A Uiedch Utists Kill 300 SAIGON (AP) — U
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Four Children Die in Freehold Township Fire SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME After morning cloudiness mostly sunny this afternoon high In low THEDAILY to mid 60s. Clear and cool to- Red Bank, Freehold FINAL night, low in low to mid 40s. Long Branch Tomorrow, mostly sunny, Ugh T 7 and milder. Copyright—ThEEGISTERe Red Bank Register, Inc. 1967. DIAL 7414)010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS VOL. 89, NO. 217 WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE pressures of Aldene Ease, Central Would Cut Service By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON •told the court that in addition to making up 1966 losses the release qf_firstday fears. , ^_ crowded-with-passengers befor«-trains-pulMn,-rather-4han-liav-_ tSla StoryrPage 3)~ ~operiling"^compafiy "should also get back "$600;OQO~a month in ""This morning it wofEed almost'like a dream," he said. ing trains there waiting for the riders. RED BANIC — Contrasting predictions "came true yester- anticipated losses through 1967 and 1968. "There was a slight drop in our passenger count but we ex- This is the big difference in comparison of the former day, perhaps easing pain of North Jersey railroad commuters Otherwise, they said, the Central should be relieved of its pect that it will start to build up as people become accus- Central terminal In Jersey City where trains stood by waiting but also threatening them with new service cutbacks. five-year contract to keep trains moving in the Aldene Plan. tomed to the service and see a reasonable performance re- for passengers from the ferries. The Aldene Plan ran ajmost on time, north and south- Set up to reduce Central losses and state subsidies, which liability." . ' , • • . V Now passengers stand by on much more narrow plat- bound, on its second commuter day but nearly 10 per cent of already are running at $7 million a year, the Aldene Plan Homecoming again proved much more congested than the forms waiting for trains. usual Jersey Central traffic was absent. brings Central trains into the Pennsylvania's Newark station. morning'experience. PATH was almost ready to pat itself on the back for s On the other side of the coin, trustees of the bankrupt There, passengers who formerly had gone into Jersey City Where northbound commuters in most cases can step off fine evening performance when, between 5 and 5:15 p.m., its Central petitioned a federal court for permission to seek an and, by ferry boat, to New York, change to Port Authority incoming trains in Newark and push through—30-cent tbken in bridge across the Hackensack River, between Newark and Trans Hudson Corp. (PATH) tubes. hand—turnstiles to board waiting tubes, their evening pattern New York, got stuck. • '', _ _ _ order eliminating its passenger service altogether. ; Perry Shoemaker, former president and now jihief execu- _ Louis Gambaccini,_vice president-and generaL manager of : is different •• -. The PATH said that 9,100 riders were carried between" 7 tive dflhe insolvent carrier, filed papers in the U.S. District PATH, said Tuesday service much more approximated his On the return trip, they arrive on PATH'S upper plat- and 9 a.m. Monday, in service'for Newark, Jersey City, Ho- Court after the state rejected a request for $7.1 million re- company's advance predictions than had Monday connections. form, and follow ramps or moving stairs to track platforms boken, and New York, and 8,600 yesterday. The pre-AIdene imbursement of asserted 1966 passenger losses. He credited passenger familiarity with travel patterns in where trains will arrive. average had been 4,500. Mr. Shoemaker'and his associate trustee, John E. Farreli, the terminals at Newark, Jersey City, and New York, and a This means that, in virtually all cases, the platforms are (See ALDENE, Pg. 3,-Col. 4) . A UiedCh utists Kill 300 SAIGON (AP) — U. S. infan- by armored vehicles clashed with ern edge of a U.S. Marine oper- nam near the Laotian border cured," said a spokesman at the trymen and South Vietnamese more than 500 Communists five ation named Shawnee. where U.S. Marines and North Marine base at Da Nang. paratroopers today reported kill- miles northwest of Hue, the for- The • South Vietnamese said Vietnamese regulars have been The Marine objective is to pre- ing more than 300 Communist mer royal capital of Vietnam. they captured three of the enemy battling for nine days for pos- vent a North Vietnamese regi- troops in two battles more than The South Vietnamese said and 35 weapons. For the past session of hills overlooking infil- ment estimated at 2,500 men 400 miles apart. Another Ameri- they trapped the Communists in twb- months the Communists tration routes. from holding three prime firing can unit north of Saigon uncov- a loop of the Song Be River and have been attacking roads, The Leathernecks claimed pos- positions—Hills 881 South, 811 ered one of the largest enemy killed 156 of them in a two-liour bridges, outposts and pacification North and 86i; The Marines oc- arms caches of the war. battle Tuesday night. Govern- teams in the Hue area. session of the south ridge of Hill cupied Hill 861 last Friday night While the ground fighting ment losses were reported "very Rain squalls and high winds 881 late Tuesday. after artillery and air attacks raged from the Mekong Delta light." limited ground action in tMe "We think Hill 881 South is attacks drove the Communists in the south to South Vietnam's The fighting was on the south- northwest corner of South Viet- physically occupied but not se- from it.. northernmost provinces, U. S. fighter-bombers kept the aerial pressure on North Vietnam. Salaries Disputed After Payment American pilots yesterday flew through overcast skies, using ra- dar controls and bombing through breaks in the clouds to pound the main rail lines run- Police—^-Highlands' Big Issue ning northeast and northwest from Hanoi to Red China, HIGHLANDS — As the end re- or's appointments are illegal, When the month's vouchers checks for April already had been Plane Is Downed sult of last night's Borough Coun- since Alcoholic Beverage Control came up for approval, Mrs. issued to. the men. cil meeting, this municipality rulings prohibit any official Lynch offered a motion that all A U.S. Air Force F105 Thun- Hearing Delayed.. has: Three top police officials who holds a liquor license from vouchers be paid except the new derchief was downed by ground Last night's scheduled public whose present positions three acting on police matters.' salaries of three policemen "ille- fire in North Vietnam today but hearing on the borough's new council members claim are ille- Borough Attorney Benjamin ;ally promoted" last month. Pay- the pilot, Maj. Charles C. Vasi- subdivision ordinance was post- gal; a police sergeant whose ti- Gruber has backed up Mayor ment was approved. liadis, 39, of Huntington, N. Y., poned until May 9. The proposed tle should have been created of- Bahrs' appointments. The mayor On a follow-up motion to pay TINTON FALLS VILLAGE — A preliminary site plan show:, the 100,000-square-foot was pulled from the jungle by ordinance would designate the ficially last night by ordinance, holds a liquor license for Bahrs the three policemen the same sal Chopping center propoiad by Lincrofr realtor Roland Pierson for Tinton Falls. Tinton a helicopter 36 minutes later. •tanning Board as a strong, rath- but wasn't, and April salaries for Restaurant. aries as they had received pre- er than referral board. Several Ava. it at right of plan. An acesit road from it would enter a circle of colonial The U.S. Ninth 'Infantry Di- the three men disapproved after Councilman Frank J. Hall last viously, the vote was two for vision reported killing 181 Viet discrepancies exist in the word- shops around landscaped malls which might be used for civic purposes. A service road they were paid. night offered for public hearing a (Mrs. Lynch and Mr. McGowan) ing of the ordinance as it now Cong from a main force battal- On April 4, Mayor John A. police ordinance setting up posi- and two against (Mayor Bahrs behind the shops would be used for employee parking and trucks. The layout is ion in seven hours of heavy fight- stands. Bahrs named Acting Police tions of chief, captain, one or and Mr. Hall.) The housing code ordinance shown on the Steinmuller tract south of Tinton Falls School with the Rigby tract, ing yesterday in Mekong Delta's Chief John Mackel as chief, Sgt. more sergeants, and as many pa- Attorney Gruber insisl the marshland 39 miles southwest of scheduled for introduction last top, to be used for an access road from Water St. and for reserve parking. Walter Monahan as captain, and trolmen as necessary. There was men will be paid at least their night may be ready next Tues- Saigon. It was the biggest bat- Patrolman Howard Brey, acting no second to the motion, no pub- old salaries, but defeat of the (See story, Page 13.1 tle so far for the division, which day. Mrs. Lynch objected to Mr. sergeant. Councilwoman Ellen lic hearing, and still no official second motion indicates no pro- Gruber's reading of the new arrived in Vietnam last-Decem- M. Lynch, and Councilmen Wil- police sergeant's position in the vision for paying their salaries ber. Eighteen Americans were measure, claiming it was totally lia,m McGowan and Ernest A. borough. Sgt. Brey is an acting has been made. The entire ques- different from the one discussed killed and 48 wounded in the Vaughn have claimed the may- sergeant.