
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 14/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 318 - August 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Mit ein paar Impressionen von der Premiere des Kinofilms DIE KIR- CHE BLEIBT IM DORF, zu der wir am vergangenen Mittwoch ein- geladen waren, möchten wir uns in den Sommerurlaub verabschieden. S ist wie fast jedes Jahr: erst wenn alle Anderen ihren Urlaub schon absolviert haben, sind wir dran. Aber so ein richtiger Urlaub ist das eigentlich gar nicht. Nichts von we- gen faul am Strand liegen und sich Filme in HD auf dem Smartphone reinziehen! Das Fantasy Filmfest Fotos (c) 2012 by Wolfram Hannemann steht bereits vor der Tür und wird uns wieder eine ganze Woche lang von morgens bis spät in die Nacht hinein mit aktueller Filmware ver- sorgen. Wie immer werden wir be- müht sein, möglichst viele der prä- sentierten Filme auch tatsächlich zu sehen. Schließlich wird eine Groß- zahl der Produktionen bereits kurze Zeit nach Ende des Festivals auf DVD und BD verfügbar sein. Und da möchte man natürlich schon vor- her wissen, ob sich ein Kauf lohnen wird. Nach unserer Sommerpause werden wir in einem der Newsletter wieder ein Resümee des Festivals ziehen. Es wird sich also lohnen weiter am Ball zu blei- ben. Ab Montag, den 17. Septem- ber 2012, werden wir wieder wie gewohnt erreichbar sein. Zwi- schenzeitlich eingetroffene Waren werden ab diesem Zeitpunkt auch wieder in die Auslieferung ge- bracht. Wer sich übrigens für mehr Details zur oben erwähnten Film- premiere interessiert, dem sei unser YouTube-Kanal empfohlen. Dort haben wir ein etwa 30minütiges Video mit Eindrücken von diesem glanzvollen Abend hochgeladen. Einfach bei YouTube den Suchbegriff “laserhotline” eingeben und schon gelangen Sie zu unseren Videos. Wir wünschen viel Spaß damit!

Ihr Laser Hotline Team

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

Double Standards, On the Rocks

Frau hat es nicht leicht in Hollywood. Ewig jung soll sie und eine Karriere, die gerade erst richtig begonnen hat bleiben, Barbie-Maße, Brüste, die der Schwerkraft (und meiner Meinung nach gleich wieder enden kann). trotzen, sexy sein, aber nicht bedrohlich für das Wer von beiden hätte eher seine Hormone im Griff männliche oder das weibliche Publikum. Dazu soll sie haben sollen? Aber in Hollywood, wo die Männer mehr bitte unschlagbares Talent mitbringen und ein Millionen- verdienen und ihnen alles verziehen wird, werden die Dollar-Lächeln. Kurz: Es wird Perfektion erwartet. Frauen weiterhin als böse Hexen auf dem Scheiterhaufen hingerichtet. Powerfrauen, die ein Wenn eine der Damen aus der Reihe tanzt, wird sie selbstbestimmtes, kompromissloses Leben führen, gibt bestraft und verleumdet. Beweisstück Nr. 1: Kristen es wohl tatsächlich nur im Film. Stewart. Stewart, die seit Jahren für Summit Entertainment Millionen scheffelt in ihrer Rolle als Bella Der Stewart-Sanders-Skandal ist nicht das einzige Swan, dem augenrollenden und lippenbeißenden Beispiel von frauenfeindlicher Doppelmoral in Gspusi von Glitzervampir Edward Cullen, hat Hollywood. Nehmen wir Aaron Johnson und seine Frau momentan einen Skandal am Hals, der fast so groß ist Sam Taylor-Wood. Der 22-jährige, der mit dem Film wie damals das Jolie-hat-Aniston-den-Mann-gestohlen- Kick-Ass berühmt wurde und nun eine stetig Debakel. wachsende, interessante Karriere in Hollywood hinlegt, ist mit einer 45-jährigen Frau verheiratet, die bereits Stewart hat sich auf ein Techtelmechtel mit ihrem Snow zwei Kinder aus einer früheren Ehe hat. Jedes Mal, White and the Huntsman Regisseur Rupert Sanders wenn Johnson PR für einen Film machen muss, stellen eingelassen. Die beiden sind erwischt worden, ihm die Reporter Fragen zu seiner Ehe. Johnson und eindeutige Fotos zirkulieren seit Wochen im Internet Taylor-Wood sind seit Jahren ein Paar, sie haben zwei und der Regenbogenpresse. Und wer ist schuld? kleine Töchter und sie scheinen sich aufrichtig zu Kristen Stewart. Sie wird als Ehezerbrecherin tituliert, lieben. Dennoch müssen sie der Öffentlichkeit ständig musste Freund Robert Pattinson eine öffentliche Rede und Antwort über ihr Privatleben stehen. Was hat Entschuldigung schreiben, zog sich von PR-Terminen Sam mit Aaron gemacht, dass so ein junger Mann sich zurück und konnte sich vor bösen Spekulationen kaum so etwas antut? Das ist doch bestimmt nicht wirklich retten. Rupert Sanders? Seine Frau wurde etwas Liebe! Igitt, mit Mitte Vierzig nochmal Babys kriegen! bemitleidet und wahrscheinlich wird er nicht gebeten, das Snow White Sequel zu übernehmen. Als Bruce Willis, der immerhin drei erwachsene Töchter mit seiner Ex Demi Moore hat, Model Emma Nun ist es sicherlich so, dass Stewart berühmter ist als Heming heiratete und mit ihr ein Kind zeugte, hat keiner Sanders. Er ist ein Nobody im Gegensatz zu ihr. Wen auch nur mit der Wimper gezuckt. Bruce ist 20 Jahre die Leute “besser” kennen, der wird gründlicher durch älter als Emma, aber wieso ist das schlimm? den Dreck gezogen. Trotzdem macht das die Die Hollywood-Doppelmoral gibt es, seit es die Umstände nicht besser. Man kann Stewart vorwerfen, Traumfabrik gibt. Nur wenige Frauen haben sie je hinter dass sie es hätte besser wissen müssen. Wer sich lassen können und wenn, dann konnten sie es nur tagtäglich von Horden von Paparazzi verfolgt wird, der dank ihrer enormen Starpower. Marlene Dietrich war verlegt das Vorspiel nicht auf einen Parkplatz am eine der wenigen, die lebte, wie es ihr beliebte. helllichten Tag. Aber Sanders ist genauso schuld an Heutzutage kann man sagen, Angelina Jolie hat es dem Debakel. Er ist fast 20 Jahre älter, hat Frau, Kinder ebenfalls geschafft. Trotzdem darf man nicht

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 vergessen, dass die Dietrich mit Rudolf Sieber bis zu “The Edward Cullen Underpants Conundrum” sagt: dessen Tod brav verheiratet war und Jolie in der Presse “Wir leben in einer Welt, in der Hetero-Männer Frauen bis heute gegen Jennifer Aniston gestellt wird. als Objekte behandeln dürfen, aber alle anderen sollen ihrer Unterhose bitte den Riegel vorschieben. Dabei Was kann man also machen, um sich dagegen zu sind sowohl Männer als auch Frauen in der Lage, wehren? Die Antwort ist: Sich wie die Männer verhalten. andere zu objektivieren.” Und das ist gut so. Es ist ein Wie das geht? Wir Frauen gehen auf Fleischbeschau! kleiner, aber wichtiger Schritt in Richtung wahre Gossip-Blogs wie Celebitchy machen es vor: Gleichberechtigung. Brennende Büstenhalter und Schauspieler werden gnadenlos als Sexobjekte unrasierte Achseln waren gestern. Die Feministinnen beurteilt. Vorbei mit “der hat solches Talent”, her mit von heute müssen bereit sein, sich schamlos das zu “der scheint ordentlich was in der Hose zu haben”! Wir holen, was sie und ihre niederen Triebe wollen. Klingt müssen uns von der Idee trennen, dass nur Frauen komisch, ist aber so. Sexobjekte sind und Männer irgendwie anders beurteilt Anna Rudschies werden müssen. Wie Sady in ihrem herrlichen Artikel

Anna freut sich über Feedback: [email protected]

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 07. August 2012 den Mädels auch wirklich landen zu kön- Behinderte und Todkranke nen, haben die beiden die Mitleidsmasche Der heutige Kinotag konnte mich nicht so perfekt einstudiert: einer spielt den Tod- recht für sich gewinnen. kranken, der andere dessen besten Kumpel, der dem Todgeweihten seinen letzten DIE KUNST, SICH DIE SCHUHE ZU Wunsch erfüllen möchte. So landet Tim im BINDEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Bett der feschen Marie. Doch die Stim- OT: Hur Många Lingon Finns Det I mung wird jäh zerstört, als er Maries Världen? Schwester Edda kennenlernt: sie hat Krebs Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) und nicht mehr lange zu leben. Unfähig Land/Jahr: Schweden 2011 sich vor Marie als Simulant zu outen, Regie: Lena Koppel spielt Tim das Spiel weiter und verliebt Darsteller: Sverrir Gudnason, Bosse sich in Marie... Ein gefühlvoller Score, Östlin, David Gustafsson wohl platzierte Kuschelrockmusik und Kinostart: 20.09.2012 Hochglanz-Protagonisten – in seinem Film überlässt Regisseur Marco Petry nichts Nichtsnutz Alex lebt schon lange auf Ko- dem Zufall. Seine Strategie spricht für sich: sten seiner Freundin. Als die ihn schließ- im vollbesetzten Kinosaal dürften zur rich- lich auf die Straße setzt, muss er sich einen tigen Zeit die Tränchen aus den Augen kul- Job suchen. Die Aussicht auf eine Dienst- lern. Das alles hat freilich nichts mit dem wohnung macht ihm die Stelle als Betreuer wirklichen Sterben zu tun, sondern ist einer kleinen Gruppe geistig behinderter wohlkalkuliertes Kino mit Wohlfühleffekt. Erwachsener äußerst schmackhaft. Als er Man muss das schon mögen, wenn es ei- den Job bekommt, entwickelt er innerhalb nem gefallen soll. Denn sonst erleidet man kurzer Zeit ein sehr herzliches Verhältnis bei diesem Film als Kinogänger Schiff- zu seinen Schützlingen. Als die auch noch bruch. Schauspielerischer Lichtblick im ungeahnte Talente aufweisen, entschließt Film ist die von Jessica Schwarz gespielte Mit seiner Grundkonstellation – Junge sich Alex, die Gruppe bei einer Talentshow Ebba. Ihre vermeintliche Stärke und die findet krankes Tier, pflegt es, schließt anzumelden... Lose basierend auf einer unkonventionelle Art, mit dem lauernden Freundschaft mit ihm und rettet damit eine wahren Geschichte möchte Regisseurin Tod umzugehen, faszinieren. ganze Insel – erinnert der Film an Kinder- Lena Koppel mit ihrem Film eine Lanze filme aus den sechziger Jahren. Und er brechen für geistig behinderte Menschen. Donnerstag, 09. August 2012 versteht es vortrefflich, dieses Gefühl von Denn jeder Mensch hat eine Begabung – so Ein Pelikan und vier Poetry Slammer Jugend und Abenteuer wieder aufleben zu ein Zitat aus dem Film. Doch ihr Anliegen Endspurt: die heutigen Pressevorführungen lassen. Mit seiner guten Besetzung kann leider keinen Fuß fassen. Nicht nur waren die letzten beiden in dieser Woche. (Thibault Le Guellec als Yannis, Jade-Rose ist ihr Film überaus langweilig inszeniert, Parker als temperamentvolle Angeliki) auch der Blickwinkel, von dem sie ihre EIN GRIECHISCHER SOMMER (1:2.35, schafft er nicht nur Identifikationsfiguren Protagonisten beobachtet, erscheint mehr DD 5.1) für Jungen und Mädchen, sondern auch für als fragwürdig. Da soll klar vermittelt wer- OT: Nicostratos Le Pélican Erwachsene, die sich an ihre eigene Kind- den, dass die gesunden Menschen eigent- Verleih: Neue Visionen heit und die erste Liebe erinnern werden. lich die Krüppel sind und umgekehrt. Das Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Griechenland 2011 Filmregisseur Emir Kusturica spielt ist etwas zu einfach gedacht. Fragwürdig Regie: Olivier Horlait Yannis‘ Vater sehr überzeugend, einen ar- auch die Rolle des Alex, der als Ungelernter Darsteller: Emir Kusturica, Thibault Le men Fischer, der nach dem Tod seiner Frau die kleine Gruppe von Behinderten zu neu- Guellec, François-Xavier Demaison, Jade- keine liebevolle Beziehung mehr zu seinem en Ufern führt. Die Frage nach Verantwor- Rose Parker Sohn aufbauen kann. Dazu kommen gran- tung bleibt hier vollkommen unbeantwor- Kinostart: 11.10.2012 diose CinemaScope-Bilder von Kamera- tet. Der überwiegend konventionell foto- mann Michel Amathieu, der sie Schönheit grafierte Film verwendet zum Ende hin Gemeinsam mit seinem Vater lebt der klei- der griechischen Inseln perfekt in den Fo- plötzlich Split-Screen-Technik. Das wirkt ne Yannis auf einer idyllischen griechischen kus rückt und eine eigene “Blaue Lagune” dann wie ein Fremdkörper im Gesamtkon- Insel. Während der Vater auf dem Meer erschafft. Trotz seines verunglückten deut- zept. Fische fängt, verkauft Yannis Ziegenkäse schen Titels empfiehlt sich der Film als auf dem Markt. Das Geschäft läuft mehr gute Unterhaltung für Kinder und deren HEITER BIS WOLKIG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) schlecht als recht. Eines Tages entdeckt er erwachsene Begleitpersonen. Verleih: Constantin einen kleinen Pelikan auf einem der großen Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Schiffe, den er gegen das Goldkreuz ein- DICHTER UND KÄMPFER – DAS LE- Regie: Marco Petry tauscht, welches er als Erinnerung an seine BEN ALS POETRY SLAMMER IN Darsteller: Max Riemelt, Anna Fischer, verstorbene Mutter um den Hals trägt. DEUTSCHLAND (1:1.78, 5.1) Jessica Schwarz, Elyas M‘Barek Yannis nimmt sich des Pelikans an, muss Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) Kinostart: 06.09.2012 diesen jedoch vor seinem Vater verstecken. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Doch das Tier wird immer größer und lässt Regie: Marion Hütter Tagsüber verdienen sich Tim und Can ihre sich bald nicht mehr verstecken. Sehr zum Darsteller: Philipp „Scharri“ Scharrenberg, Brötchen als Köche in einer Großkantine. Gefallen der Touristen und Angeliki, der Sebastian23, Julius Fischer Nachts gehen sie auf die Pirsch. Um bei Nichte des Bistrobesitzers... Kinostart: 06.09.2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog den Epressungsversuchen durch Gregs “Poetry Slam” – das ist angesagter Zeit- großen Bruder und der nicht so recht in geist. Man stellt sich auf die Bühne und Gang kommen wollenden Liebesgeschichte rezitiert eigene Gedichte vor einem großen mit Holly, wird auch noch die Freundschaft Publikum. Für Außenstehende hört sich das zwischen Greg und seinem besten Kumpel an wie Rap ohne Musik, für Eingweihte ist auf die Probe gestellt. Teil 3 der Geschich- es die Offenbarung. Ein Filmteam hat sich te hat sein Klassenziel damit erreicht: er an die Versen von vier der bekanntesten unterhält kurzweilig. “Slammer” geheftet und diese bei ihren Auftritten und in ihrer Freizeit begleitet. THE EXPENDABLES 2 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Dabei handelt es sich fast ausnahmslos um OT: The Expendables 2 junge Menschen, die zudem teilweise – Verleih: Splendid (Fox) bewusst – an der “Harz IV”-Grenze leben. Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Ihnen geht es nicht primär darum, einen Regie: Simon West Slam zu gewinnen. Dabeisein ist alles. Es Darsteller: , Jason ist der Moment, der zählt. Der Moment, Statham, , Dolph Lundgren, Terry wenn man das Publikum für einen kurzen Crews, Randy Couture, Bruce Willis, Ar- Augenblick ganz für sich einnehmen kann. nold Schwarzenegger, Liam Hemsworth, Marion Hütter lässt ihren Film Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude van Damme, unkommentiert. Kommentare gibt es nur Scott Adkins, Yu Nan von ihren auserkorenen Protagonisten. Kinostart: 30.08.2012 Leider erschöpfen sich diese regelmäßig in der Erkenntnis, das man das alles nicht Um eine alte Rechnung zu begleichen, wer- mache, um zu gewinnen. Mehr scheint es den Barney Ross und sein kleines Söldner- offensichtlich nicht zu geben. Der Film heer auf den Oberschurken Vilain ange- lässt insgesamt keine Dramaturgie erken- setzt. Der nämlich will an ein ganzes Arse- nen. Die Kamera hält einfach nur auf ihre frischen Luft! Dem muss Greg natürlich nal von Plutonium herankommen, das in Objekte und fängt Momentaufnahmen ein. durch List einen Riegel vorschieben und einer längst vergessenen Mine irgendwo auf Als Betrachter nimmt man das alles dann gibt vor, im Country Club einen Ferienjob dem Balkan gebunkert liegt. Als Vilain je- ziemlich emotionslos auf, kann sich weder angenommen zu haben. Es klappt – sein doch Ross und seine Mannen stellt und den über Niederlagen noch über Siege der Vater ist begeistert von Gregs scheinbarer jungen vor ihren Augen sadi- Slammer freuen. Das aber wäre wichtig Eigeninitiative. In Wirklichkeit jedoch stisch ermordet, lautet der Auftrag: Rache! gewesen, um den Film für ein breiteres hängt Greg mit seinem Kumpel gemeinsam Waren im ersten Teil noch fast alle Action- Publikum interessant zu machen. DICH- im Country Club ab und schiebt eine ruhige Szenen derart dunkel inszeniert, dass man TER UND KÄMPFER indes fängt irgend- Kugel mit eindeutiger Absicht: seine Ange- gar nichts sehen konnte, erfreut sich die wo an und hört irgendwo auf – ohne er- betete Holly Hills arbeitet dort... Bereits Fortsetzung des Tageslichts. Und mehr kennbaren Grund. Immerhin: es gibt ein zum dritten Male und mit stets gleicher noch. Nahm sich der erste Teil noch weit- paar tiefschürfende Gedichte zu hören – Besetzung verrät uns sein Tagebuch, womit gehend ernst, so hat Simon West in Teil 2 zumindest ausschnittsweise. sich Greg tagtäglich herumschlagen muss. jetzt die Notbremse gezogen und dem Film Denn so ein Pennäler-Leben ist geprägt von einen ironischen Anstrich verpasst, der extremen Peinlichkeiten. Da wird schon der unmissverständlich klar macht, dass dies Donnerstag, 16. August 2012 Gang durch die Umkleidekabinen eines eine Persiflage sein soll. Angesichts des Alptraum Sommerferien und Auftrag Freibads zu einem wahren Spießrutenlauf – extrem hohen Body Counts ist ihm dies Rache unterstützt von einer Filmmusik, die den aber nicht komplett gelungen. Doch immer- Diese Woche gab es leider nur ganze zwei Ernst der Lage vortrefflich erkennt und hin gibt es bei diesem Rentnerausflug in die Pressevorführungen. Da muss man dann damit Gregs Innenleben nach außen kehrt! Ostgebiete ein paar gelungene Szenen, auf- eben das Beste daraus machen... Noch peinlicher die Aktivitäten, mit denen gepeppt mit markigen Sprüchen. Zu den Gregs Vater sein Verhältnis zu seinem Sohn besten Sprücheklopfern mausert sich ex- GREGS TAGEBUCH – ICH WAR’S intensivieren möchte: ein Pfadfinder- Gouvernator Arnold Schwarzenegger, der NICHT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) lehrgang! Und dabei haben die beiden abso- tatsächlich mehr als nur einen Auftritt hat. OT: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 3 – Dog Days lut nichts gemeinsam – bis auf die Abnei- “I need a big gun!”, sagt er und betont Verleih: Fox gung des öde langweiligen Comic, der jeden “big”. Was auch sonst? Oder er sagt herr- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Morgen in der Tageszeitung erscheint. Und lich selbstironisch “I am back!”, als er sich Regie: David Bowers hier haben wir dann auch das eigentliche mit schwerem Gerät Zugang zu einer ver- Darsteller: Zachary Gordon, Devon Thema des dritten Teils, in dem es um die schütteten Mine verschafft und seine Bostick, Rachael Harris, Steve Zahn Vater-Sohn-Beziehung geht. Das wird dann Kumpels befreit. Als kleinen Farbtupfer Kinostart: 20.09.2012 erfreulicherweise nicht so extrem peinlich schickt Regisseur West dann den “Lone behandelt wie in den AMERICAN PIE Ge- Wolf” Chuck Norris ins Gefecht – als Ein- Alptraum Sommerferien! Eigentlich freut schichten, sondern immer so, dass man Mann-Armee und immer begleitet von sich Greg schon lange darauf, jetzt endlich gerne darüber schmunzelt. Bis sich die Ennio Morricones bekanntestem - ungestört jede Menge an Videogames spie- beiden zusammenraufen, ist aber noch viel Thema “The Good, The Bad and the len zu können. Doch sein Daddy hat ganz zu tun. Denn neben der Schmusedecke von Ugly”. Hauptakteur Sylvester Stallone anderes mit ihm im Sinn: Aktivitäten an der Gregs kleinem Bruder, die ständig gegen freilich frönt nach wie vor den 1980er- den Familienhund verteidigt werden muss,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Das ergab sich rein zufällig während einer by-Jägern erschossen worden. Doch es gibt Party, auf der sie ein Event-Manger ent- Ungereimtheiten. Handelte es sich womög- deckte und in ihr die Idee weckte, als lich um einen Doppelmord mit rassisti- “Angie” aufzutreten. Knoll, damals in einer schem Hintergrund? Auf die Frage, wie sie Art von Lebenskrise, nutzte die sich bie- denn einen Film über die beiden getöteten tende Chance und war schon bald bei einem Rumänen beginnen würden, erhält Filmema- Künstleragenten unter Vertrag, der sich auf cher Philip Scheffner die unterschiedlich- Doubles spezialisiert. Inzwischen agiert sie sten Antworten. Diese reichen von “Mit bereits im Auftrag des Originals. Wolfsper- etwas Schönem” (Antwort der Hinterblie- ger zeigt auch, dass sich Knolls “Merkel”- benen) bis hin zu “Mit der Tatnacht” (ein Zeit inzwischen sogar auf ihr Privatleben in die Ermittlung Involvierter). Genauso abfärbt. Entscheidungen fallen ihr persön- unterschiedlich sind auch die Ergebnisse lich viel leichter denn je zuvor. Sie hat ein der mit dem Fall beauftragten Ermittler. In ganzes Stück Angela in sich aufgesaugt und seinem Dokumentarfilm enthüllt der Regis- will in der großen Politik mitmischen. seur erst ganz allmählich das wahre Aus- Wolfsperger zeigt aber auch, dass es noch maß des Verbrechens. Sein Film verdichtet eine Konkurrentin gibt. Eine aus dem sich zunehmend zu einer beklemmenden Schwabenland, die das Ganze nur aus Spaß Bestandsaufnahme über unhaltbare Zustän- macht: Marianne Schätzle. Es verwundert de im Rechtsstaat Deutschland. Nicht nur auch nicht weiter, dass Frau Knoll auf ihre werden grobe Schlampereien bei den Unter- unliebsame Konkurrentin nicht gut zu suchungen aufgedeckt (Parallelen zu den sprechen ist – denn schließlich ist sie das jüngsten Neo-Nazi-Verbrechen sind er- Original! Immer wieder zeigt uns Wolfsper- kennbar!), auch die Art und Weise, wie mit ger die Doubles – bewacht von den Hinterbliebenen verfahren wurde, Bodyguards, damit es auch echt wirkt – spottet jeder Beschreibung: kein Einziger Jahren Action-Film-Klischees, die keiner vor Berliner Kulisse posierend oder das wurde über die Strafprozesse informiert so gut beherrscht wie Ex-Rambo. Seine Bad in der Menge genießend oder sich mit geschweige denn dazu eingeladen. Durch Fans dürfen sich auf das all entscheidende dem aus Leipzig stammenden Clinton- die eigenwillige Bild- und Tongestaltung, in Handgemenge zwischen ihm und dem bösen Double präsentiert. Und nicht zu verges- der oftmals die Interviewpartner gezeigt Buben Jean-Claude Van Damme freuen: sen: das Video, das Frau Knoll mit Udo werden, während diese sich das bisher Auf- zwei Rentner unter sich – aber leider ohne Lindenberg aufgenommen hat: “Das merkel genommene ansehen und anhören, erhält jeglichen Witz. Zusammenfassend lässt ich mir”. Wirklich überraschend jedoch ist der Film selbst den Anstrich eines Ermitt- sich sagen, dass EXPENDABLES 2 de die Offenherzigkeit von Knolls Agenten, lungsverfahrens. Mit REVISION ist ein ersten Teil locker wegsteckt, aber trotzdem der kein Blatt vor den Mund nimmt und in interessanter und beeindruckender Doku- noch mehr Ironie und Selbstpersiflage ver- seiner Arroganz und überheblichen Art am mentarfilm zur aktuellen deutschen Zeitge- trägt. Wie wäre es mit Stallone am Ende nicht nur Knolls Konkurrentin platt schichte gelungen, der zur Diskussion auf- Rollator? macht, sondern auch Knoll selbst. Glaube fordert. nicht alles was Du siehst – das könnte die Samstag, 18. August 2012 Quintessenz aus Wolfspergers Film sein, Mittwoch, 22. August 2012 Das merkel ich mir die man mit nach Hause nehmen kann. Der alte Mann und sein Pflegeroboter Wenn die Angie mit dem Udo auftritt, dann Nur drei Pressevorführungen diese Woche – kann das nur ein Double sein. Der heutige Sonntag, 19. August 2012 und die erste gab es heute. Dokumentarfilm beweist es. Ein Fall wird aufgerollt Einen beklemmenden Dokumentarfilm habe ROBOT & FRANK (1:2.35, DD 5.1) DOPPELLEBEN (1:2.35, 5.1) ich mir für den heutigen Hitzerekordtag OT: Robot And Frank Verleih: Camino (Neue Visionen) aufgehoben. Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Regie: Douglas Wolfsperger REVISION (1:1.85, Stereo) Regie: Jake Schreier Darsteller: Susanne Knoll, Marianne Verleih: RealFiction Darsteller: Frank Langella, James Marsden, Schätzle, Lothar Wunderlich Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Liv Tyler, Susan Sarandon Kinostart: 30.08.2012 Regie: Philip Scheffner Kinostart: 25.10.2012 Kinostart: 13.09.2012 Auf den ersten Blick ist sie kaum von Bun- Seine Karriere hat Frank in der Juwelen- deskanzlerin Angela Merkel zu unterschei- 1992 finden Bauern auf einem Ackerland in branche gemacht – als Dieb. Dafür hat er den. Gestik, Körperhaltung, Mimik, Klei- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern zwei männliche über zehn Jahre lang im Knast gesessen. dung – Susanne Knoll hat allen Grund Leichen. Als sie Hilfe holen wollen, sehen Jetzt ist er Rentner und schon leicht Stolz zu sein. Sie ist das erste Merkel- sie hinter sich das Ackerland in Brand gera- vergesslich geworden, was er jedoch gerne Double, sozusagen das Original unter den ten. Was ist passiert? Erste Ermittlungen ignoriert. Nicht jedoch seine Kinder. Sohn Doppelgängern. In seinem Dokumentarfilm ergeben, dass es ich um zwei rumänische Hunter steht eines Tages plötzlich mit erzählt Douglas Wolfsperger davon, wie es Staatsbürger handelte, die bei Nacht über einem Pflegeroboter vor Franks Tür. Wi- überhaupt dazu kam und zeigt auch Szenen die polnische Grenze nach Deutschland derwillig nimmt er die Maschine an. Im- aus ihrem (Berufs)Alltag. Denn Susanne kommen wollten. Mit Wildschweinen ver- merhin kann sie kochen und putzen. Erst Knoll war nicht immer Merkel Nummer 2. wechselt, seien sie versehentlich von Hob- ganz allmählich gewöhnt sich Frank an

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog seinen neuen Freund. Schließlich hat er eine Landes macht ihnen allen zu schaffen. Was rikanische übersetzt heisst das: eine zündende Idee: der Roboter soll mit ihm eigentlich als neue Chance für die Bezie- Junggesellinnenabschiedsfeier. In ihrem auf Bruch gehen. Dazu erhält der kleine hung zwischen Niels und Maria gedacht Übermut (und einer entsprechenden Menge Kerl eine Schnellbleiche in Sachen Schlös- war, entzweit die Eheleute nur noch mehr. Alkohol intus) schlüpfen zwei der Schlan- ser knacken. Und das perfekte Opfer ist Niels beginnt eine Affäre mit einer Kolle- ken gemeinsam in Beckys XXXL-Braut- auch Frank auch schon auserkoren... Jake gin. Doch dann ereignet sich ein Unfall: in kleid. Das Ergebnis: es zerreisst! Jetzt ist Schreiers Spielfilmdebüt spielt zwar in der pechschwarzer Nacht kollidiert etwas mit guter Rat teuer: woher bekommt man Zukunft, doch angesichts der enormen ihrem Auto. War es ein Tier oder gar ein nachts in noch einen Schneider Fortschritte in der Robotik dürfte diese Mensch? Maria fährt weiter. Und nichts und wie sorgt man dafür, dass Becky von Zukunft nicht mehr sehr weit entfernt sein. wird mehr so sein wie es einmal war. Mat- all dem nichts mitbekommt? Angefangen Frank fühlt sich in dieser Zukunft wie ein thias Glasners beeindruckend fotografierter hat alles damit, dass Leslye Headland ein Fossil – und wird auch als solches behan- Film geht der Frage nach, ob Schuld dazu ernstes Theaterstück über die moderne delt. Er weiß noch, was ein auf Papier ge- gehört, um glücklich zu werden. Je weiter amerikanische Frau geschrieben hat. Das drucktes Buch ist. Mit dem ganzen moder- seine Protagonisten in Schuld versinken, Stück aber wurde vom Publikum als Komö- nen Kram kann er sich nicht anfreunden. desto näher kommen sie sich wieder. Ge- die aufgefasst und generierte viele Lacher. Und Frank Langella spielt diesen Frank meinsam ist man stark. Doch wird ihre Frau Headland fand das im Nachhinein einfach grandios. Man kann richtig mit ihm Schuld jemals Vergebung erfahren? Es dann auch ganz prima und erkannte das mitfühlen und versteht, wie es ihm geht, braucht Geduld, bis klar wird, in welche komödiantische Potenzial ihres Dramas. wenn er den Eindruck hat, dass man ihn Richtung Glasner seinen Film entwickeln Und so hat sie nun ihr Komödien-Drama einfach nur abschieben möchte. Der Gesell- möchte. Es gibt zu viele Nebenhandlungen, auch für die große Leinwand adaptiert. Was schaft durch einen Roboter zieht er doch wie etwa jene, in der Markus und sein dabei allerdings herausgekommen ist taugt jene der gut aussehenden Bibliothekarin Schulkamerad mit einer echten Waffe han- weder als Drama noch als Komödie, son- aus Fleisch und Blut vor! Die Interaktion tieren. Neben den Bildern aber beeindruckt dern höchstens als Schlaftablette. Dagegen zwischen Langella und dem Roboter funk- auch der imposante Soundtrack des Films, hatte sogar BRAUTALARM (vielleicht tioniert so gut, dass man sogar Gefühle für auf dem dynamische, fast schon sakrale erinnern Sie sich: im Gegensatz zum Publi- diese Maschine aufbauen kann. Mit Susan Chöre erklingen. Und last but not least kum mochte ich diesen Film ganz und gar Sarandon als Bibliothekarin, Liv Tyler als bietet der Film mit Jürgen Vogel und Birgit nicht) noch richtige Lacher zu bieten. Die Franks Tochter Madison und James Minichmayr zwei äußerst überzeugende in Headlands gezeigten Charaktere sind viel Marsden ist der Film auch in den Neben- Hauptdarsteller, die einen Großteil ihrer zu uninteressant, als dass man mit ihnen rollen gut besetzt. Und wer da glaubt das Dialog sogar tapfer in Norwegisch absol- Freundschaft schließen könnte. Sie können Ende der Geschichte bereits zu kennen, vieren. zwar gut und gerne koksen, sich ausführ- dem darf verraten werden, dass das Dreh- lich und en detail über einen “Blow Job” buch von Christopher D. Ford noch eine Freitag, 24. August 2012 unterhalten und vollkommen außer Rand Überraschung bereithält. American Psychos und Band agieren, aber es fehlt ihnen ei- Die letzte Pressevorführung in dieser Wo- gentlich jedwede Herzlichkeit. Woher soll Donnerstag, 23. August 2012 che entließ mich mit großer Enttäuschung die auch kommen bei soviel Oberflächlich- Macht Schuld glücklich? in mein Wochenende. keit? Fazit: diese Komödie ist wahrhaftig Ein gut bebildertes und gut gespieltes Dra- ein Drama. ma verschaffte sich in der heutigen Presse- DIE HOCHZEIT UNSERER DICKSTEN vorführung Gehör. FREUNDIN (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: Bachelorette GNADE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Studiocanal Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Norwegen 2012 Regie: Leslye Headland Regie: Matthias Glasner Darsteller: Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, Darsteller: Jürgen Vogel, Birgit Lizzy Caplan Minichmayr, Henry Stange Kinostart: 25.10.2012 Kinostart: 18.10.2012 Becky ist ihre dickste Freundin – im Niels und Maria wagen einen kompletten wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Umso Neuanfang: gemeinsam mit Sohn Markus unfassbarer erscheint es Regan, Katie und wandern sie nach Norwegen aus, wo Niels Gena, dass ausgerechnet sie die Erste in einen gut bezahlten Job in einem Gas- ihrem Bunde ist, die heiraten wird! Denn – verflüssigungswerk annimmt, während so die Meinung der sehr unterschiedlichen, Maria auf der Sterbestation eines Kranken- aber schlanken Geschöpfe – würde jeder hauses jobbt und Markus seinen Platz in von ihnen dieses Glück mehr zustehen als der Schule erst noch erkämpfen muss. Nur “Mopsgesicht” Becky. Jetzt gilt es natür- die andauernde Dunkelheit und Kälte des lich, das Beste daraus zu machen. Ins Ame-

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Biene Maja - DVD 4 Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Dir. Johnny Darrell Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Zeichentrick/Action 45min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 143min. Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 28.09.2012 Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jim Studio100 Media 20.09.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049023 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049085 Knopf und die Wilde 13 (Platin Ice Age 1-4 (4 Discs) Edition, 2 Discs, + Blu-Ray) Biene Maja - DVD 5 Ice Age / Ice Age 2: The Meltdown / Ice Dir. Manfred Jenning, Harald Schäfer Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs / Ice Age: Booklet Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Continentalt Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1977 460min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 143min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2002-2012 min. S.A.D. Home Entertainment 07.09.2012 Studio100 Media 20.09.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049089 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049086 Germany 26.11.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049004 Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jim Biene Maja - DVD 6 Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotiv- Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Ice Age 1-4 (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) führer (Platin Edition, 2 Discs, + Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Ice Age / Ice Age 2: The Meltdown / Ice Blu-Ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 143min. Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs / Ice Age: Continentalt Dir. Manfred Jenning Studio100 Media 20.09.2012 Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049087 Trickfilm/Komödie 2002-2012 min. Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1976 470min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment S.A.D. Home Entertainment 07.09.2012 Die Biene Maja - Ihre schönsten Germany 26.11.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049088 Abenteuer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1977 78min. Ice Age 4 - Voll verschoben Augsburger Puppenkiste - Urmel Studio100 Media 30.08.2012 Ice Age: Continental Drift aus dem Eis (Platin Edition, 2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048886 Dir. Steve Martino, Michael Thurmeier Discs, + Blu-Ray) Blood C - Die Serie, Volume 2 Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 84min. Dir. Harald Schäfer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Booklet (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Germany 26.11.2012 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969 470min. Blood C 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049003 S.A.D. Home Entertainment 07.09.2012 Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Yukina Hiiro, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049090 Hiroyuki Hata Ice Age 4 - Voll verschoben (Blu- Wendecover Beywheelz - Vol. 1 (Folgen 1-6) Zeichentrick/Action 2011 75min. ray 3D, + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Metaru Faito Beibureedo Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 26.10.2012 Ice Age: Continental Drift Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049063 Dir. Steve Martino, Michael Thurmeier Trickfilm/Action 2009 75min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 88min. Edel Germany(Panini) 05.10.2012 Blood C - Die Serie, Volume 2 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049024 (k.J.) Germany 26.11.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049012 Blood C Beywheelz - Vol. 2 (Folgen 6-9) Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Yukina Hiiro, Ice Age 4 - Voll verschoben (Blu- Metaru Faito Beibureedo Hiroyuki Hata Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Wendecover ray) Trickfilm/Action 2009 75min. Zeichentrick/Action 2011 72min. Ice Age: Continental Drift Edel Germany(Panini) 05.10.2012 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 26.10.2012 Dir. Steve Martino, Michael Thurmeier 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049025 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049046 Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 88min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Beywheelz - Vol. 3 (Folgen 10-13) Dora - Doras fantastisches Germany 26.11.2012 Metaru Faito Beibureedo Gymnastikabenteuer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049011 Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Dora The Explorer Trickfilm/Action 2009 75min. Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Merida - Legende der Highlands Edel Germany(Panini) 05.10.2012 Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Brave 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049026 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 93min. Dir. , Brenda Chapman, Paramount Home Entertainment 06.09.2012 Steve Purcell (Ko-Regie) Biene Maja - DVD 1 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048872 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 90min. Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Studios Home Entertainment Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Go, Diego! Go! - Großer Gorilla 29.11.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 96min. Go, Diego! Go! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049000 Studio100 Media 30.08.2012 Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048887 Bonusepisode, Trailer Merida - Legende der Highlands Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 140min. (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, + Bo- Biene Maja - DVD 2 Paramount Home Entertainment 09.08.2012 nus-Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Mitsubachi Maya No Boken 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048871 Brave Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Dir. Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 96min. Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Fol- Steve Purcell (Ko-Regie) Studio100 Media 31.08.2012 ge 5 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 94min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048888 Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Dir. Johnny Darrell Biene Maja - DVD 3 29.11.2012 Zeichentrick/Action 45min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049009 Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 28.09.2012 Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049022 Merida - Legende der Highlands Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 96min. Studio100 Media 31.08.2012 Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Fol- (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048889 Brave ge 6 Dir. Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman,

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Steve Purcell (Ko-Regie) Shaun das Schaf - Best of Zwei Germany 05.10.2012 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 94min. (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049034 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Shaun The Sheep 29.11.2012 96 Hours - Taken (Blu-ray) John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049008 Taken Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Leland Orser, Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Mia and Me - Vol. 3 Jon Gries, Katie Cassidy, David Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Mia And Me Warshofsky, Goran Kostic, Holly Valace, 04.10.2012 Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Bill Speers, Anthony Famke Janssen - Dir. Pierre Morel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048946 Power Making of, Featurettes, Audiokommentare, Hintergrundinfos Stricker Thriller/Action 2008 93min. Fantasy/Trickfilm 50min. Shaun das Schaf - Fan-Edition Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Edel Germany(Panini) 21.09.2012 Shaun The Sheep Germany 05.10.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049020 John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049040 Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Mia and Me - Vol. 4 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards Mia And Me Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) A.C.A.B.: All Cops Are Bastards Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Bill Speers, Anthony 04.10.2012 Pierfrancesco Favino, Filippo Nigro, Marco Power 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048938 Giallini, Andrea Sartoretti, Domenico Diele, Stricker Roberta Spagnuolo, Nick Nicolosi - Dir. Fantasy/Trickfilm 50min. Tabaluga - DVD 7 Stefano Sollima Edel Germany(Panini) 21.09.2012 Dir. Yoram Gross Action/Drama 2012 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049021 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 95min. Germany(Universal) Studio100 Media 20.09.2012 11.10.2012 Monster High - Mega Monster- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049083 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048902 party Monster High: Ghouls Rule Tabaluga - DVD 8 A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 min. Dir. Yoram Gross (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 95min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) A.C.A.B.: All Cops Are Bastards Studio100 Media 20.09.2012 18.10.2012 Pierfrancesco Favino, Filippo Nigro, Marco 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049084 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048903 Giallini, Andrea Sartoretti, Domenico Diele, Unser Sandmännchen - Roberta Spagnuolo, Nick Nicolosi - Dir. Monster High - Mega Monster- Stefano Sollima party (Blu-ray) Pittiplatsch Geburtstagsbox (3 Action/Drama 2012 min. Monster High: Ghouls Rule Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 min. Dir. Gerhard Behrendt 11.10.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sammelfigur 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048917 18.10.2012 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 176min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048918 Music Entertainment & New Business Als Großvater lieb- Division(Europa) 14.09.2012 te 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049073 Pinky Dinky Doo - Die komplette Karen Fisher, Vlastímil Brodsky, Veronika Serie (5 Discs) Albrechtová, Ewa Gawryluk, Vladimir Pinky Dinky Doo Hajdu, Charles Bauer, Dagmar Manzel - Dir. Dir. Jeff Buckland Iva Svarcová Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2008 312min. Film Komödie 2000 87min. justbridge entertainment media(FMkids) Basis-Film Verleih 21.08.2012 14.09.2012 3 und raus! tba BestellNr.: 20049029 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049031 Three And Out Alvin und die Chipmunks: Chip- The Prodigies Mackenzie Crook, Colm Meaney, Imelda Staunton, Gemma Arterton - Dir. Jonathan bruch (Blu-ray) The Prodigies Gershfield Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked Dir. Antoine Charreyron Komödie 2008 95min. Jason Lee, David Cross, Jenny Slate, Andy Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Buckley, Luisa D’Oliveira, Tucker Albrizzi, Trickfilm/Mystery 2011 91min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(CMN) Sophia Aguiar, Lauren Gottlieb, Tera Perez, Capelight Pictures 12.10.2012 18.10.2012 Michael P. Northey, Chad Krowchuk, Nelson 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048940 tba BestellNr.: 20049043 Wong, Michael Karman, Phyllis Smith, Ian The Prodigies (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 3 und raus! (Blu-ray) Harmon - Dir. Mike Mitchell Three And Out Jukebox, Featurettes, Making of, Musikvideos, Interview, ray) Entfallene Szenen, Werbeclip, Live Extras Mackenzie Crook, Colm Meaney, Imelda The Prodigies Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 87min. Staunton, Gemma Arterton - Dir. Jonathan Dir. Antoine Charreyron Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Gershfield Germany 01.10.2012 Trickfilm/Mystery 2011 95min. Komödie 2008 99min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048933 Capelight Pictures 12.10.2012 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(CMN) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048952 18.10.2012 Amador und Marcelas Rosen tba BestellNr.: 20049061 Amador Shaun das Schaf - Best of Zwei Magaly Solier, Celso Bugallo, Pietro Sibille, Shaun The Sheep 96 Hours - Taken Sonia Almarcha, Juan Alberto de Burgos, John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate Taken Fanny De Castro, Antonio Duran Morris, Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Leland Orser, Eleazar Ortiz, Raquel Pérez, Manolo Solo, Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Jon Gries, Katie Cassidy, David Manolo Solo, Priscilla Delgado - Dir. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Warshofsky, Goran Kostic, Holly Valace, Fernando León de Aranoa 04.10.2012 Famke Janssen - Dir. Pierre Morel Making of, Featurette, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048937 Making of, Featurettes Drama 2010 108min. Thriller/Action 2008 89min. Alamode Film 12.10.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048899

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Science Fiction/Horror 2011 87min. American Soldiers - Ein Tag im Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Tricia Helfer, Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 26.10.2012 Irak (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Grace Park, Katee Sackhoff, Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049045 American Soldiers Hogan, Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett, Curtis Morgan, Zan Calabretta, Jordan Alessandro Juliani, Kandyse McClure, Nicki Behemoth - Monster aus der Tiefe Brown, Eddie Della Siepe, Ben Gilbank, Clyne, Bodie Olmos, Leah Cairns, Donnelly (Blu-ray) Shaun Garrett - Dir. Sidney J. Furie Rhodes, Paul Campbell, Richard Hatch, Behemoth Trailer, Bildergalerie Jennifer Halley, Callum Keith Rennie, Kate Ed Quinn, Pascale Hutton, Cindy Busby, Kriegsfilm/Action 2005 98min. Vernon, Luciana Carro, Matthew Bennett, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Ty Olsson, William Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Sam Witwer - Dir. Michael Rymer, Marita B. Davis, Garry Chalk, James Kirk, Shaw Entertainment) 31.08.2012 Grabiak, Allan Kroeker, Rod Hardy, Sergio Madson, Marsha Regis, Michael 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049103 Mimica-Gezzan, Robert M. Young, Brad Adamthwaite, Nick Ouellette - Dir. David Turner, Hogan Auf Herz und Nieren (2 Discs) Science Fiction/Drama 2004-2005 714min. Wendecover Max von Pufendorf, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Science Fiction/Horror 2011 90min. Kristina Dörfer, Gerhard Garbers, Marian 04.10.2012 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 26.10.2012 Meder, Carolin Spieß, Narges Rashidi - Dir. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048922 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049062 Zoltan Spirandelli, Kai Meyer-Ricks Drama/Komödie 258min. Battlestar Galactica - Season 2 (5 Bel Ami Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Discs) (Blu-ray) Bel Ami 11.10.2012 Battlestar Galactica Robert Pattinson, , Christina 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048907 Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Ricci, Kristin Scott Thomas, Colm Meaney, Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Tricia Helfer, Philip Glenister, Holliday Grainger, James Ausgerechnet Sibirien Grace Park, Katee Sackhoff, Michael Lance, Natalia Tena - Dir. Declan Donnellan, Joachim Król, Vladimir Burlakov, Yulya Men, Hogan, Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett, Nick Ormerod Armin Rohde, Katja Riemann, Michael De- Alessandro Juliani, Kandyse McClure, Mi- Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Lovestory 2011 98min. gen, Zoya Buryak, Svetlana Tsvichenko, chael Trucco, Nicki Clyne, Bodie Olmos, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Alexandr Garkushenko, Nesipkul Leah Cairns, Donnelly Rhodes, Rekha Germany 29.11.2012 Umarbekova, Mandzhieva Gilyana - Dir. Sharma, Paul Campbell, Richard Hatch, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049018 Ralf Huettner Jennifer Halley, Callum Keith Rennie, Kate Komödie 2012 101min. Vernon, Luciana Carro, Lucy Lawless, Bel Ami (Blu-ray) Majestic Filmverleih 09.11.2012 Matthew Bennett, Brad Dryborough, Sam Bel Ami 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049002 Witwer, Colin Lawrence, Dean Stockwell - Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Christina Dir. Michael Rymer, Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, Ricci, Kristin Scott Thomas, Colm Meaney, Ausgerechnet Sibirien (Blu-ray) Allan Kroeker, Rod Hardy, Jeffrey Philip Glenister, Holliday Grainger, James Joachim Król, Vladimir Burlakov, Yulya Men, Woolnough, Robert M. Young, Michael Lance, Natalia Tena - Dir. Declan Donnellan, Armin Rohde, Katja Riemann, Michael De- Nankin, Ray Villalobos Nick Ormerod gen, Zoya Buryak, Svetlana Tsvichenko, Science Fiction/Drama 2005-2006 905min. Alexandr Garkushenko, Nesipkul Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama/Lovestory 2011 102min. Umarbekova, Mandzhieva Gilyana - Dir. 04.10.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ralf Huettner 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048923 Germany 29.11.2012 Komödie 2012 105min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049037 Majestic Filmverleih 09.11.2012 Battlestar Galactica - Season 4 (6 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049010 Discs) (Blu-ray) Beverly Hills, 90210 - Die achte Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora Battlestar Galactica Season (8 Discs) Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, (Blu-ray) Beverly Hills, 90210 Jamie Bamber, James Callis, Tricia Helfer, Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Tori Spelling, Avatar Grace Park, Katee Sackhoff, Michael Jason Priestley, Tiffani Thiessen, Joe E. Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Hogan, Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett, Tata, Brian Austin Green, Hilary Swank - Weaver, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Alessandro Juliani, Kandyse McClure, Mi- Dir. Frank Thackery, George Fenady, Giovanni Ribisi, Joel Moore, CCH Pounder, chael Trucco, Nicki Clyne, Bodie Olmos, Harvey Frost, Richard Denault, Michael Ray Wes Studi, Laz Alonso - Dir. James Leah Cairns, Donnelly Rhodes, Rekha Rhodes, Les Sheldon, Jon Paré, Chip Cameron Sharma, Richard Hatch, Jennifer Halley, Chalmers, John Lavachielli, Charles Correll, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2009 161min. Callum Keith Rennie, Kate Vernon, Lucy John McPherson, Anson Williams, Charles Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Lawless, Matthew Bennett, Brad Pratt jr., Kevin Inch, Joel J. Feigenbaum, Germany 26.10.2012 Dryborough, Colin Corrigan, Colin Christopher Hibler, Kim Friedman, Harry tba BestellNr.: 20048991 Lawrence, Dean Stockwell - Dir. Michael Harris Rymer, Anthony Hemingway, Michael Awkward - Season 1 (2 Discs) Drama 1997-1998 1360min. Nankin, Edward James Olmos, Wayne Paramount Home Entertainment 06.09.2012 Awkward Rose, Rod Hardy, Paul A. Edwards, John 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048875 Ashley Rickards, Beau Mirchoff, Nikki Dahl, Gwyneth Horder-Payton Deloach, Jillian Rose Reed, Brett Davern, Science Fiction/Drama 2008-2009 931min. Billy the Kid kehrt zurück Molly Tarlov, Desi Lydic, Jessica Lu, Greer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Billy The Kid Returns Grammer, Mike Faiola, Janelle Velasquez, 04.10.2012 Roy Rogers, , Lynne Ro- Matthew Fahey, Shanica Knowles, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048924 berts, Morgan Wallace - Dir. Joseph Sunkrish Bala, Wesam Keesh - Dir. David Western 1938 54min. Katzenberg, Ryan Shiraki, Lauren Behemoth - Monster aus der Tiefe cms constructive media service(Great Iungerich, Patrick Norris Behemoth Movies) 24.08.2012 Komödie 2011 618min. Ed Quinn, Pascale Hutton, Cindy Busby, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049093 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.10.2012 Jessica Parker Kennedy, Ty Olsson, William 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048877 B. Davis, Garry Chalk, James Kirk, Shaw Bis das Blut kocht (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Madson, Marsha Regis, Michael Battlestar Galactica - Season 1 (4 Panman Adamthwaite, Nick Ouellette - Dir. David G. Larry Butler, Tim Pilleri, Talia Tabin, Tina Discs) (Blu-ray) Hogan Molina, Kato Kaelin, Les Jennings, Craig Battlestar Galactica Wendecover Frank, Andrea Vagn Jensen, Clayton

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Froning, Lisa Younger - Dir. Tim Pilleri, Jim Die Brücke - Transit in den Tod (3 Sir Charles Chaplin Zaguroli Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie min. Trailer Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Bron/Broe Horror/Komödie 2011 83min. Entertainment) 31.08.2012 Sofia Helin, Kim Bodnia, Dag Malmberg, Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049091 31.08.2012 Ellen Hillingsø, Christian Hillborg, Puk tba BestellNr.: 20048936 Scharbau, Emil Birk Hartmann, Rafael Chernobyl Diaries Pettersson, Anette Lindbäck, Said Legue, Chernobyl Diaries Kristina Brändén Whitaker, Magnus Krep- Bis das Blut kocht (k.J.) Devin Kelley, Jonathan Sadowski, Ingrid per, Tuvalisa Rangström, Kristian Lima de Panman Bolsø Berdal, Olivia Dudley, Jesse Faria, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Iggy Malm- G. Larry Butler, Tim Pilleri, Talia Tabin, Tina McCartney, Nathan Phillips, Dimitri borg, Maria Sundbom (Episodenrolle, Folge Molina, Kato Kaelin, Les Jennings, Craig Diatchenko - Dir. Bradley Parker 1+4: Sonja Lindberg), Fanny Kenter Frank, Andrea Vagn Jensen, Clayton Horror/Thriller 2012 min. (Episodenrolle, Folge 2+3: Anja Björk), Mar- Froning, Lisa Younger - Dir. Tim Pilleri, Jim Warner Home Video Germany 26.10.2012 tin Norén (Episodenrolle, Folge 2+3: Lasse Zaguroli 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048983 Trailer Jönsson), Morten Suurballe (Episodenrolle, Horror/Komödie 2011 80min. Folge 2: Bjørn Rassmussen), Henning Valin Chernobyl Diaries (Blu-ray) Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Jakobsen (Episodenrolle, Folge 3+4: Jesper Chernobyl Diaries 31.08.2012 Andersson), Ole Boisen, Lars Simonsen - Devin Kelley, Jonathan Sadowski, Ingrid 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048931 Dir. Charlotte Sieling (Folge 1+2), Lisa Siwe Bolsø Berdal, Olivia Dudley, Jesse (Folge 3), Henrik Georgsson (Folge 4+5) McCartney, Nathan Phillips, Dimitri Blade Runner 30th Anniversary Interviews, Behind the Scenes Diatchenko - Dir. Bradley Parker Collector’s Edition (3 Discs) (Blu- Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011 565min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 12.10.2012 Horror/Thriller 2012 min. ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049016 Warner Home Video Germany 26.10.2012 Blade Runner 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048984 Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Barbara Cartland’s Favourites - Daryl Hannah, Edward James Olmos, M. Komplettbox (4 DVDs) Claustrofobia (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Emmet Walsh, William Sanderson, Brion Claustrofobia A Hazard of Hearts / The Lady and the James, Joe Turkel, Joanna Cassidy, James Dragan Bakema, Carolien Spoor, Thijs Rö- Highwayman / A Ghost in Monte Carlo / Hong - Dir. Ridley Scott mer - Dir. Bobby Boermans Duel of the Hearts Science Fiction/Thriller 1982 min. Trailer Alison Doody, Michael York, Geraldine Warner Home Video Germany 02.11.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 98min. Chaplin, Sarah Miles, Oliver Reed, Christo- 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048932 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing pher Plummer, Emma Samms, Diana Rigg, AG(Explosive Media) 26.10.2012 Blue Steel (Blu-ray) Helena Bonham Carter, Marcus Gilbert - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048921 John Hough Blue Steel Booklet, Trailer Claustrofobia (k.J.) Jamie Lee Curtis, Ron Silver, Clancy Drama 1987-1992 362min. Claustrofobia Brown, Elizabeth Peña, Louise Fletcher, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dragan Bakema, Carolien Spoor, Thijs Rö- Philip Bosco, Kevin Dunn, Richard Jenkins, AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 05.10.2012 mer - Dir. Bobby Boermans Mary Mara, Mike Starr - Dir. Kathryn 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048906 Bigelow Trailer Thriller/Horror 2011 94min. Action/Thriller 1989 min. Castle - Die komplette vierte Staf- AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Concorde Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 fel (6 Discs) AG(Explosive Media) 26.10.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048951 Castle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048911 - Die komplette Kriminalfilm min. Walt Disney Studios Home The Collapsed (Blu-ray) (k.J.) zweite Staffel (4 Discs) Entertainment(ABC Studios) 29.11.2012 The Collapsed Body Of Proof tba BestellNr.: 20048997 John Fantasia, Steve Vieira, Anna Ross, , Jeri Ryan, John Carroll Lise Moule, Vincent Thomas, Stéfano Gallo, Lynch, Nicholas Bishop, Sonja Sohn, Celebrity Sex Tape Rick Cordeiro, Kassandra Santos, Neil Geoffrey Arend, Windell Middlebrooks, Celebrity Sex Tape Green, Milan Cobanov - Dir. Justin Mary Mouser, , Derek Jack Cullison, Howard Cai, Jonathan Brett, McConnell Phillips, Adrian Alvarado, Joanna Cassidy - Colbert Alembert, Julie Barzman, Andre Trailer, Bildergalerie Dir. Christine Moore, Paul Holahan, Eric Meadows, Alex Arleo, Jenny Lin, Ed Thriller/Horror 2011 82min. Laneuville, Stephen Cragg, Nathan Hope, Callison, Diana Terranova, Amanda Ward - Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Dwight H. Little, John Putch, Kenneth Fink, Dir. Scott Wheeler 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049101 Nelson McCormick, Matthew Gross, John Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Terlesky, Michael Grossman, Alex Komödie 2012 84min. The Collapsed (k.J.) Zakrzewski, Tom Verica, David Solomon Edel Germany(Starmovies) 21.09.2012 The Collapsed Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011-2012 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049057 John Fantasia, Steve Vieira, Anna Ross, Walt Disney Studios Home Lise Moule, Vincent Thomas, Stéfano Gallo, Entertainment(ABC Studios) 29.11.2012 Celebrity Sex Tape (Blu-ray) Rick Cordeiro, Kassandra Santos, Neil tba BestellNr.: 20048996 Celebrity Sex Tape Green, Milan Cobanov - Dir. Justin Jack Cullison, Howard Cai, Jonathan Brett, McConnell Bombay Diaries - Dhobi Ghat Colbert Alembert, Julie Barzman, Andre Trailer, Bildergalerie (OmU) Meadows, Alex Arleo, Jenny Lin, Ed Thriller/Horror 2011 79min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Dhobi Ghat Callison, Diana Terranova, Amanda Ward - 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049080 Prateik Babbar, Monica Dogra, Kriti Dir. Scott Wheeler Malhotra, Aamir Khan, Danish Hussain, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Komödie 2012 87min. Crash Site - in Wilderness Jehan Manekshaw - Dir. Kiran Rao Wendecover, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Auditions, Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Crash Site Drama 2010 98min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049070 Charisma Carpenter, Sebastian Spence, Rapid Eye Movies HE 19.10.2012 Katie Findlay, Steven Grayhm, Keith 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049082 Charlie Chaplin - Frühzeit der MacKechnie, Matty Finochio, Kevan Ohtsji, Komik Frank C. Turner, Kayden Kessler - Dir.

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Jason Bourque Delie & Brenton - Komplettbox (6 Dick & Doof - Fliegende Teufels- Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer/Action 2011 86min. Discs) brüder Edel Germany(Starmovies) 21.09.2012 All The Rivers Run 1+2 The Flying Deuces 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049077 Booklet, Trailer Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jean Parker, Drama 1983-1990 12min. Reginald Gardiner, Charles Middleton - Dir. Crash Site - Lost in Wilderness AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing A. Edward Sutherland AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 05.10.2012 (Blu-ray) Komödie 1939 84min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049096 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Crash Site 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049079 Charisma Carpenter, Sebastian Spence, Der Denver-Clan - Die achte Katie Findlay, Steven Grayhm, Keith Season (6 Discs) Dick & Doof - Fliegende Teufels- MacKechnie, Matty Finochio, Kevan Ohtsji, Dynasty Frank C. Turner, Kayden Kessler - Dir. brüder (Blu-ray) John Forsythe, Linda Evans, Joan Collins, Jason Bourque The Flying Deuces Trailer, Bildergalerie John James, Emma Samms, Jack Coleman, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jean Parker, Abenteuer/Action 2011 90min. Gordon Thomson, Bo Hopkins - Dir. Don Reginald Gardiner, Charles Middleton - Dir. Edel Germany(Starmovies) 21.09.2012 Medford, Irving J. Moore, Harry Falk, Nancy A. Edward Sutherland 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049098 Malone, Raymond Danton Komödie 1939 84min. Drama 1987-1988 996min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Dark Planet - The Inhabited Is- Paramount Home Entertainment 06.09.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049100 land / Rebellion (2 Discs) 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048876 , Vol. 1 (Episoden 1-4) Obitaemyy Ostrov / Obitaemyy Ostrov. - Die kom- Skhvatka Dick Tracy Dir. Fjodor Bondarchuk plette achte Staffel (6 Discs) , Joe Devlin, Dick Elliott, Lyle Trailer Desperate Housewives Talbot, George Pembroke, Margia Dean, Science Fiction 2008-2009 219min. Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Thurston Hall, Christine Larsen, Lois Col- Capelight Pictures 05.10.2012 Cross, Eva Longoria, Vanessa Williams, lier, Angela Greene, Jane Easton, Raymond 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049092 Ricardo Chavira, Doug Savant, Jonathan Hatton - Dir. Thomas H. Carr, Will Sheldon, Cake, Madison De La Garza, Brenda Nate Watt Dark Planet - The Inhabited Is- Strong, James Denton - Dir. David Kriminalfilm/Action 1950-1951 90min. land / Rebellion (2 Discs) (Blu- Grossman, Tara Nicole Weyr, David War- cms constructive media service(Great ray) ren, Lonny Price, Jeff Greenstein, Jennifer Movies) 24.08.2012 Getzinger, Larry Shaw, Ron Underwood, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049095 Obitaemyy Ostrov / Obitaemyy Ostrov. James Hayman, Randall Zisk Skhvatka Komödie/Drama 2011-2012 min. Dirty Dancing (Digital Dir. Fjodor Bondarchuk Trailer Walt Disney Studios Home Remastered) Science Fiction 2008-2009 228min. Entertainment(ABC Studios) 29.11.2012 Dirty Dancing Capelight Pictures 05.10.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048998 , , Jerry 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049102 Orbach, Cynthia Rhodes, Jack Weston, Detektiv mit kleinen Fehlern Jane Brucker, Kelly Bishop, Lonny Price, Dark Room - Dunkle Kammern My Favorite Brunette Max Cantor, Neal Jones, Wayne Knight, The Dark Room , , - Paula Trueman, Miranda Garrison, Garry Dervla Kirwan, James Wilby, Paul Freeman, Dir. Goodrow - Dir. Emile Ardolino Nicholas Gecks, Joanna David, Joseph Komödie 1947 87min. Drama/Musikfilm 1987 min. Bennett, Charlie Fane, Robert Hands, Peter Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Gunn, Emily Corrie, Craig Crosbie, Robert 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049081 Home Edition) 18.10.2012 Demeger, Lee Ingleby, Richard Laing, Mar- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048939 lene Sidaway, Martin Walsh - Dir. Graham Dexter - Die fünfte Season (4 Theakston Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dirty Dancing (Digital Thriller 1999 150min. Dexter Remastered) (Blu-ray) justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Michael C. Hall, Julia Stiles, Jennifer Dirty Dancing 14.09.2012 Carpenter, Lauren Vélez, David Zayas, Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze, Jerry 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049019 James Remar, C.S. Lee, Desmond Orbach, Cynthia Rhodes, Jack Weston, Harrington, Julie Benz, Adam Harrington - Jane Brucker, Kelly Bishop, Lonny Price, Dein Weg Dir. Steve Shill, John Dahl, Ernest R. Max Cantor, Neal Jones, Wayne Knight, The Way Dickerson, Milan Cheylov, Romeo Tirone, Paula Trueman, Miranda Garrison, Garry Martin Sheen, Deborah Kara Unger, James Keith Gordon Goodrow - Dir. Emile Ardolino Nesbitt, Yorick van Wageningen, Tchéky Featurettes, Interview, Making of, Bildergalerie Drama/Musikfilm 1987 min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2010 618min. Karyo, Ángela Molina, Emilio Estevez, Concorde Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.10.2012 Spencer Garrett, Joaquim De Almeida - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048947 Emilio Estevez 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048895 Drama 2010 116min. Dexter - Die fünfte Season (4 Dream House Koch Media 09.11.2012 Dream House tba BestellNr.: 20048986 Discs) (k.J.) Daniel Craig, Watts, Rachel Weisz, Dexter Marton Csokas, Koteas, Claire Geare, Dein Weg (Blu-ray) Michael C. Hall, Julia Stiles, Jennifer Taylor Geare, Rachel G. Fox, Mark Wilson - The Way Carpenter, Lauren Vélez, David Zayas, Dir. Jim Sheridan Martin Sheen, Deborah Kara Unger, James James Remar, C.S. Lee, Desmond Featurettes, Interviews Nesbitt, Yorick van Wageningen, Tchéky Harrington, Julie Benz, Adam Harrington - Thriller/Mystery 2011 92min. Karyo, Ángela Molina, Emilio Estevez, Dir. Steve Shill, John Dahl, Ernest R. Universum Film 26.10.2012 Spencer Garrett, Joaquim De Almeida - Dir. Dickerson, Milan Cheylov, Romeo Tirone, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048942 Emilio Estevez Keith Gordon Drama 2010 120min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2010 594min. Dream House (Blu-ray) Koch Media 09.11.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.10.2012 Dream House tba BestellNr.: 20048992 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048878 Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts, Rachel Weisz,

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Marton Csokas, Elias Koteas, Claire Geare, Edel Germany(Starmovies) 21.09.2012 Die fürchterliche Furcht vor dem Taylor Geare, Rachel G. Fox, Mark Wilson - 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049078 Fürchterlichen Dir. Jim Sheridan A Fantastic Fear Of Everything Featurettes, Interviews 23 - Air Crash (Blu-ray) Simon Pegg, Clare Higgins, Amara Karan, Thriller/Mystery 2011 96min. Air Collision Paul Freeman, Alice Orr-Ewing, Kerry Universum Film 26.10.2012 Jordan Ladd, Reginald VelJohnson, Gerald Shale - Dir. Crispian Mills, Chris Hopewell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048954 Webb, Michael Teh, Darin Cooper, Darren Komödie 2012 min. Thomas, Andy Clemence, Stephanie Hullar, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dreiviertelmond Caryn Ward, Dave Vescio, Korey Simeone, 04.10.2012 Elmar Wepper, Mercan-Fatima Türköglu, Jonathan Nation - Dir. Liz Adams Ivan Anderson, Katja Rupé, Marie Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048901 Leuenberger, Özay Fecht, Bernd Action/Drama 2012 89min. Regenauer, Stefan Kügel, Ercan Karacayli, Great Movies GmbH 21.09.2012 Die fürchterliche Furcht vor dem Albert Kitzl, Andreas Leopold Schadt, Gabi 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049099 Fürchterlichen (Blu-ray) Geist - Dir. Christian Zübert A Fantastic Fear Of Everything Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Bilder- Footloose - Es ist wieder Zeit zu Simon Pegg, Clare Higgins, Amara Karan, galerie, Trailer Paul Freeman, Alice Orr-Ewing, Kerry Drama/Komödie 2011 90min. tanzen (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) Shale - Dir. Crispian Mills, Chris Hopewell Majestic Filmverleih(CineProject) Footloose Komödie 2012 min. 01.10.2012 Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Andie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048928 MacDowell, Dennis Quaid, Miles Teller, Ziah Colon, Kim Dickens, Patrick Flueger, Amber 04.10.2012 Dreiviertelmond (Blu-ray) Wallace - Dir. Craig Brewer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048915 Drama/Lovestory 2011 113min. Elmar Wepper, Mercan-Fatima Türköglu, George - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Ivan Anderson, Katja Rupé, Marie Paramount Home Entertainment 09.08.2012 George Leuenberger, Özay Fecht, Bernd 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048894 Marshall Thompson, Erna Sellmer, Jack Regenauer, Stefan Kügel, Ercan Karacayli, Mullaney, Gila von Weitershausen, Horst Albert Kitzl, Andreas Leopold Schadt, Gabi with Kids Janson, Ralf Wolter, Eric Pohlmann, Herbert Geist - Dir. Christian Zübert Friends With Kids Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Bilder- Adam Scott, , , Fux, Ursula Mellin - Dir. Sidney Miller, Jorn galerie, Trailer , Maya Rudolph, Chris O’Dowd, Winther, Irving J. Moore, James B. Clark Drama/Komödie 2011 94min. , , Lee Bryant - Abenteuer 1972-1974 325min. Majestic Filmverleih(CineProject) Dir. Jennifer Westfeldt Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.10.2012 01.10.2012 Trailer, Wendecover 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049033 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048934 Komödie 2011 107min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Girlfriend Experience - Aus dem Eva Germany 29.11.2012 Leben eines Luxus-Callgirls Eva tba BestellNr.: 20048980 The Girlfriend Experience Daniel Brühl, Alberto Ammann, Marta Etura, Sasha Grey, Timothy J. Cox, Chris Santos, Lluís Homar, Claudia Vega, Sara Rosa Friends with Kids (Blu-ray) Peter Zizzo, Jeff Grossman, Timothy Davis, Losilla, Manel Dueso - Dir. Kike Maíllo Friends With Kids Ted Jessup, Bridget Storm - Dir. Steven Making of, Trailer Adam Scott, Jennifer Westfeldt, Jon Hamm, Soderbergh Drama/Science Fiction 2011 91min. Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Chris O’Dowd, Alternative Filmfassung, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Universum Film 26.10.2012 Megan Fox, Edward Burns, Lee Bryant - Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048941 Dir. Jennifer Westfeldt Drama/Erotik 2009 76min. Trailer, Wendecover Koch Media 07.12.2012 Eva (Blu-ray) Komödie 2011 112min. tba BestellNr.: 20048989 Eva STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Daniel Brühl, Alberto Ammann, Marta Etura, Germany 29.11.2012 Girlfriend Experience - Aus dem Lluís Homar, Claudia Vega, Sara Rosa tba BestellNr.: 20048982 Leben eines Luxus-Callgirls (Blu- Losilla, Manel Dueso - Dir. Kike Maíllo ray) Making of, Trailer From Train to Dust The Girlfriend Experience Drama/Science Fiction 2011 95min. Snakes On A Train Sasha Grey, Timothy J. Cox, Chris Santos, Universum Film 26.10.2012 Julia Ruiz, Giovanni Bejarano, Alby Castro, Peter Zizzo, Jeff Grossman, Timothy Davis, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048953 Amelia Jackson-Gray, Shannon Gayle, Ted Jessup, Bridget Storm - Dir. Steven Isaac Wade - Dir. The Mallachi Brothers Five Girls (Blu-ray) Soderbergh Action/Thriller 2006 87min. Alternative Filmfassung, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, 5ive Girls Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Trailer Ron Perlman, Jennifer Miller, Jordan Entertainment) 31.08.2012 Drama/Erotik 2009 80min. Madley, Terra Vnesa, Barbara Mamabolo, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049032 Koch Media 07.12.2012 Tasha May Currie, Amy Lalonde, Krysta tba BestellNr.: 20048995 Carter, James Kidnie - Dir. Warren P. From Train to Dust (Blu-ray) Sonoda Snakes On A Train Good As You - Alle Farben der Horror/Fantasy 2006 89min. Julia Ruiz, Giovanni Bejarano, Alby Castro, Liebe (OmU) Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Amelia Jackson-Gray, Shannon Gayle, Good As You Entertainment) 31.08.2012 Isaac Wade - Dir. The Mallachi Brothers Dir. Mariano Lamberti 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049104 Action/Thriller 2006 90min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Komödie 2012 95min. Flight 23 - Air Crash Entertainment) 31.08.2012 cmv-Laservision 21.09.2012 Air Collision 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049039 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049076 Jordan Ladd, Reginald VelJohnson, Gerald Webb, Michael Teh, Darin Cooper, Darren Fünf Sterne - Die komplette Serie Ein göttliches Paar - Rab Ne Thomas, Andy Clemence, Stephanie Hullar, (7 Discs) Bana Di Jodi (Blu-ray) Caryn Ward, Dave Vescio, Korey Simeone, Drama/Komödie 2005-2008 1485min. Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Jonathan Nation - Dir. Liz Adams Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Edel Germany(Aviator) 14.09.2012 Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Vinay Action/Drama 2012 85min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049055 Pathak, Priyanka Chopra, Rani Mukherjee, Preity Zinta, Kajol - Dir. Aditya Chopra

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Trailer Science Fiction/Action 2004 116min. Art Malik, Desmond Llewelyn - Dir. John Drama/Musical 2008 171min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Glen Rapid Eye Movies HE 19.10.2012 Germany 29.10.2012 Trailer, Audiokommentare 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049105 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048981 Action/Thriller 1987 125min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Grey’s Anatomy: Die jungen Ärzte Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frie- Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 - Die komplette 8. Staffel (6 Discs) den! 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048959 Grey’s Anatomy Iron Sky - Der Mann mit dem Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Justin Chambers, Julia Dietze, Götz Otto, Udo Kier, Christo- , Patrick Dempsey, Pickens pher Kirby, Tilo Prückner, Stephanie Paul, goldenen Colt James jr., Sara Ramirez, Eric Dane, Chyler Peta Sergeant, Kym Jackson, Michael The Man With The Golden Gun Leigh, Kevin McKidd, Jessica Capshaw, Cullen - Dir. Timo Vuorensola Sir Roger Moore, , Britt Kim Raver, Sarah Drew, Jesse Williams - Science Fiction/Satire 2011 88min. Ekland, Maud Adams, Hervé Villechaize, Dir. Rob Corn, Chandra Wilson, Tom Verica, Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Clifton James, Desmond Llewelyn - Dir. Stephen Cragg, Kevin McKidd, Debbie Al- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049017 Guy Hamilton len, Jessica Yu, Allison Liddi-Brown, Ron Trailer, Audiokommentare Underwood, Steve Robin, Mark Jackson, Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frie- Action/Thriller 1974 119min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jeannot Szwarc, Tony Phelan, Susan Vaill, den! (Blu-ray) Edward Ornelas Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Iron Sky Drama 2011-2012 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048960 Julia Dietze, Götz Otto, Udo Kier, Christo- Walt Disney Studios Home pher Kirby, Tilo Prückner, Stephanie Paul, Entertainment(ABC Studios) 29.11.2012 James Bond - Der Morgen stirbt Peta Sergeant, Kym Jackson, Michael tba BestellNr.: 20048999 nie Cullen - Dir. Timo Vuorensola Tomorrow Never Dies Science Fiction/Satire 2011 92min. Große Kinomomente - Gesamt- Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce, Michelle Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Yeoh, Teri Hatcher, Joe Don Baker, Ricky ausgabe 3 (25 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049036 Drama/Komödie min. Jay, Götz Otto, Dame Judi Dench, Desmond Universum Film 26.10.2012 Die Jagd nach dem Bernstein- Llewelyn, Vincent Schiavelli, Geoffrey 249,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049007 Palmer, Colin Salmon, Samantha Bond, Juli- zimmer an Fellowes, Terence Rigby, Cecilie Große Kinomomente - Gesamt- Kai Wiesinger, Bettina Zimmermann, Fabian Thomsen - Dir. Roger Spottiswoode Busch, Sonja Gerhardt, Annika Blendl, Cle- Trailer, Audiokommentare ausgabe 3 (25 Discs) (Blu-ray) mens Schick, Ralph Herforth - Dir. Florian Action/Thriller 1997 114min. Drama/Komödie min. Baxmeyer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Universum Film 26.10.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20049015 Abenteuer/Action 108min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048961 KSM(NewKSM) 17.09.2012 Hawaii Fünf-Null - Die dritte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049005 James Bond - Der Spion, der Season (6 Discs) Die Jagd nach dem Bernstein- mich liebte Hawaii Five-0 The Spy Who Loved Me James MacArthur, , Kam Fong, zimmer (Blu-ray) Sir Roger Moore, Barbara Bach, Curd Jür- Herman Wedemeyer, Harry Endo, Zulu, Kai Wiesinger, Bettina Zimmermann, Fabian gens, Richard Kiel, Caroline Munro, Khigh Dhiegh, Richard Denning, Robert Busch, Sonja Gerhardt, Annika Blendl, Cle- Gotell, Geoffrey Keen, Desmond Llewelyn - Dixon - Dir. Charles S. Dubin, Danny Ar- mens Schick, Ralph Herforth - Dir. Florian Dir. Lewis Gilbert nold, Michael O’Herlihy, John Llewellyn Baxmeyer Trailer, Audiokommentare Moxey, Anton Leader, Paul Krasny, Paul Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Action/Thriller 1977 120min. Stanley, Bob Sweeney, Murray Golden Abenteuer/Action 108min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm 1970 1215min. KSM(NewKSM) 17.09.2012 Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.10.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048962 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048879 James Bond - 007 jagt Dr. No James Bond - Diamantenfieber Ein Hund namens Weihnachten Dr. No Diamonds Are Forever Sir Sean Connery, Joseph Wiseman, Ursula Sir Sean Connery, Jill St. John, Charles Bruce Greenwood, Linda Emond, Noel Fis- Andress, Jack Lord, Zena Marshall, Gray, Lana Wood, Jimmy Dean, Bruce her, Ken Pogue, Carrie Ruscheinsky, Sonja , Bernard Lee, Lois Max- Cabot, Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Des- Bennett, Carrie Genzel, Christopher well - Dir. Terence Young mond Llewelyn - Dir. Guy Hamilton DeLisle, Trenna Keating, Josh A. Young, Trailer Trailer, Audiokommentare Action/Thriller 1962 114min. Anna Mae Routledge, Mary Black - Dir. Action/Thriller 1971 115min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Peter Werner Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trailer Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Drama/Familie 2009 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048957 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048963 Koch Media 09.11.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20048990 James Bond - Casino Royale James Bond - Die Welt ist nicht Casino Royale genug I, Robot (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu- Daniel Craig Audiokommentare The World Is Not Enough ray) Action/Thriller 2006-2008 133min. Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, Denise I, Robot Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Richards, Robert Carlyle, Dame Judi Dench, Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Bruce Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Robbie Coltrane, Samantha Bond, Desmond Greenwood, James Cromwell, Chi McBride, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048958 Llewelyn, John Cleese, Maria Grazia Alan Tudyk, Shia LaBeouf - Dir. Alex Cucinotta, Ulrich Thomsen, Claude-Oliver Proyas James Bond - Der Hauch des To- Rudolph, Colin Salmon, Michael Kitchen, Alex’s Intro zu „Day out of Days“: Entwurf der Stadt, Modelle des Patrick Malahide, David Calder, Serena filmen etc., Specials, Will Smiths Night of Thunder + Wild Scott Thomas, Gilbert Goldie - Dir. Michael Ride Trivia Track, Persönliche Szenenauswahl, Inhaltssuche, The Living Daylights „Day out of Days: Die I, Robot Produktionstagebücher CGI Apted und Design, WETA Digital-Anleitungen, D-Box Motion, 5 Timothy Dalton, Maryam D’Abo, Joe Don Trailer, Audiokommentare Easter Eggs, Erweiterte Szenen Baker, Jeroen Krabbé, John Rhys-Davies, Action/Thriller 1999 123min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048969 Moonraker Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Sir Roger Moore, Lois Chiles, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048964 James Bond - Im Geheimdienst Lonsdale, Richard Kiel, Corinne Clery, Ihrer Majestät Bernard Lee, Desmond Llewelyn - Dir. James Bond - Ein Quantum Trost On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Lewis Gilbert Quantum Of Solace George Lazenby, Diana Rigg, , Trailer, Audiokommentare Action/Thriller 1979 121min. Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Ilse Steppat, Gabriele Ferzetti, Bernard Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Amalric, Dame Judi Dench, Giancarlo Lee, Desmond Llewelyn - Dir. Peter R. Hunt Giannini, Gemma Arterton, Jeffrey Wright, Trailer, Audiokommentare Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 David Harbour, Jesper Christensen, Action/Thriller 1969 136min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048977 Anatole Taubman, Rory Kinnear, Tim Pigott- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Smith, Joaquín Cosio, Fernando Guillén Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 James Bond - Octopussy Cuervo, Simon Kassianides, Stana Katic - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048970 Octopussy Dir. Marc Forster Sir Roger Moore, Maud Adams, Louis Trailer, Musikvideo James Bond - In tödlicher Mission Jourdan, Kristina Wayborn, Kabir Bedi, Action/Thriller 2008 102min. For Your Eyes Only Steven Berkoff, Desmond Llewelyn - Dir. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sir Roger Moore, Carole Bouquet, Lynn- John Glen Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Holly Johnson, Chaim Topol, Julian Glover, Trailer, Audiokommentare Action/Thriller 1983 125min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048965 Cassandra Harris, Jill Bennett, Desmond Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Llewelyn - Dir. John Glen James Bond - Feuerball Trailer, Audiokommentare Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Thunderball Action/Thriller 1981 122min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048978 Sir Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, Luciana Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Paluzzi, Adolfo Celi, Rick Van Nutter, Molly Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 James Bond - Stirb an einem an- Peters, Bernard Lee, Lois Maxwell, Des- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048971 deren Tag mond Llewelyn - Dir. Terence Young Die Another Day Trailer, Audiokommentare James Bond - Leben und sterben Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Toby Action 1965 124min. lassen Stephens, Rosamund Pike, Rick Yune, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Live And Let Die Dame Judi Dench, John Cleese, Michael Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Sir Roger Moore, Yaphet Kotto, Geoffrey Madsen, Will Yun Lee, Kenneth Tsang, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048966 Holder, Jane Seymour, Clifton James, Julius Emilio Echevarría, Mikhail Gorevoy, Lawrence Makoare, Colin Salmon, James Bond - Goldeneye Harris, Gloria Hendry - Dir. Guy Hamilton Trailer, Audiokommentare Samantha Bond, Ben Wee, Ho Yi, Rachel Goldeneye Action/Thriller 1973 116min. Grant, Ian Pirie, Simón Andreu, Mark Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Izabella Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dymond, Deborah Maria Moore, Oliver Scorupco, Famke Janssen, Joe Don Baker, Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Skeete, Joaquin Martinez, Michael G. Dame Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Tchéky 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048972 Wilson, Daryl Kwan, Vincent Wong, Stuart Karyo, Gottfried John, Alan Cumming, Des- Ong, Manolo Caro, Tymarah - Dir. Lee mond Llewelyn, Samantha Bond, Michael James Bond - Liebesgrüße aus Tamahori Kitchen, Serena Gordon - Dir. Martin Moskau Trailer, Audiokommentare Campbell Action/Thriller 2002 127min. From Russia With Love Trailer, Audiokommentare Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sir Sean Connery, Daniela Bianchi, Pedro Action/Thriller 1995 124min. Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Armendáriz, Lotte Lenya, Robert Shaw, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048979 Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Bernard Lee - Dir. Terence Young 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048967 Trailer, Audiokommentare Action/Thriller 1963 110min. Jerusalem Countdown Jerusalem Countdown James Bond - Goldfinger Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 David A.R. White, Lee Majors, Jaci Goldfinger 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048974 Velasquez - Dir. Harold Cronk Sir Sean Connery, Gert Fröbe, Shirley Wendecover Eaton, Honor Blackman, Tania Mallett, James Bond - Lizenz zum Töten Action/Thriller 2011 89min. Harold Sakata, Bernard Lee, Desmond Evolution Entertainment AG(Evolution) Licence To Kill Llewelyn, Martin Benson, Cec Linder, 28.09.2012 Timothy Dalton, Carey Lowell, Robert Davi, Austin Willis, Lois Maxwell, Bill Nagy, Mi- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049075 Talisa Soto, , Frank McRae, chael Mellinger, Nadja Regin, Richard Everett McGill, Desmond Llewelyn, Benicio Vernon, Burt Kwouk, Victor Brooks, Alf Julia X (Blu-ray 3D, Uncut) (Blu- Del Toro - Dir. John Glen Joint - Dir. Guy Hamilton Trailer, Audiokommentare ray) Trailer, Audiokommentare Action/Thriller 1989 127min. Julia X Action/Thriller 1964 105min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo, Alicia Leigh Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Willis, Ving Rhames, Saxon Sharbino, Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048975 Gregg Brazzel, Meg Rains, Joel Moore, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048968 Sarah Duncan - Dir. P.J. Pettiette James Bond - Im Angesicht des James Bond - Man lebt nur zwei- Trailer, Wendecover mal Thriller/Horror 2010 100min. Todes Planet Media Home Entertainment(Wild You Only Live Twice A View To A Kill Bunch Germany) 15.11.2012 Sir Sean Connery, Karin Dor, Akiko Sir Roger Moore, Patrick Macnee, Grace tba BestellNr.: 20048927 Wakabayashi, Donald Pleasence, Tetsurô Jones, Patrick Bauchau, Christopher Wal- Tanba, Mie Hama, Desmond Llewelyn - Dir. ken, Tanya Roberts, Fiona Fullerton, David Julia X (Uncut) Lewis Gilbert Kip, Manning Redwood, Alison Doody, Trailer, Audiokommentare Julia X Willoughby Gray, Desmond Llewelyn, Ro- Action/Thriller 1966 112min. Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo, Alicia Leigh bert Brown - Dir. John Glen Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Willis, Ving Rhames, Saxon Sharbino, Trailer, Audiokommentare Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 Gregg Brazzel, Meg Rains, Joel Moore, Action/Thriller 1985 125min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048976 Sarah Duncan - Dir. P.J. Pettiette Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trailer, Wendecover Germany(MGM/UA) 12.10.2012 James Bond - Moonraker Thriller/Horror 2010 95min.

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Planet Media Home Entertainment(Wild Der Koloss von Rhodos / Der Kampf der Herrschmann, Elisabeth Krojer - Dir. Alex- Bunch Germany) 15.11.2012 Makkabäer / Herkules im Netz der ander Adolph tba BestellNr.: 20048913 Cleopatra Horror/Thriller 2010 88min. Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerien Neue Visionen Filmverleih(Zorro) Julia X (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Historienfilm 330min. 07.09.2012 Julia X 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.10.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048973 Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo, Alicia Leigh tba BestellNr.: 20049044 Willis, Ving Rhames, Saxon Sharbino, Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch - Gregg Brazzel, Meg Rains, Joel Moore, Küstenwache - Collector’s Editi- Zweite Staffel (10 Discs) Sarah Duncan - Dir. P.J. Pettiette on: Staffel 1-3 (8 Discs) The Virginian Trailer, Wendecover Dir. Olaf Götz, Olaf Götz, Olaf Götz James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, Thriller/Horror 2010 100min. Drama 1665min. Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, Planet Media Home Entertainment(Wild Edel Germany(Aviator) 14.09.2012 John McIntire, Gary Clarke - Dir. Don Bunch Germany) 15.11.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049052 McDougall (42 Folgen), Abner Biberman (25 tba BestellNr.: 20048926 Folgen), Anton Leader (14 Folgen) Leb wohl, meine Königin! Interviews Jurassic Shark Les Adieux A La Reine Western 1962-1971 1140min. Jurassic Shark Léa Seydoux, Diane Kruger, Virginie Mammut Home Entertainment 11.10.2012 Emanuelle Carriere, Celine Filion, Emes Ledoyen, Xavier Beauvois, Noémie tba BestellNr.: 20048892 Christine - Dir. Brett Kelly Lvovsky, Michel Robin, Julie-Marie Trailer, Making-of, Bildergalerie Parmentier, Lolita Chammah, Marthe The Liverpool Goalie - Oder: Wie Horror/Abenteuer 2012 88min. Caufman, Vladimir Consigny - Dir. Benoît Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 man die Schulzeit überlebt! Jacquot 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049058 Keeper’n Til Liverpool Making of, Trailer Ask von der Hagen, Susanne Boucher, Historienfilm/Drama 2011 101min. Mattis Asker, Andrine Saether, Jostein Jurassic Shark (Blu-ray) Capelight Pictures 05.10.2012 Brox, Tore Sagen, Kyrre Hellum, Kåre Jurassic Shark 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048912 Emanuelle Carriere, Celine Filion, Emes Conradi, Fridtjov Såheim - Dir. Arild Andre- Christine - Dir. Brett Kelly Leb wohl, meine Königin! (Blu- sen Trailer, Making-of, Bildergalerie Musikvideo, Featurette Horror/Abenteuer 2012 92min. ray) Komödie/Jugend 2010 84min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Les Adieux A La Reine EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Kinostar) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049071 Léa Seydoux, Diane Kruger, Virginie 11.10.2012 Ledoyen, Xavier Beauvois, Noémie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049109 Kaddisch für einen Freund Lvovsky, Michel Robin, Julie-Marie Ryszard Ronczewski, Neil Belakhdar, Neil Parmentier, Lolita Chammah, Marthe Lockruf des Goldes (Blu-ray) Malik Abdullah, Sanam Afrashteh, Kida Caufman, Vladimir Consigny - Dir. Benoît Burning Daylight Ramadan, Younes Hussein Ramadan, Heinz Jacquot Ferdy Mayne, Rüdiger Bahr, Arthur Brauss, W. Krückeberg, Anna Böttcher, Cemal Making of, Trailer Pierre Rousseau, Andrei Codarcea, Gilda Historienfilm/Drama 2011 105min. Subasi, Faruk Fakhro, Khader Issa, Anis Marinescu, Françoise Arnoul, Emmerich Capelight Pictures 05.10.2012 Ramid, Nassiem Nassar, Celine Artuc, Aliya Schäffer - Dir. Staudte 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048925 Artuc, Larisa Khasin, Margret Völker, Joa- Abenteuer 1975 min. Concorde Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 chim Nimtz, Gode Benedix, Erhan Emre, Das Leben gehört uns Victor Choulman, Michelle Fischer, Stefan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048950 La Guerre Est Declarée Merki, Robert Spitz, Fritz Roth, Wiebke Valérie Donzelli, Jérémie Elkaïm, Brigitte Sy, Puls, Viktoria Slavina - Dir. Leo Khasin Manolete - Blut und Leidenschaft Elina Löwensohn, Michèle Moretti, Philippe Drama 2011 89min. Manolete Laudenbach, Bastien Bouillon, Anne Le Ny, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.10.2012 Adrien Brody, Penélope Cruz (Antoñita Frédéric Pierrot, Béatrice De Staël, Elisa- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049108 „Lupe“ Sino), Santiago Segura, Ann Mitchell beth Dion, César Desseix, Gabriel Elkaïm - (Doña Angustias), Diego Martín, Rubén Killer Joe (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Valérie Donzelli Ochandiano, Juan Echanove, Pedro Interviews, Trailer Casablanc, Nacho Aldeguer - Dir. Menno Killer Joe Drama/Komödie 2011 96min. Meyjes Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch, Juno Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 25.10.2012 Temple, Thomas Haden Church, Gina Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049107 Drama/Lovestory 2007 89min. Gershon, Scott A. Martin, Gralen Bryant Koch Media 23.11.2012 Banks, Carol Sutton, Danny Epper - Dir. Die Lederstrumpf-Erzählungen tba BestellNr.: 20048987 William Friedkin (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Making of Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 106min. Hellmut Lange, Pierre Massimi, Sophie Manolete - Blut und Leidenschaft WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Agacinski, Thekla Carola Wied, Charles (Blu-ray) 02.11.2012 Moulin, Patrick Peuvion, Jackie Lombard, Manolete 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048956 Colea Rautu, Nicolae Secareanu, Otto Adrien Brody, Penélope Cruz (Antoñita Ambros, Ali Raffi, Sybil Maas, Loumi „Lupe“ Sino), Santiago Segura, Ann Mitchell Killer Joe (k.J.) Iacobesco, David Alexandru, Jacques (Doña Angustias), Diego Martín, Rubén Killer Joe Brunet, Juliette Villard, Daniel Crohem, Ochandiano, Juan Echanove, Pedro Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch, Juno Helmuth Schneider, Cathérine Jourdan, Casablanc, Nacho Aldeguer - Dir. Menno Temple, Thomas Haden Church, Gina Gabriel Gascon - Dir. Jean Dréville, Pierre Meyjes Gershon, Scott A. Martin, Gralen Bryant Gaspard-Huit, Sergiu Nicolaescu Trailer, Bildergalerie Banks, Carol Sutton, Danny Epper - Dir. Abenteuer/Western 1969 min. Drama/Lovestory 2007 93min. William Friedkin Concorde Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 Koch Media 23.11.2012 Audiokommentar, Making of 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048949 tba BestellNr.: 20048993 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 102min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Der letzte Angestellte Maximum Conviction (Blu-ray) 02.11.2012 Christian Berkel, Jule Ronstedt, Bibiana (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048945 Beglau, Leopold Conzen, Paul Faßnacht, Maximum Conviction Gundi Ellert, Heinz-Josef Braun, Julia Eder, Steven Seagal, Steve Austin, Michael Paré, Kollossale Meisterwerke Helmfried von Lüttichau, Johannes

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Kirby Morrow, Bren Foster, O’Brien, Katie McGrath, Sam Heughan, Sir Roger Komödie 2012 100min. Zak Santiago, Steph Song, Lauro Moore, Leilah de Meza, Charlotte Salt, Paramount Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 Chartrand, Teach Grant, Sharlene Royer - Travis Turner, Miles Richardson, Marioara 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048896 Dir. Keoni Waxman Sterian, Florin Busuioc, Alin Olteanu, Maria Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interviews Junghetu, Madalina Anea - Dir. Michael St. Tropez - Sous le Soleil, Staf- Action 2012 98min. Damian fel 4.1 (4 Discs) Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Trailer Sous Le Soleil 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049065 Komödie/Lovestory 2011 90min. Adeline Blondieau, Bénédicte Delmas, Koch Media 09.11.2012 Tonya Kinzinger, Christine Lemler, Marie- Maximum Conviction (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20048994 Christine Adam, David Sarfati, Frédéric Maximum Conviction Deban, Stephane Slima, Luis Marques, Steven Seagal, Steve Austin, Michael Paré, Private Practice - Die komplette Grégory Fitoussi - Dir. Eric Summer, Sylvie Kirby Morrow, Bren Foster, Aliyah O’Brien, fünfte Staffel (6 Discs) Ayme, Bénédicte Delmas Zak Santiago, Steph Song, Lauro Private Practice Drama 1996-2008 650min. Chartrand, Teach Grant, Sharlene Royer - Kate Walsh, Tim Daly, Benjamin Bratt, Paul Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Dir. Keoni Waxman Adelstein, KaDee Strickland, Brian Benben, 28.09.2012 Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interviews Caterina Scorsone, Taye Diggs, Amy Action 2012 94min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049072 Brenneman, Betsy Brandt, Michael B. Silver Splendid Film 26.10.2012 - Dir. Mark Tinker, Tom Verica, Randall Zisk, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049048 St. Tropez - Sous le Soleil, Staf- Ann Kindberg, Jeff Bleckner, Bethany fel 4.2 (4 Discs) Rooney, Edward Ornelas, Scott Printz, Eine Möhre für Zwei (5) - Der Sous Le Soleil Stephen Cragg, Karen Gaviola, Allison Adeline Blondieau, Bénédicte Delmas, schönste Beruf Liddi-Brown, Paul Adelstein, Bill Purple, Tonya Kinzinger, Christine Lemler, Marie- Martin Paas, Carsten Morar-Haffke, Andrea Steve Robin, Jeannot Szwarc Christine Adam, David Sarfati, Frédéric Bongers, Wolke Hegenbarth - Dir. Dirk Drama 2011-2012 min. Deban, Stephane Slima, Luis Marques, Nabersberg, Jojo Wolff Walt Disney Studios Home Grégory Fitoussi - Dir. Eric Summer, Sylvie Kinderfilm 2010 50min. Entertainment(ABC Studios) 29.11.2012 Ayme, Bénédicte Delmas Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 14.09.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20049001 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049027 Drama 1996-2008 650min. Red Tears (k.J.) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) 28.09.2012 Eine Möhre für Zwei (6) - Pferd ist Red Tears - Kôrui 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049074 fernsehkrank Yuma Ishigaki, Yasuaki Kurata, Natsuki Martin Paas, Carsten Morar-Haffke, Andrea Kato, Ayaka Morita, Masahiro Nagai, Kôji Samt und Seide - Die komplette Bongers, Wolke Hegenbarth - Dir. Dirk Nakamura, Yôju Takashima, Karin Nabersberg, Jojo Wolff Yamaguchi - Dir. Takanori Tsujimoto Serie (26 Discs) Kinderfilm 2010 50min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama 2000-2005 5003min. Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 14.09.2012 Horror 2011 85min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 14.09.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049028 Musketier Media(8-Films) 26.10.2012 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049053 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048944 Parsifal Der Seewolf (Blu-ray) Edith Clever, Robert Lloyd, Armin Jordan, Rules of Engagement - Die dritte Raimund Harmstorf, Edward Meeks, Beatri- Michael Kutter, Karin Krick - Dir. Hans Jür- Season (2 Discs) ce Cardon, Emmerich Schäffer, Peter Kock, gen Syberberg Rules Of Engagement Franz Seidenschwan, Dieter Schidor - Dir. Drama 1982 260min. David Spade, Megyn Price, Patrick Wolfgang Staudte, Alecou Croitoru, Sergiu Filmgalerie 451 28.09.2012 Warburton, Oliver Hudson, Bianca Kajlich, Nicolaescu 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049059 Adhir Kalyan, Orlando Jones, Tyler Jacob Abenteuer 1971 min. Moore, Diane Sellers, Carrie Reichenbach, Concorde Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 Pfarrer Braun: Ausgegeigt Helena Mattsson - Dir. Mark Cendrowski, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048948 Ottfried Fischer, Gundi Ellert, Antonio Ted Wass, Gail Mancuso, Ken Whittingham, Wannek, Peter Heinrich Brix, Hans-Michael Gil Junger Die sexuellen Geheimnisse mei- Rehberg, Gilbert von Sohlern, Felix Hell- Komödie 2009 265min. ner Familie (Sensual Version) mann, Sólveig Arnarsdóttir, Mikka Forcher, Paramount Home Entertainment 06.09.2012 Chroniques Sexuelles D’Une Famille Lisa Kreuzer, Wilfried Klaus, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048873 D’Aujourd’Hui Tregor, Heio von Stetten, Karl Knaup, Dir. Pascal Arnold, Jean-Marc Barr Wiebke Puls - Dir. Jürgen Bretzinger Russendisko Trailer Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2012 90min. Matthias Schweighöfer, Friedrich Mücke, Erotik 2012 76min. MORE 07.09.2012 Christian Friedel, Peri Baumeister, Susanne Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 05.10.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049006 Bormann, Pheline Roggan, Rainer Bock, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048910 Imogen Kogge, Waldemar Kobus, Jule Eine Prinzessin zu Weihnachten Böwe, Tyron Ricketts, Kathrin Angerer, Die sexuellen Geheimnisse mei- A Princess For Christmas Christian Wewerka, Yung Ngo, Felix ner Familie (Uncut & Sensual Katie McGrath, Sam Heughan, Sir Roger Goeser - Dir. Oliver Ziegenbalg Version, 2 Discs) (k.J.) Moore, Leilah de Meza, Charlotte Salt, Featurettes, Trailer Chroniques Sexuelles D’Une Famille Komödie 2012 96min. Travis Turner, Miles Richardson, Marioara D’Aujourd’Hui Paramount Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 Sterian, Florin Busuioc, Alin Olteanu, Maria Dir. Pascal Arnold, Jean-Marc Barr Junghetu, Madalina Anea - Dir. Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048880 Trailer Damian Erotik 2012 82min. Trailer Russendisko (Blu-ray) Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 05.10.2012 Komödie/Lovestory 2011 87min. Matthias Schweighöfer, Friedrich Mücke, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048909 Koch Media 09.11.2012 Christian Friedel, Peri Baumeister, Susanne tba BestellNr.: 20048988 Bormann, Pheline Roggan, Rainer Bock, Snow White & the Huntsman Imogen Kogge, Waldemar Kobus, Jule Snow White And The Huntsman Eine Prinzessin zu Weihnachten Böwe, Tyron Ricketts, Kathrin Angerer, Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris (Blu-ray) Christian Wewerka, Yung Ngo, Felix Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, Ian McShane, Bob A Princess For Christmas Goeser - Dir. Oliver Ziegenbalg Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Toby Featurettes, Trailer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 21 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Jones - Dir. Rupert Sanders Campbell-Hughes, Laura Haddock, Jamie Jane Fonda, Daniel Brühl, Pierre Richard, Fantasy 2012 122min. Thomas King, Alex Price, Ned Dennehy, Geraldine Chaplin, Claude Rich, Guy Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Geoff Bell, Ruth Gemmell, Davie Fairbanks, Bedos, Bernard Malaka, Camino Texeira, 04.10.2012 Amy Pemberton - Dir. Gwendoline Hamon, Shemss Audat, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048900 Horror/Science Fiction 2012 min. Gustave de Kervern - Dir. Stéphane Robelin Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Featurette, Trailer Snow White & the Huntsman (Blu- 25.10.2012 Komödie 2011 96min. ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048920 Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG 19.10.2012 Snow White And The Huntsman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049060 Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Das Teufelsweib Michael Mendl, Iris Berben, Thure Riefen- Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, Ian McShane, Bob V/H/S - Eine mörderische Samm- Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Toby stein, Christoph Waltz, Peter Sattmann, Jones - Dir. Rupert Sanders Gruschenka Stevens - Dir. Oliver Berben, lung (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 2 Filmversionen Carl-Friedrich Koschnick V/H/S Fantasy 2012 127min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2000 93min. Calvin Reeder, Lane Hughes, Adam Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.09.2012 Wingard, Hannah Fierman, Mike Donlan, Joe 04.10.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048929 Sykes, Drew Sawyer, Jas Sams, Joe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048914 Swanberg, Jason Yachanin, Chad Villella, Tornado Warning Helen Rogers - Dir. Glenn McQuaid, Joe Snow White & the Huntsman Alien Tornado Swanberg, Ti West, Adam Wingard (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Stacey Asaro, Jeff Fahey, Kari Wuhrer, Horror/Thriller 2012 116min. Snow White And The Huntsman David Jensen, Mike Kimmel, Terry Kiser, Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, Chris Daniel Ponsky, Willard Pugh - Dir. Jeff Burr 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049068 Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, Ian McShane, Bob Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2012 90min. Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Toby V/H/S - Eine mörderische Samm- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Jones - Dir. Rupert Sanders lung (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049051 2 Filmversionen V/H/S Fantasy 2012 127min. Tornado Warning (Blu-ray) Calvin Reeder, Lane Hughes, Adam Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wingard, Hannah Fierman, Mike Donlan, Joe Alien Tornado 04.10.2012 Sykes, Drew Sawyer, Jas Sams, Joe Stacey Asaro, Jeff Fahey, Kari Wuhrer, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048916 Swanberg, Jason Yachanin, Chad Villella, David Jensen, Mike Kimmel, Terry Kiser, Helen Rogers - Dir. Glenn McQuaid, Joe Soko Edition - Soko Leipzig, Vol. Daniel Ponsky, Willard Pugh - Dir. Jeff Burr Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Swanberg, Ti West, Adam Wingard 3 (4 Discs) Action/Science Fiction 2012 94min. Horror/Thriller 2012 112min. Kriminalfilm 865min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.09.2012 Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Edel Germany(Aviator) 21.09.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049069 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049050 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049056 Toxic - 1 Girl, 1 Curse, 17 Bodies Van Helsing II (Blu-ray) Stolen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Last Sect Stolen David Carradine, Natalie Brown, Deborah Toxic Nicolas Cage, Malin Akerman, Josh Lucas, Odell, Julian Richings, Sebastien Roberts, Susan Ward, Corey Large, Master P, Mark Valley, Sami Gayle, Danny Huston, M. Megan Fahlenbock - Dir. Jonathan Dueck Dominique Swain, Charity Shea, Danny C. Gainey, J.D. Evermore, Marcus Lyle Horror/Thriller 2006 85min. Trejo, Costas Mandylor, Tom Sizemore - Dir. Brown, Tanc Sade, Mustafa Harris, Edrick Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Alan Pao Browne - Dir. Simon West Trailer Entertainment) 31.08.2012 Action/Thriller 2012 96min. Thriller/Action 2008 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049038 Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 26.10.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049049 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049067 Vanessa (k.J.) Olivia Pascal, Anton Diffring, Uschi Zech, Stolen (Blu-ray) Und erlöse uns nicht von dem Bö- Günter Clemens, Eva Eden - Dir. Hubert Stolen sen (OmU) Frank Nicolas Cage, Malin Akerman, Josh Lucas, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Wendecover, Trailer, Bilder- Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas Du Mal Mark Valley, Sami Gayle, Danny Huston, M. galerie Dir. Joël Séria Erotik 1976 89min. C. Gainey, J.D. Evermore, Marcus Lyle Interviews, Featurette, Booklet AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Donau Brown, Tanc Sade, Mustafa Harris, Edrick Horror 1971 102min. Film) 28.09.2012 Browne - Dir. Simon West Bildstörung 05.10.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048908 Action/Thriller 2012 100min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049097 Splendid Film 26.10.2012 Vergiss dein Ende 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049066 Und wenn wir alle zusammenzie- Renate Krößner, Dieter Mann, Hermann Storage 24 hen? Beyer, Martin Seifert, Eugen Krössner, Et Si On Vivait Tous Ensemble? Nadine Pasta, Franziska Jünger, Mario Storage 24 Jane Fonda, Daniel Brühl, Pierre Richard, Pokatzky, Joe Rilla, André Röhner - Dir. , Colin O’Donoghue, Antonia Geraldine Chaplin, Claude Rich, Guy Andreas Kannengießer Campbell-Hughes, Laura Haddock, Jamie Bedos, Bernard Malaka, Camino Texeira, Drama 2011 93min. Thomas King, Alex Price, Ned Dennehy, Gwendoline Hamon, Shemss Audat, Basis-Film Verleih(basisdvd) 21.09.2012 Geoff Bell, Ruth Gemmell, Davie Fairbanks, Gustave de Kervern - Dir. Stéphane Robelin tba BestellNr.: 20048930 Amy Pemberton - Dir. Johannes Roberts Featurette, Trailer Horror/Science Fiction 2012 min. Komödie 2011 92min. - Season One, Volume Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Two (2 Discs) 25.10.2012 19.10.2012 Victorious 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048905 tba BestellNr.: 20049042 , Leon Thomas III, Matt Storage 24 (Blu-ray) Und wenn wir alle zusammenzie- Bennett, , , Avan Jogia, Daniella Monet, Michael Eric Storage 24 hen? (Blu-ray) Noel Clarke, Colin O’Donoghue, Antonia Reid, Jennifer Carta, Lane Napper, Eric Et Si On Vivait Tous Ensemble?

LASER HOTLINE Seite 23 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Lange - Dir. Steve Hoefer, Adam Weissman, cms constructive media service(Great Russ Reinsel, David Kendall Werwolf - Das Grauen lebt unter Movies) 24.08.2012 Featurette, Musikvideo, Behind the Scenes uns 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049094 Komödie 2010 226min. Werewolf: The Beast Among Us Paramount Home Entertainment 06.09.2012 Guy Wilson, Stephen Rea, Nia Peeples, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048874 Zoltan Butuc, Rachel DiPillo, Ana Ularu, Die Wache - Staffel 2, Folgen 1- Adam Croasdell, Steven Bauer, Ed Quinn - Special Interest Dir. Louis Morneau 13 (3 Discs) Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Hans Heinz Moser, Axel Pape, Siegfried Horror 2012 90min. Buck - Der wahre Pferdeflüsterer Kernen, Daniel Hajdu, Michael Zittel, Bernd Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Buck E. Jäger van Boxen, Holger Kunkel, 25.10.2012 Buck Brannaman, - Dir. Béatrice Bergner, Gernot Schmidt, Hans 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049035 Cindy Meehl Heller, Karsten Dörr, Francesco Pahlevan, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Poster Beate Finckh, Mogens von Gadow, Matthi- Werwolf - Das Grauen lebt unter Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2011 88min. as Haase, Lutz Reichert, Carmen Plate, uns (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 11.10.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048893 Birge Schade, Michael Breitsprecher, Anja Werewolf: The Beast Among Us Freese, Martina , Harald Kempe, Jana Guy Wilson, Stephen Rea, Nia Peeples, IMAX: Rescue 3D - Katastrophen- Hora, Uwe Kockisch, Alexander Virgolini, Zoltan Butuc, Rachel DiPillo, Ana Ularu, Irmelin Beringer, Eva Maron, Aram van de Adam Croasdell, Steven Bauer, Ed Quinn - hilfe auf Haiti Rest, Nik Neureiter, Karin Schröder, Dana Dir. Louis Morneau Rescue Geissler, Daniel Hartwig, Eva-Maria Straka, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Dir. Stephen Low Mike Reichenbach, Patrick Bach, Tanya Horror 2012 93min. Interviews, BD-Live, Trailer Neufeldt, Alexander Kiersch, Andrea Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dokumentarfilm 2011 min. Suwa, Ingo Brosch, Caroline Grothgar, 25.10.2012 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.10.2012 Leon Boden, Anne Sarah Hartung, Christian 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049041 tba BestellNr.: 20048891 Spitzl, Mirco Wallraf, Meike Gottschalk, Mark Keller What a Man (Blu-ray) Sing Your Song (OmU) Kriminalfilm 1993-2003 603min. Matthias Schweighöfer, Sibel Kekilli, Elyas Sing Your Song Edel Germany(Aviator) 21.09.2012 M’Barek, Mavie Hörbiger, Milan Peschel, Harry Belafonte, Leadbelly, Nat King Cole, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049054 Thomas Kretschmann, Lilay Huser, Nora J. Edgar Hoover, Ingar Stevens, Julie Jokhosha, Theresa Underberg, Gitta Belafonte, Martin Luther King jr., John F. Wanderlust - Der Trip ihres Le- Schweighöfer, Pasquale Aleardi, Friedrich Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Paul Newman, bens Mücke, Katharina Schüttler, Gregor Shari Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Ed Sullivan, Joan Fontaine, Marlon Brando, Sammy Da- Wanderlust Schlattmann, Joel Federico Lac Wüsten- vis jr. - Dir. Susanne Rostock Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston, Justin berg, Cornelia-Claudia Goossens - Dir. Mat- Dokumentarfilm 2011 104min. Theroux, Malin Akerman, Kathryn Hahn, thias Schweighöfer good!movies(Arsenal) 21.09.2012 Lauren Ambrose, Ken Marino, - Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Musikvideo, Featurette, Trailer, Audiokommentar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049030 Dir. David Wain Komödie/Lovestory 2011 94min. Komödie 2011 94min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sound It Out (OmU) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Germany 01.10.2012 Sound It Out 25.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048935 Dir. Jeanie Finlay 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048904 Dokumentarfilm 2011 75min. Young Guns (Special Edition, Un- Wanderlust - Der Trip ihres Le- good!movies(Neue Visionen) 31.08.2012 gekürzte Fassung) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048882 bens (Blu-ray) Young Guns Wanderlust Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Dia- : A Documentary Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston, Justin mond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, Dermot (Director’s Cut, 2 Discs, OmU) Theroux, Malin Akerman, Kathryn Hahn, Mulroney, Casey Siemaszko - Dir. Christo- Woody Allen: A Documentary Lauren Ambrose, Ken Marino, Alan Alda - pher Cain Woody Allen, Letty Aronson, Marshall Dir. David Wain Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Trailer Brickman, Josh Brolin, Dick Cavett, Komödie 2011 98min. Western 1988 102min. Penélope Cruz, John Cusack, Larry David, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Mariel Hemingway, Charles H. Joffe, 25.10.2012 Home Edition) 18.10.2012 Scarlett Johansson, Julie Kavner, Diane 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048919 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048881 Keaton, Nettie Konigsberg, Martin Landau, Warlock Young Guns (Special Edition, Un- Louise Lasser, Robert E. Lauder, Eric Lax, Leonard Maltin, Doug McGrath, Sean Penn, Warlock gekürzte Fassung) (Blu-ray) Tony Roberts, Chris Rock, Jack Rollins, Richard Widmark, , Anthony Young Guns Richard Schickel, Martin Scorsese, Mira Quinn, Dorothy Malone, Dolores Michaels, Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Dia- Sorvino, Stephen Tenenbaum, Naomi Watts, Wallace Ford, Tom , Richard Arlen, mond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, Dermot Fred Weintraub, , Gordon DeForest Kelley - Dir. Edward Dmytryk Mulroney, Casey Siemaszko - Dir. Christo- Willis, Owen Wilson - Dir. Robert B. Weide Western 1959 117min. pher Cain Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.10.2012 Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2011 184min. tba BestellNr.: 20048890 Western 1988 107min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 25.10.2012 Concorde Home Entertainment 18.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049106 Warlock (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20048897 Warlock Richard Widmark, Henry Fonda, Anthony Der Zauberer von Oz Quinn, Dorothy Malone, Dolores Michaels, The Wizard Of Oz Wallace Ford, Tom Drake, Richard Arlen, Dorothy Dwan, Larry Semon, Marry Carr, DeForest Kelley - Dir. Edward Dmytryk Virginia Pearson, Bryant Washburn, Oliver Western 1959 123min. Hardy, William Hauber, Frank Alexander - EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.10.2012 Dir. Larry Semon tba BestellNr.: 20048898 Komödie/Fantasy 1925 90min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 24 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

window to work with Nico - a slinky cat burglar with a big Transportation, , Family heart, whose fluid movements are poetry in motion as he evades captors and slips and swishes from rooftop to rooftop 61min. Animation across the Paris skyline. A Cat In Paris is a delightful / Anchor Bay 30.10.2012 animated adventure perfect for both adults and children - a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112430 : It’s My witty and stylish „animated noir“ with a jazzy soundtrack featuring Billie Holiday and a thrilling climax on top of Notre Party Dame cathedral. Featuring the voices of Academy Award Cluster : Collection 2 Welcome to the Banana Cabana! Led by Howie, the fun- winner Marcia Gay Harden (Mystic River), Academy Award The epic tapestry of history may be composed of millions of loving, hospitality-challenged canine manager, the Banana winner Anjelica Huston (The Royal Tenenbaums) and threads, but there are always a select few upon which the Cabana is a beachfront resort hotel, and home to mayhem, Matthew Modine (Full Metal Jacket). entire weight of humanity ultimately comes to bear. As the destruction and all around fun! Keeping everything running Caper, Comedy, Crime, Family, Foreign, thread of Chalce, the artificial soldier that Agate saved on his smoothly at a busy hotel is a tough job, but it helps when you French, Animated Animals 2010 70min. way to Cluster E.A, slowly begins to unravel, the mysteries have friends. New Video DVD 09.10.2012 surrounding Agate’s own past begin to be revealed with Animated Animals, Family, Fantasy min. staggering implications. Unfortunately, Agate, himself, may not 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112513 survive the revelation! As Vesuvia tortures Agate in an NCircle Entertainment 25.09.2012 attempt to get him to unleash his powers, and Chrome attempts 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112551 a daring rescue, the discovery of Chalce’s diary may change A Cat In Paris (Blu-ray + DVD the course of destiny itself! Will the path woven by Chalce’s Combo) (Blu-ray) past actions become crucial to understanding, and perhaps Angelina Ballerina: Superstar changing, the fate that has been planned for Agate, the Sisters Marcia Gay Harden, Jean Benguigui, artificial soldiers and the entire human race? Against a God of Anjelica Huston, Matthew Modine, Judgment, the truth is mankind’s only hope in the second and Stay in step with Angelina and Polly in this heartwarming final collection of Cluster Edge! collection of sisterly stories. Will Princess Polly be able to dominique Blanc, Bruno Salomone forgive her sister when Angelina breaks her special music The Academy Award-nominated A Cat In Paris is a beautifully Action, , Foreign, International TV, box? Angelina’s sisterly instincts kick in when Polly goes hand-drawn caper set in the shadow-drenched alleyways of Japanese, Science Fiction 350min. missing; Polly proves she can be a big inspiration to help Paris. Dino is a cat that leads a double life. By day he lives Section23 Films 20.11.2012 Angelina finish Ms. Mimi’s important assignment. Come along with Zoe, a little girl whose mother is a detective in the as the sisters spin, twirl, sparkle and shine together in these Parisian police force. But at night Dino sneaks out the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112338 family and fun-filled adventures! window to work with Nico - a slinky cat burglar with a big Ballet, Family, Fantasy, Animated Animals heart, whose fluid movements are poetry in motion as he The Curious Garden... And More 61min. evades captors and slips and swishes from rooftop to rooftop across the Paris skyline. A Cat In Paris is a delightful Stories About Nature Lionsgate 06.11.2012 animated adventure perfect for both adults and children - a You can collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112467 witty and stylish „animated noir“ with a jazzy soundtrack Treasures and read along on screen with your favorite featuring Billie Holiday and a thrilling climax on top of Notre classic children’s stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. Dame cathedral. Featuring the voices of Academy Award Stories Include The Curious Garden The Lion And The Mouse Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 1 - winner Marcia Gay Harden (Mystic River), Academy Award Fletcher And The Falling Leaves Planting A Rainbow winner Anjelica Huston (The Royal Tenenbaums) and The Egg Of The King Matthew Modine (Full Metal Jacket). Animated Animals min. He trusts no one, only his sword. He doesn’t have a place to Caper, Comedy, Crime, Family, Foreign, Scholastic 09.10.2012 call home. The lone mercenary Guts travels the land where a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112517 hundred-year-old war is taking place. His ferocity and ability French, Animated Animals 2010 70min. to take down enemies attracts the attention of Griffith, the New Video DVD 09.10.2012 leader of a group of mercenaries called „The Band of the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112538 Dino Dan: ’Twas A Dinosaur Hawk.“ Griffith desires Guts’s power to help him achieve his Follow the adventures of paleontologist-in-training Dan goals. He succeeds in recruiting Guts by challenging and Henderson as he imagines dinosaurs into the real world! Join winning a duel with him. As the Band of the Hawk fight The Cat In The Hat: Told From Dan as he learns what might have caused the extinction of the together and their bond as a unit is strengthened, Griffith and The Cold dinosaurs, tracks down a Euoplocephalus and gives the poem Guts’s bond deepens even more. Thanks to their continued „The Night Before Christmas“ a dinosaur spin. Dan uses the success on the battlefield, Griffith achieves the first step in Family, Animated Animals min. scientific method to gather clues and solve mysteries. ’Twas a fulfilling his goal: his band of mercenaries becomes a full- NCircle Entertainment 25.09.2012 Dinosaur is filled with five action-packed adventures full of fledged army within the Midland Kingdom. Despite all their discovery! success, Guts begins to question his reasons for fighting for 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112556 Griffith’s dream. Unknown to Guts, this unyielding dream is Christmas, Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, about to bestow a horrible fate on them both. Family, Holidays, min. Anime, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Children Who Chase Lost Voices NCircle Entertainment 25.09.2012 When she hears a strange song from a crystal radio, Asuna Japanese, Action, Adventure 2012 min. tunes into more than just a magical stream of music. Soon, she 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112552 Viz Entertainment 27.11.2012 is transported to a mysterious world where mythical beasts 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112314 roam and brave warriors fight for their lives. Agartha is a land Dive Olly Dive!: Volume 1 of breathtaking beauty and unimaginable danger-a place where, it is believed, even the dead can be brought back to Dive Olly Dive follows the adventures of Olly, a young sub- Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 1 - life. But at what cost? Children Who Chase Lost Voices is a marine-in-training, and Beth, his best friend and fellow sub- spellbinding new work from Japanese visionary Makoto in-training. Stationed at the Special Underwater Research The Egg Of The King (Blu-ray) Shinkai, who amazed audiences the world over with Voices of Facility (S.U.R.F.) under the guidance of Diver Doug, the He trusts no one, only his sword. He doesn’t have a place to A Distant Star and 5 Centimeters per Second. Now, with young subs explore their spectacular underwater world. Join call home. The lone mercenary Guts travels the land where a Children, Shinkai affirms his place as one of animation’s most the aquatic adventure deep in the ocean blue! hundred-year-old war is taking place. His ferocity and ability original voices. Adventure, Family, High Seas, Preschool to take down enemies attracts the attention of Griffith, the Science Fiction, Anime, Drama, Fantasy, min. leader of a group of mercenaries called „The Band of the Hawk.“ Griffith desires Guts’s power to help him achieve his Foreign, Japanese, Adventure 116min. NCircle Entertainment 28.09.2012 goals. He succeeds in recruiting Guts by challenging and Section23 Films 13.11.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112553 winning a duel with him. As the Band of the Hawk fight 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112336 together and their bond as a unit is strengthened, Griffith and Guts’s bond deepens even more. Thanks to their continued Dr. Seuss: The Cat In The Hat success on the battlefield, Griffith achieves the first step in Children Who Chase Lost Voices Knows A Lot About Christmas! fulfilling his goal: his band of mercenaries becomes a full- fledged army within the Midland Kingdom. Despite all their (Blu-ray) Martin Short success, Guts begins to question his reasons for fighting for When she hears a strange song from a crystal radio, Asuna With Nick and Sally, Fish and the Things, Holiday magic is Griffith’s dream. Unknown to Guts, this unyielding dream is tunes into more than just a magical stream of music. Soon, she what this adventure brings! The Cat in the Hat and his about to bestow a horrible fate on them both. is transported to a mysterious world where mythical beasts comical ways, Will make this Christmas the most special of Anime, Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, roam and brave warriors fight for their lives. Agartha is a land days! Join The Cat in the Hat and his many friends for a very of breathtaking beauty and unimaginable danger-a place special holiday adventure! Meet a family of elephants, a pod Foreign, Horror, Japanese 2012 min. where, it is believed, even the dead can be brought back to of dolphins and some crabby crabs as they all work together Viz Entertainment 27.11.2012 life. But at what cost? Children Who Chase Lost Voices is a to get Ralph the baby reindeer home in time for Christmas! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112319 spellbinding new work from Japanese visionary Makoto Christmas, Family, Holidays, Animated Shinkai, who amazed audiences the world over with Voices of A Distant Star and 5 Centimeters per Second. Now, with Animals min. A Cat In Paris Children, Shinkai affirms his place as one of animation’s most NCircle Entertainment 30.10.2012 Marcia Gay Harden, Jean Benguigui, original voices. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112557 Anime, Adventure, Science Fiction, Drama, Anjelica Huston, Matthew Modine, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 116min. dominique Blanc, Bruno Salomone Dreamworks Holiday Classics Section23 Films 13.11.2012 The Academy Award-nominated A Cat In Paris is a beautifully Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, hand-drawn caper set in the shadow-drenched alleyways of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112348 Paris. Dino is a cat that leads a double life. By day he lives Mike Myers, , Jada Pinkett with Zoe, a little girl whose mother is a detective in the Smith, Antonio Banderas, Chris Rock Parisian police force. But at night Dino sneaks out the Chuggington: Icy Escapades Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury The Dragons are back in the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 26 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA exciting next chapter to the Academy Award-nominated film, Action, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, David Cross, James Hong, Angelina Jolie, . The epic story of Hiccup and Toothless continues as they take flight in a thrilling adventure International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction Lucy Liu, , Seth Rogen, to discover an island of never-before-seen dragons. Explosi- 325min. Jack Black ve action and fire-breathing excitement collide in this Section23 Films 06.11.2012 In this hilarious action adventure, Master Shifu calls on Po to exhilarating DreamWorks Dragons story. Merry host the year’s biggest event - the Winter Feast, a special When Santa and his reindeer crash onto the island of 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112334 time of the year to celebrate family, tradition and the Madagascar, it’s up to Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman and those awesomeness of Kung Fu! Po and the Furious Five must team wacky Penguins to save Christmas. Get ready for a sleigh full Horizon In The Middle Of up to throw the best celebration the Valley of Peace has ever of laughs in this hilarious holiday classic. Also includes The seen. Can Po pull off the perfect party, impress his heroes, in a Christmas Caper. the Nowhere: Season One (Blu-ray) and discover the true meaning of the Winter Feast? Halls After promising Fiona and the kids a Christmas they’ll When humans came down from the sky they brought with them Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, remember, Shrek is forced to take a crash course in the the Testament, the guide to the path they must follow if they Holidays, , Action, Animated holiday. But just when he thinks he has everything for a quiet wish to return to the skies again. Now, in a strange world family Christmas just right, Donkey, , Gingy and where only the islands of Japan are inhabitable, the nations of Animals 2010 25min. the rest of the gang decide to crash the party. the world vie for power and protect the portions of Japan that DreamWorks Home Ent. 06.11.2012 is the greatest holiday tale that’s never been told-until now. they have claimed. And each is armed with its own ultimate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112300 Also includes Donkey’s Ca weapon: a Roysmoi Opro, an Armor of Deadly Sins. But there Christmas, Comedy, Computer Animation, may be a far greater threat to mankind than the Roysomi Opro, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, for the Testament ends abruptly, and it is now the last year. Is Holiday (Blu-ray this the end of humanity, or can Tori Aoi and his fellow Collections, Adventure, Animated students from the aerial metropolitan ship Musashi somehow + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Animals 85min. affect the course of destiny? Who and what is the Horizon In David Cross, James Hong, Angelina Jolie, DreamWorks Home Ent. 30.10.2012 The Middle Of Nowhere? Lucy Liu, Dustin Hoffman, Seth Rogen, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Interna- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112293 Jack Black tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Ac- In this hilarious action adventure, Master Shifu calls on Po to Dreamworks Holiday Classics tion 325min. host the year’s biggest event - the Winter Feast, a special Section23 Films 06.11.2012 time of the year to celebrate family, tradition and the (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) awesomeness of Kung Fu! Po and the Furious Five must team 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112347 up to throw the best celebration the Valley of Peace has ever Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, seen. Can Po pull off the perfect party, impress his heroes, Mike Myers, David Schwimmer, Jada Pinkett Intrigue In The Bakumatsu: and discover the true meaning of the Winter Feast? Smith, Antonio Banderas, Chris Rock Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Includes Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury The Dragons are Collection 2 Holidays, Martial Arts, Action, Animated back in the exciting next chapter to the Academy Award- As wandering mercenary Yojiro Akizuki and the Yuyama nominated film, How to Train Your Dragon. The epic story of Troupe continue their search for vengeance, the flames of war Animals 2010 25min. Hiccup and Toothless continues as they take flight in a engulf the Shogunate, moving ever further north. In search of DreamWorks Home Ent. 06.11.2012 thrilling adventure to discover an island of never-before-seen the Head of the Conqueror, Akizuki and the troupe follow, but 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112310 dragons. Explosive action and fire-breathing excitement when Kakunojo stumbles upon a cursed sword the hunters collide in this exhilarating DreamWorks Dragons story. Merry may become the hunted. The fate of a nation hangs in the Madagascar When Santa and his reindeer crash onto the balance but it’s the destiny of the individual lives that will : Platinum island of Madagascar, it’s up to Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman determine the outcome as adversaries become allies, friends and those wacky Penguins to save Christmas. Get ready for a become enemies and the blood continues to follow in the Collection - Volume 2 sleigh full of laughs in this hilarious holiday classic. Also conclusion of Intrigue in the Bakumatsu: Collection 2~! Look whose back with more gags, more laughs and more includes The Penguins of Madagascar in a Christmas Caper. Action, Anime, Fantasy, International TV, signature showcases! Make way for Looney Tunes: Platinum Shrek the Halls After promising Fiona and the kids a Collection - Volume 2~ with 50 animated theatrical shorts Christmas they’ll remember, Shrek is forced to take a crash Japanese 325min. remastered in stellar hi-def Blu-ray in all their stellar course in the holiday. But just when he thinks he has Section23 Films 27.11.2012 silliness. Disc One’s selections focus on the core characters, everything for a quiet family Christmas just right, Donkey, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112339 such as , , , and Puss in Boots, Gingy and the rest of the gang decide to crash Sylvester, Pepe Le Pew and . While Disc the party. Shrek the Halls is the greatest holiday tale that’s Two offers one-shot classics, the complete escapades of never been told-until now. Also include Intrigue In The Bakumatsu: Cecil Turtle, the all-purpose adversary Nasty Canasta, Christmas, Comedy, Computer Animation, bashful little Beaky Buzzard and the hilariously hungry A. Collection 2 (Blu-ray) Flea. Saving the best for last, Disc Three serves up great fun Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, As wandering mercenary Yojiro Akizuki and the Yuyama and insider info with its wild array of bonus programs saluting Short Film Collections, Adventure, Animated Troupe continue their search for vengeance, the flames of war legendary animators and historical gems. Not to mention a fan- Animals 85min. engulf the Shogunate, moving ever further north. In search of selected favorite that will be sure to satisfy even the most the Head of the Conqueror, Akizuki and the troupe follow, but discerning cartoon connoisseur. So grab a chair, a comedy DreamWorks Home Ent. 30.10.2012 when Kakunojo stumbles upon a cursed sword the hunters cohort and a carrot ‘cause it’s always „wabbit“ season when 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112394 may become the hunted. The fate of a nation hangs in the this must-own collection comes home! balance but it’s the destiny of the individual lives that will Animated Animals, Classics, Comedy, determine the outcome as adversaries become allies, friends Grave Of The Fireflies: The become enemies and the blood continues to follow in the Family min. Complete Collection (Blu-ray) conclusion of Intrigue in the Bakumatsu: Collection 2~! Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 As the Empire of the Sun crumbles upon itself and a rain of Anime, Fantasy, International TV, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112329 firebombs falls upon Japan, the final death march of a nation is Japanese, Action 325min. echoed in millions of smaller tragedies. This is the story of Section23 Films 27.11.2012 Looney Tunes: Platinum Seita and his younger sister Setsuko, two children born at the 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112350 wrong time, in the wrong place, and now cast adrift in a world Collection - Volume 2 (Blu-ray) that lacks not the care to shelter them, but simply the Look whose back with more gags, more laughs and more resources. Forced to fend for themselves in the aftermath of Jake And The Never Land signature showcases! Make way for Looney Tunes: Platinum fires that swept entire cities from the face of the , their Collection - Volume 2~ with 50 animated theatrical shorts doomed struggle is both a tribute to the human and the Pirates: Jake Saves Bucky! (DVD remastered in stellar hi-def Blu-ray in all their stellar stuff of nightmares. Beautiful, yet at times brutal and + Digital Copy) silliness. Disc One’s selections focus on the core characters, horrifying. such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Tweety and Anime, War, World War II, Drama, Foreign, Yo ho, let’s go! Set sail with Jake and his crew on a full- Sylvester, Pepe Le Pew and Foghorn Leghorn. While Disc Japanese 1988 89min. length, high-speed adventure on the high seas. According to Two offers one-shot classics, the complete escapades of the Never Land Pirate Code, Jake and his crew must race Cecil Turtle, the all-purpose adversary Nasty Canasta, Section23 Films 20.11.2012 Bucky against the Jolly Roger and the sneaky Captain Hook; bashful little Beaky Buzzard and the hilariously hungry A. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112349 and if Bucky loses, he’ll belong to Hook forever! Of course, Flea. Saving the best for last, Disc Three serves up great fun Hook uses every trick in the book and wins the race! But, and insider info with its wild array of bonus programs saluting Jake and his crew might have a way to get Bucky back. With legendary animators and historical gems. Not to mention a fan- Horizon In The Middle Of the help of Peter Pan, they young pirates embark on an selected favorite that will be sure to satisfy even the most Nowhere: Season One adventure across Never Land that includes getting past a fire- discerning cartoon connoisseur. So grab a chair, a comedy breathing dragon! With your help, Jake’s crew can save cohort and a carrot ‘cause it’s always „wabbit“ season when When humans came down from the sky they brought with them Bucky from the devious Captain Hook! Also, enjoy four more this must-own collection comes home! the Testament, the guide to the path they must follow if they exciting Jake And The Never Land Pirates episodes! wish to return to the skies again. Now, in a strange world Overflowing with music, swashbuckling action and seafaring Animated Animals, Classics, Comedy, where only the islands of Japan are inhabitable, the nations of fun, Jake Saves Bucky proves that being a hero comes from Family min. the world vie for power and protect the portions of Japan that teamwork, determination and friendship! Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 they have claimed. And each is armed with its own ultimate Adventure, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Music, weapon: a Roysmoi Opro, an Armor of Deadly Sins. But there 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112345 may be a far greater threat to mankind than the Roysomi Opro, Pirates, Preschool, Swashbucklers 146min. for the Testament ends abruptly, and it is now the last year. Is Disney / Buena Vista 16.10.2012 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most this the end of humanity, or can Tori Aoi and his fellow 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112628 students from the aerial metropolitan ship Musashi somehow Wanted affect the course of destiny? Who and what is the Horizon In Ben Stiller, David Schwimmer, Martin Short, The Middle Of Nowhere?

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Chris Miller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112340 A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all standard Blu-ray players. Set sail for a fun-filled voyage and Cedric The Entertainer, Sacha Baron hilarious pirate antics with the biggest Band of Misfits on the Cohen, Andy Richter, Tom McGrath Marvel Knights: Astonishing X- seven seas! When the infamous Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant) Your favorite characters are back in their most hilarious is shunned once again by his rivals Black Bellamy and adventure yet! Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria are on the run Men - Unstoppable Cutlass Liz, he sets his sights to win the coveted Pirate of the through Europe in this wildly-entertaining and outrageous Strap yourselves in, folks. It’s Joss Whedon and John Year Award! With his trusted dodo, Polly and rag-tag crew at comedy critics call „charming and very funny!“ (Bill Zwecker, Cassaday’s fourth and final arc on Astonishing X-Men. After his side, the Pirate Captain will need to battle a diabolical Chicago Sun-Times). With the fame-loving King Julian and the shocking and brain-smashing events of the previous three queen, save a young scientist and never lose sight of what a take-charge Penguins, the whole crew joins the circus to arcs Gifted, Dangerous and Torn the X-Men are off to protect pirate loves best: Adventure! escape Captain Dubois of Animal Control. the Earth from its destruction at the hands of the Breakworld. Pirates, Comedy, Family, Adventure 2012 Comedy, Computer Animation, Adventure, When it’s all over, nothing will ever be the same No, really, we mean it! Whedon and Cassaday prove they are more than 177min. Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films Astonishing: They are Unstoppable! Home Entertainment 2012 93min. Based On Comic Book, Science Fiction, 28.08.2012 DreamWorks Home Ent. 16.10.2012 Superheroes, Action 70min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112391 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112450 Shout Factory 13.11.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112643 : Collection 4 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most There are „problem children,“ there are children with issues, Wanted (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Marvel Knights: Astonishing X- and then there are children whose very existence is such a concern that keeping an eye on their development is a matter Copy) (Blu-ray) Men Blu-ray Set (Blu-ray) of international security. Pre-teen psychics Kaoru , Aoi and Ben Stiller, David Schwimmer, Martin Short, From master storyteller Joss Whedon (The Avengers) and Shiho definitely fall into the latter category, and the odds that Eisner Award-winning artist John Cassaday come four they will eventually turn to evil and use their abilities against Chris Miller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock, breathtaking motion comic arcs that promise to shake the the world have continued to grow ever since B.A.B.E.L. first Cedric The Entertainer, Sacha Baron foundations of the X-Men forever! For the first time ever, recruited them to help fight other psychics who’ve already Cohen, Andy Richter, Tom McGrath these four exciting stories are in Astonishing high definition succumbed to the dark side. That’s a problem that’s been on Blu-ray! weighing heavily on the mind of Minamoto, their assigned Your favorite characters are back in their most hilarious guardian, and it’s going to get even worse once one of them adventure yet! Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria are on the run Based On Comic Book, Action, Science actually gets IN his mind! Still, with Black Phantom, through Europe in this wildly-entertaining and outrageous Fiction, Superheroes 280min. P.A.N.D.R.A. and their teams of rogue espers still causing comedy critics call „charming and very funny!“ (Bill Zwecker, Shout Factory 13.11.2012 chaos, there’s no choice except to fight fire with fire. But will Chicago Sun-Times). With the fame-loving King Julian and limiting the squad’s abilities with artificial means be enough to take-charge Penguins, the whole crew joins the circus to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112659 keep them from going over the edge? Get ready for a whole escape Captain Dubois of Animal Control. new level of mind over matter as three little girls grow up and Comedy, Computer Animation, Adventure, My First Scholastic Storybook graduate to the big leagues in the final mind-shattering volume Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films of Psychic Squa 2012 93min. Treasures: Vol. 4 (3 Pack) Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, My First Collection Vol. 4 is an engaging collection of stories Japanese 325min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 16.10.2012 certain to foster creativity and learning in your toddlers. Your 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112480 toddlers will rhyme along with Robot Zot!, learn the value of Section23 Films 06.11.2012 appreciation in Too Many Toys, and be inspired to take small 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112335 steps that can make big changes in the world with The Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Curious Garden. Wanted 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray Boxed Sets, Family, Animated Animals min. Regular Show: The Best DVD In + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Scholastic 09.10.2012 The World *At This Moment In 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112514 Ben Stiller, David Schwimmer, Martin Short, Time - Volume 2 Chris Miller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock, ’s hit animated comedy series Regular Show The Official Digimon Adventure is anything but regular and fans love it. Back by popular Cedric The Entertainer, Sacha Baron demand is the launch of the Regular Show: The Best DVD in Cohen, Andy Richter, Tom McGrath Set: The Complete First Season the World. The DVD features 16 episodes from seasons 2 and Your favorite characters are back in their most hilarious Itss official, Digifans! For the first time ever, all 54 episodes 3. The Emmy nominated hit comedy (Outstanding Animated adventure yet! Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria are on the run of Digimon Adventure: Season 1 are available in this 8-disc Program) has been part of the popular Monday night line up through Europe in this wildly-entertaining and outrageous collector’s set. See the four story arcs of the classic Digimon on Cartoon Network along with the hit show Adventure Time. comedy critics call „charming and very funny!“ (Bill Zwecker, television series from beginning to end. While at summer Regular Show features Mordecai and Rigby, two Chicago Sun-Times). With the fame-loving King Julian and camp, seven kids - Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K. - groundskeepers at a park whose attempts to escape their take-charge Penguins, the whole crew joins the circus to come across seven Digivices and are transported to a strange everyday boredom take them to fantastical extremes. Continue escape Captain Dubois of Animal Control. digital world. In this new world they make friends with building your Regular Show DVD collection with the Regular Comedy, Computer Animation, Adventure, creatures that call themselves Digimon - short for Digital Show: The Best DVD in the World. OOOOHHHHHH! Cartoon Network, Comedy, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films Monsters - who were born to defend their world from various evil forces. The children learn they have the ability to help Animated Animals min. 2012 93min. their new Digimon friends digivolve into different Digital Warner Bros. 06.11.2012 DreamWorks Home Ent. 16.10.2012 Monsters and fight as a team to defend enemies and ultimately 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112315 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112481 find their way home. Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Anime, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Ristorante Paradiso: The Maria Watches Over Us: Season 2 Japanese, Science Fiction 1999 min. The spring term is beginning for the students at Lillian Girls’ Complete Series Academy. Friends are reunited, but for the Yamayuri Council, New Video DVD 09.10.2012 When Nicoletta was a little girl, her mother, Olga, abandoned it’s a bittersweet one. Yoko, Eriko, and Sei are busy 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112512 her and ran off to Rome to remarry. Now, 15 years later and a preparing to depart Lillian while Sachiko, Rei, and Shimako young woman, Nicoletta travels to Rome with the intention of are doing their best to ensure that their dear sisters receive a ruining her mother’s life. She tracks Olga down to a memorable commencement. Sei’s departure will leave a Penguins Of Madagascar: Opera- restaurant called Casetta dell’Orso, but the second Nicoletta sizable hole in the White Roses, and filling it won’t be easy. tion Antarctica steps through its door, everything changes. It’s a peculiar But is there anyone who that would appeal to Shimako enough place staffed entirely by mature gentlemen wearing to become the next Rosa Gigantea en bouton? Disc One: Disc Puttin’ the holiday’s on ice! Batten down the hatches and set spectacles, and like their clientele, she is helpless against Two: Disc Three: Disc Four: sail for a thrilling all-new holiday adventures to -dramatic their wise smiles and warm voices. Before Nicoletta realizes Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, pause- Antarctica! Watch as the wacky Penguins discover is it, her plans for vengeance start to fade, and she’s swept up takes a lot more than just cute and cuddly to pull off their in the sweet romance of everyday Italian life. This is the Japanese, Romance 325min. coolest caper yet! complete 11-episode series in a single DVD keepcase. DVD BayView Entertainment 13.11.2012 Christmas, Comedy, Computer Animation, Special features: Clean opening, clean ending, TV 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112547 Family, Holidays, Adventure, Animated commercials, Ristorante Paradiso NOISE trailers, backgrounds gallery, Rome scenery gallery, Guide to Rome, Animals 88min. liner notes, and original U.S. trailer. This anime adaptation of Martha & Friends: Holiday DreamWorks Home Ent. 30.10.2012 the Ristorante Paradiso and Gente by Natsume Ono 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112294 (House of Five Leaves, Not Simple) features animation by Collection David Production (The Book of Bantorra). Celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas with 10 Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, year-old Martha Stewart & her friends as they solve Holiday The Pirates! Band Of Misfits 3D mishaps using their crafty skills. Highlighting teamwork and Japanese, Romance 275min. thoughtfulness, Martha & her friends remind everyone that it’s (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- BayView Entertainment 13.11.2012 always special when you do it yourself. This collection of 3 ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112546 movies is fun for the whole family! Family, Holidays min. Hugh Grant, , Jeremy Piven PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Robot Zot!... And More Rhyming Gaiam Americas 02.10.2012 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 28 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Stories Lionsgate 06.11.2012 Gummibar and his band of wacky, misfit friends shake their booties from the North Pole to the tropics on a madcap search. You can collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112633 But when they discover Santa was abducted by a dance- Treasures and read along on screen with your favorite crazed alien, the fate of Christmas morning rests in the hands classic children’s stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. Too Many Toys... And More - and feet - of our lovable green gummy bear! Featuring 6 Stories Include Robot Zot! This Is The House That Jack Built songs including the #1 hit „I’m A Gummy Bear“ and two Trashy Town Stars! Stars! Stars! Stories About Problem Solving holiday-themed songs, saving Christmas has never been this Family, Robots / Androids min. You can collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook much fun! Scholastic 09.10.2012 Treasures and read along on screen with your favorite Christmas, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112515 classic children’s stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. Animated Animals 50min. min. Lionsgate 06.11.2012 SpongeBob SquarePants: It’s A Scholastic 09.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112469 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112516 SpongeBob Christmas! Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke Transformers Prime: Complete It’s Christmas and Bikini Bottom as you’ve never experienced them before! Created entirely in Stop Motion animation, It’s a Second Season Film SpongeBob Christmas! is destined to be a holiday classic. Unicron is defeated, but what was thought to be the end of the This special double-length episode finds all of Bikini Bottom Autobots’ darkest hour is actually proving to be just the in a festive mood as they prepare for Santa’s arrival. But not beginning! The centuries-old war pitting Optimus Prime (Peter 12 Dogs Of Christmas: Great Plankton, who’s once again expecting a lump of coal. So he Cullen) and his team of heroic Autobots, alongside their most comes up with his most diabolic new scheme yet, one that trusted human allies - Jack, Miko, Raf and Special Agent Puppy Rescue practically guarantees he’ll finally get the gift he’s always Fowler (Ernie Hudson, Ghostbusters) - against Megatron Sean Patrick Flanery, D.B. Sweeney, wanted - the Krabby Patty secret formula! It’s a SpongeBob () and his nefarious Decepticons rages on, Christmas! is a tasty tale sure to put the whole family in the coming to a boldly exciting climax you absolutely have to see Danielle Chuchran holiday spirit! And there’s more, including a behind-the- to believe! It’s a brand-new season of the Emmy Award- The dogs of Doverville are in trouble again... but Emily scenes featurette, an animatic, a SpongeBob Yule Log and two winning series Crave Online calls „the show die-hard fans O’Conner (Danielle Chuchran) is back to save them in a downloadable songs from the episode. Warm your fins this have always wanted.“ song-filled, seasonal extravaganza. Mean-spirited mogul holiday season, SpongeBob style! Action, Family, Giant Robots, Science Finneas James (Sean Patrick Flanery) plots to shut down the Christmas, Family, Holidays, Nickelodeon local puppy orphanage, unless Emily can come up with the Fiction, Superheroes 2011 600min. 22min. money to save it. With the help of some friends, she races Shout Factory 06.11.2012 against time to put together a musical holiday event that just Nickelodeon 06.11.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112637 might save the day. Don’t miss the new chapter in the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112355 heartwarming saga. Christmas, Family, Holidays 2012 102min. SpongeBob SquarePants: It’s A Transformers Prime: Complete Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 09.10.2012 SpongeBob Christmas! (Blu-ray + Second Season (Blu-ray) Unicron is defeated, but what was thought to be the end of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112352 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Autobots’ darkest hour is actually proving to be just the beginning! The centuries-old war pitting Optimus Prime (Peter Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke Cullen) and his team of heroic Autobots, alongside their most 247 Degrees Fahrenheit It’s Christmas and Bikini Bottom as you’ve never experienced trusted human allies - Jack, Miko, Raf and Special Agent them before! Created entirely in Stop Motion animation, It’s a Tyler Mane, Travis Van Winkle Fowler (Ernie Hudson, Ghostbusters) - against Megatron When four friends travel to a lakeside cabin for a carefree SpongeBob Christmas! is destined to be a holiday classic. (Frank Welker) and his nefarious Decepticons rages on, This special double-length episode finds all of Bikini Bottom weekend, the fun turns into a nightmare when three of them coming to a boldly exciting climax you absolutely have to see end up locked in a hot sauna. Every minute counts and every in a festive mood as they prepare for Santa’s arrival. But not to believe! It’s a brand-new season of the Emmy Award- Plankton, who’s once again expecting a lump of coal. So he degree matters as they fight for their lives in heat that is winning series Crave Online calls „the show die-hard fans quickly approaching the deadly limit of 247 Degrees Fahren- comes up with his most diabolic new scheme yet, one that have always wanted.“ practically guarantees he’ll finally get the gift he’s always heit. wanted - the Krabby Patty secret formula! It’s a SpongeBob Action, Family, Giant Robots, Science Thrillers, Horror 2011 88min. Christmas! is a tasty tale sure to put the whole family in the Fiction, Superheroes 2011 600min. Starz / Anchor Bay 23.10.2012 holiday spirit! And there’s more, including a behind-the- Shout Factory 06.11.2012 scenes featurette, an animatic, a SpongeBob Yule Log and two 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112427 downloadable songs from the episode. Warm your fins this 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112656 holiday season, SpongeBob style! 247 Degrees Fahrenheit (Blu-ray) Christmas, Family, Holidays, Nickelodeon WordWorld: Sound It Out Tyler Mane, Travis Van Winkle 22min. Welcome to WordWorld, where words come alive! Join the When four friends travel to a lakeside cabin for a carefree Nickelodeon 06.11.2012 WordFriends on comic adventures as they face challenges weekend, the fun turns into a nightmare when three of them 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112395 that can only be resolved by building the right word. In end up locked in a hot sauna. Every minute counts and every WordWorld, Children are encouraged to put letters together degree matters as they fight for their lives in heat that is to spell words that magically morph into the objects they quickly approaching the deadly limit of 247 Degrees Fahren- SpongeBob SquarePants: The represent. heit. Animated Animals, Family, Preschool min. Complete Fifth Season Horror, Thrillers 2011 88min. NCircle Entertainment 25.09.2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 23.10.2012 Adventure, Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112554 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112438 462min. Nickelodeon 13.11.2012 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Wubbzy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112504 3 Blind Saints Christmas (2 Pack) Stelio Savante, Irma P. Hall, Anita Cordell, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Includes Wubbzy’s Christmas Adventure Everyone in Barry Corbin, Richard Speight Jr. Wuzzleburg is getting ready for Winter Wonder Wubb Club Three childhood friends, Sam (Richard Speight, Jr., Complete Fourth Season fun! In this Wubbzy collection, Wubbzy pitches in to decorate Independence Day, FX’s Justified), Jamal (Elijah Rock), and the Figgity Fig Tree, fix Walden’s snow sculpture and even Frankie (Stelio Savante) have schemed since they were kids Adventure, Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon solve the mystery of the Snow Shoo Shoo! The gang cheers to make it big. While cruising in Sam’s beat up „classic“ 469min. up Old Man Grumpus, helps Santa Claus deliver presents and convertible on a road trip they find themselves in the small Nickelodeon 13.11.2012 works together to bring Daizy the most super-special town of Rocky Road where Rusty Pickens (Barry Corbin, No Christmas ever! The Wubb Club Wubbzy and friends invite Country For Old Men) pretty much has everybody in his back 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112503 you to join Wuzzleburg’s most fun club ever! In these seven pocket. After finding themselves in a spot of bother with the popular episodes, Wubbzy, Widget and Walden build a crazy local police, Sam and his friends dig themselves deeper and SpongeBob SquarePants: The clubhouse, meet their new neighbor Daizy, and start a band deeper into trouble. Claiming to have been ‘saved’ while in called the Wuzzles! Your club membership entitles you to jail, the troublesome trio lands in the hands of the corrupt Complete Sixth Season laughter and learning along with slippy-slide floors, rubber Rusty who puts them to work as new ministers in the church bouncy rooms and flower-shaped houses! All of this and more and it’s up to them to convince Rusty and the residents of Adventure, Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon is waiting for you in The Wubb Club! Rocky Road that they are indeed the real deal! Soon though, it 589min. 2 Packs, Christmas, Family, Holidays, becomes clear to the newly appointed ‘ministers’ that Rusty Nickelodeon 13.11.2012 Nickelodeon 152min. doesn’t have the good people’s interests at heart and is using Sam and his pals to do his dirty work. It’s up to the guys to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112505 Starz / Anchor Bay 09.10.2012 rise to the occasion and to prove to themselves (and maybe 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112424 the big guy upstairs too) that they ha Thomas & Friends: Let’s Explore Road Trips, Comedy 2011 89min. With Thomas (4 Pack) The Yummy Gummy Search For FilmWorks 20.11.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112629 Family, Stop Motion Animation, Santa: The Movie Transportation 228min. Join dancing internet sensation Gummibar in his first ever movie adventure! When Santa vanishes on Christmas Eve,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 30 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

30 Beats ma 692min. Revenge, Romance, Thrillers, Adventure, Jennifer Tilly, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Justin Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Drama Kirk, Lee Pace, Paz De La Huerta, Jason 16.10.2012 min. Day 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112285 Hen’s Tooth 02.10.2012 Paz de la Huerta (Boardwalk Empire), Justin Kirk (Weeds), 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112462 Lee Pace (upcoming The Hobbit), Thomas Sadoski (The Abbott And Costello Meet Newsroom) and Jennifer Tilly (Bride Of Chucky) headline an ensemble cast of New Yorkers whose lives interconnect Frankenstein Adventures Of Bailey: Christmas through a series of life-changing sexual encounters during a Hero summer heat wave. 30 Beats follows ten characters drawn Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, Jane Randolph, into a complex ring of love and desire, each one caught Lenore Aubert, Bela Lugosi, Glenn Strange, It’s Christmas time at the Baker household, and Bailey is at it beyond his or her control in a chain reaction of seduction, Frank Ferguson, Charles Bradstreet again... Worried that he will not get any presents from Santa, impulses and self-discovery. Bailey learns about a mysterious Native American Indian If you like Horror Classics, you’ll love this laugh-fest with brave who may be able to make his Christmas wishes come Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2012 Abbott and Costello!. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein true. But when Bailey’s misguided actions threaten his 88min. continues the horror-comedy series and features „the boys“ family’s plans, Bailey is forced to make a big decision... one Lionsgate 09.10.2012 with their usual quota of familiar routines providing the that just might enable him to finally understand the „true“ backbone of the plot by becoming Count Dracula’s victim for a meaning of Christmas. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112496 brain transplant. Lon Chaney, Jr. appears as the Wolf Man along with Dracula played by Bela Lugosi and Glenn Strange Adventure, Christmas, Family, Holidays as the Frankenstein monster. Abbott and Costello, as railroad 2012 90min. 6 Degrees Of Hell baggage clerks, receive a strange shipment the last remains E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 Corey Feldman of Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster. But this deadly duo is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112565 In rural Pennsylvania, six people are connected by a still very much alive. So when the shipment arrives at the supernatural force that has claimed the life of one of them. House of Horrors, the Monsters are not in their crates but Now, a paranormal perfect storm is about to descend on a have disappeared to a secret hideaway island. Blamed for the Aim High: The Complete First local Halloween haunted house while a paranormal disappearance, Abbott and Costello follow their trail to the investigator (Cory Feldman) tries to piece together exactly island where not only do they meet up with Dracula (Bela Season what’s happening. Lugosi) and the Monster (Glenn Strange), but a Mad Scientist wants to switch Costello’s brain with that of the Monster. Aimee Teegarden, Jackson Rathbone Cult Film / TV, Holidays, Horror 2012 92min. With everyone chasing each o In this action web series, secret agent Nick Green lives the Breaking Glass Pictures 27.11.2012 ultimate double life - by day he is an average high school kid National Film Registry, Slapstick, Classics, and by night he’s an operative for the US government. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112370 Comedy, Frankenstein, Horror, Monsters Keeping the two worlds from colliding is a full-time job. After 1948 83min. accidentally letting a Russian mercenary escape, Nick’s 6 Degrees Of Hell (Blu-ray) everyday teenage struggles become even more complicated Universal Studios 28.08.2012 now that he’s also a revenge target. Corey Feldman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112384 Thrillers, Action, Drama, High School 2011 In rural Pennsylvania, six people are connected by a supernatural force that has claimed the life of one of them. min. Now, a paranormal perfect storm is about to descend on a Abbott And Costello Meet Warner Bros. 06.11.2012 local Halloween haunted house while a paranormal Frankenstein (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112585 investigator (Cory Feldman) tries to piece together exactly what’s happening. Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, Jane Randolph, Cult Film / TV, Holidays, Horror 2012 92min. Lenore Aubert, Bela Lugosi, Glenn Strange, Airport Breaking Glass Pictures 27.11.2012 Frank Ferguson, Charles Bradstreet , Helen Hayes, Van Heflin, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112400 If you like Horror Classics, you’ll love this laugh-fest with Jacqueline Bisset, Abbott and Costello!. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein Burt Lancaster and Dean Martin head an all-star cast in this continues the horror-comedy series and features „the boys“ classic disaster film from producer Ross Hunter, for Helen 6 Film Haunted Spirits with their usual quota of familiar routines providing the Hayes received her second Oscar. On the ground, manager Christopher Reeve, Nicole Eggert, Meryl backbone of the plot by becoming Count Dracula’s victim for a Mel bakersfeld (Lancaster) juggles lover Jean Seberg and brain transplant. Lon Chaney, Jr. appears as the Wolf Man wife Dana Wynter while coping with a blizzard, aided by Streep, Glenn Close, Winona Ryder, Marg along with Dracula played by Bela Lugosi and Glenn Strange mechanic George Kennedy(who returned in all three sequels). Helgenberger, Amanda Tapping, Lindsay as the Frankenstein monster. Abbott and Costello, as railroad In the sky, Capt. Vern Demerest (Martin) must maintain Wagner, Cheryl Ladd, Antonio Banderas, baggage clerks, receive a strange shipment the last remains control of a 707 with his pregnant stewardess of Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster. But this deadly duo is girlfriend(Jacquelie Bisset), a sly stowaway (Hayes), and a Robin Williams, Dean McDermott still very much alive. So when the shipment arrives at the bomb-toting maniac (Van Heflin) aboard. Often imitated but Includes: Death Dreams She Woke Up The House Of The House of Horrors, the Monsters are not in their crates but never equaled, this box office hit was adapted by Academy Spirits The Night Listener The Haunting Of Lisa Wall Of have disappeared to a secret hideaway island. Blamed for the Award winner George Seaton(Miracle on 34th Street, The Secrets disappearance, Abbott and Costello follow their trail to the Country Girl) from the best seller by Alex Hailey(Hotel). Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 583min. island where not only do they meet up with Dracula (Bela Lugosi) and the Monster (Glenn Strange), but a Mad Scientist Thrillers, Disasters, Drama 1970 137min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment wants to switch Costello’s brain with that of the Monster. Universal Studios 28.08.2012 16.10.2012 With everyone chasing each o 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112382 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112283 Classics, Comedy, Frankenstein, Horror, Monsters, National Film Registry, Slapstick Airport (Blu-ray) 1948 83min. 6 Movie Pack: Miramax Movies Dean Martin, Helen Hayes, Van Heflin, Universal Studios 28.08.2012 With - Volume 2 Jacqueline Bisset, Burt Lancaster 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112407 James Earl Jones, , Holly Burt Lancaster and Dean Martin head an all-star cast in this Hunter, Lynn Whitfield, Patricia Richardson, classic disaster film from producer Ross Hunter, for Helen Adventure Classics Collection Hayes received her second Oscar. On the ground, manager Morgan Freeman Mel bakersfeld (Lancaster) juggles lover Jean Seberg and Includes: Sophie And The Moon Hanger Milk And Honey The Guy Pearce, Akim Tamiroff, Joan Bennett, wife Dana Wynter while coping with a blizzard, aided by River Niger Cry, The Beloved Country A Gathering of Old Ruth Warrick, Richard Harris, Alan Hale, mechanic George Kennedy(who returned in all three sequels). Men Resting Place , Warren William, Louis In the sky, Capt. Vern Demerest (Martin) must maintain Romance, Thrillers, TV Movies, Drama control of a 707 with his pregnant stewardess Hayward girlfriend(Jacquelie Bisset), a sly stowaway (Hayes), and a 588min. The Adventure Classics Collection contains four great bomb-toting maniac (Van Heflin) aboard. Often imitated but Echo Bridge Home Entertainment adventure films based on famous literary works (three by never equaled, this box office hit was adapted by Academy 16.10.2012 Alexandre Dumas). Released between 1934 and 1941, all Award winner George Seaton(Miracle on 34th Street, The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112284 were made by independent producer Edward Small. All four Country Girl) from the best seller by Alex Hailey(Hotel). have been digitally remastered from original 35mm materials Disasters, Drama, Thrillers 1970 137min. for optimal picture and sound quality. Films Include The Count Universal Studios 28.08.2012 8 Movie Mobster Collection Of Monte Cristo Robert Donat stars in this classic swashbuckler based on the 1844 novel by Dumas. It tells the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112406 William H. Macy, Joe Mantegna, Walter story of Edmond Dantes, a common seaman falsely accused of Matthau, , Robert Loggia, Ted spying during the Napoleonic Wars. Imprisoned without trial American Pie: Unrated 3-Movie Danson, Andy Griffith, John Karlen, Rose in the infamous Chateau d’If, he spends over a decade in solitary confinement. With the aid of a fellow captive, he Party Pack (Repackage) Byrne, Heath Ledger, Bo Hopkins, Scott makes a daring escape. Stars Robert Donat, Elissa Landi, Brady, Anson Mount, Dale Robertson Louis Calhern and Sidney Blackmer. Directed by Rowland V. Thomas Ian Nicholas, January Jones, Tara Includes: The Million Dollar Hijack Street Killing Kansas City Lee. The Last Of The Mohicans This action-packed 1936 Reid, Mena Suvari, Shannon Elizabeth, Massacre Appointment with Destiny: Last Days of John adaptation of James Fenimore Cooper’s classic adventure Natasha Lyonne, Alyson Hannigan, Eugene Dillinger Jerry and Tom Two Hands The Warrior Class novel is set in 1757 at the siege of Fort William Henry during Gangster Story the French and Indian War. Randolph Scott stars as Levy, Seann William Scott, Jason Biggs, TV Movies, Action, Collections, Crime, Dra- Hawkeye, a colonial frontier scout who becomes a reluctant Chris Klein, Eddie Kaye Thomas hero when The entire American Pie gang is here! Join the outrageous fun

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA with three unrated, unruly and uncensored slices of realizing their fantasies of life in swinging London. All four Acclaimed filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen deliver their most hormonally-fueled hijinks in American Pie, American Pie 2 and homes are turned upside-down by these super-cool sexually gripping and ambitious film yet in this sizzling and American Wedding. Experience everything from wild parties liberated women, and neither they, nor the country, will ever supercharged action- thriller that and prom night to summer vacation and even marriage in this be the same again. Thrillers, Triple Feature, Collections, Crime, unforgettable three-disc collection packed with bonus British, Comedy, Erotica, Exploitation, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 382min. features that every self-disrespecting Pie lover must own! Foreign 1972 90min. Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 311min. Lionsgate 06.11.2012 Kino Video 25.09.2012 Universal Studios 02.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112497 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112579 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112282 Javier Bardem: Double Feature Americano Avatar 3D: Limited Edition (Blu- (Blu-ray) Salma Hayek, Geraldine Chaplin, Chiara ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Javier Bardem, Woody Harrelson, Tommy Mastroianni, Mathieu Demy Stephen Lang, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Eduard Fernandez After receiving news of his mother’s death, Martin (Mathieu Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Giovanni Ribisi, Films Include Biutiful Academy Award nominee Javier Bardem Demy) leaves his girlfriend (Chiara Mastroianni) and home in Joel David Moore, Sam Worthington is Uxbal, a man on the wrong side of the law who struggles to Paris and sets off for to tie up the loose ends of PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which provide for his children on the dangerous streets of Barcelo- his rocky maternal relationship. Arriving in the , is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. na. As fate encircles him, Uxbal learns to accept the realities Martin is greeted by his mother’s best friend Linda (Geraldine A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all of life, whether bright, bad - or biutiful - in this unforgettable Chaplin), who agrees to help him settle his late mother’s standard Blu-ray players. James Cameron’s Avatar comes to Academy Award-nominated film from director Alejandro affairs. As Martin digs deeper into his mother’s past, he life as never before - now in eye-popping 3D for the ultimate González Iñárritu (Amores Perros, 21 Grams and Babel). No discovers she had a hidden relationship with a beautiful home viewing experience. Country For Old Men Acclaimed filmmakers Joel and Ethan woman named Lola (Salma Hayek), who he finds at a seedy Coen deliver their most gripping and ambitious film yet in this strip club in Tijuana called the Americano. As Lola recounts Science Fiction, Epics, Fantasy, Jungle, sizzling and supercharged action- thriller that won a 2007 her affair with his mother, Martin discovers there may have Academy Award Winners, Action, Actor in a Supporting Role Oscar for Javier Bardem. When a been more than he ever hoped to know about his mother’s Adventure 2009 162min. man stumbles upon a bloody crime scene, a pickup truck sordid past and his own problems with commitment. 20th Century Fox 16.10.2012 loaded with heroin, and two million dollars in irresistible Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2011 106min. cash, his decision to take the money sets off an unstoppable 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112440 chain reaction of violence. Not even West Texas law can MPI 30.10.2012 contain it. Based on the novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112371 author Cormac McCarthy, and featuring an acclaimed cast led The Film Collection by , this gritty game of cat and mouse will (Repackage) take you to the edge of your seat a Americano (Blu-ray) Crime, Double Features, Drama, Thrillers Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda, Rip Torn, Bob Salma Hayek, Geraldine Chaplin, Chiara 269min. Hope, Gene Kelly, Robert Preston, Eugene Mastroianni, Mathieu Demy Lionsgate 06.11.2012 Pallette, Ozzie Nelson, Rags Ragland, After receiving news of his mother’s death, Martin (Mathieu 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112499 Demy) leaves his girlfriend (Chiara Mastroianni) and home in Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Sam Levine, Paris and sets off for Los Angeles to tie up the loose ends of Katharine Alexander, Bea Arthur, Joyce his rocky maternal relationship. Arriving in the United States, The Barrens Martin is greeted by his mother’s best friend Linda (Geraldine Van Patten, Maria Ouspenskaya, Mary Chaplin), who agrees to help him settle his late mother’s Carlisle, Virginia Field, Marion Martin, Mia Kirshner, Stephen Moyer, Knudsen affairs. As Martin digs deeper into his mother’s past, he A man takes his family on a camping trip and becomes discovers she had a hidden relationship with a beautiful Marilyn Maxwell, , Bruce convinced they are being stalked by the Jersey Devil, the woman named Lola (Salma Hayek), who he finds at a seedy Davison, Ralph Bellamy, , Jim legendary monster of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. strip club in Tijuana called the Americano. As Lola recounts Backus, Red Skelton, John Dehner, Barton Thrillers, Wilderness, Horror, Monsters her affair with his mother, Martin discovers there may have been more than he ever hoped to know about his mother’s MacLane, Walter Abel, Zero Mostel, Ed- 2012 98min. sordid past and his own problems with commitment. ward Brophy, Louis Hayward, Harold Hu- Starz / Anchor Bay 09.10.2012 Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2011 106min. ber, Harry E. Edington 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112423 MPI 30.10.2012 Films Include The Big Street Ex-chanteuse Gloria is vain, cruel, crippled - and busboy Pinks can’t help but love her. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112401 Ball and Henry Fonda power ’s tale of Broad- The Barrens (Blu-ray + DVD Com- way denizens living on life’s margins. Critic’s Choice That’s bo) (Blu-ray) Annie (Blu-ray) no playwright, that’s my wife! Poison-penned Broadway critic Bob Hope loves wife Lucille Ball... but hates the play she Mia Kirshner, Stephen Moyer, Erik Knudsen Tim Curry, Albert Finney, Bernadette Pe- writes. Based on the play by Deathtraps’s Ira Levin. Dance A man takes his family on a camping trip and becomes ters, Carol Burnett, Ann Reinking, Aileen Girl Dance Art doesn’t pay the bills. So aspiring ballerina convinced they are being stalked by the Jersey Devil, the Quinn, Edward Herrmann, Geoffrey Holder Ball makes her way as a burlesque star in this powerful study legendary monster of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. of being a woman in a man’s world. With Maureen O’Hara. Du Horror, Monsters, Thrillers, Wilderness To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Annie’s hit debut on Barry Was A Lady Their friendship is a musical-comedy Broadway, we present the classic movie version of the blendship! Ball goes from NYC torch singer to the dream girl 2012 98min. beloved musical, now digitally remastered and featuring the of Red Skelton’s wacky 18th-century-France reverie. Gene Starz / Anchor Bay 09.10.2012 original theatrical trailer. Annie is the story of a plucky, red- Kelly joins the fun! Mame She’ll coax the blues right out of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112435 haired girl who dreams of life outside her dreary orphanage. your heart. Madcap Auntie Mame (Ball) is suddenly her One day, Annie (Aileen Quinn) is chosen to stay for one week nephew’s guardian. Robert Preston and Beatrice Arthur co- with the famous billionaire „Daddy“ Warbucks (Albert star in a sparkling adaptation of the Broadway hit. Best Of The British Collection Finney). One week turns into many and the only person standing in the way of Annie’s fun is Miss Hannigan, the gin- Musical, Romance, Actor / Actress Box Colin Firth, Gwyneth Paltrow, Geoffrey soaked ruler of the orphanage (played to hilarious perfection Sets, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Dancing, Dra- Rush, Judi Dench, Ben Affleck, Joseph by Carol Burnett). Will Miss Hannigan’s zany attempts to ma, Hollywood Legends, Marriage Woes kidnap the irrepressible Annie succeed? Enjoy all the Fiennes unforgettable songs, including „It’s A Hard Knock Life“ and 509min. Romance, Shakespeare, War, Academy „Tomorrow.“ Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 Award Winners, British, Collections, Classics, Comedy, Family, Musical 1981 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112596 Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period 126min. Piece min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Javier Bardem: 3 Film Collection Lionsgate 06.11.2012 02.10.2012 Javier Bardem, Woody Harrelson, Tommy 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112607 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112392 Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Luis Tosar, Eduard Fernandez, Jose Angel Egido Betrayed At 17 Au Pair Girls (Blu-ray) Films Include Biutiful Academy Award nominee Javier Bardem is Uxbal, a man on the wrong side of the law who struggles to Alexandra Paul, Paula Trickey, Jake Tho- Gabrielle Drake, John Standing, Ferdy provide for his children on the dangerous streets of Barcelo- mas Mayne, Julian Barnes, Astrid Frank na. As fate encircles him, Uxbal learns to accept the realities Widowed mom Michelle Ross is thrilled when her shy teenage Eager to capitalize on the Euro sex film trend, but not quite of life, whether bright, bad - or biutiful - in this unforgettable daughter, Lexi, goes out with the high school football star, ready to delve into pure pornography, British filmmakers of the Academy Award-nominated film from director Alejandro Greg. What she doesn’t know is that Greg has an ulterior early 1970s crafted their own genre of tongue-in-cheek sex González Iñárritu (Amores Perros, 21 Grams and Babel). motive: to win a bet by sleeping with Lexi on their first date spoofs. Helmed by veteran director Val Guest (The Mondays In The Sun Javier Bardem dominates this insightful and capturing it all on video. Once Greg’s bitter ex-girlfriend Quatermass Xperiment, Expresso Bongo), Au Pair Girls and heartbreaking drama that captured five of Spain’s Carleigh hears about the „date“ she starts emailing the video represents slap-and-tickle cinema at its finest, as it follows prestigious Goya Awards including Best Film and Best Actor. around school. The video quickly goes viral and many lives the sexual misadventures of a group of young women who Directed by Fernando Leon de Aranoa, this powerful story are destroyed. When Lexi commits suicide, Michelle vows to have come to England to broaden their cultural horizons. The follows five unemployed shipyard workers on the coast of get justice. Overseas Employment agency in London places four foreign Spain. Led by the cocky Santa (Bardem), a lonely former Tragedies, TV Movies, Drama, High School mini-skirted cuties in au pair jobs around the city. They are ladies’ man, these men may be down on their luck but they still hired to do housework, but end up working overtime for their manage to encourage each other to search for work, love and 2011 88min. lucky employers, spending their off-hours in go-go clubs the strength to hope for better days. No Country For Old Men MTI Home Video 09.10.2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112286 the last copy of a book that could become the wellspring of a Universal Studios 13.11.2012 revived society. Or in the wrong hands, the hammer of a despot. is Eli, who keeps his blade sharp 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112542 Beyond The Black Rainbow and his survival instincts sharper as his quest thrusts him into a savage wasteland...and into explosive conflict with a A Burning Hot Summer Michael Rogers, Scott Hylands resourceful warlord () set on possessing the Set in the strange and oppressive emotional landscape of the book. „We walk by faith, not by sight,“ quotes Eli. Under the Monica Bellucci, Celine Sallette, Louis year 1983, Beyond The Black Rainbow is a Reagan-era fever taut direction of the (Menace II Society), Garrel dream inspired by hazy childhood memories of midnight movies those words hit home with unexpected meaning and power. and Saturday morning cartoons. From the producer of A young couple goes for a summer-long visit with a fellow Machotaildrop, Rainbow is the outlandish feature film debut of Thrillers, Western, Action, Adventure, couple in Rome, only to witness their friends’ marriage start writer and director Panos Cosmatos. Featuring a hypnotic Apocalyptic Future 2010 118min. to crumble in the poignant and brilliantly observed A Burning analog synthesizer score by Jeremy Schmidt of Sinoia Caves Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Hot Summer. The new drama from acclaimed director Philippe and Black Mountain, Rainbow is a film experience for the Garrel (Regular Lovers) tells the story of brooding painter senses. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112608 Frederic (the director’s son Louis Garrel of The Dreamers and Ma Mere) and his growing suspicions about his beautiful Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Drama movie-star wife Angele (Monica Bellucci, Irreversible, The 2010 min. Booley Matrix Reloaded). Visitors Paul (Jerome Robart, Frontier of Magnolia Home Entertainment 11.09.2012 Gina Lynn the Dawn) and Elisabeth (Celine Sallette, House of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112559 Angus Booley is losing control of his life, when the advice of Pleasures) see the tension rise between their friends - and a self-help guru helps him gain confidence. But after a series also begin to draw apart as Paul devotes more and more of his of mishaps, Angus has left a trail of bodies behind him. time to the needy Frederic. Will a shocking and tragic event Beyond The Black Rainbow (Blu- Learning of the guru’s appearance at a local mall, Angus bring Paul and Elisabeth closer, or will it doom their heads to meet his creator as the police close in, madness relationship? Nominated for the top prize at the 2011 Venice ray) insues. , and featuring an evocative score from the Velvet Underground’s legendary John Cale, A Burning Hot Michael Rogers, Scott Hylands Thrillers, Comedy, Crime 2010 97min. Summer sears its way into the heart. Set in the strange and oppressive emotional landscape of the Brain Damage Films 23.10.2012 year 1983, Beyond The Black Rainbow is a Reagan-era fever Romance, Drama, Foreign, French 2011 dream inspired by hazy childhood memories of midnight movies 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112331 85min. and Saturday morning cartoons. From the producer of MPI 13.11.2012 Machotaildrop, Rainbow is the outlandish feature film debut of Bridesmaids (DVD + Digital Copy) writer and director Panos Cosmatos. Featuring a hypnotic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112653 analog synthesizer score by Jeremy Schmidt of Sinoia Caves Kristen Wiig, Rose Byrne, Melissa and Black Mountain, Rainbow is a film experience for the McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, Ellie Kemper, Tim Burton: Blu-ray Collection senses. Kristen Wiig, Annie Mumolo, Judd Apatow, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers (Blu-ray) Clayton Townsend, Barry Mendel, Paul Feig 2010 110min. From the producer of Superbad, Knocked-Up and The 40- Johnny Depp, Jack Palance, Albert Finney, Magnolia Home Entertainment 11.09.2012 Year-Old Virgin comes the breakout comedy critics are Pat Hingle, Billy Dee Williams, Helena 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112577 calling „brazenly hysterical!“ (Alynda Wheat, People) Thirty- Bonham Carter, Kim Basinger, Tracey something Annie (Kristin Wiig) has hit a rough patch but finds her life turned completely upside down when she takes on the Ullman, Jerry Hall, Christopher Lee, Jack The Birds (DVD + Digital Copy) Maid of Honor role in her best friend Lillian’s (Maya Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Michael Gough, Rudolph) wedding. In way over her head but determined to Tracey Walter, Robert Wuhl, William Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette, Tippi succeed, Annie leads a hilarious hodgepodge of bridesmaids Hedren, Rod Taylor (Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey Hootkins Nothing equals The Birds for sheer terror when Alfred and Ellie Kemper) on a wild ride down the road to the big Celebrate some of Tim Burton’s best works with this 7-movie Hitchcock unleashes his foul friends in one of his most event. Blu-ray collection featuring an all-new premium hardcover shocking and memorable masterpieces. As beautiful blond Romance, Comedy, Friendships 2011 book Based On Comic Book, Action, Comedy, Melanie Daniels (‘Tippi’ Hedren) rolls into Bodega Bay in 131min. pursuit of eligible bachelor Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), she Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Family, Universal Studios 28.08.2012 is inexplicably attacked by a seagull. Suddenly thousands of Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Stop birds are flocking into town, preying on school children and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112412 residents in a terrifying series of attacks. Soon Mitch and Motion Animation, Superheroes 733min. Melanie are fighting for their lives against a deadly force that Warner Bros. 11.09.2012 can’t be explained and can’t be stopped in one of Hollywood’s The Brothers McMullen: most horrific films of nature gone berserk. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112321 Mystery, Thrillers, AFI Top 100, Classics, Filmmaker Signature Series (Blu- Horror 1963 120min. ray) A Carol Burnett Christmas Universal Studios 28.08.2012 Jennifer Jostyn, , Maxine Julie Andrews, Carol Burnett, Jonathan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112411 Bahns, Shari Albert, Elizabeth P. McKay, Winters, Bob Newhart Edward Burns, Mike McGlone, Jack Enjoy Carol Burnett at the outset of her brilliant career with these rare performances that have not been seen since their Boogiepop And Others Mulcahy original airings. Four timeless Christmas spectaculars Sayaka Yoshino Three brothers from Long Island try to reconcile their lives including the comic genius of Bob Newhart and Jonathan and loves in this charming romantic comedy which won Best Winters plus, Julie Andrews singing her classic, „My An amazing live-action horror-fantasy inspired by the Picture at the . After their good-for- Boogiepop animated phenomenon. The cold dead of night is a Favorite Things“, plus Gwen Verdon, Chita Rivera, the rapier nothing father dies and their mother leaves to be with the man political wit of Art Buchwald and much much more! This set dangerous time to be near Shinyo Academy. Girls have begun she really loves, brothers Jack, Barry and Patrick are left to mysteriously disappear , and the school is includes the long lost Christmas special from The Entertai- with only each other as they struggle with their own ners! A Must for Carol Collectors! alive with rumors. Some say the girls are just runaways, but relationships. Married Jack is tempted to have an affair; with each new disappearance, a lingering fear grows ever Patrick isn’t sure his fiancée is „the one“; and Barry can’t Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 240min. stronger - fear that a shinigami... the very spirit of death... is deal with the fact that he is actually falling in love. Written, E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 prowling through the streets of the city. They say you never directed by and starring Edward Burns, The Brothers 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112570 see it coming... a lone whistle splits the dark silence, and it McMullen is a heartwarming look at matters of the heart. suddenly appears behind you to steal your soul. However, Comedy, Drama, girl power, Art House, Nagi Kirima has never feared the darkness. She’s determined Chained to uncover the truth, but there aren’t many clues to follow. A Romance 1995 98min. mysterious new drug that’s appeared on the streets...a 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 Julia Ormond, Eamon Farren homeless man who’s more than he seems...a girl still haunted When eight-year-old Tim and his mother, Sarah, get picked up by a serial killer who died five years ago - Nagi must take 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112445 by a psychopathic cab driver named Bob, it ends up being every fragment and piece together the entire story, before their last ride together. Bob murders the young boy’s mother more students end up missing...or dead. Buck Rogers In The 25th Century: and keeps Tim as his unwilling protegee, making him clean up Action, Based On TV Show, Fantasy, the mess following each murder he commits. Years later, as a Season 2 teenager, Tim must choose whether to follow in Bob’s serial Foreign, Horror, Japanese 158min. killer footsteps or break free. BayView Entertainment 23.10.2012 , Pamela Hensley, Gil Gerard Rocket to adventure with Captain William „Buck“ Rogers (Gil Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2012 90min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112473 Gerard) and Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray) aboard the Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 starship Searcher in the Emmy Award-winning second season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112390 The Book Of Eli (Blu-ray + of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Risking their lives to find lost colonies of earthlings scattered across the galaxy after a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) massive nuclear disaster, Rogers and Deering encounter Chained (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) strange alien worlds, thrilling mysteries, and untold danger. Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Jennifer With every action-packed episode from Season Two in this 4- (Blu-ray) Beals, Frances de la Tour, , Ray disc set, re-live the action and excitement of this iconic Julia Ormond, Eamon Farren Stevenson, Michael Gambon intergalactic series. When eight-year-old Tim and his mother, Sarah, get picked up Eli walks alone in post-apocalyptic . He heads west Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Science by a psychopathic cab driver named Bob, it ends up being along the Highway of Death on a mission he doesn’t fully Fiction, Space min. their last ride together. Bob murders the young boy’s mother understand but knows he must complete. In his backpack is and keeps Tim as his unwilling protegee, making him clean up

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 34 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the mess following each murder he commits. Years later, as a bass!) highlight #4. Goes Home Never Before sport of lacrosse has been part of their tribal heritage for teenager, Tim must choose whether to follow in Bob’s serial on DVD! It’s home sweet home for murder and mirth. Will centuries, but the Native American players on the Crooked killer footsteps or break free. Nick’s sleuthing finally impress his parents? Song of the Thin Arrows high school team are long-time losers. When former Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2012 90min. Man Never Before on DVD! Murder and all that jazz! In the star player Joe Logan (Routh) agrees to coach the rag-tag Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 series swan song, Nick and Nora sleuth a jazz-world slaying. group to seal the deal on a lucrative casino project, he sets Murder Mysteries, Thrillers, AFI Top 100, out to turn the chumps into champs and, in the process, learns 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112409 the value of loyalty himself. If the Arrows can learn to shoot Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy 666min. straight and challenge their prep school rivals, these fast- Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 breaking warriors may just pull off the ultimate upset and win Jackie Chan: The Killer Meteors / 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112587 it all! New Fist Of Fury (Double Fea- Drama, Native Americans, Sports 2012 ture) Sean Connery 007 Collection: 105min. 20th Century Fox 23.10.2012 Nora Miao, Jackie Chan Volume One Films Include Killer Meteors Mi Wey is a local hero named 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112444 after his secret weapon, „Killer Meteors“ which make him Gert Frobe, Honor Blackman, Bernard Lee, invincible. However, when another powerful local character, Lotte Lenya, Ursula Andress, Daniela Cyborg (Blu-ray) Immortal Meteor (Jackie Chan), seeks his assistance he will Bianchi, Sean Connery, Pedro Armendariz, face the deadliest challenge of his life! New Fist Of Fury A Vincent Klyn, Deborah Richter, Alex Daniels sequel to the film, Fist of Fury, New Fist of Fury Robert Shaw, Jack Lord, Joseph Wiseman He’s the First Hero of the 21st Century.. Set in a post- finds Jackie Chan in his first leading role in a widely Suave. Sophisticated. Smashing. Sean Connery is Agent 007! apocalyptic future where starvation and disease are plaguing released film as Ah Lung. A young man is out to avenge his Right from his 007 debut, Sean Connery set an impressively the few remaining inhabitants of Earth. Scientists are close to grandfather’s death and prove his martial arts prowess. high standard as the iconic agent with an air of class, an edge discovering a cure for the plague that is sweeping the Taiwanese, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, of lethal derring-do and an irresistible magnetism. Films country. Gibson Rickenbacker is a strong fighter who leads a Include: group to Atlanta to gain information needed for the cure, along Double Features, Drama, Foreign, Martial Action, Adventure, Classics, Collections, the way attempting to avoid the villains. Arts 180min. James Bond min. End Of The World, Apocalyptic Future, Shout Factory 13.11.2012 MGM / UA 02.10.2012 Science Fiction 1989 86min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112644 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112456 MGM / UA 02.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112582 Chernobyl Diaries (Blu-ray + DVD Sean Connery 007 Collection: + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Volume Two The Collection: Jesse McCartney, Ingrid Bolsh Berdal, Adolfo Celi, Claudine Auger, Sean Connery, Volume 3 (Repackage) Nathan Phillips, Jonathan Sadowski Luciana Paluzzi Bette Davis, Walter Hampden, Olivia de Conspiracies, Horror, Thrillers 2012 86min. Suave. Sophisticated. Smashing. Sean Connery is Agent 007! Havilland, Mary Astor, , Billie Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Right from his 007 debut, Sean Connery set an impressively high standard as the iconic agent with an air of class, an edge Burke, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Lucile Watson, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112362 of lethal derring-do and an irresistible magnetism. Films , Hattie McDaniel, Virginia Include: Weidler, Jane Bryan, Louise Fazenda, Chernobyl Diaries (DVD + Action, Adventure, Classics, James Bond Cecilia Loftus, Donald Crisp, Claude Rains, UltraViolet) min. Charles Boyer, Charles Coburn, Paul MGM / UA 02.10.2012 Jesse McCartney, Ingrid Bolsh Berdal, Henreid, , Henry Daniell, Paul 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112457 Nathan Phillips, Jonathan Sadowski Lukas, George Coulouris, Jerome Cowan, Thrillers, Conspiracies, Horror 2012 86min. Frank Craven, William Lundigan, Jeffrey Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Constantine (Blu-ray + Lynn, Grant Mitchell, , Lee 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112354 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Patrick, James Stephenson Good Girl. Bad Girl. Great Actress.. Films Include The Old Keanu Reeves, Peter Stormare, Rachel Maid Let the fireworks begin. Miriam Hopkins poses as the A Christmas Story 2 (Blu-ray + Weisz, Djimon Hounsou, Tilda Swinton, mother of the child Davis bore out of wedlock... but the DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Shia LaBeouf, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Gavin arrangement is beginning to fray. All This, And Heaven Too Rossdale Enchanted by governess Davis, nobleman Charles Boyer Daniel Stern, Stacey Travis, Gerard murders his wife. But is „la Bette“ as innocent as she As demon hunter John Constantine, The Matrix’s Keanu appears? Friends make the best enemies. Plunkett Reeves fights a new otherworld foe in this eye-opening Scheming concert pianist Mary Astor and selfless Davis are The original, traditional, one-hundred-percent, red-blooded, supernatural thriller based on characters from the DC Co- entangled in secrets and lies. Homewrecker two-fisted, All-American Christmas continues five years later mics/Vertigo Hellblazer Graphic Novels and set in a City of Davis runs off with sister ’s hubby... and with Ralphie, Randy, mom and the Old Man. This time, Ralphie the Angels where spirit-world bounds have been broken...and that’s just for starters! „Davis at histronic height“ (Leonard has his eyes fixed on a car. But trouble is sure to follow. all hell is breaking loose. Armed with a shotgun crafted from a Maltin’s Classic Movie Guide). A Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays 2012 crucifix and assisted by an intrepid cop (Rachel Weisz), he’s leader of Germany’s anti-Hitler underground is hunted by min. a spiritual warrior gone to apocalyptic war. Be glad he’s on Nazi agents in Washington, D.C. Dashiell Hammett adapts your side. Lillian Hellman’s play. Deception Now, Voyager’s Davis, Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 Devils And Demons, Horror, Action, Based Claude Rains and Paul Henried reunite in a gloriously 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112393 On Comic Book 2005 121min. flamboyant tale of musicians, indiscretion and murder. Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Romance, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed A Christmas Story 2 (DVD + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112609 Sets, Classics, Drama, , Hollywood UltraViolet) Legends 2008 min. Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 Daniel Stern, Stacey Travis, Gerard Crooked Arrows 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112586 Plunkett Crystal Allen, Brandon Routh The original, traditional, one-hundred-percent, red-blooded, You’ll stand up and cheer for this feel-good sports thriller two-fisted, All-American Christmas continues five years later starring Brandon Routh (Superman Returns). The ancient Death Warrant (Blu-ray) with Ralphie, Randy, mom and the Old Man. This time, Ralphie sport of lacrosse has been part of their tribal heritage for has his eyes fixed on a car. But trouble is sure to follow. centuries, but the Native American players on the Crooked Robert Guillaume, Cynthia Gibb, Patrick Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays 2012 Arrows high school team are long-time losers. When former Kilpatrick, George Dickerson star player Joe Logan (Routh) agrees to coach the rag-tag Jean-Claude Van Damme faces his biggest challenge yet: a min. group to seal the deal on a lucrative casino project, he sets maximum-security prison! The international superstar spin- Warner Bros. 30.10.2012 out to turn the chumps into champs and, in the process, learns kicks his way through this action-adventure powerhouse that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112353 the value of loyalty himself. If the Arrows can learn to shoot explodes with death-defying stunts and nonstop martial-arts straight and challenge their prep school rivals, these fast- wizardry. Filled with the same power, intensity and skill of its breaking warriors may just pull off the ultimate upset and win unstoppable hero, Death Warrant is your ticket to a Van The Complete Thin Man it all! Damme good time! Van Damme is officer Louis Burke, a Collection (Repackage) Native Americans, Sports, Drama 2012 roguish police detective who goes undercover to investigate a 105min. series of inmate murders at Harrison Penitentiary. Posing as a , prisoner, Burke encounters brutal inmates, corrupt guards, Includes The Thin Man The start of it all: Screwball romance 20th Century Fox 23.10.2012 death and betrayal at every turn. But when he unearths the meets mystery in this case involving a missing inventor. After 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112432 shocking secret behind the penitentiary’s inner workings, The Thin Man Never Before on DVD! New Year’s Eve and Burke must attempt a daring escape that pits him against not new mystery! Round up the usual suspects, including James only hundreds of murderous inmates...but also a deadly enemy Stewart. And baby makes three. Meet Nick Crooked Arrows (Blu-ray) from his own past. Jr. (and join the boithday bash!) in the 3rd comedy-mystery. Crystal Allen, Brandon Routh Martial Arts, Action, Prison 1990 89min. Never Before on DVD! Off to the You’ll stand up and cheer for this feel-good sports thriller MGM / UA 02.10.2012 races! A racetrack murder and dinner at Mario’s (try the sea starring Brandon Routh (Superman Returns). The ancient 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112583

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Eleven Samurai the series’ executive producers). The series takes a none- too-serious look at the day-to-day life of Vincent Chase The Departed (Blu-ray + Junko Miyazono, Koji Nanbara, Isao (Adrian Grenier), an incandescent young Hollywood actor, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Natsuyagi and the three buddies he’s brought from their hometown in The lord of the Oshi fief is killed by his trespassing neighbor, Queens, NY: manager Eric (Kevin Connolly), half brother/ Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Jack the cruel and cowardly Nariatsu, son of the former Shogun. actor Drama (Kevin Dillon), and pal Turtle (Jerry Ferrara). Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin But when the Oshi clan is blamed for the incident and Also starring Golden Globe and three-time Emmy -winner Sheen, Vera Farmiga, Alec Baldwin, Ray sentenced to be abolished, eleven of their best warriors Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold - now heading an entertainment decide to trade their lives for justice! agency behemoth - Entourage draws on the experiences of Winstone industry insiders to illustrate the excesses of today’s Rookie cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) grew up in Samurai, Action, Adventure, Crime, Foreign, celebrity lifestyle, as well as the difficulty of maintaining crime. That makes him the perfect mole, the man on the inside Japanese 1967 100min. relationships and artistic fulfillment in the show biz fast track. of the mob run by boss Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). It’s E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 Comedy, Drama, HBO 2640min. his job to win Costello’s trust and help his detective handlers (Mark Wahlberg and Martin Sheen) bring Costello down. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112573 HBO Home Video 06.11.2012 Meanwhile, SIU officer Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) has 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112364 everyone’s trust. No one suspects he’s Costello’s mole. Elles Martin Scorsese directs this visceral tale of crime and consequences that’s searing, can’t-look-away filmmaking: like Juliette Binoche Entourage: The Complete Series staring into the eyes of a con - or a cop - with a gun. Juliette Binoche stars as a journalist researching an article (Blu-ray) Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked on student prostitution for the French edition of ELLE Kevin Dillon, Kevin Connolly, Jeremy Piven, Cops, Drama, Academy Award Winners, magazine finds herself drawn to two young women. The stories these seemingly well-adjusted girls share force the Adrian Grenier, Jerry Ferrara Thrillers 2006 151min. middle-aged writer to examine her own life, family and The Emmy -winning hit comedy series created by Doug Ellin, Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 sexuality. Elles is a must-see filmfrom acclaimed director and based (at least in part) on the experiences of his good 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112610 Malgoska Szumowska (Antichrist), whose talent has finally friend, Oscar nominated actor Mark Wahlberg (who’s among flourished in full bloom. the series’ executive producers). The series takes a none- Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French, Gay / too-serious look at the day-to-day life of Vincent Chase Diff’rent Strokes: The Complete Lesbian Interest 2012 96min. (Adrian Grenier), an incandescent young Hollywood actor, and the three buddies he’s brought from their hometown in Fourth Season Kino Video 11.09.2012 Queens, NY: manager Eric (Kevin Connolly), half brother/ Charlotte Rae, Dana Plato, Nedra Volz, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112461 actor Drama (Kevin Dillon), and pal Turtle (Jerry Ferrara). Also starring Golden Globe and three-time Emmy -winner Todd Bridges, Conrad Bain, Gary Coleman Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold - now heading an entertainment The story of two African-American kids from Harlem who move Elles (Blu-ray) agency behemoth - Entourage draws on the experiences of to Park Avenue with a wealthy white widower (Conrad Bain) industry insiders to illustrate the excesses of today’s and his teenage daughter (Dana Plato) not only gave Juliette Binoche Juliette Binoche stars as a journalist researching an article celebrity lifestyle, as well as the difficulty of maintaining audiences lots to laugh about, but gave them something to talk relationships and artistic fulfillment in the show biz fast track. about for eight hilarious seasons. Gary Coleman and the on student prostitution for the French edition of ELLE phrase „Whatchoo talkin’ bout Willis?“ pulled audiences in magazine finds herself drawn to two young women. The Comedy, Drama, HBO 2640min. and turned him into a phenomenon. But the show’s popularity stories these seemingly well-adjusted girls share force the HBO Home Video 06.11.2012 was based on more than the rise of the diminutive, middle-aged writer to examine her own life, family and 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112396 wisecracking Coleman. Diff’rent Strokes was a pop-culture sexuality. Elles is a must-see filmfrom acclaimed director phenomenon that broke through cultural barriers and brought Malgoska Szumowska (Antichrist), whose talent has finally plenty of laughs. flourished in full bloom. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French, Gay / Comedy, Family 1978 572min. Mind (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Shout Factory 20.11.2012 Lesbian Interest 2012 96min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112647 Kino Video 11.09.2012 Copy) (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112488 Elijah Wood, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Double Idemnity (DVD + Digital Jim Carrey, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Wilkinson Elvira’s Movie Macabre: Mega From acclaimed writer Charlie Kaufman and visionary director Copy) Michel Gondry comes Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Movie Marathon An all-star ensemble cast shines in this comical and poignant Fred MacMurray, , Ed- look at breakups, breakdowns and breakthroughs. Joel (Jim ward G. Robinson Elvira Carrey) is stunned to discover that his girlfriend, Clementine Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck star in the gripping Like a specter rising from the grave, Elvira: Mistress of the (Kate Winslet), has had their tumultuous relationship erased film noir classic, Double Indemnity, directed by Academy Dark is back - providing her signature, tongue-in-cheek from her mind. Out of desperation, he contacts the inventor of Award winner Billy Wilder. A calculating wife (Stanwyck) commentary of twelve of the „greatest“ B-movies of all time in the process, Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson), to get encourages her wealthy husband to sign a double indemnity this movie marathon presentation that will have you up all the same treatment. But as his memories of Clementine begin policy proposed by smitten insurance agent Walter Neff night and then some! to fade, Joel suddenly realizes how much he still loves her. (MacMurray). As the would-be lovers plot the unsuspecting Science Fiction, Vampires, Werewolves, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo and Elijah Wood co-star in husband’s murder, they are pursued by a suspicious claims Dracula, Horror, Monsters 2011 1080min. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - a memorable film that manager (Edward G. Robinson). It’s a race against time to get The Wall Street Journal calls „a romantic comedy unlike any away with the perfect crime in this suspenseful masterpiece E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 other!“ that was nominated for 7 including Best 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112574 Comedy, Dark Comedy, Academy Award Picture. Winners, Romance, Science Fiction 2004 Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1944 Endeavour 108min. 107min. Roger Allam, Shaun Evans Universal Studios 28.08.2012 Universal Studios 28.08.2012 Rookie detective Endeavour Morse faces his first big case . 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112433 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112413 Shaun Evans (The Take) steps into John Thaw’s shoes as the younger version of Colin Dexter’s iconic creation, Inspector Double Impact (Blu-ray) Morse, shedding new light on the origins of the detective Excision famed for his love of crosswords, classical music, real ale, Traci Lords, Annalynne McCord, Ariel Win- Alan Scarfe, Geoffrey Lewis and vintage cars. In 1965, a reluctant Detective Constable What could be better than Jean-Claude Van Damme in an Endeavour Morse was recruited into the hunt for a missing ter explosively entertaining action extravaganza? Two of him! schoolgirl, drawing him back to the place that would ultimately A disturbed and delusional high school student with There’s twice the excitement, twice the mayhem and twice the shape and define his destiny - Oxford. Adrift in the midst of a aspirations of a career in medicine goes to extremes to earn fun in this turbo-charged adventure that pushes the thrills into full-blown murder investigation led by Detective Inspector the approval of her controlling mother in this twisted coming- overdrive. Van Damme leaps into the dual roles of Chad and Fred Thursday (Roger Allam, The Iron Lady), Morse finds of-age shocker. Alex Wagner, twin brothers who were separated after their himself sidelined, discredited, and at a dead end. Facing down Horror 2012 81min. parents’ brutal murder. Years later, the two couldn’t be more small-time thugs, big-time politicians, and the demons of his Starz / Anchor Bay 30.10.2012 different: Chad is a slick Beverly Hills fitness instructor, past, Morse begins his own quest for justice - risking it all as while Alex is a rough-and-tumble smuggler on the gritty he edges closer and closer to uncovering a truth that will 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112429 streets of . But when fate throws them together haunt him for the rest of his days. again, Chad and Alex discover that there’s one thing they British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Excision (Blu-ray) have in common: they’re both fighting machines! Determined to Mystery, PBS 2012 Ltbx S 98min. Traci Lords, Annalynne McCord, Ariel Win- enact revenge on their parents’ killers, the martial-arts PBS Home Video 24.07.2012 experts kick, chop and shoot all the way to an electrifying ter final showdown aboard a gargantuan freighter in Hong Kong 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112642 A disturbed and delusional high school student with harbor. aspirations of a career in medicine goes to extremes to earn Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Action, Thrillers Entourage: The Complete Series the approval of her controlling mother in this twisted coming- 1991 110min. of-age shocker. Kevin Dillon, Kevin Connolly, Jeremy Piven, MGM / UA 02.10.2012 Horror 2012 81min. Adrian Grenier, Jerry Ferrara Starz / Anchor Bay 30.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112584 The Emmy -winning hit comedy series created by Doug Ellin, and based (at least in part) on the experiences of his good 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112439 friend, Oscar nominated actor Mark Wahlberg (who’s among

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Family Holiday Film: 8 Pack Politics, Swedish, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, street performer don’t exactly pay the bills. Evicted from her apartment and forced to move in with her overbearing sister Religion/Spirituality, Animated Animals, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2010 90min. (Malin Akerman, Couples Retreat), Janice is on the receiving Christmas, Collections, Family, Fantasy, TLA Releasing 09.10.2012 end of well-intentioned but misguided pressure to date an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112317 egotistical self-help guru (Topher Grace, That ’70s Show). Holidays 272min. Everyone seems to know what’s best for Janice, but Tim helps Lionsgate 06.11.2012 her find her own voice and realize that it only takes one 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112631 The French Connection: person to make you feel important. As a symbol of the urge to break free from a life defined for us, The Giant Mechanical Filmmaker Signature Series (Blu- Man brings forward an optimism and feeling of belonging that The Fantasia Barrino Story: Life ray) can only come from falling in love. Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 94min. Is Not A Fairytale Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider, Fernando New Video DVD 09.10.2012 Fantasia Barrino, , Viola Rey, Tony Lo Bianco, Marcel Bozzuffi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112523 Davis Welcome to the Filmmakers Signature Series on Blu-ray. In the Lifetime movie, The Fantasia Barrino Story: Life Is Not Enjoy this highly acclaimed, realistic crime drama from inno- A Fairytale, a single teenage mother overcomes all odds - vative director William Friedkin with authentic high-quality GoodFellas (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) sexual abuse, poverty and illiteracy - by relying on her picture and sound, true to the director’s vision. This new HD spectacular singing voice. She ultimately gains national transfer comes with an exclusive 28-page booklet on the (Blu-ray) prominence as the winner of a hit talent show. Fantasia making of the film, which includes in-depth actor and director Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Barrino plays herself in this modern true Cinderella story. profiles. Based on a true story, The French Connection stars Also starring Loretta Devine, Kadeem Hardison and Viola Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider as detectives who aim their Frank Vincent, Lorraine Bracco, Paul Davis. sharp instincts and unconventional methods at the internatio- Sorvino Music, TV Movies, Biopics, Drama 2006 nal suppliers of New York’s heroin trade. The French From Nicholas Pileggi’s true-life bestseller Wiseguy, Connection earned 8 Academy Award Nominations and 5 GoodFellas explores the criminal life like no other movie. 88min. Wins, including Best Director for groundbreaking „New Directed and co-written by Martin Scorsese, it was judged A&E 09.10.2012 Hollywood“ director Friedkin. 1990’s Best Picture by the New York, Los Angeles and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112509 National Film Registry, Thrillers, Classics, National Society of Film Critics and named to the American Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Cult Film / Film Institute’s Top-100 American Film List. Electrifying TV, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Ac- performances abound, and from a standout cast that includes Final Destination 5 3D (Blu-ray 3D Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Lorraine Bracco and Paul tion, AFI Top 100 1971 103min. Sorvino. Joe Pesci walked off with the Best Supporting Actor + DVD + UltraViolet + Digital 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 Academy Award. It „bristles with passion, wit and style“ and Copy) (Blu-ray) endures as „an American classic“ (Peter Travers, Rolling 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112654 Stone). Tony Todd, Arlen Escarpeta, Emma Bell, Classics, Crime, Drama, Academy Award Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Ellen Wroe, From Beneath Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film David Koechner, Courtney B. Vance, P.J. Sticky and hot from the long drive to visit a relative at their Registry 1990 145min. Byrne, Miles Fisher newly acquired remote, rural farmhouse, Sam and Jason, a Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which young couple on vacation, decide to swim in a pond they find is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. at the end of a freshly cut path. While swimming, Jason is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112611 A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all bitten by a strange leech-like organism. When he attempts to standard Blu-ray players. Death is just as omnipresent as remove the creature part of it rips off and crawls inside his Hall Pass (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) ever, and in Final Destination 5 it strikes again. During the leg. Back at the house, Sam’s sister and her family have yet to bus ride to a corporate retreat, Sam (Nicholas D’Agosto) has return. As time progresses the injury on Jason’s leg worsens (Blu-ray) a premonition in which he and most of his friends - as well as into a rapidly spreading infection and strange clues begin to numerous others - die in a horrific bridge collapse. When his reveal that there may be more to their host’s absence than Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Christina vision ends, events begin to mirror what he had seen, and he previously appeared. It soon becomes a race against time to Applegate, Jenna Fischer, Richard Jenkins frantically ushers as many of his colleagues - including his discover what happened to Sam’s sister and her family and From the Farrelly Brothers (There’s Something About Mary, friend, Peter (Miles Fisher), and girlfriend, Molly (Emma what lies in store for Jason, faced with his physical and Dumb & Dumber) comes your ticket to fool around! Rick Bell) - away from the disaster before Death can claim them. emotional disintegration. (Owen Wilson) and Fred (Jason Sudeikis) are best friends, But these unsuspecting souls were never supposed to Thrillers, Wilderness, Horror 2012 82min. each married many years. With the guys showing signs of survive, and in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated Brain Damage Films 23.10.2012 restlessness at home, their wives (Jenna Fischer and Chri- group tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister stina Applegate) take a bold approach to revitalizing their agenda. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112332 respective marriages: granting them a „hall pass,“ one week of Disasters, Horror, Thrillers 2011 min. freedom to do whatever they want . . . no questions asked. At The Fugitive: Complete Series first a dream come true, it’s not long before Rick and Fred find New Line Home Entertainment 16.10.2012 that their expectations of the single life - and themselves - are 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112479 Box Set - The Most Wanted Editi- completely and hilariously out of sync with reality. on Pictures, Comedy, Marriage Woes 2011 105min. Find Me Guilty (Repackage) (Blu- Barry Morse, William Conrad, Bill Raisch New Line Home Entertainment 09.10.2012 ray) Dr. Richard Kimble (), wrongly accused of murdering his wife, escapes custody while en route to Death 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112612 Vin Diesel, Alex Rocco, , Row and must elude police and Lt. Philip Gerard (Barry Ron Silver, , Linus Roache Morse), who is obsessed with his capture. Kimble must From five-time Oscar-nominee Sidney Lumet (Serpico, constantly relocate and change his name while he continues The Hangover (Blu-ray + Network, Dog Day Afternoon) comes the most hysterically his quest to find the real killer, a one-armed man (Bill Raisch) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) funny testament to bad courtroom behavior since My Cousin he saw leave the scene of the crime. Vinny! Vin Diesel (Saving Private Ryan) „gives a sensational Thrillers, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Crime, Heather Graham, Jeffrey Tambor, Zach performance“ (The New York Times) in the true story of the Galifianakis, , , most remarkable criminal trial in US history. Find Me Guilty Drama 6168min. proves beyond a reasonable doubt that justice has a strange 23.10.2012 Justin Bartha sense of humor! When police arrest twenty members of the 383,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112356 They planned a Vegas bachelor party that they would never Lucchese crime family, the authorities offer Jackie Dee forget. Now they really need to remember what exactly went DiNorscio (Diesel) a bargain: a shortened prison term if he’ll down! Whose baby is in the closet of their Caesars Palace testify against his own. But the wisecracking DiNorscio has The Ghostmaker suite? How did a tiger get in the bathroom? Why is one of them missing a tooth? And most of all, where is the groom?! other ideas. Refusing to cooperate, he decides to defend Inspired by true events! A group of friends discover an himself at his own trial-and proceeds to turn the courtroom What the guys did while partying can’t compare to what they ancient coffin equipped with a strange mechanism that allows must do sober in an outrageous caper that has them piecing upside-down in a hilarious fight that culminates in one of the them to experience the world as a ghost. While their first most shocking verdicts in judicial history! together all their bad decisions from the night before - one attempt into the spirit world is innocent, the coffin soon brings hazy clue at a time. Director Todd Phillips (Old School) and Comedy, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2006 out their most dangerous impulses and desires. As they are an all-aces comedy cast bring it big time with unpredictable 124min. being pulled into a world of evil by the reaper they soon situations that somehow all fit together. Tie one on with The 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 discover there’s a thin line between good and evil. Hangover. Ghosts, Horror 92min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112443 Comedy, Mystery, Road Trips 2009 100min. Lionsgate 13.11.2012 Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112634 Four More Years 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112613 Eric Ericson The Giant Mechanical Man David Holst has been the favorite to become the next Prime Harry O: The Complete First Minister of Sweden. However, after a shocking turnaround at Malin Akerman, Jenna Fischer, Topher Season the polls, he is left on the sidelines, where he meets Martin: Grace, Chris Messina Harry Orwell is a decidedly different detective. And Harry O charming, bright, fun-loving... and the state secretary to the The Giant Mechanical Man is a charming comedic love story new Prime Minister! As David navigates a newly found is decidedly different TV show. Forced off the force thanks to between Janice (Jenna Fischer, The Office), a woman in her a bullet lodged near his spine, former police detective Harry sexuality and a political divide: should he give up his thirties who has yet to learn how to navigate adulthood, and marriage and career for a social democrat who’s had more one Orwell gets by on his disability pension and the occasional Tim (Chris Messina, Vicky Cristina Barcelona), a devoted private detecting gig („100 bucks a day. Plus expenses“). No night stands than David’s had votes? artist who finds that his unique talents as a silver-painted

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 38 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA flashy car for the downtrodden Harry - he’s as apt to get Fantasy, Magic min. is back, but the Ministry of Magic tries to keep a lid on the around town on bus as he is on foot. But he’s as savvy as he truth. Ron and Hermione convince Harry to secretly train is sophisticated, and though he might have to avoid the Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 students for the wizarding war ahead. A terrifying showdown slugfests, he can crack any case. Even if it sometimes breaks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112325 between good and evil awaits in year five-prepare for battle! his heart. Harry O features an actor at the top of his game, In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Lord Voldemort playing a character complex enough to contain his talents. tightens his grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds as This Six-Disc, 22-Episode Collection features the entire first Harry Potter: Years 1 & 2 (Double Dumbledore is intent upon preparing Harry for the season, co-starring Henry Darrow and Anthony Zerbe. Feature) (Blu-ray) approaching battle. Meanwhile, romance blossoms for Harry, Special guests include Stefanie Powers, Linda Evans, Martin Ron, Hermione and their friends during their sixth year, but Sheen, and Cab Calloway. Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Julie Walters, danger lies ahead and Hogwarts may never be the same ABC, Crime, Detectives, Drama 1973 min. Emma Watson, Fiona Shaw, John Cleese, again. Warner Bros. MOD 09.08.2012 John Hurt, Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane, Adventure, Double Features, Family, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112630 Rupert Grint, Warwick Davis, Daniel Fantasy, Magic min. Radcliffe, Richard Griffiths, Ian Hart Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Harry Potter And The Deathly Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Magic, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112327 Hallows: Part 1 3D (Blu-ray 3D) Adventure min. Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Harry Potter: Years 5 & 6 (Double (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112342 Feature) (Blu-ray) Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David Maggie Smith, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Thewlis, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Harry Potter: Years 3 & 4 (Double David Thewlis, Ralph Fiennes, Emma Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Bill Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter, Julie Nighy, Timothy Spall, Robbie Coltrane, Feature) Walters, Emma Watson, Fiona Shaw, Imelda Warwick Davis, Rhys Ifans, Rupert Grint, Maggie Smith, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Staunton, Michael Gambon, Brendan Daniel Radcliffe David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, Mark PLEASE NOTE: This title is a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only Williams, Pam Ferris, Julie Walters, Emma Gleeson, Robbie Coltrane, Jason Isaacs, compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3.Harry, Watson, Fiona Shaw, Michael Gambon, Rupert Grint, Warwick Davis, Daniel Ron and Hermione set out to track down and destroy the Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Radcliffe, Richard Griffiths secret to Voldemort’s power - the Horcruxes. On their own In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Lord Voldemort and on the run, the three friends must now rely on one another Spall, Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, Robert is back, but the Ministry of Magic tries to keep a lid on the more than ever...but Dark Forces threaten to tear them apart. Hardy, Richard Griffiths, David Bradley, truth. Ron and Hermione convince Harry to secretly train Drama, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Adventure, Paul Whitehouse students for the wizarding war ahead. A terrifying showdown Mystery 2010 146min. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron and between good and evil awaits in year five-prepare for battle! Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Hermione learn to handle a Hippogriff, repel shape-shifting In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Lord Voldemort Boggarts and master the art of Divination during their third tightens his grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds as 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112320 year at Hogwarts. Harry must also withstand soul-sucking Dumbledore is intent upon preparing Harry for the Dementors, outsmart a werewolf and deal with the truth about approaching battle. Meanwhile, romance blossoms for Harry, Harry Potter: Year 7 - Part 1 & 2 the escaped prisoner Sirius Black and his relationship to Ron, Hermione and their friends during their sixth year, but Harry and his parents. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, danger lies ahead and Hogwarts may never be the same (Double Feature) Harry is mysteriously entered into the grueling Triwizard again. Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David Tournament, only to find himself in the cruel grasp of Lord Voldemort. Everything changes in year four when Harry, Ron Adventure min. Thewlis, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham and Hermione face challenges beyond their imagining. Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Robbie Adventure, Double Features, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112344 Coltrane, Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall, Rupert Fantasy, Magic min. Grint, Warwick Davis, Daniel Radcliffe, Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Rhys Ifans 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112326 Heaven’s Gate: The Criterion Adventure, Double Features, Family, Collection Fantasy, Magic min. Harry Potter: Years 3 & 4 (Double Brad Dourif, Isabelle Huppert, John Hurt, Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Feature) (Blu-ray) Christopher Walken, , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112328 Sam Waterston Maggie Smith, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, A visionary critique of American expansionism, Heaven’s David Thewlis, Emma Thompson, Mark Gate, directed by Oscar winner Michael Cimino (The Deer Harry Potter: Year 7 - Part 1 & 2 Williams, Pam Ferris, Julie Walters, Emma Hunter), is among Hollywood’s most ambitious and unorthodox (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) epics. Kris Kristofferson (Lone Star) brings his weathered Watson, Fiona Shaw, Michael Gambon, sensuality to the role of a Harvard graduate who has Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, David Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy relocated all the way to Wyoming as a federal marshal; there, Thewlis, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Spall, Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, Robert he learns of a government-sanctioned plot by rich cattle barons to kill the area’s European settlers for their land. The Carter, Julie Walters, Emma Watson, Robbie Hardy, Richard Griffiths, David Bradley, resulting skirmish is based on the real-life bloody Johnson Coltrane, Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall, Rupert Paul Whitehouse County War of 1892. Also starring Isabelle Huppert (White Grint, Warwick Davis, Daniel Radcliffe, In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron and Material) and Christopher Walken (The Deer Hunter), Hermione learn to handle a Hippogriff, repel shape-shifting Heaven’s Gate is a savage and ravishingly shot Rhys Ifans Boggarts and master the art of Divination during their third demystification of western movie lore. This is the full Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Magic, year at Hogwarts. Harry must also withstand soul-sucking director’s cut, letting viewers today see Cimino’s potent Adventure min. Dementors, outsmart a werewolf and deal with the truth about original vision. the escaped prisoner Sirius Black and his relationship to Romance, Western, Criterion Collection, Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 Harry and his parents. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112341 Harry is mysteriously entered into the grueling Triwizard Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece 1980 Tournament, only to find himself in the cruel grasp of Lord 216min. Harry Potter: Years 1 & 2 (Double Voldemort. Everything changes in year four when Harry, Ron Criterion 20.11.2012 and Hermione face challenges beyond their imagining. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112454 Feature) Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Adventure min. Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Julie Walters, Heaven’s Gate: The Criterion Emma Watson, Fiona Shaw, John Cleese, Warner Bros. 16.10.2012 John Hurt, Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112343 Collection (Blu-ray) Rupert Grint, Warwick Davis, Daniel Brad Dourif, Isabelle Huppert, John Hurt, Radcliffe, Richard Griffiths, Ian Hart Harry Potter: Years 5 & 6 (Double Christopher Walken, Kris Kristofferson, In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter finds Feature) Sam Waterston out he is the orphaned son of two wizards and embarks on an A visionary critique of American expansionism, Heaven’s amazing journey. During his first year at Hogwarts School of Maggie Smith, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Gate, directed by Oscar winner Michael Cimino (The Deer Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry learns he is destined for David Thewlis, Ralph Fiennes, Emma Hunter), is among Hollywood’s most ambitious and unorthodox great things and discovers a Dark wizard is determined to epics. Kris Kristofferson (Lone Star) brings his weathered destroy him. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, cars Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter, Julie sensuality to the role of a Harvard graduate who has fly, trees fight back and a house-elf comes with a warning for Walters, Emma Watson, Fiona Shaw, Imelda relocated all the way to Wyoming as a federal marshal; there, Harry at the start of his second year. Adventure and danger Staunton, Michael Gambon, Brendan he learns of a government-sanctioned plot by rich cattle await when bloody writing on a wall announces: The Chamber barons to kill the area’s European settlers for their land. The of Secrets has been opened. To save Hogwarts will require Gleeson, Robbie Coltrane, Jason Isaacs, resulting skirmish is based on the real-life bloody Johnson all of Harry, Ron and Hermione’s magical abilities and Rupert Grint, Warwick Davis, Daniel County War of 1892. Also starring Isabelle Huppert (White courage. Radcliffe, Richard Griffiths Material) and Christopher Walken (The Deer Hunter), Adventure, Double Features, Family, In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Lord Voldemort Heaven’s Gate is a savage and ravishingly shot demystification of western movie lore. This is the full

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA director’s cut, letting viewers today see Cimino’s potent his veins. 99min. original vision. Samurai, Science Fiction, Action, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Drama 2011 18.09.2012 Historical / Period Piece, Romance, We- 105min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112275 stern 1980 216min. Lionsgate 06.11.2012 Criterion 20.11.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112632 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112485 : The Complete Fifth Hoffa: Filmmaker Signature Season (Repackage) Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Hell (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Series (Blu-ray) As the sun scorches the earth, threatening to wipe out all life Desi Arnaz on the planet, desperate survivors Philip, Marie, and her Danny DeVito, J.T. Walsh, Jack Nicholson, It’s I Love Lucy’s fifth hilarious season, as Lucy manages to younger sister Leonie race to reach a water reservoir Robert Prosky, Armand Assante find trouble in Hollywood, Manhattan, Paris, London, Rome, rumored to be nestled deep in the mountains. Making the Welcome to the Blu-ray Filmmakers Signature Series. This and everywhere in between. Before leaving Tinseltown, Lucy acquaintance of a lone mechanic named Tom as they head all-new HD transfer provides Danny DeVito’s powerful epic bags the ultimate souvenir - John Wayne’s cement footprints towards the mountains in a specially outfitted car, the trio about legendary union organizer Jimmy Hoffa with exceptional from Grauman’s Chinese Theatre! Then, on board the train must fight for their lives after being drawn into an ambush. picture and sound quality. Also included are an exclusive back to New York, she can’t resist adding a few unscheduled Science Fiction, Thrillers, Foreign, German, booklet about the making of the film, commentary by Danny stops - courtesy of the train’s all-too-convenient emergency Horror 2011 84min. DeVito, DeVito’s speech at a Teamsters convention, the brake cord. Next, Lucy goes to extremes to catch a luxury shooting script, anecdotes from Teamsters, news coverage, ocean liner when it sets sail for Europe with Ricky and the Anderson Merchandisers 21.08.2012 excised scenes and more! Three-time Oscar Winner Jack Mertzes aboard - but with Lucy still on the dock! On the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112604 Nicholson packs a wallop as Hoffa, the Teamsters’ most infl Continent, Lucy’s madcap escapades include getting thrown in uential and controversial crusader. Along with his friend a Parisian jail, modeling a French „designer“ potato sack, Bobby Ciaro (DeVito), Hoffa faces danger at every turn. As causing an Alpine avalanche, hitting an accidental jackpot in Hell (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- he fi ghts for workers’ rights, Hoffa locks horns with industry Monte Carlo, and - in one of TV’s funniest scenes ever - ray) management, organized crime and the U.S. Attorney General. soaking up a whole lot of „local color“ in an Italian grape- Four years after serving a prison term, Hoffa disappears, in stomping vat! As the sun scorches the earth, threatening to wipe out all life one of America’s most fascinating unsolved crime mysteries. Classics, Comedy, Senior Interest 1955 on the planet, desperate survivors Philip, Marie, and her younger sister Leonie race to reach a water reservoir Crime, Drama, Biography, Biopics 1992 680min. rumored to be nestled deep in the mountains. Making the 137min. Paramount Pictures 06.11.2012 acquaintance of a lone mechanic named Tom as they head 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112297 towards the mountains in a specially outfitted car, the trio must fight for their lives after being drawn into an ambush. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112448 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Foreign, German, I Love Lucy: The Complete Sixth Horror 2011 min. Hypothemia Season (Repackage) Anderson Merchandisers 21.08.2012 Michael Rooker, Blanche Baker, Don Wood, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, Vivian Vance, Ellen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112622 Greg Finley Corby, Orson Welles, William Frawley, Desi Ray Pelletier (Michael Rooker, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Slither) is looking forward to a quiet weekend of ice Arnaz, Frank Wilcox Katharine Hepburn: 100th fishing with his family. Unfortunately for him the obnoxious big It’s I Love Lucy’s sixth and final season, and the redhead is Anniversary Collection city father-son duo of Steve and Stevie Cote has picked the up to some of her most hilarious shenanigans. First, Lucy same weekend to spend at the remote frozen lake. But the two meets Bob Hope at a baseball game - by masquerading as a (Repackage) families’ petty squabbles are soon eclipsed by a much greater hot dog vendor, then a tobacco-chomping pitcher. Next, even enemy: something has awoken under the ice and its prey is the great Orson Welles is powerless to stifle Lucy’s acting Katharine Hepburn, Robert Mitchum, Cary human. Miles from civilization and with only a few inches bug when she „assists“ him in his magic act. Then at Little Grant, Henry Travers, Lucille Ball, Patricia separating them from the freezing water below, the Pelletiers Ricky’s birthday party, Lucy climbs out on a ledge to keep a Morison, Frances Rafferty, Mary Duncan, and Cotes must now find a way to work together to fight the promise that Superman will appear. After escapades in Flori- vicious creature that’s out to hunt them. Director James Felix da and Cuba, the Ricardos and Mertzes move to rural Con- Jacqueline Dewit, Keenan Wynn, Agnes McKenney’s Hypothermia is a modern spin on the classic necticut, where Lucy plays „mother hen“ to a bunch of baby Moorehead, Robert Taylor, , monster movie, featuring memorable performances from horror chicks, loses her wedding ring building a barbeque, and even vet Rooker and co-stars Blanche Baker (The Girl Next Door) takes a wild ride on a runaway lawnmower! And in one of the Adolphe Menjou, Edmund Gwenn, C. funniest TV episodes ever, Lucy learns the hard way why you Aubrey Smith, Carl Esmond, Robert Lewis, and Greg Finley (The Secret Life of the American Teenager). Drama, Horror, Monsters 72min. shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket - or in one blouse! J. Carroll Naish, Robert Bice, Brian Aherne, CBS, Classics, Comedy, Family, MPI 02.10.2012 Felix Bressart, Ian Saynor Friendships, Senior Interest 1957 713min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112287 Films Include Morning Glory(1933) Provided Hepburn with Paramount Pictures 06.11.2012 her first Best Actress Oscar, for playing a struggling stage 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112298 actress, whose setbacks and triumphs had strong parallels to Hysteria her own theatrical beginnings. Without Love (1945) Pairs Hepburn with Spencer Tracy, who must marry her to avoid a Rupert Everett, Ashley Jensen, Maggie I Love Lucy: The Final Seasons 7, wartime housing storage. With Lucille Ball along for the fun, Gyllenhaal, Felicity Jones, Jonathan Pryce, the laughs rock the room. Dragon Seed (1944) Hepburn plays 8 & 9 (Repackage) a heroic Chinese peasant woman who fights against the Hugh Dancy Japanese invasion of her village during World War II. In an age of invention, one man set out to find a medical cure Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, William Frawley, Undercurrent (1946) Finds Hepburn married to a psychotic for what ails women...and accidentally electrified our love Desi Arnaz man (Robert Taylor) who is planning to kill her. Can she trust lives forever. **Hysteria** is a lighthearted romantic comedy Following its wildly successful six-season run, I Love Lucy her mysterious brother-in-law (Robert Mitchum) to help? that tells the surprising story of the birth of the electro- expanded to a one-hour format as The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Sylvia Scarlett (1936) Directed by George Cukor, Hepburn mechanical vibrator at the very peak of Victorian prudishness. Show (later released as The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour). plays a con artist who disguises herself as a man to avoid Academy Award® nominee Maggie Gyllenhaal (**Crazy These hilarious „specials“ debuted with the 75-minute-long arrest. It was her most controversial film and her first Heart, Nanny McPhee Returns**) and Hugh Dancy (**Adam, „Lucy Takes a Cruise to Havana,“ in which Lucy romantic comedy with . The Corn Is Green (1979) Confessions Of A Shopaholic**) lead an accomplished cast in McGillicuddy - vacationing with her best friend Susie Reteams Cukor with Hepburn in the beloved tale of a Welsh this untold tale of discovery. MacNamara (guest star Ann Sothern) - meets Ricky Ricardo schoolteacher who takes child laborers out of the mines and Romance, British, Comedy, Foreign 2011 for the very first time. In a subsequent show, Lucy attempts to turns them into schola 100min. get chummy with new neighbor Tallulah Bankhead, with Romance, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed predictably wacky results. Then, when Little Ricky’s dream of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment having a horse seems to be just that - a dream - Lucy finds a Sets, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Hollywood 18.09.2012 way to win one for him. From shenanigans in a men-only Legends 635min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112270 Geisha house in Tokyo to clowning with famed performer Red Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 Skelton in Alaska and bullfighting in Mexico, Lucy and Desi’s 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112593 star-studded TV episodes continue the love, laughs and Hysteria (Blu-ray) classically funny situations that make I Love Lucy one of Rupert Everett, Ashley Jensen, Maggie television’s greatest comedy series. CBS, Classics, Comedy, Senior Interest Hirokin: The Last Samurai Gyllenhaal, Felicity Jones, Jonathan Pryce, 1957 777min. Julian Sands, Jessica Szohr, Angus Hugh Dancy Macfadyen, Wes Bentley In an age of invention, one man set out to find a medical cure Paramount Pictures 06.11.2012 On a planet where humans must scavenge the post- for what ails women...and accidentally electrified our love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112299 apocalyptic barren wasteland, Hirokin, a reluctant samurai lives forever. **Hysteria** is a lighthearted romantic comedy with a dark past sets off on a mission to fulfill his destiny. that tells the surprising story of the birth of the electro- Having fought to the death to save his wife and son from the mechanical vibrator at the very peak of Victorian prudishness. Imaginary Friend planet’s evil dictator, Griffin, and his elite army of warriors, Academy Award® nominee Maggie Gyllenhaal (**Crazy Ethan Embry, Lacey Chabert, Amanda the lone samurai is left for dead in the vast desert. Armed with Heart, Nanny McPhee Returns**) and Hugh Dancy (**Adam, his samurai blade Hirokin is forced to choose between Confessions Of A Shopaholic**) lead an accomplished cast in Schull avenging the murder of his family and fighting for the freedom this untold tale of discovery. Emma is a married artist struggling with mental illness who of his people. As he goes into war he’ll discover a shocking British, Comedy, Foreign, Romance 2011 lives in the same mansion she grew up in; where during her revelation about his family leaving revenge running through traumatic childhood with an abusive father, she relied on an

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA imaginary friend for strength. But when Emma’s imaginary Johnson Lena Endre friend starts reappearing, she becomes fearful that she is Amateur astronomer John Putnam (Richard Carlson) and his A sensual, romantic drama about how love appears in the most once again losing her grip on reality. Desperate to save her fiancée Ellen Fields (Barbara Rush) are stargazing in the unexpected ways at the most unexpected times! Mia and marriage and show that she is in control, Emma takes drastic desert when a spaceship bursts from the sky and crashes to Frida, both in their thirties, meet for the first time at their measures to free herself of her torment and her imaginary the ground. Just before a landslide buries the ship, a parents’ engagement party. Mia’s father, Lasse, is about marry friend. But things are not as they seem and Emma’s „Imaginary mysterious creature emerges and disappears into the Frida’s mother, Elizabeth, which will make Mia and Frida Friend“ may hold all the shocking answers. Imaginary Friend darkness. Of course, when he tells his story to the sheriff stepsisters. Lasse’s daughter, Mia, has not visited her father is an intense psycho-thriller that stars Paul Sorvino (Charles Drake), John is branded a crackpot; but before long, in years and arrives with her fiancé Tim. As Mia and Frida (GoodFellas), Lacey Chabert (Mean Girls), Ethan Embry strange things begin to happen, and the tide of disbelief get to know one another, strong emotions begin to stir (Eagle Eye), Marc McClure (Superman) and was a 2012 turns... Based on a story by acclaimed writer Ray Bradbury, It between them. Their relationship will turn everything upside ratings hit when it premiered on Lifetime television. Came From Outer Space is a science fiction classic that is as down for everyone close to them with dramatic consequences. Thrillers 2012 86min. thought-provoking and tantalizing today as it was when it first Romance, Swedish, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Retromedia 23.10.2012 „landed“ on the silver screen. Lesbian Interest 80min. Science Fiction, Aliens, Classics 1953 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112290 Wolfe Video 06.11.2012 81min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112472 Inception (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Universal Studios 28.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112415 (Blu-ray) Stanley Kubrick’s Fear & Desire Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Marion Jurassic Park (DVD + Digital Paul Mazursky, Kenneth Harper, Frank Cotillard, Michael Caine, Tom Berenger, Silvera Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Copy) A fictitious war in an unidentified country provides the setting Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Ariana Ri- for this drama. Four soldiers survive the crash-landing of Dileep Rao their plane to find themselves in a forest six miles behind Acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan directs an internatio- chards, Sam Neill, Richard Attenborough, enemy lines. The group, led by Lt. Corby, has a plan: They’ll nal cast in this sci-fi actioner that travels around the globe Bob Peck, Martin Ferrero make their way to a nearby river, build a raft, and then, under and into the world of dreams. Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) Science Fiction, Thrillers, Academy Award cover of night, float back to friendly territory. Their plans for is the best there is at extraction: stealing valuable secrets getting back safely are sidetracked by a young woman who inside the subconscious during the mind’s vulnerable dream Winners, Action, Adventure, Dinosaurs, stumbles across them as they hide in the woods, and by the state. His skill has made him a coveted player in industrial Jungle 1993 127min. nearby presence of an enemy general who one member of the espionage but also has made him a fugitive and cost him group is determined to kill. dearly. Now he may get a second chance if he can do the Universal Studios 28.08.2012 impossible: inception, planting an idea rather than stealing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112416 War, Drama, Military 1953 91min. one. If they succeed, Cobb and his team could pull off the Kino Video 23.10.2012 perfect crime. But no planning or expertise can prepare them 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112279 for a dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. Jurassic Park III (DVD + Digital An enemy only Cobb could have seen coming. Copy) Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Stanley Kubrick’s Fear & Desire William H. Macy, Tea Leoni, Sam Neill, Mi- Academy Award Winners, Action 2010 chael Jeter, Trevor Morgan (Blu-ray) 148min. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Paul Mazursky, Kenneth Harper, Frank Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Adventure, Dinosaurs 2001 92min. Silvera 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112614 A fictitious war in an unidentified country provides the setting Universal Studios 28.08.2012 for this drama. Four soldiers survive the crash-landing of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112417 their plane to find themselves in a forest six miles behind The Incredible Mel Brooks: An enemy lines. The group, led by Lt. Corby, has a plan: They’ll Irresistible Collection Of make their way to a nearby river, build a raft, and then, under Kill ‘Em All cover of night, float back to friendly territory. Their plans for Unhinged Comedy (DVD + CD Joe Lewis, Johnny Messner getting back safely are sidetracked by a young woman who Combo) Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high- stumbles across them as they hide in the woods, and by the tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of nearby presence of an enemy general who one member of the Mel Brooks this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly group is determined to kill. Few legends loom as large over the landscape of American ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if Drama, Military, War 1953 91min. comedy as Mel Brooks. For 65 years - in every medium they , they will have to confront Snakehead: the Kino Video 23.10.2012 through which entertainment can possibly pass - he has made lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill ‘em people laugh all over the world. A celebrated director, actor, all. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112291 producer, composer and writer, he is one of only eleven Ninjas, Thai, Action, Foreign 2012 91min. people in history to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Law & Order: The Eleventh Year award. In this unique, first-of-its-kind collection, fans of this Well Go USA 06.11.2012 ferociously gifted entertainer will fall joyfully down a rabbit 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112459 S. Epatha Merkerson, Jerry Orbach, Sam hole into a wonderland of television appearances, short films, Waterston documentaries, tributes, songs and genuine rarities. Kill ‘Em All (Blu-ray) The Law & Order legacy of excellence continues with the Classics, Collections, Comedy 810min. eleventh season as Dianne Wiest joins returning cast Shout Factory 06.11.2012 Joe Lewis, Johnny Messner members Jerry Orbach, Jesse L. Martin, S. Epatha Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high- Merkerson, Sam Waterston and Angie Harmon in her final 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112635 tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of season as ADA Abbie Carmichael. Interim DA Nora Lewin this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly (Wiest) teams with New York’s finest in all 24 gripping The Incredible Shrinking Man ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if episodes to take on cases involving homicidal mothers, they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the crooked Correction Officers and a brutal killer who knows (DVD + Digital Copy) lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill ‘em how to charm a jury. Featuring compelling guest stars and Grant Williams, April Kent, Raymond Bailey, all. fresh cases ripped from news headlines. Dick Wolf’s long- Foreign, Action, Ninjas, Thai 2012 min. running series remains the enthralling experience that fans Paul Langton, Randy Stuart Well Go USA 06.11.2012 have come to expect. Featuring groundbreaking special effects, The Incredible Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal Shrinking Man is considered one of the most innovative and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112486 thought-provoking films ever made. When Scott Carey (Grant Issues, Murder Mysteries, NBC 2000 min. Williams) encounters a mysterious radioactive mist on a Universal Studios 06.11.2012 boating trip, he soon finds his life taking on a bizarre and Kingdom: Season 1 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112410 frightening twist. His physical size begins to diminish as he Celia Imrie, Stephen Fry, Karl Davies shrinks to a mere two inches. Suddenly, ordinary household Stephen Fry (Wilde) stars as Peter Kingdom, a country situations loom over him with lethal intensity, a playful cat solicitor standing up for the little guy in the first season of Leading Ladies Collection: becomes a demon and a spider is a gargantuan monster. Kingdom. Peter Kingdom is a country solicitor whose Volume 2 (Repackage) Carey finds he must rely on his wits to survive in his new compassion and humility has won him huge respect in the oversized world in this sci-fi classic that remains as picture postcard town of Market Shipborough. But there’s a Henry Fonda, Burgess Meredith, Peter terrifying today as it did over 50 years ago! secret sadness for the popular lawyer. His brother, and Weller, Kevin McCarthy, Susan Hayward, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Classics, Drama, business partner, Simon, has died but his body has never Sandy Dennis, Paul Ford, Jo Van Fleet, Fantasy 1957 81min. been found. Peter constantly searches for clues to the Ruth White, Candice Bergen, Jacqueline Universal Studios 28.08.2012 mystery surrounding Simon’s death. Hermione Norris stars as Peter’s troubled and lustful younger sister Beatrice, who Bisset, Jean Stapleton, Karen Allen, Joanne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112414 wreaks havoc when she comes to live with him after being released from a rehabilitation clinic. Woodward, Dana Hill, Eileen Heckart, Jason Robards, David Selby, Eddie Albert, It Came From Outer Space (DVD British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign 2007 min. BBC Home Video 02.10.2012 Richard Conte, Hart Bochner, Don Taylor, + Digital Copy) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112594 Charles Bickford, Ray Danton, Sorrell Joe Sawyer, Barbara Rush, Kay Hughes, Booke, Robert Middleton, Roy Poole, Patrick Richard Carlson, Charles Drake, Russell Kiss Me Bedford Films Include A Big Hand For The Little Lady Ante up for fun

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 42 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA as an Old West poker game welcomes Joanne Woodward as a Gay / Lesbian Interest min. Romance, TV Movies, Christmas, new player whose skills are definitely kept close to the vest! Henry Fonda and Jason Robards co-star. I’ll Cry Tomorrow Breaking Glass Pictures 02.10.2012 Collections, Comedy, Disasters, Drama, One life, straight up. Susan Hayward portrays Lillian Roth, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112500 Holidays min. the real-life Sing You Sinners Broadway legend who fought A&E 23.10.2012 her way back from booze and heartbreak to reclaim stardom. Rich And Famous Jacqueline Bisset and Candice Bergen are Lifetime Double Feature: A Very 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112524 writers, confidantes and sometimes rivals in a sophisticated Merry Daughter Of The Bride / A and funny tale of friendship. Includes Meg Ryan in her film Lightning The White Stallion debut. Shoot The Moon Will their I Do become I’m Done? A Christmas Wedding troubled marriage is under the microscope of this powerful Susan George, slice-of-life tale starring acting legends Diane Keaton and Luke Perry, Helen Shaver, Sarah Paulson, Barney Ingram (Mickey Rooney), a down on his luck gambler, Albert Finney. Up The Down Staircase One of the best films Mimi Kuzyk, Reagan Pasternak, Louise has just discovered that his expensive white stallion, ever made about the triumph of learning! Sandy Dennis Pitre, Joanna Garcia, Lorette Clow, Chantal Cloverdale, has been stolen. Stephanie (Isabel Lorca), a local portrays a new teacher determined to make a difference at high school student who is slowly going blind from a rare eye Coolidge High. Perron, Dean Cain, Eric Mabius, Kenneth disorder, finds the horse and forms an immediate bond with the Music, Poker, Substance Abuse, Teachers, Welsh, Art Hindle, Richard Blackburn, animal. With the help of a feisty stable owner (Susan Western, Biopics, Boxed Sets, Comedy, James D. Hopkin, Lucas Bryant George), Stephanie begins to train for jumping competitions Films Include A Very Merry Daughter Of The Bride A twenty- with the white stallion she now calls Lightning. But just as Drama, Friendships, Gamblers, Gambling something wedding planner (Joanna Garcia, Reba) she and Lightning earn a spot at the national championships a 579min. disapproves of her forty-something widowed mother’s (Helen group of gangsters takes Lightning as payment for Mr. Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 Shaver, The Color of Money) whirlwind romance. Her mother Ingram’s gambling debts. Will Stephanie be able to free has been a devoted single parent, but now she wants to Lightning from the clutches of the evil gangsters? Will she be 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112595 create a fulfilling new life for herself. Unable to stop the able to win the championship and earn the money for the wedding, the daughter decides to take control of it. It takes surgery to save her sight? Find out in this uplifting saga in A League of Their Own (Blu-ray) comedic disasters and emotional confessions before the the tradition of The Black Stallion with a memorable and daughter discovers that letting go works both ways. A pulse-pounding . Bill Pullman, Garry Marshall, Madonna, Jon Christmas Wedding Emily (Sarah Paulson, Studio 60 on the Drama, Family, Horses 92min. Lovitz, Lori Petty, Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Sunset Strip) and Ben (Eric Mabius, ) met on Shout Factory 20.11.2012 Christmas day two years ago and now plan to marry on this David Strathairn Christmas day which is only a month away. When Emily, who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112650 Tom Hanks, Geena Davis and Madonna star in this - has always dreamt of a perfect wedding, gets called away for league comedy from the team that brought you BIG. Hanks work it is up to Ben to deal with all the plans. The Lost World: Jurassic Park stars as Jimmy Dugan, a washed-up ball player whose big Misunderstandings and problems arise as procrastinator Ben league days are over. Hired to coach in the All-American gets sucked into the world of bridal shows and seating charts, Jeff Goldblum, Arliss Howard, Julianne Girls Baseball League of 1943-while the male pros are at while perfectionist Emily tries to keep tabs from afar but sees war-Dugan finds himself drawn back into the game by the Moore, Pete Postlethwaite her perfect day spinning out of control. When a freak storm Director Steven Spielberg takes us back to the scene of heart and heroics of his „all-girl“ team. Jon Lovitz adds a threatens scene-stealing cameo as the sarcastic scout who recruits Jurassic Park in The Lost World: Jurassic Park, the Dottie Hanson (Davis), the „baseball dolly“ with a Babe Ruth Romance, TV Movies, Christmas, Comedy, blockbuster sequel with even more dinosaurs, action and swing. Teammates Madonna, Lori Petty and Rosie O’Donnell Double Features, Drama, girl power, Academy Award nominated visual effects. Four years since round out the roster, taking the team to the World Series. Holidays, Independent Women min. the disaster at Jurassic Park, two groups are in a race Based on the true story of the pioneering women who blazed against time that will determine the fate of the remote island’s the trail for generations of athletes, **A League Of Their A&E 09.10.2012 prehistoric inhabitants. Featuring an all-star cast including Own** is „a home run.“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112511 Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn and Pete Postlethwaite, this action-packed thrill ride will leave you on Comedy, Drama, Baseball, Road Trips, the edge of your seat...again! Sports 1992 128min. Lifetime Double Feature: Under Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment The Mistletoe / Holiday Wishes Adventure, Dinosaurs 1997 129min. 16.10.2012 Amber Benson, Jaime Ray Newman, Universal Studios 28.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112274 Gwynyth Walsh, Katie Keating, Ingrid 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112418 Torrance, Michael Shanks, Tygh Runyan, The Life And Time Of Grizzly Barclay Hope, Britt McKillip, Conan Graham, Myrna Loy And William Powell Adams: Season One Russell Porter, Jason Riley Collection (Repackage) Don Shanks, Denver Pyle, Dan Haggerty Films Include Under The Mistletoe Susan Bell (Jaime Ray William Powell, Myrna Loy, , Gail The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams, which ran on the NBC Newman, Drop Dead Diva) has devoted her life to helping Television Network for two seasons beginning in 1977, others while rarely thinking about helping herself. This year Patrick, Una Merkel, Florence Rice, Frank featured Dan Haggerty as James „Grizzly“ Adams, a the tables will turn when a local radio station takes over her McHugh character loosely based on a 19th century woodsmen and love life after an innocent call from her eight year old son. Fans know them as the champagne set of sleuthing: Nick and animal trapper who gained some notoriety for his exploits. Whether she likes it or not, Susan is under the mistletoe. Nora Charles of The Thin Man movies. But the class acts After being accused of a crime he did not commit, Grizzly Holiday Wishes Britney (Britt McKillip, Dead Like Me), a don’t end here. , Loy and Powell’s first Adams flees and takes sanctuary in a remote mountain area in rich, spoiled child, and Rachel (Katie Keating, Caprica), an screen pairing, showcases an on-screen magic that also the American west, where he discovers and befriends an orphan, switch bodies after a visiting Santa Claus at the mall. sparks the tense courtroom thriller Evelyn Prentice. orphaned grizzly cub. The cub eventually grows into a full- Each girl wakes up as the other - Britney is in the orphanage, Comedies, however - urbane to insane - were the duo’s sized Grizzly bear that Adams affectionately calls Ben, after and Rachel is at Britney’s family’s mansion. With the magical mainstays, and this set has three of their bubbliest. In Double Benjamin Franklin, whom Adams revered as a great man. intervention of a professional party planner, Britney learns to Wedding, Loy doesn’t want her sister to wd Bohemian Powell. Together, Adams and Ben learn to survive in the wilderness, live without her wealth, and Rachel teaches Britney’s Any guess who does? A clunk to the head convinces fuddy- assisted by an old trader named ‘Mad Jack’ (Denver Pyle) unloving family the true meaning of Christmas duddy Powell he’s a con ma - and Loy finds her changed and a Native American named Nakoma (Don Shanks) Romance, Tragedies, TV Movies, hubby appealing in . And the loopiness gets Impressed with the way Adams has adapted to his environment Christmas, Double Features, Drama, Family, loopier when Powell pretends he’s off his rocker to stop Loy’s and for his uncanny rapport with animals, Nakoma and Jack Fantasy, Ghosts, girl power, Holidays min. divorce proceedings in Love Crazy. Classic craziness! come to appreciate Adam’s harmonious existence with nature. Mystery, Romance, Actor / Actress Box A&E 09.10.2012 Unfortunately, as Adams protected the wildlife he grew to Sets, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Drama, Holly- cherish, he still needed to be watchful for bounty hunters, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112510 who were always looking to collect wood Legends 457min. Western, Wilderness, Adventure, Family Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 1977 780min. Lifetime Presents: 12 Days Of 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112599 Shout Factory 06.11.2012 Christmas 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112636 Jennifer Grey, Dean Armstrong, Fulvio Luck: The Complete First Season Cecere, Clive Walton, Christine Baranski, Nick Nolte, Dennis Farina, Dustin Hoffman, Lifestyles: A Cultural Look At Gay Carly Pope, Megan Park, Tracy Dawson, Kevin Dunn, Ian Hart, Richard Kind, John Male Sexuality - Volume One Barbara Gordon, Monica Parker, Louise Ortiz, Ritchie Coster Pitre, Kristen Hager, , Guy Baldwin, Frank Ripploh From David Milch (Deadwood, NYPD Blue) and Michael Clark Gregg, Garwin Sanford, Thom Mann (Public Enemies, Ali), this one-hour drama centers on This limited edition box set includes three films that explore an intuitive tough guy named Chester „Ace“ Bernstein (Dustin different cultural aspects of gay sexuality: Taxi zum Klo is Allison, Peter Cockett Hoffman), who has always been involved with gambling, from Frank Ripploh’s 1981 masterpiece of queer cinema that When you welcome these 12 extra special movies into your bookmaking and money laundering to casino operations. follows a gay Berlin schoolteacher’s double life of daily home over the holidays, you’ll experience the true joys of the Recently released from prison after three years, he teams lesson plans and nightly hookups in public bathrooms. Uncle season. These are the precious gifts you can look forward to with Gus Demitriou (Dennis Farina), his longtime chauffeur Bob illuminates the life of Robert Oppel - the gay rights year after year that will always guarantee your holidays are and muscle, to craft a complex plan involving the Santa Anita activist who rose to notoriety when he streaked the 1974 happy. (Set contains the following Lifetime movies: The Road Racetrack in . As they plot out Ace’s strategy, the Academy Awards. Kink Crusaders goes behind the scenes at to Christmas, Recipe for a Perfect Christmas, Home By pair recruits Turo Escalante (John Ortiz), a successful the International Mr. Leather competition, where men from the Christmas, A Christmas Wedding, Holiday Switch, A Very trainer with a sordid reputation. In the meantime, an old world’s gay kink community vie for the title of Mr. Leather. Merry Daughter of the Bride, Under the Mistletoe, Holiday trainer (Nick Nolte) nurtures a possible breakthrough Adventure, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Wishes, Christmas in Paradise, Deck the Halls, His & Her thoroughbred, while a ragtag group of four racetrack groupies Christmas, Will You Merry Me?)

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA band together to try to catch lightning in a bottle - as winners passion for writing. He takes a lakeside cabin for the summer Comedy, Family, TBS min. of an elusive Pick Six bet. in picturesque Belle Isle, and befriends the family next door - Lionsgate 23.10.2012 Crime, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling, HBO, an attractive single mom (Madsen) and her young daughters - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112366 Horses, Sports 2011 540min. who help him find inspiration again. Comedy, Drama 2012 109min. HBO Home Video 27.11.2012 Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.09.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112330 Men Of A Certain Age: The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112576 Complete Second Season Luck: The Complete First Season Ray Romano, Andre Braugher, Scott Bakula Margaret (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Men Of A Certain Age returns for a second season, with all (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) three men facing a number of roadblocks on their continuing Nick Nolte, Dennis Farina, Dustin Hoffman, journeys through midlife. They know they can always rely on Matt Damon, Anna Paquin, Mark Ruffalo their friends to see them through. Joe (Romano) is a divorced, Kevin Dunn, Ian Hart, Richard Kind, John From Academy Award nominated writer/director Kenneth slightly neurotic father of two who runs a party store and Ortiz, Ritchie Coster Lonergan (You Can Count On Me) comes a stirring drama recently overcame a gambling problem. He’s now decided to From David Milch (Deadwood, NYPD Blue) and Michael Rolling Stone calls „a film of rare beauty and shocking rekindle his dream of becoming a professional golfer, training Mann (Public Enemies, Ali), this one-hour drama centers on gravity.“ Anna Paquin, Matt Damon and Mark Ruffalo lead a for a spot on the senior tour. Owen (Braugher) the married an intuitive tough guy named Chester „Ace“ Bernstein (Dustin celebrated cast in the story of a Manhattan teenager whose one of the group, is finally asserting himself at his family’s car Hoffman), who has always been involved with gambling, from life is profoundly altered after witnessing a terrible accident. dealership, but is struggling with being the boss. Terry bookmaking and money laundering to casino operations. Experience an emotional teen’s extraordinary journey to set (Bakula) the relaxed, handsome actor, continues to search for Recently released from prison after three years, he teams things right as her innocent ideals come crashing against the stability after disastrous attempts at managing an apartment with Gus Demitriou (Dennis Farina), his longtime chauffeur harsh realities of the adult world. It’s an „extraordinarily complex and reviving his acting career. and muscle, to craft a complex plan involving the Santa Anita ambitious film,“ raves Time Magazine. Comedy, Drama 2010 min. Racetrack in California. As they plot out Ace’s strategy, the 2011 150min. pair recruits Turo Escalante (John Ortiz), a successful Warner Bros. 04.12.2012 trainer with a sordid reputation. In the meantime, an old 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112598 trainer (Nick Nolte) nurtures a possible breakthrough 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112301 thoroughbred, while a ragtag group of four racetrack groupies band together to try to catch lightning in a bottle - as winners Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: of an elusive Pick Six bet. Marx Brothers Collection Season 1 - Volume 2 Crime, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling, HBO, (Repackage) After 10,000 years of imprisonment, the evil sorceress Rita Horses, Sports 2011 540min. Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Nat Pendleton, Repulsa and her loyal minions are freed when astronauts on a HBO Home Video 27.11.2012 routine mission in space accidentally open her dumpster Margaret Dumont, Sig Ruman, Lois Collier, prison on the Moon. Filled with rage, Rita decides to conquer 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112346 Lucille Ball, Eve Arden, Ann Miller, Virginia the nearest planet: Earth. But her archnemesis - the heroic Grey, Florence Rice, Kitty Carlisle, Lisette sage Zordon - has been patiently waiting in preparation for Magic City: The Complete First this day. With the assistance of his wisecracking robotic Verea, Pandro S. Berman, Groucho Marx, sidekick Alpha 5, Zordon recruits a team of - five teenagers Season Charles Drake, Frank Albertson, Allan with attitude - Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy and Trini - to Jones, Kenny Baker, Lewis Russell, Dan receive superpowers beyond their wildest dreams so they can Kelly Lynch, Olga Kurylenko, Danny defend the Earth as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Huston, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Steven Strait Seymour Aided by giant robotic vehicles modeled after dinosaurs called Miami Beach, New Year’s Eve, 1958-1959. Castro’s rebels Films Include Go West/ The Big Store Groucho, Chico, Harpo Zords, the Power Rangers fight back against the evil alien seize Havana, while the Kennedys, the mob and the CIA all - all certifiably wacko in a double-dip of comedies. The hordes of Rita Repulsa. Contains the last 30 episodes of hold court at the luxurious Miramar Playa Hotel. This is Ike Marxmen Go West to where the sun always shines, the fun Season 1. Evans’ place, and he used mob boss Ben „The Butcher“ never sets and where they outwit a land grabber. Highlights Action, Cult Film / TV, Family, Martial Arts, Diamond to finance it. With diving clowns by day, and escorts include the $1 scam, the stagecoach ride, Chico and Harpo at night, nothing’s what it seems in the Magic City. bellying up to the bar and the train-chase finale. What fools Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 1993 these mortals be and what fuels they need. The boys chop up 660min. Crime, Drama, Gambling, Historical / Period passenger cars to get wood to stoke the locomotive. They go Piece, Mystery 2012 419min. east in The Big Store, becoming detectives-cum-bodyguards Shout Factory 20.11.2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 for a department store. Crime is afoot in the store or, if the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112646 Fabrics Department, by the yard. Still, our sleuths don’t have 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112385 a clue except in laughing matters. Chico and Harpo share a piano keyboard, beds disappear into walls, roller skates The Robert Mitchum Film Magic City: The Complete First provide in-store mobility Groucho warbles Sing While You Collection Sell, Sold! Room Service/ At the Circus The Marx Bros. try to Season (Blu-ray) find a backer for a Broadway play. Then they scramble to find Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, Rory a backer for a circus. So we put them backer to backer in this Calhoun, Murvyn Vye, Douglas Spencer, Kelly Lynch, Olga Kurylenko, Danny hilarious twofer. In Room Service (co-starring Lucille Ball Huston, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Steven Strait and Anne Miller), Tommy Rettig Miami Beach, New Year’s Eve, 1958-1959. Castro’s rebels Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Slapstick With an illustrious acting career spanning more than 50 seize Havana, while the Kennedys, the mob and the CIA all years, Academy Award Nominee Robert Mitchum was one of hold court at the luxurious Miramar Playa Hotel. This is Ike 1935 min. Hollywood’s most iconic and memorable leading men. Although Evans’ place, and he used mob boss Ben „The Butcher“ Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 widely known for his „tough guy“ roles in classic film noir Diamond to finance it. With diving clowns by day, and escorts 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112597 dramas, Mitchum’s powerful on-screen charisma proved at night, nothing’s what it seems in the Magic City. equally effective in all movie genres - from comedy and Crime, Drama, Gambling, Historical / Period romance to Westerns and war films - leaving an indelible The Matrix: 10th Anniversary Edi- mark in cinematic history. Films Include: Piece, Mystery 2012 min. Western, Action, Adventure, Classics, Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 tion (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Collections, Drama min. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112408 ray) 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Joe 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112303 The Magic Of Belle Island Pantoliano Virginia Madsen, Madeline Carroll, Morgan Perception: Our day-in, day-out world is real. Reality: That Moonrise Kingdom world is a hoax, an elaborate deception spun by all-powerful Freeman, Fred Willard, Kenan Thompson machines of artificial intelligence that control us. Keanu Bruce Willis, Frances McDormand, Tilda Reuniting with director Rob Reiner from the hit film, The Reeves and Laurence Fishbourne lead the fight to free Swinton, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Bob Bucket List, Freeman plays Monte Wildhorn, a famous We- humankind in the see-and-see-again cyberthriller written and stern novelist whose struggle with alcoholism has sapped his directed by the Wachowski brothers - and the winner of four Balaban, Jason Schwartzman passion for writing. He takes a lakeside cabin for the summer Academy Awards. Moonrise Kingdom is the new movie directed by two-time in picturesque Belle Isle, and befriends the family next door - Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Wes Anderson (The an attractive single mom (Madsen) and her young daughters - Cult Film / TV, Action, AFI Top 100, Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rushmore). Set on an who help him find inspiration again. Apocalyptic Future, Science Fiction 1999 island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, Comedy, Drama 2012 109min. 138min. Moonrise Kingdom tells the story of two 12-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.09.2012 Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 wilderness. As various authorities try to hunt them down, a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112558 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112615 violent storm is brewing off-shore - and the peaceful island community is turned upside down in every which way. Bruce Willis plays the local sheriff, Captain Sharp. Edward Norton The Magic Of Belle Island (Blu- Meet The Browns: Season 7 is a Khaki Scout troop leader, Scout Master Ward. Bill ray) Tamela Mann, Denise Boutte, Juanita Murray and Frances McDormand portray the young girl’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. The cast also includes Tilda Virginia Madsen, Madeline Carroll, Morgan Jennings, Lamman Rucker, David Mann Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, and Bob Balaban; and Freeman, Fred Willard, Kenan Thompson The Browns keep the laughter coming! Every time the front introduces Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward as Sam and Suzy, door opens, expect the unexpected. Mr. Brown and his clan the boy and girl. Reuniting with director Rob Reiner from the hit film, The will surprise you, delight you and have you rolling on the Bucket List, Freeman plays Monte Wildhorn, a famous We- floor. But beware: before you know it, you’ll be speaking Romance, Comedy, Drama, Historical / stern novelist whose struggle with alcoholism has sapped his Brownese! Period Piece 2012 94min.

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Universal Studios 16.10.2012 the top ten upon its premiere season, My Favorite Martian special effects makeup by future Academy Award Winner Rick stars Bill Bixby (The Courtship Of Eddie’s Father, The Baker (An American Werewolf in London) and stars Kerwin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112365 Incredible Hulk) as newspaper reporter Tim O’Hara and Ray Matthews (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad), Jeff Morrow (This Walston (Picket Fences) as the Martian whom Tim discovers Island Earth), Pier Angeli (Battle of the Bulge); the DVD a Moonrise Kingdom (Blu-ray + and passes off as his Uncle Martin. Pamela Britton plays their Science Fiction, Horror, Monsters 1971 snoopy landlady, Lorelei Brown. The hit series switched to 76min. DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) color in its third and final season, presented here on DVD for the first time. These 32 complete, digitallyremastered episode Retromedia 23.10.2012 (Blu-ray) include guest appearances by other classic TV actors such 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112289 Bruce Willis, Frances McDormand, Tilda as Gavin MacLeod (The Mary Tyler Moore Show), Jamie Farr Swinton, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Bob (M*A*S*H), Allan Melvin (The Phil Silvers Show), Stafford Repp (Batman), Shelley Morrison (The Flying Nun), Michael The Pact Balaban, Jason Schwartzman Constantine (Room 222), Leon Askin (Hogan’s Heroes) and Moonrise Kingdom is the new movie directed by two-time others. Casper Van Dien Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Wes Anderson (The Time Travel, Aliens, Comedy, Family, Following her mother’s death, Annie (Caity Lotz, Mad Men) Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rushmore). Set on an reluctantly returns to her childhood home, only to find that her island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, Science Fiction, Space 900min. estranged sister has disappeared overnight and a sinister Moonrise Kingdom tells the story of two 12-year-olds who fall MPI 30.10.2012 presence is in the house haunting the halls and her dreams. in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112372 With a detective and a clairvoyant helping her investigate the wilderness. As various authorities try to hunt them down, a physical and paranormal clues, Annie starts to suspect that violent storm is brewing off-shore - and the peaceful island something terrible has happened in the house. What she community is turned upside down in every which way. Bruce The Navigator: Ultimate Edition discovers may lead her on a dangerous journey into her Willis plays the local sheriff, Captain Sharp. Edward Norton mother’s unknown and disturbing past. Equally gripping and is a Khaki Scout troop leader, Scout Master Ward. Bill Kathryn McGuire, , Frederick terrifying, the harrowing secrets of The Pact will leave you in Murray and Frances McDormand portray the young girl’s Vroom shock. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. The cast also includes Tilda Brilliantly exemplifying Buster Keaton’s ability to mime rich Mystery, Thrillers, Haunted Houses, Horror Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, and Bob Balaban; and humor from the inanimate, The Navigator is a classic of the 2012 89min. introduces Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward as Sam and Suzy, Golden Age of Comedy, centered on and about a single the boy and girl. extraordinary prop: an immense five hundred-foot yacht. In a MPI 06.11.2012 Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, return to the „pampered youth“ role he had played in The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112471 Saphead (and would return to in Battling Butler), Keaton stars Romance 2012 94min. as Rollo Treadway, an inexperienced lad of extraordinary Universal Studios 16.10.2012 wealth and surprisingly little common sense who finds himself The Pact (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112397 adrift on „The Navigator“ with no one else on board except an Casper Van Dien equally naive girl (Kathryn McGuire). After discovering each Following her mother’s death, Annie (Caity Lotz, Mad Men) other’s presence in an ingenious ballet of unintentional hide- reluctantly returns to her childhood home, only to find that her Mortal Kombat (Blu-ray + and-seek, the couple resourcefully fashion a home for estranged sister has disappeared overnight and a sinister UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) themselves aboard the derelict boat, in spite of their presence is in the house haunting the halls and her dreams. unfamiliarity with the tools of domesticity. They then embark With a detective and a clairvoyant helping her investigate the Linden Ashby, Bridgette Wilson, Robin on a series of misadventures on the ocean floor (where Rollo physical and paranormal clues, Annie starts to suspect that in a diving suit must parry the attacks of an aggressive something terrible has happened in the house. What she Shou, swordfish) and upon the high seas, surrounded by a fleet of Nothing In This World Has Prepared You For This. Lord discovers may lead her on a dangerous journey into her menacing cannibals, where the film reaches its explosively mother’s unknown and disturbing past. Equally gripping and Rayden (Christopher Lambert) has rescued them, but he funny climax, with the aid of a crate of cannot fight for them. They - a martial artist, an terrifying, the harrowing secrets of The Pact will leave you in star, a soldier - are the chosen three. And while the world’s Silent Film, Slapstick, Action, Comedy, High shock. fate rests on their shoulders, the rest of us can enjoy the Seas 1924 110min. Haunted Houses, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers thrills as they compete to save us all in the body-slamming, Kino Video 04.09.2012 2012 89min. mystical-tinged, full-tilt spectacle of creatures and conflict that is Mortal Kombat. Paul Anderson (Resident Evil: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112318 MPI 06.11.2012 Afterlife) directs this astonishing and trendsetting experience 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112492 that showed how to turn a smash-hit video game into a movie The Navigator: Ultimate Edition smash. Cheer these intrepid three Kombatants - they’re fighting for you! (Blu-ray) Painted Skin: The Resurrection Fantasy, Fighting, Martial Arts, Action, Kathryn McGuire, Buster Keaton, Frederick Xun Zhou Based On Video Game 1995 101min. According to ancient lore a 1000 yr old female demon monster Vroom transforms into a beautiful seductress consuming living human New Line Home Entertainment 09.10.2012 Brilliantly exemplifying Buster Keaton’s ability to mime rich hearts for a chance to become human. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112616 humor from the inanimate, The Navigator is a classic of the Golden Age of Comedy, centered on and about a single Mystery, Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2012 extraordinary prop: an immense five hundred-foot yacht. In a 132min. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Blu- return to the „pampered youth“ role he had played in The Well Go USA 13.11.2012 Saphead (and would return to in Battling Butler), Keaton stars ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- as Rollo Treadway, an inexperienced lad of extraordinary 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112460 ray) wealth and surprisingly little common sense who finds himself adrift on „The Navigator“ with no one else on board except an Painted Skin: The Resurrection Andrea Martin, Gia Carides, Lainie Kazan, equally naive girl (Kathryn McGuire). After discovering each Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Louis Mandylor, other’s presence in an ingenious ballet of unintentional hide- (Blu-ray) and-seek, the couple resourcefully fashion a home for Michael Constantine, Joey Fatone themselves aboard the derelict boat, in spite of their Xun Zhou Love is here to stay... so is her family.. Toula is 30. And unfamiliarity with the tools of domesticity. They then embark According to ancient lore a 1000 yr old female demon monster unmarried. Which means as a nice Greek girl-she’s a failure. on a series of misadventures on the ocean floor (where Rollo transforms into a beautiful seductress consuming living human all her cousins did the right thing-married Greek boys and in a diving suit must parry the attacks of an aggressive hearts for a chance to become human. made Greek babies. So everyone worries: what will become swordfish) and upon the high seas, surrounded by a fleet of Mystery, Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2012 of Toula? Then one day she sees the ultimate unattainable guy menacing cannibals, where the film reaches its explosively and realizes the only way her life will get better is if she gets 132min. funny climax, with the aid of a crate of Well Go USA 13.11.2012 away from her big, fat Greek family. Toula escapes from the Comedy, High Seas, Action, Silent Film, family restaurant. She exchanges her seating hostess jacket 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112487 for a college diploma, convinces her aunt to giver he a new Slapstick 1924 110min. job, and trades in her coke-bottle glasses for contact lenses, Kino Video 04.09.2012 just in time for „him“ to walk back into her life. Ian Miller is Peace, Love & Misunderstanding tall, handsome but definitely not Greek. Their courtship is an 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112323 Olympian culture clash. Can Ian handle Toula, her parents, Catherine Keener, Jane Fonda, Katharine her aunts, uncles, cousins and several centuries of Greek Octaman McPhee, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeffrey Dean heritage? Will Toula discover the love she’s been missing rig Morgan, Chace Crawford Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Jeff Morrow, Kerwin Mathews, Pier Angeli When her husband tells her he wants a divorce, devastated Romance 2002 95min. A scientific expedition to a remote fishing village discovers Manhattan lawyer Diane (Catherine Keener, The 40 Year Old high levels of radiation as well as a strange mutant-like small Virgin, Being John Malkovich) heads upstate with her two HBO Home Video 13.11.2012 octopus that walks on land and has bizarre human-like eyes. teens to to stay with her estranged flower-child 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112489 The leader of the expedition teams up with a circus owner mother (Jane Fonda). In this charming village, Diane and her who wants to exploit the weird creature but trouble ensues city kids get a new perspective on life: poetry-reading when the two men discover their crew has been slaughtered daughter Zoe (breakout star Elizabeth Olsen of Martha Marcy My Favorite Martian: Season 3 and the mutant is missing. Tales from the villagers come to May Marlene) becomes interested in a sensitive young Leon Askin, Shelley Morrison, Bill Bixby, light describing the local legend of a half-man, half-sea butcher (Chace Crawford, Gossip Girl), nerdy son Jake (Nat serpent, but what the expedition finds is an astounding seven- Wolff, The Naked Brothers Band) finds material for his first , Jamie Farr, Gavin MacLeod, foot-tall walking octopus that has a lust for human blood! film project, and Diane herself grows close to a handsome Allan Melvin Now, the hunters have become the hunted and the race is on. carpenter/singer (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Magic City). Most Out of this world laughs with the original 1960’s supernatural Who will survive and what will be left of them? Octaman is the importantly, Diane finally gets the chance to end the ancient sitcom smash My Favorite Martian marked the beginning of sought after 1972 cult classic from director Harry Essex war with the mother she has not seen for decades. Legendary television’s fascination with fantasy themed comedy series, (Creature from the Black Lagoon) and comes to DVD in a director Bruce Beresford (Tender Mercies, Driving Miss originally airing on CBS-TV from 1963 to 1966. Debuting in newly-remastered from 35mm widescreen edition. Features Daisy) creates a touching and poignant comedy with Peace,

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Love & Misunderstanding, which proves once and for all that cast portraying an American family facing the challenge of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112529 having an old soul doesn’t mean you can’t be a free spirit. having a loved-one in the armed forces and many of the Comedy, Drama, Family, Love Gone Bad hilarious and outrageous obstacles that come with it. 2011 92min. Comedy, Family, Military min. Portlandia: Season Two (Blu-ray) MPI 02.10.2012 Lionsgate 23.10.2012 Carrie Brownstein, Fred Armisen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112367 Portlandia is IFC’s hit sketch comedy series created, written 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112288 by, and starring Fred Armisen (SNL) and Carrie Brownstein (WILD FLAG, Sleater-Kinney vocalist/guitarist). The show is Peace, Love & Misunderstanding ’s Madea’s Witness driven by a series of hilarious character-based shorts all of which take place in „Portlandia“, the creators’ dreamy and (Blu-ray) Protection (Blu-ray + Digital absurd rendering of Portland, Oregon where 90s culture Catherine Keener, Jane Fonda, Katharine Copy) (Blu-ray) reigns supreme and political correctness is all the rage. Comedy, Sketch Comedy, 2012 Emmy McPhee, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeffrey Dean Denise Richards, Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy Nominees 2012 220min. Morgan, Chace Crawford Madea’s back in an all-new movie! A Wall Street investment When her husband tells her he wants a divorce, devastated banker has been set up in a mob-backed Ponzi scheme, Music Video Distribution 25.09.2012 Manhattan lawyer Diane (Catherine Keener, The 40 Year Old forcing him to be put under witness protection with his entire 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112540 Virgin, Being John Malkovich) heads upstate with her two family in Madea’s house down South. teens to Woodstock to stay with her estranged flower-child Comedy min. mother (Jane Fonda). In this charming village, Diane and her Lionsgate 23.10.2012 Portlandia: Seasons One & Two city kids get a new perspective on life: poetry-reading Carrie Brownstein, Fred Armisen daughter Zoe (breakout star Elizabeth Olsen of Martha Marcy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112398 May Marlene) becomes interested in a sensitive young 2 Packs, 2012 Emmy Nominees, Comedy, butcher (Chace Crawford, Gossip Girl), nerdy son Jake (Nat Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Sketch Comedy min. Wolff, The Naked Brothers Band) finds material for his first Music Video Distribution 25.09.2012 film project, and Diane herself grows close to a handsome Protection (DVD + Digital Copy) carpenter/singer (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Magic City). Most 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112530 importantly, Diane finally gets the chance to end the ancient Denise Richards, Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy war with the mother she has not seen for decades. Legendary Madea’s back in an all-new movie! A Wall Street investment The Portrait Of A Lady (Blu-ray + director Bruce Beresford (Tender Mercies, Driving Miss banker has been set up in a mob-backed Ponzi scheme, Daisy) creates a touching and poignant comedy with Peace, forcing him to be put under witness protection with his entire DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Love & Misunderstanding, which proves once and for all that family in Madea’s house down South. having an old soul doesn’t mean you can’t be a free spirit. Comedy min. Viggo Mortensen, Barbara Hershey, Nicole Comedy, Drama, Family, Love Gone Bad Lionsgate 23.10.2012 Kidman, John Malkovich, Christian Bale, 2011 92min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112368 John Gielgud Archer Isabel is a young woman of daring independence and MPI 02.10.2012 equally fierce desires. Her head-strong innocence is no 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112292 Planes, Trains And Automobiles match, however, for the manipulations of her duplicitous friend Madame Merle and the devious Gilbert Osmond. Based off of (Blu-ray) Henry James’ great novel and featuring an amazing supporting People Like Us (Blu-ray + DVD Steve Martin, Michael McKean, Laila cast, writer/director Jane Campion’s (The Piano) vision is a Combo) lavish, richly layered epic of seduction, betrayal and hopeful Robins, Kevin Bacon, John Candy triumph. Michelle Pfeiffer, Elizabeth Banks, Olivia Neal Page is an advertising executive who just wants to fly home to Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with his family. But all 1996 144min. Wilde, Alex Kurtzman, , Chris Neal Page gets is misery. Misery named Del Griffith - a loud Shout Factory 20.11.2012 Pine mouthed, but nevertheless lovable, salesman who leads Neal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112649 From DreamWorks Pictures, the studio that brought you The on a cross-country, wild goose chase that keeps Neal from Help, comes the smart and witty drama People Like Us, tasting his turkey. Steve Martin (Neal) and John Candy (Del) featuring an all-star cast, including Chris Pine (Star Trek), are absolutely wonderful as two guys with a knack for making The Poseidon Adventure (Blu-ray) Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games), Olivia Wilde and the the worst of a bad situation. If it’s painful, funny, or just plain award-winning Michelle Pfeiffer. Sam (Pine) is a twenty- crazy, it happens to Neal and Del in Planes, Trains and Carol Lynley, Stella Stevens, Shelley Win- something, fast-talking salesman whose latest deal collapses Automobiles. Every traveler’s nightmare in a comedy-come- ters, Gene Hackman, , Red the day he learns his father has suddenly died. Against his true! Buttons wishes, Sam is called home to put his father’s estate in order Comedy, Drama, Holidays, Adventure, Road One of the most griping escape films of all time follows ten and reconnect with his estranged family. While there, he Trips 1987 92min. survivors as they struggle to escape from an ocean liner uncovers a startling secret that turns his entire world upside- capsized by a tidal wave. Suspenseful terror, combined with down - he has a 30-year-old sister he never knew existed. Paramount Pictures 06.11.2012 the victims’ intimate and personal stories, results in Inspired by true events - and complete with bonus material 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112537 compelling and heart-stopping drama. The distinguished that delves deeper into the story - PeopleE Like Us is a talents of 15 Academy Award winners, along with the heartwarming and touching movie everybody can relate to. incredible special effects, make this film a true classic. Drama, Family 2012 113min. Polisse Disasters, High Seas, Action, Thrillers 1972 Disney / Buena Vista 02.10.2012 Karin Viard, Marina Fois, Joey Starr 117min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112627 Based on real child investigation cases, Polisse follows the lives of a tight-knit team of men and women working in the 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 Child Protection Unit of the Parisian police. In this realm of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112441 People Like Us (Blu-ray + DVD some of society’s worst criminals, the pressures of the job are matched only by the pressures in the personal lives of the Combo) (Blu-ray) officers - breakdowns, divorce and adulterous relations The Princess Bride: The 25th Michelle Pfeiffer, Elizabeth Banks, Olivia within the force join with unending arrests, interrogations, Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) and confessions on the street to threaten the cohesion of the Wilde, Alex Kurtzman, Mark Duplass, Chris unit. Only by putting aside their individual differences can Peter Falk, Wallace Shawn, Billy Crystal, Pine they find the strength necessary to make a positive change in Carol Kane, Chris Sarandon, Christopher From DreamWorks Pictures, the studio that brought you The the community. Winner of the Jury Prize at the 2011 Cannes Help, comes the smart and witty drama People Like Us, Film Festival and nominated for 13 César Awards, writer- Guest, Robin Wright Penn, Mandy Patinkin, featuring an all-star cast, including Chris Pine (Star Trek), director-actor Maïwenn’s Polisse features an accomplished Cary Elwes, Andre The Giant Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games), Olivia Wilde and the ensemble cast and showcases the emotional strain of the The Princess Bride is now even more enchanting! With seven award-winning Michelle Pfeiffer. Sam (Pine) is a twenty- CPU’s work with gritty realism. featurettes and the all-new True Love and High Adventures something, fast-talking salesman whose latest deal collapses Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign, French 2011 interactive game, this „dream of a movie“ (People) is now a the day he learns his father has suddenly died. Against his fantastical experience! „Wonderfully inventive and uplifting“ wishes, Sam is called home to put his father’s estate in order 128min. (Los Angeles Times), this tongue-in-cheek fairy tale follows and reconnect with his estranged family. While there, he MPI 30.10.2012 two star-crossed lovers as they encounter formidable odds uncovers a startling secret that turns his entire world upside- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112374 and outrageously colorful characters! Starring Robin Wright, down - he has a 30-year-old sister he never knew existed. Cary Elwes and comic geniuses Billy Crystal and Christo- Inspired by true events - and complete with bonus material pher Guest, this film is „pure Hollywood magic“ (L.A. that delves deeper into the story - PeopleE Like Us is a Portlandia: Season Two Weekly)! heartwarming and touching movie everybody can relate to. Carrie Brownstein, Fred Armisen Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Drama, Family 2012 113min. Portlandia is IFC’s hit sketch comedy series created, written Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Ac- Disney / Buena Vista 02.10.2012 by, and starring Fred Armisen (SNL) and Carrie Brownstein tion, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Odd Couples, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112655 (WILD FLAG, Sleater-Kinney vocalist/guitarist). The show is driven by a series of hilarious character-based shorts all of Pirates, Romance 1987 98min. which take place in „Portlandia“, the creators’ dreamy and MGM / UA 02.10.2012 Tyler Perry’s I Don’t Want To Do absurd rendering of Portland, Oregon where 90s culture 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112312 reigns supreme and political correctness is all the rage. Wrong 2012 Emmy Nominees, Comedy, Sketch Alexis Jones, Patrice Lovely, Palmer Comedy 2012 220min. Prometheus Williams Music Video Distribution 25.09.2012 Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, Noomi Palmer Williams Jr. and Patrice Lovely anchor a powerhouse

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Rapace, Kate Dickie, Idris Elba, Michael Puppets, Thrillers 1991 86min. Fassbender, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall Full Moon 18.09.2012 Savages (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Legendary director Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112277 returns to his sci-fi origins in this epic adventure bursting Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) with spectacular action and mind-blowing visual effects. A Blake Lively, Taylor Kitsch, Benicio Del team of scientists and explorers travels to the darkest La Que No Podia Amar (The One corners of the universe searching for the origins of human Toro, Aaron Johnson, Gary Stretch life. Instead they find a dark, twisted world that hides a Who Couldn’t Love) Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Thrillers 2012 terrifying threat capable of destroying them...and all mankind! Jorge Salinas 131min. Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers, An original story by renowned novela dame Delia Fiallo. Ana Universal Studios 23.10.2012 Adventure, Aliens, Epics 2012 124min. Paula fights to set herself free from her powerful and short- tempered husband Rogelio whom she met while working at the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112539 20th Century Fox 11.10.2012 Hacienda del Fuerte. She finally decides to quit and meets 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112428 Gustavo, a young handsome engineer who rescues her from Scarface (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital an accident. They fall in love but a cruel twist of fate soon Prometheus (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- tears them apart. Copy) (Blu-ray) Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, , Michelle Pfeiffer gital Copy) (Blu-ray) Romance 800min. One of the most influential gangster epics of all time, Scarface Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, Noomi Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.11.2012 is the rags-to-riches story of Cuban immigrant Tony „Scarface“ Montana, who finds wealth, power and passion Rapace, Kate Dickie, Idris Elba, Michael 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112377 beyond his wildest dreams...at a price he never imagined. Fassbender, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall From acclaimed director Brian De Palma (Carlito’s Way) and Legendary director Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner) Rashomon: The Criterion Oscar-winning writer Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of returns to his sci-fi origins in this epic adventure bursting July), this action-packed Blu-ray features an eye-popping with spectacular action and mind-blowing visual effects. A Collection remastered picture, explosive 7.1 audio track and exclusive team of scientists and explorers travels to the darkest bonus features. A modern-day classic, Scarface stars corners of the universe searching for the origins of human Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Daisuke Academy Award winner Al Pacino (The Godfather) in an life. Instead they find a dark, twisted world that hides a Kato, Masayuki Mori, Minoru Chiaki, unforgettable performance as one of the most ruthless terrifying threat capable of destroying them...and all mankind! Machiko Kyo, Fumiko Honma, Kichijiro Ueda gangsters ever depicted on film and Academy Award nominee Epics, Adventure, Aliens, Science Fiction, A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of Michelle Pfeiffer (The Fabulous Baker Boys). Space, Thrillers 2012 124min. truth and the meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely National Film Registry, Classics, Crime, Cult considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people Film / TV, Drama, Film Noir, Action 1983 20th Century Fox 11.10.2012 recount different versions of the story of a man’s murder and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112436 the rape of his wife, which director Akira Kurosawa (Seven 170min. Samurai) presents with striking imagery and an ingenious use Universal Studios 28.08.2012 of flashbacks. This eloquent masterwork and international 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112434 Prometheus 3D: 4 Disc Collector’s sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Edition (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Japanese cinema-and a commanding new star by the name of Toshiro Mifune (Yojimbo) - to the Western world. Scarface (DVD + Digital Copy) DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Samurai, Art House, Classics, Crime, , Ann Dvorak, , Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, Noomi Criterion Collection, Drama, Feudal Japan, Paul Muni Rapace, Kate Dickie, Idris Elba, Michael Foreign, Japanese 1950 88min. One of the most influential movies of all time, the original Fassbender, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall Criterion 06.11.2012 Scarface is an exciting story of organized crime’s brutal PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112452 control over Chicago during the Prohibition era. Academy is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Award winner Paul Muni gives an electrifying performance as A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Tony Camonte, an ambitious criminal with a ruthless drive to standard Blu-ray players. Legendary director Ridley Scott Rashomon: The Criterion be the city’s top crime boss. Produced by the legendary (Alien, Blade Runner) returns to his sci-fi origins in this epic Howard Hughes and directed by Howard Hawks, this adventure bursting with spectacular action and mind-blowing Collection (Blu-ray) compelling tale of ambition, betrayal and revenge is a visual effects. A team of scientists and explorers travels to Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Daisuke groundbreaking masterpiece that influenced all gangster films the darkest corners of the universe searching for the origins to follow. Filmed during the „pre-code“ era before censorship of human life. Instead they find a dark, twisted world that Kato, Masayuki Mori, Minoru Chiaki, shaped the way movies were made, „this powerful gangster hides a terrifying threat capable of destroying them...and all Machiko Kyo, Fumiko Honma, Kichijiro Ueda film is the most potent of the 1930s“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic mankind! A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of Movie Guide). Epics, Adventure, Aliens, Science Fiction, truth and the meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely National Film Registry, Action, Classics, considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Film Noir 1932 Space, Thrillers 2012 124min. recount different versions of the story of a man’s murder and 20th Century Fox 11.10.2012 the rape of his wife, which director Akira Kurosawa (Seven 94min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112437 Samurai) presents with striking imagery and an ingenious use Universal Studios 28.08.2012 of flashbacks. This eloquent masterwork and international 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112420 sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Psycho (DVD + Digital Copy) Japanese cinema-and a commanding new star by the name of Janet Leigh, John McIntire, Anthony Toshiro Mifune (Yojimbo) - to the Western world. Scarface (DVD + Digital Copy) Samurai, Classics, Crime, Criterion Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin, Martin Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer Collection, Drama, Feudal Japan, Foreign, Balsam One of the most influential gangster epics of all time, Scarface Japanese, Art House 1950 88min. is the rags-to-riches story of Cuban immigrant Tony Alfred Hitchock’s landmark masterpiece of the macabre stars „Scarface“ Montana, who finds wealth, power and passion Anthony Perkins as the troubled Norman Bates, whose old Criterion 06.11.2012 beyond his wildest dreams...at a price he never imagined. dark house and adjoining motel are not the place to spend a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112483 From acclaimed director Brian De Palma (Carlito’s Way) and quiet evening. No one knows that better than Marion Crane Oscar-winning writer Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of (Janet Leigh), the ill-fated traveler whose journey ends in the July), this action-packed Blu-ray features an eye-popping notorious „shower scene.“ First a private detective, then Run, Broken Yet Brave remastered picture, explosive 7.1 audio track and exclusive Marion’s sister (Vera Miles) searches for her, the horror and Ariel Yurach gives an honest and transparent performance as bonus features. A modern-day classic, Scarface stars the suspense mount to a terrifying climax where the Ashley, a teenager who thinks her life is ruined when her mom Academy Award winner Al Pacino (The Godfather) in an mysterious killer is finally revealed. sends her to spend the summer at her grandparents farm. Her unforgettable performance as one of the most ruthless Mystery, National Film Registry, Serial Kil- grandfather, played with vulnerability and sensitivity by gangsters ever depicted on film and Academy Award nominee lers, AFI Top 100, Classics, Horror, Horror Joseph Naytowhow things even worse by demanding she Michelle Pfeiffer (The Fabulous Baker Boys). follow his strict rules. As they begin to earn each other’s National Film Registry, Action, Classics, Series 1960 109min. trust, Ashley uncovers a great family secret that threatens to Universal Studios 28.08.2012 tear their family apart! Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Film Noir 1983 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112419 Substance Abuse, Drama, Family 2010 170min. 94min. Universal Studios 28.08.2012 Puppet Master III Gaiam Americas 06.11.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112421 Richard Lynch, Guy Rolfe, Ian Abercrombie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112376 Puppets, Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Seeking A Friend For The End Of Horror Series 1991 86min. Savages The World Full Moon 18.09.2012 Blake Lively, Taylor Kitsch, Benicio Del Keira Knightley, Melanie Lynskey, Steve 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112272 Toro, Aaron Johnson, Gary Stretch Carell, Mark Moses, Roger Aaron Brown, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping 2012 Brad Morris Puppet Master III (Blu-ray) 131min. Steve Carell and Keira Knightley lead an all-star cast in this clever and heartwarming comedy that explores the crazy Richard Lynch, Guy Rolfe, Ian Abercrombie Universal Studios 23.10.2012 things people do when humanity’s last days are at hand. Set in Cult Film / TV, Horror, Horror Series, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112528 a too-near future, two neighbors, Dodge (Carell) and Penny

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(Knightley), react in their own unique ways to the Ethan Cutkosky legend shines as a drummer coping with drug abuse. „Sinatra announcement that a 70-mile-wide asteroid is en route to the Season Two of Showtime’s boldest, bravest series dives never gave a better performance as an actor“ (The New Earth. He wants to return to his first love. She just wants to headfirst into the sweltering heat of a Chicago summer, grabs Yorker 8/9/93). With and Eleanor Parker. get back to her family. As the unlikely companions’ respective Gallagher family life by the throat, and never lets go. Boozed- Marriage On The Rocks A screwball marriage-go-round. journeys converge, their outlooks - if not the world’s - up Frank’s scams constantly fizzle. Grammy Gallagher visits Sinatra, and Dean Martin go for a madcap spin brighten in surprising and hilarious ways. The feature after a stint in prison. Bipolar Monica returns to fan Frank’s in this whoop-for-joy romp about I do, I don’t and „I did directorial debut of screenwriter Lorene Scafaria (Nick & flames. Hard-working Fiona plays the field until Steve comes what?!“ None But The Brave A tale of , survival... and Norah’s Infinite Playlist), Seeking a Friend for the End of the back with a hot new wife. Lip drops out to care for his and respect between enemies. U.S. Marine Sinatra crash-lands World is being hailed as „funny and wonderfully poetic! Steve Karen’s baby. Ian’s gunning for West Point. The Gallaghers onto a Pacific atoll held by Japanese troops. Sinatra’s Carell and Keira Knightley are superb.“ (Claudia Puig, USA may lack rent money and toilet paper, but there’s never a powerful directorial debut. Some Came Running Small-town Today) shortage of heart or a moment of shame in this acclaimed hypocrisy comes into focus in this acclaimed expose of a mid- Romance, Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, drama starring William H. Macy, and a brilliant American town. From director Vincente Minnelli and the ensemble cast. author of From Here To Eternity. Sinatra, Dean Martin and End Of The World 2012 101min. Shirley MacLaine. The Tender Trap Will a talent agent Universal Studios 23.10.2012 Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, (Sinatra) dedicated to life, liberty and the happiness of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112541 Gay / Lesbian Interest, Showtime, pursuit be snared by love? Maybe yes when Manhattan cutie Substance Abuse 2012 600min. Debbie Reynolds sets her sights on him. Musical, Substance Abuse, War, World War Seeking A Friend For The End Of Warner Bros. 18.12.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112617 II, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, The World (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Comedy, Drama, Hollywood Legends 2008 bo) (Blu-ray) Sharpe’s Challenge (Repackage) min. Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 Keira Knightley, Melanie Lynskey, Steve Padma Lakshmi, Sean Bean, Toby Stephens Carell, Mark Moses, Roger Aaron Brown, Two years after the Duke of Wellington crushes Napoleon at 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112589 Brad Morris Waterloo, there is news from India of a local Maharaja, who Steve Carell and Keira Knightley lead an all-star cast in this is threatening British interests there. Wellington sends Singin’ In The Rain: 60th clever and heartwarming comedy that explores the crazy Sharpe to investigate on what turns out to be his most things people do when humanity’s last days are at hand. Set in dangerous mission to date. When a general’s beautiful Anniversary Edition a too-near future, two neighbors, Dodge (Carell) and Penny daughter is kidnapped by the Indian warlord, the tension Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Cyd (Knightley), react in their own unique ways to the mounts, leaving Sharpe no option but to pursue the enemy announcement that a 70-mile-wide asteroid is en route to the right into his deadly lair. Deep in the heart of enemy territory, Charisse, Jean Hagen, Millard Mitchell Earth. He wants to return to his first love. She just wants to he also has to keep at bay the beautiful but scheming regent, Silent movies are giving way to talking pictures - and a get back to her family. As the unlikely companions’ respective Madhuvanthi, who is out to seduce him. The fate of an Empire hoofer-turned-matinee idol (Gene Kelly) is caught in the journeys converge, their outlooks - if not the world’s - and his life of a general’s daughter lie in one man’s hands... bumpy transition, as are his buddy (Donald, O’Connor), a brighten in surprising and hilarious ways. The feature TV Movies, War, Action, Adventure, BBC, prospective ladylove (Debbie Reynolds) and shrewish costar directorial debut of screenwriter Lorene Scafaria (Nick & British, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, (Jean Hagen). Rediscover the musical masterpiece, Singin’ In Norah’s Infinite Playlist), Seeking a Friend for the End of the The Rain, in dazzling, restored high definition, featuring an World is being hailed as „funny and wonderfully poetic! Steve International TV 2006 138min. all-new documentary special feature that salutes not just this Carell and Keira Knightley are superb.“ (Claudia Puig, USA BBC Home Video 11.09.2012 all-time favorite but also the musical legacy of its producer, Today) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112603 Arthur Freed. Comedy, Drama, End Of The World, Musical, National Film Registry, Romance, AFI Top 100, Boxed Sets, Classics, Romance, Science Fiction 2012 101min. Sherlock Holmes (Blu-ray + Universal Studios 23.10.2012 Comedy 1952 103min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112575 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 02.10.2012 Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Robert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112602 Sexual Chronicles Of A French Downey Jr., Mark Strong, Eddie Marsan The game is afoot - and astounding! Robert Downey Jr. and Sixteen Candles Family Jude Law put memorable imprints on the roles of Sherlock A contemporary family’s reluctance to talk about sex is thrown Holmes and Dr. Watson in a bold reimagining that makes the Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Paul to the wind when the youngest son Romain is caught in a famed sleuth a daring man of action as well as a peerless man Dooley, Justin Henry transgression at school. Now the whole family - parents, of intellect. Director Guy Ritchie helms the excitment, It’s the time of your life that. It’s Samantha Baker’s Sweet children, and grandfather - are confronted with the one reintroducting the great detective tot he world. Meet the new Sixteen and no one in her family remembers the important subject they’ve refused to discuss for so many years. An Sherlock Holmes. occasion. John Hughes, the writer of National Lampoon’s intimate and poignant look at the discoveries revealed when Crime, Detectives, Action, Adventure, Vacation, shows how coming-of-age can be full of surprises taboos are crossed, Sexual Chronicles Of A French Family is Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Thrillers 2009 in this warm hearted teenage comedy starring Molly Ring- equal parts charming, moving, and revelatory. 128min. wald. She’s your average teen, enduring creepy freshmen, Comedy, Foreign, French 79min. spoiled siblings, confused parents and the Big Blonde on Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 MPI 16.10.2012 Campus who stands between her and the boy of her dreams. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112618 But wait...the day isn’t over yet! This sparkling film features a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112308 dynamic score, and outstanding performances by Paul Dooley, Emmy winner Blanche Baker and Oscar nominee Justin Henry. : The Complete Se- She’s The One: Filmmaker Romance, Comedy, High School 1984 93min. cond Season Signature Series (Blu-ray) Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Maxine Universal Studios 28.08.2012 William H. Macy, Shanola Hampton, Emmy Bahns, Edward Burns, John Mahoney, Mike 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112383 Rossum, Steve Howey, Justin Chatwin, McGlone Ethan Cutkosky Welcome to the Filmmakers Signature Series on Blu-ray. Sixteen Candles (Blu-ray) Season Two of Showtime’s boldest, bravest series dives Enjoy this hilarious and heartfelt romantic comedy from headfirst into the sweltering heat of a Chicago summer, grabs director Edward Burns with high-quality picture and sound, Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Paul Gallagher family life by the throat, and never lets go. Boozed- true to the director’s vision, thanks to an all-new HD transfer. Dooley, Justin Henry up Frank’s scams constantly fizzle. Grammy Gallagher visits This special edition also includes an exclusive 28-page It’s the time of your life that. It’s Samantha Baker’s Sweet after a stint in prison. Bipolar Monica returns to fan Frank’s booklet on the making of the film, with in-depth profiles of the Sixteen and no one in her family remembers the important flames. Hard-working Fiona plays the field until Steve comes cast and crew. Burns stars as Mickey, a occasion. John Hughes, the writer of National Lampoon’s back with a hot new wife. Lip drops out to care for his and cabbie who impulsively marries a woman he’s just met. Vacation, shows how coming-of-age can be full of surprises Karen’s baby. Ian’s gunning for West Point. The Gallaghers Meanwhile, Mickey’s brother, Francis, has a mistress in this warm hearted teenage comedy starring Molly Ring- may lack rent money and toilet paper, but there’s never a (Cameron Diaz) he can’t trust and a wife (Jennifer Aniston) wald. She’s your average teen, enduring creepy freshmen, shortage of heart or a moment of shame in this acclaimed who thinks he’s gay. When the love lives of these two very spoiled siblings, confused parents and the Big Blonde on drama starring William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum and a brilliant different brothers collide, it’s sibling rivalry at its funniest. Campus who stands between her and the boy of her dreams. ensemble cast. Comedy, Drama, girl power, Marriage But wait...the day isn’t over yet! This sparkling film features a Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Woes, Romance, Sexy Comedies 1996 dynamic score, and outstanding performances by Paul Dooley, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Showtime, Emmy winner Blanche Baker and Oscar nominee Justin Henry. 96min. Substance Abuse 2012 600min. Comedy, High School, Romance 1984 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 Warner Bros. 18.12.2012 93min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112446 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112601 Universal Studios 28.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112405 Shameless: The Complete Se- : The Golden Years cond Season (Blu-ray + (Repackage) The Slave Ship Shirley MacLaine, Dean Martin, Debbie Onimata Kan is famous for two things: a successful career UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) writing S&M erotica, and hosting the erotic gatherings aboard Reynolds, Kim Novak, Deborah Kerr, what has come to be known as the Slave Ship, where the main William H. Macy, Shanola Hampton, Emmy Eleanor Parker, Frank Sinatra attraction is the auctioning of the services of sexual partners Rossum, Steve Howey, Justin Chatwin, Hipster. Hero. Hollywood Icon.. Films Include The Man With willing to fulfill any desire. So if it’s all consensual, there’s The Golden Arm Gripping, harrowing, taboo-shattering. The no harm, right? At least, that’s what Onimata believes until he

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 50 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA learns that one of the frequent auctionees has gone insane, the legend will be forged...but who will prevail? Round One. embarks on the most adventurous paranormal investigation of and that her husband believes the cause is related to a Fight! all time. Terrorized at every turn, this witch-hunting, ghost- stalker she acquired. Are the activities aboard the Slave Ship Crime, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Action, Based busting, creature-questing supernatural spooftacular is the somehow to blame? Fearing the answer, Onimata goes to On Video Game, Thrillers 2009 97min. funniest footage ever found! investigate the mysterious Kitagawa, and soon learns that his Comedy 2012 90min. 20th Century Fox 16.10.2012 own writings only hint at the extremes to which some will go. Well Go USA 06.11.2012 From the famed pen of S&M novelist and screenwriter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112581 Oniruku Dan comes a tale that blurs the lines between reality 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112458 and fantasy. Is this a work of fiction or a documentation of fact? You’ll have to determine the truth for yourself, once The Streets Of : you’ve booked passage aboard The Slave Ship! Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Pink Film, Erotica, Foreign, Japanese 2010 Season 5 - Volume 1 Burton Film Collection , Karl Malden, Richard 71min. (Repackage) Section23 Films 13.11.2012 Hatch Elizabeth Taylor, Maggie Smith, George 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112337 Twenty year veteran Detective Lt. Mike Stone is partnered with young, college educated Inspector Steve Keller who has Segal, Alec Guinness, Robert Webber, a lot to learn about being a police detective on the Streets of Sandy Dennis, Paul Ford, Saint, : Signature San Francisco. ABC, Action, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- Lillian Gish, Elsa Martinelli, Margaret Collection (Repackage) ma 1976 597min. Rutherford, Linda Christian, Peter Ustinov, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Janet Leigh, Paramount Pictures 30.10.2012 Rod Taylor, Louis Jourdan, Morgan Mason Vera Miles, Shirley Jones, Gary Lockwood, Films Include Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?: Special 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112295 Edition You’re invited! Martha (Taylor) and George (Burton) Jean Willes, June Allyson, Patricia Smith, are having a party and serving up venom in the blistering Joyce Taylor, Diane Jergens, Sue Ane The Streets Of San Francisco: taboo-shatter. The V.I.P.s Jet-setters awaiting London Langdon, Agnes Moorehead, Robert Ryan, departure are grounded by fog giving liftoff to a fabulous Season 5 - Volume 2 ensemble drama that includes Taylor, Burton, Maggie Smith, Bill Williams, Dean Jagger, Ralph Meeker, Orson Welles and more. The Sandpiper Rapturous Big Sur is Murray Hamilton, Jay C. Flippen, , Karl Malden, Richard Hatch the backdrop for the tale of a minister (Burton) torn between Millard Mitchell, Frank Morgan, Nick Adams, Twenty year veteran Detective Lt. Mike Stone is partnered his love for his wife (Eva Maries Saint) and his yearnings for with young, college educated Inspector Steve Keller who has a beautiful free spirit (Taylor). The Comedians Suspense Paul Birch, Charles Watts, Erville Alderson, a lot to learn about being a police detective on the Streets of master Graham Greene adapts his own novel for this film set Parley Baer, Victor Millan, Arthur Space, San Francisco. in strife-torn Haiti, ad Taylor and Burton lead a gallery of Robert Gist, Buzz Martin, Larry Pennell, ABC, Action, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- stars, including Alec Guinness and Peter Ustnov. Marc Robinson, Ken Mayer, Inger Stevens ma 1977 600min. Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Real Life, Reel Live. A Hero On And Off The Screen.. Films Paramount Pictures 30.10.2012 Classics, Drama, Hollywood Legends Include The FBI Story America gets its wings! Stewart is 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112296 519min. aviator Charles Lindbergh, and Billy Wilder directs this soaring tale of the first trans-Atlantic flight. The Naked Spur Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 A decades-spanning story of an FBI lawman. Highlights Sucker Punch (Blu-ray + 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112588 include intriguing inside looks at the bureau’s crime fighting and training techniques. The Spirit of St. Louis A landmark of UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) the Western genre and of Stewart’s postwar career. The Scott Glenn, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie That’s My Boy (Blu-ray + lanky star portrays a bounty hunter caught in a battle of wills UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) with outlaw Robert Ryan. The Stratton Story Baseball pitcher Chung, Carla Gugino, Jena Malone, Abbie Monty Stratton suffers the loss of a limb but doe not lose his Cornish, Emily Browning, Jon Hamm, Oscar Adam Sandler, Leighton Meester, Blake will to compete in this inspiring true-life story co-starring Jun Isaac Clark, Vanilla Ice, Susan Sarandon, Ana Allyson. Cheyenne Social Club (1970)/Firecreek (1968) Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder Gasteyer, Eva Amurri, Meagan Fay, James Ridin’ „two“gether: longtime pals Stewart and Henry Fonda. (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the First, they play saddlebums who inherit a bawdy horse. Then, vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides Caan, Nick Swardson, Milo Ventimiglia, Will they square off as lawman and outlaw in Firecreek. the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Locked away Forte, Andy Samberg, Tony Orlando Sports, Western, Action, Actor / Actress against her will, Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her Who’s your daddy? Well for Todd (Andy Samberg) that proves Box Sets, Adventure, Baseball, Boxed will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges to be a tricky question. You see back in fifth grade, his father four fellow captives - outspoken Rocket (Jena Malone), (Adam Sandler) was the teacher’s pet in more ways than one. Sets, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Dra- street-smart Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), fiercely loyal Amber Thirty-something years later, Todd’s old man is back to bond ma, FBI, Hollywood Legends min. (Jamie Chung) and reluctant Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish) - to over babes, brews and to, hopefully, get bailed out of trouble. Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands This raunchy, hysterically funny, I-can’t-believe-they-just- 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112590 of their captors. did-that tale of two mismatched men begs the eternal question: Fantasy, Action, Adventure 2011 110min. Like father, like son? Costarring Leighton Meester and Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 featuring incredible cameos from a cavalcade of stars, Street Fighter: The Legend Of including: Susan Sarandon, James Caan and Vanilla Ice. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112619 Comedy, Dysfunctional Families 2012 Chun-Li 116min. Moon Bloodgood, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Sunset Boulevard (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Clarke Duncan, Neal McDonough Gloria Swanson, , Erich Von 16.10.2012 Brace yourself for the hard-hitting action and high-flying excitement of Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li including Stroheim, Nancy Olson, Hedda Hopper, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112536 an all new unrated cut! Based on the wildly popular Street Anna Q. Nilsson, Buster Keaton, Jack Fighter video game series, this powerful martial arts Webb, Cecil B. DeMille, Fred Clark, H.B. That’s My Boy (DVD + UltraViolet) adventure explores the origins of the Street Fighter universe through Chun-Li (Kristen Kreuk), who avenges her father’s Warner, Franklyn Farnum, Lloyd Gough Adam Sandler, Leighton Meester, Blake death at the hands of Bison (Neil McDonough) and his evil Gloria Swanson gives a career-defining performance as faded Clark, Vanilla Ice, Susan Sarandon, Ana Shadaloo Empire. Now the stage is set, the challenge is clear, silent screen star Norma Desmond in Director Billy Wilder’s the legend will be forged...but who will prevail? Round One. dark and masterful film classic, Sunset Boulevard. William Gasteyer, Eva Amurri, Meagan Fay, James Fight! Holden is Joe Gillis, the young, down-on-his-luck Caan, Nick Swardson, Milo Ventimiglia, Will screenwriter whom Norma drafts to help provide her with a Thrillers, Action, Based On Video Game, workable script for her planned „return“ to the modern-day Forte, Andy Samberg, Tony Orlando Crime, Fantasy, Martial Arts 2009 97min. screen. Erich von Stroheim is Max von Mayerling, Norma’s Who’s your daddy? Well for Todd (Andy Samberg) that proves 20th Century Fox 16.10.2012 devoted servant, who harbors a few personal revelations of to be a tricky question. You see back in fifth grade, his father his own. Hollywood has never taken a more ominous, (Adam Sandler) was the teacher’s pet in more ways than one. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112563 compelling or electrifying look at Hollywood than in this Thirty-something years later, Todd’s old man is back to bond brilliant, Oscar-winning tour de force that still mesmerizes over babes, brews and to, hopefully, get bailed out of trouble. Street Fighter: The Legend Of with its witty, sardonic script, unforgettable cast, and This raunchy, hysterically funny, I-can’t-believe-they-just- provocative storyline. did-that tale of two mismatched men begs the eternal question: Chun-Li (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) Like father, like son? Costarring Leighton Meester and Classics, Drama, Film About Film, Film Noir, featuring incredible cameos from a cavalcade of stars, (Blu-ray) Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, including: Susan Sarandon, James Caan and Vanilla Ice. Moon Bloodgood, Kristin Kreuk, Michael National Film Registry, Thrillers 1950 Comedy, Dysfunctional Families 2012 Clarke Duncan, Neal McDonough 110min. 116min. Brace yourself for the hard-hitting action and high-flying Paramount Pictures 06.11.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment excitement of Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li including 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112311 16.10.2012 an all new unrated cut! Based on the wildly popular Street Fighter video game series, this powerful martial arts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112502 adventure explores the origins of the Street Fighter universe Supernatural Activity through Chun-Li (Kristen Kreuk), who avenges her father’s They Live: Collector’s Edition death at the hands of Bison (Neil McDonough) and his evil Andrew Pozza Shadaloo Empire. Now the stage is set, the challenge is clear, The world’s most beloved illusionist, armed with his team, Meg Foster, Keith David, Roddy Piper

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An economic crisis brings an unemployed drifter (Roddy Beverly Hanson, Betty Hicks, Alice Marble, Piper) to L.A. in search of work. What he finds instead is that the ruling elite of the world are aliens in disguise and their Frank Sinatra, Frank Parker, Aldo Ray, Da- Trishna aim is to keep humans in a state of mindless consumerism. vid Wayne, Tom Ewell, William Ching, Don Riz Ahmed, Freida Pinto Science Fiction, Aliens, Horror 1988 93min. Budge, Gussie Moran, Babe Didrikson Trishna (Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire) lives with her Shout Factory 06.11.2012 Zaharias family in a village in Rajasthan, India’s largest state. As the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112639 Films Include Pat And Mike Love and the other games people eldest daughter, she works in a nearby resort to help pay the play are the focus when sports promoter Spencer Tracy signs bills. Jay (Riz Ahmed, Four Lions) is the wealthy son of a promising female athlete Katharine Hepburn to a contract. property developer. When he takes up managing a resort at They Live: Collector’s Edition Adam’s Rib Romance takes a ribbing! Married attorneys Kate his father’s request, he meets Trishna at a dance and their and Spence oppose each other in a case involving a wife fates cross. Jay finds every opportunity to win Trishna’s (Blu-ray) (Judy Holliday) who took a shot at her playboy hubby. Woman affection and she accepts his efforts with shy curiosity. But Meg Foster, Keith David, Roddy Piper Of The Year Academy Award (1942)! Best Original when the two move to Mumbai and become a couple, Jay’s Screenplay: Michael Kanin and Ring Lardner, Jr. Their first deep family bond threatens the young lovers’ bliss. Based on An economic crisis brings an unemployed drifter (Roddy Thomas Hardy’s classic novel „Tess of the D’Ubervilles“, Piper) to L.A. in search of work. What he finds instead is that screen pairing! He’s a sportswriter, she’s a famed political pundit, and their grand he does/she doesn’t, she does/he master filmmaker Michael Winterbottom’s (A Mighty Heart, the ruling elite of the world are aliens in disguise and their The Trip) latest film is a powerful look at the tension between aim is to keep humans in a state of mindless consumerism. doesn’t daisy-petal romance makes this a movie for any year. The Spencer Tracy Legacy: A Tribute By Katharine Hepburn 2 ancient privilege and modern equality, between codes of urban Science Fiction, Horror, Aliens 1988 93min. (1986)! Outstanding Individual Achievements/ and rural life, and ultimately a hymn to both the glory and the Shout Factory 06.11.2012 Informational Programming: David Heeley (Director) and John tragedy that comes with beauty in all its forms. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112657 L. Miller (Writer) Hepburn visits key location and adds Romance, British, Drama, Foreign 2011 personal reminiscences to the star-dusted narrative of this 117min. acclaimed, movie fan’s gem about the man and his movies. MPI 06.11.2012 They’re Out Of The Business With Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, Joanne Woodward and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112470 Eric Schaeffer, Donal Lardner Ward more. In 1994, the independent movie movement exploded into the Romance, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed mainstream with hits like Clerks, Pulp Fiction and My Life’s Sets, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Hollywood Troy: Director’s Cut (Blu-ray + In Turnaround. Now, almost twenty years later, Eric Schaeffer Legends 1942 min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (Adventureland) and Donal Lardner Ward (The Suburbans) Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 return to the roles that madethem famous in They’re Out of the Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Diane Business, the hilarious sequel to My Life’s In Turnaround. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112592 Two independent filmmakers attempt to bury the hatchet for the Kruger, Sean Bean, Brendan Gleeson, betterment of both their careers after success starts to fade, Brian Cousins and middle age looms ominously. Fifteen years ago, Splick and Trilogy Of Life: The Criterion Unseen in theatres. Unrivaled in spectacle. Bigger. Braver. Jason collaborated on the indie hit that launched them both to Collection Bolder. Director Wolfgang Petersen enlarges his exciting stardom. Then, in the late ’90s, came the fallout. Now, with epic with over 30 minutes of previously unseen footage their careers stalled out and their personal lives in shambles, Ninetto Davoli, Laura Betti, Hugh Griffith, drawing you deeper into the heat of battle and the heated lives Splick and Jason decide that the best way to forge ahead is to Franco Citti, Jovan Jovanovic of his complex characters. With a stellar cast (Brad Pitt leave the past behind. Unfortunately for both, forgiving others In the early 1970s, the great Italian poet, philosopher, and [Achilles], Eric Bana [Hector], Orlando Bloom [Paris], Diane is sometimes easier said than done. filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini (Salo, or The 120 Days of Kruger [Helen] and Peter O’Toole [Priam], Troy: Director’s Comedy 2011 89min. Sodom) brought to the screen a trio of masterpieces of Cut completes the intense saga of one of history’s greatest Kino Video 20.11.2012 premodern world literature-Giovanni Boccaccio’s The confrontations, recreated through the passion of one of Decameron, Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, and today’s best filmmakers. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112652 The Thousand and One Nights (often known as The Arabian Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Nights)-and in doing so created his most uninhibited and Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Romance The Tortured extravagant work, which he titled his Trilogy of Life. In this brazen and bawdy triptych, the director set out to challenge 2004 196min. Erika Christensen, Jesse Metcalfe consumer capitalism and celebrate the uncorrupted human Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Craig (Jesse Metcalfe, Desperate Housewives) and Elise body while commenting on contemporary sexual and religious 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112623 (Erika Christensen) had all the ingredients for an ideal life: a mores and hypocrisies. His scatological humor and rough- great marriage, a wonderful five-year-old son named Ben, a hewn sensuality leave all modern standards of decency charming home and a bright future. But all that is destroyed behind; these are physical, provocative, and wildly Universal 100th Anniversary when Ben is suddenly abducted and later found dead. Their entertaining films, all extraordinarily designed by Dante feelings of guilt tear the couple apart until months later the Ferretti (Hugo) and featuring evocative music by Ennio Collection (Digibook) abductor is apprehended but released on a plea bargain. Morricone (Days of Heaven). Films Include The Decameron Jeff Goldblum, Erika Eleniak, Drew Outraged, Craig and Elise reunite in their anger and decide to Pasolini weaves together stories from Giovanni Boccaccio’s enact their own justice on the murderer of their child. A fourteenth-century moral tales in this picturesque free-for-all. Barrymore, Laura Dern, Dee Wallace, horrifying decent into the depths of hatred, The Tortured The Decameron explore Ariana Richards, Sam Neill, C. Thomas shows how even the seemingly gentlest of people can turn Religion/Spirituality, Collections, Comedy, Howell, Peter Coyote, Richard violent when pushed too far. Criterion Collection, Drama, Fantasy, Attenborough, Henry Thomas, Bob Peck, Revenge, Thrillers, Torture, Horror, Kidnap- Foreign, Italian 352min. Martin Ferrero, Robert MacNaughton, K.C. ping 2010 82min. Criterion 13.11.2012 Martel MPI 16.10.2012 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112451 For 100 years, Universal Pictures has been entertaining 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112309 audiences with some of the most unforgettable movies ever made. Featuring prestige Academy Award winners such as To Trilogy Of Life: The Criterion Kill a Mockingbird and The Sting, genre-defining classics like The Town (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Dracula and Spartacus, captivating storytelling such as Field (Blu-ray) Collection (Blu-ray) of Dreams and Do the Right Thing, blockbusters like Jurassic Ninetto Davoli, Laura Betti, Hugh Griffith, Park and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and pure entertainment Blake Lively, Rebecca Hall, Ben Affleck, Franco Citti, Jovan Jovanovic with franchises including The Bourne Identity and The Fast Chris Cooper, Pete Postlethwaite, Jon and the Furious, these movies continue to have an enduring In the early 1970s, the great Italian poet, philosopher, and impact throughout the world. Now, for a limited time only, own Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Titus Welliver filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini (Salo, or The 120 Days of a piece of Hollywood history with the Universal 100th As he plans a job that could result in his gang’s biggest score Sodom) brought to the screen a trio of masterpieces of Anniversary Collection featuring a selection of 25 ever, a longtime thief plans a way out of the life and the town premodern world literature-Giovanni Boccaccio’s The unforgettable films that helped shape the legacy of one of the while dodging the FBI agent looking to bring him and his bank- Decameron, Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, and most successful movie studios of all time. robbing crew down. In addition to heading an electrifing cast, The Thousand and One Nights (often known as The Arabian Ben Affleck also directed and co-wrote this suspenseful, Nights)-and in doing so created his most uninhibited and Musical, National Film Registry, Science critically acclaimed crime thriller that unfolds - and often - extravagant work, which he titled his Trilogy of Life. In this Fiction, Sharks, Thrillers, Academy Award explodesacross gritty Boston locations. Rebecca Hall, Jon brazen and bawdy triptych, the director set out to challenge Winners, Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Black Lively, Titus Welliver, Pete consumer capitalism and celebrate the uncorrupted human Postlethwaite and Chris Cooper also star. body while commenting on contemporary sexual and religious Aliens, Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Caper, Crime, Drama, Thieves, Thrillers mores and hypocrisies. His scatological humor and rough- Comedy, Dinosaurs, Dracula, Drama, hewn sensuality leave all modern standards of decency Family, Fantasy min. 2010 125min. behind; these are physical, provocative, and wildly Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 entertaining films, all extraordinarily designed by Dante Universal Studios 06.11.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112621 Ferretti (Hugo) and featuring evocative music by Ennio 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112466 Morricone (Days of Heaven). Films Include The Decameron Pasolini weaves together stories from Giovanni Boccaccio’s Spencer Tracy & Katharine fourteenth-century moral tales in this picturesque free-for-all. Universal 100th Anniversary The Decameron explore Collection (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Hepburn: The Signature Religion/Spirituality, Collections, Comedy, Jeff Goldblum, Erika Eleniak, Drew Collection (Repackage) Criterion Collection, Drama, Fantasy, Barrymore, Laura Dern, Dee Wallace, Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Foreign, Italian 352min. Ariana Richards, Sam Neill, C. Thomas Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Hagen, Joanne Criterion 13.11.2012 Howell, Peter Coyote, Richard Woodward, Judy Holliday, Helen Dettweiler, 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112482 Attenborough, Henry Thomas, Bob Peck,

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Martin Ferrero, Robert MacNaughton, K.C. into the bay, he finds himself becoming obsessed with the bert Montgomery beautifully troubled woman. One of cinema’s most chillingly Films Include The Searchers - Two-Disc Ultimate Special Martel romantic endeavors:it’s a fascinating myriad of haunting For 100 years, Universal Pictures has been entertaining Edition Wayne’s favorite role. And, many say, Ford’s best camera angles shot among some of San Francisco’s renowned film. „About as good as Hollywood filmmaking gets...a true audiences with some of the most unforgettable movies ever landmarks. This film is a must for collectors; Leonard Maltin made. Featuring prestige Academy Award winners such as To American Masterpiece.“ (The Movie Guide) The Wings Of gives Virtigo four stars and hails it as „A genuinely great Eagles A compassionate biopic salute: aviation pioneer „Spig“ Kill a Mockingbird and The Sting, genre-defining classics like motion picture that demands multiple viewings.“ Dracula and Spartacus, captivating storytelling such as Field Wead (Wayne) overcomes tragedy to forge a Hollywood of Dreams and Do the Right Thing, blockbusters like Jurassic National Film Registry, Romance, AFI Top career. Maureen O’Hara co-stars. Fort Apache They’re duty Park and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and pure entertainment 100, Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Horror bound to obey. But Wayne and other cavalrymen are at odds with franchises including The Bourne Identity and The Fast 1958 128min. with the orders of ramrod commander Henry Fonda. Shirley and the Furious, these movies continue to have an enduring Temple co-stars. 3 Godfathers The tale of the Magi - Western impact throughout the world. Now, for a limited time only, own Universal Studios 28.08.2012 style. Fugitive bank robbers won’t abandon the infant a piece of Hollywood history with the Universal 100th 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112422 entrusted to them, even though caring for him dims their Anniversary Collection featuring a selection of 25 chances of escape. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon Another Ford unforgettable films that helped shape the legacy of one of the masterpiece of mood and heroics. An aging officer (Wayne) most successful movie studios of all time. Wall Street: Filmmaker Signature who knows the agony of war seeks to make his last mission one of peace. They Were Expendable Wayne and Robert Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Series (Blu-ray) Montgomery are PT-boat skippers in „one of the finest (and Dinosaurs, Dracula, Drama, Family, Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Daryl most underrated) of all World War II films“ (Leonard Maltin’s Fantasy, Academy Award Winners, Action, Hannah, Michael Douglas, Hal Holbrook, Movie Guide). War, Western, World War II, Action, Actor / Adventure, AFI Top 100, Aliens, Musical, Terence Stamp National Film Registry, Science Fiction, Michael Douglas received the 1987 Best Actor Academy Actress Box Sets, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Sharks, Thrillers min. Award for his powerful performance as Gordon Gekko, a Classics, Director / Writer Box Sets, Dra- financial wizard who lures an ambitious young stock broker ma, Hollywood Legends 2009 881min. Universal Studios 06.11.2012 (Charlie Sheen) into the illegal, lucrative world of corporate 513,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112491 espionage in this gripping morality tale about the American Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 dream gone wrong. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112591 Upstairs Downstairs: Season 2 Drama, Academy Award Winners, On The Job, Wall Street 1987 125min. Keeley Hawes, Adrian Scarborough, Ed We Can’t Go Home Again 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 Stoppard Tom Farrell, Danny Fisher The sumptuous new production Upstairs Downstairs, one of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112447 The most complete restoration of legendary director Nicholas the most beloved television series of all time returns for a Ray’s 1973 experimental masterpiece, made with his college second season! Now a well established and thriving house- The War Of The Roses: students in upstate New York, We Can’t Go Home Again hold in the heart of London, life in Eaton Place has moved on; embodies Ray’s approach to filmmaking as a „communal way of Lady Agnes and Sir Hallam’s family is complete with the Filmmaker Signature Series (Blu- life.“ Ray plays himself in the film, serving as mentor, friend, addition of two small children and London has settled into an and reference point around whom his students’ stories of love, uneasy peace with the apparent aversion of war. Yet below ray) sex rebellion, and lost innocence constellate. Exhibiting the surface of a well-run household, both upstairs and Danny DeVito, Kathleen Turner, Michael Ray’s groundbreaking use of multiple-image storytelling and downstairs are harboring life-changing secrets. As romance, dramatic colorization, the film takes an anthological angle on heartbreak and revelations engulf the household; its Douglas, G.D. Spradlin recording the „history, progress, manners, morals, and mores inhabitants discover that the real threat to 165 Eaton Place is Welcome to the Filmmakers Signature Series on Blu-ray. of everyday life“ at a critical moment in 1970s America. Don’t much closer to home. Enjoy this outrageously funny comedy from director Danny Expect Too Much, a feature-length documentary by Nicholas DeVito with high quality picture and sound, true to the Ray’s wife Susan, investigates the making of We Can’t Go BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / director’s vision, thanks to an all-new HD transfer. This Home Again and the complex relationships within Ray’s life Period Piece, International TV 2012 360min. special edition also includes deleted scenes, commentary by and art. Drawing on his archive of never-before-seen film, BBC Home Video 23.10.2012 director Danny DeVito, a conversation with producer James video, and stills, as well as new interviews with directors Jim L. Brooks and more. When the seemingly perfect marriage of Jarmusch, Victor Erice, Ray’s students, and others, Susan 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112605 Oliver (Michael Douglas) and Barbara (Kathleen Turner) Ray provides a compelling and unparalleled exploration of the Rose ends in divorce, the stage is set for the ultimate battle of revered American auteur. V For Vendetta (Blu-ray + the exes. Ignoring the pleas of Oliver’s level-headed attorney, Documentary, Film About Film 1976 min. Gavin (Danny DeVito), the Roses inflict as much misery as Oscilloscope Laboratories 13.11.2012 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) humanly possible on each other, as they fight it out to the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112369 Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen bitter end. Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Marriage Rea, Sinead Cusack, Natasha Wightman, Woes, Romance 1989 116min. John Hurt, Stephen Fry, Eddie Marsan, We Can’t Go Home Again (Blu- 20th Century Fox 18.09.2012 Rupert Graves, Roger Allam, John ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112449 Standing, Ben Miles, Andy Wachowski, Tom Farrell, Danny Fisher Larry Wachowski, Joel Silver, Andy The most complete restoration of legendary director Nicholas The Denzel Washington Film Ray’s 1973 experimental masterpiece, made with his college Wachowski, Larry Wachowski, Grant Hill, students in upstate New York, We Can’t Go Home Again James McTeigue Collection embodies Ray’s approach to filmmaking as a „communal way of This is a Blu-Ray disc made for Blue-laser Format players Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves, Emma life.“ Ray plays himself in the film, serving as mentor, friend, which produce higher quality picture and sound.. Who is the and reference point around whom his students’ stories of love, man who hides his scarred face behind a mask? Hero or Thompson, Mimi Rogers, Robert Sean sex rebellion, and lost innocence constellate. Exhibiting madman? Liberator or oppressor? Who is V - and who will Leonard, Eva Mendes, Sanaa Lathan, Ray’s groundbreaking use of multiple-image storytelling and join him in his daring plot to destroy the totalitarian regime Kenneth Branagh, Dean Cain, James Fox, dramatic colorization, the film takes an anthological angle on that dominates his nation? From the creators of The Matrix recording the „history, progress, manners, morals, and mores trilogy comes V For Vendetta, an arresting and Michael Keaton, M. Emmet Walsh, Robert of everyday life“ at a critical moment in 1970s America. Don’t uncompromising vision of the future based on the powerfully Townsend Expect Too Much, a feature-length documentary by Nicholas subversive graphic novel. Natalie Portman stars as Evey, a Charming, handsome and stunningly talented, two-time Ray’s wife Susan, investigates the making of We Can’t Go working-class girl who must determine if her hero has become Academy Award Winner Denzel Washington stands apart as Home Again and the complex relationships within Ray’s life the very menace he’s fighting against. Hugo Weaving plays V the rare Hollywood superstar who is as respected as he is and art. Drawing on his archive of never-before-seen film, - a bold, charismatic freedom fighter driven to exact revenge popular. This one-of-a-kind DVD collection, spanning over video, and stills, as well as new interviews with directors Jim on those who disfigured him. And Stephen Rea portrays the twenty years of Denzel’s incredible career, includes some of Jarmusch, Victor Erice, Ray’s students, and others, Susan detective leading a desperate quest to capture V before he his most memorable and acclaimed performances. From Ray provides a compelling and unparalleled exploration of the ignites a revolution. The stakes rise. The tension electrifies. thought-provoking dramas to pulse-pounding thrillers, these revered American auteur. The action explodes. Whose side are y eight iconic films showcase his phenomenal versatility - Documentary, Film About Film 1976 min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Politics, making this a must-own set for every fan. Films Include Oscilloscope Laboratories 13.11.2012 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Thril- Revenge, Science Fiction, Thrillers, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112399 Totalitarian Governments 2005 132min. lers, Collections, Comedy, Detectives, Dra- ma min. Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 Weekend: The Criterion 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112624 20th Century Fox 09.10.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112302 Collection Vertigo (DVD + Digital Copy) Mirielle Darc, Jean Yanne John Wayne John Ford Film This scathing late-sixties satire from Jean-Luc Godard James Stewart, Kim Novak, Henry Jones, (Breathless) is one of cinema’s great anarchic works. Tom Helmore, Barbara Bel Geddes Collection (Repackage) Determined to collect an inheritance from a dying relative, a Considered by many to be director Alfred Hitchcock’s John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Shirley Temple, bourgeois couple travel across the French countryside while greatest achievement comes this fully restored and civilization crashes and burns around them. Featuring a justly remastered version of the haunting film classic. This special Donna Reed, Victor McLaglen, Anna Lee, famous centerpiece sequence in which the camera tracks release also contains a restoration trailer and revealing Joanne Dru, Irene Rich, Ward Bond, Ben along a seemingly endless traffic jam, and rich with historical documentary footage. Set in San Francisco, James Stewart Johnson, Pedro Armendariz, Dick Foran, and literary references, Weekend is a surreally funny and portrays an acrophobic detective hired to trail a friend’s disturbing call for revolution, a depiction of society retreating suicidal wife. After he successfully rescues her from a leap Jack Holt, Harry Carey Jr., John Agar, Ro- to savagery, and-according to the credits-the end of cinema

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 54 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA itself. One of the most fascinating dives into that fiendish deep end coming to terms with his loss and has hit a wall, both Crime, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, was the short-lived one from Shochiku, a studio better known personally and professionally. An intervention in the guise of for its elegant dramas by the likes of Kenji Mizoguchi and his best friend (and Tom’s ex-girlfriend) Iris (Emily Blunt, The Foreign, French 1967 104min. Yasujiro Ozu. In 1967 and 1968, the company created four Adjustment Bureau, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen) results in a Criterion 13.11.2012 certifiably batty, low-budget fantasies, tales haunted by planned week of solitude in the country at her family’s cabin. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112453 watery ghosts, plagued by angry insects, and stalked by No Internet, no TV, no contact. The problem is, Iris’ sister aliens-including one in the form of a giant chicken-lizard. Hannah (Rosemarie DeWitt, Rachel Getting Married, TV’s Shochiku’s outrageous and oozy horror period shows a studio Mad Men), from a breakup with her longtime girlfriend, Weekend: The Criterion leaping into the unknown, even if only for one brief, bloody had the same idea and she and Jack inadvertently have a moment. Films Include The X from Outer Space When a night of drunken confessions and shared experiences. Things Collection (Blu-ray) scientist crew returns from Mars with some space spores that only get more muddled when Iris suddenly shows up the next Mirielle Darc, Jean Yanne contaminated their ship, they inadvertently bring about a morning, laying the groundwork for a more emotionally This scathing late-sixties satire from Jean-Luc Godard nightmarish Earth invasion-after the spores are analyzed in a complicated few days than anyone had planned, but perhaps (Breathless) is one of cinema’s great anarchic works. lab, one escapes, eventually growing into an enormous, that they all needed. With Your Sister’s Sister, director Lynn Determined to collect an inheritance from a dying relative, a rampaging beaked beast. An intergalactic monster movie from Shelton (Humpday, My Effortless Brilliance) and her bourgeois couple travel across the French countryside while longtime Shochiku stable director Kazui Nihonm exceptional all-star cast craft a touching, funny, and honest civilization crashes and burns around them. Featuring a justly Science Fiction, UFOs, Vampires, Zombies, look at the complexities of adult human relationships. famous centerpiece sequence in which the camera tracks Aliens, Apocalyptic Future, Bugs, Comedy, Drama 2011 90min. along a seemingly endless traffic jam, and rich with historical MPI 06.11.2012 and literary references, Weekend is a surreally funny and Collections, Criterion Collection, Disasters, disturbing call for revolution, a depiction of society retreating Foreign, Horror, Japanese 252min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112465 to savagery, and-according to the credits-the end of cinema Criterion 20.11.2012 itself. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112455 Your Sister’s Sister (Blu-ray) Crime, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt, Mark Foreign, French 1967 104min. Where The Wild Things Are (Blu- Duplass Criterion 13.11.2012 A year after the death of his brother Tom, Jack (Mark 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112484 ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Duplass, Humpday, TV’s The League) is having trouble Forest Whitaker, Catherine Keener, James coming to terms with his loss and has hit a wall, both personally and professionally. An intervention in the guise of Western Classics Collection Gandolfini, Lauren Ambrose, Chris Cooper, his best friend (and Tom’s ex-girlfriend) Iris (Emily Blunt, The (Repackage) Mark Ruffalo, Paul Dano, Max Records, Adjustment Bureau, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen) results in a Michael Berry Jr. planned week of solitude in the country at her family’s cabin. Gregory Peck, Richard Widmark, Robert Drama, Family, Fantasy, Adventure 2009 No Internet, no TV, no contact. The problem is, Iris’ sister Forster, Henry Silva, Victor McLaglen, Ro- Hannah (Rosemarie DeWitt, Rachel Getting Married, TV’s 101min. bert Keith, Anne Baxter, Eva Marie Saint, Mad Men), raw from a breakup with her longtime girlfriend, Warner Bros. 09.10.2012 had the same idea and she and Jack inadvertently have a Polly Bergen, Eleanor Parker, Maria Schell, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112625 night of drunken confessions and shared experiences. Things Mercedes McCambridge, Julie London, only get more muddled when Iris suddenly shows up the next Patricia Owens, Donald Crisp, William Hol- morning, laying the groundwork for a more emotionally Wong Kar-Wai Double Feature complicated few days than anyone had planned, but perhaps den, Robert Taylor, Glenn Ford, James that they all needed. With Your Sister’s Sister, director Lynn Arness, John Cassavetes, John Forsythe, (Blu-ray) Shelton (Humpday, My Effortless Brilliance) and her exceptional all-star cast craft a touching, funny, and honest William Demarest, Vic Morrow, Richard Michelle Reis, Tony Leung, Leslie Cheung, look at the complexities of adult human relationships. Anderson, Russ Tamblyn, Charles McGraw, Chang Chen, Leon Lai Ming Comedy, Drama 2011 90min. Jeff Richards, Robert Middleton Chinese, Double Features, Drama, Foreign, MPI 06.11.2012 Films Include Escape From Fort Bravo Union officer William Gay / Lesbian Interest, Romance min. Holden contends with Johnny Reb prisoners inside Fort 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112490 Bravo... and fierce Indians outside. John Sturges (The Great Kino Video 25.09.2012 Escape, The Magnificent Seven) directs. Many Rivers To 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112580 Cross Bullwhip-crackin’ trapper and resolute bachelor Bushrod Gentry comes to Kentucky, where a marriage-minded lass is a-waitin’. Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker team in a Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines Music comedy/adventure. Cimarron Oklahoma is theirs... if they can Doug Bradley tame it. Glenn Ford stars in the decades-spanning tale of the The backwoods of West Virginia are deeper, darker and famed land rush and of settlers sinking deep roots. Anthony deadlier than ever in this all-new, unrated chapter of Wrong Abba: Music Milestones - The Mann (Winchester ’73) directs. The Law And Jake Wade Turn! The cutting-edge terror continues when a small mining Lawman Robert Taylor is sworn to uphold the law but destined town hosts the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Gold Singles for a showdown with his outlaw past when former partner Halloween, where crowds of costumed partygoers gather for ABBA Gold has frequently been hailed as the greatest Richard Widmark resurfaces. Directed by John Sturges. a wild night of music and mischief. But a killer celebration compilation album ever released. It has certainly sold millions Saddle The Wind Blood for blood. Brother against brother. An soon gives way to a blood-soaked feeding frenzy when an of copies ...but does it really stand up to scrutiny as the ex-gunslinger’s attempts to go straight meet a fury of violence inbred family of hillbilly cannibals trick and treat themselves ultimate single record of Abba’s finest moments? Drawing on ignited by his brother. Robert Taylor stars in Rod Serling’s to a group of visiting college students who are just dying for a rare ABBA performances from TV and film archives around the taut tale. The Stalking Moon A suspenseful manhunt saga. A good time... world, this is the first ever review of ABBA relentless foe tr Slasher, Thrillers, Action, Horror 2012 Gold. Western, Boxed Sets, Classics 2008 91min. Synth Pop, Concerts 2012 60min. 619min. 20th Century Fox 23.10.2012 E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112431 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112564 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112606 Black Sabbath: Maestros From What Color Is Love? Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) The Vaults Doug Savant, Jennifer Finnigan Black Sabbath is one of the most famous names in rock The Lifetime movie What Color Is Love? tells the story of Doug Bradley history, and a host of legendary musicians have appeared in Nicole, a beautiful young Caucasian woman and a sports The backwoods of West Virginia are deeper, darker and the ranks of the multi-platinum selling band. The first cracks groupie, who falls for Ty, a married African-American pro deadlier than ever in this all-new, unrated chapter of Wrong appeared with the departure of Ozzy, and this film explores basketball star. The fantasy soon ends when her affair with Turn! The cutting-edge terror continues when a small mining how the revolving door policy undoubtedly affected the the athlete results in an extraordinary court battle for custody town hosts the legendary Mountain Man Festival on creation and performance of the music. For the first time ever, of their mixed-race son. Inspired by a true story. Starring Halloween, where crowds of costumed partygoers gather for the key players in the Sabbath story reveal just how the Jennifer Finnegan and Roger Cross. a wild night of music and mischief. But a killer celebration changes affected the music. Sports, TV Movies, Basketball, Biopics soon gives way to a blood-soaked feeding frenzy when an inbred family of hillbilly cannibals trick and treat themselves Documentary, Heavy Metal, Music 2012 2009 85min. to a group of visiting college students who are just dying for a 180min. A&E 09.10.2012 good time... E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112508 Slasher, Thrillers, Horror, Action 2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112566 91min. When Horror Came To Shochiku: 20th Century Fox 23.10.2012 Captain Beefheart: The Lost 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112442 Eclipse From The Criterion Broadcasts Collection Your Sister’s Sister Don Van Vliet, (1941-2010) better known to his legions of Nobuo Kaneko, Yusuke Kawazu, Teruo fans as Captain Beefheart was one of the most enigmatic Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt, Mark figures in rock music. Unashamedly an artist, rather than a Yoshida, Toshiya Wazaki, Eiji Okada pop star, he ploughed his own idiosyncratic furrow through Following years of a certain radioactive rubber beast’s Duplass popular culture, producing some of the most peculiar and domination of the box office, many Japanese studios tried to A year after the death of his brother Tom, Jack (Mark uncompromising music ever committed to vinyl. replicate the formula with their own brands of monster movies. Duplass, Humpday, TV’s The League) is having trouble

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Blues, Experimental Rock, Music, Progres- Katy Perry’s teenage dream come true! second part sive Rock, Psychedelic 2012 50min. Documentary, Family, Music, Pop Music Foreign, Italian, Music, Opera, Performing E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 2012 93min. Arts 170min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112569 Paramount Pictures 18.09.2012 Kultur 30.10.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112403 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112475 A Celtic Awakening Faith Marion Robinson Katy Perry The Movie: Part Of Me Gioachino Rossini: Il Barbiere Di The musical journey begins in New York City onstage in a 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Siviliga (Blu-ray) concert hall when vocalist and stage performer, Faith Marion Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- An opera buffa, a comedy, a masterpiece of intrigues, lies and Robinson mystically transports the audience to Ireland love! Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), an opera through visuals and song. A Celtic Awakening delves into ray) in two acts by Gioachino Rossini, from the Teatro Regio di relationships of family and love, the spirit of Ireland and the Parma. The production stars Dmitry Korchak as Il Conte hope of a world reconciled in peace. Katy Perry d’Almaviva, Ketevan Kemoklidze as Rosina, Luca Salsi as Celtic, Foreign, Irish, Music 2012 60min. PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Figaro and Giovanni Furlanetto as Don Basilio. The aging E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Doctor Bartolo longs to marry Rosina, his beautiful and A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all wealthy aid of the energetic and enterprising barber Figaro, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112571 standard Blu-ray players. Katy Perry is living proof that if you the Count succeeds in gaining entry to Bartolo’s house just be yourself, you can be anything! Get an inside look into disguised first as a soldier then as a music teacher. When Christmas Around The World the real Katy Perry and find out how this regular California Bartolo becomes suspicious, he quickly summons the notary to girl with big dreams became one of the biggest stars in the set the seal on his marriage to Rosina. But Figaro and With Perry Como world. This „fascinating glimpse at an inspiring story“ is your Almaviva are already one step ahead and the marriage chance to experience Katy Perry’s teenage dream come true! Travel the world at Christmastime with the legendary Perry contract is signed by the Count, who at last reveals his true Como enjoying unforgettable performances of your favorite Documentary, Family, Music, Pop Music identity. Bartolo receives generous compensation, however: carols, songs and hymns. 2012 93min. the Count waives the dowry that Bartolo ought otherwise to have paid as Rosina’s guardian - although he is made to Christmas, Holidays, Music 120min. Paramount Pictures 18.09.2012 share the sum with Figaro. All’s well that ends well? We E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112404 catch up on the couple’s subsequent marriage problems in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112572 second part Giacomo Puccini: Tosca Foreign, Italian, Music, Opera, Performing Arts 170min. In The Footsteps Of Liszt This production of Tosca filmed at the Teatro Carlo Felice in Franz Liszt is considered to be one of the first superstar’s of Genoa, with its stage set based on Adolf Hohenstein’s origi- Kultur 30.10.2012 music. The power of his performances on stage made the nal design for the work’s premiere, brings together the best 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112495 ladies swoon, and his fans were so fierce that his contemporary soprano-tenor combination Daniela Dessi and contemporaries gave a name to this phenomenon: Lisztomania. Fabio Armiliato - are set against a worthy opponent in the This young Hungarian prodigy was often compared to Mozart form of Claudio Sgura as Baron Scarpia. Such a combination That’s Entertainment: The and helped to revolutionize the world of the piano. He was a of gentleman and scoundrel in one person is a perfect Complete Collection (Repackage) composer, conductor, pianist and teacher and was the candidate to make „all Rome tremble before him.“ Tosca is a inventor of the symphonic poem. This documentary takes us in classic example of Puccini’s three-person dramatic structure (Blu-ray) the footsteps of the indomitable virtuoso throughout Europe. - a tragic pair of lovers juxtaposed with an interfering From Parisian salons to the sublime shores of Lake Como, baritone! But these traditional roles are portrayed here in a Elizabeth Taylor, Gene Kelly, , from Budapest to Weimar via Rome or Geneva, this revealing much more realistic and psycho- logically accurate manner Debbie Reynolds, Cyd Charisse, Peter program then meets supporters of the memory of Liszt and than usual. In vocal and dramatic terms however, the main Lawford, Howard Keel, Liza Minnelli, Lena pianists who dare to confront his work. But if the composer of attraction remains the title figure - and the reason why the the famous Hungarian Rhapsodies was a tireless traveler, he work, became the archetypal prima donna opera. Horne, June Allyson, Ann Miller, Esther was also that way in his love life. Among his many female Classical Music, Foreign, Italian, Music, Williams, Mickey Rooney, James Stewart, conquests were the two major women in his life, the Countess Opera, Performing Arts 142min. Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire Marie d’Agoult and Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein. Kultur 30.10.2012 Films Include That’s Entertainment 125 stars in scenes from Liszt’s life was full of turmoil, but it was also one of great nearly 100 films. Mickey Rooney, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth brilliance and genius. This informative and entertaining docum 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112474 Taylor plus 8 more hosts for the musical of musicals! That’s Classical Music, Documentary, Music Entertainment, Part 2 Astonishing classic musical moments, 52min. Giacomo Puccini: Tosca (Blu-ray) great comedy and romantic teams and more. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly host. A joy 2 watch! That’s Entertainment III With Kultur 30.10.2012 This production of Tosca filmed at the Teatro Carlo Felice in marvelous big-star scenes originally unseen because they 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112476 Genoa, with its stage set based on Adolf Hohenstein’s origi- were cut from their films, 9 starry hosts for this must-see nal design for the work’s premiere, brings together the best assemblage of Golden Era treasures! contemporary soprano-tenor combination Daniela Dessi and Boxed Sets, Documentary, Family, Musical Bob Marley: This Is Your Land Fabio Armiliato - are set against a worthy opponent in the While there is little argument that Bob Marley was the finest form of Claudio Sgura as Baron Scarpia. Such a combination 1974 min. reggae performer and songwriter of his time, it is sometimes of gentleman and scoundrel in one person is a perfect Warner Bros. 20.11.2012 forgotten what an effective protest singer and dynamic candidate to make „all Rome tremble before him.“ Tosca is a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112620 spokesman for the underdog this pioneering poet also was. classic example of Puccini’s three-person dramatic structure This film documents both the music and the message of Bob - a tragic pair of lovers juxtaposed with an interfering Marley as it investigates his life and career in a manner not baritone! But these traditional roles are portrayed here in a Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelun- previously undertaken. much more realistic and psycho- logically accurate manner than usual. In vocal and dramatic terms however, the main gen (Blu-ray) Documentary, Music, Reggae 2012 62min. attraction remains the title figure - and the reason why the E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 work, became the archetypal prima donna opera. Linda Finnie, Hitomi Katagiri, Birgitta 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112567 Classical Music, Foreign, Italian, Music, Svenden, Nadine Secunde, Eva Johansson, Opera, Performing Arts 142min. Annette Kuttenbaum, Jane Turner, Shirley Katy Perry The Movie: Part Of Me Kultur 30.10.2012 Close, Anne Evans, Ruth Floeren, Hilde Leidland, Graham Clark, John Tomlinson, Katy Perry 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112494 Katy Perry is living proof that if you just be yourself, you can Waltraud Meier, Gunter von Kannen, Sieg- be anything! Get an inside look into the real Katy Perry and Gioachino Rossini: Il Barbiere Di fried Jerusalem, Helmut Pampuch, Poul find out how this regular California girl with big dreams Elming, Matthias Holle, Philip Kang, Kurt became one of the biggest stars in the world. This „fascinating Siviliga Schreibmayer, Harry Kupfer, Daniel glimpse at an inspiring story“ is your chance to experience An opera buffa, a comedy, a masterpiece of intrigues, lies and Katy Perry’s teenage dream come true! love! Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), an opera Barenboim Documentary, Family, Music, Pop Music in two acts by Gioachino Rossini, from the Teatro Regio di In going back to the original high definition video masters and 2012 93min. Parma. The production stars Dmitry Korchak as Il Conte using cutting edge encoding technology, we are able to d’Almaviva, Ketevan Kemoklidze as Rosina, Luca Salsi as maximize the quality of this new presentation of The Ring. Paramount Pictures 18.09.2012 Figaro and Giovanni Furlanetto as Don Basilio. The aging Along with the larger 11-disc transfer, this allows us to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112381 Doctor Bartolo longs to marry Rosina, his beautiful and exploit the DVD standard to its fullest. Includes wealthy aid of the energetic and enterprising barber Figaro, Boxed Sets, Classical Music, Fantasy, Katy Perry The Movie: Part Of Me the Count succeeds in gaining entry to Bartolo’s house Music, Opera, Performing Arts 917min. disguised first as a soldier then as a music teacher. When Kultur 25.10.2011 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Bartolo becomes suspicious, he quickly summons the notary to set the seal on his marriage to Rosina. But Figaro and 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112493 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Almaviva are already one step ahead and the marriage contract is signed by the Count, who at last reveals his true Katy Perry identity. Bartolo receives generous compensation, however: Katy Perry is living proof that if you just be yourself, you can the Count waives the dowry that Bartolo ought otherwise to be anything! Get an inside look into the real Katy Perry and have paid as Rosina’s guardian - although he is made to find out how this regular California girl with big dreams share the sum with Figaro. All’s well that ends well? We Special Interest became one of the biggest stars in the world. This „fascinating catch up on the couple’s subsequent marriage problems in the glimpse at an inspiring story“ is your chance to experience

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

10 Minute Solution: Tighten & ever created the collection of content that the Tracy Anderson Interest min. Method delivers to you. With this program, your results will Breaking Glass Pictures 02.10.2012 Tone Pilates never plateau or fail you like any fitness programs you may have tried in the past. This DVD is the cardio component of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112501 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Pilates 57min. your workout and is designed to build up your stamina, keep Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 your energy up, and help make your workout fun while you are 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112388 learning these dances. This DVD is a great introduction to Breaking And Entering learning dance aerobics and mimicking my dance moves as Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of Breaking And you gain strength and build up your stamina. Cardio is just as Entering coming this October on DVD. Everyone has thought 2012 NBA Finals Series: Miami an important component as your muscular structure work and about it at some time. Who are these people, and I bet I could my dance DVDs should be used in conjunction with either the get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Think so? Heat (Collector’s Edition) Mat DVD or the Perfect Design Series depending on your Some say that to embrace one’s greatest talent is to make the After coming up short in 2011, the Miami Heat would not be ability. The goal of these Dance DVDs is to excel your ability world a better place. Others see a grown man spinning a denied in their quest for a title when they returned to the NBA enough so that you are able to reach the level of Metamorp twelve-foot hula hoop and snicker about trivial obsessions. Finals in 2012. While the spotlight has focused on All-Stars Dancing, Fitness, Health, Instructional Breaking world records is a mysteriously seductive tradition, Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh since they alternately inspiring, reckless, and bizarre. Follow a joggler, joined forces in 2010, it took a full team effort and key 127min. a grape catcher, and a man who cycles nowhere as they battle contributions from players like Shane Battier, Mike Miller and Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 the odds - and their respective nemeses - in pursuit of global Mario Chalmers to deliver on a promise to bring a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112389 dominance. Since when is it trivial to dream? championship to South Beach. Led by 2012 NBA Finals MVP Documentary 88min. LeBron James, the Heat defeated the Oklahoma City Virgil Films And Entertainment 23.10.2012 Thunder’s cast of young stars for the right to hoist the Larry Baggage Battles: Collection 1 O’Brien NBA Championship Trophy. Relive every moment as it Baggage Battles follows three savvy „auction specialists,“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112280 happened, from Wade’s bounce-back performance in Game 2, who travel the world looking to snatch up unclaimed and lost to James’ heroic tie-breaking three in the closing minutes of personal property in an attempt to turn huge profits. They’ll The British Gangster Collection Game4, to Miller’s long range shooting barrage in the travel to some of the most important and unknown auctions, clinching Game 5. Now you can relive this historic series where pickers and resale experts bid on everything from lost The British Gangster Collection tells the stories of some of with this definitive Collector’s Set of 5 DVDs. Own each luggage to abandoned personal property and seized goods of the most notorious underworld figures in U.K history. From game in its entirety, with over 10 hours of content including unusual merchandise. With dozens of auctions to travel to, „Ronnie“ and „Reggie“ Kray to „Mad“ Frankie , Roy exclusive bonus features. thousands of bags to explore, and millions of dollars at stake, Shaw, Dave Courtney and more, this collection is an Sports, Basketball, NBA 2012 min. these specialists need both skill and luck to hit the jackpot. investigation into their lives, minds and murders. Team Marketing 25.09.2012 Reality 2012 240min. British, Collections, Crime, Documentary, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112358 Gaiam Americas 27.11.2012 Foreign 2006 420min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112380 E1 Entertainment 06.11.2012 Ancient Egypt Anthology 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112568 From its unification in approximately 3100 B.C. to its conquest Barney: Let’s Go To The Doctor by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C., ancient Egypt was the It’s check-up time! Barney teaches that doctors are our Classic Sports Cars Memorabilia preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. This friends and shows how pediatricians, dentists and Set significant collection pays homage to this rich and complex veterinarians keep people and animals healthy and strong! culture and explores it from its very beginnings as a land of Through song, dance and play, Barney and his friends share Documentary min. disparate peoples, through its dynastic zenith, and to its the importance of brushing teeth, washing hands, eating Millennium Entertainment 20.11.2012 ultimate decline. This compendium explores the technology, healthy food, exercising and more! Join Barney, BJ, Baby Bop religion, culture, wars and peace that unified this civilization and Riff as they make learning about healthy habits fun for 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112305 for over 3,000 years. With the help of CGI, you’ll learn about everyone. It’s just what the doctor ordered! Egypt’s greatest engineering achievements and the pharaohs and architects who orchestrated them. You’ll also delve into Family, Music, Preschool 53min. Nina Conti: Her Masters Voice more arcane topics such as the role of priests, strange Lionsgate 06.11.2012 Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of Nina Conti : traditions and rituals - like the worship of dwarves - and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112468 Her Master’s Voice coming this October on DVD. No one has Egyptian obsession with life and immortality. Travel back to seen ventriloquism like this before. Internationally acclaimed when the River Nile was a superhighway, venture into the ventriloquist Nina Conti, takes the bereaved puppets of her inner sanctuaries of the Great Temple of Karnak, and discover Best Of British Memorabilia Set mentor and erstwhile lover Ken Campbell on a pilgrimage to how many aspects of modern medicine were actually ‘Venthaven’ the resting place for puppets of dead introduced by the Egyptians more than 5,000 years ago. And British, Documentary, Foreign min. ventriloquists. She gets to know her latex and wooden find out how, in male-dominated Egypt, an amb Millennium Entertainment 20.11.2012 travelling partners along the way, and with them deconstructs Ancient Egypt, Documentary, History 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112307 herself and her lost love in this ventriloquial docu- mocumentary requiem. Ken Campbell was a hugely respected Channel, Religion/Spirituality min. maverick of the British Theatre, an eccentric genius who A&E 09.10.2012 Boston Red Sox And Fenway would snort out forgotten art forms. Nina was his prodigy in 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112521 ventriloquism and has been said to have reinvented the art Park: 100th Anniversary form. This film is truly unique in genre and style. Documentary, Puppets 64min. Ancient Rome Anthology Collector’s DVD Set MLB Productions and A&E Home Entertainment have created Virgil Films And Entertainment 16.10.2012 This expansive collection presents a vivid portrait of one of a celebratory offering to the gods of New England baseball. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112281 the world’s most powerful and advanced civilizations. This one-of-a-kind tribute blends editorial and pictorial Depicting the city and its inhabitants from the beginning, the presentation with 12 DVDs overflowing with 28 hours of set highlights the role of the most significant actors, beloved players, unforgettable moments, and Fenway Park Dance Off The Inches: Latin documents the physical growth of the empire, and lays out the performances. Wrapped with stunning and historic images ceaseless internal and external struggles for power. See how from Major League Baseball Photos, this 32-page compendium Cardio Party the Thracian gladiator Spartacus led his famous revolt. of New England’s ballpark is as expansive as it is Getting Fit Doesn’t Have To Feel Like Work. Anyone can Follow the trajectories of Crassus, Pompey, Julius Caesar unprecedented. This remarkable set is a celebration of a dance off the inches. We’ve made it easy. Ten moves are all and Caligula, and learn about Rome’s formidable foes beloved landmark that has linked players from three centuries you need to follow these routines, and we’ll show you how. including Hannibal, whose military genius is still taught in and fans across five generations. This all new documentary No matter what your age or fitness level, you can have a great academies, and Alexander the Great. Follow decisive battles celebrating the centennial of Fenway Park will include: The time while dancing your way into great shape. You’ll want to with action-filled reenactments and CGI graphics. Explore all new documentary Fenway Park: 100 Years as the Heart of do this workout again and again because it’s FUN - and that’s amazing feats of Roman engineering, from palaces and Red Sox Nation. Nine season Highlight Films including the secret. The more you do it, the more inches you’ll lose. monuments to the catacombs carved below the ancient city never-before released films form the 1950s, ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, It’s that simple. Losing inches has never been so easy! Get where pagans, Christians and Jews practiced their beliefs in and ’90s, 2004 and 2007 Season Highlight Films. 2004 and ready to feel the heat with three sizzling cardio routines that safety. Follow the extensive Roman highway system - 50,000 2007 World Series Films. Six classic games: will send your heart rate AND your mood soaring. The red hot miles of stone-paved roads that crossed three continents - Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major rhythms of Samba, Cumbia and Reggaeton are the perfect way and appreciate how Roman leadership was reflected in all the to release stress and get the party started! These calorie- lands it conquered. In a world of frequent invasions and League Baseball 1200min. burning dances will help you shed unwanted pounds, sculpt competiti A&E (TM) 18.09.2012 sexy curves and build confidence so that you can hit the Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary, 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112626 dance floor feeling caliente! So what are you waiting for? History Channel min. Spice up your workout with Latin Cardio Party! This program A&E 09.10.2012 features the Dance Off the Inches Step Guide. In it your dance Boys For Sale: Volume One instructor will breakdown the 10 steps and mini combinations 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112522 Alan Pelikan, Aaron Hawke, Dan Komar that you’ll need to easily dance off t Three poignant documentaries that examine the international Dancing, Fitness, Health, Instructional The Tracy Anderson Method: male sex trade from a sympathetic and socially conscious 65min. Dance Cardio Workout perspective. Includes Rosa von Praunheim’s Rent Boys, Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 which follows retired sex trade workers from West Berlin’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112387 Tracy Anderson Bahnhof Zoo train station, Markku Heikkinen’s All Boys, I am so proud that you have chosen to have me as your which examines the lives of those who work behind and in teacher and design your healthiest body. I have dedicated front of the camera in the Czech gay porn industry and Disasters Deconstructed: A over a decade to creating the tools, movements, and Rodrigue Jean’s Men For Sale which follows a year in the prescriptions to keep your muscles awake and alert and be life of 11 Montreal sex workers. History Of Architectural Disasters able to give you the body you desire. No one in fitness has Documentary, Erotica, Gay / Lesbian Every disaster has a story. Whether they are manmade,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 58 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA natural or caused by human error, the best way to prevent massaged, and senior citizens will be fed salads. It’s all here them from happening again is to understand them. This special in a loving tribute to the golden age of VHS. Recorded live at collection takes a close look at some of the world’s most Fenway Park Centennial: 100 the Music Box Theatre in Chicago. cataclysmic events starting with Inspector America, where an Years As The Heart Of Red Sox Comedy, Short Film Collections 2012 infrastructure safety inspector travels the country to see what 100min. is up to code and what needs to be fixed. Titanic’s Achilles Nation Heel and Titanic Tech chronicle the tragedy from design and From its grand opening on April 20, 1912 Fenway has Kino Video 09.10.2012 construction to its ill-fated voyage and its lasting legacy. enthralled fans with its quirky shape, playing field oddities 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112324 Modern Marvels: Engineering Disasters uses on-the-scene including the Pesky Pole, the Triangle, and Green Monster. footage, powerful reenactments, expert analysis and graphic John Updike called it, a lyric little bandbox of a ballpark, reconstructions to present some of the most notorious Hitters call it a haven, and the legions of passionate fans who Gerhard Richter Painting disasters of the past 40 years. Finally, History presents three inhabit Red Sox Nation call it home. This official MLB One of the world’s greatest living painters, the German artist specials - The Hindenburg, What Went Down: Hindenburg Productions program blends stunning archival footage, rare Gerhard Richter has spent over half a century experimenting and Tech Effect: Hindenburg - offering a complete exploration historic interviews, and all- new exclusive interviews with with a tremendous range of techniques and ideas, addressing of the epic disaster that took a mere 34 seconds to shake the current and former Red Sox players to tell the tale of this historical crises and mass media representation alongside world. wonderful ballpark. Fenway Park the heart of Boston, New explorations of chance procedures. Infamously media-shy, he Aerial Action, Disasters, Documentary, High England, and all of Red Sox Nation. agreed to appear on camera for the first time in 15 years for a Seas, History Channel min. Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major 2007 short by filmmaker Corinna Belz called Gerhard Richter’s Window. Her follow-up, Gerhard Richter Painting, A&E 23.10.2012 League Baseball 90min. is exactly that: a thrilling document of Richter’s creative 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112527 A&E (TM) 18.09.2012 process, juxtaposed with intimate conversations (with his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112531 critics, his collaborators, and his American gallerist Marian Goodman) and rare archive material. From our fly-on-the-wall Dogora perspective, we watch the 79-year-old create a series of Documentary 2004 min. Fireplace For Your Home: Holiday large-scale abstract canvases, using fat brushes and a massive squeegee to apply (and then scrape off) layer after Severin 18.05.2010 Edition layer of brightly colored paint. This mesmerizing footage, of a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112316 Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of Fireplace For highly charged process of creation and destruction, turns Your Home: Holiday Edition this coming October on DVD and Belz’s portrait of an artist into a work of art itself. Dogora (Blu-ray) Blu-ray. Everyone loves the warmth of a crackling Christmas Documentary min. fireplace in their home. Now you can enjoy a perfect fire Kino Video 25.09.2012 Documentary 2004 min. instantly on any television. The fire starts automatically and plays continuously. Your family will enjoy the ambiance all 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112562 Severin 18.05.2010 night long. Set the mood for a romantic evening, or create the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112322 perfect backdrop for entertaining your guests. You can laugh but deep down you know you want a copy of these, just like Gerhard Richter Painting (Blu- your customers! All of these are available with various sound ray) The Escorial: The Dream Of A tracks and continuous play modes as well. One of the world’s greatest living painters, the German artist Devout Monarch Atmosphere DVDs, Christmas, Holidays Gerhard Richter has spent over half a century experimenting It was to be a bulwark of the faith, a symbol of the greatness 120min. with a tremendous range of techniques and ideas, addressing and power of the Spanish world empire. In a manner virtually Virgil Films And Entertainment 23.10.2012 historical crises and mass media representation alongside unparalleled by any other building, the Escorial reflects the explorations of chance procedures. Infamously media-shy, he spirit of its age, the 16th century, and of its patron, Philipp II. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112304 agreed to appear on camera for the first time in 15 years for a Philipp II, driven by a blind faith in the Catholic Church and 2007 short by filmmaker Corinna Belz called Gerhard the burning desire to emulate his father, Charles V, had the Fireplace For Your Home: Holiday Richter’s Window. Her follow-up, Gerhard Richter Painting, Escorial built in a bleak, deserted landscape. From this is exactly that: a thrilling document of Richter’s creative remote vantage point he wanted to rule the world. The Edition (Blu-ray) process, juxtaposed with intimate conversations (with his architecture is a perfect reflection of this spirit, externally an Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of Fireplace For critics, his collaborators, and his American gallerist Marian austere building almost entirely without ornamentation. It is, Your Home: Holiday Edition this coming October on DVD and Goodman) and rare archive material. From our fly-on-the-wall moreover, no coincidence that the building is reminiscent of a Blu-ray. Everyone loves the warmth of a crackling Christmas perspective, we watch the 79-year-old create a series of cloister; part of which is still used today as a monastry. And it fireplace in their home. Now you can enjoy a perfect fire large-scale abstract canvases, using fat brushes and a was from this fortified cloister that Philipp sought the solution instantly on any television. The fire starts automatically and massive squeegee to apply (and then scrape off) layer after to one of the most intractable problems of his time - the schism plays continuously. Your family will enjoy the ambiance all layer of brightly colored paint. This mesmerizing footage, of a in the church. He resorted to the means of the Inquisition. The night long. Set the mood for a romantic evening, or create the highly charged process of creation and destruction, turns building, and its whole style, exudes the relentlessness with perfect backdrop for entertaining your guests. You can laugh Belz’s portrait of an artist into a work of art itself. which Philipp exerted his power. but deep down you know you want a copy of these, just like Documentary min. Documentary, Religion/Spirituality min. your customers! All of these are available with various sound Kino Video 25.09.2012 Kultur 30.10.2012 tracks and continuous play modes as well. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112578 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112477 Christmas, Holidays, Atmosphere DVDs 120min. High Ground ESPN Films 30 For 30: Film Virgil Films And Entertainment 23.10.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112313 Restrepo was a ground breaking documentary about what life Favorites Collection at war was like. High Ground is about eleven wounded U.S veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, each dealing ESPN Films 30 for 30: Film Favorites Collection contains an First Position with different issues and looking to move on with their lives. extraordinary compilation of films from the Emmy-nominated They join an expedition to climb the 20,000 foot Himalayan series. This 6-disc set includes 12 of the most popular and Every year, thousands of aspiring dancers enter one of the giant Mount Lobuche. Led by blind adventurer Erik critically-acclaimed documentaries from ESPN Films’ award- world’s most prestigious ballet competitions, the Youth Weihenmayer and a team of Mt. Everest summiteers as their winning ’30 for 30' series, along with an assortment from America Grand Prix, where lifelong dreams are at stake. In guides, they set out on an emotional and gripping climb to ESPN Films’ more recent slate, including Academy Award- the final round, with hundreds competing for only a handful of reach the top and heal the emotional and physical wounds of winner Alex Gibney’s Catching Hell and The Announcement, elite scholarships and contracts, practice and discipline are the longest war in U.S. history. Virgil Films is proud to Nelson George’s inspirational film about Magic Johnson. paramount, and nothing short of perfection is expected. The announce the release of High Ground coming this November 1158min. box office hit documentary, Bess Kargman’s award-winning on DVD. First Position follows six young dancers as they prepare for a ESPN (TM) 25.09.2012 chance to enter the world of professional ballet, struggling War, War In The Middle East, Documentary, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112333 through bloodied feet, near exhaustion and debilitating Military 97min. injuries, all while navigating the drama of adolescence. A Virgil Films And Entertainment 06.11.2012 showcase of awe-inspiring talent, tenacity and passion, First ESPN Films: Goose Position paints a thrilling and moving portrait of the most 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112357 Before Michael and Magic, before Jackie and Ali, Goose gifted young ballet stars of tomorrow. Tatum was not just the most popular black athlete in the world, Ballet, Dancing, Documentary 2011 95min. History Classics: Samurai he was the most popular athlete in the world - period. His never-before-seen blend of athletic skill, comedic timing and MPI 30.10.2012 Ferocious in combat and driven by an unforgiving code of showmanship ensured sold-out arenas around the world and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112373 ethics, the samurai were mysterious masters of the sword and made Goose a global celebrity, despite the segregated society bow. They beat back foreign invaders and fought each other of the time. At the height of his fame, Goose left the franchise for land, status, honor and glory. Following in the footsteps of he helped build and pioneered free agency, based on the Flying Scotsman Memorabilia Set the most famous samurai of all time, Miyamoto Musashi, simple principle of self-worth. He proceeded to create Documentary min. Samurai uses vivid animation to bring the fierce beauty of astounding wealth as an entrepreneur in the face of the most samurai culture to life. Warriors: Samurai Showdown challenging human conditions, providing a beacon of hope to Millennium Entertainment 20.11.2012 explores the weaponry, tactics, training and secrets of legions of individuals. Mannie Jackson presents the untold 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112306 Japan’s fearless warriors with host and Green Beret Terry story of an American icon who changed the game of basketball Schappert. Ancient Mysteries: Samurai! explores the forever and inspired an entire generation along the way. enigmatic realm of beauty, adventure and sacrifice, where The Found Footage Festival: honor means more than life itself. In Human Weapon: : Sports, Basketball, Documentary, NBA Samurai Legacy hosts and seasoned fighters Jason Chambers 50min. Volume 6 and Bill Duff go to Japan to understand the techniques and ESPN (TM) 25.09.2012 In our most unsettling compilation to date, we present our history of Judo, the country’s national martial art. In latest and greatest array of VHS wonders. Didgeridoos will Masamune - Samurai Sword Master, today’s martial-arts 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112463 be blown, sponges will be rainbowed, opossums will be experts wield razor-sharp swords as they reveal the life of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) August 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA one of the greatest swordsmen of all time, the 13th-century taking a master class with Bernadette - each workout Narrated by Olympic gold medalist Jonny Moseley and filmed samurai Masamune. And Samurai and the Swastika tells of the contains clear instructions and precise cuing for maximum on five continents, Like There’s No Tomorrow celebrates the alliance between German results. Bernadette Giorgi is a certified Pilates and Fitness moments that make up a perfect winter. Tour the world’s most Documentary, History Channel, Samurai Instructor with a black belt in Soo Bahk Do and has inspiring snowy landscapes, from the rugged peaks of NH’s held national titles in forms and kick boxing. A former dancer Mt. Washington to the legendary powder of Squaw Valley, min. with the Ballets Elan and Joffrey Ballet, Bernadette is a QVC- CA; from the striking Himalayas in Gulmarg, India to the A&E 23.10.2012 TV and Danskin Fitness Expert as well as the creator of the southern hemisphere’s highest peak in Portillo, Chile. Alaska, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112526 Just b Method. Utah, Colorado, New Zealand, - it’s all here, just Fitness, Health, Instructional 83min. waiting for you to fill in the blank. Sports, Extreme Sports 98min. Hue: The City On The Perfume BayView Entertainment 30.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112535 Shout Factory 06.11.2012 River 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112640 Hue, the former Imperial City of Vietnam, lives with its river, the Song Huan, the river of perfume, the river of fragrance. Its Just B Live: Foam Roller Core enticing nickname probably came from the fragrant pollen Workout Warren Miller’s Like There’s No which it carries at certain times of the year. Numerous songs Tomorrow (Blu-ray) and poems sing the praises of this river and of the colorful life Just B Live: Foam Roller Core Workout - The Just B Live on its banks. Yet Hue is not only the city at the river, Hue is Foam Roller Core Workout DVD presents an intense core Chris Davenport in fact the cultural heart of Vietnam. In the 19th century, workout with creative ways to incorporate the roller for Narrated by Olympic gold medalist Jonny Moseley and filmed modeled on the Forbidden City in Beijing, an Imperial Court maximum results as the roller intensifies the core work by on five continents, Like There’s No Tomorrow celebrates the emerged which was intended to proclaim the power and the focusing on your balance. A bonus Mat Sculpt workout is also moments that make up a perfect winter. Tour the world’s most wealth of the Nguy dynasty. This unique program gives an present on this DVD, which is a quick-paced fusion of inspiring snowy landscapes, from the rugged peaks of NH’s unprecedented close-up look at the former Imperial City with traditional Mat Pilates, Ballet, and essential stretches. The Mt. Washington to the legendary powder of Squaw Valley, its fascinating tombs, temples and citadel. Just B Live series is an innovative new series of DVD CA; from the striking Himalayas in Gulmarg, India to the Ancient China, Documentary min. workouts that puts YOU right into the studio with Bernadette southern hemisphere’s highest peak in Portillo, Chile. Alaska, Giorgi, the creator of the Just b method. These DVDs are the Utah, Colorado, New Zealand, Norway - it’s all here, just Kultur 30.10.2012 next best thing to taking a master class with Bernadette - waiting for you to fill in the blank. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112478 each workout contains clear instructions and precise cuing for maximum results. Bernadette Giorgi is a certified Pilates Extreme Sports, Sports 98min. and Fitness Instructor with a black belt in Soo Bahk Do Shout Factory 06.11.2012 Hungry For Change Karate and has held national titles in forms and kick boxing. A 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112658 From the creators of the best-selling documentary Food former dancer with the Ballets Elan and Joffrey Ballet, Berna- Matters comes another hard-hitting film certain to change dette is a QVC-TV and Danskin Fitness Expert as well as the everything you thought you knew about food and nutrition. creator of the Just b Method. National Geographic: America’s Hungry For Change exposes shocking secrets the diet, Fitness, Health, Instructional 79min. Money Vault weight loss and food industries don’t want you to know about BayView Entertainment 30.10.2012 deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for Whether it’s cash, gold or digital bits, we all know that money more. Find out what’s keeping you from having the body and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112544 makes the world go round. For the first time, National health you deserve and how to escape the diet trap forever. Geographic takes you inside the heart of the money machine to secret places you’ve never seen before - straight into the Documentary, Health min. Just B Live: Pilates Express vaults of some of the world’s largest stashes of what you Docurama 02.10.2012 Just B Live: Pilates Express workout. The Just b Live Pilates want, need and bust your butt to get: Money. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112498 Express DVD contains three Pilates-based workouts - a Documentary, National Geographic 2012 Stability Ball workout, a Pilates Ring workout, and a Resistance Tube workout - designed to bring you maximum 45min. The Invisible War fitness results in minimal time. Each segment is presented Vivendi Visual Entertainment 13.11.2012 From Oscar- and Emmy-nominated filmmaker Kirby Dick (This with Bernadette and her students demonstrating every move 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112645 Film Is Not Yet Rated; Twist of Faith) comes The Invisible for you. These three pieces work together over time to bring War, a groundbreaking investigative documentary about one you one of the most effective workouts you have ever of America’s most shameful and best-kept secrets: the experienced. The Just b Live series is an innovative new National Geographic: Inside The epidemic of rape within the U.S. military. The film paints a series of DVD workouts that puts YOU right into the studio Afghanistan War startling picture of the extent of the problem - today, a female with Bernadette Giorgi, the creator of the Just b method. soldier in combat zones is more likely to be raped by a fellow These DVDs are the next best thing to taking a master class For the first time, National Geographic reveals ground-level soldier than killed by enemy fire. Twenty percent of all active- with Bernadette - each workout contains clear instructions footage of the war in Afghanistan exactly as the soldiers know duty female servicewomen are sexually assaulted. Profoundly and precise cuing for maximum results. Bernadette Giorgi is a and see it. With unprecedented military access, Inside the moving, the film follows the stories of several idealistic young certified Pilates and Fitness Instructor with a black belt in Afghanistan War interweaves first-person interviews and a servicewomen who were raped and then betrayed by their Soo Bahk Do Karate and has held national titles in forms and comprehensive timeline narrative to provide a human own officers when they courageously came forward to report. kick boxing. A former dancer with the Ballets Elan and Joffrey perspective of the war being waged in Afghanistan. Both a rallying cry for the hundreds of thousands of men and Ballet, Bernadette is a QVC-TV and Danskin Fitness Expert War, War In The Middle East, Documentary, women who’ve been assaulted and a hopeful road map for as well as the creator of the Just b Method. Military, National Geographic 90min. Fitness, Health, Instructional, Pilates 77min. change, The Invisible War is one of those rare films so Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.11.2012 powerful it has already helped change military policy. BayView Entertainment 30.10.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112641 Documentary, Military 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112543 Docurama 23.10.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112525 Khodorkovsky National Geographic: Winged The true rags-to-riches-to-rags story of Mikhail Seduction - Birds Of Paradise Jazzercise: Latin Live Khodorkovsky, the former Russian oligarch who spoke out Join National Geographic photographer Tim Laman and against state corruption, only to be arrested and convicted on ornithologist Ed Scholes as they journey deep into the most Cheryl Burke transparently false tax and embezzlement charges. Stolen remote jungles on earth in search of all 39 species of the most Bring out your sultry side with Latin Live by Jazzercise. Join twice from the filmmaker’s office before its Berlin premiere, amazing birds in the world Birds of Paradise. Their mission Judi Sheppard Missett, founder and CEO of Jazzercise, and this is investigative journalism as political thriller. takes them into the jungles of one of last wild places on earth, Cheryl Burke, two-time champion of Dancing with the Stars, Biography, Documentary, Foreign, Politics, New Guinea - where children carry machetes, women carry in this spicy version of Jazzercise, with a Latin flair! This hip heavy loads and men carry on tribal warfare. Far-flung swerving, booty shaking workout features your favorite Russian 2012 111min. islands, impenetrable jungle and extreme elevations all create Jazzercise moves mixed with salsa, cha-cha, samba and Kino Video 06.11.2012 areas of isolation where ordinary birds have evolved into merengue. These hot Latin movements will tighten abs, trim the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112651 some of the most beautifully bizarre species on earth. Digital waistline, and tone legs for that sexy, sculpted dancer’s body. explorers on an old-fashioned quest, Tim and Ed have Latin Live features a live class to capture all the fun and survived everything the jungle has to throw at them to become excitement of a Jazzercise class, right in your living room! Meet The Pajanimals first in the world to capture all 39 species of Birds of Dancing, Fitness, Health, Instructional Meet the Pajanimals - CowBella, Apollo, Sweetpea Sue, and Paradise on film. 77min. Squacky - four friends who snuggle together every night to Documentary, Jungle, National Geographic Starz / Anchor Bay 02.10.2012 sing sweet night time songs to their preschool friends at 2012 45min. home. Through their imaginary journeys, these cuddly friends 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112386 discover fun ways to transition from playtime to bedtime. Join Vivendi Visual Entertainment 20.11.2012 the Pajanimals for a magical adventure that encourages a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112648 Just B Live: Ab Blast Workout nightly routine. Family, Fantasy, Music, Preschool, Puppets Just b Live: Ab Blast Workout - The Just b Live: Ab Blast New York Mets: 50 Greatest DVD presents a focused workout aimed at strengthening your min. abdominals. Use an optional weighted ball or light hand- NCircle Entertainment 11.09.2012 Players weight to help further engage the abdominals as well as to In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Mets, MLB define and strengthen your entire core. A bonus Ballet 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112548 Productions has created an all-new DVD program entitled: workout is also present on this DVD, which is designed to New York Mets: 50 Greatest Players. This commemorative give you a total body workout focusing on toning legs and butt Warren Miller’s Like There’s No countdown will honor and applaud the 50 greatest Mets as while working on coordination and balance. The Just b Live determined by a blue ribbon panel consisting of Gary Cohen, series is an innovative new series of DVD workouts that puts Tomorrow Ralph Kiner, Steve Hirdt, Howie Rose and John Harper. The you right into the studio with Bernadette Giorgi, the creator of program will receive massive promotion and marque placement the Just b method. These DVDs are the next best thing to Chris Davenport on the SNY Network in September and October of 2012. The

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DVD features extended segments including 20 additional Foreign, International TV 550min. Seas, History Channel min. minutes that showcase the greatest Mets highlights of all time not included in the main program, plus exclusive bonus BBC Home Video 11.09.2012 A&E 09.10.2012 footage including a segment on the origin of the team. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112600 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112518 Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major League Baseball 177min. Pray For Japan UFC 148: Silva Vs. Sonnen II A&E (TM) 18.09.2012 Pray For Japan is the moving documentary about the aftermath Anderson Silva, Chael Sonnen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112533 of the devastating tsunami and earthquake that hit Japan, In August 2010, Chael Sonnen came within two minutes of focusing on the real-life heroes who fought on behalf of their dethroning one of the greatest fighters of all time, UFC loved ones and their hometown. On March 11, 2011, Japan’s middleweight champion Anderson Silva. On July 7th, the self- New York Mets: 50th Anniversary Tohoku coastal region was destroyed by a 9.0 magnitude proclaimed „Gangster from West Linn“ attempts to finish what Collector’s DVD Set earthquake and devastating tsunami that followed. Pray For he started in the most eagerly anticipated rematch in UFC Japan takes place in the devastated region of Ishinomaki, history. MLB Productions and A&E Home Entertainment have created Miyagi - the largest coastal city in Tohoku with a population a celebratory collection of memories, milestones, moments and of over 160,000 people. Filmmaker Stu Levy - an American Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts most of all things New York Mets. This Collector’s Set living in Japan - filmed the tsunami aftermath during his trips 300min. weaves joyful editorial with an uplifting pictorial presentation to Tohoku as a volunteer and over a period of 6 weeks, Starz / Anchor Bay 09.10.2012 that wraps around 10 DVDs of classic and in some cases captured over 50 hours of footage. Pray For Japan focuses on never-before seen Mets history. This one-of-a kind Mets four key perspectives of the tragedy - School, Shelter, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112425 treasure-trove features more than 22 hours of beloved and Volunteers. With each perspective we meet victims who players, unforgettable moments, and stirring performances. faced significant obstacles and fought to overcome them. UFC 149: Faber Vs. Barao Wrapped with stunning and historic images from the Major Through these four vantage points, you will understand the League Baseball archives, then framed with colorful vast ramifications of this large-scale natural disaster - and Urijah Faber commentary, this 26-page compendium is as expansive as it is the battle these real-life heroes fought on behalf of their loved The UFC interim bantamweight championship is on the line unprecedented and creates the most comprehensive New York ones and their hometown. The nationwide th Saturday, July 21st. Former WEC champion and 135-pound Metropolitan DVD celebration. The Set Includes Five Classic Tragedies, Disasters, Documentary 97min. superstar Urijah Faber attempts to strap gold around his Mets Games BayView Entertainment 06.11.2012 waist yet again in a five-round battle. He faces the dynamic Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major Brazilian battler Renan Barao, owner of the longest winning 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112545 League Baseball 1200min. streak in mixed martial arts today. Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts A&E (TM) 18.09.2012 300min. 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112532 Running With Bulls Presented by UK journalist Jason Farrell (Sky News) Starz / Anchor Bay 23.10.2012 Running With Bulls captures and explores the thrills, passion 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112426 NFL: Rhythm Of The Game and controversy of the Pamplona Bull Run. The San Fermin Football is a game of Rhythm. In the movement, in the Festival in Pamplona, Spain is a celebration of life, of shared language, in the competition - even in the stands - we’ll show history, of family and religion. It is a fiesta like nothing you’ll UFO Archives you why. This 60-75 minute feature shows the most ever experience anywhere else in the world and one reason Five out of ten people believe that alien spacecraft travel in entertaining aspects of the NFL from jaw-dropping highlights, for this is the famous spectacle of the bull run. Each morning our skies, yet few have actually seen a UFO themselves. The to fantastic follies, to hilarious sound of players being for seven days, six fighting bulls tear through the narrow topic of alien visitation has been debated for decades and has themselves all set to tracks from some of America’s hottest streets while thousands of thrill-seeking runners sprint included passionate discussions about Roswell, Area 51, artists. From end-zone dances, to random acts of creative alongside them to test their skills and courage. However, UFO sightings, alien abductions, Shag Harbour, and personal expression, this DVD has everything that makes the each afternoon, the same fighting bulls are ritually government conspiracies. What you hold in your hands is the game exciting and fun to watch. slaughtered by Matadors in a stadium of 20,000 people. For ultimate UFO collection - six DVDs that explore the topic Sports, Football, NFL 2012 60min. those who care about animal welfare but also respect long- thoroughly, from the very beginning to present day. Packed held traditions, the festival throws up quite a moral dilemma. with enough information to keep everyone - believers and Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.11.2012 Through this film the narrator attempts to see the festival from non-believers alike - completely transfixed, the set features 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112361 all perspectives: the runners, the protesters and the bulls interviews with scientists, ufologists, eyewitnesses, themselves. The film follows the journey of six fighting bulls conspiracy theorists and those who claim to have been from their countryside ranch in southern Spain, to the abducted. Other topics explored include the Majestic 12, an Occupy Unmasked outskirts of Pamplona and then on thei elite group of scientists, military and intelligence officials Documentary, Politics 2012 78min. Sports, Documentary 51min. brought together by President Harry Truman and the SETI FilmWorks 16.10.2012 program, which employs radio astronomy to scan the galaxy Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.09.2012 for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. Whichever side 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112561 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112359 you’re on, this collection offers a breadth of information not found anywhere else. Shaquille O’Neal Presents: All Speak UFOs, Aliens, Documentary, History Speak is a documentary film about the fear of public speaking, Channel min. Star Comedy Jam - Live From and the Toastmasters World Championship of Public A&E 09.10.2012 Orlando Speaking. Filmmakers Paul Galichia and Brian Weidling embarked on an almost two year journey conducting hundreds 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112519 Gary Owen, Tony Roberts of interviews about public speaking anxiety, and capturing Funnyman Gary Owen, known for his roles in Steve Harvey’s every stage of the tense, highly competitive World University Of Kentucky: Blue blockbuster hit **Think Like A Man** and Tyler Perry’s Championship of Public Speaking. It all culminates in a week **House of Payne**, commands the stage as he hosts the of fascinating human drama in Calgary, Alberta, after which Dawn newest installment in Shaquille O’Neal’s **All-Star Comedy one person is crowned „World Champion of Public Speaking.“ Blue Dawn: Inside Coach Cal’s First Season, tells the story Jam** franchise. Along with Owen, O’Neal has handpicked Funny, inspiring, moving, and utterly absorbing, Speak follows of the remarkable turnaround and this electrifying season with some of stand-up comedy’s most talented and sought after the trail of those brave souls who take on the fear of public exclusive behind-the-scenes access. Ride along with Coach comedians; Capone, Lil’ Duval, Tony Roberts and Jay speaking - the world’s number one fear - and live to tell the Calipari as he shapes a talented but inexperienced team into a Pharoah. This fresh new lineup is sure to deliver non-stop tale. threat for the National title and as he molds five of the squad’s laughs in this energetic and memorable night of comedy. **All- Documentary 2011 89min. players into first round picks in the NBA draft. It is a unique Star Comedy Jam - Live from Orlando** was filmed at Hard view of one of the most compelling stories of the college Rock Live in front of a live audience during All-Star Weekend Passion River 18.09.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112351 basketball season. in Orlando, FL. Sports, Basketball, Documentary, NCAA Comedy 2012 66min. min. Lionsgate 09.10.2012 Titanic At 100: Mystery Solved - Team Marketing 12.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112269 Collector’s Edition 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112534 Titanic At 100: Mystery Solved - Collector’s Edition Planet Earth: The Complete thoroughly explores one of the world’s greatest disasters, providing some of the best material ever produced on the War In HD Collection (Repackage) subject. Not only was the ship called „unsinkable,“ it was the World War II In HD: Seventy years in the making. Three From the creators of Blue Planet: Seas Of Life comes this epic pride of the White Star line, a symbol of the luxury of the thousand hours of color footage no one knew existed. The series celebrating the Earth as never before. With an Gilded Age, and a floating tribute to the progress, optimism first documentary to show World War II from the perspective unprecedented production budget, using high definition and arrogance of the Industrial Era. The set collects four of both sides in full, immersive HD color, the world premiere photography and revolutionary ultra-high speed cameras, five incredible documentaries that shed new light on one of the History series WWII In HD uses the diaries of soldiers who years in the making, over 2000 days in the field, using 40 most famous shipwrecks in history. Titanic at 100: Mystery fought in the war’s biggest battles to create a personal, cameramen across 200 locations, Planet Earth is the ultimate Solved commemorates the 100th anniversary of the introspective and detailed look at life on and of the front lines. portrait of our planet. This stunning television experience catastrophe, offering never-before-seen views of the wreck Vietnam In HD: These are the men who won every battle in a captures rare action, impossible locations and intimate site, as well as computer graphics that illustrate minute by lost war. Using the same experiential approach to storytelling moments with out planet’s best-loved, wildest and most minute what happened to the ship after the collision. Titanic: as WWII in HD, History gives these veterans a voice. elusive creatures. From the highest mountains to the deepest Death of a Dream follows the story from the day her keel was Through a collection of color Vietnam footage never seen by rivers, Planet Earth takes you to places you’ve never been to laid to the night she disappeared beneath the waves of the the public from private collections, museums, the US experience sights and sounds never before captured on film. North Atlantic, and includes interviews with survivors and government, veteran’s and news organizations as well as Prepare to be overwhelmed by the beauty and majesty of foremost Titanic historians. Titanic: The Legend Lives On sources from Vietnam, they tell their stories and relive their Planet Earth. places the story within the context of the Industrial and struggles, courage and fears. BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Documentary, Progressive Ages, while Titanic’s Achilles’ Heel explores t Vietnam War, War, World War II, Titanic, Disasters, Documentary, High

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Documentary, History Channel min. A&E 09.10.2012 The World Series: History Of The 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112520 Fall Classic (2 Pack) Narrated by Bob Costas and crafted by the filmmakers of Whale Wars: Season 4 Major League Baseball Productions this is the definitive Telefonische Captain Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Conservation documentary on the World Series, the madness, triumphs, and Bestellannahme: Society return for a new adrenaline-fueled season of Whale exhilarating moments that will be remembered for the ages. Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Wars, waging a life-and-death battle to find and stop The expertly blended archival footage, thrilling game action Japanese ships from hunting whales in the name of research. and more than 100 interviews with players, managers, Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Documentary, Reality 2011 440min. writers, broadcasters, and historians create an exciting and Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr comprehensive chronicle of the Fall Classic. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Gaiam Americas 06.11.2012 Sports, 2 Packs, Baseball, Documentary, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112375 Major League Baseball min. Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- A&E 09.10.2012 und Feiertags (Baden- What Happened To Kerouac: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112506 Württemberg) bleibt unser Collector’s Edition Verkauf geschlossen. Jack Kerouac was the father of the Beat Generation, author of WWE: Hell In A Cell 2012 „On The Road“ and pivotal figure of the fifties countercultural revolution. This portrait shows us what happened when fame CM Punk, , , Rey and notoriety were thrust upon an essentially reticent man. Mysterio, Big Show, , Daniel What Happened To Kerouac? is a lively and revealing Bryan investigation into the personal history and creative process The Superstars of WWE will be surrounded by an unforgiving Kerouac speaks for himself most eloquently in television steel prison in a night where the only way to emerge as a appearances with Steve Allen and William Buckley along with World Champion is to inflict and endure career-altering a fine visual tribute featuring his poetry. The result is a punishment. It is a match so brutal that only eleven men in the terrifying and exhilarating film about a troubled genius whose history of WWE have claimed victory, and even fewer have influence is still being felt all over the world. summoned the strength to walk away on their own. Now an Documentary 240min. annual fall tradition, who, if any, will add their name to this Shout Factory 06.11.2012 illustrious list? Fierce rivals collide and flesh meets steel as 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112638 WWE presents Hell in a Cell 2012. Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2012 180min. The Wiggle: Hot Potatoes! The WWE Home Video 27.11.2012 Best Of The Wiggles 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112379 Family, Music, Preschool min. NCircle Entertainment 18.09.2012 WWE: The Attitude Era Newsletter 14/12 (Nr. 318) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112550 Kane, , Undertaker, Shawn Micha- ISSN 1610-2606 els, Edge, Mankind Credits The Wiggles: Getting Strong! In the late-90s, WWE was struggling for ratings survival while a cultural shift in the viewing audience’s taste was Redaktion: Family, Music, Preschool min. occurring. „Saying your prayers and taking your vitamins“ had NCircle Entertainment 18.09.2012 lost its luster among the rebellious masses who preferred Wolfram Hannemann 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112549 „flipping the bird“ and „laying the “ - Enter Stone Design & Layout: Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Mankind and the notorious crop of edgy and fearless Superstars who ushered Wolfram Hannemann The Wiggles: It’s Always in The Attitude Era. Now in this 3-Disc DVD set, fans can Assistenz: own all the infamous moments from this controversial and Christmas With You revolutionary era that redefined sports entertainment for an Beate Hannemann Christmas, Dancing, Family, Holidays, entire generation. Over 8-hours of envelope-pushing content Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: includes all the aggression, antics and innuendos that proved Music, Preschool min. to be the perfect cocktail for an explosion of popularity. Anna Rudschies NCircle Entertainment 25.09.2012 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. © (2012) by 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112555 WWE Home Video 20.11.2012 LASER HOTLINE 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112378 ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt With Great Power: The Stan Lee nur in Verbindung mit einem Story WWE: The Attitude Era (Blu-ray) „Persönlichen Import- Patrick Stewart, Eva Mendes, Samuel L. Kane, Triple H, Undertaker, Shawn Micha- service“-Vertrag und be- Jackson, els, Edge, Mankind inhaltet den Warenpreis With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story explores the vivid life In the late-90s, WWE was struggling for ratings survival and imagination of Stan Lee, the 89-year-old comic book while a cultural shift in the viewing audience’s taste was sowie alle anfallenden legend who co-created over 500 legendary pop culture occurring. „Saying your prayers and taking your vitamins“ had Importkosten inkl. unserer characters including Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, Thor and lost its luster among the rebellious masses who preferred The Hulk. Featuring interviews with both fans and colleagues „flipping the bird“ and „laying the smackdown“ - Enter Stone Vermittlungsprovision. including Kevin Smith, Patrick Stewart, Samuel L. Jackson, Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Mankind and the * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und and Eva Mendes, the film is the tale of one man’s notorious crop of edgy and fearless Superstars who ushered determination to tell incredible stories that have enchanted the in The Attitude Era. Now in this 3-Disc DVD set, fans can das doppelte D-Symbol world for over 40 years. own all the infamous moments from this controversial and sind Warenzeichen der revolutionary era that redefined sports entertainment for an Superheroes, Documentary, Pop Culture Dolby Laboratories Inc. 80min. entire generation. Over 8-hours of envelope-pushing content includes all the aggression, antics and innuendos that proved Der NEWSLETTER ist die MPI 06.11.2012 to be the perfect cocktail for an explosion of popularity. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112464 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. offizielle Informationsbro- WWE Home Video 20.11.2012 schüre für Kunden der Fir- The World Series: History Of The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112402 ma LASER HOTLINE. Fall Classic - Deluxe Gift Set Alle in diesem Mailing ent- Narrated by Bob Costas and crafted by the filmmakers of Yoga Is: A Transformational haltenen Angaben zu Pro- Major League Baseball Productions this is the definitive Journey dukten, die im Ausland ver- documentary on the World Series, the madness, triumphs, and exhilarating moments that will be remembered for the ages. Yoga, Documentary min. öffentlicht werden, stellen The expertly blended archival footage, thrilling game action Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.09.2012 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, and more than 100 interviews with players, managers, writers, broadcasters, and historians create an exciting and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112560 sondern dienen nur zur comprehensive chronicle of the Fall Classic. Information. Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major LASER HOTLINE ist League Baseball min. A&E 09.10.2012 autorisierter 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40112507 Dolby Merchandise Händler

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