CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2431 HON
November 15, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2431 their staff on many of our most critical edu- Chicago reached the top of the charts with fa- In 1959, he was appointed by U.S. Presi- cational issues. In the past 10 years, she has vorites such as ‘‘If You Leave Me Now,’’ ‘‘Hard dent Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve as special specialized in elementary and secondary edu- to Say I’m Sorry,’’ and ‘‘Look Away.’’ In addi- assistant to U.S. Secretary of State John Fos- cation, including No Child Left Behind. Sandra tion to their incredible commercial success, ter Dulles. A year later, he ran and was elect- was involved in helping to pass NCLB and has Chicago has garnered considerable respect ed to the U.S. House of Representatives from kept the lines of communication open between among critics and has won numerous awards, the 10th Congressional District of Pennsyl- the Executive and Legislative branches of including three Grammy Awards as well as a vania. Government. Favorite Rock Group award at the American In 1962, he was elected governor of the Sandra is a career civil servant who knows Music Awards. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and, during that Federal education policy matters. She has Awards and honors aside, Chicago has a his term, he signed into law sweeping reforms served under administrations of both parties special gift for bringing people together, some- in the State’s educational system including and has consistently received internal recogni- thing I have personally experienced. My wife, creation of the State community college sys- tion for her professionalism and commitment Judy, and I are long-time fans of the band, tem, the State board of education and the to excellence.
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