School Crossings | Regional Committee Guards Controversy ! i To Get Estimates i < Mayor, Police Head | e r | Discuss Three Plans; Differ In Marlboro Twpi j Debt Limit $600,000 (About Their Authority j Member National Editorial Association New Jersey Press Association Monmouth County Press Association ! For Proposed Board Sharp division or opinion oc­ c - i / - c n I ^ Regional School Survey curred fit tlie .Marlboro Township 86th YEAR — 35th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 oingle C opy oeven Cents: committee meeting Monday night Committee meeting Thursday be- j in the Keyport High School cafc- tween Mayor Dennis Buckley and , tcria made plans to have cost esti­ members of the police committee | Mayor To Run Again THE FIRST TIME A MATAWAN HIGH BASKETBALL TEAM EVER DID THIS Madison Board To Lots Pledged For mates secured on various regional oVcr the authority and duties to] Mayor Spal'furd W. Sclianck 1 school building plans. Hoards of be given men hired to watch j confirmed this morn ini; that | education in this area represented school crossings. lie Imd cleciileil (o run fur an­ Sample Opinion Church, When Needed !nl the meeting were Keyport, Charles McCue, chairman of tlie ; other term as mayor of tlie Keansburg, Uninn Beach, Matawan, police. committee. Wild thc. commit- borough on Ihc Republican Questionaire To Seek Matawan Township I Ilarilan Township and Ilolmdel l^llcn he had sounded out men I ticket. The mayor will com- i Township. tt'lfo niiyhl bc in terested in the plete his second two-year Residents Views On To Aid, Ricci States; | Thc group requested Karl B. school crossing work, lie said the! term on Dee. .'II. i School Building Plans Seek Two Parcels Nowi Garrison, county superintendent, job would pay $1 per hour for three j Mayor Schanck said Coun­ lo get estimates of Ihe costs in­ hours. II was decided lhal at Mor- cilman Cyrus Brown would Madison Township Hoard of Ed­ Mavor John Marz, Jr., of Mata-j volved in three plans: First, t j , ynnvillo School the crossin!! watch­ seek renomiiiation with him ucation voted Holiday to have hex ■.van to w n sh ip , ins pledged the So­ have lhe proposed ilegional Hoard man would have in he on duty! in the April primary but that Copeland, superintendent, prepare ciety ot St. A nthony, of Cliffwood, >purchase Keyport and Matawan only at hours of yoinK and coming : Councilman K. Story Ilallock ,, , ... r , - High Schools and immediately con- a . questionnaire which will be ns there is a cafeteria at the school. | had decided not to seek re­ thal ii the plan ior the establish-, strucL an addition on tho Keyport All children cat at lhc cafeteria! election. The horoiiKh GOP mailed to all persons on the voting ment of a l?omnn Catholic parish school to make the facilities .suf- but four older uncs who livc| organization will decide 011 Its list to gel the altitude 011 a school in Cliilwood is carried through, the i fieicnl lo accommodate 1200 pup- nearby and have lhc maturity to! second councilmanio candi­ building program. A special com­ township will turn over ali tho \ ^-s' second to have costs on a new date this weekend. v''teh out for themselves. It alsoj mittee headed by Charles R lots in thc block where the society i fP-10,0', *° pupils and, v*ls decided that no crossing, A Democratic; source said , ■ <hirtl, lo get the cost of t«-o new T h o m p so n was n a m e d to d raw up watchman woidd be needed al | this morning that that party non has holdings in the Kramer , schools lo house 1200 pupils each. four or live options on the types Uobertsvillc School for practically i would file a slate for thc m ay­ I.and Sales tract, one block in from j Mr. Garrison explained lhal os- all pupils (here are transported by j oralty and two couiicilmanle of schools that should bc built, CliiVwnnd Ave. for church pur- • timntcs of 515 million dollar rala- p o s ts ill th e A pril p r im a r y . school buses which come 'up onto | where they should hc placed and po^cs, according to Frank Ricci.1 ^ bwroiving purposes In tlie D ecisio n 011 candidates will be how' m uch m o n ey should he ex- 1 the school grounds to let pupils in j beads the made at a conference of bor­ ponded for them and submit the < *- ocicty’s work in ! ^ „ di^ i^ icalc(,l ll'c dch' and out. j endeavor. This 'innnrenllv' 1 ,)f lhc P'oposcd Regional ough Democratic leaders to proposals to thc voters to choose ; M ayor B uckley questioned if would be negotiated ^ ‘a nominal I *|°.uW *)e 5800,000. lie add- he held this weekend. William Kerr, board president j using a safety patrol of older hoys sales basis, as is the custom will. \he " f s c h o o l promised thc building coniinitlec j would sufliec. Mr. McCue reported property transferred for church! ^ ' G " f.T ,'1,' 0 "'lve? th<| would be guided largely bv llie 1 it is not proving satisfactory purposes 1 w ou jd be on a piec.c-mcal findings of -this poll. j o’A^Ihe youngsters art: easily dis- Marlboro Board Mr.' liicci disclosed lie conferred " C, s“« ^ sU'(l l;"c l,,Ia" 10 This action was taken after it 1 traded from attention lo their hist weekend wilh the mayor and ! P“1‘A1*® 1b“ l 1 Y y T ' T ' l)ad become manifest tlie new j duties by their friends. It was Ezra W. Karkus. township attorney, j * fJTi(,H’alI ,Schools, then build the Told Rooms Needed board was not in accord about the j Never before has a MHS ba&kclbull ieum been able to cherish a Shore Conference championship noted that .safely patrols generally on clearing the title to lhe lolls, f. I i m ° C’T S $022,500 building program initi­ troohv all its own. This is the first lime since ihc Conference was fou ndcd in 1937 lhe school has wen were being regarded with less honors in b«s!< elball. It' hne won championiihios in football and baseball and has won in track many limes, ated by the 1954-55 board. This Y life. ,j» ™ «n. SJVuin favor because of insurance com­ Additional “Outside” This year it mav win titles in all lour r-'orts. plan called for erecting a new plications that have arisen over Accommodations Are In lhe Ironl row: Stove Alikas. Ron Carlson, (wilh basketball) Bert Collins (holding trophy), Coach eight-room unit in Cliffwood Beach, T1 “ r - r , their use by schools. Paul J. Evans. Second row: Dan Vanderbilt. Jack Kuhns. Hal Deilz. Joe Fasso. Bill Utlcr. Rear row: Allan do now own which lie between one I H ^ c.ou Uy, 31l^nnlcndent _be- Necessary, Orr Says a new 12-room unit in Old Bridge, Wolf. Tom Magoc. parcol ol live lots and imolhcr par-1 ■s.t.u‘ en,S tron’ ,al districts Should Have Authority a four-room addition to Memorial eel of four lots in which the I’(-' a«'om- The mayor then observed that James Orr. principal of M arl­ School, Laurence Harbor, and a I if men were to be hired lo regulate boro School, warned thc town­ six-room addition lo Browntown Barnegat MHS Foe cicty already has taken title. I ‘ . v ' , ,°r t0r ‘',l!0 !lt Wilh the two additional lots, the , V , whui *llc net debt school crossings, they should have ship board of education last School. All-purpose rooms were Army Engineers Landlord, Former liarucgral will bc tHalawan's Society will have a solid block oft 011''' f t ' J,ec,™s“ »nd ratable* (Vnice authority and tlie right to night rising enrollment would included for Memorial School and opponent in the quarter-final lots sutlieienl in size for the loca-l M , , , rr^ il,m - township, control traffic. He suggested that necessitate finding additional Old Bridge. ■ such watchmen he made spccial ‘‘outside'' facilities for the hous­ To Sue For Ducks round of play of thc Ccnlral ! Tenant, In Court tion of llie public hall which the i , ro'.vns,"l> »■'<! Malawan Mr, Thompson did not agree with Jersey, Group 1, chump* group hopes to build this year. The | ,r" ? 1 p, ‘"selr' d y,1' 10 Proposed officers, sworn in lo police duly ing; of pupils in thc next school thc plan for an eight-room school Irmship of this year s New Jer­ hall would bc used as a Sunday ™ , ife 1 , "’n V'e™' and uniformed. This would in­ year. Mr. Orr reported thc in Cliffwood Dench. Me believed U. S. Agent Reports Assault Alleged In crease the number of special police present enrollment at Old Brick sey State Inlcrsoholastlc Ath­ School and a site for holding , ..L 01 H'!l1 .‘ll lh.“J tl™ .» it would bc wiser to enlarge the Action Over Loss Of letic Association’^ basketball 'Dispute Over Order masses, if the diocese «ivc* ap- >200 |,upil unit could |,e built in th e tow nship lo four. R e f o rm e d C h u r c h w n s 05 and, size ot Memorial School and obtain tourney. The Harneg;al five Mr. McCue objected since the that an increase of up to 20 Wild Life From Oil To Move; Martin Rules, proval, according to Mr.
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