Nine Minds Workshop – Learning Resources – Ruthanne Wrobel LESSON PLANS for ONE and ALL


List heroic qualities, values, Feel human hopes, fears, Think of overall story line, a meanings … Choose one word passions, emotions to spark & narrative structure. Use key & one strong image to embody motivate learning … set up scenes from the story to one vital quality binary tensions organize lessons

4 EXTREMES 5 RESEARCH 6 PHILOSOPHY + IRONY Find the greatest, the least, the Find topics to explore in Raise philosophic questions, limits of reality … relate exhaustive detail that relate find ironic realizations that extreme features to heroic to the heroic quality … explore limits & opposites of quality heroism


Stage a project or activity to Assess literacy skills & forms Allow students and teacher to help resolve dramatic tensions of imaginative engagement reflect on their learning as as students demonstrate their with the lessons they interacted with the skills & understandings subject and each other

Adapted from Kieran Egan, The Educated Mind: How Cognitive Tools Shape our Understanding, 1997.



Arguing, debating, opposing, Recounting sagas, epics, Teaching, preaching, finding taking aim, scoring points, generalizing, day-dreaming fault, admonishing, parting shots … military aloud, voicing vague notions, correcting, reminding of metaphors. wondering, meandering obligations

Self-talk: ‘Do this my way’ Self-talk: ‘Nice’n easy’ Self-talk: ‘That’s not right’


Befriending, supporting, Promoting, advertising, Longing, lamenting, comforting, offering friendly performing, exclaiming, extolling, yearning, regretful advice, pitching in, meeting motivational speeches, sighs, poetic turns of phrase, needs, getting personal success stories self-expression

Self-talk: ‘You need me’ Self-talk: ‘Watch me shine’ Self-talk: ‘I’m feeling …’


Detailed explanations, Questions, warnings, Joking, laughing, story- informative displays of second-guessing, trouble- telling, entertaining, shifting knowledge, definitions, facts, shooting, worst-case gears, changing venues, precise instructions, logical, scenarios, defending / sampling, imagining, rational arguments testing checking out, moving on

Self-talk: ‘I’m thinking …’ Self-talk: ‘On a lighter note’ Self-talk: ‘But what if …’

An educational resource provide by Enneagram North in , Canada. Visit Wise Words from Famous Canadians

8 Pierre Elliot Trudeau 9 Lester B. Pearson 1 Jack Layton

“Canada will be a “I do not know that I have “What we need to do is strong country when done very much myself to stand up for ourselves Canadians of all promote fraternity among when we're un-fairly provinces feel at home nations, but I do know treated.” in all parts of the that there can be no more ““So let us be loving, country, and when important purpose for hopeful and optimistic. they feel that all any man’s activity or And we’ll change the Canada belongs to interests.” world.” them.” 2 3 4 Jean Vanier

“What responsibility “I wasn’t naturally gifted “Life is a succession of means is being your own in terms of size and crises and moments when guru. We can only help you speed; everything I did in we have to rediscover find the way. Any healing, hockey I worked for, and who we are and what we any progress, any hope, is that’s the way I’ll be as a really want.” going to come from you. ... coach.” But I can help you find “Envy comes from your energy. I'm obligated “I skate to where the puck people's ignorance of, or to help you find it, in any is going to be, not where lack of belief in, their own way I can.” it has been.” gifts.” 5 John Polanyi 6 David Suzuki 7 Marshall McLuhan

“[Intellectual courage is] “We live in a finite world “Our permanent address the quality that allows one with finite resources. is tomorrow.” to believe in one's Although it may judgment in the face of sometimes seem quite “There are no passengers disappointment and big, earth is really very on spaceship earth. We widespread skepticism. small – a tiny blue and are all crew.” Intellectual courage is green oasis of life in a cold even rarer than physical universe.” “I don't necessarily agree courage.” with everything that I say.”

An educational resource provide by Enneagram North in Toronto, Canada. Prepared by R. Wrobel, 2011. Visit



Pharaoh, Emperor, Unity, harmony, no Religious revolution, Ruler of All Lands, dualism, no discord, life worship of the Aten, Divine Monarch & light everlasting challenge priests, temple bureaucrats, generals

2 3 4 DEVOTED SON of ROYAL COUPLE MYSTIC GENIUS Queen Tiye Akhenaten & Nefertiti Patron of the arts, new Where mother leads Grand performers, self- naturalism, poetic he follows, in religion, promoters, power couple, inspiration, strange in daily life, in politics Watch us shine ! symptoms, visions ? 5 6 7 MASTER MIND LOYAL SKEPTIC ADVENTURER

Urban planner of new Loyal to his father in A whirl-wind reign of public spaces, scholar, Thebes, Amenhotep III; projects, plans for new architect of new ideas, later turned against temples, statues, pageants ritual life, royal life, worship & priests of … Neglect of armies, symbolism … Amun, changed his empire, left the business name, moved to Amarna of government to others …

Develop an interpretation of Akhenaten and his mysterious reign, based on careful selection and study of historical evidence and arguments. Present and defend your position in class during a learning conversation.

Consult this online source, as a place to start: history/

An educational resource provide by Enneagram North in Toronto, Canada. Prepared by R. Wrobel, 2011. Visit HOMER AND THE ENNEAGRAM

The Enneagram styles are very old. Homer (ca. 750 B.C.E.) knew the nine basic themes essentially as they are today. Odysseus travels through each of the Enneagram domains in exact reverse numerical order. Here is his itinerary:

2. Calypso, the Two nymph who offers Odysseus every worldly good and even immortality if he will but stay with her. 1. The Phaeacians, perfect Martha Stewart One hosts, where honour, respect, fair play, and courtliness count most, along with beautifully prepared meals. 9. The Land of the Lotus Eaters, dreamy, forgetful Nines. 8. The Cyclops, powerful, vengeful giant Eights; "Each one dwells in his own mountain cave, dealing out rough justice to wife and child, indifferent to what others do." 7. Aeolia, a Seven island that floats whimsically on the sea, relocating with the wind, where the Seven residents feast and party. 6. The paranoid Laestrygonians, Sixes who attack Odysseus without provocation. 5. The solitary Circe, the cunning Five sorceress. 4. The visit to Hades, the psychic underworld. The Sirens, Fours who bewitch passing mariners to tragedy with melodious song. 3. Scylla and Charybdis, a monster and a whirlpool, a rock and a hard place, where skilful sailing full speed ahead is the only way through.

Homer must have known something of the relationships among the Enneagram types as well, because he knew the critical order. He was likely associated with long- established civilizations to the east, the Chaldeans, and the Persians, who had developed elaborate cosmologies. Centuries later, Pythagoras (ca. 550 B.C.E.) traveled east and studied these ancient traditions and perhaps met the Babylonian Hebrews as well. As philosopher Oscar Ichazo has noted, the Enneagram symbol itself is one of the geometric "seals" Pythagoras, and later the Platonists, used to show the special qualities and relationships among numbers. With the extraordinary spread of Neoplatonism, the material entered the Catholic and Orthodox churches through the early church fathers and eventually traveled east into Sufism and west to reconnect with the Jewish Kabbalah in France and Spain. The basic themes of the Enneagram -- including the balancing of a formal series of opposites as a pathway to development -- came to a full flower in Kabbalah, the central works of Jewish mysticism.

Notes from Michael J. Goldberg, Getting Your Boss's Number: and Many Other Ways to Use the Enneagram at Work, San Francisco: Harper, 1996, p. 276-277

See new book by Michael Goldberg: Travels with Odysseus: Uncommon Wisdom from Homer's Odyssey, 2005.

NINE WORLD VIEWS – Do you see what I see?


The world calls us to battle All rivers & drops of water The world watches & judges for power & control. Conflicts flow into one sea. All points intentions, actions & divide & define friends & of view are valid. There are outcomes. So many faults & foes. Know your allies & no distinctions. No one flaws need fixing. enemies. stands out. Self-talk: ‘Go with the flow. Self-talk: ‘Something’s not Self-talk: ‘Be strong. Speak Don’t make waves’ right’ out. Act now.’


So many in the world need In a world of competition, Glimpses of rare beauty lie comfort, aid & shelter. As my the winner outshines them around us and within. Who caring hands reach out to all. The world rewards ‘the can fathom or transmit help, the world smiles. best’ with fame, favour and untold joys, sorrows and love. shadows? Self-talk: ‘We need each other.’ Self-talk: ‘Be the best. Strive Self-talk: ‘Who am I? What to impress. Never fail.’ am I feeling?’


The world is filled with No one is safe for long in a The world is a level playing confusing data & misleading world where so much can field of options & claims. I need to observe, go wrong. There are adventures. Look on the research, sift, define, refine, dangers & risks around bright side. Find the silver revise & theorize. every corner. Caution is lining. Enjoy the fun & advised. games. Self-talk: ‘I see. I think I understand.’ Self-talk: ‘Watch out. Be Self-talk: ‘Lighten up. Cheer prepared.’ up. Energize.’

An educational resource provide by Enneagram North in Toronto, Canada. Prepared by R. Wrobel in consultation with Laura McRae, Moira Canes, and members of our study group, December 2009. Visit

ANIMAL TOTEMS for Different Types of People

8 9 1 Shark – competitive, Snail – sheltered, slow- Terrier – active, powerful, appetite-driven moving, never far from determined, goal-driven, home relentless Lion – mighty, majestic, White Dove – symbol of intimidating, protective Dolphin –alert, harmony, simplicity, , playful, at purity, peace home in sea & air 2 3 4 Golden Retriever – Peacock – pride, Black Swan – mystery, gentle, loyal, intelligent, confidence, beauty, vanity pain, sacrifice, suffering patient, protective Dragon-Fly – overcomes White Swan – grace, limitations, transforms, Siamese Cat –active, purity, dignity, loyalty lives lightly as a free spirit curious, sensitive, intuitive, capable, graceful, resilient

5 6 7 Fox – swift, cunning, White Rabbit – social, Monkey – curious, clever, strategic, alert, adept at dutiful, anxious, alarmed, playful, mischievous, full concealment quick to run & hide of life Doberman Pinscher – Thoth – ancient Egypt, Owl -- wisdom, insight, fearless, watchful, loyal, baboon, moon, numerals, magic, perspective, vision, energetic, assertive but writing, cosmic order valour not vicious

An educational resource provide by Enneagram North in Toronto, Canada. Visit


One: Conscientious, purposeful, responsible & precise. Gift for inspiring. Dislike carelessness and unreliability; set high standards for self and others.

Two: Warm, affirming, compassionate & nurturing. Gift for serving. Dislike isolation and lack of people contact; thrive on service to others and making personal connections.

Three: Efficient, motivating, goal-orientated & industrious. Gift for producing. Dislike inefficiency and lack of ambition; thrives on success and recognition.

Four: Intuitive, refined, distinctive & introspective. Gift for creating. Dislike uniformity and boredom; express through feeling and aesthetics.

Five: Observant, innovative, logical & objective. Gift for knowing deeply. Dislike intrusiveness; enjoy consistent learning in their particular field.

Six: Loyal, responsible, cautious & tenacious. Gift for defending. Dislike instability and constant change; good trouble-shooters.

Seven: Enthusiastic, visionary, gregarious & spontaneous. Gift for delighting. Dislike attention to detail and routine; enjoy constructing new ideas.

Eight: Assertive, autonomous, decisive & fearless. Gift for fighting injustice. Dislike lack of focus and dishonesty; support strength and action.

Nine: Patient, reassuring, easy going & diplomatic. Gift for negotiating. Dislike conflict and strife; support harmony and stability.

Guidelines: No leadership style is inherently better or worse than any other one. Each type of leader has assets and liabilities, qualities and gifts that enhance and inspire, and tendencies or blind spots that may impede harmony, communication and growth. Leaders and team members must learn to recognize and appreciate the strengths of others, and find ways to offer and accept constructive criticisms. NINE CALM DEEP BREATHS

Just a few simple postures and a few quiet breaths. It's as if someone whispered a profound secret to you: through your breathing, you can become connected to your own body, and to the vitality of life. Let calmness, serenity, clarity and mindfulness follow naturally.

1. Stand comfortably with your heels together. 2. Place the left hand on the hara (just below the navel), and the right hand on top of the left. 3. Hold for three breaths. 4. Slide the hands up to the heart level and hold for three breaths. 5. Slide the hands up to the top of the chest, and close to (but not quite touching) the face, bringing the palms to cover the eyes, which close as they are covered. Keep fingers relaxed and resting on the forehead. Hold for three breaths. 6. Brush hands up the forehead, over the crown of the head, down the back of the head and neck, down the chest and torso, letting the hands come to rest at the sides. 7. Stand comfortably and experience the effect.

Breema Bodywork

For many centuries, the villagers of Breemava have practiced a remarkable system of bodywork. Based on a deep and instinctive understanding of health, healing, and the nature of the human being, Breema is a way to re-connect with our natural state of vitality.

Living active lives in a rigorous and demanding environment, the Kurdish people of Breemava could not take their bodies for granted. They explored and refined countless ways of supporting their bodies with touch and movement. In the bodywork, as well as the Self-Breema exercises, the goal is always the enhancement of the flow of life energy. Through a series of rhythmic movement sequences, tension is effectively and enjoyably released, increasing physical health and vitality in many ways. At the same time, Breema is an energy-balancing system, providing profound support to the person physiologically, mentally, and emotionally.

Perhaps the two most unique aspects of Breema are that it is a non-diagnostic and non-judgmental approach to health improvement, and secondly, that it enhances the health, well-being, and vitality of the practitioner just as much as it does that of the recipient. Whether practiced professionally or informally, Breema has a deeply harmonizing effect on the lives of those who give and receive it.

The exercise mentioned above, along with fifteen others, are presented in Dr. Jon Schreiber's Self-Breema handbook, Touching the Mountain: Ancient Exercises for the Modern World.