Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04072-4 — The Afterlives of Greek Sculpture Rachel Kousser Index More Information


Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations

Abai, Persian depredations at temple of afterlives of Greek sculptures, 1 – 15 at, 99 , 100 , 101 , 108 aesthetic approach to Greek sculpture, 2 , 22 abduction of sculptures, 74 – 75 , 76f27 , 81 applicability of Athenian evidence to other ABRASAX, 34 places, 13 – 14 accidental damage to sculptures, 85 – 87 , 87f33 . archaeological evidence for, 12 – 13 See also Kerameikos characterization of unacceptable image- Achaian League, 187 , 189 –91 , 213 , 214 – 16 related behavior as barbaric and Achaios (mythological ancestor of Achaians), un-Hellenic, 4 – 5 215 , 216 Christianity and, 7 , 228 – 29 , . See Athenian Acropolis comparative perspective on, 9. See also Near Actium, battle of (31), 87 , 199 East and Mediterranean adornment and clothing of statues, 49 – 52, 50f9 extreme responses to negative treatments of Aegina, painted marble lekythos with women sculpture, 5 adorning funerary stele, 156 , 156f62 inscriptions, as source materials, 10 – 11 Aemilus Paullus in Kerameikos, 7 , 149 – 82 . See also Column of, , 218f85 , 219 Kerameikos looting of Greek sculpture by, 224 leader portraits, 7 , 183 – 219 . See also leader traveling in Greece, 226 portraits , 120 , 169, 249n77 literary texts, as source materials, 8 – 9 methodological approach to, 9 –10 Choephoroe, 237n25 military conl icts, pragmatic reuse of Eumemides, 239n84 sculptures during, 149 myth of Greek exceptionalism and Oriental mutilation of the herms (415), 6 –7 . violence in poetry of, 107 , 108 See also mutilation of the herms Persae (Persians), 64 , 108 , 203 , 231n21 myth of Greek exceptionalism and, 2 –3 . Septem contra Thebas (Seven Against Thebes), 60 , See also myth of Greek exceptionalism and 237n18 Oriental violence Supplices, 239n84 ontology of sculpture in and, Aesculapius, shrine of, , 224 6 , 43 – 89 . See also ontology of sculpture in aesthetics ancient Greece leader portrait saved from destruction due Persian invasions and, 6 , 93 – 118 . See also to, 213 Persian invasions (490 and 480/79) and as methodological approach to Greek their commemoration sculptures, 2 , 22 representations of sculpture in reliefs and vase Roman view of Greek sculpture and, painting, 11 – 12 . See also reliefs; vase painting 2 , 22 , 89 in Roman period, 7 , 223 – 29. See also Rome of voodoo dolls, 31 – 32 and Roman empire 291

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afterlives of Greek sculptures (cont.) andriantes, 47 time parameters, 14 aniconic or “primitive” works, continued use rather than creation, focus on, 1 – 2 signii cance of, 88 voodoo dolls and, 5 – 6 , 19 – 42. See also voodoo animism, 44 , 45 , 62 , 88 dolls in Greek culture anointing, bathing, polishing, and perfuming votive i gurines, 39 – 41 , 43 – 44 sculptures, 52 – 54 , 54f13 wide range of unacceptable image-related Antigonos Doson (Macedonian ruler), 213 – 14 behaviors, 3 – 4 Antigonos I (Macedonian ruler), 181 , 206, 207f80 agalma/agalmata , 46 , 47 , 248n28 Antigonos of , 227 , Athens. See Athenian Agora Antinoopolis, Egypt, clay voodoo love magic Agrigento, shrine of Aesculapius at, 224 doll from, 24, 24f4 Aigale, Amorgos, decrees of, 239n67 Antiochos III (Seleucid ruler), 56 , 190 , 238n41 Aitolian League, 203 , 204 , 205 , 208 Antiphon (orator), 241n165 , 251n10 Akarnanians attempting to take part in aoroi or untimely dead, 36 celebration of Eleusinian mysteries, 202 (painter), 213 Akhenaten (pharaoh), 72 , 200 Aphrodisias, imperial cult building at, 229 Akragas Aphrodite Carthaginian redeployment of grave Aphrodite of Knidos, 228 monuments in, 81 Aphrodite Pandemos, Athens, bathing, Theron ( of Akragas), tomb of, 81 , 87 polishing, anointing, and perfuming of, 52 alabastra, as grave of erings in Kerameikos, 156 cleansing rituals and cult of, 53 and mutilation of the herms, 120 , , Aphrodite cult statue at, clothing 127 –29 , 131 , 138 , 140 , 147 of, 49 Alcmaeonids shrine, Philip V’s depredations leader portraits, attacks on, 258n1 against, 205 tombs of, 72 Pygmalion and Galatea myth, 62 , 47 , 99 , 109, 185 , 186, 188 , Apollo 190 , 193 , 213 , 219 , 226 Abai, Persian depredations at temple of Apollo at, 99 , 100 , 101 , 108 destruction of images of Marc Antony and Athenian Agora, sanctuary of Apollo preservation of images of Kleopatra at, 199 Patroos, 102 Sema of Alexander and the at, 190 Cyrene, temple of Apollo, bronze male head Alonistena, Arcadia, voodoo dolls from (i g. 7), 31 buried at, 77 , 79f29 Amazons Delphi, gold and ivory head of Apollo and Athena Parthenos statue Amazonomachy, other damaged fragmentary sculpture , 115 – 17 , 117f44 pieces buried at, 85 , 87f33 on Parthenon metopes, 114 – 15 , Delphi, oracle of Apollo at, 48 116f43 , 229 , Persian depredations of temple of ambrosia, 54 Apollo at, 94 , 99 , 108 Ampharete and her grandson, stele of, Eretria, Persian depredations at temple of Kerameikos, 165 , 165f68 , 175 Apollo at, 94 , 99 , 108 Amun, erasure of images by Akhenaten, 72 Krimisa, temple of Apollo Alaios, fragmentary anathema, 46 , 248n28 sculptures buried in, 85 , 86f32 Andokides Piraeus, cache of sculptures possibly abducted herm standing by house of, 134 from Delos found in harbor at, 74 – 75 mutilation of the herms and profanation of silver statues of Augustus melted down and mysteries, 127 , 129, 130 , 134 , 142 –45 , 246n1 , used to dedicate golden votives to, 83 247n2 , 247n3 , 247n4 , 247n5 Apollodorus, Epitome , 241n196 as source, 10 , 231n21 Apollonius Rhodius, 241n196

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Apoxyomenos (the Scraper), by Lysippos, 225 Athena of Pheidias (Athena Promachos), Appian (historian), 74 Athenian Acropolis, 106 –07 , 229 Aratos of Sikyon, 189 , 190 , 213 – 14 , 215 – 16 Athena Parthenos statue, Parthenon, 113 , 114 , archaeological evidence for afterlives of Greek 115 – 17 , 117f44 , 229 sculptures, 12 – 13 Athena Parthenos statue, Pergamon, 228 Archibios (friend of Kleopatra VII), 199 Mourning Athena stele, Athenian Acropolis, Archippos (vandalizer), 136 , 247n2 245n73 Areios of Alexandria, 187 Palladion (statue of Athena), abduction of (by Arginusae generals, execution of (406), 26 Odysseus and Diomedes), 8 , 74 , 76f27 , 99 Argos, leader portraits from, 213 – 14 Panathenaic festival, 49 , 100 Ariarthes V (Cappadochian ruler) and wife Nysa, Pellene, temple of Athena at, 101 238n41 Pergamon shrine, Philip V’s depredations Aristomachos (tyrant of Argos), 213 against shrine of Athena Nikephoros at, 205 Phokaia, Persian depredations of temple of Acharnenses, 249n55 Athena at, 100 Arch., 237n24 Piraeus, cache of sculptures possibly abducted Aves , 239n65 from Delos found in harbor at, 75 Ecclesiazusae, 239n65 Athena Painter workshop, black-i gure Equites, 237n14 , 249n55 oinochoe, 49 , 50f9 Lysistrata, 248n29 Athena Polias (temple and statue), Athenian Lysistratos in comedies of, 130 Acropolis, 94 Nubes (Clouds), 125 , 130 , 249n54 Athena of Pheidias (Athena Promachos), Peace , 238n57 Athenian Acropolis, 106 –07 Plutus, 232n23, 238n57 burial of damaged statues from pediments, Ranae, 232n23, 241n167 , 247n2 , 250n135 104 , 106f40 on vandalization of sculptures, 119 continued signii cance of “primitive” or Vespae (Wasps), 130 , 249n54 , 249n55 aniconic works, 88 , Athenian Politeia, 252n40 , 252n42 fragments preserved and displayed in rebuilt Aristrates (tyrant of Megalopolis), 213 citadel walls (i gs. 37- 39), 102 – 04 , 104f38 , Arnobius (Early Christian apologist), 239n93 , 244n67 241n199 Parthenon and, 111 Arsinoe II (Egyptian queen), 186 peplos and other ornamentation of statue, 49 Arsinoe III (Egyptian queen), 194 , 195f75 Plynteria festival, 59 Artemis post-Persian shoring up of temple, 100 , 102 Brauron, Persian damage to statue of Artemis Athenaeus (rhetorician and grammarian), Brauronia at, 99 238n57 , 247n2 cleansing rituals and cult of, 53 Deipnosophistae, 250n135 , 258n11 Ephesos, sanctuary of Artemis at, 49 Athenian Acropolis, Persian sack (480) and Messene, cult of Artemis Orthia at, 59 reconstruction. See also Athena Polias ; Pellene, cult statue of Artemis at, 88 Parthenon ; korai Piraeus, cache of sculptures possibly abducted Archaic winged statue dedicated by from Delos found in harbor at, 74 – 75 Kallimachos, 239n106 Taurica, abduction of sculpture of Artemis Athena Ergane, shrine of, 113 from (by Orestes and Iphigenaia), 74 , 99 Athena Lemnia, 245n73 asebia. See mutilation of the herms Athena of Pheidias (Athena Promachos), Athena. See also Athena Polias 106 –07 , 229 Athena Ergane, shrine of, Athenian burial of damaged statues, 104 – 05 , Acropolis, 113 106f40 Athena Lemnia, Athenian Acropolis, 245n73 census of damaged bronze statues, 79

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Athenian Acropolis, Persian sack (480) repaired Early Classical herm from, 133 – 34 , and reconstruction (cont.) 135f54 equestrian votive on north wall, 240n112 Stoa Poikile, 114 , 102 , 111 visibility of Archaic temple fragments in fragments of ruined temples preserved and Acropolis walls from, 103 displayed in rebuilt citadel walls, Athens. See also Athenian Acropolis ; Athenian 102 – 04 , 103f37 , 104f38 , 105f39 Agora ; Kerameikos functions and topography prior to Persian Aphrodite Pandemos, sanctuary of, 52 sack, 94 – 95 , 95f34 fortii cations, restructuring of Kerameikos in herms on, 120 order to strengthen, 167 – 73 initial commemorative Athenian responses Great Plague of early 420s, 141 (479–447), 99 – 107 herm dedication at rebuilding of Kallimachos, winged statue dedicated (395), 139 – 40 by, 98 – 99 inventories of sacred treasures at, 81 Kerameikos, sack compared to reuse and Macedonian garrison at, 188 , 206 restoration work in, 12 , 239n106 mutilation of herms in 415. See mutilation of literary texts and, 9 the herms Mourning Athena stele, 245n73 Panathenaic festival, 49 , 100 Rampin Rider, 94 Persian invasions and sack of. See Persian ruined temples, as commemorative invasions (490 and 480/79) and their sites, 100 – 02 commemoration sack by Persians, 95 – 99 Philip V of Macedon, attacks on portraits and Sardis, as retribution for Athenian sack of, 99 monuments of, 184 , 202 –12 strategic and military importance of Plynteria festival, 59 site, 95 , 96 re use of grave monuments in fortii cations of, Tyrannicides monument abducted by 82 , 83f31 Persians, 99 shifting political allegiances of, 189 Athenian Agora Theseion, 114 , 127 Apollo Patroos, sanctuary of, 102 voodoo dolls from, 235n42 Attic Stelai (414-13), on mutilation of the Attalos I (Pergamene ruler), 77 , 78f28b , 207 , herms, 10 , 128 , 136 – 38 , 136f55 , 137f56 , 246n1 , 207f80 , 210 , 260n92 247n3 , 247n4 Attalos II (Pergamene ruler), 189, 190 City Eleusinion, 136f55 , 137 Attalos III (Pergamene ruler), gilded equestrian Crossroads Enclosure with High Classical statue of, 186 herm, 12 , 121f45 , 131 – 33 , 132f51 , 133f52 , 134f53 , Attic Stelai (414-13), on mutilation of the herms, 240n117 10 , 128 , 136 – 38 , 136f55 , 137f56 , 246n1 , 247n3 , Eion monument herms, 120, 122f46 , 247n4 134 , 140 Augustus Caesar (Octavian; Roman emperor), Eponymous Heroes Monument, 181 , 206, 207 , 83 , 199 207f80 fragments of gilded bronze equestrian statue Babylon, Persian damage to statue of of Hellenistic king, possibly Philip V, 207 , Marduk at, 99 210f82 , 211f83 Bahrani, Zainab, 2 , 99 gilded bronze equestrian statue from, 241n153 Baiae casts, 227 gilded Nike, 241n153 barbaric and un-Hellenic, characterization herms in, 120 , 121f45 of unacceptable image-related behavior leader portraits in, 181 as, 4 – 5 Prytanis of Karystos, Hellenistic decree bathing, polishing, anointing, and perfuming honoring, 207 , 209f81 sculptures, 52 – 54 , 54f13

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Bergemann, Johannes, 161 , 164 Cicero Bettinetti, Simona, 47 Brutus, 264n21 Binder, Judith, 169 De Legibus, 173 , 232n23 , 236n95, 254n77 Brauron, Persian damage to statue of Artemis Epistulae ad Atticum , 264n13 , 264n14 Brauronia at, 99 In Verrem, 224 Breder, Jan, 162 , 251n15 Greek sculpture collected by, 224 Breslau, Wünch collection, Attic grave i gurine City Eleusinion, Athenian Agora, (present location unknown), 27 , 136f55 , 137 28f6 , 31 , 33 class. See social class and status bretas, 46 clay sealings with Ptolemaic ruler portraits, Edfu, bronze Egypt, 192 – 93 , 193f73b , 197 melting down and reuse of sculptures made cleaning, anointing, and perfuming sculptures, of, 79 – 80 52 – 54 , 54f13 voodoo dolls made of, 28 , 31 Clement of Alexandria, 239n93, 241n199 Bundgaard, J. A., 246n114 Cleopatra. See also Kleopatra burials of persons. See also graves and grave clothing and adornment of statues, 49 – 52, 50f9 , monuments; Kerameikos 51f10 , 52f11 , 53f12 , 311 Plate I burials of sculptures collection of Greek sculpture by accidentally damaged sculptures, 85 – 87 , Romans, 224 –25 87f33 collective memory, damage to statues Athena Polias pediment, 104 , 106f40 af ecting, 3 – 4 on Athenian Acropolis, 104 – 05 , 106f40 Column of Aemilus Paullus, Delphi, in Kerameikos, 164 218f85 , 219 Kerameikos funerary monuments, 241n191 comparative perspective. See Near East and korai from Athenian Acropolis, 104 – 05 , Mediterranean 240n117 Congress Decree, 101 mutilated herms, 131 – 33 copying of Greek sculpture by Romans, 227 voodoo dolls, 34 – 37 Corinth, Macedonian garrison at, 188 , 189 burning statues, 66 – 68 , 67f21 , 68f22 , 313 Plate III , Cornelius Nepos, 246n1 , 249n78 314 Plate IV Cornelius Scipio, 224 court cases Caligula (Roman emperor), 201 funerary monuments as evidence in, 158 – 60 Cambyses (Persian ruler), 108 mutilation of the herms, arrests, trials, and Caracalla (Roman emperor), 73 penalties in, 128 – 31 Carthaginian redeployment of grave monuments voodoo dolls commissioned for, 21f2 , 25 – 27 , in Akragas, 81 25f5 , 38 Carystos, Euboeia, lead i gurine from, 23 , crossroads, voodoo dolls displayed at, 35 23f3 crowning of statues, 49 cemeteries. See also graves and grave monuments; cult table with depressions for food of erings, Kerameikos 55 , 55f14 centaurs, on Parthenon metopes, 114 , curse tablets 115f42 binding and nailing down in, 31 ceramics. See pottery court cases and, 25 , 26 Chaironeia, battle of (338), 169 –70 , 172 , 173 dating of restructuring of Kerameikos Chalchis, sack of (200), 208 and, 170 Charmides (accused in mutilation of the facture of, 31 herms), 129 graves, deposition in, 35 , 36 Chios, sacred laws of, 62 , 238n57 , 239n65 lead, use of, 28 Christianity and Greek sculpture, 7 , 228 – 29 as magic and religious practice, 39

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curse tablets (cont.) Demetrios Poliorketes, 169 , 181 , 206 , 207f80 Persephone named on, 36 Demokritos (philosopher), 44 , 232n24 , 237n21 twisting and reversal in, 32 Demosion Sema (public tombs) of Kerameikos, Curtius Painter, red-i gure cup showing young 149 , 150 , 166 woman embracing herm, 123 , (statesman and orator) 126f50 Aeschines opposing award of crown to, 169 Cyrene, temple of Apollo, bronze male head Against Androtion, 245n74 buried at, 77 , 79f29 on Athena of Pheidias, 106 , 245n74 on burial rituals, 251n10 damnatio memoriae, 4 , 73 , 215 , 216 , 219 creation of portrait of, 181 Darius (Persian ruler), 108 on mutilation of the herms, 145 , 246n1 , Death, personii cation of, 32 249n46 “death leap” Amazon, Athena Parthenos statue proposal to rebuild walls, 170 Amazonomachy, Parthenon, 116 , on vandalization of statues, 147 , 247n2 117f44 depositions of sculptures. See burials of Delion, Athenian occupation and fortii cation of sculptures Boeotian sanctuary of, 109 desacralization of statues by inl icting damage, Delos 98 , 243n31 Aphrodite cult statue, clothing of, 49 Didyma, Persian depredations of temple of Hera, cleansing and perfuming statue of, 52 Apollo at, 94 , 99 , 108 inventories of sacred treasures at, 81 Dinos Painter, red-i gure stamnos, with Mithridates IV Eupator, damage to Dionysos statue, 49 , 55 , 57f16 monument of, 212 , 212f84 Dinsmoor, W. B., Jr., 242n6 Piraeus, cache of sculptures possibly abducted Dio Cassius, 240n108 from Delos found in harbor at, 74 – 75 Dio Chrysostom, 239n102 , 258n1 sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos, voodoo doll Diodoros Pasparos (Pergamene benefactor), hoard from, 28 , 31 , 32 , 35 , 235n42 portrait of, 50, 52f11 Delphi Diodorus Siculus, 81 , 87, 101 , 246n1 Column of Aemilus Paullus, Laertius, 239n102 , 241n167 , 258n1 218f85 , 219 Diokleides (accused in mutilation of destruction of statues of Phokaian leaders at, herms), 142 – 43 10, 212 Dion gold and ivory head of Apollo and other attacks by Aitolians on monuments of Philip V damaged fragmentary sculpture pieces and ancestors at, 208 buried at, 85 , 87f33 sanctuary of Zeus Olympios at, 186 oracle of Apollo at, 48 Dionysos statue, red-i gure stamnos with, Dinos Philip II of Macedon at, 109 Painter, 49 , 55 , 57f16 Philopoimen, equestrian statue of, 190 doorways, voodoo dolls displayed in, 35 Phokaian generals raiding sanctuary of, 10 , 149 Dourios of , 227 Demeter dressing and adornment of statues, 49 – 52, 50f9 cleansing rituals and cult of, 53 Phaleron, Persian sacks of temples of Hera Early Christianity and Greek sculpture, 7 , 228 – 29 and Demeter at, 100 , 101 Edfu, Egypt, Ptolemaic ruler portraits on clay Demetria and Pamphile, Kerameikos, sculptures sealings from, 192 – 93 , 193f73b , 197 associated with, 178 , 179 Egypt. See also Ptolemaic ruler portraits Demetrios II (Seleucid ruler), 201 cleansing of sculptures, 54 Demetrios of Phaleron clothing and adornment of sculptures, 51 leader portraits of, 66 , 83 , 258n1 food of erings to statues, 58 sumptuary laws of, 171 , 173 , 174 , 177 , 178 intentional damage to statues in, 72 , 199 – 200

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Memphis, burning of statues of Kabeiroi at, 108 Ion, 237n14 Opening of the Mouth ceremonies, 44 Iphigenaia Taurica , 74 , 241n196 processions and supplications of statues, 60 Rhesus, 231n22 , 237n14 , 237n18 recycling and reuse of sculptures in, 77 , 80 , Eurymedon, battle of the (c. 466), 111 83 evocatio, Roman practice of, 75 , 215 voodoo dolls from, 24 , 24f4 , 235n72 exceptionalism, Greek. See myth of Greek eidolon, 46 exceptionalism and Oriental violence eikon , 45 , 47 Eion monument herms, Athenian Agora, 120 , face of sculpture, damage aimed at, 69 122f46 , 134 , 140 Faraone, Christopher, 32 Eiteljorg, Harrison, II, 242n6 Flaminius (Roman general), 226 Eleusinian mysteries food Akarnanians attempting to take part in Kerameikos food of erings and of ering celebration of, 202 pits, 152 – 54 profanation of mysteries and mutilation of the sculptures, feeding and food of erings for, herms (415), 119 , 127 , 131 54 – 59 , 55f14 , 56f15 , 57f16 , 58f17 , 62 Elis, law pronouncing punishment of persons Frazer, Sir James, 39 damaging inscription, 10 Fulvius Nobilior, 224 Endoios, Neilonides base for funerary kouros by, functional approach to sculpture in ancient 70 , 74f26 , 82 Greece, 88 – 89 Ephesos, sanctuary of Artemis at, 49 funerary realm. See graves and grave monuments ; Epigonos (Attalid sculptor), 258n9 entries at Kerameikos epithema, 47 Eponymous Heroes, Monument of, Gell, Alfred, 45 , 46 Athenian Agora, 181 , 206 , 207 , Geras Painter, Attic red-i gure pelike showing 207f80 satyr attaching herm, 69 , 72f24 , 110 , 315 Erechtheion, Athenian Acropolis, 102 , 111 Plate V Eretria Geta (Roman emperor), 73 decree against from, 212 Gigantomachy frieze, Great Altar, Pergamon, 229 Persian depredations at temple of Apollo, 94 , Graf, Anastasia, 248n28 99 , 108 graves and grave monuments. See also Etruria, red-i gure pelike showing youth with Kerameikos sacrii cial basket at herm, 123 , accidental damage to, 86 124f48 adornment of, 50 Etruscan acrolithic statue with modern clothing, burial ceremonies, 150 – 52 51 , 53f12 , 311 Plate I cleansing, perfuming, polishing, and anointing, Eukoline, stele and inscription for, Kerameikos, 53 , 54f13 158 , 160f65 , 178 costs of funerary stelai, 164 Eukrates (accused in mutilation of the food of erings, 56 – 58 herms), 129 intentional damage to, 70 , 74f26 Euktemon (legal opponent of Isaeus), 158 as legal evidence, 158 – 60 Eumenes II (Pergamene ruler), 187 , 189 , 190 metaphorical understanding of grave gifts, 62 Eupheros and Lissos, in Kerameikos of erings at, 152 – 54 grave steles of, 19 , 20f1 overturning, 66 voodoo dolls from tomb of, 19 , 21f2 , 25 , 32 , 36 , Paramythion, painted marble stele, 53 , 234n23 54f13 , 156 Euphiletos (accused in mutilation of qualii cations of candidates for public oi ce, herms), 143 ancestral tombs as, 160

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graves and grave monuments (cont.) Herakles observing artist painting statue of recycling and reuse, 81 – 82, 83f31 himself, Apulian red- i gure column krater, as ritual sites, 154 – 61 , 156f62 , 157f63 , 159f64 , Group of Boston, 62 , 63f19 160f65 Hermes supplicating, 60 , 61f18 business spell involving image of, 39 terminology for grave sculptures, 46 – 47 in Greek binding spells, 35 voodoo dolls, displayed in cemeteries, 35 herms representing, 125 voodoo dolls, graves as preferred location Kos, crowning of Hermes Enagonios for, 35 – 37 at, 49 Great Plague of early 420s, 141 herms. See also mutilation of the herms Greek exceptionalism. See myth of Greek Andokides, standing by house of, 134 exceptionalism and Oriental violence in Athenian Agora, 120, 121f45 Greek sculptures, afterlives of. See afterlives of on Athenian Acropolis, 120 Greek sculptures Crossroads Enclosure with High Classical Group of Boston, Apulian red-i gure column herm, Athenian Agora, 12 , krater showing Herakles observing artist 121f45 , 131 – 33 , 132f51 , 133f52 , 134f53 , painting statue of himself, 62, 63f19 240n117 Gruben, Gottfried, 167 Curtius Painter, red-i gure cup showing Gudea of Lagash, 66 , 83 young woman embracing herm, 123 , 126f50 Hagnon (founder of Amphipolis), attacks on Eion monument herms, 120, 122f46 , monuments of, 258n1 134 , 140 Harris, Diane, 79 Etruria, red-i gure pelike showing youth Harrison, Evelyn, 133 , 247n13 with sacrii cial basket at herm, 123 , Hatshepsut (pharaoh), attacks on images of, 124f48 73 , 200 Geras Painter, Attic red-i gure pelike showing Hattusha, Hittite archives at, 54 satyr attacking herm, 69 , 72f24 , 110 , 315 Hegeso, daughter (?) of Proxenos, monument to, Plate V Kerameikos, 176f69 , 178 Hermes represented by, 125 Hekate rebuilding of Long Walls (395), herm in Greek binding spells, 35 dedicated at, 139 – 40 food stolen from images of, 147 , 247n2 repaired Early Classical herm from Athenian Hekatomnos (Carian ruler), 10 , 71 – 72 Agora, 133 – 34 , 135f54 Heliodorus, Aethiopica , 236n88 in vase paintings, 120 , 122 –25 , 140 – 41 Hephaestos Würzburg, Painter of (attrib.), Attic red-i gure Theseion, Athens, 114 , 127 kylix showing Eros bringing wreath to voodoo dolls and, 32 herm, 123 , 123f47 Hera Herodotos Delos, cleansing and perfuming statue of myth of Greek exceptionalism and Oriental Hera at, 52 violence in, 107 , 108 Phaleron, Persian sacks of temples of Hera ontology of sculpture in ancient Greece and, and Demeter at, 100 , 101 67 , 237n10 , 237n13 , 237n21 , 237n24 , 237n29 , Samos, Persian depredations of temple of 241n196 , 241n198 Hera at, 94, 100 on Persian sack of Athenian Acropolis, 95 , 99 , Herakleia Pontica, steles from precinct of family 102, 243n36 from, Kerameikos, 77 , 158 , 159f64 , 160 , 179 , as source, 231n21 316 Plate VI voodoo dolls and, 234n8 Herakleides (philosopher and astronomer), 228 , Theogony , 239n92, 241n199 Herakleitos (philosopher), 44 , 232n24 Hibeh Papyri, 234n25

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hierosylos (temple-robber) Kallimachos in Athenian forensic oratory, 81 Archaic winged statue dedicated by, in comic texts, 8 on Athenian Acropolis, 94 , 96f35 , 97 , Hipparchos (Persian tyrant), 120 , 134 239n106 Hipparete, tomb and monument of, verse epitaph of, 46 Kerameikos, 174 Kassander (king of Macedon), 169 , 173 Hölscher, Tonio, 242n6 Kassandra, depictions of rape of, 59, 248n23 kathairesis, 79 aesthetic view of sculpture in, 89 Keesling, Catherine, 243n31 Iliad , 47 , 237n10 , 237n18 , 237n23 , 239n84 Kephisophon (voodoo doll victim), 25 , 26 Horace, Satires, 236n88 Kerameikos, 7 , 149 – 82. See also Kerameikos Houby- Nielsen, Sanne, 173 , 179 funerary monuments; Kerameikos precincts Houser, Caroline, 208 boundaries of, 251n3 burial ceremonies in, 150 –52 Ilion, anti-tyranny decree, 10 , 212 burials, post-reconstruction, 174 – 75 Ilioupersis Painter, circle of, Apulian red-i gure dating of restructuring of, 169 –73 oinichoe showing theft of Palladion, large-scale patterns of damage in, 12 , 161 – 66 74 , 76f27 military reasons for restructuring of, 167 – 73 inscriptions, as source materials, 10 – 11 of erings and of ering pits, 152 – 54 intentional damage to sculptures, 64 – 76. See also Persian sack damage compared to, 98 – 99 Persian invasions (490 and 480/79) and plan of, 151f57 their commemoration; leader portraits ; pottery i nds and dating of restructuring mutilation of the herms of, 170 – 72 interments of sculptures. See burials pottery i nds from post- reconstruction of sculptures era, 173 – 74 inventories radical restructuring of, 166 – 73 annual inventories by sanctuaries and rebuilding after restructuring of site, 173 –80 treasuries, 81 signii cance of, 149 of damaged sculptures, 79 –80 sumptuary laws of Demetrios of Phaleron Isaeus (orator) and, 171 , 173 , 174 , 177 , 178 on burial ceremonies, 251n10 Kerameikos funerary monuments legal evidence, funerary monuments as, 158 , alterations to sculptures and inscriptions 252n37 , 252n38 before restructuring, 158 , ontology of Greek sculpture and, 237n12 , 159f64 , 160f65 237n13 Ampharete and her grandson, stele of, 165 , Isokrates, 101 , 232n23, 240n129, 165f68 , 175 241n165 , 258n1 appropriation of monuments, after restructuring of cemetery, 178 Jerome, Vita S. Hilarionis eremitae, 236n102 burials of, 164 , 241n191 jewelry and clothing adorning statues, 49 – 52 creation of new monuments after judicial matters. See court cases restructuring, 179 – 80 Juno of Veii, abduction of, 75 , 263n164 Demetria and Pamphile, sculptures associated Justin, Epit. , 199 , 239n103 with, 178 , 179 Demosion Sema (public tombs) of, 149 , Kakodaimonistai, 147 150 , 166 Kalaureia, decrees from, 238n49 , 239n67 Eukoline, stele and inscription for, 158 , Kallias son of Telokles (accused in mutilation of 160f65 , 178 the herms), 129 , 143 Eupheros and Lissos, grave steles of, Kallikrates (Achaian League general), 214 – 15 19 , 20f1

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Kerameikos funerary monuments (cont.) Kimon (Athenian leader), 244n67 Eupheros and Lissos, voodoo dolls from tomb Kinesias (comic poet), 147 , 247n2 of, 19 , 21f2 , 25 , 32 , 36 , 234n23 kioniskoi, 179 – 80 , 180f70 faces, targeting of, 243n31 Kleopatra III (Egyptian ruler), 201 Hegeso, daughter (?) of Proxenos, monument Kleopatra VII (Egyptian ruler), 192 , 197f77 , 199 to, 176f69 , 178 Kleopatra Thea (Seleucid ruler), 201 Herakleia Pontica, steles from precinct of Konon (aristocratic vandalizer), 147 , 247n2 family from, 77 , 158 , 159f64 , 160 , 179, 316 Konon (Athenian general), 139 , 168 Plate VI korai, Athenian Acropolis, Persian sack (480) and Hipparete, tomb and monument of, 174 reconstruction kioniskoi, 179 – 80 , 180f70 burned korai, 67 , 67f21 , 97 , 313 Plate III , 314 Koroibos of Melite, stele of, 176 , Plate IV 176f69 , 178 deposition of damaged korai (i g. 40), 104 – 05 , Mnesikles, voodoo doll of Mnesimachos from 240n117 tomb of, 25 , 25f5 , 26 , 30 , 36 , 234n23 modern cleaning and restoration of korai, no one-to- one correspondence between 232n44 grave and, 155 overturned korai, 64 , 65f20 , 67f21 , 312 Plate II Parthenios son of Philoxenos of Messene, recurrent patterns of korai damage, 12 overturned marble loutrophoros of, sack by Persians, damage and destruction in, precinct of the Messenians, 64 , 156 , 157f63 , 97 – 98, 98f36 164 split skull, kore with, 97 , 98f36 rebuilding after restructuring of site, 177 – 80 tools, korai mutilated with, 67f21 , 68 re- erection of monuments taken down during Koroibos of Melite, stele of, Kerameikos, 176, restructuring, 177 176f69 , 178 re- inscribing or re-carving of monuments Koroni, Ptolemaic fort at, 255n116 after restructuring, 177 – 78 Kos, crowning of Hermes Enagonios at, 49 removal, injury, and appropriation before Kovacsovics, Wilfried, 171 , 174 restructuring of site, 159f64 , 162f66 , 163 –64 , kresterion, 80 163f67 Krimisa, temple of Apollo Alaios, fragmentary as ritual sites, 154 – 61 , 156f62 , 157f63 , 159f64 , 160f65 sculptures buried in, 85 , 86f32 seated woman and hand from precinct of Kritias (accused in mutilation of the herms), 120, Messenians, 162f66 , 163f67 , 164 , 177 , 318 129 , 139 Plate VIII sumptuary laws of Demetrios of Phaleron Langlotz, Ernst, 245n69 and, 177 , 178 Lanni, Adriaan, 109 Tomb of the Lacedaimonians, 166 , 174 lawsuits. See court cases Kerameikos precincts, 150 lead, voodoo dolls made of, 28 – 31 , 30f8 creation of new enclosures in previously leader portraits, 7 , 183 – 219 . See also Ptolemaic unoccupied spaces, 176 ruler portraits Herakleia Pontica, robbing of precinct wall accidental damage to, 86 of, 161 of civic and military leaders, 189 – 91 , 212 – 17 images of, 150 , 152f58 , 153f59 , 154f60 , 155f61 costs of, 187 lost through raising of soil levels, 164 – 66 cult honors awarded to, 188 , 201 , 206 rebuilding or reusing covered precincts, frequency of attacks on, 183 , 217 175– 76 function and contexts, 185 – 91 rebuilding walls of, 175 of Hellenic kings, 185 – 89 robbing out of walls, 161 – 62 honors other than portraits, attacks on, 210 sumptuary laws of Demetrios of Phaleron institutionally sanctioned attacks on, 184 , 185 and, 177 intentional damage to, 71 – 72 , 184

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interactive civic relationship with, 188 posthumous decree in honor of, 181 interpretability of damage to, 184 as treasurer of Athens, 79 mutilation of the herms compared, 185 Lysias overturning, 66 Against Alcibiades the Younger, 145 partial erasure of, 218 – 19 on Kinesias and Kakodaimonistai, 147 , 247n2 Pergamene, 50 , 52f11 , 77 , 78f28b , mutilation of the herms and, 129, 145 , 246n1, 186 , 201 247n2 , 249n78 Philip V of Macedon, Athenian attacks on ontology of Greek sculpture and, 241n164 portraits and monuments of, 184, 202– 12 voodoo dolls and, 25 , 26 ’ decision to set up, 187 – 88 Lysippos (sculptor), 186 , 225 recycled portraits understood by Greeks as Lysistratos (accused in mutilation of the injured, 184 herms), 130 recycling and reuse, 77 , 78f28b , 83 , 186 role in Greek society, 217 Ma, John, 214 Roman treatment of, 201 , 214 – 16 Macedonian royal portraits, 186 sacrii ces and food of erings, 56 Machanidas (Spartan leader), 190 shifting political allegiances of cities and, 189 Macrinus (Roman emperor), 73 supplication of, 60 Macrobius, Saturnalia , 240n142 symbolic nature of damage to, 184 magic, voodoo dolls as, 21 terminology for, 47 magical handbooks, 23 , 33 , 39 tools, mutilated with, 68 , 70f23 Magnesia, processions with statues in, 59 warehousing of, 184 , 214 Marathon, Battle of (490), 94 , 97 , 106, 244n52 lectisternium , 58 Marc Antony (Roman general), 87 , 199 Leogoras (accused in mutilation of the herms), Mardonios (Persian general), 82, 108 129 , 130 Marisa, Israel, voodoo doll hoard from, 30 , 30f8 , Lindenlauf, Astrid, 243n23 235n42 , 235n45 Lindian Chronicle, 54 Mausolos (Persian satrap), 71 – 72 literary texts, as source materials, 8 – 9 Mediterranean region. See Near East and Livy Mediterranean on Column of Aemilius Paullus, 263n175 Megalopolis on Juno of Veii, 263n164 Aratos of Sikyon and tyrants of, 213 – 14 ontology of Greek sculpture and, 66 , 67 , 75 , monuments of Philopoimen in, 190 238n44 , 239n74, 239n85 Melanthios (painter), 213 on Philip V of Macedon, 202 , 203 , 205– 06, memory, collective, damage to statues 208 , 212 , 231n1 af ecting, 3 – 4 on triumph of Fulvius Nobilior, 263n5 Memphis decree, 200 Long Walls (Athens), herm dedication at Menon son of Aristokleos (in curse tablet), 31 rebuilding of (395), 139 – 40 Messene, cult of Artemis Orthia at, 59 looting of Greek sculpture by Romans, 223 – 24 metaphorical understanding loutrophoroi, as grave gifts, 53 , 54f13 of ontology of sculpture in ancient Greece, love magic, voodoo dolls commissioned for, 62 , 63f19 , 88 22 – 25 , 23f3 , 24f4 , 38 of voodoo dolls in Greek culture, 22, , Iuppeter Tragoedus, 251n3 34 , 38 , 41 Lydiades (tyrant of Megalopolis), 213 Meyer, Elizabeth, 160 Lykortas (Achaian League general), 214 – 15 military conl icts, pragmatic reuse of sculptures Lykourgos (orator) during, 149 , 167 – 73 Against Leocrates, 101 , 169, 231n21 mimemata. See voodoo dolls in Greek culture dating of restructuring of Kerameikos Mithridates VI Eupator (Bosporan monarch), 74 , and, 170 212 , 212f84 , 240n140

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mnema, 46 – 47 visual and religious culture of herms in Mnesikles, voodoo doll of Mnesimachos from , 120 –26 tomb of, Kerameikos, 25 , 25f5 , 26 , 30 , 36 , voodoo dolls associated with court cases and, 26 234n23 wealth, good birth, and political inl uence of Mohocks (18th century British drinking accused, 128 – 29 group), 147 Mylasa, damage to image of Hekatomos Morris, Ian, 173 in, 71 – 72 Mourning Athena stele, Athenian Acropolis, Myron (sculptor), 224 245n73 Myson, red- i gure column krater showing two mouth- washing rites (in Near Eastern satyrs attacking a funerary monument with antiquity), 44 sphinx, 69 , 73f25 , 110 Mummius (Roman general), 215 myth of Greek exceptionalism and Oriental Murray, Oswyn, 147 violence mutilation of sculptures with tools, 67f21 , 68 – 69, challenging or nuancing, 2 – 3 70f23 literary texts and, 9 mutilation of the herms (415), 6 – 7 , 119 – 48 metopes, Parthenon, 114 – 15 , 115f42 , 116f43 Attic Stelai on, 10 , 128, 136 – 38 , 136f55 , 137f56 , Persian invasions, promulgated after, 246n1 , 247n3 , 247n4 2 , 107 – 10 burial, restoration, and creation of vase paintings, depictions of sack of on, counter-monuments, 131 – 38 107 , 110 characterization as barbaric and un-Hellenic, 4 Nabis of , 187 extent of damage and degree of coordination Nealkes (artist), 213 required, 127 Near East and Mediterranean, 9 . See also specii c extreme nature of reaction to, 5 , 127 – 28 places, e.g. Egypt leader portrait attacks compared to, 185 abduction of statues, 75 literary texts and, 9 burning sculptures, 67 the mutilations and their immediate cleansing of statues, 54 consequences, 126 – 27 clothing and adornment of sculptures, 51 narratives of, 138 – 39 , 146 food of erings, 58 oligarchic coup, viewed as prelude to, intentional damage to statues in, 72 127 – 28 , 142 mouth-washing rites, 44 political responses to (arrests, trials, and overturning statues, prohibition of, 66 penalties), 128 – 31 positive interaction with sculptures, 48 popular religion and democratic processions and supplications of statues, 60 culture, viewed as attack on, 119 , 120, recycling and reuse of sculptures, 80 , 83 129 – 30 , 139 – 40 Neer, Richard, 89 profanation of the mysteries (of ) and, negative interactions with sculptures, 63 –87 . 119 , 127 , 131 See also myth of Greek exceptionalism and rebuilding of Long Walls, herm dedication at Oriental violence (395), 139 – 40 abduction, 74 – 75 , 76f27 , 81 related vandalizing behavior, 146 – 48, 247n2 accidental damage, 85 – 87 , 87f33 representations of proper religious behavior burning statues, 66 – 68 , 67f21 , 68f22 , 313 Plate III , toward herms, 140 – 41 314 Plate IV social deviance, viewed as, 141 – 46 characterization of unacceptable image- social, economic, and political repercussions related behavior as barbaric and of, 10 , 131 un-Hellenic, 4 – 5 term used for mutilation, 69, 248n29 metaphorical understanding of statues and terminology for herms, 248n28 power of, 62

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overturning, 64 – 66 , 65f20 , 312 Plate II as objects of use rather than recycling and reuse, 76 – 85 contemplation, 44 – 45 responses to, 5 , 75 philosophers’ views on, 44 – 45 symbolic violence/intentional positive interactions, 48 – 62 damage, 64 – 76 preserved remains of intentionally fragmented theft of religious sculptures, 81 sculptures, 77 , 79f29 , 80f30 tools, mutilation with, 68 – 69, 70f23 processions with images, 59 , 60 Neilonides base for funerary kouros, by Endoios, recycling and reuse, 76 – 85 70 , 74f26 , 82 rituals of association, subject to, 44 Nemesis, temple of, Rhamnous, 101 , 260n98 as socially constructed, 88 Nero (Roman emperor), 201 supplication of statues, 59 –60 , 61f18 Nike symbolic violence/intentional damage, 64 – 76 Athenian Agora, gilded Nike in, 241n153 terminology for sculptures, representation and gilded bronze head, stripped of gilding, interaction implied by, 45 – 48 77 , 80f30 voodoo dolls and votives, 43 –44 Kallimachos, Archaic winged statue dedicated Opening of the Mouth ceremonies (in by, on Athenian Acropolis, 94 , 96f35 , 97 , Egypt), 44 239n106 Orientalism, Greek trope of. See myth of Greek Nikostratos (in circle of ), 26 exceptionalism and Oriental violence Nineveh, head of Akkadian ruler with eyes and Orleans Painter, Attic red-i gure cup showing ears damaged, 72 ephebe consulting with herm, 123 , 125f49 Oath of Plataia, 101 – 02 , 108 ornaments adorning statues, 49 – 52 Octavian (Augustus Caesar; Roman emperor), overturning sculptures, 64 – 66 , 65f20 , 312 Plate II 83 , 199 Ovid Odos Panepistimiou, Athens, voodoo dolls Fasti , 238n44 from, 32 Heroides, 231n22 Ohly, Dieter, 167 , 170 , 171 Metamorphoses, 239n93 Olympia Remedia amoris, 231n22 military appropriation of metal artworks from sanctuary of Zeus in, 149 Palladion (statue of Athena), abduction votive tripod legs and helmets at, 237n129 of (by Odysseus and Diomedes), 8, 74 , Zeus of Olympia (statue), 228 76f27 , 99 ontology of sculpture in ancient Greece, Pan Painter 6 , 43 – 89 Attic red-i gure pelike showing abduction, 74 – 75 , 76f27 , 81 three herms, likely Eion monument, aesthetic approach to, 2 , 22 , 89 122f46 animistic understanding of, 44 , 45 , 62, 88 red- i gure column krater with sacrii ce before bathing, polishing, anointing, and perfuming, herm, , 55 , 56f15 52 – 54 , 54f13 Panathenaic festival, 49 , 100 clothing and adornment, 49 – 52, 50f9 , 51f10 , Panayia Field, excavations in, 255n134 52f11 , 53f12 , 311 Plate I Pandora, myth of, 62 , 88 communicative roles of, 44 Paramythion, painted marble stele, 53 , feeding, food gifts, and sacrii ce, 54 – 59 , 55f14 , 54f13 , 156 56f15 , 57f16 , 58f17 , 62 Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikae, 228 functional approach to, 88 – 89 Parthenios son of Philoxenos of Messene, manipulation, subject to, 44 overturned marble loutrophoros of, metaphorical understanding of, 62 , 63f19 , 88 precinct of the Messenians, Kerameikos, 64 , negative interactions, 63 – 87 156 , 157f63 , 164

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Parthenon condemnation of unacceptable image-related Athena Parthenos statue, 113 , 114 , 115 – 17 , behavior spurred by, 4 117f44 , 229 grave monuments overturned, 66 Athena Polias temple and, 111 Keramaikos monuments, symbolic charge to construction of, after Persian sack, 111 – 18 taking down of, 164 general view of, 112f41 myths of Greek exceptionalism and metopes, 114 – 15 , 115f42 , 116f43 , 229 Oriental violence promulgated after, Older Parthenon (before Persian sack of 480), 2 , 107 – 10 94 , 105f39 , 112 , 113 , 244n64 Parthenon, construction of, 111 – 18 recycling of building materials Philip V’s depredations recalling, 203 and incorporation of earlier Phaleron, Persian sacks of temples of Hera and foundations, 112 – 14 Demeter at, 100 , 101 as victory monument, 111 , 112 Philip II of Macedon, 109 , 169 – 70 , 208 , as war memorial/commemorative monument, 213 , 219 111 , 112 Philip V of Macedon Pausanias Argive leader portraits’ treatment compared to Herakleides compared, 228 Athenian attacks on portraits of, 214 on Kerameikos, 251n3 Athenian attacks on portraits and monuments ontology of sculpture in Greece and, 46 , 47 , of, 184 , 202 – 12 235n66 , 238n37 , 238n57 burning of sculptures by, 67 on Persian sack, 100 , 101 , 102, 243n36 characterization as barbaric and on post- Persian Acropolis statues, 106, 107 , un-Hellenic, 4 245n73 , 245n74 extreme responses to depredations of, 5 on shrine of Athena Ergane, Athenian family and ancestors included in Athenian Acropolis, 113 condemnation of, 206 as travel writer, 226 fragments of gilded bronze equestrian Pax Romana, 226 statue of Hellenistic king from Athenian Peisistratid tyrants, 206 , 211 Agora, possibly Philip V, 207 , Pellene 210f82 , 211f83 cult statue of Artemis at, 88 on garrisons in Greek cities, 188 Philip V of Macedon, depredations looting of statues by, 227 of, 260n98 myth of Greek exceptionalism and, 2 , 109 temple of Athena at, 101 other cities destroying portraits of, 208 Peloponnesian Wars, 25 , 26 , 120 , 126 , 130 , 139 , overturning of sculptures and grave 142 , 168 , 231n3, 258n1 monuments by, 64 , 66 perfuming, bathing, polishing, and anointing Persian sacks, depredations recalling, 203 sculptures, 52 – 54 , 54f13 religious observances associated with images, Pergamon abolition of, 206 Athena Parthenos statue, 228 Second Macedonian war, depredations Gigantomachy frieze, Great Altar, 229 during, 202 – 05 Philip V’s depredations at, 205 Philochoros (historian), 249n78 , 249n94 ruler portraits, 50 , 52f11 , 77 , 78f28b , 186, 201 Philopoimen (general of Achaian League), 189 , Perikles, citizenship law of, 160 190 , 214 , 215 – 16 Persephone, on curse tablets, 36 philosophers’ views on sculpture, 44 – 45 Perseus of Macedon, 187 , 218f85 , 219 Philostephanos (Hellenistic writer), 239n93 , Persian invasions (490 and 480/79) and their 241n199 commemoration, 6 , 93 – 118 . See also Phokaia Athenian Acropolis, Persian sack (480) and Delphi, destruction of statues of Phokaian reconstruction leaders at, 10 , 212

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Delphi, Phokaian generals raiding sanctuary clothing and adornment, 49 – 52, 50f9 , 51f10 , of, 10 , 149 52f11 , 53f12 , 311 Plate I Persian depredations of temple of Athena feeding, food gifts, and sacrii ce, 54 – 59 , 55f14 , at, 100 56f15 , 57f16 , 58f17 , 62 Phrynichos (playwright), 125 , 130 processions, 59 , 60 Phylarchos (historian), 262n146 supplication of statues, 59 –60 , 61f18 Piraeus, cache of sculptures possibly abducted Potidaea, Persian desecration of cult statue of from Delos found in harbor at, 74 – 75 Poseidon at, 108 Plataian Oath, 101 – 02 , 108 pottery. See also vase paintings, representations of (philosopher) sculpture in ; Pan Painter Euthyphro, 238n33 Athena Painter workshop, black-i gure Leges (Laws), 34 , 44 , 232n24 , 234n8 oinochoe, 49 , 50f9 ontology of Greek sculpture and, 44 – 45 Curtius Painter, red-i gure cup showing Respublica (Republic) , 26 , 44 , 232n24, 234n8 young woman embracing herm, Timaeus, 237n10 123 , 126f50 on voodoo dolls, 26 , 34 , 37 Dinos Painter, red-i gure stamnos, with Plato Comicus (comic poet), 249n54 Dionysos statue, 49 , 55 , 57f16 Pliny the Elder, Historia Naturalis ( Natural Etruria, red-i gure pelike showing youth History), 225 –26 , 227, 239n102 , 258n1 with sacrii cial basket at herm, 123 , 124f48 Aemilius Paullus, 263n175 , 263n5 Geras Painter, Attic red-i gure pelike showing Alcibiades, 136 , 246n1 , 247n3 , 247n4 , 249n46 , satyr attaching herm, 69 , 72f24 , 110 , 315 249n64 , 249n78 Plate V Antonius, 199 , 241n191 Group of Boston, Apulian red-i gure column Aratus , 189, 213 , 241n197 , 262n146 , 262n149 krater showing Herakles observing artist Kimon , 244n67 painting statue of himself, 62 , 63f19 Moralia , 239n102 , 258n1 Ilioupersis Painter, circle of, Apulian red- Perikles, 101 , 243n44 i gure oinichoe showing theft of Palladion, , 190 74 , 76f27 Timoleon, 258n1 Kerameikos i nds and dating of restructuring polishing, bathing, anointing, and perfuming of, 170 –72 sculptures, 52 – 54 , 54f13 Kerameikos i nds from post- reconstruction Pologiorge, Melpo, 158 , 178 era, 173 – 74 loutrophoroi, as grave gifts, 53 , 54f13 on Alexander the Great, 109 Myson, red- i gure column krater showing on civic and military leader portraits, 213 , two satyrs attacking a funerary monument 214 – 15 , 216 , 262n146 , 263n173 , 263n175 with sphinx, 69 , 73f25 , 110 on Eumenes II of Pergamon, 187 Orleans Painter, Attic red-i gure cup showing on Philip V of Macedon, 110 , 202, 204 , 205 , ephebe consulting with herm, 123 , 208 , 239n101 , 261n113 , 261n120 125f49 as source, 13 Thanatos Painter, white-ground lekythos, Poseidippos (epigrammatic poet), 241n196 60 , 61f18 Poseidon Vivenzio hydria, 110 Potidaea, Persian desecration of cult statue of Vouni Painter, white-ground lekythos with Poseidon at, 108 women decorating grave stele, 50, Sounion, temple of Poseidon at, 101 , 260n98 51f10 , 53 positive interactions with sculpture, 48 – 62 Würzburg, Painter of (attrib.), Attic red-i gure bathing, polishing, anointing, and perfuming, kylix showing Eros bringing wreath to 52 – 54 , 54f13 herm, 123 , 123f47

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Praxiteles (sculptor), 224 Quintilian, Institutio oratoria, 264n21 precincts, Kerameikos. See Kerameikos precincts Ramesses II (pharaoh), 83 preserved remains of intentionally fragmented Rampin Rider, Athenian Acropolis, 94 sculptures, 77 , 79f29 , 80f30 recycling and reuse of sculptures, 76 –85 priests, food gifts consumed by, 62 reliefs, representations of sculpture in, 11 – 12 “primitive” or aniconic works, continued cleansing and anointing sculptures, 54f13 signii cance of, 88 gods viewing or leaning on their own statues, processions with images, 59 , 60 62 , 63f19 profanation of the mysteries (of Eleusis), 119 , reliefs, votive, 41 127 , 131 religious practice Protesilaos ( hero), destruction of Christianity and Greek sculpture, 7 , 228– 29 portrait of, 8 leader portraits, cult honors awarded to, 188 , Prytanis of Karystos, Hellenistic decree 201 , 206 honoring, Athenian Agora, 207 , mutilation of the herms (415) viewed as attack 209f81 on popular religion and democratic culture, Pseudo- Lysias, Against Andokides, 144 – 45 119 , 120 , 129 –30 , 139 – 40 Pseudo- Plato, , 134 , 247n10 Theopompos (historian) on ideal piety, 48 Pseudo- Plutarch, Andokides , 248n29 voodoo dolls as form of, 39 – 41 Ptolemaic ruler portraits, 183 , 191 – 201 . See also representations of sculpture in reliefs and vase specii c rulers painting. See reliefs, vase paintings clay sealings from Edfu, 192 –93 , 193f73b , 197 Res Gestae, 83 coin comparisons, 191 , 192f72 , 193 , 194f74 , Rhamnous, temple of Nemesis at, 101 , 260n98 197f77 Ridgway, Brunilde, 240n140 as cult images, 201 Robert, Louis, 23 friend of king erecting, 187 Rome and Roman empire, 7 , 223 – 29 function and context, 185 – 86 aesthetic approach to Greek art in, 89 recarvings of, 68 , 70f23 , 191 – 201 , 191f71 , 197f77 , afterlives of Greek sculpture in, 225 198f78 , 200f79 , 318 Plate VIII cleansing of domestic Genii in, 54 symbolic violence against, 199 – 200 clothing and adornment of sculpture Ptolemaic tombs at Alexandria, 190 in, 52 I Soter (Egyptian ruler), 185 , 193 collection of Greek sculpture, 224 –25 Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Egyptian ruler), 185 Column of Aemilus Paullus, Delphi, Ptolemy III (Egyptian ruler), 207f80 218f85 , 219 Ptolemy IV Philopater (Egyptian ruler), 183 , 185 , copying of Greek sculpture, 227 191 , 191f71 , 192f72 , 194, 241n146 damnatio memoriae, 4, 73, 215 , 216 , 219 Ptolemy VI (Egyptian ruler), 192 early Christianity, 7 , 228 – 29 Ptolemy VIII (Egyptian ruler), 66 , 199 evocatio (abduction of statues), 75 , 215 Ptolemy IX Soter II (Egyptian ruler), 68 , 70f23 , food of erings to statues in, 58 187 , 193 , 193f73b , 197 , 198f78 , 199 , 200f79 , 201 , intentional damage of sculptures in, 73 318 Plate VIII leader portraits, 201 , 214 – 16 Ptolemy X Alexander (Egyptian ruler), 68 , 70f23 , looting of Greek sculpture, 223 – 24 193 , 193f73b , 195 , 197 , 198f78 , 199 , 200f79 , 201 , overturning statues in, 66 318 Plate VIII processions and supplications of statues in, 60 Ptolemy XII Auletes (Egyptian ruler), 192 , 195 , recycling and reuse of sculptures in, 80 196f76 , 197f77 re use and recycling of statues in, 83 Ptolemy XVI Caesar (Egyptian ruler), 195 theorizing about Greek sculpture, 225 Pydna, battle of (168), 219 travels, seeing Greek sculpture in course Pygmalion and Galatea, 62 , 88 of, 226 – 27

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Rotrof , Susan, 171 Stichel, Rudolf, 173 royal/ ruler portraits. See leader portraits Stoa Poikile, Athenian Agora, 114 , Geographia (Geography) , 239n102 , 258n1 sacrii ces and food gifts for statues, 54 – 59 , 55f14 , Suetonius, Divus Augustus, 239n85 56f15 , 57f16 , 58f17 , 62 supplication of statues, 59 –60 , 61f18 Said, Edward, 107 symbolic violence, 64 – 76 Salta, Maria, 158 Syracuse, destruction of monuments of tyrants Samos, Persian depredations of temple of Hera of, 258n1 at, 94 , 100 Sardis, Athenian sack of, 99 Tanagra i gurines, 40 Schlörb- Vierneisel, Barbara, 171 , 174 , 175 taphos, 47 Schmaltz, Bernhard, 158 Taureas (accused in mutilation of the Schwarzmeier, Agner, 251n15 herms), 129 sculpture, Greek, afterlives of. See afterlives of Taurica, abduction of sculpture of Artemis from Greek sculptures (by Orestes and Iphigenaia), 74 , 99 Second Macedonian war, depredations of Philip Teos, royal cult statues at, 56 , 238n41 IV during, 202 –05 terminology Seleucid monarchy portraits, 201 for sculptures, 45 – 48 sema , 46– 47 for voodoo dolls, 19 Sleep, personii cation of, 32 Thanatos Painter, white-ground lekythos, Small, David B., 173 60 , 61f18 Smith, R. R. R., 47 , 193 , 197 , 229 theft of religious sculptures, 81 social class and status Themistokles (Athenian general), 82 , 95 , 108 attitudes toward attacks on sculptures strongly Theocharaki, Anna Maria, 172 informed by, 8 Theodotos (in circle of Socrates), 26 oligarchic coup, mutilation of the herms Theokritos, Idylls , 23 , 241n196 viewed as prelude to, 127 – 28 , 142 Theomnestos (in speech by Lysias), 26 popular religion and democratic culture, Theophrastos (philosopher), 88 mutilation of the herms viewed as attack Theopompos (historian), 48 , 244n52 on, 119 , 120, 129 –30 , 139 – 40 theorizing about Greek sculpture by wealth, good birth, and political inl uence of Romans, 225 accused in mutilation of the herms, 128 – 29 theoxenia, 56 social construction of Greek sculpture, 88 Thermon, Philip V of Macedon’s sacking of social deviance, mutilation of the herms (415) Aitolian sanctuary of, 64 , 109, 204 – 05 , 210 , viewed as, 141 – 46 261n113 Socrates, 26 , 142 Theron (tyrant of Akragas), tomb of, 81 , 87 , laws of, 36 , 129, 232n23, 254n77 Theseion, Athens, 114 , 127 Thirty Tyrants, 26 , 234n25 , 250n129 Ajax , 251n11 Thompson, Homer, 203 Electra , 251n11 Sounion Athenian Acropolis, Persian sack of, 243n33 reuse of grave monuments in fortii cations on Corcyrean revolution, 248n39 of, 82 on Great Plague of early 420s, 141 temple of Poseidon at, 101 , 260n98 on leader portraits, 258n1 Stanwick, Paul, 200 , 259n54 on mutilation of the herms, 127 , 138 , 140, 142 , statues, Greek, afterlives of. See afterlives of 143 , 246n1, 247n5 , 248n29 , 249n64 Greek sculptures on reconstruction of Athenian fortii cations, stele, as term, 47 181 , 254n77 Stewart, Andrew, 111 , 245n69 as source, 10

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Thucydides (cont.) Virgil, Aeneid, 68 on vandalization of sculptures, 146 , 247n2 , Vitruvius, 238n50 251n139 Vivenzio hydria, 110 ontology of Greek sculpture and, 82 , 231n21 , voodoo dolls in Greek culture, 5 – 6, 19 – 42. 240n114 , 240n129 See also curse tablets Thutmosis IV (pharaoh), attacks on images of aesthetics of, 31 – 32 Hatshepsut by, 73 association with victim by naming or other Tiberius (Roman emperor), 225 means, 33 Timanthes (accused in mutilation of the binding of, 31 herms), 137 class, attitudes toward attacks on sculptures Titane, statue of Asklepios at, 226 strongly informed by, 8 Todd, S. C., 144 commissioning of, 22 – 27, 28f6 Tomb of the Lacedaimonians, Kerameikos, 166 , 174 compared to monumental Greek sculpture, tombs. See graves and grave monuments; 41 – 42 , 43 – 44 entries at Kerameikos in court cases, 21f2 , 25 – 27 , 25f5 , 38 tools, mutilation of sculptures with, 68 – 69, 70f23 dei ned, 233n7 travels, Romans seeing Greek sculpture in deposition of, 34 – 37 course of, 226 – 27 displayed at crossroads, doorways, or tymborychos (tomb- robber) cemeteries, 35 in comic texts, 8 facture of, 27 – 31 as insulting term, 81 graves as preferred location for, 35 – 37 tymbos, 47 identities of victims, 25 – 26 Tyrannicides monument, Athenian Acropolis, in love magic, 22 – 25 , 23f3 , 24f4 , 38 abducted by Persians, 99 as magic, 21 magical handbooks and, 23 , 33 , 39 un- Hellenic and barbaric, characterization manipulation of, 28f6 , 33 – 34 of unacceptable image-related behavior metaphorical intent of, 22, 34 , 38 , 41 as, 4 – 5 nails piercing, 31 Ur III monarchs, 58 in ontology of Uruk, Warka vase, temple of Inanna, 58 , sculpture, 43 –44 58f17 relationship between image and referent, 37 – 42 vase paintings, representations of sculpture in, as religious practice, 39 – 41 11– 12 . See also specii c objects by location or ritual action, importance of, 22 , 33 , 35 , 38 , 40 painter social status of commissioners and clothing and adorning statues, 49 , 50 , 50f9 victims, 26 , 27 feeding statues, 55 , 56f15 , 57f16 terminology for, 19 gods viewing or leaning on their own statues, twisting and reversal in facture of, 32 62 , 63f19 ugliness of, 32 herms, 120 , 122 –25 , 140 – 41 as votive i gurines, 39 – 41 intentional damage to sculptures shown on, votive i gurines, 39 – 41 , 43– 44 69 –70 , 72f24 , 240n117 , 315 Plate V votive reliefs, 41 myth of Greek exceptionalism and Oriental Vouni Painter, white-ground lekythos with violence in depictions of sack of Troy, women decorating grave stele, 50 , 107 , 110 51f10 , 53 supplicating sculptures, 59 , 60 , 61f18 Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 9 , 37 Wallbank, F. W., 204 Verres, Greek sculpture collected by, 224 , 225 Warka vase, temple of Inanna, Uruk, 58 , violence, symbolic, 64 – 76 58f17

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wreaths, ribbons, jewelry, and clothing adorning Zanker, Paul, 140 statues, 49 – 52 Zeus Würzburg, Painter of (attrib.), Attic red-i gure Delos, sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos, kylix showing Eros bringing wreath to voodoo doll hoard from, 28 , 31 , 32 , 35 , herm, 123 , 123f47 235n42 Dion, sanctuary of Zeus Olympios at, 186 Anabasis, 237n24 Olympia, military appropriation of metal Hellenica, 102 , 235n32 , 249n91 artworks from sanctuary of Zeus in, 149 Xerxes (Persian ruler), 67 , 82 , 100 , 108 Zeus of Olympia (statue), 228 xoanon, 46 zoidia. See voodoo dolls in Greek culture

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