Issue #90: Parshat Pinchas July 7 • 21 THE REBBE’S TEACHINGS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: This week's Torah portion, Every Jewish soul has its own particular incli- Pinchas, describes the appor- Services Schedule 2 nations and disinclinations; some mitzvot tionment of the Land of Is- (commandments) are easier to observe than Classes Schedule 3 rael. The Torah states, others. The notes that many of our "Through the lot shall the Sages were especially careful in their per- Torah Time 4 land be divided." The Talmud notes that the formance of one particular commandment. process by which the lots were drawn was Although they certainly observed all 613 of Kiddush Calendar 4 not random; the miraculous Urim and the Torah's mitzvot, their performance of that Tumim, in the breastplate of the High Priest, one mitzva was especially praiseworthy. The Shul Family News 5 guided the outcome. exemplary observance of that one mitzva

Upcoming Events 6 served as the conduit through which all other The famous commentator Rashi explains that mitzvot flowed. In the Spotlight 7 not only was the portion of the Holy Land to be given to each tribe written on the lot A person cannot choose his own spiritual Halacha 8 picked for that tribe, but the lot itself spoke bent; it is an integral part of his individual and announced the result. In other words, spiritual makeup. But how does one deter- Youth Calendar 8 the division of the soon-to-be conquered mine exactly which mitzvot are especially was determined by G-d Him- relevant to him? By objectively ascertaining New on Our Site 8 self. those which he finds the hardest to do!

Appreciation 9 The inheritance of the physical portion of A person may safely assume that a given Volunteer Forum 9 land is symbolic of the spiritual inheritance direction is his "inheritance" whenever the of every with which he is enjoined to path seems strewn with obstacles and hin- Did You Know 9 fulfill his individual mission in life. Just as drances. In fact, the more important the each of the Twelve Tribes was given a spe- mitzva, the harder the Evil Inclination tries to Life Lessons 10 cific portion of land to live in and cultivate, IRVING AUTO dissuade the person. every Jew is allotted his own spiritual realm REPAIR CENTER Daily Thought 10 to perfect. A lack of interest in a particular facet of To-

C OMPLETE A UTO & T IRE S ERVICE Photos 11 rah study or indifference to a certain mitzva Although a person might think he is free to OREIGN & D OMESTIC indicates that it is precisely in these areas F choose his own spiritual portion, following OLLISIONC & A UTO B ODY R EPAIRS Advertisers 12 that special efforts must be made. In the P ICK U P / D ELIVERY FROM THE F IVE T OWNS whichever path in the service of G-d that merit of this effort, G-d grants the individual appeals to his nature, the Torah teaches that success in all other areas of his life as well. 1535 C ONEY I SLAND A VE . The Jean Fischman this is not a matter of free will or logic, but is ROOKLYNB , NY 11230 Chabad Center of the Five Towns ordained by G-d. 74 Maple Avenue (718) 377-4300 Torah Reading for Pinchas: BRUCE KOREN Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Stone Edition Chumash : Torah Portion pgs. 876—899 Tel: 516-295-2478 Fax: 516-295-7840 Gutnick Edition Chumash Haftorah:: Torah 1190 Portion pgs. 1040—1073 VISIT US ON THE WEB: WWW.CHABAD5TOWNS.COM [email protected] Haftorah: 1463 WEEKLYWEEKLY SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF OF SERVICES SERVICES A PICTURE IS WORTH 1000 WORDS Page 2 Page 11

‡6 FRIDAY ‡9 MONDAY 6:30 am Shacharit 6:30 am Shacharit Boys/Chasidim of Summer 8:11 pm Light Candles 7:45 pm Mincha / Maariv 7:00 pm Mincha / Maariv 8:15 pm 2nd Mincha / Kabba- ‡10 TUESDAY lat 6:30 am Shacharit 7:45 pm Mincha / Maariv

‡7 SHABBAT 11 WEDNESDAY 9:20 am Shacharit ‡ 6:30 am Shacharit 10:00 am Youth Groups 7:45 pm Mincha / Maariv 12:00 pm Kiddush, Efrem & Leah Schnoll, in ‡12 THURSDAY memory of Avraham Simcha 6:30 am Shacharit ben Yisrael Yitzchak HaLevi. 7:45 pm Mincha / Maariv 8:00 pm Mincha, Study of Pirkei Avot & Seudah Shlishit, ‡13 FRIDAY with Chassidic Melody , 6:30 am Shacharit Discourse & Moshiach 8:08 pm Light Candles 7:00 pm Mincha / Kabbalat Matters Shabbat 9:18 pm Shabbat Ends 8:15 pm 2nd Mincha / Kabbalat

Shabbat Minyan SUNDAY ‡8 8:00 am Shacharit ‡14 SHABBAT 7:45 pm Mincha / Maariv 7:30 am Shabbat Mevarchim Tehillim Recitation

The Weekly Women’s Shiur will be held Chabad joined a Shul’s League! at 5:15 pm, at the home of Last Sunday, we played our first Arielle & Naomi Berko, game...The final score??? Doesn’t matter = all had fun! 345 Marlborough Road, Cedarhurst. INSPIRATION WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Page 10 Page 3 SHABBAT 8:45 am Chassidus Nachman Ross CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE NESHAMA: LIFE LESSONS 7:00 pm Rambam Rabbi Nachman Ross

Transformation 7:00 pm Code of Jewish Law Rabbi Wolowik 8:15 pm Moshiach Matters Rabbi Nachman Ross Once there was a powerful king, who ruled many lands. His most precious treasure was a diamond – the most flawless diamond in the world. Once, at a royal party, the king flaunted his diamond, passing it from guest to guest as 8:45 am Breakfast & Bavli Rabbi Wolowik

it rested on a soft velvet pillow. Abruptly, the diamond fell and became SUNDAY 8:45 am Rambam-A Chapter A Day R’ Meir Preger deeply scratched.

5:30 am Tanya R’ Meir Preger MONDAY The ruler summoned his diamond experts to correct the blemish. However, 7:15 am Daf Yomi Daily Talmud Study R’ Elly Storch the distraught king learned that they could not remove the blemish without cutting the surface, thus reducing the diamond’s value. 7:20 am Rambam-A Chapter A Day R’ Meir Preger 10:30 am Food for the Body & Soul Mrs. Rivka Kotlarsky NOT IN SESSION Finally, a craftsman appeared and assured the king that he could fix the dia- 3:45 pm Connection to the Source Mrs. Leah Muller mond without reducing its value. The self-confidence this artist displayed NOT IN SESSION convinced the king to entrust the diamond’s repair to him. 5:30 am Chassidic Mysticism Rabbi Wolowik

7:15 am Daf Yomi R’ Elly Storch Several days later, the artist returned with the diamond. The king was aston- ished to see that the ugly scratch had disappeared. In its place a beautiful 7:20 am Rambam-A Chapter A Day R’ Meir Preger rose was engraved. 10:30 am J.U.S.T. For Us Seniors Group Mrs. Lisa Balch NOT IN SESSION

TUESDAY 7:45 pm Intermediate Hebrew Class Mrs. Marla Turk The scratch had become the stem of an exquisite flower. NOT IN SESSION WEDNESDAY ~ 5:45 am Tanya R’ Meir Preger “Failure is success… if we learn from it.” 7:15 am Daf Yomi R’ Elly Storch 7:20 am Rambam-A Chapter A Day R’ Meir Preger 10:30 am A Tale ofTwo Souls Tanya Shimona Tzukernik NOT IN SESSION THOUGHT FOR THE DAY 5:45 am Tanya R’ Meir Preger LANDING 7:15 am Daf Yomi R’ Elly Storch 7:20 am Rambam-A Chapter A Day R’ Meir Preger 8:15 pm Living with the Times, Wkly Torah R’ Portion Yanky Feder

To one who fell into enormous debt trying to achieve miracles, the Rebbe said: THURSDAY 8:15 pm Leining Lessons for Adults R’ Leibel Zisman FRIDAY We were told to transcend limitations --but that doesn’t mean just jumping into the air with no idea of where you’re 5:30 am Chassidic Mysticism Rabbi Wolowik going to land! 7:15 am Daf Yomi R’ Elly Storch 7:20 am Rambam-A Chapter A Day R’ Meir Preger TORAH TIME APPRECIATION Page 4 Page 9

WEEKLY TORAH PORTION SUMMARY: PINCHAS WE THANK... Aaron's grandson, Pinchas, is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the

Dr. Binyomin & Leah Muller for sponsoring the weekly l’chaim publication. Shimonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess: G-d grants him a cove-

nant of peace and the priesthood.

VOLUNTEER FORUM A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of 20 and 60. is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the WE THANK THE VOLUNTEERS FROM THE PAST WEEK: tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition • Our devoted Kiddush volunteers: Lisa Balch, Paula, Avi & Yechiel Fried- man, Fanny Gold, Debby Hoffert, Ira Lebowitz, Larry Sachs, Leibel Stein,

Moses that they be granted the portion of the land belonging to their father, Alan Strauss, Yechezkel Taitz, Marla Turk, and Josh Justic. who died without sons; G-d accepts their claim and incorporates it into the • Stephanie Friedman & Lisa Fishbein for helping with the Shabbat groups. Torah's laws of inheritance.

We sincerely apologize if we have inadvertently omitted your name. Moses empowers Joshua to succeed him and lead the peo- DID YOU KNOW…? ple into the Land of Israel. The KIDDUSH CALENDAR Parshah concludes with a de- CALENDAR ADVERTISING SPACE & OPTIONS STILL AVAILABLE! • July 7 Our calendar is almost complete and we will be mailing copies of the tailed list of the daily offerings, Efrem & Leah Schnoll calendar free of charge, which will be viewed by over 20,000 people and the additional offerings • July 14 throughout the community. brought on Shabbat, Rosh Sponsorship Available Above each month's page, we've reserved an eye-catching space to

Chodesh (first of the month), • July 21 advertise your business and our date boxes (including both Hebrew & and the festivals of , Sponsorship Available secular dates) provide ample room for your family's birthdays, anniver- , , Yom If you’d like to sponsor a future saries and yahrtzeits. Please call or visit our website for rates, informa- Kiddush at Chabad to mark any tion and ad forms. Should you have any questions feel free to contact Kippur, and Shemini occasion, please contact Dr. Muller at 516-569-0169. us, [email protected]. Atzeret. You may also contact us at 516-295-2478. The deadline is quickly ap- proaching - act fast! TIDBITS THE SHUL FAMILY NEWS Page 8 Page 5


DURING THE THREE WEEKS 7/7/2007 • Tammuz 21 Rivkah Esther Henig • It is customary not to cut or shave any hair during the Three Weeks. 7/11/2007 • Tammuz 25 Mr. Larry Sachs This also applies to adults cutting children’s hair. 7/11/2007 • Tammuz 25 Avi Schuckman

• Nail cutting is permissible during the Three Weeks, until the begin- ning of . 7/11/2007 • Tammuz 25 Mr. Howard Taitz • A Jew who has a court case with a non-Jew should postpone it, if pos- 7/11/2007 • Tammuz 25 Samuel Weisman sible, until after the entire month of , but at least until after Tisha 7/13/2007 • Tammuz 27 Shira Feder B’Av. 7/13/2007 • Tammuz 27 Dovid Yitzchok Ivry YOUTH CALENDAR

July 14 • Birthday Shabbat, for all children celebrat-

ing birthdays in the month of Av, following Shabbat Services.

NEW ON OUR SITE July 7 ~ Tammuz 21 Father of R’ Meir Preger R’ Menachem Nachum Preger July 8 ~ Tammuz 22 Father of Ms. Leah Rosenthal Mr. Avraham Simcha Rosenthal July 10 ~ Tammuz 24 Father of Mr. Abraham Shapiro R’ Solomon Shapiro

July 13 ~ Tammuz 27 Mother of Mrs. Faye Adams Mrs. Raizel Leah Abramowitz


Mondays, July 9 & 16 • WORKSHOP SERIES: & Cooking Chabad will be offering a special summer series of workshops for women on Kosher Cooking, a chance to Brachos Mania mped right into our theme with got to camp on Monday, we ju learn about the Kosher Kitchen and participate in a As soon as we eir very achos Hunt. Each child made th os Placemats and an exciting Br Cooking Demonstration and Food Tasting, with Mrs. Brach can’t wait to use be sent home on Monday). We Rikki Fishbein. RSVP required, call 516-295-2478. own Brachos Placemat (it will ha to make every time we ome so that we know which Brac these placemats at h pic- os hunt. We ran outside to find , we all got together for a Brach eat! Then rted them by Wednesday, July 18 • Multimedia Tour of the Beit Hamikdash for Women od, and then back inside we so tures of all different types of fo A unique and compelling power-point presentation that describes the struc- was so much fun! Bracha and colored them too! It ture and service in the Beis HaMikdash and highlights parallels in our rela-

tionships with Hashem and our fellowmen. Prompted by the Rebbe’s direc- Nature interesting this week. We tive to study Hilchos Beis HaBechirah and featuring attractive illustrations of ture lesson was both fun and Morah Donna’s Na rea- the water on the second day of C the Beis HaMikdash, diagrams, and handouts for the audience, this presenta- hat Hashem created the sky and learned t rt of the crea- salt and spray bottles were all pa tion enables this fascinating topic to come alive and be grasped by any audi- tion. Cotton ball clouds, coloring derful Day 2 Nature Project! ence. With Mrs. Malka Touger, 8:15 pm at Chabad. tive process while making our won

! Rain, Rain, Go Away Arts sday! We had a fantastic day of et the rain keep us down on Thur We didn’t l oothies were sic and baking! The delicious sm & Crafts, singing with Morah Mu nd then each had a taste of e mixed the fruit in the blender a definitely a hit! W food swimming in the sea. Using jello, summer drink. We also made fish the cool, Day 2! e the sea, just like Hashem did on coloring and fish candies we mad

Shabbos Oneg bos r Shabbos. Challah baking, Shab Friday was spent getting ready fo As usual,, ond amazing f the day as we ended the sec Party and songs were all part o citement and fun, Challah le the whole week was full of ex week of camp. Whi iful neaded the dough, formed beaut s a highlight for everyone. We k baking wa out the build- onderful Challah baking through Challah braids and smelled the w llah on Shabbos! For further information on our events, clubs, classes & services or to view ing. We can’t wait to eat our Cha detailed weekly schedules, please visit our website: