The Mystery of Gravitation and the Elementary Graviton Loop Tony Bermanseder
[email protected] This message shall address the mystery of gravitation and will prove to be a pertinent cornerstone for terrestrial scientists, who are searching for the unification physics in regards to their cosmologies. This message so requires familiarity with technical nomenclature, but I shall attempt to simplify sufficiently for all interested parties to follow the outlines. 1. Classically metric Newtonian-Einsteinian Gravitation and the Barycentre! 2. Quantum Gravitation and the Alpha-Force - Why two mass-charges attract each other! 3. Gauge-Vortex Gravitons in Modular String-Duality! 4. The Positronium Exemplar! 1. Classically metric Newtonian-Einsteinian Gravitation and the Barycentre! Most of you are know of gravity as the long-range force {F G}, given by Isaac Newton as the interaction between two masses {m 1,2 }, separated by a distance R and in the formula: 2 {F G =G.m 1.m 2/R } and where G is Newton's Gravitational Constant, presently measured as -11 -10 about 6.674x10 G-units and maximized in Planck- or string units as G o=1.111..x10 G-units. The masses m 1,2 are then used as 'point-masses', meaning that the mass of an object can be thought of as being centrally 'concentrated' as a 'centre of mass' and/or as a 'centre of gravity'. 24 For example, the mass of the earth is about m 1=6x10 kg and the mass of the sun is about 30 m2=2x10 kg and so as 'point-masses' the earth and the sun orbit or revolve about each other with a centre of mass or BARYCENTRE within the sun, but displaced towards the line connecting the two bodies.