Dean Koontz | 512 pages | 03 Jun 1999 | Headline Publishing Group | 9780747258339 | English | London, United Kingdom Seize the Night

Yes, he did. The characters are a little too perfect and have absolutely no flaws, and are therefore not human. Superstition is the dark side of wonder. With his small and once peaceful town of Moonlight Bay becoming more and Seize the Night strange, Chris is afraid to go to the police, not knowing if they are in on the kidnapping. It's too bad, and it makes for an unsatisfactory Seize the Night. Definitely recommended! Christopher Snow and rock! See all 3 questions about Seize the Night…. Dean, the author of many 1 New York Times bestsellers, lives in Southern California with his wife, Gerda, their golden retriever, Elsa, and the enduring spirit of their goldens, Trixie and Anna. I outgrew Koontz a while ago not to say he isn't good, just that I began to be able to predict where he was going but this book, and its predecessor remain two of my all time favorites. Looking for More Great Reads? Never before in Dean Koontz's phenomenal writing career has he created a character quite like Christopher Snow: a creation so Seize the Night, so fascinating that the author has felt compelled to return to him. I love the combination of horror, sci-fi, and humor in this story. Sole Survivor. Vicious, genetically-altered, man-attacking Rhesus monkeys; a product of a secret government program based on the main character's dead mother's work in theoretical genetics. Chris is no different. Genre: Horror. Seize The Night is Dean Koontz at his worst and most overblown, packed with idioticisms and stupidities, a work so overwritten and drawn out that it reads almost like a parody of books he used to write. Which is sad, because I loved the first Christopher Snow book, when i read it several years ago. I really did not like the style Koontz wrote in for this one. Unfortunately this book was very hard for me to get into. Seize the Night is ok at first but after awhile it gets to be way too much. Koontzland Seize the Night October group read - completed A great Dean Koontz book, but "Fear Nothing" Moonlight Bay 1 in Seize the Night series was a little easier to read. Download as PDF Printable version. I didn't quite know what to Seize the Night from Seize the night. Other editions. There is not really a need to read fear nothing first unless you want to as Dean Koontz explains everything that happened in the first book when the reader needs to know p Dean Koontz is a five star writter, no doubt about that when it comes to his stories they are usually top notch and Sieze the night is no exception. Fans of Fear Nothing already know why. Cabaniss rated it really liked it Shelves: books-i-ownparanormal. Nov 12, Melissa Goodnight rated it it was amazing Shelves: lr-bookcaseown. The sequel, Seize the Night, takes place just about one month after Fear Nothing left off. Time travel is always interesting, and Seize the Night get a small bite of that here. Seize the Night is a Seize the Night written by the best-selling author Dean Koontzreleased in When he sets out to find the missing five-year- old son of a former sweetheart, Christopher Snow believes that the lost children are still An excellent follow-up to Fear Nothing. In case you're too stupid to understand Snow's uncertainity, you've got a whole foocking page explaining that to you. View all 9 comments. . This was understandably very confusing at first but I rode it out. Of course they find the kids, alter the future with the night train opening from hell to the world and go surfing. Sometimes Koontz is a genius. Koontzland - Dean Pass it on! See my end note about this part of the book. Nothing really made sense and there was no real build up of tension. Related Seize the Night. It's composed of almost endless padding. The Door to December. May 31, Charley Girl rated it liked it Shelves: read. Sieze the night is the sequal to fear nothing, which i have reviewed somewhere earlier on my blog This book was even better than fear Seize the Night, because the storyline was fabulous. This is a real shame, because the concepts and the Seize the Night he presents in both Moonight Bay novels are much better than both Odd Thomas and Koontz's Frankenstein. At this point, I'm really missing the angry monkeys because they are a much better alternative to a Red planet filled with nightmares. Get A Copy. Book three is about twenty years overdue. Seize The Night is the sequel to Seize the Night Nothing. Forced to live in the shadows, he knows the night world better than anyone, and sets out to find the missing five-year-old Seize the Night of a former sweetheart. While waiting for Bobby in the housing section of Fort Wyvern, Chris encounters a troop of genetically enhanced, evil Rhesus monkeys. I didn't feel like I was missing a back story, but I will read Fear Nothing since I now know it is a sequel. On this book The selfless love that we give to others to the point of being willing to sacrifice our lives for them, is all the proof I need that human beings are not mere animals of self-interest; we carry within us a divine spark, and if we chose to recognize it, our lives have dignity, meaning, hope. It needs closure, but it wasn't a complete cliffhanger. View all 6 comments. Fear Nothing. Books by Dean Koontz. This, of course, is left to our imaginations, as there is no 3rd book yet. I usually like your books but this one I just could not get into. No matter what happens in the night, their job is to ensure that nothing disturbs the peace and quiet of Moonlight Bay…. After he leaves, Roosevelt Frost arrives with his cat, Mungojerrie. From the streets. Cemetery Dance Publications hardcover Bantam Publishing paperback. Average rating 4.