School Crossings | Regional Committee Guards Controversy ! i To Get Estimates i < Mayor, Police Head | e r | Discuss Three Plans; Differ In Marlboro Twpi j Debt Limit $600,000 (About Their Authority j Member National Editorial Association New Jersey Press Association Monmouth County Press Association ! For Proposed Board

Sharp division or opinion oc­ c - i / - c n I ^ Regional School Survey curred fit tlie .Marlboro Township 86th YEAR — 35th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 oingle C opy oeven Cents: committee meeting Monday night Committee meeting Thursday be- j in the Keyport High School cafc- tween Mayor Dennis Buckley and , tcria made plans to have cost esti­ members of the police committee | Mayor To Run Again THE FIRST TIME A MATAWAN HIGH BASKETBALL TEAM EVER DID THIS Madison Board To Lots Pledged For mates secured on various regional oVcr the authority and duties to] Mayor Spal'furd W. Sclianck 1 school building plans. Hoards of be given men hired to watch j confirmed this morn ini; that | education in this area represented school crossings. lie Imd cleciileil (o run fur an­ Sample Opinion Church, When Needed !nl the meeting were Keyport, Charles McCue, chairman of tlie ; other term as mayor of tlie Keansburg, Uninn Beach, Matawan, .police committee. Wild thc . commit- borough on Ihc Republican Questionaire To Seek Matawan Township I Ilarilan Township and Ilolmdel l^llcn he had sounded out men I ticket. The mayor will com- i Township. tt'lfo niiyhl bc in terested in the plete his second two-year Residents Views On To Aid, Ricci States; | Thc group requested Karl B. school crossing work, lie said the! term on Dee. .'II. i School Building Plans Seek Two Parcels Nowi Garrison, county superintendent, job would pay $1 per hour for three j Mayor Schanck said Coun­ lo get estimates of Ihe costs in­ hours. II was decided lhal at Mor- cilman Cyrus Brown would Madison Township Hoard of Ed­ Mavor John Marz, Jr., of Mata-j volved in three plans: First, t j , ynnvillo School the crossin!! watch­ seek renomiiiation with him ucation voted Holiday to have hex ■.van to w n sh ip , ins pledged the So­ have lhe proposed ilegional Hoard man would have in he on duty! in the April primary but that Copeland, superintendent, prepare ciety ot St. A nthony, of Cliffwood, >purchase Keyport and Matawan only at hours of yoinK and coming : Councilman K. Story Ilallock ,, , ... . r , - High Schools and immediately con- a . questionnaire which will be ns there is a cafeteria at the school. | had decided not to seek re­ thal ii the plan ior the establish-, strucL an addition on tho Keyport All children cat at lhc cafeteria! election. The horoiiKh GOP mailed to all persons on the voting ment of a l?omnn Catholic parish school to make the facilities .suf- but four older uncs who livc| organization will decide 011 Its list to gel the altitude 011 a school in Cliilwood is carried through, the i fieicnl lo accommodate 1200 pup- nearby and have lhc maturity to! second councilmanio candi­ building program. A special com­ township will turn over ali tho \ ^-s' second to have costs on a new date this weekend. v''teh out for themselves. It alsoj mittee headed by Charles R lots in thc block where the society i fP-10,0', *° pupils and, v*ls decided that no crossing, A Democratic; source said , ■ »■'200 |,upil unit could |,e built in th e tow nship lo four. R e f o rm e d C h u r c h w n s 05 and, size ot Memorial School and obtain tourney. The Harneg;al five Mr. McCue objected since the that an increase of up to 20 Wild Life From Oil To Move; Martin Rules, proval, according to Mr. liicci. " ini,C,, n'* ,lw‘inZ11011, . llie advantages of a ccnlral school. won the right to oppose the Asks Coopcralion •l h" 1Jai ««PmnloiidciH men lie approaehed did not want more pupils was in prospect. He noted the Cliilwood licach area .Danger lo shcllfishing and clam-i Maroon and Steel by defeat­ , Magistrate James H. Marlin, Mr. Kicci asks-all rcsident.s ofi?!..1^ IC1oyP",|'1 «chool*. Mated lie policc authority. Thc mayor re­ He said that with little 'room was close lo Laurence Harbor, so. . . „ , ing- R u m s o n , 49-iG, in a q u a l ­ of Matawan, Monday heard an the C atholic faith in Clitrwood, 1 r,°„U. hc bDillll.s ‘-'ducntion m u st plied this would be a meaningless left for aisles In the 'two rooms that this could bc done with a min- mll’S Ilan,nn i,n(l banri-v Uo°k ifying round game at Convcn assault and battery complaint Cliilwood licach and lliver Gar- J e,? e. m' '''l» ll’c r, hcy,,!,ro acl: ' " )y to control school crossing:! as rented there, no more pupils imum ot transportalion difficulty- waters- has passed, Robert ./. tion Ilall, Asbury Park, last : filed by a tenant, Mrs. Oelic- dens lo co-operate in this project I ". eMrl1 ,n anfJ afl.v motorist who disregarded thc could bc brought In and thc Voted Down Decisively < - Hawleys of the U.S. Fish and Wild n ig h t. vlve Vanderbilt, now of 71 Main t., ,,f the crossing *-.fricer and board would have to look else­ looking lo llie eventual establish-: Cl" ‘V,! . kK ."’n ,'«S1«nnl sehoo'. .Mr. Kerr reminded him that the Life Station at Toms lliver, staled . Al lhc NJSIAA offices in where for quarters. St.. Matawan, against her for­ ment of a parish of their own. lie j _‘h.p. 1C!“ ,"1 of .ic-sl" .lrc'essly centralized school plan had been Tuesday insofar as the oil slick and school will excecd their bor The American Legion Trenton this morning. 11 was mer landlord. Mrs. Catherine: acknowledged the erecting of a... . „ rowing .._;.uiu ot an officer when voted down decisively by the voters asphall discharge ot the past month said the date and plaec for Smutko, of 159 Broad St.. Ma­ church and llie founding of a par-! ... . . ' haile ~ home was suggested but there Dec. 14 in action 011 a 2C-room is concerned, lie said federalthcand Matawan-Harncgat game was word Hint difficulty was be­ ! tawan. Mrs. Smutko was found isli was something not in the hire-, - 1 u,'lh'v<,">, reprcsenl- ; Rh*. McCue observed the officer sir u el u re in tlrownlown. Mr. slate technicians had scanned llie liad not been set but would I g u ilty a n d fin ed S10 a n d S5 sccable future because of the finan- i ] k . I!‘," llin I '^ n s h ip , su sg eslcd a could I urn in the motorist's license ing encountered in gelling water Thompson averred this action was shoreline from Atlantic Highlands probably be played on eilher J c o sts. eial commitments involved. lie1,":""'"1'1. lm- hl '>(' made up number and ■ sign a complaint supply there. Use of Liberty not taken against the idea of a lo Carteret and had found no fur- Mar. S or !). Thc l\vo teams talc'd the diocese w,„,|d have to i[ "Jof all districts^'stficls except Keyport and against him. Thc mayor noted the j Grange Hall also was proposed, . Testimony of three Matawan .null'll i in* u n a i.’i- ii Winn 11 ii > v | • < • . . , ' ' central school, that this was an tlier evidence of slick or damage, will be paired in a double­ dls- motorist could be cm his way andj^ut C. Floyd Wyckoff, boaicl I High School athletes, the com­ lie presented wilh a petition when I ! J ‘ ,‘ln' ' !,‘lul the other expression of sentimentagainst I Mr. Hawley said ducks w ere still build header wilh others yet lo play plainant's son, Daniel Vnndcr- the lime came which would show i ,iu_ 1<>.<1. Oilt of sigh! by Ihc lime all this i president. noted that there was Ihe Hrowntown location as being 1 dying from the aflcr-offccts nf bc- i their a»d until (he outcome of these there was preponderant interest 1 I1'1" (m" \'}*h b « t *‘crc As 'akin;; place, that.there would heavy hnrttrg expense in the ! blit, jr., ^nck. ICulms and WJ1- Joo ;‘‘iipon" and to the excessive '■ in;' coated with the oil slick, ith'r&s is R.»nm*dv “Hhu place iConllniieo 0 0 liniic louri '.jutktmg. Harvey Hollarid And I liani’ Utter," was offered by her communicants in tin; ClilT- ’ f‘im l "'U.h ,iu' I’'''>h,lm nf ' transportation involved. | Wr Hawley stated lhal infornw- cannot be set. Doubt was ex­ ing enrollment each year. \1. Philip VanMatcr were des­ | attorney. Norman J. Currie, of "ood area in having a church and Carlton Crandall defended tin: j tion regarding the destruction of p r e s s e d lh al il w o u ld b e tin ' (Continued on page three) ignated a 'committee to find new I Keyport. in support of her case. I Parish of their own and with cvi­ Cliffwood School proposal. He f u,c dnck.v had been turned over bv Convention Ilall, Asbury housing for pupils. : Robert La Mura, of M atawan. i denee of 1 heir financial ability In noted il would take 200 pupils out | |,is oCricc and bv Capl Edward \V. Violated A Law, The board’s plans to erect a t 'a r k . [put two witnesses on the stand support it and willingness lo take of Memorial School, permitting a j nolt-/., chief of intelligence of llie new school building received a j lor Mrs. Smutko, his client. [ a personal interest in maintaining Foster Dismisses return lo full-time classes there 1 Thirci Coast Guard District, lo the setback when James Crlne, of iThey were her mother. Mrs.: 'Is work. Mr. Ricci .stressed thc Whatever He Did and would remove travel to school ..\rmy Engineers office in VVickatunk, withdrew his offer I Rocco Mazza, of Matnwan, and establishment of a church and par­ in Laurence llarbor by Cliffwood d ^ Appeal Dismissal o sell lhe board a tract of land York. Mr. Hawley cxplainc her husband. Alex. ish would lie something apart from Instructors Case Attorney’s Plea His Ueaeh pupils along heavily-trav­ as the destruction of the ducks had the Society of St. Anthony. II at $750 per acre. This left the Mrs. Vanderbilt testified she eled Route 35. occurred in tidal waters under Client in Hopeless McCann property the only - al­ In $50,000 Case pnld $70 rent Feb. 1 for the side would he a movement by lhe peo­ Testimony Of Officer Mr. Crandall also noted a .school supcrvision of the Army Knuinccis, ternate as agreed upon by the aparlmenl al tho Smutko resi­ ple of Cliilwood as a whole and Clears Teacher In '/Position Gains Stay in ClilTwood licach would serve as they will lie the ones to bring suit joard. Mr. Wyckoff observed dence. She claimed lhat on those in the Society would lie con­ a community ccntcr, something for punitive and compensatory Keansburg Woman’s Cliffwood Accidcnt Magistrate Seymour R. Klcln- thc price was higher for this Feb. 7 Mrs. Smutko had object­ trib u to ry to it. H e praised Mr. that was needed badly there, in his damages in Federal Court against Suit Names Matawan borg, of Keyporl. yesterday re­ property and a drainage prob­ ed to her about thc parking of Karkus lor Irs services in helpin-4 opinion. He noted that there were the perpetrators. Norman O. Moore. 28. of Leo­ served decision in the case of lem existed thnt would run into Firm Co-Defendent a “ jallopy" in front of llie house the Society towards its immediate two developments proposed for , nnrdo. an instructor at Croy* Hal. Nile Stewart, of 911 Cedar ■jossibly $10,000. Thc oil slick which has killed goal of building the public hall the area, justifying its choice as a by Mrs. Vanderbilt's son and l i t i i i >i ■ t don Hall Academy, Atlnntic PI., Cliffwood. charged by Ulrich Eiscnman expressed over 1000 ducks has been traced Judge Klvin 11- Simmill, silling his tw'o friends from Matawan end declared he had been made an .Htghlands. was cleared T^cs site for a school. Trooper John Ntper.skl, of K e y ­ displeasure at the apparently by Capt. Holtz lo the tanker. At­ in'.Superior Court in Freehold on High. Thc car wns parked a­ hom.raiy .jcilier. |d of „ , , s Should Not Anticipate Future port State Police, with operat­ slow progress the board was lantic Duke, which ran aground gain, the following day, und lhe Kramer La... Sales i involving an accident in cuff Mr. Thompson did mil feel the Thursday, granted a motion by ing a motor vchiclc without making toward lhc erection of Feb. 12 in Arthur Kill. Thc ship, Mrs. Mazza appenred to pro- a siihdivision on which taxes won*1 township should build in anticipa­ Uobcrt I.aMura, of Matawan, at- wood Beach on Feb. 21. . Thc lig h ts 011 Route 30. near Main a new school. He nvcrred It under l.iberian registry, is owned Mrs. Vanderbilt told M rs.: 'iefauited in depression days and; lnstruclol. tion of future populace, lie de­ tornev for Antiiony Seber, 24, nf l®sl way taking nupils to St., Keyport, Feb. 13. yas known where he stood 011 by Atlantic Tankers. Ltd.. a British to which the title has become com­ clared that lo build for .current Murganviile, to dismiss a S50.000 sh[' "’ould need a month their homes In a station wagon . William Burns. Keyport nttor- the matter, nnd he was with­ concern. Capt. Itoltz elaioied to plicated because of elements sur­ needs would suffice, and that as damage suit hrought by Mrs. Stella 1 11 ,u'w PIilcL‘ "'"en she when thc car ran ofr thc road r..y, asked the court to bc per­ drawing from further discuss­ have gained admission from Mari­ was told by Mrs. M a v,v:w s h e rounding the affairs of that defunct1 new people came in, they would Mason, 20, of Keansburg, against and struck a tree on the prop*’ mitted to cite cases wherein thc ion. time Brokers. Inc., of New York, must leave. company. Koreclosure has thereby exert pressure for an expansion erty of Mrs. Ruth Kriotc. of 997 exorcisc of police authority wns ‘‘Last llcsort” Continued on page three) Mr Sclicr and six other defend­ been made a costly and entailed Mrs. Viimlerbilt declared Mr.s. Woodmere Dr., Cliff wood limited by the courts in situ­ M r.; Wyckoff averred use of and modernization of the school ants. The other defendants were nroceduic’ for the township, as has! SmutKo had appeared on the Bcach. Robert Krueger, ngc G. ations of “emergency" for a do he Marlboro Town Hnll for a system, preventing il from being lInnson-V an\V m kle-M tinnin" Co.. of been observed by Mayor Marz al Freehold Raceway Case scene Lo demand that she. Mrs. oi 1525 W oodmerc Dr., Cliffwood fendant. Mr. Stewart, testified dassrooin would bc "a last rc- over-buill and static. Mr. Kerr Malawan; the athlotic association a number of township meetings. Vanderbilt, vacate immediate­ Bcach, a passenger in Ihc sta­ that the reason lie wns picked ;ort” if the board could not get disagreed with him, pointing lo the On Docket For April nf that linn; Leslie Uatehelnr. wiu 'I'he municipality also has a rec­ ly and accompanied her de­ tion watfon. was injured. up without rear lights 011 Ills ithcr accommodations. ■•xampto of P resid en t I’ark in handles employe activities for the reation Held in view for the tract. | Pre-trial was held yesterday mands wilh stronp' language. Robert LaMura, of Mntnw'an, car wus that he had noticed his Joseph Lnnzaro brought up ''ayreville. Mr. Thompson did not iirm ; tile Pines R estau ran t, of Me­ in the suit of 17 property own­ Mrs. Vanderbilt said she shut attorney for Mr. Moore, asked headlights flickering In a way the matter of thc qualifications think this was conclusive, claiming ! lichen; Sweepstakes, Inc., and ers living near Freehold IU«ee- the door when Mr.s. Smutko Matawan Rotary Joins Patrolman Charles Ariano, of to convince him there was a of school bus drivers and their high costs were a final factor in .Joseph Callahan, president or kirked nt her. . Mnfnwan Township Police, who s ^ o r t I11 liis wiring system. He use of signals when stopping to h.. Sayrevillerejection o f ’ a ii ! w a>’apnh'st lllc re-zoninc ot the Sweepstakes. Appeal will be taken 50th Year Celebration i Mrs. Vanderbilt said she did Investigated. If lie could pive an Sl id that Hither than risk the take on or discharge pupils. He fflOO.OOO school for President Park. ! »rea In winch the trottim; truck from the dismissal, according lo secure another place and mov­ Matnwan was linked wllh element of speed involved, enr catching fire, lie had torn declared the use of signals be­ Donah! Dorst fell that- 512,000 ls located by the Freehold Bor- attorneys lor lhe plaintiff. iConimne/J nn paire fnnri iough Council Inst May. llie ed out on the 14th. When she more than 8400 other cities and When the officcr acknowledged out the conm.cllng wire to thc ing followed in the township dir- T h e snil wa> co ncerned with -m ______arenwns changed from*\V’ went hack for a Venetian blind towns in Hf> countries of the lie had not seen, tin* nccident rear lights, thus conserving his rcred from those used else injury sustained by Airs. Mason, she had left behind, according world as tlie Rotary CHtb of Ma­ iilid had no evidence or witness­ (Continued on jmgr- four) where, particularly In respect to who was then Mi.vs Stella Klinsky, Girl Scout Sunday S ■•°*'0™n»i •<> busUx-ss. to Mrs. Vanderbilt, she found lawan commemorated thc 50th es who could testify to spcctl- Ihc vise of the red flashing w arn­ The council's act ion was Ink of l:nion Heath, while she was at- the apartment, bolted, claim­ anniversary of the founding of Iiih by Mr. Moore, the can'; ,vas ...... OirJ Scout Sumlay will be cele-i en . soon after Superior Court lending' a plan? pieim* on Air.;. l ’> List Committees ing light. His views were sup ing she had paid her month’s R ota ry . d is m is s e d . ported by a sfiectator who re- : brated in Matawan nn Mar. (I al the1 Judge; Frank T. Lloyd,h ad jr..lHfjU, had of the llanson-VauWinkle- rent, Mrs. Vanderbilt demand- The blrththiy of this world- Mr. Moore was operudnt; on Of Madison Board ported she had been called down! tl a.m. service in the Firsl Melh- set asidea series ot variances 'Cuntmued on pane three; ed the apartment be opened to wide fellowship of business and a driver's permit, according to doing the some odist Church. The service will mark, uranted the Raceway by the Comniitttrcs were nfjpolnted Ket the blind. On the evidence profossiona 1 executives was the policc report, but lie had tiling that a Mnrlboro school bus the beginning of Girl Scout Week: Freehold Zoning liourd of Ad ut a special mcctliiB of thc Mad- Bus Line To Use Mrs. Smutko did not consider celebrated by the Matawan Club William F. tiyaii, an cxpcrlciic- driver found all right. The which is a national observance. I .iustment. The variances allow i')n Township Board of Educa­ Turnpike To NY tier an uccupant of the apart­ st the Monmouth County cele­ ed driver and Croydon Hall In­ board' decided Lo refer the m ai­ Girl Scouts will assemble al Ihe fd expansion ol the raceway tion Monday. ment alter Feb. 1-t. Mrs. Van bration on Wednesday cvenlnH, structor, with him. church at 10:45 a.m. wllh their plant, even thour.h tlie track was Thc following committees ler lo Its attorney. Clifton T. The Inlorslalo t oiunierce Coin­ clerbllf said she was demnmltnu Feb, 3 at the Molly Pitcher Oilier Flues Ilnrkalow, or Freehold. Mr. leaders. 'listed as a non'conform Dm use were iinined by William Kerr, mission has tiianled a certificate of half a month's rent back. She note lied Hank. Other clubs N ic h o la s U clfa V olpc, of 434 W. E l s e n n i a n n w a s n o t w h o lly In ------I in a residential zone. president oT the board: Dulld- necessily lo the Asbury Park-New did not wet It. th e c o m p l a in a n t pariicipiithiii were Asbury Park. From Ht.. Keyport, ww fined Nolleo i The raceway went llirouuli Ings and grounds. Michael Sta- accord with tills. York Transit Corp.. an allil’atc of a lie n e d . F r e e h o ld , I.,oiuf B r a n c h am i lied S10 a n d SI c o sts for pansliitr lit Mr, Orr told the board it had TJnyahorc Hardware, E. Front. ■ with planned construction when the Hollo Transit Corp.. Keyport. at.s, chairman, Curllon Crnn- Her son and liis two friends B a n k , Ihe Cliffwood Ave. and ltoute been agreed among township Street. Keyport now' bandies [ the area was re-z.oned. Attor <1 n 11, Cliarles Tliompson; fi­ to opcrule buses atone the rccular testified they were lu the Van- Matnwan Rotary Club was lia Intersection on Fob. 2. Key­ principals to close schools June Pittsburg Paint; over 300 col- i neys for llie 17 residents have nance, .lames White, chnlrman, route to aud from all point.- b e ­ cleibilt livtnw room Feb. H und honored by rcoelvinir a an- port tit u to l’ollee Issued thc 1(1, so tho lollowtnn day can be ora to choose from. ‘ intimated that If the truck loses John Partridge, jr.. Mr. Stnnls. tween Asbury I’ark and New York had heal'd the eonversal ions a nlM'i'snry I'otden banner for c o m p la in t. used by tcnchcrs lo close their ' I the udIon lhc- zimlne. Health, Sliinliw Ifonlzlnskl. via Ihe N ew ,lei sc} T urnpike. T he moils Mrs,Vanderbilt, Mrs. hnviim llie best pcrcentane In Kuaonc F, Kelly, of Knton- clinnye next month, demand will clintrman, aiul the rest or the r e g is te r s . route will lie known as the Turn­ Muzza and Mrs. smutko which aliendunee. Fourteen members town, pnld $10 und $(> costs for Chief To Be Retired (7) be made Hint the new construc­ '■ ni-d: public relntlons, M r., „ pike Kxprcss Service, and will be laid lend lo Mr.s, Viinderblll\s were present for the occnslon. careless drlvlmt on complaint of tion be turn down. Thompson, chiilrnian. and the! Abide In Me” Theme 'I'he N'ew .lerney 1‘ollce ,ail linpnrlant time saver, since it heiim kicked. Milton F. .Stevenson, president state police. On Feb, 11. while r e s t uf th e )>i>unl; school ao llv l-j At World Prayer Day ChlefH1 AHsoelatlon, meellnit I will he 2(1 m inutes s h n rle r Ilian llie Mrs, .Smutko, when put on the nl the local club, accepted Ihe drlvliiK on Untile ;jr>. dlfl'wood, lies, llarold Meyers, chairman. I lu Illirhln(own today, was e\- Child Burned On Leg; ! "hi mule, stand, denied she kicked Mrs, b a n n e r . he ram m ed llie car beliiK o|)cr- Mr. Kinijzlnsl’.l, Mr. m rlrldse. “ Abide In Me" was Ihe them e peeled to lie iiuesllnlied nliout Tnlceu To Hospital : The new service will be avail­ Viinderblll. .She claimed Mrs. The uuest speaker was Justice ated by Mildred Mae Uimtltl. of siiiipllos, Mr. Crandall, Mr. of Ihe World Day ol I'rayer serv­ the retirem ent status of Chief able to all rcailenis nl llie buy­ Vanderbilt bad tried to push. William .1, Ilrennan. Jr., .Indue C o u n ty ltd , C liilw ood. No In- White and I.Jonald rJorst. i ice held In the llayvlew Otto Ken#i‘tter, of Madison Three-year...... old 1’iiU Ida lilacl; .'Ilore urea. Ilusreh will slop as Mrs. Mazza from the upartmoni, of the New Jersey .Supreme .lurles were reported, accordlmt I’lTshylerlaii Church, Cllllwond. Teaehers. Mr. Kerr, Mr, l’arl ! Tiiwnnhlii, This wits in anllcl. , of til) l'.fhnwood Dr., Cliilwood usual al Ihe Keyporl Terminal, al and, to protect her mother, she " o u r f. to state police, ildge, Mr, Tliompson; tninspor-j Churches partldpalinn in Ihe serv­ patlon lhat the Mudlnon Town-, fleiieh, Is in Improved eoiiditlon the Hollo I'osl House. Si\ Cornel's. bad sotwhl to wrench Mrs. Van , llarbiira Mui'uzk, of West ice «ere Ihe Khsl and Second ; Intlon. Mr. -Vleyrrs, Mr. While, | ship Committee would he |ire- 'I n M oniuoulli M i - tin > i In 1 I K eyporl. derblll's hand loose. Mr.., Moz Dividend Dcclnred Deal, paid the miiiic amount for Mr. Thompson; eivii defiMixe. • Haplisl. Trinity K.plsenpul, Klrsl | si'liteil with a vesnlnlInn lo re. till, today wll.1) .‘.eenml nml tlilnl l.uuis I), liotlo amiouiH'c's lhat an va eorrolioriited this when she uolnn TO miles per hour un llie Mr. Meyers, Mr. Hoist, Mr. I’resbylerian anil Klrsl Methodist j lire the chief al nest Monday'* d e u re e bill ll,. she Mil'll n-:l Fi'l appllcalloii abo has bi.en ouub' lo appenred on Ihe stand, Mr, The bund of directors of the I Inn* Cliirden Stale Parkway on dim. rivtriclm*; n u Ii I I v 1 1 y M r. i.i Malnwaii. | nieetlnir, ' d ay , opeinte Ihe bus line over Ihe tlar- Sniullco ■anled he did not wll son-V anW inkle .Munniii" Co.. meet- :tl, Thompson, Mr. Meyers an d l.eiiders and I hell' topics «eto, The elder has been on tlie ! l’litrolmau C.'lnirles Arlano. ot den Sliite I'arkuiiy. lie avers tills nc.s ihe Incident, hut could ver­ lit:! Tuesday, declared a dividend o| Patrolman A rlano reported Mr. Kordzlnskl. . Mrs. Sanih Klllson, ndoi'alion; Mrs, i fiil'eii for ili .vi'iiin and Iiiih M alawan Tmvii'.bl|' t'ollce. • 111d would prnv" a v iliillv-ioiporliiiil ify hearlnu his wile and ninth ITie per share on Ihe SJI.50 pur Harvey Fields, of 11) VuuDorn Mary llulliy, mcdllallon; .Mrs lab ! been Its head roe II yours, the >'ouu«sler was pliivlue, near service lo residents ol Ibis area, er in 1 n w nlve this version ol ll, value coniuioli stock of the com- Bl,, Keyport, backed Ills car out nuylmj A Car? 1 Ilall Kdnlllllil, pt'lille'lee; Mrs. i The law uIvom out Ion lo the her home wllh some coniiuin as t'ldiim lime Would he cut down pnny. payable Mar. Ill, In slucli- of a dt'ivt'tvay o n H u rlln u HI. Immediate delivery on Nmv i Alice Tli'iniin, lhnnlisi;lvlir.t; Airs, j rellreinent of a police elder ions Will'll .'-lie step p e.l ton elie-i’ cousldcrablj. Story Hour At Library holders of record al llie close of Cliilwood, Hitl'wliiy nml was iiodf'f .(/id Pl.woimlh cm* mit; \V, Union Sndlli, Inlerees^loa, nnd liclwcon Ihe yearn of IW lo 71), lo a blaze I bey Jnicl Ii Imlled In a hii'liicss Mur. 1.1 run Into hv Andrew Ford, of Mrs. Kleanni' Miles, ilediiallnu, • Uod^o liurk:: A bio a line of HuerJ The Cl'lurm' Assoeliillon will cnn. 'I lie tin m o lud th e lo her OunrHitii.*.i1 ll«»ri Tirol y io ry h o u r Will b e held .Sat ...... • C e n le r Ml. O'lllfwoml. No Injllr- caiH Cull Uny c *Mi iolev hi Muhi'eim ,Mim. 'in llallli'ltl spolie "ii biuite i lie iiNkeil tu ehit'lfy the rlulil elolbes. The child was Imrnc'l *"V ozi ll.i'iliilie lloll'.-^nno tirdn.v niot'iiliui. Mar, ,'i, nl II) V iiui- ailvci'tlscmimt In tills lu* were reported. HlimMV or Klei'hold iwiv/h Kriuik and inreiyit mlssli iis and the ur- j of a chief or louu tenure to III) Ihe lell h-.i and ‘.v.ts l.l!:i".l rt.'1'vleo, Inc , Htv rtoi-iii'ni lllidi o'clock in the Matnwan Public p paper will reach nioMpoctive ...... Vim SvcKie, I lie., 10 (Vnler terhiif tvli* dcdlcided to llml |iui'- j di'elli'o I'etliieinent until Ihe .lo the hoNplMl by the Cllffsvood w-'iiv a#, KoyiHtrii ‘ Vi«t| ii vpic ' ld'irnry. Mrs, ijnvid ' Kosakdii' ’ inirciiuser,.. in every eoiiiimiiilty j '"l''(iriiiMiiHi‘ Ajinrtuit’ti;'' (itifua Kiuuholtl. JIp U ad' pose, , I nut' or 111. i l'Mrsl. Aid Hcitntd. 17-nnoo, lyjfr will Iju llie slory teller, I " llio bnyshurc iiitii. fir Btilo ut llllt olfloe. ■■J PAGE TWO—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 'r i : v t r *-/ ‘7...... i-'-^ Banana Peel Case , ry youlh had not moved io lhe County Scout Drive Browntown Clubs To Principal Defends place asked, lie accordingly was Marlboro Hospital* A ’'problem of whether ban­ At Halfway Mark hit by the foul tip, as Mr. Guonsth anas arc "food already in According to the report released THnrs i ran Celebrate 4-H Week edible form ” presented itself Teacher's Role was given to understand. Employees Honored this week hy Monmouth Council, „ SNOW BOUND to Magistrate Seymour It. Mr. Docrr himself denied an al­ Klcinbei-g, of Karitan Town­ legation lhal he had failed to im- Boy Scout* of America, 40 com­ 14 Are Recipients Of ©£^5*6 &-HTL'- sSTT.ges Girls Group Directed Keansburg Supervisor 5’*?r>\ Si'CVP* c-Ji C* m:.:e e- ship, Saturday, when Louis press on the Terry boy the need j munilies report collecting $33.* 20-Year Service Pins Tier v tuf.i; ' i Special Festival Jlorvatli, of Perth Amboy, ap- Explains Doerr’s Act . . for medical attention. Mr. Doerr the drive for funds. Goal pea red on a complaint eliarg- j said that as he was nol the boy’s i for 1955 operations is $G5,000. An j Tlie Browntown .Sodhoppers and Flfty-Uvo employees of Marl boro inif him with evading taking Georye Cuenseh, principal of teaching supervisor, he had no re* ! all-oul effort is beiiu' made lo Pedal Pushers 4-11 Clubs will par­ K(“nnsl)ur» School. 'Momiuy veri­ State Hospital, with 20 or more out a foodliandler's license. , sponsibility to advise him raise the balance necessary for ticipate in the celebration of N a­ fied contentions that w ere lo have years oC service, were quests of ,,IWr. H o r v a th a n d his so n , ; Mr. Guensch declared lie was ; Scouting activities in the county tional 4-H Club W eek, M ar. 5-12, been by the. defense in u . honor at the recent monthly .Robert, operate a banana sttl- i making his statement in respect ‘ The Matawan - to - Keansbui;g with entries in a window display case brought by Mr.s. Margaret luncheon of ihe Board of Man- cs concession al the Keyport j lor Mr. Doerr’s right as a teacher area, of which Mayor Charles E. contest and a county-wide 4-11 Terry, of Poplar Ave,. Keansburg, ■ aKcrs. Ruction on Route ,ili. Acting | to have his position known, even Applegate of Keyport, is general • dance. in bohalf of her son, R obert, 10, Dr. J. Berkeley Gordon, medical Township Health Investigator j though the case had not come to chairman, has reported $1550 in Thc dai’.cc, open to the public*' against the insurance company director, welcomed tlie guests to Robert Weigaiul, signed com- j trial. , donations th u s far. will be held al SI. James Hall, holding the liability insurance the second animal luncheon for plaint against both, allcg-ing j Apr. 2, 1952, on the Keansburg veteran employees. A special word Jamesburg, on Mar. 12. Refresh-, lack of -the foodhnndlers Ii- ! nienls will be served and an or­ school field. John Docrr, physical ' of welcome was addressed to thc oensc, Mr. Horvath's defense j ch estra will supply music-, Square education instructor jn the school 14 employees who in the past year wns that in his opinion no li­ dances will be called and a Queen at lhal lime was made co-defend­ THE BARGAIN HOUSE completed llieir 20th year of serv­ cense was needed because of the Ball selected. ant, in a suit seeking $170,000 for ice. ’ bananas are not “food already The Pedal Pushers Club planned jn. e d ib le f o r m ill th e te in iin - injuries alleged to have been re­ — Lanzaro Bros — ■ “Tn addition lo the 14 receiving and direclcd a 4-H International oloey of the township health ceived by 'Robert Terry when service pins nt this luncheon," said "THE CHROME KINGS IM DINETTES Feslival ill Jamesburg on Feb. 19. ordinance, lie cited that ban­ struck by a foul tit) from a bat Dr. Gordon, "10G other employees Highlights of tlle evening included anas are different from ap­ used by Mr. Doerr at the school have received hunorahlc recog­ dance demonstrations, choral sing­ ples or pears iu tiiat they field that clay. Dozens of Chrome and Wrought Iron Sets lo choose from. nition for live or more years of ing, a model review of authentic have a thick lion-edible skin The suit wns settled for $3.f>00 service. All of our employees arc TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED foreign costumes, exhibits ol for­ protecting the food part. on Feb. 10, with permission of Su­ .equally near and dear to us. But eign articles and foods and a talk Magistrate Kleinbcrg ac- perior Court Judge Frank T. Lloyd Visit Our Warehouse* or Our Branch Showroom at "Cliffs Auction" an employee’s record of upwards on Finland by .Miss Mary Wen- knowledifed Mr. Horvalli had Jr. Because ii did not come to Every Frida/ Nighl. of 20 years of faithful service de­ hearing, only the allegations in the gryn, international farm youlh ex­ a point. The magistrate a- serves special recognition.” complaint reached public notice. change from Somerset County. verreit that as lie did not wish Tennent Rd. Tel. MA 1-1694-J Morganville . Dr. Gordon then introduced Mrs. Mr. Gucnseh said Monday he felt JoAnn Cusick, Anne Chamber­ •‘to slip on a banana peel” .Matilda C. Rodney, member of tho in justice lo Mr. Doerr the conten­ lain, Belly Hae Cusick and Mar­ legally, he would consult Mi­ WAREHOUSE OPEN EVERY DAY AND SUNDAYS Board of Managers, who presented chael Barnacle, township At­ tions of the plaintiffs should have garet Chamberlain, of the Pedal thc servicc pins and certificates. torney, on construai of tiie or­ a reply insofar as he, as Mr. Pushers, presented a Swedish A special service pin and certil'icalo dinance on this poinl. Docrr’s shpervisor, was concerned. Skittish, and a Swedish oxen dance denoting 25 years of service was Thu plaintiffs claimed, according was given by Patricia Kazimir, presented hy Mrs. Ilodnoy to Dr, lo newspaper accounts, that Robert Janice Tesch, Margarel Chamber­ G ordon. H. & L. Auxiliary Meets .Terry, while under the supervision lain, Carolyn Gaub, Maria Maccia, i of Mr. Doerr. as an instructor, was I’ins and certificates represent­ Katherine Lagoyda, Suzanne Gaub 1 Matawnn Hook nnd Ladder ing 20 years of service were pre­ hit by thc foui ball. Mr. Guensch and Anne Chamberlain. Auxiliary met Mondny night in V i / " sented to: Mr.s. Mary Plum, Mrs. i staled this was incorrect, (hat Rob* Thc Sodhoppers Club members the firehouse. meeting room. Gertrude Lee, Mrs. Ilane Janssen, erl Terry was a pupil at Middle- assisted with a rra n g e m e n ts and. Mrs. Mary Slrawhand, .Mrs. Mar­ Three members of the M. E. j town Township High School at the supervised the coat cheek room. ; garet Clayton, Joseph Ladjack, Hnley Hose Co. Auxiliary were i time, was on the Keansburg Georye Cueluiral, John Gaul), Auxiliary lo Morganville Independent guests. They were Mrs. F. J School Ground of his own volition j and was nol under Mr. D o pit ’s Stephen Smith, Harry, Amnack, Tranter Recovering Gray, sr., Mrs. F. Grny, Jr. nnd Hudson Carhart, Leroy Vanl’elt, Mrs. T. DiiLoiti. Refreshments I charge as an instructor. From Auto Injuries ! The plaintiffs further contended Joseph Cueluiral and Michael Fire Co. To Conduct Merchandise Club were served by Mrs. willinm I that Mr. Doerr was ?it fault be* W arner. William A. Tranter, 59, of 22 Oak Ratcliffe, Mrs. R. Longstreet, St., Keyport, was reported improv­ Mrs. L. Walker, Mrs. C. Haus­ | cause he told a group of boys Terrific B argains Dr. George Stevenson, medical Mrs. Louis Becker Appointed Chairman; ed yesterday at Hazard Hospital er nnd Mrs. C. Nappi. Others | where to stand, Robert Terry director of the National Associa- Activities Of Area Residents Reported where he was taken at 5:20 p.m. present were Mrs. William For- j among them, and then had batted lion for Mental Health anil a mem­ On Better Used CARS Saturday by Keyporl First Aid nioii, Mrs. F. Formon, Mrs. C. |lhe ball in that direction, the ball ber of Marlboro's Board of It was decided at thc Febru-! Mr. nnd Mrs, Charles L. Hol- Squad after an accident on Route Brower, Mrs. C. Schmidt and [Striking R obert op the eye. Air. ’ Managers, presented a testimonial ary meeting of the Ladies Aux-jlneK :ilK* family \veie Saturday They are clean throughout, many with extras ... , , , ... T„,,„ e v e n in g g u e s ts n t t h e h o m e of 35, near the Knights of Columbus Mrs. V. Ellison. iGuon.sch related he had been told scroll to Mrs. Rodney in recognition lliary of tlie Mm tanville Inde- . and M[,s Ear, p Woolley headquarters, Keyport. i hy boys who had seen lhe incident and are mechanically OK. These cars have been of her 23 years as a member of pendent Volunteer Fire Co. to] Mrs Ronairi Miller was hos- ! lhat Mr. Doerr had told the youths Mr. Tranter was dr’i’ing out of Your advertisement in this Marlboro's- Hoard of Managers. ; to gel out of the baseline, a dan* carefully checked in our service department. start a merchandise club at the j toss to the Social Club Tuesday the headquarters parking lot when paper will reach prospective i gerous area, and far back from March meeting. Mrs. Louts! evening. Those attending were | a ear coming west on the highway, purchasers in every community SEE THEM THIS WEEKEND • Ilhe playing Held, and that the Ter­ Becker will be chairman, assist- Mrs. Robert Owens and daugh- operated by Frank Cliiemto, 42, of in the bayshore area. . , ■ . , „lV, ter, Vivien, Mrs. Louis Becker Nutley, ran into the Keyporl man’s ed by several captains and sub-|ai,d d ht Jonn Ml,s. Ler0>. Convenient Terms — Trades. a.iio. Mr. Cliiemto told Patrolman FACTS capta ns. It also was decided V(lnPelt nnd _ Rlcllilrd, Mvs. John Visconi, of Keyport Poliec, to hold a demonstration nt the | G£ll.,.ett Dcnisc, Butch and Judy who investigated, that lie swerved Going Away? about March seas on. .Mrs. John Pen-, plo neurologist found that there had S200 each. prise shower was given Mr.s. M r.,and Mrs. D. L. Janwich been damanc to the motor cen­ John Low at the home of Mrs. and children. Dennis and Kar- ter of the brain which caused Young Churchmen Hear Chnrlcs L. Holmes by the moth- en, of Station Rd. have moved On Non-Breakable Records him to lose control of his arms ers of the accordlan band. Dec-‘to their new home an Union Hill Report On Newark Trip n n d le s s . orations nnd favors were in yel- Rd. in Roberlsvllle. Johnnie then was turned over The Young Churchmen of 'vith qu/uitv *'■ low. Those present were Mrs. | Mr. nnd Mrs. George Brag- For Children to an orthopedist, who recom­ Trinity Church met Monday Jolin Brunning nnd daughter, ’ don, or Dillsburg. Pa., were re­ mended corrective surgery on evening In the parish house with ! Ruth, Spotswood: M k s M ary: cent weekend visitors at the his lens, to bc followed by the Ruth McDonald presiding. Eve­ Savitsky, Cliffwood; Mrs. Fred home of Mr. and Mrs. James RPM fitting of special braces which ning prayer services preceded B oth Speeds 4 5 and 7 8 Dietrich, Matawan; Mrs. Joseph i Dugan, and family. would enable him to walk. He tlie business session. Plans Slalgatls, Mrs. Roland Boyce, | Mrs. Robert Fitts was the Pent Moss - Lime also was seen by a pediatrician were dtocusscd for a bus trip Mrs. Eugene Lanzaro, M rs.! guest nf honor recently at a sur- and a psychologist, and hnd his to West Point. Farm and Garden Seeds Thomas Maresca', all of birthday party at her vision, heariiiR. and teeth ex­ ganville. Gifts were sent by j home given by her mother, Mrs. David Tuttle, program chair­ amined. After the examin­ Mrs. Cllflon Bnrkalow. Free- ■ Albert. Taber. Decorations were man, reported that 2-t persons, ations were completed, it was hold; Mrs. Walters, and Mrs. j in yellow and blue. Those at- including chnperons, made . a found that Johnnie's intelllBon'cc Baby Chicks Harold Crocker. j tending were Mr. and Mrs. Mnr- trip last Saturday to Newark. was superior and a lony-ransc Mrs. Rosalie Scheurich and | tin Smith, sr., Mr. and Mrs. At the airport'they were shown program combining medical through two planes, the term­ e a c h her grandson, Noel, motored to i Frank R. Smith and sons, John Poultry Equipment carc with physical, speech, oc­ Boston, Mass., on Monday for land Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ inal building and observation 25 ' cupational and social therapies a four-dny stay and while there! tin Smith, jr., Martin III, Bar- tower. They viewed the city was worked out for him. Purina Chows attended the Eastern New Eng- barn Lynn and Christine Smith, from the 33rd floor of the Na­ CHECK YOUR FAVORITE Through such a program, land Kennel Club Dog Show. I Mr. nnd Mr.s. Robert Owens and tional Newark and Essex Bank Johnnie, like hundreds of other Mrs. Dorothea Henrikson and; daughter, Vivien, Mr. and Mrs, Building and then went to thc THIS OLE HOUSE cerebral palsied youngsters, has Newark Museum. They heard W . D. SWARTZEL, JR. □ son,Barry, aiul Mrs.Florence i Donald Miller and son, Donnie, Improved tremendously and is Dickinson spentWashington's! Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. Jr., a lecture in the planetarium and Top Name Makes In Farm & Garden Equipment TWEEDLEE DE well on Ills way to living n nor­ Birthday on a motor trip to'M r. and Mrs. Herbert McGee, saw many exhibits. n mal life. In addition, at this Stroudsburg, Pa. jMr.s. Eleanor Boyce, nf Spols- Members present were How­ HOLMDEL ROAD’ Telephone COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS center, as af all nine of the cen­ ard Wilson, Wayne Marz, Ml- □ OnMonday, Mar, 7, Ihe Mon-1 wood, Mr. nnd Mrs. William . at R. R. Crossing HAZLET KE 7-1109 ters maintained In our state by mouth County Bookmobile will j Thomson, Mrs. CharlesPlosky,: chael and Martin Witkowskl, OPEN UP YOUR HEART county affiliates of the United □ make its monthly stop at 2 p.m. | Butch nnd Judy Plosky, Robert j Uavld William Ratcliffe, Cerebral Palsy ot New Jersey, at the home or Mrs. Leonard i Fitts and sou. Bobby, Alberti Frances Adler. Maureen Dcn- EASTER PARADE such a‘ treatment program la n Lathrop and on Thursday at [Taber, Franco.Thomas, Patrl-. n's • Susan and lluth McDonald, ********* available either flee or at clin­ Eden Farm andtiie Morgan- chi nnd Kenneth Taber- j Patricia Morey, Verna Ellison, THE JONES BOY ic r a te s . Mrs. Fred Shufflebotham’slT- Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. J. □ ville Independent. Firehouse. The finance drive for the class was In charge of the ser­ Mershon, advisors. Judy Insley LITTLE SHOE MAKER Morganville Cubs Third District of Boy Scouts is v ic e In th e M o rs a n v tlle M e th o ­ was a guest. □ being completed In the Morgnn- dist Sunday School on Sunday BIMBO, ETC. ~ At Annual Dinner Enjoy one of America's nronl □ vllln area this we^k and all re­ Mrs. Lyman Morris' class con­ freedoms, Attend the church of Morfsnnvlllo Cub Scout Pack ports of lhe committee workers ducted the previous Sundny nnd /our choice this weekend. D3 held its blue und gold dinner nre lo be sent tn the cliairiniin, Mrs. Hannah Lnmbertson’s Thursday night in the Morgan- Thomas Antlsul!. Those on the class will be 111 charge on Mar If you need printing of any vllle School to co in me mo rate committee include Mr. and Mrs. 0. The choir of the church Is kind, we are here to .servo you, the 45th anniversary of scoulinn Harold Quitckenbush, Mr. and rehearsing each week in prep- EXTRA SPECIAL Our quick service and reason­ nnd to observe the February Mrs. Joseph Sptngat, Mrs. nrnlinn for tiie Easter sonsun able prices will please you. theme "Let Freedom Klim." Douglas AU, Mrs. Erlwnrd Hum- under the direction or Adam 50 PACK NEEDLE 12' Mr.s. Ernest Thom, president pus, Mrs. Edward Becker, Mrs, Iliinke, of Mntawan. Tho W.S.- Ono block from of tlie iMorganvllle Parent- Kred Irons, Mrs. Charles Fish­ C.8. of the church will meet lo- Recently Invested at a Brown- LIMITED STOCK Reg. 25<* Teacher Association, sponsor o( er. Mr.s. Marlin Smith, Jr., Mrs. night ut. the home of Mrs. lilts- le ceremony were the following Union Station Ihe cub puck, assisted by Mrs. Eugene Limzai’o, Mrs. Leroy sell VimlVlt. uli'ls, all members of Morgan- iMarte Fret, was 111 cliurite of VanPclt, Mrs. Adam Zenl, Mrs. Mlss Charlene Holmes was a'ville Hrownle Troop (1(1, under serving Hie cafeteria style tur­ Sylvester McCann, Mrs. Fred Friday overnlnht idlest of M r.; the leadership of Mr.s. Michael (WASHINCxT0 N,d, SPECIAL PURCHASE key dinner. Also helplim were Mnrz, Mrs. Dorothea Henrikson nnrl Mrs. Frank L. Ratcliffe and Klsslnn, with Mrs. Harry Kono- c.; Miss Mary Aim Cliekner, Miss and Mrs. Thomas Anllsell, daughter, Clerry. walow and Mrs. T. Mmxlldl, as­ ^ Conveniently located to everything, * Dorothy and Miss Jean Mr, nnd Mi'h. Michael Prlgol- A family party 111 colebnillnn sistant leaders: Gall Anderson, * KIDDIE RECORD SALE 4 lor 98c Onrrlsnn. Ahuul HO were pres­ sky have been spending the win­ of Freddie Mnrz’s ninth birth­ Clenildlne Decker, Donna IllllR, * $3.50 & $4.50 slnglo ♦ day was held nt tho home of his Hetty Ami Kalin let’/,, Judy Mat’*, R c j : . 4 9 c (Mi, ent including all cub scouts, ter In UlrmltiKliam, Ala., were * their pnrenlM und other mem- Mr, Prlgotsky had been detain­ pareiitu, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Hnrlmra Ann 1‘enksa, Francos * $6.00, $7.00 & $8,00 doubl* liers of tlielr fitmllloM, Each e d on IniNlni’SH. T h e y e x p e c t to Murz. on Hiiudny. I’re.sunt wen Hut 11 ii. li’lleen Swi'oney, llnrbui'ii deli pi (-|iiu ed ,tppnj|ii l,lte dec­ 11 ■ In ll 1 uljoul Mn,v 1. M i. ancl M rs. F n ini'khnrt, iii.vini .smith, Hetli Hutton, niiiiie EUROPEAN PLAN- -DELUXE orations and cntcrlulmucnt. Sandrn Kudrlck was uuest. of Mr. and Mr.s. Cleiirge Kckhnrt Walter, and Arlene Mendini, A * Hervlce slars were presented honor Sundny nt a imrly given and daughter, Plane, of Cliff two yi'iir pendant was awarded „ H otel It lo M a rtin M inlth, III, L u r r y I.,an- by linr imrenls, Mr, and Mrs, wood, and Mr, nnd Mrs, HJriiest to Susan Preston and oue-your ¥ /m o, Court MneArgcl, Jack Alt, netii’Kfl Kudrlck, In eelehrntloii Thom anti non, Bobby. oiicli lo Hosenmrle llni'bolll Cli rl Joseph Minimal. Gilbert or her seventh birthday. Une- Mr, and Mrs, IJnniel I’, Ilrew und LIndn Crocket', CliiontH ^PENNSYLVANIA/ Petes Inc. Anders, Hurry lirlirlksmi, Carl o r a tio n s w e r e In i i i i h I c I c i i I o i h , or, Jr. and son, llllly, ate speml- prownl were Mm. Frank Hook­ Open I'iidny Nii;hln I i) 9:00 P.M. Anllsell. Mrs. Kuiiene Limzat'o OncNlH prcucnl were ChrlHtlne lnn a vacation In Texas, Arl- er, Mm. Waller Hlng nnd chil­ nnil Mrs, Thomas Anllsell, Oth- and Iliirbiini Lytlii H'lillh, Viv­ nima anil Ncw Mtixlco. They dren, UoniHc and Uru.'illht, Mm, ej- a w a r d s w e re g iv e n to Fid- ien oweti, Mickey cirtcker, An­ expect lo lie none about Iht’ce M e tin M m , Mm, John I’enkmt, V PARKING / At Bus Stop Keyport 7-2700 w n r d M eeker, W a v n e I’niini'H dy Kudrlck, Jeiiium Heber nnd w e o k s , M i'h, 11. Pi'esloii, Mrs, Murlin ********** im?! 'T imi-TTii — — — * ilutiljy BcU t. iCimiinued bollom next column) jjin lth , Jr., nnd Mi'N, 11, Billion, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, PAGE THREE—FI RSI' SECTION Junior Women Hear ANTHRACADE DISPLAYED IN ASBURY PARK | Larry Cort, Oliver Brown and Carl | ol' Education would not approve ; Civil Defense Talk Local Bus Operations | Army Engineers I Appeal Dismissal I Jacoby were put on lhe stand lo t such a plan, (Continued from pase page otowrt-'O : (Continued from page one)01 ’Verify that the llanson-Van Win-j ^ m 11 'Igpg’ gjjgg asst i s P. T. Long, or Matawan, who is Forbidden On GSP •ijicnts for tin* shippersjcrs, tint tlie Munnina Co.. Mntawan, al thethc kit* kle * • Miuming M ium ing Co., Co., their th eir employer,; em ployer, i M l' " ‘u t/k 'r ,K,llc‘> that "S?1 ‘V “ would '?11,11! in charge of Matawan Post; Ground oil leaked oul into lhe,e bay ■iiroufihi Pines. She was in the company of contributed through the athletic!, , ‘Kcpoi-t' Iliulf Sefoo If 111.. Ail-nitir 1 Kaymond .Mason, of Keansburg,1 association and directly to the; . ’ , •> ,°o1 Observer Corps, spoke on civil de­ Prohibited ln North a break in llie hull of fense at the Feb. 22 meeting of tho , , lt , who wno is is now now her iter husband. iiusuauu. He n u also costs t-uai.i of u» the m e picnic jjiwuic and «mu sponsored;,, » i ^ i u u iu i . , , , ..JJ,,,,,, 1..1 ,J i \ ' ns,1 0 •*«.|?,c Due To Heavy Travel Duke, by the grounding. . ^ ompioyal al lh:ll tin)e Uy thc ii. The defense declined to cross-1 1 ‘ 1 ,,Kcn '"“.dc ^ “h Matawan Junior Woman’s Club, Wind Carried Slick 'Mntawan firm, ns was Mr. Sebcr. examine them. . ...I m‘ l>lllP0l>e ot hamlllng held in the Eagle Hose Co. Fire­ tuition pupils. Buses were prohibited Friday .Mr. Hawlev said a strong north*; Mrs. Mason, represented by Wil- Accident Unavoidable house, Keyport. Mr. Long stressed Mr. Wcrthwein also brought i.0 from using northern sections ot the urgent need for volunteers tu west wind apparently had carried ' J- 0 Hawaii, ol Asbury Park,, •when lhe plaintiffs case was tlie attention of tiie eominitce a give two hours a week at tlie GOC the Garden Slate Parkway for local the slick oul of Arthur Kill down : “"J1 :‘•' on llieplaintiff which s she had not chairman, and Frank L. Johnson, may require.” be featured al thc Cavalcade of J mitter of shore area dealers headed per tell you about thc good job oil disintegrates the natural pro-; on tiie slaiul to testify as to theexc-rcised. Progress, Irom Monday, -Mar. 7 j by Mr. Lawcs, Joseph Gilroy of of the MauiWi.ii Board, was named Chairman Orrie dcNooyer, of lhe ' :tive oil on their feathers, thus ; proper conditions under which a j]r Currie said yesi o p en . through Kilh at Aslniry Park Con-’ Spring Lake and Lester Weller, secretary to succeed Earl G. Rowsc, Highway Authority, said the re- posing their bodies lo lhe ic^wa-j softball game should bc played. appcai Woukl 'declare t ...... _____ vention llall, through the efforts III, of Asbury Park, who resigned after his election as .slridions were adopted after con­ rs and causing pneumonia. j This was done after the protec-1 simrain hil(, crrcd in Ilut idling . president of the Itaritan Township of Monmouth County fuel dealers, ; Heflecling a growing interest in siderable study of Parkway oper­ As for the asphalt, lhat was spill- lion al the Pines diamond, provid- , thc, „() to t|lc jun, because i Board. it was announced this week by ■ automatic hard coal units, pointed ations. The moves are aimed at cd last weekend when a tanker was ' cd by Sweepstakes, Inc., the con Donald A. Lawcs, of Shrewsbury, up by a 40 per cent increase in there was no responsibility on .Mrs.: Mr. Garrison will notify Ihe com limiting the number of heavy ve­ .pumping it to a lighter in the bay | eessionaire of the grounds, bad president of the Fuel Merchants i sales during the past four months, Mason. Mr. Currie stated lhat a | ■nitlec when he has information hicles on the northern sections near Toltenvillc last week and the been established by other wilncs- Longmans Association of New Jersey. i Ihe Anthracade was launched sev- . . • , ,, „ ,, ; . . person going to a ball game on his: ready lor the next meeting which where, thc bulk of Parkway traffic The exhibit is thc new Anthra- - oral months ago to demonstrate to lu se line breehecl Mr. Ilawley said sos. Mr. /am pcllos opinion .was , or )KM. (iwn voijtioti assumes thc i is expected to be within a month's has been found. cade, a unique fuel clinic nnd | homeowners' on the northeastern there was good iortune with this, lhal the protection wns insutfi- i liaxards involved, but a person at- i time. - that it was either blown oul lo seaieient. On cross-examination, Mr. BEAUTY COAT Trucks have been banned from equipment display on wheels, which ; seaboard the advantages of thesn tending a picnic does not expect or else sank before il was carried j LaMura had Mr. Zampello testify: the Parkway north of Ocean demonstrates dynamic new (level- j healing units, to be confronted with such dan- \ Women’s GOP Club LOW. LUSTIUvKXTKIUOU 1*A1NT out of lhe channel. However, lhe: lhat it was not unusual for a bat Counly since the scenic route was opmeiils in completely automatic I A popular center of attraction in gcrs, especially a woman, who is i information about, this tanker has i lo slip from the hands of a batter ■ Greets New Members Thc Outside I’alnl of Towurrow first opened lo traffic. home healing with hard coal. | all its appearances to dale, because nol likely lo be aware of what can | — Here Today also been turned over to the Army i in a baseball or softball game. Thc restriction against local op­ Various types of completely auto- j of its unusual features, the Anthra- happen in baseball or softball j Mrs. Georye Ritter and Mrs. Wil­ Engineers. j Richard Thorne, of Keansburg, erations north of the Raritan Uiver matic anthracite home heating j cade was secured for a display to gam es. , liam Quinn were greeted as new ItUBIIKK FOR 15LASTIC1TY Mr. Hawley estimated about 20,- j was pul on lhe stand and quali- units are mounted on the dcek of i residents of Monmouth County members of the Malawan W oman’s SILICONS FOU WATER would require a bus starting above 000 ducks were wintering in thc Tied by Mr. O’llagan, as a softball RESISTANCE this 4.r> foot long display trailer. I through the co-oporation of local Hopub]ican Club at thc meeting that point to continue on to a bay at the time thc tanker went; player of long experience, to show Aikyil For PuraUfltty ' Catwalks flanking both sides and I dealers and their organizations; the held Tuesday afternoon in thc Mag­ southern destination. Such routes aground, lie said it is believed that | lhat proper protection had not Regional Committee m u - i z n t o p r e v e n t m i l d e w ramps permit visitors tu walk up j Intcrcounty Coal Dealers Associa- nolia Inn. would enable northern New Jer­ as much as 9000 gallons of oil leak , (Continued from paE, oi.h, , 0ffic01.s f()|. lhe c()ming y c a ‘ into llie exhibit, while spectacular tion and tlie North Shore Fuel been provided. On cross-cxamina- ■ sey residents without automobiles ....For u->c on Asbestos Siding. -Ma’ animated lighting displays illus- Merchants Association together cd out from the Atlantic Duke in­ lion, Mr. U illu r a drew from Mr. Mr. GarrUui: painted out that j were installed and they arc: Mrs. lo use bus transportation for trips to the buy. s o n r y , and Wood Shingles. (rate comparative fuel costs and wilh the Fuel Merchants Associa- .Thorne the admission that his, such a move wotdd leave Keyport ; Carmen De.Vardo, president; Mrs. to the famous seashore resorts Beauty Coat's Kay. bright, en* demonstrate a revolutionary s.vs- tion of Ncw Jersey, Mr. Hawley reported lhat band-, softball had been played on base- "in a position of having a high ! Joseph Dernbcrger, vice president- chanting colors impart a richness south of ilhe Raritan. mg of ducks at the Litle Silver | ball diamonds andnot on fields school theycan’t afford to opcr-;Mrs. Dorothv [linear junior vice and distinction to your home. Makes tcm of vacuum ash removal. j Thc Anthracade exhibit also in­ it stand oul from the other houses In adopting the restrictions at Local dealers and industry en-j eludes frequent‘showings of tho banding station recently has .shown ; solely constructed foruse ill ate," or, if operated, the curricu- • nresident: Mrs George F. Sampson, in your neighborhood. its regular semi-monthly meeting, ginccrs will be oil hand at thc free j new 27-minulc sound color motion thatri duek w i I li eve no small, spot | softball. him would have to be restricted t recording secretary; Mrs. Donald A durable water resistant paint the Highway Authority emphasized Anthracade fuels clinic through-, picture “Black- Diamonds,” narrat- of„ r oil „.i slick. i.„t on its feathers is doom...... |i;itch<-lor, George Loseoe, j because of the costs. lie said he . Weir, corresponding secretary, and that because It breathes «nd that bus operations on all sections ed. slrctches allows moisture to e.s* out thc Cavalcade to offer expert-cd by Lowell Thomas, along with fosepli Soltis, Charles H o lm es, • was sure Ihe State Commissioner Mrs. George Miller, treasurer. cape from the inside but prevents of the Parkway would bo watchcd advice to visitors on any healing j continuous slide film presentations, ram from entering; in a similar closely to study their cffcct 011 mm.i'.cr lo the human skin, which problems. Literature on all phases | Show hours arc 7:30 p.m. to 11 lets perspiration pass out, yet does passenger vehicle travel. of heating will be available. weekdays and 2 to 5 p.m. Sun- not allow water to enter. “If and when our experience In charge of arrangements for I day, Mar. 13. Very easy to apply spreads with buses shows they are inter­ like soft butter. fering wilh thc safely and con­ ONLY venience of other motorists 011 llie Contest Sponsored Cub Pack 80 Has $ C . 5 0 Parkway," Commissioner dcNooyer Per Gal. said, “we will take steps immed­ iately to further control their traf­ By Chevrolet Motors .Annual Banquet LONGMAN k M ARTINEZ fic.” M akers of Quality l’a.lnts since 1832 The authorization to exclude Scouting As Family j For Sale Hy: chartered or spccial buses was R. G. Thixton, Inc., | given as a means of forestalling a Co-operating Agency j Affair Is Stressed . heavy volume of such runs at You or a member of your family I The fourth annual blue ancl gold MATAWAN peak traffic periods. Because of llie numerous historical and rec­ can win a 1055 Chevrolet and a banquet of Cub Pack 80, of Key-: BUILDERS’ SUPPLY reational attractions accessible .$1000 U.S. S avings B ond to boot port, sponsored by St. Joseph’s! from thc Parkway, a large number in a contest which started Tues­ I’arent-Teneher Association, held: Lumber • Millwork - Paints of chartered and special bus runs day, under thc sponsorship of the Thursday, Feb. 17, in Rollo Post: has been anticipated and indicated . Sioim Sash • Screens, etc. Chevrolet Motor Division and K. House, was attended by 100 parents j for this summer. G. Thixton, Inc., Malawan. and cubs. The theme, “Scouting: is a Family Alfair,’* was sirussed 138 Lower Main Street Stole Cycle Parts To enter thc Chevrolet “Mira­ j' throughout the evening. Thc R e\\: cle Mile" contest, you need merely Telephone Magistrate Seymour R. Klcln- John L. Hendricks, of St. Joseph's< till out an entry form, write in 25 bei'K. of Keyport. fined Joseph Church, offered the opening words or less why you would like Hownrd, of "Port Monmouth, $15 prayer. i MAtawan to'own a 1955 Chevrolet and de­ a n d $5 c o s ts F e b . 23 f o r th e f t of Cubmaster E. J. Skidmore in*' posit the entry in the mailbox pro­ parts from a motorcycle be­ trodueed Harold Simmons nnd J. P.' vided at It. G. T h ix to n , Inc, O thers longing to Harvey S. Bedle, III, McMullen, assistant cub ina.sters;: of driving age in the family also 1 - 2 5 3 5 of Broadway, Keyport. Borough Henry DuBois, treasurer, and VVil*j may enter by preparing the ma­ police wore complainants. liatn Critic, pack committeeman;; terial on plain paper ai)d allaching Mrs. Crine, Mrs. McMullen, Mrs.! them lo the official form, I!. (!. Uobert Preston, Mrs. CJeorgo' Thixton said. Entry Tornis may Roman, Mrs. Simmons nnd Mrs.j be obtained at the dealership, Mr. Skidmore, den mothers. j Thixton staled. Short speeches were made by; There’s a bonus of a $1000 bond GAY NINETIES the Kev. Father Hendricks who] (FORMERLY BORBELY'S) _ for every winner who lakes a praised the parent eo-openition;j 267 First Street South Amboy demonstration ride in a now Chev­ James Flynn, district commissioner, 1 rolet at the time he turns in the who commended the pack on its' NEW MCHHMETTE entry form. Besides writing l'rank- PRESENTING FOR YOUH LISTENING PLEASURE outstanding conservation program j Chevrolet each contestant mustj/„r ihe yew,"and’Prank Fleming,: EVERY WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY answer four elementary qitcs- nei^hbDrhoocl commissioner, who' tiotis about the ear’s mechanical I stressed the need for additional 1 FR ID AY, 9 A.M. features, answers for which may adult help lo bring scouting to TOMORROW, ADELE BROOKS he found in the eonlest booklet, greater numbers of bins. Mr.s. A. "THE SWEETHEART OF THE KEYS" Mr. Thixton added. Entries are be- Luichinger, pre president‘of SI. Jos- _ M©ST UP-TO-DATE IN KEYPORT Vocalist and Pianist ing judged nationally oil Ihe basis eph’s P-TA, also was presented. of sincerity and originality rather Highlight of the evening was the, Delicious Italian-Style Tomato Pics — Hot Saugago Sandwichcs than writing excellence, grammar presentation of awards. Boh cat; SERVED HERE. and vocabulary. | pins were given oul hy Council T he contest ends May 9 and is Representative Vince Maslyn to “ I 3 3 COMFORTABLE SEATS divided into six contest periods. Robert Heuser, IS. Jastrab, li. J. In each contest period, tti new Piazza and Wayne Smith; wolt Chevrolet Bel Air sedans and a badge, to Stephen Malcolm, one ® Al! Food Prepared Before Your sports model will be awarded win gold and two silver arrows, Marty1 ners, for a total '.if IU2 cars nation-! liauma.i, George Homan, John, ally. Each winner who has taken • Somalia, Michael Skidmore; bear Eyes for Your Approval a “Miracle Mile " ride will lie | badge, lo Christian Ziegler, and given a $10110 bond. ! Gerard Tracy; gold arrow and It a winner has purchased a j lion badge, to James McVey. Pre-. • All Electric Equipment Assures new Chevrolet during the contest, jsentatinu ol den chief awards was he will be presented with lhe lull made by Charles Vreelaud, scout-, Best of Cooking retail price of a I!)fi5 Chevrolet master ol Troop 110, to Thomas. Dell Air sedan in cash and a SlOOl) t rine. Vincent llalleran and George bond as well, if he has taken ;< MciMiill.-in. demonstration ride, Mr. Thixton ' The program concluded wilh an NEWBERRY’S for GOOD FOOD averred. entertainment which included a. piano solo hy Nicholas Calicudo; Stephen Malcolm, vocal rendition; Suits Filed Against Philip DellnPicIro, trumpet solo; Highway Authority I’liilp Ut-1 l:i Piet io, trum pet solo. , ,,loan Dtilioiw, Virginia Luichinger Two Cliffwood residents hnvn,„m| „.|y K(.hcr,. ;„id lapi HEAT YOUR HOME - tiled suits against the New Jei i(|:i|K.,, numbers. The den chiefs! s e y H ig h w a y A u th o r ity s e ek in g :t,loMM| Mh, |,.mf|ll(,| u .||h Hag Without Lifting a Finger $5000 e a c h for a lle g e d d a m a g e s ; , „ m .. i to thclr properties caused hy • '...... 1 ■ ■ jiTAlVJ*A*!*.1.** A DclcO'Hcnt Oil Uurncr doe* i\LI tho work, You can forgot Iho dirty trniiaiioi'Ullon of authority e jobs of band lirlnq your old lurnncc, removing aahos/ welching drafts. quipmcnt over Malawan ltd. $5,000 Acccptcd You can forget SET-SAW heating . . . because n Dolco-Hoat Burner The suits were filed on behalf As Settlement GOLDEN BROVim will dollver sloadv wormih nil through vour house. of Jnmes J. Mcflrulli. 5 Mala P e t e r \V. Ziino, of N ew lliu n s- Colt Kevoorl 7-SI04 today. A Stull* reorosetttative will bo on your wnti lid,, uiul Krank Manning, doorstoo in a tiffy with tho fj o tlio ’ne',' MM a iiulmincn," “•in Heii.lliinln HlelllberiJ, of ...... f-Miith II Ivor, u n d J o h n A. Yntt can bi7v I.H'l'miMe liomlii liViieh, Perth Atnlioy, wan dotnt- Ly llll' 1'ii.vroll D eililctloti t.'llill..»><’! I'111' M '' 'l'" b '" J / PAGE FOUR—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES IH E MATAWAN JOURNAL YOUR * Matawan To\vnshb\ Mntaivan Borough corner of P. ,:5. Mcnux. lhonet> northerly : On Thursday. ATareh 10th, 1055. the CO along a line drawn across Lake Lef- wan Hoad; thence (7) along the said B road Street 25 Joel lo the Jim*. registration books'will be closed until: ferts from Prospect Point in a north* center line of Matawan Rond in a Established 1869 Tel. Kc.vport 7-3030 Seeing is Relieving of the lot above mentioned: Ihence a* - mo i'orihcuming Prim ary Klee-; J. Mabel Brown, Publisher loti!- the -aid line emierlv tn the front ! lion to he held on Tuesday. April lUth. ! easterly direction to Ravine Drive; northerly direction to the point whore thence (4) along a line drawn across the said center line of Matawan Road Published Every Thursday of the house: thence Ihrouyh the cen-; 11)55. j £).iv written re-, Street; thence 15) along a line parallel Polling place. Building owned by W h a t and also corner to the first above men- . quest forwarded to thc Borough Clerk i with Matawan Hoad to thc gulley which William Crine, on Ravine Dr., near J. Mabel Brown...... Editor SPENPS $ 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 , , OOO. rims along Aberdeen Hoad; thence Rosehill Ceineterv. Gorhldine V. Erown...... Associate Editor IT A L IA N inned lot; thence southerly aloir* smtl ; Board or bv calling in person a l ! by Charles H. Connors A YEAR ON PLEASURE Brown's other land 25 feel lo the line, tho office of the Borough Clerk or • i'6 > along a line down the center ei J. FRANKLIN DOMINICK, said gulley lo a point where same in* Borough Clerk. ■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (1475-1564) T R A V E L IN F O R E IG N >f Manlz’s lot; thence westerly Countv Hoard of Elections up lo and ' Rutgers University ! his line 100 feet to the place of BE- ; including March 10th. IH55. i lersects with the center line of Mato* : > *01.112______l “ Payable in Advance P A IN T E D COUNTRIES.. One Year (within Stale) ...... , $3,5U • I 'JIKNING. be the contents more nr • N„ |i(.L, ,s herehv given that the Dis- j blx Months ...... 2 .no We are approaching tho time! T H E •s- j.tricl 13;nird.s of Election and Registry ; Three Months ...... 1 25 C E IL IN G Thc above* description is modernized • m and for the Borough of Matawan. One Year (outside state) ...... 4.00 when wc can be more actively en-! in accordance with a survey made by ; County of Monmouth. State of Newt One Year (outside U. S.) ...... C.OO OF T H E Ka>l F. Houser, dated February, 1!)d0. j jersey, will meet al tiie places herein- 1 Six Months (nutufde U. S.) ...... fl.25 gHAJwi in garden operations and it S/STINE BEGINNING* al the most southerly; alter ’ designated on Six Months {oulslde U. S.) ...... 3.25 •orner formed bv the intersection j TUESDAY, A I’ll 11. tilth, 11*55 CLASSIFIED ADS is not loo early to start to tfet C h a p e l Broad and Center Streets; thence (li I betweenthe hours of seven a.m. and Executors and administrators of ,iv •Southeasterly along the southwesterly t-iyhlp.m. (Eastern StandardTimet ites have the right to select tho 11 - • W H I L E ...BUTONLy edge of Center Street 100 feet; thence for ...... the purpose uf -conductingf •> u pri LYING O N *300,000,000. ON ’2) Southwesterly parallel with Broad mary election for the nomination of HELP WANTED FOR RENT SSSS?Pprtnlgt|.'Vh,K < he-\iw r teth™ i! I'r0bab,y 1,11 "in!t,n S0i,S in 11,0 ! ilreet, 50 feet; thence Cl) Northwest* candidates for exercised the Knrrotf*ite win, niake the I[slate will give moresatisfactory! H IS B A C K EYE-CARE... 'rly parallel with Center Street inn 1 State Senator NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS I FURNISHED room, suitable for one or selection and the notice will probably A N P F O U N P feel to the southeasterly edge of Broad 2 Members of the General Assembly The Matawan Journal does not know* two people. Near business center, a p p some newspaper thnt you yields il' organic mailer is added,! Street; thence 14) Northeasterly along 1 Freeholder ngly accept Help Wnnted advertise- jCr.ll Mntawjm l*atMC*U. . J1 0 * would not have selected, friends of mainly tn improve the physical con­ IT H A R D .ho same 5(1 feet to the place ol BE. Tiie election of one male and one inenty from firms covered by the fed­ The Journal having business wilh the TINNING . female member of the Hepublican dition. This has evident dur­ TO L O O K eral Wage and Hour Law if they offer [TWO furnished rooms, near bus line. rurrogate's ofVice will do well to bear boon Seized as the property of Arthur J. County Executive Committee for each less than the legal minimum wage. < private entrance. Inquire 11) Allan* this in mind. ing tiie past two dry “rowing sea­ POWN FOREVER AFTER ? Waltz Jr. et al;;. taken n execution district. Firms engaged In interstate commerce tie SL. or call Keyport 7-2890-J. ’ j:i at the suit of nartoii Savings and The election of one nude and one or ln the production of poods tor com* Responsibility for typographical sons. Hardens that were stipplifjl female member of the Democratic •nerce must now pay at least 15 cents errors Is limited lo the cost of the S E E /VAM E Loan Association, a New Jersey Cor* ! HOUSE, C rooms. 2 baths,- steam boat: wtili organic matter came tlinnii'li portion and to be sold bv Comity Executive Committee for each in hour nnd lime nnd .one-half for i also l ‘a room cottage, gus and elec* Bpnce occupied by such error. M V E R T E P H ERE j. district. overtime under the federal Wuee and much heller. IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff. i trie. Inquire in person Joseph Sten* Dated Jan. 31. iuSii At said primary election nominations l-Iour Law. Job-seekers offered lesH b.v • yur, Houte 34, Mota’.von, 1 mile south ' Entered as second-class matter nl the shall also bo made for the following host office at Matawnn, N. J„ under the* Soil in new real estate develop­ o n a o N V 1 3 h o i w TINTED GLASS NATHAN H. BERGER. Ally, covered linns should notify tho W'.gf of Uaht. on lefi, mornings to 1 pin., i.'t $:iil.24 municipal officers; ind Hour Division, U. S. Department ; evenings after 4. r act of March 3, 1 ments is nearly always in poor REPUCES PR/VERS' 1 -Mayor ol L.ihor. at 31 Clinton St,, Newark. physical condition because of the VISUAL ACUITY AT NOTICE OF SETT l.ElYIENT 2 Counoilmen for the lull terms Vow Jersey, phone Mitchell 2-2392 {FURNISHED room, suitable for one or THURSDAY, MARCH 3. 11155 o r ACCOUNT Nulieu is hereby given that qualified I two people, near business center. Call churning and packing it receives NIGHT... colors ttf the Rorotpjh of Matawan not MALI? an/i female plant workers. Can (Matawan 1-2O40-H, jn* ESTATE OF PASQUALF. ESPOSITO already registered in said Borough un­ lrom the use of soil-moving (also known as Patsy h'spositoi, de­ also use one young m an with hith W IT H O U T ANY GLASS.. 20 /20 der the laws of New Jersey govern­ school education. Stead' 1 work, good APAHTMENT, 2 rooms and bath, ull ceased. . ing permanent registration, may reg­ Proclamation equipment. Also, it is probably Notice is hereby ^iven t’tinv the Uf- wapes and welfare benefits. Apolv Ar­ utilities furnished. Business couple. ister with the Borough Clerk, or notify chitectural Tiling Co., Cass and Jack­ Call Matawan 1-21!)1*W \vj24 acid, so have it tested. However, THROUGH PINK „ . „ :-mints of the subscriber. Executrix of said clerk of change of residence, at WHER.AS,. The American Na­ 2 Q / 4 0 ihe estate of said Deceased, will be son Sts.. Keypurt. wJ3 you can safely apply 3 to 4 pounds SPECTACLES the clerk’s • office, Borough Hall. 1J1{] APAHTMENT. three morns, modern, uicljtud imd sinlotl !»■ Ilic Suitok.hl> i Maln st! ' Malawlm. tUirfnj; hus'inex, tional Red Cross in its coming' EXECUTIVE Secretary for plant of­ just completed: Heat, private en­ of pulverized limestone to 100 THROUGH GREEN „ , >1 the Comity of MoniiiuUth ami re- | jlnlll.s „r ,h, lhu Commissioner of fice. mature all around experience*, trance and porch, garden npaco. In­ cnmpnlgn fflr members nnd square feet, using t h e larger WINDSHIELD... .2 0 / 4 6 n“ S C o U r S f ' PrllMilo"uivV?"m ' .«W*strntion in Freehold, .at any time pfjrfect English correspondence, car. quire Apgar, Kieehold-Matawan Road, j between Wednesday. Auril UOtli. 1053, $75 for 44 hours. Write Dox B, care of Marlboro or call Freehold 5 -4 0 0 H, \vj3 amount if the soil is on thc heavy funds is seeking public support THROUGH PINK ' rln?is'V'w 1 and Thursday. September 2!Uh. 1055. this newspaper. ' wjlO side. A.D.. 1H55, al 10 o clock n.m., at uliich , iviu»-s hours APAHTMENT, /our rooms, completely for its humanitarian services nt SPECTACLES AND „ , ime application will bo mndt? for the! Notice ‘of' i-hange 'of residence or THE PATTERN OF renovated. Rot and cold running homo and abroad: nnd One of the best sources of or­ GREEN WINDSHIELD. 2 .0 /& 0 .illnunnce of commissions .md counsel i anplication fo<* transfer of registration water, heal furnished. Call MAlawnn Y O U R RETINA ‘LV»■. i i ,w.n « it ,.,-r ; shall be made cither by written request FEMALE OPERATORS 1*1885, Wj3 WHKREAS, The men nnd wom­ ganic matter for the garden is well Bat»*d l‘ebruat\ {i1* 1,);>.». forwarded to the Bonnuzh Clerk or Experienced and Learners REMAINS THE DRSIHKE ESPOSITO, en now in thc armed forces, nnd rotted horse or cow manure. This Board or by calling in person al the STORAGE space, adjacent to West S A M E T H R O U G H O U T Kings JftgJut’.'iy, office of the Borough Clerk or County Front St.. Borough Parking Lot. One veterans and their families, ur­ valuable material is not easy (o ob­ Brooklyn, New York. N. Hoard of Elections up to and including Wanted on all type flight up. Call Keyport 7-1535 or Key LIFE UNLESS ' Executrix. gently require the services of tain in residential districts, except September 2Hth. l!)f>fi. Sewing Machines on Children'i • port 7-0152. w.1lf AFFECTED BY EVE BENJAMIN KLBINBEBG. ESQ.. On Thursday, September 20th. 1035, at great expense for small lots. Underwear tho Red Cross: and OR BODILY DISEASE, Attorney al Law, the registration bonks will be closed Steudy Employment LARGE furnished room In Kevport. '! Washington Street. However, a group of interested SAYS THE BETTER until after the forthcoming General Vacation wilh pay. near business section and station; WHEREAS, Added thousands South Hlver. New Jersey. Election on Tuesday, November 8 th. gardeners in a neighborhood eould . Men I working conditions. suitable for working couple or single of. A m e r i c a n s m u n i b e tr a in e d VISION INSTITUTE. ilM $10.02 i*. vsrv. MATAWAN UNDERGARMENT CO. person. Write Box E in uare ot this buy a large load and divide il Notice is hereby given that District 0 Johnson Ave., Opp. Mat. R. R. Sta. newspaper. wjtf in Red Cross first aid, home nrcoiSTKV a v u e l e c t io n Boards of Election and Registry in Tel. MAtawan 1-1671 nursing and ns nurse’s nides to among themselves. This would NOTICK and for tho Borough of Matawan. KEYPORT, furnished apartment. New* TOWNKIIU* OF MAIAWA.V County of Monmouth, State of New ly decorate(\ new furniture, new u* meet, family and national em er­ mean moving it, but perhaps the trnte tiftfeed to await his clta-(T)K' mayor roporlcd Mr. Rynicwicst Nolice is hereby given that qualified . Jersey, wili meet at the places here- FOR factory office, assistant to m an­ tiflt.v kitchen. Venetian blinds. Call gencies; and delivery could be ut two or three voters of The Township of Matawan, i inafter designated fin ager, experience in office adminis­ Harry May, jr., Matawan 1 <>2(140. wjtf places nearby, thus reducing the tions. . ; was doing a fine* job. Thc mayor ijot nlreudy registered in said Town- i TiMiSDAV, N<»VKMHtMl 8lh. 1SJ.W tration, correspondence. Must have WHEREAS, The Red Cross, ship under the laws of New Jorsev \ between the hours of 7 a.m. and H p.m. personality nnd exnerience lo he train­ j BUNGALOW. 4 large rooms; near labor of wheeling it. . Ty Cobb, of Wickntunk, who * noted that the observation tower through >ts courses In water governing permanent registration may I for the purpose of eonductinK the gen- ed for responsible position. Good op­ Hoitie35. all improvements. Willlnm claimed to have no knowledge !-^r spoilers al Marlboro roi/iwler or 1 ransler wilh the Tnwn- \ ernl election for tlu* election of portunity with growing company. McGovern, Keyport 7-M4QD-n. \yj3 * safety, nnd learn-to-swim pro­ Form your club and then make a ship Clerk, or notify said clerk of j 1 Stale Senator of being named for baseball’s ; Fii't’hntise, which was inactive for Wrile Box B care of this newepaper. gram ln Monmoulh County, sav­ survey of the neighborhood within hantfe of residence at the clerk's of­ 2 Members of the General Ass-Mnbl wjtf greatest batsman, was cleared;a lonjf lime because the township fice, 21 Sixth St.. in the Township of 1 Freeholder LOST es many lives every year: and a radius of 10 to 15 m iles. You m ay of careless driving. Involving j was without a civil defense direc* Matawan, during business hours, or 1 Mayor WHEREAS. Tiie Red Cross and he able to locate a dairy or a rid­ by appointment, or direel to the Cum- 1- Councihncii for the full terms SEVERAL coats from Legion Hall, Ma* running his traiiei*-truck into one j tor for years, w;is manned for misyhmer of Hejjistration in Kreeb/dd The se.s.sion.s of the registry board NEED ADDITIONAL Iowan, Saturday February 10th; Cliff- Its 1,650,000 volunteers give as­ ing stable or dude ranch that hns On Thursday. March Kith. 1 f>55. th e ; will be held al the following polling of the poles being erected fori active duty, Mr. Kyniuwicz listed wood Angels Field Dunce. Any one sistance to those who need help been able to preserve this waste registration books will be closed until 1 places: INCOME in possession of coats please contact Garden State Parkw ay lighting (the numerous officers and amounts after Ihe forthcoming Primary F-'.ec- : F«'*ST F.LKCTK)N DISTRICT In their local communities; material. The manure should have Dan Downey. Malawnn l*2354*W, after tion to be held on Tuesday. Api'll tilth, i All that part of the Borough of Mat- We are looking for u man lo repre­ 0 p.m. wj;i been allowed to rot a bout one at the Keyport Interchange. Mr. {of equipment of the township CD 15*55. I awan, P.EC1NNING at a point where sent us al the Keyporl and Woodbridjje THEREFORE, I. Spafford W. Notice of chnngc of residence! or af»- j the ccutcr line of Main .Street inter* Auctions one evening each week. Sui- year. ’Cobb testifed that on Peb. 27, j unit and offered lo read copious BOXER, female, /awn colored. nn> ! Schanck,. Mayor of Matnwan, plication for transfer of registration i sects llie boundary line of ihe Town* arv plus bonus for go-getler. Ask for swors to natne "Bnmbi." Reward. a rainy day, he could not stop ; minutes to shew the activities of shall bo made either bv written • re-! ship of Matawan, thence ll) along llie by virtue of the authority vest­ Application should be at thc rale Mr. Horry Call Matawan 1-1U32. jii his heavy vehicle when seeking-the group but Mayor Buckley felt quest forwarded lo Ihe Township Clerk ! .said center line of Main Street in a ed In me, do hereby proclaim of about one ton to 4,000 square or the County Hoard of Elections on i .southerly direction to the* bridge on ARISTOCRAT OF MONMOUTH to avoid hitting a pick-up truck:their existence .showed the unit the month or March as Rea feet every year. If the manure .is forms provided by said Township Clerk ; Main Street, south of South Strcpt: :ir> Broad. St., SERVICE ahead. The pick-lip truck wns was active or Board or hv callin'* in person at ; thence (2 ) along a line drawn down Keyport Cross Month nnd now urge all loose, one Ion is about 3 cubic the office of the Township* Clerk or } tiie center of the gulley crossed bv the Tel. KEyporl 7-2874 forced to stop quickly because citizens to “Answer The Call. yards; if packed, one ton is about The committee queried Mr. Von County Board of Elections up to and j said bridge lo Lake* Leffcrts; thence wj3 PLUMBING & HEATING of belns cut ofr by a third veh­ Including March 10th, 1H55 | in a northerly direction along the Join and Serve" through een- 1.5 cubic yards, if loose, the ap­ Ilodcek about getting 33 feet ol Notice Is herehv given that the Di{;- - casterlv edge of Lake I.effcrts to Pros- MAN for Charcoal Stand, 0 day week. Oil Burners, Stokers, Gas Burners. . icle. T h e d r iv e r on R o u te 30 shift work. Apply nfter 4 p.m.. at N. A. NlIiSEN it SONS erous contributions made plication will be at tile rate of 2 properly on his lands for Brown’s irtel Boards of Election and Registry ; pect Point; Ihcncc (4) along a line 230 BORDENTOWN AVE,, who caused all the trouble at In and for the Township of Matawan, drawn across Lake Lefferls from Prof* Hollo Charcoal Stand. wjrj through your local Monmouth Lane, lie said he had made the County of Momnouth. State of Newjpcot Point tn a northeasterly direction SOUTH AMBOY. N. J. bushels or one load of a No. 3 SOUTH AMBOY J.0521 the Interchange got away be­ offer two y ears ago and would re. Jersey, will meet at the places herein- : to Ravine Drive; thence (51 a'ong a JANITOR, pari time evening work. County Chapter. wheelbarrow or six 12 quart pails Reference required, Apply George fore anyone could get his li­ after designated on i line drawn across the gulley to the left A1TENTION. New comer in town, old Spafford W. Schanck. to 100 square feet. This should be peat il but wanted it understood TUESDAY, APRIL hlth. l!».r>.'i : of Highland Avenue lo a point at the S. Barren & Son, inc.. Matawan. Tel. cense number under the_ murky !i'herc "was to be no expense between ihe hours of seven a.m. and- end of Liberty Street; thence (Ci along MA 1.3100,______\yjl0 tliv**r in bu-slnuss. Take udvantage Mayor of Matnwan spread evenly and dug under so it in- of off senson prices. Over 21 years conditions which prevailed, ac-! Volvcd for hi eight p.m.. (Eastern Standard Time) f a line parallel with Matawan Road lo is well mixed in the top 8 to 12 tn. for Ihe purpose of conducting a pri-i the< gulley. which runs along Aberdeen experience in uaper hanging and pnlnt. cording to Mr. Cobb. Missing! ... . , . , . , . s m j A T io r T w a n t e d Ing; also plaster repairs. Carry |f)95 mary election for the nomination of j Road; thence (?) along a line down '•■•nil onpe^ sample books. Wall paper inches of soil. the pick-up truck, he hit the ! !c wnntetl to knn'v " >°u‘ elmii- candidates for • j the center uf Ihis gullev to a point hnnglnM hy rull n specially. Call E. pole, the defendnnt declared. 'naling a curve on Route 70 one­ 1 Stale Senator ‘ where same intersects wilh the center MOTHER will care for chiidren" o? Members of the Oemr:il Assembly , line of Matawan Hond; thence (R) a* working parents by ihe hour or 5 If. Bio-ton. Maple Drive, Hazlet, Kev* ! quarter mile north ol Marlboro 2 port 7*2015-J. wjlO* Sgt. Willtnm Geiger, of Key­ 1 Freeholder j ionfT tin* said center line of Matawan day. week. Good care, nourishing Looking Backward Village. He called it dtmgerous The election of one male and one Road in a northerly direction to ihe meals. Call Matawan M637. wJ24 Madison Board port Police, related Mr. Cobb! female member of the Republican , point where said (renter line of Mata- TELEVISION ’ ITEMS ABOUT FOLKS AND and cited it as the site of a recent County Executive Committee fur each, : wan Rond Intersects the boundary line WILL wash and iron all types of cur­ (Continued from poge one) had admitted going 35 miles per tains, also stretch curtains In my own T H IN G S W E K N EW IW ; fatal accident. Ho was told the district t of the Township of Matawan; thence RADIO SERVICE per year in trunsportation could hour. The court felt this a bit Thc election of n n r male and one Mf>) ;iiong 11k* s;jjd bmiml/iiy line of home. Prompt service. Call Matawan ; c o m m ittee m e n “ had been all 1-4551 wjtf 25 years in business in Matawan and THE LONG AGO fast for a heavy vehicle on a female member of the Democratic ■ the Township of Matawan to Ihe p'»lnl Keyport area. All work and porti in.' saved by building a ClilTwood I thro u g h th a t” before and lie should County Executive Committee tor each 1 or place of Beginning, rainy surfnee, but enve Mr. MIDDLE aged white woman seeks guaranteed. Tubes tested free at slord Heaeh School, which would mean district { Pulling place. Hook & Ladder Firc- Store nuurs 11:30 a.m. to G p.m., Frt ; he aware of the fact, lie was ad­ At thl* said primary election noinin-[ house, in back of Rurougli Hall, housekeeper position, live in, $25 Twenty Venn; Abo it would pay for itself in a given Cobb the nllownnce of trying to weekly starting .salary. Inquire-Duffy, j days until 9 p.m. You are liability j vised lo go to Trenton if lie wanted atious iJihall aiso be made for the lul- i SECOND ELECTION DISTRICT and nropeiiy insured when you eal term of years. nvold collision forced on him by lowlne municipal officers: j All U»;it v n rl nt the Bnroimh of Mat- in care of Lelsch, 441 Shore Con* (Is s u e F r i d a y , F e b . 8, 10351 | anything done as il was- a state course, Keyport. wjlO* Ten Eyck Konson, Inc. 28'J Upper Ma<*< the net of nnother. 1 Towns-hip Committeeman for th e ! awan. BEGINNING al a point where St.. Matnwan. Call Matawan 1>1C03. W nler at the Cliffwood School Mr. ISorst nlso reported that lie | highway and thc State Highway 13e full term i the center line of Main Street inter­ WILL care for children for working i Notice is herehv riven that ouallfied ; seels llie center line of Church Street; TELEVISION AND RADIO SEIIVIC'E wns reported pure at a meeting was limlint! people in Brunswick parlment had been unresponsive voters (if the Township of Matawan ; thence (ll in an easterly direction along mothers. Good references, reason-1 able rotes. Inquire Mrs. G. Burns, Repairs on all makes. Pjekup and de* of thc Board of Education held j (;anle»s were asking why there to the committee’s suggestions in :iot already retdsrtcrcd ui ‘aid Town- j the center line of Church Street to a livery service. Call Village Television ship under the laws of New Jersey ] point where said center line of Church KWH Cliffwood Drive. Cliffwood Beach. ln the high school last night. | should not be an addition to theii School Crossings I the m utter. Tel. M aiRwnn 1«;USI0»R. ______j 3 & ApjiJJancG Co.. 20 E. Fronl Si.. Key*- uoverning permanent registration may ! Street intersects the boundary line of port Keyporl 7r Main Street; thence (4) along MATAWAN. lots 20. 27.115 x 1(15. All RUSSELL’S RADIO & TV Funeral Home, Red Bank, last j S!)22,500 layout. Notice (if change of residence or ap -! said center line of Main Street in a improvements. reasonable. Write Could Not Desert Post it would take S2.000 to widen and plication for transtor of registration ; southerly direction to Ihe point or place Box D. care of this newspaper. J3* week received official notice j SALES & SERVICE Tests Soutliwooil Tract The mayor was told the crossing surface the luill-mile stretch of ■dml! bp made either bv written re- j of Beginning. Now located at new Blore Campbell's :||ichI forwarded to the Township Clerk | Polling place, Washington Engine from the Jersey City office of MichacI Slants reported lie had officer eould not desert his post road. For that reason, the matter USEDCARS ] Junction. Belford. For prompt reli* »r the Countv Board of Election on j Company Fire House* on Little Street, able service anywhere call Keansburg the Stnte Board of Embnlmors made tests in the Soutlnvood trad forms provided bv said Township! THIRD ELECTION DISTRICT to chase an autoist imd give him a was referred to the township attor- CHEVROLET, lf»40. good condition, one , G<2:W0. Store hours ti a.m. lo 6 p.m. nnd Funeral Directors that he donated for school purposes and Clerk, or Board or b>- callitn? in person j All llmt part (if the Borough of Mat- ticket. It was noted that if it ney and township engineer for al the Office of thc Township Clerk or; awan. BEGINNING al a point where (xyncr. ^ail MAtaivan l anci ! Ihe center line of Main Street inter- i and repaired. Finest craftsmanship, including Scotember 2!ith. I!i55. | sects the center line of Church Streel, BEAUTIFUL 1»54 Nash. 4 nnd funeral director. above the water tabic. JamM age could not exercise, police purchasers in every community UWfi ter of said gulley to Lake Lefferls; Notice is Hereby given that District I tennnce of your grounds our spec* WJth the giant Mike Gregel- White cautioned thnt there was thence Cl) in a southerly direction a* alty; top soil, manure, fertilizer, Umt. authority. Township Clerk Floyd in the bayshore are.a. Boards of Election and Registry In long the easterly edj’*’ of Lake Lef- FOR SALE wicli selling the pace, Mntnwnn strong sentiment in the easterly and for the Township of Matawan. L. Lucas. Slone Kd. Tel. Keyport Wyckolf pointed oul Freehold does , ------forts to the center line of Stale High­ NATIONAL cash register. $40; radiant M41ft wjlf High School senior five plnyed C ounty of Monmouth. Slate of New way .‘M; thence (4 ) along the said cen­ part of thc township for re-opcnin-g not delegate authority to crossing! “Furnished Apnrtment" signs Jersey; will meet at Ihe places here­ ter line ol Slate Highway ;u in a west­ p. a* heater. SIO; pipe threader,*^" brilliantly to win a stubbornly- to \", SIO. Call Keansburg C-1004. wj:i and adding to the Morristown watchmen. I rr sale at lhls office. inafter designated on / erly direction to a point where Ihe fouslit buttle over the HiRhls- School. TUESDAY, NOV I'M lil-'H 8 th. l!>.r>.> said center line of Stale Highway K4 NOW IS THE TIME between the hours of 7 a.m. and (1 intersects the boundary line of thc MAGIC Chef gas range, good condi­ Mayor Bticklc.v retorted Free, j tion. Call Kevport 7*041*0 nfler fl p.- town quintet last Friday night Mr. Thompson warned this lype LEGAL NOTICES p.m. for the purpose of conducting the : Township of Madison: thence fT>) along To have your car checked for State hold lias 13 'regular police on duly! _ general election for the election of l the .'’-aid Im undury line of the Township ni. wjJ on the Mntawan court to the of thinking would do no .good, Ihal Inspection. LiKhls and brakes nrl* and is a thickly settled mimic., ' ' notice 1 State Senator I of Madison lo a point where said line POWER lawn mowur, 24"; lawn roll* justed. Alignment and Ilnlancc tu n e oT 28-20. people would vote by sections and 2 Member, of the Cleneral Assembly ! interprets Hie center line or New flrun 'kr; lools; rakes; shovels; assorted lad­ 1 Specinbsl. ipality. so the traffic c o n tro l' t a k e n o t i c k that appiii'nilun hns 1 Frrcholde .vick Avomie; thence (t5) in a nmtherl; The recent zero weather took against any plan where one section * . ,.rf . j. . .. been made to lne Township Commit* ders; new automatic washing miichinc; problem IS different from in l!u*ttoc of tho Township of Matawan li) 1 Township Committeeman for the direction along the easterly edge of dinin" room suite, nnd olhcr nrticles. A A R SHOP. INC. heavy toll of the IMS peach gained more school rooms than run term Lake Leflerts to the cullcy Ihat runs Call Matawnn l-:i!H2-W. wj:i Route :u near Huttonwood tow nship w here m otorists a rc transfer to Ufili.moml Liquor* * Gro- The sessions of • . registry board in back of Locust Plncc: thence f?) crop in this vicinity. While the theirs. lie felt the thing to do was .. . . • i : ceries Inc., A l.urporntion of the Male Matawan 1-25511 speedinjl along on an Open hiyil* ; ol New Jerscv. for premises located will be held al the following polling along a line drawn down Ihe center of BOXER puppicH. male nnd female, wJ3«3t farmers estimate 50 per cent of to put all classes on full time places: said guliev to a point where thc ccnlcr Call Keyporl 7-141Q-M, ^ wj.'P way with little nr no police check j^ h .ir N ^ 'T r ir 'ih c Mp“K ? FIRST ELECTION DISTRICT line of Schcnek Avenue intcrsccls the their peach buds have been kill­ throughout the township up to a center line of Main Street; thence (8 ) on them d uring th e (lay. I Uotali Distribution License No. \Xi The Ftrst District comprises Onl; GET him un Easier puppy. Cocker HOUSES FOR SALE ed by tho cold, they are hopeful certain grade. Shades, Kane Terrace, Atlanlic Ave­ along the center line of Main. Street In Sunniels. \’cry reasonable, good se­ Committeeman Leroy Vanl-elt; a northerly direction to a point where the dnmage will not be ns ser­ nue, Valiev Drive, Church St.. Llnvd lection, males and females, blondes THE New Florida Hnrricane Hornes. This diversity of ideas led lo the felt llie problem niisllt be eon- I Market Tor premises loenterl lit 112 Lmv Hond. Line Hoad and New Brunswick thc >iiid center line of Main Street and blacks. AKC registered. Call MAta* * complete $7500, See model, KEvporl ious ns il was last, winter. Gardens, intersects- the center line of State High­ wan i-4*in;i-J-l, wjll 1-k*S25. "■ ' wjlf suggestion lrom Mr. Copeland of corned wilh the hours that the reg- 1y;.uMi'l! ^ ln '1'1' way :i-l; thence (!)) along the said cen­ There were many skaters on Polling place, Township Ball, ‘IS getting public opinion to .guide the Atlantic Avenue. ter line ol Stnte Highway ;i4 in an HOT water heater, 2 0 gallon, reason* iBUILDINGS to move,delivered to your special officers Work. lit; I 1 The' names anil resiliences nl nil nr- easterly dlreclion to a paint where said Lake C,erfert.s over the week­ boartl. •SECOND EI.KCTION DISTRICT able Cidt MAtawan t-l»nfi. wilt iproperly. Ch*np. All ImprovementR. noted llicy were only available !Sj^|'\r|!n^s "r s:"‘' l',,r>’"ra' The Second District comprises the center line of State Highway H4 in - ...... * ------j Mo price over phnnft. Ifighway '1.1, e n d . leiserts the roadbed of ihe Central niter their period of employment; naval ,v Kattieii.' in Academy Ter- northwesterly side ol Matawan Creek BOXES, 2 fi:t" long, ll" sqtiare, with 1 Manalnpan. Phnne Engllshtown ^*3521. . Keyport, Matawnn anti Mid­ to the boundary line of Mlddlesev Railroad of New Jersey; Ihence (Un covers; 5-H" spruce; upproxlmntHy j Mailing address, Harry N. Forman. during the day In private industry, i 1iri"uVi>iii N‘" jL'ls'fV' A Dlri'''1'”' County, thence almia Mlddles«>\ Coun­ along said roadbed lo a point where 75 sfjuare It ; 52.50each al premises. I Box 107, Freehold. w]t# dletown Township Iliuh Schools ty line to Whale Creek, thence alone said roadbed intersects the center line Will help load. Call Mr. Johnson, i ------■Violated A Law, a n d w ere nn help d u rin g school; Adelc G. Entlich, 1U Academy Ter of Church Street: thence (11) along aRain were the Monmouth Coun­ I-,- race, Linden, New Jersey, A dlrectni Whale Creek to its iotcr'ertioM With KK\ port 7-;S45J. wllli AMAZING offer, will erect a six room the northwesterly prolongation of the the said ccntcr line of Church Slrcel -...... — ...... house on your lot nnd foundation to ty institutions which failed to (Continued lrom pa«e one) ••outh. jand Socretarv-Troasiiror. in an wesleiiv direction to (he point E x p resses Concern I Jack (Irceiu*. r»t> Newark Wav, Maple easterly edue of Lenox Road, thence OPPORTUNITY SHOP. A n t I q n c i i Milt your wmv of living. Only $20(1 be approved by the commission hendlighls for use nnd elimin­ southeasterly aloiu! the easterly edge or place of Beginning. Earlv Aniciican. Victorian nnd Km* I downCall Emanuel Swart/., in caru T h e m ayor ex p ressed concern ■ ■l1mr'ki,,J|,terU|!’oid1inii mere Polhm? place, Midway House oire furniture, dolls, china, glnss, brir- 1of Swart/ Furniture store,Highway on secondary schools of the ating the fire danger, of Lenox Road, thence southeaster!1’ on W.ishinL’tou Street Mini he flifl nfd w an ta crossing ' limn ill*; of any .stock In said enrpor- along the easterly cd^c of Lenox Rond i-ln ne, copper, brass, non, and tinware IH5 onp.Middletow n flrehnuse. Call Red Mr. Stewarl snld lie had lo do FOURTH ELECTION DISTRICT Middle Atlantic States Associa­ «vni*nieino »n nlom onl <»f atlon 1.4 the said David A. Entlich. lo a point mi Cliffwood Avenue when IVc Buv and Sell, The Mallhmv.s. Ilfli Hank 0-54B5 or 8-;t2i:i. wjtf oflUc.l ix c ic is in „ an Pl(lll'»;ia N intcr.'celed In the boundary j)n<. of Kevport, Tel KE. 7 •SUM. wjtf Fred Vimnodeek, a spectator, The Third District i< hounded on ihe Towiuhip of Matawan, thence (1) SHERIFF'S SALE: By virtue or n the south hv Malawnn Check; on llie w o rk . ,Should Have Stopped Cur writ of execution to me directed. In a northerly dlreclion along the eni;l* EMANUEL SWARTZ noted the problem was nol ntio i)i(i ( m east bv Raritan Bav; on Hie north by er ly cdlje* of Lake Lefferb: to Ihe Kul ley HIGHWAY 33, Opp. Flrehouse Magistrate Klelnbcrg averred Issued oul of the Superior Court n[ Whale Creek lo the intersection of , Itmi ALL NEWSee"It Now peculiar lo M(ii'lbo|-o Tow nship, New Jersey' in 'hancery Division) there Mint runs In Ihe back of Locust Place; he should have stopped his cur, Whale t'i eek and the ecstei lv line of tlU't,, 12 ) along ii line drawn down Ihal even New Vork City was find- «JJ| i>e e.x/ioseii, 1 lo sale at public ven­ driven It into n field off the due, on ' f.enox l( jirodur'ed norlhu'csterly. the center ol unl.'U0fl 1 |»r|ee >lo.r*(«» Ib-n and Mattie Smith. M FORCE, oiit 11 it ill s law anyway If lie had tn March III, dale of Ihe next town­ Streets; thence un easterly (nurne a* i:i :m.71 boimdaiv line of lho Township nf Mad­ Realtors. 115 Main Street. MatoK'Uii ship luccliug. The committee llierc long i«ald Center Street 10 0 feel lo n Ison on Ha* noith hv lho boiindaiv1 tine Venetian Rlindo I >2207, w,|;| only had to go DO feel, on the Make [limited (nr a corner lo mild itiKiisriiv % N11 ELECTION ol the Tnwn.'.hlp of MalaW'an nnd on highway to gel to ail open Held. upon designated .1 oiln I.eMnlne lo( nrnwn'ii other land, thence along bin NOT! <' I; Ihe .Miutl and e.i-.l by a line extending 2 for $5.00 MATAWAN, Ihmgalow, five ronniH and APPLY: Marlboro School and Thomas lien laud a southerly cmirse 1*5 feel to the IMHtolUII (ll AIAI'AW AN as follies: lo y, it. bath, full cellar. $7000 Call MAta* Mr, Minus contended Ills client lenee between tills lot and the adjehilng Notice in hereby Jiivch Ih/it »|iinhftcd BEtllNMINt* at a point where lho Ahio (Mislnm deluxe blinds rnntle wiin. |.1H4II>M...... j:i* was pul In a hopeless position demon for Morganvllh'. one; thence a uerdei lv course alnnn voler.i or thc MmouHh of Mii*idai's line nf Ihe Town* Karl A. KniiiI/ Ke> pod n.'i tar as the law was concern­ Cll Itepurt (liven Hald fence lo the center of the parlltlon walls In tlu1 front of nald houuen and der the Iiiwm ot Nmv Jersey governing j Hih> or Madlsnn, tlienco (|) ju an otpe Btitincso Opportunity Training at Your ed anil begged tin! leave to ulte Mlchncl llynlewlcz, civil defenso f'din Ihence to llie edi(e of suit! Ilriuiil piimoncnt reeh I rat Ion iihiv ret* »*■»*) t o iilcilv dlreclion aloiiq the nald eei.ter STOVE, I'omhlnatlun oil nnd ipm. Call tllrm'lor, nave n re|iorl on I'll Streel to a polhl where Ihe dlidance nf IrniisiVi' with the Uomugh Clcik, nr line of ' "f fe tl-• wJicm* Ihe rusli'rlv edge of Lake Lef. p, m, will* I huiduesN for niite. e>nnbll«hed i veurn. Air Forco ed limitation on the excrclse of ucllvltlcH In t'efuliilltill, MiiytX strike (he boglnnlnfl courue, be the con- detiee at the ddk'-* of Che, Borough j IciU inlin»(’c!s sohl I'enler line nl Nlnte . • • ...... | located oDpiihlte ncbmd, Fully ulaekeri. Knit 'lllll Main SI , Matawan, dm Ing i 1 lliihvvnv .'H; tlieiice (Hi airing the ea*l- ClltcKKN hri.ndcr fur llftl (liickens. Cau be lioughl ii'ammiibk*, Lmv run* police uulliorily whore uttcll it iltit'ltley exiiliilttctl, of Ilu; crlllclsinH tenls which I no v mnv be more nr lean, “"'crultlng Station SECOND TRACT: HKOINNINO ill a btmlneuK himis nr illicit lo llie Coin

Margaret A. Read I Mission Unit Elects; VFW Auxiliaries At Library Notes (Chitrcli IKm toru New books recently added to Is Contest Winner World Guild Started District Meeting the .shelves at the Mntawnn Public Library include the fol­ Selected Homemaker Mr. and Mrs. Jack ICeough ! Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Currie, Baptists Select Name First Baptist Church CUITwnnd Community io w in s : held it house warming' party at Mr. and Mrs.. JlaJph C. lledle, Mr.’ 232 Main St., Matawan Methodist Church Keyport Unit Hostess; F ictio n Cf Tomorrow At MHS their residence on Freneau A ve.’ and Mrs. Rensselaer L. Cartan, Hr. Of Mrs. Henderson Rev. Lawrence R. Bailey, Rev. Jolm F. Fleischman Discuss Cerebral Palsy Davenport — My Brother's Sunday u he moon. Refresh- and Mra. John c. Eggleston, Mr. P a s to r The Betty Crocker homemak­ “Where is The Guest Room?" I K e e p e r ments was served at Keough’s and Mrs. .1. Raymond KeLchel, and Officers were elected Monday "Jesus Only" will be the pas- Keyport Auxiliary 4247, Veterans 1 Gann—Soldier of Fortune er of tomorrow in MaLawan High night nt the meeting of the will be the sermon topic at the fl Freneau Tavern with over 100 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Sickels al- tors sermon topic at the 11 a.-jpnl service un Sunday. This is of Foreign Wars, was hostess at Jernigan—Forbidden City School is M argaret Anne Rend. W omen’s Missionary Society of allendine the affair, including : lornled a dinner-dancc. Saturday nt m. service on Sunday. A nur- j)u, in a series of Lenten ser- .'She received the highest score the First Baptist Church, pre­ the recent meeting of the Sixth: M“son—Two Tickets for Tnn- relatives and friends. The K e-. ihc .Munasrjuan River Country Chib, sery is conducted for children I mons on questions of thc passion, 'Rid* • in a written examination which sided over by Mrs. A. Adnm District Auxiliary, held in St.) S!nu8htel._The Healei. oughs recently returned from Mrs. John J. Muller, Liberty St whose parents attend the ser-1 Midweek prayer meeting is tested the homemaklng' know­ B a n k e . tholr wedding trip nt Riviera ; entertained the Good Neighbor vice. The Sunday School con -1 Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. M arys Hall, Keyport. Airs. Rose-; Webber—Louisiann Cavniler ledge and attitudes of the sen­ The following' slate will be in­ Bench, Fla. They are making Club on Thursday. Present w e re venes at 10 a.m. with classes , mary Sommer, of Keyport, sixth! Thiekell—What Did It Mean? ior girls in the graduating class. stalled at the April meeting: their permanent home at the for each age group. United Hebrew Congregation She will be entered in competi­ Mrs. James Benner, Mrs. William district president, conducted the i Loring—I Take This Man Freneau Ave. address. Mrs. Elmer Bumstead, presi­ Howie, Mrs. Georgp Andrews, Mrs. The Rev. Jack Wyne will Broad St.. Keyport session I Thane—Letter to a Stranger. tion to nnine this state's candi­ dent: Mrs. Warren Fuhrmann, Mrs. David M, Brace entertained Frank Gray, sr., Mrs. Irving Rus­ preach nt the special evangel­ Rabbi Seymour Wadler H r t pic-ini v ■ u I MacInnis—Prny for a Brave date for the title of All-Ameri­ first vice president; : Mrs. ur. A. J.1 Pisam, Fair xiaven, w as ! p ie a r t the board of directors of the Wom­ sell, Mrs. Arthur Mathews, Mrs. istic service Sunday evening al A guest speaker will address a can Homemaker of Tomorrow. Banke, second vice president: an’s Club of Malawan on Monday at Lester Marshall, Mrs. William C. 7:30. meeting of thc teenagers tonight the speaker and discussed cerebral j Faulkner—A Fable She will nlso receive a golden Mrs. John Gilbert, secretary: lunchcon. Guests were Mrs. John Noddings, Mrs. George Wilson, and at 7 o'clock In the synagogue. palsy. He also conducted a question t Street—Goddbye My Lndy i award pin. cook hooks for her­ Mrs. Myron Bailey, treasurer; Second Bapilst Church Kinney, of Ilolmdel, Miss Elaine Mrs. John W. Muller. Girl Scout Sabbath will be ob­ self and the school. Mrs. Howard Pearson, white Orchard St., Matawan and answer period following n film ' Hemingway—Old Man and The Cherry, of Keyport, Mrs. Donald W. served ill the Oneg Shabbat service 1 The national winner in this Mrs. Allie Horton, of VanNnys, cross chairman, and Mrs. -Wil- Rev. W. J. Hutcheson shown by Nicholas J. Connors, i Robinson, Mrs. Victor Fredda, Mrs. Friday at 9:15 p.m. Girl Scouts are search conducted among 187,­ Calif., has been visiting'her son-in- linm Smith, sr.assistant chair­ P a s to r chairman of the Monmouth and i 'Benton’s Row George P. Sampson, Mrs. Allan J. to attend in uniform. Hostesses at Ocean County Chapter of Cerebral i Manklewicss—Trial . . 000 young women in 8000 of the law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. m a n . . Officers of the church will bc Morrison, Mrs. Rensselaer L. Car­ Ih e col la l i o/i follow ing are Mrs. Palsy. ; Potion—Good Morning Miss nation's public, private and par­ Herbert Olrich. Following the devotional nnd elected Friday night at a business tan, Mrs. Elmore Kattner, Mrs. Esther Kaminsky and Mrs. Charles ochial high schools will be nam ­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgar Palm at­ business sessions, Mrs. Emma meeting and all members are Mrk Elizabeth Hubert, Cliffwood,! ° ° v?, „ Karl ilcuser, Mrs. Peter A. Read, P ra g er. ed Apr. 21 at an American table tended the Headmasters' a n d Kuhllliau, leader, discussed the urged to attend. districl hospital chairman, report- : ~at“j Money To Burn and Mrs. Mark O. Whitney. fete in Philadelphia, Pa. Coaches' Association of New Jer­ topic “Sandals ln the Halls of There will bc communion at the There will bc sabbath services ad on a recent parly held at Marl-' , 1I’cl'~ G ?mo'°u5 Ghost Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Barnu, ot boro Stale Hospital, music fort Golden Chair General Mills is the sponsor sey Indoor State Track Champion­ Healing'." Mrs. H. M. Munson 11 a.m. service on Sunday. Saturday morning at 7:30 o’clock Dtinellen,. were Sunday dinner of this program designed to as­ ship on Feb. 23 at the Ijivino Field and Mrs. Bumstend read por­ The senior choir will have an and a'junior congregation service which was donated by Ray Richard- J^1C]jaid Sincerely, Willis guests of Mayor Spafford W. sist schools in building in young House, Lawrenccvillc. Their son, C. tions pertaining to the subject. installation service on. Sunday,. ut 0:15 a.m. A pu rim dance will son and the Stardusters. Co-opera- 5 T Schanck and Mrs. Schanck, ■ women a deeper appreciation Robert Palm, a senior at The Ped­ Al the close of the meeting, Mtirch 13, at 3 p.m. in the church. be held at 0 p.m. tion with local civil defense units • „, 'Non-Flctlon was reported for 10 auxiliaries by Lrnmp—Space. Gravity And ^\and understanding of the Amer- ■Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludi and dle School, ilightstown, won firsl The program will include a guest an installation was held for the In observance of the purim fes­ -• - ■ — - The Flying Saucer -''lean home and thc personal son, Hilly, and daughter, Bonnie, place in the* shot pul. local chapter nf the World Wide speaker. . ' . M rs. Frank Wynn, of Freehold. tival, children of the religious Chase—White Dale qualities necessary to success­ nf Baltimore, Md.. spent the week­ Guild. Inducted were Judy A chicken dinner will be served Mrs. Rose Pouzene, Keyporl, spoke Mr. and Mrs. Michael White and school will a tte n d a party grid mas- Sheen—Way To Happiness ful liomemnkinit. end with Mr. Ludi's mother, Mrs. Rice, president; Joyce Ward, in lhe church Saturday, . Mur. 12, on community service; Mrs; Mar­ son, David, of Winthrop, Mass., guerade Sunday at 2 p.m. Prizes Baker—Snips and Snails A scholarship of $1500 will bc C. W illiam Ludi. vice president; Judy Lauter- starling at noon under the direc­ jorie Concepcion, Keyport, on1 ineui-, spent lhe weekend with Mr. and will be awarded for costumes nnd Richardson—Exploring Mars awarded each state winner, and Mr. and Mrs. .Milton F, Steven­ >vald, scribe; Kay Hockenbnry, tion of Mrs. Lillian Edmonds. bership, and Mrs. Hubert, ‘on'- leg­ Mrs. Eugene J. Lavoie. They were there wiil be a purim play. Refresh­ Baruch—New Ways of Disci­ she will receive a trip with her islation. , son were Saturday guests of Mr. en route to Miami. Fla. steward, and Helen Gregory,’de­ ments will be served by the He­ First Presbyterian Olwroh p lin e school advisor to Washington. and Mi's. N an d o r Flirt'll, in T r e n ­ votional chairman. Other m em ­ brew Women's League. Plans were discussed for ii card Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Engel, of Crawford—Milestones for Mod­ D. C., Williamsburg, Va., and bers are Lois Hockenbnry, Char­ 211) Main St., Matmvan parly Apr. 22 ai Cypress Jnii, ton. Avonel, were Sunday guests of Mr. , The.reading of thc Meglllah, the e r n T e e n s Philadelphia. Her school will lene Lockwood, Edith Crawford, Rev. Chester A. Galloway Wanamassa, with Mrs. Eva Sylves­ Mrs. Elmore Katlncr entertained and Mrs. Charles J. Iluff. Hebrew scroll containing lhc Book Peale — Power of Positive receive a set of the Encyclope- Ruth Crawford nnd Diane Her­ P a s t o r ter, Belinar, as chairman. Assisting her bridge chib on Feb. 23. Prize Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stocksick, of of Esther, will be Monday night al Thinking For Young People din Britnnnica. . bert. Adult counsellors are Identical services are held, at her will be Mrs. Francis 'Blacker, winners were Mrs. George H. Gas- Chappattua, N.Y., were guests Sat 7 o’clock, lo celebrate the festival Rogers—Angel Unaware , Tiie scholarship of the young Miss Diane Dennis and Mrs. 0:30 and 11 a.m. The sermon Mrs. 'Philip Kruschka and Mrs. kell and Mrs. Walter V. Taylor. urday of Mr. and Mrs. Millon W. of purim. According to Rabbi WSd- Gralmm—Peace With God ■' womnn named All - American Martin Lauterwald. ; topic will be “Paradox of Heaven” Frank Lane, Neptune. | Mr.s. R ensselaer L. C artan w as a G unklc. ler, purim is a joyous holiday com- Lawson—Mr. Revere And I Homemaker of Tomorrow will The ceremony opened wllh a and the chapel and sanctuary choirs Three past department presi­ guest. meinornting the deliverance of thc Costain—White And Gold b e I n c r e a s e d to $5000. Mrs. Alfred Haven, jr., is a med­ reading by Mrs. Lauterwald en­ will sing. dents introduced were Mrs. Emily Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lang and Jews of Persia from a plot planning Maxwell—R.S.V.P. A 50-minute written examin­ ical palienl in Perth Amboy Gen­ titled "King's Daughter." Miss Al 0:30 a.m. there is church Levering, Bel ford; Mrs. Ethel Gal­ children, Samira and Joel, of Val­ their annihilation by thc Prime (Sheean—Mahatma Gandhi ation designed and judged by eral Hospital. Rice addressed the members school and teacher's training lor lagher, Keansburg, und Mrs. Con­ ley Stream, L.I., spent Sunday as Minister llaman. The plot was Hagedorn — Roosevelt Family Science Research Associates, of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur If. Fried­ and welcomed them ns a guild. youth. The Westminster Fellow­ cepcion. guests of Mrs. Sophie Weinslein. thwarted by thc heroism of Esther, of Sagamore Hill Chicago, 111., which was given man attended the confirmation Sat­ Miss Dennis called on the offi­ ships for junior high and senior It was announced that new dis­ The Woman’s Socicty for Chris­ the Jewish girl who became Queen L e e — H a v e Y o u R e a d 100 G r e a t to all participants in this na­ urday of Philip Robert Friedman, cers to interpret symbols of the high groups meet at 7 p.m. trict colors will bc dedicated at the of Persia, who risked her life to B o o k s? tional search, consisted of mul­ tian Service of the First Methodist son of Mr .and Mrs.^Sidncy Fried­ guild commission, knowledge, April meeting and officers will be Church, Matawan, will meet Mon­ First Methodist Church save her people. Freeman — George Washing­ tiple choice and subjective ques­ man, of Flushing, L.I., at the Jew­ worship, service and fellowship, elected in May. day at 8 p.m. in the lecturc room Main St., Matawan ton, Vol. VI tions which tested the students' ish Center, Kew Garden Hills, L.I. after which they lighted can­ Members of Keansburg Auxiliary Rev. Albert D. Curry. Pastor Keyport Reformed Church Hodgkin—Archer's Craft . nttitude and knowledge in the of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Cusancl- dles. Mrs. Banke spoke on 1953 attending the meeting were The church is open Friday eve­ W arren St., Keyport The library has purchased for major areas of homemaking. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller, li and children, Margaret and Eu­ spiritual growth ln the guild as Rev. Roderick N. DeYoung, Lorcna Aalbuc, Helen Newman, nings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. for Katherine DeWeise, Helen Thacke,' I distl'lbution 100 copies Each girl who look the lest jr., and children, were recent vis­ gene, wore Sunday guests of Mr. related to missionary society prayer. Sunday School for all age ~ of "Let's ’Of . Read «s R.PnrtTogether," TYtrrnMinv a se­" n cr»_ received a 24-pago homemak­ itors of Mr, and .Mrs, Charles Sliur- nnd Mrs. D. Cusancllf, of Jersey Shirley Sacks, Martha A. Kuhnian, work and presented each mem­ At the 11 a.m. service on Sun­ groups Is at D:45 a.m. under lected list of read-aloud books ing guide which will nsSist her berl, of Lavallettc. City. Frances’ Nvbus, Georgia Dooley, ber with a white rose. After day Ihc sermon topic ,will bc the supervision of Mrs. Daniel for group and family fun, com­ in pursuing thc career of liomc- Mr. and Mrs. Webster Magee William H. Boyd and Harry IIax­ repeating the covenant, the Loretta Pelosc; Katherine Mc­ ‘People Who Are Merciful.'’ Girl! A. .Holmes. piled by the renders advisor for m n k in g . have moved from 63 Wyckoff St. led, of New York, were Sunday group was addressed by Mrs. Carthy, Caroline Olsen, Elaine llcn- Scout Sunday will bo observed and children of thc Boston Public to N ew llrunsw ick Ave. guests of Mrs. Lawrence J. Ailken. A 15-minute organ meditation eoski and Elcai\or Brendei, AniLa Pease, of Leonardo, world scouts and leaders \vlll attend. Library. The majority of these Mrs. Henry Wells entertained at will precede the mornimc wor­ Guadalcanal Unit of Cliffwood Legion Auxiliary Gains Mrs. Spafford Walling, of Marl­ service secretary for the Mon­ The Women’s Society for'Chris­ books may be found in the Ju­ a family dinner and supper Sunday ship nt 10:45 o’clock. "They and Matawan was represented by boro, and Mrs. William Campbell, mouth Baptist Association. Mrs. tian Service meels Monday night venile library. Copies will be Funds From Projects in honor of her husband, who was Were Hungry" will be the pas­ Mrs. Ann Mitchell, Mrs. Rita Scar­ of Freehold, were Monday dinner Pease made the presentation of at 8 o’clock. •. . . . given to parents upon request. tor's communion meditation. borough, Mrs. Julia Stanis, Mrs. Funds from two recent projects guests of Mrs. Spafford W. celebrating his birlhday. Guests the certificate of enrollment of The Junior Youth Fellowship were turned in Monday night at were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess, the “Laura G. Henderson Gethsemane Lutheran Church Irene Meehan, Mrs. Kalherlne Win- Schanck. meets at 7 p.m., and the Senior of Egg Harbor; Mr. and Mrs. das, Mrs. Ethel Sigmund and Mrs. • Form Domino Club (lie m ealin g of M atnw an lln il 170, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reid, of Guild.” . ' Maple VI., Keyport Adolph Hess, of Millburn; Mr. and Youth Fellowship nt 8 p.m. > H u b ert. American Legion Auxiliary. Mr.s. Orange, were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Henderson, the honored Rev. Frederick Boos, Pastor The Plaza Domino Club, of Mata­ Mrs. -William R. Helms and daugh­ guest for whom the guild is All are invited to participate Eleanor Smith and Mrs. Hetty and Mrs. E verett E. Carlson. Matins are held every Sunday wan, has been organized by Albert ter, Patricia, and Martha Presscr...... ______ill the poster contest showing 10 y e a r s f ro m to d a y , m u n y Dilks reported $10.45 made at a Mr.s. E dw in II. D om inick w as a named. was presented with a nt 8:30 a.m., followed by Sun- Wilson, Clarence Towler, Johnnie Mrs. George R.' Gaskcll enter­ corsage of white roses and pink dny School at 9:45 andthe wor- some phase of the work of the young men and women will be card party in thc former’s home Monday evening guest of Miss Mar­ studying ln college, their way Knox and Thomas Cogan. The club tained at luncheon and bridge on carnations. She spoke briefly ship service at 11 a.m. church. Winners will be judged and Mrs. Hetty Jnskiewiecx rea­ garet Crowell, of Westfield. paid through saving NOW in meets Thursday evenings at Mr. Tuesday. Her guests were Mrs. midweek Lenten scr- on the night of the congregation lized the sum of $10 from a cake Miss Patricia Egan, u senior at on her experiences hi mission­ A t th e U. S. saving Bonds. T o w ler’s hom e at G High St. F r a n k II. Bliss, Mrs. W illiam R. ary endeavors of the church. al dinner. Further information sale. Mr.s. Florence Sturt and Mrs. Fairleigh-Dickinson College, Ruth­ vice Wednesday evening at 8 Craig, Mrs. Joseph A. Dernbergcr, Thc dedicatory prayer was of­ p.m., the Rev. F. Bartelt will may be obtained from Ralph ltita Mancini were each given SI erford. and her fiance, Donald Mrs. Frederick K. Dederick, Mrs. fered by “Mrs. Lawrencc Bailey. be the. guest pastor. His scr-j Rothbart or the pnstor. to raiseudditional funds. -Mrs. Alice Lent, of Franklin, spent the week­ INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Walling will conduct a card party Conrad Johnnnsen, Mrs. Elmore Refreshments were served by mon will be “Decisions of end at Miss Egan’s home on Broad Trinity Episcopal Church BY RETIRED INTERNAL Kattner, Mrs. Marguerite R. Laird, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. Aa­ F a i t h . ” ' J in her home Monday evening, Mar. j Sl Mrs 13.mi A Egan js j, mcdical Main St., Mutnwun Your T;..\- P ro b lem s G iven K\jjc*rt ConsulUititm and Mrs. William J. llabel. ron Warne, Mrs. Lauterwald There will be a meeting of 21, to aid the auxiliary. patient in Monmouth Memorial Rev. B. McK. Garlic,k Miss Alice Munch, of New York, and Mrs. Bailey. the committee on church fur­ M. HOROWITZ Mrs. Theresa Hossi was wel­ Hospital, and Miss Egan came R e c to r comed as a new member and a was the recent guest of Capt. Birg­ nishings this evening at U o’clock home lo see her mother. . The second Sunday in Lent will Fredwood PL, Matawan MA 1-3764-M dark horse prize was given to Mrs. er Helgcsen and Mrs. Helgesen. In the parsonage. The Altar Miss Helen Kopzyk, of Brooklyn, Family Night Sunday bc observed wilh holy Eucharist Mary O’Donnell. Alter the meet­ Mrs. Peter TcnEyck returned Guild will meet Monday at 8 N.Y., spent Sunday as the guest of At Presbyterian Church and sermon at 9:30 a.m. and the ing, a dress demonstration was home Monday afler spending sev­ p.m. at the home of Miss Elsie Mrs. E m m a l’osuck. church school session at 10:30 given by Mr.s. L. Leibrock. eral days with her brother and Bahrcnburg. ' Edmund L. West attended the Family night will be observed a.m . Mrs. Hose Colol presided and meeting of the National Council i sislcr-in-Iaw, Air. and M rs. E. A. Sunday evening in the First Pres­ First Church of Christ, Scientist Evening prayer is held Thurs­ others attending were Mrs. Dro- of Presbyterian Men held Friday j Baker, in Quincy, Mo byterian Church, starting with a 84 Uroad St., Keyport thy Rinear, Mrs. Ann Honnemvorth day at 8 p.m. and Saturday at the Hotel Newj Mr“' Jocr A' C‘ ihnlf ‘ covered dish supper at G o'clock. Sunday service 11 a.m., S u n ­ and Mrs. Rose Durante. Vnrkei* New York recL'nt Performance of ‘Anastasia, The Ladies Guild will meet Mon­ A missionary education program, day School U a.m. Wednes day al B p.m. and thc Girls’ Mrs. Charles W.' Mamlcvillc cn-M" New York. She was accompanied divided into department level dis­ day testimonial meeting .8 P.m. English Motors Friendly Socicty convenes Thurs­ Keyport Rabbi Speaks tortuincd at scrabble on Feb. 23. by Her mothcMn-law .M rs, LcsHe cussion groups, will bc presented. Reading Room open Wednesday The Winners were Mrs. F. Howard Bushman, and Miss Maigaict Cush- day at 3:30 p.m. Before Jewish League Howard Wolverlon will conduct the 2 to 4 p.m.' Lloyd, jr.. and Mrs. K en n eth Pike, j nl!u1' . , adult group and review thc book Man's God - given dominion Morganviiic Methodist Churoli Rabbi Seymour Wndler of the J r. and Mrs. Leonard Kcnpton, , Ml's E'1'™ "1 1^ anca,tl‘ 1 “Man and God in the City.” The ever fear, disease and discord .. ^ . ’'‘daughter, Bernadette, of Water- Rev. W. B. Mttgsam. Pastor LINCOLN • MERCURY United Hebrew Congregation, Key­ of Shrewsbury, Mass., were Satur­ senior high school group will be will...... be _ brought______out at Christian bury, Conn., are visiting Mr. and port, spoke on "Interfaith" and day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett led by John Votli and Mrs, Homer [science services Sunday. The The pastor's sermon topic will M rs. B ern ard II. DiSanto. causes of racial discrimination at E. Carlson. Gerlnfscn on the topic “Choosing jesson - sermoh Is e n title d be “The Love nf Christ at the ■ NEW AND USED CARS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Friedman, Thursday night's meeting of lhe Mrs. Marguerite IL Laird enter- a Missionary Vocation.” 'M a n . " 7:30 p.m. service this Sunday. of , Flushing, L.I,, Miss Saretta ON STATE HIGHWAY IN RED BANK. N. J. Matawan Jewish League. After (aincd 'ii'cr bridge club al luncheon ^ ‘ , ; -Arno..IJnglinui will disctips “ In­ H ow ard T m - his address, a general question and on Feb. 23. Prizes were awarded lo] Ovsiew. of B,llMbctli, and dia” witli the Junior high group; Phones R, B. 6-4545 -r 6-0176 w ith Mr. Childhood-AdoIesen.ce, answer period wns held. The meet­ Mrs. Edward W. Currie, Mrs. John! I'riedman, spent Sunday v the same topic will be used by Year i*in* dWen To ‘ ^ ing was concluded with the show­ C. Eggleston, and Mrs. William R. I “,ld Mrs- Millon Gordo"' "f Mlir Bryce McMullen for the junior di­ 4-H Club Members Discussed At P-TA ing of a film entitled "The Bro­ Craig. Mr.s. Conrad Johnnnsen nnd|®itR vision, and Mrs. Hurry flicker's Mr. and Mrs. Robert nrundagc, Dr. Robert Olson, of tlie Ceil- therhood of .Man," an an im ated Mrs William A. Wasiinilh, wore topic will bc “Thc City," for the At the regular business meet- of Trenton, spent the weekend with cartoon made for and distributed guests. sub-juniors. jjig of the BrowntownPedal j trnl New Jersey Mental Hy- Mr. and Mrs. Karl lleuser. by the National Conference ot Mrs. George Barbancll, of Brook­ Mrs. W. K. Pearson, jr., will Pushers 4-H Club, Anne Cham-jeiene Cline, spoke on problems Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Deder- Christians and Jews. lyn, N.Y., Mrs. Marguerite H. Luird,;, c |. r speak on “Pakistan-India” and re­ bcrlnln, president, presented j of childhood nnd ndolescnce at The league celebrated its first a guest, and Mrs. Elmore Kuttner|!tk rcUirll,ctl view the hook “The Fig Tree Vil­ tw o weeks at Dinner Key, Flu first year pins to Betty Rae and j last nlBhfs meeting of thc Mn- birlhday during the social hour were prUe winners Friday evening lage” for the primary department tawan Pamit-Toaeher Associa­ While there Mr. Dederick demon JoAnn Cuslck, Suzanne Gaub, with Mrs. Julius Seliugcr and Mrs. when Mrs. Conrad Johnnnsen en­ und Mrs. Chester A. Galloway will tion. A discussion period fol­ slrnled “The Bat," n small Marine Kathy Lagoyda and Joan White, Lewis liloom as hostesses, tertained her bridge dub. talk oil "God's Wonderful World” lo w e d D r. Olson's a d d re s s . radar mnde by Lavoie Laboratories, ^.fore the kindergarten cuss. and fifth year pins to Jean Gaub A nominating cominittec, Inc. and Dorothy Hoevcr. Project composed of Mrs. Chnnnlnt!! Jac A. Cushman returned home Evangelistic Crusade covers, recipe books nnd "The | clu]jpt cUulrman. M rs. Stephen; Friday from spending several days Middlesex Messenger, ! Mucuga and Mr.s. John Ren- in Chicago, III. At Baptist Church county 4-H newspaper, weie dis- appointed. Mr. nnd Mrs. William llaslach, tributed to nil members. announc' d that the Apr. jr., und son, Robert, spent Saiur- An evangelistic crusndc will tn a su r,0'; 12 session will be u public health day as guests of Mrs. Tiltis Nich­ be conducted in tlie First Bap­ p o r te d th n t 916B w a s re a l ,ed o , R „ b olas, in G lendale, L.I. tist Church of Matawan, begin­ thc Internatlomil Festlvul held; ...... i Dr. John Crum. The program ; Mrs. S. Brucc Eggleston enter­ ning Sunday evening and con­ on F e b . ID. J o A n n C u slc k and will be entitled "Keeping Men- : tained nt bridge on Monday...... Guesis tinning each evening through Jean Gaub were appointed tally Fit—Women and Their j were Mrs. J. Raymond Ketchel, ' ' Friday. Mar. It. »l 7:30 p.m. chairmen of the Browntown nnd Problems.” Tiie P-TA is spon- j \ Mrs. Milton F. Stevenson, and Mrs. The Rev. Jack Wyne, dtrec Matawan window displays for soring otJcn house on Wednes- ! There’s no substitute for Mortgage Loans Cl. J. Sterling Thompson, sr. tor of evangelism nnd church National 4-H Club Week, which extension for the New Jersey day, Mar. 30, nnd thc next bust- J Thomas Staines, jr., nnd Mrs. will be observed Mar. 5-13. a growing Savings Account. ness session will be on May 4. j M ortgage Loans ni'e available here Jncob Fowler and daughter, Linda Baptist Convention, will bo the Johnson!'Ypenr'Vhn"waken'd"^vViii j speaker for the service. Sixth Natal Day Have one — at thj^bank. for every need of hom e financing. W o Mrs, Frfwler's son, Alan Johnson, The Rev. Mr. Wyne received Band Mothers To a student nt Massachusetts Institute his seminary training at llie For Ricky Patton invito you to discuss your requirem ents Central X) n p t I s t Theological Hold Cake Sale of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Seminary, Knnsns City, Kan. Ricky Patton, son of Mr. and with us. Y our application will receive They attended a swimming meet The Band Mothers of Muluwan Special music Is being planned Mrs, Vincenl Patton, entertained between Rensselaer Polytechnic In­ High School, meeting Momtuy for each service. at a parly Saturday afternoon lo prompt, personal attention, with our stitute and MIT, in which Alan night, made plans for a cake sitle The crusade Is being held ln celebrate ills .sixth birthday. placed first in one race. to bc held in the Friendly Shop on co-operation with the 125th an­ Guests were Mariane Raymond, cooperation in arranging a plan of fi­ Mr. and Mrs. George W. Clark, Saturday, Mur. 1(1. Special apprecia­ niversary program of the New Carol Mundeville, Peggy Anil Har­ Broad St., cnterlalned at a birth­ tion was extended to Joseph Sugar, nancing to suit your individual needs, Jersey Hnptlst Convention. The ris, Klolsc F.vans, Tommy Hender­ day dinner party Saturday evening band director, for obtaining jnciicts public is invited to attend thc son, F.rncst Zahli, Dennis Itrcvcs, In honor ot Mrs, Allred Cilldcwell, for all band members from funds The num ber of hom es financed by tis se rv ic e s . Glenn I’lke, Hurry Ward, Deni of Red Blink. Other guests were realized from the Thanksgiving Mniielul, Mrs. Douglus Ward ami dance. is an indication of the satisfaction Chester Aumnck nnd Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Daniel Mancliil. JACK'SON ST. 1 Walter Mllmi, of Monmouth Beach, Entertain At Dinner =t <==r=- I 'which owners have found in our m ort­ and Albert Alondis. Mr. and Mrs. W llllnni It. Helm s Was Hospital Patient < Sli'lti1) Chaplet', Order of F,astern Barbara Henderson enler|nlned nt dinner SnUirdny, NO THE gage servici1. Star, will conduct a food sale In Has 1 1 th Birthday Hgt, Major John Kudin, of tliei Their guests were Mr, lin'd Mrs. the Friendly Shot), this Saturday Salvation Army, u resident of' PARKING William Diirme.sli'r, Mr, and Mrs, from li:3i> a,in, lo ■! p.m. Barbara Henderson, daughter of Morganville, has been a patient! Chni'les Burlier, Mrs, C. Wllllum PROBLEMS MATAWAN Mr. und Mrs. Harry Nielsen were Mr. aud Mrs. Howard A, lli'iidoi1- In Monmouth Memorial llospl-j l.udl, Mrs. I.ydin Wnlling, Mr. and reient visitors al Luke Ociiulttunk, son, celebrated her lltli hlriluia)' till. F r a n k , E d w a r d , J o y c e , | L. HERE F a r m i;iis a M e r c h a n t s Mrs, Hurry Wells, Patricia Helms, ill Stokes Stale Forest. Saturday wllh a parly at her home. Shirley, and IJeverly Murks, Mnrlha Prcsser, and William BANK Prizes were won by June l.aeerre children of Mr, und Mrs. Hudl/i, ! llykcl. nml llelty Muller. spent Washington's nirthdiiy1 ]\atio!val H ank MATAWAN, NEW m ifY Psychiatrist To Spculc Other Kiiexln were U n tlti Wil­ witli I heir brother hi Toms HIv MATAWAN, NKW JERSEY Card Party Tuesday kins, Janice Zalin, Dlnni' llerlmrl. er. Dr. John I'. Molialr, psyelilaliisl llelty Heaney, Karen Winstead, MIMIII PtDtlAl IIIIIV I IYSIIM at the Slide Home oi Hoys, ,laities- The Firsl Aid Squad Auxiliary and Diane Wcn/.ol, Now In tho time to ndverllfie! MIMIII flDIHAI DirOIIT INIULUiCI CODfOlAllOH liui'K, will spciik M onday afternoon Mtuitl ItDtm HUM STitlK tvlll Itold ii c/it'd parly on Tuesday those unused nrtlcles for mile, j at l.ltc mcclliig ol' llie Woman's evening al n p.m. In Firsl AI<1 OIDES! IANI IN MONMOIHN COUHIT - ISIAIlllHID |( ) 0 Enjoy one of Amertoii'w Bl'unt A mil nil nil In the elannlfled col-; J v, tuuiti n t m t Dirow d u l l n t iMalnwatt ,lo Im held In Headquarters, Little at, Tlir pub­ freedoms, Attoud tho clitiroli ol INUIIIIKICOIPORATION tiimi will turu them Into ciiMi MAIN STRtET T rin ity Piii'IkIi Ilall ill 2 o'clock, lic Is iii'ucd to itipiiiirl I he iitfuli', your oholco Hits w**kimrt. tor you, i J PAGE SIX—FIRST SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN, N. J- THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955

Armstrong Cork Gives Plays In Orchestra were Wednesday over n i g h t “F aith in the F uture ” MATAWAN Browntown Couple Stress Maximum Use Awards For Service | In Musical Show guests of Mrs. C. T. Cusick. SCHOOL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Vernon I.auer. V - The Armstrong Cork Co., of | Miss Nelle M. Doak, of Ma- Colonia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Visit In Pennsylvania Of Storage Facilities Keyport held its ar.nual dinner Itawan, was associated recently A. Rainnud, Matawan; Mr, and V. Assembly Program and service award presentation with the Ithaca College student! Mrs. John E. Hardy, South Am­ Gaubs Return From Demonstration Given Features Teacher at Rollo Post House, Keyport, ! production of an original musl-1 boy, and Mrs. William J. Rni­ on Wednesday, Feb. 23. jcal show, "Scampers of 1955," naud, Browntown, were Satur­ Trip; News ln Area For Browntown Group liy I’at Ahern 'M 1 Tliomns M. Anderson. Key­ jfor five nights In the College day dinner guests of Mrs. Rni- Tho Matawan High School audi­ 'Mr. and Mrs. Barth Gaub, of A demonstration on "Making port Flnnt Manager, and Clar­ Theater. The proceeds went in­ naud's daughter, Miss Jeannet­ torium, on Friday afternoon, Feb. to a student loan fund. Miss Browntown, enjoyed nil auto­ your Cupboards Work for You" ence W. Hnupt. vice president te A. Rninaud, New York. Miss 11, was tile scene of a very m oving Doak played in the orchestra. mobile trip to Pennsylvania, last was given by Mrs. Anna Lewis of the Supervisor’s Assoclntlon Eainaud returned home with program. Al the beginning of the Enrolled ln llie School of Mu­ s,'. -week. Logg, Middlesex County Home of the Keyport plant, opened the her mother and spent Sunday assembly program, various songs Keyport plant, opened the sic, Miss Doak is the daughter ' A s u c c e s s fu l soclnl \va:; held Agent, on Thursday evening at and Monday visiting her par­ the home of Mrs. John L. | of a patriotic nature were sung P r o g r n ill w ith w e lc o m in g of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert S. Doak Friday evening at the Brown- en ts. Chamberlain, Browntown. 1with the help of a movie screen speeches to thc employees, aft­ of 10 Miriam Dr., Matawan. town Union Sunday School. Joseph Oczkowskl and son displaying thc words. Among these er which dinner was served. ■V M embers of the committee were Arranged by Mrs. H. Henry j Francis, Newark, were Friday- songs were: “Hallelujah,” “When Raymond Dane entertained by : . Miss Betty Lou Pitney. Miss Crane, local member of thc Parents Of Daughter supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Home Economics Advisory Johnny Comes .Marching Home," playing a few selections on the Eugene Skowronek. . ; Jean Gaub, Miss Mary Lou Bln- Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Pnrris, Council of the Extension Ser­ “Dixie,” and “America”. p ian o . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Owens hota, Mrs. Paul Blnhotn. nnd of St. Albans. N. Y.. arc the vice. the meeting was devoted Following Ihe singing there was George W. Kittridge, assist­ and family spent Tuesday in Miss. Ana Molnar. parents of n daughter. Barbara to proper placement of kitchen a speech by F ra n k Ii. Lloyd, sr., ant general personnel manager, Ambler, Pa., where they visited , Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Hopkins Kathryn, born recently at thc equipment to get maximum use who is known as an outstanding of Lancaster. Pa., presented thc thc former's father, Ernest O­ ' and daughter, Jeanne, spent Memorial Hospital of Queens. of storage facilities. Mrs. Logg orator in Matawan. Mr. Lloyd, in 1954 service awards consisting w en s, sr. (.Saturday visiting relatives in Mrs. Parris is the former Miss pointed out thc importance of his speech reviewed the life of ot a 15-ycar service phi to War­ The Ladies' Auxiliary of thc ' Freehold nnd Holmcson. Edna Mack, of Cliffwood. daugh­ “pre-positioning” utensils, that A b rah am Lincoln, thro u g h liis ren Limbach and 10-year ser­ Cheesequake Fire Co. is spon- : i' : ..Tho aduli< s e w in g g ro u p m o t ter of Mr. and Mrs. George is, keeping them near the place famous campaigns, and speaches. vice pins to Mrs. Marie F. Car­ soring a card party in the fire- ■.. recently . at thc Browntown M a c k . ; where they will be used, and lie mentioned some of his most ney, Jessie Curry, Archibald house tomorrow evening at 8:15 ' School with Mrs. Nicholas Ar- showed practical ways of in­ important ones, and quoted a few Humphries, and Carmen J.. Del­ o ’clock. . ■ acc, leader. Attending were Form Couples Club creasing shelf space. Pamph­ lines of each. Toward lhe ond of la P ie tr o . Holy Communion will bc celc- 'p ‘ Mii'S. W h ited B r o w n ,'" M r s . E u ­ lets from the Extension Service Ihe spciich, Mr. Lloyd quoted the Several pictures were taken An organization al meeting of the brated in the Church of Our ' g e n e F a u s t , M rs . A lb e rt I-Iop- were distributed nnd discussed. Gettysburg Address from begin­ by Mr. Walter H. Jones. Couples’ Club of 1Trinity Episcopal Saviour Sunday morning at 8 ikins, Miss Marie Gaub, Mrs. B. ning to end. At the end of the pro­ Church was held Sunday evening o ’clock. v C ;. Maccia, Mrs. Frank Vun- Many of the group expressed gram Mr. Lloyd asked for a minute Mrs. Dominick Is in the parish hall . Meetings in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marz, Dorn, Jr., Mrs. Owens, nnd Mrs. interest in other meetings to be planned by Mrs. Logg for the, of silence in memory of Abraham future will be on thc third Sunday Morristown Rd., have been > ■, H enry Crane. BPW Parliamentarian future. A course in clothing! Lincoln. evening of each month, the next’ spending their annual vacation V-. .-. Miss Betty Lou Pitney, daugli- techniques directed by Mrs. I At the third meeting or the session In be on Mar. 20. H ostess at Clearwater, Fla., and are ex­ V' ter .Of Mr. and M rs. William Pil- Nicholas Arace Is in progress.' Band Is Given newly organized W omen’s Busi­ for the evening wias Mrs. Janies D. pected to return tlie end of /] ney, has completed her secve- 'ihe bronze horsewoman, high on a marble-faced pedestal, is a March or thc first week ln April. It Is expected that garments ness and Proiessional Club, of M ershon. , tarial' course at the Katharine new landmark at thc East River Headquarters m Ncw York of Special Lessons will be completed for showing Matnwan, held at Buttonwood Mr. Marz is head of Marz Ma­ Gibbs School, New York. the United Nations. The statue named "Mir" (Peace) is a Rift Manor Tuesday, Mrs. Mae Dom­ son Supplies, Cheesequake. at thc spring Homemakers' Dny.| ' By Pat Ahern Tifi St. Patrick’s Dance , Miss Elsie Gilbertson, daugh- from the Government or Yugoslavia to the United Nations, In inick was appointed parliamen­ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hauser Also present were Mr.s. Her-1 Once again this year the halls of - ter 'Of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Gil- unveiling the gift, Ambassador Joza ISrilej, Yugoslavia's l’erma- tarian. Mrs. Helen Lawton, j A St, Patrick’s Dance will bc con- and daughter, Gayle, of Brown­ bert Gaub, Mrs. Paul Blahota, Matawan High School are bouncing. ii-.bcrtson, left ^Monday for Mnss- neiil Representative to U.N., said that thc gift symbolized his president, presided and Mrs. I ducted by Club 54, of Cliffwood, on town, returned recently from Jr., Mrs. Allan Lewis. Mr.s. The Matawan High School Band, achusctts, wliere she will enter countrymen's devotion lo thc U.N, Charter and their faith in the Gertrude Lee, second vice presi­ I Saturday evening, Mar. 18, in lhe Clearwater, Fin., where they future of the Organization. The above view was taken looking Jnmes Casimer, Mrs. Frank under the direction of Joseph i;i ' a hospital to continue her stud­ dent of the state federation, wns Cliffwood Firehouse. Dancing will spent a two-week vacation with VaiVDorn, Mrs. Olnf Gilbertson. ■westward from the United Nations Bardens. Iii thc right back­ Sugar, is being given special les­ a g u e s t. start at 8 o’clock and refreshments the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marz ies in nursing. Mrs. Peter Johnson, Mrs. Ed­ ground Ncw York’s famous Chrysler skyscraper can be seen, sons. The band has been broken Plans were made for the char­ will be served. and friends. The Hausers also ’ -'.■■■''Mrs. H erbert Cottrell, sr.. was win Rosenbohm, Mrs. B. C. down into sections: Trumpet, ter dinner to be held Tuesday, visited points of interests In l a recent guest of her daughter. Maccia, Mrs. Ernest Owens, trombones, clarinets, drums sax­ Apr. 12, at Buttonwood. Mrs. other towns nnd cities in Flor­ |:> M rs. Merrill H. Wallace, of Key- Mrs. Eugene Faust. Mrs. Peter ophones, and bells. Thc separate Dorothy Wolverton, Mrs. Doro­ ida. i ■ p o rt. Chesequake Area Responds To A. Read, Mrs. Howard Dunham Cheesequake Area sections meet during different thy Rninaud and Mrs. Theresa .'... - T h e G ood N e w s C lu b .will m e e t and Miss Marie Gaub. (Continued from third coiumn) periods of the day. At this time Thixton were appointed a com­ Have you read the classified ads? Friday at thc Sunday School. Miss June Bowne returned to Heart Fund Drive; $140 Given Refreshments were planned they .aretaught according to tlicir mittee or three in charge or the On Friday evening a mid-coun- Middlesex General Hospital and served by members of the specific instrument. d in n e r . ty.dinner will be held in Perth School of Nursing Sunday night Browntown Pedal Pushers 4-H Mr. Sugar decided on this pro­ Others present were Mrs. Ber­ Amboy fur all workers. Mrs. Harvey Noschese Was Head, after spending the weekend with Club under the leadership of gram in order to improve thc nice VanPelt. Mrs. Miriam Hul- ' The Browntown Sodhoppers 4- i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cly­ Assistants Named; Other News Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Chamber­ various sections, which will in turn s sari, Mrs. Helen Applegate, H Club met Tuesday evening lain. The girls, who met Tues­ de Bowne, Cheesequake. Exibe Tho Heart Fund Drive for Walsh and daughter, Veronica, improve the band, as a whole. The Mrs. Dorothy Waldeck, Mrs. Mr. and Mi's. John Thomsen. Quick Battery Service at'the home of thc shop leader, day to make rolled and fancy this aica has been completed, Alexander Mnclulewicz. sr., students like this plan, because Grelchcn Williams, Mrs. Roth I-Iuntington. L. I. and Mr. and Olaf Gilbertson. Thc club is sandwiches, were Judith Crane, and Mrs. Harvey Noschese, cap­ Newark; and Charles Gaydos, during this time they can discuss Znhn, Mrs. Irene Dsswll, Mrs. Mrs. Martin Vick. Brooklyn. working on a 1-H window dis­ Maria Maccia, JoAnn and Bet­ COLOT’S, Matawan tain of Cheesequnke, reports It Spotswood, All the out-of-town (heir individual difficulties and im­ Connie Relffen, Mrs. Ethel play'. ' ty Rae Cusick, Carol Phy, Anne was very successful, as $140.54 guests, with the exception of prove their skill as individuals. Gardner, Mrs. Eve Fleischman, .• At a recent meeting of the and Peggy Chamberlain. wns raised. Those who assist­ Mr. Gaydos. stayed o\ftrniglit This is only one oT llie ncw pro­ Miss Jean Mazzie, Mrs. Doris Browntown Farent-Teachcr As­ . The girls also were present ed Mrs. Noschese in the solicit­ and spent the following day, grams that Mr. Sugar is pulling in­ Ronson, Mrs, Genevieve Don­ sociation, It was decided to at the meeting as a pnrt of their ing were Mrs. Theodore Baste­ Mrs, Eugene Skowronek was to effect this year. He is now plan­ nell, Mrs. Elizabeth Welstead. change the meeting night from home improvement project un -1 do, Mrs. Chester Rushing. Mrs. n recent dinner guest of Mr. and ning a spring concert to be held The next regular meeting will thc third Thursday or each der the leadership of Mrs. Read. Martin Maciag, Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Willlnm Bates, Caldwell in May. be held at Buttonwood on Apr. Mortgage month to the third Tuesday. Pico, Mrs. Joseph Lehrklner, Township. Later she attended 5. , Plans were made for a smor­ Mrs. Wellington Graham, Mrs. a gathering of her sorority at $65,000 Suit Over gasbord supper, and Christoph­ Seniors Discuss er rccords were played. Hos­ Richard Cressman and Mrs. thc hon-je of Mrs. Sigfried Star!, Cliffwood Accident Carol Craig Newark, where she received Washington Trip tesses were Mrs. Henry Crane. Mlchnel Matey. ' Three residents of Fords, seek In Play Cast Mrs. William Phy, Mrs. K. Lag- Mrs. Caslmir Preston, New­ high scorc at ennasta. i . By Lynn Hail '35 ' j Mr.s. Richard Burlew. Mrs. SG5.000 l n d a m a g e s f r o m th e Oyda, and Mrs. .William Ral- ark, nnd her sister, Mrs. Eu­ I A senior class me .‘ling was held Miss Carol Craig, daughter of Nathan Cressman, Checse- owner of the ear in which they n a u d . s gene Skowronek, Browntown. | at 8:30 o'clock recei tly in the audi- Mr. and Mrs. Willlnm R. Craig, were recent guests of Mrs. Jo­ jquake; Mrs. Howard Burlew were riding nnd the owner of Crescent PI., Mntawan, 1ms I lorium of Malawa i High School. seph F. Job, Newark, at a fash­ and Mrs, Merrill Green, Brown- another vehicle Involved In a been chosen n member of the! III New Membership Plans ; Thc purpose of the meeting was to ion show put 011 by the Catholic jtown, recently visited the Curl- two car accident last Nov. 13 cust for the V.J.C. Players’ pro-, i inform thc seniors that four Outlined For Auxiliary jtoir Villa, Highlstown, where off Route 35, Mntawan Town­ Prompt Courteous Service Women’s League- and held at :students may occupy one room in duction of "Love Clinic” at Vcr-, St. Mary's Church Hall, Ruth­ [they viewed the flower dlsplny. ship. mont Junior College. Montpel­ Membership plans for the j thc hold on iK'ir senior trip lo erford. Later Mrs. Skowronek | Marine Sgt. William D. Bas­ Defendants nre Gezn Nagy, of ier. VI. Tlio ono-acl piny will Marlboro ' Hospital Auxiliary \Vashinglon, D.C. The students MATAWAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION w n s a m o n g 10 g u e s ts w ho a t­ tedo has returned to Cherry Perth Amboy, owner of the car i bt» presented Mar. 19 in Alumni were announced nt an executive | themselves-may choose wilh whom tended a cocktail party at Mrs. Point. N. C., after visiting his in which thc three were riding, Hall as part of the parents' Park Ave., Between Main and Broad Streets board meeting jy Mrs. Spencer i they wish to 'room and they are to Job's home. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore nnd Jam es H. Hoyt, jr., of Cliff- weekend activities. Embree, chairman of thc mem­ wood, owner of the other vehi­ ! sign a list in Abraham Panics' Tel. MAtawan 1-0273 Matawan A surprise dinner party was jBastedo, Cedar Grove. Miss Craig' is a senior at tho bership and education commit- cle. The plaintiffs arc Peter room. Mr. Panics is senior advisor. given recently at thc home of I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Terry, co lleg e. i tcc. Karmazin, Robert and George I T hc teachers m ak e out lists toll- Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Macclu, Ce­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sidnmn. * Mrs. Embree. in describing L. Hoinn. The suit wns filed in j ing which students will go to Wash- dar Grove, ln honor of the lat­ j Princess Bay, S. I. and Michael new plans, said prospective Superior Court in New Bruns­ j inglon on which bus. Two buses ter, who wns, celebrating her |George, Wayne, Pa., spent the members will bc asked their wick Monday. I will bc used for tlie trip. Thc birthday. Attending were Mr. |day recently with-Mr. and Mrs. past volunteer and business ex­ Barnett Shapiro, of 231 Brit­ j seniors will leave [or Washington and Mrs. John Jacangele and Milton Cassidy, Browntown. perience and to sign a pledge ton Ave., Laurence Harbor, has I on March 23 and return on llie daughters, Antoinette anil Rose­ Mr. and Mis. Paul Hauser and expressing the ideals of the aux­ sued Julius Wagner, of 2G Vine­ | 25th. marie, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. iliary. prospective members sons, Paul and David, Clicese- yard Ave., Morgan, and seeks ] Another poinl brought up al llie Vincent DeMauro and children. must bc sponsored by regular quakc, were recent dinner $20,000 in a county court suit | meeting was a question asked thc Rose. Ann and James. Mr. and members and will be interview­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ to compensate for Injuries suf­ I students: "llow many senior play Mrs. Joseph DeMauro and son. ed on interests for direct or in­ ence G. Hauser. Supper guests fered. The plaintiff alleges the ! tickets have been sold?" The play Vinnie, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Relax and enjoy the direct work with patients. New of the latter were Mr. and Mrs. car in which he wns riding in I is the seniors, main source of Stnnco, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel volunteers will wtfrk with exper­ John Keating and daughter, Jo­ Route 35. Sayreville, wns struck j money for the trip. Each senior is Val, Jr., Newark: Marla and ienced members and orienta­ anne, South Amboy. Inst Dec. 1G by thc Wagner required to sell 30 tickets. Vincent Maccia, Cedar Grove. tion courses will bc offered. A­ Mrs. Robert Brown, Brooklyn, v eh icle. Miss Emily Crane and Miss MAGIC OF HOT WATER COMFORT wards will bc given for hours N. Y. was a recent guest of Mr. Josephine Brucato, Newark, j Senior Class Play of service. The executive bonrd nnd Mrs. Peter Johnsen, Brown­ Guadalcanal Auxiliary approved thc membership were recent supper guests of to w n . From Mar. 8-12 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cassidy, p la n s . To Collect Clothing by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowne. Susan Dominy '56 Mrs. John B. Green, auxiliary B r o w n to w n . Cheesequake, attended the Jer­ Mrs. Ann .Mitchell presided al president, read congratulatory Mr. and Mrs. John Penksa, The senior class has been re' sey Const Boat Show Friday the recent meeting of the Ladies letters on the auxiliary's news­ Morganville, entertained their hearsing for tlicir senior play, jevening at Convention Hall, As­ Auxiliary of Guadalcanal Post, AM ERiCAN-c$tai?dai*d "The Line of Scrimmage,” for the letter which was published re­ card club recently. Those at­ b u r y P a r k . Veterans of Foreign Wars, of past four months. - c e n tly . tending from this area were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mnlhe- Cliffwood and Matawan, She se­ ICach year the sen io r class at Mrs. Douglas Downs, Shrews­ and Mr.s. Clarence G. Hnuscr, sius nnd children. Slgne and lected Mr.s. Elizabeth Hubert as ! Matawan gives a play lhal runs bury. reported the auxiliary Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Hauser, and John, Malesite. N. Y. were Sat- ch airm an of a p ro ject to collect ! form two to five days. The play is » If you want really modern, eflicient heating Standard Heating Equipment, he can put heat will Install a completely equip­ Mr. and Mrs. William Penksa. jurday guests of Mrs. C. T. Cu­ clothing to be distributed to needy i given to rise money to defray thc . . if you're tired of drafty floors, cold corners, wherever you want it, in any amount needed, ped beauty shop for women pa­ Mr. and Mr.s. John Pangborn sick. Browntown. patients al Marlboro Slale Hos­ expenses of tiie annual trip to tients ln Cottage O which houses and Walter Horn. Madison A­ Thursday dinner guests at the :ind high fuel bills .. . then you ought lo come at any temperature you desire. When you ex- pital. A donation was sent to thc | W ashington !>•('. o v e r 500 w o m e n p a tie n ts. cres. Cheesequake. spent the home of Mr. and Mr.s. Eugene in and see what Joe Comfort, lhe Magic Jinb- jjericnce the comfort of a modern baseboard Crusade for Freedom, and Mrs. | Previews of the play havebeen j dny recently visiting nt Hie Skowronek. Browntown. were system, you’ll agree that it’s really "like magic.” Irene Meehan was named chairman given tu the stu d en t body. ( bit, can do for you, With quality American- Township CD Council home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. nnd Mrs. William Bates and of a candy selling project. The play will run Irom .March! Lambert. Maplewood. daughters. Joyce ancl Cynthia. Offers Police Course At the next mecling, there will It to 12. A special p refo n n a u c e ivili! A fruit growers' meeting was Caldwell Township. bc a dress demonstration and be given to the Crammer School I The Matawnn Township <-'»vil held last evening nt 8 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. members are urged to bc present student body on March 4, at re- \ Defense Council mol Tuesday niyht at the Cheesequake Pi rehouse. Wheller, Union, enterlninod at at 7:30 p.m. duced rales. in thc (.Millwood K irehouse w ith Guest speakers were Dr. Lee- jn family party Thursday In hon- P e te r V ena presiding. (’ ha i-lcs Innd Morrill, Jr., associate spe­ jor of the latLer’s parents, Mr. Now Is the time to ndvcrtisa Real Estate Listing Cards for j Mctting assumed I lie office of jnnd Mrs. Charles liurness, Ce­ cialist, entomology and Ernest thos'o unused articles for sale, sale ul this office. i ( eusurcr lo replaco lhe ltev. Wil­ G. Christ, assoclnte specialist, llar Grove, who were observing liam Lehr, who lias moved to pomology, both of Rutgers Uni­ their 50lli wedding anniversary. U nion. v e rs ity . 1 >A surprise party was given in llomer llalU'son reported suf­ Recent guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. 'honor of Ylr. and Mrs. Burness ficient transportation is assured lo Henry Kortekaas, Chcescquuke. at their home on Sunday by / evacuate every resii'ent of ihe ■ th e ir fam ily . T h o se In t h e Notice! were Mr, ami , Mrs. Edward area, ill llie event nf disaster. Ei'dmnn nnd sons, Edward, Jr.. group were. Mr. and Mr.s. Dn- Township Police Chief Adolph nnd Ronnld, Newark. | vld Hurncsri and children. Mary Grand Opening Mcnzel outlined a course ill police Mr. and'Mrs. diaries Pnrrlne I nnd David. Jr.. Hound Brook; Ailrnrf ivcmid (Jumble, youTrlmic^ of nn A m m r. tn* ) J J0 i tl f M ! ; II }r I i N work being offered ior men and end family, who have been rent- |Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howies. S tandard hm titig boili-r will givo mnro \cnr.\ of i II I I I 1 11 tl c m- women. Applications are unit be­ Inn the Thomas Tei'gls farm on ;Mv. and Mr.s. Raymond F. POSTPONED! rfliciimt Rcrvico. foilinn uiirmlh. ing received nnd upon completion Route 31, Cheese'cpiakc, have ! Wheller nnd dnimhter. Karen. of the course, badges will be is­ moved lo F'nrinlngdnlo. | Union; Mr. and Mis. William Due to inclcmcnt we.itlicr aiul Como in and see us for the best in automatic heating.. .the right system sued, Tlie school police wink is Mrs. Ollio Schnuck and Mrs. ! Pier and son, W1 111 a in . Jr.. Hum In chui’go of I oil ii A rinilago, civil Fred Sehuhnelster, I m lt. unavoidable delay in shipment defense police deputy. ciuake, represented the Whiled I Felix Rodriguez. Newark, for your home Chief lloy Matthews reported on Brown School P-TA at lhe an­ j sp e n t .S atu rd ay v isitin g at. th e of equipment nnd materials, wc rescue and first aid <>\vn of lace am l|,illa-' iridescent dress ■with pink ae attended Kevpori High ScJioot ■ Vorl;. At Press Dinner Geoi'Me 1,. Demery, 11 p a s t was the .scene of lhe m arriage o f; tulip over satin with a lace collin'! ct-*,s>oi it-s-onf) matching corsage. and is serving ln lhe-U,.S,,-JNa.vy, lie served as chairman of the grand knight and presently Miss Barbara O'Connor, daugh- on a high neckline. Her lingei-j A u-ception followed at Dully* tie is stationed m San Francisco, board of the Matawwi Public Retiring President trustee and chairman of tlie ?alit. labiiii v lur sev eral vea:'S. ler of Mrs. Joseph Fecher, Sny-- liNenglh veil fell from a crown ■ House, Last Keansburg. l'or a wed buildinu committee, nnd Rob­ . . ' i. of seed pearls and she carried an i ding tup to Minim. Fla.. Mrs. I11> Sin viving are a sister, Miss Marv Reviews Growth ert K. liuckma.ster, secretary ol del'Ave.. Keans m p., and Josep nltl-l'ashioned bouquet of white selected a biege sent and toast col- BIRTHS biislnn.-ll. ol the M ataw an address, ''O'Connor, Newark, lo, lace, and streamers. lored accessories. Alter their re .md a cousin. Mrs. Cornelius Bell, Charles E. Kohlhcpp, who will the Columbian Club, were hon­ assume the presidency of Jersey Fix. son ot Mr. and Mrs.Will-; Miss Eileen Conklin, liast Kerins j Ull», the couple will reside on of Westfield. ored at a recent meeting as tlie Petnisky V' lam Fix, Highway 3C, PortMon-; burg, served as inaid of honor., Houle .36, Ljot clvansliuig. .Services were held vesterttay C entral J’o w er & U g l u Co. on Apr, "KnigJils of the Year" by St. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Relrosky, 1, was introduced to the 150 in at­ m o u th , 011 Saturday afternoon,' She was dressed in a pink net gown j ■ ■ lhe bride attended Middletown a ltern o o n at .J o clock a t his resi* Joseph's Council No. 3102, Feb. 26, 1U5D. j which had a bodice of Chantilly lace | township High School andis ern- 290 - Broad St., Miitawaii, a re 1 -.Hie dence with the Itev. Albert D. tendance hy the incumbent and re­ Knights of Columbus, of Key­ parent's of a daughter, l.orrr Sun­ tiring chief executive of the util The Itev. Anthony C'apilani per- , and net and a mandarin lace cape, pio.vei at Landau Knitting Corp. Curry, pastor of the First Meth­ po rt, day, tu b . 27, IDfio; in F itk in lf»3- ity, E. 1-1.-W ern er, «it the firm 's formed Ihe ceremony before an \ She wore a heart-shaped halo of Keyport. Mr. fix also was "rad. odist ( htireli. olticiatmg. Inter­ In recognition of their out­ Jlital. ' ■ ,- - seventh annual Report to the Press altar decorated with white gladi- .seed pearls and carried a bouquet uatcd Irom Middletown Township ment was in llose llili Ccmeterv standing work on behalf of the dinner held Friday at the Berkeley - ...... j of pink roses. ■' High School and is employed hy under dneelion ot the Bodlc Fu­ Council they were each pre­ De.llaio Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park. Other honor' attendants were [ ^ ^ tJ Mathtt. hcansbtug. neral lloine- sented with an engraved pen A daughter was. horn Sunday.: and pencil set. Grand Kniglil, ! Aliss M agner, of K eansburg, and Mr. K ohlhcpp, w ho lias been till Smith • Petersen I'cli. 27. lib!). in ltiverviow JtoK- J o h n VI. Nappi, in making tiie DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER i Mrs. Ellsworth Sheppard, jr, Port mg a similar role for the Wisconsin Miss CarlaAnna I'ctcrscn. daugh j to Hr, and Mrs. -Angelo presentation, lauded the two i Monmouth. Their gowns of aqua ENGAGEMENTS Public Service Co. in .Milwaukee OPTOMETRIST ter of Air.and .Mrs llolgcr IVtcr ' ^-'Maio, ;>7 Myrtle Ave., kentis- members for llieir general in­ ; net were, styled similarly lo that spoke warmly of the work Air. Wer .sell, 1IJ0 \l:iv. Cliilw ood i 'h ii*,. ■ . K <• id p v vs - M a c* 1-, w a n t e r e s t in the wcUnrc of thc Or­ EYES EXAMINED | worn by the maid of .'honor, and j ner had done to build up an or­ Mr. and Mrs. John Archibald ganization with such a record of der, their cooperative spirit, and | they carried -'bouquets ot yellow > 0 lin e n M a c E w a n . 211 C a m p b e ll St.. ifor the ernat amount of time OFFICE HOURS ; roses. . success in its field. Mr. and Mrs. T h o m as OMlrlr.n, and energy devoted to Ihelr rc- Dpiial.- ■ • y::.: freedoms. Attend the church of I bv litfi!) the demand for eleetrit- amethyst signet ring last week (■lllifnlllllllllllilf - - ...... - — your choice Ibis weekend. ( 'IMUH'.V . . . j power will be double that of to­ by Frederick J. Gnssert, jr., CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY state motor vehicle commission­ A (lau!!liter was born in Riv- day and lhat by ‘,975 a three or 10 MAIN ST. TEL. ICE 7.1391 KEYPORT i \ if * 'v Uo."|jU ;il on V/ddnesctfty. .'even four-fold increase in thc use er. Mr. Weigand recalls that rf>« Perrtd dlitft l-'ob. •.*:}, l^;>. lo M r. and.'lvlrs. ol electricity is expected. He stated when he was appointed there were only 25 inspcctoi's in the • John Cooney. DOi) Loriihtrd Ave., ! these estimates were conservative Samsonite whole division. Today this Luggage UnionBeach. . , . ’ ' \ considering the company's output ol electricity during the last 10 number alone is needed to keep Keyporl Jewelers & Opticians fiaroia ' ' years bus risen from 500 million to some of the larger motor vehi­ 19 W. FRONT ST. KE 7-2008 Ross W . Maghan Agency Mr. and Mrs, Noel Giu-tiii, 40 1.-l billion kilowatt hours. cle inspection stations in oper­ Broad St., Kfyijnrt. arcH ie pHr l lie attributed the electric growth ation. He served lor a period of onis ul a .son. bnm Wednesday. of the area to population rises and thrce-and one*half years as a Real Estate — Insurance ’•V). 'JM. 11)55. in M om nouih‘Me* . greater use of electric consuming deputy chief Inspector. iinorial Hospital. . v ':' \ devices. Kcierring to the company's elec­ Service Awards Given N V M V i V W 138 Main St. MA 1-0003 M c fio w n n I ; l.eiic-h, Ix'cjimc Inc bride of W iliium ! \ \ v_ 1UKi \jp.s. .?vliqhLU‘l M e -1 tric rales, Air. W e rn e r said that M A ItJ O ItV .110 AN M a i* 10 AVAN Weston Mundy. of 15*1 Lor­ Sim I h, ..on oi AL. and Mrs. U iilu u u jG o v a n , 4:J J o h n s o n A v e.. K e a n s - ! while ihe use of electricity has A SERVICE of diilingu'ibid \ raine Dr.. Cliffwood Beach, re­ ( Smith. 4,11 Prospccl St., (.’lifhvnotl j bm*i». arc tiie parcnt.s of Union Beach. huv< innouneed been going up, the average kilowatt * • - ft't pricti lhal vary «i m ! ceived a service button award : on Si*lurd;iy. 1* cb. 215, J 1)55, Tlie 1 daliKhlcr, bui n F riday. F'tib,. 25.-; the enaagemeiit of their da ugh hour cost to the consumer has been funity flMdk 1 in February from the National O ,c c rc m o n y Ux/J% phiee al 3 p.m. in j 1055, inivroiunouth M e m o r ia l ; ter. Marjory Jean, to David VV. going dow n, fro m about 5c in 1945 * L; a senior at Hope College, Hol­ 1053. lie said conslruction ex p en d ­ Our Used Car Lot land. Mich,, where she is affil­ I Given in m n rrm # by Jicr faihw ! is thci j itures ill 1955 will amount to about the brido wore a *»mvn of while I child and lia»> been lwnv : iated with Sigtnn Iota Beta Sor- S 111,500.000 and fo r the years 1950 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. o r il y . When It Conies To , satin brocade in empress' style, IIei iL<^ I lw n u Victor. i and 1.957 the company estimates Her fiance is a graduate of r e l W i l s I (omc To Us at Highway 34 ancl Main Street MATAWAN ! Iiii;;erlip lengih veil oT nylon Ui'ilr , C a r te r ‘ additional expenditures of $25,­ Mount Ilemion School, Mount 000,000. Ii you are in nood of funds for purchase, ro-hn.mcmy or for tho I was altadied to a crown of se , Mr. aluJ M rx chfU'los -Viirler Ilei-mon. Muss., nnd also is n A new 137,500 kilowatt power construction of a now homo or commercial building Telephone MA 1-4239 i quins and seed pearls and she Brook AVe.. Keyport,.-are (lie ; st»n|or al Hope College. Araem - unit nearing completion at the CALL PRospect 5-3330 e.uned a bouquet olroses anti parents of uison, born Tnilrs-: her ofOmicron KappaEpsilon company's Itaritan lliver Klcctric ; day. 1-eb. 24. I9oi>. «» Monmouthjpraiernilv. Mr. Kempers will T. FRANK APPLEBY AGENCY, Inc. C teneraling'S lation, Sayreville, will Aliss Shirley Henry, of Avenel, |Mcmoimt Hospital. . ;continue his .studies at the Uni- Schanck & Sihler hc put into service in llie near fut­ MOJITO A OK 1.0 AN CORKKSPONDKNTS IN Inc. was the maid of honor. Her bailer , .. . versily of Michigan Medical ure, Air. W e rn e r reported. He said, MONMOUTH and OCEAN COUNTIES lor ma length gown ol pink limeade i 1'f-sito :School with this additional unit, the third also was m ad e on em p ress lilies and i •' •so n " a;i 'lll- a I - n e n l t v . THE HOWARD SAVINGS INSTITUTION in Ihe post-war period, Hie com SALES M ERC U RY SERVICE she carried pink carnaliohs. The I Hospital to m p > and Mrs. Ralph. .SleeOlctlvaine O F N E W A H K . N. J. bridesmaids were .Miss Helen K«n- IEsi’osUo, Ovcrlull led., M ata-j . Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Ale pany’s power station will bc cap- MAW ST. and MA.TTISOM AVE. ASBUHY PAUK r.i-ll, of W oodliridge, and Alis.s Vir i " ‘lI>. oil 1 l i u . i , . l c b . , 2 j . 19o,). ^ Ih aine. Adnlphia announce tile I al),‘•(,r uncrating am,000 kilowatts NO INSPECTION FEE gima Pair, of Cliffwood,who wore , ■ Ylro'lv '•‘ fir i n>n e>,1 -Ot (nil daughter,!"1 rlfcH-icity,-HU. per cent mote '—■■■ I »■'■■■;'v>.>i • ' m,m ~. . . . . ll'i»Vil»r^r. | than 10 years «go. light blue gowns made like lhat ol ; Mr .,nd M rs. Rubcrl Moot)v. "Tho company is busily engaged lhe maid „r honor. They also car lg0 t(_nl01 Aw K, in ol , -,u in thc expansion of its transmission lied pink carnations. the purenU; oi a dauah-qr. oorn l i n o ;iud eq u ip m en t," Mr. W c n ie rj ■ lolin .MUiinlv. of I'liffwoml, serv- j F r id a v. F e b - lD5!i. in rontjnuvtl. "A p p ro x im ately $5,500,* < | ed as best man and ushers were mouth Memorial Hospital. UNION BEACH 0 0 0 has been allocated this year- I Jos,- ph Calamari and Frank Della : ‘ lor further expansion of thc coin-j Pietro, of t.'lilfwond. i Metoi-nuck panv's transmission system," he| A reception folloived at t/ie Clill- Al1 • aIlt' \>llli>>pi Ite C o . s a i d . i wood Pirohouse a fte r w hich Air ^ ' e k . It) Iliul-.oti W . . First Aid Squad Dance Pointing to the increasing mini*' and Ali^. Smith left for a tw'e-week je^e.uisbui alt. the p.u..,it..- ol her of customers beiny .served, Mr. j trip lo Florida. They will reside at iu daughter, born Monday. 1m;1>. Werner said lhat in January ol! sponsored by thc -l.'il Prospect St., Cliffwood, upon 28. 19ss. in Rivcrview llospitr.l this^Vcnr the company had added; I heir return. Union Bcach First Aid Squad, Inc. 14U2 now m eters a t w hich rate?, “ iti Hot Ii Mr, and Airs. Sm ith a tte n d ­ DEATHS ^appears lhat upwards of 15.000 new; ed Alalawan Schools. Mrs. Smilh is New Ambulance Fund 'iu> lom ci\s will he ad d ed in 1955, or • j ruiplou.'t! hy tho ffadio Corporation Mrs. Hamel Merrs ;>0 per cent more Ilian (he average ■ ■ of Americii. al Woodbrid^e. and Mr.s. S a r a h A. S te e r s . Bo. 1*1 of past 'years." . : her luishand is with the Kevport 59 Main St.. Matawan. widow To keep ahead of the record cus ; SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1955 - 9 P.M. l.tniiber and Supply Co.. Cliilwood ;oI Da„ jel Stee,s djecl Sml(lny lomer growth, tlu* company, in ad-j Jolinson-Sloul !pcb- 21’ 19S3' ln aon«"»"" Mo dilion to its power suppy and trails- J Music by Walt Staejjer and His Orchestra •Miss Elsie Carolyn Stout.'mortal Hospital, bhc- is sm-vm-. mission expansion activities, has' dauRhlcr of Mr. and Mrs John i.-seveial mc-tc-s,. set aside $0,000,000 for the con-; S. S tout, 35 Walling Terr,, Key-; Services are -beins eondnoinl slruelion of distribution facilities; D o n ’t b u y port, beennm the bride of Al. -this moininii at it oe.ot!. .11 in 1055, il whs reported. ; bert Edward Johnson, of Leo- tll(‘ D;,-v funeral Home. KeypUit. Speaking on taxes, Mr. W erner! nnrdo. son of the late Mr. andi"llh lh A, t.t... disclosed that the company had! UNION BEACH FIREH0USE Mrs. John Johnson. 011 Sntur- iwellei. n.-ctoi of fct. Mmy s .M ISS I.U IS A. iM cll.VAINlC made provision for 1054 taxes (fed j auto insurance day, Feb. 20, 195-3. The, cere- iEplscopm Chm-eli. otneiariiiR. cral, .stale aijrl loeal) am o u n tin g lo j Lois Ami. to 1/cor^e Albert Slee, Union Ave., Union Bcach, N.J. lnony took place at 3 p m. In jCiematlon is beinti 111a; e at SU,253,000 of which S3,172.000 rep ; son of Air. and Mr.s. !• red Slee, of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. IRuse fllll C renlhtoi, Lmdi'ii. resents taxes paid to state and local j .Matawan, bland! Atlantia HlghlandK, with the agencies, lie said taxes paid by the 1 AIISS AIAUV NK'ilDIS Rev. Howard Ei'vin, pastor, of Mitss MclU.uin i.. ,i piiadtiate of: c.()inpany amount to 21c of each! Dotcre you spond another dollar ini .ihIh in-.innnre . ficialing. White gladioli was 7 1 1 liv 1' ll-1 ‘li.h School Her fiane, electric dollar. lair, died W c iIiicm!; v . I-ell.!is a graduate ol Matawan Iligh Ail-I.dt-’- Jim- /.ili'- ami oilier aij\anlu”i*>. U sed tO deCOrittC the church, i ; . . , , , •. i JCiV't-l. ivi, h had.iu 1114.")k »-».j l employees,-uiiium rr>, in ; M rs. Arthur Duble, Kevpori, I ~ ' ' Sc'',l,’","k 11,1 N!"'\ •St‘ho"1- ;'"d >" employed by Lavoie i eUjdlny 241) retirees, al Ihe end ol : •* “ i l l V Home. Keyport. u here sise liad il.aboratiiries- Inc.. Morganville. lie ' - Was nt the console and nlso ae last year. The company's total pay DON'T LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE! been a patient lour voars. Mie wa: served fa eompnnied Karl Hehvia. New two vears ill the W. S. roll was rep o rled at $7,035,0(10. ' New Jersey's new Unsatisfied Claim and Judqmont Law barn in Last orange and was a A rm y. SEACOAST Monniouth, soloist. ■ Mr. Werner paid tribute to a!' qaoK in!o of.'oct cn Aoril 1. This Iftw does no! roolnco Inc (firmer leleerapii uporaloj’. Iliere is planned. The bride was attlroil in a An August ueddin. . employees. He said, “J would be Motor Vchirlo Sofuriiy-hcsponfiibihly Law bul is an im* are no survivors. sown or eggshell satin, mnde m 1 remiss if I did not publicly acknowl norl'ini srnulonit'nl to il, In u nut shell. Iho now law sctf. Services w ere Ic-lil S-.iturday DISTINCTIVK CAKPKTING STYLED no u fund fo benefit thnso who are unnblr lo colloct for Hhirlwalst style wllli cmitrasl- i cd,iic the valuable help trom m> . inorm n" al 11 o clock in lhe bcdle WILLS FILED injurj/’f; or d.Tniiicfor causcd by ihe negligence of a n un­ Ing accessories. She iuul a cor­ staff and from all employees o! l’UNcral H om e. K cvpoil. witli IJie TO ENHANCE THE APPEARANCE insured motorist. When the fund ranys o claim on his behuH. sage of brown orchids. .fames Cantrcfia ; (lie company during m.v 10 vears a Itev. Dr. H illm an T U d h a m s . pas­ tho uninsui’Rd motorist \a roqvnred to ronay ihe fund, and his The matron of honor and the Janies Cantrclhi. of Keans:-; president of Jersey Central l’ouei ‘ tor ol ( alvarv Methodist ( niirell, OF YOUR HOME to drive is suspended until naymont is made in . 1 !);.>,■>. nl the es. I'hcse are Ihe Ihinys lhal madi FLOOR NOW OPEN ul ihe bridegroom, was the besl our country yreat in tlie past tinmo of her e„ andil.uediier. Mrs m a n . Marguerite |;noi;et. IP linslon Ave, FUNERAL SERVICES T hese are the things that will mala* A reeepl ion followed in the M alawan. She was born in hex poll, our country yrealcr in the laturc. L U X U R Y UNDER F O O T F O K cl'iirc h parlors after which Mr. Tem porary Sales Office llie daifgnler ol I!i(. J o h n allil Mrs, Ui nr.v ^leJ.ssjjcr Olher speakers included V. W and Mi"!. Johnson left for a wed I Alai’i'tirel (Kieli-vi !' h an and had : ivunei!il s(*r\ices for iVfr.s. .Morehouse, viee president o) (»ea MORE GRACIOUS LIVING cral Public Utilities. New Yorl. I ( U (M.ihridff/iu .‘of 1-lenry Ah»is.sjK*r, w ow held M ayor (.JtMn’L'e A, Smock. It. uln . M rs . John,sun la a u r n d im tr olher iM’andchihhcji. and l!i xretd ji«’riday nt •; pm , at the llulse welcomed the ytM-nU lit A .>l>ot\\ ill Keyport lllr.h tk-hool and al Cor. Broadway & IHTway 35 ■it'jimlchililren IKUneral Ilonu*, Kpul.swood, with Paik. Sam A. I.e Kaf-o, public rela tended Trent on Slate Teacher;- COVERING Servii es n ri'e eon Im b't) M onday jtlie? Ht»v, O c o r n r S. C ieyer, pa.s- tions director ol -HT&1,. was ma-- Coilepe. yi)e i.s librarian at iln1 morning al ft o'elor-^ in Sf, ,b>seph‘:/jl.or of Conklin ATrlhodl/d Chitrch, ler of ceremonies. ICi*y|un-t I’ubliu L i b r a r y an d au* <'hurcb( Kevpori, wheiv a rt-quicm jtiouth IMvei, ol I IcitiUuu . Intel1 The dinner was preceded by a r e tn r y at tin* K eyporl. P u b lic at 6 Corners nia>'t 'w as «dfr:ed by tlie lies', .m e n t wa;-i in O ld 'I’en n e n t C e m c - lour of .ICI’&l/s modern new m > lleullh C.-enter. Mr. Johiu.on at- (Vn’neliiis .f. Kane, pastor. Inter-j lory, lein operalh»ns eeider )oe.d<:! i/> PHONE FOR OUR SHOP AT lended Middletown Town.shlr . . .. , ...... ment', under (iinrtion o{ (hf liedh»; M’rh. Ait'jSMK’r dP’d nt her Ihe eompiiny’s service building at K e y p o r t / i ' J J , il,uf c,,» pit »>•«*<• I J.V \ Kiiitci-Hl Home, was in Ihe c-huiTli jhoine on ’I uenduy, Feb, :*:*, 10.15, Alleuhurst, HOME CARPET SERVICE Pli.niblnii firm t,( Koeppol and | l(1|.v l afUd' n long Illness. 8helmd Hons, Ailanllc Highlands. 4, , jre.sided in HouUv" Hlver for *i:> Enroll* At NCE You'ro in good hands with . . i Harold Poueiiim - . ]vear«. . , Ilrtisl-N nillli ! _ H arold .ptiU't'Knoii. /ll. ot * ^ j . S h e la m irv iv o d i be.slde.H h er N ew ark C ollcH e of MiiKineet'iii." Mr. and Mra. Wilbert jm u IUi, 1 *‘l'Hn SI,,.Malavv.m, dn»d »»iulny,|t^it^ibmulf b ynin e c h ild r e n , lien- has accepted (.'linrleh I*', W ahl, of ll'.liliinlri. K l'Y I’Oll'r lUnl'l',|l :!0 Oak HI.,, Knyport, mmottntu*. ntoitnmu Pi h. :M, I!*«*,». in Jtivei-j.fy, |,.ti ()fJimieMburM; M i'm, lhi.\ III.*5. Poole Ave,, Isevpart. jk CJivcn 'l>rai0(1 M, ‘I nend*ty lln u f'rldHy , otfli'l.ttiue ; 1041) , b am iiwiistain tiiisl. ofUrtiC W u ■ ti'vnt t.rnntU'liildreii, i ■■ the Int.valiot'c itr'eit, ' PAGE TWO—SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955

KEYPORT REPEATS AS GRAMMAR LEAGUE CHAMPS ! Armory Mar. 19. they will get Named To Staff Of i Welstead, Cross, J;plenty of notice. Matawan Wins LOO KING Oakhurst Day Camp Shore Conference V Score Knockouts RUDY HESS, the inventive Keyport lligh School athletic. IT O V E R { genius from Matawan, scored coach Frank Zampelio and Lake* great success at the Jersey. Cliffwood .Boxers Win | wood JIi«h School conch hawrnnco ' Drub Garnet Gulls, Shore Boat show with his new j MATAW.AN's rijiht to claim | Vo 11, Jr., are among those named (o At Riverdale Friday series of carry - craft boat ./ 70-56, In Final their first Shore Conference trailers, all made at the Hess I the stuff of lhe Oakhurst Country i championship in basketbnll Mal.nwiin defeated Point Pleas- Cliffwood Boys Club boxers plant on Suydam PI. This j Day Camp hy Mrs. Mary Goulden, | needs to be clarified to erase scored victories In two of three year a new color scheme has ;nni 7(|-5(1 in such a way nu doubt the confusion in everyone's j director. Both Mr. Zampelio . nnd contests in which they were en­ brightened the trailers to keep '•'Was .left about tlie issue nn lhe As­ mind resulting from the Confer­ t Mr. Vnll will handle lhe senior tered Friday in the boxing show tliem the same hue as the bury P a rk H igh School court Kri- ence's complicated system of i group, which includes youngsters at Riverdale, Passaic County. flashy-colored autos to which day. The victory gave tlie Maroon playoffs. There were two | up lo 14 years. The Country Day T o m W e ls te a d , M a la w a n 120- they are appended. Tlie new arid Steel its first .Shore Confer­ rounds of playoffs among Ma­ j C am p begins J u n e 29. pound boxer, scored a stirring Lok-Tite trailer connection al­ ence championship. It bad beaten tawan, Point Pleasant and Key­ j Mr. Zampelio coaches basketball, knockout victory over Joe Pnh- so was shown by Rudy. This ;;Keyport in lhe openiny round of port. Point Pleasant won the i hnsebjill «nd football al Keyport, orenec, of Dunellen, wearing connecter is heralded ns the the. playoffs, then erased llie Oar- first round and thus was crown­ while Mr. Voll is head football the colors of the Tri-Borough host advancement in boat- net Gulls, “regular" season chumps ed "regular season" champion. coach ;tl the Oeean Counly school. P a l s C lub. trailer use for the last decade. with su rp risin g case in llie Iinui. MHS wins the second round, so Welstead handed the Dunel­ Moulded in aluminum, it is It was a basketball Cam e for what does lhat make the Ma­ len lad a sound beating. By attached lo the car and trail­ about two minutes, then tlie rout roon and Steel with the Garnet skillful use of a left Jab, Wel­ er to prevent the usual sway­ was oil. lton Carlson bad hit for a Gulls already crowned (he "reg­ stead had Paliorenec's right eye ing as the boat is in transit. 'basket and foul and Steve Alikas ular season" champs? It is pulled ond closed and his nose Other exhibitors whose waves for a basket early in llie encounter, most baffling, we know, but we bleeding in the first minute of appeared to al tract more than only lo be matched hy tivo drive- figure it out this way. All the right. Pahorenec sought to the usual interest were ins hy Hob Fitzsimmons and a free three teams ended Iheir regu­ save himself by looping ill a of Henry Dahmer, of Union throw by Dave Wright, of tlie Culls, knockout punch. In doing this larly scheduled Conference Beach, and Hans Pederson games ln a tie. In the two | m ak in g it B-ail. he opened his guard enough for nnd H. and S. skiffs, both of playoffs. Malawan won two nnd Then Ihe Maroon and Steel low­ Welstead to slip through at 1:05 Keyport. Ulriclisen’s. Gal­ ered the boom. They ran up 13 of the first round with a crunch­ lost one. Poinl Pleasant won braith’s. Lavoie’s, and the Zu- one and lost one nnd Keyport On 12.CC0 stj.ft. •; Tho Atlantic points in a row with lion Carlson ing one-two cross . to the Jaw bncks already had made , their ui Smooth Ice ' Oct-on While won one and lost two. That doing most of the damage as he that sent the Tri-Borough boxer mark at the National Boat to O'Q.Tn Music ■ lc.c Skntiny Keyporl's entry in the Bayshore Grammar School Basketball League which made astirring detense of would make the 1955 total of dribbled his way zigzag through to the canvass, knocked out Show at Kingsbridge Armory. Admission: Tax Included Iho championship it won last year (lefi io right): Front row: Bruce Jackson, Fred Roihonberg, John Het- tiie (lulls zone for two baskets, and cold. Pahorenec had to be cal­ Conference games for the three: Children : Juniors : Adults trick. Bon Jackson, Vin Taylor. Paul Wharton. Tom Pieper. Rear row: Coach Bob Zampello, Jim Wilson. M n ln w n n , w o n 10, lost 3: P o in t 12 ii. umlcr o 13-1H 0 over 10 llill Utter, Alikas, Joe Fasso and led from the ring ln his bat­ Ben Ochinegro, Bill Hooley, Bob Sullivan, Frank Lawson. Larry Poland, Norman Miller. Pleasant, won 9, losl 3: Key­ Armstrong Cork 50c 75c 99c liert Collins hit for one each. Dave tered and beaten state nrtd re­ Terry Ackerson and Charlie Brov/n were absent when this photo was taken. port, won 9, lost 4, establishing Spcctotois {1500 Scots) 25c Weltlin tried to pull Ihis team hack vived in Ills dressing room, so Net Income Up MHS as lhe overall first place with two free throws and a drive- the show could go on. team, the Gulls as second plac­ The Armstrong Cork Company in, bill Utter and Carlson bit again Little League Start Oscar Cross, a light heavy­ ers. and KHS as third place. in 11)54 earned S 11,014,000 net in­ before t|uartcr time, to end the KGS Retains Title Softball League weight, was matched with Jim­ Larry Insley was re-elected Not to detract from Matawnn's come after luxes on sales ol period with Matawan ahead. 22 !). my Plrew, of Jamesburg. The director of ’ Bayshore Little achievement in any way. but it Wettlin drove and drove in the Jamesburg boxer charged In 8217.557.000, compared, with SO,- League activities at nn organi­ Is Organized makes prophectic indeed., the second quarter lo try to salvage the In Bayshore League and slugged with Cross from tlle zation meeting for '1955 held at following section written in tills 205,000 on S217,484,000 in 1953 it game for the Gulls, but l’asso also start. Tlie Cliffwood boxer ten­ Midway Fire’ House. Matawan, column in advance of the start was disclosed in the annual state­ unlimbered in that period and Will Play ln County Six Teams In Circuit; dered him with jbas and hooks Sunday. The 11 team s now In the of the playoffs: "The second ment sent to .stockholders over the maintained the Maroon and Steel to 1:10 of the first round, then Grammar School Test league were represented at the Two Will Be Added plnyoff is most unfair to the lead at hairtime, 34-23. crossed the Jamesburg fighter w eekend. meeting. It was disclosed there winner of the first plnyoff for r m Softball ln this area was given with a. blow that flattened his learnings per share of connmm in the third quarter, Matnwan Keyport’s grammar school would be a second team In Ma­ the players on that team are a lift Monday night by the for­ nose back against ills face. THEATER buried ’em without flowers. Fasso basketball team successfully de­ tawan If qualified adult super­ put under a mental hazard in slock after deducting preferred .stormed in four times and Utter, fended the Bayshore Grammar mation of the Matnwan-Keyport Plrew went down cold and also visors could be found. Also the second playoff to keep Iheir dividends, based on the weighted KEANSBURG, N. J. Collins and Carlson twice each lo School League championship Softball League which Includes had to be dragged from the there may be two teams In the lntlai triumph from looking average of shares outstanding dur­ Opposite Public School bring the Malawan lead up to a 59­ they won lo^l year when they six teams. There are openings rin g . rjhoni» Kffinnburg 0-0300 Port Monmouth area. Because like a fluke. Their rivals in tlie ing llie year 11)54, were S7.34 com­ 38 at the start of Ihe last quarter. c lin c h e d th e 1955 c h a m p io n s h ip for two more teams. In the third match involving Kvetifntf Perform ances Start there could be nothing definite second playoffs nre, on llie oth­ pared with S5.I14 in tlie preceding n( C: l.r>. fn the final period, thc Gulls by defeating Matawan 37-26 on The organizations entering a CBC boxer, Robert Mitter known about this yot, the meet­ er hand, carefree for they have year based on llie shares outstand­ Mailncc Saturday tried roughsliodding it. Whenever the KHS court Tuesday. On Fell. teams In the league to date and took on Joe Fayad,, state AAU CoiiMnum^ Sunday ing was adjourned to Mar. 13 nothing to lose and all to win. ing al llie end of lhal year. a Matawan player went to shoot, 23 they defeated the Keansburg their m anagers are: St. Joseph's champion in the 135-pound class. when more definite information They have been beaten once, C. ,1. lliiekslrand, president, said the defensive play against him was team, with whom they had been Catholic War Veterans, Anthony Fayad had gone to lhe semi­ Wed. fhru Sah Mar. 2 - S will be available. the second playoffs are only a the increase in ncl earnings after of llie football type. As a result the tied for first place, by the con­ Garlto; Architectural Tile Co., finals of State Golden Gloves. The league voted to start its chance for them to show the taxes resulted “primarily from the GREEN FIRE Maroon and Steel shot l(i fouls in vincing score of 43-23 oil the Frank Veary; Cliffwood Fire Fighting under the Newark Po­ in Cinemascope 11)55 season on M ay 16 and have first one did not mean a thing." absence of certain unusual non­ this quarter and made 10, enough K H S c o u rt. C o., John M c O l n ty ; Keen P a i n ts , lice Athletic League colors, Fay- wilh tt run to July 30. Keyport Card­ That is exactly whal happened. recurring charges and lhe elimina­ lo secure their lead. Weltlin and The Keyport tenm thereby Pat Burrasso; Matawan-Key- ad scored a three-round deci­ Stewart Granger • Grace Kelly inals and Union Beach Hons Keyport bent Matawan in the tion of the excess prolils lax.” lie Wright, of Point Pleasant, went out qualified for a second straight porl Kecreation, Frank Devino, sion over Mitter. There were no Sh!. Mat. Only teams expect to get their first first playoff, then lost to Point and Atlantic Tile, Sam Lauro. credited "intensified advertising, on fouls, hut Have Bassinder came year to represent lhe bayshore knockdowns 1)1 tlie fight and Pleasant in the final. In the CHILDREN'S SURPRISE practice underway this weekend, merchandising and promotional on to apply enough heat at one ln the annual Monmouth Coun­ A second meeting will be held Mitter lost only by a narrow second playoff, the Maroon and but the Matawan Terriers will programs, and the effective efforts Sun. ihru T u p s . Mar. 6-8 time to bring his team lo within ty grammar school tourney. ' Mar. 14 at which time any fur­ count ln points. Neither boy Steel, already beaten and with be delayed a bit because of the of the Company’s employees in 10 points of their rivals nl (12-52. The "crucial” test with the ther applications for member­ wns marked by bruises at tlie Judy Holiday — Jack Lemmcn condition of the Matawan High nothing to lose, was poised and general" for helping lo maintain Jack Carson — Kim Novak There were four minutes left, so Keansburg team, that had lost end of the fight. School field, according to the ship will be voted on and the carefree on thc court. The only to Matawnn before the the Company's sales volume in the Matawan had cause for concern. problem of securing athletic Keyport team ran up a big lead PHFFFT manager, Mike Eovlno. face of an estimated decline of Hut Allan Wolf, in for Alikas, who game Inst week, proved surpris­ fields will be discussed. George Montgomery Insley will assemble the Card­ ngalnsl them, llien collapsed had fouled out, nailed two free ingly eftsy for Keyport. Mnta­ about four per cent for business as inals at KHS field Saturday Three fields will be used by Mat-Key Mixed nnd lost out from "nerves” in Masterson Of Kansas throws and Utler a rebound. Bass- wan provided much more stub­ a w hole. moning and Barney Chenoweth teams ln the new league, the Sunday Night League the final quarter. Point Pleas­ Cfirtoon inder sank a charity throw, then born opposition when the KGS Earnings before taxes totalled nnd Joe Carney the Union Beach Atco field In Keyport, the Oak ant, jittery from the start, did Carlson dropped in three straight five played with them the gnme 524..'114.000, up from S21 .lifin.OOl) Wed. thru Sal. Mar. 9 - 12 Lions nt Cottage Park field Sun­ Shades field and the Cliffwood everything wrong against Ma­ tosses from the foul line and Col­ needed Tuesday to clinch the Bayshore Stationery (2) in 1953. Robert Tavlor - Eleanor Parker day afternoon. Ave. field. The nights of play tawan In plnying as "regular title. However, Keyport was M . B e n to n 145 200 109 Dividends paid on the common lins one lo m ak e it 70-5.'). T h e Gulls will be decided after thc Little season" champs. Now it is llie Many Rivers To Cross never seriously threatened in B. Jncobsen . 178 195 159 stock totalled S4 por share, com­ had llie dubious solace of dropping League and Little Bigger Maroon and Steel players who _ ( * 'MKiM't >1 >i ‘ illU~1 Color either contest and their veteran E . B e n to n 158 106 150 pared with S3.50 paid lhe year in a few meaningless poinls before League schedules arc drawn up, are put on tlie spot, for in the Lex Corker * Mala Powers quintet showed there was lio E. Jacobsen 188 122 105 before. Howard Duff the final buzzer sounded. St. Anns Rally to avoid conflicts. state tournaments, they may doubt as to what team was out- H n n d lc n p 3 3 3 N et after-tax* earn in g s of tlu* • This was one of llie most one­ Officers of the league ui'e M r. have to facc Rumson and Key­ The Yellow Mountain standlilfiPln the^Bayshore league. foreign subsidiaries sided games in the history of the port again. As Conference Company's Terhffk-r/ki’.- Keyporl G. S. 137) Quells St. Joseph’s Barrasso, president, Tony Buc- 672 086 580 Shore Conference playoffs ami left champs they are under pres­ were $677,000’ on combined sales Saturday Matinee G F P co, secretary, and Tony Fran , Fltzirerald’s Oreen Acres (1) no possible doubl as lo which was sure not to lose to these two of $19,379,000, compared with CHILDREN'S SURPRISE Lawson, f 2 0 4 Keansburg Team Wins cisconl, treasurer. M . R o s s 117 113 176 the better team. In tlicir outburst teams, while 11 will be Rumson $439,000 on $19,414,000 in 1953. Ochinegro, f 4 19 The last softball league in the H . P r y o r 128 131 123 of fouling without regard to the 41-34; Trailed 22-1^ nnd the Keys who will be care­ Hooley,f 10 2 Keyport - Matawnn are,' the B . P r y o r 125 144 127 consequences in the last quarter, free and have all to gain and Sullivan,c ,53 13 A St. Joseph's, or Keyport, bas­ Bayshore Softball League, ex H . R o s s 187 159 201 the Gulls made laeil admission of nothing to lose. T a y lo r, g 0 4 4 ketball learn lhat had llieir neigh­ piled In 1950. Two area teams, llieir inadequacy. Den Jackson, R 2 1 5 borhood rivals, St. Anil's, of Kcans- the S & M, of Keyport, and the 557 547 027 (*ft) I Point IMrasant r» r i*] « f i' burg, completely in subjection dur­ Laurence Harbor A. C., hold Mat-Key. Rec (0) FuK.'in, f 8 0 Iti Stnittun. I 0 3 3 : 14 9 37 membership ln the Keansburg E . S c h w a r z 149 186 127 MANA33UAN's basketball Alikas. f '2 1 51 Wi’ttllM. t 7 7 21 ing the first half of their annual Dvltyi, i n 3 !i Hu.vslndrr. [ 2 7 11 ‘ M alaw i ii G. S. (20) Softball League, a fast senior M. Quartier’ 125 142 159 team added to the enjoyment EVERYONE'S GOING! game al St. Joseph's gym Sunday Wolf, I 0 4 4 , HiTbrrt. 1 0 1 ! c irc u it. - of the evening for M atnwan Utter, c li 15,Kttzslm'ns. c. i 3 11 .. g r v fell,apart in the second half and W. R ic h m o n d 152 163 144 Vanderbilt, r o 0 0: Wright. « d 5 S B e n n e tt, f • jvy: ' 0 0 0 P . D e v in o 142 117 208 fans at the playoffs at Asbury Curlson, « ti 0 IB Mtllar, « 1 2 4 was beaten, 41-34. •'• Park Hlgli School Friday by Collins. K 4 1 'J,Matthew.'-, t; (I O 0 O’Neil, f 5 111 The Keyporl five were riding a Farmers Eligible For H n n d lc n p 26 26 26 Mtmce. U V 0 0: winning the championship in Kuhns, ii 0 0 O' . R ic e , c ..102 22-11 lead al lialftime. They had S$il, Water Loans Jones, c 0 0 0 504 034 664 the “A" division from Nep­ worked a light zone all through -A ‘ ‘JC la 70! 14 ‘jn 5fi tune 76-65. The interest of the Score l>y Qiiarlrrs P e e le r , B 4 1 9 the first half which had thc usual­ Farmers in seven New Jersey Jim 's Har 3) Point, PWisant ...... 0 M IS 18—5G T o m a s e llo , a 1 2 4 K. Cliadwlclc 133 144 157 followers of the Maroon and MjltliiVjil) ...... 22 12 23 13 —70 ly high-scoring Keansburg combine counties have received or have ap­ Steel in the cage fortunes of Officials — Buuiwlers, Lukultls. frustrated trying to hit from the plied for “soil and water conserva­ J . B u r g e s s 174 171 170 11 4 26 llie Big Blue stems from the outside. In thc first two quarters tion loans" from the Farmers' D . K e n n e r 158 189 172 203 fact this is tlie firsl season as Boxing Show At Asbury Keyport G. S. 143) Mickey Briscese and John liam- Home Administration, according W . M e tz g e r 1D0 180 head coach at Manasquan for .. G F P brick drove in enough for St. Jo­ lo Chcslcr J. Tyson, jr., slale di­ Apr. IS; CBC To Enter 6G8 085 Harry Morris, a M n t a w a n Lawson, f 1 2 4 seph’s seemingly to assure them of rector. 694 Mkt. High alumnus, who only two Charlie Gorman, boxing director Ackerson, f 0 0 0 victory. ■ Oswald’s Seafood 10) This is an entirely new type of years ago was just an assist­ of the Asbury Park Hoys' Club, an­ Ochinegro, f 5 2 12 M. Morrison 134 158 140 ■ In the third quarter llie Keans- loan for .New Jersey, Mr. Tyson Sullivan, c ■... 2 2 0 C. Morrison 181 157 147 ant basketbnll coach at MHS. nounced .Sunday that Ihe Hoys’ burgers began to weave their wav said. II was authorized by the Taylor, g . ; 3 0 G G . H a r r is 159 154 180 Harry had n winner as fresh­ Club Alumni Association, is go­ lo spread St. Joseph’s defense and 83rd Congress to provide credit Ben Jackson, pr ■’ 5 6 15 B. B r a u n 170 131 163 man coach at Manasquan last ing lo slage an amateur boxing Hob Boehler and Tom Kelley were lor irrigation, farm water supplies, H n n d lc n p IS 16 10 year and when there was a show to help raise funds foi‘ the breaking in. lt was the Keyport 10 1 1 4 3 and conservation measures. reshuffling of coaching as­ Club’s new gymnasium, 'l'his a n ­ le.un lhat was being slinl oul from Keausburif G. S. (23) Host of lhe New Jersey loans COO 616 052 signments as Granny Magee nouncement was made after Mr. thc basket and before the quarter : G F P have been I'o1- the establishment M A- M IClectrlo 13) moved alonn to greener pas­ Gorman left a meeting wilh Alex was over the Keansburgers hail Simmons, f ■ 3 0 8, of farm irrigation systems, he said. V. W ilson 189 215 161 tures, the ex-MHS athlete was Groppe, director of the Club, who moved to llie fore. They kepi the G o rs k l, f 4 2 10 Thc maximum loan by law is P. Barcalow 100 102 144 entrusted with the basketball stated he had final approval of pressure on through lhe final quar­ F a s s e t t , I 0 0 0 825.000 and the maximum repay­ M . S m ith 102 166 142 coaching post vacated by John lhe Hoard of Directors to stage ter to emerge the winners. M c C lu sk y . c ’ 2 0 4 ment period 20 years. Loans au­ A. S m ith 181 150 210 Schellingei' who became di- ; lhe affair. Waltt, B . 0 11 The victory left SI. Ann’s the thorized so far have averaged rector of utlilelics. Not even \ Hr. Gorman staled that the show T . B u tto n e , R 0 0 0 only team wilh an outside chance SHI01) with a 7-year repayment 722 693 663 the roundest Squall rooter ex ; will be held al llie Asbury Park J . B u tto n e . g 0 2 2 of tying St. Janies, of ^ | hi. Aim's (111 able opposition as was prr | j is insured by Iho (loveriimeiit. lie T. In fan t! 188 201 146 Club, and lioland .1. Hines, local Deciding Game Pits ■ o >' I' fi r I­ sented by Freehold Regional. . Wagner. I o o o.clurkr r I n 3 said lhat every care is taken lo H a n d ic a p 21 21 21 boxing promoter, has oll'ercd his Barbermen Vs, Acorns ; Abuxxlu, I 0 (1 Qj Farley, f 'J o 4 Red Hank and Neptune. But i Maniu. t 0 4 Vlloeltkr. f S 1 11 make sure the loans are sound and services as matchmaker. H.Kennedy f t 0 2 Krlley. e 4 :i It 584 598 510 Harry did it and he deserves Deciding game in Keyporl In­ Ihe farnie.' receives the best ad­ ! Cliiinulii, f O O O'Sjrllxu. k I 0 'J C. K. Ifalireiiliurr Itlkl. ) the wannest congratulations, i P ra n k Doyle, tra in er of lhe Cliff- dustrial League basketball will he i i? Kenni'dv. c I I 3‘CalMnjin. k 1 « 3 vice mi use ol thc equipment pur­ 12 ‘ ItrlKcrM1. k 7 'i 18 Osiuto. k ‘J « 4 A. U lrlc h s e n 114 81 90 wood Hoys' Club, said Sunday played tonight al Keyport lligh ■ Hitmhllck. u 3 3 tl BtephrtiH, i; 1 ‘J 4 chased wilh tlii- money. H. P ie p e r 170 138 170 THREE SENIORS will play, som e of the C1!C b o x ers will p a r ­ courl when Larry's Harbor Shop llorrowei's are urged lo obtain ! la io ail 17 *i Ti J P ie p e r 128 193 164 tlielr last games .shortly. Acie i ticipate in (lie show. tangles wilh llie Five Acorns. The ( Hcorr hy l}a*rtrr* technical help Irom llieir county i St. JoHenh'* ...... 11 U 4 A-34 M. Uahrenburc 189 172 173 Cottrell nnd Chrl.s Cundey. of j agricultural agents and Soil Con­ llarb erin en won Ihelr way into tlio I HI. Ann’s ...... 1 0 211 10 41 Keyport, and 13111 Utter, of Mu ! favored slot by trouncing lhe servation Service lepresenlalives Garber’s Lend Kross 001 584 003 tawan. All three of these boys Jones Hoys last week, 00-lil), wilh : First Big Race Of before securing llieir loans. League Basketball llolly wood Service (21 have shown enough In carrying j Fred Wise racking up 2(1 poinls All loans arc reviewed by :i Season At Langhorne C. O lles 173 200 160 their tennis to front place In the, (larhtr's Supply forged to the Counly Farmers' Home Adminis­ w l W M s S \ > : ■for the winners and Jim lled- a i o A rn o ld 109 121 170 {Shore Conference to merit u I First niilo racing event nf Ihe tration Committee and are pro­ fore in the Walter Kross Associa­ molld 14. The five Acorns, bead­ T . O lles 157 133 103 1look-over by any college bus I season in the Kasl lias heen carded cessed through olliees located In Mar. 6-7-D tion Daskelbull Lengue Monday ed by T o m m y Nagle anil Hill a . A rnold 104 101 1 (10 1kctbnll talent scouts that may , for Langhorne (I’a.) Speedway, kIr»r?. Open 1:3D j>. in. when they scored over (larily’s Wheatley, are undefeated, llrldgeloii. Capo May Courl House, be coming Ihis way. Hal Deilz.1 March 20, Sam Nunls, promoter of Fiemiiigton, Freehold, (llassliorn, IHeeze fun tenm, 111-22, id llie Hollywood Oilers also kepi tlielr 093 017 0911 of Mntawiin, already Is headed | such cvcnls has iinnnimccd. The Mays Landing, Mount Holly, New Laurence Harbor Casino court. hopes alive by turning back lhe tthoen (1) fo r R u tg e r s for b a s e b a ll, so In-I i 25-mi le swccpslnkcs and the lesser Ion, Salem and Toms lllver. Tom, of Ihe vieloi-s, .mil Paul ATCO live In the opener nf llie T, K n a m 100 150 110 Is taken care of. The Maroon J I cvcnls nu the curd. have received Murtineau, of the losers, shared four-way bill. The oilier league L, W olf 100 140 I II und Steel's Allan Wolf Is n fool ! ;sanclion of llie American Auloinn- scoring honors with 12 points. teams, the Dukes, Deluxe Cleaners, 18 Listed On MJC Honor F , W olf 133 105 ion! ball man. One advantage ol the j bile Association. MARLON IIAII - - . Mm E MICHAft I.ain en ee H a rb o r H eights Co, and West Keansburg have re­ Roll For Semester One J , K n a m 1711 172 187 N. J. Slate Basketball Tmirnn : BRANDO • SIMMONS OBERON .RENHfE learn scored iu an overtime against signed themselves lo a spoiler's ) Hank Ungers, formerly of H n n d lc n p 8 8 8 meats Is Hint they are held ut I Harbor Hardware, 2(1 If!, wllh Kd role for the rest of lhe seasmi. Clieesequake, Is one of those who Miss O. Morrninn, llolm­ the snnie time the National In is expected lo etiler. Vatil’ell, of tlie losers, wllh 11 del, n liberal arts ,student. Ih a- 588 041 587 vllallon Toiininmoii! for college AiWlcil A U riicli'-j n Sunday M.ilinor Only points, Ihe only play er to hit dole N un Ik this seimon decided lo hold T lie W I, t e a m s Is In p r o g re s s In N ew KHS In Contest monn 111 .studentH ul Monmouth «t*mlliirM in c o i . o n C vU i t o o n in llll' llgures, lhe first race al l.anghnnie niter Junior College, Long Hriinch, M K M lSlectl'lo 43 M Y ol'k, so Ih e re a re p len ty ol Iiiiurenee H a rb o r Fire Co. Two Keyport players were singing a world's record-making who have boon mimed on tlie Hollywood Service :id 'JO talent scouts 111 the mctmpoll Noy| Wwk Wc*d. Ihru K.'l . Mur. 1) lo 12 proved no maleh lor llolfniiin's Li­ three .shots off the pnee In the event nl Ihe same Irack Iasi Oct. honor roll for NcmoHlcr one simi­ OHwald'H Seafood ‘JO 33 tan area al llie lime. The oul quor (earn as tlie.v succumbed by roul-shootlm? contest ut Iho A h III. T w o new m arks posted on lhat les. The top-riiiiklnn HlutlentH IwiiZure'n Shoes 38 a standing loams like cllfrsnle ConliiUioi!'. ttnhmhiy ■ Doom Opnn I:'.Ml p.m. a 117-11 seined lloli Slendaon and bury Park With School won b.v occasion Include one mile In 112,0!14 diilncd lionoi K by n m Ini u Inlnit illm'H H ar lit) an Park. Union Hill, F.niersnn and 2 ■ hit/ Altr.ieJiun* - - ?. seconds (101).24H m pll) by Al North Arllimtnn win the lions (ieorge K oe ll le hit for 11 and III Hon Jiiokowlti'., of lted llnnk mi average itrndo of II or high­ Unynlioi'(‘ Htatloneiy 35 1 j 113' j M-G-M’t MASTfftPirCC Of SUmMSE! poinls respectively for the win­ Catholic. Aele Cottrell mid Illeh Keller, of Palci'sott, and 25 miles er with ii full load of hI ikIIoh Mtil-Key. Kec. 32 Ij 3(1 Ij Hliare of the attention, but Ihis ners while Tom Carney's seven Wharlon each made 42 and In U : 17.01)4 (I()n.ni7 iii|)h) by and hclirn In nil oilier roMpi'clx C. lil. llnlii'f'tibui'K 30 30 Is not no had. North Arlliinlon SPENCER TRACY Bffrr^0^ U°Y [fl win hesi for ttie lli'emen, C'IiiIm Cundey .'10 annlnNt Jaeko- Mike Nnwiriik of llelniore, L, I., millxfiielory wI.h iIohIn. PltK H I'I'llld'N Ul'I'IMl 20 40 won the llergen Count.v Inler ROBERT RYAN •• " ^ o P fi wiii'.'ii wiiiiiliin total nf t!S, N V. David K. Cllllllniiil, 1112 Un­ Keelnn'n Hm' 28 41 Hellnliislle Tournament. I li I n ------week and In lhe learn lo beat Do you need nlilpplnu Inna ln n roll-off for the timm title, ion Ave., Union Ilc-nili, recently .. tR0CK Iwj&sifltfJJK \ ’ Our Job Printline do- Klin nm do (ill to I mil Afdntry V’otir advortlscnieill In l.lild enrolled for noiiiohIi'I' tw o nl. th e WeiliHnit Announcement* fol llie Pilule (ll'oiip I Chain m iM -n laiHMittHM'J® 1 i prepared lo mipply Park wlmioi'M, at on, C o ttrell paper will vunnh uiwippollvp college, printed promptly nn itunoled or plolislill), It Keyport or Mala w u t«Aii in wti.viivi.i t;;"' • lino nm . im* mu ■ umi hi.ihii^ m made HR, Wliai'tmi 21. nmlCtm-' WitII cull '.Vih llll' I'll!Ill lo on whorl notlco, lit iHiroluwters lu uvery eonimimlly bridal hook miow-wlille vellum A lililli,*! ir.iVI. 1 III pleiiHo you, doy II) In the l.onin-roll-nff. lu tho buyahoi'u ni'tm. A i'o you IniyliiH liefensn llonrtN? nt this offlot, North Ai'llimlnn al the Kliznliclli mmmmmmummmmmmt' THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN. N. J. PAGE THREE—SECOND SECTION

Consolidated l-ueis (.0 ‘■Helii w 'antiid” ;.ds ir. I' p .v ] E n j o y one o f A m e r i c a ’s g r e a t Monmouth Bowlers J . S tra n le ro 180 177 iy5 per tell you about thd good jobs ] treedoms. Attend the church o( S. B ellezza 208 216 197 o p e n . ‘ vour choice this weekend. SCORES OF BOWLING LEAGUES IN THE AREA M. Tenore 147 197 181 Drop Back In Race R. Broeder 144 194 204 Z. V a r c a 188 205 200 } Handicap 35 35 35 IR. Scheetz 130 . . . 138 Long Island M aintains Key-M at Church M atawan-Keyport Ih . A h le rs 178 149 136 1 795 861 867 867 989 977 ! J. Kelly 168 168 138 Lead Over Brooklyn Bowling League | The standing's;: W L M erchants League A n d y ’s S ta tio n (2) J . M cG U ity 138 . jBayview Presbyterian 27 P e a s e 181 201 135 REPOSSESSIONS Monmouth team slipped back in F e b . 22 iGethsemane Lutheran 28 C liffw ood A m o c o (2) F o u lk e s 172 113 159 the: Atlantic Coast Classic League 802 811 711 St. John’s Melliodist (2) St. John’s Methodist" 31 V. R n f f a 148 189 222 B u r g i n . 175 .144 194 bowling at the Matawan-Keyiport All-Bros, Woodworking (1) USED CAR CLEARANCE | A. B o g a r t 147 164 12G l^Mntawnn Baptist 32 D . D o w n e y 158 192 164 B e n n e tt , .. 171; 167 157 Hoc Center Sunday as J’hilly-Scran- D. T o o m e i 93 161 ,R. L e R o y 144 162 151 j M atawan Methodist 33 33 B . G u ls ti 204 1G0 S c a lz o , ' 162 172 182 ton took two o£ three games lo oust M. Costura 210 '174 155 M . W a llin g . 157 109 209 j Keyport Baptist 34 A. Esposito 214 190 them from third place. The Mon­ P. Galetti 127 120 H. Walling 181 215 150 ! Calvary Methodist 34 G . S a r d e lla 182 191 166 861 797 827 NO DOWN PAYMENT mouth contingent is now three J. Belletti 117 132 124 H . C o w le s 155 183 186 I Keyport Reformed 31 35 | d . L e o n e tte 177 , Harold's Garage (1) games off the puce. L. Morlzlo 206 173 151 [ Hebrew Congregation 37 J . O v e r le y 227 R. Perrin1. 141' 1GG 1GG Jay Hekert was high for Mon­ Oft L . M o rlzio 164 155 784 833 822 (Matawan Presbyterian J. Smith ' . ' 130 179 168 m o u th wit'll 841. .Iiinie M cM ahon, 906 922 956 M u tiiw u n M e th o d is t (1) . 753 703 747 G . P e r r i n i 181 194 172 llieir star, had an off day, slump­ Burlew’s Restaurant (1) '-'•ir-S Just Take O ver M onthly E . D n v a n e y 101 137 189 Thc stunilliiKs: W L J. Wyman ,174 196 164 ing to 588. Perry Snntilli hit for K e y p o r t 201 A. W ilks ' 101 117 151 C o u c c i , 182 200 B lin d 135 135 135 (>62 for the bo.wlers from the City C liffw ood A m o c o 48 21 I F . K o r te n h o u s c 189 149 154 Recreation League N o v o tn y > 130 195 176 •otherly Love. C r a t e ’s B e v e r a g e s 46 23 P a y m e n t s P e a s e . 192 156 191' I H . K n o ell 144 144 232 F r a n k 's B a r b e r Shop 42 27 .770 870 805 J;i5ng Island held first place by S k U la k 182 138 181 ' M . L o n g s tre p t 150 138 144 B re n tw o o d H o te l (0) O ld M ill D a iry 41 1/2 27 1/2 C r a te ’s B e v e i'a g e <2) ■ 1 scoring 2! over Brooklyn on the P e p , H fin d icn p 18 ' 18 18 109 151 231 F. Brien' . . . 180 , 108 149 mo. strength of Joe Brown's threc- N e p p 174 180 189 Consolidated Fuels 41 28 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Sedan $37. per R. Falk . ' - ' 102 194 214! gaine mark of 048 Frank Okular, Bloxom 120 15G 1G1 l o o '"840 "980 Mat.-Key. Recreation 40 29 083 703 t I lo b b o s k y 109 100 190 G. Pelose ' 170 135 163 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Sedan $28. per mo. lJrookiyn's star, slumped to 557 in Crate's Ileverajtes (2) >■ ' R a p o l ia ’s M a r k e t 40 29 Gethsemanc Lutheran (2) T . C sik 149 174 193 W. Wnlllng » 14G 150 177 this key match and thereby lost C. C a r b o n e 167 180 214 A n c h o r I n n 39 1/2 29 1/2 169 185 170 J o h n s o n 175 141 199 J. Cecere v , 170' - 221 191 1948 KAISER Sedan $20. per mo. the individual scoring lead lo his ' Scalzo T. S u ch o i'sk l 177 173 169 J a g ’s S p o r t G o o d s 39 30 137 143 156 Long Island rival. 'J. Hopler M o n te n a s o 160 191 Burlew’s Restaurant 3B 30 , 792 811 032 R. 183 828 808 894 1948 STUDEBAKER Sedan $30 per. mo Marty Cassia, of Elizabeth, | j . W elle 100 142 137 M & G T r a n s p o r ta tio n 37 32 J o h n 's '" B a r (3) A. Sigismundi ' 197 196 185 turned in the high individual ser­ |P . B oos 138 131 123 O K S a le s & S e rv ic e 33 1/2 35 1/2 KcnnshiirK News 11) W y c k o ff 234 177 218 T. F r n n c ls c o n i 161 182 188 1947 DESOTO Club Coupe $20 mo. ies Avit'h a 004 on games of 207, 231! 'L . H o p le r ICG 175 160 Schanc's Fuel Oils 33 1/2 30 1/2 Moore . . ■■ ■ 120 per. S chnpht.,. 218 195 199 and^24. The single game top R e g a n ’s T a v e r n 32 37 S ig ism o n d i 130 158 211 R o ss' 151 150 233 862 914 947 • Many Other Excellent Buys seni't was registered by Mike 776' 776 746 C liffw ood In n 30 39 J . C o stic 169 143 1G0 P r e s t o n 136 175 195 R a p o l la ’s M a r k e t (1) Gnize, of Trenton, with a 2511. New­ Matawan Presbyterian (1) Cliffwood Angels 2G 43 A. Bellezza . 180 224 204 108 204 179 R a p o lln 191 190 . 232 A. H e n d e r s o n 145 164 1GG Ilo w n rd R . K r u s e r 198 183 195 ark's Joe I'otts rolled a 254. B u r k e - 170 132 W a llin g ’s M a r k e t 25 44 S'lWSIHNOS C. Galloway 135 136 123 C liffw ood F i r e Co. 23 46 J . P e s c e . • 148 204 Lontr Island ...... 37 20 ■ 907 901 1021' T r a h l m 128 , 148 182 Frank Van Syckle, Inc. S. C la rk 148 137 140 limoklyti ...... JDJ U7J Varlese Construction (1) S u la .182 145 148 A ll-B ros. W o o d w o rk in g 22 47 I'hilly-Scnmttm ...... J4i 281 S. Rittenhouse 147 134 181 809 856 974 Monmouth ...... 34 2 9 . C s i k 162 167 178 P a s t e r n a k 184 152 256 Hoffman's Liquor Store 13 5G AUTHORIZED DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALERS Tn-iucm ...... J'J 'U0 A. H all 124 134 171 The standings: W L Kllzabi'lh ...... 311 Hi B o m m e r . 197 187 190 B n r r a s s o ; 167 Highway 35 MA 1-4695 Laurence Harbor N«rW York ...... 30 33 H a n d ic a p 21 21 21 V a r le s e 159 164 156 Consolidated Fuels 42 % 26 VJ I^uttraon ...... 211 34 N. J. Shore District 41 li 2714 Huckt‘iisuck ...... 201 . 301 M e tz g e r ’ 175 173 158 855 767 985 Keansburg Ladies Newark ...... J+ 3‘J 720 726 802 C e n tr a l T a v e r n 37'/? 31'/, G e lle ■ 164 193 190 Frank’s Barber Shop (0) M onday Night League Keyport Reformed . (0) Ei-Moe-Ki Bar 36 If 32'/, J . M u rp h y 170 172 170 in your new kitchen . . . . Ea'iter Seal A ppeal C a m e r o n ' 169 126 142 . , ■ \ 857 884 898 - Andy’s Station 30 33 R o s a to 189 167 185 W illey 15D 103 102 Aunuck’s Furniture 12) - K e y p o rt R e c . (2) C r a te 's B e v e r a g e 29 40 To'bpen Next W eek S o lty s 147 172 157 ANDERSEN CASEMENTS L o o sc h 103 163 113 F . K r u s e r 183 211 105 G . H a r r is 137 153 135 H a r o ld ’s G a r a g e 29 40 M a c in g 170 105 160 M . V igne 105 124 11G Tho purpose of t?ic. Kievlur M3 mu 11!0 <41 030 U7U PAGE FOUR—SECOND SECTION THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, MATAWAN. N. 'J. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 19SS n

Servicemen Have Leave employment to enter j Before going on active duty. atlng with thc schools and with Do you need shipping tabs ! he hud been . employed as a j the students is . Just another ex- or labels? Our Job printing de­ Reemployment Rights “ “ ‘w ;ie,'vice: se,rve 1101 mor« | Old Bridge Sailor . . . * than four years; be .separated i machinist in the experimental J ample of neigliborliness between partment is prepared to supply W. J. R. Overath. Regional [coin the Armed Forces under t . NOTES 'Lost Off USS Leyte department of Lavoie Labora­ community and industry ycur needs on short notice, at ;; JFteiJresentatlve of the U. S. De- honurable conditions, and apply 11 i tories, Inc., Morganville. The tour was arranged by Ka­ price.! that will please you. therine Kunish, student, and pnrtment of Labor's Bureau of'for restoration to former em- About Area Men aiitl Women 1 H. A. Michelberger Sister M ary Augustine. “For Rent” and “For Sale" .• Veterans Re-employment Bights.! plover within yo clays of separ- ! Students Tour S>vept Into Sea signs may be purchased at this . today announced that persons ;ation date,” Mr. Overatli said, in the i Tile Plant Have you read tiie classiiied ads? office. leaving employment to enter! "Persons now entering mili- i H a n s A n io n M ic h le b e r g e r , 19, military service continue tojtary service will continue to en- Architectural Tiling Company Ison of Mr. and Mrs. Frank : have re-employment rights un-ljoy the re-employment benefits played host to a group of 15 der the Universal Military : as provided under federal law," Armed Services Michelberger of R. D. 1, Old members of St. Ann's School Training and Service Act. These | Mr. Overath added. , Bridge, a fireman apprentice Civics Club, Keansburg, on Feb. ,. rights accrue to all persons cn-1 Further information on re- in the U. S. Naval Reserve was 17. T h e g r o u p w a s c o n d u c te d torlng service whether by In-: employment rights is available on a complete tour of the plant lost overboard from the U.S.S. duction, enlistment or reserve! to veterans, service men; em- Wallers Promoted . Receives Observer Wintrs ■ by M. Strano. tiniestudy repre- cntry. i ployers and labor organizations Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walters, Peter A. Dunn, who received Leyte Saturday in the Atlantic tScntative, A. Davidson, ceramic Ocean. His body was not re­ Mr. Overath stated that the! at the U. S. Department of La- Fulton St.. Keyport. have been|hisII I commission as Second Lieu- : engineer, C. McCormick, a.ssist- c o v e re d . termination of certain GI train- j bor's regional office, 341 Ninth a d v is e d tliatj tenant in the Air j ant superintendent and S. M. lng.: benefits on Jan. 31, 1D55,!A vc.. New York 1. N. Y., Tel. Force, received His parents received the fol­ | Hoffman. personnel director. their son, Ralph j does not affect, re-employment j LAekawunna 4-9400, extension h i s observer lowing telegram Saturday night : Each student l'eccived samples M . W a lte rs , lias i rights after military service. jS51. wings in grad­ f ro m V ice A d m ir a l J . L. l-Iol- |of the manufacturer's product. been promoted! f i t “In order to tiualify for re------uation exercises lowas, Jr., Chief of Naval Per­ I After the tour the group as- to the rank of j employment rights one must; Hove you read the classified ads » held at James sonnel; “It is with deepest regret jsembied in the conference room R. G. THSXTON INC. A i r m a n First: Connally A i r that I officially inform you of tho j where Mr. Davidson spoke on Class. He is nt-! Force Base, Wa­ death of your son, Hans Anton ; the art or ceramics and answer- 110 Main St. Matawan lending Leader-; co, Tex. T he Michelberger, Firemen Appren­ i ed numerous questions. ship School and! Ceremonies cli­ tice, U.S. Naval Reserve which I Plant Superintendent J nines Tel. 1-1040 — 1041 is studying per- ANNOUNCEMENT maxed a year of occurred Feb. 26, 1955, when ■' Mauro commented liiut co oper sonel manuise-i training in the he was lost overboard from thc DOW weed and brush control materials are now ment. and isi E ; J . observer pro­ U.S.S. Leyte. It is regretted that attached to the j ills body wns not recovered. Your readily available to you! THE DOW CHEMICAL First ft a a io iie- ' 1JUNN Lt. Dunn, a son died while serving his coun­ WALIMIS , ny Squadl.on| COMPANY has been a pioneer and leader in the 1048 graduate of Keyport High try and I extend to you my sin­ in Ranstein, Germany. Airman School, attended West Virginia cere sympathy in your great Walters' duties are in mainten­ Wonted development of these products and we are proud University, studying engineering- loss. Property to announce' that we now represent them in the ance on German PPM Micro­ He is a member of Sigma Chi A requiem mass for Firemen Apprentice Michelberger is be­ wave Equipment. Fraternity. . distribution of their products. He entered the service in Oc­ ing offered today at 9:30 a.m. in He would like to hear fom liis tober, and took his primary ob­ St. Thomas Church. Old Bridge. Keyport Matawan — Raritan friends and they may write him server training nt Halingen Air In- addition Lo his parents, he A sk our salesman for literature about our 2,4-D I as follows: A l/C Ralph M, Wal- Force Base, . is survived b,v a brother, Fn.uik 2,4,5-T, and PREMERGE* products i ters, AF1242S430, First Radio His parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jr., at home. Born in New York George A. Dunn,' l'esidd at 1819 C ity on J u n e 7, 1935. th c y o u n g We have buyers for residential properties j Relay Sqdn., APO 12, c/o Post- Front St,, Scotch Plains. They seaman was a graduate of South ROY S. TILTON & SONS, INC. I master, New York, N. Y. are former Hazlet residents. River High School. He had . and acreage. | Meyer Made Sergeant lived in Old Bridge for 17 years FARM EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Assisted In Evacuation and had served two years wllli John E. Meyer, who is station- Two Robortsvll'.e young men FR . 8 - 2 3 9 7 the naval reserve before enlist­ MARLBORO, N. J. I ed in Korea with D Battery, 15th serving in the U. S. Navy, are ing for active duty on Jan. 27. *A now DN Weed Killer for oals seeded io alfalfa and legumes; ; AAA Bn., of the Second Division, aboard the USS Mullany DD- His parents received a letter Cliffwood Beach Co.—Pirate Ship nolntoos; sweet corn; etc. has been promoted to the rank 528, which was part of Fast Car­ from him Saturday stating that r ie r T a s k F o r c e 77 w h ic h w a s the Leyte had left Port Jamaica Matawan 1-2424 of sergeant. He hns been in assigned to support and protcct and that he was at sea. K o r e a sin c e N ov. 17, 1953, an d Navy carriers which evacuated received his basic training at Chinese Nationalist troops nnd Camp Atterbury, fnd. civilians from the Taclien Is­ Set. Meyer, son of Mrs. John la n d s . W OOD EXTENSION j Meyer, 53 Third St., Keyport, en­ The men are Albert R. Cat- i tc r e d s e r v i c e M a y 12, 1953 an d toh. SO 3/c, and Bill Keck, FT is a graduate of Keyport High 3/c. .Their, ship and Its person­ IViother never told me LADDERS i School. . nel received commendations I In civilian life he was employ- from President Elsenhower, Ad­ jed as a baker by Quality Bak- miral Pride and other high na­ >ery, Keyport, a^d is assigned as val officials. | an assistant mess steward. . The Mullnny has been de­ 20ft. He has been given the Nation- tached from Task Force 77 and | al Defense M.edal, the United is now, enroute to Manila after Nations Medal and the Korean which it will go on an cxiunded 24 ft. Service Medal. cruise of Fnr Eastern waters. there’d be days Catton ls the son of Mr. and Kc-Assifiiied In Korea 28 ft. Mrs. Waller Rietzkc, nnd Keck Army Pfc. Craig S. Ragsdale, is the son of Mr. and M rs. Chris whose wife, Edna, lives at 196 Keck, of Robcrtsvllle. 32ft. Main St., Matawan, recently ! was re-assigned to I Corps’ 88tli Flays In Musical Unit | i Infantry Heavy Mortar Battal- Serving with the Drum and! 36 ft. i ion in Korea. Bugle _ Corps at the U. S. Naval j ike th is !” ; An intensive post-truce train-j Training Center, Bainbridge. 'ing program is supervised by IjMd., is James P. MacLean, son 40 ft. ; Corps for the UN units under jof Ml. „nd M[.s. j nmes Mac­ ; its control. ■ ;Lean of G27 Bayview Ave., Un­ ! Pfc. Ragsdale, son of Mrs.!ion BCach. • j Louise Barbee, 406 Academy! The Volunteer unit trains foi­ st., Madison, N. C., is a radio; iowlng regular hours of recruit j £ i i & 9 Open Friday Nights operator with the bnttalion's J instruction. It performs at all j Headquarters Company. He en- i rccrLilt reviews and special civil tcred the Army in April 1950; funetions in nearby communl- .• jm m a m m ■and arrived in Korea during; ties. M a rc h 1954. ^ —■ ; A 1949 g r a d u a t e of M a d is o n : . iHigh School, he was a televi-\ Petit Jury Panel 26 • 28 W. FRONT ST., KEYPORT jsio n r e p a i r m a n Tor W e ste rn A n- j Lists Area Names ■to b e fo re e n te r in g th c A r m y .! r e s id e n ts •••••••••••••••••••••••••••* •••••••••••••••••••••••••« • i di-Iwn Hfov^peUt "jury service • .during the two-week period Mar. *; 7-20 were listed this week by • the Monmouth County Jury A n d B e t t e r V a l u e s .a : Commission. B i g g e r •, Scheduled to serve from this section are Mrs. Dorothy Bah- renburg, Hnziet; George W. QUALITY M E A T S A N D P O U L T R Y I Crawford. Union Beach; Cliff­ ord Ii. Grant, Matawan; Sam­ uel \V. Ilibbs, Matawan; Mrs. Emma Hopla, Keyport: Her­ Buy For Less At MOLONEY'S MARKETS j man R. Jones. Keyport; James F. Martin, West Keansburg; Warren E. Porter, Cliffwood: Anthony Salvatorlello. Keans­ W ilson’s certified burg; Mrs. Caroline VonStaid, Chuck Steak Stewing Union Beach: and Russell K. Or Roast Chickens Smoked Hams Wyckoff, Keansburg. TOP VALUE 39c ib. 29c us- 45c lb. USED CARS 54 Desoto Firedome 4 dr. Fully Equipped BONELESS ROASTING VEAL 49c lb Exec $2775 53 Plymouth O.D. Make washday a holiday Prime 4 dr. $1300 Lamb or Beef Tender Juicy 53 Mcrcury Rib Roast Hardtop $1895 with a modern electric washer For Stew Sirloin Steak 53 Buick Super C o n v , $1995 and electric clothes dryer! 3 9c ib- lbs. (or 5 C lb . 51 Mercury ■ 2 2, 49c Club Coupe $950 B o n e l e s s 50 Chevrolet 4 dr. Sugar - Cured Brisket LB. 4 9 c : Coupe . . . $635 W ashday usi-d to ;tn ordeal every housewife dreaded. O 49 Fortl V8 Baskets lo Iuk, flolhc.s lo run through a w ringer and

2 dr...... $370 endless trips lo llie clothesline — w eather perm itting. Riband P late LB. 1 9 c I 49 Frazer Corned Beef But. those duys are gone forover! Today, M rs. M odern Manhattan $450 48 Buick Special m erely flicks a switch nnd clothes are washed, rinsed and Loan M o n ty Hom o M n dc 4 dr. $340 d r i e d aulvnmlicttlhj. I f y u u r m other never told you 47 Chevrolet Aero the fad s about modern electric wuahers and dryer#— ’ Fresh Hams Sausage M eat Sedan $290 47 Willys , hoc your Reddy Kilowatt dealer, today! Station Wagon $350 3 Lbs. $ 1 - 00 4(> Ford Club Coupe $275 50 Chevrolet JCP&L 4tlr. 4(i DeSolo Club Coupe ilcrn«y Central IW er & Light ,, 4(> Plymouth 4 dr. HultJ Wllli W ritten W nrrnnly 5TRAUB MOTORS.Inc. Mrs. Modern nays: I hvy 35 & Bcdlo Rd, '"ronl Sl., Keyport KE 7* 1540 -4(>(>8 Main Sl,, Muluwan Keyport 7-1908 "GO.ALL ELECTRIC.. .THE ONLY WAY TO.MODERN LIVING!" (J: