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Friday, December 6, 2019 TENNESSEE TITANS Who are these guys? Kalif Raymond? Tye Smith? There seems to be a new, unknown hero each week. DAVIDSON • WILLIAMSON • RUTHERFORD • CHEATHAM WILSON SUMNER• ROBERTSON • MAURY • DICKSON • MONTGOMERY Ledger P13 ROGERS COLUMN Mural, mural on the wall ... There are hundreds of murals on buildings across Nashville. Getting late early for PredsNow it’s easier to find them. NHL history unkind to teams that misfire in 1st quarter of season P3 December 6-12, 2019 The power of information.NASHVILLE Vol. 45 EDITION | Issue 49 FORMERLY WESTVIEW SINCE 1978 Page 13 Dec.: Dec.: Keith Turner, Ratliff, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Resp.: Kimberly Dawn Wallace, Atty: Mary C Lagrone, 08/24/2010, 10P1318 In re: Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates,Dec.: Resp.: Kim Prince Patrick, Angelo Terry Patrick, Gates, Atty: Monica D Edwards, 08/25/2010, 10P1326 In re: Keith Turner, TN Dept Of Correction, TN Dept Of Correction, Resp.: Johnny Moore,Dec.: Melinda Atty: Bryce L Tomlinson, Coatney, Resp.: Pltf(s): Rodney A Hall, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, 08/27/2010, 10P1336 In re: Kim Patrick, Terry Patrick, Pltf(s): Sandra Heavilon, Resp.: Jewell Tinnon, Atty: Ronald Andre Stewart, 08/24/2010,Dec.: Seton Corp 10P1322 Insurance Company, Dec.: Regions Bank, Resp.: Leigh A Collins, In re: Melinda L Tomlinson, Def(s): Jit Steel Transport Inc, National Fire Insurance Company, Elizabeth D Hale, Atty: William Warner McNeilly, 08/24/2010, Def Atty(s): J Brent Moore, 08/26/2010, 10C3316 10P1321 Dec.: Amy Sandra Heavilon vs Electrolux Home Products Inc, Fidelity In re: Regions Bank, & Guaranty Insurance Company, Atty: Dallas Blair, 08/23/2010, 10P1309 Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Electrolux Home Products Inc, FidelityPltf(s): & Tafega Ja- Petition In re: Seton Corp DBA Baptist Hospital, Guaranty Insurance Company, Def Atty(s): Laurenn S Disspayne, DBA Baptist Hospital, Resp.: Cyrus Jerome Browne, Atty: Jessica 08/26/2010, 10C3305 J Thomas, 08/25/2010, 10P1331 Dec.: Alice Crafts, Alice Tony R Strode vs Ace American Insurance Company, Nissan North America Inc, Pltf(s): Tony R Strode, Pltf Atty(s): Stephan David Karr, Def(s): Ace American Insurance Company,Pltf(s): Nissan Tamika North Dunn, Pltf ern Express, Inc, Pltf(s): Paul Cooley, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): New America Inc, Def Atty(s): n/a, 08/30/2010, 10C3336 In re: Amy Lee Johnson, Melvin Lee Stanaway, Hampshire Insurance Company,Pltf(s): Western Patricia Express, McClarren, Inc, Pltf Def Atty(s): Atty(s): n/a, Lee Johnson, Melvin Lee Stanaway, Resp.: Helen A Stanaway, Atty: John W Barringer, 08/30/2010, 10C3341 Tafega Jamil Baban vs Corporation Target, Brian S Shelton, 08/23/2010, 10P1302 Pltf(s): Richard Dicaire, mil Baban, Pltf Atty(s): Robert Preston Bramlett, Def(s): Corporation October 8 - 14, 2010 Patricia McClarren vs Star Insurance Company, Westwood Target, Def Atty(s): Brent Shelbin Usery, 08/30/2010, 10C3337 In re: Alice Crafts, Alice Graves Ball, Church Of Christ, Graves Ball, Resp.: HerschelDec.: A Graves, Alice M Atty:Essary, Julie Resp.: A Boswell, Geraldine B Tamika Dunn vs Ace American Insurance Company, 08/24/2010, 10P1312 Law & Government Def(s): Star Insurance Company, Westwood Church Of Christ, Def Electrolux Home Products, Inc, Atty(s): David John Deming, 08/30/2010, 10C3343 Atty(s): Jill T Draughon, Def(s): Ace American Insurance Company, In re: Allan S Curtis, Dec.: Allan S Curtis, Resp.: Dorothy S Curtis, Pltf(s): Roger D Atty: Astrida Rodriguez, 08/30/2010,Dec.: Anita 10P1342 Cranford, Resp.: Elsie M Lampley, Pltf(s): James A Richard Dicaire vs Cbs Personnel Holdings Inc, Cbs Electrolux Home Products, Inc, Def Atty(s): Laurenn S Disspayne, Dec.: Amanda Chere Kemp, Personnel Services LLC, Kilgore Group Inc Collectively 08/30/2010, 10C3347Pltf(s): Victoria L Copeland, Pltf Atty(s):Pltf(s): John Vada Mitchell A Troutt, Pltf In re: Alice M Essary, Staffmark, Staffmark Investment LLC, Coggin, Atty: Robert Martin Garfinkle, 08/24/2010, 10P1317 Victoria L Copeland vs Dillard’s Inc, Gallagher Bassett Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Cbs Personnel Holdings Inc, Cbs Personnel Services Inc, In re: Anita Cranford, 08/26/2010, 10C3303 Atty: Susan B Evans, 08/25/2010, 10P1327 Services LLC, Kilgore Group Inc Collectively Staffmark, Staffmark Grissim, Def(s): Dillard’s Inc, Gallagher Bassett Services Inc, Def Dec.: Anne Cieutat Williford, Resp.: James T Collins vs Rogers Group Inc, Pltf(s): James T Collins, Pltf(s): Willie Roberts, Pltf Investment LLC, Def Atty(s): Stephen B Morton, 08/26/2010, Atty(s): Jonathan Martin West, Lisa Ramsay Cole, 08/24/2010, In re: Amanda Chere Kemp, Angela Marie Walker, Carleen Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Rogers Group Inc, Def Atty(s): Heather E 10C3299 Deanna Young, James T Watts, Hardt, 08/26/2010, 10C3308 10C3269 Roger D Coates vs Aqua-Lyles Utility Bon, Angela Marie Walker, Carleen DeannaDec.: Young, Betty JamesCunningham,Dec.: T Watts, Carol Resp.: Resp.: D Horn, Robert Steve James A Wells vs Jenco Construction Inc, Vada A Troutt vs Printing Mcquiddy, Peggy Ann Kemp, Atty: Cindy Sue Smith, 08/23/2010, 10P1306 Coates, Pltf Atty(s): n/a,Pltf(s): Def(s): Richard Aqua-Lyles Hallauer, Utility Pltf Bon, Atty(s): Def Atty(s):n/a, Def(s): Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Printing Mcquiddy, Def Atty(s): Cole B Stinson, Wells, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Jenco Construction Inc, Def Atty(s): J Michael Morgan, 08/31/2010, 10C3364 Jennifer S White, 08/25/2010, 10C3282 Pltf(s): Roger 08/25/2010, 10C3281 In re: Anne Cieutat Williford, Richard Hallauer vs Mueller Water Products Inc DBA Hunt Pltf(s): Yohance Linda Gorenflo Cieutat, Atty: Matt Potempa, 08/25/2010, 10P1330 Jessica Grimwood vs Intrepid USA Healthcare Services, Willie Roberts vs Southerland Inc, Industries Inc, Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Southerland Inc, Def Atty(s): Gregory Douglas In re: Betty Cunningham, Dec.: Curtis Dane McAlister, Resp.: Pltf(s): Jessica Grimwood, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Intrepid USA Dean Cunningham, Atty: Andy Maloney, 08/24/2010, 10P1324 Mueller Water Products Inc DBA Hunt Industries Inc, Def Atty(s): Groninger, 08/30/2010, 10C3349 Analysis by Mike Hopey begins on page 2 Healthcare Services, Def Atty(s): Clifford Wilson, 08/27/2010, Amelia Catherine Roberts, 08/23/2010, 10C3255 In re: Carol D Horn, Steve R Dunkin, 10C3329 William J McCluskey vs Downtown Memphis Marriott, R Dunkin, Resp.: Nancy G Dunkin, Atty: Christina Norton Norris, Randall D Mason vs Smith County Commission Co, Pltf(s): Pltf(s): William J McCluskey, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Downtown Judy R Lawson vs Nursing & Oneida, Pltf(s): Judy R Lawson, 08/26/2010, 10P1333 Dec.: Chadwick Miguel Teasley, Randall D Mason, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Smith County Commission Pltf(s): Memphis Marriott, Def Atty(s): Nicholas S Akins, 08/26/2010, Pltf Atty(s): David Harold Dunaway, Def(s): Nursing & Oneida, Def Co, Def Atty(s): Nicholas S Akins, 08/31/2010, 10C3365 Atty(s): Richard R Clark, 08/23/2010, 10C3249 10C3295 In re: Curtis Dane McAlister, Roger Dodson vs Harrington & King South Inc, Ruth G McAlister, Atty: John Aaron Beam, 08/30/2010, 10P1340 Jordan Sanders vs Dillons Welding Inc and Employers, Yohance Dickson vs Zaxby’s Restaurant, Dec.: Dianne Barr Towe,Dec.: Doris Resp.: Gross, Ethel Ran-H Dodson, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Harrington & King South Inc, Def Dickson, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Zaxby’s Restaurant, Def Atty(s): In re: Clifford Scott Nelson, Dec.: Clifford Scott Nelson, Resp.: Pltf(s): Jordan Sanders, Pltf Atty(s):Pltf(s): Donald Josh DGarrigus, Zuccarello, Pltf Def(s):Atty(s): n/a, Atty(s): Stephen B Morton, 08/23/2010, 10C3252 Carol Ann Nelson, Atty: n/a, 08/23/2010, 10P1299 Dec.: David Dillons Welding Inc and Employers, Def Atty(s): Frederick William Richard R Clark, 08/26/2010, 10C3296 Pltf(s): Richard Velasco, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Scott Strickland, In re: Chadwick Miguel Teasley, Hodge, 08/30/2010, 10C3339 Richard Velasco vs Abry Brothers, LP, Star InsurancePltf(s): Com Roberta- Beyelia, Davidson County Pltf(s): Kathryn J pany, Resp.: Ex-Parte, Atty: n/a, 08/25/2010, 10P1332 Josh Garrigus vs Ed’s Supply Company, Inc, Harleysville Def(s): Abry Brothers, LP, Star Insurance Company, Def Atty(s): David Probate Court Pltf(s): Richard In re: Dianne Barr Towe, Mutual Ins Company, John Deming, 08/26/2010, 10C3304 Roberts, Atty: Randle Stuart Davis, 08/23/2010, 10P1310 Def(s): Ed’s Supply Company, Inc, Harleysville Mutual Ins Company, Judges Robert Wagonschutz vs Maury County Government, In re: Doris Gross, Randall B Gross, Def Atty(s): Reisner Sarah C, 08/26/2010, 10C3309 Robert Wagonschutz, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Maury County Govern- dall B Gross, Resp.: Charles Gross, Atty: Michel George Kaplan, Kathleen Cantrell vs Bowes Pitney, Pltf(s): Kathleen Cantrell, ment, Def Atty(s): J Michael Morgan, 08/31/2010, 10C3361 08/31/2010, 10P1347 Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Bowes Pitney, Def Atty(s): Heather E Hardt, Pltf(s): Richard Bennett, Randy Kennedy, Judge 08/30/2010, 10C3345 Roberta Beyelia vs Corporation Target, In re: David Austin Racht, Stephen Daniel Racht, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Corporation Target, Def Atty(s): Brent Shelbin Bob Bradshaw, Probate Master Austin Racht, Stephen Daniel Racht, Resp.: Helen Seagraves Racht, Kathryn J Ward vs Publix Supermarkets Inc, Usery, 08/31/2010, 10C3362 Tel. 862-5980 Atty: Samuel F Anderson, 08/30/2010, 10P1344 Ward, Pltf Atty(s): Donald D Zuccarello, Def(s): Publix Supermarkets In re: DebirahDec.: Debirah Dicker Dicker Weiss, Weiss, John John Dicker, Dicker, Susan Susan Dicker Dicker Kahn, Inc, Def Atty(s): Christian Garstin, 08/24/2010, 10C3271 Richard Mallard vs Washington Group Int’l, Continued on page 14 Mallard, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, Def(s): Washington Group Int’l, Def Atty(s): 1 Public Square, Suite 303 Kahn, Larry Goldman vs Tow Of Smyrna,Pltf(s): Leslie Pltf(s): Johnson, Larry Goldman, Pltf Atty(s): Pltf Gary Raymond Swen Leathers, 08/26/2010, 10C3313 Resp.: Marilyn K Dicker, Atty: Bernard M Rosenblum, 08/30/2010, Atty(s): Kimberly A Coffey, Def(s): Tow Of Smyrna, Def Atty(s): Mary Hours: M-F, 8 a.m.
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