— Ammmgt' Tmetse Smjt--P«Mv Proceed* Sidl^4)Eneiit Mrs
.-?-, ' <K £'•'- \f- •%..? &,*£&,*$%& m*. COIJRmB-JOWNAt. en School Friday^ Jtuii |t^ 1955 couts Present , Modified AthleHc w Annual carnival of mjm^?mm/.±jv: frack g, St Stephen'!, ......... ,..„. .... ^rsnts imitr&m $10,§Sfl to buqueshe Unfversi fWvfBPi^plattd by,Congress "- hew fnMy,UUHB ^ WPMW$*--i(NCF=Sif . , .. Httsbuygh, Fa., for cheroiaj •«& ^ales High School gym ti;fp^iji^igf,,rsiga«9h in basic moderate approach to atWetics have banded together to fftrru search JntoL nROhtJurteB*,' *«a isn^h* W0jfr^i?mw *«warii to $4,400*to Quihcy CoHfee, ^ulncy^ the Middle Eastern College Athletic Associatiun. ^0^^$imm Winona, ill* to finaanc* * fctflogitil t#. 4^fiJ&A tight-rope walkers, In making the juMouncetnent j^iscoJ^-lttvteUgli^nrj^^^ttow |^W?irs,: strong menr magicians, of their action, the directors o"f* everemphasisi it does npt repufe fating :in &* flfefasippfc River. nal trainers, and bearded athletics at the schools said they sent a change in athletic policy at An skwxa: .xmt* mh to j>r. i»vucj»5«iiit;iituiiKil'serftertalnedu thuie audiencenuaience. did pot want "to fall victim to jp^^fe *;-|!i: be held on Its any of the member Institutions." : K$tli aTv^Mojer .pj Carbolic Unl- 2^wlnT6raof-the scouts originat- the growing .overemphasis on None of the colleges currently veriilty: .^'^wif^.^hiiigioii, :5id|the.*-*cts arid trained the per athletics." sponsors a football team, but at forming Cubs, t *. ^i%M)^||#«#t9 ^ Biology D,;,C„ to enable Mm to attend THE MEMBERS of the neweac h basketball is considered the ifJ^JSPtAWMS of the big event association are: Ioria College -major sport.
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