
review Haematologica 1994; 79:475-482

CURRENT CONCEPTS IN CORONARY Guido Grignani, Marisa Zucchella, Alessandra Brocchieri, Anna Saporiti Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Terapia Medica, Sezione di Terapia Medica, Università di Pavia, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy

ABSTRACT Thrombolytic therapy has become standard care in treating acute . Fibrinolytic drugs such as , APSAC and are non fibrin specific, and induce systemic activation of the fibrinolytic process, while t-PA and prourokinase are specific since they are able to activate mainly fibrin bound plasminogen. Both groups of thrombolytics exert different and opposing effects on the hemostatic balance: indeed, they have as well as prothrombotic properties, and this may be important for explaining therapeutic fail- ures or reocclusions. New strategies have been considered or are under investigation for further improving the already excellent efficacy of thrombolytic treatment in myocardial infarction: com- bined administration of fibrinolytic agents, -targeted thrombolytic drugs, association with other drugs both effective and ineffective on the hemostatic process. At present, however, the first priority still seems to be a continuing effort to increase the percentage of patients treated with thrombolytics, since the benefits of this therapy have already been clearly demonstrated.

Key words: thrombolysis, myocardial infarction, antithrombotic effects, prothrombotic effects, fibrin specificity

n the past 10 years, thrombolytics have process. become standard therapy for acute myocar- The aim of this review is to describe the char- Idial infarction. Although the ability of strep- acteristics of the main thrombolytic agents, to tokinase to lyse clots was first recognized in the illustrate their different and opposing effects on 1930s, thrombolytic therapy was not used to the hemostatic system, and to discuss implica- treat acute myocardial infarction until the early tions for further research. 1980s, when the importance of in the pathogenesis of acute infarction was fully Main thrombolytic drugs recognized. Since then different studies have Table 1 outlines the major features of the investigated the complex problems related to fib- thrombolytic agents currently in use. rinolytic treatment in acute myocardial infarc- tion: choice of drug, dose, the results in terms of Non fibrin specific drugs reperfusion and survival, the incidence of reoc- clusion, association with other drugs and side Streptokinase effects. The great effort directed to this area has This thrombolytic agent is a single chain pro- stimulated the search for new drugs and, more tein containing 415 amino acids, and having a importantly, has dramatically increased our molecular weight of 47 kD; it is produced by ͱ- knowledge about old and new thrombolytics. hemolytic strains of Streptococcus.1 Furthermore, widespread use of these drugs Streptokinase is a non protein which has allowed clarification of their different effects indirectly activates the fibrinolytic system by on the hemostatic balance; some of them are forming a 1:1 stoichiometric complex with fibrin specific, that is they activate mainly fib- plasminogen. This streptokinase-plasminogen rin-bound plasminogen, while others are able to activator complex then converts non complexed induce systemic activation of the fibrinolytic plasminogen to . Streptokinase adminis-

Correspondence: Prof. Guido Grignani, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Terapia Medica, Sezione di Terapia Medica, Università di Pavia, IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, 27100 Pavia, Italy. Received December 13, 1993; accepted July 4, 1994. 476 G. Grignani et al. tration provokes a decrease in plasma levels of minogen to form an activator complex, and plasminogen, Ͱ2-antiplasmin, fibrinogen, factor therefore a direct .1 The V and factor VIII, and an increase in plasma lev- anisoylation protects the molecule from plas- els of fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDP); min inhibitors; once in circulation, the agent it is the typical example of systemic activation of becomes active following deacylation. The drug fibrinolysis. was shown to be able to bind to endothelial Almost everyone has some level of circulating cells in culture, to human fibrin and plasma antibodies to streptokinase as a consequence of clots,11,12 and this may explain its long half-life previous infections by ͱ-hemolytic strains of (Table 1), which allows it to be administered as Streptococcus. After streptokinase administra- a single bolus over 5 minutes. Although there is tion such antibodies dramatically increase their evidence of fibrin specificity in vitro, there is no levels in plasma, or become detectable if previ- evidence of this in vivo because administration ously absent. Antibody titer progressively of APSAC induces systemic activation of fibri- increases for several weeks and then slowly nolysis (decrease in plasma levels of fibrinogen decreases, but it may persist for years at levels and other factors, increase in plas- higher than the basal value.2-4 Therefore in the ma levels of FDP). Furthermore, the drug pos- case of reocclusion a second dose of streptoki- sesses the same antigenicity characteristics and nase is likely to be effective only when adminis- produces the same effects on pressure as tered within 48 hours of the first one; after that streptokinase. time other thrombolytics have to be used.5-8 In spite of the large incidence of such antibodies, Urokinase allergic reactions associated with streptokinase Urokinase is a 2-chain serine which administration are very rare. activates plasminogen directly without forming as a result of thrombolytic thera- an activator complex and, like streptokinase, is py is best described for streptokinase. This effect not specific for fibrin-bound clot.1 is probably the result of plasmin induced First isolated from human urine, urokinase activation and release of ,9 has generally been synthesized from human or it could be due to more complex mechanisms fetal kidney tissue culture; therefore it is non involving activating factor.10 In any case, antigenic and lacks the problems of neutraliza- although patients with low systolic blood pres- tion by antibodies. Hypotension is not routine- sure during streptokinase infusion have a high ly encountered. mortality, the level of systolic blood pressure This drug has been administered recently in before infusion is more closely associated with association with t-PA, in the hope of taking outcome.9 advantage of the systemic effects of the former and the rapid thrombolytic activity of the Anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator latter.13,14 The results indicate the important role complex (APSAC) of fibrinogen and FDP levels in the occurrence This second generation thrombolytic agent of reocclusion. This further stresses the impor- consists of streptokinase bound to lys-plas- tance of considering all the various effects of

Table 1. Characteristics of the main thrombolytic agents.


Molecular weight (kD) 47 131 35-55 63-70 47 Fibrin specificity No No No Yes Yes Metabolism Hepatic Hepatic Hepatic Hepatic Half-life (min) 18-23 70-120 14-20 3-4 6-8 Antigenicity Yes Yes No No No

SK: streptokinase; APSAC: anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex; UK: urokinase; t-PA: tissue plasminogen activator; pro-UK: prourokinase Current concepts in coronary thrombolysis 477 thrombolytics on the hemostatic system and is demonstrated by two large controlled clinical not only their ability to lyse the clot. trials: the GISSI-2 and the ISIS-3.20

Fibrin-specific drugs Prourokinase Prourokinase is a short-lived, single-chain Tissue plasminogen activator precursor of urokinase that exhibits relative fib- Native tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) is a rin specificity, perhaps because a component in consisting of a single-chain gly- plasma competes with plasminogen for binding coprotein with a molecular weight of 70 kD;1 of this factor, a process which is inhibited by amino acids account for 84% of the molecule, fibrin.1 and carbohydrates for the remaining 16%. For The thrombolytic activity of prourokinase is thrombolytic therapy recombinant t-PA is similar to that of t-PA. In a recent study pro- employed. The main characteristic of this drug urokinase was shown to require for is its fibrin specificity, since the presence of fib- optimal clot lysis in a canine femoral artery rin greatly increases its ability to convert plas- thrombosis model.21 In another study, in man, minogen into plasmin. In vivo administration of the effects of prourokinase were compared with t-PA is, however, associated with a slight those of streptokinase in acute myocardial decrease in levels,15,16 but systemic infarction: the reperfusion rate was higher with activation of fibrinolysis is much lower than that prourokinase after 60 minutes and similar with observed after streptokinase administration. It both agents after 90 minutes.22 In this last study has been suggested that weight-adjusted dosing prourokinase was shown to induce lower sys- is essential to providing an optimal risk-benefit temic activation of than that ratio for the use of t-PA during myocardial observed with streptokinase. infarction;17,18 thus, most studies support weight- adjusted, rapid (90 minutes) infusion.1 Another important factor influencing the efficacy of this Antithrombotic effects of fibrinolytic drugs agent is cardiac output. In fact, in a recent study As outlined above, fibrinolytic drugs exert cardiac output was found to be significantly different effects on the hemostatic balance. The higher in the group of patients not responsive to final result is obviously antithrombotic, but it is thrombolytic therapy.19 These data suggest that important to consider all the different actions cardiac output and consequently blood of thrombolytics on hemostasis, because this flow might lead to variations in t-PA plasma lev- may help to explain and possibly to prevent els and might determine the success or failure of therapeutic failures or reocclusions.23 The therapy; the very short half-life of the drug antithrombotic effects of fibrinolytic drugs are (Table 1) is probably important in this context, summarized in Table 2. because it could help to amplify the effects of greater or less hepatic breakdown in different Recanalization of the occluded coronary artery patients. These results could explain a tendency Reperfusion in the occluded coronary artery is toward reocclusion in patients with improve- the main goal of thrombolytic therapy, and all ment of cardiac function upon reperfusion, and the drugs described above are able to achieve it a bleeding tendency in patients with depressed in a percentage of cases significantly higher than cardiac function. achieved in controls. The early patency rate (60- Compared with streptokinase, t-PA shows 90 minutes) after administration of fibrin-spe- more rapid thrombolytic activity; its adminis- cific drugs is higher than that observed with tration is followed by a higher patency rate of streptokinase, APSAC or urokinase; however, the occluded coronary artery, but it is also asso- patency rates after 2-3 hours are very similar for ciated with a significantly higher percentage of both groups of thrombolytics, and they remain reocclusions.1 The final results of streptokinase so after 24 hours and in subsequent days.1 and t-PA in terms of survival are very similar, as The importance of early patency of the

478 G. Grignani et al.

Table 2. Antithrombotic effects of fibrinolytic drugs terms of survival are very similar for both groups of thrombolytics, although fibrin-spe- • Recanalization of the occluded coronary artery cific ones show more rapid fibrinolytic activity.

activity (decrease in plasma levels of fibrinogen, and factor VIII; increase in plasma Decreased blood viscosity levels of FDP) Another important aspect of the antithrom- botic effect of thrombolytics is their ability to • Decreased blood viscosity decrease blood viscosity, which may significant- ly influence blood flow and therefore perfusion of the ischemic tissue. It is known that plasma infarct-related artery has been confirmed in viscosity depends mainly on fibrinogen levels, recent studies, which have demonstrated its while blood viscosity depends in part on the beneficial effects on left ventricular function.24-26 former, but above all on and on red In other investigations several primary and cell aggregability. ancillary markers of reperfusion were validated In the acute phase of myocardial infarction with coronary angiography, and it was found blood viscosity increases as a result of increased that a rapid and progressive decrease in pain hematocrit and plasma fibrinogen levels.33 and ST elevation is a reliable marker of reperfu- In patients given thrombolytics plasma vis- sion.27,28 cosity decreases, and the effect is more evident Establishment of patency is the primary ben- with non fibrin-specific drugs, which produce a eficial effect from thrombolytic therapy, and more marked decrease in fibrinogen levels.34 this explains continuing efforts to increase Blood viscosity is also reduced by the treat- reperfusion and decrease reocclusion rates.29-31 ment, in part because of the decrease in fibrinogen levels and, more importantly, Anticoagulant activity because of the decrease in hematocrit due to As described above, all thrombolytic agents hemodilution, which may be explained by fluid are able to induce a decrease in plasma levels of balance, infusion policy and the use of contrast fibrinogen, factor V and factor VIII and an agents for coronary angiography.33 Therefore increase in plasma levels of FDP. The effect is several factors may influence this important best observed with non fibrin specific drugs, parameter in the acute phase of myocardial but it is also present with the others.15,32 infarction, and thrombolytic drugs that cause The anticoagulant activity of fibrinolytic extensive fibrinogen breakdown could offer a drugs plays a very important role in the final more significant benefit than others. No con- effect of thrombolysis. In the acute phase of a trolled trial, however, has been undertaken to thrombotic disease the forming clot undergoes elucidate the precise influence of viscosity on dynamic remodeling, with spontaneous lysis on reperfusion, reocclusion and survival. one hand, but also with new fibrin deposition on the other. Therefore it is essential to increase lysis and at the same time inhibit fibrin genera- Prothrombotic effects of fibrinolytic drugs tion, since clot lysis alone is ineffective if throm- The possible prothrombotic effects of throm- bus accretion is not stopped. This hypothesis bolytics are listed in Table 3. has been confirmed in clinical studies showing that low plasma levels of fibrinogen and high Exposure of atherosclerotic plaque under the thrombus plasma levels of FDP were associated with high- The thrombus occluding a coronary artery, er reperfusion and lower reocclusion rates in which is responsible for acute myocardial patients with myocardial infarction treated with infarction, almost always forms on a fissured thrombolytics alone or in combination.14,22 atherosclerotic plaque. It is obvious that clot The higher anticoagulant effect of non fibrin- lysis results in re-exposure of the plaque to specific drugs may explain why the results in and coagulation factors, and immedi- Current concepts in coronary thrombolysis 479

ate reocclusion may follow. Paradoxically, the Table 3. Prothrombotic effects of fibrinolytic drugs. quicker and more complete the lysis, the higher the risk of a new thrombosis. Reocclusion, • Exposure of atherosclerotic plaque under the throm- however, is not the rule, probably for various bus reasons, including the anticoagulant effect of • Activation of platelet function thrombolytics, the concomitant administration • Activation of coagulation cascade of antiplatelet and/or anticoagulant drugs and • Diffuse atheromasic embolization even incomplete lysis of the occluding throm- bus. In any case, it is important to recognize that thrombolytic treatment is associated by defini- Activation of the coagulation cascade tion with a significant risk of reocclusion, and that simultaneous administration of other drugs Activation of the coagulation process occurs effective on the hemostatic system is advisable, in the acute phase of myocardial infarction;50 particularly when fibrin-specific thrombolytic exposure of an atherosclerotic plaque and of agents are employed.30,35 Antiplatelet therapy fibrin-bound by thrombolytics may should be continued after the acute event, since increase such activation, as is demonstrated by an increase in platelet function is often encoun- high plasma levels of fibrinopeptide A observed tered in post-infarction patients,36 and such in patients with myocardial infarction given treatment offers worthwhile protection against a thrombolytics, and by the decrease of such lev- new infarction, , and death.37 els after administration of heparin.29 In vivo thrombin generation in these patients Activation of platelet function is also suggested by increases in plasma concen- As outlined above, clot lysis results in expo- trations of prothrombin fragment 1.2 and sure of an atherosclerotic plaque, which in turn thrombin- III complexes.51,52 may stimulate platelet adhesion and aggrega- Therefore, thrombolytics are often adminis- tion.38 tered in association with heparin, usually with Other possible mechanisms of platelet activa- good results,53 but experimental evidence sug- tion during thrombolytic therapy in acute gests that could be more effective, myocardial infarction include plasmin genera- probably because it is able to also inhibit fibrin- tion,1,10 high plasma levels of antibodies to strep- bound thrombin.40,54 This hypothesis, however, tokinase,39 and exposure of fibrin-bound throm- needs to be tested in controlled clinical trials. bin.40 Whatever the mechanism(s), the ability of thrombolytics to activate platelet function is Diffuse atheromasic embolization well documented.41-43 Experimental and clinical This is a rare but very severe complication of evidence suggests that such activation plays an thrombolytic treatment, observed so far only important role in the final effect of the treat- with non fibrin-specific drugs.55 This syndrome ment. In a canine model of coronary thrombo- is caused by multiple cholesterolic embolism: sis, it was found that inhibition of thrombin in fragments of atheromatous plaques, probably addition to treatment with t-PA resulted in disrupted by thrombolytics, may embolize and enhanced thrombolysis; a combination of inhi- occlude arterial vessels in different organs. bition of thrombin and synthetase Diffuse atheromasic embolization may be sus- and blockade of thromboxane A2 receptor fur- pected in patients with severe and disseminated ther increased reperfusion and decreased reoc- atherosclerotic lesions who show clinical evi- clusion rates;44,45 similar results were obtained in dence of acute arterial occlusion after throm- the rabbit.46 In man antiplatelet drugs were also bolytic therapy. shown to increase the efficacy of thrombolytics This complication, although very severe, in patients with myocardial infarction.30,47,48,49 should not counterindicate fibrinolytic drugs, since it is very rare and totally unpredictable. 480 G. Grignani et al.

New perspectives in thrombolytic therapy Association with other drugs effective on hemo- static system Accelerated infusion of thrombolytic drugs A clinical trial named GUSTO (Global Utiliza- Although a powerful anticoagulant, heparin is tion of Streptokinase and t-PA for Occluded not the ideal protection against thrombus accre- Coronary Artery) was designed to compare new, tion, mainly because it does not inhibit fibrin- aggressive thrombolytic strategies with standard bound thrombin and its activity depends strictly thrombolytic regimens in acute myocardial on antithrombin III.58 Other more attractive infarction.56 anticoagulant agents, potentially able to resolve Thirty-day mortality was significantly lower in these problems, are under investigation; they the group receiving accelerated t-PA infusion include hirudin, hirudin analogues and synthetic and intravenous heparin than in those receiving thrombin inhibitors, like or D-pheny- streptokinase and subcutaneous heparin, strep- lalanyl-propyl-arginyl-chloromethyl ketone (P- tokinase and intravenous heparin, or a combina- PACK).30 Alternatively, inhibition of coagulation tion of streptokinase plus t-PA with intravenous could be achieved with activated , heparin. which was shown to possess antithrombotic The mechanism of the favorable effect of properties in a primate model of arterial throm- accelerated t-PA infusion seems to be a more bosis.59 Inhibition of platelet function is also rapid and complete restoration of coronary important during thrombolytic treatment, and flow through the infarct-related artery.57 new strategies are being considered in this area: Further analysis of data from GUSTO and other monoclonal antibodies directed against glyco- trials will clarify whether the accelerated t-PA protein receptor IIb/IIIa and disintegrins, which strategy can confidently be recommended for are able to bind integrins and control platelet general use. activation.30

New thrombolytic agents Association with other drugs not effective on Studies are in progress to synthesize or to test hemostatic system new, more powerful agents, including variants In spite of the great effort to increase the clin- and hybrids of t-PA and prourokinase, staphy- ical efficacy of thrombolytics with new strate- lokinase and plasminogen activator from bat gies, it is possible that further progress may saliva.30 At present it is impossible to predict someday result from an association with other whether or not such new possibilities will offer drugs not effective on hemostasis but potential- real advantages. ly important in myocardial infarction, like ͱ- blocking agents, ACE-inhibitors and nitrates.60,61 Thrombus-targeted thrombolytic drugs Controlled trials are in progress to elucidate Although no difference exists in terms of sur- these points. vival between fibrin-specific and non fibrin- specific thrombolytic agents, the idea of lysing Conclusions only fibrin in the thrombus remains attractive, In conclusion, many problems have been and new strategies have been considered or par- solved but several points remain obscure in the tially tested in this contest: e.g. the use of fascinating problem of lysing a coronary throm- thrombolytics conjugated with fibrin-specific bus responsible for myocardial infarction. Some monoclonal antibodies, the use of bifunctional goals are obvious and certainly effective, antibodies that contain a fibrin-specific mono- although often difficult: reduction of delays clonal antibody and a t-PA-specific monoclonal between onset of symptoms and delivery of antibody, the use of thrombolytics conjugated thrombolytics,62 careful evaluation of inclusion with monoclonal antibodies that recognize epi- and exclusion criteria,63 particular attention to topes on the surface of activated platelets, such minimizing the risk of administering throm- as glycoprotein IIb/IIIa or thrombospondin.30,31 bolytic therapy inappropriately.64 In fact, wide Current concepts in coronary thrombolysis 481

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