Parliament of Finland 2010 Contents

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Parliament of Finland 2010 Contents PARLIAMENT OF FINLAND 2010 CONTENTS 3 Speaker’s Review 4 Big decisions made in long session 4 6 An MP’s work requires patience 10 “A slight Kainuu touch” Playing an international role requires 11 expertise 12 13 Excavation continues beneath Parliament 14 Youth Parliament 15 The price of democracy: €18.10 per citizen 13 14 Back cover: Parliament approved the state budget in December. This required over 600 votes in plenary session. Speaker’s Review The final session of an electoral term Parliament last year. has traditionally been referred to as During the electoral term a “long Parliament”, because it has Parliament’s administration usually lasted from February until was reformed. The change in March of the following year. The Parliament’s operational expendi- 2010 session of Parliament lasted ture remained moderate through- even longer, since general elections out the term. Expenditure was low- were moved back from March to er in 2010 than in the final year of April. the preceding term. Including the Parliament made many far- Parliamentary Office’s operation- reaching decisions during the al expenditure and money spent long session. It authorized the on renewal work, Parliament cost construction of two additional €18.10 per citizen in 2010. nuclear power plants, voted to In a service survey MPs gave the amend the Constitution in a more Parliamentary Office’s services a parliamentary direction by reducing mark of 4.13 on a scale of 1–5. This presidential power and decided to result shows that the Parliamentary support euro countries that are in Office is on the right track in financial trouble. pursuing its objective of producing During the 2007–2011 the best parliamentary service in electoral term an entirely new Europe. committee went to work. The Public perceptions of Parliament Audit Committee supervises the often centre around MPs. A large financial management of the state group of people with different skills and compliance with the budget. work in the background, however. In 2010 it commissioned a study of Without their support Parliament the increasingly international grey could not enact laws, draft budgets economy in Finland and prepared and oversee administration. It may a 25-point action plan to combat it. come as a surprise to many that The renovation of the Parliament Parliament’s largest personnel group Buildings is proceeding according to is cleaning staff. plans and should reach completion Parliament is a unique place to before Finland celebrates the 100th work not only because employees are anniversary of independence in strongly committed to their work, 2017. A new accessible entrance but also because of Parliament’s was opened in the autumn, making community atmosphere and service it significantly easier for persons culture. It is a pleasure to welcome with disabilities to visit. Over new MPs as well as visitors. 36,000 people took guided tours of Sauli Niinistö PARLIAMENT OF FINLAND 2010 3 Big decisions made in long session The final session of the 2007-2011 20 government proposals were of decisions with broad and far- electoral term was unusually long, allowed to lapse because there was reaching impacts, including since Parliament decided in spring not enough time to handle them by amendments to the Constitution, 2010 to move back general elections the end of the electoral term. Four authorizations to build additional from March to the third Sunday in nuclear power plants and support April. “The general tone for crisis countries in the euro area. The 2010 session of Parliament Seppo Tiitinen, who has served as opened on 3 February and lasted of Parliament’s Secretary General for nearly twenty until 12 April 2011. activities was years, says that the approaching Sauli Niinistö served as Speaker, elections began colouring Seppo Kääriäinen as First Deputy marked by parliamentary work earlier this time Speaker and Tarja Filatov as Second polls indicating than in past years. Deputy Speaker. exceptionally large “The general tone of Parliament’s In the session preceding activities was marked by polls elections Parliament received 336 changes in party indicating exceptionally large government proposals, which was preferences” changes in party preferences, by higher than usual. The number Finnish standards. The agitation of government proposals in the under the surface received new final sessions of the three previous years ago five government proposals driving force from the economic electoral terms was less than three were allowed to lapse. difficulties of Greece, Ireland and hundred. Parliament made a number Portugal and the arrangements put in place to help Greece and Ireland,” he notes. As the oldest MP, Jacob Söderman (Social Democratic Party) held the chair on 2 February until the Speak- ers were elected. He is shown here with Secretary General Seppo Tiitin- en (left) and Director of Legislation Keijo Koivukangas. 4 PARLIAMENT OF FINLAND 2010 Parliament well informed on the crisis Erkki Tuomioja (Social Democratic Party) is the chair of the Grand Committee, which is responsible for handling EU matters. He says that in the best case the euro crisis will cost Finland nothing if guarantees are not needed and loans are repaid. “The worst thing is not the prospect of losing some of the loans that have been made, which is quite possible with Greece, but allowing “The worst thing is not the prospect of losing some of the loans that After the resignation of Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen (Centre Party), Parlia- have been made, ment elected Mari Kiviniemi (Centre Party) as Prime Minister by a vote of but allowing a 115-56. few countries’ problems to credit at high interest rates would of the euro crisis, even though the spread to a have participated in the costs. This message has not always been what it has been a subject of debate and would like to hear. pan-European disagreement in the committee the “The Finnish Parliament is the recession.” whole time.” only parliament in Europe that Tuomioja says that the Grand the government has kept properly a few countries’ problems to spread Committee has constantly been informed, even during crisis to a pan-European recession. This kept up to date on the management weekends.” would be very costly for Finland as well.” The alternative to aid packages Government proposals 1995–2010 would be to allow crisis countries to restructure their debt. 350 “If that happened banks that 300 have carelessly given these countries 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995-98 1999-02 2003-06 2007-10 The first annual session of the electoral period The third annual session of the electoral period The second annual session of the electoral period The fourth annual session of the electoral period PARLIAMENT OF FINLAND 2010 5 Reform will strengthen Parliament’s position On the final stretch of the 2010 session Parliament approved an amendment to the Constitution that will shift power in the area of foreign policy from the President of the Republic to the Government and Parliament. “Giving one person great power can lead to the abuse of power, as history has shown.” The new Parliament that will Tarja Filatov served as Second Deputy Speaker in the 2010 session of Parlia- convene after the election must give ment. On the left is Secretary General Seppo Tiitinen. its approval before the amendment can enter into force. Secretary General Tiitinen considers the chair Kimmo Sasi (National make compromises. Decision- reform another step towards a Coalition Party) believes that strong making in Parliament is therefore more parliamentary system of presidential power has a downside. more stable and takes different government. “Giving one person great views into account better.” The Constitutional Law power can lead to the abuse of Another amendment to the Committee played a decisive role power, as history has shown. All Constitution would make it in considering the matter, and the parts of society are represented in possible to petition Parliament for amendment was approved on the Parliament. They scrutinize one legislation by collecting the names basis of its report. Committee another and have to negotiate and of 50,000 voters who are Finnish An MP’s work requires patience Before Tarja Tallqvist (Christian “It was quite a disappointment to Tallqvist had been in Parliament Democrats) was elected to notice that nothing happened. for only a month when she sub- Parliament, she was known for Still, we have to draw attention to mitted a legislative motion calling her award-winning TV documen- issues, which means talking and for the investigation of the crimi- taries and defense of elderly listening,” she says. nal backgrounds of people work- people’s rights. Tallqvist’s work as a direc- ing with the elderly, disabled and At first she was surprise by the tor of documentaries ended mentally ill. slow pace of legislative work. She on a high note: a programme “Legislation is now being pre- chuckles that four years ago she that stimulated social discus- pared. Although we’ll have to sincerely believed that problems sion and demands for corrective wait until the next term and no in care for the elderly could be measures. one may remember that it was corrected if only someone would “It’s harder to be a decision- my motion, the important thing take the floor and explain what maker and face demands now is that something is being done.” caretakers had to deal with in that I know how slowly things Tallqvist notes. real life. proceed.” 6 PARLIAMENT OF FINLAND 2010 citizens. A separate act on this procedure could enter into force as soon as the beginning of 2012. Sasi hopes that citizens’ initiatives will address major issues and show proper forethought. “It would be too bad if initiatives were made for irrational reasons, distorting issues.
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