
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 06/13 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 329 - Juni 2013 Michael J. Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - : www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013

Internet Killed the Videostar?

Vor einigen Tagen sah ich auf arte Be Kind lich Video-on-Demand bei Amazon oder . Rewind. In dem Film müssen Mos Def und Jack Viele meiner Freunde und Bekannten, und ich Black populäre Filme auf Videokassette neu fil- selbst ganz besonders, kaufen auch gerne ihre men, weil sie aus Versehen den Bestand der ih- Lieblingsserien und Filme auf DVD bzw. Blu-. nen anvertrauten Videothek gelöscht haben. Ganz Wir sparen uns Werbung, können so viel gucken, unerwartet haben sie im Wohnviertel mit ihren wie wir wollen und Wolfram Hannemann hat wei- “geschwedeten” Filmen – so nennen sie ihre Bil- terhin Arbeit. Das ist auch wichtig! lig-Remakes, um sie exotischer und wertvoller klingen zu lassen – enormen Erfolg. Die 20-Minu- Der Generation YouTube geht es nämlich nicht ten-Versionen der Filme kommen bei den Leuten darum, alles umsonst zu bekommen. Es geht uns besser an als die Originale. Plötzlich existiert ein vielmehr um komplette Autonomie in unserer neues Medium, das dem Altehrwürdigen in Win- Unterhaltungskultur. Wir wollen nicht bevormundet deseile den Rang abläuft. werden, uns an ein Programm halten müssen und Werbung dulden, um die Sendung zu verdienen. Tatsächlich ist es so, dass wir genau dieses Phä- Wieso sonst ist TiVo so beliebt? Außerdem ist nomen seit der Eröffnung YouTube am eigenen spürbar, dass die User selbst bestimmen wollen, Leibe erfahren. Die Plattform, die klein als eine Art wovon sie mehr und wovon weniger wollen. Bei Video-Blog Community anfing, hat sich zu einem Nachrichtensendungen wird das sehr deutlich. eigenständigen, neuen Sehmedium gemausert, Schaut man 15 Minuten Tagesschau, kriegt man innerhalb kürzester Zeit. YouTube hat eigene Stars zwar einen Ü berblick, aber es ist viel dabei, und Sternchen, Gossip, Fehden, Kollaborationen. einen nicht tangiert oder interessiert. Schöner ist Man wird unterhalten, unterstützt und oft lernt man es, wenn man sich aussuchen kann, bei der Philip auch etwas. Sowie das Verb “googeln” nun zum DeFranco Show eine Zusammenfassung zu krie- allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch gehört, so nutzen gen und dann bei den Young Turks vertieft in ein- ich und meine Freunde auch das Verb zelne Nachrichten vorzudringen und die Themen “YouTuben”, wenn wir etwas direkt bei YouTube zu durchleuchten. Auf YouTube finden auch recherchiert haben. Die Informationen, die ich Shows riesigen Anklang und traumhafte Einschalt- brauchte, um mit einer Hand ein Ei zu teilen, habe quoten, die es im Fernsehen nicht mal durch das ich nicht gegoogelt, sondern direkt geyoutubed. erste Entwicklungsmeeting geschafft hätten. Zum Schließlich ist das, oder Hängemaschen stricken, Beispiel Wil Wheatons Tabletop, in dem der oder dem Hund Platz beibringen, viel einfacher zu Schauspieler und Geek den Zuschauern Brettspie- lernen, wenn man es vorgemacht bekommt, als le vorführt und beibringt. (Meine Lieblingsepisode: wenn man etwas darüber liest. “Pandemic”.)

Auch sonst hat sich, zumindest in meiner Genera- Das nicht alles auf YouTube klassischer, reiner tion und denen danach, grundlegend etwas im Journalismus ist, damit muss man leben. Kann Sehverhalten verändert. TV ist out, YouTube und man aber auch. Denn die jungen Wilden, die auf Konsorten ist in. Im Fernsehen gucken wir mei- YouTube Karriere machen – Philip DeFranco be- stens nur noch Serien, ab und an mal einen Film. dient mittlerweile zig Kanäle und ist mit seinen Und das auch nur, wenn man überhaupt noch ein nicht einmal 30 Jahren bereits ein YouTube-Mogul, Fernsehgerät besitzt. Ansonsten gibt es schließ- der Dutzende von Mitarbeitern beschäftigt und ein

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 eigenes Haus mit Pool besitzt – sind vielleicht trieben miteinbeziehen. Bei Serienproduktion so- nicht klassisch ausgebildet, aber sie machen ihr zusagen eine Kommentarfunktion einzubauen, ist Ding mit Leidenschaft, Speed, Humor und, ja, Se- meiner Meinung nach falsch. Amazon sollte eher riosität. Speed ist vielleicht der größte Trumpf der dem Beispiel des YouTube-Senders WIGS (When YouTuber. Vernetzt wie sie sind, mit und It Gets Stormy) folgen, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Facebook, Instagram und Tumblr, kriegen sie die echten Stars und Sternchen – die, man sieht es Nachrichten schneller rein und auch wieder raus. ganz klar, der Arbeit folgen und nicht stur an ihren Sie können bei besonders brennenden Themen alten Medien festhalten – Mini-Serien mit Mini-Fol- nachlegen, so oft es nötig ist und trotzdem den gen produziert, diese aber mit hohem “production regulären Betrieb aufrechthalten. Die User suchen value”. Die Sets sind solide, die Skripts klasse, sich dann selbst aus, was davon sie gucken wol- die Schauspieler und Regisseure meisterhaft. Ich len. Sie sind nicht so gebunden, wie die Medien empfehle bei WIGS übrigens die Serie Blue, mit mit denen sie erfolgreich konkurrieren. Sie müs- Julia Stiles in der Hauptrolle. Sich endlos zu fra- sen keiner Linie außer der eigenen folgen, Macht- gen, was die Zuschauer möchten und versuchen, spiele und versteckte politische Zugehörigkeiten es jedem recht zu machen, wird nicht gut gehen. fallen weg. Bei YouTube ist es einfach: Bist du Die Qualität wird leiden. Lieber etwas Gutes, aus gut, hast du hohe Einschaltquoten und kannst von eigenem Antrieb und mit originellem Inhalt. Auf der Werbung und Merchandise, die du anbietest, YouTube werden sich dafür die Fans von selbst leben. Verschlechterst du dich, ist Schluss mit Lu- finden. stig. Direkt, schnörkellos, ohne Wenn und Aber. Dennoch will auch YouTube-Erfolg hart erarbeitet Ich denke nicht, dass YouTube dem Fernsehen sein. Ein virales Video reicht nicht für eine Show. und Kino den Garaus machen wird. Aber vielleicht Die YouTube-Stars von heute, DeFranco, JulieG, wird es vor allem die TV-Sender etwas mehr auf die Fowler-Schwestern, Jenna Marbles, die Zack bringen (besonders in Deutschland) und es Hillywood Show, Makeup Geek, Natalie Tran, The diversifiziert die Medienlandschaft, was immer von Young Turks, Alex Day und viele andere – sie alle Vorteil für alle ist. Selbstverwirklichung, Demokra- haben Jahre gebraucht, um aus dem Vloggen ein tisierung, Unterhaltung, Lebenshilfe, dafür steht nachhaltiges Geschäft zu machen. Eine Schiene das YouTube, das ich kenne und nutze. Die Leute zu finden und ein Erkennungsmerkmal, ein Kon- sind eben doch nur so dumm, wie man sie macht. zept auszuarbeiten, das die User regelmäßig se- YouTube beweist, dass es mehr drauf hat, als in hen wollen, all das kostet Zeit und Engagement. Klos fallende Katzen und fingerbeißende Babys. Persönliche Shows erleben gerade ein goldenes Zeitalter auf YouTube, aber dabei ist es nicht ge- Anna Rudschies blieben. Seit kurzem versuchen auch Fernsehsen- der oder Internetproduktionsfirmen, die demokrati- sche Goldmiene zu erschließen. Yahoo produzier- te im letzten Jahr Burning Love, eine Internet- Comedy-Serie. Obwohl ich niemanden kenne, der die Serie geguckt hat, muss sie einigen Erfolg ge- habt haben, denn es steht eine zweite Season an. Amazon versucht auch, Serien mit Zuschauer-Vo- Anna freut sich über Feedback: tum herauszubringen. Ob das gutgeht, wird sich [email protected] noch zeigen. Man kann die Zuschauer auch über-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013 down keinesfalls einen Abbruch. Wer erklären, die dem Zuschauer kaum Zeit Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting! sich für asiatische Kampfsportarten zum Atmen lassen. Hier ersetzen marki- Das zweite von nur drei Screenings in interessiert, wird in diesem Film ganz ge Sprüche komplizierte Dialoge und dieser Woche führte mich in den asiati- sicher auf seine Kosten kommen. Nicht muskelbepackte Männer und Frauen schen Kampfsport ein... nur werden die Kämpfe in den Mittel- richtige Schauspieler. Dass die mit punkt gerückt, sondern auch die Philo- Techno-Rhythmen unterlegten Bilder in THE GRANDMASTER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) sophie, die sich dahinter verbirgt. Für Videoclip-Ästhetik teilweise die Geset- OT: The Grandmaster / Yi Dai Zong Shi Außenstehende allerdings erscheint ze der Schwerkraft außer Kraft setzen, Verleih: Wild Bunch die Geschichte etwas konfus, überlang ist nicht weiter verwunderlich. Wer Land/Jahr: Hongkong, , Frank- und dazu noch ohne viel Substanz. sich daran stört, sitzt vermutlich im reich 2013 Musikalisch bedient sich der Film nicht falschen Film. Alle anderen aber wer- Regie: Wong Kar Wai nur eines originalen Scores, sondern den sich bei diesem Adrenalingenerator Darsteller: Tony Leung Chiu-wai, lässt auch andere Filmmusiken erklin- köstlich amüsieren. Und einen Extra- Zhang Ziyi, Chang Chen gen (u.a. von Ennio Morricone und Punkt gibt es dafür, dass der Film nicht Kinostart: 27.06.2013 Bruno Coulais), jedoch stets passend in 3D produziert wurde. zur Szene. Vermutlich handelt es sich Wong Kar Wai goes Kung Fu! Der für hierbei um Lieblingsstücke des Regis- Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013 seine romantischen Liebesfilme wie IN seurs. Der einsame Millionär THE MOOD FOR LOVE bekannt ge- Mein heutiger Pfingstausflug führte wordene Regisseur aus Hong Kong Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 mich schnurstracks in mein Lieblings- realisierte einen lange gehegten Testosteron unter der Motorhaube kino nach Karlsruhe – und in einen Wunschfilm. Darin geht es um den le- Mit einem Action-Feuerwerk wurde die wunderbaren Film. gendären Kämpfer Ip Man, der später spärliche Pressewoche heute abge- zum Lehrmeister von Bruce Lee wurde. schlossen. DER GROSSE GATSBY (1:2.35, 3D, Die Geschichte führt zurück in das Chi- DD 5.1) na der dreißiger Jahre, jener turbulen- FAST & FURIOUS 6 (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + OT: The Great Gatsby ten Übergangszeit vom Kaiserreich zur 7.1) Verleih: Warner Volksrepublik. Ungeschlagen in Wett- OT: Fast & Furious 6 Land/Jahr: Australien, USA 2013 kämpfen mit anderen Kung Fu-Künst- Verleih: Universal Regie: lern wird Ip Man als Großmeister von Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Darsteller: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Südchina gefeiert. Er erringt die Zunei- Regie: Justin Lin Maguire, Carey Mulligan gung der stolzen Gong Er, Hüterin der Darsteller: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Kinostart: 16.05.2013 nordchinesischen Kampfkunst-Traditi- Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez on. Kinostart: 23.05.2013 1922 lernt der junge Wall-Street-Broker Als japanische Truppen auch Südchina Nick Carraway seinen Nachbarn, den besetzen, verlieren sie sich aus den Wenn die dröhnenden Motoren ihrer unter mysteriösen Umständen zu Augen, da Ip Man für das Überleben Sportkarossen aufheulen, wird die Reichtum gekommenen Jay Gatsby ken- seiner Familie kämpfen muss, während Surround-Sound-Anlage im Kinosaal nen und lässt sich in seine Welt voller Gong Er im fernen Norden Genugtuung bis an die Grenzen ihrer Belastbarkeit rauschender Feste hineinziehen. Doch für die feige Ermordung ihres Vaters getrieben und die Subwoofer müssen schon bald erkennt er, dass Gatsby in sucht... Man mag zu Martial-Arts-Fil- gar Überstunden schieben: “Dom” Wirklichkeit eine einsamer Mann ist, men stehen wie man will. Ob man sie Toretto (Vin Diesel) und seine Freunde der alles dafür tut, um seine einstige nun hasst oder liebt – eines jedenfalls sind zurück! Im bereits sechsten Teil Liebe Daisy, Nicks Cousine, zurückzu- muss man Wong Kar Wais Film lassen: der erfolgreichen Action-Serie wird das erobern... Spätestens seit MOULIN seine absolut brillante Optik! Schnell Eliteteam um Dom von Interpol-Agent ROUGE sind die Filme von Baz geschnittene und imposant choreogra- Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) aus Luhrmann Pflichtprogramm. Nach dem phierte Kung-Fu-Kämpfe in strömen- dem Exil geholt, um einem Schurken etwas enttäuschenden dem Regen gehören zu den visuellen Einhalt zu gebieten. Den gilt es mit sei- hat Luhrmann mit dem Remake der F. Präsentierstückchen, die den ganzen nen eigenen Waffen zu schlagen und Scott Fitzgerald Verfilmung endlich Film von Anfang bis Ende durchziehen. ist die Arena dafür. Dass Doms wieder zu seiner alten Form gefunden - Als Höhepunkt gibt es einen Zwei- totgeglaubte Liebe Letty offenbar zum der Film ist optisch eine Wucht! Dank kampf zwischen der Protagonistin und Trupp des Bösen gehört, macht die digitaler Effekte gelingen ihm extrem ihrem Feind, ausgeführt auf einem Sache nicht einfacher. Während imposante Bilder wie jene, in der er Bahnsteig, von dem während des Normalos ihre Autos mit Benzin befül- seine Kamera vom Dach eines Wolken- Kampfes ein Zug abfährt. Auch wenn len, tanken die rasanten Sportkarossen kratzers in irrsinniger Geschwindigkeit dieser Zug offensichtlich mehrere Kilo- hier offensichtlich Testosteron. Nur so fast auf die Straße stürzen lässt. Ein meter lang ist (!), so tut das dem Show- lassen sich die irrwitzigen Situationen solches Bravourstückchen braucht

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog definitiv kein 3D um beim Publikum zu ein weiser Spruch steht. So liest man schwulen Stewards der ersten Klasse bestehen. So erweist sich die einge- da Sätze wie “Versuche nicht den Weg um Schadensbegrenzung – mit Alkohol setzte 3D-Technik denn auch als der Zufriedenheit zu finden. Zufrieden- und Aufputschdrogen für die Fluggä- Schwachpunkt des Films, der in der heit ist der Weg” oder “Atme. Alles ste. Darunter befinden sich so illustre flachen Version aufgrund des helleren wird gut” oder auch nur “Lächle”. Die Persönlichkeiten wie ein jungfräuliches Bildes garantiert noch mehr Augen- sich daran anschließenden Bilder, die Medium, eine in die Jahre gekommene schmaus bereitet. Mit Leonardo Schnecken jeglicher Couleur bei ganz Domina, ein Unternehmer auf der DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire und Carey Alltäglichem wie Futteraufnahme oder Flucht und ein frisch vermähltes Pär- Mulligan in den Hauptrollen hat Paarung zeigen, passen leider nicht chen. Na das kann ja heiter Luhrmann eine großartige Besetzung immer zum einleitenden Spruch. Wie werden...muss es aber nicht. Welchen gefunden. Alle drei passen hervorra- auch die Musik. Die erscheint ziemlich Teufel hat denn Spaniens Meister- gend zu den Rollen, die sie spielen. willkürlich eingesetzt, stammt aus der regisseur Pedro Almodóvar bei diesem Wie immer bei Luhrmann spielt auch Konserve und ist teilweise sogar kon- Film geritten? Man möchte fast seinen hier wieder die Musik eine große Rolle. traproduktiv. Spätestens nach einer Augen und Ohren nicht trauen ob die- So vereint sie souverän Zwanziger- halben Stunde aber hat man den immer ser zotigen Sex-Klamotte, die einen Jahre-Songs mit modernem Rap und gleichen Aufbau der einzelnen Kapitel Hauch sechziger Jahre und viel Lange- verleiht dem Film dadurch einen zeitlo- satt, sehnt sich nach dem Ende des weile versprüht. “AIRPLANE auf sen Charakter. Doch last but not least Films. Eine Entschleunigung wird man schwul” könnte man diese Farce tau- punktet GATSBY nicht nur mit seinen allerdings nur dann erfahren, wenn es fen, die jedoch im Gegenteil zur Zucker- technischen Werten, sondern auch mit einem gelingt, sich auf den Film einzu- Produktion alles andere als zündende seiner Geschichte. Die ist wahrhaftig lassen (dem Autor dieses Textes ist Gags hat. Und wer sich schon auf mitreißend! Fazit: der Film ist zurecht dies nicht gelungen). Beeindruckend Banderas und Cruz gefreut hat – die Pflichtprogramm. indes sind jedoch die Aufnahmen der beiden tauchen nur zu Beginn des Schnecken. Riesengroß und leinwand- Films ganz kurz auf. Wenn der Flieger Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013 füllend hat man die schleimigen Weg- einmal abgehoben hat, heben vermut- Schnecken in freier Wildbahn gefährten so noch nicht gesehen. Als lich auch viele Zuschauer ab, indem sie Medidativ sollte der heutige Film wir- gelungen darf man auch das Sound- den Saal kopfschüttelnd verlassen wer- ken. Hat es funktioniert? design des Films bezeichnen. Das 5.1- den. Aber vermutlich habe ich hier wie- Tonformat verwandelt sich den Kino- der ein Meisterwerk verkannt. SLOW – LANGSAM IST DAS NEUE saal in einen Wald. Fazit: die guten SCHNELL (1:1.85, 5.1) Ansätze des Films hätten einen besse- SNITCH – EIN RISKANTER DEAL Verleih: Mouna (Barnsteiner) ren Kurzfilm gegeben. Mit 86 Minuten (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Laufzeit aber dauert der Mut zur Lang- OT: Snitch Regie: Sascha Seifert samkeit viel zu lang. Verleih: Tobis Kinostart: 23.05.2013 Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013 Regie: Ric Roman Waugh Unendlich langsam bewegt sich eine Von Schwulen und Drogendealern Darsteller: Dwayne Johnson, Barry Schnecke von der Mitte des Bildes Heute gab es ein gemischtes Programm, Pepper, Jon Bernthal, Susan Sarandon nach rechts, bis sie schließlich nicht allerdings ohne Höhepunkte. mehr zu sehen ist. Die Kamera bleibt Kinostart: 06.06.2013 dabei vollkommen statisch, beobachtet FLIEGENDE LIEBENDE (1:1.85, DD die eleganten Bewegungen des kleinen 5.1) Um für sich selber Strafmilderung zu Tiers. Als Zuschauer dankt man insge- OT: Amantes Pasajeros bekommen, hat ihn ein Kumpel über heim dem Regisseur, dass es sich um Verleih: Tobis den Tisch gezogen: Jason, Sohn aus keinen CinemaScope-Film handelt – das Land/Jahr: Spanien 2013 erster Ehe des Transportunternehmers Hinauskriechen aus dem Bild hätte we- Regie: Pedro Almodóvar John Matthews, muss ins Gefängnis – sentlich länger gedauert! Eine “Geh- Darsteller: Javier Cámara, Cecilia Roth, und das womöglich gleich zehn Jahre meditation” nennt Sascha Seifert sei- Lola Dueñas, Antonio Banderas, lang! Um für Jason ebenfalls eine Straf- nen Film, der ausschließlich im Stutt- Penelope Cruz milderung zu bekommen, lässt sich garter Stadtwald entstanden ist und Kinostart: 04.07.2013 John auf einen riskanten Deal mit der der alles andere ist als ein Dokumentar- Staatsanwältin ein: er soll undercover film. Seifert versucht anhand der ge- Der Flug von Spanien nach Mexico einen Dealer überführen. Bald schon meinen Schnecken tiefschürfende Er- wird zum Desaster: ein technisches gerät John unerkannt in die Mühlen kenntnisse aus der buddhistischen Problem zwingt die Maschine zur Not- des mexikanischen Drogenkartells – Lehre zu bebildern. Sein Film ist in vie- landung. Dumm nur dass es keinen und damit in höchste Gefahr. Aber le Kapitel unterteilt, an deren Anfang Flugplatz gibt, der die Maschine auf- nicht nur er, auch seine Familie lebt jeweils – von einem Gong unterlegt – nehmen könnte. So bemühen sich die jetzt gefährlich... Wer sich auf einen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog hartgesottenen Dwayne Johnson freut, Christian Louboutin, wie seine Zusam- der wird vermutlich herb enttäuscht. menarbeit mit dem “Crazy Horse” zu- Montag, 27. Mai 2013 Dann ganz anders als es das Filmplakat stande kam und was es mit den High Öko-Märchen suggeriert, findet man das Muskelpaket Heels der Mädels auf sich hat. Echte Gus Van Sant eröffnete die Presse- dieses Mal in der Rolle eines Vaters, Erotik lässt sich bei soviel Gequassel woche heute mit seinem Film zum The- der sich auf einen lebensgefährlichen allerdings nicht aufbauen! Das alles ma “Fracking”. Deal einlässt, um seinen Sohn zu ret- gibt es dann in mehr schlechtem wie ten. Keine markigen Sprüche, keine rechtem 3D verpackt zu sehen. Da sich PROMISED LAND (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Megawumme. Dafür aber etwas, was die Bühnendarbietungen ohnehin im- OT: Promised Land man bei Johnson durchaus als Schau- mer im Halbdunkel abspielen, wird das Verleih: Universal spielerei durchgehen lassen kann. Ganze durch die 3D-Technik nur noch Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Richtige Action gibt es in diesem Film verschlimmert. Da haben dann die Au- Regie: Gus Van Sant nur in der letzten Viertelstunde. Bis gen viel zu tun, der Film wird anstren- Darsteller: Matt Damon, John dorthin verläuft das Werk nach be- gend und ergeht sich letztendlich in Krasinski, Frances McDormand, Hal kanntem Schema, bietet nicht gerade Langeweile. Holbrook viele Spannungspunkte und lässt den Kinostart: 20.06.2013 Zuschauer dadurch weitgehend kalt. HANGOVER 3 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Das eigentliche Thema sind die bizar- OT: The Hangover Part III Im Auftrag seines Konzerns reist der ren Drogengesetze in den USA, die die Verleih: Warner Unternehmensvertreter Steve Butler ins Strafe für Drogenbesitz von der Menge Land/Jahr: USA 2013 amerikanische Hinterland. Dort soll er abhängig machen: 10 Gramm LSD = 10 Regie: Todd Phillips den sich in wirtschaftlicher Schieflage Jahre Knast. Das freilich ist ein Darsteller: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, befindlichen Farmern das Drillbohren, uramerikanisches Thema, was hierzu- Zach Galifianakis, John Goodman auch Fracking genannt, als das Allheil- lande nicht sonderlich interessiert. mittel verkaufen und Verträge für die SNITCH ist kein Film, für den man bei Kinostart: 30.05.2013 Nutzung ihrer Ländereien abschließen. Regenwetter ins Kino geht. Dass das Fracking jedoch große Um- Seit er seine Medikamente nicht mehr weltrisiken birgt, soll einfach unter den Freitag, 24. Mai 2013 nimmt, wird es immer schlimmer mit dem Tisch gekehrt werden. Mit seiner ge- Spiel mit dem Feuer und Katerstimmung grenzdebilen Alan. Als auch noch sein winnenden Art scheint Butler auch Das letzte Doppelprogramm der Woche. Vater stirbt, will ihn seine Familie in tatsächlich leichtes Spiel zu haben. Es kann nur noch besser werden. eine betreutes Wohnheim irgendwo in Doch der Lehrer Frank Yates und ein Arizona abschieben und bittet Alans plötzlich auftauchender Umweltaktivist FEU (1:1.85, 3D, 5.1) Kumpels, ihn dorthin zu begleiten. Ge- bringen Steves Vorhaben zunehmend in OT: Feu: Crazy Horse sagt – getan. Doch unterwegs wird das Gefahr... Mit seinem neuesten Film be- Verleih: Polyband Wolfsrudel von Gangstern angehalten. weist Regisseur Gus Van Sant, dass Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2012 Diese zwingen die Freunde dazu, den man schwergewichtige Themen durch- Regie: Bruno Hullin flüchtigen Chow zu finden, der sich mit aus unterhaltsam aufbereiten kann und Darsteller: Christian Louboutin dem Gold der Gangster auf und davon nicht stets mit dem erhobenen Zeige- Kinostart: 11.07.2013 gemacht hat. Als Geisel behalten die finger über die Leinwand fuchteln bösen Buben Stu. Die drei Freunde muss. Das Drehbuch von Matt Damon Eine Portion Erotik gefällig? Dann sind müssen noch einmal alles geben... Das und John Krasinski bietet neben einer Sie bei FEU genau richtig – oder auch soll das finale Abenteuer des Wolfs- Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema nicht. Denn die Nummernrevue aus rudels sein? Wohl kaum, schaut man auch durchaus humoristische Passa- dem berühmten Pariser “Crazy Horse” sich die Schlusssequenz an, die sich gen, wie beispielsweise der “Running gibt sich zwar ziemlich unverhüllt, ent- wie üblich in der Mitte des Abspanns Gag” mit dem Mietwagen, den Matt puppt sich jedoch als eine recht lang- ihren Weg auf die Leinwand bahnt und Damon in seiner Rolle als Steve Butler weilige Aneinanderreihung erotischer die beliebig viele weitere Fortsetzun- nicht fahren kann, weil er über kein Tanznummern der fast androgynen gen suggeriert. Sehen möchte man die- Automatikgetriebe verfügt. Dem Publi- Mädchen, die für ihr Leben gern im se dann aber doch nicht. Auch wenn kum wird damit ein leichter Zugang zu “Crazy Horse” auftreten. Das zumin- der dritte Teil besser ist als Teil 2, so dem heiklen Umwelt-Stoff ermöglicht. dest erzählen die französisch sprechen- kommt auch der längst nicht an die Ori- Die Darstellerriege ist hervorragend den und mit deutschem Voice Over aus- ginalität des Ur-Film heran, weder von ausgewählt. Nicht nur Matt Damon gestatteten Girls in den Übergängen den Ideen her noch von der Optik. Man glänzt in seiner Rolle als “netter Kerl”, zwischen den einzelnen Nummern, die wird nicht viel von diesem Film im Ge- auch seine Kollegin Frances immer ein anderes Mädchen in einem dächtnis behalten, nicht einmal den McDormand überzeugt als Mutter, die riesigen Schneekugel präsentieren. Auftritt von John Goodman, der den mit ihrem Sohn ständig telefonisch in Zusätzlich erzählt der Schuhdesigner “Bad Man” mimt. Kontakt ist. Brillant auch Hal Holbrook

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog als das Gewissen des kleinen Ortes, an triste Zuhause von JC ebenso wie die er wieder sein gesamtes Können in die dem gebohrt werden soll. Gute Dialoge Nüchternheit der Haftanstalt. Der in Produktion ein und versteht sich wie- runden das Bild perfekt ab. Doch gibt den Hauptrollen wunderbar besetzte der bestens darauf, das CinemaScope- es einen Wermutstropfen – und der ist Film ist laut der Aussage des Regis- Format richtig auszufüllen. Die Ge- nicht gerade gering. Denn am Ende seurs “im Rhythmus und der Leichtig- schichte allerdings wirkt dieses Mal entpuppt sich das Drama als ein Öko- keit der Milonga, verbunden mit der schon etwa abgegriffen. Es gab oder Märchen, das ganz im Sinne der Traum- Melancholie und der Leidenschaft des gibt einfach schon zu viele Filme, bei fabrik Hollywood Umweltbewusstsein Tangos” inszeniert. Wer ungewöhnli- denen letztendlich nichts so ist wie es über die Profitgier stellt. Aber man hät- che Tragikomödien mag, wird sich mit scheint. Trotzdem: glaubt man endlich te es sich ja fast schon denken können, TANGO LIBRE und seinen Figuren alles durchschaut zu haben, so setzt das alles wie im Märchen endet. Denn schnell anfreunden. Boyles Film nochmals bei Null an und gleich zu Beginn des Films ertönt die tischt uns eine vollkommen andere Ge- schöne Filmmusik von Danny Elfman TRANCE – GEFÄHRLICHE ERINNE- schichte auf und zeigt uns allen damit, geradezu engelsgleich, nicht von die- RUNG (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) dass wir offensichtlich alle bislang in ser Welt. OT: Trance Trance waren. Auch mit der genannten Verleih: Fox Einschränkung ist der Film durchaus Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013 Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2013 sehens- und hörenswert (wohl dem, der Sich mit dem Tango in Trance tanzen Regie: Danny Boyle ihn in einem mit Dolby Atmos ausge- Eine Tragikomödie und ein Thriller hiel- Darsteller: James McAvoy, Rosario statteten Kino erleben darf!) und macht ten mich heute von der Sonne fern. Dawson, Vincent Cassel nicht zuletzt dank des guten Ensembles Kinostart: 08.08.2013 Spaß. TANGO LIBRE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Tango Libre Der Überfall auf ein Auktionshaus, bei Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013 Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) dem ein millionenschweres Gemälde Mit dem Handy im Kofferraum Land/Jahr: Belgien, Luxemburg, Frank- von Goya gestohlen wird, entpuppt Die letzte Pressevorführung der aktuel- reich 2012 sich als ein abgekartetes Spiel des len Woche war einem Thriller gewid- Regie: Frédéric Fonteyne Auktionators Simon, der mit den Räu- met. Darsteller: François Damiens, Sergi bern unter einer Decke steckt. Doch Lopez, Jan Hammenecker, Anne leider verliert Simon durch einen THE CALL – LEG NICHT AUF! (1:1.85, Paulicevich Schlag auf den Kopf sein Gedächtnis DD 5.1) Kinostart: 13.06.2013 und weiß fortan nicht mehr, wo der die OT: The Call Beute versteckt hat. Anfänglich zwei- Verleih: Universum Film (SquareOne) Tagsüber arbeitet der schüchterne und feln seine Komplizen daran, dass er Land/Jahr: USA 2013 in sich gekehrte JC als Wäter in einem tatsächlich unter Amnesie leidet und Regie: Brad Anderson Gefängnis, abends besucht er einen unterziehen ihn einer Foltertortur – Darsteller: Halle Berry, Abigail Breslin, Tango-Kurs. Dort lernt er die attraktive ohne Ergebnis. Ihre letzte Hoffnung: Alice kennen, die wiederum die Freun- vielleicht erinnert sich Simon unter Kinostart: 11.07.2013 din gleich zweier in JCs Ansstalt unter- Hypnose. So begibt sich Simon in die gebrachter Häftlinge ist. Mit dem einen Obhut einer Therapeutin. Und die gräbt Der Notruf, den Jordan in der Notruf- ist sie verheiratet, mit dem anderen hat prompt in seinem Gedächtnis Dinge zentrale entgegennimmt, kommt direkt sie ein geduldetes Verhältnis. Als sich aus, die lieber unter Verschluss hätten aus dem Kofferraum eines fahrenden JC ausgerechnet in Alice verliebt, wen- bleiben sollen... Kaum einer versteht Autos. Von dort meldet sich die ver- det sich das Blatt für alle Beteiligten... die Möglichkeiten des Films so auszu- ängstigte minderjährige Casey, die of- Der Tango als Befreiungsschlag – das schöpfen wie Danny Boyle. Auch in fensichtlich entführt wurde. Leider ist ist das Resumee aus Frédéric TRANCE zieht er wieder alle Register das Mobiltelefon, über das sich das Fonteynes neuem Film. Seine Protago- in Hinsicht auf Bild, Schnitt, Sound junge Mädchen meldet, nicht ortbar nisten teilen alle dasselbe Schicksal – und Musik. Sein Film wird allerdings und so muss die mit einem Trauma vor- ob sie nun eingesperrt sind oder frei. nur in solchen Kinos mit leben erfüllt belastete Jordan im Dialog mit Casey Denn im Grund genommen ist Gefäng- werden, die sich trauen, das Werk auf versuchen, möglichst viele Anhalts- niswärter JC ebenso ein Gefangener Referenzpegel zu spielen. Nur dann punkte zu sammeln, um das Auto zu wie die beiden Freunde von Alice, die wird sich die mit Technorhythmen an- lokalisieren. Dem Mädchen gelingt es wegen einer Straftat im Gefängnis ein- gereicherte Musik von Rick Smith rich- schließlich, eines der Rücklichter weg- sitzen. Die Liebe zu Alice sowie der tig entfalten und den Zuschauer in zustoßen und sich bemerkbar zu ma- Tango verbindet die drei ungleichen Trance versetzen können. Kameramann chen. Damit jedoch fangen die richti- Männer. Atmosphärisch stimmig fängt Anthony Dod Mantle, der schon gen Probleme erst an... Spätestens mit die Kamera von Virgine Saint Martin Boyles SLUMDOG MILLIONÄR faszi- dem genialen Schwarzweißfilm THE die Schauplätze der Geschichte ein: das nierend bebildert hat, bringt auch heu- MACHINIST, der vor vielen Jahren auf

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog dem Fantasy Filmfest gezeigt wurde, verheiratet ist, erfährt die Düsseldorfer dann, wenn sie die 40 schon über- hat sich Regisseur Brad Anderson ei- Buchautorin Patrizia erst, als sie den im schritten haben und mitten in einem nen Namen bei Thriller-Fans gemacht. Koma liegenden Geliebten im Pariser gescheiterten Leben stehen. Einige Nach vielen Gastspielen im Fernsehen Krankenhaus besucht. Spontan be- Exemplare dieser besonderen Spezies kehrt Anderson nun mit THE CALL ginnt sie zuhause eine Affäre mit einem beleuchtet EIN FREITAG IN BARCE- wieder ins Kino zurück. Der entpuppt jungen Architekten und lernt auch den LONA. Da wären zwei alte Freunde, die sich inhaltlich zwar als Stangenware, Geschäftsmann Frank kennen, der sel- sich zufällig treffen. Der Eine ist in doch versteht es Anderson hervorra- ber in Schwierigkeiten steckt. Er ist es Therapie, um seine Phobien loszuwer- gend, den Stoff für die Leinwand so aber, der ihr mit Rat beisteht, als den, der Andere arbeitslos und ge- umzusetzen, dass man zunehmend mit Patrizia gemeinsam mit Jean-Jacques schieden. Oder Einer, der versucht, den Protagonisten mitfiebert. Das geht Gattin entscheiden soll, ob der Geliebte seine geschiedene Frau wieder zurück- soweit, dass man sich während des weiter künstlich am Leben gehalten zuerobern. Ganz anders jener Zeitge- Films bereits Gedanken darüber macht, werden soll oder nicht... Franziska nosse, der von einer Parkbank aus die was man wohl selbst tun würde, käme Buchs Film möchte ein Film sein über Wohnung des Liebhabers seiner Frau man in eine so prekäre Lage wie Abigail die Zufälle und Schicksale im Leben, an beobachtet und dabei einen alten Be- Breslin alias Casey. Sowohl deren Re- dessen Ende die Erkenntnis steht, dass kannten trifft. Oder der kleine Ange- aktionen wie auch die von Halle Berry es ohne ein Ende keinen Neuanfang stellte, der nach einer Feier im Büro als Notruf-Operator sind durchweg geben kann. Ein durchaus begrüßens- eine Kollegin anbaggert, obwohl Frau nachvollziehbar, erscheinen sehr lo- werter Ansatz, der aber leider an der und Kind zuhause auf ihn warten. Und gisch. Umso ärgerlicher ist dann aller- Inszenierung kläglich scheitert. Das last but not least die beiden Freunde, dings das Ende des Films. So bemüht fängt schon mit dem ominösen Unfall die ungewollt die Probleme des Ande- Anderson hier in den letzten 15 Minu- beim Morgengrauen in Paris an, der ren erfahren. Ein Sammelsurium von ten wirklich jedes Klischee, das vor ihm derart dilettantisch in Szene gesetzt ist, rastlosen, verwirrten und verlorenen bereits Hunderte von Serienkiller-Fil- dass sein Ergebnis (der Fahrer wird im Männern, beobachtet im spanischen men bereits verarbeitet haben. Kli- Koma liegend ins Krankenhaus einge- Barcelona an einem einzigen Tag... Da schees, bei denen man als Betrachter liefert) nicht nachvollziehbar ist. Wenn stehen die beiden Freunde und warten nur noch mit Kopfschütteln reagiert man Frank (gespielt von Hans-Werner gemeinsam auf den Fahrstuhl. Jeder und sich über die vollkommen Meyer) gegen Ende des Films dann mit von den beiden kennt die Probleme des hanebüchenen Handlungsweisen der einer Flasche Alkohol und Vollbart im Anderen, weil die jeweils andere Le- Protagonisten ärgert. Dabei hätte der abgedunkelten Haus dahin vegetieren bensgefährtin diese im Vertrauen dar- Film keineswegs dieses Abdriften ins sieht, weil ihn Frau und Kind verlassen auf, dass sich die Kumpels ausspre- SAW-Milieu nötig, da er bis dahin über haben, muss man sich das Lachen ver- chen und gegenseitig helfen werden. einen kontinuierlichen Spannungs- kneifen. Soviel Klischee fordert einfach Das Warten auf den Fahrstuhl wäre der aufbau verfügt und man ein paar klei- die Lachmuskeln heraus, obwohl das ideale Moment dafür. Doch es passiert nere Ungereimtheiten gerne verzeiht Drehbuch das so gar nicht vorgesehen nichts. Stattdessen machen die Männer (z.B. gibt es im Kofferraum des fahren- hat. Gerard Jugnot alias Wurstfabrikant das, was sie vorzüglich beherrschen: den Autos keinerlei störende Nebenge- Albert will so gar nicht in den Film pas- sie schweigen! Dieses grandios bebil- räusche, so dass sich die Entführte sen und lässt vermuten, dass man ei- derte Männergespräch ist nur eine von und die Dame in der Notrufzentrale nen halbwegs bekannten französischen vielen perfekt inszenierten Sequenzen, perfekt via Mobiltelefon unterhalten Schauspieler irgendwie im Film unter- in deren Mittelpunkt Männer jenseits können). bringen musste. Positiv fällt übrigens der 40 stehen. “Wieso hat keiner ge- die Musik im Film auf, die von dem Lu- sagt, dass es mal so kommt” ist dabei Dienstag, 04. Juni 2013 xemburger Gast Waltzing stammt. Sie einer der Leitsätze des Films – Männer Von Frauen und Männern kann freilich den Film auch nicht mehr in der Midlife-Crisis eben. Oder anders Bei einem solchen ersten Film wie heu- retten. ausgedrückt: Männer am Rande des te konnte der zweite nur gewinnen... Nervenzusammenbruchs. Mit der Creme EIN FREITAG IN BARCELONA (1:1.85, de la Creme spanischer Schauspieler ADIEU PARIS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) DD 5.1) besetzt, inszenierte der 1967 geboren Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) OT: Una Pistola En Cada Mano Cesc Gay diese Tragikomödie über acht Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Luxemburg, Verleih: Camino Männer im besten Alter, bei denen Frankreich 2012 Land/Jahr: Spanien 2012 durch die Bank schon der Lack ab ist Regie: Franziska Buch Regie: Cesc Gay und die eigentlich nur noch ein Schat- Darsteller: Jessica Schwarz, Hans-Wer- Darsteller: Luis Tosar, Javier Cámara, ten ihrer selbst sind. Männer in der ner Meyer, Sandrine Bonnaire Eduardo Noriega Identitätskrise. Der von Dialogen ge- Kinostart: 11.07.2013 Kinostart: 11.07.2013 prägte Film bietet dabei ungeheuer viel Identifikationspotenzial für den vor- Dass ihre große Liebe Jean-Jacques Männer haben es nicht leicht. Speziell nehmlich männlichen Zuschauer. Hat

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog man sich selbst dann erst einmal in Film beobachtet die jungen Tänzerin- und einem jungen Musikagenten ent- einer der Rollen (oder auch in ihrer nen und Tänzer bei ihren Vorbereitun- scheiden. Ein Neuankömmling beob- Summe) erkannt, setzt ein Schmunzeln gen für das Halbfinale des Wettbe- achtet Land und Leute, während er in ein. Spätestens wenn einer der ge- werbs und begleitet sie natürlich auch Havanna auf ein Gespräch mit dem Prä- knickten Helden feststellt, dass “die zum Finale nach New York. Blutige sidenten wartet. Das sind nur vier von einem nicht einmal eine Bedienungsan- Füße und unvorstellbare Schmerzen insgesamt sieben Episoden, die von leitung geben” (gemeint ist damit das teilen das Parkett beim knallharten ebenso vielen namhaften, zum,eist la- Leben), nickt man zustimmend, lehnt Training mit Freudentränen und totaler teinamerikanischen Regisseuren insze- sich im Kinosessel zurück und genießt. Verzweiflung. Kargmann bleibt ganz niert wurden. Den Rhythmus Havannas nah bei ihren Heldinnen und Helden, in einem Kurzfilm einzufangen – das Mittwoch, 05. Juni 2013 zeigt sie nicht nur beim Ballett- war ihre Aufgabe. Mit seiner Lauflänge Blutige Füße unterricht, sondern beleuchtet auch ihr von 129 Minuten jedoch nervt das End- Heute war ein Tag zum Durchatmen: es soziales Umfeld. Nicht nur die Ballett- produkt schon ziemlich schnell. Einzig gab nur eine einzige Pressevorführung. lehrer kommen zu Wort, auch die Eltern der Beitrag von Gaspar Noe überzeugt Die jedoch hielt mich in Atem. und Geschwister, Freunde und Bekann- in seiner visuellen Gestaltung, obgleich ten der Jungtalente äußern sich vor der sein Inhalt (eine junge Frau wird im FIRST POSITION – BALLET IST IHR Kamera. So gelingt es der Regisseurin Auftrag ihrer Eltern einer LEBEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Nähe zwischen ihren Filmfiguren und exorzistischen Säuberung unterzogen, OT: First Position dem Publikum aufzubauen. Da wundert weil sie sich der lesbischen Liebe hin- Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) es nicht, wenn man mit den Tänzerin- gegeben hat) etwas verstörend wirkt Land/Jahr: USA 2011 nen und Tänzern beim Wettbewerb mit- (was bei diesem Regisseur freilich nicht Regie: Bess Kargman fiebert. Die ausgezeichneten Filmmusik weiter verwunderlich ist). Die Episode Darsteller: Miko Fogarty, Jules Fogarty, von Chris Hajian gibt dem Film Dyna- von Elia Suleiman driftet vollends in Joan Sebastian Zamora mik und Gefühl und vertieft so das das Surreale ab und erinnert irgendwie Kinostart: 04.07.2013 Filmerlebnis. Auch wenn man kein an die Filme von Jacques Tati. Ein ins- Ballettfan ist (so wie der Autor dieser gesamt unbefriedigendes Werk. “First Position” hat gleich doppelte Kurzrezension!), so springt dennoch Bedeutung. Rein praktisch gesehen der Funke über und man kann sich der DREI STUNDEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) handelt es sich dabei um die sogenann- Faszination dieses Leistungssports Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) te “1. Position” beim Ballett, bei der die nicht entziehen. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Füße in einem 180-Grad-Winkel nach Regie: Boris Kunz außen gedreht sind, die Fersen sich Donnerstag, 06. Juni 2013 Darsteller: Nicholas Reinke, Claudia berühren und die Beine auch von der Episodenfilm und Liebesgeschichte Eisinger, Peter Nitzsche Hüfte aus nach außen gestellt sind. Streng genommen waren es heute ei- Kinostart: 25.07.2013 Doch könnte man den Filmtitel auch in gentlich acht Filme, die zur Aufführung einem erweiterten Kontext verstehen. kamen – verteilt auf zwei Langfilme. Martin ist schreibt schon seit Jahren Denn Regisseurin Bess Kargmann zeigt an seinem großen Theaterstück. Seine in ihrer fesselnden Dokumentation jun- 7 TAGE IN HAVANNA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Freundin Isabel ist überzeugte Aktivi- ge Talente, die liebend gerne an erster OT: 7 Días En La Habana stin und kämpft gegen gen- Stelle im Ballett stehen würden. Ihre Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) manipuliertes Saatgut auf der ganzen jungen Protagonisten sind Mädchen Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Spanien 2012 Welt. Die Beziehung der beiden ist rein und Jungen im Alter von 11 bis 16 Jah- Regie: Benicio Del , Pablo Trapero, platonischer Natur. Bisher. Denn der ren, die sich auf einen der bedeutend- Julio Medem, Elia Suleiman, Gaspar Träumer Martin hat es noch immer sten Nachwuchs-Ballett-Wettbewerbe, Noé, Juan Carlos Tabío, Laurent Cantet nicht gewagt, ihr seine Liebe einzuge- den “Youth America Grand Prix”, vor- stehen. Erst als Isabel gerade dabei ist, bereiten. Der Wettbewerb ist gleichzei- Darsteller: Josh Hutcherson, Vladimir den Flieger nach Südafrika zu bestei- tig eine Plattform für die Nachwuchs- Cruz, Magali Wilson gen, um dort für mehrere Jahre zu arbei- talente, um sich für ein Stipendium an Kinostart: 11.07.2013 ten, wagt Martin den Schritt und offen- einer der bekannten Ballettschulen zu bart sich ihr beim Abschied auf dem qualifizieren oder sich sogar ein Enga- Ein amerikanischer Nachwuchs- Flughafen und verschwindet. Nachdem gement zu angeln. Was Bess Karg- schauspieler kommt nach Havanna, ihr Abflug plötzlich um Stunden ver- manns Film so besonders macht, ist die lernt Frauen kennen und erlebt eine schoben wird, beschließt die zunächst Tatsache, dass sie mit den altherge- Überraschung, Filmregisseur Emir verwirrte Isabel, ihren Freund zur Rede brachten Stereotypen der Nachwuchs- Kusturica kommt zu einem Filmfestival zu stellen. Der aber ist plötzlich wie talente bricht: nicht jedes magere Mäd- in Kubas Hauptstadt, hat aber nur In- vom Erdboden verschwunden... Mit chen hat Magersucht und nicht jeder teresse an Alkohol. Eine junge Sänge- seinem Debütfilm liefert Regisseur und tanzbegeisterte Junge ist schwul! Der rin muss sich zwischen ihrem Lover Drehbuchautor Boris Kunz einen recht

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog passablen Beitrag für das Genre der weiter eskaliert und die Scheidung ins “Romantic Comedy”, in der es vor- Haus steht, beginnt für Maisie eine nehmlich um die Liebe geht. Angesie- harte Zeit. Hin- und hergerissen zwi- delt im sommerlichen München entwik- schen Mutter und Vater fällt es ihr kelt er interessante Ideen und pointier- schwer, sich zurechtzufinden. Nur der te Dialoge, die von seinen Protagoni- neue Lebensgefährte ihrer Mutter so- sten Nicholas Reinke und Claudia wie Margo, mit der Maisies Vater eine Eisinger überzeugend vorgetragen wer- neue Ehe eingeht, geben ihr Halt... Die den. Hier fällt es dem Zuschauer sehr Drehbuchautorinnen Nancy Doyne und leicht, Sympathien für die Hauptfiguren Caroll Cartwright haben etwas Beson- aufzubauen. Die Filmmusik, bestehend deres gewagt: sie haben den von Henry aus einem Score von Konstantin Ferstl James im Jahre 1897 veröffentlichten sowie Songs der Gruppe “Rosalie und Roman in die Neuzeit umgesetzt. Und Wanda”, setzt ein paar wunderbare es ist ihnen tatsächlich perfekt gelun- Akzente und spricht die Gefühlsebene gen. Kein Detail lässt darauf schließen, an. Immer wieder merkt man dem Film dass die Grundidee schon über 100 zwar an, dass es sich um ein Erstlings- Jahre alt ist. Das Thema indes ist in der werk handelt (das Timing, spezielle heutigen Zeit präsenter denn je. Der Handlungsabschnitte sowie ein paar vom Regie-Duo Scott McGehee und der Nebenfiguren sind nicht ganz stim- David Siegel inszenierte Film zeigt den mig), doch es überwiegt der positive So könnte der Leitspruch für Louis Kampf um das Sorgerecht aus der Per- Eindruck. Fazit: hervorragendes Mate- Leterriers Thriller lauten. Denn alles, spektive des “Opfers”. Die kleine rial für einen romantischen Kinoabend was seine Protagonisten ihrem Publi- Maisie ist Dreh- und Angelpunkt der zu zweit. kum hier als pure Magie verkaufen, Geschichte. Sämtliche entstehenden entpuppt sich als perfekt geplante Illu- und auch auseinanderbrechenden Be- Freitag, 07. Juni 2013 sion, eine Art MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ziehungen ranken um das Mädchen. Illusionen und Sorgerecht mit David Copperfield Touch. Die aber Und die wird großartig gespielt von In den letzten beiden Pressevor- ufert im Laufe des Films derart aus, Onata Aprile. Insbesondere jene Szene, führungen dieser Woche ging es um dass selbst der Plan an sich illusorisch die deutlich zeigt, wie sehr sich Maisie Illusionisten mit Durst nach viel Geld erscheint. Um den Film zu mögen und von ihrer Mutter bereits entfremdet und ein kleines Mädchen im Kreuzfeuer ihn gar spannend zu finden, sollte man hat, berührt zutiefst. Auch die erwach- ihrer geschiedenen Eltern. also nicht den Fehler begehen und al- senen Darsteller, die Onata Aprile um- les haarklein zu erklären versuchen. geben, sind perfekt besetzt. Julianne DIE UNFASSBAREN – NOW YOU SEE Mit Popcorn bewaffnet lässt sich der Moore mimt Maisies Mutter, die sich ME (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Film, in dem nichts so ist wie es an- mehr um ihre Karriere als Rocksängerin OT: Now You See Me fangs scheint, durchaus genießen. kümmert als um ihre Tochter. Alexander Verleih: Concorde Skarsgard spielt Maisies Stiefvater, Land/Jahr: USA 2013 DAS GLÜCK DER GROSSEN DINGE einen Barkeeper, der mehr Gefühle für Regie: Louis Leterrier (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Maisie entwickelt als ihr leiblicher Va- Darsteller: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark OT: What Maisie Knew ter jemals hatte. Der wird hervorragend Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Melanie Verleih: Pandastorm (Neue Visionen) von Steve Coogan als relativ rück- Laurent, , Michael Land/Jahr: USA 2012 sichtsloser Geschäftsmann porträtiert. Caine Regie: Scott McGehee, David Siegel Last but not least ist Joanna Kinostart: 11.07.2013 Vanderham als Maisies Kindermädchen Darsteller: Julianne Moore, Alexander und zukünftige Stiefmutter zu sehen, Vier Illusionskünstler werden von ei- Skarsgård, Onata Aprile eine Rolle, die sie sehr glaubwürdig nem geheimnisvollen Unbekannten Kinostart: 11.07.2013 abliefert. Auch wenn Maisie noch nicht engagiert, um millionenschwere Raub- alles verstehen kann, was um sie herum züge ungestraft durchzuziehen. Doch Wenn sich ihre Eltern wieder einmal geschieht, so spürt sie zunehmend, die Polizei und eine Interpol-Agentin streiten, flüchtet sich die sechsjährige dass sie selbst entscheiden muss, was sind der Truppe auf den Fersen. Das Maisie zu ihrem Kindermädchen gut für sie ist. Eine Botschaft, die der glauben die Gesetzeshüter zumindest... Margo. Bei ihr fühlt sie sich wohl und Film unaufdringlich vermittelt und da- Hinter jeder Magie steckt nur ein Trick. beschützt. Als jedoch der Ehestreit mit zu einem wunderbaren Kinoerlebnis werden lässt.

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Barbie - Mariposa und die Feen- Das Dschungelbuch - Die kom- Animation prinzessin plette Serie (4 Discs) Barbie: Mariposa & The Fairy Princess Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 80min. Dir. Fumio Kurokawa Ame & Yuki - Die Wolfskinder Universal Pictures (Universal) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989 1200min. Okami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki 29.08.2013 KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) Dir. Mamoru Hosoda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053857 20.06.2013 Audiokommentar 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053797 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2012 112min. Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter I AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.07.2013 Beruseruku: Ougon Jidaihen I - Haou No Die Ewigkeit, die du dir wünschst 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053826 Tamago - Gesamtausgabe (4 Discs) Shingo Egami - Dir. Toshiyuki Kubooka Ame & Yuki - Die Wolfskinder Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien Zeichentrick 2012 74min. Booklet (Blu-ray) Universum Film(Universum Anime) Zeichentrick/Drama 2003-2004 350min. Okami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki 16.08.2013 AV Visionen(Anime Video) 31.05.2013 Dir. Mamoru Hosoda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053779 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053832 Audiokommentar, Premierenauftritte, PR-Video, Best-of: Ame & Yuki, Best-of: Hana, Trailer, Teaser, TV-Spot Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter II The Garfield Show - Staffel 1, Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2012 201min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.07.2013 (Limited Collector’s Edition Folge 01-52 (3 Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053845 Deluxe) Garfield & Cie Berserk: Ohgon Jidai Hen 2 - Dorudorei Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 642min. Ame & Yuki - Die Wolfskinder Koryaku Hen Universum Film(Universum Kids) (Deluxe Edition, 2 Discs) Interview 30.08.2013 Zeichentrick 2012 93min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053783 Okami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki Universum Film(Universum Anime) Dir. Mamoru Hosoda Das Green Team - DVD 1 Audiokommentar 16.08.2013 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2012 196min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053780 The Green Squad AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.07.2013 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 60min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053827 Black Panther Universal Music Family Black Panther Entertainment(Karussell) 21.06.2013 Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous Dir. Mark Brooks 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053923 Musikvideo, Trailer (OmU) Action/Zeichentrick 2009 132min. Das Green Team - DVD 2 Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) The Green Squad Dir. John Cassady 28.06.2013 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 60min. Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2012 65min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053716 Universal Music Family AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Entertainment(Karussell) 21.06.2013 28.06.2013 Black Panther (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053924 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053715 Black Panther Dir. Mark Brooks Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous Das Green Team - DVD 3 Musikvideo, Trailer The Green Squad Action/Zeichentrick 2009 136min. (OmU) (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 60min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous Universal Music Family 28.06.2013 Dir. John Cassady Entertainment(Karussell) 21.06.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053720 Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2012 67min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053925 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) 28.06.2013 Cars 1 / Cars 2 / Hooks unglaubli- - Box 3 (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053719 che Geschichten (3 Discs) Giruti Kuraun Cars / Cars 2 / Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Dir. Tetsuro Araki Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jim Tales Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2011-2012 Knopf und die Wilde 13 (Blu-ray) Dir. John Lasseter, Brad Lewis 125min. Dir. Manfred Jenning, Harald Schäfer Trickfilm/Komödie 2008-2011 min. AV Visionen(Peppermint) 28.06.2013 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1977 117min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053833 S.A.D. Home Entertainment(hrMedia) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney/ 17.05.2013 Pixar) 08.08.2013 Guilty Crown - Box 3 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053606 tba BestellNr.: 20053638 Giruti Kuraun Dir. Tetsuro Araki Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jim Dragonball GT - Box 2 (4 Discs) Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2011-2012 Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotiv- Dragonball GT 130min. Dir. Minoru Okazaki führer (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Peppermint) 28.06.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996-1997 500min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053847 Dir. Manfred Jenning AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.06.2013 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1976 114min. 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053955 Gullivers Reisen S.A.D. Home Entertainment(hrMedia) Gulliver’s Travels 17.05.2013 - Staffel zwei (2 Dir. Dave Fleischer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053605 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1939 71min. Augsburger Puppenkiste - Urmel Drawn Together Universum Film(Universum Kids) Dir. Dave Jeser, Matthew Silverstein, Bill 09.08.2013 aus dem Eis (Blu-ray) Freiberger 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053632 Dir. Harald Schäfer Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen,Behind the Scenes, Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969 115min. Karaoke, Trinkspiel Hatschipuh Zeichentrick/Komödie 2004-2008 324min. S.A.D. Home Entertainment(hrMedia) Toni Berger, Adelheid Arndt, Henry van polyband Medien GmbH 30.08.2013 17.05.2013 Lyck, Michael Schwarzmaier, Jan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053690 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053607 Steinbeck, Gustl Bayrhammer - Dir. Ulrich König

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986 92min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010 71min. (Blu-ray) da music(Laser Paradise) 31.05.2013 Universum Film(Universum Kids) The Power Of Few 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053776 23.08.2013 Christopher Walken, , 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053629 Q’Orianka Kilcher, Anthony Anderson, Ikki tousen - Xtreme Xecutor 1-6 Jesse Bradford, Moon Bloodgood, Nicky Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Team America: World Police Whelan, Devon Gearhart, Jordan Prentice - Zeichentrick/Action 2010 30min. (Blu-ray) Dir. Leone Marucci AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.07.2013 Team America: World Police Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053828 Dir. Trey Parker Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 96min. Intro, Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.07.2013 Ikki tousen - Xtreme Xecutor 1-6 Outtakes, Animierte Storyboards, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053838 (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Satire 2004 98min. Paramount Home Entertainment 18.07.2013 Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Die Abenteuer der Familie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053718 Zeichentrick/Action 2010 33min. Robinson in der Wildnis (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.07.2013 Team Umizoomi - Reise in das The Adventures Of The Wilderness Family 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053846 Robert Logan, Susan Damante-Shaw, Land der Zahlen Hollye Holmes, Ham Larsen, George „Buck“ Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Vol. Team Umizoomi Flower - Dir. Stewart Raffill 4 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Abenteuer 1975 99min. Paramount Home Entertainment 04.07.2013 Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053710 Dir. Koichi Ohata 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053702 Postkarten, Flyer Zeichentrick/Action 2010 75min. Z wie , Die komplette Serie - Die Abenteuer des Odysseus AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.06.2013 Episoden 01 - 52 (4 Discs) The Odyssey 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053956 Kaiketsu Zorro Armand Assante, Greta Scacchi, Isabella Dir. Katsumi Minoguchi Rossellini, Vanessa L. Williams, Eric Ro- Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Vol. Abenteuer/Trickfilm 1996 1200min. berts, Geraldine Chaplin, Irene Papas, Ber- 4 (Blu-ray) KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) nadette Peters, Christopher Lee, Michael J. Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor 20.06.2013 Pollard, Jeroen Krabbé, Nicholas Clay, Dir. Koichi Ohata 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053796 Paloma Baeza, Ron Cook, Pat Kelman, Postkarten, Flyer Vincenzo Nicoli, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Zeichentrick/Action 2010 78min. Katie Carr, Alan Cox, William , Tony AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.06.2013 Vogel, Heathcote Williams, Yorgo Voyagis, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053962 Film Peter Woodthorpe, Derek Lea, Freddy Douglas, Miles Anderson, Vernon Inazuma Eleven - Vol. 2 Dobtcheff - Dir. Andrej Kontschalowski Inazuma Eleven 100° Below Zero - Kalt wie die Making of, Wendecover, Trailer Dir. Katsuhioto Akiyama Hölle Abenteuer 1997 172min. Winkler Film 30.08.2013 Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2011 175min. 100° Below Zero 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053886 AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.05.2013 Jeff Fahey, John Rhys-Davies, Sara 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053830 Malakul Lane, Marc McKevitt Ewins, Judit Age of Dinosaurs - Terror in L.A. Fekete, Iván Kamarás, Andray Johnson, Age Of Dinosaurs Inazuma Eleven - Vol. 3 Lajos Kalmár - Dir. R.D. Braunstein Inazuma Eleven Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Treat Williams, Ronny Cox, Jillian Rose Dir. Katsuhioto Akiyama Action/Science Fiction 2013 84min. Reed, Max Aria, Joshua Michael Allen, Julia Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2011 150min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Paul, Johannes Gotz, Jose Rosete - Dir. AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.06.2013 11.07.2013 Joseph J. Lawson 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053831 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053661 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Action/Abenteuer 2013 83min. Inazuma Eleven - Vol. 4 100° Below Zero - Kalt wie die Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 19.09.2013 Inazuma Eleven Hölle (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20053915 Dir. Katsuhioto Akiyama 100° Below Zero Zeichentrick/Action 2008-2011 150min. Jeff Fahey, John Rhys-Davies, Sara Age of Dinosaurs - Terror in L.A. AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.07.2013 Malakul Lane, Marc McKevitt Ewins, Judit (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053829 Fekete, Iván Kamarás, Andray Johnson, Age Of Dinosaurs Lajos Kalmár - Dir. R.D. Braunstein Hood (4 Discs) Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Treat Williams, Ronny Cox, Jillian Rose Robin Hood Action/Science Fiction 2013 88min. Reed, Max Aria, Joshua Michael Allen, Julia Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1200min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Paul, Johannes Gotz, Jose Rosete - Dir. KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) 11.07.2013 Joseph J. Lawson 20.06.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053698 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Action/Abenteuer 2013 87min. 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053795 20 Minutes - The Power of Few Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 19.09.2013 - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- The Power Of Few tba BestellNr.: 20053938 ray) Christopher Walken, Christian Slater, Sekirei Q’Orianka Kilcher, Anthony Anderson, Age of Dinosaurs - Terror in L.A. Jesse Bradford, Moon Bloodgood, Nicky Dir. Keizo Kusakawa (Blu-ray) Booklet, 2 Postkarten, Poster Whelan, Devon Gearhart, Jordan Prentice - Zeichentrick/Action 2008 300min. Dir. Leone Marucci Age Of Dinosaurs AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.06.2013 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Treat Williams, Ronny Cox, Jillian Rose tba BestellNr.: 20053963 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 92min. Reed, Max Aria, Joshua Michael Allen, Julia KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.07.2013 Paul, Johannes Gotz, Jose Rosete - Dir. Die Stoffis - Im Königreich der 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053816 Joseph J. Lawson Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Sonne 20 Minutes - The Power of Few Action/Abenteuer 2013 87min. The Happets Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

19.09.2013 Area 407 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action/Science Fiction 2013 84min. tba BestellNr.: 20053937 Tape 407 Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Abigail Schrader, Samantha Lester, James 01.08.2013 Agent 505 - Todesfalle Beirut Lyons - Dir. Dale Fabrigar, Everette Wallin tba BestellNr.: 20053940 (k.J.) Trailer Frederick Stafford, Geneviève Cluny, Chris Horror/Science Fiction 2012 94min. Attack from the Atlantic Rim (Blu- Howland, Renate Ewert, Willy Birgel, Gis- Mad Dimension GmbH 30.08.2013 ray) ella Arden, Pierre Richard, Renato Lupi - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053812 From The Sea Dir. Manfred R. Köhler Anthony ‘Treach’ Criss, David Chokachi, Trailer, Booklet Area 407 (k.J.) Graham Greene, Jackie Moore, Nicole Alex- Science Fiction 1965 89min. Tape 407 andra Shipley, Jared Cohn, Steven Marlow, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Abigail Schrader, Samantha Lester, James Nicole Dickson - Dir. Jared Cohn AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.08.2013 Lyons - Dir. Dale Fabrigar, Everette Wallin Making of, Outtakes, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053614 Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2013 84min. Horror/Science Fiction 2012 90min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Air One / Surrogates - Mein Mad Dimension GmbH 30.08.2013 01.08.2013 zweites Ich / Im Feuer (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053799 tba BestellNr.: 20053939 Air Force One / Surrogates / Ladder 49 Arizona Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Attila - der Hunne Arizona Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Attila - The Hun Laura La Plante, John Wayne, June Clyde, Pike, Joaquin Phoenix, , Gerard Butler, Powers Boothe, Simmone Forrest Stanley - Dir. George B. Seitz Jacinda Barrett - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen, Mackinnon, Tim Curry, Reg Rogers, Alice 1931 70min. Jonathan Mostow, Jay Russell Krige - Dir. Dick Lowry Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Action 1997-2009 min. Abenteuer/Action 2001 170min. 12.07.2013 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053713 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 27.06.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053744 25.07.2013 The Art of Submission - Ring des 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053635 Todes (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Auch Pornoqueens haben Sorgen Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 31 (2 Submission Women In Trouble Discs) Ving Rhames, Ernie Reyes jr., Sara Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Connie Downing, Matthias Hues, Maria Conchita Britton, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Sarah Clarke, Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Alonso, John Savage, George Takei, Marley Shelton, Rya Kihlstedt - Dir. Seba- Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels Ro- Fernanda Romero, Gray Maynard, Ernie stian Gutierrez bert Kurvin, Kathrin Heß, Daniela Reyes sen., Frank Shamrock, Mariano Komödie/Drama 2009 94min. Katzenberger, Eva Habermann, Sven Mendoza - Dir. Kenneth Chamitoff, Adam Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.07.2013 Martinek, Kai Schumann, Sarah Maria Boster 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053735 Besgen, Fiona Erdmann, Sila Sahin, Ri- Action/Drama 2010 104min. chard van Weyden, Dimitri Bilov - Dir. Fran- Maritim Pictures 20.08.2013 Auch Pornoqueens haben Sorgen co Tozza, Heinz Dietz, Axel Sand tba BestellNr.: 20053891 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 455min. (Blu-ray) Women In Trouble Universum Film(RTL video) 09.08.2013 The Art of Submission - Ring des 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053778 Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Connie Todes (k.J.) Britton, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Sarah Clarke, Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 31 (2 Submission Marley Shelton, Rya Kihlstedt - Dir. Seba- Discs) (Blu-ray) Ving Rhames, Ernie Reyes jr., Sara stian Gutierrez Downing, Matthias Hues, Maria Conchita Komödie/Drama 2009 98min. Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Alonso, John Savage, George Takei, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.07.2013 Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels Ro- Fernanda Romero, Gray Maynard, Ernie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053786 bert Kurvin, Kathrin Heß, Daniela Reyes sen., Frank Shamrock, Mariano Katzenberger, Eva Habermann, Sven Mendoza - Dir. Kenneth Chamitoff, Adam Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um Martinek, Kai Schumann, Sarah Maria Boster Besgen, Fiona Erdmann, Sila Sahin, Ri- halb eins Action/Drama 2010 100min. chard van Weyden, Dimitri Bilov - Dir. Fran- Curd Jürgens, Heinz Reincke, Christiane Maritim Pictures 20.08.2013 co Tozza, Heinz Dietz, Axel Sand Rücker, Heidi Kabel, Fritz Wepper, Friedrich tba BestellNr.: 20053875 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 455min. Schütter - Dir. Rolf Olsen, Al Adamson Erotik/Komödie 1969 98min. Universum Film(RTL video) 09.08.2013 Attack from the Atlantic Rim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053789 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) From The Sea 26.07.2013 Angelique Anthony ‘Treach’ Criss, David Chokachi, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053912 Graham Greene, Jackie Moore, Nicole Alex- Angélique, Marquise Des Anges andra Shipley, Jared Cohn, Steven Marlow, Michèle Mercier, Robert Hossein, Dieter Auf die harte Tour Nicole Dickson - Dir. Jared Cohn Borsche, Charles Régnier, Jean Rochefort, The Hard Way Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Michael J. Fox, James Woods, Stephen Giuliano Gemma - Dir. Bernard Borderie Action/Science Fiction 2013 81min. Lang, Annabella Sciorra, Delroy Lindo - Dir. Abenteuer 1964 112min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) John Badham KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 15.07.2013 01.08.2013 Action/Komödie 1991 107min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053822 tba BestellNr.: 20053916 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Angelique (Blu-ray) Attack from the Atlantic Rim (Blu- 27.06.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053745 Angélique, Marquise Des Anges ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Michèle Mercier, Robert Hossein, Dieter From The Sea Borsche, Charles Régnier, Jean Rochefort, Das Auge Anthony ‘Treach’ Criss, David Chokachi, Giuliano Gemma - Dir. Bernard Borderie Mortelle Randonnée Graham Greene, Jackie Moore, Nicole Alex- Abenteuer 1964 117min. Michel Serrault, Isabelle Adjani, Stéphane andra Shipley, Jared Cohn, Steven Marlow, KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 15.07.2013 Audran, Guy Marchand, Geneviève Page, Nicole Dickson - Dir. Jared Cohn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053842 Sami Frey, Macha Méril, Jean-Claude Brialy Making of, Outtakes, Trailer - Dir. Claude Miller

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Thriller 1983 116min. Rowan Atkinson, Peter MacNicol, Pamela 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053601 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Reed, Harris Yulin, , Sir John Classic Selection) 11.07.2013 Mills, Richard Gant, Tricia Vessey, Andrew The File (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053578 Lawrence, Priscilla Shanks, Peter Egan, Bereurlin Peter Capaldi, Tom McGowan, Sandra Oh, Ha Jung-woo, Ryu Seung-beom, Jun Ji- Back from Prison Danny Goldring, - Dir. Mel Hyun, Numan Acar, Tayfun Bademsoy, Wer- The Con Artist Smith ner Daehn, John Keogh - Dir. Ryoo Seung- Rossif Sutherland, Rebecca Romijn, Sarah Komödie 1997 85min. wan Roemer, Donald Sutherland, Russell Peters, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action/Thriller 2013 125min. Terra Vnesa, Mak Fyfe, Jed Rees, Mary 13.06.2013 Splendid Film(Amazia) 26.07.2013 Walsh, Deborah Theaker, Cory Lee, Pedro 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053741 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053608 Miguel Arce, Joel Hynes - Dir. Risa Bramon Garcia The Beatles - Help (Blu-ray) Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter I Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 87min. Help! (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.06.2013 John Lennon, Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Beruseruku: Ougon Jidaihen I - Haou No 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053569 Starr, George Harrison, Leo McKern, Tamago Eleanor Bron, Victor Spinetti - Dir. Richard Shingo Egami - Dir. Toshiyuki Kubooka Back from Prison (Blu-ray) Lester Zeichentrick 2012 77min. The Con Artist Making of, Entfallene Szene, Featurette, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Radiospot, Original-Script, Poster, Booklet, Universum Film(Universum Anime) Rossif Sutherland, Rebecca Romijn, Sarah Produktionsnotizen 16.08.2013 Roemer, Donald Sutherland, Russell Peters, Komödie/Musikfilm 1965 96min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053790 Terra Vnesa, Mak Fyfe, Jed Rees, Mary Universal Music International (UMI)(Apple) Walsh, Deborah Theaker, Cory Lee, Pedro 21.06.2013 Berserk - Das goldene Zeitalter II Miguel Arce, Joel Hynes - Dir. Risa Bramon 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053944 (Limited Collector’s Edition Garcia Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 91min. Beautiful Creatures - Zum Ster- Deluxe) (Blu-ray) Berserk: Ohgon Jidai Hen 2 - Dorudorei Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.06.2013 ben schön...! (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053589 Koryaku Hen Beautiful Creatures Interview Barbie - Mariposa und die Feen- Rachel Weisz, Susan Lynch, Alex Norton, Zeichentrick 2012 97min. , Maurice Roeves, Tom Mannion, Universum Film(Universum Anime) prinzessin (Blu-ray) Robin Laing - Dir. Bill Eagles 16.08.2013 Barbie: Mariposa & The Fairy Princess Thriller/Komödie 2000 84min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053791 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 83min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 27.06.2013 The Best Offer - Das höchste Ge- 29.08.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053746 bot 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053869 La Migliore Offerta Before the War - Allegiance Battle of the Damned (Blu-ray 3D) Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess, Sylvia Recalled Hoeks, Donald Sutherland, Philip Jackson, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Seth Gabel, Pablo Schreiber, Malik Yoba, Dermot Crowley, Liya Kebede - Dir. Battle Of The Damned Dominic Fumusa, Aidan Quinn, Bow Wow, Giuseppe Tornatore Dolph Lundgren, Melanie Zanetti, Matt Reshma Shetty, Redaric Williams, Zachary Drama/Thriller 2012 126min. Doran, David Field, Esteban Cueto, Jen Booth, Jason Lew - Dir. Michael Connors Warner Home Video Germany 19.07.2013 Sung, Jeff Pruitt, Broadus Mattison, Kerry Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 91min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053627 Wong - Dir. Christopher Hatton MIG Film 13.08.2013 Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053656 The Big Easy - Verführerischer Action/Horror 2013 88min. Sunfilm Entertainment 05.09.2013 Before the War - Allegiance (Blu- Nervenkitzel (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20053900 The Big Easy ray) Ellen Barkin, Dennis Quaid, Ned Beatty, Battle of the Damned (Blu-ray) Recalled John Goodman, Lisa Jane Persky, Ebbe Seth Gabel, Pablo Schreiber, Malik Yoba, (k.J.) Roe Smith, Tom O’Brien, Charles Ludlam, Dominic Fumusa, Aidan Quinn, Bow Wow, Grace Zabriskie - Dir. Jim McBride Battle Of The Damned Reshma Shetty, Redaric Williams, Zachary Trailer, Featurette, Bio- und Filmografien Dolph Lundgren, Melanie Zanetti, Matt Booth, Jason Lew - Dir. Michael Connors Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 100min. Doran, David Field, Esteban Cueto, Jen Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 95min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 Sung, Jeff Pruitt, Broadus Mattison, Kerry MIG Film 13.08.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053844 Wong - Dir. Christopher Hatton 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053693 Trailer Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray Action/Horror 2013 88min. Bekenntnisse eines Opium- The Picture Of Dorian Gray Sunfilm Entertainment 05.09.2013 Shane Briant, Nigel Davenport, Charles tba BestellNr.: 20053899 süchtigen Confessions Of An Opium Eater Aidman, Fionnula Flanagan, Linda Kelsey, Battle of the Damned (k.J.) Vincent Price, Linda Ho, Richard Loo, June Vanessa Howard, John Karlen - Dir. Glenn Jordan Battle Of The Damned Kyoko Lu, Philip Ahn - Dir. Albert Zugsmith Horror 1974 110min. Dolph Lundgren, Melanie Zanetti, Matt Wendecover, Trailer Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1962 85min. Great Movies GmbH 28.06.2013 Doran, David Field, Esteban Cueto, Jen Maritim Pictures 19.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053946 Sung, Jeff Pruitt, Broadus Mattison, Kerry 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053723 Wong - Dir. Christopher Hatton Bis zum letzten Atemzug Trailer Action/Horror 2013 85min. The Berlin File Poor Boy’s Game / Reflections / Retrogra- Sunfilm Entertainment 05.09.2013 Bereurlin de - Krieg auf dem Eisplaneten tba BestellNr.: 20053883 Ha Jung-woo, Ryu Seung-beom, Jun Ji- Action 270min. Hyun, Numan Acar, Tayfun Bademsoy, Wer- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.06.2013 Bean - Der ultimative ner Daehn, John Keogh - Dir. Ryoo Seung- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053571 Katastrophenfilm wan Action/Thriller 2013 120min. Bitte lasst die Blumen leben Bean Splendid Film(Amazia) 26.07.2013 Klausjürgen Wussow, Birgit Doll, Hannelore

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Elsner, Radost Bokel, Hans-Christian Blech, Bordello of Blood - Death Tales Komödie/Drama 2011 82min. Rainer Basedow - Dir. Duccio Tessari (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.07.2013 Booklet 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053788 Drama 1986 90min. Bordello Death Tales AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Stuart Gregory, Eleanor James, Danielle Cannibal Diner Laws - Dir. James Eaves, Pat Higgins, Alan AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.09.2013 Cannibal Diner Ronald 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053807 Alexandra Lesch, Kristiana Rohder, Lara Horror/Episodenfilm 2009 94min. Baum, Alexandra Jordan, Indira Madison, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 Bloch: Die Fälle 21-24 (2 DVDs) Violetta Schurawlow, Jessica Klauss, Do- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053705 Dieter Pfaff minik Schneider, Mike Zick, Sascha Litter, Drama 360min. Bordello of Blood - Death Tales Celina Klemenz - Dir. Frank W. Montag Studio Enterprises(ARD Video) Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Promovideo, Trailer, 13.06.2013 (k.J.) Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053861 Bordello Death Tales Thriller/Horror 2012 72min. Stuart Gregory, Eleanor James, Danielle Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Blut und Ehre - Jugend unter Hit- Laws - Dir. James Eaves, Pat Higgins, Alan 20.08.2013 ler (5 Discs) Ronald tba BestellNr.: 20053872 Horror/Episodenfilm 2009 90min. Steffen Rübling, Matthew Bader, Jeffrey Cannibal Diner (Blu-ray) Frank, Rolf Becker, Karlheinz Lemken, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.06.2013 Cannibal Diner Leslie Malton, Gila von Weitershausen, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053679 Alexandra Lesch, Kristiana Rohder, Lara Marlies Engel, Gunther Malzacher, Jakob Baum, Alexandra Jordan, Indira Madison, Fruchtmann, Elisabeth Endriss, Siegfried Brutal Cage Fight (2 Discs) (k.J.) Violetta Schurawlow, Jessica Klauss, Do- Kernen, Ulrich von Dobschütz, Franz Among Dead Men / Cage Fighter / minik Schneider, Mike Zick, Sascha Litter, Rudnick, Bernd Fischerauer, Sven-Eric Confessions of a Pit Fighter / Longman fungbou / Underground / Ring of Death Celina Klemenz - Dir. Frank W. Montag Bechtolf, John Jeffries, Jochen Schmidt, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Promovideo, Trailer, Gedeon Burkhard, Günter Meisner - Dir. Action 552min. Bildergalerie Bernd Fischerauer Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 05.07.2013 Thriller/Horror 2012 75min. Alternative Drehfassung, Wochenschau-Clips, Interview, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053730 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Making of, Booklet 20.08.2013 Drama 1981 860min. Bulletproof - Kugelsicher tba BestellNr.: 20053887 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Bulletproof AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 09.08.2013 Damon Wayans, , James Car Wash 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053885 Caan, Kristen Wilson, James Farentino, Car Wash Jeep Swenson, Bill Nunn, Xander Berkeley, Der Bomberpilot / Nel Regno di Antonio Fargas, Sully Boyar, Richard Mark Casella, Larry McCoy, Allen Covert - Brestoff, Franklyn Ajaye, George Carlin - Napoli (2 Discs) Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson Dir. Der Bomberpilot / Neapolitanische Ge- Action/Komödie 1996 81min. Komödie 1976 92min. schwister Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Romeo Giro, Antonio Orlando, Tiziana 27.06.2013 27.06.2013 Ambretti - Dir. Werner Schroeter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053747 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053748 Bonusfilm, Kurzfilm Drama 1971-1978 298min. Bus Stop (Blu-ray) Jackie Chan Master Edition (2 film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) Bus Stop Discs) 07.06.2013 , Don Murray, Arthur Crash! Che botte strippo strappo stroppio 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053609 O’Connell, Betty Field, Hope Lange, Eileen / Eagle Shadow Fist / Jackie Chan - Der Heckart, Hans Conried, Robert Bray - Dir. Master mit den gebrochenen Händen / Die Book of the Undead Joshua Logan Psalm 21 Trailer Superfaust / Xun zhao Cheng Long Jonas Malmsjö, Niklas Falk, Björn Komödie/Drama 1956 95min. Jackie Chan Bengtsson, Gorel Crona, Josefin Ljungman, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action/Eastern 500min. Per Ragnar, Gunvor Pontén, Julia Germany 02.08.2013 Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 12.07.2013 Dufvenius, Lena B. Eriksson, Anita Blom, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053969 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053726 Fredrik Hiller, Malin Arvidsson, Gabriel Krona, Julia Moreau, Aksel Morisse - Dir. Callboy im Einsatz Charlie Chan - Ein fast perfektes Fredrik Hiller Cougars, Inc. Alibi Trailer Sarah Hyland, Denise Richards, Kyle Dark Alibi Horror/Drama 2009 94min. Gallner, James Belushi, Kathryn Morris, Sidney Toler - Dir. Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Rebecca Mader, Maeve Quinlan, Ryan Trailer 26.07.2013 Pinkston, Robert Belushi, Catalina Kriminalfilm 1946 70min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053910 Rodriguez, Steven Christopher Parker, Donau Film 30.08.2013 Rebecca Chaney, Rome Shadanloo - Dir. K. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053612 Book of the Undead (Blu-ray) Asher Levin Psalm 21 Komödie/Drama 2011 79min. Charlie Chan Collection - Teil 1 (4 Jonas Malmsjö, Niklas Falk, Björn Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.07.2013 Discs) Bengtsson, Gorel Crona, Josefin Ljungman, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053756 Warner Oland - Dir. Lewis Seiler Per Ragnar, Gunvor Pontén, Julia Kriminalfilm 288min. Dufvenius, Lena B. Eriksson, Anita Blom, Callboy im Einsatz (Blu-ray) Koch Media 28.05.2013 Fredrik Hiller, Malin Arvidsson, Gabriel Cougars, Inc. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053672 Krona, Julia Moreau, Aksel Morisse - Dir. Sarah Hyland, Denise Richards, Kyle Fredrik Hiller Gallner, James Belushi, Kathryn Morris, Charlies Welt - Wirklich nichts ist Trailer Rebecca Mader, Maeve Quinlan, Ryan Horror/Drama 2009 97min. wirklich Pinkston, Robert Belushi, Catalina Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Rodriguez, Steven Christopher Parker, 26.07.2013 Swan III Rebecca Chaney, Rome Shadanloo - Dir. K. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053936 Charlie Sheen, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Asher Levin Murray, Katheryn Winnick, Patricia Making of, Trailer Arquette, Aubrey Plaza, Mary Elizabeth

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Winstead, Dermot Mulroney, Maxine Bahns, Trailer, Bildergalerie Universum Film(SquareOne) 09.08.2013 James Paradise, Yasha Blackman - Dir. Action 1974 84min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053655 Roman Coppola Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Komödie 2012 82min. 12.07.2013 Cyrus - The Highway Killer (Blu- Koch Media 06.09.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053685 ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053879 Collision Course - Blackout im Cyrus: Mind Of A Serial Killer Brian Krause, Lance Henriksen, Danielle Charlies Welt - Wirklich nichts ist Cockpit Harris, Doug Jones, Anne Leighton, Patricia wirklich (Blu-ray) Collision Course Belcher, Sam Brilhart (Emmett), Rae Dawn A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Tia Carrere, David Chokachi, Meghan Chong, Zachary Christopher Fay, Corey Swan III McLeod, Tim Abell, Janis Peebles, Dee Gibbons - Dir. Mark Vadik Charlie Sheen, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Wallace, Jon Briddell, Graham Clarke, Dylan Trailer Murray, Katheryn Winnick, Patricia Vox, Ted Monte - Dir. Fred Olen Ray Thriller/Horror 2010 80min. Arquette, Aubrey Plaza, Mary Elizabeth Action/Drama 2012 84min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Winstead, Dermot Mulroney, Maxine Bahns, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 01.08.2013 James Paradise, Yasha Blackman - Dir. 14.08.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053943 Roman Coppola tba BestellNr.: 20053920 Komödie 2012 85min. Cyrus - The Highway Killer (k.J.) Koch Media 06.09.2013 Collision Course - Blackout im Cyrus: Mind Of A Serial Killer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053895 Cockpit (Blu-ray) Brian Krause, Lance Henriksen, Danielle Collision Course Harris, Doug Jones, Anne Leighton, Patricia Der Chef - Ein beinahe tödlicher Tia Carrere, David Chokachi, Meghan Belcher, Sam Brilhart (Emmett), Rae Dawn McLeod, Tim Abell, Janis Peebles, Dee Chong, Zachary Christopher Fay, Corey Gibbons - Dir. Mark Vadik Ironside Wallace, Jon Briddell, Graham Clarke, Dylan Vox, Ted Monte - Dir. Fred Olen Ray Trailer Raymond Burr, Don Galloway, Don Mitchell, Thriller/Horror 2010 76min. Action/Drama 2012 88min. Gene Lyons, Barbara Anderson, Elizabeth Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Baur, Johnny Seven, Joan Pringle - Dir. 01.08.2013 14.08.2013 Abner Biberman, Robert Butler, Michael tba BestellNr.: 20053922 Caffey, Richard A. Colla, John Florea, Da- tba BestellNr.: 20053942 vid Friedkin, William A. Graham, Daniel The Cop - Crime Scene Paris, Die Darkstalkers (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Haller, Leonard Horn, , Obsidian Hearts Bruce Kessler, Alf Kjellin, Anton Leader, komplette 1. Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu- Jenny Allford, Robert Amstler, Lexy, Leslie H. Martinson, Russell Mayberry, Don ray) Gabriel Kalomas, James Edward Tolbert, McDougall, James Neilson, Christian J. Jo Mattia Borrani, Nicklaus Haughian, Matthew Nyby II, Leo Penn, Daniel Petrie, Allen Jean Reno, Jill Hennessy, Tom Austen Sydney, Thomas Falzarano, Pete Sprouse, Reisner, David Lowell Rich, Boris Sagal, Pilotfolge der TV-Serie „King“, Wendecover Harry Bruce - Dir. Rene Perez Jimmy Sangster, Robert Scheerer, Ralph Kriminalfilm 2013 403min. Trailer Senensky, Barry Shear, James Sheldon, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Fantasy 2012 85min. , Don Weis Germany 16.08.2013 Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 Kriminalfilm 1967-1975 55min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053865 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053594 Soulfood Music Distribution(Marketing Movies) 21.06.2013 The Cop - Crime Scene Paris, Die Darkstalkers (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053945 komplette 1. Staffel (3 Discs) Obsidian Hearts Jo Jenny Allford, Robert Amstler, Raven Lexy, Chupacabra - Sie kommen aus Jean Reno, Jill Hennessy, Tom Austen Gabriel Kalomas, James Edward Tolbert, der Hölle (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Pilotfolge der TV-Serie „King“, Wendecover Mattia Borrani, Nicklaus Haughian, Matthew Chupacabra Vs. The Alamo Kriminalfilm 2013 403min. Sydney, Thomas Falzarano, Pete Sprouse, Nicole Muñoz, Erik Estrada, Julia Benson, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Harry Bruce - Dir. Rene Perez Zak Santiago, Dave Dimapilis, Samuel Germany 16.08.2013 Trailer Action/Fantasy 2012 82min. Patrick Chu, Bishop Brigante, Brent 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053852 Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 McLaren - Dir. Terry Ingram Trailer The Crime - Good Cop//Bad Cop 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053580 Horror/Action 2013 87min. The Sweeney Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Ray Winstone, Ben Drew, Hayley Atwell, A Day of Violence 25.07.2013 Steven Mackintosh, Paul Anderson, Alan A Day Of Violence tba BestellNr.: 20053941 Ford, Damian Lewis, Caroline Chikezie, Nick Rendell, Christopher Fosh, Victor D. Allen Leech, Ronnie Fox, Michael Wildman, Thorn, Tina Barnes, Steve Humphrey, Chupacabra - Sier kommen aus Steven Waddington, Kara Tointon, Kevin Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Helena Martin, der Hölle (k.J.) Sean Michaels, Tayo Walker-Allen, Nick Pete Morgan - Dir. Darren Ward Action 2010 min. Chupacabra Vs. The Alamo Nevern - Dir. Nick Love Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Nicole Muñoz, Erik Estrada, Julia Benson, Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 108min. 01.08.2013 Zak Santiago, Dave Dimapilis, Samuel Universum Film(SquareOne) 09.08.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053622 Patrick Chu, Bishop Brigante, Brent 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053640 McLaren - Dir. Terry Ingram A Day of Violence (Blu-ray) Trailer The Crime - Good Cop//Bad Cop Horror/Action 2013 83min. (Blu-ray) A Day Of Violence Nick Rendell, Christopher Fosh, Victor D. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) The Sweeney Thorn, Tina Barnes, Steve Humphrey, 25.07.2013 Ray Winstone, Ben Drew, Hayley Atwell, Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Helena Martin, tba BestellNr.: 20053917 Steven Mackintosh, Paul Anderson, Alan Pete Morgan - Dir. Darren Ward Ford, Damian Lewis, Caroline Chikezie, Action 2010 min. Cold Blood Allen Leech, Ronnie Fox, Michael Wildman, Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Das Amulett des Todes Steven Waddington, Kara Tointon, Kevin 01.08.2013 Rutger Hauer, Vera Tschechowa, Horst Sean Michaels, Tayo Walker-Allen, Nick 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053648 Frank, Walter Richter, Günther Stoll - Dir. Nevern - Dir. Nick Love Ralf Gregan, Günter Vaessen Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 113min.

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Defiance - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) (Blu- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Laure ray) 27.06.2013 Annie Belle, Emmanuelle Arsan, Al Cliver, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053766 Orso Maria Guerrini, Bernardo Bernardo, Defiance Homer Adams, Pierre Haudebourg, Michele Grant Bowler, Julie Benz, Stephanie Xavier Dolan - Die Box (2 Discs) Starck - Dir. Ovidio G. Assonitis, Leonidas Herzensbrecher / I Killed My Mother Emmanuelle Arsan Science Fiction 2013 min. Dir. Xavier Dolan Trailer, Interviews, Wendecover Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Plakat, Entfallene Szenen, Pannen, Audiokommentar, Bilder- Erotik 1975 89min. 18.07.2013 galerie Donau Film 26.07.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053603 Drama/Komödie 195min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053610 good!movies(Kool) 28.06.2013 Defiance - Staffel 1 (5 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053905 Empire of War - Der letzte Wider- Defiance stand Grant Bowler, Julie Benz, Stephanie Das Dorf der Verdammten Yi Jiu Si Er Leonidas Village Of The Damned Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins, Xu Fan, Chen Science Fiction 2013 min. , Kirstie Alley, Linda Daoming, Zhang Hanyu, Alfred Hsing, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kozlowski, Michael Paré, Meredith Zhang Guoli, Li Xuejian - Dir. Feng 18.07.2013 Salenger, Mark Hamill, Pippa Pearthree, Xiaogang 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053597 Peter Jason - Dir. John Carpenter Interviews, Trailer Horror 1995 94min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 139min. Déjà Vu - Wettlauf gegen die Zeit Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Koch Media 20.09.2013 / Hurricane / Crimson - In 27.06.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053881 tiefster Gefahr (3 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053749 Empire of War - Der letzte Wider- Déjà Vu / Hurricane / Crimson Tide Dracula (Digital Remastered) , , stand (Blu-ray) Dracula George Dzundza, Vicellous Reon Shannon, Yi Jiu Si Er Jack Palance, Nigel Davenport, Pamela Deborah Kara Unger, Paula Patton, Val Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins, Xu Fan, Chen Brown - Dir. Dan Curtis Kilmer - Dir. Tony Scott, Norman Jewison Daoming, Zhang Hanyu, Alfred Hsing, Horror 1973 100min. Action 1995-2006 min. Zhang Guoli, Li Xuejian - Dir. Feng Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Xiaogang 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053582 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Interviews, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 145min. 25.07.2013 Dragonheart II - Ein neuer Anfang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053636 Koch Media 20.09.2013 Dragonheart - A New Beginning tba BestellNr.: 20053897 Derrick - Collector’s Box Vol. 18 Christopher Masterson, John Woodnutt, Harry van Gorkum, Rona Figueroa, Matt (Folge 256-270) (5 Discs) Der Engel von nebenan Hickey, Henry O, Tom Burke, Ken Shorter, Christmas Kriminalfilm 1974-1975 900min. Lubomir Misak - Dir. Doug Lefler , Teri Polo, Tamera Mowry- MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Fantasy/Abenteuer 2000 81min. Housley, Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Arnold, Izabela Products) 07.06.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Vidovic, Rob Boltin, Naydja Cojoe - Dir. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053600 27.06.2013 Brian Herzlinger 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053750 Trailer Desire - Louise auf der Suche Komödie/Familie 2012 94min. nach der verlorenen Lust Dreamkeeper Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Tout Le Plaisir Est Pour Moi Dreamkeeper 19.09.2013 Marie Gillain, Julien Boisselier, Garance August Schellenberg, Eddie Spears, Gary tba BestellNr.: 20053918 Clavel, Brigitte Roüan, Tsilla Chelton, Lionel Farmer, John Trudell, Chaske Spencer, Abelanski - Dir. Isabelle Broué Teneil Whiskeyjack, Alex Rice, Michael Die Erbschaft in Oregon Originaltrailer Greyeyes - Dir. Steve Barron Across The Great Divide Komödie 2004 79min. Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Robert Logan, Heather Rattray, Mark Ed- 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2003 174min. ward Hall, George „Buck“ Flower - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20053815 Koch Media 20.09.2013 Stewart Raffill tba BestellNr.: 20053880 Drama 1977 100min. Dinotopia - Season 1.2 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.07.2013 Dinotopia Dreamkeeper (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053904 Erik von Detten, Shiloh Strong, Zoltan Papp, Dreamkeeper Omid Djalili, Sophie Ward, Lisa Zane, Mi- August Schellenberg, Eddie Spears, Gary Evil Spookies - Die Killer- chael Brandon, Jonathan Hyde, Zoltán Farmer, John Trudell, Chaske Spencer, dämonen (FSK 18) Seress, Georgina Rylance, Sian Brooke, Teneil Whiskeyjack, Alex Rice, Michael Spookies Ben O’Brien, Tony Osoba, Naomie Harris, Greyeyes - Dir. Steve Barron Felix Ward, Maria Pechukas Heathcote Williams, Josh Cole, Jenna Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer/Fantasy 2003 180min. Trailer Harrison, Ivan Kaye, Michael Attwell - Dir. Horror 1986 82min. Koch Media 20.09.2013 David Winning, Mario Azzopardi, Thomas J. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 12.07.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053896 Wright, Mike Fash 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053711 Trailer Fantasy 2002 256min. El Lobo Exorzismus Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 26.07.2013 Zorro Rides Again Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053913 John Carroll, Helen Christian, Reed Howes, Nicole Muller, Gerold Wunstel, Kai Cofer, Duncan Renaldo, Noah Beery, Richard Christopher Karl Johnson, Yaz Canli, Ro- Do the Right Thing Alexander, Nigel de Brulier, Bob Kortman - bert Shampain, Korey Simeone, Annette Do The Right Thing Dir. John English, William Witney Remter, David Reynolds - Dir. Jude Gerard Spike Lee, Danny Aiello, Ossie Davis, Bill Western 1937 150min. Prest Nunn, John Turturro, Giancarlo Esposito, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.06.2013 Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Ruby Dee, Richard Edson, John Savage, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053572 Horror 2011 87min. Rosie Perez, Steve White - Dir. Spike Lee Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Drama 1989 114min. Emmanuelle für immer (k.J.) 29.06.2013

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9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053951 Komödie/Horror 2006 93min. Amy Hill, Kate McGregor-Stewart - Dir. Yim Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 Ho Exorzismus (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053695 Drama 2001 111min. Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Nicole Muller, Gerold Wunstel, Kai Cofer, The First Time - Dein erstes Mal 27.06.2013 Christopher Karl Johnson, Yaz Canli, Ro- vergisst Du nie! 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053757 bert Shampain, Korey Simeone, Annette The First Time Remter, David Reynolds - Dir. Jude Gerard Dylan O’Brien, Brittany Robertson, Craig Ein freudiges Ereignis Prest Roberts, Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Lamarcus Un Heureux Evénement Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Tinker, Christine Taylor, Joshua Malina, Louise Bourgoin, Pio Marmaï, Josiane Horror 2011 91min. Victoria Justice - Dir. Jon Kasdan Balasko, Thierry Frémont, Gabrielle Lazure Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Alternativer Anfang, Trailer (Édith), Firmine Richard, Daphné Bürki, 29.06.2013 Komödie/Lovestory 2012 91min. Lannick Gautry, Gérard Lubin, Nicole 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053960 Capelight Pictures 12.07.2013 Valberg, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Marie- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053562 Laure Lasson - Dir. Rémi Bezançon Fahrenheit 451 Komödie/Drama 2011 106min. Fahrenheit 451 The First Time - Dein erstes Mal Universum Film(Camino) 16.08.2013 Oskar Werner, Julie Christie, Cyril Cusack, vergisst Du nie! (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053781 Anton Diffring, Jeremy Spenser, Bee Duffell The First Time - Dir. François Truffaut Dylan O’Brien, Brittany Robertson, Craig Ein freudiges Ereignis (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Drama 1966 112min. Roberts, Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Lamarcus Un Heureux Evénement Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tinker, Christine Taylor, Joshua Malina, Louise Bourgoin, Pio Marmaï, Josiane 27.06.2013 Victoria Justice - Dir. Jon Kasdan Balasko, Thierry Frémont, Gabrielle Lazure 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053751 Alternativer Anfang, Trailer (Édith), Firmine Richard, Daphné Bürki, Komödie/Lovestory 2012 95min. Lannick Gautry, Gérard Lubin, Nicole Eine Familie namens Beethoven Capelight Pictures 12.07.2013 Valberg, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Marie- Beethoven’s 2nd 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053586 Laure Lasson - Dir. Rémi Bezançon Charles Grodin, Bonnie Hunt, Nicholle Tom, Komödie/Drama 2011 110min. Christopher Castile, Sarah Rose Karr, Debi Flashpoint - Season 7 (3 Discs) Universum Film(Camino) 16.08.2013 Mazar, Chris Penn, Ashley Hamilton, Danny Flashpoint 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053792 Masterson - Dir. Rod Daniel Amy Jo Johnson, Hugh Dillon, David Komödie/Familie 1993 85min. Paetkau, Sergio Di Zio, Enrico Colantoni, Für das Leben eines Freundes Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tattiawna Jones - Dir. Brett Sullivan, Kelly Return To Paradise 27.06.2013 Makin, David Frazee, Erik Canuel, Stefan Vince Vaughn, Anne Heche, Joaquin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053752 Pleszczynski Phoenix, David Conrad, Vera Farmiga, Nick Action/Thriller 2011 361min. Sandow, - Dir. Joseph Fear - Wenn Liebe Angst macht Koch Media 14.06.2013 Ruben (k.J.) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053674 Drama 1997 107min. Fear Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon, The Floating - Festung der 27.06.2013 William L. Petersen, Amy Brenneman, Samurai 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053753 Alyssa Milano, Christopher Gray, Todd Nobô No Shiro Caldecott, Tracy Fraim, Gary John Riley - Mansai Nomura, Nana Eikura, Hiroki G.I. Joe - Die Abrechnung Dir. James Foley Narimiya - Dir. Shinji Higuchi, Isshin Inudo G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation Thriller 1996 93min. Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2012 142min. Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, Channing Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Tatum, Adrianne Palicki, D.J. Cotrona, Lee 27.06.2013 06.08.2013 Byung-hun, Ray Park, Jonathan Pryce, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053754 tba BestellNr.: 20053877 RZA, Ray Stevenson, Elodie Yung, Joseph Mazzello, Arnold Vosloo, Walton Goggins - Ferien zu Dritt - The Great The Floating Castle - Festung der Dir. Jon M. Chu Outdoors Samurai (Blu-ray) Action 2012 106min. Paramount Home Entertainment 01.08.2013 The Great Outdoors Nobô No Shiro 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053851 Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Stephanie Mansai Nomura, Nana Eikura, Hiroki Faracy, Annette Bening, Ian Giatti, Hilary Narimiya - Dir. Shinji Higuchi, Isshin Inudo G.I. Joe - Die Abrechnung (Blu- Gordon - Dir. Howard Deutch Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2012 148min. Komödie 1988 87min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, + DVD) (Blu- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 06.08.2013 ray) 27.06.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053893 G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053755 Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, Channing Frau Warrens Gewerbe (k.J.) Tatum, Adrianne Palicki, D.J. Cotrona, Lee Fida Lilli Palmer, O. E. Hasse, Johanna Matz, Byung-hun, Ray Park, Jonathan Pryce, Fida Helmuth Lohner, Rudolf Vogel, Ernst Fritz RZA, Ray Stevenson, Elodie Yung, Joseph Fardeen , , Shahid Fürbringer, Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Erni Mazzello, Arnold Vosloo, Walton Goggins - Kapoor - Dir. Ken Ghosh Mangold, Marlene Riphahn, Christiane Dir. Jon M. Chu Drama 2004 122min. Nielsen - Dir. Ákos Ráthonyi Action 2012 110min. da music(Laser Paradise) 31.05.2013 Booklet, Trailer Paramount Home Entertainment 01.08.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053777 Drama 1960 103min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053863 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Fido - Gute Tote sind schwer zu AG(Filmjuwelen) 12.07.2013 G.I. Joe - Die Abrechnung (Blu- finden (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053724 ray) Fido Die Frauen des Hauses Wu G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation Billy Connolly, Dylan Baker, Carrie-Anne Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, Channing Pavilion Of Women Moss, Tim Blake Nelson, Henry Czerny, Tatum, Adrianne Palicki, D.J. Cotrona, Lee Willem Dafoe, Luo Yan, Shek Sau, John Peter Stormare - Dir. Andrew Currie Byung-hun, Ray Park, Jonathan Pryce, Cho, Yi Ding, Koh Chieng-mun, Anita Loo, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Storyboards, Trailer RZA, Ray Stevenson, Elodie Yung, Joseph

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Mazzello, Arnold Vosloo, Walton Goggins - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053727 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053835 Dir. Jon M. Chu Action 2012 110min. Gorath - UFOs zerstören die Erde The Guillotines (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Paramount Home Entertainment 01.08.2013 Yosei Gorasu ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053862 Ryo Ikebe, Takashi Shimura, Jun Tazaki, Xue Di Zi Akihiko Hirata, Yumi Shirakawa - Dir. Xiaoming Huang, Juan Ching-Tien, Ethan Gangland Inoshiro Honda Juan, Shawn Yue, Boran Jing - Dir. Wai- Gangland Science Fiction 1962 85min. keung Lau Ice-T, Costas Mandylor, Coolio, Kathleen Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Action/Kostümfilm 2012 113min. Kinmont, Vincent Klyn, Tim Thomerson, 12.07.2013 Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.08.2013 Sasha Mitchell, Jennifer Gareis - Dir. Art 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053687 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053965 Camacho Action 2000 78min. Gott schützt die Liebenden The Guillotines (Blu-ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Harald Leipnitz, Gila von Weitershausen, Guillotines 29.06.2013 Andrea Jonasson, Walter Kohut, Paul Es- Xiaoming Huang, Juan Ching-Tien, Ethan 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053949 ser, Thomas Frey, Horst Jüssen - Dir. Al- Juan, Shawn Yue, Boran Jing - Dir. Wai- fred Vohrer keung Lau Geheimes Verlangen - Mein Le- Booklet Action 113min. Action 1973 102min. ben als Pornostar Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.08.2013 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing This Girl’s Life 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053849 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.08.2013 James Woods, Juliette Marquis, Kip Pardue, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053806 Tomas Arana, Michael Rapaport, Rosario Hänsel und Gretel - Black Forest Dawson, Ioan Gruffudd, Cheyenne Silver, Der Graf mit der eisernen Faust (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kam Heskin, Natalie Taylor, Isaiah Washing- Les Mystères De Paris Hansel & Gretel Get Baked ton IV - Dir. Ash Jean Marais, Dany Robin, Jill Haworth, Molly C. Quinn, Michael Welch, Cary Elwes, Trailer, Originaltrailer, Interviews , Eddy Martin, Andrew Drama 2003 100min. Raymond Pellegrin, Pierre Mondy - Dir. James Allen, Lochlyn Munro, Reynaldo 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 André Hunebelle Gallegos, Yancy Butler - Dir. Duane tba BestellNr.: 20053821 Abenteuer 1962 105min. ZYX Music 31.05.2013 Journey Das Geheimnis der Mine 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053668 Komödie/Horror 2013 103min. Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 26.07.2013 The Mystery In The Mine 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053930 Ingrid Cardon, Stewart Guidotti - Dir. James Der Graf mit der eisernen Faust H. Hill (Blu-ray) Hänsel und Gretel - Black Forest Abenteuer 1959 108min. Les Mystères De Paris MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Jean Marais, Dany Robin, Jill Haworth, (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Products) 21.06.2013 Raymond Pellegrin, Pierre Mondy - Dir. ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053926 André Hunebelle Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Abenteuer 1962 109min. Molly C. Quinn, Michael Welch, Cary Elwes, Das Geheimnis des schwarzen ZYX Music 07.06.2013 Lara Flynn Boyle, Eddy Martin, Andrew Dschungels 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053699 James Allen, Lochlyn Munro, Reynaldo I Misteri Della Giungla Nera Gallegos, Yancy Butler - Dir. Duane Peter van Eyck, Ivan Desny, Ingeborg The Great Fight Journey Schöner, Guy Madison, Giacomo Rossi- The Great Fight Booklet Komödie/Horror 2013 203min. Stuart, Giulia Rubini - Dir. Luigi Capuano Frank Giglio, Suzy Kaye, Miguel Jarquin- Booklet Moreland, Eric „Kaos“ Etebari, Angela Little, Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 26.07.2013 Abenteuer 1964 100min. Jackie Martling, Michael Rivera, Felipe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053931 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dieppa, Robert Loggia, Martin Kove - Dir. AG(Filmjuwelen) 16.08.2013 Sherri Kauk Hänsel und Gretel - Black Forest 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053801 Action/Drama 2011 85min. (k.J.) MIG Film 01.08.2013 Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Das Geheimnis meines Erfolges tba BestellNr.: 20053921 Molly C. Quinn, Michael Welch, Cary Elwes, The Secret Of My Success Lara Flynn Boyle, Eddy Martin, Andrew Michael J. Fox, Helen Slater, Richard Jor- Grimm - Staffel 1 (6 Discs) James Allen, Lochlyn Munro, Reynaldo dan, Margaret Whitton, John Pankow, Chris Grimm Gallegos, Yancy Butler - Dir. Duane Murney, Gerry Bamman - Dir. Herbert Ross Fantasy/Mystery 2011 min. Journey Komödie 1987 105min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie/Horror 2013 100min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.08.2013 Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 26.07.2013 27.06.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053860 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053908 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053758 Grimm - Staffel 1 (6 Discs) (Blu- Hatufim - In der Hand des Fein- George ray) des, Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Götz George, Martin Wuttke, Muriel Baumei- Grimm Hatufim ster, Thomas Thieme, Burghart Klaußner, Fantasy/Mystery 2011 min. Drama/Thriller 2009 min. Leonie Benesch, Hanns Zischler - Dir. Joa- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) chim Lang 22.08.2013 08.08.2013 Doku-Drama/Biographie 2013 min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053871 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053859 Universum Film(ARD Video) 26.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053681 The Guillotines Hauptstadtrevier - Staffel 1 (4 Guillotines Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Discs) Xiaoming Huang, Juan Ching-Tien, Ethan Friederike Kempter, Matthias Klimsa, Kir- The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Juan, Shawn Yue, Boran Jing - Dir. Wai- sten Block, Torsten Michaelis, Oliver Drama 1923-1939 225min. keung Lau Bender, Julia Richter, Hannes Wegener, Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Action 109min. Johanna Gaudlitz, Wilfried Hochholdinger, 28.06.2013 Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.08.2013 Walter Kreye, Tilo Prückner, Roman Knizka,

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Floriane Daniel, Florian Fitz, Rebecca Imma- Hit & Miss - Die komplette Serie nuel, Ilja Richter, Bernd Stegemann - Dir. (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hunting Season (k.J.) Marcus Ulbricht (Folge 1 - 4), Micaela Deep Dark Canyon Hit & Miss Zschiechow (Folge 5 - 8), Axel de Roche, Ted Levine, Spencer Treat Clark, Nick Chloë Sevigny Michael Wenning Interviews, Q&A-Session Trailer Eversman, Martin Starr, Michael Bowen, Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2012 770min. Drama 2012 259min. Matthew Lillard, Justine Bateman, Abraham WDR mediagroup(Das Erste) 28.06.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 Benrubi, Brandon Barrera - Dir. Abe Levy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053665 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053694 Silver Tree Trailer, Wendecover Das Haus der Dämonen 2 Hölle Afghanistan Thriller 2013 90min. Mad Dimension GmbH 09.08.2013 The Haunting In 2: Ghosts Of Afghan Luke 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053615 Nick Stahl, Nicolas Wright, Stephen Lobo, Abigail Spencer, Chad Michael Murray, Vik Sahay, Steve Cochrane, Pascale Hut- Ich glaub’, ich steh’ im Wald Katee Sackhoff, Emily Alyn Lind, Cicely ton, Ali Liebert, Torrance Coombs, Parm Fast Times At Ridgemont High Tyson, Morgana Shaw, Grant James, Jaren Soor, Colin Cunningham, Emmanuel , Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judge Mitchell - Dir. Tom Elkins Shirinian, Pablo Silveira - Dir. Mike Reinhold, Bob Romanus, Brian Backer, Horror/Drama 2013 97min. Clattenburg Universum Film 23.08.2013 Trailer Phoebe Cates, , Forest 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053628 Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2011 97min. Whitaker, Scott Thomson - Dir. Amy MIG Film 05.09.2013 Heckerling Das Haus der Dämonen 2 (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053903 Komödie 1981 90min. ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 27.06.2013 The Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Hölle Afghanistan (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053759 Georgia Afghan Luke Nick Stahl, Nicolas Wright, Stephen Lobo, Abigail Spencer, Chad Michael Murray, Imaginaerum by Nightwish Katee Sackhoff, Emily Alyn Lind, Cicely Vik Sahay, Steve Cochrane, Pascale Hut- Imaginaerum By Nightwish Tyson, Morgana Shaw, Grant James, Jaren ton, Ali Liebert, Torrance Coombs, Parm Marianne Farley, Francis X. McCarthy, Mitchell - Dir. Tom Elkins Soor, Colin Cunningham, Emmanuel Quinn Lord, Ilkka Villi, Joanna Noyes, Horror/Drama 2013 101min. Shirinian, Pablo Silveira - Dir. Mike Stéphane Demers, Ron Lea, Tuomas Universum Film 23.08.2013 Clattenburg Holopainen, Hélène Robitaille, Anette Olzon, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053652 Trailer Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2011 101min. Jukka Nevalainen - Dir. Stobe Harju Havanna MIG Film 05.09.2013 Making of, Interviews, Musikvideos, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053928 Fantasy/Musical 2012 82min. Havana Capelight Pictures 31.05.2013 Robert Redford, Lena Olin, Alan Arkin, Raul Hot 247°F - Todesfalle Sauna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053836 Julia, Tomás Milián, Daniel Davis, Tony 247°F Plana, Lise Cutter, Richard Farnsworth, Scout Taylor-Compton, Christina Ulloa, Immer wieder Jim - Die komplet- Mark Rydell, Simek Simek, Fred Asparagus, Travis Van Winkle, Michael Copon, Tyler te zweite Staffel (4 Discs) Betsy Brantley - Dir. Sydney Pollack Mane, Rene Etore, Tornike Gogrichiani, Igor According To Jim Abenteuer/Drama 1990 138min. Lukin - Dir. Levan Bakhia, Beqa Jguburia James Belushi Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer Komödie 2002-2003 573min. 13.06.2013 Thriller 2011 84min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053742 Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053583 Hello, Dolly! (Blu-ray) Studios) 08.08.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053639 Hello, Dolly! Hot 247°F - Todesfalle Sauna Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael (Blu-ray) Inspector Barnaby - Collector’s Crawford, Danny Lockin, Louis Armstrong, 247°F Marianne McAndrew - Dir. Gene Kelly Box 3, Vol. 11-15 (21 Discs) Making of, Featurette, Trailer Scout Taylor-Compton, Christina Ulloa, Midsomer Murders Musikfilm/Musical 1968 148min. Travis Van Winkle, Michael Copon, Tyler John Nettles, Neil Dudgeon Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mane, Rene Etore, Tornike Gogrichiani, Igor Kriminalfilm 1911min. Germany 02.08.2013 Lukin - Dir. Levan Bakhia, Beqa Jguburia Edel Germany 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053972 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053558 Thriller 2011 88min. Terence Hill & Bud Spencer Gold Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 Interview with a Hitman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053595 Edition (2 Discs) Interview With A Hitman Das Leben kennt keine Erbarmen / Flam- Ein Hund rettet Halloween Luke Goss, Caroline Tillette, Stephen Marcus - Dir. Perry Bhandal men über Karthago / Etappenschweine / The Dog Who Saved Halloween Der Teufel kennt kein Hallelujah / Aben- Trailer Gary Valentine, Elisa Donovan Action/Thriller 2012 92min. teuer in der Wüste / Der Mann aus Sizilien Komödie 2011 90min. Atlas Film Home Entertainment 02.08.2013 Bud Spencer, Terence Hill polyband Medien GmbH 30.08.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053798 Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053691 Action/Komödie 590min. Interview with a Hitman (Blu-ray) Maritim Pictures 04.06.2013 Hunting Season (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053660 Interview With A Hitman Deep Dark Canyon Luke Goss, Caroline Tillette, Stephen Hit & Miss - Die komplette Serie Ted Levine, Spencer Treat Clark, Nick Marcus - Dir. Perry Bhandal Eversman, Martin Starr, Michael Bowen, Trailer (2 Discs) Matthew Lillard, Justine Bateman, Abraham Action/Thriller 2012 96min. Hit & Miss Benrubi, Brandon Barrera - Dir. Abe Levy, Atlas Film Home Entertainment 02.08.2013 Chloë Sevigny Silver Tree 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053811 Interviews, Q&A-Session Trailer Trailer, Wendecover Drama 2012 259min. Thriller 2013 94min. Invasoren aus dem All Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 Mad Dimension GmbH 09.08.2013 Battle L.A. / Krieg der Welten 3 / Der Tag 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053657 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053617 an dem die Erde stillstand 2

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Science Fiction 261min. The Spring in-akustik 07.06.2013 Edel Germany(The Asylum) 14.06.2013 Dack Rambo, Shari Shattuck, Gedde 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053773 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053566 Watanabe, Steven Keats, Jessie Lawrence Ferguson - Dir. John Patterson Kiss the Coach Invasoren aus dem All (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 1989 103min. Playing For Keeps Battle L.A. / Krieg der Welten 3 / Der Tag Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.06.2013 Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Dennis Quaid, an dem die Erde stillstand 2 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053567 Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Judy Science Fiction 265min. Greer, James Tupper, Noah Lomax, Iqbal Edel Germany(The Asylum) 14.06.2013 Kahlschlag Theba - Dir. Gabriele Muccino 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053588 Björn Jung, Willi Herren, Norman Matt, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Miriam Rosenstiel, Roman Rien, Boris Komödie/Drama 2012 102min. Isolation (Uncut Special Edition) Ciszewsky, Martin Klempnow, Natascha Splendid Film 30.08.2013 Isolation Bonnermann - Dir. Hanno Brühl 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053834 John Lynch, Essie Davis, Ruth Negga, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Sean Harris, Marcel Iures, Crispin Letts, Drama 1993 105min. Kiss the Coach (Blu-ray) Stanley Townsend - Dir. Billy O’Brien BROKEN SILENCE(Sunny Bastards) Playing For Keeps Kurzfilm „The Tale of The Rat“, Creature Design-Featurette, 24.05.2013 Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Dennis Quaid, Dokumentation, Storyboards, Q & A-Session mit Regisseur 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053577 Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Judy O’Brien Greer, James Tupper, Noah Lomax, Iqbal Horror 2005 91min. Riki Kalbe - 15 Filme Theba - Dir. Gabriele Muccino Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Dir. Riki Kalbe Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053623 Booklet Komödie/Drama 2012 106min. Drama/Komödie 1976-1998 263min. Splendid Film 30.08.2013 Isolation (Uncut Special Edition) Filmgalerie 451(Arsenal Edition) 05.07.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053848 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053573 Isolation Der Klang von Eiswürfeln John Lynch, Essie Davis, Ruth Negga, Kaliber 9 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Le Bruit Des Glaçons Sean Harris, Marcel Iures, Crispin Letts, Calibre 9 Jean Dujardin, Albert Dupontel, Christa Stanley Townsend - Dir. Billy O’Brien Laurent Collombert, Phillippe Burel, Philippe Theret, Audrey Dana, Anne Alvaro, Myriam Kurzfilm „The Tale of The Rat“, Creature Design-Featurette, Bussière - Dir. Jean-Christian Tassy Boyer, Emile Berling, Geneviève Mnich - Dir. Dokumentation, Storyboards, Q & A-Session mit Regisseur Trailer O’Brien Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 83min. Horror 2005 91min. Interview, Making-of, Trailer Mad Dimension GmbH 19.07.2013 Komödie/Drama 2010 84min. Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053616 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053649 Home Edition) 20.08.2013 Tony Jaa Box - Vol. 2 (k.J.) Kaliber 9 (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053854 Calibre 9 Action 360min. Laurent Collombert, Phillippe Burel, Philippe - Einsatz in : Die KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Bussière - Dir. Jean-Christian Tassy 20.06.2013 komplette erste Staffel (7 Discs) Trailer Kojak 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053731 Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 80min. Telly Savalas, Dan Frazer, Kevin Dobson, Mad Dimension GmbH 19.07.2013 George Savalas, Vince Conti, Mark Russell, Jack and the Giants 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053611 Jack The Giant Slayer Roger Robinson, Borah Silver, Bruce Kirby, Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley Kampfstern Galactica Alan Manson, Victor Campos - Dir. Edward M. Abroms, Noel Black, Daniel Haller Tucci, Ian McShane, , Ewan Battlestar Galactica McGregor, Eddie Marsan, Warwick Davis, Bonusdisc mit Pilotfilm Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Kriminalfilm/Drama 1973-1978 1200min. Ewen Bremner - Dir. Bryan Singer Benedict, Ray Milland, Lew Ayres, Jane Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Seymour, Wilfrid Hyde-White - Dir. Richard Fantasy/Abenteuer 2013 109min. 27.06.2013 A. Colla Warner Home Video Germany 02.08.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053733 Science Fiction 1978 124min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053884 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Der König - Die komplette Serie Jack and the Giants (Blu-ray 3D) 27.06.2013 (9 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053761 (Blu-ray) Günter Strack, Michael Roll, Wilfried Klaus, Jack The Giant Slayer Kill Massacre 2 - Death on Volker Prechtel, Attila Árpa - Dir. Axel de Roche, Rainer Wolffhardt, Michael Rowitz, Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley Demand (k.J.) Tucci, Ian McShane, Bill Nighy, Ewan Christian Görlitz, Theo Mezger, Wigbert Death On Demand McGregor, Eddie Marsan, Warwick Davis, Wicker Jerry Broome, Elisabeth Jamison, Brandon Ewen Bremner - Dir. Bryan Singer Kriminalfilm 1994-1998 1665min. Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette Goins, Bridget Megan Clark, Hilary Greer, Edel Germany(Aviator) 14.06.2013 Fantasy/Abenteuer 2013 114min. Sara Christal, Anne McDaniels - Dir. Adam 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053561 Warner Home Video Germany 02.08.2013 Matalon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053902 Thriller/Horror 2008 93min. König von Indien Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Oh Darling Yeh Hai India Jack and the Giants (Blu-ray) 28.06.2013 , Deepa Sahi, Javed Jack The Giant Slayer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053684 Jaffrey, Anupam Kher, Amrish Puri, Tom Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley Alter - Dir. Ketan Mehta Tucci, Ian McShane, Bill Nighy, Ewan Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf (3 Discs) Action/Komödie 1995 161min. McGregor, Eddie Marsan, Warwick Davis, Karoline Eichhorn, Maike Kircher, Elena Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.07.2013 Ewen Bremner - Dir. Bryan Singer Jesse, Christian Pätzold, Jürgen Haug, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053740 Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette Christian Koerner, Franziska Küpferle, Fantasy/Abenteuer 2013 114min. Tilbert Strahl-Schäfer, Sabine Hahn, Rainer Kriegsgötter Warner Home Video Germany 02.08.2013 Piwek, Lea Nacken, Diana Marie Müller, Thor / Thor 2 / Herkules und die Prinzes- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053901 Ulrich Gebauer - Dir. Ulrike Grote, Rolf sin von Troja Schübel Fantasy 218min. Die Jagd nach dem Jungbrunnen Komödie/Drama 2013 min. Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053584 ren, Bernd Tauber, Monika Woytowicz, Wekwerth, Patrick Winczewski, Claus Pe- Raimund Gensel, Dagmar Hessenland, ter Witt, Susanne Zanke, Iain Dilthey Kriegsgötter (Blu-ray) Wolfgang Grönebaum, Susanne Gannott, Audiokommentar, Interviews Thor / Thor 2 / Herkules und die Prinzes- Costas Papanastasiou, Tim Knauer, Ines Drama 1985-2012 1560min. sin von Troja Lutz, Sigo Lorfeo, Tilmar Kuhn, Horst D. MORE Music and Media (More Brands and Fantasy 222min. Scheel, Philipp Neubauer, Stefanie Mühle, Products) 21.06.2013 Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 Herbert Steinmetz, Selma Baldursson, Fritz 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053809 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053596 Bachschmidt, Tilli Breidenbach, Ursula Lud- wig, Dietrich Siegl, Claudia Pielmann, Franz The Lost Planet - Something Is Les Miserables - Die Elenden Braunshausen, Marcus Off, Cetin Ipekkaya, Out There (Blu-ray) Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Grimm - Dir. Off World Les Miserables Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. Keith Reay, Steve West, Alana Dietze, Anthony Perkins, Richard Jordan, Caroline Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- Tonya Kay, Joseph Darden, Avital Ash - Dir. Langrishe, Christopher Guard, Sir John ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, Emmett Callinan Gielgud - Dir. Glenn Jordan Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Science Fiction/Action 2013 91min. Drama 1978 121min. der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz KSM GmbH 15.07.2013 Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Kerstin Krause, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053820 28.06.2013 George Moorse, Christa Mühl, Maria 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053934 Neocleous, Dominikus Probst, Peter Wekwerth, Patrick Winczewski, Claus Pe- The Lost Planet - Something Is Liebe macht Diebe ter Witt, Susanne Zanke, Out There (Blu-ray) Mani Di Velluto Parkscheibe mit Benzinrechner, Audiokommentar, Interviews Off World Drama 1985-2012 1560min. Adriano Celentano, Eleonora Giorgi, John Keith Reay, Steve West, Alana Dietze, MORE Music and Media (More Brands and Sharp, Olga Karlatos, Gino Santercole, Tonya Kay, Joseph Darden, Avital Ash - Dir. Products) 21.06.2013 Memo Dittongo, Ania Pieroni, Pippo Emmett Callinan 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053810 Santonastaso, Geoffrey Copleston, Sandro Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Science Fiction/Action 2013 94min. Ghiani, Pietro Tordi - Dir. Castellano & Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette KSM GmbH 15.07.2013 Pipolo Biografie, Slideshow, Trailer 22. Jahr, Folgen 1093-1144 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053841 Komödie 1979 97min. (Collector’s Box,10 Discs) Love Me Tender - Pulverdampf Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann 26.07.2013 Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Ludwig Haas, Ge- und heiße Lieder (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053914 org Uecker, Hermes Hodolides, Domna Love Me Tender Adamopoulou, Sybille Waury, Andrea Elvis Presley, Debra Paget, Richard Egan, Like a Virgin - 100 Tage, 100 Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Joris Gratwohl, Marian- Robert Middleton, William Campbell - Dir. Nächte ...ohne Sex? ne Rogée, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Knut Robert D. Webb Manfast Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Anna Nowak, Julia Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Western/Drama 1956 89min. Lala Sloatman, Jeremy Sisto, Jenny Judelle, Stark, Johannes Scheit, Sontje Peplow, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Klea Scott, Kate Norby, Max Frauchiger - Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara Germany 02.08.2013 Dir. Tara Judelle Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Birgitta 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053971 Originaltrailer Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Claus Komödie 2002 91min. Vincon, Giselle Vesco, Cosima Viola, Klaus Dolph Lundgren Collection (2 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 Nierhoff, Heinz Marecek, Gunnar Solka, tba BestellNr.: 20053817 Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Anja Antonowicz, Discs) (k.J.) Susanna Capurso, Toni Snétberger, Daniela Die rote Zone / Hidden Assassin / Escape Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette Bette, Wookie Mayer, Jeremy Mockridge, - Die Flucht / Fallen Knight 22. Jahr, Folgen 1093-1144 Michael Baral, Jennifer Steffens, Philipp Dolph Lundgren (Collector’s Box Limited Editi- Sonntag, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Frehse, Action 1994-1998 379min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 12.07.2013 on,10 Discs) Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Annemarie Wendl, Franz Rampelmann, Liz Baffoe, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053682 Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Irene Fischer, Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Ludwig Haas, Ge- Arnfried Lerche, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Markus Die lustige Witwe org Uecker, Hermes Hodolides, Domna Anton, Jacqueline Svilarov, Urs Villiger, Peter Alexander, Karin Hübner - Dir. Werner Adamopoulou, Sybille Waury, Andrea Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Margret van Jacobs Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Joris Gratwohl, Marian- Munster, Ute Mora, Thorsten Nindel, Til Booklet ne Rogée, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Knut Komödie/Musikfilm 1962 110min. Schweiger, Christian Kahrmann, Willi Her- Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Anna Nowak, Julia AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing ren, Bernd Tauber, Monika Woytowicz, Stark, Johannes Scheit, Sontje Peplow, AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.08.2013 Raimund Gensel, Dagmar Hessenland, Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053800 Wolfgang Grönebaum, Susanne Gannott, Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Birgitta Costas Papanastasiou, Tim Knauer, Ines Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Claus Madame X Lutz, Sigo Lorfeo, Tilmar Kuhn, Horst D. Vincon, Giselle Vesco, Cosima Viola, Klaus Madame X Scheel, Philipp Neubauer, Stefanie Mühle, Nierhoff, Heinz Marecek, Gunnar Solka, Lana Turner, John Forsythe, Ricardo Herbert Steinmetz, Selma Baldursson, Fritz Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Anja Antonowicz, Montalban, Burgess Meredith, Constance Bachschmidt, Tilli Breidenbach, Ursula Lud- Susanna Capurso, Toni Snétberger, Daniela Bennett, Keir Dullea - Dir. David Lowell wig, Dietrich Siegl, Claudia Pielmann, Franz Bette, Wookie Mayer, Jeremy Mockridge, Rich Braunshausen, Marcus Off, Cetin Ipekkaya, Michael Baral, Jennifer Steffens, Philipp Trailer, Wendecover Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Grimm - Dir. Sonntag, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Frehse, Drama 1966 96min. Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Annemarie Winkler Film 23.08.2013 Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- Wendl, Franz Rampelmann, Liz Baffoe, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053803 ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Irene Fischer, Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van Arnfried Lerche, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Markus Mama der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz Anton, Jacqueline Svilarov, Urs Villiger, Mama Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Kerstin Krause, Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Margret van Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, George Moorse, Christa Mühl, Maria Munster, Ute Mora, Thorsten Nindel, Til Megan Charpentier, Isabelle Nélisse, Daniel Neocleous, Dominikus Probst, Peter Schweiger, Christian Kahrmann, Willi Her- Kash, Javier Botet, Jane Moffat, Morgan

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McGarry, David Fox, Christopher Marren, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Monty Python’s Der Sinn des Le- Julia Chantrey, Hannah Cheesman, Dominic AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.08.2013 bens (30th Anniversary) (Blu-ray) Cuzzocrea, Ray Kahnert, Diana Gordon, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053804 Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life Matthew Edison, Maya Dawe, Sierra Dawe John Cleese, Terry Jones, Graham - Dir. Andres Muschietti Mein Babysitter ist ein Vampir - Chapman, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Terry Horror 2012 96min. Die Serie: Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Gilliam - Dir. Terry Jones Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) My Babysitter’s A Vampire Komödie 1982 106min. 29.08.2013 Atticus Dean Mitchell, Vanessa Morgan, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053858 Cameron Kennedy, Matthew Knight, Kate 05.09.2013 Todd, Ari Cohen, Ella Jonas Farlinger, Joan tba BestellNr.: 20053864 Mama (Blu-ray) Gregson, Laura De Carteret, Ryan Blakely, Mama Addison Holley, Hrant Alianak, Laurie Ma, Morden im Norden - Staffel 2 (4 Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Richard Waugh - Dir. Tibor Takács, Paul Discs) Megan Charpentier, Isabelle Nélisse, Daniel Fox, Brian K. Roberts, Kelly Harms Sven Martinek, Marie-Luise Schramm, Ingo Kash, Javier Botet, Jane Moffat, Morgan Komödie/Fantasy 2011 286min. Naujoks, Tessa Mittelstaedt, Veit Stübner, McGarry, David Fox, Christopher Marren, Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Petra Kelling, Ulrike Bliefert, Jürgen Uter, Julia Chantrey, Hannah Cheesman, Dominic 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053624 Cuzzocrea, Ray Kahnert, Diana Gordon, Christoph Tomanek - Dir. Torsten Wacker, Matthew Edison, Maya Dawe, Sierra Dawe Meine erste Liebe - Dem Glück so Oliver Dommenget, Till Franzen, Dirk Pientka - Dir. Andres Muschietti nah Horror 2012 100min. Kriminalfilm/Komödie 770min. Ma Première Fois Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Esther Comar, Martin Cannavo, Vincent 29.08.2013 12.07.2013 Perez, Judith El Zein, Lilly-Fleur Pointeaux, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053870 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053678 Lolita Chammah, Anne Loiret, Xavier Maly - Manche Hunde beißen Dir. Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar Der Mörder mit dem Seidenschal Making of, Featurette Carl Möhner - Dir. Adrian Hoven Some Dogs Bite Drama/Lovestory 2012 95min. Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Aaron Taylor, Booklet, Trailer Capelight Pictures 12.07.2013 Kriminalfilm 1966 82min. Michelle Asante, Aymen Hamdouchi, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053559 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Mandeep Dhillon, Ben Bishop, Theo AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.08.2013 Barklem-Biggs, Kian Smith - Dir. Marc Mun- Meine erste Liebe - Dem Glück so 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053805 den nah (Blu-ray) Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 84min. Ma Première Fois The Mummy V - Die Rache des Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Esther Comar, Martin Cannavo, Vincent Pharaos (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 19.09.2013 Perez, Judith El Zein, Lilly-Fleur Pointeaux, Legion Of The Dead tba BestellNr.: 20053919 Lolita Chammah, Anne Loiret, Xavier Maly - Courtney Clonch, Claudia Lynx, Bruce Dir. Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar Boxleitner, Zachary Galligan, Chad Michael Märkische Forschungen Making of, Featurette Collins, Rhett Giles - Dir. Paul Bales Drama/Lovestory 2012 99min. Hermann Beyer, Kurt Böwe, Jutta Audiokommentar, Trailer, Behind the Scenes Capelight Pictures 12.07.2013 Wachowiak, Eberhard Esche, Dieter Franke Horror 2005 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053585 - Dir. Roland Gräf Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Bonusfilm, Booklet 29.06.2013 Komödie 1981 91min. Men Behind the Sun - The 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053959 ICESTORM Entertainment 22.07.2013 Historical Edition (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20053814 Hei Tai Yang 731 The Mummy V - Die Rache des Wang Gang, Tie Long Jin, Hsu Gou, Zhe Pharaos (k.J.) Die Maske des roten Todes Quan, Zhao Hua Mei, Andrew Yu, Legion Of The Dead (Special Edition, 2 Discs) Shen Wang, Dai Yao Wu - Dir. Tun Fei Mou Courtney Clonch, Claudia Lynx, Bruce The Masque Of The Red Death Trailer Boxleitner, Zachary Galligan, Chad Michael Drama/Kriegsfilm 1988 97min. Roger Price, Hazel Court, Jane Asher, Da- Collins, Rhett Giles - Dir. Paul Bales KNM Home Entertainment(Cult Movies) vid Weston, Patrick Magee, Nigel Green - Audiokommentar, Trailer, Behind the Scenes 20.06.2013 Dir. Horror 2005 85min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053736 Horror 1964 85min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 29.06.2013 Koch Media 14.06.2013 Mr. Moto Collection - Teil 1 (4 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053675 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053948 Discs) Die Maske des roten Todes Peter Lorre - Dir. Norman Foster Der Nächste, bitte! (Special Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Kriminalfilm 250min. Un Plan Parfait Koch Media 28.06.2013 , Dany Boon, Alice Pol, Robert ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053671 Plagnol, Jonathan Cohen, Bernadette Le The Masque Of The Red Death Saché, Etienne Chicot, Laure Calamy, Roger Price, Hazel Court, Jane Asher, Da- Monsterbox: Behemoth - Das Malonn Lévana - Dir. Pascal Chaumeil vid Weston, Patrick Magee, Nigel Green - Monster aus der Tiefe / Roadkill / Komödie/Lovestory 2012 101min. Dir. Roger Corman Rise of the Gargoyles (3 Discs) Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.08.2013 Horror 1964 89min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053782 Koch Media 14.06.2013 Behemoth / Roadkill / Rise Of The 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053701 Gargoyles Der Nächste, bitte! (Blu-ray) Ed Quinn, Pascale Hutton, Cindy Busby, Un Plan Parfait Oliver James, Eliza Bennett, Stephen Rea, Der Maulkorb Diane Kruger, Dany Boon, Alice Pol, Robert Eric Balfour, Caroline Néron, Justin O. E. Hasse, Hertha Feiler, Hansjörg Felmy, Plagnol, Jonathan Cohen, Bernadette Le Salinger - Dir. David Hogan, Johannes Ro- Corny Collins, Edith Hancke, Wolfgang Mül- Saché, Etienne Chicot, Laure Calamy, berts, Bill Corcoran ler, Wolfgang Neuss - Dir. Wolfgang Malonn Lévana - Dir. Pascal Chaumeil Horror 2009-2011 265min. Staudte Komödie/Lovestory 2012 105min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 30.08.2013 Booklet Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.08.2013 Komödie 1958 90min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053693 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053793

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Jack Hedley, Almantha Keller, Howard Abenteuer 1979 99min. Nachts im Grünen Kakadu Ross, Lucio Fulci, Andrew Painter, Paolo Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.07.2013 Marika Rökk, Dieter Borsche, Renate Malco - Dir. Lucio Fulci 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053704 Ewert, Gunnar Möller, Hans Nielsen - Dir. Thriller/Horror 1981 169min. Georg Jacoby Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Oblivion Booklet 12.07.2013 Oblivion Drama 1957 97min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053707 Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Nikolaj AG(Filmjuwelen) 16.08.2013 New York Ripper (k.J.) Coster-Waldau, Melissa Leo, Zoe Bell, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053802 Lo Squartatore Di New York Lindsay Clift - Dir. Joseph Kosinski Jack Hedley, Almantha Keller, Howard Science Fiction 2013 120min. Nashville Lady Ross, Lucio Fulci, Andrew Painter, Paolo Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Coal Miner’s Daughter Malco - Dir. Lucio Fulci 15.08.2013 Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones, Beverly Thriller/Horror 1981 83min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053856 D’Angelo, Levon Helm, Phyllis Boyens - Dir. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Michael Apted 12.07.2013 Oblivion (Blu-ray) Drama 1980 119min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053680 Oblivion Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga 27.06.2013 Niagara (Blu-ray) Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Nikolaj 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053763 Niagara Coster-Waldau, Melissa Leo, Zoe Bell, Marilyn Monroe, , Jean Pe- Lindsay Clift - Dir. Joseph Kosinski Die Natur ruft! ters, Max Showalter, Denis O’Dea, Richard E-Copy Nature Calls Allan, Don Wilson, Lurene Tuttle, Russell Science Fiction 2013 125min. Maura Tierney, Johnny Knoxville, Rob Collins - Dir. Henry Hathaway Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Riggle, Patton Oswalt, Patrice O’Neal, Trailer 15.08.2013 Darrell Hammond, Nilaja Sun, Kelly Coffield Drama 1952 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053867 Park, Lisa Sample - Dir. Todd Rohal Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 2012 80min. Germany 02.08.2013 Oblivion (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Maritim Pictures 20.08.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053970 Oblivion tba BestellNr.: 20053876 Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga Nightbreakers - Vampire Nation Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Nikolaj Die Natur ruft! (Blu-ray) True Bloodthirst Coster-Waldau, Melissa Leo, Zoe Bell, Nature Calls Andrew Lee Potts, Neil Jackson, Roark Lindsay Clift - Dir. Joseph Kosinski Maura Tierney, Johnny Knoxville, Rob Critchlow, Ben Lambert, Claudia Bassols, E-Copy Riggle, Patton Oswalt, Patrice O’Neal, Ewan Bailey, Heida Reed, Vlado Mihailov, Science Fiction 2013 125min. Darrell Hammond, Nilaja Sun, Kelly Coffield Velislav Pavlov - Dir. Todor Chapkanov Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Park, Lisa Sample - Dir. Todd Rohal Trailer, Bildergalerie 15.08.2013 Komödie 2012 83min. Horror/Action 2012 85min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053868 Maritim Pictures 20.08.2013 KSM GmbH 15.07.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053892 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053818 Odd Thomas Odd Thomas Nazi Zombie Battleground (Blu- Nightbreakers - Vampire Nation Anton Yelchin, Willem Dafoe, Nico ray) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Tortorella, Patton Oswalt, Addison Timlin, Leonor Varela, Melissa Ordway, Gugu Battlefield Death Tales True Bloodthirst Mbatha-Raw, Shuler Hensley - Dir. Stephen Lara Lemon, Jess-Luisa Flynn, Cy Henty, Andrew Lee Potts, Neil Jackson, Roark Sommers David Wayman, Paul Kelleher, Tina Barnes, Critchlow, Ben Lambert, Claudia Bassols, Fantasy/Horror 2013 100min. Geoffrey Sleight, Sam Smith - Dir. James Ewan Bailey, Heida Reed, Vlado Mihailov, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 Eaves, Alan Ronald, Pat Higgins Velislav Pavlov - Dir. Todor Chapkanov tba BestellNr.: 20053878 Horror/Episodenfilm 2012 94min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Action 2012 89min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 26.07.2013 KSM GmbH 15.07.2013 Odd Thomas (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20053696 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053839 Odd Thomas Nazi Zombie Battleground (k.J.) Anton Yelchin, Willem Dafoe, Nico Ninja Turtles - The Next Mutation, Tortorella, Patton Oswalt, Addison Timlin, Battlefield Death Tales Leonor Varela, Melissa Ordway, Gugu Lara Lemon, Jess-Luisa Flynn, Cy Henty, Vol. 01 (2 Discs) Mbatha-Raw, Shuler Hensley - Dir. Stephen David Wayman, Paul Kelleher, Tina Barnes, Ninja Turtles - The Next Mutation Sommers Geoffrey Sleight, Sam Smith - Dir. James Jarred Blancard, Mitchell A. Lee Yuen, Fantasy/Horror 2013 104min. Eaves, Alan Ronald, Pat Higgins Gabe Khouth, Richard Yee, Nicole Parker, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 Horror/Episodenfilm 2012 90min. Fiona Scott, Lauren Attadia, Scott McNeil, tba BestellNr.: 20053894 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 26.07.2013 Justin Soon, Chang Tseng, Michael Dobson, tba BestellNr.: 20053658 Ronnie Way, Garry Chalk - Dir. Richard Flower, Ed Anders, Robert Lee Ohnsorg Theater: Zitronenjette New York Ripper (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action 1997-1998 300min. Henry Vahl Booklet, Nachdruck eines Original- Programmheftes aus der Lo Squartatore Di New York justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Spielzeit 1974/75 Jack Hedley, Almantha Keller, Howard 14.06.2013 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 90min. Ross, Lucio Fulci, Andrew Painter, Paolo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053574 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Malco - Dir. Lucio Fulci 11.07.2013 Thriller/Horror 1981 87min. Noch mehr Abenteuer der Fami- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053722 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) lie Robinson in der Wildnis (Blu- 12.07.2013 ray) Oliver Twist 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053706 Mountain Family Robinson Oliver Twist Robert Logan, Susan Damante-Shaw, Jackie Coogan, James A. Marcus, Lon New York Ripper (Collector’s Edi- Heather Rattray, Ham Larsen, George Chaney - Dir. Frank Lloyd tion, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) „Buck“ Flower, William Bryant, Cal Bartlett - Drama 1922 74min. Lo Squartatore Di New York Dir. Jack Couffer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.07.2013

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053739 Punch - Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez Revenge Movie (k.J.) Komödie/Drama 2010 100min. Star Vehicle Onkel Adolf - Gib dem Bruder Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.07.2013 Dan Ellis, Sindy Faraguna, Nick Windebank, Saures 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053732 Nathan Durec, Mike Li, Erendira Farga, Ady Zio Adolfo In Arte Fuhrer Mejia, Paige Farbacher - Dir. Ryan Adriano Celentano, Anna Cardini, Filippo Pornoqueen & schwanger (Blu- Nicholson Costanzo, Giuseppe Diamanti, Pietro ray) Komödie/Horror 2010 69min. Ceccarelli, Claudio Bigagli, Françoise Elektra Luxx Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Bastien - Dir. Castellano & Pipolo Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Carla Gugino, Er- 28.06.2013 Komödie 1978 89min. mahn Ospina, Jake Hames, Patrick Kocou, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053738 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Kathleen Quinlan, Melissa Stephens, Lucy 12.07.2013 Punch - Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez Riddles of the Sphinx & Amy! 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053712 Komödie/Drama 2010 104min. (OmU) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.07.2013 Riddles Of The Sphinx & Amy Paradies: Liebe 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053784 Dir. Laura Mulvey, Peter Wollen Margarethe Tiesel, Peter Kazungu, Inge Drama/Komödie 202min. Maux, Dunja Sowinetz, Helen Brugat, Ga- Quellen des Lebens Filmgalerie 451(Arsenal Edition) 05.07.2013 briel Mwarua, Carlos Mkutano, Josphat Jürgen Vogel, Meret Becker, Moritz Bleib- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053575 Hamisi - Dir. Ulrich Seidl treu, Lavinia Wilson, Lisa Smit, Leonard Drama/Episodenfilm 2012 116min. Scheicher, Kostja Ullmann, Ilyes The Rock (Uncut Version) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.08.2013 Moutaoukkil, Sonja Kirchberger, Margarita The Rock 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053721 Broich, Thomas Heinze, Wilson Gonzalez Sir , Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, Ochsenknecht, Steffen Wink, Erika Michael Biehn, William Forsythe, David Mor- Paradies: Liebe (Blu-ray) Marozsán, Michael Rast, Vincent Krüger, se, , John C. McGinley, Tony Margarethe Tiesel, Peter Kazungu, Inge Alexander Martschewski, Eva Bay, Rolf Todd, Bokeem Woodbine, Danny Nucci, Maux, Dunja Sowinetz, Helen Brugat, Ga- Zacher, Sabine Urig, Dietmar Mössmer - Dir. Claire Forlani, Vanessa Marcil, Gregory briel Mwarua, Carlos Mkutano, Josphat Oskar Roehler Sporleder - Dir. Michael Bay Hamisi - Dir. Ulrich Seidl Drama 2012 166min. Making of, Featurette, Trailer Drama/Episodenfilm 2012 121min. Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Action 1996 130min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.08.2013 19.07.2013 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053725 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053626 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Hollywood Pictures) 01.08.2013 The Paradise - Die komplette er- Die Rache des Templers tba BestellNr.: 20053643 ste Staffel (3 Discs) Night Of The Templar The Paradise Paul Sampson, David Carradine, Udo Kier, Rock in the Park Joanna Vanderham, Emun Elliott Norman Reedus, Billy Drago, Max Perlich, You Instead Behind the Scenes Nick Jameson, Jack Donner - Dir. Paul Luke Treadaway, Natalia Tena, Mathew Drama 2012 400min. Sampson Baynton, Alastair Mackenzie, Gavin polyband Medien GmbH 30.08.2013 Trailer, Bildergalerie Mitchell, Ruta Gedmintas, Kari Corbett, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053964 Fantasy/Horror 2012 102min. Sophie Wu - Dir. David Mackenzie KSM GmbH 15.07.2013 Komödie/Musikfilm 2011 80min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053819 Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Piranhaconda 02.08.2013 Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter, Terri Ivens, Die Rache des Templers (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053633 Shandi Finnessey, Rib Hillis, Angie Savage, Night Of The Templar Chris De Christopher, Kurt Yaeger, Michael Paul Sampson, David Carradine, Udo Kier, Romeo & Julia (Blu-ray) Swan - Dir. Norman Reedus, Billy Drago, Max Perlich, Giulietta E Romeo Horror/Abenteuer 2012 min. Nick Jameson, Jack Donner - Dir. Paul Olivia Hussey, Leonard Whiting, Milo Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Sampson O’Shea, Murray Head, Michael York, John 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053619 Trailer, Bildergalerie McEnery, Pat Heywood, Natasha Parry - Fantasy/Horror 2012 106min. Dir. KSM GmbH 15.07.2013 Piranhaconda (Blu-ray) Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053840 Piranhaconda Drama 1968 138min. Paramount Home Entertainment 04.07.2013 Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter, Terri Ivens, Red Skies Shandi Finnessey, Rib Hillis, Angie Savage, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053717 Red Skies Chris De Christopher, Kurt Yaeger, Michael Vivian Wu, Shawn Christian, Kadeem Swan - Dir. Jim Wynorski Rote Bergsteiger (2 Discs) Hardison, Rachael Crawford, Roger Yuan - Horror/Abenteuer 2012 min. Klaus Gehrke, Ezard Haußmann, Paul Dir. Larry Carroll, Robert Lieberman Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Berndt - Dir. Willi Urbanek Action/Thriller 2002 77min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053645 Booklet Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama/Kriegsfilm 1967 330min. Polizeiinspektion 1 (Staffel 09) (3 27.06.2013 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053764 21.06.2013 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053760 Walter Sedlmayr (Franz Schöninger), Elmar Reichtum ist keine Schande (Blu- Wepper, Max Grießer, Alwy Becker - Dir. ray) Runaway Girl Zbynek Brynych, Wolfgang Becker The Jerk Hick Kriminalfilm/Drama 1985-1986 321min. Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters, Catlin Chloe Grace Moretz, Eddie Redmayne, Koch Media 14.06.2013 Adams, Mabel King, Richard Ward, Dick , , Juliette Lewis, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053673 Anthony Williams, Jackie Mason - Dir. Carl Anson Mount, Rory Culkin, Ray McKinnon, Shaun Sipos - Dir. Derick Martini Pornoqueen & schwanger Reiner Komödie 1979 98min. Komödie/Drama 2011 min. Elektra Luxx Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Carla Gugino, Er- 08.08.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053620 mahn Ospina, Jake Hames, Patrick Kocou, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053968 Kathleen Quinlan, Melissa Stephens, Lucy Runaway Girl (Blu-ray)

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Hick Die Säge des Teufels (Blu-ray) Lionel, Anthony Cannata, J.J. Johnston, Chloe Grace Moretz, Eddie Redmayne, I Corpi Presentato Tracce Di Violenza Guy van Swearingen, Jack Wallace - Dir. Blake Lively, Alec Baldwin, Juliette Lewis, Carnale John McNaughton Anson Mount, Rory Culkin, Ray McKinnon, Suzy Kendall, Tina Aumont, Luc Merenda, Komödie 1993 93min. Shaun Sipos - Dir. Derick Martini John Richardson, Roberto Bisacco - Dir. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie/Drama 2011 min. Sergio Martino 27.06.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Horror 1974 81min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053762 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053646 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053604 Self-Medicated S.O.S. Charterboot! - Episoden 13 Self-Medicated - 14 Saw Exterminator (k.J.) Monty Lapica, Diane Venora, Greg Ger- Riptide Plasterhead mann, Kristina Anapau, Matthew Carey, Ty Hardin, Sue Costin, Slim DeGrey, Suzy Kathryn Merry, Josh Macuga, Ernest Michael Bowen, Shane Stuart, Michael Kendall, Tom Oliver, Alister Smart, Max Dancy, Raine Brown, Gerard Adimando, Mantell - Dir. Monty Lapica Cullen, Lex Mitchell - Dir. Peter Maxwell, Brandon Slagle - Dir. Kevin Higgins Making of, Interviews, Trailer Drama 2005 102min. Quentin Lawrence, Jeremy Summers Thriller/Horror 2006 90min. Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 Abenteuer 1969 98min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 12.07.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053579 da music(Laser Paradise) 31.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053686 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053774 Das schönste Freudenhaus in Te- Self-Medicated (Blu-ray) S.O.S. Charterboot! - Episoden 15 Self-Medicated xas Monty Lapica, Diane Venora, Greg Ger- - 16 The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas mann, Kristina Anapau, Matthew Carey, Riptide Burt Reynolds, Dolly Parton, Dom DeLuise, Michael Bowen, Shane Stuart, Michael Ty Hardin, Sue Costin, Slim DeGrey, Suzy Charles Durning, Lois Nettleton, Noah Berry Mantell - Dir. Monty Lapica Kendall, Tom Oliver, Alister Smart, Max - Dir. Colin Higgins Making of, Interviews, Trailer Cullen, Lex Mitchell - Dir. Peter Maxwell, Drama 1982 110min. Drama 2005 106min. Quentin Lawrence, Jeremy Summers Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 Abenteuer 1969 98min. 27.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053593 da music(Laser Paradise) 31.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053765 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053775 Die seltsamen Abenteuer des Die schönsten Pferde Abenteuer Hiram Holliday Sadako - Ring Originals (3 Discs) The Adventures Of Hiram Holliday Sadako 3D Abenteuer 327min. Wally Cox, Ainslie Pryor, Sebastian Cabot, Ai Hashimoto, Satomi Ishihara, Koji Seto, Koch Media(Blackhill) 14.06.2013 John Abbott Yusuke Yamamoto, Ryosei Tayama, Shôta 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053676 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1956-1957 275min. Sometani, Tsutomu Takahashi, Hikari Takara Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.07.2013 - Dir. Tsutomu Hanabusa Secretary & Secretary 2 (2 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053714 Horror 2012 96min. Secretary / A Perfect Assistant Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Spader, Jeremy Shocking Shorts 2013 - 10 neue 20.08.2013 Davies, Josie Davis, Chris Potter, Rachel gefährlich gute Kurzfilme tba BestellNr.: 20053873 Hunter - Dir. Steven Shainberg, Douglas Featurette Jackson Kurzfilm/Thriller 2012-2013 116min. Sadako - Ring Originals (Blu-ray Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Biografien, Trailer Concorde Home Entertainment 11.07.2013 3D) (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2002-2008 198min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053853 Sadako 3D Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Ai Hashimoto, Satomi Ishihara, Koji Seto, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053625 Sie ritten wie der Wind Yusuke Yamamoto, Ryosei Tayama, Shôta Ride The Wind Sometani, Tsutomu Takahashi, Hikari Takara Secretary & Secretary 2 (2 Discs) Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael - Dir. Tsutomu Hanabusa (Blu-ray) Landon - Dir. William Whitney Horror 2012 100min. Secretary / A Perfect Assistant Bildergalerie Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Spader, Jeremy Western 1973 93min. 20.08.2013 Davies, Josie Davis, Chris Potter, Rachel Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) tba BestellNr.: 20053889 Hunter - Dir. Steven Shainberg, Douglas 26.07.2013 Jackson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053909 Sadako - Ring Originals (Blu-ray) Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Biografien, Trailer Sadako 3D Komödie/Drama 2002-2008 198min. Sie ritten wie der Wind (Blu-ray) Ai Hashimoto, Satomi Ishihara, Koji Seto, Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Ride The Wind Yusuke Yamamoto, Ryosei Tayama, Shôta 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053650 Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Sometani, Tsutomu Takahashi, Hikari Takara Landon - Dir. William Whitney - Dir. Tsutomu Hanabusa Secretary 2 (Blu-ray) Bildergalerie Western 1973 95min. Horror 2012 100min. The Perfect Assistant Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Josie Davis, Chris Potter, Rachel Hunter, 26.07.2013 20.08.2013 Jason Harper, Sophie Gendron, Paul 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053932 tba BestellNr.: 20053888 Hopkins, Katherine Dines-Craig, Patricia McKenzie - Dir. Douglas Jackson Die Säge des Teufels Trailer Sie ritten wie der Wind Thriller 2008 91min. I Corpi Presentato Tracce Di Violenza (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Carnale ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053651 Suzy Kendall, Tina Aumont, Luc Merenda, Ride The Wind John Richardson, Roberto Bisacco - Dir. Sein Name ist Mad Dog Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Sergio Martino Landon - Dir. William Whitney Mad Dog And Glory Horror 1974 77min. Mediabook, Bildergalerie, Booklet Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, Bill Murray, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.05.2013 Western 1973 186min. David Caruso, Mike Starr, Tom Towles, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053598 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Kathy Baker, Derek Annunciation, Evan 26.07.2013

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053933 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053767 Strippers Vs. Werewolves Ali Bastian, Marc Bayliss, Martin Compston, Silent : Gerichtsmedizi- Stand Up Guys Sarah Douglas, Alan Ford, Billy Murray, ner Dr. Leo Dalton - Season 13 (3 Stand Up Guys Barbara Nedeljáková, Nick Nevern, Simon Discs) , Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin, Phillips, Coralie Rose, Adele Silva, Lysette Julianna Margulies, Mark Margolis, Lucy Anthony, Steven Berkoff, Robert Englund - Silent Witness Punch, Addison Timlin, Vanessa Ferlito, Dir. Jonathan Glendening Amanda Burton, William Gaminara, Clare Katheryn Winnick - Dir. Fisher Stevens Komödie/Horror 2012 min. Higgins, John McGlynn, Mick Ford, Ruth Interviews, B-Roll, Musikvideo Sunfilm Entertainment(LFG) 01.08.2013 McCabe - Dir. Bill Anderson, Mike Barker Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 91min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053621 Kriminalfilm 450min. Universum Film 23.08.2013 justbridge entertainment media(BBC) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053630 Strippers vs. Werewolves (Blu- 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053667 Stand Up Guys (Blu-ray) ray) Strippers Vs. Werewolves Stand Up Guys Ali Bastian, Marc Bayliss, Martin Compston, Skinhead Collection (2 Discs) Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin, Sarah Douglas, Alan Ford, Billy Murray, (k.J.) Julianna Margulies, Mark Margolis, Lucy Barbara Nedeljáková, Nick Nevern, Simon Skinhead Attacke / Skinheads / Skinhead Punch, Addison Timlin, Vanessa Ferlito, Phillips, Coralie Rose, Adele Silva, Lysette Stahlkappen / Antikiller Skinheads Katheryn Winnick - Dir. Fisher Stevens Anthony, Steven Berkoff, Robert Englund - Action/Drama 1995-2006 370min. Interviews, B-Roll, Musikvideo Dir. Jonathan Glendening Maritim Pictures 04.06.2013 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 95min. Komödie/Horror 2012 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053662 Universum Film 23.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053653 Sunfilm Entertainment(LFG) 01.08.2013 Skinheads - Die Rache ist unser 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053647 (k.J.) Stille Tage in Clichy (2 Discs) Stille Dage I Clichy Stud Life (OmU) Skinheads Paul Valjean, Wayne Rodda, Ulla Lemvigh- Stud Life Chuck Connors, Barbara Bain, Brian Müller, Avi Sagild, Susanne Krage, Ben T’Nia Miller, Kyle Treslove - Dir. Inge Brophy, Jason Culp, Liz Sagal, Bill Kohne, Webster, Jens Jørgen Thorsen - Dir. Jens Blackman Lynna Hopwood, Gene Mitchell, Frank Jørgen Thorsen Drama/Lovestory 2012 98min. Noon, Dennis Ott, James A. Stunden - Dir. Interviews, Postergalerie, Bildergalerien, Biografien good!movies(GMfilms) 05.07.2013 Greydon Clark Drama/Erotik 1970 182min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053906 Action 1988-1989 89min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.06.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20053824 Subspecies 2 - In the Twilight 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053568 (Blu-ray) Stille Tage in Clichy (Blu-ray) Spooks - Im Visier des MI5, Subspecies II: Bloodstone Stille Dage I Clichy Anders Hove, Denice Duff, Kevin Blair Season 9 (3 Discs) Paul Valjean, Wayne Rodda, Ulla Lemvigh- Spirtas, Melanie Shatner, Michael Denish - Spooks Müller, Avi Sagild, Susanne Krage, Ben Dir. Ted Nicolaou Peter Firth, Sophia Myles, Max Brown Webster, Jens Jørgen Thorsen - Dir. Jens Trailer Drama/Thriller 2010 400min. Jørgen Thorsen Horror 1992 85min. justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Interviews, Postergalerie, Bildergalerien Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 14.06.2013 Drama/Erotik 1970 95min. 26.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053555 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053935 tba BestellNr.: 20053843 Spring Break Killer Sudden Death (Blu-ray) Machine Head Stormhouse Sudden Death Sharon Hinnendael, Christina Corigliano, Stormhouse Jean-Claude van Damme, Powers Boothe, Nicole Zeoli, Morissa O’Mara, Alana O’Mara, Katie Flynn, Patrick Flynn, Munir Khairdin, Raymond J. Barry, Whittni Wright, Ross Robert Adamson, Brett Howell, Blake Grahame Fox, Grant Masters, Martin Malinger, Dorian Harewood, Kate McNeil, Baskin - Dir. Jim Valdez Delaney, James Capel, Anthony Mark Michael Gaston, Audra Lindley, Brian Thriller/Horror 2011 min. Streeter - Dir. Dan Turner Delate, Steve Aronson, Michael Aubele, Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Karen Baldwin, Jennifer D. Bowser - Dir. Horror/Science Fiction 2011 87min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053618 Peter Hyams Falcom Investment AG 20.08.2013 Action 1995 110min. tba BestellNr.: 20053874 Spring Break Killer (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Machine Head Stormhouse (Blu-ray) 04.07.2013 Sharon Hinnendael, Christina Corigliano, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053602 Stormhouse Nicole Zeoli, Morissa O’Mara, Alana O’Mara, Katie Flynn, Patrick Flynn, Munir Khairdin, Robert Adamson, Brett Howell, Blake Super Buddies Grahame Fox, Grant Masters, Martin Baskin - Dir. Jim Valdez Super Buddies Delaney, James Capel, Anthony Mark Thriller/Horror 2011 min. Dir. Robert Vince Streeter - Dir. Dan Turner Sunfilm Entertainment 01.08.2013 Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Komödie/Familie 2013 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053644 Horror/Science Fiction 2011 90min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Falcom Investment AG 20.08.2013 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Staatsanwälte küßt man nicht tba BestellNr.: 20053890 08.08.2013 Legal Eagles 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053641 Robert Redford, , Daryl Stralsund - Die komplette Reihe Hannah, Brian Dennehy, Terence Stamp, (2 Discs) Tage der Unschuld Steven Hill, David Clennon, John McMartin, Silent Witness Katharina Wackernagel, Wotan Wilke Jennifer Dundas, Roscoe Lee Browne, Michael Cudlitz, Dermot Mulroney, Anne Möhring Christine Baranski, Sara Botsford - Dir. Heche Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2010 356min. Ivan Reitman Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 90min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 14.06.2013 Thriller/Komödie 1985 111min. justbridge entertainment media 14.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053560 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053557 27.06.2013 Strippers vs. Werewolves

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Tage der Unschuld (Blu-ray) Begierde (Blu-ray) Silent Witness Do-Nui Mat Todeskommando Atlantik Michael Cudlitz, Dermot Mulroney, Anne Maui Taylor, Kim Kang-woo, Baek Yun-shik, La Legione Dei Dannati Heche Kim Hyo-jin, On Ju-wan, Yoon Yeo-Jung - Curd Jürgens, Jack Palance, Thomas Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 94min. Dir. Im Sang-soo Hunter - Dir. Umberto Lenzi justbridge entertainment media 14.06.2013 Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Kriegsfilm 1969 81min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053592 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 115min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Koch Media 20.09.2013 29.06.2013 Tajomaru - Räuber und Samurai tba BestellNr.: 20053898 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053953 Tajomaru Shun Oguri, Yuki Shibamoto, Kei Tanaka, Tausend Morgen Tolldreiste Kerle in rasselnden Kyôsuke Yabe, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Hirotarô A Thousand Acres Raketen Honda, Hiroki Matsukata, Masaomi Kondo, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Lange, Jason Rocket To The Moon Kenichi Hagiwara, Gô Ayano, Takamasa Robards, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Colin Firth, Gert Fröbe, Burl Ives, Troy Donahue, Lionel Suga, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi - Dir. Hiroyuki Keith Carradine, Kevin Anderson, Pat Jeffries, Daliah Lavi, Dennis Price, Terry- Nakano Hingle, John Carroll Lynch, Anne Pitoniak, Thomas, Hermione Gingold, Joachim Teege, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, TV-Spot Vyto Ruginis, Michelle Williams, Elisabeth Graham Stark, Stratford Johns, Renate von Abenteuer/Action 2009 127min. Moss, Ray Toler - Dir. Jocelyn Moorhouse Holt, Judy Cornwell - Dir. KNM Home Entertainment(Cult Movies) Drama 1997 105min. Englische Fassung, Trailer, Bildergalerie 20.06.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie/Science Fiction 1966 95min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053734 27.06.2013 Intergroove Media(Dynasity Film) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053768 12.07.2013 Tajomaru - Räuber und Samurai 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053683 (Blu-ray) Teen Beach Movie Tajomaru Teen Beach Movie Tollkühne Flieger Shun Oguri, Yuki Shibamoto, Kei Tanaka, Dir. Jeffrey Hornaday The Great Waldo Pepper Kyôsuke Yabe, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Hirotarô Musical 2013 min. Robert Redford, Bo Svenson, Bo Brundin, Honda, Hiroki Matsukata, Masaomi Kondo, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Susan Sarandon, Geoffrey Lewis, Edward Kenichi Hagiwara, Gô Ayano, Takamasa GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Herrmann, Philip Bruns, Roderick Cook, Suga, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi - Dir. Hiroyuki 08.08.2013 Kelly , Margot Kidder - Dir. Nakano 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053642 George Roy Hill Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, TV-Spot Abenteuer 1975 103min. Abenteuer/Action 2009 132min. Texas Road Massacre (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) KNM Home Entertainment(Cult Movies) Hide 27.06.2013 20.06.2013 Rachel Miner, Christian Kane, Polly 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053769 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053785 Shannon, Beth Grant, Alex Sarian - Dir. K.C. Bascombe Transpapa Tapas Barcelona Thriller/Action 2008 92min. Luisa Sappelt, Devid Striesow, Sandra Tapas Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Borgmann, Horst Sachtleben, Fritzi Angel de Andres Lopez, Maria Galiana 12.07.2013 Haberlandt, Jan-David Buerger, Damian (Doña Conchi), Elvira Mínguez, Rubén 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053911 Hardung, Ron Holzschuh, Florence Ochandiano, Alberto de Mendoza, Dario Kasumba, Arno Kempf, Simon Mehlich, Uta Paso, Alberto Jo Lee, Ampero Moreno, Thérèse Maria Schütze, Rainer Hannemann, Henriet- Ferran Adrià - Dir. José Corbacho, Juan Thérèse Desqueyroux te Nagel - Dir. Sarah Judith Mettke Cruz , Gilles Lellouche, Anaïs Trailer, Outtakes Originaltrailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie Demoustier, Stanley Weber, Catherine Drama 2012 93min. Drama 2005 83min. Arditi, Isabelle Sadoyan, Francis Perrin, Renaissance Medien 26.06.2013 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 18.07.2013 Jérôme Thibault, Yves Jacques - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053677 tba BestellNr.: 20053823 Claude Miller Making of, Trailer Tremors 2 - Die Rückkehr der Target Freedom Drama 2012 106min. Raketenwürmer Namibia / Die Mandela Verschwörung Capelight Pictures 02.08.2013 Tremors 2 - Aftershocks Dir. Pete Travis, Charles Burnett 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053634 Fred Ward, Christopher Gartin, Helen Kriegsfilm 215min. Shaver, Michael Gross - Dir. S. S. Wilson Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.06.2013 Thérèse (Blu-ray) Horror/Action 1996 96min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053565 Thérèse Desqueyroux Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Audrey Tautou, Gilles Lellouche, Anaïs 27.06.2013 Target Freedom (Blu-ray) Demoustier, Stanley Weber, Catherine 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053770 Namibia / Die Mandela Verschwörung Arditi, Isabelle Sadoyan, Francis Perrin, Dir. Pete Travis, Charles Burnett Jérôme Thibault, Yves Jacques - Dir. Triple Crossfire Kriegsfilm 230min. Claude Miller Caught In The Crossfire Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.06.2013 Making of, Trailer Chris Klein, Adam Rodriguez, 50 Cent, Tim Drama 2012 110min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053587 Fields, Sydney Hall, Richard T. Jones, Lyle Capelight Pictures 02.08.2013 Kanouse, Christine Lakin, Michael Matthias, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053654 Taste of Money - Die Macht der Brian A Miller, R. D. Miller jr., Roy Oraschin, Begierde Tod einer Polizistin Kurt Race, Alyssa Smith - Dir. Brian A Miller Do-Nui Mat Bildergalerie, Trailershow Götz George, Jürgen Vogel, Rosalie Maui Taylor, Kim Kang-woo, Baek Yun-shik, Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 78min. Thomass, Uwe Kockisch, Uwe Preuss, Kim Hyo-jin, On Ju-wan, Yoon Yeo-Jung - Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Michael Schenk, Therese Hämer, Alexander Dir. Im Sang-soo 29.06.2013 Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Hauff, Alexander Hörbe, Isabel Bongard, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053952 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 111min. Maryam Zaree, Samir Fuchs - Dir. Matti Koch Media 20.09.2013 Geschonneck Triple Crossfire (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20053882 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 min. Caught In The Crossfire Studio Hamburg Enterprises 18.07.2013 Chris Klein, Adam Rodriguez, 50 Cent, Tim Taste of Money - Die Macht der 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053825 Fields, Sydney Hall, Richard T. Jones, Lyle

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Kanouse, Christine Lakin, Michael Matthias, Vampire After Twilight (k.J.) 08.08.2013 Brian A Miller, R. D. Miller jr., Roy Oraschin, Temptation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053866 Kurt Race, Alyssa Smith - Dir. Brian A Miller Caroline Haines, Laura Evans, Rachel Bildergalerie, Trailershow Waters, Damian Morter, Laura Lagercrantz Wagner - Die Richard Wagner Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 82min. - Dir. Catherine Taylor Story Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Horror 2009 85min. Magic Fire 29.06.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.06.2013 Alan Badel, Yvonne De Carlo, Rita Gam, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053961 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053570 Valentina Cortese, Gerhard Riedmann - Dir. The Truth about Charlie William Dieterle Victoria, die junge Königin Booklet The Truth About Charlie The Young Victoria Drama 1954 108min. Mark Wahlberg, Thandie Newton, Tim Emily Blunt, Rupert Friend, Paul Bettany, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Robbins, Park Joong-hoon, Ted Levine, Miranda Richardson, Jim Broadbent, Tho- AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 21.06.2013 Lisa Gay Hamilton, Christine Boisson, mas Kretschmann, Mark Strong, Jesper 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053576 Stephen Dillane, Simon Abkarian, Christensen, Harriet Walter, Jeanette Hain, Frédérique Meininger, Charles Aznavour, Genevieve O’Reilly - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée Wang Yu Superstar Box (3 Discs) Anna Karina, Magali Noël, Sakina Jaffrey, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer (FSK 18) Olga Sekulic, Pierre Carre, Wilfred Historienfilm/Drama 2009 100min. Eine Faust wie Ein Hammer / Ninja Invasi- Benaïche, Sotigui Kouyaté, Agnès Varda, Capelight Pictures 02.08.2013 on / Die Superfaust / Wang Yu und die Françoise Bertin, Saian Supa Crew - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053954 Söhne des Himmels / Zhan shen tan Jonathan Demme Action/Eastern 1972-1982 680min. Thriller 2002 100min. Victoria, die junge Königin (Blu- Maritim Pictures 12.07.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053688 27.06.2013 The Young Victoria 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053771 Emily Blunt, Rupert Friend, Paul Bettany, Warnschuss Das turbogeile Gummiboot Miranda Richardson, Jim Broadbent, Tho- Ricochet mas Kretschmann, Mark Strong, Jesper Gary Cole, , Julie Benz - Dir. Up The Creek Christensen, Harriet Walter, Jeanette Hain, Nick Gomez Jennifer Runyon, Tim Matheson, Dan Genevieve O’Reilly - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallée Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 90min. Monahan - Dir. Robert Butler Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer justbridge entertainment media 14.06.2013 Trailer Historienfilm/Drama 2009 104min. Komödie 1983 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053556 Capelight Pictures 02.08.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053966 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053663 Warnschuss (Blu-ray) Ricochet Und der Regen verwischt jede The Village - Das Dorf / Signs - Gary Cole, John Corbett, Julie Benz - Dir. Spur Zeichen / Unbreakable - Unzer- Nick Gomez Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 94min. Alain Noury, Anita Lochner - Dir. Alfred brechlich (3 Discs) justbridge entertainment media 14.06.2013 Vohrer The Village / Signs / Unbreakable Booklet Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Robin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053591 Drama 1972 94min. Wright, , Joaquin Phoenix, Rory AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Culkin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Adrien Brody Warrior Queen AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.09.2013 - Dir. M. Night Shyamalan Hundra 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053808 Thriller 2000-2004 min. Laurene Landon, John Ghaffari, Marisa The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Casel - Dir. Matt Cimber Unser Charly - Die komplette 7. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Audiokommentar Fantasy/Action 1983 105min. 25.07.2013 Staffel (4 Discs) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053637 Ralf Lindermann, Nicola Tiggeler, Delia 29.06.2013 Deborah Wagner, Mike Zobrys, Regina 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053950 Lemnitz, Aurelio Malfa, Frank Behnke, Karin Voll abgezockt Thaler, Dominik Janisch - Dir. Franz Josef Identity Thief Wege einer Freundschaft Jason Bateman, Amanda Peet, Jon Gottlieb, Monika Zinnenberg, Carl Lang Abel’s Field Favreau, Melissa McCarthy, John Cho, Ro- Komödie 2002 664min. Kevin Sorbo, Samuel Davis, Nicole Elliott, bert Patrick, Genesis Rodriguez, Eric Edel Germany(Aviator) 14.06.2013 Richard Dillard, Yesenia Garcia, William Stonestreet, Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Clark 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053563 Buchanan, Devin Bonnée, Terri Merritt Duke, Morris Chestnut, Ben Falcone, Mary- Bennett, Catie Duff, Elizabeth Duff - Dir. Charles Jones, Kevin Covais, Lori Beth Unsere Familie Gordie Haakstad Life With Father Edgeman, Carlos Navarro, Colton Medlin, Trailer William Powell, Irene Dunne, Dame T.I. - Dir. Seth Gordon Drama 2012 99min. , Edmund Gwenn, Zasu Komödie 2013 107min. Great Movies GmbH 24.05.2013 Pitts, Jimmy Lydon - Dir. Michael Curtiz Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053581 Komödie 1947 113min. 08.08.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053855 Der weiße Hai 2 (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053564 II Voll abgezockt (Blu-ray) Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Vampire After Twilight (Blu-ray) Identity Thief Hamilton, Joseph Mascolo, Jeffrey Kramer, (k.J.) Jason Bateman, Amanda Peet, Jon Collin Wilcox Paxton, Ann Dusenberry, Mark Favreau, Melissa McCarthy, John Cho, Ro- Temptation Gruner, Barry Coe - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc bert Patrick, Genesis Rodriguez, Eric Caroline Haines, Laura Evans, Rachel Thriller/Horror 1978 117min. Stonestreet, Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Clark Waters, Damian Morter, Laura Lagercrantz Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Duke, Morris Chestnut, Ben Falcone, Mary- - Dir. Catherine Taylor 08.08.2013 Charles Jones, Kevin Covais, Lori Beth Horror 2009 89min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053967 Edgeman, Carlos Navarro, Colton Medlin, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.06.2013 T.I. - Dir. Seth Gordon 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053590 Der weiße Hai 4 - Die Abrech- Komödie 2013 111min. nung Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)

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Jaws - The Revenge Silvana Gallardo - Dir. Kieth Merrill 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053787 Lorraine Gary, Lance Guest, Mario van Abenteuer/Drama 1980 105min. Peebles, Karen Young, Sir Michael Caine - Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.07.2013 Zombie Resurrection (k.J.) Dir. Joseph Sargent 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053927 Opstandelsen Thriller/Horror 1987 86min. Marie Frohmé Vanglund, Mads Althoff, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wink des Himmels Jonas Bjørn-Andersen - Dir. Casper 13.06.2013 Elisabeth Lanz, Helmut Zierl, Ludwig Haugegaard 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053743 Zimmeck, Annekathrin Bürger, Alexander Horror/Action 2010 90min. Wussow, Oliver Bäßler, Susanne Lüning, Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 21.06.2013 Weitere Abenteuer der Familie Birgit Linauer, Klaus Ortner - Dir. Karola 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053737 Robinson in der Wildnis (Blu-ray) Hattop Further Adventures Of The Wilderness Drama 2005 88min. Zombie War (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Family KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Dead Genesis Robert Logan, Susan Damante-Shaw, 20.06.2013 Emily Alatalo, Colin Paradine, Lionel Heather Rattray, Ham Larsen, George 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053728 Boodlal, Erin Stuart II, Tom Parkinson VI, „Buck“ Flower - Dir. Frank Zuniga Alex Mallari Jr., Paige Albrecht, Ryan Abenteuer 1978 105min. Wrong Identity - In der Haut einer Barrett, Jonathan Steen, Nathan Hawkins, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.07.2013 Mörderin Carlo Adamo - Dir. Reese Eveneshen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053703 Trap For Cinderella Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Horror 2010 94min. Kerry Fox, Alexandra Roach, Tuppence Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Wer ist Mr. Cutty? Middleton, Alex Jennings, Stanley Weber, 29.06.2013 The Associate Erich Redman, Mandi Sidhu, Elizabeth 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053958 , Dianne Wiest, Eli Wal- Healey - Dir. Iain Softley lach, Tim Daly, Helen Hanft, George Drama/Thriller 2013 96min. Zombie War (k.J.) Morfogen, Zeljko Ivanek, Miles Chapin, Universum Film(SquareOne) 16.08.2013 Dead Genesis Bebe Neuwirth, Austin Pendleton, Lainie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053631 Emily Alatalo, Colin Paradine, Lionel Kazan - Dir. Donald M. Petrie Boodlal, Erin Stuart II, Tom Parkinson VI, Komödie 1996 109min. Der Würger vom Tower Alex Mallari Jr., Paige Albrecht, Ryan Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Charles Régnier, Ellen Schwiers, Hans Barrett, Jonathan Steen, Nathan Hawkins, 27.06.2013 Reiser, Kai Fischer, Ady Berber, Gerhard Carlo Adamo - Dir. Reese Eveneshen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053772 Geisler, Birgit Bergen, Inigo Gallo, Christa Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Linder, Alfred Schlageter - Dir. Hans Horror 2010 90min. Das Wespennest Mehringer Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Hornet’s Nest Booklet 29.06.2013 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1966 83min. Rock Hudson, Sylva Koscina, Sergio Fan- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053947 toni, Jacques Sernas, Mark Colleano - Dir. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 26.07.2013 Phil Karlson 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053957 Zucker, Zucker Trailer Le Sucre Kriegsfilm 1970 106min. Zift (Uncut) (k.J.) Gérard Depardieu, Jean Carmet, Michel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 Zift Piccoli, Nelly Borgeaud, Georges 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053659 Zahary Baharov, Tanya Ilieva, Vladimir Descrières - Dir. Jacques Rouffio Penev, Yavor Veselinov, Snezhina Petrova, Komödie 1978 99min. Das Wespennest (Blu-ray) Jordan Mutafov, Anastassia Liutova - Dir. ZYX Music 07.06.2013 Hornet’s Nest Javor Gardev 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053669 Rock Hudson, Sylva Koscina, Sergio Fan- Thriller/Drama 2008 91min. toni, Jacques Sernas, Mark Colleano - Dir. KNM Home Entertainment(Cult Movies) Zucker, Zucker (Blu-ray) Phil Karlson 20.06.2013 Le Sucre Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053794 Kriegsfilm 1970 110min. Gérard Depardieu, Jean Carmet, Michel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 Zombie Massacre (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Piccoli, Nelly Borgeaud, Georges Descrières - Dir. Jacques Rouffio 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053697 Zombie Massacre Komödie 1978 104min. Christian Boeving, Mike Mitchell, Ivy Corbin, ZYX Music 07.06.2013 Western Unchained Collection Tara Cardinal, Carl Wharton, Jon Campling, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053700 (k.J.) Daniel Vivian - Dir. Luca Boni, Marco Ristori Western 778min. Horror 2012 91min. Zwischen den Zeilen - Staffel 1 (4 Koch Media 24.05.2013 Splendid Film 30.08.2013 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053670 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053709 Discs) Josephine Schmidt, Ole Puppe, Constanze Wiedersehen mit einem Fremden Zombie Massacre (k.J.) Behrends, Parbet Chugh, Nina Petri, Knud Silke Bodenbender, Peter Davor, Nina Zombie Massacre Riepen, Christian Kahrmann, Sanjay Kunzendorf, Robert Schupp, Mark Christian Boeving, Mike Mitchell, Ivy Corbin, Shihora, Parvaneh Hamidi, Thomas Cle- Waschke, Elisabeth von Koch, Margot Tara Cardinal, Carl Wharton, Jon Campling, mens, Christoph Humnig, Uwe Rohde, Gödrös, Dietz-Werner Steck, Laszlo I. Kish, Daniel Vivian - Dir. Luca Boni, Marco Ristori Thaddäus Meilinger, Kai Maertens, Carsten Nils Knopf, Jannik Knopf, Marie Anne Horror 2012 88min. Strauch - Dir. Markus Sehr, Klaus Knoesel, Fliegel, Thomas Arnold, Boris Koneczny, Splendid Film 30.08.2013 Lars Montag, Sven Bohse Bernhard Gille, Constanze Weinig - Dir. Niki 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053692 Interviews Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2013 790min. Stein WDR mediagroup(Das Erste) 29.06.2013 Drama 2009 89min. Zombie Resurrection (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053664 KNM Home Entertainment 20.06.2013 (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053729 Opstandelsen Marie Frohmé Vanglund, Mads Althoff, Windwalker - Das Vermächtnis Jonas Bjørn-Andersen - Dir. Casper Special Interest des Indianers Haugegaard Windwalker Horror/Action 2010 94min. Trevor Howard, Nick Ramus, James Remar, Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 21.06.2013 Drachenmädchen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 31 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Xin Chenxi, Chen Xi, Huang Luolan, Zhuang Das Venedig Prinzip Pascal Eguisier, Carole Noblanc - Dir. Ma- Shi Yan, Hualei Jang, Ji Zhou-Jin, Heike Dir. Andreas Pichler nuel von Stürler Liu, Ziyu Yang, Quan Ling, Manyu Xu - Dir. Dokumentarfilm 2012 80min. Dokumentarfilm 2012 89min. Inigo Westmeier good!movies(RealFiction) 28.06.2013 good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.06.2013 Interview 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053599 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053929 Dokumentarfilm 2012 90min. polyband Medien GmbH 30.08.2013 Winternomaden (OmU) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053689 Hiver Nomade Drachenmädchen (Blu-ray) Pascal Eguisier, Carole Noblanc - Dir. Ma- nuel von Stürler Xin Chenxi, Chen Xi, Huang Luolan, Zhuang Dokumentarfilm 2012 86min. Shi Yan, Hualei Jang, Ji Zhou-Jin, Heike good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.06.2013 Liu, Ziyu Yang, Quan Ling, Manyu Xu - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053907 Inigo Westmeier Interview Dokumentarfilm 2012 94min. Winternomaden (OmU) (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 30.08.2013 Hiver Nomade 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053708 Sagrada (OmU) Sagrada Jaume Torreguitart, Etsuro Sotoo, Jordi Bonet, Joan Rigol, Joan Bassegoda, Raimon Panikkar, Lluís Bonet, Conxita Sugranyes, Ramon Sugranyes, David Mackay, Mariona Bonet, Josep Maria Subirachs, Judit Subirachs-Burgaya, Jordi Savall, Josep Tallada, Joan Vila-Grau, Luard Bonet, Ramon Espel, Anna Huber - Dir. Stefan Haupt Dokumentarfilm 2012 90min. good!movies(Arsenal) 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053666 Searching for Sugar Man (OmU, Limited Edition, + Audio-CD ) Searching For Sugar Man Rodriguez - Dir. Malik Bendjelloul Making of, Live Performance, Trailer, Interview, Faltposter Porträt/Biographie/Musik 2012 83min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 14.06.2013 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053613 Sound of Heimat - Deutschland singt Hayden Chisholm - Dir. Arne Birkenstock, Jan Tengeler Booklet, 4 Tracks zum Mitsingen, Sing Along, Interviews Dokumentarfilm 2012 90min. good!movies(RealFiction) 28.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053554 Trainer! (Director’s Cut) Frank Schmidt, André Schubert, Stephan Schmidt, Frank Wormuth, Jürgen Klopp, Hans Meyer, Peter Neururer, Michael Oenning, Thomas Schaaf, Mirko Slomka, Armin Veh - Dir. Aljoscha Pause Featurette, Interviews, Kurzfilm Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2012 130min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(mindjazz pictures) 28.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053813 Trainer! (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Trainer Frank Schmidt, André Schubert, Stephan Schmidt, Frank Wormuth, Jürgen Klopp, Hans Meyer, Peter Neururer, Michael Oenning, Thomas Schaaf, Mirko Slomka, Armin Veh - Dir. Aljoscha Pause Featurette, Interviews, Kurzfilm Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2012 135min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(mindjazz pictures) 28.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053837

LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 33 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

a great first impression on their King, she becomes fast Shout Factory 20.08.2013 friends with his shy daughter, Princess Catania. However, a misunderstanding causes Mariposa to be banished from the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117323 Animation fairy land. As Mariposa and Zee return to Flutterfield, they encounter a dark fairy on her way to destroy Shimmervale. : Temporada 3, Adventures In Zambezia Mariposa rushes back and helps Princess Catania save her fairy land and together, the two girls prove that the best way Parte 1 Samuel L. Jackson, Jeff Goldblum, Leonard to make a friend, is to be a friend. El Chavo Animado is an Animated series based on the live- Nimoy, Abigail Breslin, Jeremy Suarez Animation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl action hit TV series that has endured for generations. Beloved When a spirited young falcon named Kai (Jeremy Suarez, power, Movies 2008 75min. by fan in Latin America and Worldwide, this series takes the TV’s The Bernie Mac Show) learns of Zambezia, the fabulous already adventurous El Chavo character and launches him city of birds, he leaves his remote country home against the Universal Studios 27.08.2013 into a world of Animation, where anything is possible. This wishes of his father (Jackson). But when his dad is captured 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117601 volume follows Chavo and his friends in many adventures by an evil lizard who plans to attack the city, Kai must learn including visiting the zoo, the wild west and many others! the importance of teamwork if he’s to rescue his father, save Barbie: Mariposa And The Fairy Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family, his new friends and help keep Zambezia lizard free. Samuel L. Foreign, International TV, Mexican, Televisi- Jackson, Abigail Breslin, Jeff Goldblum and Leonard Nimoy Princess (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital give voice to this beautifully animated fun-filled adventure the on 2012 min. whole family will enjoy! Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Mariposa and her furry friend Zee return in Barbie: Mariposa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117356 Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- & the Fairy Princess. In this magical adventure, Mariposa on, Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animati- becomes the royal Ambassador of Flutterfield and is sent to bring peace between her fairy land and their rivals, the Chuggington: Chug Patrol - on, Family, Movies 2012 82min. Crystal Fairies of Shimmervale. While Mariposa doesn’t make Home Entertainment a great first impression on their King, she becomes fast Ready To Rescue friends with his shy daughter, Princess Catania. However, a Wilson, Koko and Brewster are moving up to the next level of 06.08.2013 misunderstanding causes Mariposa to be banished from the training! In Chug Patrol: Ready to Rescue, the first ever, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117458 fairy land. As Mariposa and Zee return to Flutterfield, they super-sized special, Wilson takes on new challenges and encounter a dark fairy on her way to destroy Shimmervale. makes daring rescues as the newest member of Chuggington’s Mariposa rushes back and helps Princess Catania save her emergency rescue squad. Koko and Brewster join in on the Adventures In Zambezia (Blu-ray fairy land and together, the two girls prove that the best way new adventures as do new characters Chug Patrol Chief + DVD) (Blu-ray) to make a friend, is to be a friend. Jackman and super- Hanzo! Get those wheels to the Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, rails for all new adventures in Chuggington! Samuel L. Jackson, Jeff Goldblum, Leonard Fantasy, girl power, Movies 2008 75min. Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Nimoy, Abigail Breslin, Jeremy Suarez Educational, Computer Animation, Family, When a spirited young falcon named Kai (Jeremy Suarez, Universal Studios 27.08.2013 TV’s The Bernie Mac Show) learns of Zambezia, the fabulous 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117622 Preschool, Television, Transportation 2013 city of birds, he leaves his remote country home against the min. wishes of his father (Jackson). But when his dad is captured Best Of Warner Bros.: 25 Cartoon Starz / Anchor Bay 20.08.2013 by an evil lizard who plans to attack the city, Kai must learn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117478 the importance of teamwork if he’s to rescue his father, save Collection - DC Comics his new friends and help keep Zambezia lizard free. Samuel L. Jackson, Abigail Breslin, Jeff Goldblum and Leonard Nimoy Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Z: Rock The Dragon - give voice to this beautifully animated fun-filled adventure the Collections, Family, Superheroes, Televisi- whole family will enjoy! on 550min. Collector’s Edition Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Warner Bros. 27.08.2013 Your wish has been granted. Now get ready to Rock the Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- Dragon like it’s 1999. is bursting open the vault 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117571 and finally unleashing what fans have sought for so long: the on, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Computer original broadcast version of DBZ! Animation, Family, Movies 2012 82min. Black Lagoon: Roberta’s Blood Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Comedy, Foreign, Intergalactic War, Inter- 06.08.2013 Trail OVA (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) national TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Televi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117452 (Blu-ray) sion 650min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Funimation 20.08.2013 The Adventures Of Chuck And ray, Drama, Foreign, International TV, 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117602 Friends: Bumpers Up! Japanese, Television 125min. Chuck is not only a TV star, he loves music and movies too Funimation 06.08.2013 Dragons: Riders Of Berk - Part 1 and races through 10 themed adventures packed full of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117255 When it comes to action and excitement, the sky’s the limit in entertainment with his pals Digger, Boomer, Rowdy, Soku, this high-flying animated TV series based on the Academy Biggs and Handy. Award-nominated hit movie How To Train Your Dragon! Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Care Bears: A Belly Badge For Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Preschool, Television, Transportation 2010 Wonderheart - The Movie Family, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Television 110min. In the magical world of Care-a-Lot, Wonderheart wants to join 242min. Shout Factory 13.08.2013 the Cub Bouts, but it’s only for cubs with active Belly Badges. When she resorts to using the wishes from Care ‘n Share 20th Century Fox 23.07.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117295 Charms to fake her powers, it leads to disastrous results. Her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117366 final wish accidentally lands her in the Moody Mountains in The Amazing World Of Gumball: the center of a Stardust Storm! With the help of Grams Bear and her loving Care Bear friends, Wonderheart learns an Dragons: Riders Of Berk - Part 2 The Party important lesson about using the Belly Badge Beacon The fire- fun continues with more explosive is releasing the third and final DVD responsibly and discovers the joys of honesty and caring. episodes of the action-packed animated TV series based on installment from Season 1 of the award-winning show, The Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, the Academy Award-nominated hit movie How To Train Your Amazing World of Gumball. In the feature episode, the Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Televi- Dragon! Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, is on as Gumball and his best friend, Darwin, set out sion, TV Movies 65min. to find dates to an upcoming high school party! Will Gumball Family, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Television Lionsgate 06.08.2013 be too shy to ask his long-time crush, Penny? Leave it to 203min. Gumball and Darwin to turn this party into a night no one will 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117272 forget. The DVD includes 12 laugh-out-loud episodes from 20th Century Fox 23.07.2013 season 1 and more. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117367 Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, CatDog: The Final Season Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Television 2013 A brand-new set of insane CatDog adventures! They’re the AO: Part One - min. craziest set of conjoined twins you’ll ever meet - the culturally refined Cat, and Dog, who’s . . . well . . . not so Alternate Art (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Warner Bros. 13.08.2013 much! But together, CatDog make it all work by both using and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117241 strengthening their own friendship, providing their own bo) (Blu-ray) excitement and even getting into their own of hilarious trouble! Featuring the full length movie CatDog and the Great Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Drama, Barbie: Mariposa And The Fairy Parent Mystery. The yearly Parent Day Festival is quickly Foreign, Giant Monsters!, International TV, arriving, but Cat and Dog are feeling a little left out. After Japanese, Science Fiction, Television Princess coercing from Dog, Cat agrees to go on a parent hunt which Mariposa and her furry friend Zee return in Barbie: Mariposa leads them to a sea monster, alienns, hillbillies and more! 320min. & the Fairy Princess. In this magical adventure, Mariposa Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Funimation 13.08.2013 becomes the royal Ambassador of Flutterfield and is sent to 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117259 bring peace between her fairy land and their rivals, the Comedy, Family, , Television Crystal Fairies of Shimmervale. While Mariposa doesn’t make 150min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Eureka Seven AO: Part One - (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) The Magic School Bus: In A Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Pickle Combo) (Blu-ray) International TV, Japanese, Magic, Televisi- Welcome aboard The Magic School Bus! Are you ready for a on, War min. wild ride? Grab a seat and hang on for three episodes of the Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Drama, Funimation 20.08.2013 Emmy award-winning animated science-adventure series Foreign, Giant Monsters!, International TV, based on the best-selling books. Watch microbes and 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117263 Japanese, Science Fiction, Television molecules do BIG things! Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, 320min. Children’s / Educational, Family, Fantasy, Funimation 13.08.2013 LEGO : The Movie - DC Magic, Science, Teachers, Television min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117258 Superheroes Unite All the thrilling moments from the video game plus all-new Scholastic 30.07.2013 exclusive footage! An award party for Gotham City’s Man of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117397 : Part Six (Blu-ray + the Year, Bruce Wayne, quickly descends into chaos when DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) The Joker crashes onto the scene with a full gallery of rogues at his side, including The Riddler, and Two-. The Magic School Bus: Revving Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, The Dark Knight swings into action to corral the uninvited Up Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic, guests, but one criminal attendee isn’t quite so obvious - Lex Luthor, and with him a secret weapon that could change the Hop on board the magical, transformable bus with 12 Friz- Television 300min. balance of power in Gotham forever: The Deconstructor! The tastic episodes! Seatbelts everyone! Sparks of discovery fly Funimation 20.08.2013 troublesome team of Lex Luthor and The Joker may be more with this 3-DVD set containing over five hours of the Emmy 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117260 than a stubborn Batman and Robin can handle alone, but what Award-winning animated science-adventure series based on are Super Friends for? Join the crusade against evil as the bestselling books. , , and the Justice Adventure, Animation, Book-To-Film, Future Diary: Part One - Alternate League storm into action to protect the innocent, save Gotham Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, City and even have a few laughs along the way. Uncover all- Art new thrilling moments never before seen in the video game, Fantasy, Teachers, Television 270min. Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Horror, it’s the first LEGO Batman movie and, who knows, even Scholastic 30.07.2013 International TV, Japanese, Television Batman may have a little fun! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117528 Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, 325min. Computer Animation, Family, Movies, Funimation 13.08.2013 Magic School Bus: Space Superheroes 2013 min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117247 Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 Adventures 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117426 Arnold’s know-it-all cousin Janet drives the whole class Future Diary: Part One - Limited crazy when she joins Ms. Frizzle’s class on a field trip and the Magic School Bus Gets Lost In Space! After Dorothy Ann Edition LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC sees an asteroid on a crash course toward their school, the Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Horror, class blasts into space. Will they be able to divert the Superheroes Unite (Blu-ray + DVD asteroid and save the day? Find out in this Out Of this World International TV, Japanese, Television adventure! In Taking Flight, Wanda and the rest of the class 325min. + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) discover how wings and moving air cause flight as they are Funimation 13.08.2013 All the thrilling moments from the video game plus all-new shrunk inside Tim’ airplane. exclusive footage! An award party for Gotham City’s Man of Adventure, Animation, Book-To-Film, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117246 the Year, Bruce Wayne, quickly descends into chaos when The Joker crashes onto the scene with a full gallery of rogues Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, at his side, including The Riddler, Catwoman and Two-face. Science, Space, Teachers, Television 2003 : Alternate Art (Blu-ray + The Dark Knight swings into action to corral the uninvited 104min. DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) guests, but one criminal attendee isn’t quite so obvious - Lex Luthor, and with him a secret weapon that could change the Scholastic 30.07.2013 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, balance of power in Gotham forever: The Deconstructor! The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117529 Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- troublesome team of Lex Luthor and The Joker may be more than a stubborn Batman and Robin can handle alone, but what sion 325min. are Super Friends for? Join the crusade against evil as The Many Adventures Of Winnie Funimation 06.08.2013 Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and the Justice The Pooh 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117256 League storm into action to protect the innocent, save Gotham City and even have a few laughs along the way. Uncover all- Whether we’re young or forever young at heart, the Hundred new thrilling moments never before seen in the video game, Acre Wood calls to that place in each of us that still believes Haganai: Limited Edition (Blu-ray it’s the first LEGO Batman movie and, who knows, even in magic. Share all the fun, whimsy and wonder of The Many Batman may have a little fun! Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh in this resplendent Special + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Edition of the original Disney classic - now digitally restored Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, and remastered in high definition to thrill a whole new Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Children’s, Computer Animation, Family, generation! Experience the very first time Tigger „pounces“ Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Movies, Superheroes 2013 min. Pooh; laugh out loud when Pooh’s rumbly tumbly gets him sion 325min. stuck in a hilariously sticky situation... All your favorite Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 Hundred Acre Wood characters come alive in this timeless Funimation 06.08.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117429 motion picture overflowing with rich animation, masterful 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117257 storytelling and unforgettable songs. The Little Mermaid 3D: Diamond Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animation, High School DxD: The Series - Edition (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Alternate Art (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Children’s, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Movies, DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Musical, Preschool 1977 74min. bo) (Blu-ray) Rene Auberjonois, Pat Carroll, Jodi Benson, Disney / Buena Vista 27.08.2013 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Christopher Daniel Barnes - Dir. Ron 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117379 Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Clements, John Musker Japanese, Television 300min. With unforgettable characters, thrilling adventures, soaring The Many Adventures Of Winnie Funimation 20.08.2013 Academy Award-winning music (1989: Best Music, Original Score, and Best Music, Original Song, „Under The Sea“), The The Pooh (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117261 Little Mermaid is one of the most celebrated animated films of all time. Now spectacularly transformed for the first time on tal Copy) (Blu-ray) High School DxD: The Series - Blu-ray with digitally restored picture and brilliant high- Whether we’re young or forever young at heart, the Hundred definition sound! Venture under the sea where , a free- Acre Wood calls to that place in each of us that still believes Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD spirited mermaid princess, longs to be part of the human in magic. Share all the fun, whimsy and wonder of The Many world. After bravely striking a bargain with Ursula, a sneaky Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh in this resplendent Special Combo) (Blu-ray) sea witch, Ariel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. With Edition of the original Disney classic - now digitally restored Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Flounder and Sebastian at her side, Ariel will need all of her and remastered in high definition to thrill a whole new courage and determination to make things right in both of her generation! Experience the very first time Tigger „pounces“ Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, worlds. Pooh; laugh out loud when Pooh’s rumbly tumbly gets him Japanese, Television 300min. Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, stuck in a hilariously sticky situation... All your favorite Funimation 20.08.2013 Hundred Acre Wood characters come alive in this timeless Disney, Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Movies, motion picture overflowing with rich animation, masterful 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117262 Musical, Romance 1989 83min. storytelling and unforgettable songs. Disney / Buena Vista 01.10.2013 Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani- Legend Of The Legendary 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117480 mation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Heroes: The Complete Series Preschool 1977 74min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Disney / Buena Vista 27.08.2013 Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, Movies, the Park II. Halloween special and 14 hilarious episodes from all 4 seasons. Terror Tales of the Park II was the #1 telecast 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117347 Ninjas, Science Fiction, Thrillers 94min. of the day among boys during the premiere in October 2012. Viz Entertainment 17.09.2013 Paired up with the hit show Adventure Time, Regular Show is Meet The Small Potatoes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117579 part of the popular Monday night lineup that will have you laughing for hours. Malcolm McDowell Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, The whole family will sing and laugh along on a fun-filled Naruto Shippuden: The Movie - adventure as you discover how Ruby, Nate, Chip and Olaf Cartoon Network, Comedy, Television rose from the humble dirt of an Idaho farm to become a global The Lost Tower (Blu-ray) 176min. singing sensation. Voiced by Malcolm McDowell and Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 featuring songs by Tony-winning composer Jerry Bock (Fiddler on the Roof), Meet the Small Potatoes is an ray, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117572 inspirational tale of friendship and creativity that proves even Movies, Ninjas, Science Fiction, Thrillers the smallest potato can make big dreams come true. 94min. Robin Hood: 40th Anniversary Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Viz Entertainment 17.09.2013 Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Friendships, Music, Television 70min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117592 Universal Studios 30.07.2013 Copy) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117308 To commemorate its 40th anniversary, Disney proudly Oliver & Company: 25th presents the unforgettable animated classic Robin Hood on Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + Blu-ray for the first time ever. Experience all the fun, thrills Meet The Wotwots and celebrated music of this legendary adventure with perfect Hop aboard a steam-powered spaceship and join irresistible DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) picture and sound! Join Robin Hood, his trusted companion alien siblings, SpottyWot and DottyWot, as they explore the Cheech Marin, Joey Lawrence, Billy Joel, Little John and his hilarious band of Merry Men as they outfox incredible planet Earth! Filled with fun and excitement, Meet greedy Prince John to save the good people of Nottingham. The WotWots takes preschoolers on 10 fascinating Richard Mulligan, Natalie Gregory - Dir. Dashing from one daring deed to the next, Robin won’t rest adventures to learn about animals through playful George Scribner until he wins the hand of Maid Marian and restores King participation and guided observation. Each delightful episode Celebrate the 25th anniversary of a Disney classic with the Richard to the throne. One of Disney’s most beloved movies captures the thrill of exploration and the joy of discovery, stunning Blu-ray debut of Oliver And Company, featuring is even better on Blu-ray Combo Pack! while nurturing the values of teamwork and friendship. perfect picture and sound. Relive this charming animated Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animation, Children’s, Children’s / adventure, packed with excitement, fun and unforgettable Blu-ray, Comedy, Disney, Family, Historical / songs by Billy Joel, Bette Midler and Huey Lewis. In the heart Educational, Television 110min. of , Oliver, a mischievous orphaned kitten, is Period Piece, Movies, Romance 1973 Lionsgate 20.08.2013 befriended by Dodger, a carefree pooch, and his ragtag family 83min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117464 of misfit mutts. Life gets even better for Oliver when he is Disney / Buena Vista 06.08.2013 adopted by a lonely little girl named Jenny. But when tough guy Sykes and his Doberman try to keep Jenny and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117422 Monsuno: Combat Chaos Oliver apart, the spirited kitten and his newfound friends The Monsuno series is a high-octane epic action-adventure discover the meaning of courage and find a home where they Robin Hood: 40th Anniversary series where kids discover, command and battle creatures truly belong. with tremendous destructive potential. When a race to Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Edition (DVD + Digital Copy) harness the power of Monsuno ensues between a group of Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- To commemorate its 40th anniversary, Disney proudly teenagers and evil focused on destroying the Earth, the presents the unforgettable animated classic Robin Hood on adolescents spring into action to defend our planet! Built on, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Blu-ray for the first time ever. Experience all the fun, thrills around powerful, action-driven animation, dynamic characters Family, Movies, Musical 1988 74min. and celebrated music of this legendary adventure with perfect and a deeply woven original story mythology. Disney / Buena Vista 06.08.2013 picture and sound! Join Robin Hood, his trusted companion Action, Animation, Children’s, Family, Tele- Little John and his hilarious band of Merry Men as they outfox 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117421 greedy Prince John to save the good people of Nottingham. 110min. Dashing from one daring deed to the next, Robin won’t rest Shout Factory 27.08.2013 Peter Pan: Diamond Edition (DVD until he wins the hand of Maid Marian and restores King 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117358 Richard to the throne. One of Disney’s most beloved movies + Digital Copy) is even better on Blu-ray Combo Pack! Paul Collins, Bobby Driscoll - Dir. Hamilton Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Comedy, Disney, Family, Historical / Period My Little Pony Equestria Girls is a brand new full-length Luske, Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson feature introducing an exciting new dimension to the Think of the happiest things as Peter Pan soars to Piece, Movies, Romance 1973 83min. incredibly popular My Little Pony brand. When a crown is spectacular new heights for the first time on Blu-ray - now Disney / Buena Vista 06.08.2013 stolen from the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle pursues the more sensational than ever with digitally restored picture and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117414 thief into an alternate world where she transforms into a brilliant high definition sound! Bid you cares goodbye as teenage girl who must survive her biggest challenge yet - high Wendy and her brothers embark on fantastic adventures with school. With help from her new friends who remind her of the hero of their bedtime stories... Peter Pan! With faith, trust : Best Of RT Shorts Ponyville’s Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and and Tinker Bell’s pixie dust, Peter teaches them how to fly Fluttershy, she embarks upon a quest to find the crown and and leads them to the „second star to the right“ and beyond... And Animated Adventures change the destiny of these two parallel worlds. to Never Land! Burnie Burns, Joel Heyman, Gus Sorola Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, That’s right, the team from Rooster Teeth is ready for action, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Horses, Family, Fantasy, Movies 1953 77min. and they’re putting their very best Shorts on display! Not only Disney / Buena Vista 20.08.2013 is this unit filled with all of Rooster Teeth’s nuttiest bits, but it Movies, TV Movies 72min. also includes an uninhibited look at the rise and fall of their Shout Factory 06.08.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117412 Shorts. With dozens of fan favorite Shorts lovingly grabbed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117288 by the Rooster Teeth community, and over 30 minutes of raw, Pixie Hollow Games (DVD + Digi- unexposed material, you’ll really enjoy yourself. This DVD 2- disc set also includes The Best of Rooster Teeth Animated My Little Pony: Equestria Girls tal Copy) Adventures! We’ve taken our favorite Animated Adventures (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Join Tinker Bell and her fairy friends as they compete in and put them all together in the funniest, derpiest, electric- Disney’s animated adventure, Pixie Hollow Games. Rosetta fenciest DVD known to man! Pick up this DVD and not only My Little Pony Equestria Girls is a brand new full-length and new arrival Chloe band together to try to break the will you get the masterfully-crafted animations of Jordan feature introducing an exciting new dimension to the garden fairies’ legendary losing streak in this sports Cwierz, you’ll also get an hour of bonus footage, trailers for incredibly popular My Little Pony brand. When a crown is spectacle filled with pixie pageantry, fantastic fairy events upcoming shows, and extra live-action, podcast-style talks stolen from the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle pursues the and hilarious surprises. Clank and Bobble call the action as with the stars of Rooster Teeth themselves. Featuring Gus thief into an alternate world where she transforms into a Rosetta and Chloe against the storm fairies, Rumble Sorola, Burnie Burns, Joel Heyman, , Geoff teenage girl who must survive her biggest challenge yet - high and Glimmer, who are vying for their fifth championship ring. Ramsay, and many more! school. With help from her new friends who remind her of Will Rosetta’s team once again feel the sting of defeat or will Animation, Comedy 233min. Ponyville’s Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and they discover that there is more to a garden fairy than just a New Video DVD 16.07.2013 Fluttershy, she embarks upon a quest to find the crown and pretty face? Enjoy all the fun and excitement of this magical change the destiny of these two parallel worlds. tale about friendship, teamwork and a „Can Do“ attitude. The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117395 Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, event is about to begin. Who will you cheer for? Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, Scooby-Doo!: 13 Spooky Tales - Horses, Movies, TV Movies 72min. Family, Fantasy min. Run For Your ‘Rife Shout Factory 06.08.2013 Disney / Buena Vista 20.08.2013 In the all-new original 22 minute episode, Scooby-Doo! and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117300 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117411 the Spooky Scarecrow, Scooby-Doo and the rest of the - busting gang visit a quiet farm town where everyone prepares for the annual Halloween harvest celebration. Of course, Naruto Shippuden: The Movie - Regular Show: Fright Pack things are not as quiet as they seem, since the town’s creepy The Lost Tower Cartoon Network’s Emmy-nominated hit animated comedy cornfield is plagued by a scarecrow brought to life by a (Outstanding Animated Program) series Regular Show is back witch’s curse! Will our always-hungry heroes, Scooby-Doo Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, with the fourth and most frightening DVD of all time! The and Shaggy be able to stop gulping down goodies long enough Fright Pack DVD includes the highly popular Terror Tales of to solve this mystery? This 2-Disc set contains a cornucopia

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA of frightfully fun Scooby-Doo adventures as Scooby-Doo and Warner Bros. 24.09.2013 the loose, Jack Gramm has 88 Minutes to solve the biggest the gang are stalked through 12 more episodes by famous 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117570 murder of his career: his own. monsters, ghastly ghouls and other creatures of the night Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Serial Kil- determined to stop the „meddling kids“ at every turn. Add this lers, Thrillers 2007 107min. treat to your collection! 3 Geezers! Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Image Ent. 20.08.2013 Tim Allen, Scott Caan, J.K. Simmons 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117558 Comedy, Family, Mystery 286min. It’s Cocoon meets The Hangover in this hilarious romp Warner Bros. 10.09.2013 through the golden years. Hollywood actor J Kimball takes up 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117390 residence at The Coconuts convalescent home to research Absence what it’s like to be old for an upcoming movie role. Expectant mother Liz wakes to find her nearly-to-term Comedy, Movies 2013 81min. pregnancy has disappeared overnight. When doctors find no Starzinger: The Movie Collection Green Apple Entertainment 13.08.2013 medical explanation for the loss, police treat Liz and her Known as the Spaceketeers in the U.S., Starzinger is the husband Rick as prime suspects in what has now become a anime saga dealing with the impending death of the Great 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117222 missing child case. Only Rick and Liz’s brother Evan trust Planet, caused by the frailty of its elderly Queen. To prevent her version of events. As word spreads, the young couple is this calamity, Princess Aurora of the Moon volunteers to 33 Postcards subjected to the unwanted attention of the police and prying become the new Queen, and sets out on a dangerous journey neighbors. Evan feels for his sister and, as a film student, to the Great King planet torestore the Galaxy’s Energy, along Guy Pearce, Claudia Karvan begins documenting her story, starting with a vacation to the with her friends and escorts, the powerful cyborgs Kugo, Drama, Movies, Music 2011 97min. mountains to relieve some of her grief. But as Evan continues Djorgo, and Haka. Millennium Entertainment 27.08.2013 documenting their vacation, unusual patterns arise. Evan and Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Rick are horrified when Liz’s condition visibly declines and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117377 when the trip spins out of control they realize that whatever Space, Television 1978 300min. happened with Liz and her baby isn’t over. None of them are Shout Factory 20.08.2013 safe. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117324 42 (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 (Blu-ray) 90min. The Sword In The Stone: 50th Harrison Ford, Lucas Black, Christopher New Video DVD 06.08.2013 Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + Meloni, Nicole Beharie, Chadwick Boseman 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117391 - Dir. Brian Helgeland DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) History was made in 1947, when Jackie Robinson broke the Absence (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, professional baseball race barrier to become the first African Animation, Blu-ray, Classics, Disney, American MLB player of the modern era. 42 tells the life story (Blu-ray) of Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Expectant mother Liz wakes to find her nearly-to-term Family, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Movies, Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey pregnancy has disappeared overnight. When doctors find no Musical, Myths & Legends 1963 79min. (Harrison Ford). medical explanation for the loss, police treat Liz and her Disney / Buena Vista 06.08.2013 African Americans, Baseball, Biography, husband Rick as prime suspects in what has now become a Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period missing child case. Only Rick and Liz’s brother Evan trust 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117630 her version of events. As word spreads, the young couple is Piece, Major League Baseball, Movies, subjected to the unwanted attention of the police and prying The Sword In The Stone: 50th Sports 2013 128min. neighbors. Evan feels for his sister and, as a film student, Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 begins documenting her story, starting with a vacation to the Anniversary Edition (DVD + Digi- mountains to relieve some of her grief. But as Evan continues 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117553 documenting their vacation, unusual patterns arise. Evan and tal Copy) Rick are horrified when Liz’s condition visibly declines and Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, 42 (DVD + UltraViolet) when the trip spins out of control they realize that whatever happened with Liz and her baby isn’t over. None of them are Animation, Classics, Disney, Family, Harrison Ford, Lucas Black, Christopher safe. Fantasy, Medieval Times, Movies, Musical, Meloni, Nicole Beharie, Chadwick Boseman Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 Myths & Legends 1963 79min. - Dir. Brian Helgeland 90min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.08.2013 History was made in 1947, when Jackie Robinson broke the New Video DVD 06.08.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117616 professional baseball race barrier to become the first African American MLB player of the modern era. 42 tells the life story 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117404 of Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (Blu- (Harrison Ford). African Americans, Baseball, Biography, ray) Film Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Sean Young, , Courteney Cox, Major League Baseball, Movies, Sports Tone Loc, - Dir. Tom Shadyac 1939: Battle Of Westerplatte 2013 128min. He’s the best there is. In fact, he’s the only one there is! He’s On the morning of September 1, 1939, the German battleship Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 Ace Ventura Pet Detective. Jim Carrey (The Mask. Dumb and Schleswig-Holstein fired on the Polish garrison stationed at Dumber, Liar Liar) is on the case to find the Dolphins’ the Westerplatte peninsula. Over the next seven days, fewer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117525 missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. He goes eyeball than two hundred soldiers stood in defiance against the to eyeball with a man-eating shark, stakes out the Miami relentless onslaught. Amidst the bloodshed, two Polish 88 Minutes Dolphins and woos and wows the ladies. Whether he’s commanders struggle with the decision to continue fighting or undercover, under fire or underwater, he always gets his surrender under overwhelming odds. Al Pacino, Amy Brenneman, Leelee man...or beast! Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Sobieski, Neal McDonough, Alicia Witt, Comedy, Movies 1994 87min. ry, Movies, War, World War II 2012 118min. Deborah Kara Unger , Ben McKenzie - Dir. Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 E1 Entertainment 27.08.2013 Jon Avnet 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117402 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117500 Al Pacino stars in this riveting thriller about a forensic psychiatrist who receives a phone call threatening that he has Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls only 88 minutes to live. As the ticks away, tension 2 Broke Girls: The Second mounts, suspicions rise and blood flows. With a serial killed (Blu-ray) he helped convict awaiting execution and a copycat killer on Season the loose, Jack Gramm has 88 Minutes to solve the biggest Jim Carrey, Bob Gunton, Ian McNeice, Garrett Morris, Kat Dennings, Beth Behrs murder of his career: his own. Maynard Eziashi, Simon Callow - Dir. Steve Best friends Max (Kat Dennings) and Caroline (Beth Behrs) Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Serial Kil- Oedekerk are still waiting tables in Brooklyn, but the future looks bright lers, Thrillers 2007 107min. Africa’s the place and Ace is on the case, setting out to for their start-up business venture. There’s a boost from a rescue an animal he loathes-a bat! Jim Carrey returns as Ace, famous television personality’s review of Max’s cupcakes, a Image Ent. 20.08.2013 the alligator-wrasslin’, elephant-calling, monkeyshining, lucky break in real estate, and a surprise influx of cash, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117539 loogie-launching, disguise-mastering pet detective. If you’re resulting in the grand opening of Max’s Homemade Cupcakes! ready to laugh like a pack of hyenas, if you want more fun But success doesn’t happen overnight. There are rat than an industrial-sized barrel of monkeys, you know what to droppings to be dealt with. Plus ex-boyfriends and a new 88 Minutes (Blu-ray) do. Heed the call. . Not to mention long nights packing a pastry gun. And Al Pacino, Amy Brenneman, Leelee Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Comedy, Jungle, that eviction notice. The girls’ hearty humor and wicked sarcasm, diner pals Earl (Garrett Morris), Oleg (Jonathan Sobieski, Neal McDonough, Alicia Witt, Movies 1995 94min. Kite) and Han (Matthew Moy), and sexpot neighbor Sophie Deborah Kara Unger , Ben McKenzie - Dir. Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 (Jennifer Coolidge) make working for a living worth laughing Jon Avnet 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117401 about in all 24 Season Two episodes of the smash hit 2 Broke Al Pacino stars in this riveting thriller about a forensic Girls. Ka-ching! psychiatrist who receives a phone call threatening that he has CBS, Comedy, Friendships, girl power, On only 88 minutes to live. As the clock ticks away, tension Act Like You Love Me The Job, Television 2012 576min. mounts, suspicions rise and blood flows. With a serial killed Essence Atkins, Christian Keyes - Dir. Dan he helped convict awaiting execution and a copycat killer on

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 38 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Garcia re-assemble his now defunct team to face the growing threat Stephen Twardokus, Liesel Kopp - Dir. Kelly Lofton has everything that a young woman could want, of Alpha extremist Stanton Parish (John Pyper-Ferguson, Derek Cole but money, prestige and material things can never compensate Fringe). With the help of tech-genius Skylar (guest star Summer Glau, ) and memory recorder Mitchell (guest Paul Anderson (Stephen Twardokus) and his girlfriend Stella for the lack of love in her life. Her younger sister Susan, who (Liesel Kopp) move into a house that is well known for being loves to rub things in her big sister’s face, gets engaged to a star Sean Astin, The Lord of the Rings trilogy), Rosen and his team must work together to uncover Parish’s chilling plan. But haunted. Paul, a struggling writer plans to write his first seemingly perfect man and organizes an extravagant novel about his experiences with the paranormal. What starts engagement party at her parents mansion. In a panicked effort with a mole in their midst, can they overcome the dangers that surround them and stop Parish before it’s too late? out as a fun and exciting adventure, soon takes a very not to be embarrassed, Susan decides to hire Chad, a dangerous turn. They quickly realize some things are better gorgeous young actor, to play her boyfriend for the weekend, Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Television, left alone, and what you can’t see, can hurt you. but it isn’t long before Kelly finds herself falling for Chad. Thrillers 2012 min. Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 87min. Universal Studios 16.07.2013 Supernatural & Paranormal 2012 95min. E1 Entertainment 06.08.2013 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117225 Breaking Glass Pictures 20.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117486 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117615 Alyce Kills Adam Chaplin: Violent Avenger James Duval, Tracey Walter, Eddie Rouse, Antiviral Set in the fictional country of Heaven Valley, Adam is investigating his wifes suspicious death and discovers the Megan Gallagher, Larry Cedar, Jade Dorn- Sarah Gadon, Caleb Landry Jones involvement of the local mafia boss, Denny Richards. Unable feld, Tamara Feldman - Dir. Jay Lee Celebrity obsession has reached an all-time high, with the to trust the police, who are controlled by Denny, a vengeful A young woman struggles to keep it together after tragically public now clamoring to be infected with the same diseases Adam summons up a demon, who offers him superhuman killing her best friend. Haunted by guilt she begins to unravel; their idols carry. At the Lucas Clinic, Syd March sells strength and dark powers. The demon will guide Adam to his losing sleep, losing her job and eventually her sanity. When injections of live viruses to those fans who can afford it. But wife s murderer only if he follows all the demon s wishes. The she finally decides to take control, she unleashes enough Syd also has a black market trade in illness, selling viruses war has been unleashed against the police and it will be the horror and chaos to satisfy any gorehound. smuggled in his own body to piracy groups. After super bloodiest, goriest battle for anyone who tries to stop Adam Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2011 93min. sensation Hannah Geist reveals a new disease she carries, Chaplin: Violent Avenger! Vivendi Visual Entertainment 20.08.2013 Syd is quick to capitalize on the opportunity and inject himself Action, Crime, Foreign, Horror, Italian, with some of Hannah’s blood. When Hannah dies a few days 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117322 later, Syd suddenly becomes the target of rival clinics and Movies, Revenge, Science Fiction, Thrillers collectors and as the virus begins to destroy Syd’s body, he 2011 84min. must find a way to rid himself of it before he suffers the same TLA Releasing 23.07.2013 The Amazing Spider-Man (Blu-ray fate as Hannah. A chilling look at obsession in all its most + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) twisted forms, Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117611 masterpiece of biological horror and a searing indictment of Embeth Davidtz, Denis Leary, Sally Field, celebrity culture run amok. Adventures In Silverado Martin Sheen, Campbell Scott, Rhys Ifans, Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Science Edgar Buchanan, William Bishop, Gloria Irrfan Khan, Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Fiction, Thrillers 2012 108min. Henry - Dir. Phil Karlson Chris Zylka - Dir. Marc Webb MPI 06.08.2013 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Teenage social outcast Peter (Andrew Garfield) spends his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117574 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. days trying to unravel the mystery of his own past and win the Legendary novelist Robert Louis Stevenson (Edgar Barrier, heart of his high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone). A Macbeth) takes a trip to the Old West, searching for story mysterious briefcase belonging to his father, who abandoned Antiviral (Blu-ray) material. Upon entering Silverado, he sees Bill Foss (William him when he was a child, leads Peter to his dad’s former Sarah Gadon, Caleb Landry Jones Bishop, The Killer That Stalked New York), an independent partner, Dr. Connors. The discovery of his father’s secret will ultimately shape his destiny of becoming „Spider-Man“ Celebrity obsession has reached an all-time high, with the stagecoach driver looking to start his own line. Foss’s arrival public now clamoring to be infected with the same diseases riles the town’s stage-line driver, Zeke Butler (Forrest and bring him face to face with Connors’ villainous alter ego, the Lizard. their idols carry. At the Lucas Clinic, Syd March sells Tucker, TV’s F Troop), who challenges Foss to a race and injections of live viruses to those fans who can afford it. But runs him off the road. Now penniless and without a horse, 4K Ultra HD, Action, Adventure, Based On Syd also has a black market trade in illness, selling viruses Foss must take a job with stage-line operator Jeannie Comic Book, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, smuggled in his own body to piracy groups. After super Manning (Gloria Henry, Rancho Notorious). But when a Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes, sensation Hannah Geist reveals a new disease she carries, bandit known as The Monk keeps robbing stages, Foss is Syd is quick to capitalize on the opportunity and inject himself accused of being in cahoots with him. It’s up to Foss to clear Thrillers 2012 min. with some of Hannah’s blood. When Hannah dies a few days his name and expose the true identity of The Monk. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment later, Syd suddenly becomes the target of rival clinics and Action, Drama, Movies, Western 1948 14.05.2013 collectors and as the virus begins to destroy Syd’s body, he 75min. must find a way to rid himself of it before he suffers the same 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117285 fate as Hannah. A chilling look at obsession in all its most SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 twisted forms, Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117264 Amelia’s 25th masterpiece of biological horror and a searing indictment of celebrity culture run amok. Jennifer Tilly, Danny Trejo Age Of Dinosaurs Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Science Amelia, an aspiring actress, begins her 25th birthday by Fiction, Thrillers 2012 108min. Treat Williams, Ronny Cox - Dir. Joseph breaking up with her boyfriend, and things only go downhill MPI 06.08.2013 Lawson from there. After visiting a dubious psychic for advice, Amelia sets off on a bizarre adventure to find an acting gig, money for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117590 Using breakthrough flesh-regeneration technology, a biotech rent, and possibly love - all the while struggling to keep her firm creates a set of living dinosaurs. But when the creatures Hollywood dreams alive. escape their museum exhibit and terrorize , a Arise Of The Snake Woman former firefighter must rescue his teenage daughter from the Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 78min. chaos brought on by the Age of Dinosaurs. Breaking Glass Pictures 06.08.2013 Veronica Ricci, Cuyle Carvin - Dir. David Action, Dinosaurs, Movies, Science Fiction, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117389 Palmieri Thrillers 2013 90min. Ancient legend tells of Lamia, the beautiful queen and adulteress whose lover was put to death. After being Asylum Home Entertainment 06.08.2013 American Brawler transformed into a snake, she murders and enslaves the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117360 Dennis Ruel, Morgan Benoit innocent until the gods turn her to into a stone statue. When a A struggling martial arts teacher must compete in an thief steals the statue of Lamia, all hell starts to break loose Age Of Dinosaurs (Blu-ray) underground fight ring in order to save his brother from a in an L.A. strip club when the blood from his gunshot wound crime boss and reunite with his family. transforms the statue into a serpent, who in turn bites the star Treat Williams, Ronny Cox - Dir. Joseph performer. One by one, the other dancers are turned into her Action, Crime, Martial Arts, Movies 2013 slaves as the customers become blood sacrifices for a Lawson 90min. ritual that will allow her to roam the Earth forever! Using breakthrough flesh-regeneration technology, a biotech firm creates a set of living dinosaurs. But when the creatures Asylum Home Entertainment 27.08.2013 Animals & Nature, Cult Film / TV, Horror, escape their museum exhibit and terrorize Los Angeles, a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117361 Movies 2013 86min. former firefighter must rescue his teenage daughter from the Tempe DVD 24.09.2013 chaos brought on by the Age of Dinosaurs. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117521 Action, Blu-ray, Dinosaurs, Movies, American Brawler (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Thrillers 2013 90min. Dennis Ruel, Morgan Benoit A struggling martial arts teacher must compete in an Army Wives: The Complete Asylum Home Entertainment 06.08.2013 underground fight ring in order to save his brother from a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117344 crime boss and reunite with his family. Seventh Season Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Martial Arts, Movies Kim Delaney, Brian McNamara, Catherine Alphas: Season Two 2013 90min. Bell, Wendy Davis, Terry Serpico David Strathairn, Sean Astin, Summer Glau, Asylum Home Entertainment 27.08.2013 Action, Army, Drama, Friendships, Military, Ryan Cartwright 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117345 Television, War 559min. Discredited by the government after revealing the existence of Disney / Buena Vista 10.09.2013 Alphas in Season One, Dr. Lee Rosen (Academy Award An American Ghost Story 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117383 nominee David Strathairn, Good Night, and Good Luck) must

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Edition (Blu-ray) Fiction, Space, Television 1978 125min. Ashes Diana Lorys, Howard Vernon, Conrado San Universal Studios 06.08.2013 A young Indian man struggles in the inner city of New York to Martin, Riccardo Valle, Perla Cristal, Mary 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117400 support himself and his mentally ill, big brother - but their lives are unraveling and he falls in with the wrong crowd. Silvers - Dir. Jesus Franco When beautiful music hall entertainers begin to disappear Beast: A Monster Among Men Drama, Mental Illness, Movies min. under mysterious circumstances, Inspector Tanner is Green Apple Entertainment 24.09.2013 summoned to investigate. His resourceful fiancée decides to Tj Lavin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117520 help him by attracting the attention of the diabolical Dr. Orlof - Five friends head out for a week getaway to a secluded cabin who, with his blind henchman, Morpho, is using the skin of just outside of the Six Rivers National Forest. When an slain women to restore the beauty of his disfigured sister, argument forces the group apart things begin to deteriorate Augustine Melissa! In 1964, when Sigma III released Riccardo Freda’s quickly. One by one the campers turn up dead and things are 1962 classic The Horrible Dr. Hichcock (starring Barbara clearly not what they seem. As day breaks only two men Vincent Lindon Steele) to American theaters, only a sliver of space was remain - Yet what if neither man is responsible for the night’s In Belle Epoque Paris, 19-year-old kitchen maid Augustine reserved at the bottom of the posters to accommodate mention carnage, but instead the Beast who calls Six Rivers home... suffers an inexplicable seizure that leaves her partially of its co-feature, The Awful Dr. Orlof. No one could have Bigfoot! paralyzed and is shipped off to an all-female psychiatric predicted, however, that the movie lurking behind this Brain Damage Films, Horror, Movies 72min. hospital specializing in the then-fashionable ailment of unprepossessing title would someday be remembered as Damage Films 20.08.2013 ‘hysteria’. Augustine captures the attention of renowned spearhead of a new movement in Spanish horror, and that its neurologist Dr. Charcot (Vincent Lindon) after she has young writer/director, using the nom de l’ecran Jess Franco, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117466 another attack that appears to give her intense physical would go on to direct approximately 150 more films over the pleasure. Intrigued, he begins using her as his principal next 35 years, becoming by far the horror genre’s most Best Of Film Noir: Vol. 2 subject, hypnotizing her in front of his fellow doctors. As prolific artist. Augustine displays her spectacular fits in lecture halls, the Loretta Young, Barbara Stanwyck, Van lines between doctor and patient become blurred, radically Classics, Foreign, French, Horror, Mad impacting the course of both of their lives. Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Movies, Heflin, Lizabeth Scott, Kirk Douglas, Orson Drama, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Mystery, Thrillers 1962 86min. Welles, Dick Powell, Jane Wyatt, Edward Piece, Movies 2012 102min. Redemption USA 20.08.2013 G. Robinson - Dir. Orson Welles, Lewis Music Box Films 17.09.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117333 Milestone, Andre De Toth Includes: Pitfall The Stranger The Strange Love Of Martha 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117505 Ivers An Awkward Sexual Adventure Classics, Crime, Drama, Femme Fatales, Augustine (Blu-ray) Emily Hampshire, Jonas Chernick, Sarah Film Noir, Movies, Triple Feature min. Vincent Lindon Manninen Film Chest Media Group 25.06.2013 In Belle Epoque Paris, 19-year-old kitchen maid Augustine Dumped by his girlfriend over his sub-par sex skills, uptight 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117437 suffers an inexplicable seizure that leaves her partially accountant Jordan (writer Jonas Chernick) goes to visit his paralyzed and is shipped off to an all-female psychiatric lothario friend Dandak (Vik Sahay), hoping to learn some hospital specializing in the then-fashionable ailment of tricks to improve his game. Instead, he ends up finding a „sex The Best Of Fridays ‘hysteria’. Augustine captures the attention of renowned Yoda“ in Julia (Emily Hampshire, Cosmopolis), a worldly neurologist Dr. Charcot (Vincent Lindon) after she has stripper with a mountain of debt; in exchange for teaching her Larry David, Michael Richards, Andy another attack that appears to give her intense physical money management, she agrees to introduce Jordan to a brave Kaufman pleasure. Intrigued, he begins using her as his principal new world of massage parlors, cross-dressing, and S&M. For the first time ever on DVD, ABC’s cult hit Fridays is subject, hypnotizing her in front of his fellow doctors. As Surely the first film to ever include a graphic act of here! Originally airing from 1980 to 1982, these sixteen Augustine displays her spectacular fits in lecture halls, the cunnilingus on a cantaloupe, An Awkward Sexual Adventure episodes showcase the edgy and subversive sketch comedy lines between doctor and patient become blurred, radically is a sweet, sexy, genuinely raunchy comedy - that might just that helped launch the careers of Larry David (Curb Your impacting the course of both of their lives. teach you a thing or two. Enthusiasm), Michael Richards (Seinfeld), Melanie Chartoff Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, French, Historical Comedy, Movies, Romance, Sexy Comedies (Parker Lewis Can’t Lose), and more. The cast of Fridays presented their twisted view of the early ’80s to adventurous / Period Piece, Movies 2012 102min. 2013 89min. viewers on a weekly basis. Their outrageous characters-rom Music Box Films 17.09.2013 New Video DVD 30.07.2013 the paranoid Drugs R Us Pharmacist to the rabbinical action 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117514 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117392 heroes of Matzoi! to the laid-back Nat E. Dred, „The Rasta Gourmet“ - left audiences laughing long into the wee hours of the night. With top-notch musical guests as well as the Gene Autry: Movie Collection 3 Bad Parents show’s infamous guest appearances by the legendary Andy Kaufman, Fridays proved that late night comedy wasn’t just for Pat Buttram, Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Janeane Garofalo, Cheri Oteri, Kristen Saturday night. Sterling Halloway Johnston, Michael Boatman, Christopher Comedy, Television 1980 1050min. Action, Collections, Movies, Western Titus - Dir. Caytha Jentis Shout Factory 06.08.2013 400min. Kathy (Janeane Garofalo), a suburban mom, signs her seven- year-old daughter up for club soccer thinking it will be a great 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117289 Shout Factory 13.08.2013 change of pace from her own days of carpools, laundry, and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117319 household drudgery. With one stroke of the pen, Kathy finds The Big City: The Criterion herself thrust into the dog-eat-dog world of over-zealous The Awful Dr. Orlof: Remastered hyper-competitive youth sports obsessed parents. Coach Collection Nick (Christopher Titus) in his relentless pursuit of team The Big City (Mahanagar), set in mid-1950s Calcutta and Edition glory, divides the young players by ability, is worshipped by directed by the great Satyajit Ray (The Music Room), follows all the parents. The stakes get higher and higher as the team the personal triumphs and frustrations of Arati (Madhabi Diana Lorys, Howard Vernon, Conrado San makes its way to the State Championship Cup Semi-Finals. Mukherjee), who decides, despite the initial protests of her Martin, Riccardo Valle, Perla Cristal, Mary Tensions are high. Adult tempers flare. What happens during bank-clerk husband, to take a job to help support their family. Silvers - Dir. Jesus Franco the explosive final game shocks everyone. With remarkable sensitivity and attention to the details of When beautiful music hall entertainers begin to disappear Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Movies, everyday working-class life, Ray gradually builds a powerful under mysterious circumstances, Inspector Tanner is Play-To-Film, Soccer, Sports 2012 100min. human drama that is at once a hopeful morality tale and a summoned to investigate. His resourceful fiancée decides to Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.08.2013 commentary on the identity of the contemporary Indian woman. Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, help him by attracting the attention of the diabolical Dr. Orlof - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117292 who, with his blind henchman, Morpho, is using the skin of Historical / Period Piece, Indian, Movies slain women to restore the beauty of his disfigured sister, 1963 135min. Melissa! In 1964, when Sigma III released Riccardo Freda’s The Barbarians / The Norseman 1962 classic The Horrible Dr. Hichcock (starring Barbara Criterion 20.08.2013 Steele) to American theaters, only a sliver of space was (Double Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117287 reserved at the bottom of the posters to accommodate mention of its co-feature, The Awful Dr. Orlof. No one could have Richard Lynch, Mel Ferrer, Lee Majors, predicted, however, that the movie lurking behind this David Paul, Peter Paul - Dir. Ruggero Deo- The Big City: The Criterion unprepossessing title would someday be remembered as the dato, Charles B. Pierce spearhead of a new movement in Spanish horror, and that its Collection (Blu-ray) young writer/director, using the nom de l’ecran Jess Franco, Action, Adventure, Double Features, The Big City (Mahanagar), set in mid-1950s Calcutta and would go on to direct approximately 150 more films over the Fantasy, Movies, Vikings min. directed by the great Satyajit Ray (The Music Room), follows next 35 years, becoming by far the horror genre’s most Shout Factory 27.08.2013 the personal triumphs and frustrations of Arati (Madhabi prolific artist. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117357 Mukherjee), who decides, despite the initial protests of her Classics, Foreign, French, Horror, Mad bank-clerk husband, to take a job to help support their family. Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Movies, With remarkable sensitivity and attention to the details of Battlestar Galactica (Blu-ray) everyday working-class life, Ray gradually builds a powerful Mystery, Thrillers 1962 86min. human drama that is at once a hopeful morality tale and a Redemption USA 20.08.2013 Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Lorne commentary on the identity of the contemporary Indian woman. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117313 Greene - Dir. Richard A. Colla Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, In The Historical / Period Piece, Indian, Movies The Awful Dr. Orlof: Remastered Future..., Intergalactic War, Science 1963 135min.

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Criterion 20.08.2013 The Bourne Identity (DVD + Digi- Call Me Fitz: The Complete Third 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117299 tal Copy + UltraViolet) Season Matt Damon, Brian Cox, Chris Cooper, Jason Priestley, Peter Macneill, Donavon The Borgias: The Complete Franka Potente, Clive Owen - Dir. Doug Stinson, Ernie Grunwald Series (Blu-ray) Liman Jason Priestley stars as Fitz, a morally bankrupt used car Jeremy Irons, Derek Jacobi, Joanne Racing to unlock the secret of his own identity, he discovers salesman. Sure, a career selling pre-owned is pretty sweet, the deadly truth: he’s an elite government agent, a 20 million but why stop there when real power’s within reach? Question Whalley, Colm Feore, Sean Harris, Simon dollar weapon the government no longer trusts. Now this top is, how does a guy like Fitz get what he wants, when what he McBurney, Francois Arnaud, Holliday operative is the government’s number one target in this super- wants is always above the law? Public office, baby. Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes, charged, thrill-a-minute spectacular loaded with „non-stop Canadian, Comedy, Foreign, On The Job, Aidan Alexander action!“ (Bill Zwecker, FOX-TV) Television 2013 340min. The Borgias is a one-hour drama series based on the Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Crime, Drama, E1 Entertainment 27.08.2013 infamous Italian Renaissance family The Borgias. Jeremy Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117501 Irons stars as Rodrigo Borgia, the cunning, manipulative Thrillers 2002 119min. patriarch of The Borgia family who ascends to the highest Universal Studios 09.07.2013 circles of power within Renaissance-era . The series Captain Battle: Legacy War begins as the family’s patriarch Rodrigo becomes Pope, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117454 propelling him, his two Machiavellian sons Cesare and Juan, Cuyle Carvin - Dir. David Palmieri and his scandalously beautiful daughter, Lucrezia, to become Based on the 1940’s Golden Age comic book, Captain Battle: the most powerful and influential family of the Italian Renais- A Boy And His Dog: Collector’s Legacy War follows the exploits of Sam Battle, a Gulf War sance. And all the power and influence eventually leads to Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) soldier injured during a tour of duty. Near death, scientist their demise. friend Brandon Storm injects him with a secret serum that (Blu-ray) brings him superhuman strength and agility! Safely back home, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Sam must rescue his old friend from the clutches of a Neo- Showtime, Television min. Don Johnson, Susanne Benton, Jason Nazi gang led by The Necromancer, who is hellbent on Showtime Entertainment 06.08.2013 Robards returning Heinrich Himmler from the dead. Using the crime- 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117628 Originally based on a short story from science fiction writer fighting alter-ego of Captain Battle, Sam will face an army of Harlan Ellison, A Boy and His Dog is an epic tale of a boy, living dead soliders straight out of the Third Reich before The Vic (Don Johnson), and his telepathic dog, Blood, as they Necromancer can succeed at raising Adolph Hitler himself The Borgias: The Complete trudge through a post-apocalyptic world. The pair travels from the grave! together on a search for food and other pleasures that leads Action, Based On Comic Book, Drama, Series Pack them to an underground society where life has been Superheroes, War 2013 89min. Jeremy Irons, Derek Jacobi, Joanne preserved! While Vic finds that he has escaped the devastation of the war, he ends up finding something even Tempe DVD 27.08.2013 Whalley, Colm Feore, Sean Harris, Simon more odd! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117369 McBurney, Francois Arnaud, Holliday Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Drama, Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes, Movies, Nuclear Holocaust, Science Fiction Castle: The Complete Fifth Aidan Alexander 1974 min. Season The Borgias is a one-hour drama series based on the Shout Factory 06.08.2013 infamous Italian Renaissance family The Borgias. Jeremy , Irons stars as Rodrigo Borgia, the cunning, manipulative 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117302 Together at last: After four seasons of sparring and heated patriarch of The Borgia family who ascends to the highest banter, TV’s dynamic crime-solving team finds romance in circles of power within Renaissance-era Italy. The series Breakfast At Tiffany’s / Roman ABC’s Castle: The Complete Fifth Season. Relive all 23 begins as the family’s patriarch Rodrigo becomes Pope, unforgettable episodes, complete with never-before-seen propelling him, his two Machiavellian sons Cesare and Juan, Holiday / Sabrina (Triple Feature) bonus features only available on DVD, in this spectacular and his scandalously beautiful daughter, Lucrezia, to become five-disc set. Now that Castle and Beckett („Caskett“) have the most powerful and influential family of the Italian Renais- Audrey Hepburn, William Holden, Mickey finally given in to their true feelings for each other, how will it sance. And all the power and influence eventually leads to Rooney, Humphrey Bogart, Walter affect their work together? As they try to keep their new their demise. Hampden, Gregory Peck, Patricia Neal, relationship under wraps from their co-workers, the unlikely Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, George Peppard, Buddy Ebsen, Eddie Al- duo must track down the murderer of Beckett’s mother, find the Showtime, Television min. perpetrator of a major conspiracy and untangle a line of bert, Martha Hyer, John Williams, Joan Showtime Entertainment 06.08.2013 investigation that links Castle to a ritualistic killing. The Vohs - Dir. Blake Edwards, William Wyler, action and passion heat up like never before in the brilliant 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117612 Billy Wilder fifth season of ABC’s Castle! Sabrina (1954) Sabrina is charming, humorous and aglow with ABC, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, The Borgias: The Third Season some of Hollywood’s greatest stars. Humphrey Bogart, Television 2012 946min. William Holden and Audrey Hepburn star in a Cinderella Disney / Buena Vista 10.09.2013 Jeremy Irons, Francois Arnaud, Holliday story directed by renowned filmmaker Billy Wilder (Sunset Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes Boulevard, Some Like It Hot). Bogie and Holden are the mega- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117384 Oscar winner Jeremy Irons stars in The Borgias, the saga of rich Larrabee brothers of Long Island. Bogie’s all work, history’s most infamous crime family. Conspiring with his Holden’s all playboy. But when Sabrina, daughter of the CAT. 8 ruthless sons and poisonously seductive daughter, the family’s chauffeur, returns from Paris all grown up and charismatic Rodrigo Borgia will let nothing and no one stand glamorous, the stage is set for some family fireworks as the Matthew Modine, Maxim Roy in the way of his relentless quest for wealth and power. brothers fall under the spell of Hepburn’s delightful charms. The greatest breakthrough in global defense research Mercilessly cruel and defiantly decadent, intimidation and Roman Holiday (1953) Roman Holiday was nominated for ten becomes the greatest weapon known to man - and the irrever- murder are his weapons of choice in his scandalous Academy Awards, and Audrey Hepburn captured an Oscar for sible catalyst in bringing about Armageddon. After a ascension to the papacy in Renaissance-era Italy. her portrayal of a modern-day princess rebelling against her government experiment to harness endless energy from the Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, royal obligations who explores Rome on her own. She meets sun goes terribly wrong, it’s only a matter of hours before the Gregory Peck, an American newspaperman who, seeking an Earth’s atmosphere will be ignited. As chaos reigns across Showtime, Television 2013 516min. exclusive story, pretends ignorance of her true identity. But the globe, as government officials relinquish all hope, the Showtime Entertainment 06.08.2013 his plan falters as they fall in love. Eddie Albert contributes to countdown to the end of the world begins and it’s up to one 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117244 the fun as Peck’s carefree cameraman pal. Stylishly directed man, to try and save humanity. by William Wyler, this romanti Action, End Of The World, Mini-Series, Affairs & Love Triangles, AFI Top 100, The Borgias: The Third Season Science Fiction, Television 2013 min. Classics, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.08.2013 (Blu-ray) Romance, Triple Feature min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117294 Jeremy Irons, Joanne Whalley, Francois Paramount 21.05.2013 Arnaud, Holliday Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117398 CAT. 8 (Blu-ray) David Oakes Matthew Modine, Maxim Roy Oscar winner Jeremy Irons stars in The Borgias, the saga of Bullet To The Head (Blu-ray + history’s most infamous crime family. Conspiring with his The greatest breakthrough in global defense research ruthless sons and poisonously seductive daughter, the DVD + Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) becomes the greatest weapon known to man - and the irrever- charismatic Rodrigo Borgia will let nothing and no one stand sible catalyst in bringing about Armageddon. After a in the way of his relentless quest for wealth and power. Christian Slater, , Sung government experiment to harness endless energy from the Mercilessly cruel and defiantly decadent, intimidation and Kang, Sarah Shahi, Jason Momoa - Dir. sun goes terribly wrong, it’s only a matter of hours before the murder are his weapons of choice in his scandalous Earth’s atmosphere will be ignited. As chaos reigns across Walter Hill the globe, as government officials relinquish all hope, the ascension to the papacy in Renaissance-era Italy. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thrillers Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, countdown to the end of the world begins and it’s up to one 2012 min. man, to try and save humanity. Showtime, Television 2013 516min. Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 Action, Blu-ray, End Of The World, Mini- Showtime Entertainment 06.08.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117442 Series, Science Fiction, Television 2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117254 min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.08.2013

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117304 cases of demonic possessions across the country. The story 1275min. follows a young godless man who is being recruited into the cloth in order to prepare a new generation with the tools Image Ent. 13.08.2013 Charlie Chan Collection needed to stop the rise of the ultimate evil; Beelzebub. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117537 Charlie Chan Action, Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Classics, Possession 2012 88min. The Damned Collections, Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.08.2013 Marcel Dalio, Henri Vidal, Florence Marly - Mysteries, Mystery min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117364 Dir. Rene Clement Warner Bros. 06.08.2013 René Clément’s feature, set during the closing days of WWII Cloudburst and following the doomed escape of a group of Nazi’s and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117248 sympathizers as they flee for South America aboard a subma- Brenda Fricker, John Dunsworth - Dir. rine, won the Best Adventure and at Cannes. Charulata: The Criterion Thom Fitzgerald Drama, Movies, War, World War II 1947 This hilarious road movie co-stars Oscar-winning actresses 105min. Collection Brenda Fricker and Olympia Dukakis as Dot and Stella, a This film about a woman’s artistic and romantic yearning by crackerjack lesbian couple on the run from a nursing home. E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Satyajit Ray (The Music Room) is set in late nineteenth- You’ll laugh so hard you’ll cry. Stella and Dot have been 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117492 century, pre-independence India. It takes place in the together for 31 years and have faithfully accompanied one gracious home of a liberal-minded, workaholic newspaper another through life’s ups and downs. Now in their seventies, editor and his lonely, stifled wife, Charulata (The Big City’s Stella is hard of hearing and Dot is legally blind. Dotty’s The Damned (Blu-ray) Madhabi Mukherjee), whose exquisitely composed features prudish granddaughter, Molly (played by Genie Award-winner Marcel Dalio, Henri Vidal, Florence Marly - mask a burning creativity. When her husband’s poet cousin Kristin Booth), decides the best place for Dot is a nursing comes to stay with them, Charulata finds herself both inspired home that will provide all the necessities. This forces Stella Dir. Rene Clement by him to pursue her own writing and dangerously drawn to and Dot to make a bold decision: they will leave their René Clément’s feature, set during the closing days of WWII him physically. Based on a novella by the great Rabindranath hometown in Maine and make their way to Canada, where and following the doomed escape of a group of Nazi’s and Tagore, Charulata is a work of subtle textures, a delicate tale same-sex marriage is legal. It’s a last-gasp bid to stay sympathizers as they flee for South America aboard a subma- of a marriage in jeopardy and a woman taking the first steps together. En route to Canada, they pick up a young hitchhiker, rine, won the Best Adventure and Crime Film at Cannes. toward establishing her own voice. Prentice, played by newcomer Ryan Doucette. A small-town Drama, Movies, War, World War II 1947 Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, boy turned modern dancer, he is returning to Nova Scotia to 105min. visit his dying mother. Despite his bravado, Prentice is a Historical / Period Piece, Indian, Movies, confused and wounded soul who has much to learn from Stella E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Romance 1964 118min. and Dot as they wage their own unexpected battle - after thre 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117512 Criterion 20.08.2013 Adventure, Canadian, Comedy, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117266 Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies Deadly Swarm 2011 93min. Pepe Serna, Shane Brolly Charulata: The Criterion Wolfe Video 30.07.2013 Seeking out a cure for his wife’s serious illness, gonzo 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117240 scientist Jacob Schroeder (J. Patrick McCormack) heads Collection (Blu-ray) deep into a forbidden jungle in Guatemala, trapping thousands This film about a woman’s artistic and romantic yearning by of killer wasps. Working with secret military backing, it is Satyajit Ray (The Music Room) is set in late nineteenth- Clunkers Schroeder’s contention that the venom from the wasp’s century, pre-independence India. It takes place in the When an injury crushes Ritchie’s dreams of playing Major stingers can be of great medicinal benefit. But when they try gracious home of a liberal-minded, workaholic newspaper League Baseball, he is forced to join a dubious team of used to illegally smuggle the wasps into the US, the truck they are editor and his lonely, stifled wife, Charulata (The Big City’s car salesmen. With a drunk receptionist and a not-so-handy on crashes and the wasps are set free to wreak havoc, Madhabi Mukherjee), whose exquisitely composed features mechanic, you’ll get more than you bargained for. making a direct path to a small unsuspecting town. It is up to mask a burning creativity. When her husband’s poet cousin an American entomologist Daniel Lang (Shane Brolly) and a comes to stay with them, Charulata finds herself both inspired Baseball, Comedy, Movies, Sports min. nosey writer Sandra Kern (Kaarina Aufranc) to stop these by him to pursue her own writing and dangerously drawn to Green Apple Entertainment 17.09.2013 deadly wasps - as they lay eggs in their victims to hatch him physically. Based on a novella by the great Rabindranath 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117519 thousands more wasps - before it’s too late. Tagore, Charulata is a work of subtle textures, a delicate tale Action, Bugs, Horror, Movies, Science of a marriage in jeopardy and a woman taking the first steps Fiction, Thrillers, TV Movies 2003 90min. toward establishing her own voice. Collision Course Lionsgate 13.08.2013 Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Tia Carrere, Dee Wallace, David Chokachi Historical / Period Piece, Indian, Movies, Wendy Parks has spent the past year on tour supporting her 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117407 Romance 1964 118min. book, an in-depth look at the attempted cover up of her husband’s death in a plane crash. Now all she wants is to Death Hunt (Blu-ray) Criterion 20.08.2013 return home to her mother Connie and her daughter, 15-year- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117282 old Samantha. But when a powerful solar flare strikes her Carl Weathers, Charles Bronson, Ed Lau- flight home, killing the , knocking out the co-pilot and ter, , Andrew Stevens, Angie frying all the electronic systems on the plane, it looks like she Chihuahua Too! may not get there. As sets in among the passengers, Dickinson - Dir. Peter Hunt When the Fasteners inherit an old family vacation home, they Wendy works with flight attendant Jake to manage the On December 31, 1931, lone trapper Albert Johnson (Charles soon realize it’s being haunted by their ancestors’ famous growing chaos and tension on the plane as she tries to keep Bronson) shot and killed a man in self-defense at his remote movie star dog, Sophie. Homer, their golden retriever, 30,000 tons of steel hurtling through the air at 500 miles per Yukon cabin. A few days later, hard-living lawman Sgt. Edgar befriends Sophie and discovers that she is just looking for a hour. Flying blind, Wendy tries to find a way to communicate Millen (Lee Marvin) reluctantly brought a heavily armed family to love. Now it’s up to Homer and the Fastener kids to with air traffic control - one way or another, this plane is posse to arrest Johnson for murder. In the brutal siege that convince their parents that Sophie really exists and keep them coming down. With the passengers’ lives on the line, Wendy followed, Johnson would kill four more men before escaping from selling the house and leaving Sophie alone forever. Will will have to find a way to land safely... or never see her into the frozen mountains. As a national watched, Millen was Sophie finally have a family again? Find out in this hilarious, daughter again. forced to pursue Johnson by foot, dogsled and plane in a tail-wagging adventure, the whole family will enjoy! desperate chase that would take both men from the brink of Action, Aerial Action, Disasters, Movies, survival to the very edge of vengeance. Fifteen years after Animals & Nature, Children’s, Family, Thrillers 2012 84min. The Dirty Dozen, Bronson and Marvin re-teamed for this Ghosts, Movies 2013 82min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 explosive action hit directed by Peter Hunt (On Her E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Majesty’s Secret Service, Assassination). Andrew Stevens, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117326 Carl Weathers and Angie Dickinson co-star in this real-life 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117491 story of the fugitive called ‘The Mad Trapper’ and the manhunt Combat!: Season Five that shocked the world. Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Western, The China Syndrome Dennis Hopper, Telly Savalas, Sal Mineo, Wilderness 1981 97min. Michael Douglas, , Jane Robert Duvall, Vic Morrow, Claude Akins, Shout Factory 25.01.2005 Fonda - Dir. James Bridges , Ricardo Montalban, Wayne Ro- In 1979, The China Syndrome was the movie everyone was 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117336 talking about, thanks to the enormous publicity generated by gers, Rick Jason, Pierre Jalbert, Jack the real-life Three Mile Island accident that not only mirrored Hogan, Dick Peabody - Dir. Bernard the events depicted in the film but occurred just twelve days McEveety The Deep after the movie’s release. One of television’s most popular series, the groundbreaking The Deep tells the incredible true story of survival and human AFI Top 100, Classics, Conspiracies, Dra- Combat! offers a gritty, unflinching look at American soldiers endurance. As a sole survivor of a tragic shipwreck in the ma, Movies, Thrillers 1979 121min. battling in Europe during World War II, confronting imposing Icelandic Ocean in 1984, a local fisherman survives via his odds and demonstrating remarkable levels of ingenuity and superhuman will to survive which made him both an Image Ent. 20.08.2013 courage. Vic Morrow and Rick Jason head a stellar cast in inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117540 the critically acclaimed long-running war drama, featuring an hero. incomparable list of guest stars from Hollywood’s Golden Age Virgil Films And Entertainment, Drama, The Cloth as well as top directorial talent. This collection includes all Foreign, High Seas, Icelandic, Movies 2012 25 episodes from the fifth and final season of this min. Eric Roberts, Danny Trejo, Steven Brand groundbreaking, classic TV series! Action/horror story centered on a secret organization formed Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Milita- Virgil Films And Entertainment 13.08.2013 by the Catholic Church to counteract the rising number of ry, Television, War, World War II 1967 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117445

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and horrific visions into his mind. As he descends deeper and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117318 deeper into the dark places of his mind an intervention is Defiance made by the powerful angel Joshua and war for Jason and his Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Mark Feuer- family is on ‘Divination’ is a spiritual warfare thriller like no Dracula: Prince of Darkness - stein, Jamie Bell, Alexa Davalos, Allan other you’ve seen. Action, Fantasy, Movies, Thrillers 2011 Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Corduner - Dir. Edward Zwick Andrew Keir, Christopher Lee, Barbara Daniel Craig (James Bond: The Quantum of Solace) stars as 98min. Tuvia Bielski, an ordinary citizen turned hero, in this action- E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Shelley, Francis Matthews, Suzan Farmer - packed epic of family, honor, vengeance and salvation. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117508 Dir. Terence Fisher Defiance is a riveting adventure that showcases the A young party traveling to the Carpathian Mountains receives extraordinary true story of the Bielski brothers, simple a strange warning from Father Sandor, the Abbot of Kleinberg, farmers - outnumbered and outgunned - who turned a group of Do Not Disturb telling them not to proceed with their plans. Despite his war refugees into powerful freedom fighters. Tuvia, along with advice, the Kents continue but are prematurely abandoned in a his unyielding brother, Zus (Liev Schreiber, X-Men Origins: Corey Haim, Stephen Geoffreys, Tiffany forest by their coachman, who refuses to continue after dark. Wolverine), motivate hundreds of civilians to join their ranks Shepis Finally, their luck is changing it seems, when another against the Nazi regime. Their „Inspirational story“ (David Holed up in a seedy hotel, Hollywood screenwriter Don mysterious black coach appears and delivers them to an Densby, The New Yorker) is a true testament to the human Malek (Fright Night’s Stephen Geoffreys) is scripting a enormous, eerie castle where they are offered the hospitality spirit. diabolical plan for revenge. But instead of writing about a of Count Dracula... Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers, War, bloodthirsty serial killer, Don is doing the dirty work with his British, Dracula, Foreign, Hammer House Of own hands. Tiffany Shepis (Cyrus) and Corey Haim (The Lost World War II 2008 min. Boys) also star in this gritty, jolting thriller where no one is Horror, Horror, Movies, Vampires 1965 Paramount 01.01.2013 safe... and checkout time is sooner than you think. 90min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117604 Horror, Movies, Slasher, Thrillers 2013 Millennium Entertainment 03.09.2013 85min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117552 Defiance (Blu-ray) Image Ent. 06.08.2013 Liev Schreiber, Daniel Craig, Jamie Bell, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117531 The Duchess Alexa Davalos - Dir. Edward Zwick Ralph Fiennes, Charlotte Rampling, Keira Daniel Craig (James Bond: The Quantum of Solace) stars as : Spearhead From Knightley, Simon McBurney, Dominic Tuvia Bielski, an ordinary citizen turned hero, in this action- packed epic of family, honor, vengeance and salvation. Space: Special Edition (Blu-ray) Cooper, Hayley Atwell - Dir. Saul Dibb Defiance is a riveting adventure that showcases the Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Caroline Academy Award nominees Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes extraordinary true story of the Bielski brothers, simple star in The Duchess: the compelling true story of a lavish farmers - outnumbered and outgunned - who turned a group of John - Dir. Derek Martinus world filled with smoldering passion, heartbreaking deception war refugees into powerful freedom fighters. Tuvia, along with Exile! The Time Lords have banished the newly regenerated and stifling demands. Beloved by a nation but betrayed by her his unyielding brother, Zus (Liev Schreiber, X-Men Origins: Doctor to Earth. But the Doctor isn’t the only alien to have husband, Georgiana Spencer - the Duchess of Devonshire Wolverine), motivate hundreds of civilians to join their ranks arrived, as a swarm of meteorites have crashed into the and „Empress of Fashion“ - faced an agonizing choice against the Nazi regime. Their „Inspirational story“ (David sleepy English countryside, bringing with them a terrible new between responsibility and love. This gripping portrayal of Densby, The New Yorker) is a true testament to the human threat to mankind. As the Nestene plan takes shape, Unit, the ’s „It Girl“ has won acclaim from audiences and critics spirit. Doctor and his newly appointed scientific advisor, Liz Shaw, alike. She was vivacious. She was heroic. She was The Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Thrillers, race against time to stop humanity being replaced by a Duchess. terrifying plastic facsimile race. Academy Award Winners, Art House, Bri- War, World War II 2008 min. BBC, Blu-ray, British, Cult Film / TV, tish, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Paramount 01.01.2013 Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, Piece, Movies 2008 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117623 Television, Time Travel 1970 96min. Paramount 01.01.2013 BBC Home Video 13.08.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117415 Desperate Measures 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117589 Michael Keaton, Andy Garcia, Brian Cox, The Duchess (Blu-ray) Joseph Cross, - Dir. Doctor Who: The Green Death - Ralph Fiennes, Charlotte Rampling, Keira Barbet Schroeder Special Edition It’s a parent’s worst nightmare and cop’s harshest test: Frank Knightley, Dominic Cooper, Hayley Atwell - Conner is a dedicated officer and devoted father. He’ll do Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning - Dir. Michael Dir. Saul Dibb anything to find a bone-marrow donor for his dying son, Briant Academy Award nominees Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes including break into the FBI’s computer and solicit the help of While the Doctor indulges his wanderlust with a brief trip to star in The Duchess: the compelling true story of a lavish a ruthless killer. But when the killer escapes from the prison Metebilis 3, the Brigadier of Jo Grant drive to South Wales to world filled with smoldering passion, heartbreaking deception hospital, leaving scorched bodies in his wake, Frank must investigate the death of a miner at a disused pit owned by the and stifling demands. Beloved by a nation but betrayed by her endanger innocent people or kill the only man who can save mysterious Global Chemicals. The most astonishing symptom husband, Georgiana Spencer - the Duchess of Devonshire his son. of the minor’s fatal disease is the it leaves the skin bright and „Empress of Fashion“ - faced an agonizing choice Action, Adventure, Crime, Love Gone Bad, green. The Doctor arrives on the scene and soon suspects between responsibility and love. This gripping portrayal of Movies, Thrillers 1998 101min. that the Global Chemicals factory management may have England’s „It Girl“ has won acclaim from audiences and critics something to hide. When he and Jo Discover a vast green alike. She was vivacious. She was heroic. She was The Image Ent. 20.08.2013 lake teeming with deadly giant maggots hidden in the Duchess. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117541 abandoned mine, he fears the threat may have already reached Academy Award Winners, Art House, Blu- global proportions. ray, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Detour BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Inter- Period Piece, Movies 2008 109min. national TV, Science Fiction, Television, Neil Hopkins, Brea Grant - Dir. William Paramount 01.01.2013 Time Travel 1973 153min. Dickerson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117423 Trapped inside his car by a mud slide, slick LA businessman BBC Home Video 13.08.2013 Jackson Alder suddenly finds himself in a situation he can’t 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117573 Early Fassbinder: Eclipse From talk his way out of. With no hope of rescue, he must defy the odds, battling Mother Nature for his survival. Dog Pound The Criterion Collection Movies, Thrillers 2013 86min. Eddie Constantine, Ulli Lommel, Lou Castel, Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel - Dir. Kim Kino Video 13.08.2013 Gunther Kaufmann, Hanna Schygulla, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117277 Chapiron In this gritty, award-winning drama, three teenage boys have a Margarethe Von Trotta - Dir. Rainer Werner rude awakening when they end up in a juvenile detention Fassbinder Dick center. Facing attacks by hardened criminals and ruthless From the very beginning of his incandescent career, the New Kirsten Dunst, Dan Hedaya, Dave Foley, guards, they are forced to do whatever it takes to survive. German Cinema enfant terrible Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Troubled (, Berlin Alexanderplatz) refused to play by Michelle Williams, Harry Shearer - Dir. Youth 2010 91min. the rules. His politically charged, experimental first films, Andrew Fleming made at an astonishingly rapid rate between 1969 and 1971, New Video DVD 13.08.2013 Comedy, Movies, Politics 1999 94min. were influenced by the work of the antiteater, an avant-garde 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117393 stage troupe that he had helped found in . Collected Image Ent. 06.08.2013 here are five of those fascinating and confrontational works; 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117530 whether a self-conscious meditation on American crime Dolls Of Voodoo movies, a scathing indictment of xenophobia in contemporary Miguel Nunez, Obba Babatunde, Kenya Germany, or an off-the-wall look at the dysfunctional Divination relationships on film sets, each is a startling glimpse into the Spiritual forces collide in a supernatural battle between good Moore - Dir. Alan Smithee mind of a twentysomething man who would become one of and evil. Jason is a young, successful artist married to the Successful newlyweds become the object of a powerful cinema’s most madly prolific artists. Films Include Love Is lovely Jessica. They’re filled with joy at their first pregnancy Voodoo Priest who exacts revenge for his scorned daughter. Colder Than Death For his debut, Fassbinder fashioned an and the uncanny return of their mysterious friend Dee. But Movies, Revenge, Thrillers 2009 90min. acerbic, unorthodox crime drama about a love triangle Jasonis tormented by Fear continually whispering nightmares involving the small-time pimp Franz (Fassbinder), his Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.08.2013 gangster friend Bruno (Ulli Lommel), and Franz’s prostitute

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 44 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA girlfriend, Joanna (future Fassbinder mainstay Hanna an all-out, frenzied run for his life with the only person left violent demon on a bloodthirsty quest to possess them all. Schygulla). Wi who needs him alive: The 15 year-old daughter he barely Who will be left to fight for their survival and defeat this Comedy, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, knows. The result is a stylishly intricate, non-stop espionage unearthly force of murderous carnage? Foreign, German, Movies 453min. thriller that unravels an international conspiracy against a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Horror, raw emotional underpinning. Movies 2013 91min. Criterion 27.08.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Conspiracies, Movies, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117268 Thrillers 2012 100min. 16.07.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 16.07.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117449 The Earrings Of Madame De: The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117232 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Evil Dead (DVD + Ultraviolet) Charles Boyer, Danielle Darrieux - Dir. Max Event Horizon Jessica Lucas, , Shiloh Ophuls , Kathleen Quinlan, Fernandez, Jane Levy - Dir. Fede Alvarez French master Max Ophuls’s most cherished work, The Jack Noseworthy, Joely Richardson, Sam Earrings of Madame de... is an emotionally profound, A secluded cabin. An ancient curse. An unrelenting evil. The cinematographically adventurous tale of false opulence and Neill - Dir. Paul Anderson original producers reunite to present a genuinely terrifying tragic romance. When the aristocratic woman known only as Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, re-imagining of their original horror masterpiece. Five young Madame de... (the extraordinary Danielle Darrieux) sells her Space 1997 min. friends have found the mysterious and fiercely powerful Book earrings, unbeknownst to her husband(Charles Boyer), in of the Dead. Unable to resist its temptation, they release a order to pay personal debts, she sets off a chain reaction, the Paramount 01.01.2013 violent demon on a bloodthirsty quest to possess them all. financial and carnal consequences of which can only end in 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117231 Who will be left to fight for their survival and defeat this despair. Ophuls adapts Louise de Vilmorin’s incisive de unearthly force of murderous carnage? siecle novella with virtuosic camera work so elegant and Horror, Movies 2013 91min. precise it’s been called the equal to that of Orson Welles. Event Horizon (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Art House, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Laurence Fishburne, Kathleen Quinlan, 16.07.2013 Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Jack Noseworthy, Joely Richardson, Sam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117455 French, Movies, Romance 1953 100min. Neill - Dir. Paul Anderson Criterion 06.08.2013 Its name: Event Horizon. The high-tech, pioneering research The Extraordinary Adventures Of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117280 spacecraft mysteriously vanished, , on its maiden voyage seven years earlier. But a weak, persistent Adele Blanc-Sec signal from the long-missing craft prompts a rescue team, Elementary: The First Season headed by the intrepid Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne, , Gilles Lellouche, Louise The Matrix and Mission: Impossible III), to wing its way Bourgoin - Dir. Luc Besson Aidan Quinn, Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu through the galaxy on a bold rescue mission. Accompanying From Luc Besson - As the tale opens, Adele, a redheaded , Elementary, a contemporary take on the legendary detective Miller is his elite crew and the lost ship’s designer (Sam wisecracking, hard-living adventurer-cum-novelist living in Sherlock Holmes who investigates crimes in modern-day New Neill, Jurassic Park); their mission is to find and salvage the pre-WWI is on a mission in Egypt. She is attempting York City as a consultant to the NYPD and is assisted by state-of-the-art spacecraft. What they uncover - instead - is to retrieve a sarcophagus and tote it back to Western Europe, Joan Watson, a former surgeon, who is hired by Holmes’ state-of-the-art, interstellar horror. Kathleen Quinlan (Apollo while fending off complications wrought by her nemesis, wealthy father to help keep the eccentric detective sober. 13) and Joely Richardson (TV’s Nip/Tuck) also star in this archaeologist Dieuleveult. She succeeds on both fronts, but CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, gripping sci-fi thriller. runs headfirst into another issue: a Parisian scientist with the Sherlock Holmes, Television 2012 min. Paramount, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, power to heal Adele’s comatose sister has accidentally let Science Fiction, Space 1997 min. loose an ancient Pterodactyl above the Parisian skies. While Paramount Pictures 27.08.2013 a zany detective and a hunter attempt to eliminate the 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117436 Paramount 01.01.2013 creature, the villains turn up yet again and try to thwart 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117236 Adele’s long-term plans. Emperor (Blu-ray + Ultraviolet) Action, Adventure, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, French, Movies, Mystery (Blu-ray) Evidence Stephen Moyer, Radha Mitchell, Nolan 2010 107min. Tommy Lee Jones, Eriko Hatsune, Matthew Gerard Funk - Dir. Olatunde Osunsanmi Shout Factory 13.08.2013 Fox - Dir. Peter Webb Detectives Burquez (Radha Mitchell, Silent Hill) and Reese 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117291 A gripping tale of love and honor forged between fierce (Stephen Moyer, ) are desperately hunting for enemies of war, inspired by true events and starring Matthew answers as to why five people were brutally murdered at an Fox and Academy Award-winner Tommy Lee Jones as General abandoned gas station in the middle of the desert. The only The Extraordinary Adventures Of Douglas MacArthur. Immediately after Emperor Hirohito’s evidence they have is captured video footage found on the Adele Blanc-Sec (Blu-ray + DVD + World War II surrender, General MacArthur (Jones) victims’ cameras and cell phones. As the mystery unfolds, it suddenly finds himself the de facto ruler of a foreign nation. becomes chillingly clear that the killer is taunting the Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) He challenges his expert on Japanese culture - General investigators, and the only way to end this bloody reign of Fellers (Fox) - to provide evidence in 10 short days to decide terror is to decipher the deadly puzzle before he kills again. Mathieu Amalric, Gilles Lellouche, Louise if the Japanese Emperor, worshipped as a god by his people Detectives, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Bourgoin - Dir. Luc Besson but accused of war crimes, should be punished or saved. The From Luc Besson - As the tale opens, Adele, a redheaded , fate of a nation awaits... min. wisecracking, hard-living adventurer-cum-novelist living in Action, Blu-ray, Drama, History & Events, Image Ent. 20.08.2013 pre-WWI France is on a mission in Egypt. She is attempting Movies, Romance, War 2012 105min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117542 to retrieve a sarcophagus and tote it back to Western Europe, while fending off complications wrought by her nemesis, Lionsgate 13.08.2013 archaeologist Dieuleveult. She succeeds on both fronts, but 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117418 Evidence (Blu-ray) runs headfirst into another issue: a Parisian scientist with the power to heal Adele’s comatose sister has accidentally let Stephen Moyer, Radha Mitchell, Nolan loose an ancient Pterodactyl above the Parisian skies. While Emperor (DVD + UltraViolet) Gerard Funk - Dir. Olatunde Osunsanmi a zany detective and a hunter attempt to eliminate the Tommy Lee Jones, Eriko Hatsune, Matthew Detectives Burquez (Radha Mitchell, Silent Hill) and Reese creature, the villains turn up yet again and try to thwart Fox - Dir. Peter Webb (Stephen Moyer, True Blood) are desperately hunting for Adele’s long-term plans. answers as to why five people were brutally murdered at an Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Children’s, A gripping tale of love and honor forged between fierce abandoned gas station in the middle of the desert. The only enemies of war, inspired by true events and starring Matthew evidence they have is captured video footage found on the Family, Fantasy, Foreign, French, Movies, Fox and Academy Award-winner Tommy Lee Jones as General victims’ cameras and cell phones. As the mystery unfolds, it Mystery 2010 107min. Douglas MacArthur. Immediately after Emperor Hirohito’s becomes chillingly clear that the killer is taunting the Shout Factory 13.08.2013 World War II surrender, General MacArthur (Jones) investigators, and the only way to end this bloody reign of suddenly finds himself the de facto ruler of a foreign nation. terror is to decipher the deadly puzzle before he kills again. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117303 He challenges his expert on Japanese culture - General Fellers (Fox) - to provide evidence in 10 short days to decide Detectives, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 if the Japanese Emperor, worshipped as a god by his people min. Flying Monkeys but accused of war crimes, should be punished or saved. The Image Ent. 20.08.2013 Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, fate of a nation awaits... 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117559 TV Movies 2013 85min. Action, Drama, History & Events, Movies, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Romance, War 2012 105min. 16.07.2013 Lionsgate 13.08.2013 Evil Dead (Blu-ray + Ultraviolet) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117296 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117408 (Blu-ray) Jessica Lucas, Lou Taylor Pucci, Shiloh Erased (Blu-ray) Fernandez, Jane Levy - Dir. Fede Alvarez The Freedom Of Silence A secluded cabin. An ancient curse. An unrelenting evil. The In the year 2030, America has become a twisted version of Aaron Eckhart, Neil Napier, Liana Liberato, original producers reunite to present a genuinely terrifying freedom. Truth is silenced, and those with bold faith are now Olga Kurylenko - Dir. Philipp Stolzl re-imagining of their original horror masterpiece. Five young terrorists - terrorists who must be hunted down and When former CIA agent Ben Logan (Aaron Eckhart) finds friends have found the mysterious and fiercely powerful Book destroyed. With the help of his friend Aaron, a Navy SEAL himself suddenly targeted for termination, he is propelled into of the Dead. Unable to resist its temptation, they release a with expert computer skills, Zach devises a plan to breach the government’s lockdown on rogue webcasts. But his

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA proclamation of faith comes with a heavy price. Now, terrible crime they didn’t commit. Now, Roadblock (Dwayne Final Season imprisoned by the ruthless government official, Jack Johnson), Duke (Channing Tatum) and the other G.I. Joes Johansen, Zach must fight for his life, his friends, and his must once again face their mortal enemy, COBRA, as well as Barry Fitzgerald, Kris Williams, Joe Chin, precious wife and children. But even with death pounding at dangerous new threats operating within the government. Paul Bradford his door, Zach must complete his mission - a mission from When all else fails, one option remains: Retaliation. Join the TAPS team as they travel to new, exotic locales and which, he may never return. The Freedom of Silence is a Roadblock steps up to lead a new team (including Bruce the most remote places of the world to hunt the paranormal in riveting story, one which will churn the fires for freedom in us Willis) on this explosive adventure critics are calling „unlike their third and final season. Supernatural investigations all. any action movie you’ve ever seen. A thrilling ride that leaves include the ominous Castle Rising castle where Queen Drama, In The Future..., Movies, Special you wanting more“ (Raquel Baldwin, Talking Pictures). Isabella of France (whom was known as the She-Wolf) used Forces, Terrorism 2011 96min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Military, to live, eerie Mayan Ruins where ancient rituals included Movies, Science Fiction, Special Forces, violent bloodletting and human sacrifice, and even the E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 mysterious birthplace of Frankenstein in Italy! Get ready for a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117498 Thrillers 2013 70min. hauntingly good time full of ghostly figures and unearthly Paramount Pictures 30.07.2013 encounters! From The Head 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117549 Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Myths & Legends, Science Fiction, Supernatural & Matthew Lillard New York City. Fall, 1995. Below the sidewalks of Times G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (Blu-ray Paranormal, Television 2012 572min. Square is a strip club where beautiful women work the pole 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Image Ent. 27.08.2013 for money at night. But beyond the Main Stage, and behind the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117561 Men’s Room door you’ll find „Shoes,“ a bathroom attendant Copy) (Blu-ray) who offers a different kind of performance. After three years Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum, Adrianne on the job, Shoes has mastered the art of giving advice, Ghost: Special Collector’s Edition compliments or a sympathetic ear to his many visitors - all for Palicki - Dir. Jon Chu the sake of getting as much cash as possible into his tip bowl. PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Patrick But on the night of his three-year anniversary at the club, is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Swayze, Tony Goldwyn - Dir. Shoes’ customers and coworkers start making him take a look A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all One of the most memorable romantic films ever and winner of at his own life. Will Shoes learn to take some of his own standard Blu-ray players. „The greatest American Heroes are two Academy Awards, Sam (Patrick Swayze), living as a advice? Based on the real life story of writer-director-star back“ (Julian Roman, Movieweb.com) and they’ve been set up ghost, discovers his death wasn’t just a random robbery gone George Griffith, From The Head is a truly original film that to take the fall for a terrible crime they didn’t commit. Now, bad. To help him reconnect with the love of his life, Molly shows it’s never too late to stop your life from going down the Roadblock (Dwayne Johnson), Duke (Channing Tatum) and (Demi Moore), and solve his own murder, he enlists the toilet. the other G.I. Joes must once again face their mortal enemy, talents of a skeptical psychic (Oscar-winner Whoopi Gold- Drama, Movies, On The Job 2012 95min. COBRA, as well as dangerous new threats operating within berg), who doesn’t even believe her own abilities. Ghost is a the government. When all else fails, one option remains: supernatural mystery-thriller that will cross over into your Breaking Glass Pictures 02.07.2013 Retaliation. Roadblock steps up to lead a new team (including heart and never leave. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117522 Bruce Willis) on this explosive adventure critics are calling Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, „unlike any action movie you’ve ever seen. A thrilling ride that leaves you wanting more“ (Raquel Baldwin, Talking Pictures). Drama, Fantasy, Ghosts, Movies, Romance, From This Day Forward Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Supernatural & Paranormal, Tearjerkers, Essence Atkins, Vanessa Simmons, Military, Movies, Science Fiction, Special Thrillers 1990 min. JoMarie Payton - Dir. Roger Melvin Forces, Thrillers 2013 70min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Patrice and Corrine are two sexy, confident women with great 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117606 relationships, but they’ve got it all wrong when it comes to Paramount Pictures 30.07.2013 love. Before they drive their men crazy, they’ve got some 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117550 tough lessons to learn about trust and fidelity, if they hope to Gladiator make love last. Starring Leon, Essence Atkins, Vanessa Simmons and Antwon Tanner, From This Day Forward is the Gallowwalkers (DVD + Russell Crowe, Richard Harris, Oliver fresh and funny look at romance, run-ins and bad decisions. UltraViolet) Reed, Djimon Hounsou, Joaquin Phoenix, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 Derek Jacobi, Connie Nielsen - Dir. Ridley Wesley Snipes, Riley Smith, Kevin Howarth 88min. Scott - Dir. Andrew Goth Image Ent. 13.08.2013 A mysterious gunman, Aman (Wesley Snipes), is the son of a Academy Award Winners, Action, Ancient 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117538 nun who breaks her covenant with God to ensure his survival. / Rome, Drama, Epics, Historical / This act brings a curse upon Aman - all those that die by his Period Piece, Movies, Revenge, War 2000 gun will return. Soon, he is hunted by a gang of his undead Frostbite! former victims, led by the vicious Kansa. Aman enlists min. Katherine Isabelle, Viv Leacock Fabulos, a new young warrior, to fight by his side. Paramount 01.01.2013 Adam, an uptight Toronto lawyer, goes back to his hometown Action, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117386 of Fernie and tries to save his friend’s business. It’s a We- Paranormal, Western 90min. stern Canadian adventure, with Sasq sightings, bikini pillow fights, and of course, the Rangers. Lionsgate 06.08.2013 Gladiator: Sapphire Series (Blu- Comedy, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117297 ray) 2013 90min. Russell Crowe, Richard Harris, Oliver Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.08.2013 Ghost (Blu-ray) Reed, Djimon Hounsou, Joaquin Phoenix, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117362 Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Patrick Derek Jacobi, Connie Nielsen - Dir. Ridley Swayze, Tony Goldwyn - Dir. Jerry Zucker Scott G.I. Joe: Retaliation One of the most memorable romantic films ever and winner of Featuring both the theatrical and extended versions in the two Academy Awards®, Sam (Patrick Swayze, living as a perfect picture and sound, Gladiator now sparkles like never Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum, Adrianne ghost, discovers his death wasn’t just a random robbery gone before. The stunning historical epic follows Maximus Palicki - Dir. Jon Chu bad. To help him reconnect with the love of his life, Molly Meridas, the brave general who was forced into slavery, The greatest American Heroes are back“ (Julian Roman, (Demi Moore), and solve his murder, he enlists he talents of a emerged as a gladiator, and defied an empire. Winner of five Movieweb.com) and they’ve been set up to take the fall for a skeptical psychic (Oscar®-winner Whoopi Goldberg), who Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor, terrible crime they didn’t commit. Now, Roadblock (Dwayne doesn’t even believe her own abilities. Ghost is a Gladiator is a magnificent combination of vivid action and Johnson), Duke (Channing Tatum) and the other G.I. Joes supernatural mystery-thriller that will cross over into your extraordinary storytelling. Masterfully directed by Ridley must once again face their mortal enemy, COBRA, as well as heart and never leave. Scott, and featuring a riveting performance from Russell dangerous new threats operating within the government. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Crowe, it is truly „a colossus of rousing action“ (Peter Tra- When all else fails, one option remains: Retaliation. Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Ghosts, Movies, vers, ). Roadblock steps up to lead a new team (including Bruce Academy Award Winners, Action, Ancient Willis) on this explosive adventure critics are calling „unlike Romance, Supernatural & Paranormal, any action movie you’ve ever seen. A thrilling ride that leaves Tearjerkers, Thrillers 1990 min. Greece / Rome, Boxed Sets, Drama, Epics, you wanting more“ (Raquel Baldwin, Talking Pictures). Paramount 01.01.2013 Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Revenge, Action, Adventure, Military, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117624 War 2000 min. Science Fiction, Special Forces, Thrillers Paramount 01.01.2013 2013 70min. The Ghost And The Darkness 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117350 Paramount Pictures 30.07.2013 Val Kilmer, Michael Douglas - Dir. Stephen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117518 Hopkins : The Fourth Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Cult Film / Season G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Blu-ray + TV, Jungle, Movies, Thrillers 1996 min. Josh Charles, Christine Baranski, Alan DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Paramount 01.01.2013 Cumming, Julianna Margulies, Archie Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum, Adrianne 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117230 Panjabi, Chris Noth, Matt Czuchry, Palicki - Dir. Jon Chu Makenzie Vega The greatest American Heroes are back“ (Julian Roman, Ghost Hunters International: The The Good Wife is a gripping blend of courtroom drama, Movieweb.com) and they’ve been set up to take the fall for a politics and steamy personal relationships that stars Emmy

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and Golden Globe Award winner Julianna Margulies as Alicia New Video DVD 20.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117625 Florrick, a wife and mother who reclaims control of her personal and professional lives after her husband, Peter, is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117394 embroiled in a sex and political corruption . As Alicia I Killed My Mother adapts to changes at home and at work as a defense attorney, Hollywood And Wine she continues to redefine and rediscover the woman she Xavier Dolan, Francois Arnaud - Dir. Xavier wishes to be. Pamela Anderson, Vivica A. Fox, Norm Dolan Affairs & Love Triangles, CBS, Drama, MacDonald, Nicky Whelan Focusing on the relationship between Hubert Minel (Xavier Lawyers / Legal Issues, Politics, Romance, An aspiring actress impersonates her celebrity look-alike Dolan), a 16-year-old Quebecois living in suburban Montreal, nemesis in order to save her boyfriend from a trigger-happy and his single mother Chantale (Anne Dorval), I Killed My Television 2012 min. mobster. It’s the performance of her life - With his on the line. Mother beautifully captures the anxieties of a mother-son Paramount Pictures 20.08.2013 relationship. While he gauges her with contempt, only seeing Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies min. her out-of-date sweater and kitschy decor, the ingrained 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117433 Green Apple Entertainment 20.08.2013 mechanisms (i.e. manipulation and guilt) of their relationship 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117223 beautifully (and tragically) unravel on the big screen. After its Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete 2009 debut, I Killed My Mother was nominated for dozens of international film festival awards, and quicklybecame an Ninth Season The Hot Spot / Killing Me Softly international sensation - launching Dolan’s career in the international film scene. But in the US, the film was never Patrick Dempsey, Sandra Oh, Justin (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) released: until now. Chambers, Ellen Pompeo, James Pickens, Don Johnson, Virginia Madsen, Jennifer Biopics, Dark Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Connelly, , Joseph Fiennes French, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies It’s a year of bold new beginnings as your favorite doctors return to Seattle Grace for the biggest challenge of their - Dir. Dennis Hopper, Kaige Chen 2012 96min. lives. Experience every breathtaking moment with all 24 Double Features, Erotica, Love Gone Bad, Kino Video 13.08.2013 episodes of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Ninth Movies, Thrillers min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117278 Season. The plane crash that took the life of Lexie Grey sends shockwaves throughout the hospital. But from the Shout Factory 13.08.2013 ashes, romance will rise, with each surgeon handling the loss 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117334 The Iceman in their own personal way. Meredith finds her groove in the operating room while Derek’s hand injury forces him to focus Winona Ryder, Chris Evans, Michael on something other than surgery. And as Mark prepares to say House Party: Tonight’s The Night Shannon - Dir. Ariel Vromen goodbye, Alex falls for someone new, Cristina tries to (DVD + Ultraviolet) Assassins & Hitmen, Based-On-A-True- rekindle the flame with Owen, and Bailey and Ben discover the perils of a long-distance relationship. Relive the romance A pair of high school rappers have two major goals - make Story, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2012 and excitement of ABC’s unforgettable primetime drama with music and get hot girls. The best way to get both is to throw 105min. never-before-seen bonus features, in the sensational ninth the biggest and best house party ever! The night of the party, Millennium Entertainment 03.09.2013 season of Grey’s Anatomy. one of the boys is grounded by his parents, so it’s up to his best friend to break him out of his house confinement and get 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117523 ABC, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Nurses & the party started. Doctors, Romance, Television 2012 946min. Comedy, Movies 2013 min. The Iceman (Blu-ray) Disney / Buena Vista 27.08.2013 New Line Home Entertainment 23.07.2013 Winona Ryder, Chris Evans, Michael 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117378 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117444 Shannon - Dir. Ariel Vromen The Haves And The Have Nots Assassins & Hitmen, Based-On-A-True- How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days: Story, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thril- (DVD + UltraViolet) Deluxe Edition lers 2012 105min. Tony Hightower, Jeffery Lewis, Patrice Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, Mi- Millennium Entertainment 03.09.2013 Lovely, Maurice Lauchner, Alexis Jones, chael Michele, Shalom Harlow, Adam Gold- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117551 Kislyck Halsey - Dir. berg - Dir. Donald Petrie Grandma Hattie Mae’s family is poor and struggling to save Oscar nominee Kate Hudson (Almost Famous) and Matthew The Idolmaker (Blu-ray) her home. The Willis family is filthy rich. When Hattie’s McConaughey (A Time To Kill) give the battle of the sexes an daughter, Rose, and son-in-law, Frank, go to work at the outrageously unexpected twist in the runaway comedy hit the Peter Gallagher, Ray Sharkey, Tovah Willis estate, it appears as if their financial worries are over. Daily News applauds as „Hilarious“! As the „How to...“ Feldshuh, Paul Land - Dir. Taylor Hackford But when Mrs. Willis tries to buy Frank’s affections, both columnist for trendy Composure Magazine, Andie Anderson families learn that choices often come with a price. Golden Globe-winner Ray Sharkey is Vincent Vacarri, a (Hudson) agrees to write a first-hand account about what it tough, charismatic music fan who turns producer, creating Comedy, Drama, Religion/Spirituality, Televi- takes to drive a man out of your life...in exactly 10 days. At stars in the halcyon days of rock and roll. Loosely based on sion 131min. the same time, eligible ad agency bachelor Benjamin Barry the life of Bob Marucci, who created the Fabian and Frankie Lionsgate 09.07.2013 (McConaughey) accepts a high-stakes bet that he can lure Avalon juggernauts, the story is part character study, part any woman into falling head-over-heels in love with him...also musical. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117410 in 10 days. The resulting romantic head-on collision ignites a series of deliriously comic deceptions that prove when it Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, comes to true love...your heart cannot tell a lie. From the Music, Romance 1980 117min. Hells Angels On Wheels (Blu-ray) director of Miss Congeniality, it’s a wildly entertaining Shout Factory 27.08.2013 Jack Nicholson, John Garwood, Adam romantic romp. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117343 Roarke, Sabrina Scharf, Jana Taylor, Ri- Comedy, Movies, Playaz, Romance 2003 min. chard Anders, I.J. Jefferson, James Oliver In God’s Hands - Dir. Richard Rush Paramount 01.01.2013 Hells Angels On Wheels is the best of the „biker films“ aimed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117607 Patrick Shane Dorian, Matt George, Matty at youth audiences of the 1960s. This precursor to Easy Liu - Dir. Zalman King Rider stars a young Jack Nicholson, already perfecting his Mickey, Shane and Keoni live to surf, but they aren’t just rebellious screen persona as Poet, an outsider looking to fit How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days: counting sets. Theirs is not merely a search for the elusive in. Following a chance encounter at a gas station, he falls in Deluxe Edition (Blu-ray) wave, but a solemn pact with nature - to take it to the extreme. with a motorcycle gang led by Adam Roarke. Their lives are a World Class surfers Patrick Shane Dorian, Matt George and mix of motorcycle rides, barroom brawls, wild parties, sex, Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, Mi- Matty Liu star in a dramatic adventure of friendship and and drugs. When Poet falls for the gang leader’s girl, it spells chael Michele, Shalom Harlow, Adam Gold- courage, featuring some of the most spectacular surfing trouble. Shot in just 13 days, the film makes innovative use of berg - Dir. Donald Petrie footage ever filmed. hand-held camerawork by cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies, Sports, and displays the spontaneous, kinetic style of director Ri- Oscar nominee Kate Hudson (Almost Famous) and Matthew chard Rush (Psych-Out, The Stunt Man). McConaughey (Sahara) give the battle of the sexes an Surf 1998 97min. outrageously unexpected twist in the runaway comedy hit the Image Ent. 20.08.2013 Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Daily News applauds as „Hilarious!“ As the „How to...“ Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1967 95min. columnist for trendy Composure Magazine, Andie Anderson 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117543 Hen’s Tooth 03.09.2013 (Hudson) agrees to write a first-hand account about what it takes to drive a man out of your life... in exactly 10 days. At Jennifer 8 (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117516 the same time, eligible ad agency bachelor Benjamin Barry (McConaughey) accepts a high-stakes bet that he can lure John Malkovich, Andy Garcia, Uma Highland Park any woman into falling head-over-heels in love with him.... Thurman, Lance Henriksen, Kathy Baker, also in 10 days. The resulting romantic head-on collision , Parker Posey, Billy Burke ignites a series of deliriously comic deceptions that prove Kevin Conway, Graham Beckel - Dir. Bruce Twilight’s Billy Burke, Golden Globe nominee Parker Posey when it comes to true love... your heart cannot tell a lie. From Robinson (The Big C) and 4-time Emmy nominee Danny Glover star in the director of Miss Congeniality, its the year’s most wildly Detectives, Femme Fatales, Movies, Music, this comedy about teachers who find a large sum of money entertaining romantic romp. Serial Killers, Thrillers 1992 125min. while trying to make improvements to their school. Comedy, Movies, Playaz, Romance 2003 Paramount 10.09.2013 Comedy, Drama, High School, Movies, min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117249 Teachers 2013 min. Paramount 01.01.2013

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Interest, Movies, Romance 2011 96min. Movies, Time Travel 2012 98min. Killing Season Zeitgeist Films 18.06.2013 E1 Entertainment 27.08.2013 John Travolta, Robert De Niro, Milo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117507 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117513 Ventimiglia - Dir. Mark Steven Johnson Action, Based On Comic Book, Movies, Life, Love, Soul Love And A Bullet Thrillers 90min. Jamie Hector Sam Scarber, Shirren Crutchfield, Freez Millennium Entertainment 20.08.2013 Life, Love, Soul is the story of a talented young man’s struggle Luv - Dir. Ben Ramsey to regain control of his life after the devastating loss of his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117375 family. After a forced reunion with his estranged father, Action, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Thrillers Roosevelt attempts to work through past mistakes while 2002 86min. Killing Season (Blu-ray) inadvertently making all new ones. It’s the tragedy-to triumph Image Ent. 20.08.2013 story of a young man who loses everything, and then John Travolta, Robert De Niro, Milo ultimately finds himself at peace with the world around him. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117546 Ventimiglia - Dir. Mark Steven Johnson Drama, Movies 2012 108min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, E1 Entertainment 27.08.2013 The Manchurian Candidate (Blu- Movies, Thrillers 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117502 ray) Millennium Entertainment 20.08.2013 Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, Liev 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117346 Little Red Wagon Schreiber, Jon Voight, Ted Levine, Bruno Daveigh Chase, Anna Gunn, Chandler Can- Ganz, , Jeffrey Wright, Simon Killing Twice terbury - Dir. David Anspaugh McBurney - Dir. Jonathan Demme The Deadhunters must fight versus a monster possessed by Drama, Family, Movies 2012 min. Academy Award® winners Denzel Washington and Meryl the spirit of a biblical demon who is killing people in a High Streep, along with Golden Globe and Emmy nominee Liev School. There’s no choice but to spend one night inside the Phase 4 Films 30.04.2013 Schreiber, mesmerize a whole new generation of audiences in building trying to hunt and kill this diabolical creature. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117298 Academy Award® winner Jonathan Demme’s The Manchurian Cult Film / TV, Devils And Demons, Foreign, Candidate. As the entire nation watches the presidential campaign hurtle towards Election Day, one soldier races to Horror, Movies, Spanish 2007 83min. Loose Cannons uncover the conspiracy behind it - a conspiracy that seeks to Troma Team Video 09.07.2013 Nicole Grimaudo, Riccardo Scamarcio, destroy democracy itself. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117371 Alessandro Preziosi - Dir. Ferzan Ozpetek Conspiracies, Movies, Politics, Spies & From Focus Features, the premiere global brand in original Secret Agents, Thrillers 2004 129min. Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp and daring cinema, comes Focus World. Charged with finding Paramount 01.01.2013 the most exciting voices in international and independent film, This 3-disc set includes 17 episodes, music and videos from Focus World is proud to present Loose Cannons, a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117349 Evolution Revolution, and other bonus features. Lancelot Link: heartwarming comedy about family, business and coming out. Secret Chimp ruled the Saturday morning airwaves as an Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, El Manzano Azul offbeat simian spy alternative to The Man From U.N.C.L.E, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making James Bond and Maxwell Smart. Warding off villains at every business since the 1960s. On a trip home from Rome, where Forced into spending a vacation with his grandfather, Diego turn, Lance Link and his likeminded associates from A.P.E. he studies literature and lives with his boyfriend, Tommaso is awed and inspired by an amazing blue apple tree and the (Agency to Prevent Evil), including the fetching Mata Hari, decides to tell his parents the truth about himself. But when he people of its village. Void of all modern luxuries Diego is battled the masterminded evildoers Baron, the Duchess, Dr. is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his surprised to find an experience that will last him a life time. Strangemind, Creto and other outlandish agents from CHUMP older brother Antonio ruins his plans. Family, Foreign, Movies, Venezuelan 2010 who had inevitably hatched their latest plan to imperil the world. And naturally, when not fighting evil, Lance Link would Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian 92min. front the zany all chimp hippie band - Evolution Revolution Interest, Italian, Movies, Romance 2010 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.08.2013 and actually create one of the best collections of horn-laden 110min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117363 bubble gum tunes from that era. Originally airing on ABC from 1970, to 1972 and with a nod to the hit show Get Smart, this Virgil Films And Entertainment 23.07.2013 adventure/ series featured a cast of chimpanzees 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117237 Marathon Man (Blu-ray) seemingly interacting with human voices. With tenacious effort the producers developed plots to make the dialogue Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier, Roy coincide with lip movement from each of the ch Lost & Found In Armenia Scheider, Marthe Keller, William Devane - Animals & Nature, Comedy, Spies & Secret Jamie Kennedy, Dave Sheridan, Angela Dir. Agents, Spoofs & Parodies, Television Sarafyan - Dir. Gor Kirakosian From ’s best-selling novel comes one of the most daring and affecting thrillers ever brought to the screen. 1970 600min. Comedy, Movies min. Oscar® winner Dustin Hoffman (Rainman) plays the likeable Film Chest Media Group 29.05.2012 Millennium Entertainment 13.08.2013 graduate student and marathon runner of the title, unwillingly 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117439 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117374 trapped in a killing game of intrigue involving a Nazi fugitive, Christian Szell. Laurence Olivier received an Academy Award® nomination for his chilling portrayal of the sadistic Bruce Lee: The Legacy The Lost Medallion Szell, who turns dental instruments into tools of torture with dispassionate ease. Directed by John Schlesinger and Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) James Hong, Sammi Hanratty, Billy Unger featuring an all-star cast, Marathon Man moves with nail- (Blu-ray) Billy Stone and Allie, two 13-year-old friends uncover a long- biting suspense to its thrilling fever-pitched conclusion. Co- lost medallion and accidentally wish themselves back in time. starring Roy Scheider and William Devane. Bruce Lee In order for Billy to save Allie’s life, he must give up the Action, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Witness the films of a man that would become a legend - an medallion to the evil warlord, Cobra, who rules the island and icon...Bruce Lee! This deluxe box set includes four of the its people. In order to retrieve the medallion and save the Movies 1976 125min. films that would make Bruce Lee the most important martial island people from slavery, Billy and Allie must work together Paramount 10.09.2013 artist ever to grace the screen -The Big Boss, Fist Of Fury, with a young arrogant king his best friend, and a wise old 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117250 Way Of The Dragon and Game Of Death - all appearing on man. Together, this unlikely group will learn not only how to DVD and, for the first time, on Blu-ray. Also included are two work together, but when they do, great things can be documentaries: Bruce Lee: The Legend (as well its original accomplished. Mariachi Gringo Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, Time version, Bruce Lee: The Man, The Legend) and I Am Bruce Shawn Ashmore, Lila Downs, Martha Lee, plus a DVD with over two hours of bonus content Travel 2012 98min. Higareda - Dir. Tom Gustafson exclusive to this set. E1 Entertainment 27.08.2013 Action, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Blu-ray, A stifled, small-town man stuck in a dead end life, runs away 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117503 to Mexico to be a mariachi singer. Mariachi Gringo is a Boxed Sets, Collections, Martial Arts, musical tour-de-force exploring the reality of „following your Movies 700min. dreams“ across cultural, personal, social and geographical Shout Factory 06.08.2013 The Lost Medallion (Blu-ray + borders. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117330 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Foreign, Mexican, Movies, James Hong, Sammi Hanratty, Billy Unger Romance 2012 107min. Let My People Go! Billy Stone and Allie, two 13-year-old friends uncover a long- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.08.2013 lost medallion and accidentally wish themselves back in time. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117365 , Nicolas Maury In order for Billy to save Allie’s life, he must give up the A sweet and hilarious fusion of gay romantic comedy, Jewish medallion to the evil warlord, Cobra, who rules the island and family drama and French bedroom farce, this festival favorite its people. In order to retrieve the medallion and save the Mean Girls follows the travails and daydreams of the lovelorn Ruben, a island people from slavery, Billy and Allie must work together French-Jewish gay mailman living in fairytale Finland. Stars with a young arrogant king his best friend, and a wise old , Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Regular Lovers’ Nicolas Maury and Almodovar muse Carmen man. Together, this unlikely group will learn not only how to Amy Poehler, Ana Gasteyer, Rachel Maura (Volver, Women on the Verge of a Nervous work together, but when they do, great things can be McAdams - Dir. Mark Waters Breakdown) as his charmingly ditzy mom. accomplished. Raised in the African bush country by her zoologist parents, Comedy, Foreign, French, Gay / Lesbian Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Cady (Lindsay Lohan) thinks she knows all about the „survival of the fittest.“ But the law of the jungle takes on a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA whole new meaning when the home-schooled 15-year-old grasps of the CBI, will Jane be able to get information about John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones - enters public high school for the first time. Trying to find her Red John out of her? Find out in the 22 episodes of Season place among jocks, athletes and other subcultures, Cady Five. Dir. Terry Jones crosses paths with the meanest species of all - the Queen CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Those six pandemonium-mad Pythons are back with their Bee, aka the cool and calculating Regina (Rachel McAdams), craziest adventure ever! John Cleese, Graham Chapman, leader of the school’s most fashionable clique, The Plastics. Serial Killers, Television, Thrillers 2012 Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin have When Cady falls fro Regina’s ex-boyfriend, though, the 946min. returned to explain The Meaning of Life. These naughty Brits Queen Bee is stung - and she schemes to ruin Cady’s social Warner Bros. 17.09.2013 offer the usual tasteful sketches involving favorite body parts future. Cady’s own claws soon come out as she leaps into a and bodily functions, the wonders of war, the miracle of hilarious „Girl World“ war that has the whole school running 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117577 and a special preview of what’s waiting for us in Heaven. for cover. Co-starring and written by Saturday Night Live’s Nothing is too sacred for the probing Python crew. You’ll Tina Fey, Mean Girls is „Viciously Funny!“ Midsomer Murders: Set 22 never look at life in quite the same way again. Time Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, High School, pronounces it „an exhilarating experience!“ Newsweek James Dreyfus, Neil Dudgeon, Joanna Da- agrees, calling it, „the best movie from England’s satirical Movies, Romance 2004 min. vid, Jason Hughes, Warren Clarke - Dir. sextet.“ Winner of the 1983 Cannes Film Festival Special Paramount 01.01.2013 Jury Award. Simon Langton, Renny Rye, Nick Laughland Universal Studios, British, Comedy, Cult 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117427 The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most sinister secrets in these contemporary British television Film / TV, Fantasy, Foreign, Movies, Musical Mean Girls (Blu-ray) mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern 1983 min. master of the English village mystery, the series stars Neil Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Lindsay Lohan, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Dudgeon (Life of Riley) as the capable Detective Chief 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117446 Amy Poehler, Ana Gasteyer, Rachel Inspector John Barnaby, with Jason Hughes (This Life) as his McAdams - Dir. Mark Waters earnest, efficient partner, Detective Sergeant Ben Jones. Guest stars include Warren Clarke, Joanna David, Movies That Matter: Faith - Raised in the African bush country by her zoologist parents, Genevieve O’Reilly, and James Dreyfus. Cady (Lindsay Lohan) thinks she knows all about the Collection 1 „survival of the fittest.“ But the law of the jungle takes on a British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, whole new meaning when the home-schooled 15-year-old International TV, Murder Mysteries, Spies & Kirby Heyborne enters public high school for the first time. Trying to find her Secret Agents, Television 2011 372min. Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Family, place among jocks, athletes and other subcultures, Cady crosses paths with the meanest species of all - the Queen Acorn Media 06.08.2013 Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Romance Bee, aka the cool and calculating Regina (Rachel McAdams), 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117564 208min. leader of the school’s most fashionable clique, The Plastics. E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 When Cady falls fro Regina’s ex-boyfriend, though, the Queen Bee is stung - and she schemes to ruin Cady’s social Midsomer Murders: Set 22 (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117499 future. Cady’s own claws soon come out as she leaps into a ray) hilarious „Girl World“ war that has the whole school running Mud (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + for cover. Co-starring and written by Saturday Night Live’s Neil Dudgeon, Joanna David, Jason Tina Fey, Mean Girls is „Viciously Funny!“ Hughes, James Dreyfus, Warren Clarke - Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) Paramount, Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Dir. Simon Langton, Renny Rye, Nick Matthew McConaughey, , High School, Movies, Romance 2004 min. Laughland Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Paulson, Micha- Paramount 01.01.2013 The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most el Shannon, Tye Sheridan, Jacob Lofland - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117430 sinister secrets in these contemporary British television mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern Dir. Jeff Nichols master of the English village mystery, the series stars Neil Mud is a timeless adventure about two boys, Ellis and his Meddling Mom Dudgeon (Life of Riley) as the capable Detective Chief best friend Neckbone, who find a mysterious man named Mud Inspector John Barnaby, with Jason Hughes (This Life) as his (McConaughey) hiding out on a deserted island in the Missis- Tony Plana, Sonia Braga - Dir. Patricia earnest, efficient partner, Detective Sergeant Ben Jones. sippi. Mud tells the boys fantastic stories about his life, Cardoso Guest stars include Warren Clarke, Joanna David, including how he killed a man in Texas and that vengeful Carmen Vega is notorious for meddling in her grown Genevieve O’Reilly, and James Dreyfus. bounty hunters are coming to get him. He says he is planning daughters’ lives, and her new project is mapping out a master British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, to meet and escape with the love of his life, Juniper plan to find a husband for her eldest daughter Ally. The (Witherspoon), who is waiting for him in town. Skeptical but career-minded Ally is more interested in her job as an International TV, Murder Mysteries, Spies & intrigued, Ellis and Neckbone agree to help him. But it isn’t architect until she falls for Ben McInnes, the new project Secret Agents, Television 2011 372min. long until Mud’s tall tales come to life, and their small town is manager at work. Carmen takes a liking to Ben, but the real Acorn Media 06.08.2013 besieged by bounty hunters out for blood. Art House, Blu-ray, Bounty Hunters, Dra- question is will Ally and her new suitor survive all of 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117587 Carmen’s plotting to make sure they ride off into the sunset ma, Movies 2013 130min. together! Lionsgate 06.08.2013 Comedy, Family, Movies, TV Movies 2013 Mike & Molly: The Complete 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117453 90min. Third Season Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 Reno Wilson, Melissa McCarthy, Billy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117327 Mud (DVD + Digital Copy + Gardell Ultraviolet) The third season starts in Paris, where Mike and Molly are Men To Kiss getting ready to leave their honeymoon and embark on their Matthew McConaughey, Sam Shepard, Earnest is a banker who finds his work and personal life journey as a married couple. Adjusting to their new lives at Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Paulson, Micha- thrown upside down after he meets and quickly falls in love home won’t be easy, since they will be living with Molly’s el Shannon, Tye Sheridan, Jacob Lofland - with Tobi, a flighty, high energy performance artist who lives overindulgent sister, Victoria, and her smart-talking mother, for the city’s wild nightlife. The two are complete opposites Joyce. Sharing the already crowded house will prove Dir. Jeff Nichols but they want to make it work and need all the help they can challenging for the newlyweds, especially when they decide Mud is a timeless adventure about two boys, Ellis and his get from Tobi’s coterie of alternative friends. But when to start trying for a baby. Join Mike and Molly in their best friend Neckbone, who find a mysterious man named Mud Earnest’s friend Uta arrives on the scene she thinks Earnest hilarious journey as they discover the ups and downs of this (McConaughey) hiding out on a deserted island in the Missis- can do much better and schemes to break them apart-setting next chapter of their lives as newlyweds. sippi. Mud tells the boys fantastic stories about his life, off a frenzied battle of the ‘fashionista’ divas. Funny, fresh CBS, Comedy, Romance, Television 2012 including how he killed a man in Texas and that vengeful and unpredictable this light-hearted romp through queer Berlin 506min. bounty hunters are coming to get him. He says he is planning and a few of its colorful characters makes Men to Kiss an to meet and escape with the love of his life, Juniper absolute delight! Warner Bros. 20.08.2013 (Witherspoon), who is waiting for him in town. Skeptical but 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117578 intrigued, Ellis and Neckbone agree to help him. But it isn’t Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, long until Mud’s tall tales come to life, and their small town is Romance 2012 84min. besieged by bounty hunters out for blood. TLA Releasing 11.06.2013 The Mindy Project: Season One Art House, Bounty Hunters, Drama, Movies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117368 Beth Grant, Ike Barinholtz, Anna Camp, 2013 130min. Mindy Kaling, Chris Messina Lionsgate 06.08.2013 The Mentalist: The Complete Comedy, Fox, Nurses & Doctors, On The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117459 Fifth Season Job, Television 2012 min. Universal Studios 13.08.2013 Robin Tunney, Simon Baker, Tim Kang, The Muppet Movie: The Nearly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117269 Amanda Righetti, Owain Yeoman 35th Anniversary Edition Patrick Jane returns for Season Five of The Mentalist. James Coburn, Telly Savalas, Steve Martin, Starring Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Simon Baker as the Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Bureau of Investigation consultant and former faux- Charles Durning, Elliott Gould, Edgar Ber- psychic obsessed with finding Red John, the serial killer who Life: 30th Anniversary Edition gen, Bob Hope, Carol Kane, Richard Pryor, murdered his family, this hit procedural combines crime- (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Paul Williams, Mel Brooks, Frank Oz, Orson solving twists with wry humor that celebrate mind over matter. Welles, Cloris Leachman, Madeline Kahn, Though Red John may still be at large, the CBI has captured Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) Milton Berle, Jim Henson, Dom DeLuise, Lorelei, one of his accomplices. With Lorelei firmly in the Graham Chapman, Michael Palin, Eric Idle,

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 50 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Richard Hunt, Jerry Nelson - Dir. James Joe Cacaci erotic, relationship. The peace breaks, however, when Anne begins to have nightmarish visions of gory crimes - starring Frawley Comedy, Movies 2011 80min. herself as the perpetrator. When reality and fantasy blur, Celebrate The Nearly 35th Anniversary of the ultimate frogs- Millennium Entertainment 03.09.2013 Anne begins to wonder if she’s only dreaming the terror. to-riches story with the one that started it all - The Muppet Movie. Laugh along with the mostly-true story of how the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117524 Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, French, Hor- Muppets got their start, now for the first time ever in vibrant ror, Movies 1970 83min. Blu-ray hi-def picture and sound. From the very first „plunk!“ NCIS: Los Angeles - The Fourth Redemption USA 20.08.2013 of Kermit’s banjo playing „The Rainbow Connection“ (Oscar 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117312 nominee, Best Original Song, 1979), to they hysterical road Season trip that brings our fearless frog together with Fozzie, Gonzo, Linda Hunt, LL Cool J, Peter Cambor, Danie- Animal, and most importantly of all, Miss Piggy, join the jam- Nightmares Come At Night: packed heartwarming hilarity, outrageous antics and big-shot la Ruah, Adam Jamal Craig Hollywood cameos. it’s bursting with hilarious bonus extras NCIS: Los Angeles is a drama about the high stakes world of Remastered Edition (Blu-ray) including an all-new Frog-E-Oke sing-along with your the Office of Special Projects (OSP), a division of NCIS that favorite Muppet songs. As Kermit and the gang sing - „Life’s is charged with apprehending dangerous and elusive Diana Lorys, Jack Taylor, Soledad Miranda, like a movie!“ Make The Muppet Movie part of your family, criminals that pose a threat to the nation’s security. By Paul Muller - Dir. Jesus Franco and have as the Muppets share laughter assuming false identities and utilizing the most advanced A Zagreb nightclub dancer, Cincia, moves in with Anne, a and fun with „the Lovers, the Dreamers...and You.“ technology, this team of highly trained agents goes deep beautiful exotic dancer, and the two commence an odd, but Children’s, Comedy, Family, Movies, undercover, putting their lives on the line in the field to bring erotic, relationship. The peace breaks, however, when Anne Muppets, National Film Registry 1979 down their . begins to have nightmarish visions of gory crimes - starring Action, CBS, Crime, Drama, Military, herself as the perpetrator. When reality and fantasy blur, 95min. Mystery, Navy, Television, Thrillers 2012 Anne begins to wonder if she’s only dreaming the terror. Disney / Buena Vista 13.08.2013 Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign, French, Hor- min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117413 ror, Movies 1970 83min. Paramount Pictures 20.08.2013 Redemption USA 20.08.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117435 The Muppet Movie: The Nearly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117332 35th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray NCIS: The Tenth Season The Notorious Bettie Page + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) David McCallum, Michael Weatherly, Mark David Strathairn, Lili Taylor, Jared Harris, James Coburn, Telly Savalas, Steve Martin, Harmon, Sean Murray, Pauley Perrette, Sarah Paulson, Gretchen Mol, Chris Bauer, Charles Durning, Elliott Gould, Edgar Ber- Brian Dietzen, Cote de Pablo, Rocky Carroll Jonathan Woodward - Dir. Mary Harron gen, Bob Hope, Carol Kane, Richard Pryor, NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) is more than just an action drama. With liberal doses of humor, it’s a show that This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Paul Williams, Mel Brooks, Frank Oz, Orson focuses on the sometimes complex and always amusing a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. In Welles, Cloris Leachman, Madeline Kahn, dynamics of a team of special agents forced to work together an incandescent performance, Gretchen Mol (The Shape of Milton Berle, Jim Henson, Dom DeLuise, in high-stress situations. From murder and espionage to Things) stars as Bettie Page, who grew up in a conservative terrorism and stolen submarines, these special agents travel religious family in Tennessee and became a photo model Richard Hunt, Jerry Nelson - Dir. James the globe to investigate all crimes with Navy or Marine Corps sensation in 1950s New York. Bettie’s legendary pin-up Frawley ties. photos made her the target of a Senate investigation into Celebrate The Nearly 35th Anniversary of the ultimate frogs- Action, CBS, Drama, Military, Mystery, pornography, and transformed her into an erotic icon who to-riches story with the one that started it all - The Muppet continues to enthrall fan to this day. Complemented by an Movie. Laugh along with the mostly-true story of how the Navy, Spies & Secret Agents, Television ensemble cast of acclaimed actors, such as David Strathairn Muppets got their start, now for the first time ever in vibrant 2012 min. (Good Night, and Good Luck) and Lili Taylor (High Fidelity), Blu-ray hi-def picture and sound. From the very first „plunk!“ Paramount Pictures 20.08.2013 the film brings to vivid life Bettie’s fascinating world. Art House, Biopics, Drama, Erotica, Movies of Kermit’s banjo playing „The Rainbow Connection“ (Oscar 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117434 nominee, Best Original Song, 1979), to they hysterical road 2006 90min. trip that brings our fearless frog together with Fozzie, Gonzo, HBO MOD 16.04.2013 Animal, and most importantly of all, Miss Piggy, join the jam- Next Friday (Blu-ray) packed heartwarming hilarity, outrageous antics and big-shot 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117456 Hollywood cameos. it’s bursting with hilarious bonus extras , Tamala Jones, John Witherspoon, including an all-new Frog-E-Oke sing-along with your - Dir. Steve Carr Oblivion favorite Muppet songs. As Kermit and the gang sing - „Life’s Get ready to kick it again with Ice Cube (Three Kings, The like a movie!“ Make The Muppet Movie part of your family, Players Club) as he moves to the burbs in this outrageous Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, Olga and have the time of your life as the Muppets share laughter sequel! Last Friday, Craig (Cube) kicked Debo’s (Tiny Lister, and fun with „the Lovers, the Dreamers...and You.“ Kurylenko - Dir. Joseph Kosinski Jr., The Fifth Element) butt. Now Debo is out for revenge, so This groundbreaking cinematic event stars Tom Cruise as Children’s, Comedy, Family, Movies, Craig’s dad smuggles him out of the hood and into the burbs to Jack Harper, the lone security repairman stationed on a Muppets, National Film Registry 1979 stay with his sex-crazed Uncle Elroy and cousin Day-Day. desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. When he rescues a 95min. But between Day-Day’s crazy ex-girlfriend, the gun-toting beautiful stranger from a downed spacecraft, her arrival homies next door and a rumble with a record store owner, triggers a nonstop chain of events that forces him to question Disney / Buena Vista 13.08.2013 Craig is gonna wish he was back in South Central where it’s everything he knows, and leaves humanity’s fate in his hands. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117420 safe! With a red-hot soundtrack featuring Ice Cube, Lil’ Zane, Academy Award®-winner Morgan Freeman joins Cruise in Wyclef Jean and the much-anticipated NWA reunion, this this „visually stunning“ (Pete Hammond, Movieline), explosive laugh riot will have you „screeching from start to finish!“ (Jeff story from the director of Tron: Legacy and the producer of Nashville: The Complete First Millar, Houston Chronicle). Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Season Comedy, Movies, Stoners 2000 98min. Action, Adventure, Aliens, In The Future..., New Line Home Entertainment 10.09.2013 Connie Britton, Jonathan Jackson, Eric Movies, Science Fiction, Space 2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117403 Close, Hayden Panettiere, Charles Esten 124min. Behind the music of Nashville lies a web of betrayal, Universal Studios 06.08.2013 heartbreak and rivalry second to none. Experience the Night Across The Street 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117509 tantalizing first season of ABC’s Nashville~ and surrender to a seductive mix of music, intrigue, and passion that’s „Pure Christian Vadim, Valentina Vargas, Sergio Gold.“ Rayna James (Connie Britton) is the Queen of Country, Hernandez - Dir. Raoul Ruiz Oblivion (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital but there’s a new „royal“ on the rise. Meet Juliette Barnes On the verge of a forced retirement, Don Celso, an elderly (Hayden Panettiere), a hot, young diva poised to knock Rayna office worker begins to relive both real and imagined Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) off her throne - both on the charts and in the heart of Rayna’s memories from his life - a trip to the movies as a young boy Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, Olga lead guitarist and former lover, Deason Claybourne (Charles with Beethoven, listening to tall tales from Long John Silver, a Esten). Meanwhile, another sultry love triangle heats up brief stay in a haunted hotel. Stories hide within stories and Kurylenko - Dir. Joseph Kosinski when Deacon’s niece Scarlett (Clare Bowen), a budding the thin line between imagination and reality steadily erodes, This groundbreaking cinematic event stars Tom Cruise as singer/songwriter, is torn between her boyfriend Avery and opening up a marvelous new world of personal remembrance Jack Harper, the lone security repairman stationed on a her writing partner Gunnar. Adding more fuel to the fire is and fantastic melodrama. A playfully elegiac film from the great desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. When he rescues a Rayna’s rich, scheming father, whose political ambitions for Raul Ruiz, conceived to be seen only after his death, Night beautiful stranger from a downed spacecraft, her arrival Rayna’s husband hide sinister ulterior motives. Relive all 22 Across the Street is a beautiful final masterwork exploring the triggers a nonstop chain of events that forces him to question riveting episodes of Nashville: The Complete First Season~~ director’s favorite subjects: fiction, history and life itself. everything he knows, and leaves humanity’s fate in his hands. with this spectacular 5-disc set - including exclusive, never- Drama, Foreign, Movies, Spanish 2012 Academy Award®-winner Morgan Freeman joins Cruise in before-seen bonus features. It’s the ultimate guilty pleasure this „visually stunning“ (Pete Hammond, Movieline), explosive you’ll enjoy over and over again! 110min. story from the director of Tron: Legacy and the producer of ABC, Country Music, Drama, Music, Televi- Cinema Guild 30.07.2013 Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, In The sion 2012 946min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117609 Future..., Movies, Science Fiction, Space Disney / Buena Vista 17.09.2013 2013 124min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117382 Nightmares Come At Night: Universal Studios 06.08.2013 Remastered Edition 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117515 National Lampoon’s Snatched A Zagreb nightclub dancer, Cincia, moves in with Anne, a Ernest Borgnine, Andrew McCarthy - Dir. beautiful exotic dancer, and the two commence an odd, but

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October Baby 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117465 Disney / Buena Vista 13.08.2013 John Schneider, Jason Burkey 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117381 Poignant performances and genuine emotion illuminate this On The Road inspiring coming-of-age story about self-discovery and the Once Upon A Time: The healing power of forgiveness. Newcomer Rachel Hendrix Kirsten Dunst, Elisabeth Moss, Amy Adams, stars as Hannah, a college student whose world is shattered , Garrett Hedlund, Sam Complete Second Season (Blu- when she discovers her parents have kept a life-changing Riley, Alice Braga, Tom Sturridge - Dir. Wal- ray) secret from her that will force her to question who she truly ter Salles is. Angry and bewildered, Hannah embarks on a road-trip with Robert Carlyle, , Lana her childhood friend, Jason, to find answers to the questions Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Walter Salles (Central plaguing her. But when Hannah finally pieces the puzzle of Station, The Motorcycle Diaries) and based on the iconic Parrilla, Ginnifer Goodwin her past together, she uncovers stunning family secrets that novel by Jack Kerouac, On The Road tells the timeless story Relive every thrilling moment as ABC’s Once Upon A Time: will alter the course of her life yet show her the incredible of Sal Paradise (Sam Riley, Control), a young writer whose The Complete Second Season casts its tantalizing spell. The strength and power she possesses to find hope for the future. life is shaken and ultimately redefined by the arrival of Dean curse is broken, magic has arrived, and there’s no telling Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund, Tron: Legacy), a free-spirited, what - or who - will be unleashed! Now the exiled fairytale Drama, Movies 2011 109min. fearless, fast-talking Westerner and his girl, Marylou characters must grapple with a flood of awakened memories 20th Century Fox 06.08.2013 (Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga). Traveling cross- as they come to grips with their new „reality.“ Old loyalties 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117517 country, Sal and Dean venture out on a personal quest for will be tested, new heroes will emerge and vengeful villains freedom from the conformity and conservatism engulfing them will wreak havoc - including ruthless pirate Captain Hook in search of the unknown, themselves, and the pursuit of „it“ - and the relentlessly wicked Cora. Amidst the backdrop of October Baby (Blu-ray) the pure essence of experience. Seeking uncharted terrain previously unexplored lands and a newly magical and the last American frontier, the duo encounters an eclectic Storybrooke, love and sacrifice will set the stage for the John Schneider, Jason Burkey mix of men and women who each indelibly impact their journey ultimate battle between good and evil. For, in the words of Poignant performances and genuine emotion illuminate this toward self-discovery. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Rumplestiltskin, where magic is concerned, only one thing is inspiring coming-of-age story about self-discovery and the Viggo Mortensen (The Lord of the Rings), Kirsten Dunst certain: it always comes at a price. From Storybrooke to Fairy healing power of forgiveness. Newcomer Rachel Hendrix (Spider-Man), Tom Sturridge (Pirate Radio), Academy Award Tale Land and beyond, experience the mystery, romance, stars as Hannah, a college student whose world is shattered Nominee Amy Adams (The Master), Alice Braga (Predators), action and adventure of Once Upon A Time’s remarkable when she discovers her parents have kept a life-changing and Elisabeth Moss (), On The Road is a landmark second season. Complete with all 22 unforgettable episodes, secret from her that will force her to question who she truly odys plus exclusive bonus features, this must-own 5-disc boxed is. Angry and bewildered, Hannah embarks on a road-trip with set is pure enchantment on an epic scale. her childhood friend, Jason, to find answers to the questions Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, Gay / plaguing her. But when Hannah finally pieces the puzzle of Lesbian Interest, Movies 2012 124min. ABC, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, her past together, she uncovers stunning family secrets that MPI 06.08.2013 Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Romance, Television will alter the course of her life yet show her the incredible 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117576 2012 946min. strength and power she possesses to find hope for the future. Disney / Buena Vista 13.08.2013 Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Movies 2011 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117348 109min. On The Road (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 06.08.2013 Kirsten Dunst, Elisabeth Moss, Amy Adams, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117548 Kristen Stewart, Garrett Hedlund, Sam Online Riley, Alice Braga, Tom Sturridge - Dir. Wal- Kelsey Sanders - Dir. Kevan Otto John Wilde is a happily married man who is about to face the The Office: Season Nine (Ameri- ter Salles biggest challenge of his life. Late one night, John logs into a can Series) Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Walter Salles (Central social networking site and re-connects with his old high Station, The Motorcycle Diaries) and based on the iconic school flame, Adrianna. What begins as a harmless „Hello“ Jenna Fischer, Rainn Wilson, Ed Helms, novel by Jack Kerouac, On The Road tells the timeless story rapidly escalates into a rekindling of their past romance. Torn John Krasinski, Angela Kinsey, Brian of Sal Paradise (Sam Riley, Control), a young writer whose between the life he once envisioned with Adrianna and the life life is shaken and ultimately redefined by the arrival of Dean he’s now building with his wife, Mary, John soon discovers Baumgartner, Phyllis Smith, Kate Flannery, Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund, Tron: Legacy), a free-spirited, that there are serious consequences to the decisions he has Leslie David Baker, Paul Lieberstein, Creed fearless, fast-talking Westerner and his girl, Marylou made. Now John must try to find his way back to God and get (Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga). Traveling cross- on a path to forgiveness from Mary, God and himself. Bratton, Oscar Nunez, Craig Robinson, Ellie country, Sal and Dean venture out on a personal quest for Kemper freedom from the conformity and conservatism engulfing them Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, Comedy, NBC, On The Job, Television, Work in search of the unknown, themselves, and the pursuit of „it“ - Religion/Spirituality, Romance 2013 94min. the pure essence of experience. Seeking uncharted terrain Image Ent. 27.08.2013 Sucks 2012 min. and the last American frontier, the duo encounters an eclectic Universal Studios 13.08.2013 mix of men and women who each indelibly impact their journey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117562 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117270 toward self-discovery. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Viggo Mortensen (The Lord of the Rings), Kirsten Dunst Open 24/7 (Spider-Man), Tom Sturridge (Pirate Radio), Academy Award The Office: Season Nine (Ameri- Nominee Amy Adams (The Master), Alice Braga (Predators), Late at night in a remote backroad restaurant, the customers and Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men), On The Road is a landmark are trying to stay . To keep boredom at bay, there’s can Series) (Blu-ray) odys nothing better than horror, cannibalism, sex and violence. Jenna Fischer, Rainn Wilson, Ed Helms, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Cannibalism, Foreign, French, Horror, John Krasinski, Angela Kinsey, Brian Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies 2012 Movies 2010 97min. Baumgartner, Phyllis Smith, Kate Flannery, 124min. Troma Team Video 09.07.2013 Leslie David Baker, Paul Lieberstein, Creed MPI 06.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117370 Bratton, Oscar Nunez, Craig Robinson, Ellie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117591 Kemper Paradise: Love Comedy, NBC, On The Job, Television, Work Once Upon A Time: The Teresa, a 50-year-old woman, travels to the beaches of Kenya Sucks 2012 min. as a sex tourist or „Sugar Mama“. There, she moves from one Complete Second Season Beach Boy to the next, buying their love only to be Universal Studios 13.08.2013 Robert Carlyle, Jennifer Morrison, Lana disappointed and quickly learning that there, love is strictly a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117284 business. With his very unique brand of realism, socio- Parrilla, Ginnifer Goodwin political critique and warped humor, Mr. Seidl deals with the Relive every thrilling moment as ABC’s Once Upon A Time: market value of sexuality, older women and young men, the Olympus Has Fallen The Complete Second Season casts its tantalizing spell. The power of skin color, Europe and Africa, and the exploited, Morgan Freeman, Dylan McDermott, Ashley curse is broken, magic has arrived, and there’s no telling who have no choice but to exploit others. what - or who - will be unleashed! Now the exiled fairytale Drama, Exploitation, Foreign, Movies, Judd, Aaron Eckhart, Rick Yune, Radha characters must grapple with a flood of awakened memories Swahili 2012 121min. Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Gerard Butler - Dir. as they come to grips with their new „reality.“ Old loyalties Strand Releasing 06.08.2013 Antoine Fuqua will be tested, new heroes will emerge and vengeful villains will wreak havoc - including ruthless pirate Captain Hook 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117238 When the White House (Secret Service Code: „Olympus“) is and the relentlessly wicked Cora. Amidst the backdrop of captured and the President (Aaron Eckhart) is kidnapped by a previously unexplored lands and a newly magical terrorist mastermind, disgraced former Presidential guard, Storybrooke, love and sacrifice will set the stage for the Parenthood: Season 4 Mike Banning (Gerard Butler), moves to action. As the natio- ultimate battle between good and evil. For, in the words of nal security team scrambles to respond, the secret service Rumplestiltskin, where magic is concerned, only one thing is Craig T. Nelson, Bonnie Bedelia, Mae ground team is wiped out and it’s up to Banning to retake the certain: it always comes at a price. From Storybrooke to Fairy Whitman, Monica Potter, Lauren Graham, White House, save the President and avert an even bigger Tale Land and beyond, experience the mystery, romance, Peter Krause, , Joy crisis. Directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day) and also action and adventure of Once Upon A Time’s remarkable starring Morgan Freeman, , Melissa Leo, second season. Complete with all 22 unforgettable episodes, Bryant, Jason Ritter, Sarah Ramos, Dax Ashley Judd and Rick Yune. plus exclusive bonus features, this must-own 5-disc boxed Shepard, Sam Jaeger, Savannah Paige Action, Movies, Terrorism, Thrillers 2013 set is pure enchantment on an epic scale. Rae, Max Burkholder, Miles Heizer, Tyree 120min. ABC, Action, Adventure, Drama, Fairy Ta- Brown Sony Pictures Home Entertainment les, Fantasy, Romance, Television 2012 Family dynamics are shifting for all three generations of The 13.08.2013 946min. Braverman clan in the critically acclaimed fourth season of Parenthood. Everything changes for Adam and Kristina as

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA they receive shocking news, while Sarah contemplates how Finch missing - kidnapped in last season’s finale cliffhanger - Cianfrance her priorities affect her future. As Julia and Joel adjust to life Reese enlists Detectives Joss Carter and Lionel Fusco to Luke (Ryan Gosling) gives up his job as a motorcycle stunt with their adopted son, Crosby and Jasmine settle into their join the search for his friend on the second season premiere. performer in order to provide for his new family. Avery roles as husband and wife. Featuring guest stars Ray Will Reese and his team find Finch before its too late? Or will (Bradley Cooper), an ambitious rookie cop, struggles to make Romano (Everybody Loves Raymond) and Jason Ritter (The Finch’s kidnapper learn of The Machine’s location first? Who his way in a corrupt police department. Their two worlds Event), watch all 15 smart, funny and heartwarming episodes will be the next person of interest? Find out in these 22 collide when Luke takes part in a string of bank robberies and about life’s unexpected hurdles and those who help us riveting episodes of Season Two. the consequences of their shocking confrontation will conquer them: family. Action, Blu-ray, CBS, Crime, Drama, reverberate into the next generation. Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Mystery, Television, Thrillers 2012 968min. Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Drama, Movies NBC, Television 2012 min. Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 2012 140min. Universal Studios 20.08.2013 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117593 Universal Studios 06.08.2013 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117428 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117600 Pet Sematary Pawn Shop Chronicles Fred Gwynne, Miko Hughes, Denise The Place Beyond The Pines Elijah Wood, Brendan Fraser, Thomas Jane, Crosby, Blaze Berdahl, Michael Lombard, (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Norman Reedus - Mary Louise Wilson, Susan Blommaert, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Dir. Wayne Kramer Brad Greenquist, Dale Midkiff - Dir. Mary Ray Liotta, Eva Mendes, Bradley Cooper, If these walls could talk, you wouldn’t believe them anyway! Lambert Get ready for a wild ride as one small town pawn shop is the Ryan Gosling, Olga Merediz - Dir. Derek Paramount, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, center of three intersecting stories involving meth heads, a Cianfrance vengeful husband searching for his long lost wife, and a down Movies, Mystery, Stephen King, on his luck Elvis Impersonator. A star-studded ensemble cast Luke (Ryan Gosling) gives up his job as a motorcycle stunt brings these stories to life that includes Fast & The Furious’s Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers, performer in order to provide for his new family. Avery Paul Walker, Academy-Award nominee Matt Dillon, The Lord Zombies 1989 min. (Bradley Cooper), an ambitious rookie cop, struggles to make of the Rings’ Elijah Woods, Brendan Fraser, and The Paramount 01.01.2013 his way in a corrupt police department. Their two worlds Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus. From Wayne Kramer, collide when Luke takes part in a string of bank robberies and director of The Cooler and Running Scared. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117479 the consequences of their shocking confrontation will Action, Comedy, Movies 2013 112min. reverberate into the next generation. Cars & Motorcycles, Crime, Drama, Movies Starz / Anchor Bay 27.08.2013 Pet Sematary (Blu-ray) 2012 140min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117485 Fred Gwynne, Miko Hughes, Denise Universal Studios 06.08.2013 Crosby, Blaze Berdahl, Michael Lombard, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117621 Pawn Shop Chronicles (Blu-ray + Mary Louise Wilson, Susan Blommaert, DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Brad Greenquist, Dale Midkiff - Dir. Mary Lambert Post Tenebras Lux Elijah Wood, Brendan Fraser, Thomas Jane, Book-To-Film, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Post Tenebras Lux („light after darkness“) is the Cannes Film Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Norman Reedus - Festival prize winner that follows an upscale Mexican family Movies, Mystery, Stephen King, Dir. Wayne Kramer whose move to the countryside in search of an ideal life Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers, results in domestic crisis and class friction. Stunningly If these walls could talk, you wouldn’t believe them anyway! photographed, the film is an enthralling and enigmatic Get ready for a wild ride as one small town pawn shop is the Zombies 1989 min. exploration of the primal conflicts of the human condition. center of three intersecting stories involving meth heads, a Paramount 01.01.2013 vengeful husband searching for his long lost wife, and a down Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Movies 2012 on his luck Elvis Impersonator. A star-studded ensemble cast 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117483 115min. brings these stories to life that includes Fast & The Furious’s Strand Releasing 20.08.2013 Paul Walker, Academy-Award nominee Matt Dillon, The Lord The Phoenix Rises of the Rings’ Elijah Woods, Brendan Fraser, and The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117239 Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus. From Wayne Kramer, James Black, Adam Cardon director of The Cooler and Running Scared. Worlds collide in this psychological, sci fi thriller when a Prime Suspect: Complete Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies 2013 team of brilliant scientists are recruited to work with a secretive government run project called the Phoenix Program Collection (Blu-ray) 112min. to develop counter measures for climate based weaponry. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.08.2013 Special Agents Bob Smith and Tom Jones handpicked the team Helen Mirren, Tom Bell, John Benfield, Jack 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117510 after observing their success with building the world’s first Ellis, Tom Wilkinson, Zoe Wanamaker, space elevator for the Bonner Prize - a secret recruitment Mossie Smith, Bryan Pringle, Gary Whelan, project purposed to find the world’s best and brightest. A Ian Fitzgibbon, Craig Fairbrass - Dir. Chri- Person Of Interest: The Complete newly formed terrorist group is using climate based weapons to hold the US and its allies hostage. Using extremely low stopher Menaul Second Season frequency delivery methods the terrorists can cause Oscar Winner Helen Mirren is Detective Jane Tennison, „one Jim Caviezel, Taraji P. Henson, Michael earthquakes, alter rain patterns, cause droughts, and create of the great character creations of our time“ (The Washington deadly storms out of thin air; but the terrorist threat is not the Post), in a series that won more than 20 major international Emerson, Kevin Chapman only challenge for the team. A deadly, vindictive mercenary awards and raised the bar for police dramas. Tenacious, This crime thriller follows presumed-dead former CIA agent, from their past, Jamal Duegro, has launched a revenge driven and deeply flawed, Tennison rises through the ranks of John Reese, who teams up with mysterious billionaire Harold operation to reacquire technologies his clients want returned Britain’s Metropolitan Police, Solving horrific crimes while Finch to prevent violent crimes with high-tech surveillance to them and will stop at nothing in order to protect his battling office sexism and her own demons. „Rare is the drama and their own brand of justice. Reese’s special interests. that works so well on two levels: as a crackling whodunit and training in covert operations appeals to Finch, a software Conspiracies, Movies, Science Fiction, as a finely tuned character study of a strong but insecure genius who invented a program, aka „The Machine,“ that can women trying to prove herself in a man’s world“(Time). Seem identify people soon to be involved in violent crimes. With Thrillers 2012 86min. on Masterpiece Theater and Mystery! and created by crime Finch missing - kidnapped in last season’s finale cliffhanger - Brain Damage Films 20.08.2013 writer Lynda La Plante, Prime Suspect features some of Reese enlists Detectives Joss Carter and Lionel Fusco to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117467 Britain’s biggest stars, including Ralph Fiennes (The English join the search for his friend on the second season premiere. Patient), Tom Wilkinson (Michael Clayton), Zoe Wanamaker Will Reese and his team find Finch before its too late? Or will (Poirot), David Thewlis (Harry Potter), Mark Strong Finch’s kidnapper learn of The Machine’s location first? Who Pitfall (Sherlock Holmes), Ciaran Hinds (Jane Eyre), Tom Bell will be the next person of interest? Find out in these 22 (Reilly: Ace Of Spies), and Jonny Lee Miller riveting episodes of Season Two. Lizabeth Scott, Raymond Burr, Dick Powell, (Trainspotting~~). Action, CBS, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Televi- Jane Wyatt - Dir. Andre De Toth British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, sion, Thrillers 2012 968min. What propels Pitfall into the ranks of a chilling film noir drama is the appearance of a ruthless sociopath willing to destroy International TV, Murder Mysteries, Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 all in his path to secure his objective, which in this case is Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, Television 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117580 possessing a woman, body and soul. Pitfall came along when 1991 1500min. post-World War II film noir was generating cash and artistic dividends by interpreting life in Cold War society. Mental Acorn Media 27.08.2013 Person Of Interest: The Complete toughness was needed and film noir was a vehicle that 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117619 Second Season (Blu-ray + DVD + displayed that on screen quality. Classics, Femme Fatales, Film Noir, Movies Q: The Winged Serpent (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 1948 85min. Richard Roundtree, David Carradine, Candy Jim Caviezel, Taraji P. Henson, Michael Film Chest Media Group 20.11.2012 Clark, - Dir. Larry Cohen Emerson, Kevin Chapman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117438 This crime thriller follows presumed-dead former CIA agent, It’s name is Quetzalcoatl, a dragon-like Aztec god that is John Reese, who teams up with mysterious billionaire Harold summoned to modern day Manhattan by gory human sacrifices. Finch to prevent violent crimes with high-tech surveillance The Place Beyond The Pines But just call it „Q,“ because that is all you’ll have time to say and their own brand of vigilante justice. Reese’s special before it tears you apart. training in covert operations appeals to Finch, a software Ray Liotta, Eva Mendes, Bradley Cooper, Cult Film / TV, Giant Monsters!, Horror, Kil- genius who invented a program, aka „The Machine,“ that can Ryan Gosling, Olga Merediz - Dir. Derek ler Beauties, Monsters, Movies, Reptiles, identify people soon to be involved in violent crimes. With

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Science Fiction 1982 93min. Reality (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117475 Shout Factory 27.08.2013 From Matteo Garrone, acclaimed director of the award 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117342 winning Gomorrah (2008), Reality is a darkly comic look at Return To Nuke ‘Em High: Volume Luciano, a charming and affable Italian fishmonger and family man whose sudden obsession with appearing on the reality One (Blu-ray) Quicksilver show Big Brother leads him down a rabbit hole of paranoia. So overcome by his dream of celebrity, Luciano’s reality Lloyd Kaufman, Stan Lee, Vito Trigo - Dir. Jami Gertz, Kevin Bacon, Paul Rodriguez - begins to spiral out of control, making for one of the most Lloyd Kaufman Dir. Tom Donnelly compelling tragicomic character studies since Scorsese’s The Return to Nuke ‘Em High Vol. 1, directed by cult movie legend A Heart Stopping Chase... and the Ultimate Test of Courage King Of Comedy (1982). Lloyd Kaufman, is a satirical sci-fi comedy event film with Kevin Bacon is pedaling for all he’s worth as a bicycle Oscilloscope Laboratories, Comedy, Drama, themes ripped straight from today’s headlines: the messenger on a collision course with danger in Quicksilver. contamination and degradation of the world’s food supply, As he darts through the city traffic, making his rounds in the Foreign, Italian, Movies 2012 117min. rampant bullying, love triumphing over prejudice. Nuke ‘Em is fast paced world of maverick messengers, Jack Casey (Ba- Oscilloscope Laboratories 13.08.2013 in the same vein as other classics such as Class of 1984, con) uncovers a sinister web of murder and intrigue. When he 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117235 Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, and Carrie, but seen through the falls for Terri (Jami Gertz of ), a fellow messenger unique vision of Lloyd Kaufman and the Troma Team. Welcome who has become the pawn of an unscrupulous drug dealer, it’s to Tromaville High School where, unfortunately, the glee club up to Jack to act quickly. Speeding toward the final - and The Red House (Blu-ray + DVD has mutated into a vicious gang of Cretins. Chrissy and deadly - showdown, it’s a heart stopping chase, and the Lauren, two innocent bloggers, must fight not only the Cretins, ultimate test of Jack’s courage. Set to the driving beat of a Combo) (Blu-ray) mutants and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs dynamic soundtrack featuring Roger Daltrey, the pulse of Judith Anderson, Lon McCallister, Allene Conglomerate. Will they save Tromaville High School and the urban America comes alive in a story with more twists and world? Find out in this brand-new, unhinged classic from turns than a rush-hour shortcut. When it comes to delivering Roberts, Julie London, Rory Calhoun, Ed- beloved Troma Films! the goods, nothing comes close to the free-wheeling ward G. Robinson - Dir. Delmer Daves Comedy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction exhilaration of Quicksilver. Lovers of film noir have long treasured this eerie gem, 2013 85min. Action, Classics, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Dra- produced during what has come to be regarded as Starz / Anchor Bay 13.08.2013 ma, Movies, Thrillers 1986 106min. Hollywood’s classic noir period (early-1940s to late-1950s). It is now available for the first time in stunning high-definition 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117482 Image Ent. 06.08.2013 Blu-Ray. Edward G. Robinson plays an aging farmer with a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117532 dark secret he’s trying to keep hidden. Director Delmer Daves enjoyed a successful, 35-year career in Hollywood as Revenge: The Complete Second a producer, director and writer (he adapted this particular Quicksilver (Blu-ray) story from a novel first serialized in The Saturday Evening Season Post in 1945). But credit is also due to cinematographer Bert Madeleine Stowe, Gabriel Mann, Henry Jami Gertz, Kevin Bacon, Paul Rodriguez - Glannon, a veteran of numerous noir/crime titles (not to Dir. Tom Donnelly mention work with such acclaimed directors as John Ford and Czerny, Emily Vancamp, Margarita Levieva, A Heart Stopping Chase... and the Ultimate Test of Courage Cecil B DeMille), who was responsible for executing the sort Ashley Madekwe, Joshua Bowman, Christa Kevin Bacon is pedaling for all he’s worth as a bicycle of unexpected camera angles and shadowy lighting that would B. Allen, Connor Paolo messenger on a collision course with danger in Quicksilver. become the signature of a good film noir. Meanwhile, viewers Emily Thorne returns to the Hamptons with a vengeance. Her As he darts through the city traffic, making his rounds in the will also want to watch for a young Julie London, appearing in enemies may be the same, but her mission now takes on a fast paced world of maverick messengers, Jack Casey (Ba- one of her earliest film roles. new, suspenseful twist. Feel the power of television’s most con) uncovers a sinister web of murder and intrigue. When he Film Chest Media Group, Book-To-Film, seductive series, as the action and passion hit new heights in falls for Terri (Jami Gertz of Twister), a fellow messenger Classics, Crime, Film Noir, Horror, Movies, all 22 episodes of Revenge: The Complete Second Season on who has become the pawn of an unscrupulous drug dealer, it’s DVD. Emily will stop at nothing to uncover the secrets of her up to Jack to act quickly. Speeding toward the final - and Mystery, Thrillers 1947 100min. father’s murder, but the web of deceit is larger than she ever deadly - showdown, it’s a heart stopping chase, and the Film Chest Media Group 24.04.2012 imagined. Now, with her mother (Jennifer Jason Leigh) in the ultimate test of Jack’s courage. Set to the driving beat of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117448 picture, even more will be revealed. Watch the sparks fly as dynamic soundtrack featuring Roger Daltrey, the pulse of Daniel and Ashley begin a torrid romance, while stunning urban America comes alive in a story with more twists and events change the face of Jack and Amanda’s relationship, turns than a rush-hour shortcut. When it comes to delivering A Resurrection and new faces mean more trouble for Emily and Victoria, while the goods, nothing comes close to the free-wheeling a mysterious man from Emily’s past adds to her complications. exhilaration of Quicksilver. Mischa Barton, Michael Clarke Duncan, Relive every biting and brilliant episode of Season Two, Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Cult Film / Devon Sawa complete with never-before-seen bonus features that will lure TV, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1986 106min. Horror, Movies 2013 min. you even deeper into the drama. Revenge: The Complete Second Season on DVD is addictive entertainment that will Image Ent. 06.08.2013 Millennium Entertainment 27.08.2013 have you begging for more! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117555 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117376 ABC, Action, Drama, Revenge, Television 2013 946min. Raising Izzie The Return Of Joe Rich Disney / Buena Vista 20.08.2013 Vanessa Williams, Rockmond Dunbar, Talia Shire, Armand Assante, Sam Witwer 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117380 Rodney Perry Joe believed in right and wrong until... His job outsourced to 14-year old Gertie (Victoria Elizabeth Staley) is India. His teaser rate spiked. His wife bailed. But Joe has a Revolution: The Complete First singlehandedly raising her little sister, Izzie (Kyla Kenedy). plan...to get it all back, and more. Joe returns home, to the last Orphaned after their mother’s death, the two girls are secretly place on planet Earth where real men can be found... . Season living on their own, attempting to stay under the radar so they Joe’s Uncle Dominic is „connected“. Joe wants in „to The can remain together. Meanwhile Gertie’s new teacher, Mrs. Mob“, or „The Outfit“, as it is called in Chicago. And he’ll do Giancarlo Esposito, Billy Burke, Tracy Freeman (Vanessa Williams), and her husband (Rockmond anything to make it happen. Spiridakos Dunbar) struggle with their inability to have a child. Both Comedy, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, In this epic adventure thriller from Supernatural’s Eric Kripke Gertie and Mrs. Freeman have fallen from faith, but can these Movies 2012 90min. and J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions, a family struggles to two „broken“ families find renewed devotion by coming reunite in a post-apocalyptic American landscape: a world of together? Gifted with an inspired cast and an uplifting MTI Home Video 13.08.2013 empty cities, local militias and heroic freedom fighters, where message, Raising Izzie will touch your heart with the healing 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117506 every single piece of technology - computers, planes, cars, power of faith and family! phones, even lights - has mysteriously blacked out - forever. Drama, Family, Movies, TV Movies 2013 Return To Nuke ‘Em High: Volume Revolution: The Complete First Season is a grand romantic 87min. saga with sweeping scope and intimate focus - yet it is also One about family - both the family you’re born into and the family Image Ent. 06.08.2013 you choose. This is a swashbuckling journey of hope and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117535 Lloyd Kaufman, Stan Lee, Vito Trigo - Dir. rebirth, seen through the eyes of one strong-willed young Lloyd Kaufman woman. Return to Nuke ‘Em High Vol. 1, directed by cult movie legend Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Reality Lloyd Kaufman, is a satirical sci-fi comedy event film with Drama, Epics, In The Future..., NBC, From Matteo Garrone, acclaimed director of the award themes ripped straight from today’s headlines: the winning Gomorrah (2008), Reality is a darkly comic look at contamination and degradation of the world’s food supply, Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2012 Luciano, a charming and affable Italian fishmonger and family rampant bullying, love triumphing over prejudice. Nuke ‘Em is 860min. man whose sudden obsession with appearing on the reality in the same vein as other classics such as Class of 1984, Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 show Big Brother leads him down a rabbit hole of paranoia. Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, and Carrie, but seen through the So overcome by his dream of celebrity, Luciano’s reality unique vision of Lloyd Kaufman and the Troma Team. Welcome 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117614 begins to spiral out of control, making for one of the most to Tromaville High School where, unfortunately, the glee club compelling tragicomic character studies since Scorsese’s The has mutated into a vicious gang of Cretins. Chrissy and Revolution: The Complete First King Of Comedy (1982). Lauren, two innocent bloggers, must fight not only the Cretins, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies mutants and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Season (Blu-ray + DVD + Conglomerate. Will they save Tromaville High School and the 2012 117min. world? Find out in this brand-new, unhinged classic from UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Oscilloscope Laboratories 13.08.2013 beloved Troma Films! Giancarlo Esposito, Billy Burke, Tracy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117305 Comedy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction Spiridakos 2013 85min. In this epic adventure thriller from Supernatural’s Eric Kripke Starz / Anchor Bay 13.08.2013 and J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions, a family struggles to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA reunite in a post-apocalyptic American landscape: a world of exposes Huck’s dark past, and uncovers Olivia’s darkest Action, Adventure, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, empty cities, local militias and heroic freedom fighters, where secret - something so shocking and enormous that it threatens every single piece of technology - computers, planes, cars, the entire nation. From boardrooms to bedrooms, relive all 22 Movies, Spies & Secret Agents 2003 phones, even lights - has mysteriously blacked out - forever. episodes of Scandal’s explosive second season - plus 102min. Revolution: The Complete First Season is a grand romantic exclusive, never-before-seen bonus features in this riveting Image Ent. 20.08.2013 saga with sweeping scope and intimate focus - yet it is also 5-disc set. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117547 about family - both the family you’re born into and the family ABC, Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, you choose. This is a swashbuckling journey of hope and Politics, Television 2012 946min. rebirth, seen through the eyes of one strong-willed young Sky Captain And The World Of woman. Disney / Buena Vista 23.09.2013 Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117385 Tomorrow ray, Drama, Epics, In The Future..., NBC, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bai Ling, An- Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2012 Seconds: The Criterion Collection gelina Jolie, Michael Gambon, Giovanni 860min. John Randolph Ribisi, Omid Djalili - Dir. Kerry Conran Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 Rock Hudson (All That Heaven Allows) is a revelation in this If the world is in trouble and there’s no one else to turn to, it’s 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117629 sinister, science-fiction-inflected dispatch from the fractured Sky Captain to the rescue! When mysterious giant robots 1960s. Seconds, directed by John Frankenheimer (The begin attacking the streets of New York City, intrepid reporter Manchurian Candidate), concerns a middle-aged businessman Polly Perkins (Academy Award-winner Gwyneth Paltrow) is Riddick Collection dissatisfied with his suburban existence, who elects to on the story and enlists the aid of ace aviator and old flame undergo a strange and elaborate procedure that will grant him Joseph „Sky Captain“ Sullivan (Academy nominee Jude Law). Vin Diesel, Nick Chinlund, Judi Dench, a new life. Starting over in America, however, is not as easy Their mission is to find out who’s behind these killing Thandie Newton, Linus Roache, Radha as it sounds. This paranoiac symphony of canted camera machines and stop a plot to destroy the world before it’s too Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Colm Feore, Karl angles (courtesy of famed cinematographer James Wong late. Co-starring Academy Award-winner Angelina Jolie as Howe), fragmented editing, and layered sound design is a the ravishing Captain Franky Cook and Giovanni Ribisi as Urban, Tress MacNeille, Yorick Van remarkably risk-taking Hollywood film that ranks high on the the technical genius Dex, Sky Captain and the World of Wageningen, Rhiana Griffith, Roger L. list of its legendary director’s major achievements. Tomorrow features innovative state of the art special effects that will thrill and amaze you right through to the action- Jackson, Alexa Davalos, Keith David - Dir. Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies, packed finale. Peter Chung, David Twohy Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1966 Action, Adventure, Aerial Action, Giant Vin Diesel stars as the ultimate anti-hero in one of the most 107min. action-packed sci-fi epics of all time! Journey to a remote, Robots, Movies, Science Fiction 2004 min. hostile planet with a group of marooned passengers who learn Criterion 13.08.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 that escaped convict Riddick isn’t the only thing they have to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117265 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117457 fear in Pitch Black. Riddick then finds himself humanity’s unlikely champion in the special effects-fueled sci-fi adventure, The Chronicles of Riddick. Plus, see Riddick Seconds: The Criterion Collection Sky Captain And The World Of battle ruthless soldiers of fortune and vicious creatures in (Blu-ray) renowned animator Peter Chung’s The Chronicles of Riddick: Tomorrow (Blu-ray) Dark Fury. John Randolph Jude Law, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Action, Aliens, Animation, Boxed Sets, Rock Hudson (All That Heaven Allows) is a revelation in this sinister, science-fiction-inflected dispatch from the fractured Paltrow, Bai Ling, Michael Gambon, Movies, Multi-Feature Discs, Science 1960s. Seconds, directed by John Frankenheimer (The Giovanni Ribisi, Omid Djalili - Dir. Kerry Fiction, Thrillers 281min. Manchurian Candidate), concerns a middle-aged businessman Conran Universal Studios 06.08.2013 dissatisfied with his suburban existence, who elects to If the world is in trouble and there’s no one else to turn to, it’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117387 undergo a strange and elaborate procedure that will grant him Sky Captain to the rescue! When mysterious giant robots a new life. Starting over in America, however, is not as easy begin attacking the streets of New York City, intrepid reporter as it sounds. This paranoiac symphony of canted camera Polly Perkins (Academy Award®-winner Gwyneth Paltrow) is Roadie (Blu-ray) angles (courtesy of famed cinematographer James Wong on the story and enlists the aid of ace aviator and old flame Howe), fragmented editing, and layered sound design is a Joseph „Sky Captain“ Sullivan (Academy Award® nominee Art Carney, Kaki Hunter, , remarkably risk-taking Hollywood film that ranks high on the Jude Law). Their mission is to find out who’s behind these Blondie, Meat Loaf, Roy Orbison - Dir. Alan list of its legendary director’s major achievements. killing machines and stop a plot to destroy the world before Rudolph Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies, it’s too late. Co-starring Academy Award®-winner Angelina Bands make it rock, but roadies make it roll! Meat Loaf stars Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1966 Jolie as the ravishing Captain Franky Cook and Giovanni in this „rollicking“ (Variety) road film featuring incredible live 107min. Ribisi as the technical genius Dex, Sky Captain and the performances by Alice Cooper, Blondie, Roy Orbison, Hank World of Tomorrow features innovative state of the art special Williams, Jr., and Asleep at the Wheel! Down-home Texas Criterion 13.08.2013 effects that will thrill and amaze you right through to the boy Travis Redfish (Meat Loaf) falls hard for Lola, a glitter- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117281 action-packed finale. spangled groupie determined to lose her virginity to Alice Action, Adventure, Aerial Action, Blu-ray, Cooper. Hoping to woo her, Travis signs on with a traveling Giant Robots, Movies, Science Fiction 2004 rock band and soon finds himself celebrated as the „greatest Shutterbug (Blu-ray) roadie of all time“! But Lola’s date with destiny (and Cooper) When shooting the dawn one morning, photographer Alex min. looms. Can true love survive rock’n’roll? Santiago looks into the rising sun and hurts his eyes. As a Paramount 01.01.2013 Comedy, Movies, Romance 1980 95min. result, he begins to see spots and blurs. When the spots 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117450 become a face - an apparition of a woman - he embarks on a Shout Factory 20.08.2013 journey to discover who she is. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117335 R Squared Films, Inc., Movies, Romance, Sliver (Blu-ray) Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2009 Sharon Stone, Tom Berenger, Martin Land- Sapphire And Steel: The 90min. au, William Baldwin - Dir. Philip Noyce Complete Series R Squared Films, Inc. 07.02.2013 Movies, Thrillers, Voyeurism 1993 108min. David McCallum, Joanna Lumley 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117451 Paramount 10.09.2013 Airing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Sapphire and Steel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117251 was a hit science fiction show from Britain unlike any other. The Silencers Steel (David McCallum) and Sapphire (Joanna Lumley) are a pair of interdimensional operatives who are engaged in Dean Martin, Robert Webber, James Smash: Season Two guarding the order, if not integrity, of time. Very little is Gregory, Stella Stevens, Beverly Adams, Anjelica Huston, Jack Davenport, Debra revealed about their purposes or backgrounds in the course of the series, but they seem to be two of several elements that Daliah Lavi, Victor Bruno, Robert C. Carmel Messing, Katharine McPhee, Megan Hilty, assume human form and are sent to investigate strange - Dir. Phil Karlson Christian Borle events. Take one shot of danger, two splashes of action and a twist of Drama, Music, Musical, NBC, Television Mystery, Science Fiction, Television, Thril- comedy and add a generous portion of screen legend Dean Martin to the mix and you’ve got The Silencers, a stylishly 2013 min. lers 1979 min. sexy adventure in the tradition of James Bond. It’s up to Universal Studios 06.08.2013 Shout Factory 27.08.2013 secret agent Matt Helm (Martin) to save the day when 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117388 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117359 mascared megalomaniac Victor Bruno (What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?) and his dastardly organization, Big O, plot to sabotage America’s atomic missile system. From deep inside Smiley’s People (Blu-ray) Scandal: The Complete Second Big O’s subterranean hideout to a perilous mountainside car chase to groovy designer bedrooms filled with booby traps, Alec Guinness, Patrick Stewart, Michael Season Helm braves blistering showers of bullets, knives and laser Lonsdale, Beryl Reid, Bernard Hepton, , Darby Stanchfield beams to make the world a save place again. Helping his Eileen Atkins, Bill Paterson, Anthony Bate - Experience every breathless, jaw-dropping moment as Olivia cause is a bevy of beauties including Stella Stevens (The Dir. Simon Langton Pope (Kerry Washington) and her team of „gladiators in suits“ Poseidon Adventure) and double agent Daliah Lavi (Casino turn up the heat and raise the stakes in Scandal: The Royale). In addition to its arsenal of high-tech gadgets and British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, International Complete Second Season. For Olivia Pope and Associates, outrageous costumes, The Silencers features an amazing TV, Television 1982 324min. cleaning up other people’s messes takes a shattering opening sequence starring Cyd Charisse (Singin’ in the Rain) Acorn Media 06.08.2013 personal toll. Season Two blows the lid off Quinn’s identity, and a cocktail-era soundtrack by Elmer Bernstein with vocals by Martin, Charisse and Vikki Carr. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117588

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When the isolated U.S. military moonbase is bombarded by a 2011 89min. rogue meteor storm, Colonel Gerard Brauchman (Christian Snake Eyes (Blu-ray) Slater) and his small crew are cut off from Earth with their life Starz / Anchor Bay 13.08.2013 John Heard, Gary Sinise, Nicolas Cage, support failing. Before long, the crew discovers the meteors 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117474 harbored alien spores... and they’re replicating. Now a Kevin Dunn, Stan Shaw, Carla Gugino - Dir. vicious, shape-shifting predatory life form is loose inside the Brian De Palma crippled facility, picking off victims one by one. Locked in a Super Storm (Blu-ray) Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, desperate fight for survival, Brauchman and the terrified Mitch Pileggi, Erica Cerra, David Sutcliffe, remaining astronauts have one final mission... keep the Conspiracies, Crime, Gambling, Movies, creature from escaping the moon and finding a new food Leah Cairns - Dir. Sheldon Wilson Mystery, Thrillers 1998 98min. supply on Earth. When Jupiter’s red spot suddenly disappears, it triggers furious electrical storms and savage mega-cyclones that Paramount 10.09.2013 Aliens, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, destroy America’s major cities. But a small-town detention- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117252 Space 2012 88min. bound teen with an extraordinary science project may have Image Ent. 27.08.2013 the answer that could halt Earth’s annihilation: Can capturing „The Destruction Particle“ end this weather carnage or is Solomon Kane (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117563 nature’s fury about to get a lot more pissed off? David Max Von Sydow, James Purefoy - Dir. Mi- Sutcliffe (Private Practice, Gilmore Girls), Erica Cerra Stranded (Blu-ray) (Eureka), Brett Dier (The L.A. Complex), Leah Cairns chael J. Bassett (Battlestar Galactica), Luisa D’Oliveira (Seeds Of Captain Solomon Kane is a brutally efficient 16th Century Christian Slater, Brendan Fehr, Amy Destruction) and Mitch Pileggi (The X-Files) star in this killing machine. Armed with his signature pistols, cutlass and Original blast of mayhem from the executive producers of Ice rapier, he and his men unleash their bloodlust as they fight for Matysio - Dir. Roger Christian When the isolated U.S. military moonbase is bombarded by a Quake, Iron Invader and Stonehenge Apocalypse, and the England in war after war on all continents. As the story director of Snowmageddon! opens, Kane and his band of pillagers are carving a bloody rogue meteor storm, Colonel Gerard Brauchman (Christian path through hordes of defenders in an exotic city in northern Slater) and his small crew are cut off from Earth with their life Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, Africa. But, when Kane decides to attack a mysterious nearby support failing. Before long, the crew discovers the meteors Thrillers 2011 89min. castle to plunder its rumored riches, his mission takes a harbored alien spores... and they’re replicating. Now a Starz / Anchor Bay 13.08.2013 fateful turn. One by one, Kane’s men are picked off by demonic vicious, shape-shifting predatory life form is loose inside the creatures until he alone is left to face the Devil’s own Reaper crippled facility, picking off victims one by one. Locked in a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117481 — dispatched from the depths of Hell to lay claim to his desperate fight for survival, Brauchman and the terrified hopelessly corrupt soul. Though Kane at last manages to remaining astronauts have one final mission... keep the Supernatural: The Complete escape, he knows that he now must redeem himself by creature from escaping the moon and finding a new food renouncing violence and devoting himself wholly to a life of supply on Earth. Eighth Season Aliens, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, Science peace and purity. Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Fiction, Space 2012 88min. After a year apart, Sam and Dean are reunited in the Eighth Historical / Period Piece, Movies, War 2009 Image Ent. 27.08.2013 Season premiere. After escaping from Purgatory with the help 104min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117586 of a vampire named Benny, Dean heads straight for Sam, but the reunion isn’t exactly everything he imagined it would be. Starz / Anchor Bay 16.07.2013 Although Sam drops everything to join his brother, leaving the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117233 The Strange Love Of Martha Ivers life he had grown accustomed to enjoy turns out to be harder than he imagined. In the meantime, Benny’s help turns out to (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) be more than what Dean bargained for. As the brothers Southland: The Complete Fifth & Barbara Stanwyck, Van Heflin, Lizabeth struggle with their unexpected reunion, they make a shocking Final Season discovery that could lead them on a deeply personal mission Scott, Kirk Douglas - Dir. Lewis Milestone to settle old scores. If only they could agree - is this a „family , Shawn Hatosy, Ben Classic film noir doesn’t get much darker than this sordid tale business“ or isn’t it? Discover the secrets and mysteries in of betrayal, blackmail, intimidation and murder. Nor are you these 23 must-watch episodes. McKenzie, Michael Cudlitz likely to find a more impressive cast in a noir feature than the A tourist flattened by a Hollywood tour bus. Rival gangs at a one assembled here, and available here for the first time ever Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural & drug dealer’s funeral. Victims cooked by their killer. Welcome in High Definition Blu-Ray. Martha Ivers (Barbara Stanwyck) Paranormal, Television, The CW, Thrillers to sunny Los Angeles, where LAPD beat cops and detectives is an heiress-turned-successful businesswoman. Sadly, she’s 2012 989min. work 24/7 doing jobs that require an arsenal of razor-sharp spent much of her life bearing the burden of a horrific instincts and quicksilver reflexes. The fallout seeps into the childhood event involving the rich, domineering aunt (Judith Warner Bros. 10.09.2013 personal lives of the flawed but dedicated officers, who must Anderson) who raised her, while subsequently enduring an 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117581 also cope with new motherhood, a penchant for painkillers, unhappy marriage to Walter (Kirk Douglas), the local District domestic drama and corruption’s temptation. But even heroes Attorney. But everything could change for this „power couple“ need heroes, and when two cops are kidnapped, the entire when her childhood sweetheart Sam (Van Heflin), now a Supernatural: The Complete department scrambles to save their own in an explosive drifter, shows up back in town one fateful night alongside new Eighth Season (Blu-ray) series finale. This 2-Disc set contains all 10 provocative, girlfriend Toni (Lizabeth Scott). action-packed episodes of The Complete Fifth and Final Film Chest Media Group, Classics, Drama, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles Season of the highly acclaimed, brutally authentic Southland. After a year apart, Sam and Dean are reunited in the Eighth Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Television Film Noir, Movies, Thrillers 1946 116min. Season premiere. After escaping from Purgatory with the help 2013 430min. Film Chest Media Group 29.05.2012 of a vampire named Benny, Dean heads straight for Sam, but 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117447 the reunion isn’t exactly everything he imagined it would be. Warner Bros. 13.08.2013 Although Sam drops everything to join his brother, leaving the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117242 life he had grown accustomed to enjoy turns out to be harder Suddenly (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) than he imagined. In the meantime, Benny’s help turns out to be more than what Dean bargained for. As the brothers Star Trek: Enterprise - The (Blu-ray) struggle with their unexpected reunion, they make a shocking Complete Second Season (Blu- Sterling Hayden, James Gleason, Frank discovery that could lead them on a deeply personal mission Sinatra - Dir. Lewis Allen to settle old scores. If only they could agree - is this a „family ray) business“ or isn’t it? Discover the secrets and mysteries in There is to be an attempt on the life of the President as he Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, Dominic these 23 must-watch episodes. passes through a small town. What will happen?? Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural & Keating, John Billingsley, Anthony Film Chest Media Group, Classics, Crime, Paranormal, Television, The CW, Thrillers Montgomery, Linda Park, Connor Trinneer Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1954 75min. 2012 989min. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Cult Film Film Chest Media Group 16.10.2012 Warner Bros. 10.09.2013 / TV, In The Future..., Science Fiction, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117443 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117594 Space, Star Trek, Television, Time Travel 2002 1112min. Super Storm Swamp Thing (Blu-ray + DVD Paramount Pictures 20.08.2013 Mitch Pileggi, Erica Cerra, David Sutcliffe, 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117441 Leah Cairns - Dir. Sheldon Wilson Combo) (Blu-ray) When Jupiter’s red spot suddenly disappears, it triggers Adrienne Barbeau, Al Ruban, Louis The Story Of Luke furious electrical storms and savage mega-cyclones that Jourdan, Nicholas Worth, Ray Wise, David destroy America’s major cities. But a small-town detention- Cary Elwes, Seth Green, Al Sapienza bound teen with an extraordinary science project may have Hess, Dick Durock, Don Knight - Dir. Wes Comedy, Drama, Mental Illness, Movies the answer that could halt Earth’s annihilation: Can capturing Craven „The Destruction Particle“ end this weather carnage or is Swamp Thing is the perfect blend of thrills, chills, „winsome 2012 min. nature’s fury about to get a lot more pissed off? David humor“ (Robert Ebert) and amazing special effects from Millennium Entertainment 06.08.2013 Sutcliffe (Private Practice, Gilmore Girls), Erica Cerra master of horror Wes Craven. Deep in the Florida 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117373 (Eureka), Brett Dier (The L.A. Complex), Leah Cairns everglades, a brilliant scientist, Dr. Alec Holland (Ray (Battlestar Galactica), Luisa D’Oliveira (Seeds Of Wise), and a sexy government agent, Alice Cable (Adrienne Destruction) and Mitch Pileggi (The X-Files) star in this Syfy Barbeau), have developed a secret formula that could end Stranded Original blast of mayhem from the executive producers of Ice world hunger. Little do they know, however, that their arch Quake, Iron Invader and Stonehenge Apocalypse, and the nemesis, Arcane (Louis Jourdan, is plotting to steal the serum Christian Slater, Brendan Fehr, Amy director of Snowmageddon! for his own selfish schemes. Looting the lab and kidnapping Matysio - Dir. Roger Christian Action, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers cable, Arcane douses Holland with the chemicals and leaves

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA him for dead. Mutated by his own formula, Holland becomes Gross, Barbara Garrick, Billy Campbell - Lionel Atwill, Jack Benny, Stanley Ridges, „Swamp Thing“ - a half-human/half-plant superhero who will stop at nothing to rescue cable and defeat Arcane...even if it Dir. Alastair Reid Felix Bressart - Dir. Ernst Lubitsch costs him his life! In the freewheeling of the 1970s, fresh-faced As nervy as it is hilarious, this screwball masterpiece from Midwesterner Mary Ann Singleton arrives for a visit and Ernst Lubitsch (Trouble in Paradise) stars Jack Benny (The Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Horror, decides to stay. But only when she moves into the funky Jack Benny Program) and, in her final screen appearance, Monsters, Movies 1982 91min. apartment house on 28 Barbary Lane does it become clear just Carole Lombard (My Man Godfrey) as husband-and-wife Shout Factory 06.08.2013 how far from Cleveland she really is. Based on Armistead thespians in Nazi-occupied Warsaw who become caught up in Maupin’s groundbreaking novel about a cast of characters in a dangerous spy plot. To Be or Not to Be is a Hollywood film 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117301 search of love across the whole spectrum of sexual of the boldest black humor, which went into production soon experience, Tales of the City evokes both a unique time and after the U.S. entered World War II. Lubitsch manages to The Tailor Of Panama place and the universal yearning for connection. This brilliantly balance political satire, romance, slapstick, and Peabody Award-winning PBS stars Oscar winner urgent wartime suspense in a comic high-wire act that has , Geoffrey Rush, Jamie Lee Olympia Dukakis (Moonstruck), Donald Moffat (Clear and never been equaled. Curtis, Catherine McCormack, Brendan Present Danger), Oscar nominee Laura Linney (You Can AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Criterion Count On Me), Marcus D’Amico (Full Metal Jacket) and Gleeson, Leonor Varela, Harold Pinter - Dir. Chloe Webb (Sid & Nancy) as Mona Ramsey. Also featuring Collection, Movies, National Film Registry, John Boorman Thomas Gibson (Dharma & Greg), Barbara Garrick War 1942 99min. In this seductive spy thriller based on the best-selling novel (Sleepless In Seattle), Bill Campbell (Once and Again) and Criterion 27.08.2013 by John Le Carre, Academy Award®-winner Geoffrey Rush Paul Gross (Due South). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117267 (Shine) delivers a dazzling performance as Harry Pendel, an Acorn Media, British, Drama, Foreign, ex-con turned tailor to the rich and infamous and married to Friendships, Gay / Lesbian Interest, smart and sexy Louisa (Jamie Lee Curtis - True Lies), To Be Or Not To Be: The Criterion Directed by Academy Award®-nominee John Boorman (Hope Movies, Romance 1993 300min. and Glory, Deliverance) and set in steamy Panama, where Acorn Media 27.08.2013 Collection (Blu-ray) nothing is what it seems, Andy Osnard (Pierce Brosnan - The Thomas Crown Affair), a suave and ruthless British spy, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117565 Carole Lombard, Sig Ruman, Robert Stack, entices Harry into eavesdropping on the powerful politicians Lionel Atwill, Jack Benny, Stanley Ridges, he clothes. But Harry’s talent for storytelling compels him to Teen Beach Movie Felix Bressart - Dir. Ernst Lubitsch weave an elaborate tale that’s not only taken as truth, but sets As nervy as it is hilarious, this screwball masterpiece from off a chain of events that threatens to destroy everything he Grace Phillips - Dir. Jeffrey Hornaday Ernst Lubitsch (Trouble in Paradise) stars Jack Benny (The treasures most in life. Cowabunga! Catch a perfect wave of fun in the sun, splashed Jack Benny Program) and, in her final screen appearance, Action, Book-To-Film, Drama, Movies, Spies with excitement, surprises and budding romance. Life’s a Carole Lombard (My Man Godfrey) as husband-and-wife & Secret Agents, Thrillers 2001 109min. beach for surfers Brady (Ross Lynch) and McKenzie (Maia thespians in Nazi-occupied Warsaw who become caught up in Mitchell) - until a rogue wave magically transports them a dangerous spy plot. To Be or Not to Be is a Hollywood film Image Ent. 20.08.2013 inside the classic ’60s beach party flick, „Wet Side Story,“ of the boldest black humor, which went into production soon 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117560 where a full-blown rivalry between bikers and surfers after the U.S. entered World War II. Lubitsch manages to threatens to erupt. There, amidst a sea of surfing, singing and brilliantly balance political satire, romance, slapstick, and dancing, Brady and Mack accidentally change the storyline, urgent wartime suspense in a comic high-wire act that has The Tailor Of Panama (Blu-ray) and the film’s dreamy hero and heroine fall for them instead of never been equaled. each other! Can our heroes get the plot back on track, or will Pierce Brosnan, Geoffrey Rush, Jamie Lee they be trapped there forever? Overflowing with hilarious AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Curtis, Catherine McCormack, Brendan comedy and high-energy musical numbers, Teen Beach Movie Criterion Collection, Movies, National Film Gleeson, Leonor Varela, Harold Pinter - Dir. makes it an endless summer all year long! Registry, War 1942 99min. John Boorman Comedy, Disney, Family, Movies, Musical, Criterion 27.08.2013 In this seductive spy thriller based on the best-selling novel Surf, Television, Time Travel, TV Movies 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117283 by John Le Carre, Academy Award®-winner Geoffrey Rush 2013 91min. (Shine) delivers a dazzling performance as Harry Pendel, an Disney / Buena Vista 30.07.2013 ex-con turned tailor to the rich and infamous and married to Tommy Boy: Holy Schnike Edition smart and sexy Louisa (Jamie Lee Curtis - True Lies), 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117598 Directed by Academy Award®-nominee John Boorman (Hope (Blu-ray) and Glory, Deliverance) and set in steamy Panama, where Temptation: Confessions Of A Chris Farley, David Spade, Bo Derek, Dan nothing is what it seems, Andy Osnard (Pierce Brosnan - The Aykroyd, Rob Lowe, Brian Dennehy - Dir. Thomas Crown Affair), a suave and ruthless British spy, Marriage Counselor (Blu-ray + entices Harry into eavesdropping on the powerful politicians Peter Segal he clothes. But Harry’s talent for storytelling compels him to UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The boys are back and they’re bigger than ever in the gut- weave an elaborate tale that’s not only taken as truth, but sets busting, all-new Holy Schnike Edition! Crack-up comedians off a chain of events that threatens to destroy everything he Vanessa Williams, Ella Joyce, Jurnee Chris Farley and David Spade star as two ne’er-do-well treasures most in life. Smollett, , Renee Taylor, traveling salesmen who hit the road in order to save the family Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Kim Kardashian, Lance Gross - Dir. Tyler business in this „infectiously funny“ (Gary Arnold, The Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Perry Washington Times), larger-than-life movie. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Movies, Road 2001 109min. An explosive romance about forbidden desires, Tyler Perry’s Trips 1995 min. Image Ent. 20.08.2013 Temptation tells the provocative story of Judith, an ambitious married woman whose temptation by a handsome billionaire Paramount 01.01.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117585 leads to betrayal, recklessness and forever alters the course of her life. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117626 The Talented Mr. Ripley (Blu-ray) Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 111min. Total Recall: Extended Director’s James Rebhorn, Jude Law, Gwyneth Lionsgate 09.07.2013 Paltrow, Matt Damon, Philip Seymour Cut (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117419 Hoffman, , Philip Baker Hall, ray) Sergio Rubini, Jack Davenport - Dir. Kate Beckinsale, Colin Farrell, Jessica Biel, Anthony Minghella Temptation: Confessions Of A Bryan Cranston, Bokeem Woodbine, Bill Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law and Cate Blanchett Marriage Counselor DVD + Nighy, John Cho - Dir. Len Wiseman electrify the screen in this riveting thriller from Oscar- UltraViolet) Prepare for non-stop and pulse-pounding excitement in this winning director Anthony Minghella (The English Patient). „electrifying thrill ride“ (Jeff Craig, Sixty Second Preview). Matt Damon „gives one of the year’s most extraordinary Vanessa Williams, Ella Joyce, Jurnee Colin Farrell stars as Douglas Quaid, a factory worker who performances“ (Premiere) as Tom Ripley, a calculating young Smollett, Brandy Norwood, Renee Taylor, visits Rekall, a revolutionary company that can turn his man who believes it’s better to be a fake somebody than a real superspy fantasies into real memories. But when the nobody. Opportunity knocks in the form of a wealthy American Kim Kardashian, Lance Gross - Dir. Tyler procedure goes horribly wrong, the line between fantasy and shipbuilder who hires Tom to travel to Italy to bring back his Perry reality blurs as Quaid becomes a man on the run and the fate playboy son, Dickie (Law). Ripley worms his way into the An explosive romance about forbidden desires, Tyler Perry’s of his world hangs in the balance. Co-starring Kate idyllic lives of Dickie and his girlfriend (Paltrow), plunging Temptation tells the provocative story of Judith, an ambitious Beckinsale, Jessica Biel and Bryan Cranston, Total Recall is into a daring scheme of duplicity, lies and murder. married woman whose temptation by a handsome billionaire bursting with mind-blowing action sequences and spectacular Art House, Blu-ray, Historical / Period leads to betrayal, recklessness and forever alters the course visual effects, the ultimate high-energy thrill-ride! Piece, Movies, Serial Killers, Thrillers 1999 of her life. 4K Ultra HD, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, 138min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, Giant Robots, Movies, Robots / Androids, Warner Bros. 10.09.2013 Romance 2013 111min. Science Fiction, Thrillers 2012 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117253 Lionsgate 09.07.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117409 14.05.2013 Tales Of The City: 20th 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117286 Anniversary Edition To Be Or Not To Be: The Criterion Laura Linney, Olympia Dukakis, Chloe Collection Trance Webb, Donald Moffat, Thomas Gibson, Paul Carole Lombard, Sig Ruman, Robert Stack, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Cassel, James

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McAvoy - Dir. Danny Boyle Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Unit 7 From Academy Award®-Winning director Danny Boyle Thrillers 2011 88min. Unit 7 has a tough mission: to clean the most dangerous drug (Slumdog Millionaire) comes an „exhilarating brain-twister“ 20th Century Fox 30.07.2013 trafficking networks out of the city and bring an end to (New York Post)! After a blow to the head during his thecorrosive power that has taken hold of the streets. A detail attempted robbery of a $27 million Goya painting, Simon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117224 of four, led by Ángel (Mario Casas), a young officer aspiring (James McAvoy, X-Men: First Class), a fine-art auctioneer, to detective, and Rafael (Antonio de la Torre), a violent, awakens to find that the painting - and his memory - are Twixt (Blu-ray) arrogant, yet efficient cop. But Unit 7’s modus operandi is missing. Forced by his ruthless crime partner Franck slipping outside the bounds of law through their use of (Vincent Cassel, Black Swan) to undergo hypnosis, Simon Val Kilmer, , Elle Fanning - Dir. violence, coercion, lies and half-truths. For them, anything enters into a deadly love triangle with his seductive hypnotist goes. As they gain ground in their mission, the two officers (Rosario Dawson, Sin City). As the plot twists, the line Francis Ford Coppola Val Kilmer and Elle Fanning star in this terrifying head in opposite directions. Ángel takes the path of ambition between reality and dream becomes blurred in this fast-paced, and police excesses, while Rafael will begin to change as a unpredictable, „sexy and suspenseful“ (Empire) thriller. written and directed by Academy Award Winner Francis Ford Coppola. Kilmer plays Hall , a writer on a book tour result of his feelings for beautiful, enigmatic Lucía. British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies, who uncovers a disturbing murder that could be source Action, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Spanish, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 101min. material for his next novel. But as Hall investigates the Thrillers 2012 95min. 20th Century Fox 23.07.2013 killing, he finds himself confronted by chilling nightmares, including the ghost of a young girl (Fanning). As he uncovers Kino Video 27.08.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117432 more horrifying revelations, Hall will discover that the story 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117279 has more to do with his own life than he could ever have Trance (Blu-ray) imagined. 20th Century Fox, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, The Vampire Diaries: The Rosario Dawson, Vincent Cassel, James Murder Mysteries, Thrillers 2011 88min. Complete Fourth Season McAvoy - Dir. Danny Boyle From Academy Award®-Winning director Danny Boyle 20th Century Fox 30.07.2013 Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley, Michael (Slumdog Millionaire) comes an „exhilarating brain-twister“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117234 Trevino, Joseph Morgan, Steven R. (New York Post)! After a blow to the head during his McQueen, Candice Accola, Nina Dobrev, attempted robbery of a $27 million Goya painting, Simon (James McAvoy, X-Men: First Class), a fine-art auctioneer, Two And A Half Men: The Zach Roerig awakens to find that the painting - and his memory - are Complete Tenth Season Senior year is finally here, and Elena should be having the missing. Forced by his ruthless crime partner Franck time of her life. Instead, she faces her worst nightmare, (Vincent Cassel, Black Swan) to undergo hypnosis, Simon Holland Taylor, Jon Cryer, Ashton Kutcher, struggling with the painful transformation from human to enters into a deadly love triangle with his seductive hypnotist Conchata Ferrell, Angus T. Jones vampire. As Damon mentors Elena into a supernatural life, (Rosario Dawson, Sin City). As the plot twists, the line their repressed passions explode, causing Stefan to The Malibu beach house men have matrimony on the brain in undertake a desperate quest to restore humanity to the girl he between reality and dream becomes blurred in this fast-paced, Season Ten. But where the heart (or other body part) is unpredictable, „sexy and suspenseful“ (Empire) thriller. adores. But as Elena ruthlessly quenches her newfound thirst concerned, even the most honorable dude can screw up. for blood, and her friends race to find a vampire cure based 20th Century Fox, British, Crime, Drama, Billionaire entrepreneur Walden Schmidt (Ashton Kutcher) on clues inked onto Jeremy’s flesh, the world around them Foreign, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 extends an extravagant proposal only to indulge in a fling with falls prey to a host of sinister forces. Mystic Falls takes on a stalker before finding true love under an assumed identity. vampire hunters, a hybrid rebellion and more in all 23 pulse- 101min. Nebbish housemate Alan Harper (Jon Cryer) decides life with 20th Century Fox 23.07.2013 pounding Season Four episodes. his longtime girlfriend is better with her than without, then Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, High School, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117440 gets caught in an internet scandal with his super hot ex-wife. And newly enlisted man Jake (Angus T. Jones) pops the Big Q Horror, Romance, Television, The CW, to a tattoo queen twice his age, then decides he likes her Vampires 2012 989min. Trial And Retribution: The daughter better! It’s just what dudes do while under the influence of testosterone, women’s wiles, and Berta’s Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 Complete Collection occasional pot brownies. Catch the hilarious contact high on 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117583 Victoria Smurfit, David Hayman, Kate all 23 manful episodes! Buffery CBS, Comedy, Television 2012 506min. The Vampire Diaries: The Created and written by Lynda La Plante „the playwright Warner Bros. 24.09.2013 laureate of women crime-stoppers“ (NPR~’s Weekend Editi- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117582 Complete Fourth Season (Blu-ray on) - this long-running British series displays the same hard- + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) bitten sensibility and emotional resonance that made Prime Suspect a television landmark. The 22 feature-length : The Complete Series Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley, Michael mysteries in this complete collection each follow a case from The first show in the long-running series, Ultra Q Trevino, Joseph Morgan, Steven R. the scene of the crime to the courtroom verdict. Boasting introduced audiences to an array of bizarre monsters, strange McQueen, Candice Accola, Nina Dobrev, innovative storytelling and uncompromising realism, Trial & aliens and alternative dimensions unleashed upon our world Retribution~~ powerfully portrays the psychological scars when the delicate balance of nature was disturbed by Zach Roerig that violence leaves behind. mankind. Inspired by both Japanese monster franchises such Senior year is finally here, and Elena should be having the British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, and Gamera, as well as American sci-fi shows such time of her life. Instead, she faces her worst nightmare, as The Twilight Zone and The Otter Limits, Ultra Q now struggling with the painful transformation from human to Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, Television vampire. As Damon mentors Elena into a supernatural life, 2002 3084min. makes its long-awaited DVD premiere. Foreign, Giant Monsters!, Horror, Japanese, their repressed passions explode, causing Stefan to Image Ent. 13.08.2013 undertake a desperate quest to restore humanity to the girl he Science Fiction, Television 1966 min. 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117599 adores. But as Elena ruthlessly quenches her newfound thirst Shout Factory 13.08.2013 for blood, and her friends race to find a vampire cure based 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117321 on clues inked onto Jeremy’s flesh, the world around them The Twilight Zone: Season 4 falls prey to a host of sinister forces. Mystic Falls takes on vampire hunters, a hybrid rebellion and more in all 23 pulse- Burgess Meredith, Anne Francis, Pat Uncle Vanya pounding Season Four episodes. Hingle, William Windom Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, High Laurence Olivier, Joan Plowright, Michael All 18 episodes of the fourth season of Rod Serling’s classic, School, Horror, Romance, Television, The groundbreaking series, now presented in pristine high- Redgrave, Sybil Thorndike definition for the first time ever, along with hours of new and Laurence Olivier’s production of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya CW, Vampires 2012 989min. exclusive bonus features not available anywhere else! performed by the Chichester Festival Theatre. Olivier’s Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 Classics, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, production of Chekhov’s masterpiece is rightly famous. In 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117595 addition to following Constance Garnet’s beautiful Science Fiction, Supernatural & of the play faithfully and staging the play carefully (albeit in a Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 1962 traditional fashion), Olivier, who plays Astrov (the Doctor, The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season 930min. who, as in all Chekhov’s plays, represents the playwright 5 (Blu-ray) Image Ent. 06.08.2013 himself) assembled a stellar cast of actors: Joan Plowright is a perfect Sonia and Rosemary Harris a subtle Yelena. The Dick Van Dyke, Carl Reiner, Mary Tyler 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117533 older characters are filled out by some giants of the 20th century English stage, including Max Adrian, Lewis Casson, Moore, Morey Amsterdam, Rose Marie and Casson’s wife, the magnificent Dame Sybil Thorndike as Don’t miss the fun in this final season of the multiple Emmy Twixt the Nurse. Topping the list, of course, is a fine performance Award-winning Dick Van Dyke Show. Generation after Val Kilmer, Bruce Dern, Elle Fanning - Dir. by Michael Redgrave in the title role. Olivier and his actors generation of TV viewers have fallen in love with this are able to evoke the classic Chekhovian mood from the timeless classic! For laugh after laugh, join one of TV’s best- Francis Ford Coppola opening and carry it through smoothly and warmly until the loved couples, Dick Van Dyke as Rob Petrie and Mary Tyler Val Kilmer and Elle Fanning star in this terrifying horror film end. The result gives the viewer a gentle and bittersweet Moore as his wife, Laura, along with Rob’s temperamental written and directed by Academy Award Winner Francis Ford view into „country life“ (see Chekhov’s subtitle) and how boss, Carl Reiner as Alan Brady, and his kooky co-workers, Coppola. Kilmer plays Hall Baltimore, a writer on a book tour people waste the gift of life with petty complaints Morey Amsterdam as Buddy Sorrel l and Rose Marie as Sally who uncovers a disturbing murder that could be source Rogers. Now see all 31 season episodes, exquisitely material for his next novel. But as Hall investigates the Drama, Foreign, Movies, Plays On Stage, remastered in their original full-length versions. Catch such killing, he finds himself confronted by chilling nightmares, Russian 106min. classics as Laura blurting out Alan Brady’s big secret on including the ghost of a young girl (Fanning). As he uncovers Kultur 27.08.2013 national TV in „Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth“; mild-mannered more horrifying revelations, Hall will discover that the story Mel Coley finally standing up to the boss in „The Bottom of has more to do with his own life than he could ever have 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117603 Mel Cooley’s Heart“; and Alan Brady attempting to turn the imagined. Petries’ anniversary party into a self-serving documentary in

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 59 Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) Juni 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

„A Day in the Life of Alan Brady.“ Arabia and Gandhi comes a sweeping screen epic bursting accidentally unleashes a mysterious and murderous Classics, Comedy, Television 1964 750min. with spectacle and drama...NOT! It’s Wayne’s World, the creaturetrapped in the basement. As the demon begins to hilarious, party-down movie of the year, featuring rockin’ attack the couples, the blood-dredged body count mounts and Image Ent. 06.08.2013 tunes, radical babes, and your most excellent hosts, Wayne with it, more creatures out for a taste of human flesh, freshly 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117554 Campbell (Mike Myers) and Garth Algar (Dana Carvey). killed. The dazed young men and women soon mount their own When a sleazy TV exec (Rob Lowe) offers Wayne and Garth desperate counter-attack, an attack that includes a fat contract to tape their late-night cable-access show at his decapitations, dismemberment, spurting blood, flailing axes The Virgin Among The Living network, the two can’t believe their good fortune („Now way.“ and the kind of gore one does associate with Swedish cinema! Dead: Remastered Edition „WAY!“). But they soon discover the road from basement to big Devils And Demons, Foreign, Horror, time is a gnarly one, fraught with danger, temptation, and Britt Nichols, Christina von Blanc - Dir. Je- ragin’ party opportunities. Can Wayne win the affections of Movies, Mystery, Possession, Swedish, sus Franco, Jean Rollin rock goddess Cassandra (Tia Carrere)? Will Garth get Thrillers 2012 95min. After losing her mother at an early age and being raised at a dunked by his dream girl (Donna Dixon) at the donut shop? Artsploitation Films 20.08.2013 boarding school, Cristina Reiner is notified of her father’s Serious questions, dude, and there’s only one way to find out 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117314 death and summoned to Monserrat Mansion for the reading of - watch Wayne’s World! his will. Other members of her strange, accursed family are Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, Buddy found there awaiting the imminent demise of Cristina’s ailing Pictures, Comedy, Movies 1992 min. Without A Paddle stepmother. When Death finally visits the castle in the person of an elegantly attired Queen of Darkness, Cristina is Paramount 01.01.2013 Matthew Lillard, Seth Green, Dax Shepard, approached by the ghost of her father, who advises her to flee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117627 Burt Reynolds - Dir. Steven Brill the castle and her cold-skinned, bloodthirsty relatives. But is Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Movies, Road it already too late? Has she already lost touch with reality? Learn the answers, if you dare, in this legendary cult classic White Water Summer Trips 2004 min. from Jess Franco-uncut in America for the first time! Kevin Bacon, Sean Astin, Jonathan Ward, Paramount 01.01.2013 Cult Film / TV, Euroshock, Foreign, French, K.C. Martel, Matt Adler - Dir. Jeff Bleckner 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117416 Horror, Movies 1973 79min. A beginners’ wilderness journey turns into a death-defying Redemption USA 20.08.2013 experience in the suspenseful action-adventure White Water Without A Paddle (Blu-ray) Summer starring Kevin Bacon (Hollow Man, A Few Good 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117311 Men) and Sean Astin (Rudy, The Lord of the Rings). When Matthew Lillard, Seth Green, Dax Shepard, Vic (Bacon) leads four boys on a challenging in the Sierras, Burt Reynolds - Dir. Steven Brill The Virgin Among The Living he is determined to teach his charges courage, camaraderie Seth Green, Matthew Lillard and Dax Shepard star in this and survival. But his relentless, demanding routine pushes offbeat comedy as childhood friends whose lives have drifted Dead: Remastered Edition (Blu- them to their physical and emotional limits, and the four boys apart but must reunite following the sudden death of a fourth ray) discover they are as unprepared for the rigors of roughing it friend. The trio finds out that he was hot on the trail of the as they are for Vic’s unpredictable, volatile nature. Most $200,000 that vanished when real-life airplane hijacker D.B. Britt Nichols, Christina von Blanc - Dir. Je- affected is the soft-spoken, intellectual Alan (Astin), who Cooper in 1971. After discovering a map left behind, they sus Franco, Jean Rollin soon finds himself fighting for his life as he learns that it’s decide to follow its course to claim the loot. They soon run one thing to survive the wild, but quite another to survive into a few things that their friend hadn’t planned on, including After losing her mother at an early age and being raised at a one’s guide. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the boarding school, Cristina Reiner is notified of her father’s backwoods pot farmers with itchy trigger fingers, beautiful rugged outdoors, the conflict of man against nature becomes a tree-living hippies and a bear with maternal instincts that death and summoned to Monserrat Mansion for the reading of conflict of man against man in this unforgettable „rite of his will. Other members of her strange, accursed family are know no bounds! Also starring a hilarious Burt Reynolds, passage“ film featuring outstanding cinematography from John Without A Paddle proves that it’s better to be down a river found there awaiting the imminent demise of Cristina’s ailing Alcott (The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey) and a driving stepmother. When Death finally visits the castle in the person than up a creek. musical score featuring Bruce Hornsby and the Ran Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Movies, Road of an elegantly attired Queen of Darkness, Cristina is Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies, approached by the ghost of her father, who advises her to flee Trips 2004 min. Wilderness 1987 90min. the castle and her cold-skinned, bloodthirsty relatives. But is Paramount 01.01.2013 it already too late? Has she already lost touch with reality? Image Ent. 06.08.2013 Learn the answers, if you dare, in this legendary cult classic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117424 from Jess Franco-uncut in America for the first time! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117534 Cult Film / TV, Euroshock, Foreign, French, Without A Paddle: Nature’s Horror, Movies 1973 79min. Wild Bill Redemption USA 20.08.2013 Will Poulter Calling 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117331 Out on parole after 8 years in prison, Bill (Charlie Creed- Kristopher Turner, Oliver James, Jerry Miles, The Fifth Element) returns home to find his now 11 and Rice, Rik Young, Amber McDonald, Madison 15-year-old sons, Jimmy and Dean, abandoned by their mother Riley - Dir. Ellory Elkayem The Vixens Of Kung-Fu / Oriental and fending for themselves. Dean reluctantly forces his dad to stay, but when Jimmy finds himself in trouble with Bill’s old Adventure, Animals & Nature, Comedy, Blue (Double Feature) drug-dealing mates, Bill has to decide what kind of dad he Movies 2008 min. Jamie Gillis, Kim Pope really wants to be... a good one or a free one... Brilliantly directed, superbly written, and featuring a phenomenal UK Paramount 01.01.2013 Double Features, Erotica, Kidnapping, cast including Andy Serkis (The Lord of the Rings) and Iwan 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117417 Martial Arts, Movies 1975 165min. Rheon (Game of Thrones), Wild Bill is the electrifying feature CAV 09.07.2013 film debut from Dexter Fletcher (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Without A Paddle: Nature’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117372 Barrels) and the feel-good British hit of the year. British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Western Calling (Blu-ray) 2011 98min. Wayne’s World Kristopher Turner, Oliver James, Jerry New Video DVD 16.07.2013 Rice, Rik Young, Amber McDonald, Madison Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Rob Lowe, Tia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117399 Riley - Dir. Ellory Elkayem Carrere - Dir. Penelope Spheeris If you thought the first trip was wild..... Get ready for the In the tradition of The Ten Commandments, Lawrence Of Wild Bill (Blu-ray) craziest adventure yet! Everything that can go wrong does go Arabia and Gandhi comes a sweeping screen epic bursting wrong when two best friends (Oliver James & Kristopher with spectacle and drama...NOT! It’s Wayne’s World, the Will Poulter Turner) and one zany Brit (Rik Young) venture out into the hilarious, party-down movie of the year, featuring rockin’ Out on parole after 8 years in prison, Bill (Charlie Creed- wilderness in search of a high school sweetheart. It’s the tunes, radical babes, and your most excellent hosts, Wayne Miles, The Fifth Element) returns home to find his now 11 and wettest, wildest, and most squirrel-phobic road trip since Campbell (Mike Myers) and Garth Algar (Dana Carvey). 15-year-old sons, Jimmy and Dean, abandoned by their mother Lewis & Clark! On this trip, the stakes are higher, the river is When a sleazy TV exec (Rob Lowe) offers Wayne and Garth and fending for themselves. Dean reluctantly forces his dad to wilder and the creatures are nuttier! a fat contract to tape their late-night cable-access show at his stay, but when Jimmy finds himself in trouble with Bill’s old Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, network, the two can’t believe their good fortune („Now way.“ drug-dealing mates, Bill has to decide what kind of dad he „WAY!“). But they soon discover the road from basement to big really wants to be... a good one or a free one... Brilliantly Comedy, Movies 2008 min. time is a gnarly one, fraught with danger, temptation, and directed, superbly written, and featuring a phenomenal UK Paramount 01.01.2013 ragin’ party opportunities. Can Wayne win the affections of cast including Andy Serkis (The Lord of the Rings) and Iwan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117425 rock goddess Cassandra (Tia Carrere)? Will Garth get Rheon (Game of Thrones), Wild Bill is the electrifying feature dunked by his dream girl (Donna Dixon) at the donut shop? film debut from Dexter Fletcher (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Serious questions, dude, and there’s only one way to find out Barrels) and the feel-good British hit of the year. The Of Oz 3D: 75th - watch Wayne’s World! British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Western Based On TV Show, Buddy Pictures, Anniversary Collector’s Edition 2011 98min. Comedy, Movies 1992 min. New Video DVD 16.07.2013 (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Paramount 01.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117405 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117610 Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Charlie Wayne’s World (Blu-ray) Wither This Swedish homage to Sam Raimi’s original Evil Dead Grapewin, Margaret Hamilton - Dir. Victor Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Rob Lowe, Tia (1982) is a bloody, scary tale of demonic possession. A group Fleming Carrere - Dir. Penelope Spheeris of naive young people find their carefree weekend in an PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which In the tradition of The Ten Commandments, Lawrence Of isolated country house unhinged when one of them is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3.

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A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all X-Ray / Schizoid (Blu-ray + DVD long overdue recognition as true rock pioneers. standard Blu-ray players. In this charming film based on the Documentary, Music, Punk, Special Interest popular L.Frank Baum novel, Dorothy and her dog Toto are Combo) (Blu-ray) caught in a tornado’s path and somehow end up in the land of 2012 min. Oz. Here she encounters some memorable friends and foes in Craig Wasson, Christopher Lloyd, Klaus Image Ent. 13.08.2013 her journey to meet the Wizard of Oz who everyone says can Kinski, Barbi Benton, Donna Wilkes - Dir. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117556 help her return home and possibly grant her new friends their Boaz Davidson goals of a brain, heart and courage. Double Features, Horror, Mad Scientists & Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, The Cream Farewell Concert Deadly Doctors, Movies 178min. Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Boxed Sets, Classics, On guitar: Eric Clapton. Lead singer and bass guitarist: Jack Shout Factory 20.08.2013 Drama, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Bruce. On drums: Ginger Baker. Their motto: „Forget the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117337 message, forget the lyrics, and just play.“ Their name: Cream. Movies, Musical, National Film Registry, For two glorious years, Cream’s high-volume blues, jamming Witches & Warlocks 1939 102min. and extended solos blazed a path into rock history. But the Zombie Massacre time to part had come, and all that remained was one wild, Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 unforgettable concert. Now you are there, on November 26, 155,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117620 Uwe Boll, Tara Cardinal - Dir. Marco Ristori, 1968, inside London’s illustrious Royal Albert Hall, jammed to Luca Boni its gilded rafterswith rock fans ready for the final concert of A bacteriological weapon developed by the U.S. Government what many still consider the greatest band that ever played. The Wizard Of Oz 3D: 75th to create an army of super soldiers spreads an epidemic that Digitally Remastered and a new 5.1 Stereo Surround Sound Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray 3D + turns the citizens of a small city into mutated zombies. In Mix for the first time ever! Also includes 2.0 Stereo audio. order to conceal the outbreak, a plan is hatched to detonate Concerts, Hard Rock, Music, Psychedelic, Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) an atomic bomb inside the local nuclear power plant. A team of mercenaries is put together to carry out the mission, but in Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest 1969 83min. Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, order to succeed, they must first wage war against the horde Kino Video 06.08.2013 Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Charlie of monsters. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117309 Grapewin, Margaret Hamilton - Dir. Victor Horror, Movies, Zombies 2012 90min. Fleming E1 Entertainment 06.08.2013 Depeche Mode: Industrial Revolu- PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117488 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. tion A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all It’s close to 35 years ago that Depeche Mode came into standard Blu-ray players. In this charming film based on the Zombie Massacre (Blu-ray) existence and across what can only be called an popular L.Frank Baum novel, Dorothy and her dog Toto are Uwe Boll, Tara Cardinal - Dir. Luca Bonini, extraordinary career, remain probably the premier experimen- caught in a tornado’s path and somehow end up in the land of tal electronic band of the modern age. This fine documentary Oz. Here she encounters some memorable friends and foes in Marco Ristori traces the group’s musical development and catalogues the her journey to meet the Wizard of Oz who everyone says can A bacteriological weapon developed by the U.S. Government enormous influence they have had on other acts, most notably help her return home and possibly grant her new friends their to create an army of super soldiers spreads an epidemic that alternative American bands who flirt with industrial and post- goals of a brain, heart and courage. turns the citizens of a small city into mutated zombies. In industrial landscapes. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, order to conceal the outbreak, a plan is hatched to detonate an atomic bomb inside the local nuclear power plant. A team of Alternative, Documentary, Music, New Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Classics, Drama, Fairy mercenaries is put together to carry out the mission, but in Wave, Special Interest, Synth Pop 2013 Tales, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Musical, order to succeed, they must first wage war against the horde 97min. National Film Registry, Witches & Warlocks of monsters. E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Horror, Movies, Zombies 2012 90min. 1939 102min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117496 Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 E1 Entertainment 06.08.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117511 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117596 Fall Out Boy: The Chicago The Wizard Of Oz: 75th Chronicles Back on the front line after a three year hiatus and sounding Anniversary Edition better than ever, Fall Out Boy are all set to regain their Music enormous influence and status as one of the finest American Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, rock bands of the third millennium. This documentary film Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Charlie traces the full story of FOB and with the help of exclusive and Grapewin, Margaret Hamilton - Dir. Victor A Band Called Death archive interviews, rare footage and contributions from those who have worked closely with the group, provides a truly Fleming Alice Cooper, Henry Rollins enlightening and entertaining program that reveals much more In this charming film based on the popular L.Frank Baum Before Bad Brains, the Sex Pistols or even the , about Fall Out Boy than has ever emerged before. novel, Dorothy and her dog Toto are caught in a tornado’s there was a band called Death. Punk before punk existed, path and somehow end up in the land of Oz. Here she three teenage brothers in the early ’70s formed a band in their Alternative, Documentary, Music, Pop encounters some memorable friends and foes in her journey to spare bedroom, began playing a few local gigs and even Music, , Special Interest 2013 meet the Wizard of Oz who everyone says can help her return pressed a single in the hopes of getting signed. But this was 62min. home and possibly grant her new friends their goals of a the era of Motown and emerging disco. Record companies brain, heart and courage. found Death’s music - and band name - too intimidating, and E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, the group were never given a fair shot, disbanding before 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117497 they even completed one album. Equal parts electrifying Classics, Drama, Fairy Tales, Family, rockumentary and epic family love story, A Band Called Death Fantasy, Movies, Musical, National Film chronicles the incredible fairy-tale journey of what happened The Soldier’s Tale Registry, Witches & Warlocks 1939 102min. almost three decades later, when a dusty 1974 demo tape Robert Helpmann Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 made its way out of the attic and found an audience several A rare opportunity to see Beriosova on film“ - A combination generations younger. Playing music impossibly ahead of its of story, melodrama and ballet sets the stage for some of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117584 time, Death is now being credited as the first black punk band Stravinsky’s most brilliant music. Sir Robert Helpmann, with (hell...the first punk band!), and are finally receiving their his talent for mime, dance and acting was the natural choice to The Wizard Of Oz: 75th long overdue recognition as true rock pioneers. play the eight different roles of the Devi’’s disguises. With Documentary, Music, Punk, Special Interest almost unique footage of the beautiful and elegant former Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) 2012 min. Royal Ballet ballerina, Svetlana Beriosova, the two create a Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Image Ent. 13.08.2013 counterpoint around which the Soldier plays his tune. Ballet, Dancing, Music, Performing Arts, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Charlie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117536 Special Interest min. Grapewin, Margaret Hamilton - Dir. Victor Kultur 27.08.2013 Fleming A Band Called Death (Blu-ray) In this charming film based on the popular L.Frank Baum 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117605 novel, Dorothy and her dog Toto are caught in a tornado’s Alice Cooper, Henry Rollins path and somehow end up in the land of Oz. Here she Before Bad Brains, the Sex Pistols or even the Ramones, encounters some memorable friends and foes in her journey to there was a band called Death. Punk before punk existed, meet the Wizard of Oz who everyone says can help her return three teenage brothers in the early ’70s formed a band in their home and possibly grant her new friends their goals of a spare bedroom, began playing a few local gigs and even brain, heart and courage. pressed a single in the hopes of getting signed. But this was Special Interest the era of Motown and emerging disco. Record companies Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, found Death’s music - and band name - too intimidating, and Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Fairy Tales, the group were never given a fair shot, disbanding before they Tracy Anderson: Perfect Design Family, Fantasy, Movies, Musical, National even completed one album. Equal parts electrifying Series - Sequence 1 rockumentary and epic family love story, A Band Called Death Film Registry, Witches & Warlocks 1939 chronicles the incredible fairy-tale journey of what happened Tracy Anderson 102min. almost three decades later, when a dusty 1974 demo tape Tracy’s method changes the way your muscular structure is Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 made its way out of the attic and found an audience several designed. There’s no need to go out and run or ride a bike to generations younger. Playing music impossibly ahead of its burn calories because you’re bulking up and giving your 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117597 time, Death is now being credited as the first black punk band muscles more power. (hell...the first punk band!), and are finally receiving their

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Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Bellydance Twins: Fitness For in search of gold. The miners will all face the same hardships Interest 2013 min. as mining on land - close quarters, mishandled machinery, bad Beginners - Arms, Abs, Hips, Buns luck, and short tempers - with the additional dangers of Starz / Anchor Bay 06.08.2013 working underwater at the mercy of the fickle sea. These 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117469 & Thighs With Veena & Neena eight episodes will venture out in search of the sparkle at the Two complete workouts! Arms & Abs - Developing strong and bottom of the sea, while exposing the reality of the true price shapely abdominal muscles is important for maintaining good of gold. Tracy Anderson: Perfect Design posture and a healthy back, and is also meaningful for High Seas, Reality, Television 2011 352min. projecting an image of feminine beauty. Conventional abdomi- Series - Sequence 2 nal workouts can be extremely strenuous and uncomfortable, Discovery Channel 13.08.2013 Tracy Anderson but this program will teach you moves that are easy, sensual 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117316 Tracy’s method changes the way your muscular structure is and fun. Accompanied by the wonderful rhythms of the original designed. There’s no need to go out and run or ride a bike to soundtrack, this workout will strengthen all of your abdominal Best Of American Pickers: Mike burn calories because you’re bulking up and giving your muscles while flowing arm movements will tone your upper muscles more power. body and arms. Belly dance is the perfect exercise to help you And Frank’s Picks achieve your goals, feel good about yourself and have fun. It Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special is an experience you will look forward to everyday! Hips, Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz Interest 2013 min. Buns & Thighs - This workout was designed to concentrate Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, stars of American Pickers on Starz / Anchor Bay 06.08.2013 traditional bellydance movements on the hips, buns and thighs. History, are on a mission to recycle America by restoring The moves are easy to learn and will isolate, stretch and forgotten relics to their former glory. This collection highlights 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117470 strengthen your lower body. The captivating rhythms of the some of their finest excursions and best picks. From the holy original soundtrack enhance the experience and in no time at grail of motorbikes (the XAVW) to military artifacts, and from Tracy Anderson: The Method For all you will feel and see dramatic improvement. The key to a rare toys to huge elephant heads, Mike and Frank never know healthy and fit body is regular exercise, bu what they’ll come across or who they’ll meet along the way. Beginners Bellydance, Dancing, Fitness, Health, They’ll scour the country for hidden gems in junkyards, sprawling warehouses, and even outbuildings with no Tracy Anderson Instructional, Special Interest 79min. electricity. One day it’s pinball machines and Urban Cowboy Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Bayview Entertainment 13.08.2013 memorabilia and the next it’s samurai artifacts. Hear the Interest 2013 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117228 stories about what they found, where they found it, and what it Starz / Anchor Bay 06.08.2013 took to get it in their hot little hands. History Channel, Reality, Television 315min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117471 Bellydance Twins: Fitness For A&E 20.08.2013 Beginners - Basic Moves & Fat 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117460 Are You Tougher Than A Boy Burning With Veena & Neena Scout? Two complete workouts! Basic Moves - In this production, you Best Of Pawn Stars: The Greatest From the Emmy-award winning producers of Deadliest Catch will learn the basic moves needed to use belly dance for comes Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout? - a new reality fitness. The program is easy to learn and will thoroughly Stories Ever Sold competition series wherein 6 elite Boy Scouts will compete exercise your body from head to toe, but is low-impact, Richard Harrison, Corey Harrison, Rick against different adult men in a variety of scout-based relaxing, sensually stimulating, and fun. You will also find challenges. Over a course of three days and two nights, the Basic Moves a delightful, captivating way to express Harrison, Austin Russell scouts will compete and judge the adults in adventurous yourself, fully and joyfully. Combined with the captivating Pawn Stars: The Greatest Stories Ever Sold contains the best challenges. rhythms of the original soundtrack, the Basic Moves workout episodes from the hit History series, according to those who National Geographic, Reality, Television, may be the most pleasurable workout you have ever made it. See Chumlee dress up like an elf, lasso a mechanical experienced. Fat Burning - this workout uses a variety of horse, and mash grapes with his feet to make wine (not at the Variety / Game Shows 2013 270min. rhythms and tempos to raise your heart rate to the optimal same time). Catch Rick in complete hysterics when Corey National Geographic 27.08.2013 level for burning calories. The variations in movement and wears a classic Christmas sweater knit by his grandma. And 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117354 speed will keep you at your target rate without excessive watch the old man purchase an amazing book from Isaac stress or exhaustion. You won’t believe how quickly you can Newton’s library - with Newton’s own handwritten notes in lose and your whole body will benefit from the the margins! It makes Rick bounce off the walls with Auction Kings: Season One wonderful cardio conditioning. Losing weight or maintaining a excitement, and it will thrill you, too. In another priceless desired weight is a constant struggle, but bellydance will help episode, a man unable to sell his Pez dispensers lets At the intersection of dreams gone by and dreams yet to be, everyone know, in no uncertain terms, that he’s totally pezzed you’ll find the auction block of Gallery 63. Hopeful sellers you enjoy the effort. It is the perfect exercise to help you reach your goals, feel good about yourself and have fun. It is off. But you won’t be, when you discover all the gems in this flock to the shop with rare relics and surprisingly valuable treasure trove of greatest hits. mementos - usually in attempts to finance the next dream on an exp their lists. When presented with priceless treasures such as Bellydance, Dancing, Fitness, Health, History Channel, Reality, Television 244min. Elvis’s Cadillac or Edison’s letters, Paul and the Gallery 63 Instructional, Special Interest 79min. A&E 20.08.2013 crew must consult a variety of experts to reveal the true 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117461 value. But whatever the treasure - space oddities or war Bayview Entertainment 13.08.2013 memorabilia or a whole lot of bling - these ten episodes prove 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117227 that every day holds a surprise when you’re an Auction King. Best Of Storage Wars: Life In The Follow auction house owner Paul Brown and crew as they hunt for and auction America’s most unusual rarities. Bellydance Twins: Fitness For Locker Will the seller get a deal or the buyer get a steal? Beginners - Slim Down With In this Storage Wars DVD collection from A&E, each buyer Reality, Television 2011 230min. has chosen their favorite and least favorite episodes. In Discovery Channel 06.08.2013 Veena & Neena Portrait of the Gambler, Darrell’s favorite episode, Barry bids Belly dance: Fitness for Beginners - Slim Down is a full-body blindfolded on his mother’s advice and makes a sweet score - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117307 workout that slims and tones your body through candy-making equipment! In Dan’s favorite episode, The cardiovascular and strength dance moves. Fast bellydancing Drone Wars, Barry tries to use a mini helicopter mounted with Barbershop Punk burns calories, while building cardiovascular endurance. a video camera to get a unique look inside a unit which Muscle isolation exercises tone your hips, buns, thighs and disqualifies him from the bidding - and a big payout. In Janeane Garofalo, Henry Rollins abdominals. All these moves interweave bellydance basics. Jarrod’s favorite, he and Brandi walk away with real pirate Documentary, Special Interest 2010 84min. So you’re beautifying your body while practicing booty, while Dave lands a rare snuff box and looks headed for bellydancing’s charms. Experience the Amazing Benefits of a big score - until he drops it on the way to getting it Passion River 25.06.2013 Bellydance! This ancient form of artistic movement has been appraised. And in Darrell’s least favorite episode, Barry 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117245 practiced for thousands of years and remains exceptionally discovers a unique $7,000 toy car while Dave goes all out for popular throughout the world. Once performed as a unit that hasn’t been opened in 20 years. Win or lose, these entertainment for royalty and common people alike, these most memorable picks will keep you glued to the bidding Battle For The Olympia 2012 Bo- beautiful movements evolved with strong links to womanhood, drama. dybuilding sensuality and even fertility. But Bellydance is also one of the A&E, Reality, Television 286min. safest, simplest and most effective ways to achieve lasting A&E 20.08.2013 The Battle for the Olympia DVD series returns with over 8 fitness. Join Veena & Neena Bidasha for a wonderful hours of awesome footage of the biggest and baddest introduction to the extraordinary benefits of Bellydance. They 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117462 bodybuilders in the world, filmed during the final weeks have practiced Bellydance since childhood and traveled leading up to the 2012 Mr. Olympia. This incredible three-disc throughout the Middle East and India to perform and develop Billy Blanks Tae-Bo: Max set offers footage filmed all over the country as the MOC their techniques. They teach po Video crew encounters Kai Greene, Evan Centopani , Jose Intensity Raymond, Shawn Rhoden, Tricky Jackson, Flex Lewis, Al Bellydance, Dancing, Fitness, Health, Auguste, Bill Wilmore, Phil Heath, Branch Warren and Instructional, Special Interest min. Billy Blanks Johnnie Jackson at Metroflex, David Henry, Essa Obaid, and Bayview Entertainment 13.08.2013 Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Tae Bo Guy Cisternino. Plus many more of the 2012 bodybuilders engaged in the competitive spirit of the Mr. Olympia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117226 2012 62min. challenge. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.08.2013 Documentary, Fitness, Special Interest, Bering Sea Gold 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117468 Sports 2012 480min. This two-disc set of Bering Sea Gold will present gold mining Bayview Entertainment 13.08.2013 as you’ve never seen it before, with the treasure hidden deep Blood Of 1000 Virgins in the bottom of the sea. You’ll meet the vastly different crew 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117229 members - from gold-mining veterans to childhood friends to Don Johnson, John Carradine, Linda Blair, the rookie captain and the social worker who left a desk job Linnea Quigley - Dir. Charles Band

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The young and the innocent have their lives threatened by brought before an international criminal justice court; he was of a judge in a brazen daylight shootout at the Marin County, sick degenerates, evil creatures, and the devil himself! All found guilty and sentenced to 35 years in prison. Panh films CA courthouse. Angela flees California, convinced she will this and more will be stripped down and explored in the an incredible, horrifying in-depth interview with Duch, who not be given a fair trial and is placed on the FBI’s 10 Most sultriest series of trailers hosted by „Playboy Playmate“ Nikki candidly talks about his ascension in the Khmer Rouge party, Wanted list. After a national manhunt she is captured two Leigh. and his involvement in the mass murder of his fellow months later in New York City. Charged with murder, Documentary, Exploitation, Special Interest Cambodians. As said, Panh’s film is kidnapping and conspiracy, Angela is put on trial in one of the „likely one of the most elaborate discussions with someone most sensational court cases of its time. After a two-year 2013 71min. responsible for mass genocide.“ legal battle, an all white jury acquits her on all charges in Full Moon 24.06.2013 Documentary, Special Interest 2011 103min. 1972. You know her name. Now, you will finally know her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117484 First Run Features 06.08.2013 story. Documentary, Politics, Prison, Special 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117276 Blue Water, White Death Interest 2012 102min. Lionsgate 20.08.2013 They traveled 12,000 miles at sea over a six-month period. Duck Dynasty: Season Three They went to South Africa, Ceylon, Madagascar and Australia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117463 and they had only one goal: to find the most dangerous The Robertsons have quickly become America’s favorite predator in the world. Join the adventure as four divers backwoods family. This close-knit clan has made a fortune search for the elusive in Blue Water, White selling duck calls, turning their backyard business into a The Fruit Hunters Death. Adventurer Peter Gimbel and his crew of expert, multimillion-dollar sporting empire. But for Willie Robertson, You can find them deep in the jungles of Borneo, in the hills of underwater specialists with with sharks and other creatures the company’s CEO, running a family operation can be tough Umbria and perhaps even in your own backyard. They are in some of the most beautiful locations in the world. But when when all your employees live one at a time and find fruit hunters, the subjects of the dizzying new film from they finally reach Dangerous , Australia, they find what any excuse to leave the warehouse. Of course, in this Duck acclaimed director Yung Chang (Up the Yangtze, China they’ve been searching for. Descending in the underwater Dynasty, these challenges and even the most ordinary affairs Heavyweight). The Fruit Hunters travels across culture, cages that Gimbel patented, they come face to face with the are met with a special Robertson twist of down-home history and geography to show how intertwined we are with most-feared, man-eating beast in the sea. Will the bars of the practicality, wit and humor. They may be living the rags-to- the fruits we eat. The ranks of the fruit-obsessed include cages be enough to protect them? Find out for yourself in this riches American dream, but they always stay true to their adventurers, scientists, fruit detectives and even movie star thrilling documentary. rugged, modest, outdoor lifestyle and their deep Southern Bill Pullman, fruit hunters dedicating themselves to searching Action, Adventure, Animals & Nature, roots. Day-to-day life in the bayou may be mundane for some, for and saving rare and exotic fruit, and to creating a Garden but for the Robertsons, every day brings a new adventure. of Eden in a world increasingly dominated by industrialized Documentary, High Seas, Killer Animals, A&E, Reality, Television 2013 309min. monoculture. A cinematic odyssey through nature and Sharks, Special Interest 1971 99min. A&E 06.08.2013 commerce, The Fruit Hunters will change not only the way we Lionsgate 06.08.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117273 look at what we eat but how we view our relationship to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117406 natural world. Documentary, Food & Cooking, Special Eastwood Directs: The Untold Interest 2013 95min. Boom Varietal: The Rise Of Story / The Eastwood Factor - Ex- Docurama 16.07.2013 Argentine Malbec tended Version (Double Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117396 The buzz among wine connoisseurs and novices alike, is one word - Malbec. Originally from France, Malbec found its - Dir. Richard Schickel perfect home, its perfect terroir in the dry Argentine climate. Biography, Documentary, Double Features, Girls Gone Wild: Horny Freshmen Its booming popularity has swept through the US and the 2 world, reviving a varietal that has been nearly lost. Film About Film, Special Interest min. Documenting how an inexpensive blend originally only Warner Bros. 03.09.2013 The best part of college has to be all of the sexy co-eds. intended for local demand rising to become an international 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117613 They’re young, raw and real. These horny freshmen can’t wait star, Boom Varietal interviews winemakers spearheading the to get out of the classroom and into the bedroom. Eighteen- rise of Malbec, wine connoisseurs, as well as foreign year-olds Chelsea and Heather have a spanking good time in investors hoping to profit from the boom. Boom Varietal will Bill Engvall’s New All-Stars Of the bedroom wrestling. Melissa shows off every inch of her inspire not only your palate, but a love for Argentina’s rich body and doesn’t disappoint. Straight out of Texas, Samantha culture. Country Comedy and Emily have a steamy romp back in the hotel room (you don’t want to miss this). Brunette beauty Christa lets us know Documentary, Special Interest 2011 72min. Bill Engvall all of her favorite sexual position and makes our imaginations First Run Features 06.08.2013 Celebrated comedian Bill Engvall hosts an all-star event run wild. Back on the Girls Gone Wild Bus, Jessica and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117275 featuring the funniest country comics. Shot before a live Andrea prove that they do everything together - from booty audience at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, shaking all the way to their wildest sex stories. Victoria Tennessee, this deluxe DVD features hysterical routines by leaves all of her friends behind at the club to show us a good The Captains Close Up Bill Engvall himself, plus country comedy all-stars Larry the time back in her room. It doesn’t get hotter than Girls Gone Cable Guy, Gary Mule Deer, Henry Cho, Steve Hall & Wild: Horny Freshmen 2! Shotgun Red, Etta May, Steve McGrew, Craig Hawksley, Earl Since first soaring onto TV screens in the 1960s, Star Trek David Reed, Lonesome Dave and Killer Beaz. All this along Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. has become one of the most beloved franchises of all time. with a special performance by renowned comedian Jeff GGW Brands, LLC. 06.08.2013 Now, the original Captain Kirk, William Shatner, travels Foxworthy. If you love country comedy or just love to laugh, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117527 around the globe in this new five-part series to interview the don’t miss one of the funniest videos you’ll ever see! elite group of actors who have portrayed the role of Starfleet Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2000 Captain, giving fans an intimate and exclusive look at the pop Girls Gone Wild: Our Dirtiest culture phenomenon. 123min. Interview, Star Trek, Television 2011 E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 Dozen Of All Times 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117489 Good girls like to stay clean and neat, but bad girls like to get 150min. dirty and naughty. Things get a little sticky and sweet with E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 some birthday cupcakes upstairs when Ashley and Jamie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117490 ESPN Films: - Vol. 3 exchange gifts. With no clothes and plenty of fun with body ESPN Films continues its commitment to exceptional paint, Brittney and Nicole can’t keep their hands off of every storytelling with the return of 30 for 30, partnering with a inch of their bodies. On board the Girls Gone Wild Bus Dual Survival: Season Two wide array of filmmakers to tell incredible stories that capture Tiffany and Trista leave all their inhibitions at the door - and Experts agree there are some very basic and universal rules how sports inspire and entertain. This 6-Disc Set includes their clothes on the floor. Scooped up off the beach and onto for surviving in the wild. Find shelter, find water, find food, the next 15 films in the series, including ESPN’s highest rated our boat, Veronica doesn’t stay dry for very long. Back in the find help. Beyond that, there’s not much they agree on. Meet documentary, You Don’t Know Bo. Additional films include hotel room, Dana lets her hands do all the talking. Meanwhile, military-trained Dave Canterbury and naturalist Cody Lundin Broke, 9.79, There’s No Place Like Home, Benji, Ghosts of Summer and Brandi steam up our camera lenses between the trained survival experts featured in this series. Together, Ole Miss, Survive and Advance and Elway to Marino, plus sheets. Allisha and Megan mount the bar - and each other - Canterbury and Lundin take on some of the planet’s most future films. while having some fun with cherries. You won’t believe what unforgiving terrain to demonstrate, in their own way, how the Boxed Sets, Documentary, Special Interest, you see in Girls Gone Wild: Our Dirtiest Dozen of All Time! Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. right skills and some creative thinking can keep you alive. Sports min. Reality, Television, Wilderness 2011 GGW Brands, LLC. 06.08.2013 ESPN (TM) 26.11.2013 516min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117526 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117617 Discovery Channel 13.08.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117317 Free Angela And All Political The Human Body Collection Like an owner’s manual for the body, the Human Body Duch: Master Of The Forges Of Prisoners (DVD + Digital Copy) Collection reveals the fascinating intricacies and complicated Eisa Davis, Angela Davis - Dir. Shola Lynch systems that make up the amazing human body. Body in Hell Numbers looks at a human’s entire lifespan, such as the 50 Angela Davis joins the Communist Party, protests with the million gallons of blood pumped and the 42 tons of food From Rithy Pahn, director of the notorious documentary S21: Black Panthers, and becomes a principle spokesperson for The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine, comes his searing follow- consumed. Other episodes delve into mysterious functions, the burgeoning prison reform movement. As a result, she finds such as our senses, sinuses, sleep, and unexplained feats of up: Duch: Master of the Forges of Hell. Between 1975 and herself Fighting to keep her job, and in the national media 1979, the Khmer Rouge was responsible for the death of strength, each exemplifying the engineering genius behind the spotlight characterized by her many detractors as a human body. With five episodes full of information that nearly 2 million people - a quarter of the Cambodia population. dangerous subversive menace, and by her supporters as a Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, directed both the M13 and everyone needs to know, the Human Body Collection is a strong leader challenging authority and boldly advocating for must-have for every human body. S21 centers where tens of thousands of people were tortured „Power to All People.“ On August 7th, 1970 Angela is and executed. He is the first Khmer Rouge leader to be implicated in the politically motivated kidnapping and murder Biography, Discovery Channel, Science,

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Special Interest, Television 220min. When he failed to capture Moscow or secure a Russian High Seas, National Geographic, Special surrender, Germany faced a scenario many had feared - a Discovery Channel 27.08.2013 two-front war. As the Soviets pushed the Nazis back across Interest min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117355 the steppes, the RAF and the U.S. Eighth Air Force unleashed National Geographic 20.08.2013 a sustained bombing campaign in the West. In this riveting 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117339 documentary, narrator Gary Sinise (Apollo 13, CSI: NY, IMAX: Ocean Men - Extreme Dive Forrest Gump) tells the story of three men who played (Blu-ray) decisive roles in the aerial battles over Germany: Lt. Col. NFL Greatest Games: 1987 AFC Hubert Zemke, Lt. Robert Rankin, and Luftwaffe squadron Ocean Men takes you on a giant screen adventure into the commander Günther Rall. Through original footage, expert Championship world of two freedivers and their unique relationship to the military analyses, and never-before-seen interviews with the From the archives of NFL Films, comes the original network sea. Their goal: dive deeper than anyone has ever gone participants, Germany’s Last Ace revisits the events of May broadcast game that includes the historic play in the AFC before... on a single breath of air. For more than 10 years, 12, 1944, which Nazi armaments minister Albert Speer Championship game between the Broncos and world champion freedivers Pipin Ferreras and Umberto considered the day that Germany lost the war. Cleveland Browns known simply as „The Fumble.“ With only Pelizzari have been vying for world records. Their passion is Aerial Action, Documentary, Special 1:12 left in the game, Browns running back Earnest Byner driven by a desire to overtake the other and also push their fumbled what would have been a game-tying touchdown, own physical limits to the extreme. An uncompromising love of Interest, War, World War II 2011 180min. resulting in a Broncos win of 38-33 over the Browns. Perfect the sea unites these two rivals, yet their different Image Ent. 27.08.2012 for the ultimate fan and hardcore NFL fan - personalities and opposing diving philosophies are what 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117569 relive the moment that will forever be known ‘till this day as separate them. Pipin is the „no limits“ man who wants to go one of the most infamous fumbles in NFL history with NFL deeper and deeper. Umberto, the purist, seeks harmony in the Greatest Games: 1987 AFC Championship - the perfect ocean’s depth. Prepare to join them on an unforgettable Bill Moyers: Faith And Reason addition to any sports DVD collection. journey into a deep blue world of danger and stunning beauty Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports min. through the use of breathtaking , Collection Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 enchanting music and insightful animation. Bill Moyers Adventure, Blu-ray, Documentary, High In these three moving and thought-provoking documentaries, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117351 Seas, IMAX, Special Interest 2001 min. renowned journalist Bill Moyers explores on the role of Image Ent. 13.08.2013 religion in modern society. Why does religion poison some NFL Greatest Games: The Come- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117557 lives but give profound purpose to others? What do different religious beliefs say about the human spirit? And how has one back beloved hymn inspired so many people? Moyers interviews NFL Films recounts one of the largest comebacks in NFL Latin Comedians Double Feature experts from various fields and faith backgrounds to answer history - a moment simply known as „The Comeback.“ In this these questions and many others. 1993 NFL playoff game, the fought back from a (Pablo Francisco / Alex Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, Special 32-point deficit to defeat the Houston Oilers in overtime, 41- Reymundo) Interest 2006 750min. 38. Through the use of classic interviews, original radio calls and game footage, this historic moment comes back to life in Alex Reymundo, Pablo Francisco Image Ent. 13.08.2013 one exciting program. Perfect for the ultimate Buffalo Bills fan Comedy, Double Features, Special Interest, 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117567 and hardcore NFL fan - relive the moment that will forever be known as one of the greatest in NFL history with NFL Stand-Up 129min. Classics: The Comeback - the perfect addition to any sports Image Ent. 20.08.2013 My Amityville Horror DVD collection. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117544 For the first time in 35 years, child eyewitness Daniel Lutz Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports min. recounts his version of the infamous Amityville haunting that terrified his family in 1975. His parents’ story of their 28 days Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 Letters From Jackie: The Private in the allegedly possessed house on Ocean Avenue went on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117352 to inspire a best-selling novel and subsequent film series that Thoughts Of Jackie Robinson have both captivated and frustrated the public since their Letters From Jackie: The Private Thoughts Of Jackie release. My Amityville Horror is a gripping documentary that NFL Madden 25 Robinson explores Jackie’s deepest motivations as he details the struggle behind growing up as part of a world Everyone loves Madden! From the everyday gamer, to solidifies his role in the civil rights movement after his days famous haunting and shows that while Daniel’s facts may be celebrities, to NFL players themselves - simply stated - as a trailblazing baseball player. The film uses unedited and other’s fiction, the psychological scars he carries are all too Madden has become a phenomenon. Originally endorsed, and uncensored letters written by Jackie to iconic figures such as real. inspired by former head football coach and color commentator Martin Luther King, Jr. and President Eisenhower. Interviews Documentary, Haunted Houses, Special John Madden, the video game has changed the way people with his daughter, Sharon Robinson; his pen pal, Ron experience NFL football. From program evolution to a cultural Rabinovitz; historian Joe Dorinson; and an array of MLB Interest 2012 89min. juggernaut, Madden 25th Anniversary celebrates 25 years of players paint a vivid picture of this complex and inspirational MPI 06.08.2013 EA Sports’ Madden NFL video game and follows it’s rise from man. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117575 „just another game“ to an iconic force woven deeply into the African Americans, Baseball, Biography, fabric of sports history. Based On Video Game, Football, NFL, Documentary, History & Events, Major Mythbusters: Collection 10 League Baseball, Special Interest, Sports Special Interest, Sports 2013 min. Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Tory min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 Belleci, Kari Byron, Grant Imahara 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117329 Lionsgate 16.07.2013 In this Tenth installment of the Mythbusters collection, your 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117271 favorite madcap scientists deliver ten episodes that score a perfect ten in scientific silliness. Adam Savage and Jamie NFL XXVII: Dallas Hyneman, along with Kari, Grant, and Tory, will find the most Living Downstream fascinating myths from movies, legend, and social media and Cowboys Based on the acclaimed book by ecologist and cancer put them through the Mythbusting ringer. Can the film-famous From the archives of NFL Films, comes the original network survivor Sandra Steingraber, this award-winning magazine in a toaster really make the room go boom? Is it true broadcast game of Super Bowl XXVII. Troy Aikman passed for documentary follows Sandra during one pivotal year as she that airline poo, a.k.a. „blue ice,“ falls from the sky? Can four touchdowns, Emmitt Smith rushed for 108 yards, and the travels across , working to break the silence paper withstand arrows, swords, and even musket fire? Cowboys converted nine turnovers into 35 points while about cancer and its environmental links. After a routine Plus, they’ll venture to test a wine-bottle machine gun, a coasting to victory over the Buffalo Bills. Their 3rd Super cancer screening, Sandra receives a worrisome result. Thus, 20,000-pound Newton’s cradle, and throw Kari out of a Bowl win in team history. Perfect for the ultimate Dallas we begin two journeys with Sandra: her private struggle with perfectly good plane. Come celebrate the big 1-0 with the Cowboys fan and hardcore NFL fan - relive the game that a possible cancer recurrence and her public quest to bring Mythbusters crew and light the fuse on some highly explosive began the resurgence of „America’s Team“ with NFL Super attention to the toxic chemicals in our environment. We follow fun. Bowl Series: Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl XXVII - the perfect these invisible toxicants as they migrate to some of the most Documentary, Educational, Myths & addition to any sports DVD collection. beautiful places in North America. We see how they enter our Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports min. bodies and, once inside, how they may contribute to cancer Legends, Television, Urban Legends 2011 formation. Experts in the fields of toxicology and cancer 440min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.08.2013 research talk about their own findings - findings that Discovery Channel 06.08.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117353 illuminate the significant connection between a healthy environment and human health. At once Sandra’s personal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117306 journey and her scientific exploration, Living Downstream is a The Numbers Game powerful reminder of the intimate connection between the National Geographic Movie National Geographic’s new 3-part series will feature Dan health of our bodies and the health of our air, land, and water. Buettner, New York Times best-selling author of The Blue Documentary, Environmental, Illness & Collection Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest and his work. Buettner’s National Disease, Special Interest 2010 85min. Animals & Nature, Documentary, High Seas, Geographic cover story on longevity, The Secrets of Living First Run Features 06.08.2013 National Geographic, Special Interest min. Longer was the magazine’s third best-selling issue in history. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117274 National Geographic 20.08.2013 The work of Dan Buettner has been profiled in People, , The Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117325 , and USA Today. Missions That Changed The War: Documentary, National Geographic, Special Germany’s Last Ace National Geographic Movie Interest 2013 135min. Gary Sinise Collection (Blu-ray) National Geographic 13.08.2013 After his defeat in the Battle of Britain, Adolf Hitler turned Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117320 east and unleashed his blitzkrieg tactics on the Soviet Union.

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John DiMaggio the Caribbean. Each dig presents a different set of Paul Rodriguez: Comedy Rehab / Superthief is a captivating firsthand look at the life of Phil challenges, whether it’s zip-lining to an offshore promontory, Christopher, a career criminal, Mafia associate, and one of fighting back jungle growth, interpreting strange findings, or, Just For The Record (Double Fea- the most successful bank robbers in history. of course, contending with the ever-present threat of rain. Through raw and candid interviews, the film delves into With just three days at each site to complete their ture) Christopher’s brutal street and prison life, offering a behind- excavations, they race against time to reveal Britain’s buried Paul Rodriguez - Dir. Gabriela Tagliavini, the-scenes look into the world professional crime. It also history. Documentary, History & Events, Science, Bobby Logan exposes the details behind the planning and execution of the daring 1972 United California Bank (UCB) burglary in Oran- Special Interest 2002 407min. Comedy, Double Features, Special Interest, ge County, California. The UCB burglary still holds the Image Ent. 13.08.2013 Stand-Up min. distinction of being the biggest in U.S. history, with an estimated $30 million in cash and valuables stolen. Superthief 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117568 Image Ent. 20.08.2013 features interviews with Christopher, as well as former FBI 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117545 agents, police officers, family members and old friends of Christopher. Top Gear USA: The Complete Quick Fit Crime, Documentary, Special Interest 2012 Third Season Quick Fit contains the perfect mix of fast workouts to help you 90min. Adam Ferrara, Tanner Foust, Rutledge lose weight and stay healthy for life. With 30 five-minute Osiris Entertainment 02.07.2013 Wood workouts blasts, you can do exactly what you want for as 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117608 Top Gear USA is back with higher adrenaline action, super long as you want. Featuring 10 blasts each of cardio, cars, and extreme stunts. Adam, Tanner and Rutledge hit the strength, and Pilates, this jam-packed program fulfills all your road and criss-cross the nation behind the wheels of some of fitness needs. Mix and match the workouts to target trouble Sushi: The Global Catch the most iconic vehicles on the planet. They compete over areas or select a preset practice for a longer workout. You’ll Have you ever eaten sushi? If so, the phenomenal growth in who had the best college car on an epic road trip through burn calories and fat, build lean muscle, boost your demand for sushi has come at a cost: overfishing has led to Mexico, tackle volcanoes and glaciers in America’s toughest , and tone and condition your core and entire body. depleting fish stocks, which in turn has threatened the 4-wheel drives, reinvent the RV and Taxi’s, and build a car With Quick Fit, you’ll grow strong, lean, and flexible as you balance of the ocean’s ecosystems. Is the sushi trade capable of handling the apocalypse. From Californian beaches lose weight-five minutes at a time. sustainable? What can be done to ensure that the prized Blue to the ice bound sierras, from $2 million supercars to $1500 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Fin Tuna exists for future generations to come? This timely clunkers, Tanner, Adam and Rutledge drive them all and in the Interest 2010 150min. documentary - winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 2011 process to discover how to drive on frozen lakes, play Seattle International Film Festival and the Audience Award at football in cars and to find out just how much punishment a Image Ent. 20.08.2013 the 2012 San Francisco Green Film Festival - poses some vehicle can take before it gives up. See all of this and more in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117566 important questions that all sushi lovers should give thought the new season of Top Gear! to before placing their next order of sushi. BBC, British, Cars & Motorcycles, Leslie Sansone: Walk It Off In 30 Documentary, Environmental, Food & Documentary, Foreign, International TV, Cooking, Special Interest 2012 75min. Days Special Interest, Television 2012 704min. Kino Video 06.08.2013 BBC Home Video 06.08.2013 Leslie Sansone 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117310 Introducing Leslie’s new plan that asks for just 30 minues a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117243 day for 30 days to get real results! Imagine increased energy, firmed muscles, improved overall health, and a slimmer, more David Susskind: Dear Ann UFC 160: Velasquez Vs. Silva proportioned you! It’s all possible. Here’s how easy the 30 days will be. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you’ll burn Landers Mark Hunt, Junior Dos Santos, Cain BIG calories as you wall the BURN 30 program! It’s super- David Susskind Velasquez, Antonio Silva charged fitness walking! Then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Ask Anne Landers was America’s number one advice column. Following devastating knockout wins against Travis Browne Saturday you’ll build strength as you take on every major Syndicated in 1,000 newspapers worldwide, it was estimated and Alistair Overeem, Antonio „Bigfoot“ Silva gets the rematch msucle group from shoulders to calves in the Firm 30 session! to have over 70 million readers. Behind the alias was Esther he has craved on Saturday, May 25th when he challenges The goal is to make you leaner and more toned than ever! „Eppie“ Lederer, who took over the column in 1955. In her 28th Cain Velasquez for the UFC heavyweight title. Plus, two of Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special year of giving life advice, she sits down with host David the division’s biggest punchers will square off, as former Interest 2013 min. Susskind to discuss her own amazing and turbulent life. heavyweight champion Junior dos Santos battles the Starz / Anchor Bay 06.08.2013 Interview, Talk Shows, Television 1979 min. resurgent Mark Hunt in a bout guaranteed to produce E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 fireworks. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117472 Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117493 Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 300min. Scatter My Ashes At Bergdorf’s Starz / Anchor Bay 27.08.2013 William Fichtner, Candice Bergen, Joan David Susskind: Let’s Talk About 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117477 Rivers, Ashley Olsen, Susan Lucci - Dir. It! Dick Cavett Matthew Miele David Susskind, Dick Cavett UFC: The Ultimate Fighter 17 - It’s the most mythic of all American emporiums - and the scene It’s 1974. Dick Cavett had just appeared on the cover of Time of many an ultimate fashion fantasy. Now audiences get a magazine. He’d won multi-Emmy Awards, and is television’s Team Jones Vs. Team Sonnen rarified chance to peek behind the backroom doors and into hottest talk show host. Susskind wants to know how Dick is On April 13th, Bantamweight superstar Urijah Faber looks to the reality of the fascinating inner workings and fabulous handling his new found fame, how he approaches an keep the momentum going from his UFC 157 win against Ivan untold stories from Bergdorf Goodman’s iconic history. The interview, and where his career started. Menjivar when he takes on longtime 135-pound contender legend, the parties, the fashion idols, the windows, the Interview, Talk Shows, Television 1974 min. Scott Jorgensen in a pivotal matchup. Plus, heavyweights women, the buyers and shoppers - and most of all, the Travis Browne and Gabriel Gonzaga face off, and the winner quintessentially American dreams of New York’s high-fashion E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 of The Ultimate Fighter season 17 is determined. The Ultimate hot-spot - all come to life in an ode to a realm where creativity 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117495 Fighter 17 airs Tuesdays exclusively on FX. and commerce reign equally supreme. Mixed Martial Arts, Reality, Special Interest, Documentary, Fashion, Special Interest David Susskind: The Geniuses Of Sports, Television, UFC 2013 800min. 2012 93min. Chocolate Starz / Anchor Bay 13.08.2013 E1 Entertainment 27.08.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117473 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117504 David Susskind Chocolate has a universal appeal like no other food. There’s only one thing better than receiving it as a present; eating it! Unsolved History: Legends Never Sunrise Earth: National Parks And so they do in this episode dedicated to those who have spent their lives studying, manufacturing and sculpting Die (Blu-ray) chocolate creations. In this five-episode collection, Unsolved History seeks A majestic sunrise never seems to last long enough, warming Food & Cooking, Interview, Talk Shows, answers to five of the most iconic deaths in history. From the and waking the earth with a burst of brilliance only reserved unexpected tragedy of Princess Diana’s car crash to the for the earliest part of day. This Blu-ray collection, however, Television 1979 min. failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler - and possibly save holds almost three hours of breathtaking morning beauty to be E1 Entertainment 13.08.2013 thousands of lives - and the five other plots that didn’t kill discovered again and again. From the geysers of Yellowstone 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117494 Lincoln, Unsolved History’s team will use modern-day to the grassy rivers of the Everglades, you’ll witness the forensics to bring new facts to light. They’ll reveal the details miracle of sweeping landscapes brought to life by the promise of Marilyn Monroe’s „probable suicide“ and revisit the scene of a new day. Come witness that magical place where the Time Team: The Team’s Favorite of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination to piece steam rising from the water meets the rays of the sun, and feel together a seamless clock with the multiple angles of footage for yourself the radiance of the dawn. Digs captured that day. Stunt drivers, forensic pathologists, Animals & Nature, Atmosphere DVDs, Blu- Tony Robinson - Dir. Brendan Hughes eyewitnesses, doctors, criminal profilers, acoustic experts, ray, Special Interest 2004 176min. Tony Robinson (Blackadder) is back as the leader of Time and others will together clear the clouds of conspiracy Team, a band of archaeologists, historians, surveyors, theories and explore every avenue of the deaths that have Discovery Channel 20.08.2013 geophysicists, and other assorted experts determined to haunted our history for ages. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117338 unearth mysteries concealed by topsoil and time. For these Discovery Channel, Documentary, History & eight episodes, the team members have selected their favorite Events, Mystery, Special Interest, Televisi- digs, ranging from Iron Age, Roman, and Saxon Britain to a Superthief World War II crash site in France and a sugar plantation in on 2003 220min.

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Discovery Channel 13.08.2013 home of WWE. From sell out crowds cheering on Bruno Sammartino’s incredible championship run to the birth of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117293 Hulkamania, the inaugural WrestleMania, a stunner heard round the world and several legendary moments in between, The Up Series WWE presents the moments that have helped legitimize the moniker World’s Most Famous Arena. This collection Art House, Boxed Sets, Documentary, showcases over 20 of the greatest matches and moments at Telefonische Special Interest 848min. MSG spanning all generations of WWE. Along with Bestellannahme: interviews from several WWE legends and Superstars, fans Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr First Run Features 02.07.2013 will relive several of the key moments in history that shaped 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117431 the WWE of today. Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Special Interest, Sports, Sports Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Wicked Tuna: Season 2 Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr The seas get rougher and competition gets tougher in season 540min. two of National Geographic’s hit series, Wicked Tuna. Fis- WWE Home Video 27.08.2013 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- hing is a hard life, and harder with bluefin stocks depleted. In und Feiertags (Baden- Gloucester, Massachusetts, there’s a special breed of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117340 fishermen. For generations they’ve used rod and reel to catch Württemberg) bleibt unser the elusive bluefin tuna. They depend on these fish for their WWE: Money In The Bank 2013 Verkauf geschlossen. livelihood, and the competition is brutal. Wicked Tuna follows the most skilled fishermen as they set out in the frigid waters It’s the golden opportunity that several WWE Superstars may of the North Atlantic in hopes of catching the valuable bluefin only see once in a lifetime. Scale the ladder, grab the tuna. When one bluefin can bring in as much as $20,000 - briefcase and punch your ticket into a main event match for a they’ll do whatever it takes to hook up. World Championship. Ushered in as a WrestleMania tradition and fully evolved into an annual pay-per-view event, the Animals & Nature, High Seas, National Money in the Bank Ladder Matches are some of the most Geographic, Television 2013 675min. popular and exciting traditions in WWE. This year, fans will National Geographic 06.08.2013 once again cling to the edge of their seats as Superstars perform jaw-dropping maneuvers from death-defying heights 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117290 for a chance to take the next step towards immortality. Plus, matches for the WWE and World Heavyweight WWE: Best Of MSG Championships, featuring all the top Superstars in WWE. Special Interest, Sports, Sports MSG For nearly 50 years, Madison Square Garden has been the Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE home of WWE. From sell out crowds cheering on Bruno 2013 180min. Sammartino’s incredible championship run to the birth of WWE Home Video 13.08.2013 Hulkamania, the inaugural WrestleMania, a stunner heard round the world and several legendary moments in between, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117315 WWE presents the moments that have helped legitimize the moniker World’s Most Famous Arena. This collection WWII Top Secret: Dieppe showcases over 20 of the greatest matches and moments at Newsletter 06/13 (Nr. 329) MSG spanning all generations of WWE. Along with Uncovered ISSN 1610-2606 interviews from several WWE legends and Superstars, fans Dieppe Uncovered brings to life the events that took place on will relive several of the key moments in history that shaped August 19, 1942 by re-enacting key moments leading up to and Credits the WWE of today. during the Allies first amphibious attack on mainland Europe Redaktion: Special Interest, Sports, Sports at the small French port of Dieppe. At the heart of Dieppe Wolfram Hannemann Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Uncovered is a revelation that has never been written in history books. The top secret 30th Assault Unit was behind Design & Layout: 540min. the raids, and the man leading the group was none other than WWE Home Video 27.08.2013 Sir Ian Fleming. Could the man who created James Bond been Wolfram Hannemann 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117328 behind one of the blackest days of World War II? Assistenz: Documentary, Special Interest, War, World Beate Hannemann WWE: Best Of MSG (Blu-ray) War II 2013 68min. Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: E1 Entertainment 06.08.2013 MSG Anna Rudschies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40117487 For nearly 50 years, Madison Square Garden has been the © (2013) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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