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1 AGRICULTURAL EDITOR OF THE ^^^^^^^ m— 10 THE ADDRESS FROM THE CHARTIST COUN- - LIEDS MERCURY." CILLORS OF MARYLEBONE TO TrIE c^ —It is really too hard that yon Bhonld baild CHARTISTci OF GREAT-BRITAIN. ' and call npon me to blow them ^jes ia ibe air Brothers ix the Cause,—It gires us heartfelt fZT in your last the following amount ^f traeh concern to think of the present disorganised state of »pe»red :- our association; we find all our energies wasted in fru itless labour for want of a straightforward plan, » AXhffBghof Mr- O'Connor hason bertoired upon our Ifagg animadversion this hopeful scheme of action ; we have been led to investigate the canee consider it to con- ^ Qiarfcsti and carrying the Charter, a of our present situation, and we JTsHJebing tbe chieftV in the want of steady and oonsis-toat tfce fonr mortal columns whichbear his sist \Jd£are «f council. We,therefore, earnestly entreatlour brother 2itoT8 in tbe Korthera Star of Saturday week, we of a new ourselres -with little more than the state- Chartists to proceed at onc« to the eleotion ^_n¦^ «artBnt , (the Executive) be called upoa of one &ct, in reply, bnt that will go 3 good way AND LEEDS GENERAL ADVERTISER. Executive and lot it I necessary in the pemidoos delation that he ' "~ " to suggest such amendments as may be Zgote dispelling ia ! T0L- YL KQ. 290 plan of organisation, which is all that we iccnlcate. It ia this—Mr. O'Connor and . SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1843. th* old ^optiBg to ^SZ .Sr " think it needs, and then instead of keeping our body ^^^conespsndest, Mi. linton, the experimental itation and trou- qnarieraof an acre of land, BttSTON.~On Thursday last, a mating was con- LEICBSTER in an unsettled stat e of constant sg lIbs an tto*e feiind their Tened — On Sunday last, delegates assembled SHEFFIELD.—Repeal and the Charter.— LOUGKBOROtJGn.—On Monday evening, a ble, proceed onco more to agitate the i;ody upon the supposition, that the produce to hear a lecture on Justice, frrji R y(mnj, Rentie. at Mr. Cooper in the let us *^B5j San3 of man of 's Ccfive-RoomB from Leicester, Hinckley, The meeting anneunced in last Saturday's Star, com- public meeting was h^ld Market-place, Mr. politic of the public. The force of public opinion , more than one quarter of it in grass, Wolverhampton. The m-seting, which was Wigsttn. Thurmaston, and Ovllty. Mr. Cooper, of menced at 8ix 2w lind7with Mmerons, to adjourned on Sunday evening, in the Fig Tree- Payne in the chair. Two petitions were agreed to , which , Mi cceeded in obtaining the abolition of lu-gto S iBOtccr part wholly mtcoltaTated, will supply to an open piece of ground Wiggton, was elected chairman. The objects of the lano Room , one for the proper treatment of Messrs. Cocuir at the back of the town, " which was donsely crowded before seven , flavery, cannot , if properly direeted , fail in obiiifl- gaeatfood , -winter and summer, throughout the year, where air. Thomason, of Wed- meeting were stated by Mi. Biwatow—the question of o'clock. Mr. Clayton Richards, and Capper, the other against the Irish jj nesDTJTy, addressed it fora^ort presided , and Mr. Edwin Gill 11114 the emancipation of British slaves. Zf iffBimUch covrs ! Kow there is not a milkfanner time, after which the incorporating the Home Colony Scheme with the Peo- read tho news from Ireland, received that eveuir<g Arms Bill, and for the Repeal of the Union. They youthful lecturer was introduced. We remain brothers, i, tbe town or neighbourhood of Leeds, or of any He commenced, in ple's Charter. An animated discussion took place, in ia the Nation. Tho reports of the Cork and Tippe- were adopted unanimously. Mr. Skevington spoke , a spirited style, with noticing the government Yours, in tho bonds of frat&rna! Itber ten, vho does not know perfectly well, tha**o as at which Messrs.Bairstow , Cook, Cooper, Gilbert, Kirk, rary demonstrations were hailed with enthusiasm, to both of them, to tho satisfaction of a numerous ; three-qaarters of au acre present constituted, ' sai showing that tbe absolute Sketcbley, Thomas, Boodle, and Russ Love and fidelity in the cause, taftom produeiag food for power possessed « is , spoke at consi- while the soul-stirring articles of the writers of that assembly. Thoy were forwarded to T. S. Duncombe, i: requires more than two by ^nr rulers unjust, and calculated derable length ; af:er which, Mr. Bairstow moved Sampei. Large, Charles Hatchings, tar eows, acres of Um best to destroy the peac-j , and pa per were listened to with breathless interest, Esq., for presentation. Uj, vltfc aB the advantages of an unlimited supply of and harmony of society. After be Mr. Thomas seconded a motion to the effect tbat the broken only by loud plaudits of approbation. Mr. On Tuesday Evening the Chartists met at the WhMam Clark, John Godwin, had been speaku^g for afcont half an hour, j ^ manures, to supply one cow through the year. Mr. Baldwin, delegates strongly recommend the people of the South Brisks next read the leading article of last Satur- room , at the Charter Hotel , when it was agreed f.iat i Wm. Worlf-dg^, John Phillips, a magistrate, eAme forward and asked him if he was Woodward George WHitcurnrii. Tjj fcndof three quarters of an acre of land supplying He a Leicestershire District to pursue tbe agitation for the day 's Star, and while the " Saxons" bad cheered the in future the meeting on the Monday evaniugs Ben , native of Bil^ton ? replied that he was not. He People's Charter ; but th^t it be left Nation the James Pahks Vincent Parks, sub-Se- jjp eows, nine acres are required to feed that number, then asked, <^ pen with any , " Millesiana" present were not leas should be held at that place, and eich evci\u>^ n irrelre limes as much iaad as S3*. ©"Connor htm his name ? The youth said be did not locality to establish a district fund for the purchase o! hearty in applauding whai; evening in the week Joir.v Watkixs, crctary, j arj ffcfel himself tho sentiments of the Editor of should be announced on te tfce T^imals destined to occupy this Chartiit at liberty to divulge it What is your land , but that in all cascB each member of tbe National the Star. Juliaa Karncy read the letter of " Veri- tho meeting should be .-U i n tflo Market- A lfred Packer,Chairman. jj^j business here ? he inquired. h' To address this meeting; Caarter Association be recommended to pay A& per f as" to the Duke of Wellington, and after Bpoakin^ place. ! arwite- and Mr. I Ttc-dived and accepted an invitation, and finding " ^ol Hr- O'Connor Linton would have us the week for the support of the county orgauisation , leavir,g at some kngth on the subjects read to tho meeting, STAFFORD —A public meeting wss held i.n b*^e more skill than meotiDg here congregated I rose and addressed tbem. I it opti.nal . THE REPEAL " WAR." ^jeye tfcat Uiry in cultivation all with any memberto thus contributing to pay concluded by proposing tho following resolution for Monday evening, at tho Temperance Coft'eo- Robin s, am not aware that I am doing anything iitegal or con- an additional ^d. per week the fund for the *' " gg pttrticsl farmers in England, in bethe proportion of establish- adoption— That this meeting hails with cmhusi- in this town. Mr. Fisher wa- called to tho chair. to one. DrmbtleM there may trary to the laws of my country by so doing.—Bnt can't ment of a Home Colony. it wds also agreed that asm the triumphant progress of the agitation WHEUE WILL IT END ? f^te improvements you tell me your name M essrs. Wheiler, Paikes, Sheffield , and Arthur , of »sC tbat by the aid of spade hnsbandry, strong , and where you come from ? ke Mr. Bairstow should bo tLo county lecturer. in Ireland for the repeal of the Legisla- , pjije, replied.—I come from "Wolverhampton, answt-red Carlisle, addressed the nujier.ee a * coi.sidexabie Lord Ffre'ich has been dismissed from t h.i com- ^hheX, <irainin*, and otherbe appliancesin , perhaps tbe ON SCNDAY last, Mr. Bairatow delivered two dis- : tive Union ; and this meeting calls with length ; and the apathy in whiah thk town hp . been the may had some youth ; tut I cannot tell you my name.— Do jou know * mission of the p. a -j—Daniel O'Conneli and e^bt ^gge uiiial produce ia favour- courses in the afternoon and evening, to large and at- ! heart and voice cti thtir fdlow-countrymen to seize lately plunged was in a j:,teat degree removed. fi;¦ <£ , but that change only to be you are upon trespass ? he inquired.—I am not aware upon the others keep him company. That is the • act of Etnticj-s; effected tentive audiences. \ _ present opportunity to renew with rc- Votes of thanks were unanimousl y givcu to the w;!l for it cannot e:i i r ^ cf it; but if so, I will desist — Well, air, will you gire doublod vigour the and constitutional coT..- ion.. What iollow, th*-. el to ahenjcf oulby of labonrto and of capital. As to the On the news reaching the committee the I moral, tegal, above gentlemen, and' likewise to the cha.rmnu. l.e the next martyr, for there mvsf- t as- prfciendrajj increase the me your name ?—Am 1 obliged to do so ? inquired tbe week 8'rugK ' o for the obtain meat of the Charter, and Who will ^BffiB of zemanad pro- before List, that the authorities at Sta ff nl were liter- j Barnsbury PaBK— A meeting of this locality was sured-y br o:h' r.- ? Tne first step has been taken— ifce Euil twelve-fold yauth.—Tea; I should like to know.—Then , sir, 1 lie thereby free,lheimprlves from the curses of oligarchial ^im , no man that is uot not feel at Kberty to tell you ally murdering our beloved and noble defender of the I 1 held on Sunday evening, when 3s.