Lecture Notes for the Schladming Winter School " and Constants" 2010. Published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 203-204, 18 (2010)


Fundamental constants and units and the search for temporal variations Ekkehard Peika aPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany

This article reviews two aspects of the present research on fundamental constants: their use in a universal and precisely realizable system of units for metrology and the search for a conceivable temporal drift of the constants that may open an experimental window to new .

1. INTRODUCTION mainly focus on two examples: the unit of that is presently realized via an artefact that shall These lectures attempt to cover two active top- be replaced by a quantum definition based on fun- ics of research in the field of the fundamental con- damental constants and the unit of , which stants whose motivations may seem to be discon- is exceptional in the accuracy to which time and nected or even opposed. On one hand there is a can be measured with atomic clocks. successful program in metrology to link the real- The part will give a brief motivation for ization of the base units as closely as possible to the search for variations of constants, will re- the values of fundamental constants like the speed view some observations in geophysics and in as- of c, the e etc., because trophysics and will finally describe laboratory ex- such an approach promises to provide a univer- periments that make use of a new generation of sal and precise system for all of highly precise atomic clocks. physical quantities. On the other hand, the uni- Obviously, the field of constants, units and versality of the constants may be questioned be- their possible variations is much too vast to be cause the search for a theory of grand unification covered in this article in its totality and I refer or quantum inevitably seems to call for the interested reader to recent collections of pa- violations of Einstein’s equivalence principle and pers originating from workshops and conferences therefore may imply spatial and temporal depen- that were devoted to exactly this range of topics dencies of the fundamental coupling constants. [1–4]. The experimental search for a temporal variation of fundamental constants is motivated by the idea that this may provide a window to new physics 2. THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF that may then guide or constrain the routes to- UNITS SI wards a deeper theoretical understanding. The The Syst`eme Internationale d’Unit´es SI [5] con- two topics are linked by the fact that both of sists of 7 base units and 22 derived units that them benefit from the same striving for experi- can be expressed in terms of the base units but mental precision in metrology. Improved preci- that carry a given name, like , , ohm sion will allow more reliable measurements in the etc. The base units are: the for , applied sciences and it will also allow to look for the kilogram for mass, the second for time, the tiny effects that may have gone unnoticed so far ampere for electrical current, the kelvin for tem- but that may provide hints to a more complete perature, the for the amount of substance understanding of the foundations of physics. and the candela for luminous . The de- The first sections of the article will give a brief finition and use of the candela may not be very overview of the present system of units and of the familiar to physicists in general, but it is a base ongoing discussions on how to improve it. We will unit of practical importance because illumination 2 is one of the major uses of electrical . The definition of the kg in the near future (see section example shows that the development of the SI 4). is not exclusively driven by fundamental research The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 peri- but very much by applications and technology. ods of the radiation corresponding to the transi- The present definitions of the base units were laid tion between the two hyperfine levels of the ground down between 1889 (the kilogram) and 1983 (the state of the 133Cs atom. metre) and they present a rather heterogeneous This definition of the was adopted in structure. Let us illustrate this by looking at the 1967. Again, the definition is based on fixing the three definitions for metre, kilogram and second: numerical value of a natural constant, νCsHFS = The metre is the length of the path travelled 9 192 631 770 Hz, though it is not a fundamental by light in during a time interval of constant in this case. The adoption of the atomic (1/299 792 458) of a second. definition of the second followed the development This definition was chosen after it became pos- of atomic clocks that had started in the 1950ies sible in the 1970ies to measure absolute frequen- and that had demonstrated that atomic transi- cies of selected optical reference wavelengths to tion frequencies provided much higher stability a relative uncertainty of about 10−10 [6]. This than those observable in periodic astrophysical is about the limit of laser interferometric length phenomena. In addition, transportable Cs-clocks measurements and corresponds to the resolution were readily available and lended themselves im- of less than 1/100 of an interferometer fringe over mediately to applications in navigation, telecom- a 10 m distance. At that time the metre was de- munication etc. The adopted value of νCsHFS was fined via the wavelength of a radiation from 86Kr the result of a of the astronomical atoms and the measurements of λ and ν therefore ephemeris second with the first operative cesium represented a measurement of the clock and the uncertainty of that measurement c = λν in independent units metre and second. It (about 10−9) was limited by the telescopic ob- was then decided to define the metre via a fixed servations. As we will see in the following, the value of the speed of light c = 299792458 m/s. measurement of time and occupies a Since then, the metre is not an independent unit central position in metrology. The second is the any more, but it is linked to the second. that can be realized with the lowest The kilogram is the unit of mass and it is equal relative uncertainty. A level of less than 10−15 to the mass of the international . is now achieved with Cs fountain clocks that use The prototpye is a cylinder made from a laser cooled atoms (see section 5). platinum-iridium alloy [7]. It is kept at the in- ternational office for weights and measures BIPM 3. UNITS BASED ON FUNDAMENTAL in S`evres near Paris and is at the top level of CONSTANTS a hierarchy of copies that are compared periodi- cally and are used to distribute the realization of The idea to use units based on fundamental the unit of mass to the national metrology insti- constants or on quantum properties is not new tutes. While intrinsically the definition of the kg but was quite clearly expressed by J. C. Maxwell is without uncertainty, the necessary mass com- as early as 1870 when he stated [8]: “If, then, we parisons achieve a relative uncertainty of 10−8, wish to obtain standards of length, time, and mass i.e. 10 µg/kg. Apart from the worries associated which shall be absolutely permanent, we must seek with having to rely on an artefact that may be lost them not in the dimensions, or the motion, or the or damaged, there seems to be an unexplained mass of our planet, but in the wavelength, the pe- drift of about 50 µg over 100 years between the riod of vibration, and the absolute mass of these prototype and the next level of copies that are imperishable and unalterable and perfectly similar also kept at the BIPM. Consequently, alternative molecules.” In more modern terms, the statement realizations of the unit of mass are the subject of that molecules and atoms are “imperishable, un- intense research activities and may lead to a new alterable and perfectly similar” is implicitly con- 3

Table 1 The essential relations between units and fundamental constants unit relation device or effect second ν = ∆E/h atomic clock (Cs hyperfine structure) metre λ = c/ν optical interferometer volt U = nhν/e Josephson junction ampere I = eν single electron transistor 2 ohm RK = h/e quantum Hall effect kelvin T = E/kB Boltzmann’s constant as a conversion factor tained in Einstein’s equivalence principle and well tually, it would be attractive to derive ν from a established in quantum statistics. Looking at the calculable quantum system like from a transition present status of the SI, we see that Maxwell’s frequency in atomic hydrogen or positronium. In intention is now realized for length and time, but practice, it has turned out, however, that more not for mass and the electrical units. complex atomic systems (like the ground state The basic idea of a greater reform of the SI hyperfine structure in atomic cesium) allow bet- [3,4] is to extend the method applied for the unit ter control of systematic frequency shifts and are of length and to fix the values of a set of funda- therefore the favored systems for atomic clocks. mental constants: The metre is already defined Note that this system of units involves h, c and via the speed of light c and the second. Planck’s e, but neither Newton’s G constant h and the elementary charge e may be nor masses of elementary particles. In this way used to define the volt by linking it to a frequency they differ from Planck’s units (using h, c and in a Josephson junction. The ohm will be real- G), Stoney’s units (using e, c and G, and a factor ized via the quantum Hall effect, also linking it to 1/√α smaller than Planck’s units; α: fine struc- 2 h and e via von Klitzing’s constant RK = h/e . ture constant), and Dirac’s units (using e, c and These definitions of volt and ohm would fix the the electron mass me) [9]. These systems – and ampere, that alternatively or for consistency may Planck’s units in particular – are impractical be- also be realized by counting electrons in a single cause they differ by many orders of magnitude electron transistor. The kB from the atomic units that are better adapted to will act as a conversion factor linking the unit of describe the physics of our technical applications. , the kelvin, to the joule. The Avo- In addition, the present relative uncertainty in gadro number N will define the mole. Unfortu- the value of Newtons’s constant G is 1 10−4, A · nately, NA seems to be too big to allow a deter- about four orders of magnitude bigger than those mination via counting of atoms up to a weighable of h and e. quantity, but in section 4 an alternative way to The main experimental challenge on the way measure NA will be described. Either NA or h towards such a reform of the SI is to measure could be used to provide a new definition of the precise values of the constants and to provide a kilogram (see section 4). Table 1 lists the essen- consistent link to the established realizations in tial physical relations and effects that will be used order to assure the consistency, continuity and in such realizations of the units. The only “free” traceability of measurements. parameter that would remain is a suitably chosen atomic transition frequency ν that will define the 4. ROUTES TOWARDS A NEW DEFIN- unit of time. It appears in four of the six rela- ITION OF THE KILOGRAM tions in table 1, thus underlining the importance of time and frequency measurements. Concep- As mentioned above, there is a strong motiva- tion to find a new definition of the base unit of 4 mass that will replace the kilogram prototype in of this kind has been performed at the US na- S`evres. Two different methods are pursued and tional institute NIST and it has succeeded in de- are now close to reaching the point of a conclusive termining h with a relative uncertainty of 8 10−8 evaluation: the watt balance and the Avogadro [11]. · projects. The watt balance route towards a new defini- The watt balance has been proposed by B. Kib- tion of the kilogram would consist in fixing the ble from the British NPL in 1975 [10]. It is a value of h and using the watt balance to find the device that compares mechanical and electrical corresponding mass. The wording of the kilogram power and relates mass to Planck’s constant h. definition could be: A simplified picture may be described like this: The kilogram is defined such that the Planck con- Imagine a balance where one arm holds a test stant is equal to 6.62606896 10−34 Js. mass m under the influence of Earth’s gravity Or, alternatively, making use· of the fixed values ( of fall g). The second arm holds of h and of c: a coil that is placed in a radial magnetic field B The kilogram is the mass of a body at rest whose and that can carry an electrical current I. The equivalent energy equals the energy of a photon of measurements will proceed as follows: In a sta- frequency 1.35639274 1050 Hz. tic mode the current I is adjusted so that the The actual values· mentioned here may still Lorentz acting on the coil is equal to the change according to the forthcoming evaluations gravitational force acting on the test mass: of the measurements of fundamental constants [12]. This type of kilogram definition has the k BI = mg, (1) C advantage that by fixing the value of h it pro- where kC is an instrumental constant that con- vides a link to the electrical units that are of im- tains the geometric properties of the coil. In a mense practical importance. It should be seen dynamic mode the lever of the balance is moved in conjunction with new quantum definitions of so that the coil and test mass move at velocity ampere, volt and ohm. Presently, the SI ampere v. Since the coil moves in the magnetic field, a is still defined via the force between two infinite voltage parallel wires, which is unsuitable for the realiza- tion of the unit. A practical difficulty with this U = k Bv (2) C type of kilogram definition may be that it de- is induced. If kC and B are kept constant in fines a quantity of everybody’s daily experience both modes of operation, electrical and mechani- in terms of abstract quantum effects. Suitable cal power can be equated: pictures would have to be found to explain this to school children and the general public. UI = mgv. (3) The Avogadro project follows a different ap- The velocity v and acceleration g are measured proach towards a new kilogram definition in that with laser interferometers on the balance itself it seeks to precisely measure the number of atoms and with a free falling test body nearby, respec- within a macroscopic mass [13,14]. In the SI, tively. The values of U and I are measured with mass and amount of substance are independent electrical quantum standards as outlined in sec- quantities and the measurement of Avogadro’s tion 3. This relates the macroscopic mass m with number NA is a realization of the mole. Since 12 Planck’s constant h, because U is measured in NA atoms of C present a mass of exactly 12 g units proportional to h/e and I in units propor- of isotopically pure carbon 12C according to the tional to e. If the mass is known, the electro- definition of the atomic mass, measuring and fix- mechanical watt balance therefore is a device to ing NA will allow to relate the macroscopic to measure h. If this does not seem intuitive at first the atomic mass unit, i.e. to define the kilogram sight, one has be keep in mind that the quantum via an atomic mass. This program is pursued aspect enters into the measurements of the elec- in a multinational cooperative effort that relies trical quantitites. The most precise measurement on recent developments in a number of precision 5 measurement techniques: The cyclotron frequen- into the production of isotopically pure single cies of single ions in Penning traps can be mea- crystals is substantial. The proponents of the sured at a precision of 10−10 [15]. For an absolute watt balance approach state that fixing the value mass measurement the value of the magnetic field of h without uncertainty will be more beneficial would have to be determined, which is not pos- for the combined adjustment of the values of fun- sible at this level of precision. Mass ratios, how- damentals constants than doing so with NA [16]. ever, can be determined by storing two ions of In the present discussion about the kilogram re- different species in the same trap. In this way the definition, both approaches, the watt balance and ratio of the masses of 28Si and 12C can be mea- the Avogadro projects strive to reduce their un- sured, i.e. the mass of 28Si in atomic mass units. certainties. Though the kilogram prototype may Thanks to developments for the semiconductor seem like an outdated concept, it has provided the industry, silicon can be prepared in high purity stability of the mass definition over more than a and single crystals of a mass of several kilogram century within an uncertainty of a few parts in can be grown. To reduce the uncertainty contri- 108, i.e. at a level of accuracy that is similar to bution from the isotopic composition, the Avo- what shall be achieved in the present measure- gadro project uses isotopically highly enriched ments of h and NA. (> 99.99%) crystals of 28Si. The lattice constant of the crystal, or equivalently the number den- 5. A NEW GENERATION OF ATOMIC sity of the silicon atoms, can be determined from CLOCKS X-ray diffraction. To measure the total , the crystal is polished to a sphere (approximately The concept of an atomic clock is to realize 100 mm diameter for 1 kg, with 30 nm de- the frequency of an unperturbed atomic transi- ≈ viation from perfect roundness at best) and the tion and to build a time scale by counting the shape is controlled and the diameter measured periods of oscillation of this frequency. The os- with optical interferometry. Finally, the mass of cillator of the clock produces an electromagnetic the sphere will be measured, allowing to deter- wave – microwaves generated from a crystal oscil- mine the number of 28Si atoms per kg, and, using lator or light from a laser – that is used to probe the 28Si molar mass from the 28Si/12C compari- a sample of atoms. The response of the atoms son, the number of atoms per mole NA. is measured (either in absorption, fluorescence or At present, two spheres of highly enriched 28Si a more elaborate method) and used to derive an have been produced and the Avogadro project error signal so that the frequency of the oscillator is in the final stages of their characterisation. can be locked to the atomic resonance. Finally, a The anticipated uncertainty budget gives a value counter and clockwork are needed to produce 1- − in the low 10 8, with about equal contributions s-ticks after a preset number of periods and other from the measurements of the unit cell volume, usable reference frequencies. the molar mass, the sphere volume and from the Application of the methods of laser cooling and contribution of surface oxide layers. trapping has led to significant improvements in The ensuing definitions of the kilogram and the the precision of atomic clocks and frequency stan- mole from the Avogadro route may be formulated dards over the last years [17,18]: Primary ce- like: sium clocks based on atomic fountains [19] realize The kilogram is the mass of 5.01845149 1025 free the SI second with a relative uncertainty below 12 · − C atoms at rest and in their ground state. 1 10 15. Research towards optical clocks with The mole is the amount of substance of a system trapped· ions and atoms [21,18] has resulted in that contains 6.02214179 1023 specified entities. several systems that have demonstrated an even · Again, the actual values may change according to higher reproducibility. A significant advantage the forthcoming evaluations of the measurements. of an optical clock lies in the higher frequency While these definitions are conceptually clear of the oscillator, that allows one to perform pre- and very simple, the underlying effort that goes cise frequency measurements in a shorter averag- 6

ing time. The lowest instabilities that have been a) b) c) d) demonstrated are a few parts in 1015 in 1 s only, improving further like the square root of the av- Micro- eraging time. wave Cesium clocks are the primary standards for cavity time and frequency [17,18] as a direct realiza- tion of the SI definition. The second is defined Detection laser Coldatom via the hyperfine splitting frequency between the source 2 F = 3 and F = 4 levels of the S1/2 ground state of the 133Cs atom at approximately 9.192 GHz. In a so-called cesium fountain [19] (see Fig. 1), ; a dilute cloud of laser-cooled cesium atoms at a temperature of about 1 µK is launched upwards to initiate a free parabolic flight with an apogee at about 1 m above the cooling zone. A mi- Figure 1. Sequence of operation of a cesium foun- crowave cavity is mounted near the lower end- tain clock: (a) A cloud of cold atoms is loaded. points of the parabola and is traversed by the (b) The atoms are launched upwards. (c) In free atoms twice – once during ascent, once during parabolic flight the atoms pass the microwave descent – so that Ramsey’s method of interroga- cavity twice where they are subjected to the radi- tion with separated oscillatory fields [20] can be ation inducing the hyperfine transition. (d) State realized. The total interrogation time being on detection via laser excitation and fluorescence de- the order of 0.5 s, a resonance linewidth of 1 Hz tection. For each step of the sequence, the active is achieved, about a factor of 100 narrower than in radiation fields are indicated in grey shading. the original devices developed since 1955 with a thermal atomic beam from an oven. Selection and detection of the hyperfine state is performed via optical pumping and laser induced resonance flu- field-free saddle point of an oscillating electric orescence. With the best cesium fountain clocks quadrupole potential. This ensures that the inter- − a relative uncertainty below 1 10 15 is reached in nal level structure is only minimally perturbed by · the realization of the resonance frequency of the the trap. Combined with laser cooling it is pos- unperturbed Cs atom. The averaging time that is sible to reach the so-called Lamb–Dicke regime: required to reach a statistical uncertainty at this the motion of the ion is constrained to a region of level is on the order of 104 s. Several effects con- a that is smaller than the wavelength of the tribute to the uncertainty budget. In particular, transition that is being probed. In this case, a cold cesium atoms show a relatively large - recoil-free line is obtained and the linear Doppler dependent frequency shift because of long-range shift is eliminated. A single ion, trapped in an molecular states close to the continuum. ultrahigh vacuum is conceptually a very simple If an atom or ion is held in a trap, several prob- system that allows good control of systematic fre- lems that are encountered in atomic fountains can quency shifts. The use of the much higher, optical be eliminated: The interaction time is not limited reference frequency allows one to obtain a stabil- by the movement of the atom through the finite ity that is superior to a cesium clock. This is interaction region and narrow resonances can be possible even though only a single ion is used to obtained at the limits set by the radiative life- obtain a correction signal for the reference laser. time of the excited state or by the linewidth of These advantages were first pointed out by the interrogating oscillator. Ions are especially Dehmelt in the 1970ies when he proposed the well suited because they carry and mono-ion oscillator [23] and predicted that it can be trapped in radiofrequency ion traps (Paul should be possible to reach an accuracy of 10−18 traps [22]) that provide confinement around a with an optical clock based on a dipole-forbidden, 7 narrow-linewidth transition in a single, laser- A neutral atom can be trapped using the optical cooled and trapped ion. To detect the excita- dipole force (equivalent to the quadratic Stark ef- tion on the forbidden optical transition a double- fect) that is attractive towards the intensity max- resonance scheme is used (see Fig. 2): Both, a imum of a laser beam that is detuned below a dipole-allowed transition and the forbidden nar- strong atomic resonance line. An array of inter- row reference transition of the optical clock are ference maxima produced by several intersecting driven by two different laser frequencies from the laser beams produces the optical lattice that can ground state. The dipole transition is used for trap one or several atoms in each lattice site. The laser cooling and the resulting resonance fluo- detuning of the trapping laser is chosen such that rescence is used for the optical detection of the the light shift it produces in the ground and ex- ion. If the second laser excites the ion to the cited state of the reference transition are equal so metastable upper level of the reference transi- that no net shift of the reference frequency ap- tion, the fluorescence disappears and will only pears [24]. This approach is especially well suited reappear after the decay of the metastable state. to the alkaline-earth-like atoms with two valence Every excitation of the reference transition thus electrons and is applied to the very narrow (mHz 1 3 suppresses the subsequent scattering of a large natural linewidth) S0 P0 transitions in neu- number of photons on the cooling transition and tral strontium, ytterbium→ and mercury. An im- can be detected with unity efficiency. A number portant advantage of the optical lattice clock over of different atomic ions present suitable reference the single-ion clock is that the signal can be de- transitions with natural linewidths of the order of rived from many (typically 105–106) atoms and 1 Hz or below and several groups pursue research that the short-term stability is therefore higher. along these lines [21]. Some recent results from The associated disadvantage is that – like in a ce- this field will be presented in section 8. sium clock – the atoms may interact and perturb each other, and that optical traps are not as deep and stable as ion traps. a) b) The progress in stability and accuracy of opti- metastable cal frequency standards in recent years has been level cooling so impressive that it is conceivable that in the fu- transition (dipole ture an optical transition will be used to define “forbidden" allowed) reference the unit of time. The problem of the precise con- transition PhotonCountRate version of an optical frequency to the microwave

Time(s) domain, where frequencies can be counted elec- tronically in order to establish a time scale or can easily be compared in a phase coherent way was solved with the so-called femtosecond laser Figure 2. a) Simplified level scheme of an ion used frequency comb generator [25,6] (see Fig. 3). in an optical clock: a strong dipole-allowed cool- Briefly, a mode-locked femtosecond laser emits ing transition and the forbidden and narrow ref- a very regular temporal sequence of pulses that erence transition orginate from the ground state. each have a duration of a few optical cycles only. (b) Experimental quantum jump signal of a single In the frequency domain, this produces a comb 115In+ ion: the fluorescence on the cooling tran- of equally spaced optical frequencies fm that can sition shows a dark interval due to an excitation be written as fm = mfr + fceo (with fceo < fr), of the metastable level. where fr is the pulse repetition rate of the laser, the mode number m is a large integer (of order 5 10 ), and fceo (carrier-envelope-offset frequency) Optical frequency standards based on laser- is a shift of the whole comb that is produced cooled neutral atoms have been developed in the by group velocity dispersion in the laser. The configuration of the so-called optical lattice clock. repetition rate fr can easily be measured with 8

a fast photodiode. In order to determine fceo, 6. VARIATIONS OF FUNDAMENTAL the comb is broadened in a nonlinear medium so CONSTANTS: MOTIVATION that it covers at least one octave. Now the sec- ond harmonic of mode m from the “red” wing of While the first part of this review has shown how to make use of the universality of the fun- the spectrum, at frequency 2(mfr + fceo), can be mixed with mode 2m from the “blue” wing, at damental constants for the practical purposes of metrology, we will now question exactly this frequency 2mfr + fceo, and fceo is obtained as a difference frequency. In this way, the precise re- postulate by looking at a possible time variabil- ity. In fact, some of the fundamental constants lation between the two microwave frequencies fr may be neither fundamental nor constant. The and fceo and the numerous optical frequencies fm is known. This setup can be used for an absolute term fundamental describes that at the limit of our present understanding we cannot derive their optical frequency measurement by referencing fr values from any deeper principle, but this may and fceo to a microwave frequency standard and recording the beat note between an arbitrary op- change if knowledge progresses. The constancy of the constants seems very well established: it tical frequency fo and the closest comb frequency is implicit in the equivalence principle, in con- fm. Vice versa, the setup may work as an optical servation laws and in the indistinguishability of clockwork, for example, by adjusting fceo to zero quantum particles, that do not seem to carry a and by stabilizing one comb line fm to fo so that memory of when and where they were produced. fr is now an exact subharmonic to order m of fo. The precision of these transfer schemes has been On the other hand, candidate theories of quan- investigated and was found to be so high that it tum gravity predict violations of the equivalence will not limit the performance of optical clocks principle. The fundamental coupling constants for the foreseeable future. are known to be energy dependent. The infla- tionary model of the states that in a very early epoch the universe experienced a phase transition which changed a vacuum average of the Higgs field which determines the electron mass. The latter was zero before this transition and reached a value close or equal to the present value after the transition. Adiabatic changes of par- ticle properties would still be possible in later phases of cosmological evolution without break- ing their indistinguishability. The search for vari- ations of the constants is therefore well motivated as a test of an important postulate of metrology and as a search for new physics. Over the past years, interest in this field has been quite intense and the subject has been addressed in various ar- eas of physics [26–29,1,3]. The main part of the non-theoretical activities takes place in two : observational astrophysics and laboratory exper- iments with atomic clocks and frequency stan- Figure 3. Temporal sequence of pulses from a dards. femtosecond laser (top) and the generated optical Early proposals of variable constants by Zwicky frequency comb in the Fourier domain (bottom). and Chalmers date back to the 1930ies and ap- pear as attempts of alternative explanations for Hubble’s observation of the distance-dependent redshift. An idea that attracted some attention 9 is Dirac’s large number hypothesis [30]. Dirac quantity and a change of the unit. If the search constructed two dimensionless ratios and noticed for variations is motivated by the idea of unifi- that they are of similar magnitude 1039 1040: cation of the fundamental interactions, it is not The ratio of the electric and the gravitational− plausible to restrict the analysis by allowing only force between electron and variations of a single constant but we have to al- 2 low all of them (or at least several) to vary, possi- e 39 R1 2 10 (4) bly in a correlated fashion. Most experiments and ≡ 4πǫompme G ≈ × observations therefore concentrate on Sommer- 2 and the in Dirac’s “electronic feld’s fine structure constant α = e /(4πǫ0¯hc) and units” the proton-to-electron mass ratio mp/me. While 3 α is the coupling constant of the electromagnetic 4πǫomec 40 R2 2 4 10 , (5) interaction, mp/me also depends on the strength ≡ e H0 ≈ × of the strong force and on the masses via using the present value of the Hubble constant the proton mass. Results on these numbers can H0. Dirac assumed an age of the universe of only be interpreted independently from the conven- 2 109 years and therefore the coincidence seemed tions of a specific system of units. Quite conve- · more striking to him. His hypothesis was to set niently, both constants are ubiquitous in atomic R1 = R2 and since H0 changes with the age of and molecular spectra: α appears in atomic fine the universe, he proposed that G would be time structure splittings and other relativistic contri- dependent, G H0 1/t with a relative rate of butions to level , and m /m in molecu- ∝ ∝ p e change given by lar vibration and rotation frequencies as well as in hyperfine structure. 1 dG d ln G −11 = = H0 6 10 /year. (6) G dt dt ≈ × 7. SEARCH IN GEO- AND ASTRO- This is an that would be ex- PHYSICS pected in a most simple model of cosmological variations, but it was soon understood that such Because of the strong motivation mentioned a change of G would be too rapid to be consis- above, searches for variations of constants have tent with established models of stellar evolution. been performed in various fields like astrophysics, Later, the result d ln G/dt = (1.0 2.3) 10−11/yr geophysics, atomic and nuclear physics, etc. [26]. was inferred for the present epoch± from· the tim- Two directions of research can be distinguished: ing data of the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 [31]. Astrophysical or geophysical observations are The most most recent result on dG/dt stems from used to analyze variations on a cosmological time the analysis of lunar laser ranging data. As a scale. Alternatively, precision laboratory exper- legacy of lunar missions between 1969 and 1973, iments can be undertaken to measure non-zero retro reflectors have been left on the moon and temporal derivatives of fundamental constants in have since been used to monitor the distance be- the present epoch. In this section we will present tween earth and moon with an uncertainty fi- two prominent examples for the first approach. nally reaching the cm-range – a remarkable pre- Laboratory experiments with atomic clocks will cision experiment that allows tests of general rel- be treated in the following section. ativity in our planetary system. At present, the A frequently discussed geophysical analysis was constancy of G is established from this data as performed using isotope ratios from material d ln G/dt = (2 7) 10−13/yr [32]. found in fossil nuclear reactors that were active The most important± · test cases in the search in the Oklo region about 1.8 billion years ago. for variations are dimensionless constants. This This unique geophysical phenomenon has been is because if variations in a dimensional quantity discovered in 1972 in Gabon in western Africa (c, G, etc.) would be detected, there would be no in uranium mining. It was noticed that the ore clear way to distinguish between a change of the from some regions of the mine showed a signifi- 10 cant deficiency of U-235. This could be explained by interstellar gas clouds in the continuous spec- by fission chain reactions that had been triggered trum of the light from distant quasars [36]. In spontaneously in the remote past within the ura- the so called many multiplet method, they an- nium deposit so that parts of the deposit had be- alyze resonances from Mg, Mg+, Fe+, Cr+ and haved like a nuclear reactor. Of the two princi- other elements. The value of α enters into the pal isotopes of uranium, the fissile U-235 has a fine structure splitting (whence the name) which shorter half-life than U-238. Consequently, the is proportional to α2 the Rydberg constant, concentration of U-235 in natural uranium is de- but also into relativistic contributions to level en- creasing steadily and at the time of activity of the ergies in general. These scale like Oklo reactors it was much higher than it is now (Zα)2 1 (3.65% against 0.72%). In regions of high concen- ∆Erel (8) tration of uranium, in the absence of strong neu- ∝ n∗ j + 1/2 tron absorbers and with water as a moderator, where Z is the nuclear charge, n∗ the effective self-sustained fission chain-reactions took place. quantum number and j the electronic angular Altogether, several tons of U-235 fissioned over a . It can be seen that relativistic ef- period of several 105 years. In this system, an fects are more important in heavy atoms and analysis for a change of α was first performed by that a non-relativistic value of a transition en- Shlyakhter [33], making use of a neutron capture ergy may be either increased or decreased by the resonance in Sm-149 at the very low energy of relativistic effects, depending on whether the elec- 0.1 eV: tronic momentum is bigger in the lower or in 149 150 the upper level. The absolute values of the rel- n + Sm Sm + γ. (7) 62 →62 ativistic contributions for a number of relevant From the measured samarium isotope ratios in atomic states have been obtained from relativis- the ore and the modeled neutron flux in the re- tic Hartree-Fock calculations [37]. A presumed actor zones it was inferred that the cross section change of α would therefore produce a predictable for this process did not change significantly in the characteristic pattern of spectral shifts if a suit- 1.8 109 years since the activity. Since the posi- able multitude of atomic lines is studied. In tion· of a low-energy nuclear resonance will depend spectra from interstellar gas clouds, these shifts critically on the values of the coupling strengths, would, however, be superimposed on the redshift this was used to obtain a very stringent upper of the cloud and additional Doppler shifts due to limit on a change of α in the range of 10−17 per internal dynamics. year [33,34]. One may note, however, that sev- A multitude of data has been obtained from eral aspects of this analysis are model-dependent. quasar absorption spectra by different groups but In fact, contrasting conclusions have been drawn the present picture that is obtained is not com- from the same data and conditions like the tem- pletely consistent: The observations analyzed by perature of the reactor may have a critical in- Webb et al. suggest that about 10 billion years fluence [35]. In addition, the nuclear resonance ago (for the redshift range 0.5 to 3.5), the value of energy would be influenced not only by changes α was smaller than today by ∆α/α = ( 0.543 of α (i.e. via the electromagnetic contribution to 0.116) 10−5, representing 4.7σ evidence− for± a the nuclear level structure) but also by changes in varying· α [38]. Assuming a linear increase of α the strength of the strong interaction. It is very with time, this would correspond to a drift rate difficult to clearly separate both influences. d ln α/dt = (6.40 1.35) 10−16 yr−1 [38]. This A clearer view into the cosmological past over result received considerable± · attention as it could large scales can be obtained from the spectra of be a first quantitative indication of a change of α remote astrophysical sources. A group of astro- on the cosmological timescale. Other evaluations physicists led by J. Webb at the University of of spectra obtained with a different telescope and New South Wales in Sydney has measured the using other selections of quasar absorption sys- wavelengths of metal absorption lines produced tems reach similar sensitivity for ∆α/α but are 11

Table 2 Functional dependence on the fundamental constants for transition frequencies related to different kinds of energy intervals. Ry stands for the Rydberg constant, µ is the nuclear magnetic moment. The nuclear mass is expressed in units of mp here. Transition Energy scaling Atomic gross structure Ry Atomic fine structure α2Ry 2 Atomic hyperfine structure α (µ/µB)Ry Molecular electronic structure Ry

Molecular vibrational structure pme/mp Ry

Molecular rotational structure (me/mp)Ry Relativistic corrections function of α2 consistent with ∆α = 0 for all look-back times tic corrections have to be taken into account in [39,40], however. It should be kept in mind that heavy atoms, which leads to an additional scaling the uncertainties cited here are the result of av- with (Zα)2 where Z is the nuclear charge [43,37]. eraging over a large ensemble of data points with If, for example, the frequency of an electronic much higher individual statistical uncertainties. transition of the atomic gross structure is mea- The significance of the results therefore hinges on sured repeatedly with respect to a cesium clock a complete understanding of all systematic effects that is based on atomic hyperfine structure, and that may introduce bias or correlations in the if this frequency ratio is found to be constant, one data and that may not be easy to detect. Efforts can infer the constancy of a product of a power are ongoing to take more data with more care- of α and of the 133Cs nuclear magnetic moment. fully calibrated spectrographs and there is hope Such a result should not be used to derive a limit that this important controversy may be resolved. for the variation of α alone by postulating the constancy of the other factor. In the framework of unified theories one has to expect that in case 8. SEARCH IN EXPERIMENTS WITH of a variation of α the coupling constant of the ATOMIC CLOCKS strong interaction would show even larger varia- tions that would lead to changes in nuclear masses Laboratory experiments obviously cannot pro- and moments [44,45]. vide information on temporal evolution on the To obtain a model-independent statement on cosmological timescale. However, they have the dα/dt one may look at different gross structure important advantage that they can be repeated, transitions frequencies and use a simple parame- parameters can be varied and systematic effects trization that includes only a minimum of as- can be studied. This will eventually be crucial for sumptions [28]. The electronic transition fre- obtaining a consistent and credible signature of a quency is expressed as weak effect. Laboratory searches for variations of constants rely mainly on precision comparisons of f = const Ry F (α) (9) atomic and molecular frequency standards [41]. · · 4 3 15 One uses the fact that level spacings and thus where Ry = mee /(8ǫ0h ) 3.2898 10 Hz the transition frequencies in different classes of is the Rydberg frequency, appearing≃ as· the com- transitions depend differently on α, on the Ry- mon scaling factor. F (α) is a dimensionless func- dberg constant Ry and on mp/me [28,42]. The tion of α that takes the relativistic contributions different scalings for the most important types of to the level energies into account. The numeri- transitions are summarized in table 2. Relativis- cal constant in front depends only on integer or 12 half-integer quantum numbers characterizing the obtained over a time span of only one year [47]: atomic structure and is independent of time. The d ln α −17 −1 relative temporal derivative of the frequency f = 1.6 2.3 10 yr . (12) can be written as: dt − ± × d ln f d ln Ry d ln α = + A (10) dt dt · dt with d ln F A . (11) ≡ d ln α The first term d ln Ry/dt represents a variation that would be common to all measurements of electronic transition frequencies: a change of the numerical value of the Rydberg frequency. The second term in equation 10 is specific for the atomic transition under study. The sensitivity factor A for small changes of α has been calcu- lated for the relevant transitions from relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations [37,46]. The most stringent precision data from ab- solute frequency measurements of optical atomic transitions are listed in table 3. Those for tran- Figure 4. Constraints on d ln α/dt and d ln Ry/dt + + sitions in Yb , Hg have been obtained with from experiments with single-ion optical clocks. single-ion clocks like described in section 5 over Shown are the individual contributions and the the years 2000 to 2008 at PTB and NIST, re- standard uncertainty ellipse of the combined data spectively. The value for Sr is from optical lattice available at the end of 2008 clocks in laboratories in Boulder, Paris and Tokyo and covers the years 2005 to 2008. From the sen- + sitivity factors A it can be seen that the Yb and This constraint obtained from the Al+/Hg+ Hg+ transition frequencies of the S D elec- → frequency ratio is more stringent than the eval- trical quadrupole lines would react strongly and uation of the results of absolute frequency mea- with opposite sign to a change of α, whereas H surements summarized in table 3. Using all the and Sr provide “anchor” lines with small relativis- available data in a common least-squares adjust- tic influence. ment, a constraint on the variation of the Ryd- In a recent experiment it has been possible berg constant can be obtained from a combina- to investigate an α-variation without involving tion of equations (10) and (12) a cesium clock: A direct optical frequency ra- + d ln Ry −16 −1 tio measurement of two transitions in Al and = 0.6 2.9 10 yr . (13) Hg+ was performed at NIST [47]. The Al+ clock dt − ± × 1 3 is based on the S0 P0 transition frequency Since the Rydberg constant is dimensional, the that can be realized→ with very small systematic above mentioned complication arises that this uncertainty and that provides an anchor line with statement refers to a quantity in the SI unit hertz A 0. A frequency comb generator (see section and therefore carries some influence from cesium 5)≈ was used to measure the frequency ratio of two hyperfine structure, i.e. from the strong interac- lasers stabilized to the ions’ transitions. Because tion. It expresses the limit on a possible common of the low systematic uncertainty, the presently drift of all optical frequencies with respect to the most stringent constraint on a change of α was cesium clock. 13

Table 3 Experimental limits on temporal variations of optical atomic transition frequencies. d ln f/dt is the observed rate of change in fractional units, typically observed over 3-8 years. A is the sensitivity factor (see equation 11). Atom, transition d ln f/dt Reference A − − 1H, 1S 2S 3.2 6.3 10 15 yr 1 [48] 0.0 171 + →2 2 − ± × −15 −1 Yb , S1/2 D3/2 0.49 0.41 10 yr [49,50] 1.0 199 + 2 → 2 − ± × −15 −1 Hg , S1/2 D5/2 0.37 0.39 10 yr [51] 2.9 87 1 3 → ± × −15 −1 − Sr, S0 P0 1.0 1.8 10 yr [52] 0.06 → − ± ×

The current combined constraints on variations spectroscopy: the limit of α and Ry as obtained from the single-ion opti- d ln(mp/me) − − cal clocks is plotted in figure 4. = ( 3.8 5.6) 10 14 yr 1 (14) dt − ± · The results from optical clocks indicate that to within an uncertainty of about 3 parts in 1017 has been obtained from the measurement of a per year, the fine structure constant is constant vibration-rotation transition frequency in SF6 in the present epoch. This result can be quali- [56]. Precision spectroscopy of molecules does not fied as model-independent because it is only the yet reach the same level of precision as atomic simple expression equation (10) and the ab initio spectroscopy, because molecules are not directly atomic structure calculations of the A-values that amenable for laser cooling. have been used in the interpretation of the exper- The laboratory search for variations of con- imental data. The laboratory experiments have stants will become even more sensitive, as the now reached a higher sensitivity for d ln α/dt than precision of frequency standards continues to im- the analysis of quasar absorption spectra, if a lin- prove. In addition, a larger variety of systems ear time evolution of α is assumed. It has to be is now being investigated so that it will be pos- kept in mind, however, that both approaches look sible to perform tests of the consistency and to for variations of α in very different cosmological disentangle different contributions if a first obser- times and regions of space. vation of a variation in the laboratory should be From other comparisons between atomic and reported. A very promising system in terms of molecular frequency standards it is possible to sensitivity is a nuclear optical clock based on a transition at about 7.6 eV in 229Th that is stud- derive a limit on the variation of mp/me: A very precise result has been obtained on the ratio of ied in our laboratory [57]. Since the appearance ground state hyperfine frequencies in 87Rb and of such a low energy interval in a nucleus can 133 Cs [53,54]: d ln(fCs/fRb)/dt = (0.05 0.53) be seen to arise from an accidental cancelation −15 −1 ± · of much larger energy terms (similar to the rea- 10 yr . This measurement was done by com- 149 paring atomic fountains (see section 5) working soning applied in the case of the Sm resonance with laser-cooled cesium and rubidium atoms. in the Oklo reactor), the precise measurement of Since this frequency ratio involves the nuclear this transition energy will provide an extremely magnetic moments, the limit on its change can be sensitive probe to look for changes in the electro- combined with the result on the constancy of α to magnetic and strong coupling [58,59]. derive a limit on a variation of m /m using mod- p e 9. CONCLUSION els for the nuclear structure that relate the mag- netic moment of the nucleus to the g-factor and In conclusion, let us summarize the main state- mass of the proton [55]. A model-independent ments from these lectures: result on mp/me can be sought from molecular Work is under way to establish a more precise and consistent system of units based on fixed val- 14

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