MICHAEL SMITH 4 August 2021 PERSONAL Michael Andrew Smith; born Melbourne, Australia, 23 July 1954; married to Monica with three adult sons, Jeremy, Julian, and Samuel; Australian citizen; USA Permanent Resident. CURRENT POSITION McCosh Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University; Associated Faculty Member, Department of Politics, Princeton University; Adjunct Professor in the School of Philosophical, Historical, and International Studies, Monash University, Australia, and Distinguished Visiting Focus Professor in Monash Philosophy's Focus Program on Belief, Value, and Mind. CONTACT ADDRESS: Department of Philosophy DEPARTMENT: +1-609-258-4289 Princeton University FAX: +1-609-258-1502 1879 Hall OFFICE: +1-609-258-4306 (voicemail messages Princeton, NJ, 08544 are forwarded to my email address) USA EMAIL:
[email protected] URL: http://www.princeton.edu/~msmith/ EDUCATION BA with first class honours (Monash) 1975 DipEd (Monash) 1979 MA (Monash) 1980 BPhil (Oxford) 1983 DPhil (Oxford) 1989 AWARDS, NAMED LECTURE SERIES, GRANTS 2020 The Joel Feinberg Lecture, Arizona Workshop in Normative Ethics, Tucson. 2018 The Jack Smart Lecture, Australian National University (twentieth in the series) 2017 The John Locke Lectures, Oxford University (six lecture series) Princeton-HU Strategic Partnership Grant joint with Thomas Schmidt (Humboldt University in Berlin) to teach a series of graduate seminars and workshops in Princeton, Canberra, and Berlin, 'Practical Normativity: Reasons, Morality and Rationality', USD50,000 (supplemented by USD18,000 from UCHV) over three years (2018-2020). 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award for the Faculty of Arts at Monash University. Writing Center Hero, Princeton University Writing Center's Outreach Committee 2015 Princeton-HU Strategic Partnership Grant joint with Thomas Schmidt (Humboldt University in Berlin) to teach a graduate seminar 'Ethical 2 rationalism vs sentimentalism' half in Berlin and half in Princeton, USD25,000 in the summer of 2016.