Paddock Suite, The Courtyard, 55 Charterhouse Street, London, EC1M 6HA p: + 44 (0) 20 73360351 e:
[email protected] Clive Francis Photo: Steve Lawton Playing Age: 51 - 60 years Greater London, England, United Location: Other: Equity Kingdom Eye Colour: Blue Height: 5'9" (175cm) Hair Colour: Light/Mid Brown Weight: 11st. 8lb. (73kg) Hair Length: Mid Length Stage 2018, Stage, Frank Doel, 84 Charing Cross Road, Cambridge Arts Theatre, Richard Beecham 2017, Stage, Mr Thwaites, Slaves of Solitude, Hampstead Theatre, Jonathan Kent 2016, Stage, Mr Birling, An Inspector Calls, PW Productions, Playhouse Theatre, Stephen Daldry 2016, Stage, Frank Doel, 84 Charing Cross Road, Cambridge Arts Theatre, James Roose Evans 2016, Stage, Major George Rice, Les Blancs, National Theatre, Yael Farber 2015, Stage, William Pennington, The Gathered Leaves, Park Theatre, Anthony Eden 2015, Stage, Frank Doel, 84 Charing Cross Road, Salisbury Playhouse, James Roose Evans 2013, Stage, Sir Hector Benbow, THARK, Snapdragon Productions, Clive francis 2012, Stage, Doctor Willis, The Madness of George III, Apollo Theatre, London, Chris Luscombe 2011, Stage, Jimmy Broadbent, The Reluctanct Debutante, Ian Fricker Productions, Belinda Lang 2010, Stage, Ken Lay, ENRON, Headlong. West End & UK Tour, Rupert Gould 2009, Stage, Argan, THE HYPOCHONDRIAC, English Touring Theatre, Gemma Bodinetz 2008, Stage, Scrooge, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Guildford, Clive Francis 2008, Stage, President Eisenhower, NEVER SO GOOD, National Theatre, Howard Davies 2008, Stage, Sir, THE DRESSER, Palace Theatre