Full Beacher
THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 37, Number 18 Thursday, May 13, 2021 A League of Her Own by William Halliar Betsy Jochum always bat at Playland Park follow- loved outdoor sports. ing three seasons at Bendix Born in Cincinnati on Feb. Field. Due to COVID-19, 8, 1921, and growing up with however, attendance at the a brother, she learned early ceremony is limited to en- how to swing a stick or bat sure proper pandemic safety to strike rocks or worn-out measures. leather ball, to run bases on America’s love affair with a sandlot with the best and baseball, especially the toughest boys. game’s origin, is shrouded On May 17, 1943, Jochum in some mystery, as befi ts was among 280 women who any good romance. Games showed up at Chicago’s Wrig- with balls struck by sticks ley Field for consideration were played for centuries in the new All-American in Great Britain, Ireland Girls Professional Baseball and across Europe. The League. She was one of the rules varied, but many such 60 original players chosen games included running be- that spring day. From there, tween or around bases. And, she headed to South Bend they were imported to our for a career that defi ned the shores with the waves of im- rest of her life. migrants in the early 19th Now 100, Jochum has century. played a role in a new per- New York in the early manent exhibit honoring the 1800s was a crowded, bus- AAGPBL at South Bend’s tling, dirty, but without a The History Museum, 808 doubt energetic city.
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