The Parish Magazine of the and Morville Parishes Team May 2021

Linking Parish Churches around Bridgnorth CROSS+LINK CROSS+LINK

St Mary Magdalene SS Peter + Paul St Calixtus St Nicholas St Mary Magdalene St Leonards Hall

Bridgnorth Tasley Astley Abbotts Oldbury Quatford Bridgnorth

Bridgnorth Acton Round Monkhopton Morville Upton Cressett St James’ Hall St Mary the Virgin Aston Eyre St Peter’s St Gregory the Great St Michael’s 1 May 2021

From Archdeacon Derek Pentecost or more traditionally Whitsun is I think the Cinderella of Christian festivals, it has never really had the impact of Christmas and Easter. It doesn’t have the same traditions or social events around it which make it stand out in the wider culture either. I think increasingly the church doesn’t really know how to mark the occasion and even the recent ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer campaign which has actually taken off across the churches in recent years doesn’t really make much of Pentecost itself. Yet Pentecost is perhaps one of the most exciting of the church festivals for it marks the moment when God started the church! It is in effect the Church’s birthday, the day that God sent the Holy Spirit to inspire and empower ordinary Christians to do extraordinary things for Him.

The Holy Spirit is given freely to all of us as a free gift from God. Jesus promised his disciples that we would receive this gift so that we might know his presence with us as we live out our faith on a daily basis.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another comforter to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you…”

- John 14:15-16

The problem is when most of us think of comfort we think of the luxuries of life, or being wrapped up in a warm blanket or duvet. We also think of comfort as something that consoles us when we are upset or in need. Whilst all these things are true the word used in the New Testament has a completely different meaning to those we might expect. The word comfort is the same word that we find in relation to prodding, strengthening or stirring into action. The Bayeux Tapestry has a wonderful panel of Bishop Odo, forcing his men into battle, at the end of his battle club, with the abbreviated Latin words: which when translated means: “Here, Bishop Odo, comforts his troops.” As individuals we might not 2 May 2021

find such ‘comfort’ comforting but the Holy Spirit is given to equip and spur us into action! In fact, the word comfort has traditionally also meant to give or add strength to someone or to encourage, urge or exhort. When we see the coming of the Holy Spirit in that way it makes much more sense of both Jesus words and what we see in the book of Acts as the early church begins to emerge.

The Holy Spirit also empowers us to be the people God created and knows us to be, in that sense the Holy Spirit fills us with God’s wisdom and power for the tasks which he has called us to. On the day of Pentecost it is the Holy Spirit that takes the group of timid and bewildered disciples and equips them to declare the gospel message. Jesus before his Ascension had promised them that they would receive the Holy Spirit to equip them as His witnesses throughout the world.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

- Acts 1:8

This power that comes with the Holy Spirit is very real and is available to us just as it was to the first disciples. It is power to live our lives as God intended, power to encourage us and to strength us for acts of service. It is not to make us feel better, or for our own benefit but it is the power to build one another up and to inspire the Church. So as Pentecost approaches perhaps we need to re-evaluate this slightly misunderstood Christian Festival and celebrate the birthday of the church with a bit more style and flair! Our prayer certainly needs to be ‘Come Holy Spirit!’

May the Spirit, who set the Church on fire upon the Day of Pentecost, bring the world alive with the love of the risen Christ. Amen. AD Derek 3 May 2021

OLDBURY NEWS I am writing this on the morning of Easter Monday, it is very cold with snow flurries from time to time. Yesterday it was quite warm, as it was on Good Friday and Saturday. Weatherwise it has been a very strange Easter but the main thing adding to the strangeness has been not being able to have services at St. Nicholas. Usually such uplifting, positive services with the Easter message, but we are looking forward to opening and having weekly services from the 2nd May. Until then the church will be open daily for private prayer. We are very grateful to Marjorie for keeping us together and positive throughout all of the lockdowns by being our Virtual Vicar by email, Holy Week being VV number 54. Also thank you to Clive and Nagisa for their weekly circular and the pewsheets. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held after the service on the 23rd May, to which everyone on the Electoral Roll is invited , for the summing up and reports of the previous year and election of PCC members and Church Wardens. Please note that there will not be a service on the 30th May. Christian Aid week is the week 10th to 16th May. Because of the current restrictions there will be no door to door collections. If you wish to donate you can do so on line by going to and scrolling down to find the DONATE button. There will be other opportunities to give to Christian Aid by supporting events arranged by local churches later in the year. Christian Aid raises funds for some of the poorest people in the world. As regards our plans to build an extension for a toilet and improved refreshment facilities ,they are progressing, and are currently in the hands of the Diocesan Advisory Committee to consult heritage bodies . Our next task is to raise funds and seek grants. Hopefully as the covid restrictions are lifted we will be able to make plans for fund raising events. 4 May 2021

Also there are tenders out for necessary but happily minor repairs to the church roof, which were specified in the quinquennial report, and to check for any leaks. St Nicholas has been signed up to be an Eco Church along with other local churches within the Diocese. This involves looking at everything we do in and around the church to be environmentally friendly. There will be more on this in the future. On the 25th April Roly and Hugh Trevor Jones are opening their lovely gardens at Westwood House, Oldbury, for the National Garden Scheme. It will be open from 2pm until 5pm. Teas will be served throughout the afternoon. The garden will be full of spring colour and well worth visiting. It will cost £5 per adult, children under 16 will be free. The gardens will be open again on the 6th June for the Historic Churches Trust, when the roses will be looking lovely. Again Teas will be served all afternoon. The proceeds of this afternoon will be split between the SHCT and St Nicholas. We were very saddened to learn of the death of Bernard Rockett on the 24th March. He was a very valued member of our congregation and friend. He had been church warden amongst many other roles and he will be greatly missed. Our prayers and thoughts are with Val and the family. On a happier note our congratulations go to Liz and Owen Fisher on the birth of a new granddaughter, Antonia Elizabeth. She was born on the 28th March to Sarah and Matthes. We send our very best wishes to all the family.

Pam Winwood 5 May 2021

St Mary’s With St Leonards 200 Club

March 2021 Winning tickets in the March 2021 draw are as follows:

Ticket No Winner Prize 11 Sylvia Robbins £20 37 Terry Hall £10 26 Paul Taylor £10 6 Brenda Howell £10 109 Chris Blaze £10 98 Martin Blackburn £10

St Mary’s With St Leonards 200 Club

April 2021 Winning tickets in the April 2021 draw are as follows:

Ticket No Winner Prize 109 Sylvia Palmer £50 7 Jean Banks £20 25 David Deighton £10

126 Christopher Gill £10 72 Sylvia Robbins £10 52 Margaret Simpson £10 12 Heather Walters £10 199 Dennis Rousson £10 6 May 2021


It will be wonderful when Covid restrictions are fully lifted and we can

re-open our Saturday morning cafe for coffee/tea and cakes. However, HELP will be needed to get back on track.

Our Saturday morning cafe is there for the wider community. Visitors thoroughly enjoy popping into Church, some attracted by the sound of the Chamber Choir rehearsals, some to relax and chat with friends, whilst others visit to light a candle and pray. Visitors also browse our shop and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. .

We already have a small team of volunteers but without further help to enable us to set up a rota we risk losing this valuable outreach activity. Please contact Chris: email: [email protected] or tel:01746 763151

NEWS FROM THE VILLAGES I thought I would add to Crosslink this month a paragraph about the four villages to the west of Bridgnorth which are part of the benefice. Acton Round, Aston Eyre, Monkhopton and Morville each have their own character and beauty. Monkhopton and Acton Round have a monthly service on the first and second Sundays respectively at 10am. Aston Eyre church gathers on the second and the fourth Sunday at 10am. The church at Morville now meets at 11.15 for three Sundays out of the four, and has Evensong on the third Sunday of the month at 6.30pm (though that time might well change in the winter). Each church does some of its own fundraising through the Parish giving Scheme, or social events, and they all work together with an Annual Fete. This year the Fete will be held on June 27th from 2 – 4pm. The churchyards are looked after locally, either by regular working parties through the year, or by the dedicated work of the churchwardens and members of the church. The buildings are in good order and are kept open for private prayer. It is wonderful to be part of places where prayer has been regularly and faithfully offered for many generations. Each place has its own history and character, and is dearly loved and much appreciated. Visitors are always welcome. Sarah 7 May 2021

CLERGY THOUGHTS Awe came upon everyone because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. Acts 2:43 As we enter May we move from our celebrations of Easter through to Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, the event seen by many as the foundation of the church. It is indeed an extraordinary moment, and its leads to an extraordinary explosion of faith, not just through Peter’s preaching, powerful though that is, but through the actions and manifestations of the Holy Spirit through the work and activity of the apostles as the go about their life and worship in Jerusalem. Lives are transformed, people change how they live, and a new community of believers is formed as the power of God is shown. Ours is a missionary faith, and right from the beginning it is clear that we have a task, as the successors of those first apostles to proclaim the good news of the Resurrection of Christ in and through our daily lives both in action and word, and especially in prayer. We are called to reach out to those in need both inside and outside our faith community and to expect that God will transform our small actions into radical life changing realities, because in the end it is God who brings people to faith, just as he brought us. But Pentecost reminds us that while we are the agents of that Good News, we are not responsible alone for its power. The apostles’ message had power because they had been filled by the Holy Spirit, and that as they spoke and acted the Holy Spirit touched the recipients of their message emanating from within them This year has seen an extraordinary series of challenges for everyone, and it has been a time when all our lives have altered, often beyond recognition and it has prompted many people to examine themselves, and the ways in which they live. Many have become caught up in community initiatives to assist others and their has been an openness in our society to consider the possibility of faith. People have needed the good news of Jesus Christ more than ever and perhaps a little have begun to come to terms with their vulnerability in the face of a harsh opponent called COVID. As our society opens up, and looks forward we need to be praying as a church not only that we are filled by the Holy Spirit, but also that the same Spirit is at work in our community touching peoples’ lives in order that they hear and respond to the message of God’s love shown 8 May 2021

supremely through the death and resurrection of Jesus. And we need to pray the Holy Spirit will take our own feeble efforts and make them into a mighty witness to that love. Simon Cawdell


We begin this copy of Tasley News by joining with the Nation by offering our condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all of The Royal Family following the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

It was a very special Easter Sunday, when our doors were open and we were once more able to celebrate Easter together. We now look forward to our next Service when we will be celebrating Pentecost on the 23rd May at 10.30am.

Hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we will be able to return to our weekly services.

On 2nd May at 10.30 The Bishop will be visiting Astley Abbotts. We have been invited to join them for this Service. Due to COVID rules the numbers will be limited. If anyone would like to attend please let Bob or John know.

I hope you have all enjoyed the lovely Spring Weather we’ve had recently. Perfect weather for gardening!

Tasley 100 Club Winners

March 57 Jean Jenkins 65 Thelma Obbard 44 Peter Humpage

April 95 Brian Turner 53 Wendy Pottinger 150 Sara Hirst

Margaret Edwards 9 May 2021

A churchyard corner for bees and birds? I wonder if you’ve ever noticed a neglected patch in the SE corner of St Mary’s churchyard in Bridgnorth. Bordered by a high wall on one side, the Castle Walk on another and overhung by yew trees, this site was probably used in the past as a dump for surplus soil from grave digging. The area is dry and shady and wouldn’t normally be a first choice for planting, but with limited options available we decided to give it a go. The aim is to establish an area of attractive, mainly native plants, providing nectar and pollen for bees & other insects and berries & seeds for birds. The patch had previously been cleared of ivy but with quite a lot of recent weed growth, the first task for a group of willing volunteers from St Mary’s, was to tackle this.

We are very grateful to local garden designer Jennie Hart, for taking up the challenge of advising us on plants that have a reasonable chance of coping with the Clearing Weed growth conditions and providing a detailed planting plan including a mix of perennials, ferns, bulbs, and shrubs. She did note though that the planting is somewhat of an experiment as she’s never had to do a scheme for such a dry shady place before! An appeal for church members to raid their gardens and provide donations of the plants Jennie recommended has brought good results and we were able to start planting in April, making good use of the rectory’s extra- long hose for watering in!

It’s been lovely to see members of the congregation coming together with others to work on the area and contribute time, knowledge and plants. We hope that with further care and attention the planting will achieve its aim of providing an attractive Planting underway 10 May 2021

area for both wildlife and people to enjoy, as well as helping us to continue developing St Mary’s as an Eco Church.

If you’d like to know more or help with donations of plants or time, we’d love to hear from you. Anyone willing to take a turn at watering whilst the plants establish, will be especially welcome.

Sheila Royle

Worship for young families is coming to St. Mary’s Church through songs, actions, and stories specially designed. From Sunday 4th June at 11.15 am for a short family worship. Social distancing will be in place. All welcome. For more details please contact Kate King, Intergenerational Missioner on 07563 382 755, [email protected], or send a message to our face book page Diddy Disciples is still also still available on our Face book page and on utube. Find us at DiddyDisciplesBridgnorth/ Thursday 9.30am for creative activity ideas, Sunday 11.15am for actions, story and song 11 May 2021


I hope everyone had a happy Easter, and saw relatives or friends somewhere and somehow! Our Easter Day service was lovely, the church beautifully decorated as ever thanks to all our flower arrangers, and a final rousing hymn outside was apparently heard down the village!

Bishop Richard is coming to bless the new roof and the revitalised organ on May 2nd 10.30 am, we are only allowed 30 people, we may have a few spaces left,if anyone wishes to come please contact me or Juanita.

Michael and Claire Thompson are opening Stanley Hall for the NGS on Sunday May 23rd from 2pm till 5pm, the rhododendrons are looking spectacular this year,and they are allowed to offer teas once again.

Our regular services are running again,9am on the first, third and fourth Sundays and 9.30 family service on the second Sunday of the month. I look forward to seeing you all again after this long miserable absence.

Advance notice of our AGM, Monday June 7th in church at 2pm, this is an open meeting if anyone would like to come and have their say, or wish to come on the PCC,we would love some new members!

Idonea 12 May 2021


In April, Quatford Church was able to hold two services and it was lovely to share these with some members of the Oldbury congregation. Outside the church the snowdrops have disappeared - a sure sign summer is on its way - and we now have sheep grazing in the churchyard. They will be with us for a couple of weeks, then move on to another patch of grass! It’s very relaxing watching mum’s and lambs joyfully munching their way around the graveyard. We would like to welcome back Margaret, who is now closer to home in Bridgnorth Hospital and we all wish her well in her recovery. We are delighted to announce that Quatford Church has achieved a Silver Award in the Eco Church initiative, a scheme designed to encourage churches to ‘Care for God’s Earth’. Quatford Church has always strived to be as environmentally-friendly as possible, and we must also acknowledge that the Bridgnorth team has been very active and supportive in this area. In particular we must thank Jane Peeler and Sheila Royle for the weekly Eco Eric tips and the section in the Monthly Magazine. We are very pleased and delighted to have achieved this award, but we, as a team, believe there is still much more to be done. Our lowest

scoring areas when working towards the Silver award were ‘community and lifestyle’ - this is something we must work on over the coming months, in order to move to the next level. However, this initiative is not just about trying to achieve the highest award, it is about encouraging us all to live our lives in a more sustainable way - one where we consider how our daily decisions impact on our planet and the lives of others. On Sunday May 9th (9.00am) at Quatford Church, to celebrate the Eco Church award, Rev Marjorie Brooks, will deliver a special service for ‘Creation and Care of God’s Earth’. You are all very welcome to join us for this special service. Ann WWenlock 13 May 2021



6.3.21 Philip John Finch 16.3.21 Raymond Joseph Hall 31.3.21 Charles Edward Avery Welch 6.4.21 Kathleen May Parton 7.4.21 Betty Mullard 15.4.21 Derek Stanley Hall 20.4.21 Marion Gender-Hansen 20.4.21 Bernard Rockett

22.4.21 Carolyn Mary Matthews 23.4.21 Carol Ann Noble 26.4.21 Joan Millicent Mary Humphries 27.4.21 Kenneth John Bailey 29.4.21 Elizabeth Mary Banks 14 May 2021

Thomas Traherne, 1637–1674

Traherne was a poet and Anglican cleric, born in Hereford. His writings were not greatly known in his day but because of his love of nature they have gained a new resonance and popularity in these days when environmental issues are very much on all our minds. Traherne's writings frequently explore the glory of creation and what he saw as his intimate relationship with God. His writing conveys an ardent, almost childlike love of God, and a passionate love for the natural world. In 2007, several glorious windows, designed by Thomas Denny, were installed at the Audley Chapel in Hereford Cathedral to commemorate Traherne’s life and work. Well worth a visit!

An extract from the writings of Thomas Traherne: Your enjoyment of the world is never right, till every morning you awake in Heaven; see yourself in your Father's Palace; and look 15 May 2021

upon the skies, the earth, and the air as Celestial Joys: having such a reverend esteem of all, as if you were among the Angels. The bride of a monarch, in her husband's chamber, hath no such causes of delight as you. You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars: and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you. Till you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and Kings in sceptres you never enjoy the world. Till your spirit filleth the whole world, and the stars are your jewels; till you are as familiar with the ways of God in all Ages as with your walk and table; till you are intimately acquainted with that shady nothing out of which the world was made; till you love men so as to desire their happiness, with a thirst equal to the zeal of your own; till you delight in God for being good to all: you never enjoy the world. Till you more feel it than your private estate, and are more present in the hemisphere, considering the glories and the beauties there, than in your own house; till you remember how lately you were made, and how wonderful it was when you came into it; and more rejoice in the palace of your glory, than if it had been made but today morning. Yet further, you never enjoy the world aright, till you so love the beauty of enjoying it, that you are covetous and earnest to persuade others to enjoy it…. The world is a mirror of infinite beauty, yet no man sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, yet no man regards it. It is a region of Light and Peace, did not men disquiet it. It is the Paradise of God. It is more to man since he is fallen than it was before. It is the place of Angels and the Gate of Heaven. When Jacob waked out of his dream, he said "God is here, and I wist it not. How dreadful is this place! This is none other than the House of God and the Gate of Heaven.

Marjorie Brooks 16 May 2021 17 May 2021 18 May 2021

To advertise in this space please contact

Kathy James - [email protected] Advertising co-ordinator

for details 19 May 2021

St James’ Hall Church ROB’S MAINTENANCE For Hire SERVICES Lodge Lane, The Grove. Over 25 years experience Available to hire. BRICK AND STONEWORK GARDEN MAINTENACNE Following extensive TREE REMOVAL/EDGE TRIMMING CHANGING LOCKS/PAINTING & GLAZING renovation provides a FLOOR/WALL TILING comfortable, welcome CARPENTRY/FENCING CLEANING GUTTERS / BLOCKED DRAINS venue, at a very reasonable LAYING PATIOS/DECKING cost. HOUSE/GARAGE CLEARANCES LIGHT REMOVALS Bookings: Liz Fisher OWN TOOLS/SENSIBLE RATES HELP IS ONLY A CALL AWAY 01746 764059 or SO CALL NOW!! t: 01746 762779 email: M. 07814 104407 [email protected] 20 May 2021

To advertise in Cross+Link please contact Kathy James - [email protected] Advertising co-ordinator

PLEASE SUPPORT THE BRIDGNORTH FOOD BANK WITH DONATIONS OF Neat and Tidy FOOD OR MONEY cleaning services Opening hours Mondays All aspects of 10.30am – 12.30pm household cleaning Number Seven, undertaken with that extra magic touch West Castle Street, Bridgnorth

07960285520 [email protected] Home:- 01746 762779 Mobile: 07964849399 21 May 2021 Royal Hospital 01743 261000 Shropshire Fire and Rescue 01743 260260

Princess Royal Hospital 01952 641222 Bridgnorth Library 763358 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Traveline (Buses) 0870 6082608 Shropdoc 0333 222 6655 Bridgnorth Endowed School 762103 Bridgnorth Hospital 762641 Oldbury Wells School 765454 Bridgnorth Medical Practice 767121 St John ’ s Primary School 762061 Police non-emergency calls 101 St Leonard’s Primary School 762781 Gas emergency 0800 111999 St Mary’s Primary School 763455 Electricity emergency 0800 056 8090 Castlefields Primary School 764072 Shropshire Council 0845 678 9000 St Leonard’s Church Custodian 769720 Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes Team Ministry Open to personal callers:

Team Office: St Leonard’s Hall Church, Mon - 11.00am - 12.30pm Racecourse Drive, Tues - Thurs 8.30am - 11.30am Tasley, Fri - 8.30am - 10.30am Bridgnorth Email : WV16 4NR [email protected] Tel: 01746 767174 Website : Team Administrator: Mrs Avril Bridges Revd Prebendary Simon Cawdell Mrs Emma Bristow - Children, - Rector Families and Education 16 East Castle Street, WV16 4AL Co - ordinator - 07531910180 01746 761573 email [email protected]. [email protected] Mrs Kate King— Intergenerational Revd Sarah Cawdell - Team Vicar Missioner 01746 761573 07563 382 755 [email protected] [email protected] Revd Marjorie Brooks - Associate Vicar Honorary Assistant Minister 01746 761942 Clive Parr 767023 [email protected] Revd Clive Munday - Team Curate 41 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS Local Ministry Development Group 01746 766197 Mrs Sandie Phillips 769271 [email protected] Mrs Kay Prior 768259 Revd Tom King –Team Curate Miss Sheila Royle 766577 01746 552101 [email protected]

Reader Mrs Jane Peeler 767043 22 May 2021 St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth Churchwardens St Peter and St Paul, Tasley Mr David Oxtoby…766053 Churchwardens Mrs Jane Parr...766984 Mr Robert Turner...764881 Secretary Miss Catherine Wilson...761786 Mr John Andrews 761708 Treasurer Mrs Nicky Cooper ….762487 Secretary Ms Lesley Edwards...761847 Verger Mr Roger Taylor...767345 Treasurer Mrs Irene Rogers...765926 Organists Dr John Turnock...716282 Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648 Mr Oliver Clarke...07545756869 St Mary the Virgin, Acton Round St Nicholas, Oldbury Churchwardens Churchwardens Mrs Bridget Chappuis...714035 Mrs Dorothy Leiper... 764559 Mr Thomas Kennedy...714360 Secretary Mrs Joan Thomas...763209 Secretary Mrs Jayne Madeley...785571 Treasurer Mr Quentin Leiper...764559 Treasurer Mrs Susan Kennedy...714203

Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

St Calixtus, Astley Abbotts Upton Cressett Monkhopton Churchwardens Churchwardens Mrs Idonea Pickering...763065 Mr Terry Fellows...01902 564748 Secretary Mrs Juanita Gennard...768674 Mr Ed Pugh….01746 789685 Treasurer Mr Roger Wilson ..07785 996630 Treasurer Miss Mary Tipton...763171 Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648 St James’ Hall Church Booking Secretary Mrs Liz Fisher...764059 St Gregory the Great, Morville [email protected] PCC Vice Chair Mr Tim Morris...789271 St Leonards Hall Church Secretary Helen Smith ….01952 883599 Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660 Treasurer Mrs Kathy Renshaw...789271 Tasley Village Hall Aston Eyre Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660 Churchwardens Mr Will Winton... Astley Abbotts Village Hall Mr Dafydd Jenkins….07703 457839 Booking Secretary Charles Morris…..762029 Treasurer Mrs Shelley Caine...714362

St Mary Magdalene, Quatford Churchwardens Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Mrs Anne Wenlock… 07773608556 Verger Mr Bob Curtis….766126 Secretary Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Treasurer Mrs Phyllis Taylor...762318 Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

Deadline for Cross+Link articles for 2021 If you would like to contribute to the magazine, please send to Avril at the Office on (Which means we go to PRINT on this date at 1pm!) [email protected]. Or to receive a copy of the magazine via email, June issue please send your name and email address to Wednesday May 19th Kathy James - [email protected] at 1.00pm Advertising co-ordinator 23 May 2021

HC = Holy Com- Easter 5 Easter 6 Easter 7 Pentecost Trinity munion

MP = Morning Prayer 2nd May 9th May 16th May 23rd May 30th May

St Mary 8.00 HC 8.00 HC1662 8.00 HC 8.00 HC1662 8.00 HC

Magdalene Bridgnorth 10.30 HC 10.30 HC 10.30 HC 10.30 FC 10.30 hc

St Mary

Magdalene 9.00 HC 9.00 HC1662 9.00 HC 9.00 HC 10.00 HC Quatford

St Calixtus Astley 10.30 HC 9.30 FS 9.00 HC 9.00 MP 9.00 HC Abbotts

St Nicholas 10.30 FS 10.30 HC 10.30 HC 10.30 HC Oldbury

St Peter and St Paul 10.30 HC Tasley

St Leonard’s Hall 10.30 FS 10.30 FC Church, Tasley

N.B. No St Gregory the Gt 11.15 MP 11.15 HC 18.30 EP 11.15 HC service on Morville the5th Sunday

Aston Eyre 10.00 MP 10.00 HC

St Mary the Virgin 10.00 HC Acton Round

Monkhopton 10.00 MP 24 May 2021