
What is your name? Kevin Rutherford

Where do you currently live? I currently live in New York, NY.

What year did you graduate from Brookville High School? I graduated in 2008.

Did you attend and graduate from the Miami Valley Career Technology Center (CTC)? No.

What is your current Occupation? I am a music journalist who is currently the chart manager of the rock charts for Billboard. I oversee and write about the song and album charts for the overall rock genre (subsets including mainstream rock, alternative and AAA) countrywide, in terms of radio airplay, sales, streaming and hybrid charts that combine all three. Basically, I’m part of the team that tells you if a song is No. 1 in the country!

What was your post high school education or training? I attended Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism from 2008-2012, graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and working as a DJ for the local college rock radio station.

What was your favorite high school course? English with Ms. Wolfe (Wordsmart all the way!), Current Events with Mr. Hetrick and Band with Mr. Novak.

What do today’s students need to know? You may have no idea what you want to do right now, and that’s OK. Some people have their life mapped out at 12, while others – and I was in this boat – might have a vague idea, but don’t figure out everything until a year or two into college, or even later. As such, don’t be afraid to experiment, to get out there and try new and different things. We live in an age where it’s easier than ever to learn everything about a trade, a job, a field, because the internet is such a vast resource. Dabble in graphic design for a bit. Learn the ins and outs of every tractor imaginable. Figure out what tax deductions are. Decide for a few weeks you’re going to be the next EDM superstar from the comfort of your laptop. Whatever, just try stuff!

Oh, and if you’re going into a field that’s going to require writing, for the love of all that is holy, figure out the difference between its/it’s and your/you’re.