, threats, intimidations yonr jfrstitnde aad favour. cordial reception from the inhabitants of the next simple that blunders will be impossible ; and violence." These mtn of blood, from the moment they entered supposing such intention to be even possible what and for the benefit of the Irish people ; and in this be enacted so tvwn that thall experience the blessing of your pro- or , if that is hopeless, give the Judges, under sufficient the Berrice of tie pre sent Admin istration , (1 camto say tection. would be the result of the experiment ! Why natu- holy struggle, God forbid that the country should be while, at the same time the indictment does not conu t^) foresaw that the high road pre- checks, the power of correcting mere technical errors. that of their I hare the honour to be, rally the first step in that direction would be his last threatened with a recurrence of those scenes, an If the fault rests, as we presume to be the case, with shew that these proceedings were persisted in at al] i ferment , was to wad e throngh Wood , to bora houses , Gentlemen, " ;no matter •whether guilty or innocent , move on the political stage. The sober mind of Ire- account of which now lies before us and which some of the minor officials , let the blunderers be tniBted We are thus therefore clearly charged with aiding immcla ' s v.ctims Your most obedient, humble servant, , , the system cf terror , ptrhaps cpon the falsa land can Eee more clearly than in no longer. Bat whatever be don e let the Government and abetting an offence which is not shewn to suppo rt Thomas Sinclair. her intoxication make our English cheeks blush while we peruse advisers , in case the present indictment to have the basest of asra-winB or miscrean ts, cilled was to do. In her and their legal char gVof 2or the maroons of Jamaica , the which heretofore set you in motion, be sons must be united ; We ask the English reader carefully to read and they be able to atone to the country for the defaul ts of " The count charges that the defendants aided and l&e was called like the objec? - ->f their ytngezjice, whose greatest crime is tyr ant of Russia before that tribunal and to be great she must be independent. calmly to reflect upon that letter. From that he those whom they have trust ed, and to prove that those assisted the evil-dispo6ed persons first mentioned to where no ascendancy will prevail , but that of virtue , , defaults were neither directly nor indirectly sanctioned continue and persist in the said unlawful assemblings perha ps their being Irishmen , and loving their country. truth , Englishmen though often deceived, have so fond will learn the manner in which the Union was Among the masy crceltiea practised by ihe officers and justice. by themselves ." threats, intimidations and violence, but ft does not A Freeholder op an affection for Ireland and their Irish brethren, forced upon the Irish people, and from it he will aver that they did continue and persist and pri Tates of this regim ent , I »V»H jnention Eome Westmeath. Who will dare, after this, to hazard the displea- therein.* that they have already spoken, without reoollection gathor the importance which the same faction Could you say, in an indictment for murder, that the fc'vr , vhici for enormity have not been exceeded by the sure of Good y Grandam Tempus, by not imprisoning assisted A. B. in mc*t 5^c£uinary savages that ever disgr ace.1 Laman of the past j—an d are they to form no section in attaches to a continuance of this unholy bond , by prisoner aided and committing wishes it 1S murder, without alleging that murder was com- namrt. THE this great imperial movement ? which Irishmen are made slaves, and Foreigners Chartists where>he A lieutenant well-known by the name of the Walt- NORTHERN STAR . Seriously, if it was worth any body's while to be mitted ?" SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1843. Is any politician so blind as not to Bee, eo their task-masters. From that ho will learn the man- ing-gaiio tr a, at the head of a party of the regiment , serious with the Times, we have never seen a more And the only answer the Attorney-General could Hiarchci to a place called Gandersto wn, in your senseless as not to understand, that without the co- ner in which a love for the English Constitution impudent attempt to bull judges than is here give to this wasthat :— countj : they went to the house of an old man earned operation of tho English workiDg classes the Eng- has been stamped by tbo English law upon tho y the REPEAL OF THE UNION. made : nor have; we often seen an attack in which Carroll , of seventy years and upwards , and a»ked lish Minister would be able to crush the Repeal Irishman's back, and branded upon the Irishman's " He apprehended that if one man were charged with for sihsb, and bavrug premised protecti on sad ^s the agitation npon this subject progresses mendacity, or what plai n people" call lying, is aiding and assisting another to do a particular act, agitation at will ; while, with their assistance, no cheek ; and how their offspring, who witnessed the " it must be presumed that the act itself had indemnity, the old man delivered up to this monster every new feature as it presents itself opens fresh more boldly bra zened out. Nobody knows better been three «ncs, ¦which he no sooner received , than he power at the disposal of the strong Government can tender mercies of this protective system, must have done." •with his o-w-n hands shot the old xian through tte heart , ground for conjecture. It erer has been, and so it than this hired hack of the real instigators of the successfully resist the onward march of freedom in imbibed in childhood that lovo and regard so mani- And with all deference to the Attorney-General' and then had his sons itwo young mtn batchored ; ever Wiii be, that questions of philosophy, of policy, strike, that " Feargus O'Connor and his associates'' s corn , bay, and in Ireland ? It is true that the mere Whigs of tho fest in their present demand to be relieved from its logio we must pronounce this " presumption" burnt *! sad destroyed their b*u£e, or of morality, will have their supporters and did no such thing a9 " encou rage 'divers evil disposed of his short every property they possessed - The vrife ami present day would direct the Irish mind to those further operation. From that he will learn , tha t to be a monstrous assumption. If, when one man is child of one of the sons were enclosed in the bouse opponents ; the one urging on to success, and paltry pursuits to which, from 1796 to 1800, tho same in the dead of night the innocent unoffending, persons' to assemble together and commit various , tho charged with aiding and assisting another to do a ¦when ?-=i Sre to, and wonld haTe been bcmsC had not the other breathing resistance and hostility. The party but too successfully directed it before. Upen and unsuspecting peasant, being first disarmed , was acts of violence, for the immediate purpose of putting one of uie soldiers begged their liTes from the cfiieer , particular act, it must be always presumed that the laTger and the more embracing the subject, the the recall of Earl Fhzwilliam and the appoint- dragged from his bed, a stop to work in the manufacturing districts, and bet oe condition that if the bitch (using his own werSs) hung at his own door, with- act itself has been done, it must follow that it is not made lie :=aat toise they should share tfcs same fate as greater will be the variety of opinions ment of his successor Earl Camden, the Irish mind out even the formality or semblance with the ulterior.object of carrying their Charter." of a mock necessary to enquire whether the act itself'- has been the re?: ~f the family. This bloody transaction hap- on the respective sid»a. The magnitude then was roused to a state of fre»zy not unjustified by trial, while his cottage We presume that the Times would in all probability the was sot in flames, leet the done or not ; and , then, it is quite elear that circum- pened tu>.ui two o'clock on Monday morning, the of the question of Repeal will naturally lead to the cruel and bloody deeds and exterminating policy of class us with "the associates of Feargus O'Connor"; 19th cf June last He then pressed a car , on which darkness of night should spare the widowed mother stantial evidence without any perjury or intentional and conclusion that amongst its supporters ars to be the hitter viceroy. But now how unfortunate, and her frenzied orphans the we havn reason to know that a copy of this paper is the thr ^e dtad bodies -were thrown ; from thence torture of witnessing injustice might very easily lead to the conviction and vent to a Tillage called ilyvore, took into custody found classes, communities, and even individuals, instead of being able to boast of a system of good received, by the Times every week ; the Times is the sad spectacle. We ask, then, whether Irishmen punishment of parties for a supposed aiding and three nwn . named Hesry Smith , John Smith , and Mi- who, though united in action, are by no means in- national policy, the Whigs, while in opposition, can can ever have forgotten these things ! and nature therefo re perfectly aware of the part taken in the chael -Itttst , under pre tence of their bei-g United abetting of that which had never been done at all ; - dnced to take part from the same causes, nor do they but point attention to the manner in which the and reason answer never ; for, though there is no matter of the strike both by Feargus O'Connor and Irisftrn.:. i; and hivingof tied them to the car on which and even against the authority of the Attobnet- the miu^led bodies tha Carrolls -were placed, they look for a similar result from the success of their favoured fow were promoted and aggrandized at the trace of the humble cot, and though the victim has ".his associates"; the Times knew therefore that in Genebal we venture to " presume" that the law were rssrebed about three miles, posting in the blood undertaking. Before, then, we discuss the subject expense of the injured many. But upon the other ceased to breathe— writing this paragraph, he wrote a deliberate of their murdered neighbours, and at three o'clock on does not contemplate any such monstrosity. on its own merits, we are bound to consider in how band if a Tory attempt is made to degrade the Irish and wilful lie. He knew perfectly that the facts were the same day were shot on the fair green of Ballymore ; " Yet the blackness of ashes still marks whore it stood, The Solicitor-General was a little more dex- far the question now at issue between the two people to the rank of slaves by depriving them of While the wild mother scream'd o'er her famishing directly in the teeth of his statement ; that so far and so universal was the panic that a man could not be terous and disingenuous, bnt not a whit more suc- procured to inter the six dead bodies—the sad tfnee "was countries is relieved of that political embarrassment those arms which by the Bill of Rights they brood." from " encouraging" those " evil-disposed persons" to rt cessful, in his dealing with the same subject. He oWig«i * be done by women. The Lientenant , on the in general bo fatal to the accomplishment of any are entitled to possess, Whig opposition is If, then, our English mind, after such a perusal, " assemble and commit various acts of violence," we momic? cf this deliberate and sanguinary murder , in- great national object. The discouraged, openly and boldly, not only the " va- said -.— Tited wrc-ral gentlemen to stay and see what be called reader will see the silenced or rendered puerile and captious forbids our English hand, under our present feelings, great, the almost insurmountable rious acts of violence but also, under the circum- " The indictment did not , it was true, allege that partri ige scooting. It may not be improper to remark , difficulties by by being reminded of their own Bill of 1838, framed to etch tho portrait farther, what must be the feel- ," these parties did persist and continue to do what tkat Lord Oxmantown remonstrated with the officers on which we are surrounded in thus being called upon with a similar intent. Must not then the Irish ings of Irishmen, against whose fathers, whose stances, the " assemblies" in question, irrespective they had done, but it was unnecessary to make such the m. nitrous cruelty of petting these men to death , to caution and advise, to encourago and reason apon people have learned that of all reference to violenee ; that so far from con- an averment. The offence committed by the defend- ¦who cULt , if tried by the laws of their country, appear lesson which the English mothers, and whose country such acts were com- \ bo large and al!-important a subject almost in necting with the strike " the ulterior object of ants would have been the same whether those parties isDoccui. He begged and intreated to have them sent Chartists have long since learned—that if their work mitted ? When we pause, it is high time that they persisted or not." to gac\ sod prosecuted according to law (if any proof a breath. The roiling murmurs of a nation's voice fol- carrying the Charter", we from first to last de- J is to be done, it must be done by themselves, for should re&eot. We cannot trust ourselves to say Now, no one knew better than the Solicitob- could Iv hr r-nght against them), but his hnciane efforts lowing in rapid succession after the flash of a nation's themsel ves. nounced the strike as a treacherous display of impo- proTex! frcitless —the men were murdered. more than that precisely tho same course which was General that " the offence committed by the de- mind are pealing, and each new shock would bd W do s p tence, got up by the enemies of the Charter. The On tfcc fair-day cf Ballymore tTth of June ) a poor e not to to answer, or even to comment pursued by Castlekeagh and his myrmidoms, for the fendants" had nothing to do with the matter. The well calculated to shake the nerve Times knows perfectly that from the beginning man of irreproachable character , named Keenan , afUr , or turn from hi3 upon, the hair-splitting philosophy of the Times upon purpose of effecting the Union, appears to be that question before the Court was not " the offence com- selling Li* cow, had bis hsnd extended to receive tie purpose, the commentator who was unaccustomed to, the Repeal of the Union. We leave that immacu- " Feargus O'Connor and his associates" told the him with . which his successors are determiued to follow. Then, mitted by the defendants", but the validity of the price of her , when this valiant soldier strnc k or unacquainted wuh, the portions of which late print in full possession Chartists that the strike was a trap for them, and bis swor-i on the ahonldei , and almost severed the arm the of all that consolation as nOW , A DISARMING DILI. WAS THE FIRST BLOW . indictment ; and the matter to bo talked of, there- jarring elements are composed. In the thunder we which it can derive from the registered that none but fools or knaves would lead them into from hia body. determina- fore was, not " the offence committed by the de- A young man named Hynes, a mason , passing through recognise the nation's voice, in the lightning which tion of Archbishop Murray to flounder ou the top it ; he knows that we have throughout maintained -was RAVINGS OF DISAPPOINTMENT. fendants", but the offence charged in the indictment, the fair , on his way home, attacked by this fero- precedes it we recognise the nation's wiL ; and , of the Saxoii muddle, rather than j oin the same doctrine ; that we maintain it still, and, if cious savage, and in the act of begging his life upon his in tho The offence charged in the indictment was that of from this idea, we may gather the nation 's strength. restoration of his country THE TIMES v. •• FEAKGUS O'CONNOR AND HIS we needed confirmation of it, we have that confirma- knees , was cut down by the Lieutenant' s own hands, 's rights, by just remark- aiding and assisting these other parties to continue and Iff: lying for dead. A clergyman, at the imminent Of what avail however is strength, if ill directed ! ing that " one swallow does ASS<5felATES." tion, sufficient and abundant, in the ravings of the not make a sum- and persist in the conduct described, rsow, if these risk of his life, fiew to the victim to administer the last It is then to the direction of that Btrength, and to a mer," neither does ono Archbishop make Faction is ever impatient of authority, and Times at the probability of our escaping from the consolation of religion, when three of the militia "were parties did not " continue and persist" in this consideration of what us united effort*, if virtuously a nation. In answer to those who would urge even reckless of legal trammels, when thty impede the trap after having been not led into it, but f lung into ordered b^ck , ar.d to make use of a vulgar phrase , made conduct, it is clear that no one could aid and , used, may accompHsh, that we shall direct the the possibility of a halt for Whig purposes, fulfilment of its purposes. Its contempt of justice it, by the combined power of folly, treachery, a riddle of b?3 body -, the clergyman , however escaped we assist them in doing so ; and it is clear, therefore, tmhcrl - The Lientenant , however , g«t Boraewhit reader's attention. Were we to allow ourselves to would say look to the broad sheet of Irish mind, rises, the moment its will is thwarted, and is and cowardice. To get the " law upon •Feargus f_r that the indictment ought to shew *hat they did "con- attained cf this business ; and , by way cf apologj argt e upon the problrrcatical desires, motives, or which wo lay before you. Think of the wrongs that manifested, more or less plainly or covertly, as cir- O'Connor and his associates" was a matter his convive *, alleged that some sroncs were thrnwr., tinue and persist" wheu it charges others with aiding intentions by whica tne Repealers (or the several that gallant country has endured. Reflect upon tho cumstances dictate. Sometimes, indeed , it shews of some moment to the vile money-faction though it is a notoriens fact that no snch Ibis* hip- and assisting them to do so. The indictment does not peced. :-ect::-ti> comprising iLc main force ) are actuated , we little hope which the leaders hold out from the re- itself but slightly ;—good policy obtaining the of which the Times is an organ and repre- show this ; and we think it will require better logio The clerk of Mr. Dillon, cf Ballymahcn , beinc in the ihocid be doing the very thing which the disturbers, storation of Whiggery, and from the great advan- advance of disappointment and impatience, and sentative ; it was an object they had long, vainly fair transaK iiig his employer's bciinesa , "wa s su Tiiymed than any the Crown has yet exhibited to satisfy the t x o political dissenters, the troublesome, the dissatis- tages which are described as likely to follow shewing the necessity of at least a shew of decent but earnestly sought to compass ; and, to compass by this Taliant soldier and his parly that his life vrns the ac- Judges that that objection has been answered. (whose names I haT e fied , and unquiet, desire, and such a course would be quisition of her independence. Look again to the respect for the laws of its own creation—while, that object , THEY planned the strike ; THEY despaired ci Sixteen persons In the matter of the fifth count, which is desti- cartfuiiy entered , were so cut, mv.meid, and ubased , pre-eminently calculated to produce a result monies subscribed , to the vows registered sometimes, on the other hand, frotfulness overcomes carried out the strike; THEY hired myrmidons and diame- , to the tute of venue, the Attorney-General tried to make that many of them are rendered miserable objects for trically opposite to that which, by union, the real plans propounded , to the feelings enlisted, to the prudence,—tho flimsy garment of adherence to the emissaries to entrap the people, in the hope of so the remainde r of their liTea. So much f*r keeping the out that the venue in the margin was sufficient. advocates of the measure earnestly dfsire different sections invited for the constituted order of things is rent, and the " cloven coming at " Feargus O'Connor and his associates," peace of ihe country. To create inhabita nts for the to,bring accomplishment of But there was a stunner in the precedent of hospital or the glare ssems to he the faTom ile mea- about. While, therefore, we shall contrast the con- this great national object, and, then let any man fool" dashed through, with a vehemence suited to and their emissaries—their mouthing myrmidons Minter Hart, cited by Mr. Dundas for the defen- sure of teinqsilliz -ng a nation. dition of Ireland immediately antecedent to the act ask himself where can it stop short, even by an inch , its origin and consanguinity. —did so far succeed iu dragging the suffering peo- A "?iliicc callei Moyrore "was almost at the dead hc^nr dants in moving for the rule, aad in which case :— of Union with her present condition while strug- of the promised goal ? Will Ireland again relapse The factious aod scandalously unfair, as well as ple into their meshes, as " that Government found of tt-s night set on fire , under the direction of words London to wit' Uie Lmnans Lieutecant , ind cur ed io gling for a Repeal of that measure, and although, into stupor 1 Will she again wretchedly contemptible, proceedings now pending it necessary to employ troops for putting down the " The indictment had the ' O ai'i recognise her full in the margin, and the offence was charged to have the ground , except six honse.s. Captain O , in the coatrast, much cause for caution may be measure of justice in the religion of a placeman, a in the Court of Queen's Bench,—by which we, diBtui bauces, and to send a special commission in Marylebow, Eef-Tued to f •*-; for been committed in the parish of St. possessing a little more hnmiEit y, foun personally, and the Chartist public generally, have order that the offenders might be brought to justice, was com- the unparalleled distress thereby occasi-jne-l ; "Tbii *: r bis d, none for alarm need exist. It will be seen policeman , or a judge ? Will her people crawl in without at all stating that the offence thai at the former period the leaders in the cause their sea-bound dungeon been robbed of a large amount of money, and sub- and " that many scores of the poor dupes are now mitted in London. It was held that this indictment modern Nero only laughed at the progress of the . of in manacles, that a chosen the a jected to much indignity and inconvenience—have expiating thoir offences by undergoing the penal- was bad, and that the omission was not cured by deatrnctiTe element, and called hi3 brvtber c fis*r Irish liberty were strongly linked, and amicably few may beard tho oppressor with hard words ! No! statute 7th George IV. cap. 64, see 20." chicken-t sirted fdiow for his eeeming campission—for b;ucd v»:ih the English opposition , or tho Fox the days of Irith folly have passed away and the afforded opportunity for a most impuden t display of ties of tho law." These are all " facts so notorious feeling a pang at the miseries he himself created , eye - This the Attorney-General met by 6aying party, and it may reasonably be inferred that that light of Irish reason tells the Irish oppressor that its impatience under tho restraints of law, and its that no one can entertain the remotest shadow of a ing numbers of his fellow-creEtu res petx £-d with kor- that :— lor at Tievring their little properties consumed , and po'icy which vras practised by the Whigs from the day3 of his greatness are numbered. It is foit anxiety for unbridled license, to tho most profligate doubt upon them ;" and the unblushing Times, the objection was taken before afraid to make the least complaint , seeing that militar y 1 796 to 1800, vrirh a view to their restoration to these reasons that we look upon the progress as a of all tho organs and rcpresentatiTes of faction, knowing these facts to be so, is most virtuously " There, however, verdict, and while the trial was going on. It was execution wbs their inevitab le fate «boc!d they make resorted to by the same more than mere Irish question The Times newspaper, which is absolutely furious- indignant with tho judges, the lawyers, and the the least murmur. Good God 2 is this the way t* make power, may be a^ain party , more than an impe- clear, therefore, that the facts did not apply to the the Constitution revertd or the GoTtmment resptcte ^i ? for a similar purpose. Here, then, we have in a sen- rial question, a universal question. What can so foaming at the mouth—with rage, because the Judges Government, that they do not at once, like the present case." H od Lord North still lived cad had ihe corn-fatce of his tence , boldly stated the one, the only, ghost which humble the crest of the haughty English Oligarchy as of Queen 's Bench pay less attention to the anticipa- Corn Law Repealing magistrates, who first " had A piece of " law" which is effectually " settled" by ilavsip, he vouLd necer recomjnoid Ike praciice of iivst ^ can haunt the mind of the timid, the onl y argument the fact of its "bridle arm" being cut off ? what can tion of its wishes than to their oaths. them in tow," handle the pretext impudently, and Mr. Justice Patteson's reply :— measureslo soreIreland whitA lost America. In his last Monday 's " explosion" the " Thun- 2s ew gentlemen cf the jury, if these and *Bea like art that can be u^ed fc y the artful and the wily. We so humiliate the Protestant Church as the without further regard to law or ceremony, Btick plea, and how j " The objection was taken after the meritorious actions, "srhich hare rendered the £=ntl€- have shovra it bat to destroy it. There are several fact of its being deprived of its " whip derer " ('. thus fulminates :— " Fear«U3 O'Connor and his associates" into can a prisoner take an objection to the indictment Bien of the Wicklow 3I3itia sa amiable in yonr eyes—1 thereforp. which rec-ier the parallel as to hand ?" Will the querelous politician point out " That Feargus O'Connor and his associates in Lan- gaol ! after pleading over, unless he moves in arrest of idnsh for the country which gave me birth; and must de- reasons, cashire did , bet ween the 1st of August and the 1st of joine d, the to «s any one means by which the power of the jadgment ? When issue has once been clare that his Majesty has not greater enemies than the the respective times incomplete. From 17*5 to 1800 October , last year , encourage ' divers evil disposed Tho " free "- booting scamps, for whom the Times trial must go on to verdict." men wao wonld commit , or the men who abet and encon- Ireland had a Parliament, aid from 1782 to that people could be more clearly developed and more persons ' to assemble and commit various acts of violence acts as " Drab" and 4v Squaller," are absolutely And, as a strengthener of this rejoinder of the rage sneh crimes What do yun teach the great mass -A the period, when the French Revolution affrighted M the profitably brought i nto action, than by the accom- for the immediate purpose of putting a stop to work in wild at seeing their precious project likely, after people to 1-fclicTe by snch conduct but that tke coercioa of the manufactu ring districts , and with the ulterior Learned Judge, we find , in the Times of Mon- great statesman now no more," Ireland had pro- plismeni of the present object of the Repealers ! all, to fail, because lawyers have some regard for a foriegn s-neay would be mercy compared to " the g-n.r - object of carr ying their Charter ;—that their encou- day, a report of the proceedings of the Queen's ons efforts .bejond the law " (as they are called; of our gressed in domestic improvements, and grea t Will any man say, or for a moment suppose, that ragement had considerab le effect , so far as that imme- the law, and judges some deference for justice. Let Queen p. Norr, own military. national undertakings, as no country ever advaaced the Irish people (in the event of the Union being diate purpose was concerned ;—that Government found the Times " bide a wee": we are not to be dragged Bench in the matter of the Bat , gentlemen, let ma ask you, •wouH it not hBYe it necessary to employ troops for putting down the dis- magistrate, who had been convicted before ; hence all the capabilities for achieving Repealed by the English Parliament) would allow into any premature developements : likelier custo- a Devonshire been more decent and even complimentary to the objects turbances , and to send a special commission in order at Exeter of administering an illegal oath, and you made a collection amongst yonr- national greatness were developed, and Ireland gave an Irish Parliament to be called togethe r upon an y brought to justice ;—that mers than the Times have tried to bring us there and of yoar eitaem had that the offenders might be whose objection to the indictment came, not only selTes for this serrice of plate , than to attempt to saddle a practical proof to the world in those days, as other principle than that of Universal Suffrage? Tho many scores of the poor dupe s are now expiating their failed : we furnish no handle for enemies, whether for their after verdict but after sentence and was yet admit- upon an inju red county a tax for the remuneration of Belgium ha3 in later times, that as a nation she man who thinks so must have but a poor opinion of offences by unde rgoing the penaltias of the law the Times, the Times' masters, or the rimes'tool*: the , , murder , coidligration and calamity ? Shall the owners of crimes,"— are , we presume , facts so notorious , that no ted and the judgment set aside on the objection may be rich and powerful, while as a province she what the present popular mind, in the hour of tri • argument is not yet over ; when it is, we may, per- , near 500 houses destro yed by fire , and the relations of one can entertain the remotest shadow of a doubt upon that the indictment did not sufficiently set forth the those victims sacr ificedby those sanguinary instruments must be weak and impoverished. In those years umph , would demand as a complete measure of jus- them, unless lie happens to be one of the Justices of haps , have our say upon that same " stopping of of oppression, be obliged to pay for emmrtiea -which preceding the Act of Union the English opposition tice, and as a means of preserving it. We are awaro her Majest y's Court of Queen 's Bench. Those Learned work in the manufacturing districts," and on the offenc9 charged. irill cast an indelible stain npon a county which coaid Judges , who, accord ing to a solemn legal decision, are The argument of the Solicitok-General upon were sincere in their advocacy of Ireland's rights; —perfectly aware—of the great and mighty influ- " vil lany " by which the rimes and his masters have produce a Grand Jury c&p&ble of becoming accessories to • bound to take ju dicial notice that a rump and dozen this point was a mere repetition of that of the snch unheard of cruelties. they sought no Union £t the expense of Irish ences, both foreign and domestic, which will be means a good dinner and plenty of port ,' are it seems been enabled to connect with it the names of " Feab- Attorney-General. We apprehend that the Bat , gentlemen, though you hare voted the tax , it is interest?, and, above all, uid they deprecate forced into operation for the suppression of this puzzling their brain s to ascertain whether or not they gus O'Connor and his associates." not yet raised, bnt will, I hope, with Counsel for defence when they come to reply, will be traversed with effect the means resorted to for the accomplishment national movement. The mind will be fretted aud are obliged (judiciall y that is, and in accordan ce , —yon may thereby Lave the satisfaction of purchasing their oaths of office , not individually as sensible men i have little difficulty in showing that for all purposes of the object. At that time ako the Irish people irritated by surmise, calculations , and reports. The out of your own pockets, and affixing a motto suitable to to be in such a state of interminable doubt whether the THE ARGUMENT. of this count, a ventse in the margin is no venue the occasion, were degraded serfs, tillers of their own estates union of all opposing influences to hope for even a riots took place in Lancashi re or in France , or some ju risdiction , as that , at all. Written in blood and cemented by fire , under alien landlords, looked upon by the jaundiced suEpensi9n or delay, must be as complete as the other country quite out of tbeir From the ravings of the Times, w« turn to the after tha minor fry have been convicted and imprisoned When the argument will b3 resumed we know not , The "wrath of heaven and the scourg e of men. eye of the State as unchristian dogs. They were un- union of the Irish people appears to be for the ac- , " pleadings" of the Attouney and the Solicitor- or transported under sentences delivered by themselves , as we ha ve not, at the time of writing this, received Aj yoa dont seem to be well acquainted with enfranchised, or rather tantalized with the poor complishment of the measure. Let us see then pal offenders off scet fret ;." General. And though there is, certainly, less of the they must let the princi any further intelligence than that which our readers e&zly character of the objects of you regard , 1 shall take privilege of voting for the choice of their enemies ; whether or no we have any right to expect that such " After all the loss of property and lift) which has virulence and mendacity, we discover little more of will find in the report. But we think it probibla leave to insert an address very different from jonrs to for though the daves had vote3, yet those of their a union can be formed out of the conflicting elements been susta ined tLrough the vill.iny of the Chartist " argument," in the one than in the other. The those gentlemen—Copied from the Dublin Etching Pest, Ifflders ; after the months of suffering enta iled on the that, if the CounsJ for defence do their work as May, 1795 :— own religious and political creed were ineligible to sit of opposition. The Queen being nothing, we natu- their advice ; after Learned Lawyers were very evidently " bother'd" and dated 2Sth turnouts through having followed well as we expect fro m the m, both counts will be in the Commons' House of Parliament. Under all rally leave her out of the question. In the Lords is the parade of a special commission , with its thou sands with their case. We have seldom seen a more lame people must remember To such of the OFFICERS of his Majesty's WICK- these circumstances, then, it was not unlikely that embodied the Oligarchy in its united character of of pounds lavished on tho lav? ( fficers of the Crown , in attempt at reasoning than-that exhibited by the Crown broken down. Meantime the LOW KE'sci.i,ied. No girl will answer Since writing the above, we have learnt that those who sought objects which were represented to would be reflected the Tri a juncla in Uno, tho expression sufficiently strong to charncteriza their 1 On the 1st day of above the age of 18 or under that of 14— Application Aug., in the year aforesaid , Saturday (this day) is fixed by the Judges to hear to be made to the regimental matron , Mrs. Catherine the people as likely to be beneficial ; but behind Oligarchy, the Church, and the State. In the pre- wickedness." and on divers other days aud times between that Crown s argument." Smyth , Bowling Green, Strabane. —N. B.—Gro wing advantages, which were placed in the sent agitation, however, we discover much to cause Run, Bett y, run ! and bring water, and an easy day and the 1st day of October, m tho year afore- the " reply" to tho ' " those great said , and at divers places girls of the age of IS, if approved of, and highly recom- dissension and disunion amongst those chair; that your Mi6trees may faint comfortably! , divers evil-disposed per- mended may possibly be taken." foreground, it was easy to recognise the real object heretofore tons unlawfully and tumultuousl y assembled together of the promoters of dissatisfaction ; and, although uni ted parties. We speak of men as machines, and If any one can bring us a finer sample of a city ter- and by violence, threats, and intimidations to divers STRIKE IN A"way! no woman could descendso low ! TRADES' UNIONS. THE Catholic Emancipation may have been used as the without fear. And while we deprecate the policy of magant raving herself hoarse, because the husb and other persons being then peaceable subjects of this A skipping, dancing, "worthless tribe yon are ; realm , forced the said last-mentioned subjects SCOTLAND. together; rall ying standard for discontent, and although the a party, we shall enter without bias into an impar- wont " 6tand treat" to Whitechapel, or " stump the to Pit only for yourselves—you herd leave their occupationsandemployments,and thereby As democrats, we honour principle abova *" And "when the circling glass -warms your -rain hearts, full length portrait of Irish liberty was always tial consideration as to how far individual character Browns" for Greenwich fair, we promise to endow impeded and stopped the labour employed in the things; and next the devotees of principle. E*en Yon talk of beauties that you never saw, placed foremost in the grouping, jet was it impossi- would be likely to operate upon the general councils him with all the honours of " the Thunderer". lawful and peaceable carrying on, by divers large And fancy rapturesthat you never knew. if we dissent from the principle, seeing it conscien- ble to conceal from view the bust of a Fox or of the body. numbers of the subjects of this realm, of certain You blast the fair with lies, because they scorn yon, But Goody •* Thunderer" stops not here. With trades, manufactures, and businesses, and thereby tiously held, we admire the consistency and firfflj Hate yon like age, like ugliness, and impotence! Chablemont representing eome private interest, or Upon Sir Robert Peel , then, as Prime Minister, true woman-like comprehensiveness of anger, her caused great confusion, terror, and alarm in the ness which adheres to it " through thick and thin. Rather than make yon blest, they wonld die Virgins, party anticipation. the issue of the present struggle minds of the peaceable subjects of this realm." And stop the propagation of mankind. must much depend; explosion reaches all parties who can hear " the We wish to see every man in possession of hisoW we shall therefore consider W ' Kow, how different the state of the respective what are likely to be splash." The understrappers of the Government Now this averment no one denies or disputes ; rights ; and, which holden without prejudice Polite and Gallant Gentlemen,—As a native of the those influences which would to*n of Strabaae, I shall make no apology for thus parties ; Ireland had full four years of torture, operate upon him to law offices , the Judges, the Government, and the although for all that appears upon tha face of it the others' rights, we commend every man the O0»i resist or concede. 1 offering to your notice a few strictures on the above persecution, cruelty, and murder, before the Union The motives which might lead to Legislature are all as bad as we are, to permit this matters talked of might have happened in Canada the more tenaciously he maintains and defends the" ' "•anton and unprecedentedoutrage V> "the feelings of a while, since that event, she has had forty-three resistance, would be a dreaSP of outraging the contumacy ; and they are enjoined most noisily forth- or in the East Indies. But every wspectable the facts are undisputed. while, surely, aa democrats, we rejoice in community. And this I mean to do, with domestic faction in Ireland , who we veril make fiuch aTrangemtnts as may oblige «n all the honest freedom of a mind indignant at the bru- years of unremitting and unmitigated suffering y believe with to There is no question that divers parties did go about struggle for tho maintainence of popular rights tality of men—who could to f ax forget the dignity of and sorrow. She is now a nation of sober- look for another blood-letting, to be followed by Donald to *' Come up and be hanged, and no anger at divers times, to divers places, and stqp tho mills,— the repelling of the power of aggression. So detf then natare, as to wing a dastardly shaft at that minded Irishmen, who can no longer be juggled another extermination of the Catholics and another the laird". She thus continues her hodge-podge the only question is, whether " Feargus O'Connor nothing wluw honour, are these principles to us, that which It should be their chief pride to defend by the fascinations or promises of the English partition of the soil. objurgation of remonstrance, threatening and com- and his associates ceeding3 —to aim a cowardly "Wow at the happiness of that op- " had any hand ia this. The At- appertains or relates to them ; no pro •ex, to protect whom from insult, they should, were it position, who have registered their determination in Upon the other hand, the motives for concession mand:— torney General does not contend that they had carried on in their name can fail to e*eI'e neeenary fonii a rampart of theii bodies. Pray, ye vows as strong and deadly as are those of the Tories I will be these. Firstly, tho chances iF not the cer- " Surely do pains ought to have been spared—no ex- any direct hand ia it; he does not say that they our interest. Hence, though vra haw, *s 7«*» trasty guardians^ of ear -venerated constitution and was—to insure the due execution of the law upon ¦acred religion, to preserve the contract even to the death. It is true j tainty ef defeat , and, secondly, we do not consider pense were present at, or took any part in, any one of said not a word upon the subject, we have not be* which of the heroes of the Grecian ox ¦ Fearg us O'Co nnor and his associates ; and yet, to judge Soman Commonwealths, do ye propose to yourselves that an antidote was promised with the poison, i Sir Robert Peel to be a cruel man, far from it. He place in tho Queen ' theB9 " unlawful and tumultuous assemblies'"; he unobservant of the struggle which has for a len#* from what toek s Bench on Friday, th« as models ? In what page of the history of those cele- and was administered in four years after in the is ambitious of fame, and in his calculations for its the indictment against them is about to be placed io does not attempt to show that they took any active of time agitated,"OW a { a>8 £.donis.g?fo; like gorgeous trappings means of reitoriug the Wbiga to would br.ve upon uve English mind, heightened amt tneir cost bULdry ovbnt s of the last few yiars , can and abetted those " ovil disposed persons" in the privilege in defence of universal right. B" THE NORT HERN STAR, N

¦ ¦ -- — ¦¦—¦ *» ——. — ¦gjjfc ihe devil never more ofdangerous or ugly than The Veto Act limits the righto on the garbAnd to the communi- new friend ; we hope that, in twelve months time, BISHOP London.— A Festival, Tea Party puts righteoHsness and ap- cants j and the Minister AUCKIAH D.-A public meeting Strange and Romantic Story .—A correspon- and Ball, will j l^ ie angeL hence deem this and two Elders, consti- he will have at least one dish more—the review of of colliers waa held at Cokton-hill, in a fiel d belong- dent, who writes from Ballaghaderrine, county of be neld at tbe City of London Political and Scientific as &q we the tuting the Court ^^ss of Session, in any parish, may a triumphant and profitable year's cruize. ing to Mr. Wm. Dixon, on Saturday last; On Mayo, and with whose name we are acquainted , Institution , on Whit-Monday . Tickets, Tea Party ^ time, when the whole press teems restrict the privilege account of the dullness und Ball, 1?. 64., Double ditto, 23. 6d.; to Ball only, \ ggi the of communicating (for in Scot- The Magazine may be had of Mr. Watson, of the day the meeting per- sends us the following strange details :—" Balla- ftis strike among Scottish parsons ; land permission to haps was not so large as might have been. Notwith- ghaderrine, Thursday, May 2o, 1843.—Yesterday single tickets, 13., dou ble, Is. 6d. On Whit-Tues- communicate is a privileg, e and Paternoster-Row, London, and of Mr. Hobson standing the dress Ball will be held at ^ "Whig, dissenting, and middle-class not a right , short notice and only seven days pre- the inhabitants of this town were annoyed by an day, a plain and fancy the i pieij the ,as in the Church of England) to as few Star Office, Leeds. vious agitation by Mr. Swallow, yet there could not announcement that there was a woman in custody same piase ; single tickets, Is., double ditto, Is. 6d. jne are lauding ^d o especially, to the Tery echo persons as they please. There are populous parishes be less than 1500 present, for the purpose of assert- who had served as servant man in this town for up- Political Institution.—On ing their ri Cur of London cevotednessthe and patriotism ofrery the new eeceders, in Scotland, where the Clergy ghts, and giving the right hand of fellow- wards of six months, and was known by nearly all Sunday morning, Mr. Maniz will lecture. The mem- •te whole matter may Bhort how have restricted the FEARGUS O'CONNOR TO NUMEROUS ship to their brethren in our in a compass participation in the the North and South. Mr. the inhabitants as the great lad y killer. lu fact, bers of the locality are requested to attend. On ^5^ thai they know Holy Communion to eo more CORRESPONDENTS. Tnomas Mycroft, of West Auckland, was called to this person could not stand at the house door but deliver an address readers; to than seven Sunday evening, Mr. Mee will ,— ^j^ heads of families ! Thus the real the chair. Mr. P, Atkinson moved the first resolu- the girls would flock about him ; and so jealous subject, " Passing Events." ** sablime moral spectacle which operation The glorious uncertainty of the law has prevented tion, which was . ^jjj^e the of the Veto Act is to place the whole to the same purport as that adopted wera they of each other, that one of them was fined Monday even- admiratioa whOe it me from giving definite answers to many correspon- at Shaden s-hill meeting, and reported in the Star of magistrates A Public Meeting will be held on ff ell win excites rever- power of the Church of Scotland in the hands of by the of this district some time since ing next, at the City of London Political aud Scien- dents, and especially to those who have written on the 20ih mst. Mr. Robert Smith, an aged collier, for scandal, arising out of this strange partiality. On the priests. It is an engine by means of which seconded the resolution in a tific Institution, to petition Parliament against the behalf of London localities, inviting me to auend most effective and prac- being examined by surgeon Dillon, and one of the Thomas Cooper, in Stafford gaol. 55;e whole matter of contention arises, in the they are placing the ecclesiastical above the civil tical speech. Mr. Swallow proposed the adop- magistrates of the Ballaghaderrine petit sessions, horrid treatment of projected demonstrations. The fact is that I have tion of the collier Admission Free. &s5 instate, out of a question of patronage ; than power—the priest above, and irresponsible to, either 's petition, aud that the pitmen of it appeared that the name of the supposed not been able to call myself more than a prisoner at the Auckland districts pledge themselves to give all man was Catherine Reilly ; that she The Silk Weavers lately meeting in Grey Eagle- vjjjj few ihings hare cansed more bickering and magistrate or p eople. This the very had been mar- in the high priest of large since September last, and when I thought that the information they possibly can in answer to the ried to Michael O'Malley, of Binghanes ; that she street, will meet at. Mr. Drakes, on Thursday next, church, the JJon-intrnsionists, questions in accounts and to transact other ^gaijHO Dr. Chalmers, openJy avows. the hour of liberation had arrived, I find that I am the Northern Star of May 20. Mr. had lived with him for five ye»3, and borne one to settle up their , ijjj e advocates of patronage, or the right of an He warns the Voluntaries that he will Daniel Thompson (a person who was discharged for child ; through bad treatment- she was dri ven to business of the greatest importauce. have nothing oncn more to appear before the Justices of the being a delegate) i rldnal, under given circumstances, to present a to do with them, and that seconded it. After a vote of thanks adopt tho resolution of leaving him, and is now Hampstead Heath.—A public meeting will be jfl to they are to hope for no por- Queen's Bench, on Saturday. I cannot pos- to the chairman the meeting separated * , at a dnly qualified perBon, argne thus :— tion in his in an orderly eighteen months away from him. On leaving her held on Whit-Monday afternoon , at two o'clock Is^ce work. sibly, then, make any engagements unJil this long- manner. At the conclusion of the above a delegate native place, she went direct to Ballina, and pur- which Feargus O'Connor and others have been in- »If i m&n baild and endow a church, it is surely Thus it is that after all it turns out, on examina- pending question is disposed of; and I trust that meeting was held at Mr. Wm. Dixon's, when Mr. chased men's apparel, in which she dressed, and vited, and are expected to attend. jjajorethan jost that he should choose the minister; tion, that the mighty those who have written and Mycroft was again called to tho chair. The Hs-t of then proceeded to Ballaghaderrine, where she was cry of these Scotch priests have have not received collieries was called over Marylebone.—A adjourned discussion upon the would be a gross fraud on his just rights to about " the sacred ri answers, will believe that , and it was found that al! hired as servant. In the course of three or four Laud will take place on Sunday evening next , at the iBi ii ghts of the Church of Christ" they were not neglected the collieries in the district , with the exception of months, a servant maid fell in love with the assumed jVa: ce should hare no control oTer that which he means, just as usual, the power intentionally. I h ave been busily engaged in writing seven , wero represented. Mechanics' Institution , Circus-street, New Road, at T of the priesthood and After the several sums of man ; they plighted troth, and were joined in half-past seven o'clock. if cad bnilt and given. Now there is some- no more. ageneral defer ce of Chartism, which will be found contributions had been handed over to the treasurer, Hymen s bonds. They are married now four months, v^sgja ' Islington .—The twenty-fir»t annual dinner of the ihis argument, plausible at first Eight, Dr. Csaimebs in tbe eighth and last number of the Lancaster Trials ; the following resolutions were agreed to—" That a and the only excuse—but no, we shall leave this of but announced that the gross receipts general meeting of the Carpenters of London, will be held at Mr. Hinton 's, ^ with the free spirit Christianity in aid and while speaking of those trials, Auckland districts be held at part to the imagination of our, readers. They are pj^ordint when of the Free Church were £223,023 6s. lid. it is a curious Cokton-hill , Bishop Auckland , on Saturday the 24th both detained in custody until Monday, the next Highbury Barn Tavern, on Whit-Monday, June 5th. pjje nearly examined. When building *nd en- Now this must have been " voluntary" mosey, we fact that eome agents complain that there were too of June." " That every debate bring one ehilliuff petty sessions day at Ballaghaderrinc.—Freeman ' s Dinner on table at two o'clock precisely. The ball ihe Church, the donor is supposed much marvel many numbers, and that they were too long; just as eacti to defray the expences of the district, ovmesmero-phrenological experiments.—On Thursday , MAGAZINE. any such moveme7it as that lo which he al- , formerly Attorney-General, has been ap- four o'clock, the House adjourned till Friday. i fc pytthe property knew all this, and he gave it pointed Secretary of State in his place, but this ia there will be a ball, for tho benefi t of Dr. P. M. ludes having from us a determined opposition. M'Douall, to commence at six o'clock. skjet; to these conditions ; he has no right there- We have been favoured with a proof number of We are forno pr oject of merely transferring the only a temporary appointment. We find the follow- ing paragraph in the Boston Evening Journal of REPEAL MEETING IN CLARE. M a!D SUBSCRIBERS. Gracchus , in last week's Star ; he exhorts them Death of a Pier.— We are sorry to read in the gardens for their accommodation, and a building 1 * Mr. Charles O'Connell addressed the meeting at &e ease of its supporters ; and it results in the con- j Pro aris el focis. t» aid the Irish in the Repeal struggle ; und to morning papers the decease of tho well-known Pier some length, and with considerable effect. He said capable of sheltering from 400 to 500, i n case of ession that patronage is, under all circumstances " The 1st of June .'—the glorious 1st of June !— support the Chartist victims and their famili es. at Greenwich. Tbo deceased had been long in a the government had dismissed tho Liberator from rain. A full band will accompany the party. ] E. Starket. Stoke.— We know not to what he al- sinking state and had been subject to water on the QdaKfcl to Christians ; that it is incompatible '. this day is memorable for the great naval victory tho commission of the peace, which was only an in- Tickets for the excursion, sixpence each, may be gained on it over the French by Lord Howe. But ludes : all reports received here,— whether from head, as well as other ills of a very distressing cha- cuinbrance ta him ; they deprived had from the Secretary. ¦3h the free spirit of Christianity, and cannot be : " the refined" or not racter themselves of the we hope to render it more memorable—more ,—receive that attention . The allusion sometimes made by sailors to aid of an intelligent and pacif y ing magistrate, and Stockport.—Mr. Jame9 Leach, of Manchester, {Erased withont trenchingon the people's rights glorious to us Caartists as the day on which the which their claims merit. their legs when invoking a coolness in the lower ex- to vex their faces they cut off their noses—(laughter) will lecture in the Charter Association Room , 1& seems also to have been the view taken of the first number of our first Magazine came A Democrat.— To his f irst question , Xo: to his tremities was frightfully realised in the case of the He had a most gratifying fact Ito tell the meeting. Bomber's Brow, on Sunday evening, at h»'f-pa9t forth. Lord Howe's victory waa gained at the second. Yes. late Pier, whose timbers were completely shivered Btter by the early Scotch Reformers ; all of whon> was an Mr. John M'Namara, a most respectable man and six o'clock. expence of truth acd justiee-^-it at- Joseph Ratser, Holunwood.—It will be duly an- between seven and eight o'clock on Thursday mor- intelligent magistrate, declared to him that the mo- fasranced patronage in strong and severe terms. nounced. ning. The Pier of Greenwich had the second title Bolton.—-The Chartists of this place have taken tempt to quell the rising spirit of liberty. Our little ment he heard of a magistrate dismissed for attend- a largo roem in Chcapside, near tbe Exchange, Bat notwithstandingthis denunciation it has still privateer will crnise in behalf of a better cause—we A. Pro?ser, Bromsgrove.— Write on one side only of Baron of Dividends, and though never known to ing a repeal meeting, that moment he would send up of your paper f or the future. be in hot water, waa on several occasions nearly Great Bolton, where lectures will be delivered upon used in the Scottish Church from its first establish- shall seek to free enslaved industry, and to succour hiu subscription to the Corn Exchange. The political science. oppressed virtue—we are the friends, not the foes, John Newhotjse, Birmingham, will excuse us: we swamped in the cold element. The Pier, which had government had other irons in the fire which wtsLThe civil law regarded and treated patronage as of ioan. We have a roving commission, like Paul have made the best we can of the hurried report bean proceeded against for a nuisance, has left no wanted more serious attention. There was the On Sunbay , (to morrow), two lectures will be jreperiy, and even fixed the compensation money to Jones ; and wherever we can make a successful he sent us, and must express our regret that we is?ue, but the genera! issue, which it pleaded to a Scotch presbyterian question ; the Chartist proceed- dt livered by Mr. V^ ' m. Dixon, from Manchester. are not enabled to make more of so important a declaration served The first at half-past two in the afternoon , and ie paid to the patron upon the setting aside ot his descent on the shore of ignorance, wherever we can , upon it when in extremis. Fa- ings, and other dificuities ; but the base, rancorous, , meeting. Somefriend might have assit ted him ther Thames, the mortgagee in possession, ha9 car- the other at half-past six in tho evening. . carry off prejudice we shall not fail to do so. Our and bigottcd crew determined to operate on Ireland 2tht. The right of patronage was exercised in this standard is the Charter, and on it is inscribed in the arduous ta

¦ ¦¦ ¦ * ^ iii * • • < »- • *•• ^=^======THEA n £i NORIS U 14 THE1 RN STAR - 7i B0C5E OF COMMO^S-Mo-hdat, Mat 29. r- the Union was repealed the -wonid f-ii to pieces fromk had merely said that ¦W ' highly eub-ised the O'Cr.nor took '. ice of ths '. for Mr- J '?hua Ci'irfinuti frommir sittlhp a$s. } Jntp " he ould fire ovar ths psop!?. It parted the niotiou, an-. p D^ og^.e Hai-aiOBy, , ' " S^ SH ^^ ^ . nsal divisions? Was n^: th: a ruaEO'j wl'iyshe shouldI mattered not n j ' S |«S the .« **hLch was the tma ye-rdon , it was evi- fam Uy, promising tha iuccv: C at eom future period , Hill. This exami;:s:i(m , entered into as It >-. * Mi0B of t Ho^t nt 5 tt-ro .1 Pa riument i-i t; 1 - ic bj ; teanaur. Jlr i:a,u, ^ ^ S rJE? in ColJeca Q. 8'h t Wi' I dtn k from tha examination that something pes'-id U ff".i.t:u- iu wbijh t!i« almos: eveiy member of Coutrreas , \s-.th ? broacli. I/rd 'lelhunnie' ¦ tfcen instanced a gwit nan; case,, j thi. -oaidtractiuns 1., ¦ j to ex plain to them the vilJariou '.ha view ox •* eh ^ * Govern- shwing th.> and a.iin:riister just!: fi.'rly £0 :he » j fcettreen a soldier and a -tng. 31 r. O'Co.-ino.'- 's father r.ad eliciti::-: tLa traih <.r fuljihood of rumours :mused thai s:l fcneh enactments ; p«E?a!ecee anri Yio!enca cf ca » :.-- M in Ire ¦ poiiccm .Ln absut fii G.-d G^vci-nmt-nt haa treated -wliich be jr ^;. Hr a ar-' in touu, ana • whok* people ? The Standar d, tile or.;an ef tao Pm. • forbid it Bhouui erai- i> sjch Bid ' hi! hesnl in Ins owj bracib. ox- district ca the iirertr toe coMequcni Eece*rft cf tM» prevenii,. , c^nia a idsu .tl If brother. , t an tended , T^T? .'pcica restraints of the siiVj-e: ; m. 7 e tenant parpens, said it was no use Pel \7astfeg bisI Father Matbew bad ap- au.-l will tend dispel .in itnincuse ami.ont ' " .^.ttra. B ;cre the p!e-: of justice to ¦ lived in 1797 , to have i^uk ited Tho motion was cai-ricJ amidsc tremendous ¦ , to of Krrone iir =r-£?d ii&t the D-'fstat elate cflrt^zd irs -e -gr c. ^. Ireland tk-s - = • ^wet t breath npon i:. - su 'j=ci. Tha Ors f eKtti oi ; n.at i'p>rit '¦ ¦ K^ np, e oTf '. t3 ^jj^j-p ildt WM jy^yj. , * . of tiriiip-rirrt and fu^btavauce wiiic'i h>: sa , ous ini^i•:.?• '?:) , aK( i tri.'i f> j,at'i?erjry person who read 0 thesi. Ihi reports of the ls. ^ by (tit ,^ r cf D^rry, tht * jj- -c -'••" -° "lEP ^ 1- justice. I- - t-xo wM\ior.~< u: mm of U;^ Nu.ihI 1 successfully iaculc-tted in - ' to coi .:;;»t in La mii: - tbu €¦. !$¦r *-r,ca fcetwttn ^ ' * the i the very ycar succesSsg t:.c Q -. -^ ,. -t t - tj tae present ihy, Ir . unJ Mr. O'Co.n.noh in r-^Ay v-tate l , ta^it words troald b« it , ' a foe p- r- ~ r:-"usct£3 ^ni eoBstabchrr Jerce es- 1 u-r era be " let at t'l-ai:." II ...7.- \\ &a»:: -5v- i>i,i not L"..c a .- in t\so J^_. qiott.1 th. Preairsw AssoEstioa n- - jgt : have bi;en 1-ist. Tao Ir:-;h ntv. r, no a poor return f> -r tr.j r 'j.-pti. ' - n tbi-y ha-i givs i hi*; ; positiot; ia t'ao oM iV Lirld nmi on- nf'.7. n -, pc-r:-»nt *tic€-pc^ respccdEir the pror^^iUiri rp. T.. -. ifl-.a E-.jrD ned t?itir nuiii 'icro wh:; - it miu-kI w-.Ucr what hi'-' -. .o le n ricue is nofhisg ^ to y 6 Presea " r^al a^Hatoij were the causes, turned their b icks and. r.a auLie-ia spok'j ti - r.un i , l\* tcniered to th-j Wbit , however, Las - .r ' f '^ilf.i " ' -^saitry TioNrc* and iiitin:iQ4-'J.-i. --Du T 'T\ '^ - - yr.re-fir t. tiii; tJie:r 0^ e * ; th; ra weie r.ufc 0,0 0(10 P:« . :?- Uo.a t!vi fjj , j ¦ t-> ^tl aboLtioa uf tLv ¦ , )r Bbuildt.-cl in tha p-.b ; ;.:;.: it Ch'ii'tuau o:.e iovrTi-ign as Jvia iirii instulmen: to the when ' tken i". re'r.Lbu uift tV.-« -^ i--clio VftvS'-cU A ; u -i; -- Tir. *? for tr-. pois.ssloa c * 2T--3. j ;„ ¦« . Ti C-^mntatioa R-n' c aV- ; UaU in s.il , » jvc=T ;i . ^ ' • , of Ircier.i , yit tho SVui. d-i d TTas ir- ifr. - .-: '. ; jras fcti'l on record , that tr fl th-, < &¦;.) ojly co;. p i. :; ut a f..w drops tu the ¦ :-rx:, the eXit^-ion l^ P-:-r.^nt^ v n r.^ i0V.! ' v.j of ¦ " -y go = drunk—until i ri " :—(treh^sixious ch^-.rir.^, vvavii.j of h'.t3, Ha . b.' :ir/'ia fai : Cd -r j>. -, _ -: s~ -i '-» Erc-ars!fti -. ;Iita t«d the assiEsiiutiort - ^^ HiU '^os . '.' .'.I €- '..t :>., ru ::. Th-. .56 -.i-:-J lit 1 , t^L-y^ '.ver«i -.;:«'.rdcrn.i r ¦ Lnt tao p'j l'Kc a- - 1 ; sore as a a .:= '.t, net c-ji-vlrr-u s n,x- ff ¦ by iut'^xi" 'i"i— in eTe ;-' f .'.nc;..'U n- j R-i.-.b c! to bo er.r<,-li«e! ad on -of a corps . f reserve oa waters f tho u -^aa. ^ncrally ^a!:. a vji - - u r--rr Jj been so nuuj»-r-oia "srifiia t£e f a c- T^e ; ex- ' : F-u?-l&ff 8 liita . B^ t it ^''U uuo :j;e:! r^.s . J. L. t:r IV) Ir;; ' ' 1 ^ ¦ .-f.tcrTi.-i.—a pL-rase mean;D? 1' . I' >h dtfcit- . d t! 9 rr '-o-.vu r.-bsh; tliftt , i this y .ie of the TTiiter , a i >..) hi t-.iroiied .>s a R-.psaler , to t?3 a truths of Ua r...;.-;: ; .-..y -tt .ii, a^'i i;- : iox: . few ~ - ¦: :r- K:-:rJtrs cem-c:i*e;i vi'.~ ' tac tracs.vr m" ,!•« wh-- r -a hs foi 1'.-- -uoin ;-:,:; \- ..j 7ti;;i>l- ,10- ) -s¦ . ' " w :V * -- . me . •assed pr,.p-:r:y : 0 u vV.i t n fi in- ' -r! cr ii yinj? iu tv-.-ry battle th. ii . 1 In&h- ' i;i m- irL-g; -vr^ il ani ir^if.irefiiwuici ' Ica-iij i^ ::iiuds am,- . f^i '.•:. ie » . ^:a th- f -rmati - .-n of r »" cf Ir-lina from i:il J^: 3n: ; 5 j ; > ¦ , lf.^.- tl- 0 ; . i :f tho "Injvr s of 5 ' ' ' ¦ - ^< ~ a? ' - -—n 1 to be- tricra thai -p-heie tu. tliausai'df . It .h. V : .j -va/s -j t>m 3.;j! tj I . - . - i au-i 1:. . 1 !¦!' J. I ( ¦ ¦ ¦ x found - - ' of *he xa ~ trcra-t—aiij with there wtrj ty ii 'own thrf rr btfls to I: ' iud. AC tc-.t I fill, is '^>i'J U^pe^lers ce ii b to < " o thtj iarae, , such a so-. -rry as I v.vint < .; r o. i >:s ifll-ilnij 1.-,-^ i * I ~ ii.li : - i in any ot--? ^27. He ri- required T^-ie .Hot. e > to ei* 3 .f the * olh- r exTc .n- rr.:pov;t;-r,? of h.- f4ni,e it? why express th'-'.r t." .-turii.iu ,;, ;1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ( , - ^ fe-*.;, t - ^ la *- X ri vu ci. '. - " >l fsrue• . .;:iil-{.^ru., pi- atur .! \.- .i.r liLill.1W- i' !¦> V- Lt. ;:t iUUOCs' U'. ' c T :'3 w'ssiue br- : btsn :ri ' - .pi! f;irej b'it Huff tu.y V7-.c.:{ g:iii;ej— j^i'v.:-.': ayyuu.su —tais vv. tcc.-?. viiis lilt;,j : to up'-.ol-l i' ? Waa it u' 2 hm-I j.' --. .e p-.o f I - .:* : . h«d u - ., - ,ir • j . ii b» i> ' x ;.: iEit-r^ ^ sn :si ¦ -.:, : • '\i ii_ >, :i:ca o f t 0 :il 1ji all ,j Wi-re gaiue.l by vfBi'-k. It v. .is but I'.lT.o u-sa clamoarioK : let every Whir^vcr t' tis s:.^li i:.se wc sLJi have no , ¦ _ - : ;to - for almost t. coiitu.-v : its ntv-^:i 'y sis prove-] v , ih ' ^ ^j • . dttrr.t-\ r 3 jr~t r.rniVr of -- " b'aeacSal o thtri. .jytE? How l.^tl . Union. • r*.-:i»--:. , aad th.-y j ij l-? - - ' ;- , - ., * i-;y sfcitl ind;- ¦ _ ~ cojjer-t ; nua, i! -_ hct c, la:i- an wtj find ifc:>t i.-iivl w.-s t lioir lri.-'!j :H.! flivo u:j his -,r:'. noil Jr's pipe until hid c-iuntfy mote de- .ra to *K st .m.rjg : : *.ur.t t : - r -'* - Uic ..a a -vie^r v f prjcn::rj; tour Lc t ocUect i»--cn brou^Ltabout ? Er ^I-jhaun .Ttrc r.-'. uniiiforiii'-il -:r- li'tle .s-: rvice '.: .. .-/ , j z> Az:^2 c'-. :ha - its c>:_i ii , Le was vr^.^cU to voK3 npon tb t mi: ject Kj ,:¦ - . ^p^ - 1 J=oit c^- -:ai rJ-.c-T - - " " . b. A n v r t.i.in.-a-i-.l .:-. tfnj,' tr.ru,;-e;l in IfeKnd , same aa n.;.v/ li-itir f^ij.r-}1 . . Ejc' > f-o -.. i'.I cor- ' i'^J lor 3ts se=c-r I rtadin^. -j ia £np]a. , in ^h'.ch kj h.i I ;j, -; j made to c- r,-3 cjim¦ ", 'l.to niiiney—to the Cii irtisla of En^Iant: ; but ii .aily- r.ssiit every c-' .'-t? on- . . - :v. the ?p< -r r s; wiiuu'a, snii be bail ere." .•- ./:, .1 th.it ;.' L. on. I'ro- la; iii ; h.: ,. ;j ii v : ^ ' - ^ C Irif ii At- 5 .v . -G -era:, xr h;i ; t^^ys s ^i.^ t u f hiWi-.v a- corrupt n row !' : would pre...'h ffir t'em—as he p.'O'-i f->r pr i ;> .rii'in n, ue acquir.? :¦.. -' : '. j . h vriil ; r : -" t' y c^n- '^7 M3\r:iA>* CP-awfoxd cpp>?cj the bill • . bo p=t h , ai< B.J E: , no -t. . vaut i:, En^'iatid j-bon'.d r^t 'j ' .' ai;. . -. r l' eny o.ie LjiiJatuic v ^fi;r npo-.i the ' .«: ht be, ;: a.il! bad a r- training p-.;wtv ! Ihjm— ,-viLh tq-;al al.icr'ty tint ho di'. f»r his brother ' tri j -.i ' e w!. •>. ' :. T; r iic.s rr. ' .'.i 1 - . ti.ii.r pl ^.;<..:ily, of c::ri:3 os tjo hi!; or its pr^rnt ncc-^rity, bn;L. i;:-,mtnt before ; 4 ¦ lg£~£ - -- — c--£*- -- "..u^r- a more cei:?"".! Irt-liiit' . iC -. - . -. i Ij skt- i v.ii. t uv<,r tue )-:~-.- c:j ivt). - " 'i - -::i i ;- :i or T- . i- i.r.' - » acco;r i 'isa wh'it " " niai::i y un iae c.-urcs tik-en V y He ;::. - ¦ Ho now t ;• 1 theiu—a d h-j 0-v.ni. '.s <>f E i. iand. Tut- K-^ : \ of tho Union was cs i >i*-it^ ; , '!y. . ; -; " - - -~£ x " as -=?-" ajn - -Uon , wLk:: be sup- G v r:.nr-Lt , b;? r:^ht3 w -is every m.<-.a enti ;•. l i-? V\ • r t::ey ii..t ra'i '.od u j i-a tii-m - us au ( J : j jsx- - on r,' : -.rtcr--r . to jua k i:k n.^-di —S.r H .¦i...-rt t.;ach ;iu Ka^!;a;i l;U'h 4 -aLion. and v..>:ild tn;il all will : .-: .ir& 1^ '.a«. onlj 'no:, i^r wL. cli cxi l- ;>, d ivill - . : ^e rrl-ed .-. nu.:n re-.Ss?a for - '" of y.stiryir.i'iL- coUi£:} •:! -itl-_d to La fr.-3 ; to m ! oru 1; a '..- . "; vl-. t-y conUl -.vviiH ui.ow ¦ l ; :L-3 v*^^ :^!i, 23 t» -. ufcii- b-rr of ¦ ue aj|;i ta: i' push fi)rt;'.".r.: 3 their own cuuse. H ' bo va'.u:l b!'». ^ Bit 5- tact a-it-^.n bad late!? b-:es ih * G •reri.jj ciit , Le J.id pu.- call tbeir owii, ;-.c: rot to bd :iiv. >j t.iv.. - .a la; luu-l of r.- ma nt Jgsc-:- r^-rf-tc ;, SB--J - ' an eany pc-.i-j i prornu o P.-.i-j/.-uiuct — bo ' i aa lie «' oo(1 h.:-fore a mix-id aun-.-.i tl^Ir birth, trj ' j , • , ' oni I ani F .r, •£,;. tr . 1 ~ .f the ca^e r^TiTi}, bv break- ' a7e enly :o rr-^lai' - u. '. S. x->n \ask- vTi^uid than lut sli p tbo d^. a of w.^r. 'I ha t-Lst blo.-d uu^Lcd f.ir c-wma oV-j.ct. He trus. -.- . ' -' : s nn :tr wt" .; the " a:/; G iVcinu:. - .: ha-.l -.o leg lae \7,r. ¦ : Iv.i^lish ' ' You- I- . . i-n ': f . «--v-rjK . b:r r " of t^'t-^s t i Irbh gn?r r^c- s. oss i-^ ;^r«stcM surronntisd TTith J.»isi:I>di . ' l»u>-- • . • (I ;..ur- j .i Ir=.» ::': m.xL; bu thb.i in th.! ' ; on jH ^ E^ widely diSVi^ut fr^ni th ur..ier -wuich ttru/m '.a to dei t-n. tt.b j.ait would be buried in oblivion , a:..l Lh'^t tL-t '•\ ILLIAM G.M.l'I^. ^- ;.:,; " j :: ¦ Bridges c- nris- H, but . ;. ibe pr^-.ri: dered. if the/ du\d to r^ s st < pp: yi-:i ! »; :t. en...-ft tb- . ir i. ,:j) .s. p..\ l - ' efen tbit CB- legis .-.*irn v.vj fcrw..r At iI^t .rouid c -n. - down ti P.irlinnurit , ni 'ht 1T.c7 iih'.uld fct.'il the r >ntruct of u: ..' n bcLv^-.i ; Harm vnv TI .11, May 27th 1S4;! . " " brc-a^Li a.. c- , si-,t1 <>f Uv.ion was to stn: d good , he a_h-J - ,i-o \v - t. o ml.-. :. ¦ L-x -rr : ^: •' - p3rci"^-- z.\ too dear s -tt. Ti i vr . '..:td ^2t !,ti ii^d w.i-:. ,.>4 :h»ui th:it, if sn ;<,;b.. rv , tii'j tw-, 'itrifs, iiiii u7t-r :..£t till their liberLius v, \.^ ¦ lrelaud b3-.l i'.n , l-*,s tu-^-.t-jtct: -.1; jt w.s m-cs-fv-ry U) b-. -i ? Ht« wcui.; rr-ve j - - A c - > u-u jjjj « --- a .:r--~3'isrij .. to the nmaisi-r^-.-T ar:d gen-rr. ' ;- that & 11 ib- r- .,^Y ions h.. b n Uj .- .. .-i 'i '1 Cit'. i en tL«-ni i r it ci-L-^e a po-.. t;r3, m, brinr her r ead ; ta: th.-t iris a ¦R-yrk ri qi " r:nt' a r ; 'l mti i . '.t i. !l j.-- .; - . ." - - .I i-- iiii-d on pr: ~-_ J iiits ; b.: to r-ie. '- s?tii vio'attd; ccq cf t'is toiidi .:->ns «a.i t:Jat v.j q - . ' ..if ay. it i.u-ro •.. .i-j not l. -cu r ¦ " po' .u?—iijv inejs to tfc^ ¦ ^ dhi- ;tuo« bev-vi- . n I-.nvi¦ ;-; • Mr . O Ct'NNOn lh n !t f t tbo room, and was jfjro.H -d . KA:.:rD£N co:>i:- ; l' ., uii .'. t ' o\v >:oxu;:e:«"t. '- par*- - j r' ';--;e, but r^rt-.- j :.- .-!i <:f thusc C'-IboJJc E'aaacif i'.ivn thi'uit.' he rtferre-5 fr. Iu"*; :-jj -I li: .-«! Tr. jkjLi^r I-. .sU 3 , a' d he felr hhns- 2i f tV- ¦who -j !" ': n a^x:ed for and t.Ji r'aj; th. m on in ..iij-. r- with the ,n r.-at"st c-r." :u t*i-..snv by his Irish biitir.xn. : ¦ i: be h^d b-?- but iua J : ;- avCUstjOitd 10 V'oU'oce. to the ca ^i -fwrt ' St. JS;- - ' : . (F.o iii ihe A>j . - .- ' <' v .VjTi : '- -• - ^e th£r should resd a c-cor : ui^s ^ ' ' r-ai' - 'c. pn> .i.i ti be :. ;v>tc i. r . . l .a hit, ad {he ciiai:-uir.n bad E..i-.i , hi" thf.i,hiti 1 .i > ts - L^r:i ^.t^-^i.j f=o £T'-!Vtr. -li as to hsve tb» •; Hi ^ilhirs ' 1 who deci ii . d tb: y w t m.' .ive m\l die for him. i >T » Wns this n« ; ? ii • hi'.I .' vu-'j i .c i.r^od c-f t.. -.. ciy u : u t?i;;t, '.. c ?"/.^ c^utittits Ttre uuitcd mid tb- ' •¦ ' - of th« " "- r L:ni ; ;_1 ibr& ' ¦ ¦ ; if y ' .Mr. V,\\ yy.S h.'. vi:!^ lieen hiudly called for, brv-fl/ Aftfr t'.'.o lipse of twj c- -. ' :'!• = f . .ce tbe d'-r.th cf "7 s-tr-r. r-! " v^ ' - -h ^s e thv..i hsv .- rvtrji lu. bro'-T < f Lw.- a .: iucr.; h-i }ri sfs: ¦ n li' t lj ur^-t : L' li- tsl- i-.ti% - ¦ ' ; ¦ cf x Ci- i-:-'.: :-ts '' Mt. S. Cra-srf-rj - ^r:£- % -- - ; . •" \l.. j mu^s aivj n> t:ri'.o E ;:¦,!.-. . .; . ' a i !r.-. «5"d th mcttipjr , txpres in^ lAt :ipi>rov:;I "ir, .Ham .k-n , -,i -. is ; b w. to v.e rak-jd to -'-; X -- --i iii '- Jv tv .! ¦ • , it \tvUld lva\^ bee hv yrac -.k;-• t .vt-r ..r-sse'l ..-. u ; thu i.Jo «-f •¦ J"hn mo'ui.v. jj,;- h- r- - -^d tb • r.-r a--L3inoasr • .;t •«= . v,-;; J ' ' r.i.\>rnit- .-L . a • .v iL. - . che-. -rs ) 1 i ,:¦„[ -.,- •!. iaio -v j . ; taut c: o :, ¦;¦ ¦ r . ¦ |-. . from izn- j :.. ::: ,ie aj ; ^ r ^ nh.^, .s O Ct, ." i!:sc-..u:' -"\ ani th'n; , ' t the;- .'-iioald n-iver !;13 mT r-ry cr! C.\..ls ,w ti•.- '<{ , v. iure ho, ono of t';e * ¦¦ sai- to I t the tms-L- r nu-'or- s v- ^ovy n:>: _ ;n; up ,-r> > . nt-' i- lit -j s» . v i(. !l ¦ ^j {-!» ts "=" - - ' ^-""^ r TrtM a T.T-~~ o«^I __a* :r ' - " f • *¦' » ii' - ui i uj; ha Wuui,: bay ; ;._ > ;. . .:-g. i^ ^; " ; Uif. •¦«¦ ?¦ ^ - t^- B-'.t wr.eii a j-ew Ari-i3 Act ^as ¦«- ; ¦ ; f"«" .' t tit : : nc'iii. i'e :h-refor-. proposed .:t» ci;. c-i ? ;, i.it-n E^ f i' .^ 'i evt-r n") ' ::cvi, i :c;a!3 aT« ir. -^ •¦ i-troJuced, hs .:;. '! ' cLuvch ovi. £-. . ' oh-.i- jii ii' .- ' j.... j. i'h-y .. .- . • - . id lhat •¦*¦'' d-;y -r - - s^Hii-'t :'. :£• . •:« d;rt-i : > kici ibe l iil crtr. .; iLt- _ '\ • :ift?. tn-MOirj.v to i., .^C a i;. fora ' f ; r O Ci.,,1.- ;!. /Tbr t- Ijf .h- - v ciiet-ra we-rf K'. Vi-:] ! JI-; d<.:c ,}^d i,." '.h dsu iib-itit-s ¦» -..!.... vr.ro .- ..v.J fc;' t':a E-si: T»h :'. r ^lj a f;-i.-r;-i tpj5 b<; =f m;t ' -^ to ' •j." :.i; w; " - ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ H; ::--:_ '-:c-J Lra E.:s . ' 1 Tn)t ; c u '.rr . . T jovt .- . : . , : i t sho Q " - 's in-!;- ; rut if .' . is C"i-.:-.lr;- i. ; - . ¦ 1 -;¦¦('! of ioas. , to.,w7.r, i^r brr^iir ' .a in t. -!nnd _iu I.^arv ' a '. -v hir'i. -Suir.its of '* N• >. " ) il-. bt:5 p. i , '; s VL.r.t ' st rj:--^U3 tlio £. \\-¦'. • c:.tli cor.'.:', :.". T:'.o ct.rcV.ati i> ?s" r-pi- ar s>Ti;path i>> ? V.". -ih-r TTis riOt equal to :he ¦ ; U- - - - ' . ^j- i - E"^:_r ?js its ircp?r linpc * t?>sh , ai i Lis t ir . f- .: ;km in . -i . . . i M n : ,i , ( -a^.i.^ •;. -.;. u.i liquid f._ i .' .:- i- • ¦ i^- - : ?r in the 7ve. ;-f tr^- -: ¦ but ::. o.-ul i-.i; !.i"nt t i; <: .l to b ar ".Ueia drowned in '.Lat l.il. j.'Ct Of !:: :T% t!ll8 Ulfi." '.: WaS Sll 'fe^ '.- i , VO s v . nt C^t.?i^-.: . :.3 the im :.^ : \fcte wjj for 4:f y.- 3 h:vu tried » ¦'• f ; 'Vaii. 1 h' '- " ¦ - r : ¦ ^ .?- . : > c,.ht?3 -^-'. > ^=a to l-f - C a . r.f ir L : ai • _ - in K^ ia.'. . .. r. iv-rj guoJ ine;i in li - t ;V Cj r-V. , al wf E.pjil.Ulb!.!. ; jjs.r = i - vr c-^i.daeJ,e to ice pe-^cc ; ' ¦ bei .v. , •ultima n?o, by L..r- 1' ii^i-iit , '.. '. ii ao .f Ireir.n-'. ? H= .^:\3 pToTci :n Ice.'. Lu-i sort j lie'.* ' - ' :s. C;r ' ; • 1' .':.'¦ iv.'.n- \b >•!, ¦ < - y ;¦ ' : ¦ s -o- r;.' ci b-Ii i > r?n !i^ . vLrr^ -5 r ;^r ti i- " ). fc. li f' -ru h!;u :i;;; r , who r. . .,- 'ir. i i.A.N'Ci' move - ';, ard Mr. V»'hc. l. r rpwii ,!, ! ; to Vc Clf . . i into efi" -. .- •>' ?: . /;i' .:^ ifi' .-lj cf L'.3 eaotr > teal Lord E •? = va^. ucm- l ; ' . a! .t - ' , t .y riusirous to rc v -rr on potion W13 but .".^r f;rji-lnl :i w. i .r.-i . . ; \.\. i nc:i ib:im livl : f.,i < . - ¦ jV^rj: : -2 LT-r? *ri il' re C2 ihc f., C-J . f f;.e ^1. .. 1 " ! . ^ u-,.'.a ibo-i lm rj . 1: i! Vul -) o: »i:;t' .i^s '.o !' . - C •¦;, ,v,.ue- ;ifn ,i; ,a wj i ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " xn s.srT-B r.seu i j' i r2.. ' . . ::n.j,:.:•.: •,-.';; ' • ' y v 3 :i 11 pc;-.itr "i- ;. . . - ¦> •' ¦: L' - t' - ; - a:< ' ^ :; " - - -¦~7^ - 1 f .r L Jurn . , ; :u wjs rr:-: ;.. . : . _ r i * I r; cl.i ' :1 !y ci 3' i • i r Ci- .i;^. i qu:3 of ! .5.\ .liilb;»:.s. '. .« E. i t-C ii^i:.. . - .uiivvir-.) , !<}¦ h-^w ihi> li^u G t :i.k a Q^vt ccz- T'-'.-y bad not be-.. -. r.-;i^.- ^u s" - • ,S- ' ' ¦ ' '• "": r L n i-^-^irci - r is. tnc I .. . • ' . f • > "o i-b- 'i . . -f " j .r--i: ' j \. : i *:•- . O"Ji. 'i:.i •¦ .. . ! ir. t?; K jl L\: JN'o ,7(c/-;i .S','«/- a..d- .L;ti Nation. .r- ' - - -tj L-! j-Si - - -- ^- - - ~- - &.T_in....r: : dri i-u-c by a ficsl: -»i:y. ^ ] , , L . 3 lirf -i^F'an' , «...:.. . Lj^Ix: - . zl\, V-.-:t- E*tr! < . The Irish r~c—' C"t \ ai C^arcb, k-.pt up c '< ' ' iti ^'ar k. 1^;<7 , *.l':it ;i '.C :i "'1 tsc;i 3, n- ¦ - . n , h:ivc> ...c- ji>. . -' re^-Kr.^tlu^s, u.ir --cc_:s, t: * f -.i it 1 Larc»iii r in % ' s>;me oil . ioutl,:.. ^i.o j .i p Lsi proiaotio:: Vis not i.;>t-/' \.w i i:-. po?u <^ f J- ^cj-ing tL.m l:t ' .-.j- s f) f :-. ;- r:'f -racy. ui th I' - -. .in v; :i ¦ • ! v gjrr i:L--r ^r j-.-cts i-c q-iire.i iv-^sla'.i^a ; : u; ' 3 .- . n • fuv l! e i ;.; -. , t :.ty vT ir- .,r. ' in this testin'.ny of th--i»- vcn^.-.: iou f.r ti;c nicniovy Ireland as i'l.partully as in Cans la. C.-r'-'. -K: hoH-- ¦ ' ' ' - ; ' ' - " 1 ' ..^. Was cot the conduct T-ltiaU.l ... 1^:32? D ;. . i . i- — ,' " : .-a l n ' .A-ve.t " ."- 'i: .h-.n. ?-i; ii :i;.;i -' i .-: c'- '^itr;- -:' !. :! HAKJIOXV HALL. i -.-f tLb r- .it ;: j scis-' - - . a W-.nlJ er-. r t-e .tcc'.ed nrhil; i * ¦ jj - triut. ¦ fvtr, tht vh.ii cose, he -R-onld nor go s- far :•,> :¦ -> w:*!:- K.ig, Lo?i?3, aiid C )iura _>i. B : . ' ' oa;- - -. j v-o '•; ." ; ' - 1 ' -r_ -t tf Ir^-nJ Tirr5 ?. *; , -, , -\ : : •: :i.l:^ ht lik • Hi:;.i, i .' ; ;::!.; r i...,. ti :;: ;: ;: i w.i-— < Tue ni ": Ui!:.nt t, ..--Is '. -s of n ].-?z ~- l.' .'k of I\:t ! ud fc e-^" i- Le hc ld bis T .;e f-.,.3i u>p » ¦ ¦ 1 . ^^cond reidis^ uf th' 3-:\. A3 B il , tb.it they l.i ' 1) tn^-.- .u. „ j.ui u. . ;;> .' ,r- ? i.^.i :. )!•: ' j " ' ' ; i.Er'i i-;i: xn. ' ¦ -. f ibe clrrts in Dal -.j Cjii.c. Tee \. ek z.i ' i had 0- • .ic >1 « -i ii ti v , <_ : „.;» : .. . i , ft si?.-, s :c tin f- t-:hi/ ' i. ;.:; :. . . -. . i hy a C i'j>J C^p, jar?: to tbe R-;p a. o-* t>;e I" v;- --- - : ¦ ¦ p ¦ ¦ ¦ ior., he tras .: ?% . to it , I»id tli c-y ii t, de f-.c ' o fay t'-r.t ti\ .r ] • • .. .3 •- :j u - ": r \ i-;w .V - ' ¦: ¦ -}¦ ¦ - v - " it ---- , ¦w.m T-. a~ « - •\ t ' I. :i . f.'.'. u;i t ji- .pY — ( "l:j . • . .£; oi l a iv.:. ..hv: ! . ' , .-f '!.j same :;. .•:;¦::' ! ii . -^r.- -3 ^ i -? s. t= . f_c- /=;.- •'. " /or ;;. -• s s.s •>:" I- ; ¦ " ¦ j 10 THE EDIT On Of 1UE. :-0RTH t;;N STAR. .. ¦ ¦ .-L: t s? ircY. =s ci E-..'V..'d ; r.rd U t :ilt'C3l ? Sii-Ct tL n C- ; -y ii.n l r • • . - ' ."! : y : . .-.•; ¦-" > :.r .•% " '/ • ¦ - . <:. ' : ¦ • * "7 ' tiie lr-2 ir.-;ia-r~-3. .-R- P;? ; ' . .) .; /. t^. j . i : . . ;.. . :. . ..t ;t i1 , :t ii; iji.-td '.v- -/- j :) • <;>:;•... ;•„. -. > . ^tiii\i'i:>n u.:. . in fi» - ; - - ^' ! r- were alternate ": by f -rce -r ¦ :. ' ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ ¦> . the Ext,.-. ^ < G'-v- . ' was it tn. n tr • ~nv-;. frr 3 crcr.t ::. ' -:!, ;., ' • - . i*:-. ' . - i . .• . r knew . vjs f.-r ' \ .-j Ir; > j ;;:,:' Fir --";"' f-^jprt < ; ' -r— n ' 'i^ ^. so:: 'tv t-> ir ¦ ' ] ¦ ' jj ^ . : :-z. If ger=T2::y r.dTrrss to cxnaurJiiJ: ¦ . : t . '/¦ , , z net . >. :• .c.l !/; ! t i^ ' v ! .:. . . ; i ,. .. o to U;ft v«.l^- » - cf TQ'ts-t pet th_ '. .irce fffrctniliy uotrr.; - , >-M e ¦;; ¦• ¦¦ ¦> - ¦ : ¦ ¦ i' .r v- rr ,7 £ic-r.. . to eo r.sticc on firth in c .- _ •, ; ;..' /, rr f' !s ' >1 him. i-. ' .v.l J lV- ' t- -I?" f ?iti-fl f"7 : : v ': f.lf uti<; • .• • 't"f.;1—so nm^h ¦ ¦ C' ' ii ' ¦ - ¦' - - i L.- rcion. as wi'ri,ir^ ibe rre^ch - ¦ r. ^« •.. ._ .ii t::iOU. J. .;! ;:n.i s so l: ofp i .;i ^Tityj, i.^.I < : : ; „; - . • iVa^.^- r.fc tr>r:u-: .u-'j. 3tsi r- - r: '— , ic ic;j,rs ; ^ ; ' .sul « ere t-,htn , h- dlsappro\t-i hv.-h -in v. .: 3 ;-r iT. -u » i«ff " :T; t^ijs j; ; . f ) :¦¦? i . ;¦ ¦' -" " • -« ' 1 •" ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ : i " - " - >-s"-^ c!- i, ;_ . ^-&ji-r>Ltf tbe t"^ " . . . (¦/a Ml ' .: ; hi b d r." r { ?. -:.¦-< vrl-.; : l'. -. ) ;^ V)>' i-.ll ll ;<- (•i'-'»s ?.r.'l ;ii-f-judic f3 th^.t ?iav; h 'f,e-' 'i i: - . - :- . <- , : .. -.t Pi :c-i I! . ' ' . u . .\ .:t . - .- v. a fc ^ <.:2^cv ca rbe ^art Tcr: - p« - ¦ ' ' » " ¦ w ¦ of f'i? -i -i - >;i; - -j = f V- )( - - Vp p. , j- ::- h-j ilut« " ' 1 ¦ ' ~ " } ¦ f oi- :. fl u c !L '•; .: V m; . n .. .: ; , .,::,! ' . ] ; ; . •;. .:U ;;n vft ' . -i rv'-v:> .r !" —md ab .'ly f •.•;::: ' . Ox : , i .- .jii th.; . . " -¦ j . :.:. ' . iV 1 ':. ". C.. i.>j l , dr - '' -T- - ^-'^ - • t -?2 tT::3TTvuIJ » . --. • - ¦ to ; g^.:-.7. t-J C:sst-i.i»Jactioij. Xi-w, :'j to th se ou is . a i-.n'. r-ict v?h -.b li-id ?; .tc ' - "„. ? T. v - ¦;• ' - ' ¦ ¦ ' - - 1 > ¦¦ •' - . -I * ' "j 'T- ' ^- "* \ y : : in , or' . .tj L f <:.' . ( . . . , i,. . .' \: _ i .:). .1 !' , -; -". I.T, foy ;r ;Cr ".-flli rnUt< .1 -9 • . M-l'1 , C'j u ri' (> r.i :ui.- i J> -. .! ;; :; ,r , bsv:i • . i ' ' « i.i . ' .i ii t ' T ot tha j in >j ?¦ - ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^r:. :h- : .-.ie f ?r- i iv- G v;ti ": : h::\ be 3 thj Ir;-:. . i ,p!-j , v re i.k- "i r ¦ in- . :iv. » - 'l\ j. , !: ¦ i: .i. i ii- • " •j.;*"I h w 'h t:i" piis. - it ¦ .'j.:it^i asid i4 '« 1 ¦ ¦ ^ _ . . .» • V'* ll :.t t? ' ..is •_ • T-ct. \z \ f :• ' .is :«.- .. = ¦:-. ;ii . • - . rr ( - :; i :;; 1 r::T • " ' - " ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ' ' 1 t ,- »-'. -f 1h-it F 1.!! r.i?'r-i - r. "t; > v '; ' - - /' l 'it-:r , .y . nr.-i , ^f j c...... j- ; h.' iu p<.'u| > , s'i" ^ > . c u-iU': . > .- « "ri .:ii p.::¦ " . . v,. r , , a. •' .r '.y f :.v.- -o to ' ..a ; „ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1 ; to i- --t ST>!-Ut.- r /'.uni'-'br 1 ' ff-SC-' ^Ca ^- '. I: " - t : i "?¦-: ; - ~7i!i tfc ;r .;.-;. «j c '.i . < in ,• ; . ,;, .v.. 1 c- ' ¦:: - ' ' ¦ ' 'i" ' "- j- tiwj .- - '~ ! ¦ ¦ " - ' ; v : = ; . . ii. .'i i-.^l I ' .-U . iijv ,>, ,._ iu. ti.r.i; :• i'iur c ; ' .rn fi. i /;in r rt u^ .ulj- , liu • ' i . i. ..i.i ,. . i-i.- v-r.. i . .. _ ? r v .j. i. : ¦*: j^i :£V-t' -:-tt c-> r: .'.f I3;._u- « c« s e t'. - r, •¦ ¦ ¦ : . f>.r h b -- -nni-T;t .n h^d i. . - tti tha t thf • - :i -• "'j bis C" ' ""' ' ' ¦ ' •' ¦• •- - r ¦ ' ,; ¦¦¦! ' ¦ ¦¦ ' " " " at ' '• - ¦/; »ii • :.; " . -(; ii.:...... a m 1 n i;\ . • .. nrr-.i ,:,. •! i '. \. '; . ' -ir .' . ¦-: ; . . ! -hull fi ::i i!i?b d- . fiir .!« ;cvrrecti. .i "f i.f;- i ! i i'av> - ' a V: : V ' - . . •" v .- ." :¦.:'. ;ct - -. - : r; h: i - = -! I ^rs .-. ' i rL « e 1 - .s '¦ . r ti , ;. . .at, i- . .up . - - c-;-iT «- :-r ail A-.iniili:y * • " - , > --;ii-r!« i u- 1 ' ¦> ¦ ¦¦ : r; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ a zuC: sr- ur t - r- ;. ar .. tiv.t it t^- not . i;( .:' ; • . - >:. .1 *.; ! f- - . ;< f/-:: • •* T.- . ;t. ' .. :; i, . ..i t u .^ f u . - i !.-i u -. .»r :.u tx1 i-u'-un ' ii ' liat m^y appc:.r t-> th- ri ' .iij > -. -,, ' . ¦ ' - ' i- T' - 5.5 . .1 t : i\:- . n * to i .C I ilcll,. - p' f' .. » u.ji . . : r . y fcr ,. of t ' iiiU- . . . . . -:'. r.i -A ^ ^ f vri-.n 5,T_ i.it:cii CiD-ei he ~ !•¦ .;¦> ¦ - - - - - r ^ ' ~ Lni his c ^l}e iru-.3 i. 1 - —1 it must ' t -a ; i: wrif. •'.it*- '' ! 1 it . uc. .»: \ 20 0:1 ; . '- .I ii ' ! . . .-r • -. - -i..iit-.. tio ; »h'-y s" > ;' >;.s i,t> • ' . e fal lv px- (. n-i'-.o-)" i - .-; . ..v - ' u " "' " ' ^."S XT' r-i-.* ; iE "" 1;— di ' ; ;•'. iinj t: -t th- Upp in th i'. . . , * ii, .i i.!:o ;x .;o wi.icli :. ..U cac .. ;ii r^> nDi^iriv tr^t-d by p.: vi;u' » - ; . T -,- • r » " ( '' ¦ ¦ r ¦ ¦ ; * ^>uon i\A* i !- cvu;>b it .'a-'uld go u i L" .. :? tL'l r.i- bt ' . (u- <; .;:.ui f 'i ;,- .r.j c -i u '. . , -ir - .li . .: : * ¦ 1 :vn i ',;?. i:i f ir!> iri'1nc! il t-. 1-^ka t'lia cmr- -» , ns T ];,i7o ' !. - ' - - j -trrT .V-5 £11 ir ^-d h_ -> hce-i s> . 1, L.-ri C.r- ¦ '.^ , ..r ->;...mi ' s>. - • . tf .ii .,ir:c. S ^-i* - b'-t tcey hao i.aa £ ei!t?i:ii?]y " ¦ ' :» •• p J f l ; , mppur: a by the i;. .-is 2 Tc YVw- v . , >' r. v.\,-e jv,il- -j n ' do:::.; ¦:, ¦jc : ti .- ' i' ' f:.;. f ;iu ' ' -: . p-.9t fortn ' -v . . ''o attend '-j >f u < ' '' -' -, 'vj T-. rj r_: _ - '-v. u- - ttr- h. 'i i t :u < u" th" ' iw* I' th i r tfi: iij;i:i'i. '. f.irfrr ^ rf «;r is rizti. :=- ^ ^i ^;. .ii.li u- I.. ; ^f "¦ f ' ¦¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ O Coniit-ii s .-jif ch i i:i-1 low- red 11 1. - . i> lh" I ua -, "- ' ' ¦ ••-' -> '¦ of tin H«-i ¦ > - -;c:wty. ^.d , .' ¦ " > »:•: ' ' v ' : p . ^h . '.'. . UC " .: > I, , v . is r: :. :, ;,/kii-.' ;vm ii'/ .« th- C . •r"^ il t . f. « nu. . ..•> ji'; tr.i'L f.I tl.. . .:.. •: in t-i . . r.l rf ¦ - ¦ ¦ 1 r ; Tie dtV sti -VT35 Ki-a a^joBrrcJ. at the t>:. t'k Exv.-h;>' Jut y \r , ? to t,, tv. - . -.i-.i. - ,u:i-:l T. .-; . t v :, . • -,- - i J-,, - - ;¦ • - - . -y\'h b--l in<- - i jirc'.k. - . :u t;,o ' ¦ ii; 1 ce ; !^ e ' . I' I^I..ml . . r. y of ch^ . u by ' : :j:i.V ) J y t\; .. - ::; .. . u.e Cj p .. . .a h ¦::• a:3 till: .- f "_Le r"Lac i :ie ; l^isn-i, ni-rSis : Ui- i.: - ¦ : : >ir. O'ConiirJJ f V.ll held rut tha .» iv-j ¦ p. b :ir 1 : .:: ' ¦ y.> j:--j • ' t f H: ;.; :¦, ¦ !.r---c!v f; i" ' , ¦ - ¦ - - -fJ ,.h h;-l r-^ - . . ' oi K ;, : n1. .\ .; ;. ::: . VJ oM ,;- s if thit -- i. i ?.iin!., i >ti the tV:ir>i t'. -r- .es ia -E-r . ; r ^,^=r -i . btrE :• :-=:> ¦> r 4 +t PrctiuuaJ re.' .!i« 3 must be jr r;i! t t l;-r 3:u They l. -id ; :> ¦ : ¦ ho ?. - i-l ;Jv,;s ,: ' l' - " '" »- -.v :i r. • h'-siti-i- •! .i Ply ing r '-n : io jt-'V , ^j. i ' j i - " ; " ' ;ct^ ^i . ' . ; f fi it .. i!y I us : . i wi» .. fiO ' .,onu;:t a , . .^1, :'. • ., « i-a t' .-' f u.lh ^«r . -? cii tr, m - 1 -? uril-oa. Tue }. ^>:cl . ' - 1 1 as in ; ¦ Il rlr tAL ur HIE V.N. O^. h-u) ,*s was t> ^>r co.^f" : j . . ni '. - " ^strut ( ¦ iU-r n^-it;i!^.r U-nn J > i_ u Jin ', . .\ '" r iL <:arJ; .v ,.v -i.i- P= :M l m .; - - 'i w^ra f ' .'igent, »i t^"? _¦?? :>t - 'm . r ': '"i ' ;La f .';j!7i-iij -ii tii-j v>-ju -f L- ru 1;- -i ' , c;n "_iJ2ic a rliUic rr -r—ctisr ^ . .* iasci . :. Iroui <. . i£I tie irss cf O'Connp)!* ¦ ' !)¦ "¦ ; ') •' n,. r ^¦ ¦ ¦ '¦'' .. '.. .- J in cu r ioii/or rear, ' of r-eni ? sp?i-i rj; ht ht-J i-Itd f«r : - :ityyoT.i t o < * u : r o. ". i!V l' jd-.j >; -t • ¦ • -.Ax. -- .y. r.-i \ isv .- . ..i-.y.- .; .-i;- .-> '' ff ::.')ii:?''. • jn't,/ '. lipy lio-iy .r. tbit v r ys-fnt— iie Y " -V V-vTT-2. T- =>- C T1-' , tiorcS tirjC i.tC ' J ¦¦ ¦ ' • l a-r^y and mnjtc' e sc-ctioral r- f-irr-.? , !> > ¦ . nt; 1'. ut nL'k' vnkil vvui- a, i .sourco , : 'ill ;f . -. v/¦ • f.i:^ abi.v.iii . . cur , r-'-- -- .blaii ; anil , !r. . -.:. -i-uier the rrM:" " OS It-c'-.-ri 1 on this .jc -.t cr. T^cdn.r- lir-t ut:: 0 ir.i: -y~-ir>,b that ,.: ¦ ,; .,.;.- v .» . ,¦ ;-V;- : tht.re h' \-f",n 'i'^i' i-i ni -r<> nrifini-ii!:? ' ' it' "j gritvancfi, it \v. .:, t.' i: b lork of ni. .;.' Us . t.q ..s '.ly 't I'j . .!<•; •. l jm " * , ^ nc ¦ i ] i Sfir . :. -: -- " \. ^i or ' i-r G -cr^ -r;3r v-r:-n aistct: US. ; ! ..„.; 1 ' - - ¦;¦ John . a.v ;>en , f*^7 i v^2:c - . - tb City i>i Lomioj ?oh* eal ai;i (.¦mi.t cotiUX rectif y thtm 'xc. ' it; ust -i ai't) l rt-::i u . h; r as li i-i own ; i.u; ;;.,. Ci . thut. p ra i y ¦ .1 Triuiiii:^. u.m tV'ir.^T-nv.'. i.'-it ,f ' -r '., ^vi*K I- '-s > '-:i' - .-."i rr >ny T " ' c :lt E so^'-J ir css- STSs 5n»'j i:. e ' . ; ; " - S^ — " -^> ^ —--. - - &••-ezi -itc lT.i"ffz>.- r.. " unuc'/.n-'ane. C: ztpi or 4d- ritlvc P^v ¦vj -' .t) . la tbrfe t ijya. vxu :\ - ,- k >ml was i:i Ij-' E'i , • ni - " .- . . .(>.j .;.!- . ' ¦ ' - ., .; v:-;i wl thf. v c . ' ¦! f".' n c ' r«"t ":i !.- r a- " ci*- •' .\ftKr an a :!e :.ua : r-jnuous, b-. ": iv!3ucc- ...^r^.l '- :¦ J "--- :: "^i 5 Arms * ^'b a j" < . i.. r tu.-ivii:. . ..:i cnr , " ¦ ¦ v:r- -. -•¦ ¦ ¦ - - - t " th =: as B ' • Ij :^ - I•:¦ ' : i-ui.M. .:i • '. " . 1:.. " - . " - ^ r. .- _ , ; j. L n N- * - t- the t -.a .r vras Uilr-n ll;-.- H al ei i'ghun. i . ^l d kin..v. U: 'v-' v -' »> n i^cinr. wh .1 1!¦•.? w::; ^.:);.-, - ..; », t. ;.; ' t ::o hatu.a.ky ' \l • oi.!:? r uc.s t:.r.' ';'t Vt->. t h. n fvnaed f<-r ittc'i a rur- ir P.irl^r ' i . ,i i b.: jJ. . -• -^'.^ — ¦ v : ¦ ' v " - •$ . .:' y L^ i :i -Jl '., _ " 1 : est f r t tcrac *c s-itj. - - ¦ t.i i;i ¦ > - .i;1 ;;:; , . ti'V v:a cr;-=-tr i to e i?- . - . ifcti andi^nce brirsr romp f- - 'l ur. critan in^ \r^3 cultiraiv-il ' .-n-, . .;.;, <.o be b.:! ii ?!.):.. .;iy :• ¦? !.!)./- ' Liivi ia .u^i- o: »h .;r.iry c -it , ti' " * * ¦ . q'u u : . If i- . . f Ir.l.uj-.l's J ,;.!ti ¦ Mr. 3.sTr> .-"? fr »: f- '» r: ac^ ^r c^ n f f H- rt:!. 2^d C^JC;il5 s!.-;r.i.r.; if . , r h' -b£«.l-aais>-n. T i: ..w.y rc-m f. fh. j -I ' et'cV; - < si , it \.ui,l ! 5, ' > . :u< . .as .V. i It t?j ,1. fcoT 7,-:- , "r." "ri ""¦, ; st to nny p-js wh-> r°r':3 ' an y I ¦ >«>". ' ri- ;" ¦:: ' - Nor;? J --: > -s- u«-> :> •.: 57 'f-^/if 3: ' ' - : ' 1 - ¦ ¦¦s - «- -ck. ..-^ii :;i .:-. - .i U ; -i ; ; . 1-I42. - ^ ^l-.n: *• r Li o clock . ?* . O Censor haT r^ ivr-J, r.^ l;->: I qui.it,:on n- horn-, h- . -f , an i " V , ;i-..ii in . -ki - . by V C . ' ;1. i ' f. if r.\ Cr. i ;:_ . " 1 r-: ': * -juM :... () . . .. '.' - .) vr ;» ,-•: : .? . h. " . . .-:• w , of th,' '" "I'.t i , . ch iq . - • :> ! ; ¦¦A ¦ " ; K': i i"':^:", t-rcT- r . „ r^ct c y of thi^ B> it " - t. • 1 ¦ ¦ ' • •¦ 1 ; ! ' .; nv-- , - v; .i r, .' y p-cn o f'; fi .-!'. t. h: : Lc ;i ;-^=e, - . . .' 't ni.ir< i.rer.i'fj l was th'-re i;i i i! .- Ti . i ::t f"i' t i :;i, «l iii I) .: -:- . -T" :.^; .ti:- " s .iai.l *'. • _ ,en t » !m •; 1 'i'inij r-u i' : '1 " '"1/ in . t':'.' *Yc'r Mor• ;. . .. -\.i . ' . • . , • v«'i. ^E^ Mr ?!UW .-< '}-. Ir* zn\, t a« f^r :ji. - c--i--r, JJ ... . : .. i i.. t-:>i • • :-;'. '., f • • I- f .: - .!' '¦»: » t - .t i.!:-j -i. ' V ol itAh.-Vs .t ti. t ' .v.' ' :u ' 'naliy d ii'. . , in ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ - > ' ' - - ¦ <¦ * -;i£-5- , ^1 T-T'.-t rf-. -.h "I-. - r^. ' ^' i>r^.T, VU --U - . " .? .1 v,:b Hi- Ir cl_i:r:: ;:.n a> - ;i . - X: 'i- n ¦> *> r. ' * .( : i . ' -> r ; ; .:¦ ' i i.i. ¦!;' (i Oc.!'U 1 ' . " c. n.i :f( < f '" .:- . i •• y' j i . 'i h:- - i" r. - 'r.i^, . .. ; Tr : ¦ ¦ p .;, -!, J- . ES : C r ' ' n~ : ?-" tv those v-; .'~ :> -w ¦?• - ; - , » •¦{ • »- ' ' ¦ ' ' * " 1 -a ' . '-"' ¦ ', t" •""'r ' >> -t. ' L. . .• ':, IS , \;.Y\. "5- - - " - - ^ - t lie i * i-r..i: r , .-^ch '-. -s c~;"^ '--d *v? u., luation , i r- , tr .: it.: y faL..uid prt t ;i ' - .r .: .l : .. 1 .! . . -I ' : ji / ,. ' l> /• ''.: i vr- ij ).,-> ' -nIV b' / ' -tl v. c;. ii i'-: ' :> V't'i :n : ' . t ¦ ¦ .. ' ¦ • ' - ' •• * ' ij.-T-r '- :.-, 1«t hc-r -.l :-.. : r-;".v ij >:-^ !: ijr ' r; _i. ~ -w^ff ^j Iri^L.^.3 ¦ ' Cj ¦ ¦ ' ¦ *. -. - ' ,., ; ¦' ¦c | , . ¦ ?¦ ¦ UW X: :-' .;.' .:- i .. . ' pr fr .:•! . . ' - .^y t-i> . jr.O ' ^ T-. i .t "'r wi. .I;.*: be : ild u .' .- ; ',3 V. ti- y sL- ". i t;-. -' ;. • iiv. ^ i . " ... i»'- > ul i'i ii ; j - '. . . ii., :. i . - ti . i i t w i., . - :\ i.uL I. ' . • if inn 'ircc-V' . '.: v.! Tsz.1- 1. -..e rt^er* 'v riscon;_; : ' : ' ¦ *• w-ii-:;!:!: .i..- ',;.- nc\ '... /jl.. :;;::u r . ' 2S;r^ = c^=r >- ^ :?? -/ r . u.. t^. m do v-a. iQe Ti )n . .v ... ii • ?¦ >< •-.] j ;;:-, 1 c.ir ¦! ;¦ • v:.uii:i€ I t. ; V -;r r i".y, '.ii 1 o : i ".f ¦¦ •¦¦? « CI:" 1 > : tot . i ; ! n!.! i I ' . V ^ ii. .. . - . i-.:.->" r-f cteir ^.— n • -»• . . ?. ] - -wisheii t;-^t - ' - " ¦ " ' ¦ : ¦:•> ¦ ("(¦• * ,n i-ir- t - -:i~',y - ; *ii v of ; : ;;. - - ¦:• ¦;. 2* ¦ :b-j l-j r. f- rrc d Ji-^r. ' _,; it w.-i r'.'t tbe fr : :ifi.- ;. anira, C2!;e i,::;; " 1; _. L : . " . ". -it \\ .<.d '.o '.li> . i i-'-.i.- ,-- .17 t- . :. ,uv 'i f- 'i' ¦!. • " ; . tss, ../U v, i>- n 1' i ..o. . :' . . t ' : v _, J.. . , . . C.. : ,v.. - .'i :-l . L >r.i V^.. S. in . . . , ui ¦ Sj ' 1 ¦ 1 ' ' ¦ ¦ ffiSK J .i_At^ ! :3- ..7 Sb? :'. -j; T.,: f'.'T th-ir K'UE- ¦: c ' : ;¦;¦ ¦ - ; I l-ii J v.'iii^fiHV r :¦ . j "": fi - ' ri 'T ¦' t :. ¦'1 " . ;- i ' i.r.'i r -:: . ' -t - n 'ir.iJa r r^> > ':; t y. K_ - Jul Bi>-b'JLS by \i: E ..iWV.i\l'2i. )P ii.i,. J;: 3! b :\ i:i h s :. .-u.; . , . .i ;:- i.i i : . . < ihu 1: ,., ,' <.a :\ ,' t ? f ! . ^ .. . it)'1 ' ;i--T ; .. 2"i; li :...;.;v, '..i y . .. j :i : .t. to ¦ 1 - ti:_- r --' - 1. = -j- cf ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ "-.;¦ ' >¦ • - - i¦: !' iv;.. - 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ; £K tr - : ^ke :- us- f-> da:j of t -t> . a rac!^r-£-r t'- -¦ Xaliocal U;,.-.:: of tb-j %. • ¦;:: i.t'.ir, d-.: ' . ' tbat Ireland ma-.i s j 1,1 ;.li- ov.i • f uj .". . ' . j. i ' j/itiii „• 1 .>. !, . • ;i j:. v.' .y iiM !.a o . ' . )::; •! .Mich : . "Is ; w- .:¦! ! h.':v.t r. t . : I' -. .iiaii:. y i-Tiii h> I :'.!* ^c r.i.ii< o' ^k. v* U " ^ ¦ ' STisf • - r h-r—liuttii cf 23 th*;.e-3-=t aid. oiiy " ;;. / '-p :¦ ' - : i -u ' " ' , . -"i-V--. ' :- ' .•' ! * " ¦• ' ' j. ¦;. 1 . Irri^;:- C.c ^.= , " ;d had r.'-i-' ^ci in tte :!.ar?"':ire c'. -.iej: ; . .^ . :. — 1L2T .- . mast esrry o i r^; . -; . r i"-. . t '•. :.if.i ; ¦u;!i .1 r- .-;;.u. .1 . v. r li i j't \v nii >li .ii,^, '. i> . ' ' . . •. . '. •> i;." ' : .. t . i I ' •! t ao i< .'ion r,. . .ij^-ii ... .. ,: •,.-; :- . ., t ; .i^iiij/ !...: ;i- .-li - . >. i ia ¦ 1 ^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ b t -^een t- 1 I'i.h c-.:a the E - riith l -. t'..f t'me o: f _ but ir a'tir!.t-!, t'bt-y vrouii )v k ..' < m-ciTCS <> '.V. r . f, lie -v&Ui ' s> i (J ¦Is r-. ^-; iv<. i i:i t!: 1- n . • .•- - . .;'...ip ', r1 ^ r i . - . : . . •:¦:.) l wi ./• . . .. .:! tnko iV k.' ' hc- iJJi V. ' (1 -it ii:./Ui.> 1.1 c .v- . . . u .j .i ». . :, anil the c. . ?H£:L -!»-3S p5T?E2 -rd 2t t"-> B il Visld ?~ 1 tbe - * * f n ¦¦ ..f ti; ( . ; :;•).?• v~~-. M" * C'.trcwa Sill, ^L.er tuii .-j in criT:t tc.-rr : n _acc'. .'.ary •:•. U , snu theru i t-»i-r ::ii.. - • n t\- ir .itc iyi:.;• Li; ' i\ ;\ u iiui t. . ..: >iii . ..r ,:ib i- < - .> .> ij tvtry iav . >u ipt'iV.ii:^ -:e ' oc' .- . , vs-, I ; ' :. j at *.L. j. A Vl . y . ;uu)sri.u.i c -ti; t ar.y :.i c^_ .ct^.U j : ^ ^ ¦ ' -: -^ iu « u ' • ¦ '¦" ' ¦ ' •¦ ': ¦ ¦ ¦/ ¦-- - lir r-: ? irrfrdeEt Tee ;; . of t^t. ? :i" lir-ir.'-y from cl3je, as -cr*tary ; or Iriipn-!. 'ic coarse. WLcn iheiaoulLfui of : 1 ..in u; ti ,< },y J' . . j . f y-vii ir; Ii 1 1 ..: .' r t iiml sir 'l orits . .VhjIu ¦¦ lllCr "? ' > 1 ' ' t : ' : •' . ': . .- .' i.r; "i-' ; . .; ^. ^y . . - i , ' w\ - !j -- ¦ ! ¦ " 1 ' " ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ 1 " ; - rr.' -t\ -ftliicb he T-as ? s' L. .:rt ri . :>i: tf JiTcu in c-TSBtf-Ti :. .=•. i! -? ras p;c- : to ih.v tint a :riTt J 1:. :- \v.. 1 , viiit, s-i-i O i ' .iu. .i ? m . . li- 1 ¦ : T i/.t iilili U . . iu HI, 1 .. ; U I ' ntii'll .' .' • .. . nn.v-. 1 r: t .' c.i ' nj an 1 ' • . .!" r ' iiv ' :j ' ¦ " . .1 j ^ ' ^ .. . t ¦ ¦- ¦ • ' ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ • ! lirr .' :. tr;r?, r-<-t f> m tL" t~t.* rf 2.3 tSrCt^Te a "'aciii-itli-n -R-a-* tak r plnco Ltt s-t tii iLn v>vi£\k~ .'j ¦ ; hi i^rivti.' c.t of t-e J i'v—1 . ....• • . > ¦ ¦ . .:.. - i . ) wt.»t <.tL.i\;- \. 1: i . . i r.ivr.iy.-i ' • • m ' :> <: ji.ilioy :¦> ::. r -n:< > v,-i. i fho»p viiiw :tn'i f. = ,"'i.'« - , -\ I i fe>.- f:.e '.' rr ;: lii' p ,n. r-: :. ilr ihe ptiit v-\ .k ^ni ' uni:-i to 1 yn~\ " : ^ ' r) % f ira^ r^.L , ttii frcu. tl.e :X 2 cue i..Siiiiir'r'* -'ii :\- u t-f E^i 'iin-i und Irtb.ni. H.- -irould rcai an th^ bick ;;aa lu.e front, thfc iu?Lt* r.v.. :>.. ,. ¦¦i'j vs «. • ! ibv ( . :v:,ie tbt E'J^iisb : n.5 lii !i- ..-!i , I. t k.v ;- : ';ii!lta.ieous ii 'H' a.-lK .-itf.'! ike uiinds of the li-if^atcs ; 1 .- , 'J f r-r i- ,tT - . > 1« . 0' .. 1 ¦ tf -•*: " »£ The Cr"\ra Sol'c.tcr "who ctn—'.-cct;-- tfc- ex--c: ' yi - I2W ii, ! ' ' • - 1 .. ' ¦¦ - 1 "' 'is fuf " '- '¦ : uf t ' i 1 j i~. r ^. ; f rr-n T- -€ :ic-n . .n Iriih . .y-r posseJsicir the , , if n 'tacktd ..; v . . i . . ". >,, thv-y '.. ^iin rai,, ! * t, ' «\ p iv; but ii ii ii ' u... . ih-j }i j . -:»y i .. a ail')j ie. . .1 'V.i ' v ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : 1 IK-DL-T r.iv- . r. .; :.-' r a o ':'. !y s- - .-a to l'.-ve H3T: • .-¦n'lis st ir^ ns'r 'z-* ttis r; -t tbz jep* ii thi r:.irTi ^¦' ain; (- ¦vroul.l E2J re ;\ ' :i,- v.-h'cu ;.- K " -h • .is " ".Vac ' ; ; ; v. ., !i;¦ • ; ir ' < ¦ ¦1 .-f ;» i:( ¦ • c • ;'i..T' ;« it \T"nM h ¦ p-'i ' • • ' c ce cf t^r .. • :.tr» , no t.-iniiaer to .:i:£ r , . • \ ';crof t s . y \i. ui ! i. oi. i: : ' .t :• ..:.s-. c. ' p , n* •¦• - " - " " ht ¦ - - ; 1 ¦ ¦ v . .^,i.:o iii .w ,j -i. .a-ii-n. err* . rst Ln D- ^ ; kr.-^ =.. - - zlzg ci tl.e pstti—< '. -.' i-.i ui T.- -y. tT'-fi cj r-M:i tfcrr. r.-«d th: r:i*m-rt. t> the c-; qi . .." i;.u .c .- : - O.)Tern- th n. A fri :. i i,f ;.-; . Mv. <: U:! • of M . . :;./, taiA p. - (- v :• ¦ y r. .j i. ' V ' y of rv. . . t < • •; > . I ! v-- . ' f v . - v:. . 1 ^ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ r v- - hi ^2? t r :" foiie- ' *L> ' • >¦ (¦»• ' ¦ ¦ - ' : • . :¦' ' ¦¦ " • ¦ V'i!- ; -, r: 'i ^ ' ' v l 'h \' - - ' ?5r3. 253 tia- - .j .' ev'<-r .•' '.ne Xor:he -r. Star, se '. g'-.r-; ai> txtrnci i?:tnt ~r.= ^. _-inr.irT to r- . It i : its ciiiir.- ; ;\ :x : . : - i:> --ti' tr i t . r '-v. i:- ' . .: . . it' .: ii. ,<_ .A, ' !:. - . ii'. . :' i i t- A V .'i-iON r ¦>: ' L'v.l D -.ii^-i -. n '-'r :;r:i ^or ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ;- i-V.~t~ ci tr~c? rrj - v i-> —"rs rr:ti; - - - ¦ _ :¦ ¦ ' - -> " ; ¦ - ¦ : ' : ' C- .1 - . 'I- . "> 1 t ';¦' ' .¦ U . * . - :dif. !. ' • ;.- r-' - 'i 1 - . - . ;i - ' .TC " " trti -7. f. _ - • r . ?, ~? - rtr ia i: tt-j s. --r ;-i ;V:'w O - C. < ...: ...n < i a!! tli - ..-:. . -i c. is i- t • • •'''¦ u;. c- ' ; tiiu ^ ..::: ! " . i. ,i \- < . , ai.d U : . ii .i.\ . .. Will :- . ' r _; hi iK^y i t ^ . ::1. : lit. ' >¦¦ • -. ; !i « ¦• ¦,¦ ; 1 " ' :¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ' ¦/•'! .-:-7 •¦ ; : ; • '-: -R-iti cT.r; b?cT c: tT . thi . s :i .- T-r. ¦• -a Jj v! -53 th«-y 2' - '». •• .'. i aillht-i:...rt' s, ' rn J. . • .:i 1 ¦' • • \r • • r il , . l ,.' , ,;. , '. 1 • .: c 11. .: » ¦• • : .iv ! , c ' "1 . - . •. -r> a;^ - -.r.l *b'' 1 '.: c^ercs Irriind, u. . -> l ' i '!. - i. K- . _ t ^ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ 1 : ! ' ' .. - , - : ¦ ¦ ¦ ,,. ., ->.¦ - • ; ¦ . - - ••,.;¦! •¦ - , ¦ I'll.-: Camh:i':.j.-: 1 ^ on CoT> i ::: • vo • J inm it "«~ - -.'ie r-rct:ce o: f-.r Or re to h-i>- ?• - •) , t; Ir -L Kvpe- i , r- .:.u v^i' T ii>' - islr-.cu- C ;... '". !»/ - i:-t-"":)in\! ¦ ? ,\ f .- ¦: ' 1, 1 1: I l) t i ' h , rv . o * 1 .i v .. _ v ' . a-.; a'.r i - E " .^h ^o.V:.:-!:ia Tcis L3l r^ .h f • p. . " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ % ' . - -t : ii: . -J h-r ¦ ' v ¦ 1 ' 1 • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦•<; ¦ • - - " - - ¦ ' ..: . . !>. . . :iy i : i ." " . -t : ¦ : ¦ -;;::..; f "_h- ."-' . '/.; r > . •w .s r.r ;v . i v-"h trfc- \J K.: ^Ij : :i. • jtia 'u , -:b , . n .. _ , :it t:.-' ' • ;. I. ! n.- i 1 /-ii- .11 , i. - .. . . i- i - I .: . • . .. : . .;:- . . :.t. :-¦ .• r; . .. . . 1 . 1 ::¦ . ; "> ; . * ; ¦ : : ¦ ., ' ' '- ' . V . j . ;' u ;i ¦ ¦ ; ¦ r ' ¦ i-ir - • • • ' • ¦ '¦ - : . - - ¦ . :: , • I.; :, i ' .; .'- .. hri . . .>C ;i. . i...j: ' _7- ' --=- 1 ; . t. e- - Mi-ij i_n- •^: c ,r . .. ; ' u 5" tv conic" f 1 • i - r - it" t '.i • 1;. tt * ' vr . TC-. . " . \. . v;. „ ii ,. ;-r ' :i b.M 1 ti . c- . 1- , : : •;; ' • V. i >• . ' ']• : 'i' 1 ! —- v ) In lii-t ^ " " > ; .' •: i ¦ •• rrb - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' • ¦-: ¦ i ..LJo is i» .i- ^-. -. - ' .::iy pr.-v<;a. jrr- _. :_ - ^- =5: tir c:.v : .- > : «r .. crrrrc ; ;" : r ;' 1' ' ¦ " - Ts. f T- " .. - > ..s n i:.-.ri r L •-: t" ..t'nei: tr, • iiu, cock of th^ C ••- L.sc .3 -t J K» v ti-i-n , b^ * v. ou. '. -. .' 'th' ti'vn wi ' ..:. 1 ., :.j iiiM! . ' . V-ir •"" - . '" •i ' i * » :.j- ci -'? :.. . ;n ' -: il- . ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ - ~ .- . y £¦;:¦ - . ¦ ¦ ¦> ' ' " ; ¦ - ¦;, ' 1 > • - ,- - . --.vy j .. , ., -»¦ i«- •_ • - ' i;> - -- , - -- . ' ^•^j. ri ! i:-b;!0» h- - i ;i. f ^" t; . . t -he « ' ¦••' L:i f.-t '.tr 1-: ' ', bad ti-i fao' -cr.; v the L':. - .1 u: ;i :L: n «u. ? \. ;..u t .'i- r . -:~ c - : G , .il h;i'i cr- u . t-:. ...; v t. 1 .., , ... .; . - ,;;.. • 1 ,d:. . _ s Tin; . «j' ii';i; Or. "I .lii'.xf. — I • . ¦; •.•n-. -- .-cd 1 ¦ . laD' ¦ ; ¦ l • '• ¦¦ • ' ¦ ' ; ¦ ' - i "¦ ' _ ¦ -tid ,1 h fi-^n -J: L-d- r- ¦ c^;: --y t-id roj _ ,-d t ; to i;»}'r.:'ii '. — of ir^hu- '-v ¦h-y ¦ . Ml.I :i. - -. -. •' ;.¦ v.> t . .»(:' :¦ ;: c. -u- ' v itv.ca ^.' >-. ' h j - - -i- • h rr-j t ¦ ' •• ¦ - Bi: r -J- to this ii : h -: = ^. . etr s* r r. -ti r .i-d io tf '-lr - J a cf O} p:r£>:^n tLi"r -' iL' . . , - . - .•i r,. -i. -. -. ;.. , >v , • :,^: .. i;.li : In.-r' '.-> ' ¦ - ; '¦ r ¦ ¦ ' 11 <¦¦'t ' ' ' ¦ri-i ¦¦ ¦ :; £r S- - *- ~ - - * ' C-"-f-—C8 ; ^~ C S. d r-l t it; f.on ;;; - oti'I m^s: : -_- , by ice- c.-.t vig - " i:*i-3 a" d o >;- tt:>d :; 2 i'it-i-u hcj' t./ L ..j i; ,r- > ¦ -1 : •! h'.j co u -. '.r i'i. . ' i: . - - "'• '( ' ' ' ¦: ' i. .:; ... Lc' 1 . .•) :.' 1 i:.- -. d t-c .'ir-'. [);'.!-.ji; .; : K". < ; ' • ' '¦ ' ¦ ' ;. ? ^ ¦ ¦ : :i :/;;,! •. • «v : -r -^ o.i. r.a-^ - 3j!V'.3 to ^v»S0 J ' ¦ * l •¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ • • ' ¦ ' ' ¦ =--- - ¦- ---; ' ¦ ¦v ¦•ii¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ - ¦ ' '• ¦: ¦ - '¦: ¦ » -, * <- » .:¦: ¦ :., .! . -.-,'; 'ill- ¦ ¦;¦ - - • ' t ' - iz. cf REB -v r.r : a~ . ti.-;: if i: cc-c - ; '.. -> i"\r- r. t>3 u.-t -f . »vo cj\. n *.r>-> ; 'h th .if hf-r p:i;.r;<^ . - " — 'T m i. " . :.ll i.i li h i S>1 t! . .-,1; : . I lli- . . '.! , 11 :., ;. . . : . '.. < \ i. , ?;¦ ' i' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ s. c i^ut. v i .C!0; •' ' lv . 5 -I'; '• ' ' - ' r¦ - ' . i ";¦; ' : ;i r * ai: i ' " -5 ):!'! tL? C-:n ^rs ' .;: tiij-l.'. T- ie v.b> %- >m ',\ \ iJi-tx: yj : !icV u L: T. v.. .e .•• :i it !• .. ' .; ! r IL' frr.. -iu. ;j $. i r.J.ui 1. .1' ..i... ,»,.; ' .) . .. : . ¦., < ..- f . -k- . i u- ti. ..• . -r ' 'c:I- • f "" ' .. . ' i:i r ' ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ •; ¦¦ ' r. - ' - Parlay' idT " .11 -i tii- i_ ri 3lit-;t i-,:; :-^ : fni zaest^ •::" uiiib. " , v - wV' « , • :- - - L" a . " ? H i. trtj :.¦ .- ti • v.!,i) ' t- ¦w' (.: ' ;l , ' , ;. 'I of C.u,. , " } ui, - iim-jt i: i. -. ii c ii '- ' it/, an . : 7-7 < .. Ifrrn -d i :. ' ^ ih.? ^ s ^ re .--:.c-^ f v-? t -eoi ; > v. t?v i:- . •< of c:rc-r cl- — • .'.t a till-- to fu :- i: . si: : . .. " ^ ^ ^ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ - - ' ' - ¦ ~ - ¦' , ,; ::-. -- Er C "-ir.* ": *. J £-50 2t ICis Z'Z.1 '-.CV.:3r la =rnrD' "•rC£2 i - ¦'¦ ir« e-^ii.r- t-d .; ;u w .re 'vji - a: v. n hers cs vtre in txi!- -. : i' ¦ ur ' iv tbe c. .d iuif — y-! fs, Sn.-^' i-f i ! ' ' -. .. )\ -.\ ' 1.0 ' •• -n !. > 'ji.- i .. .tivi; . ••!. ' , t irv, 4 f.jra- .. ,i . .. , l;; -I .: .; -r ,nc : v-' . ; ' . f- ii ¦ ' I.u .:. o; « "5,..-e '.'v of noov « . '.» in I. li. ioa -r I- f. r '" ' ' y- hid n-' t' .'. ' ¦ ¦ ; :-n K~ r » ¦ ¦ - ; ' f ' - 1 " - ¦ ¦ " 1 ' ' - " '.-a b c iijn-ir^il i'D..i. .'iii: . : .« : wo-r i-r k ^rst t. Ti i-i s cistiiiC ,t>a h^:Tr e . -_r : a.'j c-B-=y, Joi;.-. Bui was jhV£..:v » -. -• i w:th V . ;• ; a tos '.: .vt a t me for a hr.o«> t .- e c ' .«t»-i i •' : a b: •• '' - it i- ,ii? M*. , i v., j r, .j t ';v,-i! ', I ' ll C.:ar'. -. : . \ y r.o. r.n'! c ' '.vi . i i . s f f - "i : • ! ' . :- .';-!e mir' ^ ' '. . . . su - 1 uon. 'ji.^'i oil.' , , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ • •¦)' • • ¦; - -: v»?- i> :j:, ' - ¦ : :t Ish.-i- >!- C.i-ic? Lad s.iid , Krpril t!_. Uui:'j ! Ir-- .? in.' and 2 pui' tt.X< . 'J-.r. i;ru ihe 'Jtr on o; rr -o:ii sa- :a- : i wtj ib«- ;! : o." i; t .- <. _ r.\) '»" r. f ? Sse^'Tc tli H-ptiTchj I -rCl H1J p^-33 IQit ^TcTe CD- iriftocracy wLich slrta- y : ".Lla u:a tv rj o;h-rr &i ve .!*- d i'j history wh- *.*¦: r :L,. < ¦was po' - tirtt sli p 7i,iu- J , '- •> thj-' ii..; Jii ' v.i ! ' a.fF.i. ^ ;'.. on , to ieiivo u 7fe- - -- ; j Tin: Fp .kvch p r p f-i sN o 'ha i - ~ ~p3 ? a-tl«ji wi'h i^^ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ v ¦ ¦ (¦ ' ¦: '! (; • ir \ '.;\ \i - - ! -. ftvl r/.'J^4 ! IV" ' h '. -»?£•" «t ¦ 1 " fi~ -2 Ke"t -iT -1 i^ic:fc=r in ' Tesnx. oat in >Itrcla £n ' •:--uEt?y t tter: -! • 2 its j'.; n-cie , wculu v-: : or 1.- birw t:.k.T ' y their bjxon t.:: «fc .- .£ ' ;s to • !¦<•] \- Iho wjy to pp.-t> :i'y. tb:.-: fi 'i' a j..uioa to be f . ce vru I . r-o:: v:s , "'! i' -"-- ;, i' ^ * cj,jur~ , "':'i i- -a---u ' or ¦ ¦ • h- ¦ ti ¦ r ; ' -rihr -u '.- rla^j , woc- d :h? m-tiun ties be , ri: iuaie e-.j-uiI t^tr. for for S.2 . U ion , ere tit 1.1-h P.-.r ' : i-c . was Lri^il * n bns ci :y to -.»:u i' . if, ns a par l y, !! -ii '" . i- ;'it'r^ ::. i / cr - • . U. ;-t liic.l '. !: f J raa ' 1 , ivid b on csptuied by .'h-; f •• -'ir h h ?i £, tho Eitiir ia T- . - ¦was hs redact'" to ilom?. Lei "^ > a ¦ ' We ' - 1' ¦!' .-l i'j -t af..i;'. , :t t-J r:.' f' ¦ •ii;-.' ,ia w;f-« % ^ssri ! «ri-e tvld th^t Irclind an Eo^iisii the Rape:.! and the Cl^r-cr , ar.-i ".rite in tLeii c.-oral l*t:-y U' vir cuuulry ? ]a Ed^'. *ii -inb f Patii';- Ch;;rt!Ptfl v"<-iu i.<;t d <. teri n. . ei! to o j>po<- > every b.' -y Ma i ; i' Ir y , :i. j V. re, off 'Jor- . Tbtre ar* '¦•» ¦'lav- • in Jamaica , • o ¦ rt 1 -i L(: ' - . •=¦ ( ;;t {) -5 ^ % ' E=:t7. et i a jnczii'r-irz of :'re crtat isipirittl c-"r-rtarr- nisjcsty tor ".her. TLe nan:^ ' O C -Eor r-s a E;me r. f-r.t ttl. vuvt^ d for lri!> r% . Wh y. then , fc ' .mld'Ii - r>; <,i u;i^' • ->ry 1- hhI n.'. .ur,' , i\ ;\ i t the K-n. ;ii . Uit t';«ii 'f i ' 1 i! Ci 'i'Vli t^ '• ih-.'t -.L ose r.>g: .C3 canr.u^ inTi b-. -u inU.ndcu 1or ; ¦ 3 ¦ r ; - «• - * ¦ - •¦ l fcp; rut J-j iir-ii-'i; nu diff resi I'-srs for th'.- t^o 's cf Ir .-b •• .=¦; ; L^ iove<1 rnd acts cf 'hat bnt-:. P:iri ;;.:tnt • .nnu ^-^n ? W::y th.j U "'..a -.afne ' r':-j i:p. :. I •:¦ aau .May r> >>-r. tviil it s v!: ', .if c u-.iscl o.' i n:iv : ii". ". 'r f; t ! > i ; j ' ''° •". - fliVCJ . cr-.at in '.i e 3cri K-= ^ " ¦ v 1 1 ' «- j ;,.: ¦ • . to ;;::. '!. lit) M!! >t ' ' toe n! ; i-hii f. ¦• c ~,rr fcr i-^is, jjn T.. ar--i".vtz i^iTitahly s-?i:este-3 the idta ?tneratt-ii the E.^niory of Ail? nr OC eh r , _ d thou^c taouSd they nr.t be i;i:v'-.--c < -'i for bribery ? '1 hey wt .-- wfiiii-: b' t'i - .j li'u;a-' » ty to ;iii | p-;i:t it , iur it .;s a ' r ¦ } Xhk n':Tiv. ov Tin: I.vrn R -por!c- w'-^es o.OOO la l.a.i - ;nov»:er t . .- r a;iy i--p- i ..uc'i . hov.-«er pp.ir,]"':: : * insy ^ f > his d »i ' ;^ ' sxs r '" : i TcT^ lztlcii- ~j evi'vwj"was tita ce nss^rt '.Lat he would never sr._ sd o:: the i:ji.; r':.ifo]!n L'nii n than at pre**-iit. «J an'.irii? it v.. i-o, Tis r. > " u-;-«t M-,,-tv . iivi'i j.. 5.1.1. ii - .iu t in;i> 'stli'.y. \r. ffi- .ii »v! .piit .' r.i ; in . -I- t inurnuv or pit j . ir to marry tlicm a!. ;. v ' : f - v" hi- tc;-. L rJ C_-U- rs2zb. a ir-ii ir v., -waa st the h-2.A < ' ^ow be T. i br.ry all •. :-- *. acrnjc-:ty, the coDaitio". of £r.t!:i:- il wi::-e ut th;.t }.-:r w>d than m O'iJiiiv: t>i- i. '-u r. v. ei. ' ; i. '. >» tu¦: m: j -ct of tti'j ir-jo.; *..- • to i. ?--:-.", -- -1 d:'. ; nr, i i-,e smut r\t ;\llt! (i'i:. fri. h'< \- thts - > Tri'b birr:, yet ¦¦ ' " r ' ¦ ¦ - " :¦> 1 ; ¦ ' i'. ,iu:i -« :- -I..'. ' e to i'.:t-.t av..l 0T(:r.."'.ii3 • .(.tiul'.y Tl tS T ;T.\ L SUMUVI R, •" : f;''W.K'.I-; ' i'V ".I ^-.V,'- js :i5^-v: 7c: ;T_ r. he, tra i a= te had ?reea ::. ¦ Ir'iii usi h? t-us-.-ri tfcit Mr. O J-nr.or -would thro— his i-reseut ? Were ail t:;.= i.' ,7.v-.t. i shov.-u-l ^u:i; .' .'. m y ^ ; ¦ - ¦ ,' . -.if '.. ¦'. no fr,--T ; to ¦ ¦ ¦ t!i:.t ::i-.;. !;- -si.-t hi.. i u 'h. H '.i v.st ha-70 S'v/-c ¦> 'M-.-r. '> . ¦»' Cb vi'tcr, '. •• . 'ii W nal ¦ ¦ r ¦ T-r rcv.: r. .v into the scnis 0: h'5 ' ( t.! -.n .l.j' i " :. :::.i !in ir » i " < .. • ' :' , .it '.r:rie on in ¦ ¦ : ¦¦• .• •..:iio: . .. li > ' i- . ;' .- 'c t!i -». f . ho is a -ie to ;. ¦. - ¦:! ' !; t:. ' . ' £a;»2. -scis n.:-ir .rft» r^v L-.:a C--' - J - w' -h v-hv. " -t lead t '-r STs-t-"i t*_: grriit ircj >i *.y of Englisd, ard not f->r lr-\-j.j ? L»- {; • v ..-, fur :i 1 .ri-.l :. ' •iisM ;L . : vl.' ,<. r ii; ii i? to Jn. lafi<5 . L.iid Mr. - I^i^ t.- . ' -;t ' ;;¦¦ ,. !.)i <' : • i; l-i u:' r'.ii;;iuii s iiouics ce;troy..l durrj f; t ' :o P.> sjh sA l I: occur: -=i ba: c.e r-?t cf the >r.tcte -u szoi^id d< :t-rar.e ur .a— -.7^u-l c?~e< tf. i of tvreiuy ;t-2T3 back. Vn^ tbe c ¦ ¦j'li t L0 im>n fairly tU'cte-; ' v : r.'at l> ;i-M.U b c-'Inl on t" ii:h . L:5 c-nzl7}.^ - : - \y » ' !- >n. : ust then tq-i^i to th-. '.i- !:i ;it ciOi ', i;ii;n ? W.ib 1v h.-ltf .i . :iiid iii:'- 1 f> f a. bhi v.i i.' .r.il, l;el.:iul u iiit bt> u-. - .-ci'r:- , . I'-i >y it-.- hliyh't- !; , . ft iuruui - iiefc. bi-"-. re ^T2S i riw ' s?7ent; ciSK-e*. ^ c^-:r?'. "I- O Cox:-on en r:-ir._- ~ - crreted rr *_h voei ftruas or B^1#: }-Tt. Hit pt.^- ' . j .i ¦ ; ; - r.- . -n .1 ~- - H" rsi-.s: t '¦ ' *. -:-;"iy J rii t!: ¦ "? : ¦ I»^C_O-r=2 hi > ili 3.-ir-j Of rey erieri-d a protest ;•: »t!~ . - --- ~ bats j . «:r 1 f- rar^;.:-. d br ad- the pr;rc r'e of pi -,~rt ¦> ¦ on t>> t-« .^ "u li^ l in Ir'-l.iHtl ' "( •u :' K" r . ; y- j . .nit ; . i; ' ¦lEurr Po-t.— This (ba^lciis o^j i -, t bs of i ' ' ; !' .i :iiltov of ' • ujmivjji -f evtry i.. '.rv i :-a " , to v ;: . *.evrr c , i' -'e' , or &=i x* ii? ^f iL- L^r.-s c-lj- 7" isss^ss TrhicS jjt-j- di^ii tLtiii ^3 I rii":r_... a:.i E -^.i.- hiaen. He .-^lid oniy? He tiu:ted tij >t b_- sn^u lii nve twt-nty yc;i *a plo. W i'wi Uiiv; viiivpy •• '¦>' !- . u!A an-iv« I e ttar of j ; ' v. , ; • .:: '!o .:i . -, l r> ::d:iv r.Ui >rn ''! . i 1 t ' i> ruc^t ' ; ¦ '¦ v ; ¦ ' ^ j B • _ »:e ' j . ' , .j i.Uij -, ? down y rty be. !. -. ,y Li-lms? ; . *-.t must v.vcr i t p.. .d : • ¦ ¦¦ r - F ' «t ilr \z .H ziz. - -.J-^-J ; is i in the Ho:lj cf C-si- he 1-1 z*.i- ~ne& ic-. T£?, h'jn-" rc '. J *h usrnds of j ublic ."frer Ire id was a^^. 1 v ' uu; ^ii'i ^"ou .-i\>.. 'ion. : ' ^-:--- 5.:.-- S. . L_ -n—:.:¦* L.rd 7S~:--z: - r.: — n:---.'--^, b^t n.ver is Ls :if" ^cl : :.ttc-Edtf] ent so prondJy p'-int ra.k, and f-h ow to> " 1 •' •0.7 I r- l;ind tia . t' - -. '. • t i! •' . .i <> . n; v.< v.r.., ,<"• . Ti'ero would rrjt be an n . -i .ty ! f t-o ais-;-i- -ia'j; auo'aj'?; aro 'it. p; *--:'Vjs - ~: n - '¦ ¦ ' ¦ v ' ^¦•i v::j rli hi" crrief. t- t? w.-niJ i?.-i:' j ?b.7T7i r tc- proerejstu Trhtn Ji C a:. - l J -J a j/at:'.e P. -.::. ..•».. nt. I t J,- . - '•] liciii l t " ; Lt mmiJi. .-i/ i it.ip v/itb joy to think tl;;»t , ,;:in c.f y . ii- .;-. I .fi ','.ui, I h . /<.' : •' •! " . S" i'e i ; nc-f —i^iz e c r.- -1 loir «o his ir nt?. He ¦ ' ' ¦ u. ' .' it-v —Li .n Mr r -'in/. ; 3 ' i;- -c (' . ' .•¦.: a'T-. . i 'lc; 1 * i s *' ¦ "^' rff;: vir> '. -jf .1 ¦ " i .: ' -V. ' ! ; :-» i^ - -' - ;t>. r-T.- .-Tiy r^ie-1re- "KT.s in Fonse g- ¦r--' • n ?:.d-.x * > t. • j -u vic niiud thai ll;ou«h bi.r;j ,-i 6!:.v , j e "\'>s liii t-iy to. > i : v. i:.:.;i :' ' ua : i. . i! t^Te iLiTT-r-.*. ihe G^e-^.r: : cr.r : t2 which T-f rh-ap? fc- t ^ 'liL-rN-TlAMi. —0" F. l. ' jy an r.r ' jr '". • • --^- v~j ! -¦ : ; ' (¦ ¦ ' ' ;_ . lj r. 1 w >u, -t t ll t ' -i ''^' -y Pi.r i ; ;• c; '• . ' . r,i i ^o- "" : h_2 ^-?n sa:h - j .^ :;: F vrtis on lj :-Lr;"i3 atsd r. tht-y "w=:e then upl:v ii > '( ju..; , .. in ; ti: - j ;ri' <-i .r W.- it tv bj eri .u: :'1 thai iVi;!C£ K.i-.Tar-i .s I« ..r.d , ti.ni ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ; " ^ - - . t\^ r b:J > a : n: ^. t -Ur. thrLr C' : :: . ' • ' ¦ ¦ , - i 'i¦ . .v.i fr.Ri r" '. . ; •; .si- : ' <¦ Cm ' ' "nT, ¦) : ^- ' " vh it ' t ¦ in p .;.i! ..i ¦•• !• rs'r ! ••!>» a , !:¦• ("¦:¦ : I-¦ rr\ :-. • ' . ::t:>.' ' e - • Kj - - .u;-. Tho Ghaiin^n bs-i pasi .tr»c of tht'.r u. -.bt -c; . f ¦¦».- • •. V* \- >.r c t; tl .: : r v. .«:s pi^v i^; d?'- • v-, nn i ;r 'vh' < ;, ;• -'• •! ¦ ^ v ' ' ; - !. il;- :. i ''¦ '-. : -ii . 'Vi! I i ik.- : ' ,cf \ .'.t in' ;'!.!!! :! '" - ,iij ~ ' V» ! J - ; ¦ , -h3-1 ; ro- i-toppt " it h'-me a-. .'? si -at t: >; r-. r.-;. ii , lrcUn... ii- cb l.i 'i l...' _S'.} -L- h?.. -i:L f r L-^ , P-. ri.ap5 h. ' ¦ . .. -:..;> i -ei hi v . 3h.v>vi-V ' : n -v. (•''¦-;. ') riy £¦;¦ ¦ uV-;r - v. -" :.m v givniE beou t'i Ciii.i .l.'i. f>iu -L;r < 'L.y ' :-r.T. 'tic ii .- ' , -j 'i; r. . "' "?¦' * . 1 ..':• c i 'o • *^5 - ? ' - ' . :' Y-"nr o*-~i j e.-E-vsrar r- n «r. - 'j- -j ^ii L>= ^.OC. fca-i pror-i ciif=-rt .i ;!: ' '. y tfcat .be i rith P..r-.i:.-i.;. nt !iiJ «i.-r '.it f-r. t! -f 11 : Iflv y ^ ' ¦> ¦ • ' ; " -: T-r l , •: e . . ¦ ¦ !¦ ¦ : : ' ¦ Uii ;.- -i^ '>-.-:•: . I ; :[ .' <[< . •!•, • j : :ii -»U i . . -s of : ¦ - :¦ r : - t:m ' c ¦!•; '. i f 'tr' t v- i. - :;>-: . ' rf 'i.i't ;it r vv ii . n tL; ir jat.' !.!. > J;:;.r, '. n f.c" 1/ y i r-vi . u."»'i ;t P. iii.. - hu' '. y Li-. .. \ ir :i .v»-i' :'. !i )> :> i . i f tv - -v '.b''- .; tija-; is n-- 'U^ & ir>r \Tii-;.-T :s^ iY. - !: -- It " S ^t:r ' -^3S ir, iVr-cr. K- fc. - '. 1>-/£D 5r, Eag- n;-^t , f- ir '-he L-.*\ Ci ' :' ¦••a ;' > l :: i ' ' '• ' hrj - t ..v.-n h.r i-im ; I !:- u. c..i^ ' -il nurse fc;ufu :i c\il 'n ^ c:n r.t-7V.._Ui- • ¦• • , • , ' A i....u.. -i tr ," u ' I; i -i;f-i '. 'i v/ '. i v. rs J • * - ¦ : - ; >¦ • ¦ - ' ¦ ; ¦¦ .- .) L ;- . -. • c to,-. -: ji- •'. -. . .. -V-V. _ h^ -' ' " :r :: ; *.^; ret Ir-1 -.r ; ;^ 1S-53 Kir ,sr; t-ir? ^: :. ; ;.: ¦' r->t t'-.-^- n a c:m usr-fv. r- fi.r a T:: :nk-. V- . -. :•• ° '' t . -. . ." •. • ' .-In :) ' cit i ' - : , :-^ :' ' v lb'j Juii.- " . i ' . • y . ¦ ' ' ; ' ' - ' ^ - - - i tJn j , ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦'• • ! -> . . .. •; "v.i; •, I? . . ; *!r.ii " !-<.i , . .i .) - . fi .,, ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :¦¦: ' : No ¦ ! ; i ! i n v, \,,, ) \ .' -. -\. :my rfi; o! " ¦ v,., , - -, i, , « " .7-:- _; " .jc n;.i. " ; .'Ttr 5 : '.^.i3 :• . . ' ! ; - .*v ; 3" :Tf P,-.r, . - . cL .v. ri ' - P.. I' .- . ' . ". 1 .' l-bav. 11 I j ] r ; JV T-fu! t'::it (in od! —rr. 1 *-li -v.i: ' •^i - _ , . ;T: d'.: D:-.M :r. C -stlrr . vi r- * rp._ * .or'. - -he 7-e " E' ' . ¦¦: ¦ " - ¦ ¦ • ¦ r • '" ¦> . ... tn-J . . r c . ; "j ti -.is ¦ ¦ 0 i.' ui j. ;. ">e ' -j ' r:r ;. : ' .!: ¦? > > J L. '. - ¦': . - i: . , in. tva.! of K- ., - , • L^i 1 : - -ne::" (. i '-r i - -* tly 1 y Cf. <.i'z •- E -x- T. r . . . 7 , ¦ ¦ ' - j w 'i'.s* Er.i ¦ ' ¦ ¦; < ¦ ' " i ¦ - '(¦ • ' .• ;io v ' * .; . ' - .. : . / 'i iii ' -• a n;i._ r;:il -.if :•? c . . . '..u- ^ - ¦* ' 1 * ' ;- ¦ •¦: ! , " f 1 ¦; 1 •:• :. '-ouLi. r , tL: s_-y. t;> .- -it y,!.-j- . -i- .. i: .1. i: ii. j-.i - - 1 ,- ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ' : fi " K- lh "' <> ¦ • Fr. -i ' ' r.u'l of i.!s ivi- I .' .—Livap j l Tu:ic • ""?" " - ' ' " ' -T- Ijttt t¦ o: .-?e fn ::¦!. ru r "::. > -f .L-ir ,^ur?, f... -. icas no — ti.iy L'¦ - - ' -n- ¦ : u -' " •: ; " A ~ - ' - ¦ "; lii-j f -wii >,. fii o , tL- iii' .' 4. i .' i!.'.;'. ii/. . cf i s , r.,i^ ofj i ., . ;: •! ¦oc . .' ' / Ax a. MfJGTiva of »n<3 o " iioj -J i. f t : • i -a «i ^« -: :-; - tt;: : ; ¦.= f \1\ tfou^d I n-A her E- the - r --3 .- >n -Kiitrj Le sa-* ? Lj r3ti- -: ! :n fc.:rDt-\ -Kfc--n ; e saw ha'I " ceir . rist rr > p" . i c UT. Cry ^<_ 1: it:"-c r .ii:i« nn 1 s-y ti, 1. «. v.t , ct j ..itlii.: ncrii! in ' l ' ¦ - ¦»- • • : : ?. pr"-'-U' l!, . :i ' i.I !'. "¦ '¦ -. ". •• • ¦¦"• :¦' j ¦ : v- 1 t'.>i ' ^.i -~--: ¦?•!¦>• ¦ • ?¦ he ' iLi irt-uVf. I : '. hi ro-. -'> ' 1). )ir >t s.) usiuis for .vi;-it lie v. .! 8 i:\ - - -.i t-.> . ' , w;' -y : '. .c.! , i-.ii ;\vinf, i-sm- : iy ^=- " ^ ¦;• _ ^h I a h Si/ K i«t? J-f' -i- r-v-i. -=r. : _ ; the r 'Tri ^"ij ; e, tb^t ihcn u Dot :a. ».i\ i. .- . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : - ' ti i- ' » ' ;y . ¦v . . .- . .- . -. i '. v :.. f a-i till. -n ;i . ..l , u ;.:.i , ' n-r -uoj . c ' t;1. , p-. <)• » - - jij l ->T i ' .; . ' . .. : . ¦ •/' , a?'f - ' ' -¦-? 1 : -? ' " \u?ce-l ii m-'- .:v c i -- » W;.^ ^ it r.ot < ;tll;- ifc-v- ". '. ¦I? 1>: 1 i'-t . i • , 'r, t • s :-r \-i.:.t I n; ha.i jc onr.s u Io On ; 1 .ti . to ' s - .^3 t hv.-h sets 2 ?=. .nrt Jr-la: . • r-ive them I'i I:'p;^5 h- I Kt :m :_ . ! ¦ ' : "¦ ¦ 1 ¦¦ - ' « ¦ 1 r,s. l- -.;r without ' i i iv i . . '." *' '¦ •»' li- : tl. "' -Mr-om i ' :>o . ' W- - .-ih-i-r '.h-. r : shai i '> .: tra:.:- a *.I\. : . > < .:. £70 P / £l~E' -I it-. '_ ; " 1 -" • - 7; ; r. T ( •¦ lX' r:i :; tj:-y, ¦»L - - en- is, >h« ' ":•• 1 - - •? titii a'isi^'c./- • 1 :--a: "" ¦;. v. u.-i.- he t'-'T.cr : .!l bi' th pj . . ' rj .mjxici'Uiti. V - I.:: ! ur 1-r costTnn" :e ' ? so ^ .- ILsr tn'th>, " ', uii . v 0 • ' -? ' " ^^ •- - > 1 ¦ ¦- ' ¦ ¦ : t, - ;! (¦ ¦ !. • •« v 01 is so , M-'criy i .v iy y.i • ;o - '.i.' f r. 'I j-.tkbv :i s ,i-t4 .n ¦'¦nuin i-jr tvo d .-: y i .::!'.vi .. .;p .. ; • '. .vi.i : -7s - - -, - -f ' - " •' 1 3 ' th " t.-uuii y, tfe U-e st-^triy c.ii'. i— -p-htn < p -i-iBir of thi ir '¦ - , • Li t v ; luir.ii civ r. to man but to use it ? an*! ¦ ¦ : ^ _. ir^ldit::- . Wh-t-if-cls tbe Csti, .- . = rrsths So :. " TL- }r' ' ° ' " vj ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ ).i>) - Ht- wouli'. •.•¦.: -!1 i i- .)f' ui-: : flio C' ?i 'Ji-.ci m ii !.;t tl..; :.-' . • .tr (if ;u:-j i -U y-. !,- .-.' .' Af:or :;:-:; ir. lie i- '- 'i ' :- -.) '- - : i t .a '-r,i>r-:.1'.he w-ts. ht-;p tj r:. ?- - - fUjprc---' : th" ci'y ? Ami vby -L ou ' ^i wv:« r v 11 to ori>n - « f.Hliiifj- . 'b- ^ ;^ " ''^ ^~"r- b rr.itht tiTe j-i^^c-' : . f it barf U-t:: S -inn rre ?, -. . r .-ss J.i ' ' by •>: ' in ' ¦ - U'1j> ¦ : - r :• ¦•; ' 1 country v.u.sti.o forr.-od * -i lii - .i , a i!-i n^c him ; . " J's^ . "t \ .-..- •!:u vroposiiiou w-i-s r j: ..-:oi ¦; a n^j . „• . 17 *- f =s i« r:-:eiy b- rj»,t; «y- i- - - ' ari ! -k^ v ;-_ ' .-. -i c~ -_ * t;l jc'ji usit s they noi c :r-y th^: lub- - to a t.i V • f tin ir uw:i ? .c . i fr 1. : f v; : i.vc a aiuva. liis ¦ ^ ^n . h-i ka?~ h-rst """.s .-rii.-s 22" .i*-! ir^ '— - ¦ i) - - fii- ' • ; ;;t > ¦ ' fiu- * L-i-' ¦ ¦ " " h"iT. -- .-tii hal's an-1 j 'i sn;;i' t.f i' LTAf- ANT Fr).CSTir.CT- F )R AN AMI'.KI. " LaDV.— "* ~ si *rci:--."c= in s.riy 'h>n ? "!. r-rr o; rurr: c: .k- -i with c«n- c-il u.- 'y ' -- • ^ t-uft ^ ; ftrU.'iqs a. .! C!.:r..... -on his tjv , , ¦ ' jr - 1 v&c—;- ) , ir p-.-;lc'. r-iovtmccv d> m'. n:-' ?-'.ticii th-t i Scx- n P.-.'iia'. f.nt riiil nit h -j^ i- . - :. .- i- <' . ;- , jt (" i:iir;.- bis l ine ytars residence in, VV" fi-: l ,u Mis •• •);¦• ini -. .-j 'i ' a c-r '. -. :; ;>^rJ: ''. i ^ \n Z3^i3 o' thb Vm /. a*^bosd>o . - ti-.' ' , i-a: ^i-:-? t''.-ul.-i, ce th taw ¦ » - •!>;•) ¦ ^s -• ( wora n:id thei'ifore, lli it I .. c:- n bu in ;io ::..i:nn'r ri. . ;v. ;'.• • -• ¦ •¦¦• ¦t J*55^- - : ¦ ii tr .1 r.; ly th e press but the Suve l-:c *i'r t> -n. A ^r^at < ffictr. vrho had flii-^i t'-o :-. . :-.]nl )'o ono I.ad vor hearil bun uuer J i . 'i-i '¦;;:" v . ry pi-jilc- ann-juii'vi^n-. .. . -n . i; - - -' l; ::. tTir.ts i Lu: "Ttr? 7- n sore tb£t 5'.•:• Th-. v w- re t^ Uj '. - ;;. - ' .' > ¦ ¦Pas 13 r - bootl—(shouts of " T^'. .ii. it -; 'u h a.: ' .-:i: ..."i : ; •- , f t 1" ! "' — =i - :¦ -i &7 * th- n; Si'prH>3r ^:.e : there a £tit l.i^ • lii '; f th*: cro?7n , at?-.r;-;d they wtr : " nlici-^ .uitist t>i« C.'iVo.ic Priest i; h- r!:; >s a wld r i- - -. .7 ia tb= r:gh: * YvC hsd -r^ e a dif r. . .t:- was in- 1 ¦ - wi:^.j iniv - ie 'w ii G Jtrurum'. .vi p ^^ to f ub rn - -- —!•:!. :iu-> Ti:t : i w " .; ' ) G ! tVi-b-M he s-h-juM cv f bnvc s...ir Pi Kitfi;; 1- .; ;-s the 1..: -.-, '.?• «• C^.. ifi c-.a, ar.d t .2 ¦ ; ' ¦ •¦ ¦ = ^ 1 r : ¦ : ; - f ;ii«i tb.>!r tlay < f aims ?.- , rase , th-;; : }' h* in '.ro^.u.-ed cv< ry prart c:.l :.; '> •• ¦;. ' ¦" : - "v ' i -^ i w.V: <:; > vvi'ri Iv- .i n ;!>-:- !io ~^-: : Vv <¦: c--cLy ;..^ t us s ca^- rl-»c in ejj I rirh- alii- 5 ? lii tor i'!, riai; th ? Q:ics:ion, tfi-vy rii Uot ri . 'i nuiat !; .>: r coimse! ar-d in ¦ ¦ ;•• • ' f.'i'i ! . " . " ^ ctre -was the Rtgisixatj -i Bll for lir i-A ? srr ^ ~ Tt. ¦u - ¦ i, ' .- : ~y t( :r t!. ;: *'.. f .•? n.an :' .in v crin;;?, tu;.'. • ' 1 -; • i- .j > ;::> i. :. ;- Jj iv • io^jso'l '.hi- p. i< st- '.-C ' - . ie-', |, .... h..j^ Tvi ,!>'-s ui 3i:o.", -ci.n w-re tut? evt r fi-r C'j)(itd > y i:«r ov»ji ei thua:."-;. or z :!. Vut •> ' v. . O Uonn n tbi-n b' ¦ 3P ) !' V'- f^. .-' ^ -^h . L* , 3Ii. j^vison o of ! 7 ^ tj;at j)i>7.- iy. u- i.| tiVi -ry iiiist' .-y t:.:. '.; .ni ;i h'm. ; ~ i Towtd Tent-, aj.c- tUiac i a« >-y Were. J u s^ caking t|-. .5 a. - -r.l.»-- .»rK. . - . : i.; bi.t country, and ixi> :.-SiM b i* j -Iout-uro 'U ^;]»; .'«j- bj of a it*p-vcla >io lap'j '. a:j . .'.l-:: '.>io (J:s- T ^ - -' hiU sli j-ii fxo yr- 'ATS sicce ifn-t be u_ : Ti.- !- . 1. L>- te ar:.i Pct i fcr.' ( { n ¦ . ' ' ik.ilVi - op* Wi i;. r^fn: 1 to .rjj-\i z' ' ii , hj Kit.o.v.lisls. "t- t?:i-;.- ?-, ^irtj&nt ¦^¦p.fe- {- . J - - lic eT-^ . i.g to tLe nir 't- this (YM;: ..:re- . Iv-di . •.Try ing qws'.i. -n , they nm • ti "V v- - rt- i .'unvinced of tl. o n> ci s'ty o* ra- , ro^'.i .f." a 8 -i^ ln£.ra d c f V. r'-ir^: l-i-J. Iu c-'u:ii;g tha: ?.t end ' ¦ r> f 1 ; :•!' • ci -ad P^or ¦ the 1)^~ ' 1: of E uHsLui-u. 'I- ..¦. ii-j rj . Ht- r.j .iced tbat tb« H-'i>e-t h.. i l r.ot h*f;i cu.'ii ; wicl'.. .r.:nU. g tli!- i fl.P' i '-c " . -is .. l h.ivo '-T u'j ri ! ' : , *ot a the L-:on.w , -n hich tad r" one :^ : re ii.E. ht hiu stir- : C -ri^.tute f o: e ct at its.^ '.J ? c .i-^ *L-i >TCbt3 ¦ ; - i.N Cos.«k q"F.\trof t^-^ f:iTrs r. tb" sit i of Z^\ r-rJ thin ¦ '.i¦• ijii'.- .- v. -.tii liru; 1;uti:i'..-s. tc) . arc , i.h .'I sock-;;-' . ;u ;i. • •. ; is if any n;:.! r r?- . h.v: ¦ - ¦ ^^¦i efforts a; the Cofcr*.; l iTieii in ' l uo^,tf..t on Ur c- Id 8:'j < : * \r. t m' hefv .-e , vf l. . Ireland w->s .tt . * '¦ • eotr.ity. lii vva ; v - .iced . • ¦;-¦; r cf r a^y of bi3 a r^, ^::h Peri oirtr , uid Dm O wi'ii-;«t :: ¦ < C-r, «'ii . ;: , 1 . iii : ).,¦ - t::a; Uu- - ¦ • ;. ?Ic¦ rs 1 I-i -o n 's'i r joiccHl that tht- Cimrfv ;• hat ', 'tot h<- ;- n «ct:ii> iici ifV .r y».: ! - ; ~ ¦ " ?-~ ~;.-!irK K»d tie n^tn -who • xprp-Kr'i Kch bcii.i i-a 'K.i 10 \c- s in the nii' i ii . Eow tn-y wou!-i c- u: : , rcve a Repeal of tne . ' of th-rlr -.i;- Lcului i-al !"b-.:u :-crs !' : >-n 8 &. \ v-- -\- _ . 7-, ^. 1 iiy ' -; • H-fwna :1. Tao miijils 'of iho t> .iUpav:. . «j tiie tfi' -it-t t,f on • Chartist cv :•. y »'.Vi r ; r r^:" ' s fjr , - v_n !•• havt, icTt:rir.! it , and have put Dj; &t f• r J: :.. -i« i . v.\:- ^qua isdi.xpvSd^l. .': n-r Dii.. "• • . tiio timo of the B> i-jVind u pwards of 'i'tO hiv-.'rsfn- -- - - ; .i .3 -p- Iri.-h jnorzi::? b?e . sItzjs tq~ : 'Jy c- -n- il hive ' - r '.i cra w, re niari y «-'.p• rv.r t< > , we iridt' on : Ali J.i>L:;.an nevt-r it ft Iris h^v.e, if a gubsit .t-not t>v.j r-iitiiiCfl -we'O now prujwrc-a ; tbo r. emltim; er- frii-iL-x . for I vr.-ul'l Una V ; : M; *s=t^t«f that fceaa ? So, ti;?7 ¦srtre the mcii -srh'-'. o-. f tr-h the Jh.-l. : .j: ob -it tb- ctbt.-, .-J5ii Wtliir^to^ be by proc. J to. work mail th-nr u.-v-i v/a: y: ^. : ^¦¦ ¦TC c^.-Jpeiifcd , jtar-ts. fenoirie ee ar.cl piu7erty,!'a-t w»?l re-. fornieri tbeir i (tern , that they nii^Iit eaab'.dd to taia ts^;ay!< '< ' '; ¦ r^^ '•- '"ttle c^r.t ngfeEt rrT-:22e. tad 01*" r-3 all ?tt usil P -. i r: t < - '•••litre—:Jauj?btt-r and rheers). Thir= c: uid t* oulaineu ; but U'-y ¦ khe iann;'.-- iti Che pari sh are suft r:.u' t;- - " ' i- »<- ruu cf " ce and lioty. Mr. O Coanitr ht.-;? al luii<: d t^ the inimenae i th<>i r wnrhino'- i j^'»'t Iri-iaud d hir pxEfantry to 15- - a r-. -'-r ¦n h.-^ii to wi-r* imnieai3tc: &t:1 ateaaeu l-.y i.iru ne'-.c&sHy, to i-jave their native lsnd v«nience from this stato of afizii-i .—JJunj u>:d Suf- , aid txpe-s- ^ ¦ it inver.t; a, and enquired j In estiuirviing th's onjnivzition , howevar, I ci« r.n!y ** f>oc;'e-i - . (.- th? Bute or P^el : was the Tin- to BW . ; .,w up every year tw-.:.:,/ millions of capital ' numht-r of :i::piDVenieDts latel y ; ¦ f olk Herald. r.iii.toi: 2r,ts of crime. When Sir R. Peel a...... va-.u thit He also showed speak of it as a theay o; ;;'-itri^ti'in: t - <- ' ' 7ii,. .'Ji . *^--s a-a-sei L?rd oc5 .;:75 of t. e Jic :^ , yet been giV^n to id , nor cr.i it :i n ;iil , NlCfcTY AT THE GiLLOWS. — TV:'.C C- -;' f1 POJDe ^ticE « ' i-j4 bsck, U.n^i L-.iT!'i of cwiietitutiiig un unemployed reserve fwi- . ;it disunion.had been kfpt betweeu the Ensrlish aud power l.iis liot 1 -;f e. f ic:er Eo\eTf;?n a^ust repeal ; bet L;. nacrrjs. ^K v.'a tbe l.«cnl horitie8 at thtir ciate<1 sb ill be^om > a«! .- « to the envious old cus'.o'a^iu Aobevi ' " -. a mtn^iii-'ij .u acil kP jr->strrs ti) fa i back upon. T.ns brought him io l:ii>h by mutual jealousies ami fears. Much of Peel 'a; those who have as- ¦ 1 j^^^at occasion, omitted aJ! wb:cb bis late 3Iaj«ty ¦wh: -rj h" frsr-:i W' a!d 1'cd to mischief. Already was the ' ;in wh; profess to - .;t Then | hu ' m ia : ;;ht bestved it' a, •.una. i vU -c: -i \ o' TtT the ff - f iu of over-popuiaticn. He cgrcJ c ntl'ienco lay in tbe btiit-f Vi-rx the Enilisb people umv.-rsal princip' fcu ch tbey to be , •iedtone of ci-ncliailon, trhiie fc\ --c ot' ood ^^- -sLst- 'uliou ; ut w.juiil take no part in the prese -.t Btru?^ '. ; if they »l;tl i —ina notand \\\ tiier.—will vue r.^ .8 oi --nin hsr own uccuru, to marry ^ ^ ^^st : 's Eiessaee -h-3« ) - '-z.j :U. *Ji-m pd vr-'-'a'e. If there wts u:y c.iw " ' '• ' hus ".hai tbtre was a turj,bi3 popu ^ t^d be far at li ui v .l.ijrs in is K ng -g to in in w.is , and they bad B^eii ; ev^ iy in-ivi^uftl will pre:v.TCd ! f'ortuae happened io a r^tiber - that4 s^ ra. of of rieftat, it r.ijh t ! ¦ .. ... -t 1 i .'^t every parian Ireland tfcs,ro a . not, tbt-y ba-i no ears ; be hr.d ro t^at-ao :i;> at Ke 1 ad tiei ihe JTjnse the Qu^n in ths dre a or er l:c j iticn n ¦ more readily to sacrifice his existence \hwx t> ilo an in- j 1400 ; b it. die «irl was lame, a.;id . a 't n.Mv refused , ^W^ : _ :.t uj i.o;>u:aliou . Out cf eTery parish bs -Kuuld pick no voices. If he bad lou&ed n aii-iihatic they must ¦ ^-a'a name -wfcitli eo Min »rer conid deprlfe cit>ar..-1 fresi the Ti> i.~s newjp3ptr. It rm i<^-^ „.'..vs or to peniiit uu irjury to be i. niu to any i sayma; to thij hi-maia * " Ali i c'fiq t -, | • uV-n t-jux rj cf a: p irsitt Tb : Tunes ut s: j state cburth yaiaon ; tbe one locust ' wSiirh have tiikeu him for a poor vindic'n v-; r > ':'. : J an , has than jury to • ' , JtT ->-j»l * rj^: sh-:i;t::! ' cio-r.s ir.Uit yr- - :• •rd John RniscU trat v-.suce innst lx- pcj.«- to Iiclaud. It was no '" Uu Biiipia room far the B.xi to rsDt'e at to i;: ite ear!y port'on of these It -tt- .- -, b^t" :^ ^ * Wben iln-y iaht, he read every tbin^; iutbe p:i»i-rs pertaining tho as i Lave t-V^wa — At a covon orM inq'iesf , "^cnrly held I#:e!lifcn£ilt her desire for a perftct eqnility istfc ; e.e,1ht t' inked G d for ?t. He now trailed l/.st :>r«i:in:nt ap; :5td equally to England. | p'.euiests i"or the Caution. i*»^. .,? that ! ; in ptace ; •¦ subject ; every njght, ere he went to rest, he pruyed . secured to theras-.-lves several of the \ r>d of Eu-:ton--q"..;rj , a was ^i - : Tr° c-CTii -was lrejard' ¦-.ic he o:fcti—^j e, fere a year had passed ->ver— tt_ t Irt- ur--?-i the IU28 avray honest iucd couiii li7-3 hi-e many , i". the naiii'hb')tirhJ Mi »a&r\7* - 5he hid read of Ircls * that at God to shi eld the patriots of bis country. He t.af- ctn -.neipatioa of their fello-w nii.n. Tity tid >a ^^~~^5 fel ccirpeEaation ii.:s«"3 irom proTincial degrad-tion t'< i.ij a they ¦w_uid have the cousoi.iUou of knowing at in eviden ce by a Ke>it-lt;ni>ii o* t-h^ Lf' C..U'i?o of t due for a fi "* •ui> d would ix= ; -whom tha;» as on tho sphere of actiou,; huadred acres of land ; the labour mara3i is ontiv^iy i 1 " ird. pctde. c^> . TJ-.c art'cles in the Tiinta •h" •.ioit of S f.? their bones could rcsi ¦with those , fersd more here if he '* Surgeons, that the deceased , wit d whom h ? was in- j^^ -'It. Shell then drew a p»:et'cal eontra-t K- rational freshness to his heart ihrAr cor.ircnl; and tli&y have among: Utsir nnk - many | denunciation were giving wsj in Hfe, tbey heid most dear. No '* that tbe grt-al btru^cle I but still the nevys cinw with a timat e, was in the habit of ta .i.i'r iaive dO3?.s of ^^*^at he Eopj-oen to bsxe l-een the «spect cf her pruv.-d tht; thr.its acd received th« , of the most skilful and intelligent of tho opsruiive ; *= S^rag that Lord John -wrath of the aris- bv.i conjjnctced , adverse circumstances wire rapjtlly I which nought could destroy. When be fly ' morphia , to d eadea the pi ^ as of ths gon:, %vvth -which iJ^ L-stiBction to Kas- 10 biar':s.j and ehicaacry. Toe in tho i c'^is3e8 of this country. Wbat they low chit r.;quive < J» e^er it wo»; d:e3ppearing. Five or eix mon t hs b-itk he coula not ' news of how Peel's tbre.u wns received ha waa afBie' nd. This produced a meUncho' v de- j S "^ r aspect in atstJicrisiDg Sir R. Peel to Eiate tocracy was equ£i.'y &s great as oy. He id tbat cnpital shrJl be provided in rropottion to the , «* G to bide iu . #ce his -way clear, but when on (,vt.rjSaturday he saw 1 Irish camp, it gave him tho sincerest j pression Oi" spirits, aad teriauii ied t:;us i'atai .y a tad_ edaiaticri. How -was it that the GoTeruBect. tar rrndencc cc-mptaed Iheaj , in a measure, othdr eleiiitiiits f>r ths production of v/caltk, ami tbey ; ' seen the ty of the naronal rent amount to £b'J O ur £'(500, au.l this (O'Connor) was the first to tender the olive branch ; iI most useful life.—It is diffiealt to accoun t for the ^- necessi conciliation asd'libtT- H«- ha -, lead all the articles in the papers, and lat jhta to progiers -^ith a rapidity that | voo ixi the very -worst month in the yea?, *Deu poverty ill feelings he had buried for ever. They must j will then bo enabled tendency that many weil-mloroaad ra'.nds havd to jfjL~ c =g=, c-A r.ot see the necessity of the Eime ' at the izEorano: they Manifested. In tbe Times there '.i astonish all ranks, classes,. ^-cta . aa«J parties, and v^3 Btaring them in the f*eb ; -when be saw this amount tt&e heed to a\\o"w no personal or vindictive feelings to iI sha j seek refuge in tho U3e of temporary an4 m lrdai:d, of \rbicb Canada was theconEterpBrt ? \»ils Buine glib philosopher, some ©xontan or Cssaii; b?>.va bxth -to entirely mkaa- dan^Jtous Be £j any power which creep into their counsels. (Hear.) If England was the i convince them th.it they atEi tc jcs*. finporttd to the office by railroad , -without evtn & chterrully giTen , ha asseited that d raally is d t |i palliatives, when more happy re.-alii, can ba pro- (W? * -tfclck the J11*11 P60?16. to banish I : bo n»ors mistresa of the work% lrelaud had been her cradle, !u-r j ken, not oi ly what human uctcr , an he U* 5eai£I1 knowledge in what latitude Ireland lay, pretending to • -would attempt to invade the Irish people mast hut also cured by efficient modern ch4.ra.icaA iiscovenej. la f^ ' "* c015^1^*-* the Catholic ckrgy.aad to : to nHrse, aud proteetor. They loved the land of their uian-ier in which society can h& beat formed , *s ~* -^niEclTes an • ^at & plan to remedy Ireland's grieTancca. He J than human. They might in their frei zy attempt : this, as in numerous other casei. nad uia suff-irer ll ^ honourable renown and a ttak- chalk determined to render her fr r-e ; y*it the means of eiruply helping theniselvfes most abua- «3B«i«n^. : an air of triumph. " Wiil any rane man \) .'o; their organs might bound on the men of the birth ; they were 1 ' ! only known or ' that well-tested rcme y, B'-iir'rf Gout X '-sfeF, irith aspirations they were taunted with hcin^ j di' iitly to rich un»i precious gifts , '.v ith which i-ae ere- 1TH ¦ l B-peal or the TJnion, wh.u Le sees rorth against the men of tbe south ; bnt be had read for these- holy ' ) and Rheumatic Pda ' his frieuds wouid noc have to fe»^ tie ^iionJfy-Gensrsl for Irekxid) s-ic densaE-J s wbtn 8u< j , ating power of the u:;iverso aic,bi V .-dliy narrounds , S1-2 B r of Ireland are tbret ¦ori-h dJ'.ght, in the Government or.jans, that an Irish- rebels. That which, 'ces&fd l , was patriots , -'- :-•:«be to the authority of Lord Gr-.y c-x i 'hit tii-ci the Union tbe exports l- t-in. A3 iiow«2ver the oporationB o;: '.ue 1 ni? , ..nd deplore his lo.=w. It to A : ;::-.n , wl ether in a green coat or a red, whetfcer with a when deftattd , was rebellion : but tb«y could not bo ' i . J ?p ; ¦rcnli refa the anthv-rity of; knifes gr. etc r than they were before V The blockh'r f-.r produ'.ing profi-.a' ie i-etiilts ?' < -.t j IiiMORTALiTT.—"Competitors for famo have stras- Ji, at be to tht Bboulder. n the dtfea td. Tbe fiat of the nation had i>ono forth ; she j thu other means r' ^*•" - ¦un ^-if. v?s en ttt ken^irg ttat the period rJlades popula- frhii lsleti in his hand or a muiir-t on his ' payment of :i ' . ; --^^eif huwia p^l '- A former Arms Act ! nut was had risen frnm the tomb of apathy ; she had calcu- 1 wl;l b-? jointd with it, will allow of tue sled and pLytid their par- s n»m tH ^ ia it ' of -was ¦ n!j three millions, an X iL-.t it is day cf bis country's troub!«. never forgot that be il ' ' Tf2^ ; a^5' :? 1SS8 ; was reE€S€i: by tL-s te Irtl.ti.--1 tt-y sirfcaptb . f:au bt-r J' , and ii^w i^t«rpst, tbf.-re can '• • l. -.t.t c' ou^ i ' tu " o\piui li f'o, cacti wi: i on.' yvg r> 'lt >i\iM\-xr.2 oVr .-/ , the acm-:--of ti^ir -.h - >r -- , tt. -y h%v-e uu;. - fo- ^^ ^ j . grpen-coated, had come to Uie d^tertuiunU^u ' :°< ^. : fc •¦ •: i- .Tt- < times as n;ucb ?s tiirtL i.-^ae. t-xc-p;i^n against thnye etv. - -dropping, j " - - - - h(»wev>; fef 7." -' c"'- °- ii3 stages ; and La not r e cf »Jt.cf &-tl w::r is > .u «>«warik. T; a-5 it. . ^ ¦"•taiity, r, S r of :» ' i- h ' t- ** 3. :l.)*- -::!TDr-"-»ip police . wLwn, t. . •:n in lrv 'a -d , from t-lavo !-aou!d tect-attj U '. Uiud of liberly. ' ^ > -"J Hing; ££a:ni: that - B=-t v.Lt -:. i.:- if-e vrc-perfT • - ¦ « ¦ i. uuu-r-;i' il. Tv rv:>4r ;. > .-a:>>; 5tura'. -.-;iy :md hi^, ..V , - '^7 a e ^ord v - " ^- :>¦ ' 1 It appeared 1 cheerin*;.) At. O'Cc-rii •¦ 'Man ulv.-:- ,. -.^ . - •: f '" ". u- . . : i. i?i> 'i ':= m-! ,: : tbei r L'-iionu, he b<= a eL: : * < r.--d C csi "• r" - ¦ ' - ¦ ' ' : ¦¦ ' ' " c '^ticn wiich hs aw .*o -v r - j .. i: r:> ? If Eiir.l!^r. ¦ " ¦ ;.;;-. ..l i !..:.».. :-.- '. : ¦•' . 1 >: - '. ¦(! aiv1 s -:M •x -!_a , ' b:.1. v iro ii- .'p- Ti. ' iv a-ji. t and un^ssn- fe£2 *?- -!T - ^ ¦ ; ! - -ri tl c- p?.i> crs ; s. ' r-pr-CT-1 of the (•h(ti>i \..::.: vntkly ... its iu t.;p i. - . .^v ( . :¦ . . ; . ' " '" • ' • -.. _ ' ¦ -r r :'. wcM 1 " rx ntut ... • 1 . - . . '.hut ere (f h>- • .vi-.-r ' ' ¦ "- ¦¦ ! * . " : : ba- tij --? - ' .i. Inisso be been*- s ir- -ji.ic: < • . . r t ~ . .1 ;¦ tt.tli r- -,u\ f.. th'; ... >"¦; . ¦; jo-.: -: . i ' ... .. r ct if p..an ' .ui -i«iis U" . ' s- «•' '^ f - -i -3^ iiKo ^- ' ; ; v ¦ - ¦ ¦ :;.:>. . f fcuil ft In >rt iu:; ;riil=- Ci c.i ' . iu ti:e 11 i, ' ici iicn, a..n i.i. .. i.o './i. a :.:uf i inv, " ' *** ¦ ¦ ; h; t • • - 1" -' - - " ' ---- *'¦ " ' C.^idy . c"v.K ^ ¦; ' 'r ¦ L ' ' ¦-¦ . " ' --' 1-*; -ai^iu thvt (i. «-?': - .-• :: . -i: Ji .- - • • i» .- - - = - t.. 1; .:. f n .i S . . :.. . ° - ' ' ¦ * ' *¦• i. : vi- i 'l :h - rr -- I ViR, . '. - .: i y 00 . h't pOV HI "ho Js*?. .^. ¦ " * " : ; .... t; if tL'" narii.? o f -ri. »r{...) ij«ss> ' .¦ ' if « , UVli-f ' • - >- a .!j'p-jii * . . '' : ...... v . . .- , - -: r. t* '. " - . -n in:-.;-. ' < \> '- - Pcip < ' -' i T ¦ ¦ ' ' ''¦ ¦ *U - r 15,. ,^ --- tf-iOix. Sil- :: i'- i U.r v- '.. -^ ' 1 ' >vh'.. \ !; i,... - .:• . • • - ' ' 1) ' -^ >v*: :ing (\r ^/i,n •: :-. his i- . : •' i> ""V- --" v.' uiiv! h.* '"y '. ' ' ..jjjs to - s:n; "t :f .- - - . - . : :s p a 1! ??- ! : i- . ,-ii r.-, !; > . -\-. . r. J :At. ?>I'CAi::ii v si- c /.vc i : a ^ t ~ " U" " ¦ ' • ¦ ' --'- " • : ^ V • ' :e ttoj..^ • .:• S. . ¦ ¦ : ¦• ' ¦ ; - . ' -J 1 HiH.rs, t p-tU JjV^ 1-TS X. =- ...... - -:- 'U-*w - ' • : ¦ ii i - - ' ¦: ul '•-. '. .- J r-f r ;. -' i;r r?fi- :;, .i. ' • ¦< -::ii j. - - . • m -y . < . -u on t ' "\\'iti'_ Vaind li - . -- ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ ; 'L' ¦ '1 1 ¦ ' - tv- f .. • '•:- :-V:. U v. 1 ..v . c s , ur. ' '!. . . " : ¦ -, - 1 n " vt- i • '-' - ..;- ." . - ' -"--I * \i \ • T < ;' :. ' t ' C •!• H.i ^: - ; " ¦ ¦ ' " '¦ ¦- - ~ - , . V - ' ¦ • -'' - • ¦ ( ' '-it ', 'i '• v- ' -,^ r.ir«s fc-v- - 1^11. *.ir > . O -- . ' ' ' ¦ N - •¦•¦ *'.n <1 vi -u- . ' - ' t: «v .. - 'Tt . : . :.:i i iV i . ' ,'*! a , . , 1. :^ ,v ' ' i -V> r e n - . -js-..i. o ' •! ?hon- * ¦ - ¦ •¦ ¦' ¦:¦>' 1- - , .lv. V.i. ujiuVK i «\«. 1 i ki. • i. nl r : " : - - ¦ • ¦ - .. . ' • - - - O<- : -T-. ana P-a:s-.n , en 4> (-;:¦> . . "- . . O'l tLat ' ' V _: l - " ' "" - T A--- i-\ :\:> t r>";- .» - itrr^ , -, v ' - ;t- ' ¦ - ' ¦) ¦,.!¦; - Ti " t&i^, - . . ¦ , Kfci taltr il ' aUcsH of cotsi .¦. ' . ' -. iv n;/.h. -'.ip- -Mi ui.'re v^p-.c':; :j ion _. cx'-r:uii-.llon which SiVJ'.o, " ' ~ i- ;;. -I •. i» h i <-T - :¦• ' i {;\ ii Cassi ;> tt-d ioiccu the t ^iiTci aaU^i ii v,;Q -Ta, tind lie , au '" ~ " -' T -'^f : ",l~". 7? -s ;^o j i_.v.? zY Mi to ' rh- N ^r-'jarsvti; . i ' i' I q THE NORTHERN STAR, to miles *o be present. The people of the King's and arousbc , perhaps I ou^ht take this opportunity Tho next resolution embodied the sentimen t, that Britain and Ireland, I found before me your letter j " Secretary's Office, Four Courts Q j sen's count' es, of Limerick, Clare, and Gahvay, of giving it iu detail. I want to get three hundred nothing but Repeal could restore Ireland to tha of the 23rd. instant. For the terms of civility in I Dublin, May 23, 1843 ' IRELAKP . , enjoy which that letter is couched I owe you Sir, and I were present there, and no less than 1 000 boats gentlemen who shall public confidence by bring- position in which she should stand. It wa3 moved , My Lord,—I have the honour to ackaowUJ™ OF REPEAL. freighted with human beings crowded the Shannon in one hundred pounds each, and that willjy teld a sum by Mr. Carberry, and seconded by the Very Rev. hereby offer you, my best thanks. your Lordship's letter of the 19th instant PROGRESS last mentioned counties. The platform of thirty thousand pounds, as a Dean Farrelly. " I would not willingly^ be exceeded by you in statin CORK. from the two fund to pay the ex- that it was your intention to attend the repeal was capable of containing five hundred persons, and penses which may bo incurred. The moment the money The several movers and seconders of the resolu- courtesy, and I beg of you to believe that, if in the ing at Cultra, as well as that which m** meeting, held on Tuesday, Francis performance of a sacred duty I should use any ex- ia to h* hSrt i« At the Cork was crowded by at least that number. About is delivered their functions cease, in point of law, tions spoke to them at considerable length, and the Athlone, and I am directed by the Lord ChancS B. Eamish, major, was called .o the chair , and &3 ' , Mr. Patrick Fogarty, of and they must declare they were not substance of their. observations was, briefly, that pression of a harsh nature—which I shall studiously platform with half-past three o clock acting as a to iuform your Lordship that he regrets he has f-u the Liberator took his place on the Cabra Castle, was called to the chair amid the accla- delegate or representative for any person , and that they would never rest content until Repeal was endeavour to avoid—it is not my intention to say it his duty to direct your , nothing could surpass the Lordship to be supersede! E. B. Roche, Esq., M.K mations of the meeting. they did not assume such a character. That done, achieved, no matter how great and extensive the anything personally offensive. But that duty obliges i as a magistrate for the county of declarations of applause. When Alder- , Gal way n v enthusiastic The Rev. Mr. Scaslan, Catholic curate, rsenagh they must get a receipt for the money, and go other concessions might be which the Government me to declare that as the restoration of the Irish been his earnest desire not to interfere Daniel Murphy, and his brjtner, Nicholas should choose to make. Parliament is an event, in my judgment, not remote withth man said, that a resolution had been put into his hands, homo ; and I'll be at liberty freely to ask 300 to , expression of opinion by any magistrates in Murphy. E?q-, were recognised on the platform, they , the Liberator meet me in the lower room at the The Rev. Mr. M'Aveb, parish priest, proposed I will avail myself of the opportunity afforded by a fara^ which was," that Daniel O'Connell Corn Exchange, I of repeal, although from his first arrival herehf •were Tc-hemeutly cheered. of Ireland, and the strenuous advocate of freedom , and when we meet, I see no difficulty in forming a tho next resolution, which was to the effect that Dr. s*at in tho Irish House of Commons -to rriove for the deemed it inconsistent with the AIator, on taking the chair, came forward impeachment of the present Lord Chancellor for determination of W Tiie was entitled to the unlimited confidence and un- Conciliation Society next day, for depend on it, as Higgins, their venerated and beloved Bishop, was Majesty's Governnment to uphold the union amidst loud bursts of applause, and said :—I have, —(cheers). sure as you sit there you will have entitled to the gratitude of tho clergy and laity presuming to interfere with the subject's dearest and betwe^ , taken the chair bounded gratitude of the Irish people" geutlemen of Great Britain and Ireland, to appoint aa a in compliance with the requisition He had great pleasure in moving the rrsolutton having a high notion of themselves exceeding l y the county of Longford , for the determined and most precious right—the right of petitioning Parlia- trute any penon pledged Ma^" f t your meeting on this day ; and, in taking the expressly declared to the repeal of that Union which was confided to his care, and at the same anxious to make one of the 300—(hear , hear). And charitable manner in which he advocated the cause ment—a right to belong to the Her Majesty 's Government having recently chair, 1 hope I will bo excused when I candidl y time to hand to the Liberator of his country £65 now I come back to the position that it is impossible of Repeal, and that while he enjoyed the confidence people as one of * the trae, ancient, and indubitable declawH tha: I am not to be considered bound by in both Houses of Parliament their fixed determinsT tell you a3 a portion of the contribution from the district of to press the bill for Repeal in the House of Lords. of his people, he could hurl defiance at those self- rights and liberties of tho people of this realm.' I ; tion to maintain the Union, it any resolutions passed at thi? mc-eiing. I do not for use the words of the statute, which, it should be re- becomes the duty of Nenagh—(cheers). One threat from France, or America, or Russia interested and trading politicians who had the inso- the members of the Government to support a moment raean to contend for the value or goodnes3 Peel say to would frighten them—(a laugh). lence to censure his Lerd&hi p'sj political conduct. membered , settles the succession of the Crown upon 1 that to be considered Mr. O'Co.NsrLL—What will Bobby Look at tho con- declaration. The allegation that the numeros! of those reso]u:ioB5 : but I am not tha^ ?— (cheers). duct of the British Parliamen t in 1778. Before the The Rev. Gentleman , in proposing the above resolu- the basis of those rights and liberties of the subject. concurring in all that I may put from the chair : repeal meetings are not illegal does not d'amiUh as Mr. O'Con>ell, of Ennis, then presented himself, battle of Saratoga the Americans were provincials ; tion , adverted to the assertion of the Earl of Wick- Her Majesty 's title, therefore, to the throne, is based their inevitable tendency to outrage for the approva l of the meeting. and , low, that Dr. Higgins was an upon the right of petition ; and the statute ex- ; and couaidpT and was received with loud cheers. He w ould not , indeed they were firs t called rebels. When obscure person , and ; ing the subject in all its bearings, it is the Mr. E. B. Roche, M.P., on coming forward to , as he knew they Burgoyr.e was sent against General Gates, tho stated that if that prelate hid attended the Castle as pressly declares—' That all commitments and pro- ouimoa lt vehemently cheered. take up their time or attention j the Lord Chancellor that suchmeetings are not propose ihe first resolution, was came there to hear the Liberator of Ireland, but latter was designated a " fitorehousc-keeper," but others in a similar position had done, such an secutions for such petitioning are illegal.' The j spirit of the in tha He said :—Whal brought them there—(cries of constitution, and may become dan^eron* 53 all he would say was, that from Carrigaholt to Kil- when he shut the great English general up in his unfounded assertion respecting him would not have deprivation of the commission of the peace may I to the safety of the state. It is necessary, " Tbe Repeal )? The Repeal, the whole Repeal, di spised—for shop and turned the key, then , been made. not be technically a prosecution. But it is intended therefore laloa the threat of Peel was the Americans that the Government should be able to place a firm and nothing DBt ihe Rvp?al—(deafening che*rs). instead of *' rebels" and " provincials" were called The vote of thanks to Dr. Higgins was seconded as a punishment ; aud punishment without prose- liance on the re Let that shout Ting from the Giant's Ca.u5-~way to " Let the recreant yield watchfulness and determination ofthn Who feared to die." " enemy," and then tho army—the " ene my 's and carried by acclamation. cution would mako tho act of tho Lord Chancellor magistracy to preserve the public peace. Cape Clear, and let Peel and Wellington take their army —(hear hear Dr. Hisgins, in returning thanks, said onl y the more criminal. I mean to insist—and I A maas Mr. O'Connell then presented himself, and was " , , and a laugh). In the same , that his j trate who presides over, or forms a part of tea out of it—{laughter and cheer?). They called year Paddy asked for free trade, or else ¦ , Rev. Friend , Mr. M'Aver, had given utterance to a think the argument will have woight with an Irish ; such a that the pecple were anxious received with tha most enthusiastic cheering we meeting, caa neither be prepared to repress violence this sedhion—they said 7 and free trade was given— (cheers). In 1702 the sentiment which might , by possibility, be liable to Parliament, freely and fairly elected—that the act ' nor could he be for rebellion—(eries of " no, no' )—no—and tha: ever heard. As soon as silence was restored, he expected to act against a body ftS It piid—No in the world save Ireland—no Volunteers called for the independence of the Iri^h misconstruction. The language which his Rev. of the Chancellor necessarily endangers the stabi- whose offences he would himself was what Yexed the villains—Usu^hitr). was country Legislature, or else , Friend had used was strong, but he was at the same lity of the Throne and tho security of the, connection, ¦ be responsible country but Ireland could produce such physical \\ hen the hint was taken by ; To such persons the preservation of the publ c they who were seditious—it was Peel and Welling- the British Parliatrent ,whogranted the independence timo honest 'i his purpose ; but proud as he (Dr. between both countries. pea(» , and Brougham,by n^ing the force, combined with the most perfect tranquillity , ! during the present agitation cannot be safel y in ton who were seditious r and might with so little inclina- Fought for. In 1702 , when Bill y Egan presented a pe- Higgins) Ha- of possessing tho confidence and love " The commission of the peace is of very small trusted. Your Lordship' Queen's name against the p-.ople of Ireland— —so much pow. , oftho peiple, he would forfeit them , and lay importance to me, who never aeied more than once j b determination t& .presid« tion to uso it badiy—(kud cheers). No country tition for the Catholic claims, it was on the motion down , over such a meeting, immediately after the (cheers). The Hon. Gentlercdn ihm went ou 10 de- of Mr. Labouchero, member for Kildare, kick* d his unworthy lifo also, rather than that :t should be u nder that commission. But, tho principle upau deekra quities of the Utioa , ru^d sai d :ha; the couid exhibit the human for m in such gigantic I tions in Parliament, proves to the Lord Chancellor ssribe ilie ini out of the house ; but in tho pauio year Dumourier for a moment supposed that he entertained any but which the Chancellor acts I utter y protest against, that the timo has arrived for people would attack nobody, prs seco^-Jed tnv resolution. Nat a single act oi riot or violence would , however, me to say that it is in no Flight degree absurd to sion of the peace would be to afford the power of the be committed by that vast multitude— Coud cries Government gaw the Irish Catholics a boon . The he went there in pursuanco of the most noblo and Crown to the carry ing of a measure " The Rev. Johs Faitzt proposed the ^.eond reso- history of Great Britain is full of such examples. charitable purpwsea. He (Dr. Ilig^ins) never went allege that these meetings ' have an inevitabl e tea- . winch W Mubpht , jia., of " No, no.") If they had a mind to piease Brere- Majesty has, like her predecessor, expressed lution, which was seconded by Jas. men shot last , When John Buil is terrified he is an exceedingly to the Castle himself , and boasted on ly of being the dency to outrage ! ! !' Wh y meetings have been determination to her Esq , of Mid die ton. ton, one of who^e another night they a,a held— as everybody in Ireland knows 1\ prevent. This view of the ca*e to would com riot—(a laugh). Hew thankful the persuadable person ; bnt suppose he continues proud humble chief of humble priesthood , who, however , or ought to wh»ch the step taken by your Lordship Aiderm-ui Fag^n rose propose the third resolu- mit a and obstinate, he has the question of the Scotch humble, at least pos.-ess.:d tho confidence of the know, as numerousl y—aye , and as peaceably—be- has forced , grea; chetrins. After party would be that they knocked down a man, that | upon the attention of the Lord Chancellor, will com- tion and was hailed wirh of Church on bis hand?—an insurrection in Wales, and people—(cheers). He felt that , although he was not fore the passing of the Emancipation Act as during !; pel him at oace to addressing the meeting at.some -leciTth , ^lr. Fasan he ni'ght be brought up before twenty tailors the present . Repeal agitatio n. supersede any other magistrates was maj>i?Tate3 acting at petty sessions—(cheers and distress and destitution gnawing his own vitals— an old man, the grave was uot many years distant There have been who, since the declarations in Parliament moved the resolution , which he ^aid u finaneial (hear), He is just now, I promise you, in a bit of a from h i m, and that that day woult.00.0D0 to Ireland , tamed emancipation , we had not the advantage of self that while he had an idea in his head, or a drop can havo ' an inevitable tendency ' to outrage, with- public tran- and therefore, in the event of a change, they mim noses to see how many are present, and count his quillity, and oppose the Repeal movement, still own as fast as he pleased. They came there to tho English finances being deranged , or a smothered of blood in his veinsj ho would be at the command of out having ever produced a single outrage., is not to get that sum back— (great cheers). , his beloved country. within the comprehension of a mero Irish act with forbearance and conciliation, and to devote signif y their concurrence with him in seeking for charter insurrection which is ready to bur.= t forth This, ho could say, ho spoke lawyer, their best energies to improve the The resolution was seconded by Aid . Hackei7. every moment with redoubled fu ry. We had Eng- i n tho utmost sinceri ty of heart. He had often ad- although it may be within the sagacity of an Eng- institutions and Tie Rev. W. O'Scxlivax proposed the nexc reso- r R-peal of the Union—that there mnst ba aa Irish dressed lish Chancellor ! promote the prosperity of Ireland. ' ? Parliament ; and they should give Peel and Wel- la nd at peace at home, and with the world beside, in them on religious topics, and had been " I have the honour to be, lution. H-e said he had to propose that O Gonnell , a high, and proud , and palmy state; yet as soon as edi fied by the docility with which they had attended " How carj the Chancellor be of opinion that meet- my Lord, the Liberator of Ireland and the champion of lington to understand that they were fixedl y deter- to , " Your Lordship's most obedient servant mined that Irelan d should be governed by Irishmen, the Irish people combined in their nforal and peace- to his pleadings in the cause of religion. It was sup- ings petition are not within the spirit of the con- ] Henry Sugden human liberty—(cheers)—possessed the unbounded ful strength , Peel and Wellington were coerced to posed at the same time that he was a politician. stitution , when the constitution itself recognizes, ! " , Secretary." confidence of "the Irish people—(great cheers). and for Irishmen—(bear,and cheere)—that they were , The Evening Post , in commenting upoathts leitw tired of Saxon misrule—they were tired of being grant it—( hear, hear, and chatr^.) Now he assured them he neither was nor would be a sanctions, aye, and enforces th« right so to pcution .? describes it as ca lculated on l The Rev. jIatihew Horga* seconded the resolu- *v The Right Rev . Dr. K.-unedy and tho Catholic poli tician , but ho would be a just man to the day of And as to the notion ol their becoming dangerous to y to irritate the Rel tion, which was carried with lond acclamation. oppresse d , and that it was hith time the manage- ' pealers, and operate as a fresh stimulant to the laced Hierachy of Ireland"—(cheery. 1 his death. He did not therefore intend to recrimi- the safety of the state, the danger to the state would ' Mr. Fitzgerald, J, P. (of Muckridge) proposed ment of their own affairs should be p in their K' i:a.re, i n reality consist in &uppvcssmg movement. In reference to the Dassage itl the Chan- own hands. (Cheers.) Two days ago his voice was The Righ t Rev. Dr. ensldy , being loudl y called and scorned tp retaliate or use the language of ihe groans of the cellor's letter regardiu^ the Qieen the adoption of the petition in a brief and pity upon to respond to the toast, rose n midet tho most riba ldry which had been by others directed against people ; in compelling them to brood in siience over , that journal speech. re-echoed at the foot of the rock of Cashel, where coutains the following :— he also addressed "200,1100 persons who shouted atd enthusiastic cheers. Af er sileuco was obtained , the his character. He had at no distant time pledged their wrongs and their bufferings ; and a more " Sir Robert Peel was, guilt Alderman Damel Mvbpht came forward to Right Rev. Prelate addressed the audienc9 to the most of the inhabitants of his diocese to temperance, wronged and suii'ering people exist not under the ! y of a high crim? and and was received with the most un- laughed with him at the threat of their enemies. misdemeanour in his introduction of the name of second it, ( following effect:—1 am not ignorant, gentlemen , and he had been delighted with the fidelity which face of heaven than the Irish people. The danger bounded expressions of delight. He f aid .-—ilr. Cheers.) What, he would ask again, brought them to the state would consist in suppressing the expres- ' the Sovereign, as will be seen by the following re- all there that day ! If he were foolish and bad that it has been often said , and that, too, by person^ they had displayed towards that pledge. He would solution, copied from the journals Chairman and fel.oTT-eitizens, I- rise with pleasure of very opposite principles, of course from very dif- avail himself of the opportunity which that glorious sion of popular opinion ; ia damming up the con- of the Here of to second the petition you have heard, for the enough to tell them to go to the field , where there Commons : — msny of them would go ! (Cheers, a d c ies o ferent motives, that it is not bcoming the sacred spectacle of nearly half a million of human beings stitutional channels of relief ; and in thereby driv- i Repeal of ihe Legislative Union—(tremendous n r f ing the people to "'Resolved, That it is now necessary to declare " "tt e'd all go.") He (Mr. O'Connell) was neither character of Christiun clergymen to take any active assembled together afforded him to administer the wild and hideous 'justice of ¦ that, to repeat any opinion or cheering) ; and, in doin g so, I feel tint it is my duty part in the political tXiugnle-s of their fellow coun- another pledge, to which no man should respond revenge,' instead of leaving them to the fair hopes pr etended opinion of to explain to you the cause why I have so long siaid so foolirh nor so wicked, and he would do their busi- his Majesty, upon any biLl or other proceeding de- ness much better. There was another thing which trymen, and that they should confine themselves ex- without putting his hand to his heart and swearing of relief fro m the Houses of Parliament, and from ' of aloof from ibe people in th^ir agitation for Repea l t o observe iu the Throne. ¦ pending in either House Parliament, with a view the pr< sent h* wished they would do. John Bull generall y clusivly to their spiritual functions. This doctrine , the presence of his Creator—(cries of to influence the votes of the members, —(cheers). I do confess that I consider gentlemen, as far, at least , as it is applied to the " Wo will"). Let all promise to co-oper ite with the " As to the argument used in your letter to Lord is a high crime a most important movement, one almost ^mourning enlisted mt-n by giving them a shilling ; but lie and misdemeanour, derogatory to the honour of the ' wished to enlist Repealers by taking a shilling. clergy of this ill-fated country, I must decidedly Liberator—(oriea of " We do promire"). He took Ffrench with respect to the inability of the magis- Crown, in its nature to the character of a revo^utien. 1 and utterl hid lea ve of them , he ; and trates attending meetings to repr ss violence, bears a breach of the fundamental pri vileges of first , because 1 Nothing frightened them more than ihe shilling, and y reject , whethe r it proceed from t n , hu mble as ho was, they 't Pa rliament , and « subversion of the was deterred from joining in it at friend or foe—(great cheering), Convinced, fellow- might believe him when he said that he was able to diametrically the opposite way. For no individual Constitu- deemed u ;a mtasuie inv-rattieable, snd thai ii a man ai the back of it , for it showed that the peo- tion of the Country.—House of Commons, Decem- t ple were in earnest. (Hear.) Irc!and should be a countrymen , that British legislation for Ireland take thtir part in England and his own too—Coud could possibly have so direct and personal an interest ( could not be accomplished ; bui I confess tha: the che-rs). in preventing violence and suppressing outrage as > ber, 17th, 1783 Parliamentary History, vol. "24, , and what 1 nation , for she had too long endured the rule of never has been, and is never likel y to be influenced p. 197). results of the last fix or seven weeks by justice, honour, or humanity, it was but natural , Mr. O'Connf.ll next addressed the meeting at magistrates who are parties to, and responsible for, ' have beheld within ihe las', few days, produced a the Saxon. Had hr any teetotallers there 1 (Here ' '• It was in violation of this solemn resolution, that a fore>t of hands was lifted in the air amid great it was reasonably to be expected that a generous and great length. If he had no other reason to be a the calling together of such meetings. j great and powerful impression en my mind— (cheers), Repealer Wich respect to your assertion tha t her Sir Robert Peel introduced the naias of tbe Queea movement cheering.) The r.-venue lost one million seven hun- justice-Joving nation of 8 000,000 or 9,000,000, which except ihe Imtory of the county of Long- " Majesty in the House of Commons. But I beheld the feeling increasing and the has contributed so essentiall y to the grea ness and ford , he would be one. (Cheers.) They had has, like her predecessor, ' expressed her determina- Sir Edward Sugden, swelling like the ocean, until ii has become irresisti- dred and twenty-four pounds by that movement ; ' more ' still more reckless, directs his secretary to thrust and oh ! there w.is no danger of their breaking any glory of England , and which is now herself (thank contested electio ns there than in any other county, tion to prevent the carrying of the Repeal of the ' ' ble—(tremendous cheering) ; asd I now am aloag God ) too great to be dragged at the tail of any and more bribery and persecution had followed tho Union , ' it has filled me with the most uncr and in- ' her Majesty s na me, and a declaration pretended to with the people—(renewed cheering). I have been law wiii!e they were thu- sober. (Cheers.) Tnen , other be that of her Majesty 's, .into a letter to a magis- st-.-id y, boys sieari , nation, should demand from her, urgentl y but con- virtuous acts of the people of that county than any expressible -astonishment. You must know—and with them for forty years—(cheers). I fel t out ci , y, was hisadvice and they would indeed I much tear you trate ! Sir Edward Sugden, .we may venture to an- g w;th vet be rriumpliar.:. stitutiona lly and peaeeably, the restoration of her other county in Ireland. In England , they could must have kuown when yon ticipate my element when I was iiot warkin ticni ; native Parliament, of which she was basely robbed not u nderstand the people of this country resisting made that assertion—that it was utterly unfounded ; , will hear of this in Parliament." and now in thai legal and con^titntioDal i-iro^ic As soon as he concluded , Mr. Steele was loudly 1 ca bled for by the immense multitude , and briefly in the fatal hour of her weakness, by a combina- the terror of their landlords, and the temptation of in fact, Sir Robert Peel has himself admitted the which the Liberator alone sanciieus, 1 am with ) oa tion of tbe foulest crimes that bribery. There never falsity of that statement. Her Maje3ty, whom t he ; DISMISSAL OF O'CONNELL. —(lond cheers). ruiiiressed them in his usually eloquent terms, in the ever disgraced a had been a Parliament in The writ of super^edeas has been received by llr course of which he characterised the " Iron Duke 1' country calliDg itself Christian—(cheers). This which bribery was so extensively used aa the present; people of Ireland affec.ionately revere, had mado no Mr. O'Co>>eix then came forward amid tumnl- demand which the greatest and he proudly such declaration ; and, indeed , I must' say it en- 1 O'Connell : he is no longer a magistrate of his native tous applause, When sr-eoce was restored, he said— as the " Old Irish Indian Sepoy," and Peel's mother men, both in England contrasted it with the conduct of the county. The enemies of Ireland and tho Irish peo- a-a Spinning Jenny. He v\3a greeted with enthu- and Ireland prediot, must bo one day mado ; this independen t men of Longford. (Cheers.) He hance8 the criminality of the Lord Chancellor that ' The first topic he would address them on was to demand in which Irishmen of classes and charged tin's on the union a}] he has permitted the putting forward , under the ple have dismissed him fro m the magistracy, deem- express his heartfelt del^Lt &« the scene of yester- siastic cheers. all creeds , that tho members ' ing him unfit to administer justice in the most petty A diii T-er took place in the evening in the Temper- are at least equally interested (the absentees alono returned by the people of Longford had been unseat- sanction of his high name, of a statement' so injurious ' day— (vehement cheers.) He-had fceen an agiutjr ed , to her Majesty, court, because he loves—he dares to love—his father- amv Hall , at which upwards of of 350 genilemen exempted) we are now making—wo aro making it aud others seated in their place, who had not and one so stronglyHcnding in itself land , ;r for many years, but never did he see anything to legally, peaceabl boen returned by the peop of to expose hot to the od beamed joy and gladness Counsellor Fitzpatbick being loudly called for' did those anti-Irish truculent legislators by whom it had been asserted there would be a civil war, if ties of every light-h earted man , and to excite the in- : Eyenina Post mentions a rumour that eighteen ma- passed each group the cheers rended th? heavens, said—It certainl y requires no rhetoric to prove that that declaration was called forth they persevered in their " di guant sorrow of every thinking gistrates have been dismissed. ¦» oice mingled ia its aspirations i&r liberty, and applauded— present course. It there being, that you and each the true and only source of k ,-itimate power is the (cheers). Oh , if ever such a war should unfortu- was to be a civil war, t hey would at leas', put thei r should venture to treat the people of Ireland to a i a kindly compliment to him—{.vehement cheers.) people—the vargua rd in victory—the rallying point specimen of such ludicrous Wellington would nately occur—which may God in his icercy to boih enemies in tho wrong, for it should bo of the making hypocrisy. Now Publishing, by W. Dcgdale, 16, Hoiywell- He did not know what Peel and in defea *—the verv post itsdf. Rejoice, then, every countries avert —it fear, of thei r onemies,and if they attack the people " I have the houour to be, Sir, your most obedient street, Strand say of that scene when thty heard of it—(loud ap- , wi'l, I greatl y and I , in tho , honest hear *—rejoicp, then , for the people are shudder whilo I think of it , b<; the peace, and so devastating a character, Publication , consisting of Tales and Transla- sold , by her aristocracy ; she lives to be redeemed that the vieksrs, whoever they may be, will passed an Act of Parliament, he would obey it, but " To Henry Sudgen , Esq." tions from popular French Writers. No. 13 is j>ai their Parliament would soon be in Collt-ge-green— by her peopl-?.. probably he (continued cheers.) There was do talent in prophe- have but too much reason to mourn their me- would find means of running a coach - Mr. O'Connell next read a letter from Sir Cole- issued , price Twopence, with a superb Ensjravin? of The CHAiRMvN then gave " Daniel O'ConneU, the lancholy triumph—(cheers). Threaten the people of and six through it—(cheers). He promised th. m P>aieralda, the original of whiph is published at 25' s. sying—there was no mental superiority in recognis- Li bprator oi his country." that whatever iaw was man O'Loghlen , tho son of the late Master of the ing the approach of Repeal. S^e the progress Ireland with the horrors of a civil war ! Why, passed , they should be pro- Rolls, giving iu hie adhesion to the movement for The first twelve numbers may be had in Parts, price The cheers wi'h which thn toast was re- our unhappy people are at this moment suffering tected, and when that was done in the name of the Sixpence each , illustrated with a fine Plate of Na- the question was daily Tnafcln^. . Onl y the other day ceived were deafening ; every one in the room stood such and the Constitution Repeal. ^ he addressed 130,000 Dlstermen, double that camber unexampled privations, and are so maddened Q'icen , he set their enemies at The following barristers were enrolled:—Mr. J. poleon and his Son, and a Scene from the Notre up and cheered until the very echo seemed to repeat by the exasperating sense of unmerited and cruel defiance—(cheers). He then proceeded to ad vert to Danae, of Victor Hugo. These two Parts comprise, in Ccnnaught and Leinster, and hurrah now for the toast. Barry, Denny Lane. Francis Brady, Thomas was concerned injustice, that no war has any terrors for them, his deprivation of the office of magistrate by the , Thomas M'Nevin, .> complete : Leone Leone, by George Saud—The Fhi- Mncfier—(cheers.) As far as Ireland Mr. O'Conxell then ross, and after silence was and leas of all Lord Chancellor, who, he asserted, was breaking O'Ha*?an Ik. O'Dowd, Michael there was no denying the triumphant, maj^tic—ay, , t , a war against their unnatural, in- O'Farrell , John Macken, Robert Ferguson, and tfolay of Matrimony, fifty Engravings, by Paul de obtained , said— Yon will probabl y meet me with a veterate, and unrelenting oppressors—(Great cheer- the law, by interfering with the right to petition. Kock—Jenny, or tho Unfortunate Courtezan, by tho and irress-able progress of Repes!— (continued smile of disbelief , and perhaps even with a sneer of ig In two days the commission peace would Jame3 R. O'Flana^an, £?qrs. Tho admission ' cheering.) In their own city and county cou:d any- ing). Oil, no, there nothing, the restoration of of the be of these gentlemen excited tho most enthusiastic same Author—Simon , the Radical, a Tale of the ir.crednlity, when I tell you that the scenes of this their Parliament alone excepted , that would be taken from their chairman, and for what ?—because French Revolution—and the commencement of tw> thing be more remarkable than in it progress ?— day bring a tinge of despondency to my mind, and applause. (hear, hear.) Only the other day he enlisied Mr. more welcome to them in their present temper than he attended a meeting to petition Parliament— Mr. O'Ccm.NELL handed in the sum of £1224 73. 4d. other Works : The White House, by De Kock, and make me apprehend its succe«3 is not so ceitain as I such a war, no matter what might be the issue— (hear , hear). The Hon. Gentleman then proceeded Memoirs of an Old Man of Twenty-five. The future Shea Lalor, a country gentlemen of great worth and yesterday deemed it to be. Tbe two speeches which from the county of Tipperary. (Tremendous cheer- patriotism—(loud cheers.) Only yesterday Mr. Fitz- (continued cheers). Tnis is melancholy, but it is, at great length to enumerate the alleged advantages ing ) Numbers of, the Mirror of Romance will be Two- &f ancient family you have just heard ought to console me—the power alas, too true—(loud cries of hear, hear). Let those, which the people would obtain if they succeeded in Doiieny pence, but will be accompanied by a French Prat gerald, of Muckridge, a gentleman of and deqaence of my excellent friend by me, and carrying the Repeal. He also dwelt on the physical Mv. , barrister, said he was authorised to i ' and independent fortune^, magistrate their county, then , who have thrown out this most foolish threat , move that tho contributors to that sum be admitted worth three times the money. only yesterday he joined the standard. Yesterday, ti:e eloquent ecomiums of my yonng friend at the end as well as those by whom it has been extorted from and moral advantages of the people and the country, of the table, both would induce me to hope that the and concluded by assuring them that it was onl members ol tho association. He had tho pleasure to Also, now Publishing, too, they had the talented accession of his friend, Mr. them, take the assurance of one whose intercourse y move that eighty-six of them be enrolled period or Ireland's delivtry is ct band—that the with the people of Ireland has been unceasing and necessary that they should act peaceably and con- volunteers, | VOLTAIRE' S PHILOSOPHrCAL DIC- Fagan, who was not a thorough Repealer until the period «f thraldom is ov«.r ; and let me justify my- haviDg given or colli cted more than £10 each—860 \ TIONARY , in Numbers and Parts. Vol. I. i? now people persuaded him—(cheers.) There was no man most intimate for nearly the last forty years, that stitutionall y, aud their success was certain. members and 17 ,214 associates. ; One *elf thtii in telling you ' some of the inkiings ol there never was a period within that time when The usual petition to Parliament having been ] (.Passed with read y, 5s. (id. ; Part 21, price 4d. ; and No. 84, of higher mmd aad purer principles than Mr. Fasan despair wnich cause me uneasiness. The people are adopted , and thanks given to Count Nugent for his applause.) j Penny. Part 22 this next week. „ ,.._. —(loud cheer?.) His respected friends; the Murphy such a threat was more powerless, except for mis Mr. O'Hagah , barrister, having been admitted a , A>D. so ready and rife that emancipation will come too chief, than the present—(loud cheers). conduct in thy chair, the meeting separated. VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES, TALES family, like himself, springing from and of the peo- soon on them. member, addressed the Meeting at some length. | NOVELS. To be be completed in one Yolume.- ple—a family as high for virtue, for honour, and He said ho was induced to join the association from J Nos. 3 and 4 are just and also Pa'tl. -I *™ "worth, as any in existence—(loud applause)—a A Voice.—Repeal LONGFORD DEMONSTRATION. out, ( Mr. O'Cosnell.—Did I =ay emancipation instead DUBLIN, May 29. the unconstitutional proceeding of Sir Edward I Numbers weekly will be issued till completed/ family of great wealth, and independence, and public Losgfobd , Sunday .—A meeting of extraordinary ' (From Sugdeu in punishing ii.cn for tho fair and legal j THE DEVIL'S PULPIT, by the Rev. R. Taylor, Epiri:—(hear, hear). But it was not in progress of of repeal? Then, if so, the mistake i-> not a powerful purpose the Morning Chronicle' s cor respondent. J AU nne, for there cannot be any emancipation without a magnitude took place here to-day, for the of.¦ expression of their opinions , whic h he did not complete iu 48 Numbers, at Twopence eacx mnititnuinons meetings that he recognised the eanse repeal. (Cheers.) petitioning the Legislature for a Repeal of the Union. Under the fostering care of the Tories the Repeal dare to say were unconstitutional or unlawful. the Numbers are now in print, and may be had in of Ireland's prosperity triumphing—other evidences The requisition published ou the occasion was ad- ! agitation is making most tremendous progress. The (Load cheers.) * ! Volu mes, strongl , price 93. . were given him. They remembered when he plead t d A Vr-ic".—No, your Lordship. y bound in cloth Mr. O'Connell.— I am no lord. dressed to the inhabitants of the county of Longford ; Repeal rent for tho week, announced at the close of A considerable number of communications from DIEGESIS; or a Discovery of the Origin, Evi- in their courts of justice—(loud cheers). They did but , as might have been expected from the course the meeting this evening, is £2,205 ! This is, I various parts of the country were read, inclosing dences, aud Early History of Christianity, never not forget that ; and thai he there examined his The same voice.—Then you may he a lord. believe a much larger sum than had been received ¦ Mr. O'Connlll.— I hope I maj never be to ; I pursued by Dr. Higgins, the Koman Catholic Bishop , money to a large amount. yet before, or elsewhere, so fully and fttithtully =e« witnesses. He had now two more witnesses to bring of Ardagh, in reference to the question of Repeal , in any week during the agitation which led to A t tho cloye, Mr. O'Connell announced the week's forth. By The great care forward; and those were the Duke of Wellington have a name which I would not change with any tho Rev. R. Taklor. lord in the land, and they pay me no compliment the entire body of the clergy, of whom he is the j Catholic emancipation. rent to be £2,20.3 15*. 3J. The announcement was required in correcting the press has necessary and PeeL For the first time in his liferWellington who thin spiritual head, have, without an exception, strenu- 1 At the meeting of the Repeal Association to-day a received with rapturous and lo;.^continued cheer- delayed the regular appearance of this work. Nur had bc-en guilty of making a prond boast which he k 1 should change it for any other. (Chcer3.) It is var.uy of course, for me to say so ; but if any ou?ly exerted themselves to promote the present \ circumstance occurred which has excited the deepest ing. The association then adjourned. Numbers, or Part 4, will appear this next wees, eouic not realize. But the other day he seemed to man on earth agitation, and tie result of this unanimity has been, I sensation in this city amongst all parties. Sir Cole- and a Number every successive week. . head the charge against Ireland with the martial is entit led to be vain, I am the man. man O'Loghlen , MORE DISMISSALS OF MAGISTRATES. The people are ready and anxious to do their duty, that a large proportion of the population of most of; Bavt., (son of the late Master of W. Dugdale, publishe r, No. 16, Holy well-street. brow of the warrior when commanding the guards they " bear 3nd the parishes in the diocese, which extends over the ] the Rolls) and ten other members of the Irish bar, Three more magistrates have been superseded to greas variety oi up " He said that he would forbear ," they wait for the good oxtenpive Strand ; of whom may be had a to be " and ai them. time patiently, under every outrage and insult ; bui, whole of the county of Longford, and portions of six \ several of them gentlemen of practice, and day—namel y. Caleb Powel, Esq., M. P., Limerick; Bills and Placards. coerce the people of Ireland—that he would put they must have a surrouading counties, was present at the meeting of .' all of them men who had heretofore kept aloof from John O'H^a , Evq., Cork ; R. Uillon Browne, Etq., down the Repeal agitation—that he had power to Lope of success. (Cheers.) What the movement d:d I see near tb.2 rock of Ca shel ! A population of to-day. From the hour of eight o'clock in the morn- i , gave in their adhesion to tbe associa- M.P., Mayo. coerce them. The poor old gentleman—(laughter.) phys-cai power w ing largo bodies of the peasantry, headed by the ! tion. This may bo regarded as one of the first results Duke, Another hich , if placed in the hands of Na- He was glad that they laughed at the poleon, would have enabled him to conquer Europe. parish priests of the various districts, and in many of the Tory threats of coercion, and of the letter of THE MAGISTRACY IN IRELAND. laugh for him—(shouts of laughter). He hoped that ( Loud Cheer? ) He marched from Bonlougne into instances preceded by musicians, dressed in military I Sir Edward Sugden. fact would reach him, that they laughed at him— the centre of Hungary costume?, continued to pour into the town through- j The repeal demonstration in Longford was, even The following letter has been forwar fed to the ( with a smaller effective force ¦ Lord Chancellor of Ireland by Mr. William Smith continued laughter). Tne first scholarship the Duke than surrounded me yesterday ; and, tbei:, ho has out the day . I was informed, that in the- more according to the correspondent of the Dubli n Evening .received ¦wa? , what the people of Ireland taught remote districts, extending to a distance of Mail, attented by 250,000 persons, " at the lowest O'Brien M.P. for tho count y of Limerick :— SEVENTH EMIGRANT SHIP. no ?ueh army in reserve as I siw to-day, on my wav ; HOPE him 1 Old Wellington (continued Mr. O'Coaueli) to Nena eh. (Cheer- .) Yes ; the waste of phyicll forty miles from the town of Longford, mass computation." " London , May 29, 1843. FOR ALGOA BAY, CAPE OF GOOD we l&JOgb at jenr threats—we scorn them—(loud ap- force is exLuberan;. rnd no man can was celebrated at so early an hour as four o'clock in " My Lord,— I beg to resign into tho hands of Last Shipp ing Day for Cargo 30th JU>** plaus- Then came Sir Robert Peel the hypocrite, apprebenf; that REPEAL ASSCCfATFON , THIS DAY. Superior *»»-' -)- guilt is contemplated in thsse moral displays of po- tho moriiing, an OtiO persons are statute, liable to be repealed ; but the notice goes on respectably dressed persons on horseback. After above current citizen of a free state without infringing any estab- business transacted. Tha fancy manufacturers *^ stated to have been ¦ expenses. This resolution was actually necessary . y employing more weavers at resent > present. Mr. '"Connell slept in —" And whereas we have received information on passing through the streets ef the town, he proceeded ; lished law, 1 may be permitted to ask your Lordship, certain l P weJ!7;f ThnrJes on Wednesday night, a-. he re~idti.ee of to the plat fore , which was ornamented The security should be the same as stock-brokers 1 who are the chief interpreter of the laws of Ireland , we wish they may find it necessary to increase = oath that if such meetings be held, a serious breach with ban- received , namely, the public funds. steady, the Most Rev. Dr. Slattery, ihe Archbiiiiop of of the peace is likely to ensue." ilust not that fel- ners, having on them such inscriptions as " Ireland 1 —Carried. not more for my own guidance thau for that of others, number. The wool trade continues very " Cashed, where a large party was r ^embled to re- low be for the Irish, Mr. O Connell read the following correspondence ! with what number of loyal, peaceful , and well-dis- inclined to improvement. a most atrocious perjurer who would swear and ihe Irish for Ireland," &.o. Tne between himself and the Secretary of the Lord ceive him, and left for Nensgb nex - . .-ruing a: t*n that ! but what do yon think of the men who would principal platform, and several smaller ones erected ; posed persons 1 am at liberty to associate myself o'clock, accompanied by Mr. Steelc His journey put near it, were crowded Chancellor :— in an open public meeting, in case I should be in print the temptation of such a lie on oath ? ly the clergy and farmers of | Leeds :—Printed for the Proprietor FEABG** was a scene of the most enthusiastic triumph. T^'is He goes on—" We hereby caution all persons what- the surrounding districts. Shortly before three " Secretary's Office, Four Courts, driven by continued misgovernment to apk from the did be proceed in triumph for twenty zules through ever from attending said meetings, as we are deter- o'dock the chair was taken by Count Nugent, justice "Dublin, May 23rd, 1843. British Legislature a repeal of tbe Act of Union ? Is O'CONNOR, Esq. of Hammersmith, C^ the conntry, and arrived within four in les of Ne- mined preventing same. of tho peace, of Ktllesonna ,— I am directed by the Lord the legal maximum 100, 1,000, I0,00d, or 100,000 ? Middlesex, by JOSHUA HOBSON. at W« **T " There's castle English for , who was stated by Dr. " Sir Chancellor to 1 nagh, when he wa« met by the deputai.on. The yon—( A. laufth .) •* We caution you against going to Higgma to be descended from one of the most illus* inform you, that it is with regret that he has felt it Does the law, as interpreted by your Lordship, apply ing Office*, Nob. 12 and 13, Marketwtreet, Brig"* congregatedtrades of Limerick, with their beautiful a meeting which is not to be held. —(Laughter.) trious families in the country. duty to supersede you u a magistrate for equally to England ! Hobso.. banners glittering " his the and PuNUned by the said Joshua brightspangled in the rays of a There's a beautiful caution ; like the English of the The Chaihmaw having county of Kerry. I beg to enclose a copy of a let- I hare tbe honour to be, meridian son, and the Nenagb traders carrying ban- briefly stated the objeoti of , (for the said Fear«b» O'Conkor,) at hta £** county Monaghan magistrates sent to the castle, the meeting, proceeded to enumerate the advantages ter, written by the Lord Chancellor's direction to Your obedient servant ; ners also. On, on came the shouting thousands— Given under our hands and seals this blank day of which would Lord Ffrench, which will explain to you " William S. O'Briek. ling-house, No. 5, Market-street, Briggate pedestrians, men, women, and children reault from carrying the Repeal. the 14 the equestrians, , blank."—(Laughter.) Does any man imagine that Rer. M. O'Beikne, parish priest, proposed the grounds upon which this step has been taken. To the Lord Chancellor of Ireland." internal Csmnmnication existing between hurrving,nntil the whole ralley seemed to echo the such a proclamation will retard for one single mo- " 1 have the honoar to be, Sir, Nos. H & beings. As the carriage first resolution, which was expressive of attachment No. 5, Market-atreet, and the said Toices of 450,000 human men: the mighty national movement o F Ireland ?— to the person and throne of the " Your most obedient servant, constituting «* arriTed at the foot of the hill the Liberator alighted (" Hear, Queen, and admira- DISMISSAL OF LORD FFRENCH FROM 13, Market-street, Briggate, thus " and cheers.) Well, then, after all, ought tion of the British constitution , which was seoouded " HknRt Sugdkn, Secretary. 0®* and walked up to the platform preceded by the tan- 1 to halt where we are 1- (CrieB of ") I have u Daniel O'Connell, Esq., M.P." THE COMMISSION OF THE PEACE. whole of the said Printing and Publishing to the vast multitude, " No. by Mr. P. Keon, and passed unanimously. ners, aad, presenting himself my next step prepared , and it is my duty to state it. Rev. Mr. Dawson, parish " 30, one Promises. i- he was received with the unanimous voice of 450,000 1 am.ouuced priest, moved the next Merrion-square, May 27, 1843. The first blow has been struck by the Government more than once, that when I had resolution , to tho effect that the benefit of the Bri- " Sir,—On my return to town fiom attending four in the dismissal of Lord French fro m the Magis- All Communications must be addressed, Post-pM » of his countrymen. 0,000,'000 v f Repe alers i should take another step, tish constitution could not be secured to this coun- meetings—peaceable and perfectly legal meetings— tracy. Tbe following official letter has, been Star Office ,, laed* There were in that vast crowd congregated thou- and as 1 shall have them, probably, before a fort- try by a foreign Mr. Hobson, Northern fifteen and twenty night, and that Parliament. It was seconded by to petition Parliament for the repeal of the act en- addressed to his Lordship, by direction of Sir Edwd. sands who came a distance of east, west, north, and south are Mr. Reogh, and adopted. titled the Act for the Legislative Union of Great Sugden :— . : (Saturday, June 3, 1843.}