Comune di Assessorato alle Politiche dell’Immigrazione

italian . french english . rumanian

health school housingemployment services ... in Cervia


> INTRODUCTION > pag 53 > FOREWORD > pag 55 > HEALTH > pag 56 > SCHOOL > pag 59 > HOUSING > pag 63 > EMPLOYMENT > pag 64 > SERVICES OFFERED BY THE MUNICIPALITY > pag 65 > USEFUL NUMBERS > pag 69

The “Orienta Cervia” guidebook. This first issue of the guidebook “Orienta Cervia” includes translations into French, English and Rumanian. A second issue will follow, with translations into Russian, Albanian and Spanish. These three languages were chosen to be able to communicate with the largest number of foreign people present in our territory. English and French are languages understood worldwide and can therefore reach a large number English of people present in our territory, coming from all continents. Rumanian, on the other hand, is the language spoken by the largest community of immigrants in our territory.


a practical guide for Italian and foreign citizens


This guide is targeted mainly to foreign people who have recently settled in the territory of Cervia and includes information on the basic services offered by the Municipality to meet essential everyday life needs in terms of health, employment, education.

The information provided is concise and includes addresses and phone numbers of the offices where to look for tailored answers to your questions.

This information is provided mainly to favour social integration by giving support and guidance to newcomers to help them know the territory of Cervia and meet their primary needs.


a practical guide for Italian and foreign citizens


engages in guaranteeing that their awareness and increase their every person, from the very first moment knowledge of their rights and he/she is within the Italian national duties, and to Italian citizens, to territory, enjoys all fundamental rights, give them the necessary tools to independently from gender, ethnic group, root out prejudice. religion and social conditions. The main objective of the On the other hand, every person living in Municipal government is Italy must respect the values on which its continuous engagement for a society is founded, other people’s rights united community, with equal and the solidarity duties provided for by opportunities, equal social rights the law”: and duties. this is what the first article of the Avv. Fabiola Gardelli “Charter.of citizens’ values and Councillor for integration” states. immigration policies Municipality of Cervia The Charter was illustrated by the Ministry for Internal Affairs in April 2007 and is based on the Italian Constitution and European and International Human Rights Charters.

In Cervia, as in the rest of the country, immigration is growing steadily. Our production system needs immigration and immigration is an opportunity for growing through dialogue and by comparing different cultures. This guidebook, published by the Municipality of Cervia, is targeted both to immigrants, to foster

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Immigrants who have a regular to protect individual and collective residence permit may apply for a health. National Health Care Service card To use these services, the foreign granting them the same medical person without residence permit or assistance Italian citizens receive. not complying with the regulations governing access to the country must n You can obtain your National have an STP card (card declaring that Health Care Service card at: the person is temporarily present > CUP-Sportello Unico - SAUB within the national territory). Ospedale “S.Giorgio”, This card remains valid 6 months, it via Ospedale, 17 may be renewed and is recognized tel. 0544 917615 over the whole national territory.

WHAT YOU NEED TO GET YOUR To have this card, you need your HEALTH CARE SERVICE CARD: passport and a copy of it. > Valid residence permit or receipt of > You can get the STP card at residence permit application. Consultorio Familiare, > Passport “S.Giorgio” hospital > Documents or self-certification via Ospedale, 17 stating why you are living in Cervia. tel. 0544 917634 > Certificate of residence or self- certification of domicile.

Foreign citizens who do not have a residence permit are entitled to urgent or essential treatment, also ongoing, at the hospital or at the doctor’s surgery in case of illness or accident. Pregnancy and maternity, as well as the health of under- age people are safeguarded, and preventive actions are carried out

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CERVIA > OFFICE FOR IMMIGRANT WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN > “S.Giorgio” Hospital It offers assistance and advice to via Ospedale, 17 immigrant women and children, tel. 0544 917650 also without residence permit. A cultural mediator is always present. It > First aid offers all the services granted by the advisory centre for families and the > Advisory centre for families paediatric surgery.

> Office for immigrant women > PAEDIATRIC SURGERY and their children It offers children’s compulsory and optional vaccinations and specialist > Paediatric surgery examinations. It gives advice on > Office for young people children with chronic pathologies, food or school integration problems.

> FIRST AID > OFFICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Emergency room. It has direct access This free and confidential service and is open 24 hours a day. is reserved to young people under the age of 21, who wish > ADVISORY CENTRE FOR to have information about sex, FAMILIES contraception, relational problems It offers advice and assistance on and the prevention of sexually sexual matters and life as a couple. It transmittable diseases. supports women during pregnancy and after delivery. It offers gynaecologic n For information and reservations: examinations. >tel. 0544 917634 A midwife is there everyday and a gynaecologist is present some days a week.

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MOREOVER: SURGERIES: > Cervia, via Ospedale, 17 > SPECIALIST SURGERIES > Milano Marittima, (orthopaedics, ophthalmology, v.le Romagna, 17 cardiology, dermatology, senile > Pinarella, v.le Titano, 53 dementia, ears, nose and throat, dentistry, addictions service, n For information: vascular surgery. tel.0544 917613 > C.U.P - SPORTELLO UNICO (To book specialist examinations or tests and to get the National Health Service card) > PREVENTION DEPARTMENT (For vaccinations). > GENERIC TOURIST MEDICAL ASSISTANCE In summer (from June 1st to September 10th) generic tourist medical assistance is provided to Italian and foreign tourists, seasonal workers and Italian and foreign citizens within the territory of Cervia. For medical examinations you must show to the doctor your Health Care Service or identity card. You will have to cover part of the expenses, according to the service used.

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All foreign under-age youths, also without residence permit or ID card, THE ITALIAN EDUCATION may enrol in any Italian school. SYSTEM The school year starts in September and ends in June, but it is possible to enrol > From 3 months to 3 years: the child whenever during the school baby day nursery (not compulsory) year. > From 3 to 6 years: According to the law, the child must kindergarden be enrolled in the grade corresponding (not compulsory, but recommended) to his/her age or one year less. To be enrolled, residence is not necessary. > From 6 to 11 years: Schools offer language assistance and Primary school (compulsory) cultural mediation activities, if needed, to both children and their families. > From 11 to 14 years: 1st level secondary school Schools respect religious creeds and (compulsory) Catholic religion classes may be replaced with alternative activities (on > Until 18 years of age the right- request). At the canteen, on request, duty to an education applies. it is possible to eat what the child’s The possible alternatives are: religion prescribes. 1) attend a 2nd level secondary The schools secretary’s offices can give school (lasting 5 years) you information and the forms in your 2) attend professional training courses; language. 3) apprentice to a company to have access to the labour market.

59 a practical guide for Italian and foreign citizens


> BABY DAY NURSERIES > STATE KINDERGARTENS Municipal baby day nursery “E. Alessandrini” v.le dei Mille, 2 Via XXII Ottobre, 14 (Cervia) tel. 0544 977651 “Casa dei bimbi 1” via Tacito, 31 (Cervia-Pinarella) Summer baby day nursery “Marameo” “Casa dei bimbi 2” via Pinarella, 379 Open from May to August (Tagliata) Its seat is decided year by year. n To enrol: n To enrol 2nd teaching district secretary’s office: Cervia Informa via Circonvallazione Sacchetti, 109 (on the Viale Roma, 33 corner with v.le Roma) - tel. 0544 971031 tel. 0544 914011 > STATE KINDERGARDENS “Il Cavallino a Dondolo” “Savio” via Tamigi, 9 (Children area – Additional Service (Savio di Cervia) for small children) Via delle Gardenie, 5 Cervia “Palazzone” via delle Rose, 34 tel. 0544 974452 (Cervia-Zona Malva) “Zona Amati” via XXII Ottobre, 14 Baby day nursery managed by (Cervia-Milano Marittima) Ursuline nuns “Missiroli” via Salara, 3 The baby day nursery has an (Castiglione di Cervia) agreement with the Municipality “XXV Aprile” via Crociarone, 24 regarding the class for children (Pisignano-Cannuzzo) between 12 and 24 months. Via E. Toti, 2 Milano Marittima n To enrol: tel. 0544 991210 3rd teaching district secretary’s office (Terzo Circolo): via J. Gora, 2R - Milano Marittima tel. 0544 994090-991835

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> PRIVATE KINDERGARTENS “G.Carducci” Via Salara, 5 (Castiglione di Cervia) “Papa Giovanni XXIII” via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 6 “E.Fermi” Via Crociarone, 24 tel. 0544 973620 (Pisignano-Cannuzzo) (Cervia-Zona Malva) n To enrol: “Suore Orsoline” 3rd teaching district secretary’s office via E. Toti, 2 (Terzo Circolo): tel. 0544 991210 (Milano Marittima) via J. Gora, 2R - Milano Marittima tel. 0544 994090-991835 > PRIMARY SCHOOLS “G.Pascoli” v.le Roma, 2 (Cervia) > Ist LEVEL SECONDARY SCHOOLS “A.Spallicci” via Pinarella, 17 “Ressi - Gervasi” (Cervia-Pinarella) n To enrol and obtain information: “G.Deledda” via Pinarella, 191 Via Caduti per la Libertà, 16 (Cervia) (Pinarella) tel. 0544 71955 “A.Manzi” via Pinarella, 379 (Tagliata) > 2nd LEVEL SECONDARY SCHOOLS “M.Buonarroti” via Farneti, 4 (Montaletto) I.P.S.S.A.R. State vocational school n To enrol: for hotel and restoration services 2nd teaching district secretary’s office (Secondo Circolo): n To enrol and obtain information: via Circonvallazione Sacchetti, 109 P.zzale Artusi, 7 (Cervia) (on the corner with v.le Roma) - tel. 0544 976498 Cervia tel. 0544 971031 > VOCATIONAL TRAINING > PRIMARY SCHOOLS I.A.L. International Tourist-Hotel “G.Mazzini” Via J.Gora, 2R Campus (Milano Marittima) V.le Marconi, 6 (Cervia) “Martiri Fantini” Via delle Rose, 34 tel. 0544 972637 (Cervia-Zona Malva)

61 a practical guide for Italian and foreign citizens


> ITALIAN COURSES FOR FOREIGN Italian course for children ADULTS A free Italian course is organized the In Cervia, in winter, 1st level courses last two weeks of August and the are organized for people who have first two weeks of September for difficulties in communicating. foreign children (aged 6 or more) recently arrived in Italy or who still In , several courses at have communication difficulties. different levels are organized. n To get information: n To get information: > Intercultural Centre > CRES.CE tel. 338 2196514 Educational and Social Resources Via Montenero, 2 Cervia Centre - Cervia Via Pinarella, 17 - Cervia > CRES.CE tel. 0544 973444 Educational and Social Resources Centre - Cervia tel. 0544 973444 Via Pinarella, 17 Cervia IN CERVIA: > For further information on secondary > AFTER-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL schools and vocational training courses ACTIVITIES around Cervia, contact: Summer camps > Informagiovani In summer, when schools are closed, Cervia, Corso Mazzini, 40 children up to the age of 14, can be tel. 0544 974356 enrolled in a summer camp. n To get information: >Public education office Mazzini, 37 tel.0544 979254 (From May on)

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Even though our Constitution does HOUSE RENTAL AGENCY not explicitly recognize the right to a This office has recently been house, this right is reported in many Introduced by the municipality. regulations and having a healthy of Cervia in collaboration with ACER. and decorous house is recognized as The Agency helps the house demand an essential condition for everyone. meet the offer and guarantees that The Region Emilia-Romagna and tenants get a controlled rent and local authorities are implementing that owners have the certainty of housing policies to solve particularly cashing it regularly. difficult situations and support the families with less financial resources. n For information: Regional Act n. 5/2004 “Rules for > ACER Agenzia Casa per l’Affitto the social integration of foreign > Viale Farini, 26 immigrants” enables every foreign Ravenna citizen, at the same conditions as Italian citizens, to apply for a social house and to receive subsidies to buy, > Cervia Informa refurbish and build a house to live in. > Cervia every Tuesday from 9.00 to 11.00 n If you have any housing needs, Viale Roma, 33 contact: Ph. 0544 914024 > Social services office (housing emergencies, social houses, lease fund) > Cervia viale Roma, 33 (1st floor) tel. 0544 979411 > Private real estate agencies (lease or purchasing contracts between private people)

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In Italy, freedom and dignity of > Informagiovani-Sportello Donna workers are protected. (Young people services – Women The Region and Provinces favour the office) integration into the labour market of Corso Mazzini, 40 immigrants, at the same conditions tel. 0544 974356 as Italian citizens, both as employees tel. 0544 955741 and self-employed workers. Equal opportunities are recognized > C.G.I.L. - Cervia also to start entrepreneurial Italian General Labour initiatives or cooperatives. Confederation (Trade Union) Via dell’Ospedale, 1 tel. 0544 973350 > C.I.S.L. - Cervia IN CERVIA TO: Italian Confederation of Workers’ > obtain information on the world Trade Unions of labour and training Via dell’Ospedale, 8 > get information on how to set up tel. 0544 973350 a self-employed activity > U.I.L. - Cervia > draw up a resume (CV) and look Italian Labour Union (Trade Union) for a job Piazza Della Resistenza, 2 tel. 0544 71578 > Sportello di accompagnamento al lavoro (Employment support office) – Cervia Social Services Viale Roma, 33 (1st floor) tel. 0544 979420-979411 > Employment Office Via Nievo, 1 tel. 0544 71690

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Municipality of Cervia

MUNICIPALITY OF CERVIA SOCIAL POLICIES SERVICE MUNICIPALITY OF CERVIA You can contact this office to have GUIDANCE SERVICE the following information and/or FOR NON E.U. CITIZENS services: This guidance and advice office > Talk to a social worker is targeted especially to non E.U. receive social, psychological, economic citizens to help them find a job or a help or guidance; house, obtain or renew their residence permit, apply for citizenship and family > Career paths reunion. It provides information on and help to find a job; health, school and social services > Housing emergencies office within the territory. At this office you will find all necessary n Social services office forms and all regulations governing > Cervia viale Roma, 33 the above. (1st floor) At the office there are cultural and tel. 0544 979411 linguistic mediators. Access is free and free of charge. Open to the public (in summer and winter): The office is open on Tuesday every morning from Monday to morning from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Saturday, from 9.00 to 12.30 a.m. and on Thursday afternoon from Thursday afternoon from 1.30 to 1.30 to 5.15. p.m. 5.15 p.m. n To get information and fix an appointment: Social services office > Cervia viale Roma, 33 (1st floor) tel. 0544 979411

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Municipality of Cervia

INTERCULTURAL CENTRE n For information: The Intercultural Centre, set up in > Intercultural Centre January 2007, is a meeting place for > Cervia via Montenero, 2 Italian and foreign citizens and its main tel. 338 2196514 objective is getting to know different > Social services office cultures and favouring cultural > Cervia viale Roma, 33 exchange in an place that is always (1st floor) open to dialogue and comparison. tel. 0544 979411 At the centre, it is possible to read foreign magazines, drink tea and talk, watch satellite TV, tapes or CERVIA INFORMA SERVICE DVDs and listen to music. Cervia Informa is a service of the It is also possible to organize meetings Municipality of Cervia set up in and parties for adults and children. February 2007. There is also a small play area for It is the Municipality’s front office, children. Courses of Italian, computer a reference point where to find training for beginners, music workshops, information on all municipal conferences, reading of poetry in activities and prepared personnel different languages, training courses are who will collect the applications and, organized. Moreover, different projects according to the type of procedure to favour integration are realized. to be followed, take care of the The Centre is willing to accept whole bureaucratic path until the proposals and ideas coming from the requested documents are issued. different charities present within the territory and is always ready to You can access this service to: collaborate with them. - enrol you children in a baby day > The Intercultural Centre is open nursery; in winter: - apply for maternity allowance; > from Monday to Friday from - apply for lease subsidies; 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. - ask for information. >>>> > in summer: > Tuesday to Thursday 3.00 to 6.00 p.m.

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Municipality of Cervia

> Open to the public MUNICIPALITY OF CERVIA in winter: DEMOGRAFIC SERVICES OFFICE Monday to Friday You can contact this office to have from 9.00 to 12.00 a.m. the following information and/or Tuesdays and Thursdays services: from 3.00 to 5.15 p.m. > ID card and passport > Residency > in summer: > Legalization of documents Monday to Saturday > Marriage from 9.00 to 12.00 a.m. > Registration of birth n For information > Birth certificate tel. 0544 979411 > Registration of death > Death certificate > European Union citizens’ > Cremation residence: > Information on Italian citizenship Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.00 a.m. > Registry Office > Via Ressi, 6 Cervia > Lease office: tel. 0544 979247 Tuesdays from Open in summer and winter: 9.00 to 12.00 a.m. from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12.30 a.m.

> Other information and services also at: > Cervia Informa Viale Roma, 33 Cervia tel. 0544 914011

67 a practical guide for Italian and foreign citizens

Municipality of Cervia

MUNICIPALITY OF CERVIA CULTURAL INSTITUTES MUNICIPALITY OF CERVIA > Municipal library FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Via Circonvallazione Sacchetti, 111 ON MUNICIPAL SERVICES AND tel. 0544 979384 CERVIA: > Children’s library > Cervia Informa Via Circonvallazione Sacchetti, 111 > Viale Roma, 33 tel. 0544 979386 tel. 0544 914011 > Municipal Theatre > Informagiovani Via XX Settembre, 125 > Corso Mazzini, 40 tel. 0544 975166 tel. 0544 974356 > “Sala Sarti” Cinema > Women Office Via XX Settembre, 98/a > Corso Mazzini, 40 tel. 0544 71964 tel. 0544 955741

> Charities, cultural and social > CRES.CE promotion associations Educational and social resources centre n For information: Charities and > Via Pinarella, 17 Associations Unit tel. 0544 973444 Cultural and Sports Institutes Corso Mazzini, 37 (1st floor) tel. 0544 979235

> Sports associations n For information Municipality of Cervia – Sports office Corso Mazzini, 37 (1st floor) tel. 0544 979235

68 a practical guide for Italian and foreign citizens

Useful numbers

> CERVIA TOWN HALL > DOCTOR ON DUTY for residents P.zza Garibaldi, 1 Cervia Toll free number 800 244244 tel. 0544 979111 > GENERIC TOURIST MEDICAL ASSISTANCE > MUNICIPAL POLICE (June-September) P.zza Garibaldi, 21 Cervia tel. 0544 917613 tel. 0544 979251 > POST OFFICES > FINANCIAL POLICE - Via Giordano Bruno, 2 Cervia Via Isonzo, 15 Cervia tel. 0544 915501 tel. 0544 972123 - Viale Ravenna, 11/13/15 > CARABINIERI Milano Marittima Circ. Sacchetti, 11 Cervia tel. 0544 991401 tel. 0544 973232 - Piazza Unità, 42/44 Pinarella V.le Matteotti, 169 Milano tel. 0544 988838 Marittima tel. 0544 997000 > CHEMIST’S SHOPS - Municipal chemist’s > POLICE Via delle Mimose, 32 Cervia Office in summer tel. 0544 977650 Via Val di Non - Pinarella tel. 0544 980812 - Municipal chemist’s Viale Tritone, 13/A Pinarella > RAILWAY STATION tel. 0544 987105 Viale Stazione, 36 Cervia - Municipal chemist’s Information on trains: tel. 892021 P.zza Gemelli, 3 Tagliata > RADIO TAXI tel. 0544 988066 Viale Stazione, 36 A Cervia tel. 0544 973737 fax 0544 916294 n Information on other chemist’s shops at > HEALTH EMERGENCIES > tel. 118

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