The Halifax Academy  the Halifax Academy Activity Survey 2020 Activity Survey 2019 Activity Survey 2018 Activity Survey 2017

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The Halifax Academy  the Halifax Academy Activity Survey 2020 Activity Survey 2019 Activity Survey 2018 Activity Survey 2017 School Name Activity Survey 2020: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy Activity Survey 2020 Activity Survey 2019 Activity Survey 2018 Activity Survey 2017 Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT Education 204 99.03% Education 169 95.5% Education 171 98.28% Education 159 96.36% A Level 85 41.26% A Level 76 42.9% AS or A2 Level 56 32.18% AS or A2 Level 54 32.73% Entry Level 1 0.49% Entry Level 5 2.8% Entry Level 10 5.75% Entry Level 2 1.21% Level 1 17 8.25% Level 1 16 9.0% Level 1 21 12.07% Level 1 19 11.52% Level 2 34 16.50% Level 2 28 15.8% Level 2 38 21.84% Level 2 35 21.21% Level 3 67 32.52% Level 3 44 24.9% Level 3 46 26.44% Level 3 49 29.70% Employment and Training 1 0.49% Employment and Training 6 3.4% Employment and Training 3 1.72% Employment and Training 3 1.82% Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.49% Apprenticeship 2 1.1% Apprenticeship 2 1.15% Apprenticeship 3 1.82% NEET Group 1 0.49% Employment + non accredited 3 1.7% Traineeship 1 0.57% NEET Group 2 1.21% NEET Not available to labour market/learning 1 0.49% training Total 174 100.00% NEET - not yet ready for work / 1 0.61% - other reason Traineeship 1 0.6% learning Total 206 100.00% NEET Group 1 0.6% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.61% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.6% market/learning - parent market/learning - other reason Unknown 1 0.61% Unknown 1 0.6% Current situation not known 1 0.61% Current situation not known 1 0.6% Total 165 100.00% Total 177 100.0% Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Meeting the Duty 204 99.03% Meeting the Duty 172 97.2% Meeting the Duty 174 100.00% Meeting the Duty 162 98.18% Not Meeting the Duty 1 0.49% Not Meeting the Duty 5 2.8% Total 174 100.00% Not Meeting the Duty 2 1.21% Working Towards 1 0.49% Total 177 100.0% Temporary Break 1 0.61% Total 206 100.00% Total 165 100.00% School Name 2020 Pupil Premium Destinations: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 Pupil Premium Destinations 2020 Pupil Premium Destinations Pupil Premium No Yes Total Pupil Premium No Yes Destination Count % Count % Coun % t A Level 51 44.35% 34 37.36% 85 41.26% Entry Level 1 1.10% 1 0.49% Level 1 12 10.43% 5 5.49% 17 8.25% 40% Level 2 14 12.17% 20 21.98% 34 16.50% Level 3 37 32.17% 30 32.97% 67 32.52% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - other reason 1 0.87% 1 0.49% Re-Engagement Provision 1 1.10% 1 0.49% 16.50% Total 115 100.00% 91 100.00% 206 100.00% 30% 14.56% 20% 24.76% 9.71% 10% Participation 17.96% Pupil Premium No Yes Total 2.43% Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % Count % Coun % t Meeting the Duty 114 99.13% 90 98.90% 204 99.03% 6.80% 5.83% Not Meeting the Duty 1 0.87% 1 0.49% Working Towards 1 1.10% 1 0.49% 0% Total 115 100.00% 91 100.00% 206 100.00% A Level Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Entry Level NEET Not Re-Engageme… available to Provision labour market/learni… - other reason School Name 2020 SEN Destinations: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 SEN Destinations 2020 SEN Destinations SEND Grouping Education, Health No SEND Total SEND Grouping Education, Health & Care Plan No SEND & Care Plan Destination Count % Count % Coun % t A Level 85 42.08% 85 41.26% Entry Level 1 0.50% 1 0.49% A Level 41.26% Level 1 2 50.00% 15 7.43% 17 8.25% Level 2 2 50.00% 32 15.84% 34 16.50% Level 3 67 33.17% 67 32.52% Level 3 32.52% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.50% 1 0.49% market/learning - other reason Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.50% 1 0.49% Level 2 15.53% Total 4 100.00% 202 100.00% 206 100.00% Level 1 7.28% Entry Level NEET Not available to… Re-Engagement Provi… 0% 20% 40% School Name 2020 Gender by Destination: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 Gender by Destination 2020 Gender by Destination Gender Female Male Total Destination Count % Count % Coun % Gender Female Male t A Level 52 46.85% 33 34.74% 85 41.26% Entry Level 1 1.05% 1 0.49% A Level 25.24% 16.02% Level 1 5 4.50% 12 12.63% 17 8.25% Level 2 10 9.01% 24 25.26% 34 16.50% Level 3 20.87% 11.65% Level 3 43 38.74% 24 25.26% 67 32.52% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - other reason 1 0.90% 1 0.49% Level 2 4.85% 11.65% Re-Engagement Provision 1 1.05% 1 0.49% Total 111 100.00% 95 100.00% 206 100.00% Level 1 5.83% Entry Level NEET Not available to labour m… Re-Engagement Provision 0% 20% 40% School Name 2020 Ethnicity by Destination: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 Ethnicity by Destination Ethnicity African Any Other Asian Any Other Ethnic Any Other Any Other White Bangladeshi Pakistani White & Asian White British Total Background Group Mixed/Multiple Background Ethnic Background Destination Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Coun % t A Level 2 50.00% 1 25.00% 1 33.33% 81 42.86% 85 41.26% Entry Level 1 0.53% 1 0.49% Level 1 1 100.00% 15 7.94% 1 50.00% 17 8.25% Level 2 1 100.00% 2 50.00% 3 75.00% 1 100.00% 26 13.76% 1 50.00% 34 16.50% Level 3 2 66.67% 65 34.39% 67 32.52% NEET Not available 1 0.53% 1 0.49% to labour market/learning - other reason Re-Engagement 1 100.00% 1 0.49% Provision Total 1 100.00% 4 100.00% 4 100.00% 1 100.00% 1 100.00% 3 100.00% 189 100.00% 1 100.00% 2 100.00% 206 100.00% School Name 2020 Ethnicity by Destination: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 Ethnicity by Destination Destination A Level Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 NEET Not available to labour market/learning - other reason Re-Engagement Provision Ethnicity Count % GT African 1 0.49% Pakistani 42.86% 7.94% 13.76% 34.39% Any Other Asian Background 4 1.94% Any Other Ethnic Group 4 1.94% Any Other Asian Background 50.00% 50.00% Any Other Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Background 1 0.49% Any Other White Background 1 0.49% Bangladeshi 3 1.46% Any Other Ethnic Group 25.00% 75.00% Pakistani 189 91.75% White & Asian 1 0.49% Bangladeshi 33.33% 66.67% White British 2 0.97% Total 206 100.00% White British 50.00% 50.00% African 100.00% Any Other Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Background 100.00% Any Other White Background 100.00% White & Asian 100.00% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% School Name 2020 Support Level Destinations: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 Support Level Destinations If a client is in the Vulnerable group they have one of the following characteristics: Child in Need / Child Protection, Looked After, Young Offender, Pregnant, Parent, Statement / EHCP, Stronger Families, Young Carer, Attendance issues, Alternative Provision, Expecting to achieve below L1, My Support Plan. If a client is in the Targeted group they have been identified by the school and/or Careers Adviser as needing more support but don’t have any of the previous individual characteristics. Support Level LA Funded Targeted Universal Total Support Level LA Funded Targeted Universal Destination Count % Count % Count % Coun % t A Level 1 12.50% 4 10.00% 80 50.63% 85 Entry Level 1 12.50% 1 A Level 38.83% Level 1 2 25.00% 8 20.00% 7 4.43% 17 Level 2 3 37.50% 17 42.50% 14 8.86% 34 Level 3 11 27.50% 56 35.44% 67 Level 3 5.34% 27.18% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - other reason 1 0.63% 1 Re-Engagement Provision 1 12.50% 1 Level 2 8.25% 6.80% Total 8 100.00% 40 100.00% 158 100.00% 206 1 Level 1 3.88% Entry Level NEET Not available to labour … Re-Engagement Provision 0% 20% 40% School Name 2020 Education Destinations: The Halifax Academy The Halifax Academy 2020 Education Destinations 2020 Education Destinations Destination A Level Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Destination A Level Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Activity Survey Organisation Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Coun % t Bradford City Football Club 1 2.94% 1 0.49% Bradford College 1 5.88% 1 0.49% Trinity Sixth Form Ac… 21.57% 13.24% Brighouse High School 1 1.18% 1 2.94% 2 2.99% 4 1.96% Calderdale College 1 100.00% 11 64.71% 18 52.94% 12 17.91% 42 20.59% Calderdale College 5.39% 8.82% 5.88% Greenhead College 21 24.71% 1 1.49% 22 10.78% Huddersfield New College 1 1.18% 3 8.82% 3 4.48% 7 3.43% The Brooksbank Sch… 8.33% Kirklees College Huddersfield Centre 4 23.53% 5 14.71% 2 2.99% 11 5.39% New College Bradford 1 1.49% 1 0.49% Greenhead College 10.29% North Halifax Grammar School 8 9.41% 8 3.92% Ryburn Valley High School 1 5.88% 1 1.49% 2 0.98% Kirklees College Hud… The Brooksbank School 1 1.18% 6 17.65% 17 25.37% 24 11.76% The Crossley Heath School 9 10.59% 9 4.41% The Crossley Heath S… 4.41% Trinity Academy Halifax 1 1.49% 1 0.49% Trinity Sixth Form Academy 44 51.76% 27 40.30% 71 34.80% North Halifax Gramm… 3.92% Total 85 100.00% 1 100.00% 17 100.00% 34 100.00% 67 100.00% 204 100.00% Huddersfield New Co… Brighouse High School Ryburn Valley High S… Bradford City Footbal… Bradford College New College Bradford Trinity Academy Halif… 0% 10% 20% 30% School Name 2020 Participation: The Halifax Academy Calderdale Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % Meeting the Duty 2650 96.79% Not Meeting the Duty 72 2.63% Temporary Break 10 0.37% Meeting the Duty 96.79% Working Towards 6 0.22% Total 2738 100.00% Not Meeting the Duty 2.63% Temporary Break 0.37% Working Towards 0.22% School Name 2020 Activity Survey: The Halifax Academy Calderdale LA Table School Table Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT Education 2553 93.24% Education 204 99.03% A Level 1215 44.38% A Level 85 41.26% Entry Level 39 1.42% Entry Level 1 0.49% GCSE 8 0.29% Level 1 17 8.25% Higher Education 24 0.88% Level 2 34 16.50% Level 1 263 9.61% Level 3 67 32.52% Level 2 333 12.16% Employment and Training 1 0.49% Level 3 669 24.43% Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.49% Other Qualification 2 0.07% NEET Group 1 0.49% Employment and Training 137 5.00% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.49% Apprenticeship 88 3.21% market/learning - other reason Employment + non accredited training 7 0.26% Total 206 100.00% Employment +accredited training/pt study 2 0.07% Employment without training 23 0.84% Other Training eg.
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    ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - 2020 OUR MISSION To inspire local disadvantaged people on their journey to independence by providing housing support and education tailored to their specific needs. CORE VALUES • To deliver a high-quality customer focussed service. • To value and respect the rights and views of all stakeholders. • To ensure equal opportunities are key to all our activities • To act with tolerance, integrity and consideration at all times. • To encourage innovation and creativity within the organisation. CHAIR’S REPORT I joined Calderdale SmartMove in 2013 as a Trustee and Our team have continued to support our clients and have been fortunate to be involved in the continued other vulnerable people in Calderdale that have been success of the charity ever since. I was asked to take the affected by the Covid 19 situation. Distributing food position of Chairman by the board when our previous parcels, furniture, electrical goods and of course a kind chairman Alan Bewsher left in January this year. I would word of support which to many vulnerable people is like to thank Alan for his contribution to the charity. just as important. This has also been made more difficult whilst observing government guidelines to Calderdale SmartMove continues to support vulnerable protect our clients and staff. and disadvantaged people in our local area and have maintained this service to the community for 22 years. Our working procedures in and out of the office have changed since March 2020 and due to the We are presently supporting on average 160 individuals coordination of Government guidelines implemented and families at any one time.
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