The Ukrainian Weekly 1940

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1940 TIE 118111111 WEEIUr HP English supplement of SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1893. Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent No. 28 JERSEY CITY, U. J., SATURDAY,.JUL.3^13,1940 VOL. vnt ODWU HOLDS TENTH , BLADES— CONVENTION CULTIVATING FRIENDSHIP ' English translation of Lesh Macs Its complete independence as an tovich's "The Changeling", in the ! Weekly overflow in today's Svo- organization and its determination . Thoughts of the" cool green countryside, or of the to redouble its efforts in support boda. seashore with its white sand and pounding surf, drift of the principles of freedom and BULLETO^P democracy here in America and in dreamily through your editor's mind as he seeks to type foreign-occupied Ukraine, were the The 8th annual Ukrainian Youth chief points in the resolutions pass- these lines, and, no doubt, through the reader's too, as he Congress of the UYL-NA wiU be ed by the Organization For the tries to read them. Of what use all effort, it seems, when held over the Labor Day weekend Liberation of Ukraine (ODWU) at one's mind is in vacation-land and the body strains after it. in Hotel Pennsylvania, one of New its tenth annual convention, held York's finest, at 33rd St. and 7th. during the past weekend, July 4, Yet youth needs activity to live, and thus when it longs Avenue. 5, 6 at Hotel Pitt in Pittsburgh, for a vacation it is not so much because of any need for Pennsylvania. YOUTH DAY AT FAIR TO DRAW rest as for that of change, of new faces, new experiences, VAST ASSEMBLAGE jgjjg Over one hundred delegates at- '- and of hew friendships. The Ukrainian-American Youth tended the deliberations. A score HTC: Our thoughts fasten themselves upon the last word- Day program at the New York of persons attended as guests. World's Fair on Sunday (Septem- ODWU officers elected ?fat the friendship. What a wealth of mewing, in it. How im- ber 1st) of the coming Labor Day convention for the coming year are portant It is to our young people and to their efforts to about the same as those of last weekend, is expected to draw the year. They are: Prof. Alexander unite themselves. largest assemblage of young Uk- Our mind further recalls how great a value our Zapo- rainian.-jAmericans ever to gather Granovsky, President; Volodimir ,.at;any pnethhe and, place. Chervatiuk, First Vice-President; rozhian ancestors placed upon true friendship, how they J. Popovich, Second Vice-President; Officials .$f the Ukrainian Youth's Volodimir Riznyk, Secretary; Y. regarded it as the chief virtue of a man. In ancient League of North America, which Hutak, Financial Secretary. Mrs. Ukraine, history tells, us, true friends regarded themselves is sponsoring the program at the Stephania Halychyn is again Presi- as being even closer than brothers. mM Fair in conjunction with its Sth dent of the Golden Cross, women's annual Ukrainian Youth's Con- auxiliary of ODWU, with. Miss How different, however, it often is today. Material gress, declare that no effort win be Klachko as its Secretary. Roman I values seem at times to overshadow those of the spirit; spared to make .itimbst. enjoyable Lapica is the new President of the and educational fortne many tih6u-,j Youth $f ODWU, and Miss Olga One often finds friendship valued more for its expioita-, sands of young and old peoplfrwhpj Hryshko its Secretary. ODWU tion purposes than for its true worth. will attend it from various-parts auditors are Scibaylo, - Havrysh, Yet when it comes to our young Ukrainian-Americans, of the country. and Trash. The" ODWU Tribunal The Ukrainian-American Youth I members elected are Onyshkiw, our experience has been that while they do not make Day program at the Fair will cons "Malanchuk, Shmagala, Huzil, and friends'easily, still when they do their friendship is of a sist largely of Ukrainian songs and Didyk. ;fp3. Kryven was elected self-sacrificing and.enduring sort. Perhaps this is so be- folk dances presented by some of Treasurer. cause our young people^re descended of a race that is the leading choral and -dancing Key. addresses were delivered groups in the East. Arrangements Saturday by volodimir Dushnyck, quite emotional—for friendship, like love, is more akin for the concert are being made by editor of ODWU's weekly "Uk- to the heart than to reason. Stephen Marusev4ch, sUl^NA tnu^ steal director. The Folk Dance Ex- raine" and co-editor of its.English- As many opportunities as possible, therefore, must be language monthly "Trident"; Eu- ltibition will be supervised b^Mi4 gene Lachowitch, associate editor created for our younger generation to establishI such con" chael Herman. of "Svoboda"; and j Prof. Granov- taets as will best promote such a spirit of friendship Any youthj choral or dancing sky, ODWU president. Roman La- among them. And of these opportunities the youth con- group that desires to participate ta picjf, editor of the weekly's English tlic UkraSiuari-American Y'onth Day section and co-editor of "Trident," . grosses, conventions and rallies are most certainly not the program at the Fair, should -4ttv spoke at the special meeting of least important. A" chance, or deliberately sought-for, mediately notify Stephen iShumeyv ko, chairman, of..the ^Ukrahiiart- the Youth of ODWU representa- meeting, an exchange of thoughts and personalities, a tivesi^Waltem Buchak, ODWU American Youth Day. Committed youth organizer, delivered a report rising warm regard for one another, and a fine friend- at 81-83 Grand Street, Jersey City, of his activities at this meeting.. ship is well launched on its way—even though soon many Miss Eva Piddubcheshyn of Jer- miles will separate the two. ^jff CHESTER TEAM GETS WIDE. sey City delivered greetings from Summertime off era $he best of such opportunities. puBuciay the Ukrainian Catholic Youth The crack ^J^p^Pa.^lmB^ iiLeague. For that is the season when one drops his cloak of what, ian basketball team;won during,(the The convention was presided he fondly imagines to be business efficiency and becomes past season not only several league over by Stephen Kuropas of Chi- the warm, vibrant human being that he or she really is. championsbipB but also an unusual cago. H. Kalba was First Vice amount of press publicity. As m Chairman, and O. Trush and M. Baseball games, athletic meets, excursions, hikes, various fitting climax, its group picture to- Pavlyna^ere Secretaries. social gatherings, both outdoors and indoors;—all lend gether with a write-up . appeared The reports of the various of- in the June issue of the "Advo- ficers indicated that during the themselves most ably toward cultivating friendship among cate," the leading picture magazine past year phe ODWU had on the those participating in them. All such opportunities should of Delaware County. whole retained its gains of previ- be taken full advantage of, especially nowjlwhen our "The Chester 'UkesV' the write- ous yearsJpFhe Golden Cross had up reads, "under coach Mlit Xihar shown the most marked growth. - younger generation is still youthful, for the most power- ka, dominated basketball news this The Youth of GpWU. on the other ful and lasting friendships are usually those of youth, season. Winners in tbe Chester. hand, had shown a .decline. The when one is most susceptible of warm and affectionate City League, with .15 wins and .1 entire ODWU organization had col- defeat, they entered the Suburban lected during the past fiscal year impressions^ Sports Writers Tournament, won $16,000.00 as contributions to the And always remember to keep your friendship in con- the Delaware County title and en- Fund for the Liberation of Uk- stant repair. tered the finals, oruy: to be de- raine. feated on the last lap by the Nor- Other resolutions passed by the ristawntChatlins. convention express Ukrainian" g by many defenses of the Soviet Soviet Union as a political dictator- Then follows an account how the American loyalty to America and Union as a "true democracy." ship was introduced by Franlin team won for the second straight full support of America's policies According to the New^ York ^pffipmer. year the Ukrainian Youth's League of national defense. llftl Times report, Jane Saxe of the As the sole speaker on behalf of North America hasketball cham- Radcliffe Student Union declared his resolution, Mr. Kramer pointed pionship. YOUTH CONGRESS BARS NAM- that it would be a great mistake out that, ;Wm. Those in the picture appearing in ING OF SOVIET RUSSIA AS for the congress to classify, the "This group is called the Ameri- the "Advocate" are Coach MUt Sbviet. „Union with the dictator- can Youth Congress and is sup- Linaka, Jerry Steppke, Leon Logan, - A DICTATORSHIPJM ships. posed to represent 5,000-,000 young Frank KammskC^^^ra^^proii^ By an overwhelming majority "It would be a great pity if, be- Americans. I tlon't think there are Charles Morenko, Manager Bill the sixth annual American - Youth cause of dislike for her economic 5,000,000 in America . who s dpnlt Haschak, Joe Lacusch, Myroa Sa^ Congress held at College Camp, wicki, Peter Mel nick; John Kozak -system, we should repudiate the think Russia is a . dictatorship. ; Wisconsin during the past weekend, Soviet Union as a strong anti- There are, however, a great many and Ed Paraisihk.' voted down a resolution to name Fascist,, force," she said. young people who think that the, The group jpicture is accom," Soviet Russia, German^M Italy, "We should remember there have American, Youth Congress is work- panted by shots of Morenko, high, Japan and Franco Spain as poli- been tremendous distortions in the ing to establish here the same kind scorer;= showing how he averaged tical dictatorships and place the 13 points per game, and of Lee press," she asserted.
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    INTERNATIONAL OUT-OF-DELIVERY-AREA AND OUT-OF-PICKUP-AREA SURCHARGES International shipments (subject to service availability) delivered to or picked up from remote and less-accessible locations are assessed an out-of-delivery area or out-of-pickup-area surcharge. Refer to local service guides for surcharge amounts. The following is a list of postal codes and cities where these surcharges apply. Effective: January 17, 2011 Albania Crespo Pinamar 0845-0847 3254 3612 4380-4385 Berat Daireaux Puan 0850 3260 3614 4387-4388 Durres Diamante Puerto Santa Cruz 0852-0854 3264-3274 3616-3618 4390 Elbasan Dolores Puerto Tirol 0860-0862 3276-3282 3620-3624 4400-4407 Fier Dorrego Quequen 0870 3284 3629-3630 4410-4413 Kavaje El Bolson Rawson 0872 3286-3287 3633-3641 4415-4428 Kruje El Durazno Reconquista 0880 3289 3644 4454-4455 Kucove El Trebol Retiro San Pablo 0885-0886 3292-3294 3646-3647 4461-4462 Lac Embalse Rincon De Los Sauces 0909 3300-3305 3649 4465 Lezha Emilio Lamarca Rio Ceballos 2312 3309-3312 3666 4467-4468 Lushnje Esquel Rio Grande 2327-2329 3314-3315 3669-3670 4470-4472 Shkodra Fair Rio Segundo 2331 3317-3319 3672-3673 4474-4475 Vlore Famailla Rio Tala 2333-2347 3323-3325 3675 4477-4482 Firmat Rojas 2350-2360 3351 3677-3678 4486-4494 Andorra* Florentino Ameghino Rosario De Lerma 2365 3360-3361 3682-3683 4496-4498 Andorra Franck Rufino 2369-2372 3371 3685 4568-4569 Andorra La Vella General Alvarado Russel 2379-2382 3373 3687-3688 4571 El Serrat General Belgrano Salina De Piedra 2385-2388 3375 3690-3691 4580-4581 Encamp General Galarza
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