A Study Guide by Paulette Gittins

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A Study Guide by Paulette Gittins © ATOM 2015 A STUDY GUIDE BY PAULETTE GITTINS http://www.metromagazine.com.au ISBN: 978-1-74295-595-7 http://www.theeducationshop.com.au » INTRODUCTION Light The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. An expression in someone’s eyes indi- cating a particular emotion or mood. Equated with sight, illumination, knowledge, understanding, good- ness, welcome, relief. As an adjective it means sunny, un-dimmed, brilliant. Light is at once physical and spiritual. We cannot live without it, yet some of us fear it. We live b.y it, we utilise it, we worship its mysterious qualties, we experiment with it. Its opposite -equated with blindness, ignorance, evil, foreboding, rejection. Our world is filled with light and its affect on us is constant and unyield- stories about how Light effects - CONTENTS ing, but how do we, as individuals, changes, moves, improves, inspires or experience this most extraordinary defines - their world. 3 Aims of this Study Guide phenomenon? Light in its many forms 3 Pre-viewing information - mythic, life-giving, threatening, eerie, New and emerging Indigenous intimidating, beautiful – is now the Australian filmmakers were eligible to 4 Synopses focus of the documentary film series apply for this funding and develop- ‘Light,’ five short films by Indigenous ment opportunity by submitting a story 14 Light: Production Personnel Australian cinematic artists. concept around the theme Light. 17 Curriculum Relevance In November, 2014, ScreenWest and Series Producer Renee Kennedy was 22 Supplementary Resources the ABC issued a ‘call out’ for Western appointed and commissioned by Australian Indigenous creatives to ScreenWest and ABC to work with the 25 Activities make thought-provoking mini docu- filmmakers during the development mentaries for a new initiative around phase and to produce the documenta- 31 Endnotes the theme Light. The series of five, ries. Production by Renee’s company, five-minute contemporary documenta- Metamorflix, began in early 2015, and Click ry films are intended for screening on completed by late May, 2015. on arrows ABC2. ABC2 is the network’s digital to jump to channel that talks to a younger de- The four of the five short films sections mographic. Its ambition is to surprise, in this series were filmed in enthuse and challenge. Western Australia, with Shadows 2015 © ATOM SCREEN EDUCATION of Displacement being filmed in Light is the United Nations Sydney. All five films utilise both the autobiography, memoir and flashback. Educational, Scientific and Cultural natural light of the environment and All directors are Indigenous Australians Organisation (UNESCO) 2015 theme. experimental light – infrared, ultra- with varying degrees of filmmaking violet, near-infrared - and a number of experience,. All present us with a ScreenWest and ABC looked for unique ways of telling a story: through fascinating interpretation of the power stand-out, unique, cutting-edge shadow puppets, interpretive dance, and meaning of this vital life-source. 2 » AIMS OF THIS STUDY GUIDE This Study Guide aims to • To introduce us to the world of Indigenous Australian film art and artists; • To consider and comprehend Indigenous Australian film as a means of political, social, artistic and cultural expression; • To showcase Light as curriculum support in various subjects and subject levels; • To link this text to the National Curriculum criteria; • To provide a range of activities and tasks which are a ‘springboard’ rel- who don’t wish to look at images of evant to classroom use in a variety deceased Aboriginal persons or hear of subjects. their names, so that they may choose to look away or leave the room or look This Guide therefore provides the at another channel. Further, permis- following: sion has to be gained from family or • Synopses of each short film » PRE-VIEWING tribal group before these images can • Supplementary historical referenc- INFORMATION be shown on television or photo- es, vocabulary and miscellaneous graphed. It is a matter of respecting information relevant to each film the dead and respecting ancestors. • Biographies of significant produc- 1. Disclaimer tion personnel • Curriculum Relevance Before we view these five short films, 2. An important • Links to the National Curriculum we need to understand the reasons question: What is life • Classroom activities and allied behind the Disclaimer voiced before like for contemporary material each of them: Indigenous Australians? While Indigenous film is a small part, it Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Many of us will have an image of is a highly significant part of Australia’s viewers are advised that the following Indigenous Australians living in ‘the culture. The portrayal of Aboriginal program contains images and voices outback,’ in, say, Arnhem Land or the Australian issues, people and ideas of people who have died. Western Desert in a ‘tribal’ society; we in film provides a unique insight may also have read or seen texts in into Australia’s relationship with its What we are seeing here is an which Indigenous people are consist- Indigenous peoples and heritage. Indigenous Cultural Protocol which ently portrayed in negative circum- calls upon both the Indigenous and stances - victims of alcoholism, drug non-Indigenous community to respect dependence, homelessness and the the traditions related to mourning like. Such stereotyping is common and Pushing the boundaries, exploring and grieving customs. Indigenous deeply offensive to many Indigenous realities, telling ancient stories,Five Australians have certain beliefs about Australians. What is most important film-makers see the light... seeing, or allowing other to view imag- to the vast majority of Indigenous SCREENWEST & LOTTERYWEST es of their deceased family members. Australians is that their connection to 2015 © ATOM SCREEN EDUCATION AND THE AUSTRALIAN They believe that once the spirit of ‘country’ is not in any way diminished BROADCASTING CORPORATION IN the deceased family member returns simply because they live in city areas. ASSOCIATION WITH METAMORFLIX to the Dreaming it is disrespectful to present LIGHT show images of them. In 2006 about 31% of the Indigenous Five X Five Minute Documentary population was living in ‘major cities’ films. Series Producer Renee Therefore TV stations issue warn- (as defined by the Australian Bureau Kennedy ings as a matter of courtesy to those of Statistics/Australian Standard 3 Geographical Classification) and an- other 45% in ‘regional Australia’, with the remaining 24% in remote areas. The populations in Victoria, South Australia, and New South Wales are more likely to be urbanised Research informs us that within the socio-cultural environment of ‘white’ Australia, aboriginality is continued in the following areas: • Life orientation: the focus is often group-centred. Co-operation, rath- er than competition, is important. • Concept of family: family concerns are of primary importance. • Responsibility for children: parents hold responsibility for a child’s behaviour and well-being from babyhood through to mid-to-late teenage years. • Public behaviour: social behaviour is often public; public displays of affection between men and women is usually acceptable. • The use of Aboriginal non-standard English is also a facet of the com- » SYNOPSES Lady.’ She is one of a handful of munity inhabited by Indigenous Noongar photographers currently Australians. working on Noongar country. She 1. REVEALING THE also happens to be the mother of the While this is an extremely ‘generalist’ HIDDEN WORLD director! analysis, we should be able to see how ‘Light’ illustrates all these indig- Written and directed by Ashley Tash’s photographic career is six enous cultural qualities. Spratt. 4 mins. 53 secs. years old now and she tells us that this is not the glamorous job many ‘Photography makes me happy. It might mistake it to be. As an ‘event 3. Activity (Group/ gives me the opportunity to take photographer,’ waiting for the perfect individual activity) beautiful pictures, to be as creative as shot, standing for hours in the heat, I want....I’m constantly looking for the means that it’s a strenuous, demand- 1- As a group/class discussion, shadows and where my light source ing profession: ‘Event photography is consider the following question: is coming from...light actually defines so reactive, you have to be there or what knowledge do you have of everything I do...’ you miss out.’ Indigenous Australians? Pool your information and present a short Photographer Tash Nannup is the She has developed a quiet, observant written account to the class. subject of this short documentary film. method of work that allows her to cap- 2. Have you read any texts that tell And by the inclusion of some crea- ture intimate and unaffected moments. stories of Indigenous Australians? tive camera-work by the director of A series of her pictures shown to us 3. Have you seen any films/TV pro- Revealing the Hidden World, we are certainly reveals that she has indeed 2015 © ATOM SCREEN EDUCATION grams that tell such stories? able to see exactly what Tash herself been on the spot: a food festival, with 4- Can you name a work of literature is seeing as she goes about her life’s its variety of stalls, vendors and cooks or film written/produced by an work. But exactly what ‘hidden world’ provides a vibrant, colourful and joy- Indigenous Australian? will her photographs reveal to us? ous series of subjects. Tash clearly has 5- Can you name any Indigenous an affinity with people, revealing them, Australian artists/actors/perform- Tash Nannup is known throughout not simply as workers, but as people ing artists? her community as ‘That Photography with a love of life and an enjoyment of 4 Supplementary Information Vocabulary: • Stereotype: A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Historical references Noongar: Noongar people are the Indigenous Australian group who live in the south-west corner of Western Australia, from Geraldton on the west coast to Esperance on the south coast.
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