Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 226 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018) Legal Testing on Hate Speech Through Social Media 1st Erni Dwita Silambi 2nd Yuldiana Zesa Azis 3rd Marlyn Jane Alputila Law of Science Department, Law of Science Department, Law of Science Department, Faculty of Law Faculty of Law Faculty of Law Universitas Musamus Universitas Musamus Universitas Musamus Merauke, Indonesia Merauke, Indonesia Merauke, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 4th Dina Fitri Septarini .rs Name/s per 2nd Affiliation Accounting Department, Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Musamus Merauke, Indonesia
[email protected] . name of or Abstract— The rapid growth of technology, including in the also found that there was a difference between B2B and B2C internet, has led to an increase in crime. This study aims to find companies, which confirmed the significant impact between out the laws carried out by the police at Merauke Regional Police B2C companies on LinkedIn and stock returns. This finding is in enforcing Hate Speech Crime on social media 2. To find out useful for company managers and social media activists who the inhibiting factors in enforcing Hate Speech on social media. try to understand the impact of social media finance on This research was conducted in Merauke Regency, Papua Indonesia in 2018. This research method is conducted using company value [1]. qualitative methods that collect by conducting interviews and literature studies. This study shows that: 1. Repetition and Social media is a site that provides a place for users to handling of hate speech The police conduct prevention and interact online.